Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Davis sells drugs.
Stockert sells carpets.
Crayon enlarging. 3nS Broadway.
Expert watch repairing. Leffert, Vt B'y
Celebrated Met beer on tap. Neumayer.
Horse nnd buggy for anc, reasonable.
T25 Madison avenue.
Fine line berry aeta. 60c and up. A. B.
Howe. 310 Broadway.
Special aale m Etchings. C. E. Alexan
der A Co.. 333 Broadway.
Mra. J. P. Haake of Park avenue la visit
ing friend In Minneapolis.
Mra. W. W. Loomls and Mr. XV. F. Sapp
are home from a visit In Chicago.
Real eatatt In all part of the city for
ale. Thomaa E. Casady, 2J8 Pearl street.
F. E. Glllllland la home from Canton.
III., where he was called by the death of
a niece.
Before papering your room we want to
show yon nur elegant 1903 designs. C. B.
Faint, OH and Olaaa company.
The aoclal of the First Congress tlmal
church announced for Thursday owning
haa been postponed until next week.
Mra. O. W. Butts will entertain the
women of the First Presbyterian church
this afternoon at her home, tut First ave
nue. Mrs. Meneray. noble grand, has Issued
a call for the member of lleoik.ih lortjre
No. 1 to attend the funeral of J. K. Byrd
this afternoon.
The Ladle' society of the Second Pres
byterian church will give a kensington
Thursday afternoon at the home ot Mr.
Bell, Fierce and Stutsman streets.
We contract to keep public or private
houses free from roaches by the year. In
sect Exterminator Manufacturing com
pany. Council Bluffs, la. Telephone F&tt.
Rev. J. O. Icemen. Mr. .nd Mr. H. R.
Lemen and Miss Ethel Lvmen have re
turned from Winterset, la., where they at
tended the wedding of S, A. Wilson and
Miss Margarette Atkins.
Contractor Wlckham has been forced to
suspend paving operations on Pierce street
owing to th failure of the Citlzena' Oas
and Electric company to lay the gas mains
ordered by the city council.
Henry Markert, aged 76 yen.-, died yes
terday at St. Bernard's hospital. His wife,
one eon and seven daughters njrvlve him.
The remains will be taken Wednesday to
Mineola, la., for Interment.
Relatives of Helllk Telgen have written
from Flesberg, Norway, to 1'. L. Heed,
clerk of the district court, making In
quiries about him. So far Mr. a l:as
been unable to locate Toen.
Funeral services over Isaac Bird will be
held this morning at X o'clock xt the resi
dence of his daughter, Mrs. ! B. Kirk,
2427 Avenue O, conducted oy Rev. W. B.
Crewdson, after which the remains will be
taken to Peru, la., for
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ueisler announce the
wedding of their niece, Miss nrjelina
Oetsler, to William T. hcheidle Tuwsuay
evening. .May id, at the German .Evangel
ical church. A wedding reception will be
held at the resilience, 1119 Fifth avenue,
following the ceremony.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby A Bod.
Probate Whlttaker Will.
The will of the late Mrs. Anna E. Whlt
taker, of this city, who left a considerable
state, was admlttei to probata In the
district court yesterday. Mrs. Whlttaker
left half 'of her property, both personal
and real, to her daughter, Mra. Julia
Martha Sanford, whose present where
abouts are unknown to her relatives. When
last from Mrs. Sanford and huiband. who
is a mining 'expert, were in El Paso, Tex.,
preparing to leave for South America.
This was fifteen years ago and her rela
. tlves have not heard from iier since. The
other halt of the property Mrs. . Whlttaker
left to the two children ot her deceased
son, William W. Whlttaker. The chil
dren are now living with their mother,
who married again, at Gravity, la. Miss
Naomi Dewey and Mrs. Emily RIshton,
both of this city, sisters of Mrs. Whit
taker, are made executors under the will
without bond.
Fegley Gets Two Years.
Even Fegley, charged with being a dip
somaniac, was yesterday committed by
Judge Wheeler to the state hospital at
Mount Pleasant for two years. On a for
mer occasion when Fegley was before the
court on a similar charge, sentence was
suspended on Ma promise to reform. He
failed to carry out his promise, however,
and after he had been arrested two or
three times in as many weeks for being
drunk and disturbing the peace Chief of
Police Tlbblta applied to the district court
to have him committed to Mount Pleasant.
In the case of John D. Alexander, also
charged with being a dipsomaniac. Judge
Wheeler deferred commitment, the defend
ant promising to abstain from intoxicating
OaT (or O. A. R. Encampment.
