Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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4 i
Board of Trle Pi's Featureless, with Prioei
Generally Easier.
Provisions latter from Pleattfal Hoc
apply, t Clos frona nickel
ttowa to Shade Higher at
Eil of Dar.
CHICAGO, Way II. There were no fea
ture of Interest In trading on the Board
of Trade today anl the markets In general
were eaay, July wheat closing o lower,
July corn off HJCHc, with oata unchanged.
Provisions were easier, the September prod
ucta closing from to lower to a shade
WHEAT Ruled rather quiet and the un
dertone waa easier. Opening; prices were
off a trifle on reports of rains In Manitoba
and on unfavorable cables, the action of
the French minister of agriculture In an
nouncing that the price of wheat did not
Justify a reduction In the Import duty on
that grain being an Important feature. July
opened a shade to Wac lower at 73SSf73c.
and, with considerable long wheat lor sale
and some selling for short account, the
market became weaker. July declining to
tt'ai3c. .Later In the day reports of dam
age came In from the southwest, end ns
these reports were accompanied by buying
orders from St. Iouis, a corresponding
change In sentiment was experienced, the
market becoming quite strong. Toward the
close, however, offerings were too liberal for
the demand and prices eased oft again, July
closing o lower at 73V73'!c. Clearances
of wheat and flour were equal to 373.300 bu.
Primary receipts were 33i,6t bu., against
40ti,0ii0 a year ago. The amount on ocean
passage Increased 3i,(Hp0 bu., while the
visible supply decreased 1,791, Ota) bu. Min
neapolis and Duluth reported receipts of
2"3 cars, which, with local receipts of 17
csiTt, one of contract grade, made total re
ceipts for the three points of 220 cars,
against 245 cars last week and 282 cars a
year ago.
CORN Experienced a good volume of
business during the session. Receiving
houses sold freely s gainst country accept
ances. The selling was due to more favor
able weather" and easier cables. The mar
ket held remarkably steady, however, with
a good commission demand for July, which
was the main supporting feature. The late
weakness In wheat had a depressing Influ
ence and the close was easier, with July
c lower at 44c, after selling between
44V4C and 4414c local receipts were 137
cars, with 8 of contract grade.
OATS Were relatively firm In spite of
the easier tone in other grains but trading
was not large and confined mostly to
local traders. The strength was due to
buying; hv one or two Influential hulls
whose offerings were somewhat limited.
The market lacked any features and prloes
showed little change. July closed un
changed at 33H'8334c, after selling between
83o and 334c. Iocal receipts were 79 cars.
PROVISIONS Liberal receipts of hogs
and lower prices at the yards caused weak
ness In provisions at the start. The market
received some support from packers at the
decline, and the tone In general became
firmer. September pork closed lower nt
lfl.67V; September lard was up 2V4c at
x.B7'i. while ribs were a shade higher at
S9.17V59.20. t
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
45 ears; corn, 310 cars; oats, 230 cars; hogs,
18,nH) head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open. I High. Low. Close.Safy.
May July
May July
May .July
May July
May July
794 79N.
79V 79
70 71
UM 45
44 444ft
37 1
3ti. 3S4
IS 82H
18 85
17 15
IS 30
18 R24
18 85
17 15
18 90
17 174
16 624
8 85
.8 924
8 95
9 So
9 174
17 1U
ie 67tt
17 10
18 57
8 85
8 95
8 90
8 7H
8 90
9 00
8 924
8 974
I 274
I 42
V 25
8 20
9 Is
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows;
FLOUR Dull, steady; winter patents,
S3.5ofr3.60; straights, S3.2o3.40; spring pat
ents. 13.3-3.90; straights, (3.10(33.40; bakers,
S3.80S3 90.
WHKAT-No. 2 spring. TSfrSOc; No. 3, 73
fj80c; No. I red, 79fr7!c.
CORN No. 2, 46c; No. 2 yellow, 4G4c.
(J ATS No. 2. 36c; No. 8 white, 34fr;toc.
RYE-No. 2, 60c.
B A RLE Y Good feeding, 3Sfr41c; fair to
choice malting, 4!W7j6c.
8KF.D8 No. 1 flax, $1.16; No. 1 northwest
ern. 81.16: prime timothy, 8350; clover, con
tract grade, 8U.60fyll.76.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 817.374
17.O0. Lard, per 100 lbs., 8S.SnL(8 .84. Short
ribs sides (loose), 89.35. Dry salted shoul
ders (boxed). S.i"u!.374. Short clear sides
(boxed), 89.50fy9.624-
Following are the r-celnts and thlpments
of flour and grain Saturday:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 2-i.loo . 14.400
Wheat, bu 67.700 119.80
Corn, bu 203,) - S80.7i.iu
Oats, bu 174,000 62,700
Rye, bu 11.400
Barley, bu 44,700 1,000
On the Produce exchnnge today the but.
ter market was steady; creameries, lwff
214c; dairies. 15frl8e. Eggs, steady, at mark,
cases Included, 144ftl44c. Cheese, weak,
of tha Day on
NEW YORK. May 18. FLOUR-Recelpts.
16. Si bbls,; exports, 15,760 bbls.; Minnesota
patents. winter extras, 2.stu3.1u;
Minnesota bakers, S3.253?3.35; winter low
grades, 82.S0fy2.9i. Ryu flour, lair and a
shai Wgher, 2.80fy4.20; choice to fancy,
CORN MEAL Dull; yellow western,
81. u6; city, $1.04; Brundywine. 34Ofy0.65.
RYE Quiet; No. 3 western. 64c. f. o. b.,
float; state, &ti(B69c, c. 1. f., New York.
BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 51c, c. I. f.,
Burtalo; malting, tWao-sc, c. I. r., Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts, 344.175 bu. ; exports,
R8.4.S9 bu.; spot, steady; No. 2 red. R3c, ele
vator; No. 2 red, Mc, f. o. b., afloat; No.
I hard Manitoba, 8o. f. o. b.. Op
tions were quiet and Irregular ail day.
The trade went short on bearish weekly
statistics and prospects of rain In the
northwest, but later covered on crop com
plaints via St. Louis and from the Pa
clito coast. May was steady, 6c up, and
others quiet; July, 78 6-16i ,8 9-16c, closed
at 74ac; Heptember, 7641 H-16c. closed at
(otic; necemoer, itviMjc, closed at 764c
CORN Receipts, lal.lij bu.; exports, 24
189 bu.; rales, lO.tO) bu. ; futures, 66,(0 bu.,
pot. Spot, steady; No. 2, 66c elevator
and 634c t. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 55c;
No. 2 white, 654c. Option market was ex
ceedingly dull all oay and about steady,
reflecting too much rain In Iowa and back
ward planting in general. It closed purtly
Ve net higher; May, 5ofr5oHe, closed at 65c;
July, 614c closed al ol!c; September
closed at &04c.
OATS Receipts, 91.50) bu.; spot, quiet;
No, 2, 38c; standard white, 41c; No. 8. 37c:
Wn 9 . till. 1 K' ,. k i , . tf. t . . , '
. " ' . ..... , . . . , . - " . w ntii.c, ' I , liai'H
white, 3m44c. Options quiet, but steady.
HAY Steady ; shipping 70fy75c; good to
choice. Sl.Ondi 1.(6.
HOPS Steady; state, common to choice,
190, 17v-4c; 1S01, 15'dlffc; old, Witoc; pa
cillo coast, 190J, 154fy4c; 1LW1, li 16c; old,
HIDES Steady ; Galveston. 20 to 26 lbs.,
18c, California. 21 to 25 lbs.. 19c; Texas dry,
24 to So lbs., 14c.
LEATHER Steady ; acid, UQXSlc.
KICK Quiet; domestic, fair to extra,
4Vii"c; Japan nominal.
