Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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U local buy their supplies from th cen
tral body, so that these process go ti
maintain the strike fund. No member of
the union I entitled to a benefit until
be ha been In three month, t'ndrr th!a
provision then are now lit Omaha ITS o(
probably 00 men on strike drawing bene
flta. The entire membership clalmel for
the Omaha lodge la l.JO.
Mr. Coleman ha recently partlclpitel
In the closing up of the teamsters strikes
In Ksnnas City and Bloomlngton, III.,
where, he pays the unions won. Johnson
lirotherj Transfer company of Omaha havij
a branch establishment In Plr-o-nlngion
and Mr. Coleman says were among thopa
whg finally algned the scale.
Aa to I.anndry strike.
A In the case of the Importation of
teamster, bo with the laundrymen'a strike
conflicting statement are made. F. J.
Kimball, proprietor of the Kimball laun
dry and president of the Laundrymen'a
club, make thla statement regarding the
'The laundry owners and proprietors of
Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs
have special organisation called the Trl
Clty Laundrymen'a club, which was formed
everal months ago. The owners of all
the steAm laundries In the three cities are
represented In the club. A meeting was
held at the Millard hotel thla afternoon, at
which all of the steam laundries of Omaha
were represented, to receive a committee
from the laundry Workers union."
"The committee, composed of five drivers
and headed by President William Wardlow
of the union came to us at S o'clock after
a three-hour eeselon of the union and
verbally presented their demand. The
laundry workers themaelvea had no griev
ances. They admitted that so far aa their
wages and hours and conditions were con
cerned they had no complaint to make.
"But the committee demanded that the
laundries refuse to do the work of all
hotels and restaurants which have been
declared to be unfair. These so-called un
fair houses comprise nearly every hotel
and eating house In Omaha, among the
hotels the Barker and the Dollone being
excepted. The committeemen Informed ua
that they had been asked by the Walters'
union not to handle the laundry from the
unfair houses, but that this committee had
requested the laundry workers not to
Itefaae to Torn Away work.
"The laundry proprietors replied to the
le.undry workers that they could not see
their way clear to decline to do any work
that Is offered to them and that they re
served the light to do any work that they
see fit to do,
"Thereupon the laundry workers de
clared that they would not do unfair work.
Unfair work, as here defined, means about
half the business don In some of the
larger laundrlea. Its refusal means that
many workers would have no work to per
form and that their support would be cut
oft until the waiters' strike Is settled.
"To this ultimatum the laundry propri
etors replied that they would cease to do
business until such time as they will be
able to conduct their own business In their
own way. It was agreed that all work at
preaent In the various establishments will
be turned out Monday morning. After that
no work will be received by any of tha
eighteen or twenty steam laundries of the
city. The workers will have no employ
ment after about 10 o'clock.
flay a It ia Forced Lockout.
"We consider the situation a forced lock
out The laundry proprietors are firmly
bound by an agreement to act together.
No laundry will start unless they all start
and w will never start a plant until we
are allowed to conduct our own business.
We are determined to stand for our rights
and to have them If we continue business
In Omaha.'
"While the laundries are shut down the
washing of the city wilt have to go undone
r bo performed In a restricted way by
washerwomen and th half douen Chinese
shops. There are a few small laundries
operated by white persons In the city and
a handful of agencies that send shipments
to other cities. But ther are not enough
plants within reaching distance of Omaha
to do the ordinary waahlng of the city from
day to day. No Omaha work will be re
ceived by the steam establishments of
Bouth Omaha or Council Bluffs, according
to an understanding with these proprietors.
"So far as Lincoln, Fremont, Schuyler
and other small cities are concerned, the
plants are now being run Just about to
their capacity and a very little more would
be their limit. The unfair work cannot
be shipped to other large cities because
the unions are existent there also and
will not waah the stuff, as has been proven
In the Chicago strike, when carloads of
linen sent to St. Louis were returned un
Glrle and Women la It,
"It la estimated that there are 600 laun
dry workers in Omaha. This Includes the
drivers. Four-fifths of the total number
ar girls and women and about 100 only
ar men. They organlted Into a union
between three and four months ago and
have a membership of 225, as I understand.