Department Commander John Llndt and
Department Inspector L. B. Cousins left
yesterday morning for Cedar Rapids to at
tend the state encampment of the Grand
Army of the Republlo. They were accom
panied by Dr. 8. D. Tobey and A. W. Tay
lor of Oakland, aides-de-camp to the de
partment comi.iander. The party expects
to return home Friday.
N. T. Plumbing Co. T'- ::-3. Night. FC7.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were filed yesterday in
the at.strnct. title and loan office of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Heirs of Christens Peterson to Charles
Schmidt, jr., lots 4, 6, a. block S.
A voce, w d. $1.5)0
George W. l.lpe and wife to Anna M.
Lalnson. lot 6, block . Stutsman's
second addition, w. d 100
Kittle K. Treynor and husband and
Ella M. McKune to William P. Horn
bach, lot 14 and eH lot 13, block 6,
Rnvllss first addition, w. d 7,300
Council Bluffs Saving bank to John
and Mary Oeghan. lot 17, block 13,
Howard addition, w. d 75
Jamea H. Holmes and wife to Lena
Bluto lot 13 and 14. blk 4, Burkes
addition, w. d 200
rive transfers, total IS.T5
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and residence. ' Are.
Julius Pceckert. Mlnden. Ia !S
Emma Truh, Mlnden. la 11
Walter Bell. Covington. Ky 3?
LUlle Lelsenrlng, Chicago 31
Featliers Renovated
We are prepare te do this work te per.
fectloa. la connection with our dyeing busi
Uca Curtains Cleansd and
Portlers Cleaned and Dyed.
Oar method Is to give complete sstlsfse
Oon. Come In oa Inspect our work If yon
want to see what we can de In the way of
fine work.
Ogden Steam Dye Works
301 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
Werk Called fsr at) dtlittr. T 741.
Peart -,' Council BUffs. 'Phone IT.
Only Ore Bidder for Work and Bit Figure
Considered High.
Complaint Made that Motor Company
Will Sot Carry Passengers en
Its Line to East Omaha
The city will do Its own street clean
ing and the work will not be let out at
contract. This was decided upon by the
city council last night after the only bid
received had been, rejected. John O. Sulli
van was the sole bidder and he offered to
sweep the streets under the once a week
contract for 90 cents per 1.050 square yards
and the streets under the a wee'.t
contract for 85 rents rer l.OX) square ysrls.
His bid rpeclfled that he would clean
streets subject to deposit of earth during
storm periods at actual cost, plus 10 ier
cent. A rough estimate made by the
council of the cost of cleaning the streets
according to Sullivan's bid would exhaust
the streets and alleys funds long before
the expiration of the fiscal year. Alder
man McDonald, chairman of the streets
snd alleys committee, was anxious to re
advertise for bids but Alderman Fleming
was of the opinion that sufficient money
had been expended in advertising and he
moved that the matter be dropped and the
city do its own cleaning. His motion pre
vailed, McDonald alone voting against it.
Conacll Accept Invitations.
The mayor and the council accepted the
Invitation of Abe Lincoln p'st to par
ticipate in the Grand Army exercise oi.
Memorial day and permission was given
Fire Chief Templeton to use as much of
the department apparatus In the parade
as he saw fit.
The mayor and council also accepted an
invitation from Buck Keith to ride In car
rlagea and take part In the parade on
the opening of the base ball season. May
28. when the Bluffs team In the Iowa-Siuth
Dakota league plays Lemars.
The ordinance providing for the connect
ing of all down spouts on buildings In the
buBincss portion of the city with the
sewers was referred to the committee of
the whole after pastng to Its second read
ing. The Western Iowa Independent Tele
phone, Telegraph and Termlnalcompiny
reflled the ordinance granting it a fran
chise to maintain an Independent tele
phone system in the city. This is pre
paratory to the filing ot petitions asking
the mayor to call a special election in
order that the proposition may be sub
mitted to the electors.
Complains of Motor Company,
James F. Hunt, a resident In the north
western part of the city, complained ti-.a
the motor company refused to stop lis
cars and pick up passengers on Its line on
Twenty-eighth street to the Terminal
bridge. The company runs a few cars
daily to and from the Terminal company's
bridge in order to comply with the pro
visions of the franchise granted the
Omaha, Council Bluffs A Suburban com
pany hut residents of that part of the city
complain that the public are not permitted
to make use of such service. The matter
was referred . to the mayor to take up
with the motor company.
-Property owners on Fifth avenue peti
tioned for the paving of the street from
Third street to the park and It was de
cided to Include this among the streets
to be paved this year. The petitioners
want the street paved with brick on con
crete base. In connection with the paving
question the city engineer waa Instructed
to prepare a list showing the terminal
points of the various streets t) be paved
this year.
