Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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A Plain Statement from
To resch a correct conclusion of the differences now
labor unions in Omaha and thlr employers, represented by tn p""ln, 7" "
elation, tha nrat thing necessary la to have correct knowledge of the matters n
Thla la not a controversy affecting rates of wsges, hour of labor or sanitary conai
Uona surrounding employes. .
Flrst-Ths labor orgsnliatlnns Involved In the present controversy demand what
they call recognition" of their unlona. Tha business wen concede recognition in tna
sens that the laborers hav a right to form unlona, and, If they see ftt. to be repre
sented by these unions In negotiating with their employers. But such right Is not
what la meant by the term "recognition- aa used by. tha unlona. They nand aa a
part o "recognition" that the employer ahall enter Into a contract to hire nd -tain
In hie employment none but members of their unlona. This demand the em
ploy era reslat, contending that they have a right to employ whom they please, with
out diecrlminatlng In favor of or sgalnst union or nonunion labor Th employers
contend that this, right of election on their part la essential to thelf control of their
own business, and that the making of tha contract demanded would amount to a
conspiracy entered Into by the cmployere to deny tha nonunion workman ettner tne
right or the opportunity to earn a living by hla calling. . .. . . . .
Second The anions Insist upon tha right at auch times and for autjh reasons aa
they, ami they alone, ahall deem fit, to organlie and maintain systematic boycotts in
which thelr employers-must become partlea. participating with them. That la, that
the . employ aliall have mot only the right to aay that he wilt hot deal or with
any person who I declared unfair, but that hla employer mut suspend all bdslness
relatloh with auch person, without havlag any voice In determining, tha justice of
the oomplotnt agalnat the boycotted party. Thla demand the .Business, Men i associs
tlofi resists, contending that every merchant, manufacturer or "other employer sha.l
hav the right to continue hla buaineaa relation with hla customers Without regard
to whether some union, of which he la not a member and In which he haa no vote.
ahaH decide that tha customer la deserving of soctsl xr buaineaa ostracism.,
ThirdThe labor unlona Involved In thla controversy insist , upon the right to In
stitute and. maintain what are known aa sympathetic atrikea. by and through which
all of (the employe of any employer, without having, any grievance of helf own, or
any complaint to make agalnat their. employer, may, at their will, under a decision
arrived at Without hla participation, bring all of hla buaineaa to a standstill because
thoa employed by aome other party, or even In aome other line of work, have Been
fit to withdraw from their. employment. This demand the Buaineaa Men'a association
resist, contending that, no employer ought to be subject to an arbitrary auspenalon
of hla business, that no quarrel or dlseatlafactlon existing betweer him and hla em
ployes, simply because there ia dissatisfaction In sums other Una of employment or
with some other employer.
These are the Issues Involved In tha preaent labor disturbance, and upon the Jus
tic of the poaltiona of the contending parties In these easential respect the public
la asked to decide. BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION.
mean of arousing feeling that will war-',
rant the presence of the militia,
Man at City Jail.
The men arrested on suspicion of having
attacked team drlvera and Identified at the
police station ere: Q rant Hampton, J. F.
Brewer, 'Bert Wlnlengcr, Oeorge Poland,
' Charlea Stevenson, Jim Holdgerson, George
Dunella, F. Burchard, Clyde Pond, Eddie
Enlx, N. Wilson, Clyde Frampton, Harry
Johnson, J. W. Barber, Jamea Osborn and
Kennett Baxter, colored.
. Tha chief of police refused Thursday to
admit any of the prisoners to ball. The
'union, men aaaert that while they are anx
ious for the court to hold the men a suffl
clent length of time to make a full and
'complete iuveeiiailluft, utiles they die re
leased or admitted to ball' within a few
days they will Institute action to get them
. Gay) Makes Statement.
I V. Quye, chairman of the Central
Labor union arbitration committee, made
thla statement regarding the situation:
"The arbitration committee has made a
thorough Investigation and finds that the
Tlota,' as they have been termed, were not
instigated or - encouraged or - approved by
. tfle'neairiatere or any other union whose
mtn are on strike. It found no evidence in
criminating any strikers as the guilty par
ties, ' but found substantial svidenoa Indi
cating that moat of tha trouble grew out
of the" seal of sympathisers with the j
'unions. "It is seriously believed that In j
Some cases the evidence is sufficient to
warrant the theory that the employers ln
' spired the Violence to gain public sym
pathy'' and secure evidence on which to
bass thelrT demands for calling out the
militia. '-Th t committee further deter
rained tevtflrbw Us entire? rhrlueiie ag'eWiM
violence, to aid th authorities by every
means at Its command to suppress violence
and bring to account every man guilty of
it," .
