Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1903, Page 4, Image 4
THE OMAHA DAILY HEEi MONDAY, MAY 18, 1003. Tiie Omaiia Daily Bee. K. HOSEWATER, EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Eaily (without Suhday), one Year...H lally ! and Sunday, One Year t.00 Illustrated iiee. One rear Sunday llee. One Year i-0 Baturday Uee, One Year 1 & Twentieth Century Farmer, One Year.. 1.00 MKLIVEKED BY CARRIER. Pally Bee (without Sunday), per copy lc lally Hee (without Sunday), per week....l-c IiRtly Uee (Including Hunday), per week.. 17c BunJay live, per copy ac Evening Bee (without Sunday), per wek 6c Evening Bee (Including bunday), per week No Complaints of Irregularities tn delivery ahould be addressed to City Circulation JJe partmenu OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha City Hall Building, Twenty-fifth and M Streeta. Council Bluff 10 Pearl Street. Chicago 1640 Unity Building. New York 23'l Pnrk Row Building. Washington 61 Fourteenth 6tree CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and edi torial matter should be addressed: mana bee. Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, Eft 2nt ..amp." cceeS inVymenTo'f tnail accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not arcepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMf AN I STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County, as.: George B. Taschuck, eecretary of The Bee Puhllahlnz .'.nmnanv. belna duly SWOrn, says that the actjal number of full and Evening and Sunday Bee printed 'during tae mourn ot " w- I.. .. .. I.. .. 7.. $.. .. 19.. U.. 33,000 82,090 32.220 20.6NO 8110 aivoo 81,000 SlriWMi . ...81,070, 8S.U30I 2tM,41o' " Itl n ar i a "!"!I!ir8iUo u!!!"!!"t!.!.si.80 B...-.......a.TiO ..........-j,o nU....!siK M 27 28 2 W .JSS ..SX.S50 .900,300 U IS.eieee 14 16 ..81, Total Less unsold and returned copies. Net total sales 880.98T Net average ,rj-AHtr"n,V7HCHiJc I Subscribed ln my preaence and sworn to (Seal.) Notary Public Knthlnir short of a nnllticsl revolution wlll give the people of Nebraska full re- lief from railroad tax-shirking. Senator Gorman Isn't saying much these days, but his wires will be found Vw. In wtnulrtni, whon tha Hma I w iu " lfcr action comes. Just now the agitation for an occupa tion tax ln Omaha will be somewhat un popular. There are altogether too many people ln without occupations. That superb Douglas delegation to the legislature ought to have known better "than to have divided the city Into thir teen wards. Thirteen always has been an unlucky number. Colombia .w ants to raise the price de manded for canal privileges across the lithmiM. Colombia needa the money and knows one who could be 1 touched as hard as TJnc'.e Sam. . It lrtno. warI will enndearend to I . Visit us ln America, WO Win cerrainiy .. if h ba. a croon mj. And we will leave It to him to say Just what , , . . , . K- ... tn v.. i klnd Of a I.'Ood time he prefers to nave. When public curiosity In finally met with the details of the alleged bribe offers said to have been made to Got- eruor Mickey, the chances are good for a reoettlon of the story of the three black crows. I i If their platform differences have all been adjusted, Iowa republicans wui have nothing to do In state convention except to endorse the administration oi 1 Governor Cummins and his associates 1 . . WllU ceiuucnuia i icuuuuuauuu. Tn ihA d r.n i niant a nroraj TnA stats I -"" " I board of railroad assessment the rall-l roaus were jjivcu mo ymucto lng and closing. But If nobody on either side had appeared to say a word the outcome would probably have been the same. The Increasing tide of European lm migration Is good evidence of the lm presslon our national prosperity has made upon people abroad. If the pres- ent pace is maintained, me current year will be a record-breaker in lmml- I rratlnn flmvrea. - I Ike Ilascail is tne oruy man or tne solid five that has the nerve to say he mu8t aT-u our8elveB of eTer opportu- petuaOon by legislative decree of conn- " hi"erly denounced. In their war wanta a life tenure ln the city council. . . . . . . ., k k i.. t. fare on "government by injunction" they All th. ottr members ln the old com- . muu , v... thought or sucn a tniug ana wouia not i have It If It was orrerea to tnem on a i I aiivpr aaiver. i Th oommonor onrht to, b interest. lng reading if Cleveland should be put I n fr rmwldont " retnarka the BL Louis Globe-Democrat. It would hardly Mv to .,wrihe now for the vear 1004 iti, thA atnttinn of aeeintr th fir, works sot off by JJryan In celebration of Cleveland's nomination. Coneressnian Cousins of Iowa has been made the target for denunciatory reso- lutlons by the Iowa Federation of La- bor for failure to withdraw the use of his name and portrait from a brand of nonunion cigars. Wonder if Mr. Pnndnt ipn lwwn nasainir tht nlr-torlal cigar box around among his constitu- enta. Another system of electric railroads to connect the towns of western Iowa with the capital of the Hawkeye state has been projected and the promotera an - nouuee that it will require an expend!