Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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Core Grand Lodge Contention with Ban
quet at Metropolitan Club,
Sernres It After Spirited Contest with
Milwaukee Omahan Given Places
a fteveral Principal
A banquet at the Metropolitan club last
night closed the thlrty-nfth annual conven
tion of district grand lodge No. . Indepen
dent Order B'nal B'rlth. Ths last of th
business had been transacted and Anal ad
journment taken at 4:15 In the afternoon,
making the convention of but two day's
Dea Moines got the nest meeting from
Milwaukee after a spirited contest tnvolv.
ing forty-five minutes of oratory by tha
advocates of the two placee. The new
finance committee announced yesterday
afternoon Includes M. GuetteU M. Rlese and
H. Solomon, all of Chicago, where the head
quarters of the district ts located. Tha
new committee on Intellectual advancement
comprises Israel Co wen, Chicago; Jacob
Ely, Grand Rapids; Charles L. Aarons,
Milwaukee; Arnold Wolff. Chicago; W. 8.
Newberger, Chicago; B. Ginsberg, Detroit,
H. Riegelman, Xes Moines, and M. L.
8ugarman, Omaha.
State deputies for the year are: Illinois,
A. J. Newberger, Chicago; Michigan, M. H.
Wise. Detroit; Mlnneaota, Jonas Well,
Minneapolis; Iowa, O. Hockman, Council
Bluffs; Nebraska, C. Brandels, Omaha.
For Immigrant Distribution.
In the closing hour of the session Harry
A. Lipsky, manager of the industrial re
moval office at Chicago, made an earnest
and loudly applauded appeal for co-opera
tion in the work he represents, which work
Is that of diverting Jewish Immigration
from the congested parts of New York
and other cities Into the small towns of
the nation and clearing out the ghettos
The Industrial Removal society Is prac
tically an outgrowth or continuation of
the Roumanian committee, born at the
time of the massacres and rery sjccess-
ful In its labors. Mr. Lipsky stated that
there are 350,000 people in on square tulle
of New Tork City, but that the Retrieval
society expects to take out 0,000 cf them
this year and to continue the work until
all are cleared. His closing remark to the
convention was: "We must break up
these ghettos In New Tork, Philadelphia
and wherever else they may exist, and so
divert our Immigration that never again
will such disease-breeding and Immoral
ity-fostering congestions exist,"
Having elected its officers at the Sun
day session, the - convention yesterday
morning turned Its attention to Incidental
matters and adopted a resolution which
pledges the members of the order to give
financial and other support to the recently
outraged Jews of Russia and empowers
the general committee to memirallie the
government at Washington If it sees fit.
The resolution -was drafted uy a special
committee appointed yesterday aid headed
by Judge Philip Stein of Chicago. It reads:
We have heard with feelings of Inex
pressible horror of the fiendish outrages
lately committed upon our co-rellglonlsts
In and around Klshenlff, Russia, and stand
aghast at the thought that such atrocities,
worthy of savages oevoid of all civilisation,
could have been perpetrated In the opening
years of the twentieth century. Our hearts
go out in sympatny to our siricicen oretn
ten and we stand ready at any and all
times to render them wnatever assistance,
financial or otherwise, their necessities may
demand, and to take such action in the
premises, so far as this may be possible, ss
will lead to the absolute prevention of any
repetition of the outrages in question. We
therefore recommend that the Incoming
general committee be authorised to Issue
an appeal to lodges and others for pe
cuniary help and that It be left to their
Judgment and discretion to memorialise.
If tney see fit. the government at Washing
ton fur the adoption of all proper measures
and to take sucn other and further steps as
In their opinion the emergency may now or
hereinafter require.
Personnel of General Committee.
The general committee upon which la
thus made to devolve responsibility for
future action Includes Judge Stein, A. B.
Eeelenfreund, both of Chicago, 8. Living
ston of Bloomlngton and William Tauslg,
Other committees ar.4 trustees named
yesterday were: - Endowment trustees,
H. Hirsch, D. Adler and H. Swimmer, all
of whom are already serving In such
capacity; Cleveland Orphan asylum
trustees, A. Loeb, B. Heavenrlch, U H
Heller and S. Woolner; Denver Asylum for
Consumptives trustee, Israel Cowen. The
Intellectual advancement committee Is yet
to be named.
At yesterday's meeting there was
Skin, Scalp and Blood
From Pimples' to Scrofula
From Infancy to Age
Speedily Cured by Cuticura
When Ail Elsa Fails.
