Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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Vividly modern Americans
Typical flesh and blood people
Real, strong, interesting
You are bound to re-read it
A love story of modern adventure
that's what
Policemen Becently Discharged Threaten to
Bring Suit for Balarira,
ConmliiliiDfr Nolan Eiprfufi Opin
ion that the Men I. ft Oat Hare He
Groaad tar Action Single
City Gossip.
Earpen Publish an Authoritative Trans
lation of the EaUeri Bpeeohes.
"What Shall We Kalf" the Tttla ol a
ei Work Issued by the Health-
Caltare Co lllatorlcal and
Practical Pabllcatloaa.
"The Kaiser' Speeches." by Wolf von
Bchlerbrand, - la an authoritative transla
tion" of the speeches and other utterance
of Empeior William of Germany, compiled
from recent collection published In Ger
many under the aunctlon of th emperor
himself and translated with full critical
note and explanatory comment, by Mr.
Wolf von Bchlerbrand, a gentleman who
ha held close relation with many mem
ber of the Reichstag; end, ha spent many
year In Berlin a chief Correspondent for
the Associated Press of America. The
volume cover completely the attitudo of
the' kaiser upon all the question of the
day. Under the caption "The Kaiser tn
More Intimate Circle" are expressed hi
Ideals, his relation to hi family, hi uni
versity relations, etc. It Is a complete ex
position of the character of this remarkable
man In hi own word. Published by Har
per. Appleton have just published two sub
stantial volume entitled "Mora Letters
of Charles Darwin, a Record of Hla Ufa
In a series of Hitherto Unpublished Let
ter." These volumes are edited by Fran
cis Darwin and A. C. Seward. Tha open
Ins chapters are autobiographical. They
contain Darwin's recollection of hi child
hood, chiefly told through family letters,
which speak of his early home at Shrews
bury, his life at Edinburgh university and
at Christ college. ' He passed hla examina
tion there for B. A. In 1831. The beginning
of his geological tour' wa made shortly
after with Sedgwick.
The voyage made to South America 1
told In letter of rare Interest. The young
naturalist In the wonder-world of the
tropica feared lest hi account of the glories
of the sea and forest should make him
suspected of being a Baron Munchausen
among the naturalist
The letter are chiefly technical and show
the wonderful versatility of the trained
scientific mind. .The book ably supplement
those which have been written concern
ing the great student of natural science.
food products, with time of digestion, and
twenty-flve different table showing the
result of nearly 1,500 food analyses, giving
the comparative food values and cost In
money of all article of food In common
tie, and the relative value of various
method of preparation, with a chapter on
adulterations. This will certainly prove a
timely work, a never ha there been so
much interest in the food question from the
standpoint of health and ecomomy a at
the present time.
"A Girl of Ideas," by Annie Flint. I a
very unusual novel and details the business
career of a girl whose Imagination I her
own capital. Publisher after publisher
reject Ellmor Day' manuscript. Her
money run low, refusing to accept defeat.
she opens an office for the selling of Idea
to established writer. The scheme meets
with Instant success, she become a dis
tinguished author by proxy. Many com
plex situations develop, the solution of the
most embarrassing of which constitute tha
climax of the book. Published by Scrlbner.
"What Shall W" I the title of a new
work Issued by the Health-Culture company.
After shewing how food la digested. It
give tha constituent element of over S00
"I feel it my duty to tell yon what
your medicine did for me," write Mr.
: Blanche Marshall, of Whiting, Jackson
Co., Kansas, Box 139. "I wa severely
afflicted with kidney trouble and female
weakness. In lea than three month
the trouble became so bad I could hardly
walk around the house. I suffered almost
everything. Seeing your advertisement
In our paper concluded to write Dr.
Pierce. After receiving your kind ad
vice I immediately began taking your
medicine.' After taking two bottle of
Favorite Prescription ' alternately with
two of ' Golden Medical Discovery,' and
using one box of ' Lotion Tablet ' I am
entirely cured. I can do all my owa
work without
any trouble.