Teamsters Agralnst Violence.
Mr. Guya said further: "Th Teamsters'
union has taken a decisive stand agalnat
this Violence and warned all Its members
to refrain from it In every way. The union
will deal promptly and severely with any
of Ita members found guilty' of any depre
dations and atand responsible for the ac.
tlona of the men as an organisation, though
of course It 'cannot atand responsible for
what Individuals, as individuals, do agalnat
the expressed will and government of the
Chief of Police Donahue, who Is on his
mos". vigilant guard for depredations, said
that some miscreants whose identity was
not then known had cut the telephone po
lice alarm and Western Union wires at
Twentieth and Cuming and at Twentieth
and Nicholas streets. The deeds were com
mitted at 6:80 and I yesterday morning,
he aald. The Impression prevails that this
was not the work of strikers, but of some
parties having grievances against th tele
phone company. The officials at the Ne
brarka Telephone company's offices knew
nothing of the facts, except that their
wires had been cut,
i . "May Bsaploy talon Mea.
The spell of Idleness in certain lines of In
dustry, the laundry and restaurant
buaineaa particularly, promises to b
broken Monday. All the eighteen
laundries, clcaed by the strike have
arranged to reopen them, aa . have the
restaurants. Some interesting develop,
ments are anticipated when these moves
are made and both sides are claiming that
they will show victory. It is persistently,
urged that th largest restaurant in the
eity will reopen with all union men, In
atalllng the old force that went out when
the strike began. The waiters and allied
unions contend that if thla la done it will
be the death knell to the action of tha
Business Men's association, so far aa tha
If you want your boy started right
m ure, th h, well,MM.d
aa t!)e next boy.
wl appearing suit
helps his self respect
It need not cost much
If. yea come her for It.
Here's a par
school suit for
all, wool, strong and durable, agea, 7
to 14. also Norfolk and single breasted
How Wslsfs, DIousss.
Shirts, Ties, Caps,
Hats, Stockings,
Writ for Catalogue.
BH90N e TMORinfiS
the Business Men's
existing between several
restaurant worker are concerned, as It
will simply be the means of letting down
the bars to the other restaurant keepers.
all of whom will sles the, opportunity to
fall Into line.
On the other hand this theory Is scouted
by the press sgent and other representa
tives of the Business Men's ' association,
who claim that the Calumet, Maurer'a. the
One Minute and every other large restau
rant, when it opens, will continue to oppose
the union seals. Maurer'a - will open Sat
urday and the others Sunday or Monday.
Lanndrlee to Start I'pi,
A claim itlmllar to the one made by the
waltera Is made by the laundry proprietors
with reference trt their resiimntfon of hnsl.
nens. They assert that a number of the
union members have turned in- their cards
and will return to work Monday against
tha union's protests. James A hi scow, man- I
ager of the Model laundry,' aald:
. "We will all start up Monday. W may
not start all our wagons until we are as-1
sured of absolute protection to our- drlv- I
era. As to the unions, four of the five driv- I
era of Model wagons will send In- their I
cards and return to work. . Our other forces I
ara nearly all nonunion.-: anyway, so we I
rTn!-?k.up t.!!T-pl't,,rce'
paying our loyal help. Just aa if they had
been at work. Ws are paying more than
the scale In many : cases and ur people
never had any real complaint-" ,
"The laundries will be able W do all the I
work that is sent to them, but they, may
not be able , to send their wagons rf or- work I
'?! T",UllUl-th c"mn'",,b'
sJdeev. ,Tha Model will send out one, wagon
Saturday and start its machinery up Sun
day so as to get in action for Monday."
U V. Guys, who as chairman of tha Oetir
tral Labor union arbitration commltteef. Is
In touch with all th striking bodies. sd
regarding the laundry worker.- U
launury woraers case! i i I
it i. . .w-. .v. i v.-
Worker.' union wilt be broken by deser-
tlons. Th laundry workers started in ths
weakest union of all; today It Is tha Strong-
est. All the members are getting their pay
lust aa if thev were mt wnrtrt,. i. Aii
mvwbsv, SM WISa V 111 UUIIU11
who are not otherwiB provided for, and
not one has sent In his card or Intimated
that he Intends to. The union Is Intact.
