Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1903, Page 5, Image 5
TITE OMATTA DAILY BEE: SATUHDAY, MAY 16, 1903. I Bg!lEiLJ..L.l-iJJJi;;;' "wi mm. 11. .111111 T1TT.' .-V" g'- ' -"" 'mV m.i ll'm MulltJU GreatCleao-ing Sale of Women's Tailor -Motde ' . . . . r $9.75 AND $12.75 WOMEN'S TAILOR MADE SUITS GOAT $5.00. There Is only 60 suits in this lot, mostly small sixes made of the very best materials nd perfect In fit and workmanship, our reg- ffe pw "V" ular 9.1& and 13-75 suits. SATURDAY 7n till AND MONDAY ; $14.75, $10.75 and $22.50 WOMEN'S TAILOR MADE SUITS GO AT $10.00. They are made of this season's newest materials, such as broadcloth, stbeUnea.'.etamliWs and ' fancy mixtures, all new, stylish up-to-date suits, both dress and walking suits that were considered cheap rtt , f" at H4.76, t76 and $?3 60-8ATURPAT In 1 V V V AND MONDAY V w 'Women's $25!00 Suits Saturday and Monday $14.75 ",. . Women's $30.00 Suits Saturday and Monday $19.75. ." Jwomen's $35.00 Suits Saturday and Manday $24.75. , Women's $45.00 Suits Saturday amd Monday $29.75.. Specials in Our Women's Wsist Dept. - lor Saturday 75 i)Ot. WOMEN'S WHITE. SHIRT WAISTS. : t Made of flneffheei' Jawni.ferid whjte JJadVa.,.'' cloth, handsomely trimmed with lace and em broidery, and' some with large pearl 4uttons,. new stock" collar and VtC new sleeve Saturday VERY SWELL WHITE Made of medium weight fancy ngurea mer cerisea c -large exclusive patterns-new stock collar and large puff sleeves, regular S4.00 values. Saturday. - Women's Stylish White Wash Silk Waists. A beautlfut selection, .lust arrived by express for Saturday's sale-made of the best 'auality of Jap s Ik. beautifully trimmed with lace Insertions and hem latcWng? alo cluny lace 'trimmed,. all with the new bishop T,r Q f puff s'.ceve extra good values at k) Jmt Z? v 14.90, 3 W anu HAL DELIVERY DEFICIT No Hew Routes to Be' Established Until - 1 the First or July. BRISTOW OPPOSED TO MAKING OVERLAPS )ri the Meantlma Inspectors Will Be Busy Laoklas; After Applications , , sad Gettlnsj Heady Actios. , , ' (From a Staff. Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. May 15. (Special Tele-gram.)-Durin the coming six weeks very little will be done by the Fostoffice depart ment .toward the actual establishment of rural free, delivery, routes. Investigation shows that the funds for the current oar have been entlrey exhausted. In fact a deficit is Indicated and Fourth Assist ant lirlstuw, who now , has control of tills, branch of the service, does not pro pose to create any more new routes until funds are avalluble to make payments tor their operation. The deltclt In sight for Die prosout lineal your is now something lit the neighborhood of i,00u. During the remaining weeks of the fiscal year appli cations for the establishment of rural free delivery routes will be considered, routes examined by special agents, their reports digested and mapped, so that all may be In readiness for the Installation of a num ber of much needed routes at ths com mencement of the fiscal year, July 1. After July 1 the Foatumce department will have nearly 115,000,000 available for carrying on the rural free delivery service and a great number of new routes will doubtless be announced shortly after that date. Just at present the department la chiefly en gaged In looking over what has been done In the past, but nevertheless la Keeping a weather eye open to the future needs of the service, Herat Delivery Carriers. These rural letter carriers were appointed today: Nebraska. Edgar, regular, George V. Itouse; substitute, Henry, Hayden. Holers, regular, Jarius Flora; substitute, Harvey M. l'etvra. Iowa, Bloomfleld, reg ular, Tony I.owenherg; substitute, Fred Uowenberv. llonavarte, regular, Laurence J. Finn; substitute,. Charley Finn. Derby, f regulir. Samuel N. Brock; substitute. Wil lie Neaeou. . Kaacx. regular. Lemuel C. Mc Call; submltule. Edna M. MoCall. Sum ner, regular. Archie K. Ackeriuan; substi tute. Ebb Clifford. Stuart, regular, Wal ter K. RushcII; substitute.. Edward A. Davis. Traer, regular, Marcus d. Nichols, vice F. Q. Nichols. South Dakota, Sum mit, regular. Kamui I'dseth; substitute. .f'f.lph J. 1'dseth. jArtliur A. McLeod was today appointed substitute clerk In the pontofflce t Cedar liaplus. Ia. " The postofflce at Red Cloud, Neb., has been movefl to the building owned by W. ir. lUchardeon-' . v- Jti oouiuwUcr pf Uis cuneucy,, loday Suits. Soctvirday fvnd ,t Monday Every Woman's Suit in our entire Suit Department has been