- ture of (10,000,000 to complete the lines r.nntAmnltl. The Drolect merits serf- ' k .h.o,,.. oua n)Mmuniuuu, a long felt want With western lowa crisscrossed by seven or eight .team railroads and branch roads, the proposed electric lines will Lave lively competi- tion. But promoters of railroad are al- way. very taoguint ALTvOETntn TOO PCXCTILtoUi. The announcement that the arbitra tion plan formulated and endorsed by the Central Labor union ha received no consideration at the hands of the Buslnpsn Men's association on the ground that no official notice of such proportion had been received is to say the least to be deplored. The employers' organization seems to ho alto).- too nnn. tnioiia. The ar- bltratlon proposal of the labor unions was published In all the daily papers and no harm could possibly have come t from giving It due consideration. If iPn application of the secretary of ag the Man embodied anvttalnsr objection- rlculture. to furnish the latter with able, or If the conditions under which arbitration was suggested were not ae. ceptable to the business men, a counter proposal could have been made with a view to reaching a common ground upon which both parties to the contro versy could stand. Public sentiment in Omaha is over- whelming In favor of an amicable ad- jUHtment of pending labor troubles at the earliest possible moment. Every day's delay not only entails heavy losses on those dlrectlv rnnccrnoil in the onn. fllct, but seriously affects every man, woman and child in Omaha. If it is ... ., i . I wo mat mum iuo euxatt iroais wiiiniui I evpr - day woud bulld the Auditorium, Omaha can hardly afford to indulge in .uch a ,uur- for any protra-ted pc ,,uu lw " rauicuis ana belligerents on both sides. ah ' . . . i a a. 1 i l a 11,8 problem with which the commu- nity Is compelled to grapple is not a theory, but a condition. Corporation lawyers engaged to fight the battles of ne employers "may talk wildly about emancipating business men from sla- y- thing to gain by. keeping up the fight nn(j nothing to lose. Few of them have ever employed any wage workers be- yond . coachman or household servant, and most of them could pick up their Wonn and ,eave Omahn on twenty- four hours' notice wlthbut Suffering se- rlous Inconvenience or loss. The time has come for the business men who have the large Interests ln Omnha Btlfl who. hnva nonlt with loro-o I numbers of wage workers under varied conditions to come to the front and take the lead ln the effort to restore Indus- trial nra Thla mnnnt h inn tw talking to one another in closed door a L. ma. - ..m m I uimuuijs, uui u cau ion guuuiu ue oone by conferences between representative I employers and men authorized to dla- cuss condition, of . settlement on the part of the unions. It is to the credit of organized labor that It has taken the Initiative toward i arbitration and manifested a disposition to make concessions in order to meet th emnlover. half war. tf th Ttnat. ness Men's association will proceed to to b Btate 0,1 'nPctors of a quan give the proposal of the labor unions ttt7 of "mating oil under the test I fair consideration ln the asm anirtt that has actuated the labor uniona there u n croon wm.on whV th wrhoi tw i t. ...w. . auouiu not. oe .eiueu amtcaoiy oy tne i end of th Present week. DOMiifAtiOif MiVHT Bt FEAVBFVU tvclua 1 Bau8 UPUU tuo preoiueuv s sunn- that one o-noirinM.l nofiltlon tn. - , " .... , . I Bux: our uumu,auuu wl aKlul: " w taslBt Pn our "dantage and our nauoDBi ngut, aa eastern payer ou-1 .v- series vuai urn uuuuuauvu luuoi ue i peaceful in order to be profitable, but wo tmu -" ""ug ca iuj uuij y an exhibition of strength on those waters that will deter any otner power tmm resisting It. While not desiring more territory or xae responaiDuiiy or i DroteCtW or governing In that Dart of the world, nor desiring the exclusion of oinera irom its intue ua equai tenns, y we cannot diook tn0 policy or ny European nauuu curvmg out ior iiseit i a sphere of exclusive control or shut- Hn. tha In mir f.e. n tl.a va.t.m . I aiuv m uio rouui; wwu. e ire I M . L A T 1. ( . II .1 " . . v - n 1 1 . , J...LI. I w uae a yauuc uwiity m lie uuuura sense, but It may be a policy that will nave to oe enrorceo. Dy a mignty sea i power ln order to be made permanently paciflc." There is no subject appearing to the consideration of the American reo- pie of greater interest and ' lm-1 portance than that which President ,. . ...... I Itoosevelt has placed. before the country ln regard to our Interests ln the Pa- clfjc oeeaIU There will unquestionably be a eat development of communlca- f ,nn frali. K-two- tv. Lv ... . luo reni ui iuo wuim nuu iu eucu truue I thA TTnltml Ktatea ahonlrl rvimmnnii a UK. I , hjlMl Tn in rt thlB n " ao tnis. If any European power shall attempt to shut us out of the far east- markeU or rmMct