Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 14, 1903 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. The Omaha BOYCOTT TWO-EDGED Kama Cit Employer Seek to Break Union with Laborer' Method. BREWER REFUSING BEER LOSES ICE Firm Whioh Aid Ilea Find Business Door hnt Agaicrt It. GREAT NORTHERN STRIKE POSTPONID Merchant Open Negotiation in Endearor to 8jttl Dispute. DENVER RESTAURANTS CLOSED TIGHT Walter, Butchers, Cooke and Bakers tart War Which May Involvu All Trades la Colorado Metropolis, KANSAS CITT, May tt The (.000 employers of labor In Kansas City have banded together to fight those labor unions which use the boycott to gain their enda,' and have organized "The Employers' as sociation." The association today decided to refuse to deliver goods to places where nonunion men or nonunion made goods are discrim inated against. This action followed the refusal of a brewing company, employing union men, to deliver beer to a hotel bar until the union was recognized. A member of the association retaliated by refusing to deliver ice to the saloons handling this particular company's beer, with a result that the delivery of beer to the offending hotel was immediately resumed. Several persistent boycotts have been Isld against restaurants and various branches of trade In Kansas City within tne past year, because of the refusal of the employers to recognise unions. Strive to Stop Walkoat. ST. PAUL. May IS. Representative busi ness men from Minneapolis and St. Paul to the number of nearly forty met today the Great Northern trainmen's grievance committee. The meeting had been called by J. W. Cooper, president of the Bt. Paul jobbers' committee, who stated that I strike would be destructive to northwest ern business interests and that the bull ness man of the northwest were vitally Interested in bringing about an amicable settlement of the differences between the railroad men and employers. Messrs. Garretson and Newman, repre senting the Brothethood organisations, were present and avowed themselves anxious to avoid any action that would work hard ship to any Interest, while at the same time determined to protect the men they repre sented. After a preliminary open meeting the doors were closed and the matter was further considered in executive Session. When tha conference finally adjourned it was announced that nothing definite had been decided, but the negotiations-would be continued tomorrow, and . meanwhile no strike Would be declared. PITTSBURGH May IS. There la no probability of an early adjournment of the strike of the brlckmaker and clay miners. Prom Indications the fight will be a long one, as the Harbison-Walker Refractory company Is determined to ignore the union. The Harbison-Walker company Intends to try to run Its plants with nonunion men, 160 of whom were taken from New York to Clearfield yesterday. - They were met by strikers who persuaded them not to go to work. . D.ivcr Restaurants Closed. DENVER, May 13. Two hundred cooks, (00 waiters, 500 butchers and ISO bakers wr called out on strike this morning by ths Pure Foods Council. Neasly all the restaurant In the city are closed. The butchers walk out Include thoso employed at the Stock yards and many of the meat market The union bakers were called out from not only the housea deemed un fair, but also those against which labor has no grievance. Tonight the retail clerks and International stationary snglneers will hold a meeting to vote on the question of Joining In the strike. It is feared that these movements will inaugurate a general strike of all the union laborers Of the city. The cause of the trouble Is the refusal of various bakeries and grocers to make contracts with the union. Railroad Employes Quit. CHICAGO, III., May IS. Four hundred blacksmiths and their helpers employed In ths shops of the Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific railroad, and the same number In ths shops of the Chicago de Northwestern railroad, struck today after being refused an advance in wages. The strike of cable splicers of the tele- ' phone companies, which has been In fores for several weeks, has spread to the under ground pullers, tha latter having refused today to continue at work. Strlko at sv Funeral. TOLEDO, O., May IS. During the funeral services over the remains of Mrs. Mary Kamra here the drivers of hacks struck and refused to work because the hearse was being driven by an nonunion man. The of ficiating undertakers filled the strikers' places Juat In time to prevent a scene as the casket was being taken to the hearse. Nonunion Trainman Mobile LI MOBILE, May IS A local freight train left over the Mobile Ohio this morn Ing manned by nonunion men, brought to Mobile to take the places of the strikers. During the past two days forty nonunion men have been brought here and the ma jority of them have gone to work. The railroad officials say they will have all trains running as usual in a short time. No violence of any kind has occurred at Mobile and none baa been reported today from any where on the line. Switchmen Are Enjoined. SPRINGFIELD. HI.. May ll-Mr. Leek of the firm Larsen A Leek, this afternoon se cured from Judge Humphrey In the United States circuit court, on behalf of the Mobile dt Ohio railroad, an injunction restraining E. B. Clark and X other striking switch men yardmen snd other employes of the road from Interfering with the operation of the road by stopping trains, picketing yards or assembling in large numbers or Interfering In any other manner. TAKE UP THE LABOR QUESTION Members of Arbitration Committee of Rational Ctvlo Federation Die cms Situation. NEW TORK. May lS.