cut in price from 5 to 20 dollars. . We expect to do a terrific suit business Saturday and Monday, as the "values we are offering is something startling. SHIRT WAISTS. $1.90 approved the National Park bank of New York as reserve agent for the First Na tional bank of Weeping Water, Neb. ' Postmaster appointed: Iowa, W. W, Knox. Ablngton. Jefferson county. South Dakota, Frank E. Brown, Iroquois, Kings bury county. Wyoming, Robert Murray, Ferris, Carbon county; Lewis A. Eck roat. Big Horn ccainty. The corporate existence of the First Na tional bank of Friend, Neb., has been ex tended, until the close of business May 16, 1923. Basy Times for Shaw. Secretary of the Treasury Shaw will be a very busy man during the coming week. Today Robert B. Armstrong left Washing ton for a week's visit to his former home in Iowa.' The resignation of Mr. Alles leaves a vacancy among the assistant sec retaries of the treasury which has not yet been filled, and Assistant Secretary H. A. Taylor Is ill and has by advice of his physician gone to Virginia Beach to re cuperate. This leaves the entire burden of the sign ing up of official mail to Secretary Shaw, and though his name is a short one and he writes with ease and great facility, he will find it no mean task to sign his name daily to over S.000 letters, to say nothing of num erous vouchers, treasury warrants and other routine matters which require signa ture each day. State Senator John L. Kamrar and C. D. Hellen of Webster City, and Dr. O. H. Hill of Des Moines are in Washington. . Catholics Have Right to Kill. Mr. Allen, minister to Korea, transmits to the State department a mass of curious testimony which came before him relative to the persecution of native Protestants by native Catholics in Korea. In one case, tried before a Korean commissioner, the victim, a native Protestant, who had paid about 10 for a wife, was forcibly bereft of her by a' native Catholic. When the wronged husband sought to recover his wife the kidnaper told him he was a Catholic and had a right to kill whom he pleased without punishment; that he had better be leaving if he did not want to be killed, and that he thereupon beat the husband. selling him by his queue and throwing htm In a stream. Father Wllhelm, a Catholic priest, wished to assume all responsibility for the disturbance, but the government was prosecuting the offender at the date of the report. Negro Becomes Coaaal. Christopher H. Payne has been appointed consul at St Thomas. He Is a colored msn who has taken an active part in West Virginia politics. Railroad Defeats Rates. The Cleveland, Chicago, Cincinnati A St Louis railroad today filed with the Inter state Commerce commission an answer to the complaint of William Rlgley. jr., and his company, of Chicago, involving the legality, of Its Increased freight rates and amendment to the southern classification schedule. The road denies that It has Im posed unjust or discriminative charges and cites Increases in cost and prloea of railroad malarial and. labor to Justify, aa advance. EMPEROR SLIGHTS A GUEST Causes Terrible Trouble in Hungary bj Ignoring Politician at Court EalL TWO HUNDRED CROATIANS ARE EXECUTED Martial Law Proelalssed at Kreats Gives Chance to PaaUh Thoso Who Plaaaed Abortive Res olotloa for Baaday Last. VIENNA, May 15. Contrary to general hopes and expectations the Hungarian political situation seems to have grown worse rather than better during Emperor Francis Joseph's stay at Buda-Pest This is reported to be largely due to an Incident at the court ball on Thursday. As usual his majesty embraced the op portunity to converse with the most prom inent political and ofllcial personages, but on this occasion he entirely overlooked Count Apponyi, president of the lower house, whose relations with Premier de Szell are said to be strained. The emperor's oversight was partic ularly remarked, as during the evening they frequently stood near each other. The opposition, which is hoping that the count will Join it at some future time, is greatly annoyed at the affair and resolved to ad dress an Interpolation to the ministry at today's session of Parliament, but de ferred action at the urgent request of Premier de Ssell. Count Apponyi himself appear to be of fended. He did not preside In the house today and it Is expected he will not ap pear until the matter Is settled. It is now reported that the emperor will receive the count In special audience. Concurrently with the government's troubles In Hungary the