, .The agonlitng Itching and bom log of
the eklo, aglnEcgemaj the frtghtfar
acellng, as la peorleata, the loss of hair
and crusting of the scalp, a la scalled
heads the facial disfigurement, a la
acne and rlnmrormi the awfal goffer
ing of Infanta, and anxiety of worn
out parent, aa la milk cruet, tetter and
salt rheum, all demand a remedy of
almost superhuman virtues to ucoess
fully cope with them. That Cuticura
Soap, Ointment and Resolvent are each
stands proven beyond all doubt. Mo
statement la made regarding them that
la not Justified by the strongest .evt
deuce. The parity and gweetneae, the
power to afford Immediate relief, the
certainty of speedy and permanent cure,
tha absolute safety and great economy,
hare made them the standard aim
cares, blood purifier and hnmoar reme
dies of the civilised world.
Bathe the affected part with hot
water and Cnticure Soap, to cleans lb
surf ace of crasU and scales and soften
the thickened cotlcle. Dry, without
rubbing, and apply CnUcara OlnU
ment freely, to allay Itching, Irritation
and Inflammation, and sooth and heal,
and, lastly, take Cuticura Resolvent, to
cool and cleans the blood. Thia oora
plete local and constitutional treatment
a Horde Instant relief, permit rest and
leep la the severest forma of ecseme
and other ltcblog, barn lug end scalr
humours of the skta. scalp an wood,
and points to a speedy, permanent and
economical core when all else falls.
ton. W Ca, C to4 ,.
r. m W .
Iter lt Cro. . 1VJ'
ass-liaa, USUI
brought up snd discussed a proposition to
chang th Isws of the order to make it
possible for holders of endowment policies
therein to designate who shall be their
beneficiaries Instead of making it Impera
tive that an endowment when paid after
death shall be divided among the members
of the tiecased's family. The general
sentiment of the convention seemed to be
favorable to the change because of It
making possible a reward lor those who
care for old people snd keep up the latter'a
uea, but final action will not be taken
until It Is ascertained If the change will
b contrary to the statutory enactments
of Illinois, ss some fear. The Nebraska
lodge Is th only on in Omaha having
th endowment feature.
Secretary's Report.
From Secretary Hamburgher's report are
taken the following:
Urand total receipts since last annual
report to date, January is, ls)0i;
or endowment, assessments to
date r ns iw
For orphan asylum dues to date... 6u
or uisinct grand lodge per capita
to date ' ... 2.4.19 19
For constitution grand lodge per
i-Kpiia 10 oate 1, ioi uu
Grand total receipts for 1901, from
January , io January is,
190J $36,041 7B
Grand total disbursements to date since
Isat anual report, 1902:
By M. M. Hireh, chairman endow
ment trustees $26,80S 06
By M. Buchman, secretary Orphan
asylum i,0
By David Pisch, treasurer district
grand lodge No. 6 2,439 19
By S. Sulzberger, secretary execu
tive committee c u. u w
Orand total disbursements to date.
January is, 1903 v.tni
The mamberahlD of the district, as per
last annual report. 1901, December SI, wa
1.266 endowment members, and 667 nonen
dowment members, a total membership at
said date of 1.9X1. The membership at this
date, December 81, 1903. In accordance with
reports from the lodges received ny me, is
1,203 endowment and 14 nonendowment
members, a total of 8,017. being a net gain
of 76 on December 81, 1902.
Report of the Treasurer.
The report of Treasurer David Fish
showed receipts, (Inclusive of the original
balance of 8503.68 on hand), amounting to
82.944.87, and disbursements of 81.734.40,
leaving a balance of 81.210.47 when this last
report was complied early In the present
The convention at yesterday's session
voted $150 for the us of th Intellectual
advancement committee, and authorised
th printing of 2,600 copies of th by-laws
for general distribution. a gnecess.
The hanmiet at ntffht was riven by Ne
braska inrfare No. 1&4. l. O. O. B.. In honor
of visiting delegates and was served In
the main banquet room, which had Been
most elegantly adorned with greens and
Ialdor Zlegler, as toastmaster, first ln-
tmAwfmA nv A. Rlmnn of Omaha, who In
responding to the toast, "Facing the Fu
ture," took occasion to mention ine gun
that has seemed to exist between the
synagogue and the B nal B rltn and to
toast the day when they shall unite mors
closely In the effort to strengthen Jewish
manhood and womanhood.
itnn Artnlf of Chicago. Introduced
as "the Tom Reed of the order," toasted
Tii. n-nai Wrlth." declaring It the Salva
tion Army of Judaism, tracing Its sixty
years of history and the gooa worn u nas
iinnii In the establishment of many hospi
tals, llbrsrles, asylums and orphanages, be
sides giving millions to widows; tmrami
i, - wannnaihia for Secretary Hay taking
so firm a stand on the Roumanian uusstlon
and appealing for co-operation wun u or
In It as a means of meeting the Inflow of
Russian Jews that must result from pres
ent atrocities.
