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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1903)
TITfi OMATIA DAILY TIRE: SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1903. 11 i SPECIAL NOTICES Advertlseeaenta foe 4ae rHanm evlll k libri aatll 11 aa.' far tha ere Bin eeltlea ana aatll l BO .. aa. Vfnr moraine and nn4y r4KI.. T Rate. 1 a mar Srst Insertion, le ward thereafter. Netklnsr tabea far less than S!V far tba first Uir. tlon. Tkra Tfrllai(ti ( ba ra n eoaeeenllvely. Advertisers, sy resjae-etlaig m iim treel rkwk, raa have a ana were reasA ta aambereel letter la vara t THa Kaa. Answers am will a allvered Oa prraeatalloa mt tba tbeelt aaly. WAITED HALB HELP. BOYLES COLLEGE. A high grade School of business, shorthand, touch typewriting and English branch?!. DAY AM) EVENING. Ca!L writ or 'phone or prospectus. H. H. BOVLKM. President, N. Y. Llts Bidg., Omaha, Neb, . . , ...... . B 103 FIRST-CLA88 messengers wanted) good salary. A. D. T. Co., 213 80. 13th St. . WANTED, for V. 8. array, able-bodied Un. married men between ages of 21 and 35; citizens of I'nlted States, of good char seler and temperate nsblts, who can apeak, read and wr I to English. For Infor mation xapply to. Recruiting Officer, lKth and Dodge Ma , Omaha, and Montgomery building, Lincoln, Neb, -- B WANTED Flrst-clase glaziers and wood turner! (tool wage. to competent men. Address l -J,- Bee. r , B M546 22 WANTED Hoy to hold copy, for proof. reader. Apply , to 1L .A.- Haskell,. Be composing, rojm. u WANTED,, good coat and twtnti maker steady- worK and good prw-es. Emery ciurgner, Atlantic, la.. B-HW( 1BX WANTED, eieytrlclan and engineer. Ad- areas w. i). Kumer. Alliance. Neo.. stat Ing refer?nce, experience .and aalary wantea. u bis mx .. '. .. ' ' WANTED, an accurate and rapid stenog rapher and typewriter for steady position In lartre retail a tore: muat be experienced man. Write, stating salary etpected and references. AJureaa u ao, Aiea. . . ..... , B-815 20 WANTED flood coat mUter; steady Job; Sacks, 7 . .Wm. Dodd, -Rockwell City, Iowa. . MHJU Xix WANTED, man and wife to work at sum mer residence .' ciosa to Omaha; woman must be good cook and tba man a giod I gardener. Airs. A. u. uranaeis, . aan k street. sis ai WA ANTED, men everywhere: good pay; to distribute circulars, adV. matter, tack signs, etc; no canvasning. National Adv, Bureau, Chicago.- - . B M848 2l WANTED, men to learn barber trade years saved: thoroughly systematic cago, Bt. l.oula, New Orleans, Ban Fran Cisco. Inducements to distant applicants; busy season now; tools given; positions wailing. C8ll or wt, Moler College, 13(8 Douglas BU , . B Mew 21 1 : . I i WANTED, two coat arid pants makers at fonce. U. . Btruts, Atlantic, la. -..... .... B MS44 18 WANTED, a good, thorough sausage maker; young man and muat lie of steady habits; gooa wages 10 rignt mnu wu, K. M. westpnaien, ,iianuo, i. .. 1 ' B M845 17 WANTED, an experienced collector; also one to ker books and help aelllng goods. Nebraska Furniture ndCarpet Co., 413 N. 24th st,. South Omaha. , B-M858 17x WANTED, -' good allround earring and elan naihter: steady work; . wagoe' not Imd than 1 per week- young or. middle aged man preferred.. 4. li. iteiiey, wao villa. Colo. B M8bl la SALKSMEN WAITED. WANTED, two salesmen, .salary or 00m - mission, C. i Adams Ce., -110 Howard 8L - - ;-10- SALESMEN orIm1rt;Twpewrlter8, $38 Nona better. Monroa- V Co., 811, N. 16th. ' , . : .'--M240 WAITED- FEMALE HELP. 108 Girls Call Canadian office, 16th A Dodge WANTED, In a family of three, girl for general housework. Apply at Su-I Chl caga su ; c M4.8 WANTED, girl for general housework. M60 Georgia Ave. C 705 WANTED First class milliner capable of taking charge of millinery business In a inwn. finlarv 176 Der month. State age, experience and rsferenoes. Addres L w, ties. - . w . WANTED Phort order cook,- woman pre ferred: wares 836 per month, . -I R, rhiu F-urt uoaae. xa, - - , . ., vaT . aliou wx7 ANsr ED Competent -girl tor general .oustwork; no washing. 8.'J 'V Mi.trrh. Hnmml atanoarabher And ,C-Vi,. in i.r. retail store: muat be rapid and- accurate; state references and alary eapecteo. uuro is, to WANTED, at once, girl for general Jiouae- work, lamuy m if 83 A DAY easily made working for us In your own town; work light and pleasant. Jhena sump for particulars. Pierce fun. o., 171 Washington bv. vmo-sAj. a L jl DIE 9 See the advantages we offeo la teaching halrflresslng. manicuring and f acini mass..: years saved by .our method; graduates placed in best estab Uahments everywhere; splendid pay; atoo .1 As,hj4b nnrinll aririli: no perT. Call or write Moler CoUege, 18 Douglas St. 1 . . C-MMi a COOK wanted." 666 g. Pth stl C-MS58 13 HELP .WAITED, DEPUTIE8. men or women; splendid Con' tract, 'i ne, u.rniwia, -w- -- aiaBacs5saf sa " . 1 run RNTHOVtEaU III lCICCln all parte of the city. The O. tlUljoCO r. l5vla Co eut Bee Bldg. .'. D-116 Uvi 11 , ' 1 . . : 1 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage- CO., omce 10I aroam, vw imim. ibu-w. I C - A UI UrtllCCCin alt'parta of the city. R, ilUUdLJ. C. Peters 4k Co., Bee Bldg D 118 ri)R RENT, i-room house, all modern ex cent furnace. 7u4 N- 9uth Bt. , !.. C. M. Bachtnan, ttf-37 I'axton Blk. D 848 FOR RENT, near High school.- 8M3 Capitol Ave., li)-roora modern, 840. Caoltol Ave. 8-room, modern, Km. Tel. 873. B. H- Koblson. 