Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Davis sells drugs.
Btoekert sells carpets.
Crayon enlarging. Broadway.
Expert watch repairing. Leffert. 409 B'y
Celebrated Mets beer on tap. Neumayer.
Fine line berry Beta, 60c and up. A. B.
Howe. 310 Broadway.
Special aale cn Etchings. C. E. Alexan
der A Co., lit Broadway.
Real estate In all part of the city for
ale. Thomas E. Casady. 2 Pearl street.
Wanted, man with team to do Job of sod
ding. Inquire at Bee office. Council Blurt.
Abe Lincoln Woman's Belief corps will
meet Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock In
Orand Army hall.
All persons owing' Durfee Furniture, com
pany plesse call and settle at once, on ac
count of change In Arm.
Mrs. Mark Williams will entertain th
1'nlverslty club at her homo on Madlfeou
avenue Friday afternoon.
Council Bluffs Court of Honor No. 1KS
will meet In regular seeslon this evening
In Woodman of the World hall.
Before papering your rooms we want to
show you our elccant 190.1 designs. C. fa.
Paint, Oil and Qlass company.
The Woman's Auxiliary of Grace Episco
pal church will meet thla afternoon at the
horn of Mrs. White, 144 Vaughn street '
The postponed meeting of the High School
Alumni association will be held this even
ing at I o'clock In the high school building.
Mrs. F. U. Reed will entertain the women
of the First Congregational church thla
afternoon at tea at her home on First ave
nue. The executive commtttee on arrangements
for entertainment of the Pythian grand
lodge will meet this evening In fit- Albans
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rogers of Willow
avenue have been called to Imogens, la.,
by the death of Mrs. Rogers' uncle, John
Rev. Lee Bertrand of Mount Carroll, 111.,
will preach at the Pentecostal mission, 1501
Broadway, each evening for the remainder
of the week.
A marriage license was Issued yesterday
to Daniel Branson, aged 6ft, of this city and
Rebecca Campbell, aged 64, of Pottawat
tamie county.
Captain George Crane of Park avenue
was out yesterday for the first time since
hie serious Illness, although ho is yet far
from being a well man.
Buck Keith's ball players and the Eagles
are scheduled for exhibition games Satur
day and Sunday afternoon at Lake
Manawa, weather permitting.
Dr. Don Macrae. Jr., and Dr. V. L. Trey
nor arrived home yesterday from New Or
leans, where they attended the meeting of
the American Medical association.
We contract to keep public of private
houses free from roaches by the year. In
sect Exterminator Manufacturing com
pany. Council Bluffs. Ia. Telephone F&H.
Owing to tho republican primaries to ss
lect delegates to the county convention
being held on Saturday, June , It has beei
decided to call the good roads' convention
for Friday, June 5.
There will be a meeting of the Council
Blurts club this evening In the .office of
County Superintendent McManus in the
county court house. J. P. Hess of the
Board of Education will read a paper on
"Manuel Training in the Public Schools."
Mrs. Isabella Buchanan, wife of James
Buchanan. 426 North Tnth street, died last
night from cancer, aged 69 years. Besides
her husband, one daughter and one Hun
survive her. The funeral will be held Sat
urday afternoon from the residence and
burial will be in Walnut, Hill cemetery.
At the meeting of the Retail Druggists'
association last night plans for the enter
tainment of the State Pharmaceutical so
ciety, which will meet In this city July 14
to 16, were discussed. The program is not
far enough advanced to announce. Circu
lars advertising the meeting are being sent
out to every city in the state by the local
Louis Jamea, employed by Sam Dobson,
the city scavenger, was seriously Injured
In a runaway accident. While driving on
Avenue B James drove over a pile of dirt
that tilted the wagon so that he was thrown
from his seat between the horses and the
wagon. The horaes started to run and the
wagon passed over James. He waa severely
bruised and is thought to have received in
ternal Injuries.