The men and women would be foolish to
ma back in wArlr withAni winnin tKiu
fight, now that they hav been placed oft a
uusiwiiiu umii. a new scat nas Deen
submitted by the union and until It ts
signed there will be no returning to work.
The new scale fixes th minimum weekly
wage at 14.60, whereas It now Is $2.50, paid
to girls. The present minimum Is too low
for anyone who has to- work."
The laundry proprietors assert that cor-
taln provisions of the new seals we un
reasonable and Impossible of their" ap-
proval. They say they are wllllfta; to take
back their old employes without reference
to meir atanauig on the queation of union-
Ism. This scale has aa yet been signed by
oniy one isunary tne Uarrett which waa
but recently started.
Donnelly Confers vrltk Paekere
No new developments have transpired In
the situation of the meat cutters. M. Don
nelly, the national head "of the union, yes
terday held an informal meeting with
representatives of tho 'packing -plants at
Bouth Omaha, but owl rig- to' ths recent ab
sence from the city of El -A. Cudahy, the
packers said they had not had sufficient
time in which to thoroughly consider the
schedule submitted by the employe. The
packing houae ' employes are Vorking In
harmony with the meat cuttera. 'in Omaha,
who are on th verge of a strike,' and Mr.
Donnelly agreed td an extension of time to
consider this schedule. He probably will
confer with the packers Tuesday. Mr. Don
nelly aays he doea hot look tor. any trouble.
The Egg Inspectors' and Butter Makers
union haa placed Its men, . erf whom there
are about 100 on strike, on weekly benefits.
Ths president of the union says the bene
flu will be sufficient to sustain the men
while they are out. '
Bnslaess Men's Association,
The press committee ' of ths Business
Men's association yesterday, made tbe
siaiement mat mat organisation waa
steadily increasing in membership, now
having between M0 and 1.000 members, and
would take In about ISO at Ita nest moatinv
"Certain restrictions are made which hold
the membership down." said the annkesman
of the committee, "but our growth is steady
ana sunstantiaj. The kindred organisation
at Kansas City has a membership of sev-
eral thousands, but some of the members
are not really employers, but head em
pioyes. Tnes are not admitted to our aa
sociatlon. Nor axe certain emnlovera. This
ls strictly a buaipea 'men's affair. The as
sociatlon la determined In Its stand on the
questions Involved" In .the present struggle
and will not glvs In Until matters are set
tled, and settled right,"
Chief Isaacs lltlsMtas,
Chief Donahue Issued another strike ulti
matum yesterday. ; IV la ' addressed to
saloon keepers end Is to the effect that If
any of them harbor hoodlums and others
who run out and Interfere with teamsters
their placea will be closed Indefinitely.
Seven or eight saloons have been found to
have been used, as places of refuge by
gangs who preyed upon th teamsters. In
several Instances they; stoned .unoffending
termers and others who; had no connection
witn rne-strtk. Tpr ,t!. most part these
saloons are located out from th business
districts and lite only way' to reach them,
according to tUa chief, is td close 'them. If
the proprietors are found to be offending.
The residence and suburban districts were
e. thoroughly patroled thla morning and
ttempt at violence waa reported.
John Murray, living at 2&0 glierman
venue, waa arrested yesterday evening aa
a auaptclou character and later Identinea
by Ell M. rilnt, the driver of the Car
penter Paper company'e wagon which waa
held up Wednesday at Twenty-seventh and
Parker streets, aa tha man who assaulted
him. Charlea McMannua of 273 Blnney
street and Waldo Browning of, 6nf4 North
Seventeenth treet were also arrested on
suspicion of having participated In- dis
orders Incident to the strike and an effort
will be made to Identify them.
The Typographical union will hold a spe
cfM meeting Sunday afternoonand desire
full attendance of Its membera.