I take great
pleasure 1 n
pierce' med
icine to all
"Rebellion of the Princess," by M. Iralay
Taylor, la & story brimming wiyv adven
ture: The hero of the book is a little
dwarf Maluta, who has been saved by the
narrator, the title hero. Marquis de Cernay,
from the cruelty of a fat old steward of
the Boyar Kuraklln, tha villain. With
Maluta' help the Marqula perform tha
most astonishing feats, not the least of
which Is to marry the herone. Princess
Pari a, under the very eyes of the wicked
Csarevna, the only spectator, who grimly
watches the supposed Kurakln marry her
hated rival. The omnipresent Maluta la
meanwhile squatting before the bound and
gagged villain, gently reminding him with
the aid of a long aharp knife that alienee
is golden. The newly wedded pair escape
the red riot roaring In the street and reach
Darla's father, the hnughty Prince Voronln,
who one more part the twain. After the
Marquis accomplishes the orthodox amount
of wooing, his wife, acknowledge her love
forhlm, denes her father, and together they
nee rrom kiihu i snows to smllllng Franc.
Fublshed by McClure. Phillips & CO.
Mary E. Wilkin tells ghot stories in a
most original and Interesting way, and the
volume which bears the name "The Wind
In the Rose Bush" ha made aome marvel
ous supernatural creation out of her Vivid
Imagination and placed them In atorle.
una or in group, "Th Loat Ghost," I a
tale about two thrifty sisters who purchase
house and refit It. In order that they
may pay for their domestic extravagance
they take a boarder, a school teacher. Soon
after th school teacher come the ghost
In the form of a little child, Introduces
Itself, and ther I a touch of rare tender-
nees even In the handling of so weird a
ubject. The atorle are good for those
who Ilk to read about Imposalble night
wind that say things and ghostly sheets
that seem to blow almost In the face of
the reader. The book I Illustrated by Peter
Newell. Published by Doubleday, Pag
Pill I!
V !! IW I
"A history of William Penn," founder of
Pennsylvania. I one of the new book pub
lished by the New Amsterdam Book com
pany. It Is a nicely written story of the
life of that well beloved man. The book 1
gotten up In a neat manner and U of
convenlont and easily handled size. It will
be appreciated by all lover of history and
will make a valuable addition to any 11
brary. ' 1
General Charles King' latest novel, "A
Daughter of the Sioux," a tal of th In
dlan frontier, I based on the excltln
scenes of regular army life) on th frontier
twenty year ago. A pleasing and pretty
love story, with a, happy culmination, wind
through the chapter. There are numerou
beautiful, artlstlo Illustrations by Frederic
Remington and Edwin Wlllard Demlng
that add greatly to the charm of the book,
It la one of those book on read from
cover to cover without putting down. Pub'
llshed b the Hobart company.
Th above book are for sal by th Me-
geath Stationery Co.. 1304 Farnam street.
This BirtUr Evaporated.
A sure enougn trapped burglar evapo
small window fifty fee
rated through
from the grourd last night at the house o
U. U. Mallard at 1311 Houth Twenty-flft
strett, leaving family and police to rira
their own conclusions. At 10 o'clock whilo
the women or tn family were sitting o
the veranda they heard a stealthy crealtln
of the back steps. On or the women saw
man pasa by tha door solnic unslatra. or ah
Bnulil K - k..n klllln t.i - . . . ...... -
! did, had sh been a man. The patrol wagon
A number of the policemen recently die-
charged by the fire and police board hav
retained an attorney and propose com
mencing suit againat the city for their
pay. These suits are to be filed snorny
after June 1. First a demand will be made
on the board for the payment of the sal
aries of the discharged men, and In case
this should be refused suit Is to be started.
It will be alleged that the men were die-
charged without any charges having been
filed or a trial of any sort.
T. J. Nolan, a member of the police com
mission, said last night to a Bee reporter
that In his opinion the men discharged
had no cause for action. "When this board
took hold of affairs," said Mr. Nolan, "It
directed that every member of theflre and
police departments flle application for po
sitions. In going over the applications the
board rejected some. The board merely
acted on the applications, and no trial wa
necessary to remove any of the member
of the department.