Arthur Williams and George M. Jack
were arrested at a late hour luerday nlgnt
for fighting on South Main atreet. During
the melee one of the combatants was
thrown against the window of Hansen's
ahoe shop, breaking It. They will have a
hearing In police court thla morning. Yes
terday Jacks filed an Information in Jus
tice Carson's court charging William Sayles
and William Allen with assaulting him.
The engagement of N. W. Wells of Schuy
ler, Neb., lormer president of the Omaha
& Council Blurts Railway and Bridge com
pany, to Mrs. C E. H. Campbell of this
city, has been announced. The wedding Is
to take place at Santa Barbara. Cel., where
Mra. Campbell has been spending the win
ter, on June 8. Following the wedding they
will take a two years trip around the
world and will probably make their bom
In New York on their return.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night. FT.
lield for Steall Valla.
John C. Clements, claiming Seattle,
Wash., as his home, stole a grip at the
Union Paclflo Transfer depot, waa ar
rested, had his preliminary hearing and
waa bound over to the grand Jury, all
within two hours, yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. L. Currle of Pocatello, Idaho, left
her grip in the waiting room while aha
went to check her baggage. When aha re
turned the grip had disappeared. Clements
was seen leaving the depot with a grip
and Depot Officer Qulnn started In pur
i suit, after telephoning to police headquar
ters. He and Detective Murphy over
hauled Clements, carrying the grip, at
Avenue B and Sixteenth street. He claimed
to be a machinist and said he had been
working In the Vnlon Paclflo shops since
February 1 In default of bail placed at
J600 he waa committed to the county Jail.
Doubt Whether O'.esr Title Can Be Secured
to the Ehngert Property.
Oae Waa Formerly Favored tho Loea
tloa Qaoted as Saylag Ho How
Doabted Expediency ef
Balldlagr There.
The Inability of the library board to
obtain a clear title to the property will. It
la said, prove an Insurmountable obstacle
to the placing of the Carnegie building on
the Shugart site at the northwest corner
of First avenue and South Sixth street.
It was stated yesterday that the board
has practically abandoned all hop of being
able to secure a title to the Shugart prop
erty, such as would prevent all possible
future litigation.
After the board had selected the prop
erty In question It developed that E. L.
Shugart only had a life Interest In It and
that at his death it passed to his children
and their children. The fact that Mr.
Shugart only had a life interest In the
property precluded him from giving a clear
title to the board, and It was suggested
that the trustees acquiro title through
condemnation proceedings. Now It Is said
by attorneys who have been consulted In
the matter by the board that It would be
doubtful If even condemnation proceedings
would result In the board securing a title
such as could not be attacked at some
later date.. The possibility of other heirs
to the property being born. It is said,
makes thla doubtful.
It Is understood that the members of the
board have legal advice to the effect that
In order to avoid any possibility of future
litigation It would be better to selcet some
site the title to which cannot be ques
tioned.' One of the members of the board who
voted for the Shugart site said yester
day: "It la true there appears to be se
rlou4 difficulties In the board securing a
perfect title to the Shugart property, which
Is very disappointing and exceedingly an
noying, as It will neeeesarily cause a de
lay In getting the building under way.
Rather than pay $12,900 for a site, the title
to which,' after wa had erected a $70,000
building, might be attacked, I would be
tn favor of choosing some other location,
and this I understand the board will prob
ably have, to do. We were not aware at
the time that we selected the Shugart
property as the site for the Carnegie
building. that Mr. Shugart only had a life
Intereat In It. Had we been, I do not be
lieve this site would have been selected."
The library board Is scheduled to meet
Saturday evening, when it ia said this
matter will be definitely disposed of. Many
are now hoping that the board will de
cide to erect the building at the southwest
corner of Pearl street and Willow avenue,
1 the.W. H. M. Pusey homestead.
Annla. This list may be added to before
the train starts. A number of Shrtners
from southwestern Iowa are expected to
Join the train here or at Missouri Valley.
Membership la Iowa Over Tare Tfcoa.
That the veterans of the civil war are
rapidly pasalng away Is shown by the an
nual report of Captain L. B. Cousins of
this city as deputy Inspector of the Orand
Army of the Republic Department of Iowa,
which he completed yeaterday, and copies
of which were sent to F. A. Walsh, In
spector general, Milwaukee and George A.