our commercial lntercourM wlth tnem we mugt be " . . . . . . . pared to protect our Interests. ''Mr. Koosevelt In his exuberant way may BCem uttIe defiant," observes the New York Journal of Commerce, "but he has I . ... ... i .. . KsPe we iuea or tne necessity or hh United States standing guard reso- lately over her opportunities to the westward, while Europe Is plotting to aU them to the eastward. Our Pa- kiuv cvsBi in a prounc region wun pos- I of industrial development that l are hardly touched and the day is coming when we shall need that vast outlet for our trade that Ilea open on the west and the traffic with the Orient I which la now ln lta nascent stage." I The United States will emnlov only peaceful methods in extending lta com- merce, but It must not be unprepared to defend and safeguard that which it I may obtain and the purpose to do this cannot give reasonable offense to any other nation, certainly to none that In- 1 tends to deal fairly and Justly toward us. Our government has been largely 1 Instrumental ln saving China from dls - memberment It haa now to see and to Lnnl. tnat.t , r r.t . 1 " ' " I market snau re ciosea to our trade ana I that no right or Interest which we have in that quarter of the world shall suffer through a hostile policy on the part of any other nation. We should, on the lone hand, do nothing to (Its offense or to provoke "hostility, and on the other hand we must tolerate no assault upon our Interests. MAT tXCLCDB IMPVRK FOODS. After next month all foods, liquors dru" In-Ported Into the United States will bo subject to inspection by federal officials and articles found to be nauiteraiea may oe exc.uueu. provided for in a auction of the agrl- cultural appropriation bill, passed at la" session or congress, wuicu u- homes the secretary or we treasury, aamples from original packages for in- spectlon and analysis. If the articles 1 Inspected are found to be dangerous to I hoalth rr a pa fnrlililrlnn tn hn Bold or I "--'", I restricted In sale In which they In the countries are made or from which they are exported, the secretary of the treasury la required to I - . refuse delivery or any sucn goous to tlie consignee, Dr. Wiley, chief of the bureau of chemistry of the Department of Agtl- Culture. Says It lS the intention to strictly enforce tins provision. Alter Ju'T V he remarked, "you will hardly Ka oWo t hnr In thla eonntrv anv I ....... ... frankfurters Imported from Germany Germany objects to the borax in .our meats and we will object to the borax in nnp an iiuu (ran a i fir nru si m van i fiiiiii i i iini ' they all contain borax. Then, too, the French wines that come Into the united States will receive their dues. There ls probably not a wine sold in this country under the label of pure French wine that Is not a mixture or blend of French and Italian and other light wines. We Intend to make these people tell on the label the truth about what ,B ,n the bottle." lie further stated tat the bureau of chemistry had al- ready obtained the data on which to proceed when the law becomes opera tlve and that no time would be lost In Putting It into effect While pernaps not intended to be re- taliatory, It Is easy to see that the law can be made to thus operate as to lm DortationS from any Country that diS- criminates against our products, on the ground that they are deleterious to health. There will be no question, we think, as to the Justice of this law. - inc. It is a well known fact that a vast amAnnt tt ItTinortAt Morula llnlea a A I - i drugs re adulterated, goods not per-1 rnltted to be sold ln some countries being exported to the United State,. Possibly these adulterated articles are not espe- ally dangeroua to health, but as our Pople P7 the price of pure goods they og&t to get that which is pare, The controversy arisen over the paas- . n t v. .v. . n , . i Prescnoeu Dy lllt) new jaw on repre- en",u1 waj- luo ,u,PDl w" maae Derore notice or tne cnange in standard had been riven reinforces what The Bee - MM - . . " '" ana uncaiiea-ior use or tne emergency clause In our legislation. ' Had the new oil inspecuou law gone mrougn in ID6 r, v. rr .v. I " enuar monina aiwr ine aojournment or the legislature, the oil companies would nave naa ampie nonce ana would De I ..,. . ...... wimoui excuse ior inning to Ousert e IIS I provisions. But the legislature pre- leuueu vj a ucuuous iunn tnai mere i was an emergency requiring immediate action, as if oil explosions in Nebraska were of dally occurrence, with life and property in constant jeoparay, although I the Old law had been on tha atatnt. books for years. There was in fact no more emergency ror tnis Din man for a dih cnanging tne line of property de- scent or aDoiisnmg tne aeatn penalty, Of course, after a law Is enacted it Is a --w .. . i - "w- wu u Bun miu . .. . . euea uui woeo we coanm our ava va . m ... .. ..... I SUOU1U allow reasons Die time ror Uioaa affected to adjust themselves to new conditions