Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1903, Page 10, Image 10
TITE OMAHA DAILY IlEEs SATUKPAV, HAT 1T. 1003. 10 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Botinsn U Mora Active tnA Prices Higher oa Board of Trade. DAMAGED CROPS AID GRAIN SELLERS Provisions Rale Flras, Being Helped I hy Higher Hogs aa Bl Packing Hem Demand for Lard. CHTCAOO May IS. Business w mora active on trie Board of Trade touay and tile inclination leeiing wm toward ntgiier prices. Juiy wheat closing Hjc higner uiy corn veo minn - v - ' while September provlalona wera from M to 7vn Higher. . netcr man of late and the prevailing aentl- j ment was a bullish one. opening prices llaUinK 111 Wlirai m-mm " . , were firm, due to small receipts and oetier ceules. July being a shade to 4-,c higher at 724&72v,c, and on a good commission hoj demand tne marsei wjii - ami strong. Numerous reports or oamaae to the crop by the Hessian fly throughout Kansas Were responsible lor mticit oi tne rteillne- by scaliers caused T i" 'r declining to 73c. as was only temporary, tne eariy buying. Be a little react lo 1 . . . ak . n... onlV market quIckiy responding to the bulllsu foreign news reports from Paris -'"' that the Import duty on wheat was likely .to be replied within a short Urn., wnlcn was taken as a confirmation of a shortage In that crop. There was some liquidation late tn the afternoon and alter selling up to 7aV;a1c, July closed at 72T40. sain oC i..... . ,ran.iMi oi wheal and tlour were equal to .000 bushels.. Primary re- celpts were 199,500 bushels, against 167 700 bushels a year ago. Kx ports of wheat and .t .uk renoi-ted by Brad- I u.,.ia a noi tu. huanela. Mmne- spoils and Duluth' reported receipts ol n cars, wnlch. with local receipts oi zb cars, i Hinrrirt arude. made total re- I ceints for the three points of 136 cars. agulnst 118 cars last week and 10 cars a vear ago. iTl rf.i.v.rf sMMllnv continued to annoy the shorts In the corn pit and caused considerable covering early In the day while commission houses also had plenty of buying orders. Opening prices were a trifle easier on favorable weather, but the loss was quickly regained on the good demand and witn a eieaay casu ue- r.,n.i h market became strong. The ciose was firm, with July He hlgner at taHiC, after selling between 44!c and 46c. Local receipts were 126 cars, ten of con tract grade. Oats furnished considerable excitement eany In the day, when a large portion of a big line of a prominent operator was covered through brokers and commission houses. There was a good, trade all dsy and the sentiment was oulllah on crop nrospects. The close was strong, July nt Vic iilghtr at 33c, after selling between i-CSiV nd XiHc; locat receipts were small at 80 cars. Provisions were firm, being helped by a 64flc advsnce In prices for hogs. There was a considerable demand for lard, a large part of which was from packers, The selling was mostly oy outsiaers. i Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. w cars; cum, m ." Ill Imvi hend The leading futures ranged as follows Articles. Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. Tes'y. Vhat May July Sept. July Sept. OHt. May July Sept. p. . May July' Sept. Lkxl May July Sept. July Sept. 1W 784 78 7J 78 72a 73Hin,i 72 72' 72Si 70S4H 70 70(4 70V4 70',4 4M 4T 45 45'4 45 44VC45 , 46 44 46 45 44W& 444 444 44 44 35 H t5H i 85S STW,lV-33ZWu 33 32HH WWaW . H 30S4 30H43H 30V 18 85 IS 90 18 85 18 90 18 80 17 10 17 2ft 17 10 17 174 17 10 18 60 16 67H 16 60 16 66 16 60 i : 1 85 8 80 8 87H S 887H8B5 8 87H 196 9 00 8 96 9 00 I 92ft 990 990 9 27H 9 90 90 985 940 985 940 936 9 17 9 26 9 17H 9 22V4 9 17H xr .. . i Cash quotations were as ioiiows: - i irt.riiTlir.iiii steadv: winter natnnta. 83.5o4)3. 60; straights. $3.30ffJ40; spring pat- ents. $3.Jirs.90; straights. li.10S3.40; bakers, $2?i2?6 s WHEAT No. 8 swing. 7V480o: No. t. 7J e?9c: No. I red. tm i8Hc. CORN-No. 1 46H4J46VC No I yellow, 7Uc. OATS-No. X 86Hc No. S white, S4V4 17V4C. , RYE No. I 60ff50He. BARLEY Good feeding, 40041c; fair to choice malting, wwottc. HS'.Kn No. 1 flax. 11.11: No. 1 northwest-I em, $1.16; prime timothy, $3.60; clover, con- ments were 445,000 bu., 169,000 of It being tract grsde. $11.50511.76. taken out of our contract stock. This PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $17.$7H business la dally making considerable ln 3"17.60. Lard, per 100 lbs., $8.808.85. Short roads In what Is already a very light sup ribs sides (loose), $9 26fl 35. Dry salted Ply of contract corn. Argentine shipments shoulders (boxed), $8. 2Mi 8.S7V4. Short clear were moderate, 694,000 bu. Clearances were Ides (boxed), y.wxay.a-1. Following are the receipts and shipments of flour and rraln yesterday: Receipts. Shipments, Flour, bbls 11.3O0 6 600 Wheat, bu 88,200 907.7O0 Corn. bu ... 204,800 676.&10 Oats, bu 169,700 143.800 Rye, bu 1.000 81.300 Barley, bu 44.000 on the Produce exchange today the but. ter market was ateadv: craamaHea lm !?.r. marsei was aieaay, creameries, lwa) 23 He; dairies. 16018c. Egg, easier, at mark cases Included, 144frl4SsC Cheese, weak. i-nii'c to .uwuio-v:. HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. notations of the Day Cosassodltles, Varloas J!,.EWwTORK' M,y I FLOUR-Recelpts, 0.13S bbls.; exports, 27,968 bbla. Fairly ac- tlve and firmer. Winter patents, $3.7034.00; ' "'P''.?'!'? ;ft0-W. Minnesota pat- enta, K00j 30; winter extras. $2vgil0; Minnesota bakers. $.20ft3.40; winter low gradea, $2.O'(i2 90. Rye flour, quiet; fnlr to " v u , " cno,oe 10 isncy, v. 1-. .ti r iu 1 1 , yenow western,; City. $1.04; Brandywine. $3.40fr3 .56. RYE Quiet; No. 2 western, 6i f. o. b., auoai; stale, c. 1. I., INeW I orR. BARLEY Qul-t- feeding, 61c. c. I. f.. Buf-fslo- malting. 6Jisc, c. I. t., Buffalo. nncAl-ngcgimi, IM.OM nu.; exports, 168.676 bu. Spot, hrm: No. S red. 83Sc. elel vator, sSc, To. b., afloat: No?! northern. Duluth. 8ic. t. o. b,, afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba. Sc, f. o, b.. afloat. Options had a rather strong tone on small Argentine I and strength ou a scra of local shorts, firmness abroad and the wheat strength. I closing lo up on May and VHo higher otherwise. May, 63tr66c, cloaed 66c; Julv t.'rti 7-16c, closed 62c; September, 60S SVHC lit, (J SlC us i o-nnxiini, iM,.n ou. ; exports, 14,- I 636 bu. Spot firmer. No. 1 8814c; standard UAT-Keceljita, 13S.S00 bu.: exports, 14, -" ' " .11. , , . n n orvff w, , J- tlons quiet but nrmer, with other markets; May closed 41c :; v.."L""-.' -"v . HAY Julet; shipping, f04I76c; good to cnoire. i ini.ou . HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice, olds, (Ktiiuc; Pacific ooast, 19u3 crop, 1 an? 24c: lol croo. 1541 l)to. HIDES Steady ; Galveston, 20 to 26 Iha, inc; 1 aiiiiiriiia, u 10 g ioa., inc; xexas dry, to isi ins., ivc I.EATHK.R-flteady: acid. 24ff26S4o. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 44 To- Japan, nominal. PROVISIONS-Beef, easy; family. $11 00.1 12 00; mess. $.00ni 10 00: beer hams, $j0.oo) 21. Ou; packing, $10.6u((i li.OO; city extra IndU mess, 111.70. 1 ul meats, easy; pickled bel lies. $9.0001150; pickled shoulders, $8.75: pickled hams, $116)kaU.7S. Lard, steady; western steamed. $9.66; refined, steady; r.n- tlnent. $t 66: South America, steady. Pork. dull: family. $19 00; short clear, $18 6043 31.26; mesa. $18 2MH8.76. T A LLOW Steady; country parks gea, 614 ejo,c. Hl'TTER Receipts, 4.178 pkgs.: firm: extra creamery, 32o; oommon to choice, 16 ci irrer 9in. a jqa Wm . e state, full cream. ImilSo;' large, colored ana white, old. 14q14c; small, colored and white, new, 13c. em. storane packed. 