Because Barteadera Weald Kot Allow
Restaurant Refuse to De
John A. Malmbergs saloon at 1513 Dodge
street was closed yesterday., by order of
Chief of Police Donahuo because, bar
tenders of the place had prevented garbage
being hauled from the' rear of the United
States reatauranT next door.; The res
taurant has been operating in defiance to
the Walters' onion. For several ' days a
quantity of garbage In the rear of th
eating house has been rending the air with
stench. Five different ' attempts on th
part of the McDonald Garbage company to
move the stuff failed, because each time a
bartender ran out from Malmberg's saloon
and threatened the garbage wagon driver
with arrest If he crowed the saloon prop
erty, which waa necessary to do. ' Each
time tho driver was Intimidated and turned
The matter was brought to the attention
of Chief Donahue and he immediately
ordered th closing of the saloon and the
provision of an escort for the garbage
wagon. "I don't propose to stand any
such work as this," said the chief. "It
la necessary to public health that this
garbage b moved, and it will be moved."
Member of the Bricklayers' Union in.
terfere with Water Works
William Ebright. an employs of tbe water
works company, was'engaged 'In repairing
a water tan . on Farnam street ' near the
lTnhw hotel last evenlnc. and was called
upon by one Given, a member or tne orica
layers' union, and aBked If he waa a union
man. EbrlKht replied that i he was not,
nie words ensued qd a cwjjllderable
crowd Assembled. Upon ..Ebright a" refusal
to ceass working Given KicKea ana strut
At him, and Ebright, seeing the crowd was
too much for him. climbed out of the hole
In which he waa working and went away,
IThe hole waa covered with barrels, and
later other employes or the waWf 'werics
eomnany came and fixed the excavation
temporarily, so that It would be safe for
nedestrians. An effort will be made to
finish the work under police protection to-
Deelaratloa that Blacks Most Recogf-
alse White Supremacy tho
CMldAOO, May IS. Arfother negro church
was wrecked by dynamite tonight,' when
a bomb was exploded under the pulpit of
the' African Methodist church at Evanston,
The interior was demolished and the front
of the building blown ouU
. two motrvesr ara. ascribed, for., th. deed,
The first is that certain colored peopie
were Incensed by a sermon preached lftflt
week by the pastor., Bey I.
who aald th s was the white man A country
- - . . , . . ...
and that te colored man might as well
I . . .
mind to It now na
could- The oth' ,!fcth!?y
gambters were Incensed at the '"T
taken by the pastor and a gueat from Chi-
easro. who had spoken against policy.
The Institutional cnurcn m ni y .w-.
wrecked by dynamite last Bunday after Dr.
R. C. Rsnsom, the pastor, had preached a
I sermon against policy,
I i i i
Comptalmts Issned Against Maaager
aa Proprietor ( Chicago
Musical Concern.
CHICAGO. May 15. Complaints against
the management of the American Literary
and Mualcal association, resulted In the
I arrest today of F. A. McGlllis, proprietor,
end C. B. ' Phillips, manager, on charges
I of fraudulent use - of the . mails. About
i tntv-flve complaints were received ny
I the postal authorities charging that de-
posits wera asked on tne promise oi post
tlons that wouia pay a i
year. The. concern, it im wiu, mitwi iu
carry out Ita part of the agreement. Among
tha eomnlalnants was . b. lutsmiuer.
Dee Moines.
After Fifty Yoars of Actlvo Service
Valea Faello Man ts
BAN FRANCISCO, Msy 15. -After fifty
vears as a rauroaa man, v. nr. imcn
cock, general agent of the passenger de
nartment of the Union racino on mis coast.
has retired on a pension, in pursuance of
E. H. Harrtman's pension plan ror an nis
roads. Mr. Hltchock was notified on May
i last that he would be retired. It
in 18SS that Mr. Hitchcock entered the rail
road bualness in the east. Before earning
to the coast he .waa general passenger
agent of the Chicago. Burlington oV Qulncy.
Attorneys Ask Master la Chancery t
Manage Colorado V Kortk.
DENVER, May 15.-Application waa made
I before Judge Hallett in the United Btatea
I court today for ths appointment of Harry
I P. Oamble, an attorney oi
master in chancery to manage the Colorado
I Northwestern railroad pending an sp
- 1 nllcatlon for a receivership.
- 1 This action is tne resuu or a aisagree
mmt between the Interests of C. B. Cul
- 1 bertson and Colonel Dick, and It la under-
stood both sides have agreed.
