Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaiia Daily Bee.
Dally Bt-e (without Sunday). One Vear...$100
vliy n.e and ttunoiy, una Year
lhumralpd Bee, One Year ')
Sunday Bee. Cue ear J-JJ
rtnturday tirt. One wir
twentieth Century Farmer, One Yar.. 1.00
Dally Bee (without Sunday), per copy Ic
Daiiy Bee (without Sunday), per e.B....12o
Dally Bee (Including Hundu), per week.. 17c
Hunuay B't, per copy oo
Evening Bee (without Sunday). Pr wefk c
Evening Bee (Including (Sunday), per
week 10c
Complaint of irregularities In delivery
should be addressed to Cliy circulation De
partment. OFFICES.
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hail Building. Twenty-tilth
and M Streeta.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street.
Chicago 164 Unity Building.
New fork 1ZM Park Row Building.
Vaihingion 6ul fourteenth Streeu
Communlcatlona relating to newa and edl
tortai matter ahould be adaressed: Oman
bee. Editorial Department.
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Stat of Nebraska, Douglaa County, aa:
George B. Tzscbuck, secretary of The Be
Publlanlng Company, being duly worni
ays that the actual number of full and
complete coplea of The Dally, Morning
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during tn
month of April, livi, waa aa follows:
1 ....81.TTO 16 81,600
t sa.Boo 17 ai,M
83t,OUO 18 81,030
4 ,..,.33ao U K,HM
I 28.&80 20 Sl.&ttO
81,8)10 , 21 81,40
7 81,060 22 81.T10
t 81,000 23 31,ao
1 81,530 24 81,40
W 81.8TO 28 81.B30
11...., 8S.63V 26 87.1TO
12 88,410 27 81.0T0
11 8 1,1)20 M 81,010
14 ...Hl.BNO 29 81,000
U 8 1,000 80 81,130
Total e&o.auo
Leas unsold and returned copies.... 10,423
Net total sales ; ...,03,87
Net average sales 81,331
Subscribed In my presence and aworn to
before me thla lat day of May, A. D. 1903.
Notary Public.
The only way to arbitrate Is to
arbitrate. . .
Now watch ilascall light the fuse of
hia big dynamite cracker.
There ; la a divergence of vwacity
somewhere between the striking team
sters and their former employers.
If the Chicago Great Western Is to
reach the Missouri river with its trains
early in June it will have to hurry up.
It looks aa if Norman E. Mack, once
the chief champion of Bryanlsm in the
east, bad gone completely back on his
former patron saint
: The national democratic harmony
movement has reached the open letter
stage. ' The light artillery will be
brought into play next;,
Grover Cleveland may be bappy In
the consciousness that the privilege of
fishing is subject neither to age limit
nor to 'third term objections.
With Yale students acting as strike
breakers, complaint that American col
lege education is not conducted along
practical lines will have to be with
drawn. If Myron I). Karr could be made
mayor for just one week that thirteen-
ward ordinance would have the right of
way through the executive chamber of
the city hall.
The minister of one of Omaha's lead
ing churches has ventured to sermonize
on the benefits of trades unions. Tho
Business Men's association will have to
appoint a pulpit committee.
It Is worthy of remark once more that
no church' debts were being paid off
in any great profusion In the period just
preceding the advent of republican pros
perity under President McKinley.
President Roosevelt is said to have
stopped a ride in the Yosemite to lecture
a small boy on Incivility, The presl
dent has to do something in this line to
keep in practice while away from home.
The old adage that a fool can ask
questions which a very wise man may
not be able to answer is recalled by
thla inquiry propounded by a Chicago
man out of business : "Is the employer
to be forced to employ or the worker
forced to work aKtilust his will'"
Those Alaskan transportation com
panics must be neglecting part of their
business or we would have more stories
In circulation about fabulous gold Jlnds
as tempting bait for Alaskan lmmlgra
tlon. Perhaps they are working up a
new and more effective advertising
Two big amusement companies and a
circus took out of Omaha within twenty
four hours upward of f 15,000 captured
as gate money from our entertainment
seeking people, and this, too, at a time
when business is sadly interrupted by
great labor strike. Verily, Omaha is a
great show town.
The Denver Times hits the nail on the
bead when it snys lu relation to the
labor troubled that "at a time of strain
like the. present those who ure charged
with the mauagemcut of affairs should
do their best to be- absolutely frank In
a-ny statement which they put forth."