2b8 Capitol. Ave. ' U CIO JIOUBES 86 upward. Bern la, Paxton Blk. v 11 ONE of those fine, all modern, 7-roora brick nouses, utin ana isara bis., ju uu. yt. lu. Turklnglon, Hub Be. ; LrM4 CENTRAL, modern. -roon flat. 220 N. 23d atraeu ... v HOUSES O. G. Wallace, Brown Block. ... - ... D119 HOUSES, Insurance, BOngwalV Barker Blk. FOR RENT. May 1, t-room brick 'modern. Inquire N. &a DC . i Al. SIX-ROOM modern fiat. 1112 8. 11th St D-8&I WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Vait A 'Stor age Co. Tel. 144, Ofbce, int Webater be - -. . . v . , a . At mil 18 ROOMS, modern, 666 B. Sth St.. 832 50. D M716 It t-ROOM bouse, 2314 Boulevard are., newly , pitperea enu paintea. . v A com, 2"!1 tiouth 2d. 16. -eArfwm, 1S11 6'uih Sid, 86. ' . . WALTtH liKh-EN. YM South 13th St. .,. . - D-MVll H t641 JACK SON ST.. "8-room. modern, house. first class repair.',' i ' ' ftiX-ftgii COMPANT. K f AjVAM ST. FOR ftrT HOIIFJ. FOR RENT, modern two-story 8-room dwelling on uth Ft., two blocks from Farnam car line; furnace and all con venience, Wyman. Bbrlver.A Co . New Tork Ufe Bldg. . D-MW 14 S-ROOM cut a re, modern, will fumlah If aesirea. . mm St. . . im- zi- 1432 F.RSKINE, rooms, modem, f?2 SO; Howard, 7 rooms, modern nat, til to; 3". Chicago, 10 rooma, modern, If tlf repairs, $30. lllngwalt Bros., Barker blk. D-S JT FATNE-BOSTWICK CO-Chptoe houses. 601-603 New Tork Life Bldg. Thon - D IS FOR RENT, modern six-room -eottafe. nearly new, west Farnam district.' Ths O. F. Davis Co., 608 Bee Bldg. D 76 1 TEN-ROOM, all modern house, flrst-claas repairs, new open plumbing, ta is. ?nn street. DM81I 20 ElOHT-ROOM cottage, 711 So. 19th St. u an 1 m -ROOM cottage, gas and well water, 19.00. ia cnaries. - ' u i is FOR RENT t-rtom modern house, 607 80. 26th avenue. t-room modern timise, 2248 NO. mn BL, 8-room modern house, 825 Bo. 84th . St., THOMAS BRENNAN) SOS 80. 13th St. . D M851 22 $16.00. lUNSmM'PARK DISTRICT. 8-room house, plrely painted sod papered. with large cellar,, poroeiam Datn. ciosei, washbowl, hot water connected with fur nace, gas fixtures throughput, solid com fort for a rood tenant: Payne, Bostwlck Co., 601-VI N. T. tlfe. i u mow Fprt RElfT Fl'RHISHKD ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, lsrh and Farnam, LIGHT housekeeping for two- Tel. A 8568. rTTfi T ' BlM 1 09 a I A AETNA HOUSE. European, 13tb A DOfirf. ROTAL HOTEL, European, 16th A Chicago. L. M. R. hauls trunks. Telephone 780. - il.00 TO $2.00 per weeV. 422 S. 18th St., one block south 01 court nouae. . . t ui DOUBLE parlor, south front; references. "Phone F-2502. . E128 NICELY furnished modern rooms. 161" Caas street. B-M297 M14 THE FARNAM, 19th and'Farnam. E 941 ROOMS, 11.60 -to 13 per week; board. H. Thuraton hotel, litU and Jackson sts, ., . . E Uibi 31 NEWLY furnished, clean rooms; nice cool .place; If you want these rooms -corns soon. 811 8. 20th. ' 1 E M455 SWELL svilte front rooms and other nice rooms, close In, very desirable neighbor hood. 115 So. 20th. E m729 16 1709 DODGE, flrsUclasa board, J4 per week, home. cooking; .single meal abc j E m72S J.9 22a N. 17th st, neat, desirable room. : ' ; E M744 JelO LARGE 'south front room: first class loca tion ; walking distance-. 2224 Farnam, m : E-770"18 FRONT -parlor for two an 'other nice rooms; best location; Kfi No. 19th St. - , j. . E MStl FURBISHED ROOMS AND BOARD, KlCE rooms, steam heat, with or without board; low raws. , Miuianq jiotei, ibtn ana Chicago. . F 430 1816 DODGE, front parlor and other rooms. Telephone . A-t207. -, ,. ... ' F M933 ROOM and good board,-, C26 S. 19th. NICE roojns, gbod board. , 416 N. 26th St. ROOM 'and board; flrst-olass.- 213 W. Kth sireec... . . .-' . it .- ,,F432 NICELY furnished roosas, with or without Doarar. aav Doara- or .unai iicaets rea sonable. . Midland hotel, Utn and Chicago bis. aiuu ROOM and board. 1338 Bo. 26th ave. . -v . ... ., . F-T-M&58 82 TWO very desirable rooms with excellent poara; reoucea rates 10 party 01 iour. 620 80. 19th. TeL 1208. - F M554 FURNISHED rooms and board; rooms 81.50 to 83, Ml per weex; meat ticket, n. Kitcn- hart botel, 616 N. 25th st South Omaha. Best service in tne city. a ai txw ti NICE single room, 609 So. 26th ave. FURNISHED rooms and board; references. 3l p. tn hu ei sn TWO rooms at The Farnam. with board: also one suite or rooms. Just vacated, at reduced prices ;jor. the summer. itn ana ir.m.m 1 . : - " m 17 . " i . .... -. - NEWX.Y oaoered arid carpeted south room. moaern nouse; nrst-ciass ooaru; nice neighborhood; for gentleman; arter May XI. 4W4 Bt. mary a are. r-mooo t FOR REN IXriamiHED ROOMS. TWO or three line unfurnished rooms. 220 N. 234 Street.. . u oa 4 AND 8-room gpartment, . 