Newman, assistant adjutant general. De
partment of Iowa. ,
Captain Cousins' report last year showed
over 16,000 members of Grand Army posts
In good standing, while thla year's report
shows the number has decreased to 12,336.
The report In full follows:
Total number of posts, 376; total number
of members In good standing, 12.336; num
ber of posts Inspected, 870; number of poets
In which the ritual Is properly exemplified,
834: number of poets where officers and
guards are properly uniformed and
equipped, 68; number of posts where posts
are fully uniformed, 69; posta reporting of
ficers regular in attendance at post meet
ings, 319; posta reporting members regular
In attendance at post meetings, 2M; num
ber of posts where records are complete
and well kept, 32; number of posts where
orders are received, rcgulnrly read to poet
and placed on file, 364; number of posts
whose receipts and per capita tax have
been forwarded. 8G7; number of posts hav
ing a relief fund. 67; number of posts with
Women's Relief corps attached, 226; num
ber of rvnsta with Sons of Veterans at
tached, 29; aggregate of posts relief fund.
as reported June 30. 1902, $3.72.fi6; aggregate
expenditures by posts for relief from June
30. 1901, to June 80, 1902. $l.Ma.t0; aggregate
of funds in hands or post quartermasters.
Plumbing and heatlag. Blxby ft too.
Telephone Company Takea Ha Chaaeet
ea legality of Franchise
The validity of the action of the city
council at the special meeting Saturday
l?3,025.3: aggregate of other property owned
by posts. Ml.8tJl.04. Of the 3(6 posts. In
answering the prospects of the posts, 156
answered good, 116 fair and 106 poor.
Latest riaee Where Man Resembllag
Faritlve is Seen is Slaty
Kl!ea East.
A report waa current at a late hour last
night that George Matheson. who shot
Deputy Sheriff Baker, had been located
sixty miles east of Council Bluffs. Deputy
Sheriff Knox returned yesterday morning
from Monona county, having been forced
to abandon the pursuit of the suspect
t;.oualil tu bo M;on, owing to tht
heavy rains having raised the rivers and
creeks out of their banks. After following
the trail all Tuesday Deputy Knox failed
to catch up with the covered wagon sup
posed to contain the fugutlve.
Word waa received yeaterday morning at
the sheriff's office that a young man an
swering the description of Matheson had
been seen at the home of Eli Jones near
Underwood. As Jonea la a near relative
of the fugitive, there were strong hopes
that the clew might result In something
and Deputy Sheriff Groneweg hastened to
Underwood. Jones said he had not seen
young Matheson for two or three years,
although he was an uncle of the young man
and that under no circumstances would
he harbor him.
Deputy Sheriff Baker took a change for
the worse last evening and his fever in
creased. He had been getting along nicely
but the arrival of a sister Is thought to
have excited htm and caused a rise In his
Matters la District Coart.
Judge Wheeler heard yeaterday tha ap
plications to commit Otto Roderick and
Even Fegley to the Hospital for Dipso
maniacs at Mount Pleasant. He took both
cases under advisement. Roderick was
night, when Mayor Morgan was Instructed represented at the hearing by counsel and
to call a special election on June $ for the
purpose of submitting to the people the
question of granting to the Western Iowa
Independent Telephone, Telegraph and Ter
minal company a franchise for an Indepen
dent telephone system In this city, has been
questioned. It la contended that a resolu
tion or motion Involving the granting of a
franchise or contract between the city and
a corporation requires the vote of a ma
jority of the city council, which waa not
the case Saturday night, aa three aldermen
were absent and one voted against the motion.
The Western Iowa Independent Tele
phone company, In view of the fact that
there Is some question as to the validity of
the city council's action, has decided to run
no risk In the matter and membera of the
company were busy yesterday circulating
petitions. These petitions must bear the
namea of twenty-live bonafide property
owners In each ward and If theee are se
cured the mayor, on the petitions being
Mrs. Albla Haeter
Will give a grand display In light summer
hata on Friday and Saturday, May 16 and
Id. at 321 Broadway.