Fir gapposed to Be of Incendiary
Origin Destroys Rellajioos
DENVER, May 15. St. John's cathedral,
the moat pretentious church, building be
longing ths the Proteeten Episcopal church
in thla citv. was destroyed by lire, believed
to b of Incendiary origin, at an early hour
this morning. The loss Is placed at Uoo.OuO,
Insurance tso.OOO. The building waa erected
I in ltai and cost 1160.000.
I.eltrr Offers to Settle Cheaply.
NEW TORK. May IS Joseph I-eifer. who
figured In the wheat corner of 1M(7 and Xnui.
haa made a proposition Co his creditors to
ei tie for X cents on the Si. It Is under
stood his father will guarantee him.
Hew York and Brooklyn Buildinr Employers
Foim Strong Qrgtniutioni.
Mea'a Combines Declared Tyrannical
Bodies Whlrh Oppress Peaceful
W writers amd g:rlTe to Rna
Baslnes by Vloleaee.
NEW YORK, May 15,-The first stops
towsrds effecting a general organisation of
employers In the building trades to offer
united resistance lo the demands of labor
unions were -taken tonight at meetlnga held
in Manhattan and Brooklyn.
The Manhattan meeting waa held at the
Building Trades) ' club, TOO employers being
present.. Overflow, meetings were held in
the commute Booms of the club.
Warren M. Connover, chairman of the
board of governors of the Building Trades
association, praelded.
Decent Workmen Mast Rise.
The meeting w'as private, and at its close
the following statement, was given out as
ths sentiment of the; various speakers:
The complete paralysis of th buldlng In
dustry has been brought about by irres
portsiDle combinations acting through a
tyrannical -board of walking delegates, or
business agents, which demand prompt and
energetlo action by all good cltlsens who
have the welfare of our great city at hoarv.
It In time the .dectaf and order-loving
mechanic asserts himself and defies the
arbitrary demagogue who ties his hands
and drowns his voice. .1
The delegate ia a parasite on the body
politic to be exterminated.
It was pointed oak that hls Is not a ques
tion of wages or hours, but a question of
whether irresponsible bodies of men are to
be permitted to conduct the business of the
employer and In so dolnr make It Impos
sible for him to execute hi contracts and
discharge the responsibilities which he as-
The extremes tn whtah the unlona have
gone, and the maa'ner in which they have
treeiy broken contracts with their employ-
era have alienated from them the sympathy
or the ptiDiio.
The system calls for repressive measures,
he public now looks to the employers to
take the Initiative and td use every lawful
method to destroy the. Ooliatn whom lack
it opposition nas so emboiaenea tnai it
hrottles thla treat cltv without hesitation
and without compunction.
The speakers also called on police and
magistrates to perform their duties un
flinchingly. They pointed out the failure of
justice In the past to punish violence, the
damage to' property and 'the murders com
mitted In the name of labor which have
gone unpunished. They asked that political
ambition should not be permitted to per
Vert Justice. The district attorney waa
called on to use the machinery at his com'
mand and prosecute With all severity the
blackmailers which this pernicious system
has fostered and ihus io show to the men
how they are misrepresented and their con
fldence betrayed: "
By unanlomous vote the following com
mittee was appointed .to devise ways and
means In the future:
Charles T. Willis, contractor; Otto M.
Eldllts, contractor ahd" president of tho
Mason Builders' association; James tC
Strong, president of the Electrical Contrac
tors' association ; Lewis A. ' Harding, chair
man of the Master Carpenters' association,
and George A. JeuisC president of the mas
ter carpenter In Wedehester county.
,. . Reeolailoa . ia Adopted. . -Tbe:
fotlftwihg resolutions were1 adopted
WhAreas'. 'The' tiresent" condition "of the
building Industries makes It Imperative
that empioyererfttMtU be made more secure
in the conduct, of their business, workmen
more secure -from Interference with the.f
opportunity to work and the publio gener
ally more secure'from Interruption to
business, resulting from strikes of look
outs in the. building-trade; be It. ,
Resolved. That the board oi governors
of the Building Trades' association ar
range at once for meeting of the execu
tive committees of the Kmuloyers' assoc. a
tion of the Building Trades, to devise ways
and mean ror tne creation oi a central
body of employers. ' '
This committee will be called - together
next Tuesday. Telegrams were received
from similar committees In Chicago . 8L
Louis, Pittsburg, Boston and Washington
In Brooklyn 100 employers met and
formed the Employers' League of the Bar
ough of Brcoklyn. It was resolved to per
mit no Interference with business by an;i
Individuals or organizations and that no
walking delegates should be permitted to
enter any shop during , working hours,
Officers were elected and a board of twenty
trustees to form a plan of campaign to 'en
force the principles of the organisation and
devise meana to combat the labor unions.