The council decided it could not grant
the request of residents in the southwest
part of the city that the water mains be
extended on Fourth avenue between
Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth streets for
lack of funds.
The appointment of D. A. Moore as a
member of the police force was confirmed
and his bond approved.
Sorenson and Lundy were granted per
mlSFlon to conduct a saloon at 9 0 West
It waa decided not to expand any more
money In litigation over the claim of ex
Street Supervisor Taylor and the auditor
was instructed to draw a warrant on .the
judgment fund for the amount of the Judg
ment secured by Taylor against the o ty.
The council adjourned to Wednetday
morning at 10 o'clock when the aldermen
will Inspect the recently completed gradlnj
of Ross street and assess the cost to the
abutting property.
Dr. Frasler and Miss Maeklson De
ride Xot to Give Lot Affairs
an Airing-.
The 110,000 breach of promise suit of
Miss Leona Macklaon against Dr. J. W.
Frasler of Honey Creek, which had been
asaigned for trial yesterday In the dls- I
trlct court, was settled out of court, a
compromise having been reached by the
parties Interested. Miss Macklaon con
cluded to accept H.o&O In settlement, the
defendant agreeing to pay all the costs
incurred by her In the suit to date, In
cluding her attorneys' fees. Miss Mack
laon formerly lived In Qulncy, III.,
and about six years ago ' came to Coun
cil Bluffs to conduct a series of evangel
istic meetings as a missionary of the
Vnlted Brethren church. It was while con
ducting a series of these meetings at
Honey Creek 'that she met Dr. Frasler.
The doctor admitted that they had been
engaged to be married, but claimed that It
had been subsequently broken off by mu
tual consent. This, however, was denied
by Miss Maeklson. Last year Dr. Fra
sler' father died, leaving him a considera
ble eatate, and shortly after Mlas Maekl
son began her suit for llO.Ono damages.
Mlsa Macktson Is now a resident of Hanni
bal. Mo.
J. L. Price, who recently began suit
againat James Coyle for 15.500 damages for
alleged wrongful and malicious charges
againat him In connection with a land deal
In Nebraska, filed notice of suit yesterday
In the district court againat Coyle. de
manding that the partnership alleged to
exist between them be dissolved and that
Coyle be ordered to make an accounting of
the business of the partnership.
The Exchange bank of Little .Rock. Ark.,
began suit yeaterday against Colonel F. C.
Reed, former owner of the resort at Lake
Manawa, for tt.TTO, aald to be due on a
note given by him In April. ISM. Charles
F. Pensel. also of Little Rock, beBan a
similar suit against Reed to collect tl.
Ut.ts, said to be due on two notes glen In
February. UM.
A Jury was Impaneled to try "he cise ot
the Stale ot Iowa against James B.
Brown, charged with assaulting Carl
Trojan with Intent to oommlt highway
robbery. Brown was indicted Juli'tly with
Frank Scaggs, but demanded a s.-nerau
trial. The taking of evidence will bo bcrun
this morning.
Does Attack Deer.
Park Commissioner Schmidt was called
out of bed at 4 o'clock yesterday morning
by a telephone message to the effect that
two large dogs had attacked and were In
the act of killing one of the bucks In the
deer run at Falrmount park. The message
came from a family who live next the park
entrance, near which the deer run Is lo
cated, and who had been attracted by the
baying of the dogs. Park Commissioner
Schmidt lives near the Oraham avenue
entrance to the park and he lost no time
in hastening to the rescue of the buck,
armed with a double-barrelled shotgun. He
arrived Just in time to save the stag from
being killed, as the dogs had him down
and were trying to tear his throat out.
Mr. Schmidt emptied both barrels Into the
dogs, killing them. The dogs had suc
ceeded In tearing off one of the buck's
horns, together with a goodly portion of
the scalp, the horns being at this season
In the "velvet" stage.
Last week dogs killed one of the fine
Angora goats and her kid in Falrmount
park and during the last month upwsrd of
twenty fancy rabbits have been killed by
marauding canines.
J. E. Byrd Head.
J. E. Byrd, a salesman for the Union
Pacific Tea company, died at a late hour
Sunday night at the Woman's Christian
association hospital after a brief Illness
with heart trouble. He was thirty-five
years of age and single. The funeral
will be held this afternoon at 1.30 o'clock
from his late residence, 3 Fourth street,
and will be under the auspices of the Odd
Fellows and Knights , of Pythias. Inter
ment will be In the burial ground of the
Knights of Pythias In Falrvlew cemetery.
