Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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rirt and Polio i Board Meats and Appoint
Polio Tore
Orltri Saloons tn Clos at Midnight
4 All Gambling- Games Ar
Order Stepped at
' 0rt.
O T1
wcmmmmL 11 summit
The meeting of the yire and Polic board
laat night attracted a good crowd and
standing room was at a premium. After
th prellmlnariea these pollca officers wer
named for poult lone:
Troutan, Turnqulst, Johnson, Pierce,
Brugemann, Morton, McCralth; Wllaon and
Email. Officers Dlaak and Conway war
dismissed from' the service.
A committee consisting of Caldwell, Bar
rett and Fitzgerald from Labor union 111!
presented a protest against the removal of
member of the union from the force. Th
delegation asserted that the city charter
provide for union labor. As th protest
wa an oral on th member of th dele
gation were requested to reduce their com
print to writing and then present it to
th commissioners.
A number of application for position on
both th fir and polic department were
read and referred to th proper committee.
Chief of Police Brlgga wa directed by
reaolution to close all gambling house In
th city at one and to stop all card games
In cigar store, etc He wa also inatructed
to sea that all saloon were closed promtly
at midnight.
Chief Brlgga will today notify th keep
er of gambling device to atop th gam
and word will b cent around by patrolmen
on beat today to ell saloon keepers to close
at midnight Nothing was said by th
members of th board about th closing of
saloons on Sunday.
It had been rumored that a new chief of
police was to be appointed, but it seems
that th board cannot agree on a succes
sor to Brlggs snd he will no doubt remain
In hi present position until the board can
com to some agreement. John Troutan
wa being congratulated by hi friends last
night on his reappointment a captain of
police. Troutan ha been a good officer and
he will be expected to keep up hi present
pedal Coancll Meeting;.
' A special meeting of th city council wa
held last night for th purpose of listening
to the second reading of th bond ordi
nance. All member war present, and
Mayor Koutsky occupied th chair. Th
ordinances authorising th voting of bond
for a city ha'.!, an extension of th eewer
system and th taking up of th overlap
wer reported on by th Judiciary com
mittee. Ono change was mad by th com
mute and that wa the rat of Interest.
In th original ordinance th rat of In
tereat was specified at 4H per cent. . The
change was that not more than I per cent
should be' paid. It Is the Intention of the
council to receive bid for thee bonds,
hone the change. In esse I per cent Is
paid a premium will be demanded. ' ' - '
Another special meeting of th council
will be he'd tonight and then th mayor
will be at liberty to publish his proclama
tion for a special election to be held on
June 23.'
Collecting Dollnqneni Taxes.''
During the month of April th city treas
urer of flout h Omaha collected over $13,000
in dollmitient taxes. This sum beat th
record for delinquents collected in apjr on
month. - Treasurer' Howe say that' the
work of compiling a list of delinquent ha
caused a large number of person to com
In and pay. The work of pushing col
' lections In this department of the city tax
gatherer will be kept up In order e get
th delinquent list down a low a possible.
Pnrknarst Aibsbicm Arraaa-enaaats.
D. 8. Parkhurat, president of th South
Omaha Live Stock exchange, announced
laat night that th distinguished party of
German visitor would, arrive ' in South
Omaha at 11:K a.' m. Thursday morning In
a special car. Th party will be divided
Into four section and shown through th
four packing houses. At 1 o'clock luncheon
will bo served to the party and Invited
friends In th big dining room at th Ex
change building.' Following th luncheon
there will be a meeting in Exchanga hall,
where ahort 'addresses will be delivered
Th return trip to Omaha will b mad on
th street car.
May ' Defect Its Down Spoats.
In th business portion of th city many
defective down spout ar found and during
rainy weather th sidewalk ar flooded
with storm water which should run either
Into sew era or direct to th gutter without
Impeding traffic on th sidewalk. An order
la to b Issued by the council to th In
spectors to serve notlee on property owner
to remedy the defect In their building a
. .
Rata C'nnaea Washonts.