Hon. Edward Rosewater. introduced aa a
national character of whom the Jewish
people are proud, because he came cf sim
ilar stock and is a seu-maue -sponded
informally to the t jast, "The
Press," reviewing some of th difficulties
besetting th Journalistic path ahd re
counting Incident, amusing or otherwise,
In his own career.
Editor Mnat Be Fearless.
"inn. neranns." he said, "presumo an
nnw in K n encvclonadea. He Is not
that, but he must be constantly leading
and studying, must digest rapiail wnt no
learns and must grind on persistently with
out fear, experssing, u no m w.-. ...
...,. Ma convictions fearlnssly. Loss
of property and even loss of life ar potsl-
bllttte when must not uewr
u . a.mitai irnls of Kslamasoo. Mich.,
who was to have spoken of "The Jew In
American Politic," was preven-ea uum
being present by unforeseen clrcumtan.Ms.
Accordingly the next speaker was District
President Strelltsky or urana rapm.
.urt.. We Have Done." He talked
particularly of the work of the Jewish
orphanage at cieveiana, v.. ,
William McKiniey, ana - v..
members of th order could see .ow chil
dren r treated ther they would be more
than proud. He reviewed also, but briefly,
the work being accomplished by other In
itiations launched ana supponea oy wio
3'nal B'rlth.
n a of Chicago, a re
markably eloquent speaker, answered the
question. "Have we a ruiure; uy
. .mnhnllc. affirmative. "There Is
that in our religion." he said, which can
not o. which mint surviv siu xjui mere
. .-v work to b done. The
IB UIUVII ... . '
Jew ha not com Into his own. It is Mill
th Jew against the world, oingic-nana-a
and alone he has to cut his way through
tremendous odds. But tne nner i u
fallen upon him. mere are Mvrwi uun-.
. h rw.rf nrmed. 'I he reckoning is
inn in"". "v . ,
.. H.k -.n. but with God. So long as
truth lies prostrate so long must th Jew,
repairing to Bis waicn
oaue. his lodg and from litem tend furth
to the world ma.oenaiw.-e. -ture
and that futur la wrtttet In the
aaur of th aky."
jaw Practical Dreamer.
imnn Bloom of Omeha spoke on "The
jw His Dream of Empire," conceding
that the Jew is a dreamer and long has
been a dreamer. H maintained that the
t . i. nnt an idle dreamer, but on whose
dreams hare been of humanity and whose
efforts have been for th good 01 men 01
tries ons who beat feels
for others because he has himself suffered.
Hon. Martin Emrlcn ot cnicago cioaea
the speaking at 11 : with aome felicitous
remarks so humorous as to set th ben
quetera laughing most heartily. Thereafter
for an hour er two ths younger portion of
th banqueting party of 170 danced.
Following ar tn commmni w.iw
neered th very successful nights snter-
Ulnment and festivity;
Committee of Arrangement-
chairman; M. lvy. L. Harris. I Zlegler.
B Bloom, riaoui . cum"... .
man; 8 Bloom, Rabbi A. Simon. floL Degen.
D. Klrscnnraun, i"'" '
man: J. Furth, C Brandels. Sam Kats.
Banquet CommitteeNat Spleaberger.
chairman: S. Kats. Bol Degen. N. Bpie-
oers.r. r;.7P.htT Hi men.
Knieriainm-in --
chairman: M. Kvy S. 8ugarmn. M. Mor
ns J. luemii, " . .
Floor Committee-Harry L- Cohn. chairman-
Phillip Sohwaru. Henry Blum. Albert
Rosenthal. Henry Roeenthal. Louis Hlller.
M. Ollckman, L. Levin, Harry .Vraman.
Th banquet menu Included:
Fruit Salad.
Baited Almonds. Wafers.
Soup Tomato.
Olives. Sautern.
Sweet Bread.
Mushrooms. Radlah.
Bquab on Toast.
Pont Caret.
New Potatoes. Pass.
Tomatoes. Cucumbers.
Ice Cream.
Assuitsd Cak. Candlea.
DlTlaloa of Ward on flaarall Maes
Is Vlaoroosly Opposed by
F. C. Craig waa' elected ss second vice
president and C. A. McKenxle secretary ot
the North Omaha Improvement club last
night. A committee was appointed to con
fer with the Woman's auxiliary aa to time
and place of meetings.
A resolution, Introduced by W. T. John
son, was adopted, as follows:
Whereas, This club hss stood for sev
eral years for the division of the north
end of the Fifth snd Sixth wards into a
new and separate wsrd in order that proper
representation might be had In the city
council, and
Whereas. An attempt has been made to
secure a division of the wards disregard
ing the well known and often cx,rf-eed
wishes of the north end: therefore 1-e It
Resolved, That this club dlsrenrd the
attempt as high-handed and aa worthy ot
unmeasured condemnation.