A special session of the conciliation
committee of the local Clvlo Federation
Was held, it Is understood, for the purpose
of conferring with -representatives of var
ious labor organisations in the city with re
gard to pending trouble. The conciliation
committee held conferences with the rival
committees of rival carpenters' organisa
tion, at which It was said that action
waa being taken looking to a union of the
two organizations- ,
Onoo Wealthy Man Dies In Obscnrlty
from Blow Received on th
KANSAS CITT, Mo., Msy IS. George
Klttler, who twenty years ago Is said to
hav had the contract for manufacturing
boots for ths German army, and who as
Baron von Kettler .owned fcflO.OQO in Han
over, was found dead In bed today In hla
little shoe shop In Argentine, Kan. Kettler
death Is supposed to have been caused by
a blow on. the head administered by an
unknown assailant a month ago. Kettler
came to Argentine jlx .years ago, after
having lost his fortune, He has a daughter,
Art should exhilar
ate" -- - Emerson
Nothing U more exhilarating
to both host and guests than
diiplay of
; Gorham
It adds a touch of dis
tinction to the table
obtainable by jio other
means. The consum
mate art of its design
ing, the excellence of
its workmanship, and
the sterling quality of
its material combine to
produce this exhilarat
ing sensation of es
thetic satisfaction.
mnuNOi I
The Habit of Haste
Hastily Swallowed Food and trreaa
lar Meals Are Sonrees of Mach
SnsTerlng la This Conntry.
One peculiarity of Americans upon which
visitors from other countries comment Is
the habit of haste. This extends even to
eating. Meals are eaten hurriedly and
Irregularly; food is swallowed half masti
cated and the stomach is unthinkingly ne
glected and abused to such an extent that
nine-tenths of our people are dyspeptics.
Tske the case of Mrs. Ida M. Turro, the
Wife of a prosperous farmer at Bralnerd,
Crow Wing county, Minn. 8he says:
"Irregular meals and too hurried eating
ruined my digestion and I was miserable
until, by the aid of Dr. Williams' Pink
PUIS for Pale People, I was cured, t was
in a very low state of health, food of any
sort distressed me terribly, gas formed In
my stomach arid It became sore and
bloated. Everything 1 ate seemed to turn
sour. I suffered so much when I ate that
had to almost starve jnyself. There was
pain In my heart, my bowels wsre con
stipated, I felt chilled all the time and my
neen fell away until I waa horribly thin.
Ths doctor gave me medicine, but It did
not help me, and I kept growing worse
until, at my mother's suggestion, I began
taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pals
People. Th)y made me feel better very
soon and I kept on taking thera till my
stomach stopped bloatlna-. the naln in mv
heart disappeared and I became perfectly
wen again. I have recommended Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills to a great many and
will always speak of them In the highest
terms of praise.'1
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure stomach
trouble by their tonlo action, building up
the digestive organs and enabling them to
do the work that nature Intended them to
ao. Artificial ferments and predigested
foods weaken the stomach In many cases.
Medicines should not do the stomach's
work, but should put it In condition to
perform Its natural functions. A diet
book giving useful Information will bo
sent free on request by the Dr. Williams
Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
Mrs. A. Miller, at 15 Hartford tr.. a
Francisco, and has a brother and slater
(Continued from First Page.)
returned to work today In pursuance of the
settlement reached yeterday.
Falling to break the deadlock with the
Laundry Workers' union by efforts to secure
arbitration, : laundry owners throughout
Chicago undertook today to Operate the
laundries. By a concerted movement a
score of laundries opened for business.
Pickets from the Laundry Workers' union
were on - guard, however, and girls who
started to work were stopped and told to
go hqm. Many obeyed. '
Engineers and foremen refused to take
their posts. Drivers of laundry ' wagons
all over the city were prepared to pre
vent tbe delivery of work from any of the
establishments which have not signed 'the
union agreement to work exclusively with
union hands. The result was that of eleven
btg steam washing and Ironing establish
ments - which ' stsrted the movement r to
break the strike only two were reported)
still running tonight, r .