unless a real emergency exists. The corporation gang behind the ef forts of Hascall & Co. to break Into the next city council must be desperate. Their scheme to aaddle the community i.w . . . . . with a bunch of repudiated coundlmen In defiance of the popular will and with- ont giving the people a chance to say whether they want them or not is slm- nlv a loeical ronaAnump nf tha viola. e .v, , e v , viim-tum vi uvuig ruie no flaerantlv floutpd bv thn latA TVtnclaa deleeation to the lecrlslatnre. Tha nor. - " ; - same piece wun tne inniction or gpv- ernor-appolnted police commissioners ni water boards. If the clthtens dt- rectly concerned are not to be consulted I in the selection of one set of local o'Ji- t. . v. --I . . . . . . . . , . cers, why should they have a voice ln the choice of other local officers city councllmen for example? If the cltlsens I .4. vni in A. i-j " - eaamiue into tne matter they will see that home rule la the only safe pillar to tie to and that to Insure their rights of local eelf-gov- ernment the title, of .11 local officer. i num iuo itm ui me com mnnity over whom their authority ex- . . . . i I tenaa. it is tne corporations who refuse to trust to the people. It was a safe bet that one or more plots to make away with President Roosevelt during Lis tour of the weat would be uncovered by lynx-eyed sleuths ambitious to prove their powers as de- tectlves and the expectation is not dls- I appointed. The real disappointment however, Is likely to come to the peril- defying police who boldly frustrated the imaginary conspirators when they find that President Roosevelt refuse, 1 to stand for such a con game. . - I WhllA New York. Ilostoii. Phlladel. 77 ' . pnia. isuiuuiore, ii.ut buu umer I clearing bouse clues have experienced a decrease ln clearings ranging from 6 to S3 per cent for the week Omaha, not- withstanding Its business depression I caused by the strike, tut. scored an u - crease of more than 8 per nt 1n its clearings over the corresponding week of last year, which goes to show that business In this dry la Dot altogether paralyzed. Advice la the cheapest commodity on the market. Ai a consequence there la no dearth of plant to settle the strike, ue aaopuon or any one or tnetn being guaranteed to restore industrial peace forthwith. The difficulty lies In getting me contending -parties to adopt tnem Mark It I P. Baltimore American. Bait trust In California pleaded The uilty In the suit Instituted against It un dor the anti-trust law. This Is a fresh vlo tory for the government , u- v nu Washington Poet Like high-priced tenor with a bad cold. Orwr responds to the curtain' calls bis friends and bows and bows again without singing the song that would xeacti their a?i i a in aa h - arts. Trend of Injanrtlon Habit. Chicago post It Is' not at all surprising that an ordet of the court restraining a woman from talking should have been Isaued in Omaha. The injunction erase has hit that city in ,l" wiiaeai garD. Stranallna; the Goose. Philadelphia Record. The labor unions and the organised em ployers in New York are now Indulging la A Memlng rivalry to see which will first ,ucceed ln wringing the neck of the goose that lays the golden egg. Didn't Bryaja Get Some Applavaef Boston Globe. Perhaps the editor of the Commoner would be Interested to know that ona of quotations rrom an autograph album VTZ?Z 'ST SK care who makeg tne ,aW8 of th, country so long as I can shoot the ducks. Qrover Cleveland." This was received with ap- a - Tut I may have to vote for him again," the applause was tremendous. Aa Obatreperowe Governor, Detroit Journal. A funny sort of an old fogy must be Governor Van Sant of Minnesota. The representatives of the Minnesota loglsla- .V" .To0 tr rih'om!" aIi the de.ks, chair, and other detachable furniture as inadequate remuneration for their services to the state. When the vans sa" " twJ ! I . ... ' in which several honorable noses were flattened out. the furniture was wrested trom th lawmakers' hands and locked in -''of vTbV.'Z uncon.mutionai ,t untradiUonai. irreg- ular and indelicate. We cannot endorse the undiplomatic attitude of Governor Van Bant, for the legislators might take re venge by refusing to adjourn. What Colonel Watterson Thinks). Louisville Courier-Journal. Briefly, the scheme is this: to foroe Mr, uoiouuui uuuuaniiuu vy iui aria 01 l II a hIankrna)Iln nu..i..j. 1 i t... -1 . . . . the syndicate, and, having him nominated, to buy New Tor New Jersey and Con nactlcut and the one additional vote neoea. anr to elect, relylna- uoon the solid south. reduced to a choice between Cleveland and Roosevelt, to take Cleveland. ' That Is alt And it v great because it la so simple. " " " -'". " lauity as tne nnai .mat approacnes Mr, Cleveland has only to draw out. as he did from the aoldbur Indlanaoolls oonvenUon. declaring that no one was authorised to " uuuuuiuv. oui m un moua- time, thouch Mr. Bryan SDeculate and Mr. 77 .,... . auced to