A number of minor washouts were re
, ported to th city engineer last night on
account of th recent heavy rain. Fortu
nately for th city' exchequer, th repair
to th streets will not cost very much. A
great deal of credit for this Is due to th un
tiring effort of Mayor Koutsky and City
Engineer Beal In getting; th un paved street
In condition to stand heavy rains. As it Is
now the cost of filling the hole waahed out
In th last few day will not exceed tlM.
- Parker Will Meet.
T. W, Taliaferro, general manager of
th ftiriahv Parkins ootnninv stated to
Bee reporter Tuesday afternoon that th
head of th packing house would meet
A Gentle Aperient
MavturaJ Lavxevtrva Waiter, j
If yoa are CONSTIPATED (the eglaalag
of nuny derangement of the system) go at
nee to yeer (rwggUt and get bottle el
Hunydl jX.NOS. Tae cost to smalt Drink
half a taablerlul oa rising and get prompt and
pleasant relief. Many ol the world's greatest
female apecialtau have endorsed and now pre
scribe Hanyadi Jlnos fcr CONSTIPATION.
Insist Ht'NYf OI JAo aad ftmly
ralus substitute. They ais oitea barmluL
John Hunter had just reached manhood
when th Civil War broke out. President
Lincoln's call for troop fired th patriot
Ism of th young carpenter, and he wa
soon bearing a musket a private In
Company C of th 120th Illinois Volunteer.
On th march, In camp and on the battle
field he followed th varying fortune of
thla noble regiment, and, when peace was
one mors established, the man whose nam
was to become a household word through
out th Pacino Coast took Horac Qreeley'
advice and went West.
At fifty-seven year of age we find him
at Chlco, Cal., a carpenter and builder of
local repute, an honored citizen, and still
wearing th Union blue a a member of
th Grand Army of th Republic But the
army service, which was his just pride,
had left a legacy of suffering. A sudden
stroke of paralysis bereft him of th power
of sight, speech and almost of movement.
HI condition was known by every real.
dent of the little city, and the wise ones
hook their head,. It seemod only a ques
tion of Urn when death would and hi
Then cam th miracle. On day th
Chlco Record appeared with an articlo
headed "Blind John Hunter Recovers His
Bight." "Story That Reads Llk Fiction."
All Chlco cam to see if the story was true,
and found that It was. So widespread
became the fame of this miracle of modern
times that a San Francisco Examiner rep
resentative visited Chlco and made a thor.
ough Investigation of th case. Ever-,
scrap of evidence wa sifted and the moat
searching inquiry served only to establish
th truth of a cure. that, although
miraculous, I unquestionable. -.
Caased by Paralysis.
John Hunter, who ha suddenly become
on of th most Interesting personages on
the coast, s now elxty-on year of age
and resides on Orient street,. Chleo. When
seen by th Examiner representative hi
related a story that, wer it not substanti
ated by hi sworn statement and cor
roborated by all th prominent people and
officials of th town, would seem l:ke i
tale of fiction. -
'About four years ago," said Mr. Hunter
"I was suddenly stricken with paralyals
I lost all sens of feeling and all power of
either Friday or Saturday of this week to
oonsider th wag scale presented some
days ago, . Th meeting ha been delayed
by heabsencof'Mr.:B. A. Cudahy. Should
a meeting b held th latter port of the
week an answer will most likely be given
to Second "Vice President Stephen Vale on
Monday. In case this Is not dona there will
most likely be a request for a conference.
At th present time neither th members
of th union nor the packers antiolpat a
trik. A readjustment of the wage acale
la all that la desired and It Is thought that
this can b brought about without any
Commissioners Stop Work.
For several weeks past an extra force
of clerks has been working in the office
of City Treasurer How on th delinquent
tax list. Thl work was being don under
th provisions of th' "scavenger" bill.
At 4 o'clock Monday afternoon Mr. How
received word from th county commis
sioner to atop work. Th work as pre
pared up to date will be preserved so that
when th commissioners decide to go ahead
again th figures will be at hand. No es
timate of th total amount of delinquent
taxes can be mad from th figure gath
ered so far, a such a Hat has never been
prepared sine th incorporation of th city.
.A Car4. .'
