Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1903, Page 9, Image 9
TTTK OMAnA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, 'MAY 10, 11)03. n PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND Saved the Life of Mr Thos. Wilemanv Bards dale, Cal. Tho Llfo Giving Compound That Wives and Mothers Moot Need In May. Pain' Celery Compound does a won drous work for atck and half dead woman In Mar. Th condition of winter have been detrimental to th health of women and girl everywhere; ther hare 'declined In nervous vigor, the blood Is reeking with Impurities, tho excretory organs do not perform their work and tho dlgeatlvo ma chinery la sadly out of gear. Tho human machine must bo cleansed, repaired and strengthened In May. Palne's Celery Com pound does tho work surprisingly fast and gives a guarantee of permanent health and long life. It Is tho one spring medi cine that truly nourishes, regulates and Invigorates tho entire nervous system, from the brain to tho minutest nerve fila ment It gives a full, rich supply of en ANGELS .TARE THIRD GAME1 Triok Turned is Jait the 8tm Manser u th Tw Bofor it Were. HIT THE BALL WHEN KITS ARE NEEDED Some Extra One Thrown ! for Good Measare, While Omaha Boys Jam Hole tat tho Atmosphere, Milwaukee mad It three out of thro yeatarday by taking the last game of the series from Omaha by a score of to L It was a clear case of Omaha being Just a lit tle the poorer In aU departments of the game all McPhen Mllwaukei e.4 fX.a of tho time. cPherson pitched a superb game for Milwaukee, letting the Rourkeites down with but three hit. If It had not been for his fatal propensity, of hitting tho bat ter Omaha would not have made Its soli tary V score. Shafstal was apparently easy for tho Angels to solve and they hit him freely when hits meant runs. His sup port was not very fast at any stage of tbs game. Milwaukee made Its Brat score In the second. Thornton, th Juicy man, knocked the- ball out Into right and Carter made a good run for It but failed to hold It when1 he did get It Meanwhile Thornton etretched on to second and scored on a single of Oatins'. Then Oatlns got pinched for try ing to steal second and Miller finished the, inning by fanning. In the fifth they drew another score on a single of Duffy's, an error of Wright's, a passed ball and another hit by Oatlns. In th seventh they got busy and began doing things In a way that made .the women in the grandstand weep. 'Duffy singled and went to second on Oatlns' sacrifice and stole, third, , Miller -got busy and knocked him In and then Lucia went out Bchafstal was worried and handed O'Neill a base and MeVlcker returned th compliment by pounding th ball for a couple of bags and two scores. " v. Meanwhile Omaha was dubbing along and taking an ogg each .innings. But it was tho lucky seventh and something must be don. Bo It was did. Oenln knocked a pretty fly , into Miller' hands and Preston got ready. A nice, easy floater cama along and he stepped Into it much to th regret of Luola and got to first' Wright was next and .fanned with great unction. Dolan smiled and hit the ball a mil and got a base, and then Stewart hit it another mil and Pres ton floated over th plat. Things were propitious with the first two hits of the game coming In together, but Patterson couldn't follow suit and it was all over, for the Rourkeites never had a look-In aft erward. Today they will lay up against Peoria and try and do some things in the old-fash-toned wsy and try to hit the ball Just Ilk mother Qsed to strike. , . MILWAUKEE. AB. R. IB. PQ. A. E. IB. PO. JL M I 10 1 o'Nelll, rf.... . I MeVlcker, If. ICockman, 3b. Vhornton, lb. rti(Tv. cf I -4 4 4 4 I 0 0 oatlns, ss.. Miller, 2b 4 Lucia, e 4 McPherson, p 4 ToUU.. , ..34 11 27 13 OMAHA. AB. R. 1B..PO. A. Carter, rf....,, 1 0 0 0 0 Purity and Age Ar essentia! element, in th - distillation of a perfect stint ttlant Kentucky is famous for making tb world's finest whiskies. Th fact that rare ' old Sunny Brook has teen declared Kentucky's premier whiskey by three fenerations of native Keotuduan speaks , loudly as to Iu quality. , "Horn folks" know that it's mad in tb good old honest , way. SUNNY BROOK DIST1UIRV CO. r -, - jfcfffjtsoa count. t; - - it i jvV (M , mm ergising blood. It clears the muddy, un healthy skin. It gives an Increase In weight and more refreshing aleep. Whatever be your condition, unhappy sufferer, w give you a" bleeeed assurance of a new and laatlng health through th uae of Palne's Celery Compound. Mr. Tho. Wlleman, Bardsdale, Cat, writes for ailing and broken down women as follows: "I began using Palne's Celery Compound about six years ago. I had severe attacks of sick headache, with sick stomach and vomiting. My frlenda thought I could not live long, but Palne's Celery Compound cured me. I am now able to do all my own household duties for a family of nine, and I can recommend Palne's Celery Com pound to anyon suffering as I did with alck and nervous headache." Oenlns, cf I 4 11 1 1 4 0 0 0 14 Preaton, ir.. Wright, lb Dolan, sa Stewart, lb Patterson, lb.... Thomaa, e Schafatal. p Totals Milwaukee Omaha Earned runs: tilt: MoVlckara. ... 1 1" 4) ,0 0 0 0 t 27 10 4 0 0 1 0 0 01 Milwaukee, 1. Two-base Hacrtnre . nil: uauns. Stolen basee: O'Neill, Duffy. Gat In. First base on balls: Off Bchafstal, 8; off Mc pherson, 1. Btruck out: By Bchafstal, 5; by McPherson, 4. Hit by pitched ball: By McPherson 4. Paused ball: Thomas. Um pire: Brennan. Time: 1:10. Peoria Has It ' Easy. , DE8 MOINES, May 15 The locals could not find Hart when hits were needed to day. Attendance, 1,000. Score: - R. H. E. Tnrl, AftftnOzSO 06 4 1 Des Moines.. 