"Those members of the departments
whose applications have not been acted
upon are merely acting members. In the
case, of Chief Brlggs, he sign all of hi
official papers a acting chief. In the case
of members of the department appointed
by the board It will b necessary to prefer
charges and hsve a trial before an order
for dismissal can be Issued."
In conclusion Mr. Nolan stated that In
the case of some of the member of the
police department removed it would be
better for them not to start anything, a
the board I supposed to have evidence of
Incompetency which would be brought out
should th cases go to the courts.
Opening and doling; Vladact.
At noon yesterday the new viaduct on
Th'rty-thlrd street near L street was opened
to traffic. Th building of this bridge wa
mads necessary by the grading for the
Burlington tracks. The four track to be
laid by the Burlington from Thirty-ninth
nd L street will run under the viaduct
Now that the bridge Is opened It I possible
to get to the Omaha and the Cudahy pack
ng plant from the north. While the work
of excavating for the track and th con
struction of the bridge was In progress th
street wa cloaed to traffic. Th new bridge
I of steel and was constructed under the
personal supervision of W. S. King, chief
engineer of the Union Stock Yards com
When the Q street viaduct Is closed Mon
day two street car will run from Twenty-
seventh street west on Q street to Thirty
ninth street. Passenger will then be com
pelled to walk across the viaduct to catch
cars at Twenty-sixth and Q street. In ad
dltlon to the repairs to the flooring th
railroad companies propose putting In
stone retaining wall at the west end of the
bridge. Some change In the laying of the
car tracks will be made, a members of
the city council say that now tha space
between the track must be planked.-v The
work of repairing the viaduct may take a
Confer with .Packer.
President Donnelly of the Amalgamated
Meaf Cutters' and Butchers' . association
held an Informal meeting with representa'
tlves of the packer at the Armour office
Friday. After the meeting Mr. Donnelly
aid that a formal meeting would doubt
less be held next week. The absence from
the city of Mr Cudahy ha prevented a
meeting of packers until yesterday. It ha
been practically agreed that when tbe pack'
era meet and look over the scale submitted
by the union here a conference in Chicago
will follow. Just when this conference la
to be held wa not stated by President
Donnelly. The packers ay that the meet
Ing here will most likely be held Tuesday
anS then representative will be ready to
go to the Chicago conference fully In
structed what to do. Mr. Donnelly and the
packer agree that an amicable aettlement
of all difference will mot likely be ar
rived at without any difficulty.
McLean Want Addresses.
superintendent McLean of the publlo
schools is anxious to ascertain the name,
address and occupation of every graduate
of the South Omaha high school. Last
evening Prof. McLean said: "I find that
the records In the superintendent's office
are Incomplete In respect to the name of
the graduate of the high school. I should
like to hav every graduate, wherever lo
cated, send me name, address and occupa
tion in order that a complete record may
be made. In some Instances I find that
pupils were allowed to graduate without
taking the full course, permission to grad
uate having been given upon the promise
to return In the fall and finish the course.
In several instances this promise to finish
the course has not been kept. Members
of the high school alumni are assisting
t-roi. icLan in securing the names nf
To Meet City Obligations.
June 1 the city of South Omaha will be
called upon to pay at the fiscal agency in
New York city the sum of 15.293. Of this
amount (4.760 Is for Interest due on general
Indebtedness, bonds and the balance of th
total Is for payments on district sewer and
grading bonds. A small amount of money
will have to be borrowed to meet these
maturities, but the payment of special
taxes wilt soon release the loan,
Laying- Permanent Walks.
Permanent sidewalk are being laid In all
portion of the city. Not long ago the
council passed a new permanent sidewalk"
ordinance and property owners were given
thirty days In which to comply. In cases
where walk are not laid within the limit
of time the city will cause the work to be
done and th coat charged up against th
abutting property. It Is asserted that local
contractors w. ill lay walks cheaper than th
city can do th work, hence the hurry to
get gooa wains down.
Manic City Ooaatp.
Mr. and Mr. C. L. Mullan hav returned
from quite a long stay In ArUona.