Bo far no scale has been presented, nor
any agreement requested. Aa far as we
Know the employes hav been entirely ant
Isfled with their lot. W look upon this
demand aa uncalled for and unjust, and.
as i nave said, w ar resolved not to sub
mlt. believing that If we did ao we would
surrender our righta as American cltiiens,
W think this ramification of unionism Is
baaed on a very slender thread. How
can we. In all Justice, be asked to turn
away the laundry from hotels that run
bills of $000 and more every month and ar
th big factors of our incomes?
"So far aa th hotels and restaurants
ar concerned, they are generally equipped
wttn about a full two days' supply of
linen Tonight every hotel In town has
many packagea of soiled clothing of trav
eling men who have been out on the road
all week and waited until their Sunday
rest in Omaha to have their laundry work
done here. It won't be done, however, to
morrow, and returned at night as usual.
There are many complications that will
result from this shutdown, but a similar
condition haa prevailed In Chicago for two
week and the Chlcagoans are still living."
statement for Laundry Workers.
Th employes' side Is given by William
J.- Wardlow. president of th Laundry
Workers' association In thia manner:
"Tills ia not a strike; it ia a lockout. W
Informed our employers at the City Steair.
Kimball. Frontier, Model and Nonpareil
laundries that It they continue! to do work
I or unfair restaurants and hotels we could
not continue to work for them. They toll ua
they would continue this patronage and so
we hav acted on our word. There were
only five laundrlea, the ones I hav named,
doing this flat work. Th other were not
affected ao far aa we were concerned.
We also Informed our employers that we
would go In Monday morning, and finish
up all work on hand, fair and unfair, if
they would agree not to serve the unfair
Although cheap it Is good
Silver Polish
Produce lifting polish
Most economical ia ute
AH reapoBsible
Jeweler keep it
tj teat package
places longer, but they rejected our prnp.
sltlon. Ther ar too laundry workers In
the city, of whom 2M ar In th union
and will gi out."
The laundry workers held a meeting yes
terday afternoon In their quarters on Far
nam street, between Fourteenth and Fif
teenth and arrived at their decision. The t
the president and other members went
to the Millard hotel snd met the laundry
employers, where the proposition was pre
sented and rejected. The unionists retnrnel
to their hall and ratified thlr former ac
tion. Reatanrant Men Determined.
Restaurant employers are prepared to
make a determined effort to keep lh5 (lac
open today in operation, they say. The
plan Is based on the spirit of co-operation.
Yesterday Ice was delivered to those res
taurants and cafes declared to be unfair
and also to one or two of the hoteTs, wlt'i
police as attendants to the wsgns. Nj
disturbances occurred. Th Ice was de
livered by a company that haa not signet
th union teamsters' seal.
Notwithstanding, the pending conference
of the joint committees with the governor
today a certain amount of uneasiness li
felt for the success of the move for a
settlement as neither fide has yet shown
the least disposition to compromise. Both
are standing out on the one l.-sue, that
of recognition Of the unions, the atrikerr,
demanding that thla must be accordel r-
for harmony la possible, the employers
asserting that It will never be accorded In
the form It Is exacted. If this spirit pre
vails it la feared the conference will not
yield what It Is hoped to nc30mp!l?h a
basis of arbitration.
Despite the plans given out by the res
taurant men of opening their place today
the striking waiters ray that m men hav
been Imported to fill their places and It la
presumed therefor that the help will ba
recruited from Omaha.
Southern Pacific Boiler Maker Do
elde Not to Leave Their
On specific promises of concessions by
President E. H. Harrlman and Intervention
hv Renator Mark A. Hanna. president of
the Civic Federation, th Southern Pacific
boiler makers at the eleventh hour voted
not to strike this morning, as planned In
sympathy with the Union Pacific men.
This Information came last night to Pres
ident Ed Kennedy of the local boiler mak
ers In a telegram from Secretary-Treasurer
nuthnrne of the International Brotherhood
of Boiler Makers and Iron Ship Builders,
who lives at Kansas City. The informa
tion was conveyed to Mr. Olltharp In a
telegTam from District President McKcon
of the boiler makers on the Southern Pa
cific. This telegram states that, being advised
that the Southern Paclflo boiler makers
were determined to strlk this morning,
despite their contract with the company
for a thirty-day notice preceding any such
action. President Harrlman, who Is now In
San Francisco, made the men the proposi
tion that if they would not strike he would
pledge them that during his present Incum
bency piece work would never be Intro
duced on the Souther Pacific, and that he
would confer with President John McNeil
nf the International brotherhood and any
other desirable next rek aa to a settle
ment of all differences.