16V0lc; western, firsts, I0WUI6W0. -I METALS The London tin market was in i5. t-t li k . c '1'0-I i.lif y?2".toZ. tui wh.lch r was quiet at $J UWA Tl. Copner In !n- i.M iSr",Z iX t Vf. " r .. ,or ,pot TrVqed .rUrwchVn'ge!. i .. 7n il"-9.?u a " W iomr In London at all lss M. Soelter waa wn-I changed at .1 U td in London and also locally, where the erica la held at 16:7a Iron Uoae4 at Us 84 la Ulaagow aad at " ; 1 - y..,. . - i".'iv. vi vn j red. casn. eievaiui, uumihw. . . , fly In Kansas, drouth In California and uu,7riWc- May 74lc; July. 6o; Srptem southwest buying of optlona The cloae i.r 7Vc: No hard. 72a lie. Ws very steaoy at net advance. May. CORN Weak: No. 2 cah. 44HO, nominal; 83MI8JVC. cloaed. 83Vkc: Julv. 7ha?79W. rlnl I . cu," wJ.. ai1. .i7.S ifr- Reniem- 7S,c: Beptember, 7 l-UkS 7-16c; closed ber ilHa41Vc KS;: December 1lc. closed TRHc oAT8Hl?her: No. I cash. Mc: track. f 2RN-R?cilpt"' J-J. bu: ePr. - MWfcXJuly. Wc; September, 290; No. 467 bu. Spot firm; No. 3, 54c. elevator, and T white 38cl 64c, f. o. b., afloat; No. I yellow, 66c; No. S vvF8teadv at 48Hc white. 65c. The market develonerf Vii. 5 .Y -ri'le!L? .iVi .. . 46s In Mldllesbnrnugh. Iron was quiet end unchanged In New York No. 1 foundry, northern. 1 quoted t $?0.';Mi21 Of; No 2 founrtrv. northern. I quoted at IIS 26; No. 1 foundry, southern, find No. 1 foundry, southern, sott, at lJ0.ion2.lW. OMAHA wholesale: market, Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple aad Fancy Prod are. EO"8 Fresh stock. 14c. 1.1VK IWUHV-Hfin. lll1lVc: spring chickens, per lb.. 2fc; roosters, according to iKr, o-o'k-; lursrja, io'ciiih;, uui, iir"v. BL'TTtK-Packing stock. 13c; choice dairy. In tuba. IMTic; separator. 22tf23c. FRESH F1?M Fresh caught trout. 9ftl0r; pickerel, tr; pike, 11c; perch, 6c; buffalo, 7c; bluensh, 11c; whlteflsh, 13c; aalmnn, 10c; haddock, 11c: codflah. 12c; rerianapper, 10c; tiaaaocK, lie; connsn, ir; rin lobsters, boiled, per lb., 27c; lobste per lb., 26c; bullheads, 10c; cat black baaa, l?c; halibut, 11c; sha istera, green cat flan. 14c had roe. Joo each; roe shad, 75c each. HHAN Per ton, 115. IIAI-Prices quoted by Omaha Whnleaale Healers association: Choice No. 1 upland. 160; No. 2, $8; medium, $7. 80; coarae, $7. Kye straw, $6. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and rece pts ng nt. CORN -c. OAT8-36C RUE No. 2. 4T. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Per bu.. a-o3oc. NEW POTATOE8 Southern, per lb., 4V4c; per bbl., $6.50. LETTI C K-Per do,, bu EgSt'ky-1" do, h." bunches, 8Mj40c. bunches. 20c. PAKSN1P8 Per bu.. 3041,40c. Crci'MBERB Hothouse, per dog.. tl.2S. ukjn onion 8-8outhern. p bunchea 45c; horn, (ro.n . lirtWlSe vjKe.ii.iN uiMioivB- Houtnern. per dos. KAD1SH E8 Per dos. bunches. I53nn. SPINACH Home grown, per bu. basket, BEANS Wax. per bu. box, 4; string, per bu. box, 3.A0b3.60. CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb., 2c; new California, per lb., 3c. new California, TMJ"T: crate, 13 6tf3.76. New Florida, per (-basket RHl'BAhH Per lb., lc 6t?PAJiAJal;l!P'JC doJen b"""". ffSOc uonno-rtr nu., j.ou. FRUITS. 8TRA WBERRI E8 Arkansas, per 24- quart case, r-'.25W2.60. CHERRIES C'n llfomla, per box. .76. TROPICAL. FRITITS. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartna, 90c; Turkish, per 18-lb. box. 18c. ORANGES California navels, fancy, for 176 and smaller sires, 3.75; for 150 and larger sixes, $3.S; Mediterranean, all sixes, tft; Jaffa, t3; fancy blood, per half box. i.uu. LEMONS California fancy, all sixes. 13.50 64.00. DATES Perslsn. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c; per case of JO-lb pkgs, $2.26. PINEAPPLES-Cuban. $3.25. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c POPCORN Per lb.. 2c: shelled. 4c HIDES No. 1. green f.Vc; No. 2, green, 6VjC; No. 1, salted. 7Hc; No. 2, salted, 64c; No. 1, veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., bHo; No. 2. veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 64c; dry salted hides, 812c; sheep pelts, 26&-(6c; horsehides, $i.60$2.50. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1. soft shell, per lb.. igc; hard shell, per lb.. 14c; No. 2, soft shell, per jb., j; No 2 nard Bhell. per ib., 12c: Qraxlls. per lb., 12c: filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., lGc; hard shell, pr )b.t isc; pecans, large, per lb., 12Hc; per ji,., uc; cocoanuts, per do., 61c; cneatnuts, per in., wc; peanuts, per lb.. 5Uc: roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60. OLD METAL. ETC. A. B. Alplrn quotes the following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton, $11; Iron, stove plate, per ton, $S; copper, per lb., 8'c; brass, heavy, per lb.. 84c; brass, light, per lb., 6Vc; lead, per lb., 3c; sine per lb., 2H3. WEARR GHAIX COMPANY. asks Branch 110-111 Board of Trad Balldlng;. CHICAGO. Mav 15. WHEAT Helped by the continued re ports of damage to the crop by fly In the southwest, which reports were borne out by largely increased volume of business. almost wholly on the buying side from this direction, wheat has scored another ad vance of froro Vic to 4c The main help was undoubtedly the big Increase In the outside interest, but the cables and sta tistical news also of a bullish nature. Argentine shipments were 2,104,000 bu., about as expected. Clearances were 495,000 bu. There were 60,000 bu. of red wheat sold nere. ana at tne seaooara zs loads were "vw -' iii. umpid mis raoniini were 24 cars, with three ot contract grade. nd there are 60 cars estimated for to- morrow. , CORN Notwithstanding the fine weather, th corn market, both for cash and fu- tures, has been higher. The most Import- ant help seems to be sympathy with wheat and the disposition on the part of shorts to cover their lines. There is even some talk emanating from southern Illinois and eastern Missouri of need of rain, but this has not gained much credence, as these same localities complained of excessive moisture within a fortnight. Corn ship- uu.uuu du. l nis was sngnuy increase u. acceptances from tne country aggregating about 60O.000 bu. This mornings receipts were 126 cars, with 10 contract, and inO.OuO u. "d to the east and nve loans taxen New York for export. .Estimated e- celpts for tomorrow. z.u cars. OATS Have been strong and have ad- vanced steadily tnrougnout mo session. May scoring the high point of 36c. and no.n'n. ".. i..e k. .5 inmi noted in the corn letter have had some . .uhmi.h it ilnM not seem probable that the damage from this cause has been material. There has been evidence of covering by Patten on a larger scale than for tne past lew aays, mu uihi seems to be that he has about covered hla short line. Receipt were 86 cars, with six contract. Cash market was strong and advanced with the futures. Beventy- flve thousand bu. were som tor snipmeni et. Clearances were 20.000 bu. Estimated kHMk for tomorrow, 146 cars, PROVISIONS Market opened strong. helped by the grain markets. There was ?r buying, although scattered. Packers not much Interested one way or the w hv had nulte- a break from " . "... " .r. .u. top prices and tne iuiuro ourai v -hog market will depend upon receipts. There were 17.000 hogs and the market opened fairly active, with estimates heavy and mixed lots 6f10c higher; other grades steady: estimated for Saturday. 