C. O. Lobeck took occasion to say that
he was opposed to the revision of the ward
lines by the present city council end had
only voted on the original ordinance to
permit Its first and second reading snd
reference to committee In defense rf th
right of free speech and that he had re
fused to vote for a new ordinance some
what like the present ordinance when It
was proposed to Introduce one after Judge
Dickinson had offered to modify Ms re
straining order to permit that action. He
said that residents of the Fifth ward were
opposed to dividing that ward anl adding
the north end to the south end of the Sixth
ward. He said that as member of the
board of Public Works he Intended to visit
Improvement clubs In various parts cf the
city In order to learn what the people of
the various communities desire in the way
of public improvements.
i W. F. Johnson also Introduced a resolu
tion as follows:
Resolved, That the secretary and presi
dent of this club notify his excellency.
Governor Mickey, that It Is the senso ot
this club that In the further appointment
of members of the Are and police board of
Omaha the governor ought to pledpe his
appointees In advance first, to nonpartlsan
shlu In Its management of the interests
under their control, snd, second, to a strict
enforcement of the laws of the state.
The resolution was adopted unanimously.
Short Session Attends to Many Ron
tine Matters of the Depart
ments. The Board of Fire and Police Commis
sioners met yesterday evening briefly and
harmoniously. Mayor Moores presided
and Messrs Broatch, Ppratlen and Thomas
were present. . Bills for the two depart
ments for sundry expenses, Including some
of those Incident to the reception of Presi
dent Roosevelt, were examined and ap
proved. John A. Rello, plpeman of No. t
and Lieutenant Charles Mattson of Hook
and Ladder company No. 4 were granted
the yearly ten days leave, but the time
left to the discretion of Chief Salter.
Charges of using profane language were
preferred against Scott 8. Stover and the
matter was deferred until the next meet
ing for decision. It was decided to have
the patrol horses shod at the shop of Den
nis Cunningham, which is close to ths
police station.
Members of the board of Castellar Street
Presbyterian church appeared with a peti
tion asking the revocation of tha liquor
license granted to George T. Tlerney for a
saloon at 2302 South Sixteenth street which
was granted during February. The peti
tion was signed by th officers and trustees
of the church and by twenty-five other
persons, and alleged that the saloon, which
Is now in course of building, and which
stands only one block from- the church,
will have an evil influence on the work of
the churclt. Action In the matter was
deferred until the next meeting, so that
the city attorney could be consulted as to
the authority of the board to take th
action desired by the congregation.
Chicago Capitalist Pays Sa,70O,0O0
for Rich Indiana Fnel
TERRE HAUTE. Ind.. May 18 John R.
Wslsh of Chicago, has purchased the
Kelleyvtlle mine, near Danville, 111., for
82.700,000. The purchases Include 6,200
ucres of coal land. The mines employ
2,700 men and have a capacity of 13,000 tons
Lean dry Driver Robbed
Roland Deacon of 2918 North Twentv.
fourth street, driver for the Domestic
laundry, yesterday reported to the police
that he had ben stopped at Fortv fouilh
and Charles streets by six men enl robbed
or tne money ne naa wun mm. which was
between 82 and 83. The men saw him ap
proach, said Deacon, as he was coinu his
rounds shortly after 8 o'clock and. ca'lina
out scab, ordered him to come down. One
of the number drove the wagon away snd
soon came back. The men Hsked young
Deacon for his money and then went uwuy.
He soon found his wagon tied at I crty
second and Cuming streets. Th police are
Inclined to believe that th! N nj work ot
the strikers, and Deacon, hhnstjf held ths
same opinion. He says that thy were
rather disreputable poking men tnl that
after they had taken his won ihev said
no more about strikes. Poacon has driven
for the laundry for several month.
O. F. Damon snd Henry P. Kolh hava
Incorporated the Damnn-Kolb Notion com
pany wun a capital siock oi fiuu.uuo. The
new firm will engage In the wholesale
trade In Omahi, dealing in dry goods and
similar articles.
Sophrona Jones, widow of A. D. Jones
has filed petition In the county court ask
ing that B. N. Robertson be nppolntel
additional executor of the will of her late
husband. She alleges that because of ex
treme age she Is incompetent to carry out
the provisions of the will.
Mrs. Christina Bchlanck of 211 South
Eighteenth street was knocked down at
Seventeenth and Capitol avenue vesterdav
afternoon by a carelessly ridden horse snd
somewnat snanen and nruised. she waa
taken Into a nearby ahOD and Polio
Surgeon Trostler called. Bhe waa soon able
to go nome a ion, i ne norse was from
the Palace stables and rldd-n by u ntgro
boy named Elmer Rhodes.