Members of Park lodge No. SO. Independ
ent Order of Odd Fellowa will meet at the
temple this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock to
attend the funeral in a body.
Members of Concordia lodge. Knights
of Pythias and Bluffs company. Uniform
rank will meet in Hughes' hall at 1 o'clock
to attend the funeral.
Test Case for Iowa is Bronsht by
President State Board of
WEBSTER CITT, la.. May 18.-(Special
Telegram.) Dr. Ida Louise Lyons, gradu
ate of the Wsltmer school of magnetism,
and a practicing physician in this city,
has been arrested on an Information sworn
out by Dr. J. F. Kennedy, president of the
State Board of Health, charged with prac
ticing without a license. The case is being
hesrd this afternoon and will be a test of
right of magnetic healers to practice in
Wealthy Man Kear Early Bound Ortr
on Charge of Killing: His
EARLY, la., May IS. Isaac Markley, a
wealthy farmer, residing two miles north,
was bound over to the grand Jury today for
the murder of his wife. A dispute over
land is alleged to have been the cause that
lead up to the tragedy.
Farmers Warn Hantera Off.
CRESTON, la., May 18. (Special.)
Nearly all the farmers around Afton and
Creston are now engaged In tacking up
signs at the entrance of their farms noti
fying all hunters and others not to tres
pass on their premises and threatening
them with prosecution in case they disre
gard the notices. This action has become
necessary from the frequent loss of stock
by careless people with guns and the fre
quent trespass of parties with dogs who
have made the stock so wild that it is Im
possible to properly care for it. The
farmers say that they do not care so much
for the real hunters, but that the damage
haa been done by boys and those who do
not realise that anybody but themselves
have any rights to be considered. Iii many
cases the parties have left gatea open and
allowed stock to get Into newly plowed
fields, causing much damage, and they
have decided that the only way to avoid
the trouble Is to keep all trespassers off
their grounds.
Many New School Building's.
CRESTON, la., May 18. (Speclal.)-Unlon
county will be engaged in building new
school houses this year. The town of Crom
well, west of here, will erect a fine brick
school house two stories high, to cost 13.000,
and work has already been begun. Afton,
esst of here, will begin work on a new
15.000 brick building as soon as the school
year closes. Creston will commence at
once with a two-story and basement addi
tion to the Jefferson building In this city,
which will cost 13,000, and there will be two
country school houses built that will cost
about 12,000, making a total of $13,000 that
will be expended in the erection of new
buildings for school purposes this year, be
sides the always needed repairs on old
buildings and grounds.
Thieves Raid Flower Beds.
CRESTON, la., May 18.-(Special.) The
residents of Creston and Afton have been
complaining of the theft of their flowers
and house plants during the past two
weeks. There haa been twenty reports
come to the police in which someone has
stolen all the plants snd flowers from the
yards of residences. In one case a valu
able palm waa carried away, box and all,
and the complaints of tulip beds that are In
the yards being completely destroyed are
numerous. The police of both towns are
making strenuous efforts to capture the
mnrsuders, but so far without success.
Prohibitionists In Convention.
DENISON. Ia., May 18 (Special.) The
Crawford county prohibition convention
was held at the-city hall on Saturday after
noon at S o'clock. The attendance was
small and little or no enthusiasm waa
shown. They elected five delegates, how
ever, to attend the state convention at Mar
shalltown. Prominent Farmer Insane.
ONAWA. Ia.. May 18. (Special Tele
gram.) Simon E. Lewis, an o'.d resident of
Maple townkhlp, was adjudged Insane and
sent to the hospital at Cherokee today.
Corn Planting Progresses.
ONAWA, Ia.. May 18.-(Speclal Tele
gram ) Corn planting la In full blast on the
good land and the water Is going down
fast on the bottoms.
Safe Wreckers Take Three Thonaand
Dollars aad Escape on
MINNEAPOLIS. Kan.. May 18-Robbers
wrecked the safe in the Culver Stat bank
at Culver and secured 13,000, escaping on a
Stepchildren Lay Claim to For;une Be
queathed to Charity and Edncat on.
Supreme C'onrt Reverses Case la
Which Judgment Had Been
Rendered Against Omaha
Wholesale Firm.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, May 18.-(Speclal.)-8lmp.
son college st Indlanola, the Methodist hos
pltsl In Des Moines and other beneficiaries
named in the last will of Rev. Edward P.
Vail, the preacher philanthropist who be
queathed a large fortune to charitable and
educational Institutions, must fight for the
fortune donated by the rich and eccentrio
old minister. Two hitherto unknown heirs,
Ella and Frank Vail, adopted children ot
Edward Vail, now residing in Vermont,
have appeared on the scene and In a peti
tion filed in the district court this after,
noon have demanded that share of their
father' fortune, which they claim by vir
tue of the Iowa statutes.