Real K.tate Traaafera.
These transfers were filed yesterday In
the abstract, title and loan office of J. W.
Squire. 1U Pearl street:
John Menefee and wife to school town
ship of Wright, 1 acre In ne corner 21-7R-3S
w. d $13
John L. Wilson to Peter F. Howell, part
ne4 aw4 14-77-3. w. d 850
Baine tn Thomas F. Anaresen, part n4
aw 14-77-39. w. d..... 1354
County treasurer to J. v. Ertmundson,
undlv 23-30 lot (. block 1. Hagg s 1st
add, t. d. , 61
Total four transfers
Feathers Renovated
We are prepared to do this work te per
fection, la connection with aur dyeing busi
ness. Usa Curtains. Cleaned and
Pcriiers Claansd and Oyei.
Our method Is te give complete tettafae-
Moa. Come la Inspect our work If yoa
want to see what wa aaa da la the way at
fine work.
Ogden Steam Dye Works
301 Broadway, Council Bluff, la.
Wert tailed fer aj delWcrtl 'Msaa TaU
Peart St.. Council Bljffa.
'Phone 7
made a vigorous fight for his liberty. John
Alexander and Bill Lookablll, the other
two alleged chronic drunkards, will have
their heating today.
Allen Reed, Indicted a year ago on a
charge of lewdness, entered a plea of
guilty yesterday and waa sentenced to
j ninety dsys In the county Jail. Estella
Fenr, MS aiiegea partner in me onenm,
was arraigned and pleaded not guilty. She
demanded that she be given a trial aa soon
as possible.
The trial of Henry Hall, indicted on a
charge of breaking Into ' a Northweatern
freight car o'n the night of March t7 last
and stealing forty cases of loaded shells,
was continued at the defendant's request
until next term.
Doings at Elks Clnb.
There will ha things doing tonight st
the Elks' club house In honor of the offi
cial visit of District Deputy Fred C. Rob
inson of Dubuque. Grand Exalted Ruler
preaented to him, must then issue the call George P. Cronk has notified the lodge of
for a special election. He has no alterna- , his Intention of being present and the com
tlve in the matter provided the Interested mlttee on entertainment la arranging for
party or parties seeking the franchise de-! an elaborate social session, which will be
posit with the city clerk the estimated ex- held at the close of the business meeting,
penses of such election. An Interesting program Is being prepared
It waa stated yesterday evening that the and a spread for which the Elks' club is
petitions bearing the requisite number of ! noted will not be one of the least note-
Dootar Said to Hare Spent a fortune
Tighting for Hia Freedom.
Railroad Me a Report Eaeeselva Melat
are la Delaying Faraa Work la
Northera Pertloa at
(From a Staff Correspondent)
DES MOINES. May 13-(8peclal.)-The
famous case of the state against Dr. J. W.
Crofford of Decatur county was submitted
to the state supreme court today by his
attorney, M. E. Temple of Osceola, and
the attorney general of the state. The
caae Is one which has had a great deal of
publicity. Crofford run a sanitarium and
Maud Stone died there and he waa con
victed of murder In the second degree for
being the cause of her death. At the same
time it was shown that he had been once
convicted In Missouri of an offense against
the United States laws. The Btata Board
of Medical examiners revoked his certifi
cate to practice. In order to get ball while
securing an appeal to the court for a eee
ond trial It became necessary to change
the laws of the stste and this was done
and he gave bail. Then he demanded re
instatement as a physician and thla was
refused, but he returned to tho practice
of i his profession. Today the case came
before the court on application for a new
trial on several important grounds of gen
eral Interest In all criminal cases. Crofford
was at the beginning of the litigation quite
wealthy but It ia stated that he has apent
most of his means in the defense of the
Coart Readers Decisions.