Eddie Marnell had the ixpeiii!ioe rf
seeing a stranger drive away Hli his
horse snd buggy yesterday evening from
the post in front of Haarmann's Dickie
factory at Twentieth and Doreas a' reels,
where he had been visiting. Marnell savs
that he heard the horse's fejt on the
pavement and, going to the loir, s.iw Ihe
rig pass under th electric light iih a man
on the seat.
Man must
be vigorous
H must be well full of the
st react anal vler of
root. H mnat nave the
rsaraae to proeecuts th work
before him. He mnat be able
to concentrate hla aalna upon
that work. He mnat be able
to sleep and eat. He must tak
ne aoes mai, an mma
will tak car tit them-
Ursy s
JJerve Food Pills
ITbu'll gtl
sr Just what he needs. Ons
box. ttl.ooi, usually cures
three boxes. (1160). always
cure one pill sfter each meal
snd at bedtime a neat little
box to fit tn vest pocket. Ba-
f;ln today. It's th best stlmu
snt you csn take.
Leading druggists In all Urge
cities sell them.
For sal in Omaha by
fberman & McConneU Drug- Co.
16th and Dodge 6treets.
Mall orders filial.
Tempting Offers from Elsewhere Attract
Maoj of tie Striken.
team Lnnndrles Start Is with Par
tlal Forres, Among Them torn
from Strikers, and gome
Tram Drivers Desert.
One effect of the present strikes In Omaha
on which will be materially felt la thst
a large number of the workmen are leav
ing or preparing to leave the city. Fifty
carpenters out of probably 150 who went
on strike have secured employment In
Cheyenne under union conditions and will
leave at once for that place. Other car
penters are preparing to go to other places.
In addition to these, many of the elec
trical workers who hsve figured In th
strike have obtained steady work else
where and are "packing up" to start for
their new places of employment end resi
dence. Neither of these two crafts stands out
conspicuously at this stsge of the strike,
though th carpenters cut a much greater
figure than is apparent They, with other
building trades unions, ar tied up and will
be unable to turn a hand until the team
sters' strike is settled. This simply means
that the great volume of new building that
was started muat wait until all matters
are adjusted. And while, since the team
sters have conceded the two cardinal points
of no boycotts and sympathetic strikes, an
early settlement seems possible, it will
naturally require some little time to run
the full length and patch up the differ
ences with all the various organisations.
Impressed with this fact. In view of the
rapidly fleeting season, the divers uncer
tainties of a settlement and tempted by
flattering offers elsewhere, the carpenters
and electrical workers, many of them, have
taken advantage of their opportunities and
arranged to leave th city.
Hearing; of Injnncttoas.
Testerday afternoon saw the beginning
of the Inquiry Into the circumstances at
tending the applications for the Injunction
against the testaurant workers and the tat
ter's counter Injunction sgalnst the hotel
and restaurant owners. J. O. Yelser, for
the strikers, and T. J. Mahoney, for the
employers, appeared as the attorneys. The
proceedings are being held in the head
quarters building of the waiters on Farnam
street. The hearing yesterday was rather
preliminary In character, but on witness
really testifying. He was W. H. Balduff,
proprietor of the Balduff restaurant and a
member of the employers' press committee.
Mr. Balduff's (estlmony brought out the
co-operative spirit and purpose of the Busi
ness Men's sssoclatton. He testified that
that association, since the strike began,
contributed funds for the maintenance of
two of the smaller restaurants of the city
whose owners were among the number
that refused to sign the union scale. These
proprietors cast their lot with the Busi
ness Men's association and, not being able
financially to withstand the pressure of the
strike, received aid from the association.
Mr. Balduff further stated that the asso
ciation lent Its combined, influence to the
transfer companies in aiding them to bring
In new men from other cities. He said that
W. 8. Jardlne of .the Omaha Merchants'
Express and Transfer company was selected
as the special representative of the associa
tion to go to 8U Loiri and employ a cer
tain number, of men' to come here and sup
plant team drivers who had struck.
The Inquiry will be continued today and
perhaps many days to come, as both sides
of the case are to be probed.
Laundries Start Ip.
Testerday all the steam laundries that
were closed by the rtrike reopened and
fifteen girls left the rsnks of the strikers
and returned to their old positions. Six
teen union teamsters deserted and took up
their former places driving trsnsfer
wagons. At least this Is the statement
made by J. E. Crews, president of the
Team Drivers' union. The transfer com
panies put on many more wagons yester
day snd they count on Increasing the num
ber from day to day. W. S. Jardlne of the
Omaha Merchants' Express and Transfer
company said that he had almost a full
quota of teams, nearly ninety, at work and
that forty of his old men went back yes
terday. About thirty of these, however,
did not strike and were retained on regular
wages during the period they were Idle.