816 Bo. 23d. FOR BENT. 1 unfurnished rooms, single -and. ens.ulte,' 'WlthnU tldg., loth and HarneV. :.N. I. Dodge. Ai t.,lil6Farnan. FOUR basement roorns; take washing for rent, in, 00- itu. , , ... sane FOR RENTSTORKS AKD OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building -formerly occu pied by The Bee st 914 Farnam St. It has : four stories and m basement which, waa formerly usea as 'inv jwt press room. This WU1 be rente very reasonably. If Interested apply at oftice of C. C. Rose. water, secretary, room , .vuuuing, - ne i.vm nifNT building suitable for whole- eale purpoeee at wn rariism, m&vu, tuur aioties and Hrst-class cemented basement, elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, oltlce counted and ilxturea. For prlct and particulars Inquire C. C. Hose water, sec retary the Bee Building Co., room luu, Be bulldog. ... iM-Mi OFFICES In. The Bee building, 810.00 per monui up; rental prtce inuiuuca neat, light and janitor service. K, C. Peters aV l.o.,,grou)iu, iiuut, t iu. we AOKSTS WANTED, WANTED Gentleman and lady agents who want to make Dig money selling ateroacoDe and views: small capital starts you In good paying business; write for terms. C. u. lusk, cnartton, la. J-M82 17 WANTED, .canvassln ana agents in every ubecrlpiloBS to THE county to solicit TWENTIETH CENTURY . FARMER. Steady employment with aaaured good In come. " Agents In the country with aeree and buggy especially desired. - Canvassers snake easily ou to iuu per enonlh. Ad dress. Century Farmei Solicitors' Bureau. see vuuumi, uwuu. u i. WANTED, oil agenta la every coupty; re liable, energetlo man to sell on commis sion, specially to tne rarmera and thresh era, -our line or mgn-grade lubrtcatin oils, greases, also root, barn and -house paints. Apply at ouce. Address The . oooiana uu ana urease Co., Cleveland, WANTED vTO RENT. WANTED, board and room, close In, for man. Aodreaa, stating prise, D 26, Bee. K-M521 WANTED., north of Lake St.. two or three unfurnished rooms; housekeeping, u. Bee. ... K ti 17s 1-ROOM, modern house; close In; no thll dren: modern. Address U aZ. Bee K M788 1 FOR IALB-ri'RRITl'RE. CHICAGO Furniture- Co., 1416 Dodge. -Tel. 2u3& - New and eecautd-aaad bought, sold. Josh Billings said: , If you want to be noticed you must get in front of folks and worry 'em some. I'Ull r ALlt-HOklEI, .v KTC , WAGONS repaired and all kinds of new work. H Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P-134 CARRIAGE painting, repairing. Cass St . Carriage Worka. Wood at Anderson, 1801 Cass St. TeL 2471. P-M34I II FIRST-CLASS painting, trimming, repair lng, rubber tires put on; also carriages for sale. Wm. Pfelffer, 2620 Leavenworth. P 470 FOR RENT stable room for six horses.' 602 No. 17th. P m730 ! FOR SALE, a good riding horse, safe for lady. Address D 60, Bee. P-M808 16 FOR SALE or trade, a good surrey. 101 So. lth. P-M827 Six FOR SALE, ten teams of horses cheap. Apply to E. llayden, care Hayden Bros. P 836 FOR SALE, safe horse for lady or children and new rubber tire phaeton, at bargain. Inquire Mrs. Auer, 818 N. 19th St., South Omaha. P-M1E7 17 FOR IALB-BIIICELLARKOIB. New and Jdhand typewriters. 1119 Farnam. W ia INDIAN goods and relics. Ill Farnam. 4 136 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght. 1118 Farnam. W 4 T. DL'RKIN, electrio light wiring. TeL 2448. Q Mwo FOLDING camp cots. H. R. Wykert, 701 S.16 . g M008 M21 TELEPHONE poles. Ixjng Fir timbers. Chicken fence. Oak piling. 8ul Douglas. Q-4-T CATALOGUE cut drug prlcos free. Sher man McConnall Lrug Co., Omaha, J 428 FOR BALE, secondhand Locomobile: In Orst-claas shape, at one-half price. Call or address, 1621 Farnam bt. Q M&46 BUSINESS college scholarship for sale at a bargain in one 01 Omaha s leading com merclal colleges; life scnolarshlp. Address a i, Bern omce. Id716x FOR SALE. Remington typewriter No. 6. new, 860;. first otter accepted. Address C 84, Bee. - y M6K5 8V NO. t REMINGTON cheap. F. D. Wead, uu fougiaa OL liIM FOR SALE, Crane hydraulio elevator, ean cs uaea uiosr passenger or ireignt, com plete. Iron guide posts, cage and wire enclosures. J. t uranaeia Bona. ' Q-698 WIRE fence for hogs, poultry, lawn and larens. wire works, til o. loth. Tel. Hao. h - -.. QW87 Jyli FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any otner - musical instruments, o up. 'ins commoian rnonograpn Co., itiii Farnam. W 140 FOR SALE First mortgage note bearing 6 per cent interest, payanie every' six months; haa about 21 years to run; good security and endorsed by responsible, party; amount, . ,). inquire C. at. jsaonman, nooto ml, faxton block. FOR SALE, complete railroad srradinr nut. 111, coneisiing 01 a graaers. u dump wag'' ons, 60 dump cars, rail, 10 scrapers and miscellaneous toola. Address Butler Bros.. v.. . u Minn, iua GasoJIns gtoves' cleaned. 8421 Cumlog gt .11. ..- ... . . e 1 . .j. W saw . FOR SALE. 1 23 ft. Naphtha launch, 660; 1 o-ik oapntna launon, ftuoo. .Apply to w. b. uaiaun.. mm arnara ac - y M..M st FOR BALE, twelve avruD .waif soda foun. tain, w in take piano. In exchange. , Ad- areas u h, nee. (4 a jei4 FOR SALE, 1 laundry washing machines, one not water neater and tank, for eta. tlonary wash tub. Apply M. J. Frank, ah cu ana notei. . . v w 840 17 MISCELLANEOUS. ORIENTAL Rug man: repairing and clean lng ny tne only oriental, with oriental methods, mo steam, no machine, no acids to injure your rugs, xaminosian. M'V St Mary's ave. 'Phone B-2309, R M358 17 CLAIRVOYANTS. : MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1614 Caas street. 1 B 143 MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LAm yutdM ot clairvoyants, Every, thing told; past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no, pay.. 807 N. 18th. 8 MJ66 MME. OYLMER, genuine palmist.. 816 8. 10. B 14a . MADAME LUCRETIA, medium, 709 fornla ac a-Ml.,1 ji as ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MASSAGE and flushing treatment. Chronic cases aoiiciteu. . . , .