-Member of the arbitration committee of the National Civic Federation held their semi-annual meeting In this city today. It was an excutlvs (Continued on Second Page.) INTERNATIONAL MEET OFF Athletic Contest Between Amerleaa Ml English Inlversltles Will Not Take Flaee. LONDON, May 13. The Oxford-Cambridge Athletic authorities hive received a cable message from the athletic authori ties of Tale announcing: that the proposed Inter-unlverslty athletic contest In Lon don durl-' the month of July Is declined. owing "yard's refusal to participate In It. V '''J CAMBRIl f'Vtss., May l.-Prof. Ira N. Hlllls of V -rvard athletic com mittee said todaj O Marvard had never understood that tfu Ush universities were anxious for the '"tin universi ties to meet them In track 'c contests. "We understand," he salo, itt Oxford and Cambridge were willing i send us a challenge If we denlred. We have never ex pressed a desire for an International meet this year and have not received an out and out challenge. It seems that a letter was received by some one In New York con veying the Idea. As I hsve said, if Har vard and Yale were willing, then the Eng lish universities would extend the chal lenge. We got the impression that they wore not particularly anxious for the meet. We feel also that the plan for an Inter national meet, which was worked up wholly on this side of the Atlantic, was proposed too late. We look upon these games merely from the point of view as to whether they promote athletics and when an oppor tunity to hold athletic games comes so late in the term we usually reject It." NEW HAVEN, Conn., May 13.-The Yale News today says that when the challenge for an International track meet was re ceived from the English universities the matter was placed In the hands of the Yale track management snd the Harvard athletic committee, and everything seemed to point to the acceptance of the chal lenge. Yale was - strongly In favor of sending a team abroad, and from all that could be learned, there seemed little doubt that Harvard would Join Yale. Word was, however, received from the Harvard ath letic committee that It had decided not to accept. IMPERIAL TROOPS CONQUER Government Forces Are Vletors la a Battle with Attacking: Tribes men at Tetuan. MADRID, May IS A dispatch from Cepta, Morocco, announces that the tribes men who attacked Tetuan Monday were repulsed. They stubbornly fought their way through the suburbs to the foot of the walls, but the imperial troops eventually regained their lost positions and drove off the rebels with heavy losses on both sides. A later dispatch from Ceuta says a cour ier who has arrived there by sea from Tetaan states that the battle was sus pended in order to allow the opposing forces to bury their dead, numbering S00. Many heads are displayed on the walls of Tetuan, which still has three days' supply of ammunition. . Dlspatehes from Tangier announce that the imperial forces have routed the rebel mountaineers near Fes, Inflicting great losses on the enemy. MASSACRE , DETAILS; "DREADFUL Reports at tha Klahonev Slaughter Show a Horrible Condition of Affairs. ST. PETERSBURG!. May II Additional details of the Kishinev massacre of Jewe are printed here dally. The correspondents give the number of victims thus far burled in the Jewish cemetery at forty-four and say that eighty-four persons, seriously in jured, are still In the Jewish hospital. The horror" reported scarcely bear repeti tion. In one Instance spike were driven through a woman's head In the floor and cases of bodily mutilation have been au thenticated. About 800 to 1,000 persons were arrested, an energetlo official having been sent from Odessa to deal with the situation. The apathy of the local authorities during the two days of rapine and murder appears to have been fully established. LAUNCH LARGEST BATTLESHIP Hnge Row Vessel for the British Navy la Floated at Clyde. LONDON, May 13. Commonwealth, the largest battleship afloat, was launched at Govan. on the Clyde, today. It is the first - vessel of the British navy to have its ten-Inch guns protected by an extended barbette Instead of by casemates. Its other armament consists of four twelve-Inch guns, four nine and one-half-lnch guns and twenty-four small guns. The new battle ship's speed la to be 18.1 knots per hour and it will carry a crew of 755 men. Com monwealth Is of 18.350 tons displacement and its engines are to be of 18,000 horse power. ANOTHER WHITEJLAGUE CURE German Doctor Announces Still One Mora Remedy for Cos. sumption. BERLIN, May 13. The Berlin Medical society announces a new remedy for con sumption called sanostn. Dr. Danellus of Sommerfeld read a paper on the cure before the society and showed that a number of