The teamsters believe the remainder of
.h.i. mn will stand out until the end.
The city still enjoys freedom from any
.......tinn nf disturbance due to the un
settled labor situation. With the Increased
number of teams at work came no viola
tion of th peaceful reign that has ob
... i .i,h fa-m axcentiona. since the tur-
moll began. Notwithstanding the quietude,
the pollc and sheriff are taking no chances
-....-riinar tha city with their spe-
anu i w m - .
cial forces. All teams ar attended by at
least one deputy sheriff. The 8.000 strikers
H.n nn nroaecutlna a peaceable con-
ntuiii m
test rather than engaging In violent dem
onstrations. '
Position of the Engineers.
nK. MmmlttM of the International
Union of Steam Englneera gives out the
Th. international Union of Steam En
gineer, on account of certain etatemente
being circulated, appointed a preaa Kom
i.... ,iana Itself rlaht before the pub
lic. On May 2, 1903. after a meeting with
the teamsters' committee, tn union voteo
. .i.rM a. i their Dosts until further orders.
On May 8, during a visit from committees
representing the Central Labor union, in
t.mtera and firemen, a motion was mads
to refuse to burn anything but fair coal,
but In an executive session it was round
to conflict somewhat with th constitution,
ss it was practically taxing steps toward
a sympathetic strike, and it was referred
to the International officers, who refused
..nHnn a movement of that kind and
recommended that If we had any grievance
we should arbitrate."
For I'nlon Lanndry Work.
As to ths restaurant and ths laundry
workers, they still assert their determina
tion to hold out for their original demands.
The laundry workers appear undisturbed
by the desertion of fifteen girls yesterday
morning and say they are fortifying their
position and will be able to maintain a
better front. They have arranged to open
a large "counting" room at 1S28 Capitol
avenue, where they will receive work that
will be sent to the laundries at Platts
mouth and Fremont, run on th co-operative
plan. The laundry workers havs ar
ranged to run theae two tabllihmenta
from ( in the afternoon until 7 In th morn
ing. Th Oarrett laundry here, which
signed the scale, la planning to keep three
shifts st work and run night and day.
The laundries that opened yesterday
morning have sent out a few wagons, but
made no effort to send out al! of them.
As ths laundry men advertised yester
day, they will depend on their customers
delivering their own goods for a few days
until things are more settled. Th laundry
men express themselves aa quite surprised
at the favorable conditions already. Th
laundry workers sr on weekly benefits,
as srs the teamsters and waiters. Ths
waiters yesterday received their first
Installment from their International at
Philadelphia. It waa a check ef tiOO sent
Common Sense
Wisdom and
Avoid medicinal and patent
process cereals which are
"ready-to-eat" and "predigested.
Use your common sense. Is
Petti folhok
is Whole Wheat not altered in an
attempt to improve on Nature. Its
strength has not been cooked,
At all grocers.
to Business Agent Hart. The full amount
already voted ts 110,000.
Morseshoera Ont Again.
Forty-flv Journeymen horseshoers, hav
ing again locked horns with their em
ployers, have once more joined the ranks
of strikers. This time the trouble Is over
the labels. The master horseshoers have
a label and the Journeymen have a label.
Both want these labels on the shoes that
are turned out. About a years ago the
same controversy arose and the journey
men won out sgalnst the protest of the
mastermen. Now the mastermen renew
their fight. They demand that their label
be Imprinted on the shoes, to the exclusion
of the label of the journeymen. Th
Journeymen contend that their label shall
be used and are willing to have the
masters' label also given a show. So when
the mastermen pressed the Issue of having
their label used exclusively the Journey
men walked out.
The freight handlers would seem to be
occupying a position of disadvantage in (he
prosent turmoil. Most of their places have
been filled and embargoes against their
return have been placed In effect by the
railroads. The Burlington, which claims
to have nearly a full force, and the Union
Pacific, Claiming a complete force, have
determined not to re-employ any of the men
who struck. The old forces are at work
at Illinois Central and Missouri Pacific and
It la understood at the Northwestern, wjiers
they did not strike. The railroads whose
men struck take the position that they
walked out without provocation, without
making any complaint or demand, and
that they cannot now return to work. The
freight handlers of course went out In
sympathy with and at the behest of ths
A Man Badly Injnred.
Or painfully hurt, burned, bruised or
wounded gets quick comfort from Bucklen's
Arnica Salve. It conquers pain. 25o. For
sale by Kuhn A Co.