That1 will apply ip Omaha as it does In
According to estimates uiade by a
dentine expert over $50,Ki0.000 worth
of property la anuunlly destroyed in this
country by insects In various stages of
their development. If this is so, some
thing should certainly be done to stop
It Man cannot have his reputation
u!!led as the niot destructive creature
on God's footstool without au effort to
retrieve It
There continue to b intimations,
having a more or less plausible charac
ter, of secret movements hostile to the
nomination of President Roosevelt by
the next republican national convention.
It is very well understood that there is
considerable railroad opposition to
Mr. Roosevelt and It is quite safe to
assume that none of the trust magnates
desire his nomination. The antagonism
of these was expected from the moment
the president showed his determination
to enforce the laws. Finding Mr.
Roosevelt firm against their re
monstrances and entreaties the men
controlling .the great combinations
turned against blm and doubtless are
losing no opportunity to make their op
position effective. Without being dis
posed to underrate the Influence of this
hostility to the president we do not be
lieve it will be able to prevent his nomi
But it is said that certain prominent
republicans, leaders in their respective
states, are plotting against the presi
dent It Is difficult to believe that the
statement baa any substantial founda
tion,, for the men named in this connec
tion have been understood to be most
friendly to Mr. Roosevelt and to be in
accord with the overwhelming senti
ment of the republican party in favor of
his nomination. Moreover, it seems
most improbable that such republican
leaders as Senator Hanna and Senator
Fairbanks would adopt a course certain
to create more or less discord in the
party and thereby impair Its chances of
winning in the next national campaign.
They may not be altogether pleased and
satisfied with the president's course, but
as experience and sagacious politicians
they understand that party harmony is
essential to success next year and they
must also realize that their own politi
cal future very largely depends upon a
national republican victory in 1904.
Senator Hanna has frequently been
quoted as saying that he is not and will
not be a candidate for presidential nom
ination. It has been reported that he
even so stated to Mr. Roosevelt Sen
ator Fairbanks, while he has been
spoken of as a possibility, is not known
to have any support outside of Indiana.
We cannot think that either of these
distinguished republicans will imperil
their porty by allying themselves with
the railroad and trust opposition to
Theodore Roosevelt
Referring to this opposition the Bal
timore Amerlcan says: "It may be said
to these men once and for all that the
republican party will not turn Its back
upon Roosevelt at their bidding. In bis
attitude toward these men Mr. Roose
velt has championed the Interests of
the great body of the American popu
lace and, while the trust backers and
promoters may rail against him, ho hns
his supporters in the rank and file of
the people." Theodore Roosevelt is to
day firmly intrenched in the confidence
and the respect of a vast majority of
the American people. They know him
to be honest and sincere and to have
the courage to do what he believes to
be right. The people, not the combina
tions, will decide who shall be nomi
nated by the next republican national
convention and all signs indicate that
the decision will be overwhelmingly and
perhaps unanimously for Theodore
what cas ova gdvirxmkst Dot
When the Department of State was
asked by an official of the Jewish so
cieties in the United States to use its
good offices for securing permlsslon"to
distribute money and provisions to the
Jews at Kischlueff,. the American am
bassador at St. Petersburg was
promptly instructed to present the mat
ter to the Russian government. He was
officially informed that there was no oc
caslon for the donations, as no distress
existed, but that the charitable offer
from America waa appreciated and the
government of the United States
thanked for its interest
There is a feeling which has been
voiced in public meetings and expressed
in appeals to the State department that
our government should take some ac-
tlon by way of condemning the horrible
atrocities at Klschtneff, but however
strongly the Washington authorities
may sympathize with this feeling, they
do not see that they can properly do
anything. It has been assumed that
what was done in the case of the perse
cutlon of the Jews in Roumania fur
nished a precedent, but it is pointed out
that the circumstances are very differ
ent, since the effect of the Roumanian
expulsion was to drive many of the ex-
pelled people to this country. It ap
pears, therefore, that American con
demnation of the Klschlneff outrages
must be confined to such pooular ex
pressions as have already been made.
The charges of irregularities in the
PostofBce department preferred by the
former cashier of the Washington city
postofflce are sufficiently serious, but
they are not so startling as rumor bad
given reason to anticipate. The im
pression which had been conveyed was
that Mr. Tullocb would show that the
administration of postal affairs had
been altogether rotten, that irregulari
ties and abuses existed in every
bruuih of It. It is a relief to find, so
fnr as his statement is concerned, that
such was not the case and that the
wrongdoing was chiefly or wholly in a
single branch, for which a former first
assistant postmaster general is alleged
to have been mainly responsible.