10000000 0-1 S 1 Batteries: Peoria, Hart and Wilson: Des Moines, Berry and Fohl. umpire: Mesmer. Kansas City Again Beatel. roLORADO SPRINGS. May 18. The lo- cala took their fourth straight game from Kansas City today. McNeeley, who had pitched a magnificent game, was put on the bench In the eighth for throwing his bat at Hess. Score: R.H.E. Colo. Springs.. 10000001 4 110 Kansas City... 100000002-446 Batteries: Colorado Springs, McNeeley, June and Dor an; Kansas City, Hess and Messitt. . . Denver Takes Ragged One. DENVER, May IB. Today's gam was a ragged on on botn side, ucore: R. H. E wX mmAAAAraiA C C at jo-ph.: o 001010110-4 i Batteries: Denver, Eyler and Schlel; St. Joseph, Howen, China, Glad and McGoi -n- nen. Standing of th Team. Played. Won. Lost PC. Colorado springs 15 Milwaukee ,, 13 13 Ml .618 .414 .42 .357 .333 .807 Denver ........ 13 Peoria Kansas City.., Omaha St. Joseph pea Moines..., 4 4 .307 Games today Peoria at Omaha. Milwau kee at Des Moines, St Joseph at Colorado springs, is. ansa vity at uenver. DISTILLERS COME SATURDAY Peoria Players Ar ;Hxf ; on tho Cist . for Ronrkeltes to Meet. Saturday the Rourkeites will m xni. for the first time this season. The riatiii ar Just a few notches higher up the league mmn row man j- a poye ana witn three straight from there th Rourkeites e.n crawl up a notch or two. Game called at .o. jo, uae up is: Omaha. Position. .. Peoria. Wright First base.... ....Second base... ..... Shortstop ... Third base... Left field.... Center field... Right field... ...... Catcher .... Catcher .... Pitcher ...... Pitcher .... ...... Pitcher .... Pitcher .... ...... Pitcher .......Runkl Shugart Holly Tlbald Wall Thiel Lasotte Wilson Hessler Hart Alloway ....Olmstead Stewart...... Dolan Hlck,y.... Preaton Genlns Carter , Oonding Thomaa.. .... Bhafstal Henderson., Companion. Milton Friend Bruner...;.. Wolf rpnii . ortlToil nil I riAiiF- rwnitl tv-IIinMl. DMLL. LCAUUtt Is Town to Ho Repreaeated, All bnt Ok Which Ha Been looted. , . HASTINOS.Neh.. Ma v 1K.lMrelal Th. Central Nebraska Base Ball league, com- iriaiug in, following citlea, Mccook, Hoi- orege. Mlnden. Red Cloud, nunsrinp mnA either Hastings or Falrbury, was organised at a mrcuni or Daae oail men hure laat night. Th board decided to give this city the first ODDortunitv to Inln tha ln. auallfylng the invitation, however, by the emand that It avail Itself of - the offer within one week.. Falling to do this Fair bury will be taken In. There Is not much doubt that Heatings will 1nln fh l. r,, and a meeting to perfect plana to that end na oeen caiiea ror next Monday night at th office of XJ. 8. Rohcr, In th Lincoln Avenue fiats. At last night a meeting th follawlna- offi cers were elected: President Mr. Herman of Holdrege; vice president 8. M. Marsh of neo noun; secretary, ur. McKlrahan of Mlnden: treasurer. A. C. Felt of Huiwinr It was decided that an entrance fee of $30 win ne cnari rarn team, sou or tne total amount will go to the winner of th nn. nant It Is thought by lover of the game that this organisation will give a new Im petus to the national game In this section of Nebraska, and strenuous efforts will be put ionn to uring aooui sucn a condition. Xehraska Loses Another On. ST. MRTS. Kan.. May 15.-(8neclal Tele gram.) Nebraska lost its third straight game loaay to waanuurn, i lot. The Corn nuskers' score were mad at easv stages. but failure to nit at the right time cost them the gam. - Washburn got th lead In the sixth through two errors and a- two bagger, which scored three men. Shlmer Is out of the game with a splintered arm secured in th Washington gam. Score: R.H R Washburn 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 4 1 Nebraska 1 41400010-344 Struck out: By Gore, 5: by Coldren. 3. Batteries: Washburn. Coldren and Mehle; vwaana, uori iDlt ituwd. Drake Wla from Amea. AMES. Ia., May 18. 8pcial Telegram.) In a cloae dual meet Drake won from Am,, in in last two events, score: Drake, nrata, ; second,, 8: thirds, 8; total, til. Ames, firsts, 1: seconds. 4: third. 3; total. 53. Williams ef Ames broke th tat record for hammer throw, making l feet. Chapman of Drake vaulted n f. easily. Ames waa atrongest in short sprints, long run, and weights. Drake was strongest In Jumps, hurdles, vault, middle Qiauuii-w runs. Create Shnte Ont Bedford. CRESTON. Is., Msy 15. (Special Tele gram. About 30 people today wltneased one of the best games of ball ever played here, between Bedford and Creston. The score ream lea In a victory for Creston, 3 to u. t nis is tne nrat time red ford, which has been the champion smateur team In southern Iowa, haa been shut out for eight year. Th batteries were; Creston. Ward and Corbet t; Bedford. Reynolds and Ever- nart. empire, uoiaen. t Game la Three I Leagme, At Bloomlngton Bloomlngton. 3; Dca- tur. I. At Cedar Rapids Cedar Rapids, 4; Du- ouiiue, a. At Jollet Joliet. 1: Rock Island. 4. At Lavenport Davenport, 5; Rockford. 1 Cell Baa Ball. At Orlnnell, la. Iowa Blat college, S; Urtnaeil. 4- At Champaign, HI. Illinois. 11; Wlacon- ICillCACO SEARING TIIE TOP Onlr Taw Point Behind Leunan In uniy iiw roinu uenino. u4rs in National LeafTia BaXO. aAAa vai. , . Va a a I BROOKLYN'S PITCHER DONATES A GAME I Cincinnati Baarhea Hlta and Take, the ' Let Game of the ' Series from the Glaata and fletpa Even I p. BROOKLYN. May 15-Garvtn wild work In the box coat Brooklyn the game to day; In the third and fourth Innings Gar vin gave seven bases on balls, hit one bats man and made a wild pitch, which gav Chicago Ave runs. Evan relieved him In the fifth and did fairly well. Attendance, 2,000. Score: CHICAOO. BROOKLYN. R.H.O.A.E. I B.H.O.A.E. Harley. rf. 11110 f Irani. 4 I I Blagle. If. . I t ,4 aherkard, If. M cOawl I,, If 1 Doric, lb.... Pahlen, aa... 1 Aheara, .... 1 Flood, lb.... Tnlelman, cf 0 Oarvln, p.... 'Jordan Erana, p.... 4 "Jackl-ch .. 