disturbances in Croatia continue. There was a great demonstration at Buccart 6n Thursday, when 1,000 persona demanded the release of the rioters arrested on the day pre vious. The authorities refused, where upon the mob attacked the court house and forced the officials to give up the pris oners. All this happened while a detach ment of troops was guarding a railroad station a short distance from the town. At Kreats. which Is under martial law, 200 persons have been tried and executed. In a published Interview the ban of Croatia stated that a revolution had been planned for May 10, but the government discov ered the plot In time. The ban was forced to admit that Hungarian officials were partially responsible for the troubles. Notwithstanding unfavorable reports it Is still hoped that affairs In Croatia soon will become quieter. This, however, must be largely dependent on the political situation at Buda-Pest CIRCUS ARRIVES IN TOWN Porepaaa-h A Sells' Brothers' Teats Are Pitched for Two Per- ' formamces. This Is the day the small boy has been waiting for these many weeks. He showed tossing Interest In the opening of the base Sill season, but the circus posters have had him hypnotised over since they have been on the bill boards. Now the circus Is here. . It came on schedule time this morn ing and performances will be given both afternoon and night And It la a great big circus, a combination of the great show organised and operated by the lata Adam Forepaugh and that of the equally as well known Bells brother. , The circus opened Its season at St Louis a few weeks ago and In consequence the people of Omaha will have the advantage of seeing the show In all Its early sesson freshness. Speaking of the performance, one of the St Louis papers said: "It Is unique. There la no spectacle; there Is no striving after new or odd changes; no straining for Innovation. EVery act pre sented is a real circus act. It is a tremen dously big show, but a circus all the time. Its essence lies in its big, heavy feature acts and the apparatus necessary to pro duce them. This is its distinguishing trait, and lifts it out of the rut and seta it over In a class of its own." And whisper Dlavolo, the bright scintil lating star of a constellation, wilt positively appear at both performances. - Diavolo's performance -of looping the loop on a bi cycle Is. pointed to aa the greatest circus feature ever seen under a tent The posters depicting the act have caused no amount of comment, and many wagers have been made pro and con relative to the possibility of a man on a bicycle performing such a feat The managers of the circus state that any doubting Thomas will be con vinced when the show appears hero. A short time ago Diavolo's understudy met with probably fatal injuries while attempt ing to perform the feat at St Louis, but this accident has not affected Diavolo's nerve. Among other features attention Is called to the performance of the Aurora Zouaves, heralded as the best drilled soldiers In the world. Local military organisations are much Interested In this exhibition. Then there is. Minting, the marvel, who on a single wheel ascends and descends a narrow spiral tower that reaches to the top of the tent. Six members of the famous Oaynell family ride thrilling races In a small cycle. whirl. A gymnastic sensation is promised In the performance of the Ryan-Zorella troupe of aeriallsta. Two scores of cham pion riders of all schools of equestrianism will be seen in the lings. The celebrated LaCarmens will perform feats on a slender wire suspended high In the air that other performers would find difficult on the ground. The famous Eddy family of seven sensational acrobats are a feature of the show. There will be every sort of act that a well regulated show should havo and many features that no other circus pre sents. WHAT A RUD AWAKENING Dakota Analyst of Love's Teaig Dream Tells What It Asaoaats To. A green boy without a dollar, present or prospective, sparking a girl regularly and talking about marrying Is a spectacle for gods and men. He should be reasoned with. and if he will not quit it until he la able to support a wife and so know whom be loves, and the difference between love and passion, he should be quarantined or put In a convent erected on purpose for such cases. Nine-tenths of the unhappy mar rlages are the result of green human calves being allowed to run at large In the society pasture without any yokes on them. They marry and have children before they do