utter 'the decisive word, .which would at. once stop tne chatter. BATTLE OP KUVNCTIOlfS. Cincinnati Tribune. Each order of In junction emDoaies a aepnvauon or UDerty properxy wiuioui au. proooae oi jaw, "l'.o?tHLth.tb:K! jected. Boston Globe: Thla contest of fore against rorce is simpiy war in iu coarsest Pi""- inere notmng oexierr u wo, than the industrial question Is In Its In- u..., -nA fh. An-.t.An noHn muat ha . . ,...i n. ,.iin,.i. n.i.l Wr T.. tH union imm war enjoined last week; now the nonunion men are enjoined. Before the two cases come up for final determination, both sides have an opportunity for the calm sober second thought that sometimes comes to save the fool-killer from overwork. St Paul Pioneer Press: The war of In. Junction to which both sides have resorted m labor disputes at umana is oecom- In decidedly amusing. If the rldlculous- of th..,tu.Uon would only provoke both worktngmen and employers to a good laugh we might expect an amicable settle- ment ln rew hours. Chicago Record-Herald: Apart from the absurd features of the situation there la i . i v. . f ,. I , . i ..n m.thnd of attack which they have so long hkve had the encouragement of many per ,, wb0 not sympathise with their industrial alma It is a grave matter, therefore, for them to shift their portion d rather too grave, pernaps, ror a van I In hii.lAaina i ....w New Tork Sun: The Waiters' union o Omaha has obtained from the district court an injunction against Its enemies noticeably different In one reepect trom I tha manv iniuncuons ooiaineu vr mm- ,oyefc No Morw w. beii... has ventured upon any- thing like an injunction against importing laborers or SJ? JfTZ faoe of the existing decision against re. .traint of trade we cannot explain. Chicago Chronicle: And now the Omaha labor unions have secured an Injunction restraining their employers from securing any more Injunctions against the labor uniona. Suppose, however, that the em. pioyers should secure an Injunction re straining the unions from securing an In Jnc"" """,nl1n tha emiy!!!anl ftf fha 0rinl.iDia i, obvious and entirely possible under the glorious privilege which the American citiien enjoys of governing everybody else by injunction-everybody . . 1,7 77 . V i. -k-,- i tMa end. tf an iniunctton can be se cured against applying for an injunction, of course, an injunction can be secured against applying for an injunction agalnat applying for art Injunction; and if an In I Junction can be secured agalnat applyin i for iniunction against applying for an I injunction, certainly an injunction can be secured against applying for an Injunction n" t.on; ando on. Yd llwtum. The endless chain of injunctions Ihsihi to have arrived. ROTOD ABOVT NEW TORK. Rlpplee the Carreat at Life la the Metropolis. I .end lubbers with a weakness for aquatlo sports, a desire to rub elbows with the social swells of New Tork, and money to gratify both, are already seeking Informa tion about leaaing yachts on which to en tertain their friends while witnessing the faces for the America's cup. It is the fashionable thing to do and men and women who think that money Judiciously expended are ready to put up the price. From present indications the demand for leased yachts will be greater this year than ever before and there will be a smaller supply with which to meet It. Almost every yacht owner In eastern waters will want his boat for himself. Tenants of more than 100 residences and partment houses In ths streets adjacent to the New Tork Central railroad yards have been notified to vacate the premises they occupy before June 12, when the work on the new $30,000,000 terminal Is to be be gun. Formal notices were serveo last wee on lessees of property from Forty-fifth to Fifty-first streets and extending from the present car tracks on the east to Lexington avenue, and on the west to Madison ave I nue. fine church and more than fifty brown stone dwellings sre among the buildings which will be raxed. A New Tork young woman who has a sweetheart who Is an officer on board tha cruiser Olympla got a message front him last week stating that he would reach Boston on Friday, and that he would not be able to come to New Tork, so that If. she wanted to see him she must make the trip to Boston. She was afraid to make the trip alone, and a friend suggested that she engage a messenger boy to go with her. A messenger was called. The young woman was told that his time was worth 80 cents an hour, not Including his ex penses. The trip was made and she saw her sweetheart. The New Tork appellate division of the supreme court has confirmed a Jury ver dict of H00.000 for a life lost In the Park avenue tunnel disaster. A boy In the same tunnel disaster who had both legs crushed and three ribs broken was awarded $12,500. This was held low by the railroad com pany, which had previously offered $15,000. The sky-blue of lower New Tork, seen from the west shore of North river. Is pictorial and enchanting, says