1 Chaaea. lb. Jonea, cf... Tinker, m. run, lb.. Erera. lb.. Kilns. ... Taylor, p.. ToUU . t UK II 1 Total ... 4 IT 14 I Batted for Oarvln In fourth Inning. "Batted for Kvans In ninth Inning. Chicago 0 0820020 0-7 Brooklyn 0 2 l o o o 14 Earned runa: Chicago. 3: Brooklyn, Two-base hits: Tinker, Evers, Strang, Dahlen. Three-base hits: Tinker, Jack- lltsch. Stolen bases: Chance (S, Jones, Tinker. Ahearn. Double plays: Flood to l)ah en. Evera to Chance. Bacrinc nils: Harley. Blagle. Evers, Doyle. Flood. First base on bulla: Off Oarvln, 7: off Evans, 1; off Taylor, S. First on error: Chicago, 1. Struck out: By Uarvin. z ny n,vans, by Taylor, 1. Left on bases: Brooklyn, i; Chicago. 9. Wild pitch: Oarvln. Time: 2:11. Umpire: Emslie. Philadelphia Loses Another. PHILADELPHIA. May 15. Pittsburg hit McLntiarhlln hard today and easily won the last same of the series from Philadelphia. Both teams put up a poor game. In the seventh inning Merrltt ran the baaes for leever and scored a run. Attendance, J,. score: PITTSDl'RO. PHILADELPHIA. R.U.O.A.E I R.H.O.A.E Branmont. cf 1 1 I O Thomaa. cf.. 114 4 1 Clark. If t t f 0 Barry, If 1 I ftrhrlna. rf.. 1 I I 0 Dmialaaa. lb. 1 1 1 Wagnar, aa . 1 4 4 1 Kclatar, rf... 1 1111 Brmn.lUM. lb 1 1 4 1 1 Hraahaar, tb. 0 I I 1 LHch. lo 1 l o o i mailman. io. v i a 4 Rltcbar. 2b.. till 1 1 Hull wltt. aa. 4 1 I I Smith.-e 1 lit OiDooln. e 4 t 41 0 LeaTar. p.... 110 1 0 Zltumor, e... 0 114 0 McLatif'D. p. 1 I 0 Totala ...11 II IT 10 I I Total! ... t IT 11 T Plttshura- K ft 0 0 1 1 6 0 012 Philadelphia o o l o o o o u -i i Earned runs: Pittsburg, 2: Philadelphia. 1. Two-base hits: Clarke. Rltchey. Smith. Btolen bases: Clarke. Wagner. Double plays: Bransfleld to Wagner to BransAeld, Wasner to Brananeld. Heurina to urans- neia. iert on pases: nusDurg, iu: rim- edeirh!a. 7. FIret base on b!!s: Off Mo- . X. 11111111, , V L I . V,, , A, .11. J J ,1.1.1' ball: By McLaughlin, 1. Btruck out: By leever, 1. lime; l.Di. umpire: jonn- stone. Boston Has at Cinch. BOSTON, May 15. Boston found Hackett prpiL,n: ftL':1'??..' I inmm ' Vt.... 1S7o- Sr,.- ----- 2,67. Score: BOSTON. ST. LOVI8. R. H O A.B.I R.H O A g. Dmur. aa... lilt 1 Brain. lb.... 1 1 3 1 Toaaar, lb.. 2 11 'Barclay. If... Ab'chlo, lb.. 1 Coolar, If-.. 3 Camay, rf... 1 I 1 I 0' Donovan, rf . 4 v Burke, lb.... rarrall, . ef . Oram' far, lb. 4 1 Nlchoi,. lb.. Stanley, CI... S Williams, aa. 4 I Weaw, a... Hackett, p.., 4 Moran, , 1 Klltrd,a, a. Malarkejr. p. 1 10 Totals ... 4 14 It ToUl, ...10 I IT 14 ll Boston 4 t 0 I I 0 0 0 -10 St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- Earned run: Boston.' 1. Two-baa hlti n . .1..,, i .i i . kiw.tji. wnww. , u Dexter and Tennev: MarlarkV. Moran and Tenney. First base, on balls) Off Malarkey, 2; off Hackett, 4. Hit by pitched ball: xaoran. lime: i.oa. umpire; moran. Cincinnati Take th Robber. three out of lour from Mew York todov. Twice New York had men on bases and hard liners were stopped by fielders in time to double up men. Suthoff 'was not hard hit until the final Inning, when the locals made a desperate rally, McGann and Mertes bringing In two runs with two trip les. Alienuanua, i.loo. ocarv: . CINCINNATI. NBW YORK. . R.H.O.A.E. I R.H.O.A.E. Kalltr, If.... 1110 Brown, rf... I Sarmour. . ef. 1 1 4 1 Broanah'n, of 1 I I 4 Doalin, rf... 0 114 0 McGann, tb.. 114 14 Bocklar. lb. . 1 0 14 0 Martea, If.... 0 114 4 Stalnfaldt. lb 4 4 1 3 4 Dunn, a..... 0 0 114 Corooran, M. 4 1 1 4 0 Laudar, tb... 4 114 4 Magoon, 111 Gilbert, lb... 0 4 4 4 4 Baracn, .... 0 0 11 0 Warnar, .... 1 I 1 ,1 Sulboff, p.... 114 11 McOlnnltr, P 4 1 4 I ,McOraw 4 4 4 ToUl, ... s n i 1 Total, ... 4 It XI t t I naitea ior jvicviinnny in nintn. ClnclnnaU - 0 0002001 2- Mew xorg i u u o l o o o 14 Earned runs: New Tork, 3. First base on errors: Cincinnati, l. Jft on bases: New York, 10; Cincinnati, . First base on balls: Off McGlnnity, 6; off Suthoff, 8. Btruck out: By McGlnnity, 3. Three-base hits: McGann, Mertes. Two-base hits: Bresnahan, Mertes. Donlln. Sacrifice hits: Gilbert, Kelley, Seymour, Btelnfeldt Double plays: Corcoran to Beckley; Ma goon to Beckley. Umpire: O'Day. Time: 1:55. Standing ef th Team. Played. Won. Loat P.C. .6X2 New Tork ... 22 15 7 Chicago 17 17 12 13 11 7 6 8 10 10 13 IS 18 18 .6X0 .630 .545 .620 .4.18 .29 .217 Pittsburg .... Boston Cincinnati ... 27 2 25 24 26 23 Brooklyn .... St. Louis .... Philadelphia Oamea today: Pittsburg at New york. Chicago at Boston, Cincinnati at Brooklyn, Bt. Louis at Philadelphia. GAMES IN AMERICAN LEAGUE Whit Sox Take Another, Keening Washington's Hits Few and Scattered. CHICAGO, May 15. The locals batting was 1 to 1 against tne visiting pitcners. Dunkle holding his opponents down to six hits, no two of which came In the same Inning. Attenaance, i.ouu. ocorsi CHICAOO. I WASH1NOTON. R H O A E I H. H.O. A S Hallmaa. If. 1 I I 4 4 Rob! nana, a t 1 I 1 Jonea, cf. ... 4 0 saioacn, it. . i Holnxa, rf.. 1 1 Rran, cf 4 Carey, lb.... 4 4 Couihlla. lb 4 I Mania, tb... 1 1 Drill. 4 4 Ttmaaand, p. 4 -La, Green, rf..-. 4 Callahan, lb 1 Ubell, lb.... 1 1 14 ualy. ID , Tannehlll. aa 1 Sullivan, a.. 1 Dunkle, p... 4 Total, 1 11 IT 11 I, I' ToUl, ... 4 4 14 14 I Chicago . 1 I 0 0 0 1 -7 Washington ..; -i e u i i u I Left on baaes: Lhicago. 8; Washington 6. Two-haaa hlta: Mailman. 