We wish, to extend our most sincere
1 thank to our many friends for th kind
ness and sympathy extended to vis at th
death of our son, Allte. Their klndnes
will always b a brlgh and happy remem
brance to us.
Maarlo City Gossip.
Members of the city council are. looking
UP locations where crosswalks ar needed.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Murphy are tak
ing In the alghta at Denver and Colorado
An Important meeting of the Modern
Brotherhood of American will be held on
Friday night of thla week.
Captnla Dutton died at her home, Twen-ty-alxth
and Monroe streets, last night.
Funeral from the residence to Laurel Hill
cemetery at 1 p. m. Thursday.
The fourth annual ball of Court Alle
manla, No. JiXS. Independent Order of
Foresters, will be held at Odd Fellow
hall on Thursday evening, of thl week.
Central Organisation af tha Party
Hastles to Make a rermn
nent Body,
In an amicable meeting of democrats at
th Jacksonlan club laat night a perma
nent organisation of tha central campaign
club, to be known as th Hub, wa effected
by th election of officer and th appoint
ment of a commltta to draft bylaws. Th
rew vice president elected was Oliver
Rouse; C. E. Forbes of the Sixth ward was
th unanimous selection for secretary,
Sheriff John Power for treasurer, and for
th executive committee member elected
from each ward by members of that ward,
beginning with th first: C. J. Cunning
ham. Adam Shoup, Ed Rot her y. O. O Seay,
Ed Arter, J. H. Maua. I. J. Dunn and Oeorge
C. Martin. There being no member from
th Sixth ward present, election of that
member wa deferred. Th committee on
bylaw constated of I. J. Dunn, Lout Piattl
and John Power. President Williams
spoke of th good work don in th First
aad Fifth ward by th permanent demo
cratic club, and Messra. Piattl. Dun and
other mad suggestions for future 'cam
pain work.
Drives All Before It.
Aches and pain fly befor Bucklen'
Aralca Salve. So do sores, pimple, bolls,
corn and pile, or no py. 15c. For sal
by Kuhn A Co.
Yoaaa- Ctrl Going Wrong.
Nellie Wright Hss Rogers, of 111 Js'orth
Ninth street, was arrested yesterday after
noon by Bergeart Vtnaien cnarged with
harboring a lrl under fifteen years of age
In her establishment for Immoral purposes.
The girt. Jesaie Bhort, an Incorrigible, waa
also arrested on the complaint of her
father, having been found In Wright a
house. Hot a are held at the polic station
for further investigation Into th case.
rry- f h-,-' M S eV7s. Official Sail ,
1 W- lTi fuMi .:i,M t. . vl -" I lAJ " -
jfssss Vo. JferwyMlf Jl Mayor oV iJr j(
movement in my right side, from head tu
foot. I also partly lost th power of
speech. I soon became totally- blind and
was so perfectly helpless that for three,
year I wa confined to my bed.
ftlvcn op a a Dead Man.
"Any on In a more hopeless condition it
would be bard to find. . My stomach retus.
to perform it functions without heroic
measures and intense suffering.
"Doctors diagnosed by case as locomotor
ataxia and my family physician gave me
every care and attention -peasibte,- but all
his prescriptions during two yeara were
powerless to alleviate, my suffering Or 1:
any way afford the slightest relief.
"After being virtually given up as" a dea
man by friends and physicians, and re
signing myself to my apparent fate, m;
neice read an advertisement of Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People. I dis
cussed it with my family, and, ulmos
hoping against hope, determined to try the
pills. I mentioned it to my doctor an-,
he not only gave hi consent to my trylntr
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, but strongly ad
vised my doing so.
Siow Sees, Talks, WalUs aad Works. J
"You ee the result. From a blind, help
less paralytic, unable to move r and ' so
broken down and hopeless that lire was'ij
burden, I can now walk, do any odd Job:
about the place, go down town, and most
wonderful of all can ee. And I owe 1
all to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
"Improvement began while I was taklm
th second box. I continued taking th
Presides. -Ore It : Oell vaflons for
" th First Time glnceiLasf
Ansust. ,
-Mnnrea met with the. Board of Fir
and Polic Commissioner yesterday for th
flrt tlm since the governors apimi."