The action Is brcught by Frank E. and
Ella J. Vail against W. H. Arnold, exe
cutor of the last will and testament of Ed
ward P. Vail, and Simpson college and
board of trustees. It Is somewhat aensa
tlonal, charging that Vail when he signed
the Instrument was not In his right mind
and also that undue influence was brought
by the agent of Simpson college to secure
the signature. By virtue of the state laws,
which gives to the adopted children the
same equitable rights in an estate, and
fop the other reasons mentioned. It Is asked
that the will be set aside and that Judg
ment for the full amount of donations be
warded the plaintiffs.
During the residence of the rich and ec
centric old philanthropist In Des Moines It
was understood that he had no direct helre,
either by birth or adoption, though It v as
known In Dallas county, his home before
removing to Des Moines, that Frank and
Ella Vail resided with the family In Ver
mont. Proof of their claims, however,
never reached this locality until It was
procured for use In connection with the
litigation commenced this afternoon. The
amounts donated by Vail w ill aggregate
something like $75,000. He i;ave to the
Methodist hospital at one time $20,000 In
cash and at another time lands amounting
to about that sum. His other donations
will aggregate from $5,00) to $40,00:i.
Suicide SaTed Life Insnrance.
Ernest Friday, the hackman who com
mitted suicide last Saturday morning on
a farm north of the city rather than come
to the city to receive sentence on his con
viction of a crime, carried a policy of In
surance in the Modern Woodmen lodge for
$1,000. It was the Intention of the lodge
officers to bring up his case and expel him
from the lodge a soon as he was sen
tenced and this would have been done
Saturday night. By anticipating the sen
tence of the court and killing himself he
also saved his life insurance for the benefit
of his sister, an estimable woman residing
In this city. v.
Accepts Fostofllce site,
Robert B. Armstrong, assistant secretary
of the treanury,.- spent the day In Des
Moines and accepted the postofflce site sold
to the United States. There has been some
delay in securing title to the land, but Mr.
Armstrong now says It is all perfect. The
price paid was $119,910. The site Is on the
river front. In the oldest part of the city,
and below the Jobbing district. Mr. Arm
strong had not visited the city since he was
made assistant secretary nor since he was
a newspaper reporter In Des Moines a few
years ago. He was given a complimentsry
dinner at the Grant club rooms by friends.
He spent Sunday visiting his parents near
Polk City.
Will Xot Bay Gift.
The city council of Des Moines today re
fused to appropriate money with which
to purchase a suitable gift for the cruiser
Des Moines, now being constructed nt
Qulncy, Mass., and soon to be placed In
commission. All efforts to get a fund with
which to secure a gift have failed and to
day a committee called on the city council
to ask that body to come to the rescue.
The aldermen were disposed to do so, but
City Solicitor Bremner said he would ad
vise the city auditor that the appropria
tion would be Illegal and the city auditor
declared he would not draw the warrant if
the council made the appropriation. So
the matter was dropped and a gift will be
purchased from a fund raised by subscrip
tion. The cruiser Is to be finished In a few
Mormons Organise a Company.
Leading members of the Church of Latter
Day Saints at Lamonl, Ia., have organised
a co-operative mercantile company under
the name of the Lamont Supply company,
the articles of incorporation for which were
filed with the secretary of state today. The
capital is $10,000; John Smith, president;
Robert Johnston, vice president; R, 8. Sal
yards, secretary; F. M. Weld, treasurer.
The Cambridge Ind and Improvement
company has Incorporated; capital, $10,000;
Frank Thompson and others, Incorporators.
The Big Grove Township Telephone com
pany has been Incorporated; capital, $3,000;
headquarter at Garrison; by F. M. Ward
and others.
The Cambridge Brick and Tile works was
incorporated, $10,000; by F. W. Larson a no.
The Wiota Savings bank Increased capital
Stock from $10,000 to $20,0no.
The AVelsbach Street Lighting company
of Delaware has become Incorporated In
Iowa. It haa a capital stock of I'.'S.OO.
The North American Investment company
of Delaware, capital $50,000, has been incor
porated in Iowa.
Aa Omaha Case Decided.
The supreme court reversed the case of
Leo Wolfson against Allen Brother com
pany of Omaha, appealed from th Potta
wattamie county court. This was a case
in which the plaintiff had a contract for
the sale of baking powder In Texas and
Louisiana and was to secure a certain
commission on sales. He sold something
over 100 orders and th house turned them
down. lie sued for his commission and re
covered in the court of Judge Wheeler.