2: Daly. Tan nehlll. Three-baae nit: Martin. Bacrince bits: Jonea. Tannehlll. Ualy, Townaend Holmen. Btolen Dasea: nooinson. tseibach. Double play: Robinson to Martin to Carey. Btruck out: By Dunkle, 4; by Townaend, 1; by Lee, 1. rtase on dbiis: urr uunkie, 4: off Lee, 1. Hit ty pitcned ball: Green. Time: 1.40. Umpires: Haasett and Car ruthers. St. Louis Bites Dust. rt T.niTIS. Mav 15. Waddell pitched for Philadelphia today and held St. Lout, aafe after hla team had Its batting streak In the fourth Inning. Waddell struck out thirteen men and gave cm two iree passe, a lea ture was Burkett's home run drive In th first Inning. Attendant, 1,400. Score PHILADELPHIA. i ST. LOllg H.ll 0 A t Hoffman. If. 4 Plckerlnf. af 4 1 4 4 4 Burkett, If ... I I 4 4 I t 1 H.ldrlrk, cf. I 4 Wallace, aa.. 4 4 Andereos. Ik 4 4 kct'M'l, lb. 4 4 4 f r.ll. lb.... I Datia. b ... I L. rroas. lb. 4 Seyeold, rf.. 4 Mursar, b.. I M Croee, a. 4 hreck. , 1 Waddell, .. 4 ill 1 4 Hemeklll. rf. 4 I 14 3 1 Kahue, 4 4 4 il.Y.r. p , - u,dee .... 4 4 11 Tf 4 2 "Hu.lieS ... t Total, 4 4 4 4 I Totala ... mil Ratted for Frtel In seventh Inning. Batted for Slevers in ninth Inning. Philadelphia 0 0 4 2 0 1 1 0 St. Louis 1 0400001 03 Earned runs: Philadelphia. 1: St. Louts, 1. Two-oas nit: nnrecx. rnree-baa hit; Murphv. Horn run: Burkett: Saerlfic hit: Waddell. Double play: Shreck to Murphy- Base on twiia: iirr Elever. 1; eft WaddelUL Strack outi by Savers, t: by Waddell, U. Left on base; au Louis. T; Philadelphia. T. Stolen baton: Furkett. Wallace, Andfrton, 2. Time: 1:82. vmplre: Sheridan. Detroit Haa LlttU 1 a pa re. I DETROIT, May Is. In a batting matins u,. won .y. rhv lined out five trlpl and two borne run and had Httle to I . I mi 11 ,. imiih-( i, as iiiiPjuuBinii mad. lonf hits of mny fifes. Pmlth 1. out iur wirr-j UMTS nr wmiiRiinf WIUl 1 rifj U III- plra yesterday. Attendance 4.. Score: dbtroit. BOSTON. R.H.O.A E f H O A X. Barrett, cf... I Lu.h, lb neaghertr. Ji I 1 I I I I Collin, Ik... t 1 0 O'Brien, cf.. I Crawford, If. 1 Xlherfeld. m. 1 1 fwnu, rt. 1 WPerent. n. .. I Crr, Ik.. Oeaaler, rf. Y eager, lb.. bechance, lk 1 r.rrte, lb. Bvelow, smith, .... Hughes, p., Slbl .... Kitaon, p.. ToUl . I ll IT 11 1 Totala 4 14 14 11 t Oleason batted for Smith. Btahl batted, for Hughes. Detroit I 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 4 Boston 1 01100010-4 Earned runs: Detroit, t: Boston. 1. Two- baae hits: Yeagor, Parent. - Three-baa hita: Carr, Elberfeld, Oessler,' Lush, Btie low, Ferris. Home rufte: Crawford, Bar rett. Sacrifice hit: Kit son. Btolen base: Dougherty. Bases on balls: Off Kltson, 2; off Hughes, 1. First baae on err or a: Bos ton. Left on baaes: Detroit, t; Boston, 4. Btruck out: By Kltson, 4; by Hughes, s. Passed ball: Smith. Time: 2.00. Umpire: O'Laughlln. Banche Hits Uo Trie at. CLEVELAND. My 18. Cleveland bunched hlta In three inninss today and beat New York In the opening game of th aeries. wrlLht pltcnea, a . strong game, Attendance, 2,870. Scose: CLSVKLAND. ' i . KCW YORK. R H.O A t I R H O A X. Bar. cf 1 4 I nHa. If tilt McCartbr, If. 1 lift Kealar. rf... 1 1 Kllrk. rf.... 1 lit Cenmr. lb... 4 1 Hlrkmaa, lb 1 Bralr. lb.. 1 110 1 Willi. m. 11,1 1 I I I 114 IIKnuL lb... 1 1 It 4 4 Cllngman, lb 4 Gochn',r, as. 4 4 11 Mr Karl, cf. 1 1 4 111 Lcn a, I 1 I 1 0IS O' Connor, e.. 4 4 4 4 Btmla, e 0 Wrlgbt, p... 1 14 3 OiTaLnthlll, p. 1 4 4 I Total, ...I T 17 10 l ' Total, ... I 114 11 I Cleveland 0 tlllMIM New York M..0.0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0-3 Earned runs: Cleveland. 3: New York. 1 Two-oas hits: McCarthy, Hickman, Gan sel, Long. Three-base hits: Wright, Mc Farland: Sacrifice hfta: Cllngman. Davis. Btolen base: Conroy. Bases on balls: By Wright 2; by Tannehlll, 2. Left on bases: Cleveland. 3: Jew York. 5. Btruck out: By Wrisht. i: by Tannehlll. 3. Time: 1:35. Umpire: Connolly. Standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost Chicago Philadelphia ., Detroit Boston Cleveland ..... ..21 14 7 ..23 .n ..22 ..18 ..21 .. ..18 14 12 11 3 7 11 10 12 IS . 12 .571 .500 .444 .860 .233 New lork Washington ., Bt. Louis ..... Games today: - Washington at Chicago; Philadelphia at St. Louis: New York at Cleveland; Boston at Detroit AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES Kansas City Plaeea Hits Nicely and . Comes Oat Ahead of Mil waakee. KANSAS CITY; May 15-Kansas City wss fortunate In placing hits and Gibson was steady at critical times. Attendance, 1,300. Score: KANSAS CtTT. MILWAUKEE. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E K;";::! ? S i 3 Phyla. I I 1 1 ponahue, lb. s nanlMTv, rf. s 4 10 Nance, Sb.... 1 II I o oradr. , o , , o Wood, e BotbfuM. rf. 1 1 1 4 0 Thinian, If... Knoll. If 4,410 Lmw. as.... 4 0 I 1 1 McA'd'wa, tb 4 1 1 I II Shaar. lb.. 4 Vntlaub, lb. 1 Spear. Oloaon, p.... 110 10, Fear, -of. Hal,, p.. Total, ... 3 I IT 11 1 Tatala 1 14 II I 0 0 0 0-1 Donahue. Ksnsaa City .0 A 1 0 0 Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 1 Two-base hits: '' McAndrews, Home run: Nance. Bacrince hit: Knoll. Btolen base: Knoll, Bases on balls: Off Gibson, 2. Struck out: By Gibson, 7; by Hale, 4. Hit by pitched ball: By Gibson, 1. Left on bases: Kansas City1, 6: Milwaukee. 10. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Mullane. Minneapolis Bownod Again. ST. PAUL, May lo.-2ThMoeal team today I played more nearly up to form and defeated Minneapolis with eae Beth St. Vraln and Thomas were hit hard, while Stewart kept the hits scattered. Attendance, The score: - score ST. PAIL. . R. H.O. AC MINNBAPOMS. . R H.O A C. Shannon, cf. 1 1 4 0 0 Smith, rf.... Lallr. If..;.. 4 Mct'reerr, xf. 1 Yragr, .... 4 Mclntyr,, lb. 4 Orltr, aa ... 0 Martin, lb... 4 Vaabinder, lb 4 St. Vraln. p. 4 Tbomaa, p... 1 Jackaon. rf.. 1 1 1 4 4 Oalar. If 4 1.4 Marcan. a,.. I 1 o o Whaalar, lb. 1110 0 HuMina, lb. 1 1 , Kcll.y, lb... 1 3 I 4 0 Sulllraa. .. 