patients, mostly working men, had been cured of conaumptlon with out Interference with their work. Sanosin prevents coughing, fever and night sweats and results in the patient gaining weight. Even In severe cases the progress of the disease has been arrested. The remedy was discovered by Dr. Robert Schneider. VATICAN OPPOSED TO FRIARS Philippine Religions Orders Aro Rot Viewed with Favor at Ilo'-r See. ROME, May IS. Various documents re ceived by. the Vatican and Individual cardi nals by every mall from the Philippines show the enmity between the secular clergy and the frisrs ts far from abating. The general feeling In the Vatican is un favorable to the friars, although they have strong supporter!, led by Cardinal Vives Y. Tuto. who is Indefatigable In help ing them. POLICE FIND EXPLOSIVES Gnapowder and Dnamlto Hidden by the Revolutionists I nearthed la Salonlea. SOLON IC A, Msy 1J -The police have un earthed 700 pounds of dynamite and quanti ties of gun powdei secreted by the revolutionists. CUTS DOWN MEDICAL FEES Workmen Decide Twenty-Five Cent Per Head Enough for Grand Examiner. PER CAPITA TAX RAISED FIFTY CENTS EACH Osncers Elected at Afternoon Session and Mach-Other Miscellaneous Bnslness Is Transacted. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., May 11 (Spe cial.) The grand lodge. Ancient Order of United Workmen, resumed its . sessions shortly after 9 o'clock this morning. The first order of business taken up was the appointment of the election board, consist ing of J. C. Morehead, chairman; McCoy, Ennls, Stump, Stltts, Lonsburg, Golden, Ofe, Kellher and Gallagher. W. 11. Miller, supreme grand master workman of Missouri, was called to the chair and presided for a brief time. The lodge proceeded to a further dis cussion of the question of reducing the feee of the grand medical examiner from 80 to 25 cents, the question being brought up on a resolution Introduced yesterday afternoon and under discussion when the grand lodge adjourned for the day last evening. Upon vote the resolution was adopted and the emoluments of the office will hereafter be . only one-half of what they formerly were. Greetings by wire from tha grand lodge sessions of Iowa and Colorado were re ceived as follows: 6IOUX CITY. la.. May 13. Jacob Jaska lek. Grand Master Workman, Grand Island, Neo. ; fraternal KretuitiHii irum luwu grand lodge. Beat wishes tor future pros perity. COM3RADO SPRINGS, May 13. To the Grand Lodge, Ancient Order of United Workmen, Grand island, Neb.: Frateriuu greetings and best wishes for your future prosperity. It was decided to Increase the per capita tax from $1 to 11.60. After a spirited discussion the proposl tton to change the representation by divid ing the state Into districts and reducing the representation from one delegate for each seventy-five votes to one delegate for each 200 votes, was defeated. The resolution looking to ' the appoint' ment of a general attorney for the organ ization was defeated. The resolution to continue the deputy system was carried. It was decided that all moneys received on petitions tor aid shall pass through the hands of the grand recorder, The grand lodge then proceeded to the question or locating the next grand lodge session and selected South Omaha as the place. There were as contestants the cities of Columbus and Beatrice. The following were appointed as memo rial committee: James Fa mil, n. D. Sutherland and Smith Western. j no arternoon session was opened by a short address by Supreme Foreman Mil ler explaining the trorosltlon nf the' - tabllshment of the fraternity temple at the St. Louis exposition and but little discus- slon was required to lead the lodge to adopt a resolution appropriating $600 toward ufVv-niusenient have ,.ade great inroads on our ictlon. ' . . tay conRregat,on.. v . erection. " The report of the memorial committee, .memorialising--the departed of '.the .order during the past year was read and adopted. Election of Officers. The election of grand lodge officers now proceeded. The ballot was after the Aus tralisn form, with the exception that It required a majority of all votes cast and the considerable number of candidates for the offices of grand receiver and grand examiner made subsequent ballots neces sary. While each successive ballot was counted other business was taken up. The report of the auditing committee on the accounts of the grand receiver, Frank J. Morgan, and the grand recorder, S. R. Barton, finding the same to be correct and In most satisfactory condition was read and adopted. The matter of the publication of the Nebraska Workman, the organ of the organisation, was discussed at considerable length but the entire matter was finally left to the finance committee to arrange for as heretofore as may to them seem best. The election of officers resulted as fol lows, four ballots being taken. Grand mas ter workman, Jacob Jaskalek, South Omaha: grand foreman, George M. Mor dock, Nebraska City; grand overseer, J. D. Brayton, Baasett; recorder, Silas R. Bar ton, Aurora; receiver, Frank J. Morgan, Plattsmouth; guide, J. C McEIhlnney, Lyons; watchman, C. R. Gray, Herman; medical examiner, F. E. Way, Wahoo; trustee, I. W. Alter, Wayne; supreme