mustaches; they are fathers of twins be fore they are proprietors of pants, and the little girls they marry are old women be fore they are 30- Occasionally one of the gosling marriages turns out very well, but It is a clear case of accident. If there was a law against young ga loots sparking before they havo all their teeth cut we suppose the little cusses would evade It in some way, but there ought to be sentiment against It It la time for these bantams to think of finding a pullet when they have raised money enough by their owa work to buy a bundle of laths to build a coop for her. But they see a girl who took cunning an4 taey, are! afraid there are net solof to THE ILLUSTRATED BEE Pictures not enough l-' In themselves is the rule obierved by The Bee n prepared its Illustrated suple ment for the public. From the very beginning of Its publication, this paper has endeavored to make Its Sunday number of uncommon value, both of the general reader and to that class which carefully discriminates fcnd seeks only what Is good. When Illustrated magasine supplement whs established the fixed policy of The Bee was ex tended to it, with the result that The Illustrated Bee has been a magasine in fact aa well as in name. Its con tents are the result, of- careful selection, and are always sufficiently varied so that something of Interest to all can be found therein, while Its tone has been uniformly high and its influence elevating. MANY EVENTS OP MOMENT have transpired during the ' week, and of the more important The Bee has made permanent records In pic tures. In the forthcoming number another series , of the great strike illustrations will be found. Events at the opening of the Western League base ball season are also touched upon, and slmlllar matters have received attention. Articles of a special nature will be found In the number, dealing with "Life on a Whal ing Ship," "George Wyndham, Chief Secretary for Ireland," 'The Story of the First Lung," "Habits of Some of Our Common Birds," "Professions Open to Women In Europe," "Ameri can Food for German Stomachs" (Mr. Frank O. Carpenter's discussion of the agrarian opposition to the Importation of American food stuffs,) and other articles of equal . interest and import ance. . All. the illustrations, are made from photographs, so that they are the best and most accurate that can be obtained for money. WOMAN'S AFFAIRS hare been (riven a great deal of. attention. For the front page a fine picture of Mrs. Alice Fletcher, the newly elected president of the Iowa State Federation of Women's Club Is used, with a short biographical ' eketch of Mrs. Fletcher, who has long been a promi nent figure in the woman's movement; two pages are given over to the affairs of fashion, and several of the special articles are written by women and for women. The Independent illustrations cover a wider rang than usual, and are all of 'the type 'people have been accutomed to finding In The Illus trated Bee the very best. Another Installment of the entrancing Crockett serial is given, a good short story, and all the regular departments are complete In every respect If you are not already a subscriber' you should leave your order with your newsdealer today. ..- 'i- the: ILLUSTRATED BEE be enough girls to go around and they be gin to get in their work real spry, and be fore they are aware of. the sanctity of the marriage relation they are Pitched for life, and before they own a cook stove or a bed stead they have to get up In the night and go after the doctor, so frightened that they run themselves out of breath, and then abuse the doctor because he does not run, too, and when the doctor gets there he finds there Is not enough linen to wrap a doll baby In. It is about this time that he be gins to realise that he has been a colossal fool.- and as he flies around to heat the water and bring the bath tub, and goes whooping after his mother or her mother, he turns pale around the gills, his hair turns red in a single night and he calls high heaven to witness that if he Uvea till morning, which he seriously doubts, he will turn over a new leaf and never get married again until he Is older. And the next morning the young father Is around before the drug store is open, with no collar on, his hair sticking every way, his eyes bloodshot and his frame nervous, waiting for the clerk to open the door so hs can get some saffron to make tea of. Wesslngton Springs (8. D.) True Republican. GOD SAVE OUR PRESIDENT Poetlo and Masleat Tribute to the