There will b no disposition anywhere,
and certainly none on the part of the
present administration of the depart
ment, to minimize the seriousness of
the charges preferred. There should be
and uudoubtedly will be a thorough In
vestlgation of .them and if they are
proven to be well founded those who
were responsible for the irregularities
must be held to a just accountability.
This ayvears to be the determination
of the postmaster general and it can
confidently be said that President Roose
velt will permit nothing less. The pub
lic should bear in mind, however, thst
these disclosures cast no reflection upon
the present administration of the de
partment so that any attempt to make
political capital out of the unfortunate
scandal, as very likely will be done,
would be most unjust alike to the pres
ident and to the postmaster general.
These cannot fairly be held accountable
for abuses that were not discovered by
their predecessors.
Governor Yates of Illinois signed the
tax levy bill for 1903-1004 under pro
test The governor of Illinois declares
that the bill will bring Into the state
treasury $2,000,000 more than possibly
can be used for the next two years, and
asserts that were it not for the expense
involved he would have vetoed the bill
and convened the legislature in special
session to pass another one.
According to Governor Yates, the Illi
nois Central railroad alone will pay into
the state treasury during the years
1903-1004 $2,000,000 and the license fees
collected by the secretary of state will
aggregate $1,000,000. License fees and
taxes collected by the Insurance depart
ment $800,000, Inheritance tax $1,100,-
000, and miscellaneous sources $500,000,
making an aggregate of $5,400,000, or
$2,700,000 a year, exclusive of taxes
levied on real estate, personal property
and franchises of corporations, and ex
clusive also of all the taxes levied on
railroads excepting alone the Illinois
Central. .
A comparison between the revenues
of Illinois and Nebraska is not very
creditable to this state. The Illinois
Central alone pays nearly as much In
state taxes as do all the railroads in
Nebraska in- state, county, city and
school district taxes. The estimated rev
enue of the state of Illinois from licenses
and fees and from Inheritance taxes
collected by the eecretnry of state and
Insurance department aggregates for
the years 1903-1904 $3,400,000. The es
timated revenues from the same sources
in Nebraska for two years ure $100,-
The most suggestive thing of these
figures is the divergence between the
forced contributions of insurance com
panies and amounts collected from in
heritance tnx. The aggregate amount
of fees received by the auditor of Ne
braska for two years ending November
80, 1902. is $83,157.10, or $41,578.55 for
each year, and the total amount of in
heritance tax collected into the state
treasury during the two years ending
November 30, 1902, is' the munificent
sum of $64.74, which would seem to in
dicate an indisposition on the part of
Nebraskans to inherit anything of value
in these prosperous times..
The money appropriated by our late
legislature as Nebraska's contribution
to alleviate the drouth-stricken Finns
has been returned to Governor Mickey
by the Russian ambassador at Wash
ington with the Information that while
the generous feeling in prompting the
gift Is appreciated, Russia has taken
ample measures to relieve its own peo
ple. If every country that was able to
do so would pursue the same plan, a
stop would be put to much of the in
ternational begging, which is being al
most constantly pursued, chiefly by
professional charity workers. It Is cer
tainly to the credit of the Russian gov
ernment that it should decline a dona
tion not needed when it might Just as
well have accepted it and thus light
ened its own burden.
The report embodying the results of
the postofflce Investigation which Is
promised now within another month
will doubtless expose many vicious
practices that had grown up behind the
officialism of the department and show
where improvement can be made by re
organization, but it is pretty sure to fall
short in sensationalism of what the
newspaper hubbub on the subject has
led people to expect When all the sky
rockets are set off in advance, the bril
liancy of the set pieces Is obscured by
Members of the state board of rail
road assessment filed an answer in the
supreme court a year ago, stating under
oath that they had not taken franchise
values into consideration in making last
year's assessment of railroad property,
This year when pretending to include
franchise values, heretofore ignored, an
addition of from $50 to $300 per mile Is
made to a part of the mileage only,
while the rest Is left unchanged. The
question is, What became of the fran
chlse values?
To a man up a tree it looks very much
as if Mr. Harriman has led the officers
of the national and international boiler
makers' and machinists' unions another
pretty dance from San Francisco to New
York. Before the piece, work peace
adjusters recover their breath Mr. Harri
man will be sailing away for Europe
and the final settlement of differences
will be as far off as they were ten
months ago. The new name for pro
cra8tlnatlon is appendicitis.