1 1 4 0 0 Btawart. p... 0 4 4 1 4 ToUl, .10 14 IT t 0 I t Total, I 1111 It 4 Wheeler out; hit by batted ball. Bt. Paul 10222800 -10 Minneapolis OOOOOllOO 2 Earned runs: Bt. Psul, 3; Minneapolis, 1. Two-base hits: Shannon, Kelley Oyler, Thomaa. Stolen bases: Grier, Kelley, Sul livan. Double plays: Marcan to Hugglns to Kelley, Oyler to Vasblnder to Yeager, Marcan to Hugglns to Kelley. Flrat base on balls: - Off St. Vraln, 3; off Thomas, 2; off Stewart, 3. Btruck out: By Thomas, 1; by Btewari, . on Danes: oi. raui, r, Minneapolis, lo. Time: i:. umpires: Cunningham and Moran. Colnmhns Oct One. ttttrviU.R. ' Mav ' . Columbus de feated Loulavlll today in an Interesting game. Bailey out pitched Bohannon. At tendance, 660. Score: . COLUMBUS. r .LOU1SVILB. R.H.O.A.E. I H.O.A.K. Bannon, If... 1 Brldwell, lb. 4 Thoner. lb., Turner, ss... 4 Kerwla. rf... 1 4 Walker, If... 1 I Sulllraa, lb. 4 eVhrteier. . 4 Srhaub, lb.. 4 4 0dwell. cf... 1 4 V'loi, St a Cauda, lb... 4 14 14 4 14 Mellor, lb... Arndt, rf. Han. cf.. Fox. .... BAlley. P. 4 Bohannoa, p. 4 , cirear ToUl, i t n i i I ' ToUl, ... 1 4 14 11 I Batted for Bohannon In the ninth. Columbus 0 000pi40-- Loulavlll iuvvv w e Earned runs: Loulsvlll, 1; Columbu. I. Two-baa hits: Wslker, Bailey. Three baae hit: Kerwln. Horn run: Odwell. Sacrifice hit: Thoney. houdu Piays; oui llvan (unassisted), Vlox to Bulflvan. Left on baals: Loulavlll. ; Columbua. 4. first baa on errors: Louisville, 3; Columbus. 1. Base on balls: on nonannon. . nirui a. out: By Bailey. 1. nil Dy Pitcnea dsii: Sullivan. Vlox. Time: i:ou. umpire: Haskell. Chrlstall Do Trick foe Toledo. INDIANAPOLIS, May 15. Toledo won today, Chrietall doing the work with a pair of triplets after relieving Flournoy. who wa 111. Relating kept the hlu well scattered. Score; TOLEDO. 1 'T ' INDIAN APOUB. R.H.O.A.E. - R.H.O.A.E. Smith, rf. ... 4 4 1 1 4 wogriaw. rt 4 I Beraar4, cf.. 1 A it iter. sa... 1 , g rot, jo : i 1 1 l J Jones. If .... t Fleurnor, . If. S t 4 Klhm. lb. 1 rhrlelaU, If. 1 4 Coulter, of.. 1 O O'Brtea, aa.. TamaeU, lb, 1 4 Herdoa. ... 1 4 Tt. p 3 li'Woodrug .. Bl'k'abtp. lb. Cwena. lb... Coanera. lb.. 4 Butler, Relailng, p.. 4 ToUl, ... I 4 It I Total ... I III U Woodruff batted for Ford in ninth. Toledo ....0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 03 Indianapolis 0 1 0 u 0 0 1 0 s 3 Earned runs: Toledo, 1; Indianapolis, 1. Bases on halls' Off Ford, 7; off RHsllng. 3. Struck out: By Ford, a; ny Ketsnng. . Two-base hit: Tamsett. -inree-naae hit: Klhm. Chrtatall 2i Eoubl play: Klhm (unaaalsledl. O'Brien to Klhm. Btolen baae: Bernard, pasaed ball: Heydon. Ieft on bases: Toledo. 7; Indianapolis, 7. Time: 1:57. Umpire; Klllen. Standing; of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. P C Milwaukee . 30 18 . 7 .6M Indianapolla U S .612 Established 1823. WILSON WHISKEY. Thai's All! 4 1 I ' wrj,W)n tT8TTT.Lma iaaUar. Ma. CO I St. Paul Kansaa City lolerio Ixnilsvllle ,.k.... Columbus Minneapolis 17 10 T .S jo ir .k n it in n 10 u .? 12 I 14 .4 19 4 IS .211 Oamea today: Milwaukee at Kansas City. Minneapolis at St. Paul. Toledo at Indian apolis, Columbus st Louisville. CHANGES IN HARVARD'S SHELL Jew Arrangement In th Varsity Boat Holds Nnmbe of rprlses. CAMBRIDGE, Mass, May 1ft. Harvard's varsity boat haa been completely changed. Captain McOrew, who ha been rowing at six all the season, to th surprise of every one, haa been taken from that position and put In at stroke, where he rowed in the Yala rare last year, and Dillingham, who had pulled stroke for th isst few days and had com to be regarded almost as a fixture there, was put In at stroke on the second boat. McOrow'a old seat at six was taken by Fllley, a freshman, who Is rowing splendidly. Fllley Is th first freshman to fill a seat In th Harvard 'varsity boat In years,. Up to yesterdsy's change he was rowing at two. That place was filled by Wolcott th former candidate for stroke, who had previously been stroking the second boat Another shift that was mad yesterday was th substitution of George for Hartwell, who has been rowing three on the 'varsity boat and the rele gation of th latter oarsman to bow on the second. Th orde, of th 'varsity after th changes became a follows: Stroke, Mc Orew; seven, Lawson; six, Fllley; five, Duffy; four, Foster; three, George; two, Wolcott; bow,' Swayne; coxawain, Chase. The order of the second boat Is: Stroke, Dillingham; seven. Haycock; six, R. Fos ter; five, Ayer; four, Dery; three, Ober; two, Webster; bow, Hartwell; coxswain, Ivy. EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Morris Park Stewards Cancel All Gardner's Entries nnd Snspend Trainer Howell. NEW YORK. May 15 After the seconi race at Morris park today the Stewards ordered that the entries of J. Gardner anl horse, Dr. Riddle, be refused and the li cense of Trainer William Howell be ut pended and th cas reported to the Jockey club. Results: First race, last six and one-half furlong of Wlther's mile: Yardarm won, Kbl.i Jib second, Sungold third. Time: 1:2"H. Second race, laat seven furlongs of With ers mile, selling: Mies Buttermilk won, Kickshaw second, Scoffer third. Time: 1:27. Third rsce. last seven snd one-half fur long of Withers mile, the New Rochelle nanaicap: waswirt won, juuxcasia secona Wild Thyme third. Time: 1:83. Fourth race, four and one-half furlongs of Eclipse course: Dove Cote won. Hope ful Miss second. Vagary third. Time 0:52 i. Fifth race, last five furlonga of Fcl!r course: Jim Kelly won, Luxembourg iec- ono, uiat tnira. Time: u:c. Sixth rsce, Eclipse course: Reliable won Gayboy second, Utoller third. Time; 1:11V CHICAGO, May 15. Results: First race, five furlongs: Salto won. Lady Free Knight second, Claremont thlru. Time: 1:05 8-5. Second race, six furlongs: Anna Reall won, Irene Mao second, Marco tnira. Time 1:16 2-5. Third race, four furlongs: Determination won, St. Paula second; Bermce in ra. Time: 0:48 2-6. Fourth race, one mile: Gregor K won, Prince of Endurance second, Barah Maxim third. Time: 1:411-6. Fifth race, six furlongs: Annie Thomp son won, Herodiad second, Theory third. Time: 1:14. Sixth race, one mile and one-sixteenth: Alee won. Dodle 8 second, Ooldaga third. Time: 1:47 2-5. ST. LOUIS, May 15. Results: First rsce, five furlongs, selling: Kilo won, - Leopard second, Imboden third. Time: V.