PHOVlSiONS Beef, weak; family, 811.00
7l2.0O; mess. 89.Uil0 00: beef ham. joo
tll.Ou; packets, H..U110t; city extra, lo
ot mesa, ll'.Uf l ak. Cut meats, euy;
icklet bellies. s uuulO.TL; pickled shoulders,
Is. 759.00; pickled hams. 211. 2f"5 11.75. Lard,
quiet; weslern steamed, 1925(11935; re
fined, dull; continent. 89.60; South American,
83.25; compound. 8i.(24(i.00. Pork, steadv;
family. 819.uu; short, clear, 818.5oiH20., uua.
TALLOW Dull; city, 64c; country, 64
METALS There was a decline of Is 3d
for siHt Un In Iondon, which was quoted
t in 26.1. while futures closed at 133
ls. The New York market waa easy at
t.60i29.70. Copper advanced about l"e in
undun to 62 10a for future and 63 for
pot. Locally copper wss more or less
nominal. Lake, electrolytic and casting
are quoted at 214.7a. Lead was steady at
84.874 In New York, but In London It was
Is 3d lower at 11 15a. Spelter was steady
at 85.76 in the local market and in Lon
don at .1 2s (4 Iron closed at 62s in
Glasgow and at 46s 14d In Mlddlesboroush.
Locally Iron Is quiet; No. 1 foundry north
ern Is quoted at 3-"i 75i) 21.00; No. 3 foundry
northern at l)9.7bt.AMio; No. 1 southern
foundry and No. 1 soft at 82l.0o4j22.30.
Mlaaaagtolta Wheat, riaar a Bra.
Cash, Tc; July, 7Hc: September, 7M,e;
on track, No. 1 hard, 80c; No. 1 northern,
79c; No. I northern. 7Sc.
FLOUR First patents, 84 1014.20; second
patents, 84 00fr4.10; first clears, 82.953.05;
second clears, 82.40fy2.46.
BRAN Higher; In bulk, $13.00312 25.
Coadltloa of Trade aad Qaetatloas
Staple aad Faaey Prodace.
EGGS Fresh stock. 14c.
LIVK l'OULTRlf Hens, ll'SllVc; spring
chickens, per lb., ioc; roosters, according to
age, 6ujc; turkeys, Ufy16c; uuvks, lonnlc;
geese, Huloc.
BUTTrJK Packing stock, 13c; choice
dslry. In tubs, 1j41,c; separator, 2-fy23c.
KktlHIl FISH Fresh caugnt troui, 9(tfl0c;
pickerel. 9c; pike, lie; percn, 6c; buffalo, 7c;
bluensn, 11c; whltehsn, lie; salmon, Itn.-;
haddocK, 11c; cmlitsn, 12c; rcdsnapper, 10c;
lobsters, boiled, per lb., iGc; lobsters, green,
per lb., 2c; bulineads, 10c; catnsh, 14c;
black bass, 17c; nalibut, lie, shad roe, mo
each; roe shad, 76c each.
J IK AN Per ton, lt.
HA v prices quoted by OmahaWholesale
Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland,
e; tso. 2,; medium, sa; coarse, i.u.
Rye straw, tn.M. 'ruese prices me tor nay
oi good color and quality. Demand lair
and receipts light.
CORN toe.
OA1 S Sue.
UkENo. 2, 45c.
I'OTATOES-Per bu., 3or3Ac.
NEW POTATOES Bouinern, per lb., 44c;
per bbl., 80.60.
LETTUCE Per dot. bunches, 3540c
PARSLEY Per out. buncoes, Sou.
FAHSMfS-Per bu., iou4oc.
CCCUMuERei Hoinoiisu, per dos., 81.26.
GREEN ONIUWS Southern, per dos.
bunches, 45c; home grown, l4al6c.
RADISHES i'ec uoi. buncnea, iofy UOc.
SPINACH Home grown, per bu. basket,
BEANS Wax, per bu. box, 84; Ulng,
per bu. box, i.CO'3.50.
CABBAGE seed, per lb., 24c;
new California, per lb., in.
TOMATOf.S New Fionua, per 8-basket
crate, 4J.5wUi.75.
RHCbaKb Per lb., lc.
ASPARAGUS Per dorcn bunches, 45(g50c.
NAVY BEANS Per bu., 82.60.
STRAWBERRIES Arkansas, per 24
Quart case, 2.26r2.50.
CHERKIES-Calliornla, per box, tL76.
FIGS California, per lo-lb. cartns, 9oc;
Turkish, per 18-lb. box, 18c.
ORANGES California navels, fancy, for
176 and smaller sizes, 8-1.75; for 160 and
larger sizes, j.i6; Mediterranean, all sizes,
83; Jaffa, 83; fancy blood, per half box,
LEMONS-Callfornla fancy, all sles. 83.50
DATES Persian, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb..
6c; per case of 30-lb pkgs, 2-'.25.
PINEAPPLES-Cuban. 83.26.
MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, jer lb., 10c
POPCORN-Pur lb., 2c; shelled, 4c.
HIDES No. 1, green 4c; No. 2. green,
6'4c; No. 1, salted, 7c; No. 2, salted, 64c;
No. 1. veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 4c; No. 2,
veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 64c; ary salted
hides, 812c; sheep pelts, 25y ,oe; horsehides,
1.60fl 82.50. " " .
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1. soft shell, rmr lb..
16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2, soft shell,
per lb., 13c; No. 2. hard shell, per lb., 12c;
Brazils, per lb., 12c; rlltwrts, per lb., 12c;
almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell,
pet lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., J24c;
small, per lb.. 11c; cocoanuts. per doi.. 6io;
chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb.,
rOHJttoH net. ntlt iwr In' Mitelr
walnuts, per bu., 21; hickory nuts, per bu., i
OLD METAL, ETC.-A. B. Alplrn quotes
the following prices: Iron, country mixed,
per ton, lu; Iron, stove plate, per ton iS;
copper, per lb., S4c; brass, heavy, per
lb., 84c; brass, light, per lb., 64c; lead,
per lb., tc; zinc, per lb., 24c.
Omaha Branch 110-111 Board of Trade
CHICAGO, May 18. WH EAT There has
been a fair-sized trade in wheat, with
bearish tendencies predominating. The
range has not been a wide one and the
principal influence was the punitive an
nouncement by the French minister of ag
riculture that duties would not be reduced
for the present. Foreign crop advices show
some Improvement. World's shipments
were 10,8M,000 bu. The Russian contribu
tion, 8,128,0(0 bu. The weather niip shows
some Improvement. There were some more
complaints In the southwest, most of them
by way of St. Louis, but we have It from
one of the best operators in the trade
down there that there Is little foundation
in fact for any serious damage talk, and
still think well of sales of September wheat.
Clearances were 372,000 bu. New York re
ports 20 loads taken for export. luteal re
ceipts, 17 cars, with one of contract grade;
estimates for tomorrow, 45 cars.
CORN The market was weak early on
the large country offerings, some figuring
it as high as 1,260, 000 bu., and there was
free sellinir by most of the cash houses
against these acceptances. On the decline
there developed a commission house de
mand which rallied the market. The cash
market was about steady. Local receipts,
137 cars, with 8 of contract grade; estimates
for tomorrow, 310 cars; clearances, ln4.oil
bu .: New York reports 8 loads for export.
The visible supply decreased 9!i8,0O0 bu. The
Chicago stock, 1,448,000 bu., decreased 326,
000 bu.
OATS The market has been strong. In
fluenced by the continued lack of rain
throughout Illinois. Futures were tip ,c
and cash 4c hlsher. The light stocks and
small receipts were also a factor. LorM
receipts, 79 cars, with 8 of contract grade;
estimates for tomorrow. 2S0 cars; clear
ances. 12.CO0 bu. The visible supply de
creased 7JS.0O0 bu.: the local stocks, 450,000
bu.. Increased 72,000 bu.