10 000 hogs. Hogs in tne west ,rm"; " ;i""r J" 2 . lj mat vear M. Uffiot fiRAIN WMPANT. WEARE GRAIN COMPACT 1, . Ji ; j n. c,a,m st LOUIS May 15. WHEAT Higher; 134155; extra fancy and stral'ghCW-lO 1 4s - - Kii-trnTlmothv steady. fl.00ff2.40. rouUUPH fiteadv to firm. 12 40. cuim fiipAn' uvrkad east track. 7tVff75c i .tAMiSIl i.i, HAY Stronger; umoiny, iu.'m-i.w. .JiVi ti 1 1 oft "'."Aori COTTON TIES-41 06. uruP twine tc, pui iv isioNrt Horn: Etronger: jobbing, standard mess. $17.6214. Lard: Higher at a, nrv eu.ite.1 meats stronger: boxed. extra shorts. IS 25: clear rlba, $950; ahort clears, (9i?H. Kacon stronger; dohii, -tra shorts. J10.S7H; cer ribs, $10.62; short ClMrAl?S'Lead: Dull at V417H- Spelter: Finn at $6.4fi6.tO. POULTRY Kteadv; chickens. lOHc; springs, 16a20c; turkeys, 10c; ducks, 11c; geese. .'fiDC. BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 1622c; dairy, 13jl6. EGGS Higher at 14c. Receipts, Shipments. Flour bbls 6.000 7.000 Wheat., bu S3.V100 W.OuO ..67.000 ..76,Ou0 DV.tSSJ 39,000 Jk0, J , . Oats bu Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA-. May 16 BUTTER Steady; extra creamery, 22Hc; nearby prints. Z4c. EGGS Dull and He lower; fresh nearby. 15vc at mark; western, 16c; southwestern, 15c; southern. 15c. CHEESE Steady; New York full creams, choice small. 14gloc: fair to good. 14t 1414c; choice large. 14c; fair to good, 14)! 14 Wo: new. best here. 12Vjri2Sc; fair to I goodi UVklSc. I Mllwankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. May lJWHEAT-Hc higher; No. 1 northern. 83Vc; No. I north- RYrFIre: No. l! 62C54c BARLEY-eteadys No. 8. 6943c; sample, ORN-July. 46 I Uvernool Grain Market. I LIVERPOOL. May 15 WHEAT Spot: I No. 1 red. western winter, firm, as id- 1 No. I north si a, spring, quiet, ( 7lad, No. I California, quiet, a M Futures: Quiet; May, Ms 64d; July. s 4d. CORN spot: American middling, new, steady, 4a 7d; old, quiet, tw 3d. lutures: yulet, June, 4s bv1,. July, 4a 4 'id. Mlaaeapolla Wkeal, Floar aad Bras. MINNEAPOLIS. May 15 WHEAT Caah, 7X'c; May, 77c; July. lc. On track: No. 1 hard, 79u79Sc; No. 1 north ern. 71V; No. 2 northern, I.c; no. north ern. 76''a76c. FlOLiK (strong ; first patents. 13 954 05; second patents, W.80'ii3 90; first clears, $2.7 4j2!0; second clears, 1 7F'91 5. BRAN In bulk, $12.26fc 12.60. Dalath Orala Market. DULUTH, Minn., May 15. WHEAT To arrive. No. 1 hard, ftoVc; No, 1 northern, 7nHc; Xtay, No. 1 hard, .9:c; July, 77c OATH May, 34c. Peoria Market. PEORIA May 15. CORN Steady j No. t, 44c; No. 4, 43c. OATS Steady; No. t white. Sic; No. 4. S2c Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, May 15 SEED Clover, on- changed; rejected, $6.10; N. E. G S4.00S5.86; INO. 3, ti.3o; prime October, 646. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS. Harrlman'a Illness of None Effect, Soatbern Pacific Slumps. NEW TORK, May 15. There was some further liquidation of stocks today, which seemed due much to the mere lapse of time without sny stock market awakening as to any positive development in the situation. Selling by tired holders Is Wall street's ex pressive, phrase for this class of liquida tion. It was not in large volume today, but It was effective In depressing prices on ac count of the almost total absence of any buying demand. There was some demand at the lower level for bear account to cover contracts. So considerable a price move ment as that of today has come to be so rare an occurrence that the professional element is anxious to avail Itself of it to take quick profits. The activity was rela tively much greater on the decline than on the recovery and the recovery was not well held, prices sagging again toward the last, making a lifeless and heavy closing. To day's declines carried a number of promi nent stocks to the low level for the year. Including St. Paul, New York Central, Pennsylvania, Southern Pacific and the United States Steel stocks. The previous low level was at the time of the break in connection with the Northern Securities de cision, and today's low prices were only fractionally below those at tbat time, ex cept the United States Steel storks, In which low prices were touched Wednesday. The Steel stocks were notably Arm today, although the dealings In them were small and the price variation very narrow. Re ports of further reduction in the price of iron did not affect them, although the con dition of the iron market was a continued Incentive In the market. Rerjorta that the Lehigh Valley had determined to curtail its Intended improvements, owing to the high cost of material and labor, were accepted as a symptom which promises badly tor the further demand for finished Iron products, however much benefit may accrue to net earnings or railroads. The rear or a gen eral diminution of consumption of all prod ucts on account of the high level of prices plays a strong part In the hesitation now ruling in the speculative market. Of to day's more Immediate future the forecast of a weak bank statement was the fore most. The loss of the banks to the sub treasury amounting to $1.3uti,0O0. and to day's engagements ot $l,2b0,uuo gold to be shipped to Argentina tomorrow, make an aggregate which is scarcely offset by the estimated receipts of the banks on balance from the' interior. It is feared that the process of loan expansion by the banks has been proceeding on a liberal scale during the week in the course of the paying off of foreign indebtedness. It will be seen that the net result upon the surplus reserve promises to decrease that Item. Reports of damage to the wheat crop by the Hessian fly played a part in the selling of the gran gers. The news of the Illness of E. H. Har- riman aid not cause any special effect on stocks In which he Is largely Interested. The bond market continued Irregular today, but the general tone was heavy. Total sales, par value, $1,706,000. United States 2s. couuon. declined U per cent on the last call. The following are the Quotations on tha New Tork Swck exchange: Atchison IS Texas A Pacific li do pfd N Toledo. II L t W. lis Dal. A Ohio tlVe ao pta Vnloa Paclflo 98V! do pfd nu-t. do efd 93 Canadian Paclno ,...:104 Canada 80 '0 Ches. A Ohio 41 Chlcaio A Alton.... tost Wabash 4s do pfd.. ...37 Wheeling & L. K.... 43 do pfd to ao id ptd 96 Wis. Central 14 do pfd 49 Adams Ei ;;i Amerlcau Ex..... United States Ex. ...lit Welle-Farao Ei 2u6 Amal. Copper 9344 Amer. Car A t !S do pfd 9tt v, Amer. Lin. Oil 14 V do pfd.; 40 American 8. A R.... 4t, do pfd Mia Anac. Mining Co 10 Chicago A O. W..... II do let pfd it do M sfd HH Chicago A N. W....119 Chicago Ter. A Tr... 14 do pre into C. C. C. A St. L. ... Colorado 80 2314 do 1st pfd U do Id pfd J4"4 Del. A Hudson 171 Del. L A W WO Denver A R. 0 9414 do pfd 96 1 Erie 3S4i UIOOKlyn H. T 4'9 Colo. Fuel A I tVi Cone. Oaa H6Vft Cont. Tobacco p(d...ll3'j do lat pfd i do Id pfd 63 Oreat Nor. pfd llw Hoiking Valley lot Oen. Electric do pfd 94 Hocking Coal ... Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Power Lac led Gas National Biscuit National Lead ... No. American ... Pacific Coast .... Pacific Mall People's Oaa .... Pressed 8. Car... do pfd .. 15 Va .. lbVs .. .. 41 .. 97 .. 42 .. l. H .. M .. i9 .. 30V, ..101 '4 .. ill'-, .. 91H ,.119 .. 19 .. 11 ..124V4 .. il .. 9 .. 46 .. 13V4 .. .V4 .. 1SV4 .. 62V, ... 83', .. 93S .. 94 ... 