Mr. Harrlman' proposition was accepted
by the Southern Pacific boiler makers and
so the strike Is 'onV' for th present.
Saturday, after th Southern Pacific
boiler makers had completed their vote to
strike and announced their purpose. Sen
ator Hanna wired them, urging that th
strik be deferred at least "flf teen days, as
he, a president of th Civic Federation,
desired to bring the matter up for arbitra
tion before that body, which meets Wednes
day in New York for a session of seversl
days. Senator Hanna's proposition was not
finally accepted until President Harrlman
made his, It Is understood.
I'rare Tendera nnd Teamsters to Com
promts with the Con.
, tractors.
Th conference to be held this morning
In Council Bluffs between the bricklayers
and the striking masonter.dars and team
sters was suggested by th bricklayers, who
are anxious to resume work. They walked
out In sympathy with the striking unions,
hoping that by so doing a settlement of the
latter differences with the contractors
would be more readily effected. Except In
the case of Contractor Weaver th dealred
result ha not been brought about and th
bricklayers decided on Saturday night that
they had made sufficient sacrifices for the
other strikers and called for a conference
with a view to adjusting matter so a to
enable them to return to work.
It Is expected that th bricklayer will pro
pose at th conference thla morning that
the striking teamsters and masontenders
forego th demand that the bosses sign an
agreement to employ none but union men,
provided they will agree to th wag ecale.
The commltt appointed by the bricklay
er to confer with the strikers consists of
Louis Larson. Pete Peterson, Fred Ward.
Al Balrd and James Hughe.
Exact Plurality of Mayo Moore
Over Benaon Tarns Ont to
Be oaa.
The official flgurea of the canvaaalng
board shows the result of the vot for
mayor as follows:
R K K w 3
f 1 H
2. 3 8 5&
" p f"?
WARD. 5? $ f ? "
? ; y
. ! : t
First 811 63 170 275 l.W!
Second ! 842 J15 S,7
Third , & ftU 167 230 l.ang
Fourth ' 7W 447 7 720 Id
Fifth i 143 47 1 All
Sixth 879 4M SIS 1,101 S.791
Seventh 4?1 32 7 R23 l.tS
Eighth 731 450 148 bt$
Ninth 414 t9 121 717 1.561
Totals 103S 4.510 1.430 I.10S 17.074
According to th official figure th plu
ralities of th other candidate ar: -
Elbourn, city clerk
Henntngs, city treasurer ....
Lobeck. comptroller
Fleming, tax commissioner .
Wright, city attorney
Wlthnell, building Inspector
, S,8f9
. 811
, 1.317
Bishop Celebrates Silver Jnhilee.
INDIANAPOLIS, May 1.-Th silver jub
ilee In honor of the twenty-fifth anni
versary of the consecration of Francis ttllaa
Chattard, Roman Catholic bishop of In
dianapolis, began this afternoon with a
welcoming mass meeting by th Cathpllo
laity of the city.
The event will bring th most notable
gathering of Catholic clergy ever gathered
her. The visitor, who will participate in
the eaeruisea Tuesday and who wiil begin
arriving tomorrow morning, are Cardinal
Gibbons, Archbishops Elder of Cincinnati,
Ireland of 81. Paul. Rlordan of San Fran
cisco, Keane of Dubuque, Farley of New
York and Qulgley of Chicago, with their
rhaplalna. A Urge number eX bishop will
04 l prnt.
One Mai Hu Beei Killel on a Mobile &
Ohio Eogiie
Break In Banks of t'hlraaro Lnnndry
men's Association and gome
of the Proprietors Will
Open I p.
JACKSON. Tenn.. May. lO.-The atrllt
on the Mobil A Ohio railroad, now on In
this city. Is assuming alarming proportions.
On man killed, two trains wrecked and
business badly tied up la the result of th
day In Jackson. Early this morning Chief
of Police T. C. Oaston and his force were
called to the Union depot by the officials of
the road on account of a wreck having oc
curred there, alleged to be the work of the
strikers. A fish plate had been laid be
tween the rails of a switch and a largi
engine was ditched. The engine was placet!
again on the rails and returned to the
shops and when It returned to carry the
train north the switch was thrown and
another delay occasioned.