The Kansas City Street Railway . and
Electric I4gbting companies have at
ranged for a merger of their propertl
and franchises on a capitalization
$45,000,000. Surface indications would
Justify the conclusion that the $5,000,
000 represent the value of the power
houses, machinery, trackage and over
head and underground wires, while
$40,000,000 will represent the estimated
value of the franchises.
Some of the members of the late
Douglas delegation assert that they had
no knowledge at the time the charter
amendment bill was passed that it was
designed to furnish a loophole for the
elf perpetuation of Hascull St Co. In
the council. Ail of whcb goes to show
that the corporation bosses do not al
ways take all their agents into their
confidence, although they manage to use
them Just th same.
Tendency of the Time.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
The building firms of New York having
formed an ontl-unlon union there Is hope
that we may eventually see the consumers
organising an anti-trust trust
Grover'a Great Lark.
Chicago News.
It Is certainly wonderful the way Grover
Cleveland's luck holds on. Right at this
critical Juncture Gum Shoe BUI Stone has
come forward to denounce htm.
Dcwer'a Vnlqae Deatlactloa.
New York World.
The president unveiled a monument to
Admiral Dewey at San Francisco the other
day. Dewey has the rather unique dis
tinction of Ihavlng monument erected to
Mm while he Is able to judge for himself
of their artistic fitness.
Growing Defacement of Cities.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat
American cities are a long way behind
those In Europe In the art of making
streets beautiful with window gardening.
Streets In thla country "bloom" chiefly with
enormous fences, plastered over with all
sorts of advertising deformities, a privilege
for which the cities defaced receive but a
No Room for Grover,
New York Tribune.
There are at least three dissensions In
space. Nobody disputes that self-evident
fact. Some philosophers and some politi
cians think there are more. Colonel Wil
liam Jennings Bryan of Nebraska, Is will
ing to concede that there may be more than
three, but while he la ready tq admit that
there may be room for him In one dimen
sion or another In politics he is positive in
the conviction that any Princeton candi
date for the presidency should be barred
outside the limits.
Puts Core Ahead of Convention,
Washington Post.
We gather from the scientific controversy
over Dr. Lorens and his methods that he
has the confidence and approval of a large
majority of the profession, while those who
criticise him unfavorably find fault chiefly
because he does not handle his patients ac
cording to their Ideas. But he has shocked
a number of worthy gentlemen by doing
things In his own way rather than In theirs.
And this, from time immemorial, has been
regarded as a crime by scientific gentlemen
of a certain variety. Dr. Lorens, In a word,
seems to think that a cure Is more to be
desired than a strict observance of cut-and-drled
President Roosevelt's Visit to the
Monarcha of the Forest. y
San Francisco Chronicle.
President Koosevelt obtained a first
glimpse of California's big trees In Santa
Crus county, and he paid a graceful tribute
there to the strong sentiment which pre
vails throughout the state for the preser
vation of the monarcha of the forest. "Thla
is my first glimpse of the big trees," be
said, while standing ' under the shadow of
the grove. "I desire to pay tribute to the
associations, private1 owners and state for
preserving these tree; also to th citizens
who acted In co-operation with the state
In preserving theses-wonderful trees." He
then seised opportunity to rebuke the spirit
of vandalism which: -prompts acme foolish
people to deface the beauties of nature for
the gratification off personal vanity. "All
of us desire -to see . nature preserved," he
aid. "Above all, the -trees should not be
marred by placing cards or names on them.
People who do that 'should be sternly dis
couraged. Card give an air of ridicule
to the solemn and majestic giants. They
should be taken down." The suggestion
bore fruit on the spot, for, while the presi
dent strolled alone . through the grove to
enjoy Its beauties unmolested, the crowd
which he had Just addressed removed at
once the evidences of vandalism which had
given offense to his sight.
However, there waa a promise of some
thing more in this injunction to protect
these giant redwoods from destruction.
'See to It that the trees are preserved.
You can never replace a tree," he reminded
his hearers. "Preserve and keep what na
ture has done." As the president's atten
tion has been specially called to the status
of the Calaveraa and Mariposa groves, on
of which he will visit In the course of the
week, there Is more than ordinary algnlff
cance undoubtedly In this injunction for
the preservation of these wonderful pro
ductions of nature. The president appre
ciates these rare natural curiosities, and
wll' doubtless do something for their per
petual preservation. . We may rest secure
that he will never allow them to fall vic
tims to the lumberman's ax and the greed
of commercialism, which have been the
means of making the mammoth sequoia
groves of the Sierra objects of mercenary
Weight of Cereals Grown In tho
In I ted States la One Year.