Ideal Exeentlve, with a Moa nrchleal Flavor. "God Savo Our President" is a new patriotic hymn, brought out by 600 chil dren's voices in the hall of public school No. lit East Thirty-second street New York city, recently. The meter la that of "America," but the music Is the composi tion of J. H. Petermann, who conducted the singing, and perhaps it will be pub lished, music and words, presently. It has no reference to any Individual president comments the Springfield (Maas.) Repub lican, but to the Ideal executive yet per haps there is a little too much of the "God Save the King" idea in It to make it heartily democratic. Next we shall have "Gold Help Our Congressmen." or "God Bless Our Senators" very necessary pray ers, but for a real national song for a re public it might be better to sing something like: Ood make our people strong In freedom nurtured long. Brave, true and free! Faithful to human right. Scorning all meaner fight, Peace be their glory bright On land and sea. But the meter is not an Inspiring one for true poetry, and here, at all events, is the hymn which Mr. Petermann has set to music: God save our president; In peace and sweet content His rule shall be, Chief of this glorious land. Planted by Pilgrim hand. Stretching from strand to strand, Home of the free. Though on his brow there rest No crown, nor royal crest Proclaim him king. Dearer by far the voire That speaks the people's choice. While loyal harts rejoice His praise to slug. May he who serves our land Ever for Justice stand Brave, true and sage. May children love his name. Age his good deeds proclaim, And to all time his tamo - - Gild biatr jr s pe. r. TRADE SEEMS TO FALL OFF Dun Declares Wholesale and Jobbing Houses Are Quiet INDUSTRIAL CONDITIONS ENCOURAGING Vast Army of strikers Keeps Factories Back, While Short Demand Leads Woolen Mills to Talk of . Cartalllns;. NEW TORK. May 15 R. O. Dun A Co. 'a Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: Warmer weather has made It possible for the retail trade to regain part of the earlier lonxes In volume of transactions and the level of quotations for staple lines of mer chandise Is well maintained. Wholesale trade In seasonable goods is quiet, although there Is more or loss sup- filementary business, while Jobbers report nc.reased Inactivity In several lines of wearing apparel: Clothing manufacturers are busy on fall samples, which are un usually late. Furniture and harness fac tories are notably well supplied with orders and there Is no evidence of dullness in ma chinery or hardware. Favorable Farming- aa Aid. At most points there are Indications of Improvement in mercantile collections, the favorable progress of farm work having a good influence in the Interior, while heavy sales of fertilisers testify to the extensive preparation for large crops. Industrial conditions would be exception ally encouraging were It not for the vast army of men voluntarily Idle. Hallway earnings continue to show the usual gain. May figures thus far surpassing last year's by 13.4 per cent and those of 1901 by 29.3 per cent An unprecedented production of pig Iron In April was accompanied Tiy a decrease In furnace stocks, testifying to vigorous con sumption and wholesome conditions in the steel Industry. It Is not surprising that an easier tone Is noticed, however, because the scarcity of fuel earlier In the season had retarded output and forced quotations above the normal, especially on prompt shipments. Textile manufacturing conditions are ex tremely irregular, some improvement being noted at woolen mills, while cotton spinners are In a bad position. More business has been done In men's wear, woolens and wor steds ttiHn at any recent date, tardy sup plementary orders having at last begun to appear. Aside from a few exceptional cases in which small advances were se cured, there are no alterations In prices. Carpets opened at the expected advance and met a good demand. Woolen mills are harassed by the pheno menal quotations for raw material, being unable to obtain even small concessions from buyers of 'goods, who only purchase such' small quantities as are required im mediately. Not only has there been no advance In print cloths, but a special sale at 3 cents occurred. There was no demand from producers, but there was a re-sale of goods purchased at a higher figure earlier In the season. Mills have not made any general reduction in output, although the subject is under consideration, and several concerns have decreased the number