He resumed his po
sition ss chslrman gracefully. Broatch was
absent yesterday, but the tnree otner mci..
ber were present and acted lh entire ac
cord and harmony with the mayor. . Very
little business other than routine was aone.
Th chief of the fire department wa In
structed to permit no leaves of sbsence
until th trik 1 ettled. Arter tne meei
ir. the hnanl end the chief of police were
.l..t tnr mnmt, tlm rilBnlSalnZ the Strlk
ltuation. Daniel Leahey wa appointed a
special policeman to erve tor one monin.
i a 'Wonderful Chanase.
Weak, sickly Invalids r soon changed
by Electric Bitter Into healthy men and
women. They cure or no pay. 50c. For
sal by Kuhn A Co.
Fair Today In Nebraska , and Wst
rn. Iowa, and .Warmer
Tomorrow, .
WASHINGTON, May ' IJ.-Forecaat for
Wedneaday'and Thursday:
For Nebraska Fair Wednesday, warm In
west and central portions; Thursday fair,
warmer in southeast portion. '
For Iowa Fair in west, rain and cooler
in east snd central portions Wednesday;
Thursday fair and warmer.
For Kansas-Fair Wednesday snd Thurs
day, warmer Thursday.
For South Dakota Fair Wednesday snd
Thursday, warmer Wednesday.
Fr Wyoming and Colorado Fair
Wednesday and Thursday; - warmer
Wednesday In east portion.
Local Record.
OMAHA, May II. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation' compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
y"r": 19fi3. 190. 1901. 1900
Maximum Umperature.. M 92 f9
Minimum temperature... 61 62 M
Mean temperature 8 - 77 . M 7S
Record of temperature and precpttatlon
at Omaha for this day snd sine March 1.
1S03: . a
VTmal iftmivrihir Oi
Deficiency for the day...... ',-?
Total excess since aiarcn i
Normal precipitation 1 Inch
Excess for the day .(B Inch
Driniiiiiinn nines March 1 6. AO Inches
Deficiency since March 1 .3lnch
Deficiency lor cor. penoa. iw....m iv n,,-..
Deficiency for cor. period.-. 101.. 1.4 lnche
Reports from Stations at T P. M,
no 2
: I
. s
Omaha, cloudy'
62' 64
62 64;
68! ft)
Valentine, clear
North Platte, partly cloudy,...
Cheyenne, clear
Salt Lake, clear ,
Rapid City, clear
Huron, clear
Willlston. partly cloudy .,
Chicago, partly cloudy
St. Louis, raining
Pt. Paul, raining , ,
Davenport, cloudy
Kansas City, raining
Havre, partly cloudy .........
Helena, cloudy ,
Bismarck, clear
Galveaton. partly cloudy
Mi M
6ti .00
ti .0
7 .Oil
T4 T
7( .04
76' tn! .ft)
H 70 .66
b : .on
7li T
72 .00
74 .0)
T lndlct tree of precipitation
leeal Forecast official.
Brewlngr C ompany Wins.
After being out five hours a Jurv in Judge
RleoaucB's court returned a verdict for inn
Mets brewing company for 1"0!1 in an actio
pills and from that time on It was gradual,
but sure. My awful stomach troubles have
disappeared, my eyesight has been re
stored, my brain Is clear and active and If
ever a man should be grateful and anxiou
that others should know the wonderfv
properties of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that
man Is myself."
Subscribed and sworn to before me.
Notary rubllo.
Interest in this miraculous cure is Intense
fn Chlco and vicinity, where the towns
people have the evidence of their own eye
as to its authenticity. Newspaper spact In
too limited to give expression to the many
who are willing to be heard, but the fol
lowing prominent Citizens voice . the senti
ment of the whole community.
. nj-.-- th. Inn.l
' of the Mlraele.