Season's Work Brought to Close by a
Show of the Class
The gymnasium classes of the Toung
Women's Chrlatlsn association closed their
season's work last evening with a pro
gram of drills and ball games most en
tertaining to the audience of parents and
friends that crowded one half the floor
space .of the gymnasium, in the Paxton
block. The participants were members
of the beginning and Intermediate classes
and the program was intended chiefly to
show the various exercises that constitute
the regular class work rather than any
attempt at an exhibition, for the room Is
too cramped to admit of anything more
The program opened with a floral drill
by th claas of little girls who In pretty
white frocks, went through the various
figures snd exercises with hoops wound
with flowers. A dumbbell drill by the
intermediate class, was snother pleasing
feature. The first half of a basket ball
game between the afternoon and evening
classes came next, the participants being
afternoon center, Alice Stvens; forwards,
Ethel and Ella Marshall; guards, Bernice
McDowell and Margaret Langdon. Even
ing: Center, norence Parmalee; forwards,
Nellie Talbot and Floretta Walters;
guards, Gertrude McDowell and Mary
Bird. A five minutes Impromptu and a
gam of center ball occupied the Interval
befor th second half, the game resulting
21 to 11 In favor of the afternoon class.
After this week th physical culture
work will be entire) out ot doori until tha
opening ot .he classes In October.
Woman Wants Her Spons to Sailer
(or Making risy with
George Taylor and wife of Counril Bluffs
concluded some time sgo to dissolve pirt
nershlp and Mrs. Taylor came over to
Omaha and Is msklng her home with her
mother at 709 Pacific street. Last Friday
evening Taylor met her on the street in
company with another man. Taylor drew
a gun on the man. who fled. Mrs. Taylor
subsequently had him arrested. Ths chargu
sgalnst him was carrying cincealed
weapons. Taylor waa arraigned In police
court yesterday and fined 15 and costs
on that charge. This evidently did not
satisfy Mrs. Tsylor, so she has filed an
other complaint against him for asaault
and battery. Taylor waa rearrested snd
placed under fioo bonds for bis appearance
Tuesday morning.
May Yet Be gave.
All who bars severe lung troubles need
Dr. King's New Discovery for Cociump.
tlon. It cures or no pay. (0c, $100. For
tale br Kuba ft Co.
NfS a5
the Petti-Johnnys direct
there anything more in Wheat
than Wheat ? Fad foods are
man's substitutes. Beware
of them.
away. You cook it in your own
kitchen. You digest it in your own
stomach. It is Nature's health food.
A Cereta coupon in every package.
The headquarters of the National Ameri
can Woman Suffrage association have been
removed to Warren, O.. whore Miss Elisa
beth J. Hauser will act as headquarters
secretary. All orders for literature should
be sent to her. Mrs. Catt, president, and
Miss Kate Gordon, corresponding secretary,
will conduct their correspondence from
respective homes. Mrs. Carrie Chapman
Catt's address Is lfiO Bay Thirty-first street,
Bensonhurst, N. Y. Miss Kate Gordon's
address Is 1800 Prytanla street, New Or
leans, La. .
The May number of the Club Woman con
tains an Interesting article on the club
work of negro women, by Mrs. Booker T.
Washington. .There are about 600 organ
isations of eclored women In the United
States who ere working for the uplifting of
themselves and the colored race. Of these,
166 ere affiliated in the National Associa
tion of Colored Women, organised In 1S04.
This association Includes the Northeastern
Federation of Colored Women's clubs and
the Southern Federation, having among
Its members the representative women Vf
the race. The effort of Ihe Northeastern
Federation Is directed to the assistance of
the colored people and women who have
Immigrated from the south, and their work
along educational lines is most tnluable.
ceveral clubs have established homes for
the unprotected girls who come from the
south. These clubs, sslde from furnishing
hqmes4 afford Instruction In domestic work
and preparation for earning a living at
house work. The Southern Federation, be
cause condition are so widely different,
work along different lines, particularly to
ward raising the standard of the home life
of the southern negroes. Mothers' unions
are being established In all the towns and
villages, kindergartens sre maintained and
classes in domestic ucience supported.
The eeason's work at South Branch
Toung Women's Christian association will
close on Thursday evening with a program
and social at Grace chapel. Sixth and Wil
liam streets. The first number will be
a vocal solo by Miss Helen Hoagland; read
ing, "Mrs. Tubbs at the Sewing Circle,"
and another number, to be selected, by
Miss Spencer; a vocal solo by Miss Frances
Hoeder; deaf mute song, by Mrs. Emma V,
Byers; a dumb bell drill by the gymnasium
girls, and a vocal duet by Miss Hoagland
and M:ss Burgess. An admission fee of U
cents will be charged.
The association gymnasium closed Its sea
son last evening with a program Including
dumb bell drill and an Intercloss basket ball
The following commandments hsve been
arranged hy. a member of ths Denver
Woman's club, with the assurance that
they will be applicable to women In any
First Thou shalt have no other club be
fi re this one.