lodge representatives, George H. Barber, Edgar; Jacob Jaskalek, South Omaha, and O. J. Van Dyke, Grand Island; committee on law, C. H. Denny, Fairbury; J. C. Dort, Pawnee City; H. M. Waring, Lincoln. The bonds of the incoming officer! were fixed the "same as for the previous two years and the newly elected officers were Installed and the grand lodge adjourned to attend a concert given at the opera house this evening complimentary to the visitors. WORKMEN ELECT OFFICERS Grand Lodge at Sloaz City Names Its List of Loaders. SIOUX CITY, la.. May 13. (Special Tele gram.) The election of officers of the grand lodge. Ancient Order of United Workmen, resulted as follows: Will M. Narvls, Muscatine, grand master work man; George Heck, Burlington, grand overseer; B. F. Rehkopf, Dea Moines, grand recorder; Henry Mlchelstetter, Bloux City, grsnd receiver; L. Southard, Shenandoah, grand Inside watchman. Representatives to supreme lodge, W. H.- Berry, Indlanola; B. F. Carroll, Ies Moines, and B. F. Rehkopf, Des Moines. At the afternoon session Davenport was selected as the next place of meeting. A proposition to hold biennial sessions was voted down. It was decided to make the report of one medical examiner Instead of two sufficient for entrance to membership. LIVELY CONTEST FOR OFFICE South Dakota Workmen Elect Fred B. Smith Over George Sehlosser. LEAD, 8. D.. May 13.-(Speclal Tele gram.) After a spirited contest between Fred B. Smith of Hecla and George Sehlos ser of Sioux Falls. . the delegates to the Ancient Order United Workmen grand lodge re-elected Smith. The following gen tlemen were selected for the other ofTices: P. M. Simmons, Huron, grand foreman; Olaf Nelson, Tank ton, overseer; G. A. Skinner. Watertown. guide; T. B. Blaine, Ashton, receiver, re-elected; Alexander Friser. Lead, tnstde watch; C. Cardinal, Minnesela, outside watch. The order has hsd a net galii of 1.410 members during the year. Five hundred delegate are in attendance. FOLK'S PROBE SINKING DEEP Former senator 'tells Circuit Attorney Detailed Tale of Boodllue; In BT. LOUIS, May 13. Former State Sena tor Schwclckardt gave circuit Attorney Folk severs! new lends In legislative bnodllng today. Mr.' Bchwelckanit had been suupotnsed by the grand Jury, but did not give evidence, having a long conversa tion with Mr.- Folk instead. In a statement that was reduced to writ ing and signed by Mr. Schwelckardt, he told Mr. Folk that during tha session of ISM he received an envelope front a messenger boy with Instructions not to open it until he had resched his room in Jefferson City. It contained 11.000, with full Instructions what to do with the money. He did not re tain any of It hlmeelf, but divided it equally among four other senators. No statement was made ee to which particular legislation tha 11,000 was to Influence, but It is under stood Senator Schwelckardt said it was In tended to Influence the fete of several bills in that session: The senator Is supposed to have also re vealed something of the plan of operations pursued by the lobby and the senate com bine, i . Senator Schwelckardt' statement will enable Circuit Attorney Folk to get after certain men whom the statute of limitations doea not protect. Senator Morton told the grand Jury today that he was at the Planters' hotel on March 24, 1903, when the $5,000 Is said to have been distributed by an agent of the baking pow der trust. . ' WASHINGTON. May 13,-The State de partment hae notified Governor Dockery of Missouri that it cannot grant its request to secure the extradition of Ellis Waln wrlght, a millionaire brewer of St. Louie who is wanted li. connection with the mu nicipal bribery charges - and who Is sup posed to have fled to France. The obstacle lies In the fact that the French extradition treaty does not enumerate bribery as an extraditable offense. If tha Missouri au thorities can describe ) Watnwrlght'a of fenses under another titit the State depart ment will exert, itself ta' secure his appear ance for trial. ' CHURCH IS JL0SINQ GROUND Bishop Declares Sfaay . of Ration's Best Men Show So Religions Interest. BOSTON, May 13. The 118th annual con vention of the Episcopal church in the diocese of Massachusetts was held today. Bishop William H. Lawrence In his ad dress said: . So far as statistics can show it is doubt ful If the oliurch has been keeping ' pace with the population.. The church is not apparently Increasing in number or power. A great proportion of the Intelligent men and leadors of our communities have no Interest In the church. Many of the finest characters are outside the church. In fidelity, sincere and insincere, is all about us. More than that the interest in com mercial, material, social and intellectual life Is gaining a stronger hold, on ,tha peopie, Trial and financial success. Sport and ueiow u inene jnni'riices are me low-r standards of tanle the grosser , 1m m era Ui lea. , ,-'" ..- -, . v, -.