26H .. 4iV ... 29 .. SIX .. 4ln ... T6ii Illinois Central Ill Iowa Central 11 do pfd 97 Lake Erie A W 19 do pfd 100 L. A N li Manhattan L 140V, Met. 8t. Ry.' 1301, Mei. Central 11 W Mei. National US Minn. Bt. L XI Mo. Pacific Ill M.. K. A T... do pfd 35V, Pullman P. Car.. . eT .nov, Republic Steel N. i. central.. do pfd N T. Central 1I7 Sugar Tenn. Coal A Iron Vnloa Bag A P..., nonoiK w 70 do pfd Ontario A W.. . 3X19 lla' . 93 . f4t . 77V9 . 90 . 7i . 2t . 61 .194 .lHIVi . MS . 00 pia V. 8. Leather .... dq pfd , 0. 8. Rubber do pfd , U. 8. Steel do pfd , Western Union .... Amer. Locomotlvs. do pfd K C. Southern... do pfd Rock laland do pfd Pennsylvania Reading do lat pfd... do Id pfd.... St. L. A 8. r. do let pfd... do Id pfd.... St. L. 8. W... do pfd St. Paul do pfd 80 ParlAe ,.. 80. Railway .. do pfd . 92S I New York Money Market. NEW. TORK. May 16. MONET On call Steady at 2S244 per cent, closing 2'ff2i4 per cent. Time money steady; sixty days, 3i t?4 per cent; ninety days, 3S4 per cent: six month, 4H per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 41,i!V4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady at 4 R8 for demand and 4.85 for sixty days; posted rates, 4.86y4.8c.V; commercial balls, 4.S4fc SILVER Bar, 64 He; Mexican dollars, 43c. BONDS Government easier; railroad ir regular. The closing quotations on bonds are at follows: U. 8. ret. la do coupon ..... do la, re a do ooupon . . . . . do new 4a, res ' do coupon do eld 4a, rag., do coupoa do Is. Kg do coupon .... Atchlaoo gen. 4i o aj. 4a Bal. A Ohio 4a.. do la ...1064 L. A N. unl. 4s I01V4 ...1061a Mei. Central 4s ao ...lolW! do la lac 17 s ...107VVM A Bt. L. 4a 10OV4, ...IJiS M.. K. A T. 4a 99V, ...ik'H' -ao ss ex ...110-N. Y. C. gen. V6a..l02'i ...IDV'N. i. C. gea. to. ...133V, ...mi. ro. racinc as 103 ...lou-,, do la 11' ...lonv, N. A W. con. 4a loo ... 91S Reading sen. 4s yiv, ...1021, at. L. I. M. e. ts.lliv 94 hn. l. a b. r. 4o ronv. 4e Canada So. Is Central af Ca. Is.. do la Inc .1o at L. 8. W. la... .ltV e.4o 2, .104!. 8. A. A A. P. 4a. . 1 80. Pacific 4a n S3 90 9"S Ches. A Ohio 49S .104V, So. Railway 9e. ..11S Chicago A A. ma... vi ;Teiaa A Pacisc 19. .lis C, B. A Q. a. 4s.... 94 T, M. Law. 4a.. 15 c, M a Bt r g 4a..ll's Ci.len Pacific 4a 102 vi C. A N. W. con. 1a.l3lvi do conv. 4s 9e , n. i. ex r. ee....iii etouD la lis C C C A St L (. 4a.. 100 do 2a 107 Chtcigo Ter. 4a.... S'I do deb. B Tt coiorailo so. 4a Khore 4s 109S a 1 m. n n Am ... .m. i . . ,..,... H . u. - num. mi xj. c . aa.. . 3 Erie prior Ilea 4a... 99V, Wia. Central 4a 4 o general 4a...... 96a Con. Tobacco 4a.... 4IU T. W. a D. C. la. ..Ill iColo. Kuel ta ,7 Hocking Val. 4Sa. ..mis Rock Island 4a vi Mas. coa. mtg. 4a... 103 Bid. Offered. Boston Stoek Quotations. BOSTON. May 15.-Call loans. 4 per rent; time loans, 4(j5 per cent. Official closing prlcea on stocks and bonds: Atchison 4a to, Calumet A Hscla...l2l Mex. Central 4a 1' ICentennlal Atchison 74V, Copper Range .. do pfd 9S, Dominion Coal . Posloe a Albany 266 Franklls Boetns Elevated ....! V'lOe Royals N. T. N. H. a H....I90 iMonawk ritchburg pld 140 old Dominion .. I'rloa Pacific 4vsOeceola American Sugar 1I4V9 Parrot do pld Ill iQuim-y Aavsrtcaa T. A T....166V, Imbis Pa Copper Posslnloa 1. A 8.... -e Ti.risracll Gen. Clectrie lee Irnmountala .... Maas. Electrta 39 (Trinity lolled Fruit ll'I l'nlted States .. V 8. Steel Jll.'l'tah do p'd 9 63S Victoria Weetlngk. Comaaoa. .100 Wtsoaa Allouea 4Vt Wolverine Amalgamated, 93 Daly West Bisgham lax' Asked. . 13 . 61 .106 , . 10 . it . 60 . 1IV, . t'i'.i . 37 .104 . I . 10 . 19 . . n . - 6' . IOV9 . n 7 4 Foreign FlnanelaL LONDON, May II. Money was super abundant In the market today and rates vtrjf easy. Business ea the block exchange was depressed Consols relapsed. Ameri cans opened heavy snd later became heavy. r.i. rsui was tne feature of tne aeaimKs, which were professional. Prices then weakened and cloaed stead. Rio tlntos were offered from Paris. Kaffirs were weak at flrat. but Impreved somewhat on the statement that permission had been f riven by the authorities to Import Chinese nhor Info South Africa. The amount of nuinon taken Into the Bank of England on balance today was 20.(iO. The sum of 5.000 was withdrawn for shipment to South America. American eaglea, 7tia 4Vid. PARIS Mav 15 After a heavy onenlng snd inact'elty on the bourse today trading 100K a ravorahle turn. Internationals ne comlng particularly favored and stocks cloaed firm throughout! Three per cent rentes. m or ror the account; exenange on London. 25f 17c for checks. BERLIN, May 15. Business on the bourse todsy was depressed, some stocks being adversely affected by the Croatian troubles. Exchange on London, 20m 47ftpfg for checks. London Stoek Market. LONDON, May 15. Closing quotations: Consols, money M l it M T. Central lit do account 91 l-lt Norfolk A Wstra. 72 Anaconda do pfd Atrhlsnn Ontario aV Western . do pfd 994 Pennsylvania Baltlmors A Ohio.... 9119 Hand Mines Canadian Pacific 1M Readlns 1014 31 4J N 1 si 4 Chesapeake A Ohio... 43V 00 1,1 P'4- Chlcaio O. W. . 2! do M pfd C , M. A St. P IV Bee re Denver A B. O.... do pfd Ens do 1st pfd do Id pfd..'. Illinois Central Loulnrllle A Nash.. M.. K. A T .1U . Ji4 . M . U . . M .141 .11914 flruthsm Kr do pta Souths Paclflo... Vnlon Paclfle do pfd V. I. Steel dO 9M4 Wabash 37 4 so pra as BAR SILVER Steady at 26 l-16d per ounce. MONEY 1H2H per cent The rate of discount In the open market for both short and three-months' bills la 1 per cent. Kevtr .York Mlnlagt Quotations. NEW YORK. May 16. The following are the quotations on the New York Stock ex enange: Adama Cos Alice , Breecs brunswlck Con... Comstock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va... Horn Bllver Iron Silver Ladvllle Con Asked. :5 1 .. M .. 4 .. H ..Hi ..ISO .. t Little Chief .. .. T ..tit ..140 .. t .. 90 .. li .. M .. 40 Ontario Oihlr Phoenix Potnst . Savage sierra Nevada flmall Hopes . Standard Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS,' May 16.-COTTON-Dull; sales, 600 bales. Ordinary, 4e; good ordinary, '4c; low middling, 10c; mid dling. lia,c: arood middling:. 11 13-1 bo: mid dling fair, 12Hc. nominal. Receipts, 1,713 pules; stock, mi.aiti bales, f utures nareiy steady; June, 11.7u18.00c; July, 11.8offU.86c; August, 11.2!)!ull.30c; September, 9.7(fi9.72c; October, 865riS.86c; November, S.71iS.75c; December. 8.1irri8.12e. Secretary Hester's statement of the world's visible supply of cotton gives the total visible as 2.872.403 bales, of which 1,733, 403 was American cotton. NEW YORK, May 15 COTTON-Opened easv with mires 2 nnlnts hls-her to 8 Dolnts lower and, notwithstanding the strength of Liverpool cables, showed sun further weas ness immediately following the call, under heavy realising. The first rush of these orders over, however, the market was ral lied a few points by south.