--u ,u,i atreeU T-M724 24 MME. SMITH, baths, lit N. 16, 2d floor, r. 3. GRACE O' BRYAN of Kentucky. 720 S. 13th. OIKS ELEGANT massage and vapor baths, alco. hoi rubbing, ansa nvwuu, win . Flat E. . T M910 & BEATRICE HARLOW, elegant massage Dams; assistant, wi on., MISS DUVAL, manlourlng. (19 S. lth st. T M636J8 Flat X x GLADYS 8HEPARD, masssge, vapor and aiconoi patna, u uuui, V! jt;'"". 'A M227 J -8 MRS. DAVIS, 1621 Howard st,, baths; nrst- class asatstant. . PERSONAU DR. ROY. chiropodist; corns and superflu hair removed by electricity. R. 3 an and 3, X506 Farnam 8L . U 146 ELITE PARLORS. 614 8. 16th Bt. Mor. ViAVI a wholesome nerve and tissue food and home treatment for disorders of .... A ' I . . Oil, Da. women. rea uwuii. v-v-- Bldg. U-147 TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. tnessengers. 140,000 IN cash prises: particulars 10 cents. 11. vv. lAr, ueii. Arji. , wm uuu, .vw U M808 19 MAGNET PILB KILLER. IT CURES. U 148 At druggists, u HOME during confinement; flrst-clasa. Dr. . ....... o . Til A iDI,am. U- 1109 f . I - aiHtVr, UW- OIVMUW. MWM. V -J - U 163 C EDERER. Bristol St florist Tol. 17. c o THE VIEREOfJ Fire Escape savea lives That's all. Room t. Barker block. Tel. A-3396. U-U1S4 16 MRS. JACOBSON. 2208 N. 80th St U-M363 It PRIVATE hone during confinement; babies aaoplea. tne uvwi csmsrusn oamiar.uin, 738 ut ave.. Council Bluff, la. U M4i8 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; babies boarded and adopted. Mra. Gardeis. 34 Lake. Tel. Red-18a4. U-148 RUPTURE CURED without pain. Empire Kupture co., t. 1. uie Biag., umiu. U 150 WANTED, someone to share freight car, folng 1 62. olng west Portland or Seattle. Addreae Bee. i' Jul nr MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans and warranto, - W . Farnam Smith A Co., UJO Farnam street I i . W 41 MONEY TO LOAN REAL, ESTATK. 4H PER CENT on business property, t per cent on residence property. Options to psy whole or part any time. W. B. MF.IKLE, 401 8. 1TH ST. W-164 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. At. c. meters Co., 1703 Farnam St., Bee Bldg.. W 156 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. '1 nomas, first Mat. Bang Blug. .Tel. 1"48. . W 168 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Llf. . - W-1&9 4 TO t P C money, ' Bemls, Paxton Block. . .. W 163 FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1H Farnam. 1 w 165 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. W--l0 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. DO YOU NEED MONEY? MONEY TO LOAN r. ON FURNITURE AND SALARIES. tlO to 8300 loaned on FURNITURE, PI ANOS, etc., and to tIAUAHlfcU PEOPLE at very low rates snd for sny length of time, without publicity or removing the property. Payments can be made to suit your convenience. Call and get our terms before going elsewhere. RELIABLE 4JHEDIT CO.. Room 80s. Paxton iBlock. Room 808. MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. LIVE STOCK, BALhAHlr.9, E. IC Low rates and easy terms. Business Confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 633 Paxton Block. lblh and Farnam Sts. X 163 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTE, ANY AAiuuni: uuu xia&co, ladi t a 1 -MINI'S; CONFIDENTIAL. THE STAR LOAN CO., ROOM 644, PAXTON BLOCK. . X-164 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business conno?entiai, lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. -''- X 166 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew- elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 819 8. 13. X-169 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., sue to u. ureen, k. s. Barker tk X 167 SALARY LOANS UPON PLAIN NOTES. American Loan Co., Paxton block. 3d floor. - ; X-168 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO "SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms, 40 offices In prin cipal cities, Tolman, 440 Board of Trade .Bldg. X-163 CACVTOPAY : ,CAj I TO GET Best 'explains our methodK. ' . We loan on furniture, .pi;: iios, warehouse receipt, etq. Or If you have a permanent poaltloc we can makeVou a :. SALARY' LOAN . Without security, except. your own agree ment to repay. Our service Is culck and confidential and we always try to please. All that we ask Is that von give, us a call before you borrow elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN'TO, 119 Board of Trade Ulilg. ,Tel. J298. (EslabJlshed 18U2.) , jaqG.SQ.46th St . , i", X M7OT- atsaSsasasBssBBesssaewsaBBaawMsa BUSINESS CirCES. WHEN you want, to buy, sell olf exchange . any property or buainese. d.ulck,,ee J. H. . Johnson, 843 I -Y4-IJfe;'p...... . Y-168 TO LEASE QR FOR SALE, good business lot, 113x195, on 11th, , sou;h of cement works. Box C 36, Bee. . .. Y M231 27x HOTEL FOR BALE With furniture com- lete brick, 46 rooms; city of 9.0U0; good usiness; good reason for selling at half of the cost. Write for particulars, picture, etc.,- to J. H. Wooley Sole Agent, Grand Island. Neb. .. Ym-725 16 MAN with $1,000 to $1,500 to Invest In a profitable business of which he will have principal charge. D 46, Bee,. . . Y 771 A BIG BARGAIN, a $5,000 stock of gents' furnishing goods In fine condition. Wil liamson Bros., Maltland. Mo. Y 768 18 MINING In Wyoming. For reliable Infor mation regarding mines and other Indus tries address F. A. Carpenter, 264 . 