The supreme court today held that the
Jobbing house had a right to reject any
or all of th order and would not have
to pay commissions unless sale were
actually made.
In the case of Adel League againat
Claua Ehmke, from Pottawattamie county,
the court upheld a verdict for damages
on account of aales of liquor to th hus
band of th plaintiff, holding that th
liquor seller waa not protected under th
mulct law.
aprem Coart Decision.
Th following were the decision of the
supreme court Tied today:
H. H. Sheriff sgalnst City of Oskaloosa.
appellant, Mahaska county, Judge Dewey;
reversed: opinion by Sherwin.
Adel League sgalnst I'laus Ehmke. sp
pellant, Pottawattamie county. Judge
Green; affirmed, by Met 'lain.,
8. Perclval against Ida A. Tousling, ap
pellant, Ida county. Judge El wood, af
firmed, by Weaver.
Lao Wolfson agiinat Allen Brother Com-
Sweet, crisp flakes of
Texka It to School wHK Them.
" It 1s the food of all other for me. Some time ago-1 beard a lady say
that the did not know what to get for breakfast any more. I told her to try
Force, She sty ber children like it so mack they tak it to school with
them. T. R. Baaicr."
nanv. smellnnts. Pottawattamie rountv.
judge Wheeler; reversed, by Deemer.
i j. B. Dunton against Thomaa Mccook.
appellant, Mitchell county, Judge Smith;
affirmed, by Ladd.
Stranse Sadden Death.
The death of Frank L. Knox at Valley
Junction yesterday was a strange occur
rence. He was about 15 years old and at
tended school. He was a large and strong
boy and was never known to be ill. Sun
day morning he complained of not being
well and a doctor was sent for, but the
boy was dying and there was nothing to
indicate the cause of his death. He was a
son of N. S. Knox, bridge foreman for the
Rock Island railroad. No Inquisition was
held, as It is supposed his death was due
to natural causes, probably the bursting
of a blood vessel.
Off for the Encampment.
The major portion of the large Des
Moines delegation to the state encamp
ment of the Grand Army of the Republic
left for Cedar Rapids this evening. Other
will follow tomorrow. mong thorn who
are on the program for the encampment
week are: General Given, Governor Cum
mins. Colonel Chsrles A. Clark, Congress
man Cousins, Colonel Hepburn, Captain
Hull and General John C. Black. It is
probable that Colonel L. Raymond will be
elected commander, as the contest He be
tween him and P. A. Smith of Scranton.
Raymond Is editor of the Hampton Re
corder and has resided in that place since
1865. He i a native of Rock county. Wis
consin, and enlisted In the Sixth Wisconsin
Infantry, which formed a part of the fa
mous "Iron brigade." P. A. Smith Is ed
itor of the Scranton Journal. He was
born In Ogle county, Illinois, September
1, 1840, and located In Clinton county, Iowa,
In 1RS6, where on July 12, 1861, he enlisted
In Company A. Eighth Iowa Infantry, being
mustered out September 26, 1864. There
are three candidate for president of the
Woman's Relief corps, Mrs. Mary B. Huff
man of Sioux City. Mra. Frederic Phllpot
of Cedar Flls and Mrs. Jennie I. Berry of
Cedar Rapids.
Only One Death Results In Case of
Fatal Ohio Whisky
CINCINNATI, May 18. William Daly and
;ouls Burbank, employes of the Adam
Express company, left the hospital today.
It 1 evident now that John B. Ficker, who
died last Wednesday night shortly after
drinking Of the poisoned whisky, sent from
Memphis to Mrs. Knobbe In this city, will
be the only victim, a the other expressJ
omployea who drank from the fatal bottle
had previously recovered sufficiently to go
to their home. Advices from Nashville
and Memphis Indicate that the detectives
will likely bring Mrs. McCormlck her on
Wednesday for a temporary hearing on th
charge of murder in the first degree.
Amended Articles of Incorporation
Filed by Colorado, Okla
homa A Texas.
GUTHRIE. Ok.. May 18. The Colorado.
Oklahoma & Texas railroad company to
day filed amended articles of incorpora
tion providing for the etenslon of the pro
posed route to a total distance of 600 miles
from Pueblo to Denlson, Texas. Capital
stock, $2,500,000. The foreign Incorporators
are E. E. Colby. S. G. F. Morse. L. E.
Smith, Clevelsnd, and Frank Irwlnds, Fort
Smith, Ark.
The road. It is said, will be a feeder of
the Kansas City, Mexico Orient rail
way and will cross the main line of that
road at Wolf, Oklahoma.
