8 TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1903 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL All Products Enle Weak and 0!o9 Lower on Eoard of Trad. WHEAT BROKERS AWAIT CROP REPORT Cra aad Oats Salter and Previsions Are Also Affected Both by Liberal 11 oa; Receipts aad Orala Coadltlons. CHICAGO. Msy 11 The wheat market a weak affair today, due to generally besrish news, and July cloned c lower. July corn waa ott c, wltn oats uown c beptemher proviNlons closed Iron! luc to Livyi lower. 'i railing In the wheat pit waa exceedingly dull the greater part ot the session, many operator being ulnpsed to remain quiet, awaiting the issuance of the government crop report. Heavy world's shipments anJ feneral ralna throughout the southwest ad a tendency to ueprees prices at the start and July opened MjVeO lower at 72if Tlc. I nder these Intluences there waa quite general selling by commission houses and local bears, and with little support tho T.arket declined still further, July selling vit to 72c. The decline whs temporarily checked by buying through brokers by the leading operators, but the absence ot any outside business caused a bearish senti ment In the pit. Late in the day a firmer tone developed, July closing V lower at 72V. after selling down to 72gs72Hc. The visible supply showed a decrease of l.Oin.uoO bu., while the amount on passage Increased l.lSo.OuO bu. Clearances ot wheat and Hour were equal to 471,) bu. Primary receipts were 4ot,fetU bu., against M8,;j00 a year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth reported recelpta of 10s cars, which, with local re ceipts of 47 cars, none of contract grade, made total receipts for the three points of 246 cars, against 278 last week and 264 a year ago. Corn was quiet .and while prices were, fairly steady early in the session, the gen eral dullness later resulted In an easier feeling. There was scattered selling by local traders on the Increased receipts and no effort was made to support the market. The weakness In wheat had a depressing Influence late In the session and July closed c. lower at 444c, after selling between 44V arid 46c . Ixcal receipts were 250 cars, 26 of contract grsde. Oats were dull and eased off in sympathy with other cereals. There was scattered liquidation by smaller holders and the de mand was limited. The feature early In the day was buying of May by a prominent commission house. While the sentiment in the pit was divided, the majority of the traders appeared timid, owing to the un certainty of the crop prospect. Belling pressure again became apparent, with com mission houses on that side of the market. There waa a little better support late In the day. After ranging between 32c and 82e. July closed tye lower at S232Hc. Local recelpta were 161 cars. The weakness In grains and heavy re celpta of hogs, with lower prices at the yards, were mainly responsible for the easier tone in provisions. The selling, how ever, was not on a large scale and brokers, supported to the acting for local packers, took the larger part of the offerings. Clos ing prlcea were lower on all products, Sep tember pork being off 124c at $16.80, Sep tember lard downline at $8.97H and rtba Ko?124! lower at IS.lZVt. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: wheat. P csrs; corn, 496 cars; oats, 220 cars; hogs, 15,000 head. The leading future ranged as follows: Articlea. Open.,1 Hlgh. Low. Close. Safy. Wheat May July Sept. Corn May July Sept Onto May July Sept. Pork May July Sept. Lrd May July Sept. Ribs May July Sept. 7814 71, 7R4 7Ss 72H'fii72KS'73 , " 7?H 72, 724 71X5704 70S, 6934 70 "0, 44Hr 44 444 44Wi 444 447f45 45 44- 44 46 44V&4 , 444 44444 444 44H 364 SRH 85 35 S51t 324W4 24 32 S2324 324'!tH 294, 2WiT 29V4&H 29 29 18 50 18 50 18 80 18 60 18 624 17 10 17 10 17 00 17 00 17 20 16 624 1 624 16 60 16 60 16 724 8 824 "24 8 724 806 l 886 880 00 024 06 8 85 8 874 74 1 20 1 20 15 15 9 ?!4 274 30 t JO 224 324 8 224 174 8 174 8 30 No. J. " Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Dull and ateady; winter patent. $3.50&'3.0; straights. 83.2003.40; spring pat ents. (3 353-90; straights, $3.103.40; bakers, 12.30.F5. WHEAT No. i spring. 7g80c; No. 8, 79c; No. 1 red. 78.4a784'. CORN-No. 2. 44c; No. 2 yellow, 46 464 c OATS No. ?. 85e; No. white, 874c; No. t white. 83Q35HO. RYE No. 2. 60a. BARLEY Good feeding, Tl340c; fair to choice malting, 49r75c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, $1.11; No. 1 northwest ern. $1.16; prime timothy, 33.453.50; clover, contract grade. 812.60. PROVISIONS Mess pork. per bb $17,374 4T17.50. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $S.80S8 874. Short ribs sides (loose), $9.10CT.20. Pry salted shoulders (boxedV $1 3748.60. Short clear rides (boxed), $9,624(69.75. Following are the receipts and shipment of flour and grain Saturday: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl 15.700 12.400 Wheat, bu 62.500 4M.4u0 Corn, bu 199.800 646,900 Oats. bu.. 200.100 831,000 Rve, bu 11.400 27.100 Barley, bu 43.000 J, 200 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 16021c; dairies. 14VSlHc. Eggs, firm, at mark, cases Included, 14SSHc. Cheese, steady, UWit l4c SEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. was lower and weak, spot closing at $29 614 2s7e. Copper advanced ?s 6d In Lindoi. closing at tci 6s and futures at M Is sd. Locally copper was quiet and nominal at $14.76 for lake, electrolytic and cas ng. Lead declined Is 3d to 11 17 6d In London, while locally It was quiet and unchanged at $4 874. Spelter ruled stesdy at $5 75 In the New York market but declined 6s In Iondnn to 21 10s Iron closed st 62s d In Olaj-gow, and at 47s 141 In Mlddleborongh. IxK-ally Iron was quiet and unchanged. No. 1 foundry, northern. Is quoted st $21.754r22.I5; No. t foundry at $20.25fr260; No. 1 foundry, southern, and No 1 foun dry, southern, soft, at $21.0f81150. War rants are nominal. Qaotatton f the Pay oaVarloas Commodities. NEW YORK. May ll.-FLOUR Receipts, 24.169 bbla.; exports, 89,240 bbls; sales. lt, 60) bbls.; market dull but steady; winter r stents. $3.7034.00; winter straights, $3.60 60; Minnesota patenta, $4.(Kn4.30; winter extras, $2.NO?j-3.10; Minnesota bsktrs, $3.2n9 3 40; winter low gradea, $2.60l2. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, $2 8 g3.20; choice to fancy, $3.25(33.46. CORNMEAL Quiet; yellow western, $106: city, $1.04: Brandywlne, $3.4063.56. RYE Quiet; No. 3 western, 694o. f. o. b., float; state, 6oiu9c. c. I. f.. New York. BARLEY Dull; feeding, 61c, c. I. f., Buffalo; malting. 8285!c, c. I. f.. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. S30.52" bu.; exports, 144.4i'i8 bu. Spot dull; No. 2 rei. 824c ele vator; No. 1 red. 8.'4 f- o. b., afloat, No ,1 northern. Duluth, 8iVc. f. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 hard. Manitoba. 874c. f. o. b.. afloat, tt waa an uneventful day In wheat owing to uncertainty as to crop report figures, scat tered liquidation following bearish crop news, liberal recelpta snd a small vlxthle supply decrease on supply decrease weak ened prices and the close waa 4'o'4c net lower. May. S2Vfi82o. closed 8'JWc: Julv. 77 6-168,77c. clo,ei 774c; September, 7(V3 iDHe. ciosea mc. CORN Recelpta. 18.650 bu.: exports. 91. 47$ bu. Spot stesdy; No. . 634c, elevator, and 53 f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 65c; No. $ white. 5jc. Option market wai dull and vracttcallv nominal all dav. Mav broke im. aer uquioaiion inn was nnsiiy yjQ nei 'ower saalnst a net loss In July. May. o3roi4lVc closed 53V; July. 614fi'flp, closed 614c; Fepte-nber. sOi-liMHtc. closej 6t)4r. OATS Receipts, 139.S01 bu ; exports, 1(0 pu. epo uuiei; io. i, "s-,c; standard white, 4lc; o i, stvc: No. I white. 41c iso. wnne. ovc; irsca mixeq western. nominal : tram unite. 3Mg4tc. Option quiet and easier; May cloe.l 41c. II AY Dull; shipping. 7l1;5c; gool to Choice. $1 .IS1 15. " HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice. r.1 crop, ii it .:c; i:u crop, 11x41 ikc. - HIDES Steady; Oslveston. 20 to 15 lbs lKc; California 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry 24 to 90 lbs 14c. LEATHER Steady; acid. 242S;-4e. RICE Quiet: domestic, fair to extra, 7c; Japan, nominal. PROVISIONS-Beef. dull; family, $1150 012 60; mess, $9 nrufi iti.n0; beef hams, $20.01 K 21.50; pscklnc. $10.604111.00: city extra India mesa. $l.(hu?0oo Cut meats, quiet; rick led bell'es. $2Mul0 76: Klried shoulders. $9 00; rlckled hams, til 5'ilt00 Lard, easy; western steamed. $9.20; renned. eiy; con tinent, 19 4"; South America. $l0 2"i; c 'm pound. $7 624f0'l. Pork, quiet: familv, lis: short clear, $1S 504j 20.25; mess, $1S.2j4 18 75 1 TALLOW Dull; country packings, 1 1-4 ElUlS Receipts 16.0?2 pkgs. : weak; stmts and Pennsylvania. 17i ; western storage ps-Kd. 17c : western firsts, 16VwS'7c. POll.TRY Firm; sprine rhtck-ns. 11 Jc; fowls. 134c: turkevs. UtMlc. Dresred: Klrm: fowls, 14c: turkev, l&c. B I'TT E R Receipt s, 4.4TJ pkgs.; market very firm; extra creamerv. tic; nmmon to cbolce. IR'ilWe: atata dairy. 17Jj!lc. CHEESE Receipts. 1.028 pkgs.; tteadr: State, full ceam. fancy, small, colored and whit., old 13rl5c- larae, colored and white, old. I4rl4n; Imall. colored and wn new. 'V; lrge. colored and "his. METAI 8 p't tin declined 6a to 13". lOt and futures 7s M to 134 Pa 6d in the lx-n-don market. Tha New York market alaj OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Coadltloa of Trado aad (saotatloa oa Staple aad Faaey Prodoea. KaOS Fresh stock, 13134c. LIVE POl'LTRY Mn, 11c; roosters, ac cording to age, fi'ij; turkeys, 13U16c; ducks, lifllc; geese, wa io. . . BUTTER Parking stock, 12124c; eholca da'rv. In tubs, 15617c; separator, 2223c. FRESH FISH rreen caugnt trnnt, rjf 1(: nlckerel. 6Hc: Dike. 11c: perch. 6c: buffelo. 7c; blueflsh. lie', whlteflsh, 13c; sal mon, lsc; nadfiocK, 11c; coonsn. lac; rea snapper, 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 27c; lonstcrs, green, per id., bc; ouiineaas, iuc, cstflsh, 14c; blsck bsss, lie; halibut, 11c; shad roe, 3Ac each; roe shad, 7&c eacn. BRAN Per ton, 15. 1-1 A "ViPrirm ftitnlmA bv Omiht Wbotesala Dealers' association: Cnolce No. 1 upland. I 60, No. 2, $8; medium, $7.50; coarse, $7. Kye strsw, 16. These prices are ror nay or good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. CORN 40c. OATS 35c. RYE No. 1 4T.e. VEGETABLES. POTATOE-Per bu., JKxgno. NEW POTATOES Southern, per lb.. 44o: per bbl.,- $7.KI. mew uakkhth Per ooien buncnes, 400. LETTUCE Per dosen bunches, 46Qe. BEETS New southern. ber dozen bunches 45c; old, per bu., 40c PAKB.MPtt Per bu., 300. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, eer doa.. I1.2&H 1.50. GREEN ONIONS Southern, cer dosen bunches, 45c; home grown, 1245I5c , KAUlSHbS southern, cer doxen bunches. 301 ?6c; home grown. 20c. TURNIPS Canada rutabaaas. tier lb.. 14c; new southern, per dosen bunches, 60a. unjuiNo-Kea Wisconsin, per id., ic; white per lb., 14c. SPINACH Home crown, ner bu. basket. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $3.(0. BEANS Wax. per bu. box. $4: strlna. ' per bu. box, $3.00a3.60, CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb., 24c; new California, per lb., 23 TOMATOES New Florida, per 6-basket crate. $4.004.60. RHCBAHB Per lb., lo. ASPARAGUS Per dosen bunches, 75 FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Texas and Arkansaa. per 24-quart case, $2. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIC3S California, cer 10-round cartons. 80c; Turkish, per 35-pound box, 1418o. ORANGES California navels, fancy, for 176 and smaller sizes $3.50&X75; for 150 and larger sizes, $3.25; cnolce. $3.003.50; Medi terranean sweets, $3; sweet Java. $3. uimwwb-California rancy, $3.26. lb., Cc; per case 0 30-pound pkgs., $2.26. i-lAEiAl'f L,K CUDan, 63.6013.76. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c POPCOFN-Per lb., 2c; shelled, 4c. HIDES No. 1 green. 64c: No. $ green. (4c; No. 1 salted. 74c; No. 1 salted, CVc; jo. 1 veai can, 1 10 u ids., S'ic; imo. 1 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs.. 6Mc: dry salted hides, 8012c; sheep pelts, 25 75c; horsehldea, $1.5(Kh2 60. in ltd-walnuts, iso. 1 ort neii, per lb., 16o; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell, -er lb., 13c- No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Brazils, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c; clmonds, soft shell, per id., lttc; hard shell, per lb., l&c; pecans, large, per lb., 124c; mall, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per doa., 61c; ehestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 4c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60; cocoanuts, per 100, $5. OLD METALS. ETC. A. B. Alplrn quotes the following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton, $11; iron, stove plate, per ton, $S; -opper per lb., 84c; brass, oeavy, per lb., 84c; brass, light, per lb., 64c; ad, per lb., 3c; sine, per lb., 24c WEARR GRAIX COMPAHY. Omaha Branch HO-111 Board of Trade Balldlngc. - CHICAGO. May U. WHEAT Haa bean considerable selling, induced by the spring like weather and this ha caused a rather bearish feeling. Market has been narrow and everybody Inclined to wait tho pub lication 01 government igures cms aiter noon. English cables were about un changed, but Paris waa 1 to 140 up. World' shipments were large, 10,922,000 bu., and there wa an increase on passsga of 1,148,000. The decrease In the visible was 1.010,000, which was considerable less than expected and about, one-third of last year. Clearances were 477,000 bu. New York re- ?orts twenty-five loads taken for export, 'rlmary receipts, 409.000 bu. against 30, 000 bu. last year: primary shipments, 608, 000 bu. against 6'J5,flO0 bu. last year. North west receipts. 