3rd . street.. Laramie. ' Wyo. .. Y-796-Jel2 A TRIED AND PROVEN GREAT MONEY-MAKING ENTERPRISE. For thirty years C. E. . .tnd has promptly ' fulfilled all contracts and stands ready to do so for thirty years more. The C. E. Rand 'company, co-operative owners of race horses and general turf enterprises, have never paid less than 8 per cent per week to all Investors. Dividends are re mitted on Wednesday of each week. All Investments subject to withdrawal, with Interest to date, upon demand. Write for Particulars. Note carefully the new aJ retw. THE C. E. RAND COMPANY, . 32 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. , - ' Y-824 16x ONE-HALF Interest In an -old-established real estate rental and Insurance business In Omaha.- Addiess D 67, Bee. . Y-M83J 17 82,800 SECURES a - business In a city of 6.000 population that will pay a positive net Income of $136 per month. Address E. C. Pease, 310 Locust Bt., Des Moines, la. YM850 22 A FINE BUSINESS OPENING. For Sale, stork of groceries, dry goods. house and store, wortn n,tw. tnai win show net profits of $l.20 per year. In flourishing town In southwestern Iowa. -This must be sold at once for caatl on ac count of health of owner. For other stocks, farms and ranchea call on or write Cornelius A Brown, Hastings, Neb. - Y M842 18 FOR EXCHANGE, a country stock of gen eral merchandise, pougnt less tnan niteen months, consisting- of - medium-priced dress goods, calicoes, prints, percales, sheeting, shirting, muslins, outing flannel, lawns and all kinds of notions, Ladloa.' men's and children's furolehlng goods, etc. . No fixtures or millinery.: Lines all well filled and In first-class condition. Stock Invoiced st about tlO.auO. all solid goods, open and subject to Inspection; never was traded before; a majority of stock Is summer goods. Owner in debt. Will give a good trade for a small amount cash and some property; will sssume some. This Is a rare opportunity. Address m- Hall bldg., Kansas City, Mo, lf M841 IT FOR' RENT; laundry building, for steam laundry; also building, wiiu Doner ana engine and line ahaft, for. manufacturing purposes; situated In town of 1,200 to 1,600 people. Address D 61, Bee, v Y-MS54 18 FOR EXCHANGE. FRUIT farm, -4 miles from Council Bluffs, to exchange for omana property, w, 11. Gates, 617 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 1294. 'lr 8-19 17 FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. I GET CASH QUICK for your real estate or business. If you wish to sell, send description and price. Booklet free. No communion. Emerson DePuy, Specialist, Des Moines, la. ... RE Ntui Juliet AII I lAMCflM CHARLES E.. 1203 vv Ikbirtiiiwn Farnam atreet KB 460 RANCH and farm landa for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllester. land commissioner, Union Pa cini) Headquartera, Cunaha, Neb. RE 178 10-ROOM modern postorhce, for a Bene w a A Co. house, 11 lie cheap. blocks from lut N lath. RE 173 WANTED An owner to build modern nine room house for aood tenaat without chll dren, who will pay 860 a month and take t t nut lease, juiurese u vt. bm. Did ht mean "odtwrftW FOR HALF KKAI. F.STATR. EIGHTY acres In Burt county, Nebraska, well Improved, for sale, 817.60 per acre; on easy terms; will take good cattle and horses or merchandise for equity. What have you? M. 11. Davis, Decatur. Neb. RE-M8&2 It 86,Wio 10-room house, I acres fruit, near Benson car line. $9110 6-rootn cottage, 27th Ave. and Grant; monthly payments. W. N. NASON, 444 Bee Building. RE-M63S EASTERN NEBRASKA FARM LAND 14,000 seres In 160 to 640-acre farms at from i.'b to 846 per acre. Best corn land In Nebraska Improved and unimproved. Near to city, school and churches. Only 126 miles from Omaha,. Low railroad rats weekly. CHA8. BLIXT LAND CO., 701 South . Sixteenth Street. Omaha. RE M66S It HOUSES and lots In all parts of city) also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 608 Bee Bldg. RE 174 , NEW five-room cottage, modern, sightly location, south front, one block from street car, lot 40x132, with alley In rear, small barn, 6 large nyimi In house besides bath and good cellar. Big bargain at 81,750. Harrison A Morton. 812-lS N. Y. Life. Tel. 814. RE 8S8 AUTOMOBILES. ELEC automobiles. Derlght, lilt Farnam. 178 BALD TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North 16th. 179 R1CYCLES. REPAIR lawn mowers, bicycles; lock smithlng; wire work. C. Jarl, 712 S. 16th. M363 18 BICYCLES and repairs. Fresh tires, 81.60 to 84 60; Hartford tires, $5.60 per pair. AH . the popular brands for cash or credit. Louts Flescher, 1623 Capitol Ave. Tel. 814. .11 - J4 WE BUY and sell second-hand wheels; re pairing a specialty; lawn mowers snarp ened and repaired. E. K. Lawrence, 27u3 Leavenworth St. Tel. L1676. M543 J8 BRICK WORK. J. P. HEALY, 1822 Clark St.. Phone A-2S7L ISO CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds xf carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake Sts. 870 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. A. J. PIERSON, 20th and Burt. Tel. L-2836. CARPET CLEANERS, SEND your carpet and niKS to Chrlsten- aon's Carpet Cleaning Works, 2221 N. th Bt. A el, lt9. ia TEL. toe Carpet cleaning, rug weaving. ' -183 .DENTISTS. F. C. CLARK, Dentist, formerly of Council Blums, now located