The eupreme court today directed a re
versal in a caae from 8Ioux City, that of
the Mercantile Realty company' against
Stetson, involving land on which there
had been a mortgage of 1400,000. An at
tempt waa made to foreclose and a receiver
was appointed who did make a sale. The
court today upheld this sale and directed
an Injunction to prevent the sheriff from
selling on execution. In the case of Car
ver against Minneapolis ft St. Louis rail
road, the court upheld a Judgment for
personal Injury damages to a mall carrier
who waa hit by mall bags thrown from a
ear at the stating of ntho The railroad
company waa held liable. In the case of
Bell against town of Clarion a Judgment
for 33,500 on account of personal injury
on a aldewalk waa upheld.
Want Des Molnea Laboring: Mta,
Advertisements were inserted In Des
Moines newspapers today aaklng for labor
ing men to go to Omaha to work, taking
the place of strikers, and guaranteeing
them protection In their labor. The ad
vertlaementa called for teams with drivers
and drivers alone and offered a premium
for those who would work during the labor
troubles. The. publication of the adver
tisements brought forth a atrong protest
from labor union men and a determination
to prevent men going there. At tha same
time it was announced that the situation
In regard to tha controversy here' ova; the
wage scale ' foe the lathers has grown
worse! FoufVyadtng firms have given it
out cold that they will not pay the ad
vance and they, are engaged in ' bringing
in outaiders to' do work on their contracts
and declare they will protect them to tha
f ulleet.
Rain In Northern Iowa.
C. H. Norther, traveling freight agent
for the Minneapolis ft St. Louis company,
with headquarters at Minneapolis, was In
the city today 'on business connected with
freight traffic. Mr. Norther, who has been
over a large portion of northern Iowa,
stated that corn planting was greatly de
layed by continued rainfall. Large areas
of land altuated In the three northern tiers
of counties, he said, were under water.
Much of the land which It is expected to
plant to corn waa too wet to allow It to be
plowed last fall, and the work waa neces
sarily delayed until thla spring. The rain
fall has not abated to an extent that will
permit of plowing and unless a cessation
In rain cornea soon, thousanda of acres will
remain unplanted this seaaon.
Governor Speaks in Audubon.
Governor Cummins went to Audubon to
day, where this evening he was to address
a high school commencement. From there
he will go over to Manning on a special
train in the morning to meet the special
train of the Dee Molnea Shrlners on their
way to Sioux City to attend a meeting of
the Za-Oa-Zlg temple there on Thursday.
Tha governor wis on the program for the
banquet to the German party at Ames Isst
right, but was unable to go.
Claim Ja4gaea fcy Defaalt.
An Interesting question Is to be presented
by attorneys to Judge McPherson In the
federal court next week, upon which will
hinge tha fate of a $50,000 damage case.
Thla ia the case of the Bankers Mutual
Caaualty company of this city against the
Ocean Accident Guaranty of Lon
don, a suit In which the Des Moines com
pany clalma the damages on account of al.
leged malicious utterances sgalnst the
plaintiff, which were charged to be libelous
and damaging. The case waa orjglnally
brought In this county In district court,
but transferred to the federal court. The
plaintiff claims Judgment for the 160,000 by
default, but the defendant clalma that no
notice was ever properly, served. It ap
peara that an official of the company from
Minneapolis was caught in Iowa and aerved
with notice and it Is claimed this waa not
a sufficient notice, but that he must have
been served in Minnesota. Tha point w
considered so Important that Judge Mc
Pherson asked for written arguments to
be presented ;
' " Mew Corporations.
The Burial League of the United States
of Camden, N. J., has asked to be Incor
porated In the state of Iowa. The business
Is to conduct a method of Insuring ex
penses of funerals to the amount of $100.
The Western Construction company of
Davenport haa been incorporated; capital.
310.000; E. J. Daugherty, president; C. O.
Hlparll, secretary.
The, Farmersburg, St. Olof and Wagner
Telephone company has been Incorporated
In Iowa; capital, fSlO; by Henry Engelhert
and others.
Dubuque Turbine and Roller Mill com
pany has been Incorporated; capital, $100,-
000; filed amendments to the articles.