-t In ' view of such conditions the bishop deprecates the discussion now going on in diocesan conventions as to . whether . the name of the church should be changed. . CLEVELAND. O., May 13. -At the annual convention of the clergy and laity of the Episcopal dlocesa of Ohio the question of changing the church name was deadlocked. The clergy favored a change, but the latty did not. PITTSBURG. May 13. By a vote largely In the majority the Pittsburg diocese of the Episcopalian church at Its thirty-eighth an nual meeting today decided against chang ing the church name. INDIANAPOLIS, May 13. The Episcopal diocese of Indianapolis today voted against making any change In the church name. KANSAS CITY. May 13 Thecouncll of the western Missourt diocese of the Protes tant Episcopal church voted today, 28 to 21, In favor of changing the name to that Of "the American Catholic church." This recommendation will be made to the general conference which meets in October. OMAHA MEN ARE HONORED Woodmen of the World Election Gives Many Places to Nebraska.. Metropolis. MILWAUKEE, Wis., May 13. The Wood men of the Wor'd today elected officers as follows: Sovereign adviser, A. Falken burg, Denver; sovereign banker, Congress man Morris Bhepard, Texarkana, Tex.; sovereign clerk, John T. Yates. Omaha; sovereign watchman, B. W. Jewell, Omaha; sovereign escort, H. F. Blmrall, Missourt; sovereign sentry, D. E. Bradahaw. Little Rock, Ark.; sovereign physicians, Drs. Ira W. Porter and A. D. Floyd, Omaha; oov erejgn commander, James R. Cett, Omaha, holds over for feu.' years. The following board of sovereign man agers was elected: W. A. Fraser, Dallas, Tex.; J. E. Fitzgerald, Kansas flty. Mo.; C. C. Farmer. Mount Carroll, ta.: A. B. Lewis, South Carolina; M. Dl Roache, Cleveland. O.; N. B. Maxey. Indian Terri tory: C. K. Irwin. Tomah. Wis. W. A. Falkenburg of Denver ws unani mously indorsed for vice president of the national fraternal congress, which Convenes In this city next August 1 TEARS BIGGEST STORM IN Heavy Rains Aro . Dolnsr Amonnt of Dinaiti Florida. - reat 4 JACKSONVILLE. Fla., May 13. -A heavy northeaster has been blowing for the past few days accompanied by driving rains. Last' night and this morning it was un usually heavy. Reports from the state say much damaae has been done to turpentine camps and phosphate plants. Rig tldei and heavy rslns have flooded the lower portions of Jacksonville and boats are being used on several streets. The terminal station and all the approaches are under water. In the nllroad yards the waters are rush ing through at a six-mile speed. The total rain fall for the past twenty-four hours was (.40 inches. No trains have arrived to day. Reports from the state ey all rail, roads are In bad shape from the flooding of tracks. The storm is the worst for years. Many houses In the negro section were washed sway. BUFFALO FJRE FATALITY Lieutenant William Clark Soecanibs to His Injuries Loss Two Hundred Thousand. BUFFALO, May 13.-Flret Lieu tenant William Clark, who was Injured In tha Diamond Mills fire last night, died to day. The loss Is estimated todiy at L00, 000, partly covered by tnsuraooe. FREMONT GREETS VETERANS 0i iisna Make Etery Effort to Ears tb Encampment a Pleasant One. SOCIAL FEATURES TAKE UP FIRST DAY Bnslness Session Comes This Morning and Officers tor the Ensuing . Year Aro to Bo Elect od. FREMONT, Neb., May IS. (Special.) Fremont la thronged with veterans of the 'KOs and the hospitality of its citisens Is unbounded. The members -of the Grand Army of the Republic, of the Women's Re lief Corpe and lodges of the Grand Army of the Republic began assembling yester day evening, snd the hotele are taxed to their utmost. Grlssled veterans with their wealth of badges are manifest everywhere and welcoming flags greet them from every quarter. Comrades have met and greeted each other who have not met for a generation. The encampment Is one of the most largely attended held in the state for many years. The twenty-seventh annual, encampment of the Nebraska department Grand Army of the Republic, began last evening with a reception to the visitors by the citisens of Fremont at ths Congregational church. The organisations participating were the Fremont Commercial club and Bone and Daughters of the American Revolution. There was no attempt at carrying out a program' and the occasion was devoted to the welcoming of the visitors, both the G. A. R., W. R. C. and ladles of the O. A. R. .Light refreshments were served and the affair was a most cordial and delightful This morning was given over largely to the reception of delegates and meeting of the committee on credentials and of other courses of administration. Formal Meeting; In Afternoon. . The formal meeting of the department encampment convened at 1 o'clock. The Women's Relief Corps convened at the Congregational church at 9:30 a. m.. Department President Mrs. Almee J. Ken ny of Blair, presiding. Tha address of welcome was delivered by Mrs. Minerva Bushnell of Fremont. The Daughters of Veterans. Mrs. Estella Edgecome of York department president, met at' 1:30 a. m. at the Sunday school room of the Congregational church. The address of welcome was delivered by Miss Emma Gay of Fremont. . The ladles of the Grand Army of the Republic, Mrs. Tattle M. Vaughan, de partment president, met at 9:30 a. m. at firemen1 parlors, city hall. The address of welcome was by Commander D. M. Allen of McPherson