PROVISIONS Although the hog market
wns 5ijn1c lower and receipts 41,000 head, or
6,000 over the estimate, provisions have been
r.trong-. with ribs and lard higher. Packers
bought lard and ribs. Hogs In the west
today, 66.900 head, against 56.100 last year.
Estimates for tomorrow. 18.000 head.
St. Loots Grata and Provisions.
ST. LOUIS. May 18 WHEAT Higher;
No 2 red cash, elovater. nominal; track,
754fy'76c; May. 744c; July. 7i'V&704c; Sep.
tember. 69697c; No. 2 hard. 72fy74c.
CORN Higher; No. ? cash, 44Hc: track,
4644;c; May. 444c; July, 424c; September.
41 4c.
OATS Firm: No 2 cash. 34c: track, T44c;
July, 32'ic; September, 3Cc; No. 2 wht e.
RYE Firm at 49c.
FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, 23.40
453 55: extra fancy and straights. $3.3033.46.
SEED Timothv, nominal. $2."0Ji2.4O.
CORNMKAL Steady, $2.40.
BRAN-Strong; sacked. east track,
71'll AY Strong; timothy. $D.0OS16.00; prairie,
27.00f!ll .00.
HAOOINO fifr4c.
PROVISIONS 'Vol k. Jobbing, standard
mess. $17.66. Lard, lower at $8.o5. Dry suit
meats, weak; boxed extra shorts, 89.25;
clear ribs. $9.50; short clears, $9,624. Ba
con, weak; boxed extra shorts. $'0,374;
clenr ribs, $10,024; short clears. $10 75.
METALS 1 e-td: Dull at $4 174. Spelter:
Firm at $5.4Otl5.50.
POULTRY Steadv: chickens. 104?;
springs. 15fy20c: turkeys, Vic for hens;
duck. He: pece. Sfylc.
PUTTER Quiet; creamery, 16tr?;c; dairy,
13(o 17c.
EGGS Lower; fresh. 134".
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls I3.roo lo.nio
Wheat, bu 5.0nn 49.00
Corn, bu 115.000 62.000
Oats, bu 62.0cv 39,000
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
66c; Julv, 634nBSic. Cash: N'o 2 harJ.
6e; No. '3. 67i74c; N. 4 ltif4c; re
jected. tS'uOlc; No. 2 red. 69i37.c; No. 3,
COKN May, 42c; July, ?S1fy38'4c. Cash:
No. 2 mixed, 4:i'3;i444c; No. 3 white. 44(3
444c; No 8. 434 ;4c
OATS No. 2 white, 264c; No. 2 mixed.
RYE No. !. 46c.
HAY Choice timothy, $12. ,'4J 13.00; cholcj
prairie. 9 75il0.00.
BUTTER Creamery, lS(Jj19o; dairy, fancy.
EGGS Ftesn. 13c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
Oata, bu
... 61.400 42.iO
... 6O.rl0 44.000
... 2S.0O0 6,00
Visible Sapply of Grain.
NEW YORK. May 18 Th visible supply
of grain Saturday. May 18, as compiled
by the New York produce exchange Is as
WHEAT 30.655,000 bushels, decrease 4,-
771 (Kl bushels.
CORN 6,212.000 bushels, decrease ttH.CO)
OATS 6,574.000 bushels, decrease 278.000
K YE 1,078.000 bushels, decrease 27.000
HAK1.K Y 1.126, 000 bushels, decrease 135.-
OuO bushels.
Philadelphia I rodac Market.
Steady; fair demand. Extra creamer 224c
neurbv pilots. 2to
KGaS-Wsak and W low sr. Fresij
nearby, 15c at the mark; western 164c;
southwestern 15c; southern, 14c.
CHEESE steady; lair demand. New
York full creams choice fall. H-fcWInc; f.iir
to good fall, 14'ic; choice new 124c fair
to good new 114dl2c.
Liverpool Grain Market.
No. 2 red, western, winter, firm, 6s 4d; No.
1 northern spring quiet, 6s 74d; No. 1 Ca:l
fornla quiet, 6s d. Futures quiet; May,
nominal; July, 6s 4''1-
CORN Spot, American mixed, new,
steady, 4s id; Am.-rl'-an mixed, old, qui,-t,
5s 3d. Futures quiet; June, 4s 64 J; July,
4s 4Sd; September, 4s 2d.
Mllwaakee Grain Market.
Strong; No. 1 northern, 83c; No. 2 northern,
61fS:c; July. 734c bid.
RYE Firm; No. 1, 63c.
PARLEY Strong; No. 2, 69fyrtOc; sample,
CORN-July, 444Ti444C.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, May lS.-CORN-Steady; No. 8.
44c; No. 4, 43c.
OATS-Steady; No. 2 white, 314c; No. 4
white, 3232c.
Market Erratic, Rally Being; Followed
by Crumbling; Prices.
NEW YORK, May 18.-There was con
siderable liquidation on the stock market
today. The selling seemed lftMuced by a
crystalizatton of sentiment, which has
been approaching deflnito formation for
some time, but has been deferring action
In the hope of a recovery. There was no
development to cau!? tho decline, except
the engagement of 32. 325.000 of gold for ex
port to Europe. This had been quite defi
nitely extended and the amount was rather
less Uian some of tho forecast. There was
a alight hardening In the call loan rate In
response to the gold movement, but could
not be said that any liquidation was forced
by a withdrawal of credits.
The result of the consideration over Sun
day of the general finance outlook seemed
to be rather the placing of stop-loss orders
as a precautionary menstire below the mar
ket than definite orders to sell. The open
ing of the market was In fact Irregular
and a slight decline was followed by a
considerable rally. This rally persisted
after the first knowledge of the engage
ment of gold for export. But the report
that $'.'00,000 had been deposited at the sub
treasury for telegraphic transfer to New
Orleans, was followed almost immediately
by a crumbling of prices throughout the
list. The violent speculation In cotton Is
making demands on the money market,
which was taken in ill part by the stock
It Is probnble that the demand in prices
was Immediately due to professional at
tacks by the bears, but the existence of
stop-loss orders below the market make
prices very vulnerable. The usual result
of a considerable decline la now seen In
the Increased disposition to sell merely be
cause prices have declined. Stocks which
have now got lower than In last month's
decline on account of the Northern Se
curities decision' are conspicuous sufferers
In the present selling. This Is seen In the
case of St. Paul, New York Central and
Southern Pacific especially. When prices
showed a lower level on a relapse after
one recovery. It Is the speculative theory
that effective support has been determined
on at that point. When the price goes
lower on the second decline it Is customary
for professional operators to sell it on the
theory that the final resting place for
the price Is indefinite. Quite a number of
stocks today broke through the previous
low level for the year and last month, and
this fact had a strong Influence on bearish
sentiment. The day s export of gold and
the continued firmness of foreign exchange
are a demonstration that the allotment
of the Transvaal loan in London Is not
to relieve the pressure for gold abroad, as
was hoped. The London market Itself
now taking account of the future periodical
tnr the navment of the
monthly installments on the subscriptions
to the ioan. The fact that a large portion
of the proceeds of the loan is payable to
continental holders of the South African
railroads, which are being purchased by
the colonies, makes a prospective pressure
upon London for remittance to continental
points. The outgo of gold from here , 1 In
payment of borrowings and Is an Insur
ance against future pressure.
With the large requirements ahead or
the domestic money market there is an im
esslness manifest whether the outgoing
gold will be readily availably for recall to
this market when It Is needed. Nearly nil
the. active stocks today fell between 1 and
2 points nnd St. Paul. New York Central.
mKuH Pacific Rock Island Reding
exceeded that. Amongst dormant tocks
there were even wider declines Amalga
mated: Copper was strong as the effect of
!b increase in the dividend rate on the
Calumet and Heels stocks. The market
closed esy and within a small fraction of
UnId'states Steel new sinking fund
bonds were dealt for in this time on he
exchange and rose more than a point oer
Knturdav's price on the rurb without ex
rtttlon.' Otherwise d-j were weak.