One of the most' prominent and public
spirited citizens of Chlco is the Hon. O. L
Clark, now serving1 his second term ai
mayor and president of the board of
trustees of the cltj;."" Speaking of the cas
related above, Mr.1 Clark told the repre
sentative of the Sari -Francisco Examiner
that he knew of John Hunter' formet
against Andrew Nelson.-' The action was
brought by the brewing company to recover
money advanced for repairs and Improve
ments made at the saloon of the defendant!
under a contract y Which' Nelson waa to
purchase beer from the Mets company. It
was Alleged that ha.-, violated the contract
by purchasing beer, from another concern.
The case had been on trial for two days. -
Lord t Thomas Have Enlarged Space
In Offlee Bnlldlna.
What Is said to be th largest advertising
house in th world ha just been Installed
In new quarters on the two upper floor of
th enlarged Trude building, Wabash ave
nue and Randolph street. It Is the news
paper and magazine advertising firm of
Lord & Thomas, .a firm that ha been built
up in Chicago within the last thirty-four
years to proportions that now warrant the
management to make the claim that no
business, house in all the world, with th
exception probably of a few Insurance con
cerns, executes yearly as large a number
of Individual contract. Over 75,000 such
contracts were made and carried out last
year by their firm, the volume of business
transacted amounting to several millions
of dollars. ..
In this spacious pew business home 160
people are employed in the work of plan
ning, perfecting and carrying out all the
complicated details of "Judicious advertis
ing." The firm's quarters are blight and
pleasant, comfortable and at an altitude
far above the dust, and roar of traffic and
trade. The offices are apportioned and ar
ranged with a view' not only to economy
of space, but to the, furtherance of perfect
system, all the complex machinery of which
moves without confusion or any wast of
time or labor.
Just 17.6S0 square feet of floor space Is
occupied by the firm In its new quarter, a
floor area which Is about twice as large as
the concern's old quarters in the samo
building. There are shipping and ordering
departments, promoting and estimating de
partment, a literary and art department,
otherwise known as a "designing depart
ment," printing and electrotyplng depart
ment, and in addition the firm finds apace
to classify and file away from day to day
copies of the 16,000 publication receiving
It advertising service In all parts of the
world. Not less than fourteen solicitors
of advertising are' employed by the firm
Each of these haa an office all to himself,
fitted up with rich-oriental rugs and hand
carved desks.
One of the business features recently
evolved and In which the firm takes special
pride Is Its almost perfect method of esti
mating the advertising rates snd space for
tha different publications In the vaat and
ever-increasing circle of its service. To
this one branch- of the business the mem
ber of the firm attribute much of the
pre-eminence and supremacy they hav at
tained in their special line of Industry and
endeavor. Another advantage Is that both
member of the firm give personal atten
tion and the benefit of experienced general
ship to the work of carrying out th de
tail of their advertisers' publicity.
NEBRASKA CITT. Neb., Msy ll-(8p-cial
Telegram.) H. C. Paul of Thurman,
la., and Miss Lulu D. Newcomb of this
city were married here today. Mlas New
comb was formerly with the Bostonlans
snd was raised In this clty Mr. Psul is
on of th leading merchant In Thurman.
Marriage Licensee.
Name and Residence.
John W. Ward. Omaha
Margaret E. Pollack. Omaha
Arin M. Ostrora, Omaha
Josephine Foley, Omaha
Charles W. Porter. Omaha
tluora Carr. Omaha
Hon. George R. Fouke of Liberty, Neb.,
is in the city. -J.
G. D Hlldebrand of Lincoln is an
I l'man vianur.
1 Ex-8tate Oil Inspector J. E. Hays of Lin
cola Is an Omaha visitor.
helpless condition and said it was generally
considered a hopeless case. No one was
more astounded than Mayor Clark when he
met Mr. Hunter on the street, able to
walk, work and car for himself. He con
sider the recovery nothing hort of mirac
ulous. In conclusion Mayor Clark Bald he
believed the cause of suffering humanity
could be helped by nny publicity given the
remedy which restored John Hunter'
health. '
A Clergyman's Opinion. -
The Rev. W. O. White, pastor of th
Chlco Presbyterian Church, of which Mr.
Hunter la a member, ha known the latter
during and since his illness, When asked
for an expression on the case, Mr. White
wrote and signed the following:
'The recovery of Mr. Hunter seems very
remarkable and his present condition is
the wonder of his friends."