of ac tive looms. Failures this week were lis in the United States, against 228 last year, and 13 In Canada, compared with 17 a year ago, WEEKLY BANK CLEARINGS, Sammary of Business Transacted by tho Associated Banks. Kprwr vnxv u ,r mL. - - " , r , m x am rouowing table, compiled by Bradstreet, shows the hunk i. ! u n -i n. . v. . . i . . ... C ....Boni iui principal cities ror the week ended May 14, with the percent ae of Increase and decrease as compared with the corresponding week last year: CITIES. Amount I Inc. Dec New York Hl.221.621.f72l 21.7 170,42,528 S.J 12S,lSi.7l6 8.7 lo.174.Wi J6.1 6i.M,t4 1.2 4S,Wl.t&3 11.2 2S,t02,39S 4.1 21,925,528 , 6.8 28,?M,6i0 22.0 '. 31.37l.M8 30.6 16,5tW,971 6.6 12.156,8 6.7 ..v. 15,Uf8,3U 24.0 10,72,316 13.8 ,!ll,tW8 12.4 7.792,559 8.3 7,510,;tf7 6.9 7.325.70O 12.8 6.776.80S 6.3 0. 7t.ft)8 7.071,310 28.9 6,711,182 10.9 4.749.W9 15.7 6,0UO,73O 16.2 4,30.9!3 4.692.60 25.1 8.962,635 7.4 4 40.172 ' 1. 217.590 31.0 4.29,000 23.9 4,610,498 32.0 i 9S4.577 20.0 I,233,36H 16.3 8. 270.757 18.5 J.520,849 36.3 Ji.0tS9.313 64.4 J,6o9.2t4 S.6 2,958.7231 13.8 2.444.053 10.9 2.359.341 6.8 1.991.622 4.6 2.2.VI.216 68.4 2.4t6.866 56.8 621.560 78.6 1.416.8S3 11.1 1,634.686 1.491.112 10.0 1.762.872 13.1 ...... 2.000,399 72.1 1,7.33.430 14.2 912.843 85. 1.460.150 SO 1,644.940 4.6 1.176.329 1.4 1.363,301 l.S 1.337,707 15.1 1.8'i9.581 6.0 1.155,875 12.6 823.497 16.6 1.064.916 16.4 790,0X0 ,14.8 813,15.1 18.8 658,0011 24.1 ...... 964.027 21.3 659,000 6.7 694,044 139.6 745,S"tl 14. S 810.2671 37.2 616.947! 6.8 6.30,418 18 1 655.266 6.7 758.3.35 48.6 493.5571 21.8 655.0681 10.4 723.6,301 40.1 482.5921 11.0 h34.0HO 8.4 S30.4141 84.1 427.8741 472.2141 IS. 4 446.8641 457.3601 26.9 620.8061 8.11 818, 35.3 ...... r.097l 86.1 .178l 18.8 226.2201 221.4731 18.1 141.6201 1 11.8 t,633 436 240.2O5I 56.4 10!vi,946! 6.9 6,:97nnoi 8.7 809,872j IJ2.049.873.079l 14.0 Chicago Boston fhlladelphla St. Louis Pittsburg San Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Kansas City, Cleveland Minneapolis New Orleans Detroit Louisville OMAHA Milwaukee Providence Buffalo St. Paul IndlanaDolla Los Angeles Ht. Joseph Denver Richmond Columbus Seattle Washington Savannah Memphis Albany Bait Lake City Portland, Ore Toledo Fort Worth Peoria Hartford Rochester Atlanta Des Moines New Haven Nashville Spokane. Wash.,... Grand Rapids Sioux City Springfield, Mass... Norfolk Dayton Tacoma Worcester Augusta, Ga Portland, Me Scranton Topeka Syracuse Rvansvllle Wilmington, Del.... Birmingham Davenport Fall River Little Rock Knoxvllle Macon Wllkesbarre Akron Springfield. Ill Wheeling, W. Va... Wichita Ynungstown Helena Lexington Chattanooga Lowell New Bedford Kalamaxoo Fargo, N. D Canton, O Jacksonville, Fla... Oreensburg. Pa..... Rockford. Ill Springfield. O HlnRhamton Chester, Pa Rloomlnprton, 111.... Qulncy, III "... Pioux Falls 8. D... Mansfield, O Jacksonville.. 111.... Fremont. Neb Iftlca Decatur,. Ill Houston tOalveston Charleston, S. C... Totals. U. S.... Outside New York.. . 828.441,8071 .6. CANADA. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Halifax nttawa Vancouver, B. C Quebec Hamilton Pt. John. N R Victoria, B. C London Totals, Canada. t 20.033.531 1 1 6 0 14.779 8481 6 4 4.533.5i 65.71 1.IWS.S83I I 4 1 fun 3791 T1.71 1 14?.inrn 32.61 1.572.745' I 7.2 (XM.1B4I 10 91 1.011.r 21.61 4"6313l I 81.1 I 820.4171 1 'S 48.148,2271 1 .2 Balances pad In cash. INot Included In totals because of no comosnson for last year. INot Included In totxle because con taining other items than clearings. MERCHANT ARB OPTIMISTIC. Present Qalet Regarded aa Mere Tem porary Cheeks. NEW TORK, May 15. Bradstreet's to morrow will say: Weather and labor conditions hsve been far from perfect for the prorress of retail trade, planting operations ai.d growth snd building, but the tendency to regard theeo drawhacka as merely temporary la still present, though the feeling ss to labor dis putes Is that continued unsettlement will work serious damage to all Interests con cerned. Wholesale trade, naturally quiet at this season, also reflects the above feature, but so great Is the confidence In the future out look thnt. exoeot in the case- of cotton mauufacturinc were the cost of taw ma- GALL STONES, INFLAMMATION OF KIDNEYS AtrJames A. Gait of the Fourteenth U.S. Infantry. Whlclt was the First to Scale the Walls of Ptkln and Plant the Stars and Stripes on Chineso Possessions. Contracted Inflam mation of the Kidneys and Was Cured by WARNER'S SAFE CURE fir. Gait's Father Was