Will Ynrboro, a young man, was shot and
killed today on the tender of his engine.
Yarboro boarded the train yesterday after
noon at Bethel Springs, south of here,
made a trip to Okalona. Miss., as a brake
man and returned to Jackson today. The
train on which he was killed was the sam
ss that manned by Captain Prlngle, a
bridge foreman, and his crew of negro
hands. South of Jackson the negroes were
run off the train and at Bethel Yarboro
joined Pringle's train. The strikers say
that they know nothing of the identity of
th man who did the shooting and depre
cate the accident.
Th railroad property Is being guarded
and further trouble is feared.
At the request of the strikers the Mobile
ft Ohio railroad company has prepared a
writ of Injunction which will be filed In the
federal court, asking; that the state militia
be ordered to Jackson at once to protect
the rights and property of the company .
The report that the engineers and firemen
would join the strikers Is said to be un
founded. Trainmen are flattened.
ST. LOl'IS. Mo., May 10. "All conditions
considered we are satisfied with the prog
ress made In the strike. The freight traffic
of th Mobile & Ohio Is virtually at a
standstill and that Is the vital Interest to
which the management muBt look."
This was the expressed opinion of C. H.
Wllklns, grand senior conductor of the
Order of the Railway Conductors, who,
with W. O. Lee, first vice grand master of
the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen,
called the strike of the Mobile & Ohio
trainmen and yardmen Saturday.
Since Saturday morning three paasenger
trains have moved from St. Louis. Two
were moved by conductor who belonged
to the union. Freight trains to the num
ber of four have been moved. One left
St. Louis Saturday morning. It was
manned by a crew of nonunion men. Sun
day being rather an oft day In the freight
traffic movement, developments were neces
sarily few.
At Murphysboro, 111., the trsln sent out
Saturday wa abandoned, by th crew with
th exception of the conductor. It moved
from Murphysboro today. In East Bt.
Louis this afternoon three freight trains
were moved by nonunion men. Beyond this
the traffic from St. Louis is at a stand
still. A special to the Republic from Ava, 111.,
says: The first and second section of No.
73, freight, passed here today. Third No.
73 was abandoned at Percy. There Is con
siderable xcltement. here and at Willlams
ville, Percy and Sparta. Protection is
called for.
MERIDIAN, Miss., May 10. The Mobile
4 Ohio strike situation remains about the
same in this city, except that the company
succeeded In getting on train out and one
In today with nonunion conductors and
brakemen. Superintendent Alexander said
this afternoon that he expects to have
practically all the places of the striker
on his division filled by tomorrow noon and
that traffic will be resumed. A number of
nonunion men hav arrived here from Chi
cago. They are corralled in car m the
yards and all strikers are warned to stay
out of the yards and not to Interefere. The
Burners are ronuuciing tnemselves In a
most orderly way. It Is believed here that
the engineers are considering the question
of taking action that might prove of as
sistance to the strikers.
Some Laundries to Open.
CHICAGO, May 10.-AU efforts to reach
a settlement of the laundry strike at a
meeting of the special committee of th
employe and the employer failed of re
sults and a disruption of the ranks of the
Employers' association Is expected tomor
row. The Evanston laundry men who an
nounced yesterday that they would open
their laundries Monday could not be In
fluenced by the association today. AH at
tended the meeting and a strong effort was
exerted to Induce them to stand by th
association, but all arguments were power
less and th Evanston men left the meet
ing determined to open for business In the
Laundry men outside cf the special com
mittee have held conferences with T. C.
Wilson, president of the Laundry Work
ers' union, endeavoring to arrange Indi
vidual terms of settlement on their own
"Several of the owner conferred with
me today," said President Wilson, "and
I am certain they will not hold back much
longer. . I think the break In the ranks
will come tomorrow."
Notwithstanding the rltuatlon another
conference wl!l be held tomorrow morning
to effect a settlement between the two or
ganizations. The fight Is still over the ab
solute recognition of the union and prac
tically no progress has been made during
the last tUree days.