Iowa Towa Anxlona to Keep Rail
way Coadaetora' National
PITTSBURG. Pa.. May IS. While It has
not yet reached the organization officially,
seriously divergence of opinion over the
location of the national headquarters haa
developed in the Order of Railway Con
ductors now In biennial convention here.
Cedar Rapids. Ia , Is the traditional head
quarters of the order. Waehlngton Is being
boomed for the honor by a large contingent,
but its claims are being fought as bitterly
aa they are being strongly advocated. The
Cedar Rapid's Commercial club, the Board
of trade of that city, has rented permanent
headquarters adjoining the other headquar
ters rooms of the convention in the Monon
gahela house in this city and Is making
the fight cf its eltence to keep the order
In Cedar Rapids.
The delegates spent the morning inspect
ing the worke of the Pittsburg Plate Glass
company at Charterer.
Hear Mme. Nordic sing at the Ak-8ar-Ben
den Friday night.
signers would be preaented to Mayor Mor
gan today with a request that he call the
election for June 8, the date previously de
cided upon. The call will have to be pub
lished In two papers publlahed In the city.
once each week for four auccesslve weeks.
Mayor Morgan was prepared to Issue the
cell for the election under the motion of tha
city council laat Saturday night, as he waa i
or the opinion such action was sufficient
and valid. He was waiting, however, for
the company to depoait the expenses of the
election when notified yeaterday that the
company, to make matters doubly euro,
was securing the petitions.
worthy featurea of the occasion.
Reeelnd sidewalk Award.
Before adjourning yesterday until the reg
ular June session the Board of Count v
Supervisors rescinded Its action in award
ing the contract for laying tha new cement
aldewalk around the court house to Peter
Nelson, and tha county auditor waa in
structed to readvertlse for bids. Th.r.
appeared to be aome misunderstanding as
io ine disposition or the old aldewalk
brick. These tha supervisors learned were
worth tS or t per 1.000 and contractors
must take this Into account In bidding on
the new work.
Dr. D. F. Emmert's claim or 3105 for at
tending smallpox cases In the east end of
the county wae cut down to 15. A similar
claim or Dr. O. A. Spauldlng waa cut rrom
$90 60 to r M.
The greater part or yesterday's session
waa devoted to the dlaeusalon of mstters
In connection with the new poor fsrm.
Shrtaere Oft for llesi City.
A number or Council Bluffs Masons will
Join the special Shrtners' train to Sioux
City today. The train la expected to leave
Council Bluffs at 1:1 p. m. J. C. Mitchell,
local agent tor tha Northwestern., has
charge of the local arrangements for the
specie! and will be one of the party to go
from here. Others from Council Bluffs will
be: Congressman Walter I. Smith. City
Treaaurer Frank T. True. Deputy County
Treasurer Emil Leffert. I. M. Treynor. H.
W. Binder, C. Konlgmacher. W. H. Frltch
man. R. C. Peregoy. H. J. Edwarda. James
Anderson. Dr. Earl Bellinger, George H.
Carter, Albln Huster, H. A. Cox, J. B.
Brooks, F. J. Pierce, W. 8. Baird. A. D.
Teamatera File a Proteat.
Nothing developed In connection with the
atrlke yeaterday, but laat night a com
mittee from the teamatera waited on the
bricklayers and reported that Contractor
Wlckham is ualng unfair teams to haul
brick to the different buildings he la work
ing on. A committee of the bricklayers
will wait on Mr. Wlckham during the
Eight Cara Jimp lata River.
WEB8TER CITY. Ia.. May 18.-Special
Telegram.) An extra westbound freight
train over the Chicago Northwestern
Una wss wrecked on the high bridge tn
Dayton hollow this morning at 10 o'clock.
No Uvea were lost, but the bridge ia badly
damaged and traffic stopped. The train
was In charge of Conductor A. Seller and
Engineer C. F. Selvert, both of Carroll.
As the heavy freight struck tha bridge
a flange of a car midway la the train
broke and twelve cara Jumped the track,
eight of which went Into the Dea Molnea
river below. Tha wrecking crews In charge
of Superintendent W. D. Hodge or Sioux
City have worked upon the bridge all day
and will probably be employed all tomor
row before; any traffic can go through. The
damage cannot be estimated but will run
to many thouaande of dollars.