Kansas City Capitalists Secure Graat
from Secretary tif State for
Ketr Line.
St. Louis St. Psul road was chartered
by the secretary of atate today to build
from the Iowa state line, in Scotland
county, to Mexico, Mo., a distance of 160
miles. The capital la $1,000,000. The In
corporators are Samuel Scott, T. 8. Ridge,
W. C. Picking. R. D. Katleln and A. C.
Klng'y. " of Kansas City.
The St. Joseph, Parkvllle & Kansas City
railway was a'so chartered here today;
capital, $(,000,000. The company Is to build
an electric road from St. Joseph, Mo., to
Kansas City via Atchison nd Leaven
worth, Kan.
When you are out yachting don't forget
to tow away some of that famous Cham
pagne. Cook's Imperial Extra Dry.
Established 1823.
Thai's All!
iaaiUSBM. aid.
Jim Dump great aunt, infirm with gout,
Had worn a good digestion out
Could take no foodor sour or sweet.
Jim sent her Toroe," which she could eat!
So grateful was his aunt
She lett her ail to -bunny Jim.-
Ta Bedy-to-Serr Cersal
will postpone
the will.
wheat sad malt
Officials of the Cm Are Hurt by America's
. llnchuri.u Attitude,
Think Vnlted States Formed Too
Hasty Opinion Conalderlngt
Friendship of Forty
Year Aero.
sian officials express themselves as being
deeply hurt at the criticisms of the Amer
ican press on the subject of Manchuria and
ay that, "considering the friendship ex
tended forty years ago, when America
needed friends, America might at least In
quire whether the Anglo-Jspanese hews
were not colored In Anglo-Japanese Inter
est" The Manchurlan Incident threatened at
one time to cause serious trouble on the
bourse. When the excitement wa at it
height Finance Minister DeWItt visited
Minister Lamsdorff and Informed him that
under the influence of "American represen
tations, Japanese truculency and American
newspaper attacks. In addition to Balkan
troubles," the bourse wa dangerously
weak. The minister also aald that a con
tinuance of the foreign attacks would
threaten Russia' credit.
There Is a widespread belief here that M.
Plancon, the Russlon charge at Peking,
represents the Grand Duke Alexloff and th
war party.
Tortoise Fire Torpedo I'nder Water
Which Goes Straight to
GREENPORT, N. T.. May 18.-The Hol
land submarine torpedo boat Tortoise In a
government trial today on Peconlc bay, oft
New Suffolk, fired a torpedo at the end ot
a successful submerged run of a mile and
a half. The torpedo went straight between
two flag set ISO feet apart, reaching a war
The trial board represented by Captain
C. T. Trsln, Captain Charles R Roelker,
Commander W. C. Cowlea and Lieutenant
J. J. Woodward, I satisfied with the result.
One Man In Exenrslon Party Dancer
onsly Wonnded by Myaterlon
FAYETTE. Mo., May IS. A Missouri.
Kansas A Texas excursion train returning
from Jefferson City waa fired Into by un
known persons near Estill. A man named
Tipton, from Hannibal, wa dangerou ly
wounded, a ball passing through his ab
domen, and several were cut by falling
glass. Six shots were fired, all striking
the coaches or passing through the win
dows. The train waa crowded and th
greatest excitement ensued. -
Dixon Coanty Treasurer.
PONCA, Neb., May IS (Special.) County
Treasurer J. W. Thompson, died last night
of pneumonia after a sickness lasting one
week. The deceased was thirty-four years
old and was serving on the last year of hi
seceond term ss county treasurer. Funeral
service were held Sunday afternoon In the
Presbyterian church of thla city, and his
remains were shipped to Dixon for Inter
ment. William McLennan.
NEBRASKA CITT. Neb.. Mav 1 : ra
cial Telegram.) William McLennan died at
his home In this city yesterday, aged eighty
two years Mr. McLennan studied law
under Stanton and wa admitted to the
bar In 1M. He came to Nebraska In IS 4,
wa a member of th territorial legislature
for two terms and speaker of the hous
one term. Mr. McLennan wa Injured
by falling down a stair at Hamburg, Iowa,
a few days ago and did not rally from th
City Officials Arrested.
Police King and Alderman J. C. St. John
were arrested today on indictments re
turned by the grsnd Jury. The chief Is
charged with having secreted witnesses and
th aldermsn with having solicited and ac
cepted a bribe.
Foandry Company Insolvent.
SYRACUSE. N. T., May li -Creditor of
th Economy Foundry Machine company
have filed a petition in Involuntary bank
ruptcy againat the corporation. The lis.
bllltle are about llOO.OOu and th assets
about 160,000. "
to him.