NEW YORK. May lO.-Announcement
was made tonight that a cessation of th
war between the Amalgamated Association
of Carpentera and the Brotherhood, which
caused 6,000 carpenters to stop work. Is
near. The brotherhood has decided to
make application for membership In the
t'nlted Board of Building Trades, of which
the Amalgamated Association Is a member,
and thus allow the united organisations to
bring about peace. This action Is to be
taken, It Is asserted. In order that labor
may combine. In th fight which Is now
being waged against the lockout of driv
ers and teamsters instituted by the Lum
ber Dealers' association and th Material
Men' association.
Thr wr no announcement with regard
to th striking subwsy men at the meet
ing of th Central Federated union tonight.
Looks Like n Compromise.
ST. PAUL, May 10 Th canvass of th
vot taken on th Great Northern system
as to whether the general committee shall
be sustained In lta position' on th double
header question has been completed. Th
grand officers, however, refuse to make
known the result until after a conference
with General Manager Ward, which will
probably be held tomorrow.
The Indications ar that ther will not be
a strike. Mr. Ward mad a number of
concessions, th most Important of which
was an offer to agree that not more than
I per cent of th train on th whole ya
lera should be run aa doubleheadera. This
Is about the percentage now run.
Th men ar aald to regurd this offer as
a .liberal one. They say that by th agree'
ment entered Into with the Northern Pacl
flo and th Southern pacific, those road
can run from 7 to 1C per cent double
headers If they choose.
After th conference with th general
manager tbe men had a meeting to dis
cuss the proposals made, but nothing
definite was accomplished.
MONTREAL, May ld-The longshore
men's strike has been practically settled.
Denver Expects Tleap.
DENVER, May lfl.-So general Is the be
lief that a tleup of all the trades In Den
ver will occur tomorrow that the Citizens'
Alliance has made a demand upon the Fire
and Police Hoard for protection of their
employes In the event of such a turn.
The Tradea and Labor assemblies took
up the matter today and decided to refer
It to a committee from the Building
Trades countT, the State Federation of
Labor and the Western Federation of
Miners. This committee, which has been
given absolute power, will meet at noon
Settle ( ndahy Strike.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., May 10.-Tli strlk
of the 250 employes of the Louisville Pack
ing company, the local branch of the Cud
ahy Packing company, has been settled.
Th men walked out Saturday morning.
After several conferences last night It was
found that there had been a misunder
standing of th. company's attitude regard
ing recognition of the union. The men will
return to work tomorrow.
noek Men. Get Inereaae.
WILKESBARRE. Pa., May 10. -As a re.
suit of the recent agitation the rock miners
in the Wyoming region will receive U per
cent advance In wages, the same aa de
creed the coal miners, dating from April 1.
Some of th men received their advance
on Saturday last and other have been
promised It thla week. The difficulty la not
all settled, however, as the rockmen de
mand 10 per cent back pay on all wages
sine November 1. and there I still a
question whether they will receive this.
Boiler "Maker on - Southern Taelfle
Road Not to tVnlt Work
BAKER8F1ELD, Cal., May 10. Official
Information waa received here tiday to th
effect that the threatened strike of th
Southern Paclflo boiler makers that was
to have gone Into effect at midnight to lay
has been postponed for fifteen day. The
order to this effect was made by President
McNeill of the bollermakera' union.
The order postponing the strike was is
sued. It Is said, owing to the protest o:
General Manager Kruttschnltt, who as
serts that the company haa not received
the thirty days' notice required by the
agreement between the bollermakers and
the Southern Pacific
Officer Expected a Fight, hat Aliened
Assassin Promptly Sur
renders. LEXINGTON, Ky., May W.-the captur
of Curtis Jett, charged with the assassina
tion of J. B. Marcum In Jackson county,
was accomplished without bloodshed at 3
o'clock Sunday morning. Ha Is now In th
Clark county jail at Winchester. "
Bearing a warrant which had been
sworn out by Sam Jett, unci of th ac
cused, Sheriff McChord and. a posse of
stven left Winchester at midnight Satur
day. Reaching Jackson's Ferry, ten miles
distant at 3:30 a. m., they put away their
buggies jand crrTtd the Kentucky river
to Madison counS' In canoes. They pro
ceeded on foot t "the home of Mrs. A.
Haggln, Jett's mother, two miles from th
ferry. Six of the. posse wer stationed
around the dwelling and Sheriff McChord
and Deputy Stoke!ey approached the front
door and knocked. ' Jett'a mother answered
and after some parley admitted that Curtis
was within.' They were admitted and found
Jett awake but still In bed. He shook
hands with the sheriff and said that he
would glv no trouble. Reaching under his
pillow he drew out his pistol and turned
It over to his mother to keep. He made
no show of resistance and was landed In
Jail at Winchester at a. m.