Total sales. value. $l?.2''0.ono.
United States new 4s declined 4 on the
Inst call. ,.ttons on th
The Tonowinn ir
vnrk Rto"K exchnnce:
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,. '
do 2d pld.
.. 2iM,iWla. central ..
..11 do ptd
.. JiSilAdamt Eipreaa
..116 VAroer. r.xirea
.. 14
.. 27
.. an
.. 504
.. CiVi
. . J2
I'. 8. Kxpresa
Wells-rargo Ex....
Amal. Copper
Amur. C. Oi f......
do ptd
Amer. Ltn. Oil....
do pld
,,ib lAmer. B. ft R
.. 134' do ptd
.. ah 4 Ana. Mln. Co
.. J34 Brk. Rap. Tr
... 4'
... 4
... 34
... 7
. . .ISO
... 11
... 1!5
... 10
... to
... HI
... 41'i
... 194
... S4
... a
... 2a
do lrt pia
do ta put
. . t.uio. r . at i
,.. M Con. Gaa
...Its Con. Tub. ptd....
.. as (leneral Kleclrio
.. Hocking Coal ...
,.1S lilfo'l fapar ....
., 82 do ptd
i.. bt Int'n'l Power ...
... I7"4 1 lcled Oaa ....
Ot. Nor. pld
Hocking vauay ..
do Did
lllinola Central ...
luwa Central
oo pta
L. E. ft W
do pta
106 National Dlecull
Louie, ft Naah 1 ! National Lead
Manhattan L
l No. American
Vet. 8t. Ry
Mel. Central ...
Urx. National .
Pacific Coaal .
. '' Pacific Mall
Z2 People'a Gaa
Minn, ft St. L.
Mlaaourl Pacific
. to Pretaad Steel Car 6i4
..ioa do pfd
M.. K. A T
... 24V Pullman Pal. Car..
. n
. 134
. i
. a
. 134
. ibt
. iO'j
. S34
. kt4
. 2
. W'
. 2
. M
. 4' 4
do pld
Republic Steel
N. J. Central...
N. Y. Central...
Nor. ft Veet....
. .
.. '
.. 2S
.. 604
.. t7V
.. 75
.. 7a
.. M4
.. 21
.. 49V,
.. al
.. -a'
.. 14
do pfd
Tenn. C. ft 1
do ptd
U. B.
ft r. Co...
Ontario ft W
V 8.
Pennaylranta ...
do lt pin ...
do 2d pld....
V. 8.
V 8.
St. L. ft 8. K...
do let pld....
do Id ptd....
Bt. L. B. W
do pfd
Bt. Paul
do pld
So. Pacific
go. Railway ....
Weateni Union ...
Am. Locomotive .
do pld
K. C. Southern...
do pfd
Rock laland
do pfd
do pfd
The closlns quotations on bonds are as
V. 8. ret. la, reg.
do coupon
du 2a. -g. ,......
do coupon
do new 4a. reg.
do coupon
iu ud reg...
do coupon
do oa. rvg
do coupou
Atchiaoo gen. 4a..
do ad). 4a
8 ft o. 4a
do S4a
do tour. 4a
Canada So. 2a
C. ot U. aa
do la Inc
..1VL ft N. unl. 4a 10 14
..luii), Mea. Central 4a au
..lul! do let luc JW
,.lu7i'Mlnn. ft at. L. 4a..!(w j
..lJiiSa M., K. ft T. 4a -Jti-m
..1364! do 2a ii
..lion ".N. V. C. g. !4a...luJ'
..Hill N. J. C. g. (a US',
..1U2S No. Pacific 4a 1U14
..lvi',. do im 14
..luo N. ft W. con. 4a M4
.. tl ; Heading gen. 4a VV4
..1U2 At. L. ft 1. M. c.
.. H4 t. c D y. 4a.... at 4
..liai St. L. 8. W. la .
. .lif Mdo 2a i 4
. .l'Jo, 8. A ft A. P. 4a ao
.. 1)4 So. Pacific 4a '4
..11)14 -So. Railway Ga 1U4
Chea. ft (Ihlo 44
Chicago ft Alton 34a 4 "Teaaa ei P. la lit
C. B. ft Q nw 4... 914 T , 8t. L. ft W. 4a. I&4
c, M ft at P g. ia. .Un Lnlon I'.cltu 4a lc:4
('. tt N. W. c 7a 131 4 do tonv. 4a 414
T.. R. I ft P. 4a...lu6ta Wahaah la : 1 j
' CO. ft St. L g. 4a. Wi, no 2a K
t fclcaa-o Ter. 4a.
034 do drb. II 754
Colorauo 80. 4a...
D. at R. G. 4a .
Erie prior lien 4a.-,
do general 4a
. west snore 4a no
. Wheel, ft L. B. 4a.. 1
. M IW.a. Central 4a 1
. eoia'Con. 7'ob. 4a tu4
F W. ft D. C. la
.112 icolo. f uel ta
Hocking Val. 44a.. .1074 Rock lalaud 4a..
aid. offered.
ew York Mlalagc Quotations.
NEW YORK. May 18 The following are
the quotations on the New York Stock ex
change: Adama Coa 50 I LIU la Chief 1
Alloa : (ntarlo a&o
Bree to Ohplr 160
Brunewlck Con 4 'Phoenix a
Couiatoik Tunnel ... I "Potoal u
( on. 1 ft Va 140 Savage is
Horn Silver Ill) "Sierra Nevada it
Iron Silver 13 8mall Hope a 40
Iveadvllla Con t Utaudard XQ
Aaked. Assessment paid.
Forelga Financial.
LONDON. May 18.-MONEY Was abund
ant In the market today and the rates were
easy. Business on the stock exchange whs
dull and 'here was little doing. Consols
started firm, but sagged, owing to lack of
support. Americana oponed dull on ths dia-
appointing; brink atstement, but later rallied
riifchtly. The transactions, however, were
small and the stocks closed rather firmer.
Foreigners were firm. Rio Tlntoa were
supported on Paris buying. Grand Trunk
was hnrdor, due to the Increased traffic re
turns. The amount of bullion taken Into the
Bank of England on balance today waa
81 '.1 mo.
PARIS. Mny 18 STOCKS On the bourse
todny opened weak, business wa light and
prices closed heavy.
Three per cent rentes, 97f 80c for account.
HKRL1X, May IS. Prices on the bourse
toduy opened wenk, but Improved later.
Money on cnll was quoted at 34 per cent.
Exchnnge on London 20 marks, 44 pfgs
for checks. Piscount short bills 34 per
cent; three months bills, u4 per cent.
Boston stock Quotations.
BO8TON. May 1 Call loans. St per
cent; time loans, Van per cent. Official
closing prices on stocks r.nd bonds:
Atchison 4a A-nalramated 31a
N. E. O. ft C 77 ;ningham lh
Atrhlaon 77S CI. Hecla
do pfd toVontennla) 4
Ronton A Alltany....2."a (Copper Range v
Bnaion Elevated ltsl Immlnlon Coal .a.. ..101
N. V.. N. H. ft H...H9 Kranklln 4
Utthbuig pfd 140 1 Mohawk 44
t'nlon Pacific
.. V'iM Pomlnloa 14
. .12.1 '4 Ottreola 26
.-120 : Parrot 2o4
..lS44lQilncy 1U7
23 jSiitita Fe Copper .... i
..J5 Tamarack 1
.. 24 Mmountatn Bt
. .141 Trinity
.. 41 il'nlled States 224
.. 114 fat 14
.. Vl.tcr'a a
Airer. sugar ...
do pfd
Amcr. T. ft T...
Hern. I. ft S. . .,
General Electric
Mara. Elertrlo ..
I'nlted Fruit ...