- n buying, but various spot houses and European Interests hammered the market and prices soon de clined to a level net fc39 points below the close of yesterday. At this time May was selling at ll.OOc. compared with 11.40a earlier in the morning, and July, touching 10.73c, showed a decline from the best of the ses sion of 24 points, and 27 points from the best price of yesterday. August meantime showed less weakness, selling down only 16 points from the best or the morning. Following this the Hat was rallied under clique support and It seemed that the room also was inclined to take the long side for a scalp. But Liverpool and New Orleans showed a reactionary tendency and the market responded slowly. Still prices were persistently forced upward until a level net .i-4 points lower had been reached. SDeculatlon during this movement was .not so active as during the last two days, out the market continued to reflect the utmost nervousness and Irregularity. Some trade was expecting that the clique would make a Anal wind up of the shorts just before the close for the purpose of affecting Liv erpool tomorrow. Some buying- may have been affected on this theory, which proved Incorrect, however, ' for the clique brokers sold very heavily in the last few minutes and prices eased off. The market was finally steady, however, at a net decline of 6iJ 28 sjolnts. Total sales were estimated at 6o0,l00 bales. The .partial recovery during the midday session" was encouraged by light nort recelpiA arid a small movement Into sight than expected, though the fig ures were still over last year's, while on the other hand crop reports were generally favorable, advices from spinning centers were no more favorable and there were re newed rumors that , actual cotton was be ing attracted this way from' all directions. ST. LOUIS. May 16. COTTON Steady: middling, 11c; prices revised. Sales, none; receipts, 44S bales; shipments, 480 bales; stock, 13,858 bales. 1 LIVERPOOL. May 15. COTTON Spot. food business done; prices 4fitJ points Igher; American middling fair, 6.66d; good middling. 6.32d; middling, 6.16 d; low mid dling, 6 void; good ordinary, 6.72d; ordinary. 6.5.'ii. The sales of the day were 15.000 bales, of which 3.000 were for SDeculatlon and eport. and Included 14,000 American. rteeeipts, h.uoo bales, including 6,700 Ameri can. Futures opened easier and closed ronj, ninci ii ca, iiiiuuiiiie, p, . v. v.. " I 6.!a6.91d; May and June, 6.88d; June rid July. 6.oMi5.tod; July and August. 5.8id; August and September, 6.67$i6.uSd; Septem ber and October, 6.14d; October and Novem ber. 4.stV(i4.87d; November and December, 4.76d; December and January, 4.74d; Janu ary and February, 4.73d. Wool Market. BOSTON. May 15. WOOL The Commer cial Bulletin will say tomorrow: The boom ing wool prices in London have failed to stir the lethargy of the Boston wool trade, end recelpta are larger than shipments. The prolonged labor troubles all over the country during the last year have evidently reduced the purchasing power of the people to a certain, extent, and .machinery is for the first time in years being shut down In the mills manufacturing the better class of worsted fabrics, not from existing strikes In those particular mills, but from lack of orders. Coarse and medium woolens are moving pretty well, but the beat goods are dull. The threat of strikes, too, is encour aging the most conservative attitude on the part of clothing manufacturers, who nat urally do not wish to be causing stocks of clothes on hand by any strike In their In dustry. All of this v Is restricted In all branches of the -vool trade, except In the primary markets of the west. Boaton deal ers appreciate that the wool will be wanted at some time, and they are purchasing throughout the territories with some free dom, though with no such eagerness as characterized the purchasing In Montana last year. The cost laid down In Boston of round lots of hew territory wools is 474148c. Shipments of wool from Boston to date from December 81. 1902. are 89.969.961 lbs., sgainst 92,336,167 lbs. at the same date last year. ST. LOUIS, Mav 15 WOOL Firm. In ac tive demand; medium grades and combing, 1Mj19c; light fine, 14fil7c; heavy fine, l'tif 13c; tub-washed, lRic. NEW YORK. May 15 WOOL Firm. LONDON. May 15. WOOL The offerings at the auction sales today consisted of a superior selection of 12.702 bales. Greaay merinos were In strong demand for all sec tions. Including America. Cape of Good Hope and Natal stock was firm and In ac tive request for the home trade and Ger man buyers. Cross-breeds sdvanced 15 per cent. Following are the sales In detail: Queensland, too bales; scoured. Is 6V4dils lod; greasy, 7d'ils lVd. Victoria, I.soO bales: scoured, Is 2dgia 104d; greasy. 6Vd tils 3d. New South Wales, I.7s bales; scoured, 8V4dfils lid; greasy. 7V4dals 2H1 South Australia. 900 bales; greasy. Moils l v.j4 Tasmania. 41 hales; greasy. IKfoWtd. New Zealand. 6.2iO bales: scoured. 6V4df(ils SHd; greasy. 6Hdile 2vd- Cape of Good Hope and Natal. 1.400 bales; scoured, M'q) Is 1 Mid; greasy, 7nlOrrd. Punta Arenas, luO hales": creasy. 6&8W1. l Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlta NEW YORK. May 15. EVAPORATED APPLES Shows a somewhat easier tone under a llahter demand and freer offerings Common are quoted at 4fi-5c; prime at S1 ifitc; choice at 64j6c; and fancyat MtW 7TjR1ED FRUIT Spot prunea. while showing no material change In prices. ruled rather firmer as to undertone. Quotations range from 8c to 7c for all grades. Apricots are firm but un--hanirrl at Tferixuc for choice and (Xfiloc for fancy. Peaches are rather better In de mand at 7H3Joc for choice and 6(43 lOVo for fancy. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Msy 15. COFFEE Spot Rio. quiet. Mild, steady. Futures opened steady at unrhanged prices to an advance of 5 Dnlnta on Mav under covering of be lated shorts. For a time It ru'.ed fairly ateadv but unlet, with featureless foreign news, then turned easier under selling based on heavier interior receipts and was finally quiet, net unchanged to t points lower, with sales reDorted ofOS.fsio bags. In rludlna: Mav. l.aOc: June. 3SMl3c: July. l.Vii.-; Beplemlier, 4.15c; December, 4.664) 4.71X-; March. 4.86c. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. May It Today's state ment of the treasury balances shows Available cash balance, $i3,ib4,4l gold. 9i(JI,t&V,9l. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Beovipts Mors Moderate tnd Prices He d F0.II7 Etetdf. HOGS TWO AND A HALF TO FIVE LOWER Very Few Sheep Arrived, bnt Those that Were Sale Were la Good Demand at Steady Prices, with the Week's Decline. faaSBVBnn V SOUTH OMAHA, May 16. Receipts were: Official Monday Otuclal 'iuesuay .... Official Wednesday Omciai 'ihursuay . Otticial r'riaay Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 2.47 6,i2 1.178 .. e.oie ,ud4 e, 4M .. k,6st lu.&fl 4.211 .. b,ot4 lo.twi 4,6u2 ... 3.4UU lo.nuu 1,260 rive days this week.. 21.246 63.419 16.634 Same days last week.. M.lbl 4o.6J4 1j.4us Same week, be lore 1H,M2 )K,14U lo.14 name three weeks ago.. 18,611 4J,ot 24.061 sunt four weeka agu...22,4u3 .,J6( Ui.ox bame aays last year U,U IW.tioO U.4H6 RECEIPTS tJH THE YEAR TO DATE. 'ibe lollowlng table snows tl receipts of caiue, bugs and sueep at eoutn omana for the year Ui date, ana cumparisuna wilu last year: 1803. 1902. Inc. Deo. Cattle 3oi,t80 2w,i00 it,o0 Hugs soi.nO lax.tksi 100,066 Uneep tVU.IAM 14,4U6 Average price pauu lot" lioga m. Boum Oiuana tor ine last several oaa with com parisons: Date. U01. lB.ilWl. 1800. lWllS8. 189J. April 16. April 16. 7 16fcl 96 01 I 72 I 61 I 81 7 071 1 6 W 6 46 8 kl 7 U 6 M i 6 t 3 72i )6 91 7 14 6 9w 62 49 bo, 60 4 8 6 M 6 4t 8 Vl bi 3 1 T 10 I 14 s&l 6 4oi 8 7oi it Wi 8 4 April 17.. April is. April 19. April . April 21. April 22. April 14. April 24. April 26. April 26. April 27. 