Jett's stepfather, A. Haggln, charge that
when Jett reached his house last night
from Jackson he proceeded to draw his
pistol on him and ordered him to get out
of the neighborhood. Haggln went to
Richmond and swore out a warrant charg
ing Jett with breach of peace by assault
with a pistol.
The report that B. J. Ewen wa shot
at Jackson last night Is untrue. Ewen was
with Marcum when the Utter wss assas
sinated last Monday.
LOUISVILLE. Ky., May 10. Private tel
egrams received from Jackson and Lex
ington state that the report that an at
tempt had been made- to assassinate J. B.
Ewen Is untrue. A curious feature of the
affair transpired today when an Interview
with Ewen was published by the Courier
Journal. The correspondent published It
on receiving Information thst Ewen was
dead. Ewen. according to the story, re
tracted his first Interview feigning Inno
cence of the aasassin's Identity, given out In
the presence of a member of the Hargls
faction. He told the reporter that he recog
nized Marcum's assassin a Curtis Jett.
Ewen waa standing near Marcum when the
shots were fired. He made the second
statement with permission that It should
be published when he "should be out of
harm' way."
Agricultural Investigator Beaeh
Kansas City on Their
vivdiQ PITT Mftv 1nThe nartv of
in." " . ,
forty-eight German agriculturists. who ars
making a tour of th United State In
specting live stock and packing house con
ditions, arrived here tonight. Thy were
met at th Union station by a reception
committee composed of representatives
from the Commercial club, the packing
house, th Live Stock exchange, the Stock
Yard company and a subcommittee or
German citizens. After spending th even
ing at Convention hall a the gueats of
A V. Btllwell. where Theodore Thomas'
orchestra gave a concert, they were treated
to a Dutch lunch at the Midland hotel.
Tomorrow they will visit the stock yards
and packing house.
Iron Monlder Kat Killed.
DENVER. Colo.. Mar 10-George Hays.
the Iron moulder who was supposed to have
been burled In the wreck or tne building
on Larimer street that collapsed on Fri
day night, has been found alive. Of the
Injured. Mrs. McKeen la the only one that
haa died. The other arc recovering.
Health at Home
through Hire Rootbeer
deliguifal preparation of
Coia, berbe, barks ana
rrirt. nature's own pre
scription. UeucAla every
eutxr Of la umuj.
art Um Ma4, Ik IkIM
M4 plM U pai.l-- A oe
HMInabH. fx"
mm h. Hm)i,I,
A Marks L gin C., Bainra. re.
Expreisei Begret at Bearch of Bulgarian
Legation by tbe Police.
Opinion la General In That City That
nothing bnt War with Bul
garia Will Clear the
nied here that the power have lodged
claims for damages resulting from the 8a
lonlca outrages. The Turkish government
has apologized to the Bulgarian diplomatic
agent here for th domiciliary visits made
by th police of Constantinople last week
when about sixty Bulgarians were arrested
and when the papers of the secretary of the
Bulgarian diplomatic agency were seized at
his residence. The agent threatens to leave
Constantinople unless satisfaction for this
action is given.
The statement that the porte has re
quested Austria and Italy to withdraw their
warships from SalOnlca has been confirmed.
WASHINGTON, May lO.-The Turkish
minister here has received the following
cablegram from his government:
On May 6 the Bulgarian revolutionists
attempted to commit at Monastlr an out
rsge analgous to those perpetrated at Ba
limica. Thanks to the efficacious measures
taken by the Imperial authorities, however,
they have been unnhle to put their designs
into execution. Stoutshef. one of the ring
leaders of the Bulgarian revolutionary
committee, perished with Ave of his ac
complices In the village of Fralshna (Flor
Ina). LONDON, May 10. Tho Salonlca corre
spondent of the Times says there ar ten
men-of-war In th harbor of Salonlca. A
etat of Selge ha been declared and Turk
ish troops are guarding every square yard
of th town. Th schemes of the revolu
tionary leaders my hang fire, but It U
not likely that they will be abandoned.
There have been found documents which
convince the authorities that the recent ex
plosions Were carried out by officials of the
Bulgarian royal engineers.