Daly Went
V. S.. Kteol
do pfd
Weetlng. Common.... is iVlnona 104
Allouea SbWulverine ID
London Stork Market.
LONDON, May 18. Closing quotations:
Conaola, money 1T M., K. A T 1
do account tl N Y. Central l.4
Anaconda 4 Norfolk ft Weatern... 72
Atchlxnn t14 do pfd to 4
do pfd.
i4 Ontario ft weatern. 2
Baltimore ft Ohio... B3 Pennaylranta
Canadian Pacific 13.ti Rand Mines.
t hranpeaKe r Ohio.. 4:4 P.eadlng
cnicaro o. w..
C. M. ft St. P
Denver A R. O.
do pfd
do lt pfd...
do 2d pfd....
224 do 2d pfd
162 Southern Ry
do pfd
Southern Pacific
t'nlon Pacific...
do pfd S3
I S. Steel 14
do pfd 3ft 4
Wahaah 24
lllinola Central 141)
Lou 1 vl lie ft Naah.. 1184
do pfd 484
11AR SILVER Steadv at 25i4d rer ounce.
MONEY 142 per cunt. The rate of dis
count In the open market for short bills
Is i3 7-16 per cent and for three months'
bills is 3:Mf34 per cent.
Gold Shipments Engaged,
NEW YORK. May 18. Lazard Freres
have engaged 31.000,000 gold for shipment to
Europe tomorrow. Goldman, Bachs & Co.
have ordered 2760,000 for shipment at the
same time. There la talk of other engage
ments. Hank Clearings.
OMAHA. May 18. Bank clearings for
today were 21.563,028.57; Increase over corre
sponding day last year, 8343,525.55.
- Cotton Market.
Firm, sales, 6,tt0i) bales. Ordinary 9 9-16c;
good ordinary, 10 1-16; Low middling, 10
i3-lc; middling 11 9-10c; good middling 12c.
Middling lair L. ll-10c. receipts. 3,(i4; stock,
79,630. futures steady. May, 11. 10c bid;
June, zc bid; 12 lda ilJ.USc; August
11.6X(ill.66c; September, !.MKu9.90c: October
.Wti j.oi-c; November, 8.79ii.Mc, December,
8. itfiuS.bOc.
NEW YORK, May 18 COTTON Opened
strong at an advance of 6'K'18 points under
high Liverpool cable and during the entire
sesKlon ruied very active ana generally
strong, prices at one time showing greater
net ttains for the day than during any
previous session of the season. Tne New
Orleans bull leader a pea red on the floor
this morning and it became very evident
that his arilvel was to be taken as the
signal for aggressive buying on the part
ot tne bull contingent. btill, after the
market had advanced 265JJ1 points over
the closing figures of Satuiuay, there waj
sulllcient realizing based un tne heavy re
port, continued tavorabio wcatner and re
ports of curtailed consumpt on, to ease tne
market liyla pom's on toe old crop pil
lions, but thee price proved the lowest
of the session, for the list was at oncj
rallied muply by the aggreswve buyuig
for both accounts. On tne ud.anc? stop
loss oraers were recelv.ed In gieat numbeis
and lucre was no hall in tho lap.d uptu n
until May nad readied, 11.6c; -illy,
and August, 10.!3o. Tne-, lenilzing ihecKoj
the upward course and 'piuei eased ort a
little, May closing at ll.o.c, July at ll.Lc
and August at lO.Sic. Tne market was fi
nally steady, However, wltn prices net
ln47 points hlgner for the Cay. At thf
lug i;e ;t point July showej a net gain of 65
points. Total sales tulure.4 tstunateu at
iuO.OOj bales. The hour or the lo al open
ing prices at Liverpool were lolntt
higher and following tills, every additional
cuiilo told of a fctill furtner strength. The
best point was net liKi2 pulnts higher
and at tho clor,e, the marKet
was net 8418 points niglier, with spot
cotton in good demand at an auvanca ot
12 points.
Steady; middling, il4c Sales, 1j biles.
Aeceipta, olo taies; snlpments, la4 bales;
stock, U,0i2 bles.
fair demand Prices 12 Doints hichcr:
American middling lair. 6bjd; goon mld-
uiiug, o.u-u, miuoiing,; low inmdling,
O.ood; good ordinary, 5.S2u; ordinary, o.b2a.
I'he sales of the oay were lO.OvO b.ile of
winch 1,000 were shipped and export ana
Included 1.3W American, iteceipt, 40J bales,
all American. Futures ope.iej steady und
closed strong and excited. American m.d
aling ig. o. c. May .od; May-June, 6.0.
8.o4u; June-July, 6.0tKijrj.jld; July-August,
b.!Mijj.9od; August-ISeptember, o.7;i&;
Sepiemlier-Octouer, b.Td; October-November,
4.:'2(u4.9ld; November-lJecemier, 4.olp
4.8-'d; lJecember-Junuury, 4.7!Xii'4.8l; January-February,
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS. May 18.-WOOL Active with
good demand for new clip, and prices
higher; medium grades and combing, 10
2oc; light tine. lo'nl?4c; heavy fine, lliii
144c; tub washed, 1924c.
LONDON, May IS. WOOL Offerings at
the auction sales today were 13,749 bales.
Fine grades wero In spirited demand, but
faulty slock waa slow and sometimes Ir
regular. Withdrawals were frequent, as
holders were not willing to accept lower
rates. Merinos, cross-breds and fine
scoured were In active request. American
purchasers secured fair lines of Victorian
greasy and cross-bred combing. Following
are the sales In detail: New South Wales,
6,0u0 bales; scoured, 74d'alsl4d; greasy.
7'idls 24d. Queensland. 6i0 bales; scoured,
lsldill4d; graasy, 7a4diiil8 4d. Victoria,
8.2(0 bales; scoured. Is 24d(als 104d; greasy,
61dfrlB 4d. South Australia. itOO bales;
scoured, Ig7d'iils8d; greasy, 74d'ifls. Tas
mania, 200 bales; greasy, 7d(51sl4d. New
Zealand, 3,'.ti bales; scoured, 64dffls lOd:
greasv. 64dWls Id. Cape of Good Hope
and Natal, 6u0 bales; scoured, 84d(glu4d.
British t.ulumnla. loo bales; scoured, 8s 8d.
NEW YORK. May 18. WOOL Firm.
Eraporatetl Apples anil Dried Fralts.
Al'PLES Continue to reflect a light de
mand but the holders show little disposi
tion to cut prices and values are. there
fore, fairly well maintained. Common
are quoted at 4'5c. Prime at 64&j4c,
choice nt 54'o6c, fancy at 64lS'74c
prunes show little cuunge from the general
conditions recently noted, the larger sues
remaining firm. Quotation range from
3c to 7c for approved grades. Apricots are
alinut firm hiu1 uncnotiisej win cnolce
emoted at VMuHa and. fanev at ffeloVtc
Peaches continue firm at 7 to 8c for good.
Oil and Koala.
OIL CITY, Pa.. May 18.-01L credit bal
ances. 81.50; certificates, no bid. Shipments.
14n.2h3 bbls. average, 83.819; runs. 177,016;
average. 7o.S50. Shipments, Lima, 123.9 to; av
erage. 07!is; runs. 75.3?3; average, 62.334.
SAVANNAH, tin.. Mav 18. Ol L Turpen
tine firm, 47c. Rosin firm. Quote: A. B. C.
D. E.. 31.70; P., 11.75: O.. $l.Rt; H.. 82 36; I.,
$2.95; K.. $3.10: M.. $3.10; N.. $3.25; W. O.,
8335; W. W.. $3.55.
NEW YORK, May IS. OIL Cottonseed,
dull. Rosin, steady. Turpentine, ateady.
Dry Goods Market.
somewhat Improved, anl although buyers
are not speculatively inclined, thef are In
cllned to buy more freelv for future needs
than during the last few weeks. Job
bers report a slightly Improved condition,
but store trade Is not of larg propjrtiont.