203 cars against 262 last year. Local receipts, 47 cars, with none contract; estimate for tomorrow, 35 cars. It waa assumed wheat condition for May would drop about five points rrom the April con dition and show about 92 points. The northwest market were strong. CORN Was firm early, but the first prices proved to be the best ones. Trsde was small and market wa Influenced by the weakness In wheat, and also by the liberal estlmste for Tuesdsv of 496 cars. Local receipts, 250 cars, with 26 contract; clearancea were 208.000 bu. New York re ports seven losds taken for exrtort. The sample market waa lie lower. There was some Inqtilry from the east, but price were nut of line, but little business done. The vlslhle decrease waa 249.(00 bu. The local stock.' 1.774,000 bu.; decreased 444.000 bu. World' shlnments, 8,784,000. On paa sare Increased 836.000 bu. OATS Market ha been quiet snd prices have yielded some. Locsl receipts. 161 csrs, with 18 contract; eatlmate for Tues day. 220 cars. Clearances. 11.000 bu. New York reports 80.000 bu. taken for export. The cash market was lower. The vis ihle Increased 76.000 nil. snd the local stock 873,000 bu.. decreased 45,000 bu. Shipments of oats were 333,000 bu. A feature haa been the Increased demand for September throneh "i-rlsalon houses. PROVISIONS Market onened easv. The weakness In lard wa caused by llnulds tlcn. The cash densnd Is still poor. Bsrlr offerings were light. There were 42.0O0 horn market opened active snd week, price in- lower. Averse weight for the week ?2 lbs. egelnst I lbs. lsst week and 217 lbs. last yar. Estl-Mtes for to morrow. H.Ocft bead. Hogs tn the west todv, 3 bead eceinst 63.000 head last week and M d tst. nr. WEARE GRAIN COMPANY. t. Loala Grala aad Provision. ST. LOUIS. May 11. Close WHEAT lower; No. 2 red. cash elevator, il-c; track, 74c: May, 714c; Judy, Stie: Septem ber, 67Wi?i67c; No. 3 hard. 71i744c. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash. 43c, nominal; track. 4Mi4o4c: May, 43c; July, 41S341c; September, 414c. OATS Lower; track. 844c: July, 81 4e; September, 29c, nominal; No. $ white, SS-riSRUc. RYE Steady. 484c-. FLOUR 8teadv. Red winter na tents. 13 40(3.65; extra fancy and straight, $3.1031 3.43. SEED Tlmothv, nominally, $297.40. CORNMEAL Steadv. $1.30. BR AN Firm. Sacked, east track. 6MrT0e. HAY Firm. Timothy, $9.0O15.50; prairie, $7.fli "fill. 00. IRON COTTON TIES $1.06. B A O O I N G (, 4c. HEMP TWINE Sc. PROVISIONS Iower: standard mess. jobbing. $11.50. Ird. lower; $8.56. Dry salt meats Lower: boxed, extra shorts, $9.25; clear rina. fs.au lower ribs. $10 LEAD Dull. $4 17'4. SPELTER Firm. $6 40S 60. POULTRY Quiet: chickens. springs. 16923c; turkeys, 11c; duck, lie; geese. 4Wks. BUTTER Slow; creamery, 16321o; dairy, 1JT1C. EGGS-Higher. 134c. Receipt. Shipments. 9.000 t ono 64.0iO MOV 99.000 62.000 90,000 28.000 Kansas City Grain aad Provisions. lApAa v 1 1 x, .Tiny - 1 1 r. n 1 m&y, 657ia6t: July. 624ifit;24c: cash. No. $ hard. Jvfio!c; No 3, 6tiQ'j64c: No. 4. l63c; re jected, ftjyo'c; mo. 1 rea, ; no. z, tyQ.c. CORN May, Sc; July, 374&37V; cash. No! $, 4t40c; No. $ white. '4c; No. i wnne. siomc RYE No. 2. 454c HAY-Cholce timothy. $11751813.00; choice prslne $10.00. BUTTER Creamery, 17030c; dairy, fancy. 11c EGGS Fresh, 124o ivuwrr; Dukca. rim nnoni, W.2D; lbs. $9.50; short clears, $9 624. Bacon boxed, extra shorts. $10.2s; clear I.60! short clears, $10.70. 164e ; 7Sc: No. I northern, 7Tc; No. I northern, 77'fl77He. FlAtVn First patents, $4.1fi4T4.25: scond pstents, $4.06104.16: first clears, $3.0va3.10; econd clear, $2 452.60. BRAN In bulk. $l2.0(iri2.oO. Philadelphia Prodneo Market. PHILADELPHIA. May 11. BUTTER Steady; fair demand; extra western cream ery. 224c; extra nearby prints. 23c EGGS Firm; good demand: fresh nesrby, 16c, at the mark; fresh wetern. l4ti'164c.; southwestern, 16c; southern, LVainc. CHEESE Firm but quiet: old New York full cream, choice, small, 14441 15c; fair to good, 14144c; choice, large, 14e; fair to good, 14c; New York full creams, best, lic; fair to good, 12&124C Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Msy 11. WHEAT-Spot. steady: No. $ red western, winter, 6e34d; No. 1 northern, spring, 6s M; No. 1 Cali fornia, 6 84d. Futures, steady; May, 6 S4d; July. 6s 44d. CORN Spot, American mixed, new, firm at 4s84d; old. quiet at 5 3d. Futures, quiet; May, 4s 6d; June, 4s d; July, 4s 4Sd. Mllwnakee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. May 11. WHEAT Higher. Close: No. 1 northern. 814e; No. 8 northern, 784ff04c- July, 77Hc asked. RYE Firm. No. 1. 624&f13c. BARLEY Lower. No. i, 5869c; sample, 40UiM4c. CORN-July, 44c bid. Peoria Market. PEORIA, May 11. CORN Firm; No. 8, 444c; No. 8, 434c OATS Steady; No. I white, 83c; No. 4 white, S146324e. WHISKY-$1.30. Dnlnth Grain Market. DULUTH. May 11. WHEAT To arrive: No. 1 hard, 8040; No. 1 northern, 784c; May, No. 1 hard. 79c; July. 779ic OATS-May, 834C NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS. London Baying; Help) Prices Tempor arily, bat dpeealat Ions Are Quiet. NEW YORK, May 11. Today stock market showed no signs of a revival of speculative interest, 'lhere was an upward tendency during the first hour which was helped by the buying of a small number of stocks for London account. The Lon don money market 1 still tied up with the subscriptions to tne Transvaal loan, or with the 8 per cent. Of the subscriptions which was required to accompany the ap plication. As fsst as the .allotments can be determined the excess from over sub scriptions of this 3 per cent will be re turned to subscriber and this Is expected to effect a marked relaxation In the Lon don money market. Sterling exchange here, however, held firm today and Its de cline in part left the way open for an export of gold here to that point. Conse quently $1,j00,000 was engaged to go out tomorrow. It was allowed to be under stood that $500,000 In gold will go to South America during the week. This news was followed by a decline In the price of stocks, although It had oeen quite generally ex pected. That the decline waa due partly to short selling was demonstrated by the recovery late in the day when the short began to cover. They did this in the ap prehension that the monthly crop report to be given out by the agricultural depart ment this afternoon would not show as large a deterioration for winter wneai iron, the almost perfect condition of April 1, as ha been feared since the cold wave in the last week of April. This covering move ment was again interrupted by sharp sell ing at tne last ana ins nurui i-iuoru easy. Some special innuences were work during the day. A strong upward movement in Illinois Central reaulted from a large buying order from a single firm, which was ostensibly based on rumor that the dividend is to De lncreaseu. 