The general opinion prealls, the cor
respondent says In conclusion, that the
only way to clear the atmosphere Is by
a war with Bulgaria.
dispatches received here from Monastlr,
European Turkey, aay the Mussulman and
Turkish troops are murdering Christians
In th suburbs of the Christian quarter of
the town. House are deserted and shops
are closed.
The Statement that General Deltcheff.
one of the principal Macedonian leaders,
ha been killed In a fight with Turks at
Fiorina has been officially confirmed.
VIENNA. May lO.-The death of the
leader Deltcheff la considered a severe loss
to the Bulgarian revolutionary movement,
of which he was the mainspring. It wa
Deltcheff who arranged the capture of
Ellen M. Stone, the American mlsaonary.
Cerebro Spinal Meningitis Break
Ont on Two Receiving
Ships. PHILADELPHIA. May lO.-The Pre
will tomorrow say: Deadly cerebro spinal
meningitis, popularly known a "spotted
fever," and one of the hardest contagious
diseases to combat, has broken out In the
ranks of the 1,200 men aboard th receiving
ships Minneapolis and, Puritan at League
Island navy yard. Already It ha killed
three'-young recruits, while five more vic
tims are hovering 'between life' and death.
Grave fears prevail that others among the
embryo blue jackets, who ate, worked and
slept with the stricken men, may fall Into
the fever' embrace.
Thl prospect ha already alarmed the
officer at the yard tJ such an extent that
an heroic effort will be made to prevent
a spread of the disease, not only by con
stantly watching th men, but by removing
them entirely from the two receiving ships.
Today the work of raising thirty-five
tents will be started and as soon as tho
canvas shelters are In place the 1,200 young
tars will be put out to camp, giving them
plenty of fresh air and more room for ex
ercise, which. It Is thought, will materially
lessen th chance for further Inoculation of
the disease.
When the men leave Minneapolis and
Puritan both ships will be subjected to a
thorough fumigation.
"I am doing everything In my power to
prevent the development of any more cases
of thl fever." said Rear Admiral Slgsbee,
the commandant. "Nothing that will pro
tect the lives of our men will be left un
done." At the hospital of the naval home, at
which th sick from League Island navy
yard are treated, Dr. Lung, the surgeon In
charge, declared that the outbreaks are not
o bad aa Is usually the rase with the
disease. "Three have died." he said, "and
we still hsve five other suffering from th
disease, but unless something untoward
happens we hop to pull through. The
hospital Is very much crowded now with
patients from League Island. Besides those
who have the cerebro spinal meningitis we
hav many patients suffering with mumps,
measles and other comDlalnta."
Prominent Blew Yorker nnd His
Wife Fatally Burned ns
Bl'FFALO. N. T May lO.-Herman N.
Blasdell of North Collins, a former assem
blyman, after whom the town of Blasdell,
N. T., I named, and hi wife wer so
badly burned In a Are which started from
n explosion and which destroyed their
home today that they died a few hours !
later. An adopted son, who was the only
other occupant of the house at th time
of the explosion, wss slightly burned. Mrs.
Blasdell was conscious for some time be
fore her death and from her It wa learned
how the explosion occurred. Awakened
early In th morning by a strong smell of
gas, she began an Investigation. When
she reached the hall ah struck a match
and Instantly there was a terrific explo
sion. The walls of the house wer forced
outward and on side of th building
dropped. Fire broke out In half a dosen
place and th whole house wa soon In
flames. The adopted son, who slept In a
remote part of th bouse, rushed to his
foster mother's rescue and succeeded In
smothering the flames that enveloped her.
Mrs. Blasdell walked out a far as the
street, where she fell unconscious. Mr.
Blasdell, who hsd been awakened by the
explosion, endeavored to reach th atalr
way. but found himself cut off by the
flemes. With his night clothing ablase he
was forced to Jump from an upper window.
Th shock of the fall and th severe burns
resulted In hi death. Mr. Blasdell died
at th horn of a relative.
John B. farter.
HURON. B. D.. May 10.-(8peclal.)-John
B. Carter, aged 73 year, died at hi horn
In thl city Friday evening following an
lllnes of several weeks. Mr. Carter was a
natlv of Ohio, being born In Dresden. 11
married Margaret Ween at Columbus, Ind.