Mis Fannie Chandler has ratumi 1
a visit of several month with friend
at Fremont.
The annual banquet of the South Omaha
high school alumni will be held at Masonlo
nan on me evening 01 May 27.
The receipts of hogs at this market seem
to be Increasing daily. Yesterday nearly
io.uuu neaa were received. This cuts th
decrease for the yard down to luu.OOu.
W. B. Vansant stated to a Bee reporter
yesterday that he had no intention of re-
iKiiuiH. ine report mat he waa to
1. "irinu oy (nut vansant, a
"" ua ponce commissioner
John Rice, colored, who shot David Rich-
: ,, mania ago, surrendered to
mi police yeaieraay. tie Is being held at
Imjul'o neauquariers awaiting tha filing ot
... , ma ftuiiuiiii couniv at,
A truly magnificent audience, represent
ing the social and musical people ot Omaha,
filled the Immens area of the Coliseum last
night, the occasion being the climax con
cert of the very successful May festival
which waa then brought to a close.
To say that Omaha went wild with en
thusiasm over the musical gems Which
were offered, would be a mild description
of 'the tumult of applause which greeted
each number.
The scene presented was one never to be
forgotten. The stage picture, which In
cluded the superb orchestra the Metropoli
tan Opera House orchestra of New York
backed by the chorua of over 160 people,
the women gowned In soft white, the men
In evening dress, behind that the national
colors, blended with those of Ak-8ar-Ben,
and above all the starry dome of electric
lights truly a scene from fairyland.
The orchestra opened the program with
the old war horse, "Rleml" overture, In
which the beautiful ensemble of that fine
body of say sixty Instrumentalists wa
well brought Into evidence.
Mr. Due conducted In a most original
manner. He I not what one would call an
orthodox conductor, but he I magnetlo, h
believe In action, and Uvea up to hi be
lief. He might almost be termed the Sousa
of the orchestral world at times. His baton
s a conjurer' wand, and he swings It
with flourishes galore. Monsieur d Resxke
not being on hand when the second num
ber waa called, Mr. Duss took occasion to
give a most Interesting talk in connection
with the "Bymphonle Pathetlque" of Tsch
alkowsky. Mons. De Reszke, with his
glorious voice and stage presence, his ar
tistic tone-production, his ease of delivery
and perfect enunciation, captivated the
audience, which showered so much applause
upon him that he gave the familiar old
song, "The Palms." Thl, of course, cre
ated a storm, which the good-hearted big
basso responded to by singing the "Port
er' Song" from "Martha," to piano ac
companlment by Mr. Romayne Simmons.
The movements from the "Bymphonle
Pathetlque" were very Interesting to tha
music-lovers, the first movement showing
abundant color and variety of Instrumental
tion, while the "Adagio Lamentoso ' was
a fine example of broad, massive tone- as
semblage, reminiscent Indeed In many
pot of the Immortal "Largo" of Handel
but none the worse for that.
Madame Nordlca, America' American,
and Art' artist par excellence, wa In
troduced In the celebrated "Polonaise'
from Ambrols Thomas' "Mlgnon," which
showed oft her superb vocalisation, her
magloal run, trill, staccatl, and mlracu
lou octave Interval to the unbounded de
light of the audience. Thla magnificent
piece of work brought, of course, an ea
core, with piano accompaniment, a Brahma
aong. The Interpretation and general con
cept of the song and the bewitching
'mexso voce" united In forming an art-
pearl of varied' color and perfect sym
But this wa not enough. Another en
core was demanded and most graciously
given and again eh wa recalled several
times to bow acknowledgement of the
plaudltory tribute.
The first part of th program closed with
the three English Dances from the "Henry
VIII" Incidental music by Edward Ger
man, and showed - well the scintillating
brilliancy of that . fascinating English
composer of today, r This waa given
line reading by Mr. Dusa, and th or
chestra responded, ( course. In splendid
styles granting alse an encore, "Loin du
Bal.M by Olllet. rsat .