at 2iia Cuming bc , ' ' -M723 24, C. H. PAUL, removed to -residence,- XX.I Burt. Tel F 2763. M-W66 DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK. 617 Karbach. Tel. A-2832. SECRET SERVICE expert operators. Ad dress u z. Bee. aae iix DRlOftlSTS SUPPLIES. CLOSE drug buyers cull or write Ross- Flowers ec Co., 1617 arnam St., uinana, Neb. M'J02 26X EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. O. R, Rathburn Room 16, Com'l Nat. Bank. 1S6 J. H. BOONSTRA, office 1616 Howard St. TeL 947. -664 J&Sx FARMS FOR SALE. EXCURSIONS TO CANADA Our next excursions to Canada leave May 6 and May 19. Round trip rate, 14. Send tor our free books telling all about Canada, the land that offers the best .op - portunltles for homeseekers and investors, HA8T1NUS A HEYDEN, 610 N. Y. Lift Bldg., Omaha, Nsb. - -909 FLORISTS. HESS A BWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. 186- L. HENDERSON, florist, 1619 Farnam St., , Omaha; send for price list. 686 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animate at reduced prices. tiJl N. 16th. Tel. 1779. ' 187 GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldg. TeL 2536. 188 HAT CLEANING. LADIES and gents', 60c Bchwarts's, 114 . utn. its ICE. CRYSTAL ICE CO. 'Phone 802. -HW 1 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BTILLMAN A PRICE, 23 U. 8. N'l B k. bid, 191 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Cl re Bldg., attorneys and collectors every where. 198 MACFARLAND A MAY. New York I.lfs Bldg., Room H. 'Phone 15J2. 198 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Bteam Laundry and City Towet uuppiy. ' I7a0 Leavenwortn. Tel. A-1783. 190 LAWNMOWfesRa. BUARPENED. P. Melcholr. Uth A Howard. LA UN MOWERS sharpened, saws filed, urn- prenaa repairea, keys, etc., j n. loin. lei zs.t. 75-tr LOST. STRAYED One pair mare ponies. Ons bay with whits face and both hind feet. the other dark chestnut, both hind feet white. No brand, w'elxht about 9u0 lbs. each. Lsat seen May 10 running east of Gibbon, Neb., along U. P. R. R. Re ward for Information or return of same to Jay H. Brink, Kearney, Neb. . Loat-794-lt LO8T Black fur collarette at Boyd's the. ter Tuesday evening. Finder please no tify Bee omce uomvtyi la LOST, lady's round Mose.le pin. set In oxl dlsed gold mounting. Suitable reward if returned to tv. C. Goaa, room 21. U. 8. Nat'!. Hank Bldg lx' n 15 UPHOLSTERING. PETERSON A Lundberg. 118 S. 17th. TeL . Lr34. MEDICAL. ER. TRIES treats successfully all diseases ana Irregularities or women, from any cause; experienced, reliable. 1613 Dodee, Arlington block, Oroaba, Neb, Tel. &43. . 1!XI MV9ICAU ' THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge Block. -368 l.ETOVSKT'8 ORCHESTRA. Tel. I,-tl Terms reasonable. M368 It FOR RENT,- piano players, or piano and p'ayer together. 1'lano A'layer Co., i el. 1450. -198 OSTEOPATHY. OID. E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 616, New York Life Bldg. TeL 1". 199 The Hunt Infirmary, McCagus Bldg. Tel. 2 sou AT7.EN A FARWELL Infirmary, Paxton OIOCK, etH-7. . 'l ei. JSflO. -MSW. PATENTS. H. J. COWOILL No fee unless successful. 818 B. 16th 8U. Omaha, TeL 179S. 801 PATENTS Sues A Co., Omaha. Neb. li lustratea patent book tree. Tel. ltua. M593 Jlylx PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential. 190l uougiaa, 202 PRINTING,' BRIEFS, ETC. WATERS Prlndiig Co. Linotype composi tion. Tel.. 21 90. . vti CALL up Gardner Printing Co., Tel. AS261, lor all kinds ot iod printing. ti( a l.itn at. MM J8 ROOFING. BARRICK Roofing .Co., 1616 Cuming St. iai, vox. iw RUG MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1521 Leaven. Tel. 2068. am EEDS AND POULTRY SUPPLIES. ULLERY CO., 1611 Howard St. Tel. 3327. JUI TAXIDERMIST. J. E. WALLACE, 606 S. 13th Bt. .604 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. MOSUER 8.H., Touch T.W;, Bus. Branches, Teleg. Cat. free. Om. Com. COL, 17 ec uoug. '80S A. C. VAN BANT S school. 717 N. Y. Life. .... 209 NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. - mo STAMMERING AND STUTTERING.. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. -211 STORAGE. OM. Van Btor. Co.. 1611 Farn, Tela. 1669-862. - ......... - EXPREBSMAN'S Del. Co. Tela. liS6-114i. 213 .STOVE REPAIRS. 8TO VJCS stored and gasoline stoves cleaned. omana Stove Repair .works. TeL 960. - - M214 TICKET BROKERS. OCT RATE . raffroad tickets - everywhere. r. i. Bnuoin, iwj arnam. '1'none im . - , ... . ' 215 TREES AND SHRUBS., HAZELDELL NURSERY. Office 8208 N, Z4th. . Trees., shrubs and roses. M6S1 80 , TRUNKS A.Vp BAGGAGE, THE DEPOT on time. L. M. E. Tel. 780. 218 GOVERNMENT NOTICES. : PROPOSALS FOR FIVE BUILDINGS. etc. Department of tje Interior, Office of Indian Affaire., wasolngtpn, J, C. Hay 9. 1S03. Sealed proposals, endorsed "proposals for Buildings, etc. Rapid City, South Da- soia. ana enoresBeo ro tne t-orrrminsioner of Indian Affair. Washington, D. C, will pe receivea at tne inaian umce until 1 o'clock p.' m. of. Wednesday, June 10. J903, for furnishing and delivering .fte necessary materials and labor reqtrnti to construct eot eornplete a fraiye em-, ploy-es"1 o-uartmr. a. frame addition to laun dry snd a IjcJrk empj-s' qua.rtera, sD with piurarmig gna nrpu wwi gas piisng; ajao an addition tp a hrlek dormitory, wfrh lifumb Ing and gasoline 4-as piping, aart a (rams acetylene gas house, with plumbing and neat, an at tne niaian scnooi. Kapia city, 8. D., In ctrlct accordance with plana, specifications and Instructions to bidders. which may be examined at this office, the office of the improvement Bulletin, Mm neapolis, Minn.; the Pioneer-Times, Dead wood, 8. D. ; The Bee, Omaha, Neb.; the Pioneer Press. St. Paul. Minn.: ths Bui d. ers' and Traders' Exchanges at Omaha, Neb., Milwaukee, Wis., and Ht. Paul, Minn. tha Northwestern Manufacturers- Assocla tlon. St Paul, Minn.; the U. 8. Indian warehouses at No. 265 Bo.