1110 strength of Amalgamated Copper was due to the active demand for the metal in the London market. Brooklyn transit had the benefit of yesterday very heavy seaside traffic There waa continued accumulation of Missouri Pacific and of the National Railroad of Mexico stocks by the same Interests which have been especially con spicuous In those properties for some tUiie ... H.ith.m Pacific suffered from the reports of a Btrike on the system, but re covered later, when it was alleged that the workmen were still at their places. A drop of three points in Meiropoiii.ii was attributed to an unwillingness on the part of the holders to pay the second sub scription of 25 per cent which has been called. Report of labor trouble on the Mobile tt Ohio and the Great Northern served to keep alive the general appre hension which is felt over the growth of uch troubles. There were some large 1 of ferings Of United oiaies mrei v..-... -i.H I sharo break In the price of the bonds, "when Issued." on the curb market. The unfavorable view taken on Saturday of the loan expansion of the banks seemed understood" that the Increase wa. due to the shifting of debts due to foreigner, tne "'" ,-- throughout. An example wa. offered by the fact that there wa no alo ot .ugar until the final hour of the market Trans- The prices 01 umu " " j",' . , actions last week showed a decrease of 42 r cent compared with those of the cor- rzrj.r united State bond were all unchanged. The following are tne quouuvu. u w New York Btoca cut!..- Flour, bbl Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oat, bu Recelnta ShlDments fci.rtO 4r.6f0 11 t1t 61.200 19.OU0 9.0u0 Wheat, bu Corn, bu , Oats, bu Minneapolis Wheat, fleer nnd Bran MINNEAPOLIS. May 11 WH EAT Cash. 7Sc; May, Hc; July. 76'c; oa traek. No. 1 hard, TiVi No. i northern. 9J4 ....1324 .... 714 .... 44 .... 4 .... .. K .. 7J .. 11 ,.ll .. 1 .. 5 .. 1 .. 23 .. 4 .. 4 ..17T4 ..J814 .. 4 .. 644 .. Zo .. 484 '.. 414 . .186 ..11)04 .. 94 ,1 Atchison - J So p! ..7ir. A Ohio.... 1 do pia r..illu Pselne Canada Soutnara . Chs. Ohio Chicago Altos.. do pf4 Chlcaso Ot. w. do l pi do 14 pf4.."-' micaso N. w. Chlcagif T. T... do pia C. C. C. Colo. Southern ... do M P,a do M P'4 D!a- m Huaaon.. Pais.. U W.... Danver A R- 0 - do pm Brio 1 do in pio de id Pli ' Ot. Nor. pfa Hocking vsiiey .. An nfd ........ Illlnola fontral 14 Iowa central . do pro US W do pi Louis. A Naah. Manhattas t, ... Met. St. Ry.... Uax. rantrsl ... Mox. National .. Minn. A St. U . Mlaaourl PaclBo M .. K. T do pfa N. J. Contra!... N. Y. Central... Nor. A Waat.... do pfa Ontario A W.... yaenayivanis ... Reading do lat pfd ... do Id ptd ... St. L. A 8 F... do lat p'd ... do id ptd..., St. U S. W do pfd L Paul do pfd 8utbora Pad As Southern Railway , do pfd Taxas A Pacific T.. 81. L. A W dd pfd , Union PactBo do pfd Wabaah do pfd W. A L. E do id pfd , Wis. I'antral do pfd Adams Kiproas .... Amr. Evpreao .... U. 8. Bipraaa. . K4 . . t' . Jf . 424 . . . 41 . 134 . 44 . . 414 .i .126 Walla-Fargo Ex too . W4 ... CO ... 40 ...106 ...11 ...1414 ...132 ... T7a ... 52 ... M ...1114 ... 344 ... I.7S ...170 ...130H ... 71 ... M ... i'4 ...130 ... 444 ... 44 ... 44 - SN ... T ... S ... 3'4 .,.161 ...mv ... 444 Amal. Coppar 644 Amar. C. st T 3 do pfd 114 Amer. Lin. Oil lh1 do pfd 41 'Amer. 8. A R 404 do pfd K4 Ana. Mm. Co 104 Brk. Rap. Tr 64 Colo. F. A 1 46 Con. 0a tot Con. Tob. ptd Ill General Eleotlio ,...1MH4 Hocking Coal ....... 14 lnt'n'l Paper 17 do pfd 70 lnt'n'l Power ! Laclede Gas 47 National Blaculf .... 41 National Lead 204 No. American 44 Pacific Coast M PaclOo Mall SI People's Gas 104 Preaaed Bleel Car... i4 do pfd .... ti't runman rai. iar....in Republic Bleel do pfd Sugar Tenn. C. A I U. 8. Leather do pfd I). 8. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Western Union Am. Locomotive .. do pfd K. C. Southern.... da pfd Rock Ulend da ptd 184i . 4: . 13 . & '4 . 14 . kt . i44 . 44s, . Xn' . 24 . . 3v4 : ..104 IHocklng Vsl. 4 Ha... ..1U4 L. A N. unl. 4a ,.14'4 ku. Central 4a...., ..10T' do lat Inc ..lloVMtan. A St. U 4a.. ..1.64IIM.. K. A T. 4a New York Money Market. NEW YORK. May ll.-PRIMB MER CANTILE PAPER 441164 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm at (4 4 8 for demand and at t4.S4X647 4.S5 for 40 days: posted ratea, $4 854ia4.8S4ftf4.89; com mercial bills. 14.8444.84. SILVER Bar, 54c; Mexican dollars. 4?c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. The closing quotation on bond are as follows: U- I. ret. 9a. re. do eoupon ...... do is. reg do coupon do sew 4a. re., do eoupoa , da eld 4a. re... do eoupon do 6a. rog do coupon ...... Atrblaon gea. 4c. 4e adj. 4s Bel. Okie 4s... do Haa , do conv. 4o...., Caneda I,, la C. ot O. 4e do 1st Inc C. A O. 4VM C. A A. I4e C. B. A Q. a. 4s C. M. A 8. P. g 4i C. A N. W. cos. 7a C, R. I. A P. 4s.. C C C A Bt L g. 4s rtlcag Tor. 4s.... 1 010. m so. ea D. A R. G 4a Clio prior Ilea 4a... do general 4s r. W. A D. C. la.. Bid. Offered ..liot ..in ..lulV, ..103V, 1S do is N. Y. C. g. lva . N. J. C. gen. to..., No. Pacific 4a , do la N. A W. .10l"Resdlng gea. ?.- V- - " ..101 ..104, ..loala .. 71 ..104 .. t7Vy .110 .Ui.a .1U4 l-4 hi. l. a g r St. L. 8. W. la ... do la , So. PaclSe 4a , So. Hallway to Teiaa A Pacific la. T . St. L. A W. 4a Union Pacific 4a do cost. 4s Wahaah la do deb. B i West Shore 4e... A U 4a .. Wta. Central 4a.. tCon. Tob. 4a ..110Cola. Fuol to .1074 .lll . 7 . lVi .10014 . M4 . II .101 .133 . 71 . r i 4 . 44 . 41 . WV4 .1114 .lie . 7SV, .1024, ' .110 S .107 . 14 .114 . 41 . I4 . 4! , . 464 lied, partly owing to the Idea that some of the returned Transvaal losn spplleatlon money will be Invested In other high-class securities. A portion of this Improvement wms subsequently Inst, but the market con dition closed with an Improvement. Amer icans opened week on the poor bank state ment, Improved later to above parity, be came almost stagnant and cloeed steady. Orsnd Trunk was firm on the traffic In crease. Rio tlntos were strong, on the hrd"nlng of copper, due to a report of German buying. The msnsgement of the Bank of England later In the day an nounced that there h.td been I15.4O0 appli cations for allotment of the Transvsal losn. the aggregate amount being $6,870, Oon.OflO. The amn'int of bullion tsken Into the Punk of England on balance today wa 73.000 sterling. x PARI8. May 11. Stocks opened stronger on the bourse tndsv. owing to resssuring advices regarding the threatened foreign complications. Rentes advanced snd the tone of the market was good throughout, though toward the close there ws a slight reaction. The private rates of discount wns 24. Three per rent rentes. 