The well known and devotional "Prelude'
to "Lohengrin" openedi the second part,
and was played with that Intelligent skill
which characterized'-everything that wa
don' by the orchestra. 'The religious
emotion depicted as the "Holy Grail," or
sacred chalice of the cross, descends, borne
by angel and again' ascends, were faith
fully portrayed.
M. De Reszke sang the aria, "Infellce" of
Verdi, that perennial old melodlou aria.
HI vole wa mellow like old wine, and
In the aria following which he graciously
gave a an encore, the exquisite, elegant
"To Scene of Peace" ot Mozart, hi tone
wa magnificent. Following this he gra
cloualy acknowledged the appreciation of
the audience by singing the Serenade from
Berlioz' "Damnation of Faust."
But applause and more applause, and
then the Serenade from Tschalkowsky'
"Don Juan."
All of these did Mona. De Reszke give
with a free heart and gladly. Mr. Nahan
Franko conducted the accompaniment last
named with skill.
The violin solo, prelude to "The Deluge,
by Camilla St Saens was played with
consummate finish by Mr. Franko. HI
I a singing, sobbing, speaking tone, full
of warmth, color and Intensity, For an
encore the old familiar "Largo" of Handel
proved most acceptable. Mr. Franko waa
shown laat night that Omaha claim him
yet as one of her sons.
The "Inflammatu" from Rossini's
"Btabat Mater" by Mm. Nordlca and the
May Festival Choir, waa a great hit, and
wa repeated In part. Mr. Dusa read a let
ter from Mr. Kelly announcing that he
had requested Mr. Franko to conduct thla
number, as he himself was Indisposed, be
ing in the nuiiding out tne victim or a
bad attack of rheumatism. Mr. Franko
conducted with accuracy and musicianship.
The concert cloaed with the venerable
Blue Danube Waltz."
Declares Philippine Atrocities fan'tof Tew
Officers Men Tried to Oppose
General Lands Refusal to Carry Oat
Brntal Orders and Requests
Mailed Home for Action to
Stop Craelty.
NEW YORK. May 15.-The Army and
Navy Journal will print a letter from Gen
eral Miles tomorrow In which he says he
went to the Philippines In an official ca
pacity and that his Instructions came from
the president, who directed him to give
peel a I attention to the Instruction, dis
cipline and supplies, of the army.
Coming to the subject of cruelties in the
Philippines, General Miles' letter reads;
It Is Idle to assume that campaigning In
the PhillDnlnes has conditions that warrant
resort to medieval cruelty and a departure
from an honorable method ot conuuctlng
warfare, and that such depredations should
be overlooked and condonen.
It is most arat fv Ina that the serious
onenaes have not been committed by the
soldiers unless under the direct orders of
certain officers who were responsible. Sol
diers have withheld fire when ordered to
shoot prisoners, protested againat acts or
cruelty and written to relatlvea at home
urging them to take action to put a stop
to these crimes. It will ever be one of the
glories of the army that such deeds, ooin-
initten ny wnaiever aumoriiy, are aunor
rent to the American soldier.
The officers who are responsmie 00 not
hv anv means constitute the Amerlenn
army and there must be an unmiatakabl
line orawn neiween ine greai oouy 01
honorable and faithful officers and brave
soldiers, whose records have been com
mendable, and those of whatever station,
whose acts have received and should re
ceive the sternest condemnation of all
honorable men.
Prealdent Felton Talk of Arrange
ment Made by Chicago A
Alton Road.
President S. M. Fe'.ton of th Chicago A
Alton railroad, who wa on the Harrlman-
Burt special that passed through Omaha..
from tha west at midnight Thursday, said
his road had Just completed extensive track
Improvements on Its main line from Chi
cago to St. Louis In preparation for the
world's fair.
We will be right In the thick of It."
said President Felton, "and will have to
make Improvements ana enlargements In
our equipment that no other condition ha
ever demanded. We have done a great
deal ot double-tracking and roadbed' work
that places' our line In the most excellent
condition and Insures for us the -most com
plete success In undertaking the transpor
tarion of the vast throngs that will be go
ing back and forth between theae two great
cities throughout the fair period. We are
now working In conjunction with various
other railroad entering St. Louis on the
terminal arrangements at the world's fair.