Prominent Banker's Statement,
Mr. -A. H. Crew Is cashier of the bank
of Chlco. Ha is a sound, conservative,
able financier whose advice is sought after
and followed by his- townspeople. Mr. Crew
told the reporter that ha had known John
Hunter for a number of years and that
his recovery was simply marvelous. He
knows Mr. Hunter to be very enthusiastic
over Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People, and was willing to - corroborate
Mr. Hunter' sworn statement. "I had
Fruit. ,
. Cereal, Cream,
Broiled Bacon, Soft. Boiled Eggs,
Buttered Toast,
Cold Tongue,
Watercrens and Radish Salad,
Brown and White Bread Sandwiches, .
Strawberries, White Cake,
Cream of Rice Soup.
Roast Beef, Brown Gravy.
Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Onions,
Lettuce Sulad, Bread Sticks,
Rice Pudding,
Braised Sweetbreads. Wash th sweet
breads in cold water, then parboil for about
ten minutes. Remove all the pipes and
fibrous portions snd lard each' sweetbread,
then place In a bralalng-pan on a bed of
sliced carrot, onion, a bay leaf and parsley.
Strew around the edges small pieces of
salt pork season with salt and pepper and
place a piece of oiled or buttered paper
over the sweetbreads, fit the cover of the
pan carefully and bake for about thirty
five or forty minutes, basting frequently
with the liquor in th pan. Serve on a
heated dish with brown sauce snd garnish
with parsley.
Creamed Sweetbreads. Wash the sweet
breads well and then parboil for one-half
hour. Place in cold water, remove all the
fibrous portions and break Into small pieces.
Melt one tablespoonful of butter and one
of flour,, mix until smooth, then add on
cupful of milk or part milk snd part
cream, stir until It begins to thicken, then
add three drops of onion Juice, a grating
of nutmes and sslt and pepper to taste.
Stir Into this th sweetbreads, allow them
to heat thoroughly and serve sj once
either on toant or In Individual caaes.
Alqullettes of Sweetbreads. Prepare one
half dozen rweetbreads In the usual way,
then place them In, a saucepan with on
sliced onion, one turnip and one-half a
carrot, one bay leaf. Stew for about
twenty minutes, then remove from, the
liquor, wipe dry, cut them Into small round
pieces with a cutter. Chop a few shal
lots very fine, fry them In butter, then
sdd one-half cup of white stock, season
well and cook for about ten minutes, re
move from the fire snd stir Into it th
yolks of two eggs. Dip th pieces of sweet
bread Into this mixture, stsnd aside to
cool, then dip Into egg snd breadcrumb and
fry In hot lard until brown. Serve very
Scalloped Sweetbread. Wash carefully
one-halt dosen sweetbreads, then parboil
for ten mlnutesi place In cold water, re
move very carefully the fibrous portions,
cut them into slices and fry In butter and
a little whit wine, pepper and salt to
taste, two or three truffle and one-half
dozen chipped button mushrooms. Place In
a small baking dlrh, sprinkle bread crumbs
and bits of butter over th top snd bake
for sbout five minutes, or until the crumbs
are brown.
Sweetbreads Toulouse. Wssh the sweet
breads very carefully and pour boiling
water over them. When cool, trim off and
lard, place In a pan on a bed of sliced car
rot, turnip, onion and a little whit stock
to moisten, basting frequently. When well
browned, serve them on a bed of hot as
paragus, cut Into small pieces, and pour the
liquor In which they wer cooked over
West Oaeahn Improvers.
The West Omaha Improvement club,
which mas formed recently with 8. P.
BoHtwtck ss president, will hold a meeting
Thursday night In a church at Forty-first
snd Dod'gs streets to talk up the proposed
iiamkin of the Farnam atreet car line to
Dundee. It is understood that the atreet
raiiway company puns to take up me iim
railM nn tha old Dundee line and either
run cars through from Farnam street or
establish a stub line, giving better service
than the present. The Improvers desire to
mug out what they think is the best plan
and urn the street railway people to carry
it out at once. The jurisdiction of the club
never expected to see him recover any of
his lost faculties, much less to st him
able to walk, see and work, as he how Is,"
concluded Mr. Crew
The Postmaster of Chlco.