97f 80c for the ac count: exchanges on London, 26f 174e for Checks. P.ERLTV, May 11. Prices on the bourse today were somewhat firmer. Money on cn 11 wns quoted st S4 per cent. Exchange on London, 20m 4R4pfg8. for checks. Boston Stock floatation. BOSTON. May I1.-Call loans, JtfM per cent; time loans, 44(86 per cent. Official closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atchison 4a W, Amalgamated 44 Bingham calumet Heels. ...41 Mex. Central 4s T7 Atchlaon T9Va do pfd 47 Bonon A Albany-...264 Boaton A Me... Boston fclevated .176 Centennial Copper Range .. Dominion Coal .US' Franklin N. V., N. H. A H..104 lele Rorale ... Kltrbburg pfd 1404 Mohawk XI Old Dominion I'nion Pacific Mrl. Central ... Amor. Sugar ... do pfd ....... Amer. T. A T... Pom. I. A General Electric Man. Electric .. do pid United Prult U. 8. Steel do pfd Adventure Allouea .... i7l ....1J8V ....121 ,..,IMU 24! Oaceoli Parrot Qulncy Santa Fa Coppar. Tamarack ..141 jTrlmnuntaln . .. 31 Trlnlty .. 17 V, United State ..1044 Vtah .. 14 ' I Victoria .. 84 I Winona .. Wolverine ... .. 7 lOnlr West ... 24 .... 44 ....1084 .... lov .... 10 .... 414 14 .... 47 .... 34 ....Hi .... a ....140 .... 41 .... 4H .... 444 .... .... 44 .... 114 .... 71 .... 474 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Trado Eatber Blow, but Prices Ee mtined About Steady. HOGS SOLD FIVE TO TEN CENTS LOWER C MMMH Moderate Ron of Sheep nnd Lambs and Market Haled Acttre oa Good Stat wltk Price Fally Steady. SOUTH OMAHA, May 11. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oinclal Monday 2.4M7 b.:S2 3.1.8 Same day last week 4.M9 6. (118 i.l'U Kama week before S.iU 5,Kjy i.iw, 8a me three weeks ago 4.Sftl 4.4 t.ilb Same foifr weeks ago i.4Nj t.bVf M'M Same day laat year 1.813 S.KiO S.7U7 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table show the receipts of cattle, hog and sheep at Souin Omana for the year to date, and comparisons with last year: 1903. Cattle 14S.8J1 Hogs mi,tJ3 Hneep 4V7,0U Average trice ualu Omana lor tne last several day with com parisons: Inc. bD.i.li Dec. 1902. 2i8.096 fwtt.lf SJ1.4S4 146.648 lor liugs at South U7.53J Date. 1901. lS(i.lWl.1900.189..:iS9S.il897. London Stock Market. LONDON. April 9. Closing quotations: Conaola, money it Ne York Central. ,.H4'4 .42 4-14 Norfolk A Westers... 71i Foreign Financial. LONDON. May 11. Money was scarce In the market today in connection with the Transvaal loan. uiscounts consequently were aulet. On the Block exchange busi ness wjs Inactive, everybody awaiting the Transvaal losn sllotments. At th cluse of business it was rumored that the arjill rations amounted to lo.rH6.0ii0.UCO. The tone of the iparast was cheerful. Consols ral- do pfd . Ontario A Wealern.. PennayWanla Rand Mlnea Reading do lat pfd do id pfd 41 40H 704 im 4 4 44 Southern Railway.... 44 44 44 do account... Anaconda e Atchlaon 44 do pfd loo Baltimore A Ohio M4 Canadian Pacific, JJt Cheaepeake A Ohio.. 4i Chicago U. W ids C, M. A St. P 164V. DeBeera tl Denver A R. 0 344 do pfd n-4 Erie MSt do lat pfd 70 do M pfd 3, Illlnola Central 141 St Loulavllle A Nah...l20 M . K. A T M'-' BAR SILVER Steady ; 2416-16d per ounce. MONEY 34 fa 4 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 34 per cent and for three months' bills is 24 per cent. do pfd. Southern Pacific. L'nion Pacific ii: ao pia United States Steal.. 4 do pfd 41 Wabaah ithi do pfd 44 New York Mining notations. NEW YORK, May ll.-The following are the quotation on the New York Stock exchange: Adams Con Alice Breeco Brunawlck Con Cometock Tunnel... Con. Cel. A Vs Horn Silver Iron Sliver ..' Leadvllle Con........ Bid. Asked. . to . i& . 20 . 4 44' .iro .100 .125 . i Little Chief ... Ontario ....... Ophlr "Phoenix , Potoel Savage , Sierra Nevada imall Hopes .. Itandard , . I .140 . 4 . 16 . 18 . 44 . 40 .240 Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS, May U. COTTON Flrm; sales, 2.450 bales; ordinary, 9 l-16c; good ordinary; 99-16c; low middling, 10B-lc; middling, 11 1-lSc; good middling, 114c: mid dling fair, 12o-16c; receipts, 3,679 bales; stock, 97,368 bales. Futures, steady; May, 11.31c, bid; June. 11.41c, bid; July, 11.65( 11.66c; August, 10. 91 10. 92c; September, 9."(j) 9.81c; October, 9.87a9.88o; November, &.74(op 8.75c; December, 8.i4ig&.75c. NEW YORK, May 1L COTTON Opened excited at an advance of 5323 iilnts and throughout the session ruled very active and at times showing sensational strength under what amounted. tot practically a panic of nearby shorts. The .Initial advance was largely due to the strength at Liverpool, which at the time ot the local opening reached an advance of 4ifll points. This showing, the advance of 10 points for spot in the English market and a further ex hibition of firmness t on the part of the New Orleans market,, brought about active covering by snorts. Right after the call May sold up to 11.15c, July tov10.5rtc, Au gust to 10.21c and September to 9.44o. this being an advance of 1624 points over the close of Saturday. Then there was a re leasing movement from the bull clique, while commission houses were taking pro fits, and prices eased off to a level net SffilO points higher, as compared with the previous closing. The estimated receipts for tomorrow's leading porta were heavy and this, with the good weather, en couraged the realizing around midday. Toward the close a report was circulated that a new pool had formed In calling New Orleans for the purpose of carrying the May deal in this market over juiy ana August. Influenced hy this rumor, there was a fresh outbreak of covering, under which prices resulted the best point of the dav and season. Mav soia it lu.ztic; june, 10.76c: July, lO.fftc; Atigut, 10.34c: Septem ber. A 46c. From thla there wss a flnn' reaction of 1?4 robt and the market closed net 14936 points higher. Total future sales estimated at 900.000 bales. ST. LOUIS. May U. COTTON Steady. J-loc higher; middling, 10Hc: sales. 200 bales; receipts, 602 bales,; shipments, 602 bales: stock, 14,458 .bales. LIVEnrUlIU May . 11-uuri un-opm. rnnn business done: nrlces 610 points higher: Amerlcen middling. 6.22d: good mid dling, 6.9c; middling, S MV1; low middling, 6 62d; good ordinary 54fld; ordinary, 6.22d. The sales of the day were 15,000 bales, of which 5.000 were for speculation ana ex port, and Included 13. 400 American. P.o receipts. iTirures openen 11 rni ana cucthi fovfHch. American middling, good to ordi nary, closed with May st R.fild: May-June, 5.80ri5.ld: June-July. S.5J.aod: July-Au gust. 5 57rj5.&Hrt: AUgtiHi-oeriremDer, o.oz's 5 43d: September-October, 4 99d; October November, 4.79d; November-December. 