From Success.
The story of American agriculture has
been the story of our growth In population
and of the extension of our national
domain a record without a parallel In the
history of the world. A Chicago man once
said that he had lied a great many times
about the growth of his city, but Provi
dence had alwaya quickly come to hi
relief. It would take a gifted liar to over
state the growth of our agriculture or
exaggerate the marvel of Its present pro
portions. The difficulty Is to prod Imagina
tion to any appreciation of the simple
Uncle Sam already occupies the first
rank among the farmers of the world In
the magnitude and value of his crop.
Although hi family constitutes only one
twentieth of the human race, he produces
nearly one-third of the world's food supply,
while Russia, which comes next as a food
producer, has one-twelfth of the world's
population and supplies less than one-fifth
of its food. Compare our wheat crop for
1900 with that of the other leading wheat
countries of the world.
Country. Bushels.
Vnitfd States 5.',(W
Husala In Europe 3M.tSM.u
France 3e.3M,Hli
British India Iffi.&M.oai
Germany Ul,139,ri0
Hungary 133.0.fiou
Italy US.TM.OW
Spain 10), 0-0,000
Argentine loi.DM.Oou
Great Britain 66.330,000
The expert (not official) estimate of our
wheat crop for the past year la 700,600,000
bushel and the same authority place our
corn crop at 1,689,961,000 bushels, which
equala the output of wheat for the entire
world In 1900.
We are told by the government authority
that our crop of cereala for a single year la
90,000,000 tona. Let Ud try to get hold of
theae figures, so that they will mean some
thing to us. How long a train of car
would be required to ship this crop, allow.
Ing forty feet outside measurement to
each car, and ten tons of grain to each?
If we hud a double track belting the globe
at the equator, these cars loaded with our
grain crop for a single year would fill both
tracks solid and then enough would be aide
tracked to reach from New York to San
Francisco six times I -
Minor Icm and Incident Sketched
a the Spot.
For over forty year John Fogarty, an
army veteran, carried In his neck a re
minder of Indian warfare. Fogarty was a
sergeant in the First eavalry and while In
Death Valley In ISfiO he was hit In the neck
by an arrow fired by an Apache Indian. He
was one of a party of soldiers riding down
a mountain side, when a redskin fired an
arrow. The missile hit Fognrty In the
neck and he fell from his horse. The In
dian wa promptly killed by the troopers,
who pulled the arrow from Fogarty's neck,
leaving behind, however, some portions of
the piece of flint that formed the tip of the
arrow. The surgeon probed for It unsuc
cessfully, and the wound cloned with the
fragments still Imbedded In the bone. The
souvenir of the fight of Death Valley caused
the soldier little trouble for many years,
but lately It has given him acute pnln. Re
cently h went to th Army Medical Mu
seum in Washington and had an X-ray
picture of his neck taken, which clearly
showed the bits of flint still in position.
In the course of a few days the army
surgeons will remove the remnants of the
arrow head, after which Fogarty hopes to
be relieved of pain.
"The fifty pages of Itemized expedltures,
as reported to the secretary of the treas
ury by the government bookkeeping de
partment, are Interesting reading to all
Americans," says a writer In Success.
"They show how complex Is the financial
management of a government like our own.
One must be struck by the great variety
of Interests the Treasury department over
sees In keeping the wheels of government
"Of the 86,000 persons on the Treasury de
partment rolls, some 16,000 are at work
caring for the funds. The collection of the
revenue and the payment of authorized
debts are done in a systematic business
way, and nowhere in the world Is (there to
be found a great commercial Institution
more perfectly managed than the United
States treasury. Its billion-dollar business,
operating around the world and dealing
with 80,000,000 of people, Is so finely or
ganised that, at the close of every day, the
exact financial condition of the government
is known to a cent. The daily public re
port of the condition of the treasury, which
the newspapers bring to business men's
breakfast tables, from Maine to California,
gives in detail the day's receipts and ex
penditures of the government, and the com
plete count of all the moneys In the treas
ury. The handling of many billions of
funds In the course of a year by the treas
ury's 26,000 employes Is rarely marked by
an error. The auditing departments In
Washington are marvels of business or
ganisation, that for the Postofflce depart
ment being the largest auditing office In
the world."
The remarkable resemblance of Dr. A.