Th postmaster of Chlco Is Mr. W. W.
Wilson who, when Interviewed, said: "I
can .only., corroborate the statement you
already have. Everyone you meet and
ask will tell you the same thing. I wn
at Mr! Hunter's house and saw his pitiable
condition with my own eyes. ' I have also
seen him today, walking the streets and
practically well. I know enough of John
Hunter to say that ho would not make nn
untruthful statement, nor would' he mis
lead anyone as to the means that brought
about what we all . consider one of th
greatest cures of tne age. 1 i in amdavlt
can -therefore be absolutely depended up
on." -..
A Mnrvelono Cnre.
In the Chlco Record, published by Rich
ards & Deuel, an article appeared from
the pen of one of their reporters sent to
Investigate the case and verify th facts,
After reciting, the cure of Mr. Hunter, the
article continues: "Marvelous ss this may
seem to his frlerds and still more mar
velous 'ns his story of his recovery may
appear; to everyone who read It, It Is all
true, though It would not be accepted If
It. were no.t for th fact that he Is a living
extends rom Hamilton to- Leavenworth
streets and from Thirty-sixth tret to th
city limits. : '
Vflaht Cable on Car Tracks.'
Late last night a number -of men wer
observed rolling one of the large colls of
Bijciric. ugni caoie rrom near the euro
on Sixteenth between Farnam and Harney
streets out onto the stret car track. When
they had accomplished the task they took
to their heehi. It Is only surmise whether
It was simply a night lark on the part of
the men or with the Intention of doing
om damage,- but presumably th former.
Touched for His Roll.
John Brown Is ahort l&O of hard-earned
cash as th reault of a visit - he made to
some colored courtesans at lOlSH Capitol
avenue. Four women, Emma Jackson, Min
nie Bradley, Allle Green e.nd Frankie Wil
liams, who are inmates of the place, wer
arrested, but when searched by the police
no money waa found. They deny having
robbed the man.
Little Roy Reported Missing.
Little 6-vear-old Weslev Collins nt ma
South Twentieth street wandered away
from home yesterday morning. The police
were notified, but were unable to secur
any trace of the. missing child up to a late
iiuur. ni mi ugni nair ana oiue eyes.
Ko Venom In 'Ens.
No poisonous purgatives enter Into Dr.
King's New Lllo Pills. Easy, but prompt,
they cure or no pay. Only 25c. For sal
by Kuhn C.
INSTRUMENTS placed on file, Tuesday,
May 12:
Warrnnty Deeds.-
Berlin Co. to C. C. and J. E. George,
lots 1 and 2, block I Farnam Heights. 100
Meyer Crossman and wife to Anna
K. Kallna, sH of b lot 14, block 6,
Kountze's 4th sd 1
T. A. Creeling and wife to H. P. No
ble, lot S, block 4, Cleveland Place.. 400
E. b. Flor to John Mehl, tract in
Valley on Valley street, in 31-16-10. 1,500
A. E. Ellison and wife to R. J. Thomp
son, eVfc lot 6, Lindsay's ad I
tiiTiin a. iuuouigton to Henna M.
Thoelecke, lot 4 block A. . Iilme
baug's ad 1,000
W. V. Sheely et ul to J. A. Howard,
lots 1 to t, block 43, Benson, lota 4,
6, 7, block I, Grammercy I'ark 600
Laura A. Chape et ul tu George For-
ran, lots 1 and 3, block 11, Wilcox's
st ad 1,100
ttult Claim Deeds.
Omaha National bank to City of
Omaha, part lota 4. 6 and t. block 13,
Dwlght ft L.'s ad ,
Willow Sprints Distilling Co to Peter
Iler, all right, title and interests
in any real estate of Said company.. 1
Tota amount of transfers..
i m
1 urn y o r I 4
tooks Into money.
Telephone B US?
sod our rprea
tatlv will call.
"Ye Old iiooke Shop."