4.72d: Pecember-January. 4.7084.71d; January-February, 4.61d. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. May 11. WOOL Strone-. Medium grades and combing, 15tJ18c; light fine. 14fi 17c : heavy. lOfilDc: tub washed. lS'JfirrHc. NEW YORK. May 11. WOOL-Firm. LONDON. May 11. WOOL The offerings at the auction sales today consisted of a superior selection of 10,99 bales. Merinos and coarse cross breds were 10 per cent above the March average and scoureds in line condition sold at nign rates. The offerings of Tasmanlan were large and there waa a strong demand for greasles. Americans purchased several par cels of cross breds. , Following are the sales in detail. New South Wales, S.5o0 hales; scoured d(gi, 114d; greasy. 64d. Queensland. 1.800 bales: greasy, 6d1s Id. Victoria. I.hOO bales: scoured, esdls. South Australia. 200 bales; scoured, lld'gls 2d; greasy, 6i10d. Tasmania, 1,800 bales; aressv. Is 4Ud. New Zealand. 2.600 bales: scoured. Is Id; greaay, S'rdirjllVid. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 3 10 bales; greasy, svaiod. d Rosin. May 11. OIL Credit Oil a ait rirv n . balances, II 53; certificates, no .bid. Ship- m.nl. A i.ra irt runs. 114.- 373; average, 72.1(2. Shipments, Lima. 133.- 146: averaae. 6B.I60: runs. 170.(77; average. 62,216. SAVANNAH. Ga.. May 11. OIL Turpen tine firm. 46c. Rosin, firm. A. B. C. D. E., 1.70: F., $175; O., 1 80; H.. $2 25; I.. 12.85; K., $3.00; M., 3.10; N., i.w; w. u., u.la; W. W., $3.45. vriTtr VADV XI... 11 1 T T Pntlnn mmA dull; prime cotton seed. dull. Petroleum, firm; refined, 9.5; Phllaeieipnia ana nani more, $8.50; in bulk, $560. Turpentine, steady. Rosin, steady. Sogtar and Molasses. NEW ORLEANS, May 11 SUQAR-Dull; open kettle. l'S4i3 7-ltic; open kettle cen trifugal, $4u-3V; centrifugal white, 44c; yellow, tSv-lc; seconds, 24'j34o. MOLASSES Open kettle, nominal, Wi 6-; centrifugal, '18c; syrup, nominal, II NEW YORK. May 11. SUOAR-Raw. nominal: renned. steady. MOLASSES Steady. Visible Supply of Urala. NEW YORK. May 11. The visible supply of grain Saturday. May 9. aa compiled by the New York Produce exchange, Is a follows: Wheat, SI. 446,000 bu., decrease, 1.010.000 bu.; corn, 6 IIO.OOO bu., decrease. 249.000 bu.; iwii Hr2.0ii0 bu.. Increase. 76.000 bu : rye. 1,1. 4. WO bu., decrease. 44.000 bu.; barley. 1.201.000 bu.. Increase, ll.uui bu. Elgin Batter Mnrket. ELGIN, 111.. May 11 BUTTER Ruled firm on the Board of Trade today, selling at 21c a lb. XUe sale (or the week acre 4.0.0UO Iba. ATirll 16 April 16.. April 17. April 18. Anril 19. April 20.. April 21.. April Tl. April 23. April 24. April 25. April 26. April 27. April 28. April 29. April 80. May 1 May May May Mnv May May May Mnv Mav May 2..., 3.... 4..., 6.... 6.... 7.... 8.... ..., 10.. 11.. J 1641 7 0741 7 14 7 14 7 10 I 7 1041 7 0641 7 011 7 0b4 7 0441 924 83 7741 sivs ( 83 I 6 76 764! 72 6 66 I t 634! 6 6341 6241 I 644 3f 95 sl 96 Wj Vl 861 6 86 ( Mi 97j 7 04 98 I 7 07i 7 03 6 86 ( 60 7 01 7 02 I 7 03 98; ( 93; 7 00 7 08 7 081 01 6 93 6 92 6 l 6 8 mm 5 81 6 801 6 76j 6 77 1 ( 77 6 66; 0 64 6 64 6 71 6 72 6 65 e 5 68 6 70 64 6 65j 6 61 6 6b 72 46 a , 6 6 8 7i 49 X 6s, t 46 3 71 6 46 S 76 6 4 3 77 a 1 ro. 6 36 6 321 3 67 6 36 3 66 6 39 3 66 34j 6 6 37 e 6 32 6 26 6 18 6 17 6 30 6 22 3 6 3 69, V 3 66 8 t0 3 68 3 62 3 64 6 21 6 10 3 691 6 12; 3 bu 5 161 8 62j 6 16 8 66 3 l 3 81 3 611 3 87 I 91 3 60 8 bl 3 91 3 63i 3 84 8 73 3 n 8 84 3 M 3 741 3 82 3 83 3 71 3 84 3 3 77 8 75 3 79 3 83 e 3 90 3 87 8 93 3 95 8 93 8 90 e 3 89 3 j 19 3 81 3 77 3 74 3 $0 8 79 e 3 71 3 72 3 66 3 64 3 70 3 71 a 3 61 3 66 Indicates Sunday. The official number of ear of stock brought In today by each road was: cattle. Hogs.eneep. C. M. A St P 3 Wabash 2 Union Pacific 22 C. A N. W 2 F.. E. A M. V 25 C. St. P., M. Jr. 0 31 B. A M 23 C, B. As Q 2 C, R. 1. & P.. east 8 Illinois Central 8 25 1 8 4 21 6 10 3 1 1 79 Total receipts 116 79 11 The disposition of the day's receipts wa a follows each buyer purchasing the num ber or neaa lnaicaiea: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 371 161 .... Swift and Company 617 875 1,279 Cudahy Packing Co tV 1,553 178 Armour, from Siox City. 19 1,813 Armour, from country... 617 9-2 1,315 vansant & to Lobman & Co. Hill A Huntxlnger. Huston & Co , Rothschild L. F. Hus , Wolf A Murnan...., Werthelmer , Other buyer . 4 . 11 . 10 . 18 . 67 . 3 . 22 . 166 .2516 6.357 a Ren in lust st Frl- Total 2,516 6.357 2,772 CATTLE There was a moderate run of cattle here this morning, but at some other point there was n liberal supply, so mere was no chance for any Improvement In prices. Local packer, though, took bold In rainy gooa snape ana tne general mantel wa about steady. 1 he nrst sales 01 peer steer tms morning were fully steady with the close of last week, but after the first round buyers slowed up and the market was rather slow and no mora than steady. In fact, some salesmen thought they bad to take a shade less tnan iney aia last ween, dui as eral thing all desirable grades sold in about the same notches they did last day. Trading was not very brisk at any time, but a receipt were not excessive the bulk of the arrivals was disposed of at a reasonably early hour. The cow market was aiso a utile stow. but about steady. Buyers seemed to be anxious for the better grades and especially ror the medium weignt cows ana neuers. Those that were lacking in quality, though. were ratber nexiectea ana were certainly no more than steady. Bulls, veals calves ana stags an soia with out much trouble at just about the same prices that were paid last week. 1 nere were uniy a lew etocsers ana leru- ers In the yards mis morning, nut mere seemed to be enough to meet the demand. Anything good sold without difficulty at steady prices, but when it came to the common grades the market was slow and the tendency of price wa downward. Rep resentative sales: BEEF BTEE-R8. No. . At. I 170 t 441 4 1071 1 711 I IB4 44 .'.1211 1.,.. U0i 14 4Si I IM 4 Ill 11 HI 1 110 T. toil 1 ISO 1 1000 no IS 41 14 1040 4 1000 44 40 II 1134 41 lc0 4 1071 11 1109 1160 1 1111 S 0 11 1110 II 447 II U44 11 114 1 1114 45 HI STEERS 76 111 1 xi loaa 10 1044 41 1100 STEERS AND fyAQS. 1. lev IT. No At. Pr. 1 40 1... 1020 4 70 I 44 41 109'J 4 70 4 00 41 1105 4 70 4 10 11 1044 4 70 4 IS 20 1304 4 70 4 34 37 1144 4 70 4 IS IT 1KT7 4 70 4 10 4 1101 4 74 4 14 1 1111 4 74 4 IS 20 1181 4 76 4 40 13 HOT 4 74 4 40 14 1327 4 71 4 40 1 .1161 4 74 4 40 14 Ull 4 40 4 40 II lbSl 4 10 4 40 It 1164 4 SO 4 40 14 IMS 4 SO 4 SI 10 1S3I 4 40 4 44 14 1114 4 10 4 44 II 1314 4 40 4 40 S3 18!7 4 40 4 40 110 IMS 4 M 4 40 4 1111 4 IS 4 40 II HIT 4 14 4 40 1 1141 4 II 4 40 1 :....i:4o 4 is 4 44 41 12S3 4 40 4 4S 11 1260 4 40 4 4S 14 1321 4 S 4 44 II 1311 4 00 4 4S 24 110S I 00 4 10 4 1041 I 08 4 TO II 14tS I 04 RB AND HEIFERS. 