-Canal St.. Chi cairo. 111.. No. MS Howard St.. Omaha. Neb. and Nos. ns-vji wooater St., New xorg Cltv. and at the school. Bids are also requested for furnishing a Quantity of gas nxturea In the brick school house and brick dormitory In the course of erection at the above --mentioned school. Lists of the artlclea are also on file at the above mentioned places. For further Information apply to Bam B, Davis, Supt. Indian School, Rapid City, South Dakota. A. C Tonner. Acting Com, nilssloner. M 12-14-16-18-21-23-26-28- PROPOSALS FOR CAVALRY HORRRB Office O. Q. M , St. Paul, Minn., May 4 19u3. seaiea proposals, in triplicate, will be received at tnis omce untu 11 o clock a. m. May 19, 1908. and opened than for furnlbh ins ana aetivery at rort laies. n. 11.. u cavalry horses. Bids for less lhan the en tire numDer requirea ana ror aeMvary a faints other than Fort Yates will be en prtalned. Delivery to commence within ; weeks after notice of award, and be com pleted witnin so nays tnerearter. Roans, light and dirk aorreia desired. Full In for inatlon may be had at this office. United States reserves tne rignt to accept or re lect any or all proposals or any iiart inarsoi.-icv. cj. t-jcu, l.. w. m. ' Mld4t16-18M DEPOT, Q. M. DEPT.. JEFFERSON VIl.C!-;. ju.. way , i-juj. soaled pro posais, in triplicate, win L-e received here until 111 o cioi'g a. m., May la, ijuj, for furnishing snd delivering 460 Armv Hantu at thla Depot. Preferences given to ankles of domestic production. Tne right rt serve to reject or accept any or all 01,1s or an' part thereof.. -Envelopes containing pro posais to be rnarkod Proposals for Armi Ranges.' addressed to BAM. R. JONES, Uuariermaster, u. B. A. AI-S-U.-12-13-16-16 DAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION IOTH AND MARCY I'aloa PaclBe. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited.. The Fast Mall ... .a 9:40 am a 7 60 pm a 3.2a pm California Expreaa....,.a 4:20 pm Paclflo Jxpreaa all. 30 pin Eastern Express . , The Atlantic Expreaa... a 1:80 Dm . 1:30 am The Colorado Special... 7:10 am a 3:40 am Chicago Special a 8.40 am Lincoln, Beatrice and Btromsburg Express. .b 4:00 pm bl:60 om North Platte Local a 8:00 am a 6:16 pm Orand Island Local b 6.30 pin b 9:36 pm Wabaab. ' -,, , . . St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 6 56 pm a 8:20 am St. Louis Local, Coun cil Bluffs a. 9:15 am al0:80 pro hlcaao. Mllwaskt A St. Paul. Chicago Daylight ......a 7:46 am all :15 pm Chicago Fast Express. .a 6:46 pm a 3:40 pm Chicago Limited. ..... v.a 8:' pm a 7 60 am Iea Mulnes Express..,. .a 7:46 ant a 3.40 pin Chicago Local 10:40 am Ckleago, H ax It lalaaat A Pad Sc. EAST. Chicago Daylight L't'd.a 6:00 am- a 6:46 am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7 06 am a 9 36 pin Chicago Express ,bll:16 am a 6:36 pm Des Uolnss Express. ,. ,a t.0 pm. bU.W am AILWAY TIMR CAtD- ontlavetl. Chicago Fast Exrress a 8:36 pm a 1;3 t-ai WK8T. Rocky Mountain 1,'t l.a 6.60 pm a 4.66 am Lincoln. Colo. Springs, . . . Inver. . l"ueblo and .. West a 1:30 Pm a 8 00 11m Colo., Texas, Cal, and Oklahoma Flyer a 6:40 pm sl2;40 pm Illlaols Ceatral. Chicago Express a 7:38 am a 1:10 pnr ' Chicago, Minneapolis A HC I'aul Limited a T 60 Dm a 8 OS am Minneapolis A SC. Psul. Express bin im hlft'SR m Chicago Ical -.10:38 am - . Chicago Express ald:3t am Chleaan A Norlhweatern. "The Northwestern Line.' Fast Chicago ... .a $ 40 am a 7:00 am Mall ..a 8:00 pm a 8 am ..a 6.10 am a 8 :m pm ..a iM am aio 3 pm ..a 8:00 am all :10 rrri .oral Sioux City... Daylight St. Paul. Daylight Chicago . Ioal Chicago ...all to am a 1:10 pm Ixicsl Cedar Rapids 8:10 pm Limited Chicago a 9:16 pm a 9:18 am Local Carroll ...a 4:oopm a t oo am ...a 6:60 pm a 8:46 pm ...a 8:10 pm a 8:16 am a 1:40 pm ...b 4:00 pm b 9 0 am Feat Chicago Fast St. .Paul Fast Mall jocnl Bloux City Norfolk and Honest eel.. a 7:16 am S10S6 srn Lincoln A Long rine.,b 7:15 am bl0:36. am Mlssoarl Paclfle. st. Louis Express.... K. C and St. L, Ex. ...al0:00 iim a't:!5 pm ..al0:60pm a 4 16 gm WEBSTER DEPOT JOTH A WBBSTB, Chle-asre, A lfort-Hwrstera, Nebraska . aaeV Wyomlagr -Blvla-laa. - -1 . Leave.' Arrive. Black Hills, Desdwood,' - - I,ead. Hot Ppnngs....a x:w pm iiMiimi' Wyoming, Caxper and . i Douglas ........,..(... d 81OO pm e 8K0 pm Hastings. York. David . . . City, Superior, Oenea, . ... Exeter and Seward. ;'3K pm b ItOO pin Mlssoarl Pairlne.' . ' Nebraska Ixcal, -.Via Weeping Aater. ..b t:lo. pm aH:26 aii ChlrnaTO, Hi Pnal, -Minneapolis ' Omaha. Twin City Passenger. ..g 6:30 am k t:10 pm . Sioux City Passenger,. 