7 lu4 I 86 i 43 8 ill i 8 li 1 v6Vsi 6 ao o ol - 131 M M 7 til-Mi 66 W 6 36 I '.4 3 7 06 97 7 6 6 82 8 7 8 83 7 04 7 04 6 77 6 8 66 I 71 S 961 6 771 6 8 t 8 84 2 M 6 6 72 6 Mi a 6il i9l 8 77 April 28.. 6 63 I 7 07 I 6 37 8 6 8 V7 3 76 6 77Ai 7 03i 5 Col 8 691 8 71 i li April 29. April 80.. MVsl 6 96 6 64 S 32 l 2 63 1 $ 60 May 1... May 2... May I... May 4... May t... May 6... May 7... May 8... May (... May 10.. May 11., May 12.. May U.. May 14.. May 16.. 83 f H 6 64 6 26 t 61 14 76 7 01 7 02 L 7li 6 lm 1 bo i 8 801 6 721 6 17 a no a ai o a 6 761 6 66 6 8b I 6 22i 8 66 3 93 $ 72 3 62 8 90 8 66 3 641 3 931 8 64 6 72 66 7 03 6 98 6 68l 8 63V4 6 63 6 62V.I 93 6 70 6 21 12 901 X 70 7 0U 7 08 6 641 6 101 t 691 I 3 71 (ffili 131 1 tmil 3 891 7 08 6 61 1 6 151 8 62 3 ol t H 644 6 66 6 16i 2 4 il 0 4 19 S 67 4 3oi 3 66 6 46 89 15 161 1 66 ( 41S 7 l I 68 3 t 36V 7 121 6 711 B 17 $2VI 7 J2 5 66 5 21 8 67 4 221 3 61 13 61 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brouarht In lodav bv each road waa Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. C, M. fc Bt. P. Ry 16 4i Wabash 4 Missouri Paclflo Ry., 4 3 Union Pacific system 19 36 C. et N. W. Ry 2 11 F., K. & M. V. R. R 26 63 C St. P., M. A O. Ry 23 2 B. A M. Ry 24 C, B. & Q. Ry 8 U K- C. & St. J C, R. 1. P. Ry., east.... I 11 Illinois Central ( 2 Total receipts 119 236 Tha uispoaiuou of the uay s receipts was as follows each buyer purchasing uie num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. omana racking co sob i,oa Swift and Company poo Armour ot Co M Cudahy Packing Co 808 (Judany Pack. Co., K. C Swift and Co., country Iu6 Armour-Ac Co., bioux c'lty 203 Lobman dk Co.. ,. 28 li.Mon & Co 6 L. t 31 usx 2 Dennis At Co 4 Sam Werthelmer 42 li. c Hamilton 19 Other buyers 63 2.242 4.614 t,tfl8 462 60 2,866 Totals CATl'LJE There Tas 2.575 16,603 1.292 o , more pioderaie run of cattle uere mitt mcrfiiiiig, una even tnougn tne supply tor the ween has been very liberal, uuyera icok hold ireeiy, etud a lully steady market was experienced. About tne usual prouortion ot tne offer lngs consisted of beef steers, and wnlie tne market was a little more active than it was yesterday there was not much change lit prices. Owing to the ru pld fluctuations of the last few uays prices are ratner uneven so that while some salesmen thought they had a little better luck today, others were calllna- the market no- more than steady. The general situation could probably best be described tiy calling me inaraet, lajriy active and iullv. steady. There was also a little more snap to the cow trade. Prices, though, showed very little Improvement from yesterday, and tho same as was tne case witn Deei u?cra, tne market could best be described by calling it fully steady. There were comparatively few Blockers and feeders In the yards this morning, so that an oarly clearance was made. nulls venl calves and stags did not show enough change from yesterday to be worthy of mention. ... There were very few stockers and feeders on sale today, and as the end of the week is at hand not many were vmnra. few cattle that did arrive sold at Just .k,i .i.irtv nrlces. The demand from the country has been sufficient this week to clean up practically an mo ui-ra ""V,"; that have arrived, so that speculators will start out the new week with empty pens. Representative sales: Dt.t-t BlbliltD. Av. Pr. No. At. Pr. No. 1031 4 16 14W 4 90 I'M I A 96 10 lli'7 4 93 1120 4 26 16 . -. 1281 4 60 - !. 4 1 Il 4 90 1029 4 W 1 1110 4 60 , 1041 4 99 17 1217 4 90 lino 4 96 1 1014 4 46 1.H79 4 16 H 10.1 4 ti "IS I inn 4 16 t J310 4 to ....10? 4 40 1 27t 4 96 M 4 40 76 120 4 65 1(T 4I 4 40 4 1. 1217 4 65 4 10 11 124 4 46 1JW 4 40 H l'l 4 64 . .... 4 4S 124 4 46 i 1101 4 4i IT 1247 4 94 994 4 46 14 1219 4 66 1161 4 46 W 111 4 96 11(11 4 60 I 1I0 4 70 lift 4 60 111 i:i 4 14 921 4 90 9 MM 4 10 1O60 4 CO 14 1104 4 70 1010 4 60 10 .-...inn 4 70 1IJ7 4 60 H 1'71 4 70 1170 4 60 ' 19 13T.1 4 76 .!....lliH) 4 60 W 1141 4 75 1146 4 60 41 ...1241 4 90 990 4 63 19 1II 4 90 i;-r. 4 65 11 1364 4 so ... 1165 4 55 74 147 4 90 1210 4 65 41 141 4 96 1001 4 64 I 16S4 i Ot 10M 4 66 STEERS AND HEIFERS. . . 61 I 60 It 1020 4 40 ' 914 4 16 21 950 4 60 Ill 4 15 II 1121 4 66 ..9.10 4 20 14 199 4 65 ' WM 4 tr. II 1169 4 99 inn 4 4" I 1104 4 40 lfrf 4 4n STEERS AND COWS. N 10U0 4 6 t'.'.'.'.'. 3 14. ... 1.1 3 It 40 .... 16 10 it 11 n'.'.Y. it- w it.. ... 94. ... 14 I 6 39 19..... m 4 19 11 cuwo. 790 1 It 7.... 0 J 4.... . .... 949 I 26 I. .. 916 I 76 I ... 946 t 09 I ... 971 I 00 I.... 910 I 96 .... ... ..PI I M II.-.. 1MS4 I 15 4.... 1071 I te 3.... 930 I 16 4.... 1(6 1 90 I.... lir.0 S 10 6.... 1IS6 I 40 I.... 10C4 I 49 1 ... iniO I 69 I.... !3 I 90 11.,.. 1 1 1... . 4 I. ... I I 1 1 4 1 .... I I I I 1 !..... t . , 1 1 I I... . 1 .... I !.... 4 4 I 1 T .... 1 .... 8 ... 1 I.... I ... 1 . . 1 I 1 1... 1... t 1191 I 99 1046 I 90 141 1 90 1O70 I 90 IflJ I 90 10 I 90 1131 I 96 1042 I 1"4S 4 00 1320 4 00 loui 4 00 1021 4 00 1074 4 00 900 4 00 1!V 4 00 1120 4 14 1134 4 10 lfV) 4 10 12O0 4 19 tt'lO 4 10 1160 4 15 1074 4 15 MO 4 II 920 III 1M 4 96 11"1 19 I. 1299 1 90 . , 970 I 79 1. , 930 I 76 1. , 1110 1 75 19. 9M 1 16 I. , 416 I 90 1 11WI i el I. ....1100 I 90 1 1164 4 N HEIFERS. 431 t 16 4 6"! I 2'. . II 679 I 71 -1 419 I 76 I ITf 9 in 16 144) 4 90 9 ...74 4 ... 969 4 0 ... 1641 4 1 ...0"f 4 14 ... 91 4 II ... 171 4 M ...909 I 91 ...1740 I It ...1416 190 ...1640 t 9U ...1610 190 .. !! I 90 ...17' 4 00 ... 9on 4 90 ...UM 4 90 ...1610 4 10 ..1499 4 19 BULLS. ,..114.1 111 ..110 90 ..1140 100 ,..1090 I 19 .1630 I 60 ...1640 I 69 ..14M I 79 ..11? t 5 . 1999 I 99 ..12 I 46 I. 1 ..IKO I 9 CALVES. .....I. W in 1 109 I 90 I 190 6 99 8TAOS. ' 1S 4 4 1 190 I IS 1M IN 940 4 4 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 6X1 IS STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 144) I 79 I sag 4 4 . A aa. a . . Am. III . ess 4 t) .910 4 li .. 7 M 4 r. .109 4 40 14.. T.. II . . .. 9t 4 4 4 41 ..mat 4 ' ..744 4 a HOGS There was another enormous run of hoga here today, which makes the re ceipts for the last two days by far the heaviest of any two days this year. Pack ers naturally took advantage of the heavy run to pound the market to a still lower level, but still they did not take off as much ss might be expected. They seemed tn want the hoga and the general market "was only 2V?c lower than yeaterday. They started In bidding a nickel lower, bnt soon raised their bids, and then the bogs began to sell at a rapid rate, and the bulk was disposed of In good season. The bulk of the hoes sold st $'.32'4 snd $.. with the choicer loads selling largely from $6.36 to is o. Tne commoner loans went irora e.j down. Representative sales No. Av. Ha. pr. No A. Sk. Pr. 1S4 40 4 6 II... M... 10... IV. , 44.. 17.. 61.. 11.., 77... 44.. 17... 14., 10.., 61.. 61.. 79... ... 14.., 10.. 94.. 71.. 70.. 66.., 96... ....241 I I 4 U I 34 4 14 I II Jk 96 4 96 I at I 39 91 I 194 I 10 ... I 16 ... 4 I7V4 ... 4 l'-i ... 4 17V! ... 4 90 40 6 90 40 4 90 ... I 34 199 I 94 90 4 0 ... 114 90 I 90 40 I 90 ... I m 64 4 W ... 4 M ....169 ....130 ....131 ....23 ....149 ....160 ....134 ....161 ....137 ....314 ....161 ....144 ....114 ....14 ....X61 ....161 ...ttl ....141 ....144 ....137 63.... X2.... 16... II... 97... 44.... II... II... 70... II... II... 77... 19 Kit lrl Ill 199 136 170 4 I I 16 .139 .121 .174 .131 .III IN I 96 ... I 66 ... I 14 90 I 34 90 I 34 ... I 36 10 i at 94 I 96 10 I 36 90 4 14 ... I 36 ... 