post of Fremont. At the meeting of the grand army en campment this anernoon .at the Congre gational church,1 Department Commander Calvin F. Steele of Fairbury presided. Mayor George Walla of Fremont delivered an eloquent address of welcome which was responded to by Department Commander Steele. . . - , '. , , , . '. CosamuAdar'o Report.. ' .Department Commander Steele submitted hie annual address at the' assembling ofthe business session this afternoon. It showed that on December 31, 1802, there were 6.3U3 members and 13 posts of the Grand Army In the state. The gain during the year up to the date of their encampment was 6U2 member and a loss of 711. Of this loss 133 were by death, leevlng but 78 by suspen sion. The present membership is 6,161 and 232 posts in good standing. The total loss during the year was, therefore, 208 mem bers. The report pays a brilliant tribute to the Woman'e Relief corps,- auxiliary of ' the Grand Army of the Republic, and to . the Ladles of the Grand Army f the Republic and Daughters and Sons of Veterans, who will later have to taKe up the work of the Grand Army of the Republic. The Grand Army of the Republic posts of the state are specially enjoined to appro prlately observe Memorial day. Special tribute was paid to the memory of Past Department Commander H. C. Russell, who died July 3) last at Schuyler, Neb. There were at the close of the year 1902 41$ veterans at ths Grand Island home and 125 at the Mllford home. The general gov em ment pays $100 per csplta per .year for supposedly one-half of the maintenance of the male Inmates of the state soldiers' homes. In the last two years the state has received $60,667.86. . Since the homes were first established In 1887 the general govern ment has paid Into the state treasury of Nebraska $237,302.16. As a matter of fact the homes do not receive 1 cent of this money. The remainder of Commander Steele's re port refers to the establishment of the Na 1 tlonal sanitarium at Hot Springs, 8. D.; to 1 he progress of military instruction in the ! public schools and to the legislation now In force In twenty-eight states relative .to the desecration of the flag for advertising pur poses. Ksnsas and Idaho were among the western states that still have no laws on this subject. The encsmpment took a recess at t this afternoon until 9 tomorrow morning, when the election of officers will be the special order of business. The Woman' Rolfef corps this afternoon elected Mrs. Helen Ti Cook of Lincoln president, Mrs. Minerva Bushnell of Fremont senior vice president. Mrs. Cl.ira Hall of Brownvllle Junior vice president and Miss Ella Brooks of Lincoln treasurer. The remainder of the officers will be elected tomorrow. Reception and Camp Are. This evening at 7 o'clock a reception was given by the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic at Firemen's hall. The event of the da was the "campflre" given at the opera house, at which the fol lowing program was rendered: Chorus by School Children The Sol dier's Farewell (an American hvmn) Directed by Miss Murllla Maxwell. Invocation Rev. W. H. Buss. Chorus of School Children Tenting To- mKni , .. Directed by Miss Marilla Maxwell. Address by Mrs. Addle Adams Solo The Blue and the Gray Mrs. Marie Martin. Address by General J. C. Black of Chi cago , Elks' Quartet of Omaha Address hy Judge Lee Eitelle of Omaha and Past Department Commander John Ehrhardt of Ktunton Fremont Quartet Misses Maud and Leo: a Murrcll, Messrs. George A. Murrell and L- L. Lease.' Recitation The Old Grand Army Boys.. Miss Ethel Stiles. Considerable dlaappointment was felt over the inability of Governor Mickey to bi present, being celled away by the Illness of a relative. An interesting feature of the campflre was the presence of the Fremont Signal corps In full uniform. , The regular bualness session of the en campment will begin tomorrow, at which time the officers will be elected for the en suing year, their installation following In the evening. Only three candidates have (Continued oa Second Page.) CONDITION 0FTHE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair and Warmer Thursday; Fair Friday. Temperature at Omaha Testerdayi Hour. Deg. Hour. Dear. 5 a. m 1 p. sa t a. m till a p. m...... t T a. m ..... , nil 8 p. m ..... - 8 a. m US 4 p. sa 6T 9 m. m ..... . Ml B p. m to a. m BT e p. an T 11 a. sa IW T p. m T 18 sa OO p. m S p. m 64 ZIMMAN T0BE PRESIDENT Republican Members of Row Council So Deride la a, Caueue Wednesday. H. B. Zlmman, re-elected councilman from the Third ward, is to be president of the new city council after Its organisa tion. May 2. This was determined yesterday after noon In a caucus of the republican mem bers of the new council, held at the city hall. In this caucus the first ballot gave Zlmman of the Third ward five votes. Nicholson of the Fourth ward two votes and Huntington of the Ninth ward one vote. Mr. Nicholson immediately moved that the election be made unanlmoue and this was done. Mr. Nicholson was then made the caucue choice for president pro tern, of the new council. PROJECT BIG SMELTING PLANT Row York Company Boys Utah Mines and Will Erect Reduction Works. NEW YORK, May 13. A