P. Fardon, of Washington to the late Presi
dent Abraham Lincoln has been the sub
ject of comment for many years by the
people who have known both men, and
especially who have seen them together.
Aa Dr. Fardon has grown older In years,
says th Star, his resemolance to the
martyr president of the civil war has be
come more pronounced to those . whose
acquaintance with Lincoln wa at a time
when hi age wa about that of Dr Fardon
When Dr. Fardon stopped in Washington
at th close of the war on hi way to hi
home In New Jersey he called on Presi
dent Lincoln, who expressed a wish that
the doctor might remain in this city and
accept an. appointment to a position under
the government in which he particularly
desired hi ervlce. The doctor was then
a young roan, but still his resemblance to
Lincoln was striking.
"If you lived down in Kentucky," said
th president to him one day, "you and I
would pass for father and son. Just wait
until you are as old as I am and you will
be Just as homely," concluded the presi
dent In assuring tones. President Lincoln's
untimely death prevented him from carry
ing out his purpose In relation to Dr.
Fardon's appointment to a position unaer
the government.
Isaac Jackaon of Glossop, England, is
In Washington making plans to recover
his rights in a patent which he lost through
carelessness. He Invented some years ago
device for fastening belting, which was
protected in the United States. As he was
busy with the manufacture of the fastener
In England, he sold the American rights
to a firm In Newark, N. J. Later he bought
back the rights, but failed to have the fact
of the purchase recorded at the Patent
Office. That was a fatal error, for when
Jackaon arrived here last week to look up
the matter he was Informed that, accord
ing to the official records, the Newark firm
waa still the owner of the manufacturing
rights In this country. In the absence of
the receipt of a notification of the transfer
back to the original owner, the Patent
Office holds that the Newark firm controls
the rights In' America. The Newark
firm evidently holds the same view, for it
seems that It has been manufacturing the
belt fastener for the past four or five years.
Jackson aay he proposes to bring suit to
recover his losses from the manufacture
of the fastener In the United States.
Chicago New: If that Injunction Issued
in Omaha restraining a woman from talk
ing could be put up In small package for
the trade how many men would be tempted
to take a few home to the loved ones?
Baltimore American: The Omaha Judge
who Is trying to reatraln by Injunction a
woman's tongue from gossip may mean
well, but he is destined to learn that lomn
natural forcea are beyond the control of
mere human power.
Chicago Inter Ocean: Ther eem to be
nothing for Mr. Berge to do ave quit
talking, or to rent a room opposite the
Dodge apartmenta, where, on the pretense
of practicing elocution, he might now and
then Interpolate sentence intended for the
ears of Mra Dodge and Mr. Dodge' ten
ant across the way. Or she might sit In a
window and make faces at them, or she
might rent an automatic talking . machine
which would express her views from rec
ords carefully prepared for the purpose.
Btlll, we would not advise her to have re
courae to any of the device, because the
Injunction, aa It 1 understood In this coun
try today, exercise a power that reache
far and might even be employed to pre
vent her from breathing the ame atmos-
pher with Mr. Dodge.
Chicago Record-Herald: The result of
th Impact when Greek meet Greek 1
awaited with Interest all over the country.
The conversational facilities of an Irate
and Incensed woman are something an In
junction ha not a yet encountered. The
Injunction writ ha tackled almost every
thing els It has been used to tie up rail
way systems and to stop labor organiza
tion from Interfering with the operation
of railway train. In Omaha the other day
a Judge enjoined th business men from
boycotting striker or conspiring to Inter
fere with th plans of union labor. St
Lou la has asked the supreme court to en
join the flow of our great sanitary canal
But these are trifling matter compared
to stopping th flow of language from a
woman who has a message or a grievance.
The haughty and Imperious writ of lnjunc
tlon ha finally met It match, and we pre
dict that It parent will not know it when
It emetge from th acrlmmasj.
Friend Telegraph: Injunction and di
vorces In Omaha seem to be residing on
Easy street.
Fremont Tribune: Th Be give come
excellent advice to both side of the labor
controversy In Omaha, that It will bs wla
to heed. It sensibly admonishes both to
think well before bringing themselves to an
Irreconcilable position. It point out th
destructive effects to flow from a stubborn
and long-drawn-out struggle between two
wellntgh Irresistible force.