These will be surpassing In arrangement
and facility. Practically all the arrange
ments for extra construction work mads
necessary by the world's fair and most ot
the actual work Is already done, but It I
now the question of handling the crowds
that Is commanding our attention. The
crowds promise to be the greatest ever
known in this country, and therefore the
transportation question may be considered
the biggest with which theae road ever
have had to contend. But we feel jubilant
over the prospect of coping with the situa
tion. Everybody has gone to work In a
way that Insures complete success.
"The Alton' car and engine equipment
la being materially Increased.' We now
have fifty new passenger coaches In process
of construction and a number of locomo
tive. Th dedicatory ceremonlea gave us
a foretaste of what the big show would
be, and I think served to help us In de
termining and proceeding on further plan
and preparation."
Summer Underwear
Ciootl quality lialbrigpan UmW'rwear In
blue, gray and brown, with sateen faced draw
ers and French neck shirts, excellent value
23c a garment. All sizes.
Fine quality lialbriggau and jersey ribbed
Sea Island cotton shirts, with double seat
drawers and silk trimmed shirts a regular
73c quality, at 43e.
We have never before ottered such values
a 8 we are now prepared to give you. A good
quality Peruvian cotton combination suit, per
fectly proportioned and perfectly finished a
regular $1.25 suit. Triced as a special for 75o
Elastic seam jean drawers, made of best pep
perel jean with elastic balbriggan seams, best
hot weather drawers made regular 50c value
at 39c.
Fine quality derby ribbed balbriggan under
wear in blue and brown, trimmings with
sateen bands and spliced seats regular 50c
value, at 35c.
Are You Ready for a Straw Hat?
Our assortment are now complete and we are showing all the
latest and swellest novelties that will be worn this summer.
waa nastily summoned and came at a
of unlawful
Iod. while the alalia were
Hut tn most methodical search
1 1 tint not th slightest sign
prt-renc and the soft ground
high window wa unmarked.
being watched
roup lit to
under th
Bell, lore sat Weloa
Find prompt sure cur la Bucklen Arnica
air, also ecsema, salt rheum, burns,
rutses and pile, or a pay. Ji. For sal
by Kuha Co.
Arrested for Wlle-Beat lag.
A. Krants of 1(117 South Twenty-fourth
street wsa arrested last night for wife
beating, thla being the second complaint
during the week. Krants being fined for the
former offense. Neighbors of th family
told the police of tha misdemeanor, aaylng
that similar troubles were frequent and
tnat th wife waa too coed to make com
plaint. Krants left his house after th
troublo and kept away until 11 o'clock when
he waa caught by lb policeman who wa
Petit lorn ssd Popallst Candidate Bays
the Ram ' Cost Him
Yesterday wa the last day under the
state law for filing statement of expenses
Incurred by candidates at the last city elec
tion, and three of such statement
were filed Tha first wa that of D. J.
O'Brien, the only democrat elected to the
city council. He spent (163.60, of which 115
went to the populist central committee, $75
to the democratic committee and K3.60 for
cards and postage.
It cost Erastus A. Benson $116.44 to run
second In the race for mayor, according to
his statement. Of this the populist re
ceived $15. No other committee received a
cent from the Independent candidate, ac
cording to the statement, but he paid the
balance of the money aa rent for head
quarter at th Merchant hotel, for ad
vertising, for a photograph from which th
lithograph were made and for traveling
expenses of a number cf worker.
Th statement of William Fleming show
that It cost him $253 45 to be elected to the
position of tax commissioner. Of this
amount 1140 wa paid to th campaign com
mittee of the democratic and people' In
dependent part lea, $40 for advertising, $11
for hall rent and th remainder for card,
advertising and similar expense.
The May festival ha been a complete
uccess musically, and Judging from the
smiles on the face of th board of gov
ernor, th financial end I In safety.