The curtailment policy will be adopted
by a gojil manv mills, although no general
agreement Is likely to be entered Into.
to8re Market.
quiet. Futures opened quiet at unchanged
pil at and ruled uu!et In keeping with
featureleaa cables but turned enler to
ward the close under room selling and was
finally dull at unchanged prices to a de
cline of 8 points, with sales reported of
(.uoo bags. Including July at i. Septem
ber. 4.1uc; February. 4.80c; March, 4.boi
blala Bolter Market.
ELGIN. III. May 18 Bl'TTER Ruled
firm on the Hoard of Trade today, selling at
21c a pound, (ialea fur tits week lAOuit
Cattle Beoeipti Light and Frioes
Just About Stead.
Fair Ran f therp far Tbls Time of
Year, fcnt Local Packers Took Hold
Freely aad All Dealrable Grades
old nt Fally Steady Prices.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 1,574 4.b4 3 94
Same day last week..2.4S7 6,372 3.178
Same week before. ...4.619 8.04S 8,203
Same three weeks ago.3,711 5.6.9 2.HM
Same four weeks ago.4.31 4.616 9.716
Same day last year.. 1,662 3,252 680
The following table shows the receipts ot
cuttle, hogs and sheep at South Omana for
the year 10 uata and comparisons with last
1903. 1902. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 3u,il6 29j.ut4 iR,iH2
Hogs 83,203 96,06 102,883
Sheep 494,721 842,992 151,729
Average price paid 101 lioge al South
Omaha for th last several days with com
parisons: Date. 1903. 1902.l$Ol.!lO0.1899.,'IS98.1897.
May 1....
May 3....
May J....
May 4....
May 6. .
May I....
May 7....
May 8....
May 9....
May 10..
May 11..
May 12...
May 13...
May 14...
May 15...
May 16...
May 17...
May IS...
6 81
90 6 64
7 Oil 6 71
7 02 6 72
I 6 66,
t 26
8 1H
1 611
3 66
8 bo I
3 68
8 62i
I 8 79
3 S7 s n
3 93 8 72
6 17
6 36
6 22
6 211
6 754
5 72
6 66
7 03
3 9&
3 93
3 66
8 64
3 70
8 71
3 !
3 66
3 67
3 66
3 61
3 61
I bo
3 62
6 98 5 6S
3 64
8 69
I lai
6 93
7 00
7 08 1
6 70,
5 61
8 90
8 89
6 10
6 65
5 12
7 08i
5 61
6 65
5 to
6 161
5 17
5 21 1
6 23;
6 20
6 111
3 6!
3 661
3 9j
4 lit
6 544
8 46V
6 414
6 364
6 324
6 3541
6 27Hi
6 99
7 08
7 13
7 12
1 66!
4 19
5 68
8 681
4 to
5 71
$ 67
4 22
5 66
4 25
4 4n
7 0:
6 69
8 63
7 13
6 il
5 73
3 60
8 69,
4 ZJi
Indicates Sunday.
The official number of ears of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'ses.
C. M. ft St. P 1 21 ..
Wabash 1 .. ..
Mo. Pacific 1
U. P. system 15 4
C. & N. W a 4
F., E. & M. V 22 15
C, St. P., M. & 0 1 ' 4 S
B. & M 22 14 11
C, B. & Q 1
C, R. R. P.. east.... 1 1
Illinois Central 1 .. 1
Total receipts 71 63 14 1
The disposition of the day's receipts waa
as follows each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p.
Omaha Packing Co; 169 fill
Swift and Company 431 8S9
Armour A Co 247 1,432 1.44S
Cudahy Packing Co 275 835 739
Swift, country 78
Armour, Sioux City 36 1,525
lrfihman & Co 6S3
Hill & Huntzlnger 25
H. F. Hamilton..., 35
K F. Husz..t 6S
Dennis & Co 5 N
F. B. Lewis 39
Lee Rothschild 12
Other buyers 2S6 6S9
Totals 2.2S9 6,3r9 -2.870
CATTLE There was an exceptionally
light run of cattle here today for a Mon
day, but at Chicago there was a big run
and prices at that point were quoted about
a dime lower. The demand though was
in good shape here so that prices showed
very little change In spite of the lower
prices quoted elsewhere. 1
The beef steer market could be quoted
Just about steady with the close of last
week. Buyers did not take hold any too
freely owing in part to the big run In Chi
cago and tne lower prices existing there,
and also to the fact that they are rather
looking for beavy receipts here tne rest of
the week. Anything desirable was not
dilltcult 10 dispose of at satisfactory prices,
but the commoner grades were rather
draggy. There were some outside buyers
on hand who bought quite fretly, and they
had a beneficial effect Uion the market. In
spite of the fact that buying was not very
spirited practically -everything was din
posed of oefore the middle of ih forenoon.
There was not enough change In the
ptices paid for cows to dj worihy of men
tion. The same was the-case with beet
steers, buyers did not take hold any too
freely, but still the cattle kept chancing
hands at steady prices and the '.l.?ht offer
ings soon brought the market to a close.
nulls, veal cules and ki.ii-b aii -mil In
Just about the same notches they did lost
There wore quite a few stockevs and
feeders In the yards this morning, but tho
demand was of quite liberal proportions so
the desirable grades changed hands freely
at steady to strong prices. Speculators
carried over very lew cattle trom l.nt week
and they were all looking for fresh supplies
this morning. Representatives sales:
2! ..
. 1 12
4 .-K
4 ftu
.. m
.. 720
.. 77
.. .-,
.. (40
.. 630
... 71
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 2d
4 2 "
4 35
4 i&
4 4.)
4 40
4 40
4 4
4 45
4 4.1
..lilt 4 r,o
..1(63 4 fiO
. . . 1008
. ..1CK4
4 50
4 U
4 M
4 in
4 f5
4 60
4 0
4 to
4 0
..12M 4 70
4 M
...1185 4 75
U M'i 4 00
24 32 4 25
8 1020 4 20 15 10M 4 48
4 785 1 40 5 714 3 20
1 140 1 fC I K'2S I 40
1 750 1 Tf 1021 t 45
I 30 1 75 1 1350 2 60
1 , 600 1 76. 1 ll.'iO I 60
1 870 1 75 1 780 2 60
1 770 1 15 1042 8 40
1 700 1 71 t 1000 2 40
1 770 1 75 27 )0 I 86
1 IM 111 T 1087 2 70
1 140 1 75 1 680 i 76
1 680 1 T5 1 S70 t 75
I MS 111 1 714 8 76
1 7 SO 2 00 1 5W) I 75
1 960 3 25 t 76 2 75
8 8M 2 20 t 225 8 75
1 1000 2 40 1 1120 2 75
1 780 2 60 f 044 15
1 10M 2 40 1 1040 3 45
I S0 t 70 1 980 2 26
II 41 2 70 1 1430 4 00
1 880 1 75 2 1180 4 00
1 Ht IIS 1 1280 4 00
1 880 2 75 : 1087 4 05
1 270 2 75 I I0 4 10
4 12 2 75 6 11160 4 10
8 1086 I 60 13 1018 4 16
1 1020 I 00 1 1200 4 10
4.. 1014 2 00 tl 107! 4 10
1 740 2 00 7 1022 4 15
1 too I 00 4 10f,2 4 Ju
HI IM 1 1120 4 20
1.... 2i4 4 00
t 670 I 60 1 280 I 60
440 ! H 1 680 2 50
1 700 2 10 1 (70 2 XI
10 474 I 10 23 601 4 10
I -
.. 820
2 6
1 60
2 60
2 76
..13 i 00
..640 2 16
2 75
1540 2 86
1480 I M
10 4 10
2 25
.. 250
.. rw
.. 110
.. 72
I 28
4 00
I 00
t 00
, 110
I 76
6 75
.. 110
i 60
420 2 5 1 27 I 25
680 I 65 4 412 4 00
,. 20 2 25 2 214 t 00
". 260 2 2.1
476 2 5 1 660 I U
610 2 00
2 26
t8 4 20
. a-i
t 26
2 ...