Tllden Citizen: While a a rul strike
are accompanied by disorder and often by
bloodshed. It Is noteworthy that no aerlous
disturbance has marked the disagreement
of Omaha employers and employes. Each
side has, however, Invoked th aid of th
local courts and this fact In itself shows
a wholesome and a reasonable regard for
law that Justifies one in the belief that th
differences leading up to the strike will be
adjusted without recourse to violence.
Columbus Telegram: In asking the court
for an Injunction against their employers
the union men of Omaha made a mistake.
Of course we gntnt the workman as much
right to use the Injunction as has any
employer, but our contention Is that the
lr.borers should not dignify the Injunction
business by taking advantage of It. The
granting of injunctions Is, as a rule, with;
out sanction of law, save that unclean and
criminal thing known aa court-made law.
Government by Injunction Is wholly wrong
In principle. This has been and Is the con
tention of all Intelligent labor leaders. In
asking the court for an Injunction the
labor forces In Omaha have done much to
break down their, own protest against that
Arcadia Champion: Th labor disturb
ances of Omaha are of more than passing
Interest to u In this, locality, because of
its proximity, and because that Is our chief
Jobbing center. It Is a good object lesson
as to what labor troubles are, and show
mighty plainly what they could be.
Whether they are right or not Is a question
that we are unable to answer, because
It generally depends on a man's environ
ments, that makes right to his mind and
conscience. If we" were a capitalist we
would doubtless say that they are entirely I
wrong, and If we were among the class of
wage-earners we would doubtless see it
the other way. There ought to be some
medium by which our two great elements,
capital and labor, could peacehbly and permanently-combine,-for
mutual and general
good. , . .
York Times: Nobody Is so directly In
terested In the growth of a town as the
mechanics and It requires no philosophy to
see that they subserve their own interest
more than any other's by fostering and en
couraging building, by making it easy to
build and occasioning no unnecessary an
noyance and expense. But in Omaha aa
soon as a man loosens up and gives them a
Job they treat him a a mortal enemy and
seek by every possible means to make' him
all the unnecessary trouble and ' expense
they can. They strike because they do not
like the boss and they striae because the
boss Is discharged, they strike because a
man Is laid off and they strike because a
man Is put on. They strike because a lock
is bought at an '"kinfalr" store and they
strike because It was brought to the build
ing by a "scab" and if there I no other
possible excuse they strike because some
one else has struck in New Orleans or San
Francisco, or because' the turkey picker
are out on a strike In their own town. If
they would fix a price on their work and
the number of hours .they wanted to put In,
and then go ahead and put up a building
as quickly and cheaply as1 they could , so
that men would' know 'what they oould and
what they "could not do, they could have aa
short a day as they wanted and almost any
wages Oiey were a mind to ask, and Omaha
would commence to move up to the aspiring
cities of the west. They have carried the
strike weapon far beyond the limit and
made It .ridiculous in the eyes of sensible
O'Neill Frontier: ' On the question of the
recognition of the union It might at thla
time be fairly considered as the leading
question In the controversy and on this
point there Is room for a wide difference
of opinion by honest people. In the matter
of the unions managing the business of the
firms where they receive recognition It Is
only fair at this time to state that for more
than twenty years without a break The
Omaha Bee has recognized the unions in
all Its mechanical departments, but no one
believes that the printers, pressmen and
stereotypers of Omaha "run" The- Omaha
Bee. The World-Herald and the News
never got out an edition of their paper that
was not got out by union men that were
recognized, but no one supposes that the
unions "run" these great Institutions. There
Is not a printing establishment In Omaha
and haa not been for years that did not
recognize the union that their employes
affiliated with. There are several hundred
cigar makers in Omaha and every factory
In existence there has been recognizing the
cigar makers union for more than fifteen
years, yet no one has charged that the
union has" the cigar factories. The
cigar makers union has within Its mem
bership, generally speaking, most of the
country, and, having in their treasury
nearly $3,000,000 which could be called on as
a strike fund, they have had but little
trouble of lata years. Without going Into
details further, suffice It to say that fully
one-half, or more, of the successful busi
ness Institutions of the city of Omaha are
operated by firms that have recognised
union labor, and under the circumstances,
It appears to us that the great bugaboo
of recognition that has been raised by the
Business . Men's association is really more
of the nature of a acarecrow than what It
would appear on first sight.
livery well-posted doctor today
Pectoral. Most doctors order
rue dose I ft Vte
IimiiM lOttlMma WsZyr f "".XAVWV .fVVN
nni i1om Y4w9yJr V VjVVWCvV V
I rw eu trnm . A N
Th s" a '.jjr X'aT
Mnataui At a rate tk m "Sir 1
4cm al.uuitl ! b ria(4 r a. II
Mltul tltmB ac 0rj t'tmt SJ .
koan. KapvelAidlpectloMar ' M
!fuuu4 An lh rlrralt ai , wll- SC .
kuilatMillbcAil,. It u f?
t. 't betiar u bfl with VV . f
nail doM a4 lucreaaa tha I VVa. r V f
ftmnul araaualrr aeul ta I 'VO'VaT. 3aw S
j i anilaiara 0ualllira. WIS' V S
and even tor consumption. Your doctor use It?