certificate was sent to Albany today Incorporating the Newhouse Mine and Smelters. The cap ital is $6,000,000. It 1 understood the company Is to ac quire from Samuel Newhouse hie mining Interests in Utah, including the Cactus copper mines. The company lssuee $1,600,- 000 6-per cent first mortgage bonds and the entire $!,000,000. Mr. Newhouse formerly owned and de veloped the Utah copper mines and the Newhouse tunnel i Colorado. It is under stood mills and smelters capable of con centratlng 1,600 tons of copper ore per day are already being contracted for. HITCHCOCK URGES STATEHOOD Tour of Oklahoma Convinces , Seer. tary thnt Territory Deserves Promotion.' ENID, Okla., May :. Secretsry Hitch cock said in the course of a brief speech to an audience of 6,000 citisens today: Mv trip to Oklahoma has changed my mind on the advisability of admitting the territory to statehood. Conditions all over the territory are remarkably prosperous. You are entitled to statehood and while the Interior department has little to do with congress I shall recommend immediate statehood for Oklahoma. He Is also quoted a saying later in an in terview: I am oppoeed ttt statehood for Indian Ter ritory until euch time ss existing treaties expire and tha land is subject to title. BODY IS FOUND IN BOXCAR Refined Man Discovered Hanging; - When Train Roaches St. Louis Depot. : t ST. LOUIS, May 13. The body of an un identified man was found hanging In a box csr which , arrived today from Mar shall, Ind. He was well dressed, and his clothing bore the tailor' mark "Lyons. San Francisco." His linen Was marked "J. M." The man war apparently 35 year old, and had evidently been of refined char acter. The body waa taken to the morgue. GERMAN RECEPTION TODAY. Countrymen of Kaiser's Commission Aro Invited to Gather at City Hall. - Especially for the Germans, who by rea son of limited street car service and other accommodations are prevented from accom panying the agricultural commission on its Inspection of the Omaha Industries to day, a reception will be held at 4 o'clock at the city hall. Mayor Moores will pre side and an invitation I extended to all resident Germans snd other to meet the land owner from the kaiser' domain. SIGNS CHILD LABOR BILL. Governor of Pennsylvania Makes . lalawfol to Employ Children la the Mines. It HARRISBURG, Ps., May 18.-Governor Pennypacker today signed the child-labor bill and vetoed the other three miners' bills. The child-labor bill makes It unlaw ful to employ children under 16 years of age in and about the mines. The three bills vetoed were the eight-hour-day bill, the bill providing foT the payment for coal mined by the ton of 2.240 pounds, and the mine inspection bill. AMERICANS MARRY IN JAPAN uangnier oi jiomiru isvans Becomes a Bride la the Far East. TOKIO, April (Via Victoria, B. C, May 13.) The wedding of Miss Virginia 8. 8 Evans, daughter of Admiral Evans, and H. T. Bewail took place In the Trinity cathedral. Tsukljl, Toklo, last Wednesday. Movements of Ocean Vessels May 13. At Liverpool Arrived: Oceanic, from New York; Taurlc, from Portland. Bulled Majestic, for New York; Bouthwark, for Montreal. At Southampton Arrived: New York, from New York. At Ponta Ferrerla Passed: Lombardla, from New York, for Naples and Genoa. At Hamburg Arrived: Bluiher, from New York, via Plymouth and Cherbourg. At Leghorn Arrived: Perugia, from New York, via Marseilles. At Cherbourg Sailed: Kaiser Wllhelm II. from Bremen and Southampton, for New York. At Antwerp Arrived: Vaaderland, from New York. At Plymouth Arrived: Deutschland, from New York, for Cherbourg and Ham burg (and proceeded). At Hong Kong--Arrlved: Gaelic, from San Francisco, via Honolulu, Yokohama, etc. At Genoa Sailed: Liguria, for New York (not previously). At Hallfnx, N. 8 Arrived: Carthayn nUn. for Olusgow snd Liverpool, via 8t. J.ihr.s. N. F., for Phllsdelphla. At The Lizard Paused. La Savole, from Hamburg. At Manchester Arrived: Pilar de Lar rlmiga, from Galveston and Norfolk, via Havre. At Queenstown Arrived: Parthenla, from Baltimore, for Liverpool and Glas cow. Hailed: Ultonia, from Liverpool, for Inston; Auranla, from Liverpool, for New York. BOTH OBSERVE LAW Court Order Eestrain Both Sides in Capital and Labor Contest. FIGHT IS BEING CARRIED ON QUIETLY Ho Indication of Disorder a Busine; Men Returns Operation. CONGESTION OF FREIGHT IS RELIEVED Transfer Companies Bar About Seventy rive Wagon in SerTioe. BUSINESS MEN STATE THEIR POSITION Authorlao Publication of Lengthy Re view of tha Trouble from Their Standpoint Incidents of tho Strlko. Walter secure promise of financial as sistance from national vrganlsatlon. Other unions pay assessment for benetlt of laundry workers. Laundries postpone day of resumption to Monday. Strike situation decidedly quiet under re straining Influence of two injunctions. Bunt ness men ss well ss strikers admit that a more conciliatory feeling pievalls and next conference may produce results. Transfer companies Import no more teamsters. The eighteen Omaha laundries that were closed as a result of the differences be tween tha laundry owners and employe! will not reopen this morning, a was planned, or at least given out by the