Stomach, Kidney
and Liver Cure.
regultte liver and bowels snd
keep the stomach in such per
fect condition ss to make indi
gestion impossible. Try them.
Not a physic.
Site, a Bottle, at Draf Stores.
Indian Hd Brsnd. tb Only loalii
IN Num St., New York, tad Spokane, Wih
ltth and Dodge sts., Omaha, Neb.
"Three years ago
took your treatment
and in less than four
months I lost so pound
in weight and have no
gained an ounce since.'
"The good your treat
ment did me Is wonder
ful. When I began tak
Ing It I could not walk
a square; i can now
walk to town, which is
ten miles from m
house. I have lost i
pounds in weight and
am teeiing wen in every
way. I feel like a new
If you Are Interested
In my treatment for the
removal or supernouf
rat. sena tor a nottn
today. You will be as
tonlshed at the prompt
bus wits whlck rMslta era ewompnuiM.
rrte. full Iraatmant, bottlca, $6.00 ; ingla bot
tla. II. te. Aak your 4rolat to auppl you. I
ha haa none of Drafa' aaduottnn Pllla In atnek and
raruaaa to get thatn for you. oraar dlraot from me
Copt. 10 No. ISO Broadway. Buffalo, N. Y.
Aft buiuiii mn rn in vimr infirnr. i
. - 1 - -
ating bath ; makes every pore
respond, removes dead skin.
starts the circulation, and leave a
t-low equal to a Turkish bath.
rery Woman
id sstf ahnaja know
about ilia wonderful
MARVEL VYhlrlinn fcrwav
., a r l
am mw " uii wrnaf.
Ms mm4 Smrtum. Iiat ixU
h-hom conranitnt.
(It Flr h.11 mnA At am. a I .
luauxad sties V
luu pmrumiara ana oir"ii('na o.
valuable to InrilM. MRli m
Room 22 Time Bldg., N. Y.
For Sale hy
Corner lth and Chicago, Sts., Omaha.
? Imperial Hair Regenerator
TwrJ The Standard Hair Coloring
"jTVl for Gry or Bleached Hair, la s rlcun
(Th nampln of hair colored (roe. Prl .aij
aaaured. Henif for fimnhLL
Imperial Chaemlcal Co., Itf w. !Bd St.. N. Y
Bold by Bnemn A Mcconueii urug Co.,
Umana. Neb.
You will receive In the next few
dys free sample of KI-Ho-rU Pink
Tablets, the guaranteed cure for con
stipation and biliousness. Don't (ail
to give them trial, All druggists.
2c box.
etc. Department of the Intct lor, UnVe of
Indian A ft a Irs. Washington, D. C. May V.
1J8. Sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposals
for Buildings, etc., Rapid City. South r
kota," and addressed to th Commission' r
oi inaian Arraira. naiungtoii. i , i
be received at the Indian Office until :
o'clock p. m. ' of Wednesday. June In
1903. for furnishing and delivering th
necessary materials and labor r.-.iiirr-.l
to construct and complete a frame em
ployes' quarters; a frame addition to laun
dry and a brick employes' quarters, all with
plumbing and acetylene gas piping; slso an
addition to a brick dormitory, with plumb
ing and gasoline gas piping, snd a fram
acetylene gas house. Willi plumbing ami
heat, all at th Indian school. Rapid t If
B. D. In Strict sccordance with plan.
SDeclflcatlona and instructiona to hlildra
which may be examined at this office, t he
office of th Improvement Hiillelln, Min
neapolis. Minn ; the Pioneer-Times. Deod-
wood. S. D.; The Bee. Omaha, Neb : the
Pioneer Pre a St. I'aul. Minn.; the Millin
ers' and Traders' Exchsnges st Omahn.
Neb.. Milwaukee. Wis., snd St. Paul. Minn :
the Northwestern Manufacturer AshihIs-
tion, St. Paul, Minn.; th IV S
warehouses at No .-r-6 So. Csral at.. Chi
cago, 111.. No. W5 Howard at.. Onmha. Net. ,
and Nos. 119-121 Wooster St.. New York
City, and at th school
Bids are also requested for furnishing
a quantity of gas fixtures In the trlrk school
house and brick dormitory In the course of
erection t the above mentioned a hool
Lists of the articles are also on ni at th
shove mentioned places.
For furnrn-r Information rilv to Sam R
Davis. Supt. Indian School, Rapid City.
boum Dakota, A C Tonner. Aotirit ( om
missloner. M-U-li-U-l-21-23-2a-2o-M