2:00 pm all:'.'0 am ', Oakland looal b 6:tf pm b 8:46 atn. Dnllv. b Dally except Sunday, d Dailv except Saturday.,. Daily except Monday. BURLINGTON STATION-IOTH A MA8ON Barllagtoa A Mlssoarl River. Leave. -'Arrive. Wymore, Beatrice and Llncofn a 8:61 am bl2:0S pm' Nebraska Express. a 8:60 am a 7:46 pm Denver i.lmitea.. .a tuu pm , a 8.4j am Black Hills and Puget Sound Express ..aliaopm a 3:10 pm Colorado Vestlbuled - . - - nyer - ' a n:io pm-. ,lncoln Fast Mail... ...b 1:58 pm a 9:08 am Fort Crook and Platts- - ...... mouth ,.oi:w pm MOrm am - Bellevue A Paolflo Jet. .a 7:60 pm a 8:27 km Bellevue & Pacldo Jet.. a 8:60 am Chicago, Burlington A (ialnoy... Chicago Special ....a 7:00 am a 8:55 pm Chicago Veatlbuled Ex.. a 4:09 pm a 7:48 am. Chicago Local a 9:18 m all:(i0 pm ' Chicago- Limited. ..... ..a 1:06 pm a 7:46 am Fast Mail .. ...... ' -- a 3:40 pm - Kansas City, It. Joseph A Council Blasts. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 8:15 am a 6:06 pm St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm all 6 am Kanaas City Night Ex..al0:80 pm a 6:16 am STEAMSHIPS. L ANCHOR LINK V. ' S. XA'lC STKAIiaHirS NBW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND OCABQOW, KBW YORK, 01BRALTAR AKO VArLBA . , Superior accommodation, Bieallent Culeloa, Tba Comfort of Paaencra Carafultr Conslderad. ilnsla, . or Hound Trip Tlck.n luu.4 boureaa N.w York od Scot c a, Eag liab, Irish ard all principal contlnoauil pelnU at atlractli'S ratss. B.rtd lor Book of Tours. ' For tlckota or (eaoral tofonnaUoa apply te .any local aaont or in Ancnor una or to HENDERSON BROS., Ora l Aetata, .Oiloase. " IIL ' EUROPE; THIRTY -TOURS -win leave ITU tae Maaa-Tlaltrng la a lalsuroly and, agroa. able meaner - all , pasts .( .Xorope, .Iroak tka , i , . . . - Medlterrauean to the A4lo eeaaprlag front , . te 14 wosks st- (sras imaging from -...- , 885 to Vl.OOO, . All ipenM Inclsdorl. ' Alas Individual Tsarsl Tlcksta eoed at aor tlma, at lowest rates, entitling bold sra to aarrlcea ot Cook' a Intarpratara at . All Porta and kallvar gtatloaa.' Proarammas and partlaulars trsra THOS. C00X & S0N, ,1M Broadwar. N tork. Katabllaaad Ul. QUEER reSULTJ-F A STRIKE ' Mexleaa Peoas Taka Twa Days . Off ad Settle for Less Thaa ' Offered. -.' '''' "Of course you have; the real thing in strikes. In this country" remarked Henry . Dale of Ban Francisco at ihe Oxford hotel In Denver recently, "but I can tell a story of one strike that was the strangest that ,- ever happened In ths west. Usually ths strike is on account, ot wages. That was -the case this time, but the adjustment waa tar from ths usual In my business we lay pipe lines In all parts of the west, 1 havs to do with the carrying out ot many con tracts. It was while superintending -one of these jobs that I gained tba novel strike experience. I have never beard of its equal and no one I know ever teard of anything ' like it in this country. Our firm bad, a rush contract for the laying of a pipe line " near the Mexican border, a cliort distance from Nogalei, Aril. I was 'sent out on the Job. .It was a case -of dollars and cents to us to get the work finished on time. .This . was duly impressed upon me, and I was .' given liberal' leeway in the 'matter -of ex- - 1 pendlturcs. ' . ' "Down In that section the only .class 'of labor' that -.can be gotten Is tha Mexican peons. I knew something of their traffs, but had not had a great deal of expert- ,.' ence with them. It was a case ef peons or nothing, so I took the peons.' I thought I would get a little more out of them hy . ' paying them $1 a day. , - They were so. ,- customed to receiving 76 cents. .That Is where I made the mistake!. . With tba gang of 100 men or mors I. got .the work wall started. The laborers seemed satisfied and'-; went along about their work for tome time. '4 Then I noticed that something was wrong. Finally they sent one of tbelr number to " ' tell me about It. This one could speak; ' English and bs explained that the , men . bad beard that in some parts of the coun- ' try laborers received 11.86 per dsy. They' thought they should have the same. That stumped me.' I explained that I was pay- , Ing absve tha regular teals, and could not afford to pay more. The Interpreter told about this to ths men. They remained sullen, but finally they decided to quit - work. There was so. need of violence or ." Intimidation because It wag not possible to obtain otbsr peons. I was lost. Ws did not have any too much time, anyway, and I feared we would lose. ' , "This condition of affairs continued twa - days. It waa getting monotonous on -the . third day when a scraggly little man smhled .. Into camp. He looked a peon, but bis first word to me Indicated that he wag of ' Hibernian ancestry. Hs came to the. point i. at once. His first proposal was that he could settle the strike. One hundred dol lars was his price, and, he -agreed' to save . me more than that. The ' little fellow went among the men and talked to them tn their own lingo. He gesticulated lust as they did. Probably his harsh exercise ef -tbe hands had something ta do with It, for hs came back to me In a short ' time' end ssld that It was all' right, that tbs man., would go back at the rate of 76 cents day. i And tbsy did, too. That was two years ' ago and I have been trying to convince '", myself ever since that the 'little fellow; with the merry eye did not start that strike . on me and then collect his fes for settling '.' It" Deavtr Republican. v . . . IheMMI IS