the New York Press. Look upon it on a day wnen the air Is still and clear. Then see some thing like a white ostrich plume waving from the top of every skyscraper. The feather appears to be about forty feet ln height, and the tip fades away in the ethereal mystery. One stands straight up, another leans toward the Battery, another toward Harlem, another toward Brooklyn, another toward Jersey. All these hundreds of plumes are pillars of condensed steam blown from escape pipes. On windy days they mingle and are quickly dissipated. On a still dsy they stand apart, each to Itself, and every skyscraper seems parad ing with a cloud pompon In Its hat. From tha Hudson river through a line of pipes more than seventy miles long New Tork will get lta new water supply If Commissioner Robert drier Monroe's ad vice la taken. Three experts who for six months have been going over all water sheds In the state and surveying every Dolnt supposed to be available have recom mended this plan. The cost ot tne enure project has been fixed at $20,000,000, not Inoludlng a large reservoir, which will have to be made about five miles from the city limits. Tha olty of Poughkeepsle gets its water from the Hudson and filters it, and the method has been rouna satis factory In every way. York la Jimmied" Is said to be the con clusion of professional beggars; In other words, begging Is no longer a legitimate occupation ln New Tork. Nearly all the beggars are said to have been cleaned out of the city. "Only a sad remnant of the old vagabond army remains," says the Tribune of that city. If New Tork can get rid of professional mendicant, ana ciean its sidewalks of sound and able-bodied men and women who pose as cripples, other cities can do the same. Tou never know how much $1,000,000 la until you try to count It," remarked a treasury expert when the count ln the New Tork subtreasury vaults was com. Dieted. Ten men had been at work on this job since March 21, the count being made necessary by the appointment or a new subtreaaurer. The amount counted was $286,471.. This consisted of $300,774, 007 In gold. $06,913,066.40 in silver, $i,649,777 In paper money, $1U,64S.H in minor coin and $20,756.86 In other Items, such as paid coupons, Interest checks, etc. a Magistrate Zeller draws the line at ten- weeky-old sandwiches aa a legal meal In Raines law hotels. Bald his honor, as he held four alleged excise violators: "If man orders crackers and cheese, or even crackers alone, that constitutes a meal for the time being; but forcing- one of these ten-weeks-old sandwiches on a man does not constitute a meat These saloon keepers are a lot of fools; they have no sense at all. THBT WERE ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS Kidnapers ( Miss Ellen Stone Paas Vnder the Searchlight. i Washington Post. The diplomatic correspondence which fol lowed the kidnaping by Bulgarian brig ands of the American missionary. Mlas El len Stone, justifies tha comments of the sensible newspapers at the time. We now know upon the highest official authority what the Post and other conservative jour nala believed at the very outset, that Miss Stone was not seised by the Turks; that the outrage was not prompted by any Mo hammedan hatred of Christian persons or their work; that, on the contrary, Mlas Btone was the victim of Christian brigands of most orthodox piety, and the money ex torted for her ransom was used by the Macedonian committee composed of the most devout Christians In political con spiracies and intrigues against Turkey. It reads like the libretto of an opera bouffe. The capture was made by the Bui garlana for two reasons. First, they wanted the money for their own purposes, ana, eee. ondly, they hated and despised the mission, aries anyhow. Then, as revealed by the correspondence In question, our govern. ment was assured that the women were ln no danger whatever of personal Injury, They received very fair treatment; were reasonably well fed and lodged; had the benefit of religious ceremonies every day sometimes twice a day and. generally, en. Joyed everything excepting liberty. It wa a delicate touch of humor, too, and we can Imagine how Mr. Assistant Secretary Adee reveled In It. that appeal by the Bute de partment to the Russian ambassador at Constantinople to secure the porte's aid in achieving the release of Mli Btone and her companion ln captivity. Mr. Adee is on of the wittiest end most whimsical ef men, How he must have enjoyed the situation. A Christian missionary kidnaped by Chris. tlan brigands; our government Invoking Russia's Influence with the sultan to ao oompllsh her release; finally, the failure of the missionary societies in this country to contribute to the ranaom fund! No doubt history contains a chapter more grotesque than this, but doubt lees we have lpever seen lb Waltham Watches Not of an age, but for all time. "TTie Perfected American Witch," An tilttstrAted book of interesting information tbooi