MOUPiT .VERNON, N, , T ., May 15.i-rhe
itauan laborers on tne union rJlecttio rail
way here have won a vlotory, tne demands
of which led to their striking several day
ago having been conceded by the firm. One
of the demands was the same pay for eight
noure instead oi ten noura. This waa
Italian Strikers Troublesome.
NEW YORK, May 15.-M embers of ths
Excavators and Rockmen's unions held
joint meeting today and discussed their
difficulties with the contractors, especially
those connected In the subway work. These
strikers decided to maintain their position
and keep away from work.
When the Italian subway striker threat
ened a workman In the Bronx today he
brandished a revolver. A policeman ar
rested him, while the strikers escaoed. The
workman was released by the magistrate
before whom he was arraigned.
Two hundred Italian striking workers
warned seventy-five workmen In the Bronx
to quit work on pain of death. Four of the
strikers were arrested.
Strikers lae Fight.
MELBOURNE, May It. Premier Irvine
announced In the legislative assembly - to
day that he had received a letter from the
officials of the Engine Drivers' association
declaring the strike off and submitting un
conditionally. The president of the Engine Drivers' as
sociation. In an .Interview said the sur
render was due to the drastie naturs of
the strike bill, which waa sure of adoption.
Switchmen Walk Oat. '
EL PASO, Tex., May IB -All the switch
men at the El Paso and Southwestern rail
road yards are out on strike today because
th night men were discharged for demand
ing extra help.
Street Cars Tied Vp.
BRIDGEPORT; Conn., May IS. Th con
ductors and motorrpen employed by ths
Connecticut Railway and Lighting com
pany went out on strike today, tying up all
the lines In the city. The company offered
a slight Increaae, but refused recognition
of the union.
Southern PaclSe Manager Replies to
Strikers' Statements with
- (Mronc Denial.
Manager Kruttschnltt of ths Southern Pa
cific has Issued a circular regarding the
threatened strike of boiler makers In sym
pathy with ths Union Paclfio strikers. He
We have been given to understand that
two reasons existed for Issuing the order to
the Southern 1'arlfic boiler makers: '
1. tiecause the Southern Pacific had helped
the Union Pacific by transferring locomo
tives. 1. That It was feared that piece work pr
judloiai to the men was to be extended in
1 the boiler shops.
j In response to the first the committee
I waa assured by Mr Harrlman In a confer
ence In Ms office In San Francisco that
shortly sfter the Union Pacific strike he
had Issued an order that the Southern Pa
I cine omoera were to take no steps to assist
tne inion j-sc-inc in any manner whatso
ever. This order has been strictly followed
and ssaurances to that effect were given
the committee.
Concerning the second reason personal as
surance was given by ths president of the
company to. the boiler makers that the
Southern facino company doea not Intend
to extend the piece work system In its
Doner snops witnoui conference and agree
ment with the boiler makers.
Mrs. I. B. Manaaa.
NEBRASKA CITT. Neb.. May IS. -(Spe
cial Telegrnm.) Mrs. I. B Manson. wife of
a well known contractor, died at her horn
In this city today of consumption. She bad
lately returned from New Mexico, where
she had been In hop of recovery.
Colonial BoortUxt Deserts Britftia'l Splendid
risosi Isolation.
Minister - Ontllnes roller of Free
Trad lade Valea Jack with
Reciprocity aai Retaliation
with All Other Halloas.
LONDON, May 16. Addressing his con
stituents at Birmingham tonight, Mr.
Chamberlain seemed to foreshadow a pro
tection versus free trade fight next session.
For him, Mr. Chamberlain Said, local
questions were comparatively unimportant
beside the great Imperialistic policy upon
which the fate of the empire depended,
namely. "Whether we stand together, one
free nation sgalnst all the world, or
whether we shall fall Into separate states
selfishly seeking their own interests and
losing the advantages that unity alone cart
give." . y
' Pre' Trad Weakens Umpire.
If! a passing reference to Ireland, he de
dared that if separation began with home
rule tha. empire would diMmilve Into Ita
comppnent atoms. -
H-proceeded to strongly urge the neces
sity.-lit -order to preserve the empire, Of
securing trade with -the colonics. Canada,
he said, had offered great advantages which
Great Britain did not dare accept because
of ths narrow Interpretation of the doc
trine of free trade, which had led to the
belief tht Great Britain was so wedded to
Its fiscal, system that It could not defend
Its Colonies. This wss a position not in
tended by the pioneers of free trsde, who
If they were alive today would agree to a
treaty of preference And reciprocity with
the empire's children.