Much ot the success of the concert ha
been due to the persistent advertising by
the local musicians, the untiring effort of
the May Festival Choir for eight long'
months. Much Inspiration has been lent
also by the frequent visits of Mr. Kron
berg, who presented the Nordlca-De
Resxke proposition to the board, and who
haa always had a hopeful manner and an
encouraging word,
Th Ak-Sar-Ben Board of Governors has
done a great thing for Omaha, and Inci
dentally for Itself.
rnamkerlala'a IKmark aad Lives
Tableta Are Jaat Wast To Xeea
When you feel dull after eating.
When you hare do appetite.
V lien yon have a bad tst in yoor mouth.
When your liver I torpid.
When your bow! are constipated.
When yoa hav a headache.
Vbo you feel bilious.
They will Improve your appetite, cleans
and lovlgorat your stomach and rsgulat
yeur liver od bowel. Prlc tl ecu par
Marriage Urease.
Oeorge C. Wlrth, South Omaha
Oertrude V. Smith, South Omaha..
Nela E. Anderson. Omaha
Hannah Johnson. Omaha
Henry E. Oroea, South Omaha
Hattle B. Kliese, Belgrade
Dr. U. A. Men-lam will address th Omaha
f niioaopnicai society in the parlors of the
r-axion notei aunaay at x au p. m. Toulc
a. j. i-eiers, wno give Ms horn aa
Rock Rapida, la., waa arrested laat night
on the charge of petty larceny. He la
accused of stealing four palra of ahoea
from the house of lly Dean. flO Capitol
avenue. He had tbe aheea la bi pocket
Weber and Fields at the Crelghton
Orpheaiu. It wa a delightful evening that we spent
with old Mends at the weighton-Orpheum
last night, and that word "old" goes Just
as It lay, too. All of th stars of this
now famous aggregation of funmakers and
ridicule dispenser have been known here
for lo, these many years; some have not
been seen here for so long that one doesn't
exactly care to fix the date, and other
have been with u more recently, but none
had outlived the memory of local ad
mirers, and each received a cordial greet
ing as he or she came on the stage last
evening. Lillian Russell Is still the mag
nificent type of American womanhood, so
far aa visible charm are concerned, we
have known for such a long time. In her
personal appearance Is the most effective
advertisement for physical culture known.
She makes no bone of the fact that It Is
from exercise alone that she derives the
perpetual youth that seem to b her.
Bhe never was much shakes a an actress,
and her singing ability has never been such
aa to endanger the reputation of the great
tar of the operatic world, but she Is cer
tainly good to look at
Fay Templeton may her shadow decrease
until It I only about half what It now la
gives physical evidence of the lapse of time
since she first sang her way into Omaha'
heart; but with the maturity that follow
In the wake of year ha come the ripen
ing of an artlstlo instinct that Is now In
Its fullest bloom, and which Justifies her
recognition as the unquestioned leader In
her line. Her voloe is still rich and reson
ant, and musical in a high degree, and
while her acting has lost Its girlish charm.
It has .taken on th fuller and rounder
lines of experience, and 1 therefor the
more satisfactory. Louise Allen Is m Just
what she haa always been, an extremely
clever woman, and her burlesque of Mary
MacLane is one of the most delightful
things of the sort ever shown here.
Of the men little need be said beyond
the fact that each sustains his reputation.
All are well known for their ability a
comedians. In the Instance of Mr. Collier
one Is pleased to notice that he shows the
advance due to the careful schooling he
ha had In the way of repression, and a
consequent development of, ability. In
the selection of a chorus the manager
have been unusually happy, having secured
bunch of girl with fresh looking face
and sweet, clear voice and muscle that
apparently never tire. At any rate, they
hustle from first to last. There Isn't an
Idle minute for them chorus girl, and on
the stag there Is Something doing all the
time. Omaha people were never better
entertained than last night.
4414 Hisses' Shirred Waist,
Misses' Shirred Walt 441 To Be Made
With or Without the Bertha.Shlrrtng of
all sorts make a notable feature ot th
season' tyle and are never more ef
fective than on the waists designed for
young girls. Thl exceedingly pretty model
1 suited to the many soft materials In
fashion, but Is shown in white mull with
bertha and trimmings of lace: It can be
made simpler by the omission of the bertha
If a plainer waist Is desired.