watches, v77 be sent free upon reqaest. t Amerktn W!thm Watch Company, Wtttfum, Mass. THE TAX-SHIRKIXO RAILROADS. Leigh World: Edward Rosewater, editor of The Omaha Bee, is again after the rail roads on account of their assessments bring too low. He has been before the assess ment board with ,a tabulated statement, comparing the railroad tax with that of the fanners and business men, and thinks that there is good reason why their assessment should be raised. Kearney Hub: The argument by Edward Rosewater before the State Board of Equalisation ln the matter of railroad as sessments, opposing the reduction asked for by the roads and disputing their claims that the railroads pay more taxes pro portionate wfth value than private prop erty pays, was a fair statement of the anti-railroad side of the tax question. The railroads have their paid attorneys to pre sent the railroad side of the, question be fore the board and elsewhere. The tax payers have not, apparently, anyone to represent them, and there are few people who care to take up the taxpayer's case without a fee. Whether wholly right or not, Mr. Rosewater Is doubtless more right than wrong on the railroad tax question, and the people of the state should accord him full credit for appearing In their be half at Lincoln. BU Paul Republican: The 8tate Board of Equalisation ahould be bound by no pre cedent In fixing the valuation of railroads, telegraph and telephone lines. They should make an honest effort to get at the merits of the question and then govrn themselves accordingly. The decrease ln assessments of this class of property during the past twenty years, while actual values have in creased, would seem to Indicate that there is something wrong somewhere. It may be, however, that similar favors have been shown to owners of all kinds of property, in which case no great Injustice has been done to anybody, That Is for the State Board of Equalization to find out. The people are not demanding an. ex orbitant assessment for the railroads. All they want is aasurance that the rail roads are paying their fair share of taxes. They want a state board of equalisation that will equalise. Holdrege Progress." Fd ward Rosewater. editor of The Omaha Bee, appeared before the State Board of Equalisation and Assess ment at Lincoln Tuesday ln an endeavor to have the railroads of Nebraska assessed at a rate commensurate with that assessed against other -property. Mr. Rosewater made an excellent showing ln behalf of his contention that the roads should be as sessed at 10 per cent Instead of S and one- half per cent of their real value. It Is the prevalent opinion that the railroads of Nebraska do not bear their Just proportion of taxation and Mr, Rosewater's effort to secure a more equitable rate of taxation of their property and to arrive at a true tax valutlon of railroads, is highly commend able. The contention that large property and franchise owners are the most artful tax-dodgers has altogether oo much foundation to be Ignored. Mr. Rosewater, with the aid of his paper, can do much to ward forcing the railroads of the state to pay their equitable share of the state's governmental expenses. Friend Telegraph: Week before last we remarked that there were a good manv people within this state who would watch the coming railroad assessment with no little interest. With the general Instinct of all corporations the railroads of . this state sre already busily engaged In seeking to lower their valuations below that of last year, and which most people thought was altogether too low. A pamphlet Issued by the Union Pacific has been received at these religious headquarters, snd after carefully perUBing its pages we are In a quandry to know why the railroads of this state are asked to pay any taxes at all, or to contribute anything towards the running of the commonwealth, counties or schools. When we take into consideration the fact that the land grant railroads within this state were practically built by the govern ment, that the lands granted along these lines sold for sufficient money to construct and equip these roads, It cornea In bad grace to step up annually and attempt to avoid their share of the burdens Incident to the municipalities through which they run. No man desires that these corpora tions bear more than their Just proportion or that they be assessed so as to cripple them, but the values of these holdings has more than doubled in value and ln paying qualities within the last few years. In equipment they have more than quad rupled within that time. Vetlnn a Mere Formality. Philadelphia Prejs. Our Iowa contemporaries bear the news that Judge Van Wagenen will be nomi nated for governor of that state by the democrats by acclamation. In November they will have the announcement that he has been defeated by acclamation. The beginning: of baldness is dandruff. Dandruff Is a disease and can be cured. Cure the disease that causes dandruff, And the