4 96 144' 4 14 ... I 16 ... I 16 144 4 85 ... I It ... I at 114 6 14 ... 4 91 190 I 16 90 I 14 90 4 34 190 9 16 ... I 16 90 I 16 ... I 96 ... 4 15 90 4 96 140 4 It 120 I at 4 4 1 ... 4 36 90 76 II. 131 I 79. .., TI.. 74.... 41..... 17.... 94..... 71 10...., 77.... 227 40 4 90 .tOI 90 10 .114 .134 .141 .144 .161 .137 .141 I I1V4 I lIVs I II v, I 31V, I nvt I2V9 I 12i 4 IIV I IIS I 114j I l!'a I 11V, I llVfe ....164 ....141 ....161 ....164 ....141 99. 79. 93 II l.if to 117 44..., tt... 47.... 71 .. 3..., CI... II... II... 91... 16... II... 74... 71.... 41... 69... II... 17.... 117 . ...331 . ..j ...111 ...11 ,...141 ..131 ...131 ...931 i ... 211 ...ill ...124 ...139 ...134 ...141 ...131 ...247 ...147 44.. 71.. 91.. II.. II.. 14.. 64.. 11.. 74.. 64.. .14 , 164 , 121 , 144 , 144 Ill , 177 1M 161 , 191 , 131 , 171 171 10 114 , 131 140 171 160 164 261 210 267 130 190 I 111, ... 6 !!Va I !3Vfc 4 1JA t ::2V, I II v, I lIVs I I3V9 4 12V I 12 V, I 12V, I 11V, I IJ'.J 4 IIV9 I I2S I 12S I I2S I 12S I I2S I 12 S I s I I2S I 12S I I2S I I2S I I2S I IIS i ns 4 12 S I IIV, I I2S 4 I2S 4 12S 4 IIS t 22 S 47 41...., 61.... 61.... 71 13.... 7...., 44.... 90.... 41.... 11 19 ... 90. .. It.... 71.... II.... 40 40 I It 17 236 90 I , I 66 4 I I M at I 4 It I 34 4 II I It 4 el I 16 I .15 4 U I 96 I 36 I 16 I 31 4 36 4 86 1 16 I 16 I It 4 16 4 16 I 16 6 16 I II I 16 4 16 I US I 37 S I 17 S 4 17s I 17 S 4 17S 4 ITS I US 4 I7S I nvj I 17S 4 it I 40 4 40 4 44 4 44 6.. .19 76.... 76.... 99.... 74.... II.... 1.... 13.... ..161 ..141 ..161 ..141 ..i ..220 ..220 ..139 100 44 10 1U 164 120 90 110 120 120 124 40 40 44 44 io 110 120 10 120 40 160 90 120 130 130 110 90 40 'io 'io 40 104 .141 .144 .196 40., 60 171 I) 161 16 141 72 144 U. 147 40 2C5 e i6i 71 221 IT. 74. 47. 70. 71. 41. 43. II. 67. 41. 68. 44. 44. 18. 74. 11. 70. ....141 ...140 ...31 ....111 ....121 ....147 ....130 ....131 ....141 ....121 ....ill ....141 ....131 ...I41 ....Kit ....267 130 IC... .f5 ...131 ...161 ...141 ,..126 ,..127 ...141 ...t7l ...179 ...239 ...264 ...261 ...Ml ...141 ...146 ...141 ...161 ...104 ...Km .. 144 ...160 ...265 ...24 ...164 ...144 ...110 ...101 ...211 ...120 76.... 63.... 41.... II.... 7.... 66... 44.... 41.... 44.... 46.... 41.... .... 70.... 40.... 124... II.... 11 ... 44.... 44.... 10.... 74.... 90.... tt.... it ... tt.... 49.... 4 I2S I 32 S I I2S I IIS i sis 4 12S I US I 12 S I 12 S I 12 S I I2S I 32 S 4 iiS 4 I2S I US 4 I2S 4 16 I 16 4 16 4 16 I IS I 15 I 16 .111 71 141 71 ....131 79... 41... 74... 71... 70... C6... 17... 13... 3... 71... 46... ....120 .... ....114 ....111 40 40 90 'io 90 100 244 141 171 114 121 140 171 171 i. 6V. ..190 ..171 .241 124 120 90 66. 7o.. 13... 261 120 I M 41. .101 4 40 SHEEP Most of the sheep reported this morning were again consigned direct to iocai pacgers. so that It Is impossible to tell much about the true condition of the market. Some wethers sold at $5.10 from t ne same lot yiat sold lor $5.10 yesterday ana as mat' was about all there was on sale, tne msrket could not well be quoted anything but steady. Buyers seemed to be anxious for good stuff and claimed that tney were willing to pay steady prices. All markets have suffered more or leas this week and as a general thing prices are quoted 16jj2Sc lower.e Quotations for clipped stock: Choice western lambs, $6.006.60; fair to good lambs, $5.00g6.00; choice western wooled lambs, $6.607.15; fair to good wooled lambs, $6.oni6.60; choice lightweight year lings, 36.60&6.76; fair to good yearlings, $4.6025.25; choice wethers. $6.0005.26; fair to good wethers, $4.2ftf4.66; choice ewes, $4.5014.65; fair to good ewes, $1.KVfi4.2S; feeder lambs. 83.5004.60: feeder yearlings. $3.50134.00; feeder wethers, $3.604.00; feeder ewes. $2.26ir3.50. Representative sales: Ave. Pr. 462 western wethers 106 85 10 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle and Sheep Are Steady. While Hogs Incline Hlsrher. CHICAOO. Mav 15. CATTLE Receipts, 000: steady; good to prime steers, $5. 00 6.50. nominal; poor to medium, W.OOcgo.OO; stockers and feeders, $3.ooivj.oo; cows, 11. bo ft4.50; heifers, $2.50ft4.75; canners, $1.60Cr2.76; bulls. tl.UXnA.V-: calves, $2.6O.00; Texas fed steers. $4.0Or4.W. hoijs Rece lots tooav. is.uuu: tomorrow, lO.omi; left over, 3.O00. Market steady to 6c higher; mixed btitrhers, $6.306.60; good to clmlce heavy. $8.ftVaJ.95; rough heavy, $6.60 4(6 SO: light. $6.104.45; bulk .of salea, $6.46 4j6.80. SH-Hir-if rteceipts, i.mai.- narep aim ismiw, steady; good to choice wethers, 4.oj5.&o; fair to choice mixed, $3.75a4.75; western sheep, $4.75i5.50; native lambs, $l.60t&7.15; western lambs, $4.60&7.16; Colorado lambs, $7.0"t9.50. Official yesteraay. Recelpta. Shipments. Cattle I"'! -31 Hosts n.N ",U3 Sheep ' .S1 l.05 Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Msy IB. CATTLE Re ceipts, 800 head natives. 310 head 'texans, 100 head calves, mostly natives; beeves, slow but steady; cows, dull, steady; quaran tine and stockers snd teeners, sieaoy; holce export and aressea neei steers, ev w-if 6.20; fair to good, $4.00fi4.DO: stockers and feeders, 83.B0y4.ift; western iea steers, nou 65.06; Texas and Indian steers, $3.254.66: Texas cows. $1.75'53.75; native cows, $2.15 4 40; native heifers. $3.00(14.76; canners, $1.15 62.50; bulls, $3 2Mi4.6n; calves. $2.60.90. HOGS Receipts, 9.600 head: market steady to 6c lower: top, $ 56: bulk of sales. $6.32yff 50; heavy, $6.42Vi'a6.65; mixed pack ers. 4vj.2vati.4e; I'gni. -.n.HiU.u, vomers, so.ou 66 40; pigs, $4.7S'6.10. BIlKJCr' A IN 3 l,amDB- eceipia, a.uu head; market steady to 10c lower: native Inmbs, $4.508760; western lambs, $4.007.60: fed ewes, $3.755.S0: native wethera, $4.00$ 6.76; Texas clipped sheep. $3.90.90; stock ers and feeders, $3 60(S4 26. Hew York Live Stock Market. KEW YORK. May 16. CATTLE Beeves. I . . va Btm,m.mmt ak.3. In., All heavy ; others unchanged; bulls and cows quiet but steady: common to choice steers. $4 .5566.45; distillery fed, $3.00(93.10; bulls, etf.WSfll IS'; caoics quuini urm venue higher at 1212V4c; tops 13c per pound. dressed weight; refrigerator beef, 9rtHj er pouno; exporia, iom i-suw. ivmi,.,vw, 207 cattle and 3.800 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipt, w: active, 11 rm to 25o higher: veais, ewui.w, uuimumas, $6.00; city dressed veals, 8llc. llUUo rteceipia, a, 001, suio nuso, ew, rough mixed weetern hogs, $6.10. SHEEP AND LA MBrJ Receipts, $,818. Sheep opened steady, closed 16fl2io lower; common to prime sheep. $3.2So.&0; lambs, $6.2&437.26; spring lambs, $9.00. St? Joseph Live Stoek Market. T JOSEPH. May 16. CATTLE Re ceipts. 900 head; steady: natlvea, $4.26(jJ6 36: cows and neuers, 93.Axo-a.oo; Biuvaers ana feeders. $3 8ol4.75. noo9 Recelnta 7.801 head: steady to to lower: light and light mixed. $630t?42H; medium and heavy, K4064.60; bulk, $6.37Vr3 6.50; pigs, $5.3f'r 25. , SHEEP AN'D LAMBS Recelpta, 1.674 bead; steady. Slonx City klTi Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. May 16. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Recelpta. 800: market steady; beeves. 44 00ai.00; cows, bulls and mixed, $3.00j4.26; stockers and feeders, $3.60 6-4 60 ; ralvee and yearlings, 13.0u4j4.50. HOOB Receipts, 4.80n; market io lower at $6.16itf-4o; bulk. $6.25i34).0. Stoek tn Sight. Following were the receipts of live stock at lhe six principal western cities yester day ; Cattle. Hot". Sheen. Omaha 3.4oO 15 WO 1.264) Chicago 3.000 14.000 4.M) Kansas City 800 8.VO J) St. luls 1,500 4 000 80O St. Joseph 9"0 7'l 1.674 Sioux City .O0 Totals ..8.800 67,401 13.124 St. Lonls Lira Stock Market, 8T. LOUIS, Mar 11 CATTLE It see pta, hri head includinar 1 600 head Texane! market steady; native shipping and export leers. $4.2.4 ft, Or eased beet avod hutohay 1.. 