....lCuO 4 35
824) 8 25
.... 688
.... 60;s
.... 8.10
.... 630
.... t:i
.... i
.... tut
.... 685
.... 180
4 86
640 8 25
4 66
4 4U
4 40
4 60
4 60
4 60
4 60
4 60
4 60
4 60
2 26
I 60
, 715
t 2 76
765 I 26
4 00
4 10
4 10
4 10
4 26
4 2S
, 402
. 870
, 200
, lit
. 60
.... 61
4 6n
4 to
HOGS Receipts were fairly liberal to
day for a Monday and at some other
points they were exceptionally heavy. As
a result prices continued 011 their down
ward course. The market here otened
generally a dime lower than Saturday
morning, with the bulk selling at 86 26 to
86 83 and fancy grades sold as high at 84 86.
The lighter loads went from 8ii-25 down.
Trading was fairly active and as the morn
ing advanced the market gained In U engirt
and toward the cIokb s.ilcs were riiado
about steady with Saturday's clote, the
popular price being 86.30 for goo J hogs.
Aside from a few trains that were late In
arriving, practically everything was dis
posed of In good season. Representativs
Ko. b r. No. Ar. Sk. Pr.
II lal to IS II tat 12u 1714,
to Ill au I to 71 U4 10 114
M Ml 4W tl 844 St mi
, IT, ."
Tread e
MS ntaVil lUlaallaMllii li'ftal HoS
Is a phrase
Qp COLD I sdjolnlng the famous "Dewey" mine In Thunder Moun
tain, iaano.
vesting In any mining company.
And enclose check or money order for as many shares as
you can possibly afford It's a chance of st lifetime.
Send Checks, iloney Order or Inquiries to
The South Dewey Mining Co.
Suite S 739-740, Stock
Or M. J- CREEVY, 414
43 218 ... !S It 241 240 20
29 224 ... 23 7 268 160 I 10
:l... 2n 40 4 2". 76 280 120 (20
t.'i:l K'4 ... 26 23 248 ... 20
84 228 120 8 25 27 284 120 20
1 2'ij 160 25 70 2S 80 80
44 218 ... 4 25 85 281 160 20
20 19 ... I2S 88 2114 40 20
r. 217 to .i us 40 to
8S 215 ... (25 K1 2M ... f 20
82 ...227 200 2ft it 284 40 S 20
17 230 80 t 2.i 81 243 80 t 20
8'. 235 120 25 83 286 40 30
78 2n ... 6 25 69 2K8 ... 20
88 '..280 140 4 25 !! 280 120 I SO
48 240 ... t 25 to J28 160 20
10 241 ... I 27H 64 260 ... 4 10
11 245 160 t 274j 3 3n3 ... t 36
54 :45 40 27V4j 40 28t ... 4 25
68 280 240 6 27' 44 2K 40 4 86
4t ..; 280 40 4 214 14 2&6 ... 26
SliKEP There was a fair run of sheep
and Jambs here this morning, but the
market was fairly active and just about
steady on all desirable grades. Borne west
ern clipped wethers of fair quality Drought
to. nt, some enppea ewes soia at 4.a una
some clipped iambs tor 16. U0. There was
nothing on sale that could be called choice,
hut puckers all seemed to be In need of
fresh cupplles and bought up uli the decent
Krttaes at good steady prices.
Ti.ere were a few leedors Included In the
offerings and they sold at Just about a.eady
quotations lor clipped stock: Choice
western lambs, $6.8K&; fair to good
lambs, Jo. (KiSiB.W); choice western wooled
lambs, Hi 5((ii.lo, fair to good wooled
lambs, Jti.jJH6.60; choice lightweight year
lings, $5.iiLit.i5; fair to good yearlings,
4.ut!f(TD.i5; choice wethers, 5.00?5.25; fair
to Kood wethers. $4. 204(4.65; choice ewes.
4.7&ttu.0U; fair to good ewes. 4.00fj4.5u;
feeder lambs. 3.50a4.5o; feeder yearlings,
iooa4.0u; l'eedtr wethers, W.oiKiH.uO; feeder
ewes, 2.tf3.uU. Representative sales:
Hi) western ewes 't 4 25
bils western wethers loo 6 10
!S7 western lambs ' 8 10
U cull ewes 61 J w
'in cull ewes 84 1 00
40 cull ewes H M
6 cull ewes IW
175 feeder lambs 4 2 W
bucks M tw
79 feeder lambs 40 3 00
30 feeder lambs 47 3 00
134 feeder lambs 48 1 tw
2.-1 feeder lambs M 0
lil cull lambs 63 00
Cattle Doll to Lower Hoes Close
Steadya-Bheep Drop.
CHICAGO, May 18. CATTLE Receipts,
31,000 head. Market dull to 15c lower. Good
to prime steers, 24.90(5.60; poor to medium,
34.0ui)4.!0; stockers and feeders, 23.004.75;
cows,; heifers, $2.50(04.75; canners,
tl.ticSj2.76; bulls, 2.0O&4.25; calves, K.&tKtJf
6.25; Texas fed steers, J4.ou4.76.
HOGS Receipts today, 40.000 head; to
morrow, 20,00u left over, 4,000. Opened 69
loo lower, closed strong. Mixed and butch
ers, 6.3o(SC.55; good to choice heavy, $.6oiJJ
6. so; rough heavy, 26.30ft6.55; light, 6.00&ti.35;
bulk of sales, $6.356.60.
SHEEP AND LAMBS- Receipts, 80.000
head. Sheep steady; lambs, choice steady,
others lower. Good to choice wethers, 34-iS
65 .25; fair to choice mld, 3.7fxi4.75; west
ern sheep, $4.605.25; native lambs. fA&Ot
7.10; western lambs, 24.60tj7.10.
Jfflclal Saturday: Receipts. Shipment
Cattle 148 U8J
Hogs 11.240 . 747
Sheep , 1,164
Kansas City Llv Mock Market.
ceipts. 3,70 natives, 600 Texans; calves, 35
natives. IJeeves steady to 10c lower; quar
antine, cows and heifers, stockers and feed
ers, steady. Choice export and dressed
bfef steers, S4.5otf5.26: fair to good, S3.7&9
4.5; Blockers and feeders, 32.50(4.75; western
fed stceiw. lj.ooif5.oo; Texas and Indian
steers, fcl.40ig4.70; Texas cows, S2.004T3.50; na
tive cows, tl.UtfM.tti; native heifers, S3 .2off)
4.C0; canners. tl.Za'2.5o; bulls, 12.963.66;
calves, 13.5cfga.50.
HOGS Receipts, 6.000 head. Market
opened 10c lower, closed 5c lower. Top,
fC 45: bulk of sales. tf.Zi'k'SG.ih. Heavy,
Sti.3itff6.45; mixed packers, Sti.204f4i.40; light,
tti 00)16 25; yorkers, S6.15&6.25; pigs, S4.4ctf
8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12,000
head. Market 1016c lower. Native lambs,
S4.5tKn,7.4o; western lambs, S4. 0007.30: fed
ewes, S3.70j5.20; native wethers, S4.00S5.65:
Texas clipped sheep, Si-604J6.I0; stockers and
feeders. S3.5otf4.20.
St. Louis Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. May 18. CATTLE Receipts,
3.5O0 head, Including 2.000 Texans. Market
elow. easy. Native shipping and exports,
54 3,Vfi5.60; dressed beef and butchers steers,
34 0H(j6.25; steers under 1,000 lbs., S4 0CK&6.OU;
stockers and feeders. 32 SiOt't.oO; cows and
heifers, S2.25ff6.00; canners. 32 253.00; bulls.