Absolutely: Pure
8lnc rediscovering Grover Cleveland the
Brooklyn Eagle' double leads have been
kept bright with use.
Governor Odell ha signed the bill ap
propriating $8,000 for a statue to Maj r
George Sears Greene at Gettysburg, a.
Ex-President Cleveland has been invited
to deliver a course of lectures at Leland
Stanford university and will probably ac
cept. Mr. Marconi is playing upon the vanity of
the people. His latest' scheme Is to take
pictures by electricity- at a distanc of
twenty miles.
General James Longstreet, the noted con
federate cavalryman, Is In Garfield hospital,
Washington, for treatment for a severe at
tack of rheumatism.
Peter Stansley of Upper Sandusky, O.,
who was considered the oldest man In
Ohio, died on May J3. He Is survived by a
widow of 108 years, to whom he had been
married eighty-five year.
Edgar Allen Po I now th state's at
torney in Maryland, having been appointed
by the governor to fill the unexpired term
of Robert M. McLane, who has been elected
mayor of Baltimore. Lawyer Poe wa born
In 1871.
Though much maligned and hooted by
tho critical few, ragtime musio possesses
some qualities calculated "to soothe the
savage breast." A panic caused by fire in
a Chicago restaurant waa checked by the
orchestra playing "A Hot Time."
"You called on her father?"
"Yea Found out ho waa In the same
"That's good. Gave you the yell, did he?"
,, No,I,dld aU tne yelling. "-Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
"Some folks," said Uncle Eben, "la bu:
because dey hab a heap o' work to do a
some because dey wants to git away an' i
nshlnV Washington Star,
"I suppose that If you marry my daugh
ter you will expect me to pay your debts?"
"Shouldn't think of putting you to so
much trouble," answered Earlle Bird. "You
can give me the money and I'll pay 'em
myself." Indianapolis News.
"Papa, what Is a poolroom T"
"My son. It's a place where you get noth
ing for something." Brooklyn Life,
"Who, lives In that, big house on the
corner, Dennl?" .- ......
"The'WIddy O'Malley, or, who Is dead."
"Indeed!" When did she die?" - -
"If she had lived till next Sunday she
would have been - dead a year." Kansas
City Star. -
"Why don't you take up golf V
"What' the use?" inquired the Indolent
man. "I might learn to hit the ball, but I
could never maater the vocabulary neces
sary to tell my friends how it happened."
Washington Star.
Bob Archie has just bought a seat on the
Stock exchange.
Edith The dear boy! I shall make him
two sofa pillows for It at once. Judge. '
A. J. Waterhouse in Success.
A boy that I knew, when skies were all
blue, ,
And fields of the morning were sparkling
With dew.
With a smile on hi face and a smile in his
He walked from the phantom of trouble
' apart:
And his laughter waa aweet as the lilt of
a song.
For he knew not th car of th world, or
It wrong.
Th past and th future might bury their
The day waa enough for that boy that I
knew. .... v . -
A youth that I knew, a ha stood when
the way . .
Leads down to th mist and the toll and
the fray,
Bore a smile on hi face, and kept faith
. In his soul,
And Hope, with her promise, "For you la
the goal!"
Though others were crushed, and though
others might wear ,
On their forehead the emblems of 'doubt
and despair,
He would win In the strife, standing' stal
wart and true.
For "Achieve" was the word of that youth
that I knew.
A man that I know, worn, weary, and old,
Looks backward on years that his failure
have told;
Looks backward to Hope, with a promise
no more,
To the faith, like a wraith from the country
of yore;
To the vision that faded, the faltering feet.
The wall of the bugle that called to re
treat: And 'tis O for the morning, the sheen of
Its dewl
And O to go back to th boy that I knew!
knows all about Aycr's Cherry
it for coughs, colds, bronchitis,
1. O. Itll CO.,
Lowa.l. Ma