(X. Second race, six and one-half furlongs, selling: Fickle Saint won,'. Macy second, Bapolio third. Time: 1:23. Third race, four furlongs,- pun: Lustig won, Rhyme end Reason second, Rowland M third. Time: 0:50. . Fourth race, on mile and seventy yards, handicap: Albert F. Dewey won, bambo second. Dr. Kler third. Tims: 1:47. Fifth race, six furlongs, purse: Htnnah Lady won, Pettljohn aecond, J. Sidney Wslker third. Time: 1:16 v Sixth race, six and one-half furlongs, selling: Style won, Kentucky Muddle sec ond, Brown Vail third. Tim: l:3i. LOUISVILLE. May 15. Retults: First race, selling, five snd one-half fur longs: Amorous won, Little Corker se ond, Jake Greenberg third. Time: 1:10H. Second race, four and one-half furlong-: Sweetie won, Btnmpy second, Jennie Moore third. Time: 0:56. Third race, six furlongs, selling: Bridal March won. Flora Brlcht second. Bud Embry third. Time: 1:164. Fourth race, seven furlong, free handi cap: Walnamolnen won, . Bummer II sic ond, Esherin third. Time: 1:28. Fifth race, one mile and seventy yards, selling: Idy of The West won, Frank Me second, ur. nan tnird. Time: 1.47. Sixth race, four furlongs, selling: Prince Rupert won. Phelan second, Owaaca third. Time: 0:494- Golfers Contest at Washington. WASHINGTON. May 15 Play In the first and second rounds for the Governor's and the President's cups were the features or tne Columbia goit tournament today. Results: Governors cup, second round: McCsm- mon beat Carnegie. 1 up; Weaver beat Dixon, 6 up and 4 to play; Brooke beat L. L. Harban. I up and 3 to Dlav: Horatman beat Davidson, 6 up and I to play. r-resiaeni s cup, second rouna: Matringiv beat Leanston. 3 up and 1 to play; W. j. Harban beat Hall, i up and 3 to play; Hop per peat uuveu. up ana e to Dlav: ord beat W. T. Harban, 4 up and I to play. Consolation cud. first round: Grau hast Lafferty, 8 up and 3 to play; SumneV beat jriaiawin. 4 up ana 1 to Play: Bennett beat Caruae. 1 up; Conklyn beat Lea veil. S uo ana l to Py. Sharkey Rantnre Blood Vessel. NEW YORK. May lB.-Tom Sharkev. the pugilist was badly Injured In a wrestling niaicn ai i-eno ahidoj, rt. J., last night with Hanson, th Danish champion. Shar key won the first fall and Hanson the sec ond. Hanson got a leg ho'.d on Sharkey and slamming him on the mat pressed both snoumers to tne poor, enarsey was dared when ho got up and a physician who ex amined him said a blood vessel- In the shoulder had been ruptured and some of in tendons Droarn. . Gl lrevat Raee. OOUROCK. May 15. A continuance of the gnle today prevented the 8hamrocks from racing. Arrangements nave been com pleted for docking the two yachts Monday overhauling them and fitting them with tneir ocean gear. Wteeensln Athlete Beat. CHAMPAIGN, 111.: May 15-Th Illinois- Wisconsin dual track meet held her today resulted In a victory for Wisconsin university Dy m points to mi. MYSTERY IN SHOOTING FRAY Two People la Texas F.nd Their Llvs In a sndden Manner. EL PASO. Tex., May rS Oeorg, M. Peterson and Mr. T. M. Falrchlld were hot this morning in th Ramona house her. Th hotel keeper, awakened by rap ping on his door, found Peterson in th hall, who said that h had been shot by Mrs. Falrchlld and that eh, had Also shot herself. Th proprietor went to call aa- slstance and while he was gone three more shots were fired. When he came back both were dead. The woman was laying in a bed In a pool Of blood. Mrs. Falrchlld's husband Is a traveling ealr-emsn. Peterson came here a short tlma agn. The cause of the shooting Is unknown. The evidence In dicates thut Peterson 0M the shooting. Ills father is a wealthy commission merchant at Amherst, Wis. Mrs, Fnlrchllil was reg istered from IH-nver. AMHERST, Wis., Mny 15 -Oeorge M. Patterson, who flRurrs In the El Taso, Tex., dispatches today, was a single man 23 years old. He left hero about three years ago, going to Milwaukee, where he was employed in the freight department of the Wisconsin Central railway. Pnttersnh left Milwaukee last fall for Denver, from which place he left for Texas. Nothing Is known here of Mrs. Falrchlld. ' ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bar Signature tf Je Pac-SJaUle Wrapper Below. T email and as eosy O tak as smg-aa, FOR RCAOACKS rOR DIZZINESS. rDR RIUOUSRESt. FOR TORPIS LIYLRa FOR CONSTIPATION1. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR TNECOMPLEXIOR CARTERS m E ER LLS. T-amll m-t I ;. ' ae - . ajS, 1 caty TeyBtaJMey. CURE SICK HEADACHE. DR. SEARLES So well and favor ably known as th ieaaing, most reiisbie and successful Bl'ECIALTST In all DISEASES' OF MEN. They have been many years In estab lishing their reputa tion IN OMAHA tot tinnant and honorable P-ALINOS, Jd nlJt tars Lhanylng them for the CUKfc.3 per. lotted end tKe great goori they ar. doing for men. Their lite work ha been d votev. a Specialists, m treating all dl- BE CERTAIN OF A CURE by CON a i t t tt x-i ,k- prfit FlTtSI. DR. SEARLES graduatea it n ht medical college "Ckt the best EXPERIENCE and I PEClALISi If. a- dlseasen h U. BKAHLf.S ajraauairu ,'."'3 canowieusvu BK1LL.KU treat. DR. SEA&L-S' Consultation snd Ad vie r FREE, . perron or by letter, ana sacredly confidential In all diseases. Written Contracts given In all curable ctaeasea of men or refund money paid. Many cases trusted 36.00 per month. OONStri.TATIOH FHKH. TREATMENT BY MA1 all nr address, Cor. 14th" Dona-la. DR. SEARLES & SEARLES ... OMAHA. NEB. DR. SVIcCREW SPECIALIST Treat all forms of ' DISEASES AND - DISORDERS OP MEN ONLY 27 Years Experience. 