4 10 IT 11S1 4 TO 4 14 IT 1101 4 7 4 40 13 1101 4 74 4 45 11 1:01 i as 4 70 14 1044 4 IS 1 .. TOO .. T0 .. IM .. TAS .. 170 .. T40 .. ltd .. K0 .. 110 .. IM .. 140 .. 110 .. TK) .. T1S .. 40 ..1140 .114 ..110 ..1010 .. 464 .. Ill .. Ii& .. 414 ..1060 1. 1 1 4 I I 1 I If I 1 I I IT 1. 10M 1IM 460 1040 1040 1100 1070 1140 1010 464 1074 474 M COW 474 44 , 474 440 414 44 It! 40 , TS4 401 4 74 COWS. t 00 1 1100 ) g t 6 4 1063 I ts I 14 1 H0 I s I 14 I .'. Til I 71 I 14 1 440 I 71 144 1 too 174 I 40 4 1001 I ss I 40 t 1041 I IS I 60 1 1033 3 40 I 64 4 428 I M I 40' 4 SM 1 SO I 76 4 X 4 00 I T4 1 1135 4 00 I 40 1 1100 4 00 I 40 I IW IM I 14 3. lull 4 00 I 10 1 1610 4 00 I 14 1 1171 4 04 I !5 14 107 4 10 I 14 I 1403 4 10 I 21 1 124 4 10 I 60 T 1034 4 14 I 60 1 1430 4 10 I 60 43. 104 4 14 I 60 1 1064 4 10 I 44 11 1001 4 14 I 40 1 1140 4 14 I 40 T 1110 4 14 I 44 4 1074 4 10 I 60 10 1121 4 IS I 60 IT lifoO 4 IS 1 60 20 110 4 JS I so I i:m 4 ft I 40 I li0 4 IS I 40 1 1170 4 10 I 40 4 1344 4 10 8 64 l.(. 1114 4 40 8 AND HEIFERS. 4 14 I e-4 4 20 4 34 HEIFERS. I 44 14 IM I M I 44 1 140 I Tl I II 1 474 I 40 I 14 4 41 4 44 I K) 1 130 4 10 I 14 I IV IM I IS I T71 4 40 I 24 .. TM ..14S ..120 ,.144 ..1040 ..loie ..1370 .. 744 .. 174 ..1000 .. 474 ..1410 .. 7M ..IMS ...16a ..1404 .. to .. 100 BULLS 9 to I 44 I 14 I II I 14 I 14 I 44 I U I '1 111 I 71 I 71 I T4 I 44 8 44 I 44 CALVES. 140 I.... 4 4 .... 4 4 I.... 1. ....1044 .... 6"0 .... 640 ....1404 .... 444 ....1640 .... ,...14M ....1M0 .... IM ....1660 ....134 ....1344 ....! .... 464 , 14 , 131 4V4 I 44 I 40 I 40 I 44 4 00 4 00 4 so 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 14 4 10 4 10 4 21 I 44 I 44 I 44 aee "IT READ EVERY WORD THINK QUICK BUY QUICK A CHANGE OF A LIFE TIME Is a nhrase that actually describes tha "SOUTH THE POT II LEWET" mine located on the same great ledge and OF COLD I 1J0,rinS the famou "Dewey" mine In Thunder Moun tain, . idano. THE "SOUTH DEWEY" MINE property consist 'of ten full mining claim f30S acres) and w own the property outright. This mean that every dollar you Invest goes Into development work and no part of it Is used to pay salaries. This la a vital point and should be one of the first thing looked Into before In vesting in any mining company. NO SALARIED OFFICERS TREASURY I STOCK I IIO CENTS I PER SHARE I We have decided to place a limited amount of Treasury Stock on sale to continue development work and purchase necessary machinery. For a short time only you can buy this stock pir value SI. 00 non-assessable no personal liability) for 10 cent per share. WILL RISE SOON The present allotment of stock 1 limited and the Board of Director may deolde at anytime to raise the price a It la selling fast WRITE TODAY And enclose check or money order for many shares aa you can possibly afford It' a chance of a lifetime. A PROSPECTUS FREE Giving full particular of our property and a description of "Thunder Mountain." which is going to become the greatest gold mining camp tn the world. Sent for the asking. Send Checks, Honey Orders or Inquiries, to The South Dewey Mining Co. (LIMITED.) Suite S 739-740, Stock Exchange Dldg., Chicago, III. Or M A. CDPPVV all A Da Wtlr4e flmaka AJAu a. w-vMw.e a wiiiaiiaeasvaJe STOepBPweaaa. eeaamBBBexflpvaaweaBiaaaKae vaeaaaneaan(aMaeea)(aaenaea. 1.. IS.. IM IM 1 114 ( 44 TO 4 IS STAGS. 1:10 4 10 1 140 4 IS 1464 4 24 STOCK CALVES. 184 I 10 STOCK COWS AND HEIFER". l:0 1 40 1 4M I 14 814 3 Tl 11 TM I 14 , 415 1 40 T 411 I 39 BTOOKERS AND FEEDERC. t 314 I 00 1 4M 4 M I IM I SO . I I4 4 10 t 140 I 40 1 140 4 10 1 470 I 10 34 44 4 40 1 420 1 40 I T34 4 10 1 440 I 74 11 421 4 TO 1 494 I 40 14 400 4 TO I. 403 4 00 14 Ill 4 10 1 124 4 00 HOGS There was a fair Monday' run of hogs here this morning and, aa other mar kets were all quoted lower, price here also took a tumble. Packer started in bidding 6'OlOc lower and that waa the way the hog sold and there wa practically no change in the market from start to finish. Trading was not exactly active, but as there were only fifty-seven loads on sale everything was out of first hands by the middle of the forenoon. The long string went at $6.66. The lighter weights went mostly at .60 and t.B2V4. while the heavier hogs sold from I867H to 18. 60. It will be noticed from the sales below that packers ore not discriminating in favor of the heavy hogs to the extent Iney were a short time sgo. They seem to be looking more at quality now than at weight. Rep resentative sales: IF YOU TRADE plaoe your order with CEO. A. ADAMS CRAIN CO., Member Principal Exchanges. GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS Writ for our dally letter.' 04 Board Trad Building. Omaha. Phone 14X4 and 14)17. PRIVATE WIRESl WEARE GRAIN - COUPANY. Member Principal Exchange. - Prtvat wire. BRANCH OFFICE OMAHA. NSa 110-111 Board of Trad. W. E. WARD. Mgr. Telephone ISIS. No. At. Bh. i'r. No. kt. Bh. Pr. 4 120 ... I 75 44 C4 ... I 44 11 234 ... 4 4H 44 2S4 140 4 54 44 227 ... 44 71 234 40 I 45 71 224 40 4 50 71 141 100 4 54 ST 184 ... 4 60 47 172 140 4 41 41 110 m 4 50 44 Ill 40 I 45 10 121 40 4 50 T4 144 40 4 44 7 221 40 40 40 ! 10 I 54 (5 f.O ... 4 ITS 41 254 140 4 41 74 !: 14 4 1.2', 72 244 110 I 51 I... 242 10 4 52i, 44 ?34 40 4 55 74.. 211 40 I 12V, 41 171 ... 155 45 221 40 4 62, 44 217 10 4 45 Tl :.i2 140 4 62', 44 221 ... 4 45 47.. 234 ... 4 621, J ,..241 10 4 66 61 241 40 4 62'4j 40 20 10 4 65 3 343 ... 42Vi TO 24T 40 4 46 74 240 ... 4 62l 40 IM 120 4 65 67 SK0 120 4 424 44 161 160 4 66 60 234 40 4 621, 71 274 ... 4 65 61 15 40 4 (.!', 74 234 40 4 45 Tl !7 40 4 46 41 241 10 I 64 41.; 271 40 4 65 61. ...... 2X4 10 4 47V, (3 244 ... 4 66 64 24 10 4 47V 46 274 ... 4 66 10 371 40 I !7Vi 45 376 ... 4 55 7 344 ... 4 67 V, 47 240 40 4 64 17 381 ... 4 40 43 29 120 61 SHEEP There was a moderate supply of sheep and lambs in sight this morning and no new developments were noticed in the situation. I'ackers were all anxious for good stuff and the arrivals answering to that description were soon disposed of at fully steady prices. The commoner kinds were not as brisk sale, but still they brought a good prices as were paid last week. Some spring lambs sold as high as 14.75 and some clipped ewe brought J4.75. The same as has been the case for some time past, good stuff was very scarce this morning. The supply of feeder wa light and the market could not be quoted anything but steady. Quotation for clipped stock: Choice west ern lambs, ).0tVg4j.&0; fair to good lamb, fJR.tl0i.(Ki; choice western wooled lambs V Sng7.15: fair to good wooled lambs, 0v f50; choice lightweight yearlings. $5.S0?) 5.76; fair to good yearlings, I4.50fr5.26; choice we'hers. $60iyi75.25; fair to good wether. e4.'