pro prietor. The date for resumption of busi ness Is now set for Monday, The laundry workers, like ths striking waiters, have 'come Into possession of financial resources that enable them to withstand a longer siege of Idleness in their attempt to cope with the proprietors. It was thought when the laundry worker went out, many of them being on very mall wages, that within a few days they would be forced to return to work. But concerted action ha been takon by other union of the city, a fund collected and -maintained by contingent fee for the benefit of the laundry workers. Kach striker will receive a fair benefit, In every case calculated to meet the actual needs. This, and probably this alone in some, though not all cases, enables a continua tion of the strike. As for the waiters, whose resources were also thought to be so meagre that they would soon have to give up In despair, they yesterday received .advices from their national organization that an allotment of $10,000 had been made to them and that additional help would be given when neces sary. The national order ha levied a tax on' all local throughout the country ta support the striking waiters In Omaha: The men and women affected by this move ment feel encouraged to undertake a much longer siege if necessary, although they assert their preference for seeing the strike Boon eettled. . ' , ',.... With a federal oourt Injunction hanging over the headsof the -strikers -.nd a -district court Injunction 'staring the employ er in the faoe, ,the contending force are somewhat restrained. Yet things appeured to be Vnovlng about as usual yesterday and that means moving on a moderate scale. The strikers are proceeding with their af fairs In a quiet way, while little by little certain lines of business that were tied up by the strike are being loosened. What will happen when the waiters' restraining order gets to working real well cannot be told now, but a little Incident transpired yesterday to suggest that something might happen. A ccntractor reported that a certain firm had refused to supply him with raw material, snd as the injunction specifically enjoins any firm from such re fusal. Its application may bring matter to a test. It Is the intention to place the in junction in effect by applying it In speclflo cases like this. Practically no tangible progress has been realised in the strike on either side for several days. Not a single material break has come about this week and nothing ha arisen to stimulate hopes of an Immediate settlement, though a manifest moderation of sentiment at the Business Men' asso ciation meeting Tuesday night offer some encouragement. It 1 thought that after another conference between the Joint committees and the governor the force may be able to decide on eome common ground. Sis Mora Importations, Not since Sunday have any nonunion men been brought into the city. Of those who had come up to that time about 160 something In the neighborhood of 100 have been sent out of the city by Uie striking teamsters; the remainder are at work for the transfer companies. W. 8. Jardlns of the Merchants' Express company said that he had forty-seven team at work yes teroay and would put on seven more bo fore night He said his company had a many as all the other companies together. The total number of teams at work ts ap proximately seventy-five. The normal force ts 250. The encoursglng statement le made by the transfer companies that the congeetlon In freight, due to the strike, ts being relieved. Mr. Jardlne said on that point: 'There I no congestion at all, now. We have been making such steady Inroad on it that ths congestion is entirely relieved. We are tsklng care of the traffic very nicely now." Some more coal teamsters hsve Joined the email caravan of wagons that now travel the streets snd for this there le some rejoicing. The department store are gradually starting up a few team. Thelr's, like the transfer and coal company wagon. are guarded by special officer. Ths special officer have not had occasion for exercis ing their newly acquired authority as yet tn any positive manner. The striker er refraining from all violence. Meat Cutters Aro Waiting;. Still another feature ha developed In the meat cutters' relations with their employ, ers. Since the employers decided not to abide by their endorsement of the union scale and submitted one of their own, tho employes have decided to remain at work ur.tl! Thursday night, when they hold a special meeting at Labor Tempi. They have also Interested the Packing Trade council. Including the packing house em ployes, in the fight, end this council will hold a meeting Tuesday night at South Omahs, or possibly sooner, and take tip the strike proposition with a view of some sort of sympsthetlc movement. Many of the meat cutters aro also members of ths Packing Trades council. J. A. Bradford, recretary of the meat cutters, Is president of the packen. The freight handlers yesterday took into their union twenty new memhers who had been working na nonunion men. They tcok In thirty-three a few days ago. Mora Conciliatory Feellag. Two members of thsBuilness Men's as sociation stated yeaterday that the aasocla