Raise Funds for School.
DENISON. la.. May 13. (Special.) A
citlsens' mase meeting was. held at the city
hall laat night for the purpose of raising
funda for the Denlson Normal college.
There has been a feeling among the busi
ness men for some time that the school
has greatly deteriorated during tha paat
few yeara on account of the lack of funds.
and they realise that unless they rally
to Its support the college will have to be
On account of the rain only about sev
enty ctlxena attended the meeting, but
before adjourning 11.200 wae pledged, and
a committee appointed to solicit those who
were not In attendance.
Latter Carriers Select Officers.
CLINTON. Ia.. May 13. (Special Tele
gram.) At the meeting of the Iowa State
Letter Carriers' association held here today'
the following officers were elected: Presi
dent, N. M. Devine, Clinton; vice presi
dent, Thomas J. Burns, Dubuque; secre
tary, W. J. Keller, Waterloo; treasurer.
W. F. Boardman. Marshalltown; sergeant
at-arms, F. J. Greenwood, Webster City;
delegate to national convention, John
Miner. Davenport. The next convention
will be held in Waterloo.
It you wish to be always satisfied, order
no other champagne than Cook'a Imperial
Bxtra Dry. It has quality and purity,
Laeate Library la River.
WATERLOO, Ia.. May 13.-(8peclal.)-By
a vote of to 2, the city council of Water'
loo hae decided to locate the Carnegie 11'
brary in the middle of the river. A con-
teat between the east and west sides pre
vented a location on either side of the
river. .
Hear Mme. Nordic sing at tha Ak-Sar-Ben
den Friday night.
DAY & HESS. Council Bluffs
Money to loan cn Real Estate;
lowest rates; funds on band.
Mortgage Investments for sale.
Call on or writs us If you bars
money to Invest, either la mortgages,
bonds or real estate. Real property
csred for.
Bmsll farm near city at a bargain.
We have for sale the finest little
Fruit Farm, with good buildings,
near city, which wa would like to
show. .
Also flnefarra for sale.
DAY & HESS, Council Bluffs
House and lot la Council Bluffs cheap.
Is to love children, and no
home can be completely
happy without them, yet the '
ordeal through which the ex- J
pectant mother must pass usually is
so full of suffering, danger and fear
that she looks forward to the critical
hour with apprehension and dread.
Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties,
allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and
so prepares the system lor the
ordeal that she passes through
the event safely and with but
little suffering, as numbers
have testified and said, "it is
worth its weight in gold." $1.00 per
bottle of druggists. Book containing
valuable information mailed free.
an unpleasant leeim&s, tuiu
May 3 and May 11 to 18, in
clusive, the Burlington sells
round trip tickets to San Fran
cisco and Los Angeles; return
limit July 15th; stopovers al
lowed. A chance to see Denver, Col
orado's scenery, Salt Lake City
and a hundred attractire points
of interest very cheaply. .
The Burlington is the Scenic
Koute to California." Through
standard and tourist sleepers.
Let me send or give you our
free California publication.
City Passenger Agent,
iouz rarnam ai., umana, mou. n
TO'1'" '""'" tlgal' ' M" -' '"' W-L- tWManyr
A few vacant rooms
and only a few
' However, among these are one very
choice room and some small, but
very desirable rooms.
All these offices have the advantage, without extra
charge, of splendid janitor service all night and Sunday
elevator service, electric lights, hardwood finish, and the
best of office neighbors.