. 1411 FARNAM ST.
WHATEVER yoa neod la popu
lar book current periodical
wedding, society or business
tlonery you'll find ealei
chcapesl at MssreathV
h Wires A
$5,000 REWARD.
V have deposited with th T'nlon
National Hank of Scheneotad v, N. T.,
th sum of tVOOO which will be paid to
the person proving that the testimonial
of John Hunter la not genuln and
authentic in every r articular.
Dr. 'William Medicine t'ampaay.
witness with score of friends to rormb
orate him. Th article conclude with th
statement that Mr. Hunter desired th
credit for hi cur to he given to Dr. WIN
llama' Pink Pill.
M'hat ) California Miracle Means
Every Xervoaa Batterer In the
No more astounding cur than, that of
John Hunter has ever been accomplished
by human agency, and th algntAcanc of
It la that Dr. William' Pink Pill ar not
an ordinary medicine. They ar wonder
ful In their potency In nervou troubles
rmall or great, and as they are on sal
in every drug tor throughout th country
they are within the reach of all. Th cur
of such a sever nervous disorder as that
of Mr. Hunter, prove the power of th
remedy In lesser trouble. uch a sciatica.
neuralgia, nervou headache, St. Vitus'
dance, and rervous debility.
Dr. Wllllama' rink Pills hare a doubl
i.otton on the blood and on th nerves.
Impoverished blood and badly fed nerve
are the cause of nearly every ailment that
affects mankind. . If the blood Is kept pur,
rich and red, and th nerve strong and
active, disease csnnot obtain a foothold.
If you have any reason to believe that
your dealer is not supplying ynu with the
genuln Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pal
People, order dlr9et from th Dr. William'
Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y., and
th pill will be sent postpaid for fifty
rents per box or six boxes for two dollar
and a half. Remember that the genuine
Dr. Williams' pink Pills cured John Hun
ter when hope had been abandoned. Pills
sold as substitutes have nerver cured any
body. . . . . .
Everyone who reads this paper la
Invited tn writ for Information
which will be grind I y airen. free of
ehnrae. If yon are 111 and year
doctor rnnnot par yoo If yon have
been ' prononneed incnrnhlo nt th
hospital! or If yon have any ailment,
small oT arrent, thnt srlves yon tronble
write. Wo shall answer yonr letter
honestly, tellfnar yon whether Or.
Williams' Pink Pills have eared alan
llnr ensea in other people, nr not
We shall answer yon with perfeei
franknessi we will not. In faet, sell
the nllla to peonle whom we do not
think they' wltl enre. Address! Ttr.
Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady.
!. Y. ,
The Vital
Reason Why
surpasses all
other foods.
ShrtddtdWuU What Biscuit
is made la the most complete,
rclentific and hygienic food lab
oratory in the world.
Tbig laboratory 1 flooded
with sunlight through 30,000
pane ol glass and finished la
white enamel, marble aad
mosaic M vtritablt htmt of
purity a place where contam
ination i impossible.
The wheat ia first thoroughly
cleansed and all light kernel
removed, then thoroughly
cooked and spun into thousands
of little shreds; each shred
containing thousands of little
pore; which gives the greatest
surface for the absorption of
the digestive Quids of any
known food.
This Insures perfect digestion
and immediate relief from
Order today,
neod(orMTbeVUal Oaeetioan(Aw).
MiAGJtM rjttu, jr. r.
Lake Forest
(yorMTlr Lata ton t4 )
Tkoraeak iie la ell efaSib-a. titiea l-
lee et euiveratr- Keul.oMei complete. Fhratcel
Iralalns; enpi. .I.r sreuue, .lUMlles heeltScel a4
e.Hffctful. Th. hew. .rated ar klh ih. Wit
live tk. leri. lunl ef Muter, inn lutWI..
at atteatlee. rat.leee an .p.llaattoa. A44M
JceMih Cartw Sloaae, Mat suetar, sea Lake
tenet, UUeel. . ...
Hired .,..11 'li., ni'inn "'
Of -w v.
wheat JMK. .
highly 3jfS. risetrating
awSa . Abaorpuoa