.'i!4.fi6; choice ewes, $4.50T4.tK; fair to pood ewes. t3.504.25; feeder tombs, S3.6Mti $4.50; feeder yearlings. I3.50tfi4.00: feeder -s-ethers. KiSOfjl.OO: feeder ewes, J2.25ij3M. Representative sales; No, . Av. Pr. 20 cull lambs 4 3 50 2 bucks 10 4 01 fl cull lambs u4 4 io 21 western ewes M 4 7 12 western yearlings 79 5 50 48 cull ewes M t 75 7 Mexican ewe 75 S 60 S30 western ewes 72 I 60 152 cull lambs 42 4 00 1 cull lamb 40 4 00 411 western ewes 10S 4 76 820 Mexican yearlings 4 5 25 864 Mexlcnn yearlings 64 6 25 2 western lambs 70 6 00 21 wemern lambs 79 rt) western lambs M s 00 4i7 western lambs "... fS 8 50 2M spring lambs. hi 75 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Are Steady to slow, While Hons aad sheep Both Drop. CHICAGO, May 11 CATTLE Receipt. 2S.00 head. Steady, closed slow. Good to prime steers,. $6.10ff5.0; poor to medium. M(i5.10; stockers and feeders. $3.0Cnft;4.75; cows. 1 WX&lfiO; heifers. 2.5V6.00; canners, S16u2 76: bulls. 2 5o'n450: calves. f2,6O$00: lxss fed steers. 14 1114.25. HOGS Receipts today, 42,000 head; to morrow, iO.OOn; left over, 10.000; lrt20c lower; mixed and butchers', e.G&'nfi 00; giod to choice heavy, i 7Votl 16; rough heavy, p; .VVi-Ki 65; light,' $6 .306.55; bulk of sale, $ti 6.VSj 70 SHEEP AND I.AMBfl Receipt. 20.000 head. Sheep steady lo 15c lower; lambs strong to shsde higher. Good to choice wethers. 15 Ofi!r5.85; fair to choice mixed, 3 45ifi3.75; nstlve lambs, t.70fj4.75; western lambs. $4.75tf7.30. Official Saturday: - Cattle. Hogs. Receipts 75 1.670 Shipment 647 47 Sew York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. May 11. CATTLE-Beeves, receipts, l.7'J; steers opened moderately sc tlve snd steady, closed stranger on medium and light welKhts; bulls, firm; cows, l"d 15c higher. Hieers. $1.6iV,'fii 46; bulls, t 46 474 i- cows, t.&Va4.15. Cubles quoted live cattle firmer at llv,ijl24ie.. dressed weignt; sheep selling at 113l5. dressed weight Ks ports tomorrow. hl'J cattle, 1.03) shet-p and 1,7'JD quarters of beef. CALVES-Recelpts. 1.450; veals, 4.fo 7 0(); tops, $7.25; buttermilks. $3.6mu4 0; cliy dressed veals, 7Vyol'";. , HOGS Receipts, ,CM head; slow; Ut and Pennsylvania hogs, $7.0037.16; west ern, $7.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, .16I head; sheep firm to 10c higher; lambs 15, 25c higher; good spring lambs firm and wsnted, others slow; clipped sheep, $3.5Vri 6.60; export. $5.80; few wooled sheep, $5.75: clipped lambs. $6.00g7.75; spring Iambs. $8. to, by the head. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY,' May 11. CATTLE Re celpta, 4,200 native, 250 Texans; calves, 160 native. Beeves steady to 10c higher: quar antine steady; cow steady to 10c higher; Blockers and feeders quiet. Choice export and dressed beef steers, $4. $036.25: fair to good, $3.75ifi4.60; stockers and feeders, $3.35CT 4.76; western fed steers, 12 9M7 5.10; Texas and Indian steer. $3.5054. 75: Texa cow $2 90(5:3.76: native cow. $1.60fr4.30; native heifer. $3.1(V4 76; canners. $1.26J20; bulls $2.75473 75; calves, $2.(nvg6 80. HOGS Receipt, 6.000 head. ..Market 5ffl0c lower; top. $S70; bulk of sales. $t.52V,6.fio; heavy, $0.VSti.70; mixed packers. K45($r5; light. $.4086.56; yorker, $6.50S.t5 ; pigs. $6.55735. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 12 000 head. Market tronsr. lambs I0n hlrh. Native lambs, $4.2Sf?7.iiO; western lambs. $4 ori ?7.50; fed ewes. $3.85tfiS.25; nstive wetnrs $4.0OS.R5; Texas clipped sheep, $4.0Olj.tf); stockers and feeder. $3.70(34.30. St. Loala Live Stork Mnrket, ST. LOUIS. May ll.-CATTLE-Reeelpt. 3.900 head, including 2.300 Texans. Mnrket steady to strong. Native shipping and ex port steers, $4.45ir6 76: dressed beef nnd butcher steers, $4.00a6.2S; steers under 1 Oio lbs., $3.60165.00; stockers snd feeders. $3.2tv?j 4.76: cow and heifers, $2.25(r5.00; canners $2.25(33.00; bulla $2.6004.00; calves $3 6ii. fKl; Texas and Indian steer. $3.S04f4.50; cows and heifer, $2 25tfJ3.75. HOGS Receipt. 8.600 head. Market Rfi 16c lower. Pig and lights, $A.40ti.65; pack ers. $.4V36.60; butchers. $.y36.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. l.FA head. Market active and Arm. Native muttons. $4.VQ6.60; lambs. $5.00457.90; stock ers, $2.008400; Texans, $3.75tfj4.70. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. May II.-CATTLE-Pe-ceipt. 2.141 heed; steady to strong: n tives, $4 35B6.50; cows and heifers. $2.25 4.85; stockers and feeders, $3.5tKfcn.0ft. HOGS Receipts, .4 head; mostlv 10c loser; light and light mixed. $i5.R0fiS 67U, medium and heavy. tK.htfi .67 ; bulk. $1.,"2 4T141.S5; pigs, $5 50tfj6 40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt', 6.791 head; stesdy; top Colorado and Ksnsa lambs, $7.30; top Colorado ewe, cllpprd $5.00; top Texas ewes, $4.35. Slonx Cltr Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. Mav ll.-.Speclal Tele gram.) CATTLE 3.5fl head; stockers verv slow, lower. Killers steady; beeves $4.0(Kf 6.00; cows, bulls snd mixed, f rtvi 4 "5 stockers nnd feeders, $3.60(f4.60; calves und erllngs. $3.004.4O. HOT.P 2.100 head: msrket 10c lower at $6.35t3.65; bulk, S 3541.46. Ltoek In Slant. Following were the receipts of live stork st the six principal western cities yester day: . Cattle Omsha 1.47 rhlcsgo 2f.0(i0 Kansas City 4.ao St. Louis S.&OO Bt Josenh 2.141 Sioux City $.500 Ifor ghee- 5.:r 4 mv 6 nnn S '00 3 404 1100 S 17! ?o Am 1? V !.oo 6.7M Total. .81 ?21 C2.78 43.474 Rvnnorate-I Annies tt.il Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK. May H.-EVAPORATIID APPLES Are firm tinder a fair deinnnil. rnmmon are quoted at 44t5V.c; prime, o'.c; choice. Vft7'4c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Spot prunes are attracting a good demand ard are firm, particularly on the larger sixes Quotations range from So to 7c for ll grades. Apricots rilso continue firm, with some export business noted. Choice -.re quoted st 7VnKie, snd fancy at 9Vr)tOU. pearhes are quiet but Arm on fsncv fruit Choice are quoted at 74fi8c. and fancy at SV4SK'V4c. Coffee MrrUet. NEW YORK. May II. COFFEE Snot quiet. Futures opened dull at unchanre nrlc.es to a decline cf 6 points snd rul1 idle In keeping with featureless cables until Just before the close when the covering caused a recovery and th market was finally onlet st net unchanged prices. Psles were 6 500 bsgs. including Mar at 3 Sue July. $.s5c; September. 4 16c; October 4 k-: November, 4.25c; December, 4.6V; March! 4.86c. Dry Good Market. NEW YORK. Mar u DRY GOOD1 No material enlargement to trading his been noted today, although buvers n more or lefs Interested In the future a d are making Inquiries about prices. Th- hls-h cost of the raw material Is a facor which la produclnr Increasing concern with manufacturers snd agent.