S2. 145(3.76; culves. S3-6"if6.50; Texas and In
dian steers, S2.f54j4.3o; cows and heifers,
HOGS Receipts, 400 head. Msrket slow,
lower. Pigs and lights. S6.0f$6.2S; packers,
St;.2(rj6.40; butchers and best heavy, 3630ft
6 60.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.000
head. Market slow, lower. Native muttons,
S4 0"a5 25; lambs. S6.0ll7.50; culls and bucks,
S2 0iff4.50; stockers. S2.0lij3.00; Texans, 33-76
Stock la Slant.
Following were the ravelnts of live stock
at the six principal western cities yester-
day: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen.
Omaha 1674 4.5.,4 3 M
Chicago 8.VO 0. 20. W
Kansas City 3 .700 6.(0 12.000
St. Iouls 3 5o0 V 4 )
St. Joseph 1.700 6 1"0 2.7M
Sioux City J.1"0 .0
...43 674 5S.4S4 42.644
Kew York Live Sloek Market.
ceipts. 4 4': steers, lc to 2"o lower: fat
hulls. I"ij25e off. others steady, rows,
steady to s shade lower. Steers. S4.30tl-VO;
hulls 11 10?4 35; export bulls, 34 50; rows,
SAjK34-au. Ch lea auotad llv cat Us slow,
that actually describes ths "BOOTH
located on the same crest ledge and
I property consists of ten full mining claims (23
acres) and ws own the property outright.
This means that every dollar you Invest Mes
Into development work and no part of It Is use!
to pay salaries. This Is a vital point and should
be one of the first things looked into before In-
Ws have decided to place a limited amount or
Treasury Stock on sale to continue development work
and purchase necessary machinery.
Fcr a short time only you csn buy this st-ek (ptr
value 81.00 non-assessable no personal liability) fo.- 1)
cents per share.
The present allotment of stock Is limited and the
Board of Directors may decide at any time to rste th
plica aa It Is selling fast.
Giving- full particulars of our property and a
description of "Thunder Mountain." which Is
going to become the greatest gold mining
camp In tho world. Bent for the asking.
Exchange Bldg., Chicago, III.
Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb.
Members Principal Exchanges.
Prrvats wires.
110-111 Board of Trad.
W. B. WARD. ligT. Tctepatons U.l
place your orders with
Members Principal Exchanges.
Writ for our dally letter.
CM Board Trad Building. Omaha.
Phones 1M and 1017. PRIVATE WIRES.
sheep lower at 12ViH?1314c dressed weight.
Exports tomorrow, 110 cattle, 1,260 sheep
and 4,300 quarters of beef.
CALVES Receipts, 8.0S1; market opened
60c lower and closed 75c to S1.0.) lower, all
sold; veals, S3.50&6.75; tops, 37.00; general
sales, S5.506.26; buttermilks, S3.00fr3.25; city
dressed veals, lower at 7tnoc.
HOGS Receipts, S.239 head; market 40c
lower; state hogs, 36.40(94). 50.
SHEEP AND LAM llS Receipts, 12.407
head; 32 cars on sale. Sheep, 15fr25c lower;
lambs, unevenly lower; spring lambs,
off. 8h4ep, 3.0O53.25; extra and export
sheen. S5.30tao.50: culls. S2.50Q2.75: lambs.
S5.5ofr7.26; three cars unshorn, 37.50; spring
lambs, .tofr.7i; Dy tne neaa, i2.i5fr-4.tKi.
St. Joseph Llv Stock Market.
Receipts, 1,700; steady to 10c lower; nat ves,
S4.2oiA).40: cows and heifers. li.Mi.ii
stockers and feeders, S3.50t.S5.
HOGS Keceipts 6,100, sfr'ioc lower; ngnt
and light mixed, S6.15fr6.35; medium und
heavy. S6.30ti.66; bulk. S6.30frti.4o; pigs,
SHEEP Keceipts. 1,740; lofrsoo nigner;
top Texas wethers, 35-25.
Sloax City Llv Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY, la.. May 18. (Bpeclal Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 2,100 hem;'
stockers, lOfrlac higher; killers about
steady; beeves, S4.00fro.00; cows, hulls an I
mixed, S2.0wtf4.20; stockers and feeders, SJ.Ji
fr4.60; calves and yearlings, S3.0Ofr4.5O.
HOQ8 Receipts, 2,4'0; murket frlO
lower, selling at S8.00fr6.35; bulk, t6.15fr.:0.
Snttar and Molasses.
open kettle, 2H&3 7-lftc; open kettle, cen
trifugal, SttjiSHc; centrifugal whites, ic:
yellows, 8Sij4c; seconds, 2Hfr3Hc.
MOLASSES Open kettle nominal, 13Q24c;
centrifugal, 618c; syrup nominal. 19fr24c.
NEW YORK, May 18. SUGAR Raw,
steady; refined, steady,
Data for Baptist Conference.
SIOUX FALLS. 8. D., May 18-(Speclal.)
Ths next meeting ot the South Dakoti
Conference of Free Baptists will be held
In ths Free Baptist church at Valley
Springs, beginning Friday evening, May 22.
INSTRUMENTS placed on file Monday,
May 18:
Warranty Deeds.
T. A. Tlce et al. to Jennie Robb: lot 5
and sH lots 3 and 4. block 36, South
Omaha 3 1
Annie B. Smith and husband to P. F.
Havey. lot 19. block 14, Bedford place 1.100
Jennie Robb and husband to w. A.
Seovtlle. west 6C feet, lots 7 and 8.
block 10. South Omaha I.W'
O. C. Bonner to Elisabeth II. Bonner,
lot 7. block 11. Bhlnn's ad 1
D. V. Sholes Co. et al. to Charles Ek
stroin, lot 20. block 4. Den man place. 500
Same to Jennie Donnelly, lot 4, block
2, West Cuming ad ?1C
Same to John Bolzet et si., lot 3, block
2, Dupont place 52J
George Forgan and wife to Anastasla
Krakowskl. lots 1 and 2. block 11,
WIIco ad 1V0
City Savings bsnk to 4"". A. Peterson,
weat 40 feet, lot 9. block "O." Ixiwe's
ad I.
W. T. Grshnm et al. to J. C. Smith,
lot 18. block 1. Portland place K'rl
Bams to Theresa Hautiliiger. lot 6,
block 3, Dupont place l.OOii
Cadv Land company to. B. F. Mar
shall, south 14 feet lot 7 and north .10
feet lot 8. block 6. Alamo Plaxa 3.650
E. J. Swords and wife to J. B Jack,
south 37,i feet lot 6. block 8. Redlck's
subdiv 1.KS0
Morris Morrison, trustee, to James
Walsh, lots 11 and 12. block 2. Mt.
Dough's 1 &
H. R. Pennv and P. W. Kuhna et al.,
lots 11 and 13. block 4. Kliby place.. 2,25l
W. S. Lynns to Sarah O. Chase et si.,
undlvV. northeast and southeast 21
16-1! 1
Elizabeth Dufrone, executrix. to
Theo Rosgall. lot 28. block 2. W. L.
Belby's 1st ad 125
A. W. Five and wife to Ouilav Sedin;
sw4i. swU, swi. 6-16-13 2.700
W. T. Graham et al. to Joseph Hu
decek, eVfc lot 9. block 4. Van Camp's
ad 500
Waterloo Lodge No. 10. A. F. and A.
M. to D. G. Hopper, a tract adjoin
ing lots and 7. block I. Waterloo G00
W. T. Graham et al. to H. A. Wilson,
lot C block 1. I-akevlew ad 1.200
Rosa Clark and husband to Fred
Evans, lot 13, block 136. Bouth
Omaha l.Sot
Halt Claim Heeds.
William Houghton to Peter Gosling,
lot 24. Burdens Court and lot .4
Burdett Court Annas 400
Total S-3,ltiJ