In IK. He wa a member of company K,
Thirteenth Indiana volunteers, and was a
member of Kllpatrtck post, Grand Army of
th Republlo of thl city slace It or-
Sanitation For more than twenty-four
year Mr. Carter was In the employ of the
Chicago dc Northwestern Railway company
as bridge builder, and came her in 1W to
work on the bridge now spanning the Jim
river t this place and made Huron his
home since that time. His wife and one
daughter, Mrs. Charles Barrowe, survive
Mrs. Mary V. Baker.
LEAVENWORTH. Kan.. May 10-Mrs.
Mary V. Baker, wlf of x-Vnlted States
Senator Luclen Baker, died at her horn
here tonight as the result of apoplexy, with
which she was stricken last Monday. She
was SI years old. Her husband, a son and
daughter, Mrs. C. H. T. Lowens, wife of
an officer In th Vnlted States navy, now
at Ban Juan, P. R., survive her.
T. K. Bradley.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb.. May 10.-(8pe-clal
Telegram.) T. K. Bradley, a retired
merchant, died at his home In thl city
today, aged 77 years. Mr. Bradley was
formerly engaged In business for many
years and Is quite well known throughout
the wet
Bishop (ilennon Takes Charge.
ST. lX)fIS. May 10 Bishop 3. J. Glen
non. recently appointed coadjutor to Arch
bishop Kaln, assumed his duties today and
conferred the sacrament of confirmation on
2i) persons. Bishop Olennon's credentials
have not yet arrived from Roma, but he
has taken charge of the archdiocese by
permission of Archhlehop Kaln, who will
probably leave here tomorrow for Balti
Firemen were called to the vicinity of
1 Davenport street early yesterday morn
ing to extinguish a blazing load of hav.
William Honey took a nap In the door
way of the Boston Store iHte Saturday
night and when he woke up he discovered
that he was minus a good watch. He has
told the police about It.
Two men claiming to have been Importel
aa strike breakers from St. Louis nere
run in by the police yesterday afternoon
as vagrants. They were destitute of cash
or other visible means of support.
Martin Osborn nd R. F. Gallagher, o.
dlers from Fort Crook, were arrested yes
terday evening for assault, on complaint of
John Maede, a bartender In Emll Gall's
saloon. In which place the trouble occurred.
Kittle Halloway of 113 North Ninth street
and Frank Mooney of Fort Crook are held
at the police station pending an Investiga
tion as to the disappearance of $1.50 of the
soldier's money. Mooney charges Kittle
with larceny from the person.
J. L. Tlmme of Newark. O.. Is charged
with assault by Bessie Redmore of 1
South Ninth street and both are held at the
police station. The women says that
Tlmms tried to choks her. She ran Into
the street, blowing her police whistle, and
the two were arrested.
Victor Erlckson and Carl Jorl, both living
at Tim South Sixteenth Street, wer arrested
yesterday evening by Officer Bloom and
charged with being drunk and with reck
less driving. The police station waa more
or less crowded for an hour after the ar
rest by various friends of the prisoners,
who wished to ball them out.
A verdant giving tho name of John Roe
was persuaded to turn over ten good dol
lars of coin of the realm to a le'low In
Joe Eppa' saloon yesterday as a precution
ng.itnst the temptation of impending it. He
obulned a receipt for ' the cash from a
stranger, who waa kind enough to s gn
Epps' name to the receipt. Mr. Roe has
been unable thus far to find the fellow who
signed the receipt or his $10 either, and
has asked th police to help him.
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tied men and ai-n Intendlna
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mail wsak Part and loan power reamed. 1.00 at
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Pino Photosnrnphle Illustrations.
and the full
Metropolitan Opera
House Orchestra
Under th Direction of 3. 8. Dnaa.
With the May Musical Festival Choir
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Under th Direction of T. J. Kelly.
Friday Eve., May 15
Single admission seat, II 00; reserved
seats, JI M and $2.00; bos seats, 3 00 each.
II. J. Penfold Co.,
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BOY d's y
Tonight and until Wed. Mat. Wed.,
Opening Thursday, for bal. of week,
Prices-Mat., any aeat. 10c; night. 10-1S-2&C.
Original aoenery and costumes
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I iTT! c DnmncQo
In I I I bin I IllllUhaUU
T:tt Sal of seats begin tomorrow