17 Years In Omaha. His remarkable auc- Cf-Jta hn rtmvmw Km.. exaja-im ang every oay Drings many natter ing reports of the good he Is doing or tho relief he has given. Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis And all Blond Poisons. Mn mnmivtun OUT" on th skin or face and all external sign of the diseas disappear at one. BLOOD DISEASE ?"m"r',Li Auei. XaV7. r"" THAU O DAYS. nven Qft.nnn curi 0f nrv- wwaww oua debility, loss of ummiurau Miiscnargea, stricture. drooei. . " r viar iKluilc r m uu n annas l iinia bi wuICK CUREP-LOW CHARGES. lreatment nv mj.ii v n nnv . rnt 214 8. 14th street, between Faros i3 fvw Ma sircejia, ysi (IMA. JMJtU. tviAKt. PERFECT MEN I HI HonotBut ajkd ambitiosaof o you. Tbe very ma l-bl!lti.r PLKf KCTO roiapt relief to fa. d drain of vital powera. Inrurred by 1 Iteration, or aioeMea or ,arly yeara bartelvorand ootenoT t ererv fuae. M-B. Brace op the eyaMin. tiire Knv bloom to tpa ebeekaand lu.tra to tb, are, of ff .Ajouu, or eld. Onetoe bo renew. ll anergv f A'J4 boie, a St. ae a eom pleMguarantoedinire tunded. Caa be carried la eeet or money r. poekeL tou "4 every where, or muled in til. In wrapper on reeelp, of aria, br f EIUTEC T4 C K CO PAJI Y, Sold In Omaha br Kuhn et Co.. 16lh and Douala,. Shernia, A UcConnell Drug Co., 14la and Dodia; In Council Blufte by C. H. Brown. 4Z7 Mala St. MEN AND WOMEN. I'm Blf taforonnatoral diarharsea.inAanimalioB,, Irrltalloo. or ulceration, nf maeoaa membranaa. - P.laleaa. and not aatrio E EVAKSCHiMICal Ca. gent or poUonou. ' I M 3nsggUls. i or sent la plain wrapper. Jb, eapreaa. prepaid. lei 41 .. r I botllee 42 74. Circular h ea reiiaeat. r piinftrts a anovma, pENfiYROYAL PILLS H rf.-"v rll sal tuy Oe.el.o. AyNeW-nv 1 MKU ac4 b.M a... Iwa e1 TV S-w'V ' Mkw.. Take e ee. Keraei il S9 eXJ llaagerewa Sb.lltailea. m( latlt I fJ Uettfc Buy .f o.l Dr,lt. -a4 Ae. la 1 ( Jt Hu. kr PsrtleaUre , Tea ealal, v lee) Stall. 1 0.OO TmiIm at.e. e.ld .y k M ,tUit 4', bwiMw. stsdUm ar. PeUl-v, A5 HOTELS. SrtWs'" THE ! ATLANTIS KENNEBUNX BEflCH, KA1NE Opens June 22. A new house of th best class with every appointment designed for th comfort and pleaaur of th guests. A beautiful outlook from very room. Situated upqn a high knoll fronting the- open ocean Surf-Bathing, Canoeing Oolf, tennis. For illustrated circular address. ALMOII J. SMITH, Manager. 1. I u t a.n. J K ws Be, ie iwiiw Td-'AClXOIXIUTl posTorricF. !oti r.. (Should be read ItAlLY by all Interested, as t hsnges msy orcur st any time I Foreign mnila for the week ending My 16. l&'i. will close il'KOMPTLY In all canes) at the tlcnernl Postofni- ss follows: CAR-CEL8-1HST MAIll close on hour earlier than closing lime shown below. Parcels I'ost in r I Is for Germany clue at 6 p. m. Monday and Wednesday. Regular and supplementary malls close at Foreign Station half hour later than clos ing lime shown below (except that Supple mentary Mails for Europe and Central America, via Colon, cloee ono hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Malls. SATI RDAY -At 3 a. m. for El'ROrE, per e. a. Mmnehaha, via. Southampton (mall for Ireland must be directed "per s. a Minnehaha '): at 5 SO a. m. for EC ROPE, por s. s. Ivernla, via Oueenstuwn; at 8 a. m fjr BRLdll M direct, prr . a. Zee Isnd (mall must be directed "per a. s. ZeeUnd"); at 8 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. Latin (mall must be directed "per . a. Lnhn"); at 4:30 a. m. for Scotland direct, per s. s. Anchona (mail must be directed "per s. s. Anchorla"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thls steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Paper and Samples for Oermany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship un less specially directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above, addi tional Supplementary Malls are opened on the piers of the Amerlcsn, English. French and German steamers, snd remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for Sooth and Central America; Weat Indie. Rtc. SATURDAY At 8:Srt a. m. (supplementary :80 a, m.Kfor PORTO RICO. CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Philadelphia (mall for Savanllla nnd Cnrtagr-n must be directed "per s. s. Philadelphia"); at 130 a. m, (supplmentarv 1:30 a. in. for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. 8AV ANILLA and CAKTAOE.NA,. per s. s. Alleghany (mall for Cnt Hies, must ha directed "per s. a. Alleghany"); at S:S9 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m l for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX. 1-r.r.WARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS. BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Korona (mall for Grenada and Trini dad must be directed "per s. s. Korona"); at 9:W1 a. m. (supplementary ln-30 a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MARTA. rer s. s. Adirondack- at It) a. m for CUBA, per a. s. Morro Castle, via Haven't; at in a. nr. for YUCATAN and CAMPECHE. per s. s. Ravendsle; at 12:20 p. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Curityba, via Havana. Mall Forwarded Overland, Etc., fCseent Transpacific. CUBA By mil to Port Tampa. Fla., and thence by stcsmer, closes t this cffl -e daily, except Thursday, at 5:3u a. in. (the connectihg mails close here on Mon days. Wednesdays and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer. clost at this office dally, except Sunday at 1:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. ni. Sundaya at 1 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North Sydney, and thence :y steamer, closes at this office dally at 6:30 p. m. (connect ing mails close hern every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.) JAM A 1C A By rail to Boston and theno b steamer, closes at tnis place at p. m. everv Tuf-sday and Thursday. MIQUELON By rail to Boston and thenc by steamer, closes at tnia onico at :ou r. m. BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE- MALA By rail to New Orleans ami thence by steamer, closes at thla office dallv except Sunday, at I:30 p. m. and 111:30 p. ni., Sundays at l p. m. snd 11:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here londiiv at 111:30 P. ni.) COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleani an! thence by steamer, closes at mia om-.e dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. and 111:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and (11:30 p. m. (connecting mail close, her Tuesdays at U:30 p. m.) I REOI8TERED MAIL closes at I p. m. previous da'. Transpaclgo Malls. CHINA AND JAPAN, via Seattle, clos here dally at e:au p. m. up to May iiutn. Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Xosa HAWAII- CHINA.. JAPAN AND PHILIP- PUn lauAavs, via nan r rancisco, ciose here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to May lllth. Inclusive, for-despatch per . a. Nippon 1 n ru. - CHINA AND JAPAN, via Tacoma, does here uany at o:isj p. in. up ia may fisiu, inriuslve for desuutch per s. e. Olymplu. HAWAII, via San Francisco, cloae her - dally at o: P- m. up to may iin, CHINA AND JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, t. ciose nere nauy iu q:jv p. m. up to May 14,lh, Inclusive, for des patch per s. s. Eniprcss of India. Mer chandise for U. S. Postsl Agency nt Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Cun- HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA, nd PHILIP- PINK JSLAfNi.'B. via nan r rancisco, ciosa here dally at 6:80 p. m. up to May 21st, inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Siberia. AUSTRALIA (except West), FIJI IS LANDS ana jncjw lalmjuivia, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close here daily at 4:30 p, m. after May 9th and up to May ?3d, Inclusive, for, despatch por a A nrnnrl PHILIPPINfi , ISLANDS,' via San Fran cisco, close nere uauy at o.oii . m. up to May .27th, Inclusive, for despatch per U. a -Transnort. TAHITI and MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco,, ciose nere aauy ar o:su p. m. up to May 3th. inclusive, for des- paten per s. s. niariposa. NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA (except MOA and HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here oaily st 8:30 p. m. after May 23d and up to May 30th, Inclualve, for despatch per s. s. Ventura. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mall for New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with this despatch, extra malls closing eit 5:30 a. m., 9:30 a. m. and 4: VI p. m.; Sunday at 4:30 a. m.. 8 a. m. And 4:30 p. m. will be mad un and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer.) Note Unices otherwise addressed. West Australia Is forwsrded via Europe: nnd new Zealand snd Philippine via Han Frsn clsco th nulckest routes. Philippine specially addressed "via Canada." or "via Europ"muat l fully prepaid st tha for eign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing dtlly and the schedule of closing Is arranged on the rreaumntlon of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes st nn n. m Previous dsv . CORNELIUS VV COTT. , Post isatne Postofflce. New Tork.. N. T.. April 17. WW, COVEBVHIC.IT KOTICKS. PROPOSALS FOR FOUR BUILDINGS and Water and Sewer Systems. De partment of the Interior, Oiflce of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C. April 21. 1DU3. Sealed propukals, endorsed "Propoaals for improvements, Chamberlain, Bouth Dakota, and addresaed to ihe Commis sioner of Indian Affairs. Washington, D. ;. will be received at the Indian OfDc until 2 o'clock p. m Thursday, May 21, IhuI, for furnishing the necessary labor nd material, required to construct and complete at the Chamberlain School, South Dakota, one dormitory, on school house, one addition to dormitory, all of brick, with plumbing, acetylene gas pip ing and uten, heat, for extension of water and sewer systems, snd one gas kin. ,.-,!.., u I f It nliimnlti mA 1 . .. . 1 n strict sccordance with th plan and speclnuatlons and instructions to bidders. whlcll may uo runun-u ai mis onice the orlicea of the improvement Bulletin, Minneapolis. ' Minn.; the Argus-Leader, hloux Kails, S. D. ; The Bee. Omaha, Neb , the Pioneer Press, St. Psul, Minn.; the TribuiiK. Chicago, 111.; th Globe- Demoerai, nt. iouis. o.; ins Builder, and Traders' Exchanges of Omaha, Neb , Milwaukee. Wis., and 81. Paul, Minn.; th V. S. Indian warehouse at 265 South Canal St., Chicago. 111., 515 Howard St.. Omaha, Neb., and H Wootr St., New York City; and at tha school. For fur ther Information apply to John Flinit, superintendent, Chamberlain, 8. D. A. C. Tonner. Acting commissioner. A28-UM:-(-7---H-10 LbUAb KUTlta. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, LINCOLN, Neb., May 7, 1M3. Sealed blda will be re ceived by the Boor J of Public Lands and Buildings at the office or secretary of state up until V o'clock noon of the lyth day of May, laB. for fire protection, sewer age extension and water supply at the Sol diers' and Bailors' home at Grand island, ss per plsns and specifications now on file In the oltlcs of secretary of state. The board reserves ths right to reject any And all bids. MftdlOt M - DEPARTMENT OF STATE. LINCOLN. Neb.. May 4. U" Sealed bids will be re ceived at the o"lc of the secretary of stat up until ncou, 11 o'clock, of Mny 3), llntS, for Kinney pr Morrison Boilers, from loO to 256-horse power, for use at Lincoln asylum, Hastings asylum and 8. and 8. Horn at Mllford. Th board reserve the right to retert any and all bid. GEORGE W. MARSH. Seciotary of Board. -MiuduK