He believed an entirely wrong Interpreta
tion had been placed on the doctrine of
free trade, but that the country ought not
to be bound by this, and It should not hes-
Itats to resort to retaliation if necessary,
whenever the Interests" between the colo
nies and the home country were thrfiatend.
Most Bo Abl to Retaliate.
Mr. Chamberlain avowed himself a free
trWder. but he obieoted to the artificial and
natrow. interpretation pf free trade. He
pointed Out that Cob-den had made, and that
Bright hM approved, ft preferential treaty
with France, and .added:.
There are two alternatives before you.
First, to maintain the free trade Dolirv In
all ita severity, althduah It is repudiated
ny every otner nation ana your colonies.
Second, to insist that we be not bound by
anv uuralv . technical . definition of free
trade. While we rtcek tf.-e free Interr-hange
of commerce between ourselves and all
the nations of the world, we will neverthe
less recover our freedom, resume the power
of negotiating, and it necessary oi retalia
tion. - .
In conclusion be said he desired tho dis
cussion to be open.; It-was an Issue graver
In Hs consequences -than mere local - dis
putes. A mlstske in legislation could be
corrected, but a mistake in the Imperial
policy .) was Irretrievable. Personally, he
did not- think a general election near but
whether near - or-distant, the-Issue would
depend on whether the people hsd it In
their' hearts to do all that wag necessary
even If It occasionally went against their
prejudices, to consolidate an empire which
coul only be maintained by relations of
interest comoinea writ) relatione oi semi-
- King til dicta Reach Row.
LONDON, May lS.-lflng Edward and
QueenAlexahafa' returned to-London Trent
Scotland this evening.-v - j-- '
Ma Is Hurt In Head-On
Usion Near St.
. . '. Loals.
ST. LOUIS. May lK.-By a mistake made
In receiving an order, a head-on collision oo-.
eurred on the Missouri Pacific today be
tweett the special train of General Manager
Russell Hording.' coming north, and an
extra freight going south. .' Both engines
were completely wrecked and the cars of
the freight wer piled In an Indiscriminate
he.ap. Be far as known, no one waa In
jured except the negro porter of Mr. Hard
ing's car, whose seaTp was lacerated, Tha
wreck oeurred about twenty mlles south
of St. Louis. . ,
Takes l'p Case of A as erica a Prospector
Who Was Held In Mexlean
' Prison,
EL PASO, Tex., May 16 (Special Tele
gram.) Former Congressman Nevlll of
Nebraska, now In El Paso, will demand
reparation of the Mexican government for
alleged official corruption In the stats of
Chihuahua In holding an American pros
pec tor practically for a ransom, gulsed
under claim "for costs for a reputed offense
and necessitating his walking ISO mile to
get back to the United States.
Many People Ar Hart la Collision
with Beer Wagon on Halatead
' Street Line.
CHICAGO, May M. Four persons were
severely Injured,, one probably fatally, and
twenty others were slightly hurt today,
when a Halsted street electrio ear collided
with a beer wagon. Ths failure of tbe
driver of the wagon to hear the warning
bell of the car is said to be responsible for
ths accident
goathera Splnnera Association TJrgsa
- General Cnrtallasoat (
Prodnetlon. ,
CHARLOTTE. N. C May M.-Tho South
ern Cotton Spinners' association. In annua
convention, today changed Its nam to the
American Cotton. Manufacturers' associa
tion and decided to urge a general curtail
ment of production.
A Osaraattti Car for Mies,
Itching. Blind. Bleeding er Protruding
Piles. Your druggist will refund your
money If PAZO OINTMENT falls to euro
yon. M cents.
boy P's y ,ECEvq
This Afternoon Tonight,
Ths Thrilling Western Melo-Drams,'
"I IDAHO." '
Prices Mat., any seat. 10c l night. tfr-U-
Bunday Night. "8HAMUS O'BRItN."
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MAY 10-lT-tS.
Games called at I: si.
Uniform Quality
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The Charm
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Under Any Test
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The choice af these who
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Sold at all first class cafes
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timore, Md.