1.. I.. li... tears, 84OA4J6 80: steers under l.flnft lbs., $1 $0 64 80; stockers snd feeders, 83 0044 4i cowa and heifers, $2f454 76; cannera, $2. 28413 00: bulls, $2RMf 60; calves. $3 rah4).10: Texas snd Indinn steers, $3.404J466; cowa and heifers, $2 3003 86. HtM 48 Receipts. 4.000 head; market steady to strong; pigs and lights. $R 20-'o ; packers. 6V76 4S; butchers. $ti 40J6 65. SHEEP ANl LAMBS Receipts, 8"0 head: market steady: native muttons. $42Vu52. lam ha $6 00.4740; culls and bucks, Inflow 4.00; stockers, $2.004j3.00; Texans, $4.00434.75. Oil Rosin. OIL C1TT, Pa.. May 18,-OIL-Credlt balances, $1.63; certificates, no bid. Ship ments, 73,341; averages, 86.349; rnns, so. 616; averages, 77.4;4. Shipments. Lima, 64, 230; averages. 68,393; runs, Lima. 67.021: averages, 63.3t3. SAVANNAH, May 18. OIL Turpentine, firm; 4Ho. Rosin, firm; A, B. C. I E, $1.70; F, $1.76; O, $1.80; H, $126; I. $:.R7V4,; K, $; M. 83.12H; N, 8.12; WO, 83.27V.; WW, $3.474:. NEW YORK, Mny IK OIL Cottonseed, steady; prime yellow, 4.1 Hfi 44o. Petroleum, steady. Rosin, steady. Turpentine, steady. Sagar suae) Molasses. NEW ORLEANS. May IS. SUGAR ' Dull; open kettle, 2Sfl8 7-16c; open ket tle, centrifugal, 8Vi,3Sc; centrifugal whites, Hows, 8S34c; seconds 2Vf34c. MOLASSES Open kettle, nominal, 13 Je; centrifugal, 60180. Syrup, nominal, leVd-Mo. NEW TORK, May 16. SUGAR Raw, firm; defined, firm. MOLASSES Firm. Dry Goods Market. ' NEW TORK," Ms V 16. DRY GOOT8 Market shows little disposition to increased activity, and yet although buyers are re stricting; tbelr purchases to Immediate need a It Is evident they are gaining mote faith with regard to the situation, and It la believed that fair transactions may result. Prices are held firmly and a tendency to advance Is noted In certain quarters. Kansas City Esr Market. KANSAS CITY. May 15 EGGS-Hlgher; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock. 13c dos.. cases returned; new No. 2 whltewood cases Included. USc. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. A woman never puts anything In her pocket that aha can hold In her mouth. Hgppy ! the suburban dweller who is the general manager ot A small garden. One trouble with some men Is that their upper and lower Hps so seldom meet. Some men never discover that they are on the wrong tack till they alt down on it. Samson might have escaped with his hair had not that female barber talked him tn sleep. A foot ball match Is an Imitation of two base oau teams taking a nara tan out 01 the umpire. "A place for everything and everything ln Its place" Is the baby's motto and the place la Its mouth. It Is now up to the office boy to Invent a few excuses for holding down hla end of the bleachers. Brevity may be the soul of wit, hut Just the same .It doesn't tickle a man when he finds himself short. Once upon a time there was a -man who was too lacy to lie, so he Invented a ma chine to do It for him and called It a gas meter. Chicago News. THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS filed for record Friday. May 16: Warranty Deeds. C. 8. Francis and wife to W. T. Graham and D. V.- Sholes Co., lot 10, Anlsfleld; lot 9, block 4. Denman Place, lot 72, Gise's add, lot 6. block 1. and lot 7. block' 8, I-ako View; w 48 feet lots 36 and 36, Hickory Place, s4 lot 10, block 1, Horbach's 2d add; lots 1 and 2, block F., Lowe's add; ' 101 i, DiocK 11, urcna-ra mu; 101 id, block 1, Portland Place; wV4 lot 2, . block 4 8. E. Rogers' add; lot 6, block 7, Van Camp's add; lots 1 and 2. block 3. Washington Hill; lot 4, block 2. West Cuming add; w 25 feet of e 83 feet lots 7 and 8. block 18, Wilcox's 2d add $ 1 Same to same, lots ( and 6, Arbor Place; lot 9, block 2; Bedford Place; 'lots 10, 11 and 12. block 4, Dupont Place; lot , block 7, lot 6. block 3. lot 8, block 2, Pupont Place; w 4 lot 4, block 8, Campbell's add; lot 20. block 16, Druid Hill; H lots 8, and 10, block 460, Grandview: e 36 'feet lot 31, Hickory Place; lot 7. block 3, Hillside add No. 2: lot IX block 2, Isabel add; lot t. block 6, Jerome Park; lots 6 to 13, block 2, Lelsenring's add; rot 33, block 17, . Orchard Hill: lots 10 snd 11, block 6, Plalnvlew; lot 1, block 8. Poppleton 1 Park 1 Same to same, lot 22, block 6, Mayne's add 1 C. S. Francis, trustee, to same, lot 18, Beauvolr Place 1 Bame to same, s 66 feet lot 44. 8. E. . Rogers' Okahoma; e S lot 9, block 4. Van Camp's add 1 C. S. Francis et al.. executors, to same, n 45 feet of w 146 feet lot 26, Burr Oak; lot 20, block 4. Denman Place; lots 10 to 13, block 7. lot 11, Dupont Place; lot 1. block 17. Or chard Hill: lot 8 and n H lot 4. block 14, Park Forest add; lots 22 and 23, block 2. Sherman Avenue Park 1 Alice E. Francis and husband to same, lot 9, block 14. Central Park y W. B. Wilson and wife to same, a H - lot 16, block 2, McCormlck'a 2d add., 1 C. 8. Francis, trustee, et al.. to same, lots 7, 8 and , block L Ames Place 9 Frank Bresman to Ellen Tlmony, lots 26 and 26, Maloney's ad.. ' 1 F. E. Brown to Charles Haffke, lot 4, block 1, Bouth Omaha 875 Emma F. Willis to J. N. Willis, lots 10 and 11. block Frederick Schuebell Schuebell. part lot W. T. Graham ana oany to Anton 23. block . Sherm As me to larnars Kvsel Iota 8, 8 and 10, block 400, ursnaview ad 3M Bame ta Frank Dlnnusso, north 48 ft. lots 96 snd 36, Hickory Place 1,400 Same to Millie Baylea. lot 19, block 4, Denman Place 600 Same to F. D. Wead, lots 1 and 1, block 3. Washington Hill Annie Larson to E. A. Stlger, lot 11. block 40, Benson ISO Theodore Williams and wife to same, lot 10. block 4, same 260 G. H. Brown and wife -to D.,V. Sholes company, lot s. diock , isnuu s an.. sui J. J. Flanagan and wife to E. T. Hhalby, lot if, diock is, nansi-om Place ? o0 E. T. Shelby to Marie Flanagan, same 3.&on Genevieve Tyiee to wiinam ncnoen, lot 14. block 8. Hascall's subdlv 600 C. O. Edllng and wife to Frank Svo- boda, lot is, diock , rotter or. 1 o a ad 1.000 H. 8. Thomas to Genevieve Tylee, lots 14 and WV4 lot u, diock a, nascau s subdlv K-0 Deeds. W. K. Potter, receiver, to Edward Bettle, Jr.. nV4 of wl40 ft. lot 14. Kountxe's 2d ad., and other property 1 Total amount of transfers $12,391 Tho lilrl to Marry. Boms marry Just for beauty. Some coldly wed for wealth. Borne make a requisition For a girl In perfect health. Borne men prefer a woman Wise enough to write a book. But the shrewd man, when he marries, Picks a girl out who can cook. For riches sometimes vanish. And beauty quickly fadea, And frequently men tire Of these very learned maids. Bo huabands often wriggle On the matrimonial hook. But a man la always happy If his wife knows how to cook. Somervllle Journal. IF YOU TRADE p laves your orders with CEO. A. ADAMS CHAIN CO., M siu lists Printiiril Kschaagea, GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS Writ for oar dally letter. 09 atoard Trad Balkdlng. Omaha. MSt svad MaT. PSUYATB WISE WEARE GRAIN , MUvjrcH orncs-OMAHA. msb. e La-tU jheavra 49f TrmAej. M. WAJtAX Var. Te.,hS6 Riverside ad 150, , sr.. to C- P. 09, uKitnomi so.. ;jo J 3J. v. Blioies com- .arson, lots 22 and 1 an Avenue Park 300 J a. south 60 ft.