Socond Thou shalt not worship any false
'rhird Thou shalt not swear by the rich.
Fourth Remember your club engage
ments. Fifth Honor thy club sisters.
Sixth Thou (halt not murder the king's
beventh Thou shalt not 'commit blunders.
l.'.ghth Thou shalt not steal tea cups,
nor paint boxes, nor muffs.
Nlnth-Thou shalt not slander thy neigh
jf Keystone
When yon bay a watch, first select th works and
then tell the jeweler you want a Jaa. boss su tr
ailed Oold Case. To protect yourself from decep
tion be guided by the Keyatouo trade-mark which
you will find In svsry
VJatch Case
Better than an all-fold case because stronger;
Cheaper berauaa no gold IS wasted. 1 he Jss. lloa
Case is guaranteed for io year. Won't near ttilu.
Ban a lor nous.
Ths ttejritone VViich Cut Cemptsy, fhtUdclplii.
C)T. 19th and Leavenworth Streets.
the way.
bor, no, nor listen to slander.
Tenth Thou shalt not covet office.
The following haa been announced as
tlit purpose and object of the Mothers'
To raise the standards of home life. To
develop wiser, better trained parenthood.
To give young people, ignorant of the
proper care and training of chlldien, oppor
tunities to learn this, that they may bet
ter perform 'he duties cf parenthood.
To I ring Into closer relations the home
nnd Ihe rchool, that parent and teacher
nay co-operate Intelligently In the educa
tion c f the child.
To surround the childhood of the whole
world with that loving -wise care In th
Impressionable years of life, that will de
velop aood citixens, Instead of lswbreakera
and criminals.
To use systematic, earnest effort to this
end, through ihe formation of mothers'
clubs in every public school and elsewhere:
the establishment of kindergartens and
'.uws 7'hlch- will adequately care for neg
lected and dependent children.
To carry the mother-love and mother
thought Into all that concerns children In
home, schoo'., church, state or legislation.
To interest men and women to co-operate
in th work for purer, truer homes.
To tcure such legislation as will insure
that children of tender years may not b
tried In ordinary courts, but that each
town shell establish Juvenile courts snd
special officers, whose business It shall be
to look out for that rare which will rescue
Instead of confirm the child In evil ways.
To work for such probationary care In In
dividual homes, rather than Institutions.
To rouse the whole community to a sens
of Its duty and responsibility to th blame
less, dependent end neglected children, be
cause there is no philanthropy which will
so speedily reduce our taxes, reduce our
prison expenses, reduce the expense of In
stitutions for correction and reform.
The work of the convreaa la ivlr wnrb
In its. broadest and highest sense, and every
mnn or woman wno is interested in the
alms of the congress Is cordially Invited to
become a member and aid tn the organised
effort for a higher, nobler, national life,
which can only be attained through th In
dividual homes.
Sixteen members were present at the re
cent meeting of the executive hnart r h
Missouri Federation, held at Moberly, It
Deing tne largest meeting that haa yet been
he'.d, and th most enthusiastic as well.
There was unanimous endorsement of th
president's policy as shown through recent
reports of the district vice presidents and
biennial meetings of the state federation
Is predicted as the outcome.
A Remarkable Naval Keat.
One of the most remarkable fests In naval
affaire was the one recently accomplished
by one of England's battleships that of
sailing over 2.000 miles without a rudder.
It certainly reflects great credit' on Its offi
cers. There Is also great credit due Hos
tetter's Stomach Bitters for Ita unequalled
record of curea of dlsxiness, nausea, sour
stomach, Indigestion, dyspepsia, constipa
tion, billlntisness and malaria mad during
the last fifty ers. A trial will convince
you of Its value. Our Private Stamp Is
over the t.eck of th bottle.
Iowa Boy In Trouble
Iowa contributed another victim to its
long Hat of unfortunate visit rs to this
city last night in the person o' Itny Cook
of Dunlap, who came from his homo with
two other boys of that city and Intended
returning yesterday evening vlth them
But In some manner, he loes not know
Just how, he became separated i'-tm his
money U7-nd his companions also and
was left alone and penniless in a strange
city. He wandered Into the pollco Matlon
and told his story of misfortune, mention
ing that h had a relative !n the city, but
did not know where he lived. This itiod
was soon found and Cook irovdd for.
HALLKR Frank M., aged 28 year and I
nontha. May IX, at 2.30 a. m.
Funeral services Wednesday, May 20, at
t o'clock at teildence, o2 South Twenty,
seventh street, interment in Forest Lawn.
Ths Oldest, 5afet arid most
Reliable Cure for Alcoholism,
riorphin or other Drug Ad
dictions. Tobacco and Clra
rette Habit. All communica
tion confidential,
Wro. R. Burn, nanagcr