dandruff will disappear for good. Use only some old established remedy. We know one tested for more than 50 year Ayer's Hair Vigor - It cures dandruff, checks falling, makes the hair grow, alway5 restores color to gray hair. ' "Ayer'a Hair Vigor bas cured mf scalp of a ba4 cass of dandruff. . It Is s delightful preparation to use." Mrs. L. H. Budd. Lebanon Sorinea. N. T. t.O.Armw C., tovaU. MLaaa. iiTMrW T PERSONAL. NOTES. Levi r. Morton Is In Tsrls and Is about to begin a tour on the continent. Dr. Edward de la O ran J a, once a promi nent physician, Carllst and reformer, has Just died in Boston, lie was banished from Spain. Frank D. Underwood,, president ef the Erie Railroad company, began his career aa a deckhand on a ferryboat on the Po tomnc river, where he received a salary of $10 a month. It Is said that Bens tor 8. B. F.lklna of West Virginia cleared out of his many and varied Interests last year between $7,000,000 r.nd $8,0(10,000, and his entire fortune Is put at $50,000,000. Ex-President Qrover Cleve!and has made a liberal contribution to the monument to be erected In the capital square at Rich mond, Va., to General J. E. B. Stuart, the gallant confederate cavalry leader. Ovneral John B. Sanborn of St. Paul has been elected president of the Minnesota Historical society to succeed the late Gov ernor Alexander Ramsay. . General Sanborn has been a resident of the state since the early '60s. Edwin Wlldman, the former vice consul general at Hong Kong, has written a let ter In which he says that the Russians are tn Manchuria to stay. He sees no menace ln the occupation, but the opening of the doors ot commerce to the world. It la said that James K. Keene, the vet eran speculator, broke all records In stock failures when his Southern Paciflo pool went to pieces in Wall street last month. The estimated decline In value ot the pool's holdings was $.,800,000. The total cost of the stock aggregated $16,609,000, against a present market value of $13,800,000. King Christian of Denmark, though 85 years old, is still a hearty old man, as Is shown by the fact that he is about to re turn the visit of the French president Later he will cross the German ocean and call on his snn-ln-law and daughter, the king and queen of England. Queen Alex andra Is about to set up at Bandringham a marble statue of her aged father. . Elbridge T. Gerry, father of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Is preparing for his annual trip te Europe. This means an annual visit to the law de partment of the custom house. Mr. Gerry wears a sealskin oap summer and winter. To bring It back Into the country when once taken out, without the payment of duty, requires a special permit. Mr. Gerry never forgets to provide himself with this docu ment SAID. IS FIN. "Now what is the chief end of manT" 'It depends on ?.he man. Sometimes It's his head and sometimes his feet." Chicago Post. v,After all. you know, 'a man la only aa old as he feels.' " "How about the fellow who 'feels like a --year-old r.j! Philadelphia, frees. , , , "I sometimes has my suspicions,"- said Uncle Ehen, "dat do chronic gossip hab a gulltv conscience an' Is abusln' 'Is neighbors in self-defense." Washington Star. "Tea" mid his wife'- mother. "I see It was a mistake for my daughter to marry you at all. She 1 Just as different from you in very respect as she can be." "Well, well," replied the great brute, "how you flatter me." Philadelphia Ledger. "The money question," declared the cam paign orator, "Is no longer regarded as an Issue." There was a stir In the back of the hnll as half a dosen patriots strode m-Jestlcally out Into she night air. "Dey dont git our franchisee fr nuttln'," mut tered the disgusted chorus. Baltimore News. "I really think you ought to go to church with me once in a while.'' she urged. "My dear." replied the wily man, "my good fortune makes that entirely unneces sary. I hnve a wife who Is good enough for two." Chicago Post. "Wordley tells me he has been working on his family tree of late." "Yes, It keeps him pretty busy." "Rather complicated work, eh?" "Well, I believe he found a nooae on one of the branches, nnd he's having some trouble sawing It off." Philadelphia Press. Lawson You know young Jenkins and his wife thought before they were married that their life was going to be one grand, sweet song. Dawson Yes. Lawson Well, they can't either of them sing. homervllle Journal. TWO KISSES. A maiden stands 'neath summer sklea. Her fiice Is all aglow; Her eves are bright, her heart la light Life's deepest Joy she knows. O love so ;"re, the angels know It's mingled pain snd bliss; Life's song is sung. Ufa's change is rung. With a lover's first fond kiss. A mother sits and rocks her babe. And croons a lullaby. Soft twilight falls, and over all The stars shine In the sky. O mother love, so true snd sweet Who knows a joy like this? Come weal or woe. 'tis she wholl know Who gives a mother's kiss. HELEN y. LA MOTTB. ' "