Also Cured of Oall5tonea by "Safe Cure." CURES KIDNEY DISEASE. If you have pains In the back, rheuma tlsm. urto acid poison, rheumatic gout, diabetes. Blight's disease, inflammation o f the bladder and urinary organs, scalding pains when you urinate, ecxema. Jaundice, swellings or torpid ilver; If a woman, bearing-down sensation, fainting spells, so-called female weakness, painful periods, your kidneys have been diseased for a long time. Yon. should lose no time get a 60c bottle of "Safe Cure" at your druggist's. It will relieve you at once and effect a permanent cure. It kills all disease germs. IV IX DOI BT MAKB THIS TKSTi Lt some morning urine stand for twenty four hours In a glass or bottle. If then It Is milky or cloudy or contains a reddish, brick-dust sediment, or If particles or germs float about in it, your kidneys are diseased and demand Immediate attention. Warner's Safe Cure Is purely vegetable and contains no harmful drugs. It is free from sediment and pleasant to take. It Is a most valuable and ee.irctlve tonic, a stimulant to digestion and awakens the torpid liver. It repairs thj tis sues, soothes inflammation and irritation, stimulates the enfeebled organs and heals at the same t'mn. It builds up the bod-, gives it strength and restorer en ergy. You can buy Safe Cure at any drug store or direct. W CENTS AND tl.00 A BOTTLE. . Write to Warner's Safe Cure Co.. Rochester. N. Y., for free medical book. Beware of so-called kidney cures which are full of sediment and of bad odor they are positively harmful and do not cure., WARNER'5 SAFE PILLS move the bowels gently and aid a speedy cure. terlal has been pushed to almost prohibitive prices, optimistic views still rule. Railroad operations, now free from con- festlon, are profitable, a fltting crown to he records of past prosperity being found in the April record of a gain of 14 per cent in gross receipts, which follows steady and Incroaxlng gains made yearly in that month since 1195. Capital Is sought to be made In the stock market of the weakness of pig Iron and re ported decreases in teel. but the latter Is denied, and while production of Iron Is now In .unprecedented volume, reliable statistics of stocks of this material show no accumu lation. Steel. Is .coming In from abroad In enormous volume and reports for the Ilical year are the largost, with one exception. In the country's history. A' slight revision of prices would not be unpleaslng to domestic producers. Pig iron furnishes a notable exception to tho strength of other staples, weakening, as It has, in all markets, thus Inducing a spreading of stories that steel b.llets.were lower In the west. No sign of weakness In finished steel and Iron products can be found In the leading western centers, but there Is a feeling that heavy Imports of for eign billets may -shortly affect prices for that product at seaboard markets. A sign of strength in the finished materials is the report that specifications for New York sre coming forward rapidly and that mills are pushed to keep up with their work. . A favorably situated trade at present Is that of shoes, eastern shipments of which show , an, increase of 2? per cent over this week a yeaf ago .and 11 per cent for the season, and which brings the increase over the record of 1901. Leather prices are strong. . A moderate hainee- Is doing -in hides, but firmness Is the rule. Press woolen goods are reported moving well, while-men's wear la quiet, but a slight Improvement ln lone Interest Is noted. All supplies of .wool are held steady, .while new wool is reported bringing Va2 cents advance over last year's prices. Western prices are about on a parity with those In the east. Wheat, including flour, exports for the week ending May 14. aggregate 4,on9,59 bushels, against 30.201,630 last week and 3. 171,634 the same week last year and S.8S1.9H8 In 1901. Wheat exports since July 18 ag gregate 95,600,759 bushels, against 224,339,302 last season and 184,021,941 in 1900. Corn exports aggregate 1,431,257 bushels, against 1,631,709 last week, 82,7:16 a year ago and 2,704.694 In 1901. For the fiscal year ex ports are 68,442.918 bushels, against 25,738,150 last season and 160,2,t2 In 19(11. Business' failures in the I'nited States for the week ended May 14 number 182. against 175 last week, 190 In the like week of 1902. 