The waist Is made over a fitted lining
and closes with it at the center back. Both
front and backs are shirred to yoke depth,
then left free to form soft folds between
that point and the waist line. The bertha
I arranged over the waist on Indicated
lines and is finished, at Its edges, with
narrow band of th material held by fancy
titche and Is further ornamented with
mall ornament of crochet. The sleeves
are shirred to fit the upper arms snugly
and form soft fulness above and the droop
ing puffs of fashion to the wrist where
they are held by narrow cuffs, but can be
made in elbow length If preferred. When
a transparent effect Is sought the Ilnjng Is
cut away beneath the yoke and omitted
from the sleeve.
Th quantity of material required for
the medium size Is i yards 21 Inchet
wide, 4 yards 27 Inchea wide, 2 yards 33
Inches wide, or 1 yards 44 Inches wide, with
1H yard ot all-over lace for bertha, collar
and cuff.
The waist pattern 4414 Is cut In slies for
girl of 12, 14 and 16 year of age.
Rumor that Mr, Fleming Ha Selected
Albert BJoberg tor th
It waa reported yesterday that Tax
Commissioner Fleming had decided upon
Albert Sjoberg, president of the Swedish
Western Tribune company, a deputy com
missioner, displacing Arlon Lewis, the
present Incumbent. It has been known for
soma time that Lewis' head waa to fall In
the basket. Mr. Fleming refused to either
affirm or deny the reported selection of
Sjoberg, who at One time wa In th state
land office at Lincoln during Governor Hoi-
comb' administration. In connection with
thl report It wa asserted that Comptroller
Lobeck has promised to give Frank Planck
a place In hi office aa soon as It Is re
organised. Planck was once sergeant-at-
arm of th city council.
The Q.aeeat of American Watering;
(The poetic name given to Atlantic City)
and other Atlantic sea coast resort, ar
reached from the west via the Lehigh Valley
Bend t-eent stamp to General Passenger
Department, Lehigh Valley railroad, New
York, for Atlantic City booklet.
For th accommodation of Th Bee
reader these patterns, which -usually retail
at from 25 to 50 cents, will be furnished at
a nominal price, 10 cents, whloh covers all
expense. In order to get a pattern encloa
10 cent, giv number and name of pattern
wanted and bust measure.
Frnk Teller, a wealthy cigar manufac
turer of Philadelphia, la In Omaha on busi
ness. J. R. Stott, organist and choirmaster of
St. John's cathedral of Qulncy, III., I
spending his two or three weeks' vacation
with Prof. Wright of trinity cathedral.
ay ' It 1 Too Early for Aaptrai
for Coanty Commissioners
to Con Oat.
Street Commissioner Hummell said yes
terday that he wanted denied moat em
phatically the statement that h I a candi
date fjr the republican nomination for
county commissioner. "Such Is not a fact,"
aald Hun.mell "The story waa started by
friend of mine who would like to e me
make the race I told them that It wa too
early to think about It and that prospective
candidate should decide later whether thy
cared to be In the game."
m I II Ia
M'Take Ayer's S.rsa7
Jl IU and the doctors say It, too. Ask your own ) I III
Vy0 doctor about It. He probably has the
krlaer Rctsra to Town.
The 150 Bhiiner who went to Sioux City
Thursday to participate In the big Bhrtnar
"doings" ther Thursday night return!
yesterday on their special train In high
spirit. They say that 115 men were put I
through the mysteries and that It wa all
he doctors say It, too. Ask
doctor about it. He probably
formula. He can tell you just how
it lifts up the depressed, gives cour
age to the despondent, brings rest to
the overworked.
If your liver Is sluggish, bowels
constipated, tongue coated, better
take one of Ayer's Pills at bedtime.
These pills greatly aid the Sarstpa
rllla, and cure all liver troubles. Two
grand family medicines.
i. O. ATBK CO.,, sum.
J tt
wuuui iu raiura.
m lieu errcaieo.
that lb heart ot a )':rlar could wUb fur.