Two Rooms at $10 Per rionth A 5ulte of Two Rooms On
These rooms are rather email, the fifth floor. Theee rooms are
but so Is the rental price. They both falr-slsed rooms and have
IiT.Tf!i.lSfte.Bd ar been new,y Crated, so that
edly attractive little rooms. The they are particularly attractive,
rental price Inc udea heat, light. xbe pr1ce per month -, s
water and janitor aervlce and for the two rooms2rS
all the advantages of -v i '
being la The Bee IJ
Bldg. Price per month '
A Oood Sized Room With Vaul1 An Office on the Clround Floor
--This room, besides having a This office faces Seventeenth
large burglar-proof vault, le lo- street. It la large, light and haa
cated next to the elevator on the been newly decorated. The
fourth floor. It la the only room rental price Includes light,
of thla character In the build- water and janitor service. IV ha
lng that Is vacant and one of a very large burglar-proof vcilt.
the few rooms at thla prlco with Tart of this room vla
a vault It Is pleas- O partitioned off aa aCg A
ant. good-alzed room I 4 private office. Price ri 5
Price per month v-r per month .
R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents
Ground Floor, Bee Building.
Ditch ta Cross Railroad.
ONAWA. Ia.. May It (Special Tele
gram.) Arrangementa have been perfected
between the Milwaukee Railroad company
and the contractor on the Woodbury-Monona
ditch for croaalng the tracks and
right of way nest Sunday. .The work will
commence at I a. nv. Immediately after
the fast trains have paased and It la
planned now to complete the work so that
trains can be running in ten and one-half
hours. The crossing la about ona and one
half miles northwest of Grant Center. The
railroad company will have a force of
experienced workmen on the ground and
It is hoped to accomplish the work with
little delay to trains The ditch la forty
feet wide aad ten feet deep and Is made
by a ateam dredge and the croaalng haa
beea a aerieua problem en account of the
delay ta trafflo. t
lrtd along wearily ia.Uad. My appetite failed me aad I lost
into aaa stomacn wan. bearing down
hod aoor. profuse and 1 1
rhyslolan. aad I took medieia. .noagn to kill
Borrow. Mass.. Ul Bhswmut At.., Oct. K, 1902.
nerailr deelin. I teemed to Iom tbe Usbt step ana
neii.. tarousa my u
now became more and sjor.
nith and Lrsnrth. I wu n.rvou. and bad .hooting ha&dutie. added to mr mlurr. Tbe monilrual
After I aad beea married about for months I felt my bealta g
a wi BwaiBiai wkiii pi viaio m wvm - - - - - . t -
Cardal. Ia afaw day. I fel a cbaag. for tbe better. m seneral neaiio lmproTeo moa w.. neat wm. F..
as more natural and I was in las. pais. UradoallT t reeorerea mj naeivu aua u t"
take aa ooeastoaal dose of Win. of Cardui which keep, me w.lL I am happy to glv. you tbi. endonemeut.
lomacb wbil. bearing down pain. and oonaiaot neaaacne. how w mj " , T " ;
profuse end I was unlit to attend to my daily dnti... My buabaad 01 led in three different
ia. .noagn to kill oreureadox.n woman, but It all had no eOeot on m. whatever, until 1 took
U- my Bow w
health. I
Wine of Cardui brought Mrs. Ricker good health. That is why
she hat to much faith in it that the never it without Wine of Cardui
in her house.
The first months following marriage are full of peril for the young
wife and a dote of Wine of Cardui every day it a (Treat reinforcement to
her strength. Why don't you try for the same health Mrt. Ricker hat?
It it easy to secure if you take W ine of Cardui according to directions.
Wine of Cardui strengthen! weak and worn-out women of any age and
assists the mother and housewife to bear her exacting duties. It is a
ffreat strain to give birth to children and to perform housework, but
Wine of Cardui makes women fit for all the duties of womanhood.
It will relieve tbe paint of irregularity, cures falling of the womb,
IcucorxhcM, ovarian troubles, and hat been known to remove what phy;
ticiant contidered dangerout tumort. Women who use Wine of Cardui
do not euffer at the monthly periodt. No thock or ttrain layt them up
hysterical attackt. because Wine of Cardui gives them strong nerves freed from the irritation of female euffer in g
A 91 .Ul Dotue or. "n A faw e-av aa a- r
of Cardui purchased from your ! fl Yrfff"
wiUkeepyoafreel j LU
Pruidtnt Back-Bay Wemen't Cluh,
Boston, Mail,
mm )