192 in 1901, 155 in 1900 and 162 In 1899. In Canada for the week 18, compared with 15 last week and 22 In the same week one year ago. .... PITY THE BOY WITH MONEY Straggles of a Youngster of IT to Dodge the Matrimonial Net of a Widow. It Is becoming exceedingly dangerous for very young men who are unused to the wicked ways of the world to have much money. The papers have had a good deal to publish recently concerning the case of an Indiana boy who Inherited a fortune and was kidnaped by some of his relatives, who have tried to make it appear that he Is Insane. Now comes from Brooklyn, N. Y., the story of Clinton Ferry, who is 17 years of age and rich. Young Ferry went with his mother to Brooklyn from California recently, and made his home at a fashionable boarding house, where he met Mrs. Jennie Mullon. Mrs. Mullon is the divorced wife of a New York manufacturer, and Is nearly old enough to be Clinton's mamma. But soon after learning that Clinton's pa had given him a fortune the woman began to yearn for the boy with her whole soul. She would sit on the sofa with him and call him a man right to ilia face, and often she would seekers Home Rates, "Exposure during the war settled In my kidneys and bladder, causing severe Inflammation and serious pains In pass ing urine. At the time of my discharge I was simply unfit for duty and unable to work. My father had been cured of gnll-stone throush the use of Warner's PaTe Cure, and s he advised me to take it. I used it faithfully for three weeks before I found relief, but It seemed like a Godsend to me. I kept up the treat ment for four months and was .then com pletely cured. This 4s over eighteen months ago, but I have had ho relnpse since "Am enjoying most excellent health and gladly endorse Safe Cure." JAMES A. GALT. Secretary to Colonel Da ggart, 14th U. S. Infantry, St Toul, Minn. i twiddle the piano keys and sing about love when he and she were alono In tho parlor. -One evening she backed Clinton up In a corner and with downcast eyes modestly told him that she loved him and knew a place over in New Jersey where they could make the necessary arrangements to bava their two hearts beat as on. But It ap pears that Clinton ducked and ran upstairs to his ma. Then the hapless woman's love turned to fierce, burning hate. She steeled her heart against Clinton, and when she met him on the stairs an evening or two later she emptied a pltcherful of water upon him and attempted to break ,the pitcher over his head. Clinton has probably' escaped this time, but he Isn't out, of the woods yet, and his case clearly Indicates that the man who ex pects to protect his .boy, from, .trouble by giving him riches mushave forgotten how badly 'other people .want' money, Chicago Record-Herald. ' ' - .. i ; .. . A Little Darling's Discovery. Professor Some of ; the grandest Inven tions of the age have been the result of oc cidental Oiscoverlea. t S t 'f Young Lady I can'' readily believe it. Why, I made an important discovery my self, and it was the purest accident, too; : - "I. should much like to hear it" "Why, I found that by Uetpl.ig a bottlo of ink handy, a .fountain . pen can be used just the same as any other pen, without any of the bother and muss of filling It." New York Weekly. .-...' A Dantmy Letter. "I notice you begin your letter to him: "Dr. Sir.' That's very slovenly.". Why sot" ' "It's ridiculous to make T)r.' an ab breviation for 'Dear.' " "Who said anything about 'Dear?' I know what I'm doing. He owes me 110." Philadelphia Press. Lightning; Change. Angry Voice (from top of stairway)-' Verena, what did you let him in forT You know we don't allow canvassers here! Strange Voice (In hallway below) I am getting names for the blue book, ma'am. Changed Voice Verena, show the gentle man Into the parlor. I'll be down in a moment. Chicago Tribune. I IF YOUR nam U Oray. Streaked or Bleached, M eaa be restored to any beautiful color by bDerlal Hair Regenerator U acknowledged STANnXsD BAIH OOLOgldd tor Oray or Hleeolied Hair. Oolora are durable i raslly appUwt, IU ut oanaotbonetented. Haioplnnfhalroolorea free. OerrespondeDo tionfltteiiilsl. Imperial Chemical Jo.. 135 W. 2Cd St. N. T. Bold by Slwumaa licconnell Drug Cav, Omaha. Neb. IE PAY m Turn year el 4 books Into money. Telephone B 1367 and our represen tative will call. 1 OLD "Ye Old Book Shop," 141S FARNAM ST. On Ma) 19th the Burlington of fers cheap one-way and round-trip tickets to many points in the west, northwest and southwest If you are contem plating a trip anywhere west better see or write me. I can prob ably offer that will suggestions save you 8 money. J. B. REYNOLDS, City Pus. Agent, 1502 Far nam Street, OMAHA. a, i