Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1903, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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rav1 wllii druffs.
Etockert Bella carpets.
Crayon enlarging, a) Broadway.
Expert watch repairing. Leffert, 4" B'y.
Celebrated Meta beer on tap. Neumayer.
Captain Oeorge J. Crane of Farlc avenue
la critically 111.
Fine line berrr sets. 50c and up. A. B.
Howe. JI10 Broadway.
For exchange, piano for vacant lot. W.
8. Cooper. 1'earl afreet.
Special aale en Ktrhlnga. C. E. Alexan
der & Co., 33.1 Broadway.
Real -etate In all parte of the city for
ale. Thomaa E. C'asady, 236 Pearl afreet.
Wanted, man with team to do Job of sorl
dlng. Inquire at Bee office. Council Bluffa.
The gasoline atovea and ranirea on display
t V. V. Kellers, 47 Uroadway, lead them
Edward Keating, aliifrle, died yesterday
at the Woman a Christian aaaoclatlon hos
pital. B. S. Dawson la seriously 111 at the home
of his aon, V. K. Dawson, of Beventh
All peraona owing Durfee Furniture com
pany piease call and settle at once, on ac
count of change In Arm.
Before papering your rooms we want to
ahow you our eiegant 1SW designs. C. b
I'aint, Oil and Olasa company.
The First National bank of Oakland,
Neb., has awarded the plumbing In Ita new
bulmlng to J. C. blxuy & Hon uf thia c.ty.
We have the finest line of gocarta ana
baby carriages In the city. Before you
buy coino arid aee them. D. W. Keller, 40V
The tegular monthly meeting of the Asso
ciated cuaritles will oe held Monday after
noon In the rooms of the Council Bluffa
Woman a club
We contract to keep public or private
houses free from roaches by the year, in
sect Exterminator Manufacturing com
pany. Council uluffa, la. Telephone t'tvu.
The Board of Control haa let Contracta
for several new bulldmga at the Institution
for f'eeDle Minded chl.dren, and J. C. Blxby
at bon have been awarded the contracia
for the heating and plumbing.
The ball game between the Council Bluffa
high achooi anu the Crelgnton college sec
ond team at Manawa yesterday af
ttrnoun resulted In the defeat of the fluffs'
piayera by tne score of 6 to 2.
Inei E. Mahia, the 10-year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Maine, lib fark
avenue, ulea yesterday morning irom
measles, 'i he rcmuina will be taken Mon
day to Montelth, fa., fur burial.
The postponed meeting of the High School
Alumni afcsoclation to ina.te airaugementa
for the entertainment of the graduating
clasa of this year will be held Monday
evening at 8 o'clock In the high achooi
Our carpets, ruga, linoleum, oilcloths,
winnow anades, portieres and general line
of house furnishing goods are uuequaied oy
any other concern in town. We sell on
the easy payment plan. D. W. Keller, MTi
John Calmer, the 12-year-old aon of J. I.
Palmer of Graham avenue, while cleaning
a revolver Friday evening accidentally dls
charged the weapon, tne bullet passing
through the palm of his hand An artery
waa severed and he auffered severely from
loss of blood before medical Assistance
could be secured.
Mrs. Jennie Williams caused the arrest
of John Lewis of First avenue and Four
teenth street last evening on an assault
arid battery charge. Lewia la a tenant ot I
Mrs. Williams and the latter alleged that
when aho went to collect her rent Lewi
struck her a vicious blow, cutting her eye
Instead of giving her any money.
The commissioners appointed by the
county auditor to assess the damagea for
the H goon creek altch and the joint
ditches for Harrison and Pottawat
tamie counties completed their reporta yea
terday. The damagea to be paid In the
Pigeon creek district, amount to j.06j, and
la the Harrison and Pottawattamie county
oitcnes to $4,02. These damagea will have
to be paid by partiea inlereatea in me con
struction ol tne propoeea ditches Deiore
work can ,be begun on them. .
Plumbing and boating. Blxby Son. .
Church Nates.
Rev. Oorjte Edward Walk will preach
In 8t. Paul's Episcopal church today st
morning prayer at 10:30 o"clock and at ves
pers at 4:30 p. m.
The pulpit of the First Congregational
church this morning will be occupied by
Rev. W. B. Beg, ' D. P. of Tabor college.
The pastor. Rev. James Thomson, will
preach In the morning at the Flret Con
gregational church at Omaha.
Rev. Harvey Hoatetler, pastor of the Bec-
ond Preebyterlan church, will preach this
morning on the subject. "With Thy Bub
stance." His theme in the evening will be
"Jesus and the Toller."
These services will be held today at the
Fifth Avenue Methodlat church: Preaching
at 10:30 a. m. and t p. m.; Sunday school
at t:30 a. m., etnas meeting at noon; Junior
league meeting at I p. m. and Epworth
league meeting at I p. m. At the morning
service the paator Rev. J. W. Abel, will
preach on "Moaea on Plsgah." In the
evening his topic will be "Abner's Juris
prudence." The First Church of Chriat (Scientist) will
hold services In the Bapp building at 11
o'clock this morning when the subject of
the leaaon will be "MVirtals and Immortals."
Sunday school will he at the cloae of the
service. The regular testimony meeting
will be held Wednesday evening at 8
Second Church of Chriat (Sclentiat) will
hold aervlcea In Modern Woodmen of
America hall In Merrlam block, at 10:45 a.
m. Subject: "Mortala and Immortala." Bun
day achooi Immediately after the eervlce.
Wednesday cvenlng testimonial meeting at
Nothing Ezcipt What Til Already Known
Brought Oat A;tinit Him-
George Matheson, Wis Skat Depaty
Sheriff BaJtcr, ladlcted am Caars
f Aaaaalt with latest ta
Caatsalt Maraer.
Turk city, died yesterday morning at Mercy
hospital, after a few hours Illness from kid
ney trouble. Mr. Burns was making a trip
through this state In the Interests of his
house, when he wss taken suddenly and
seriously ill on a Milwaukee train Friday
night. On the train reaching Council Bluffs
he wa removed to Mercy hospital where
his death ensued at an early hour yester
day morning. His brother, at 1321 Park
Row, New Tork city, was notified and he '
telegraphed Undertaker Cutler to hold the ,'
body until further orders. The deceased !
was married. j
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel, iiO. Night. F667.
Coaatr Ticket t Be Xomlaated
Delegates to State Coarea
tloa .amed.
W. C. Rogers, the suspect whose arrest
was affected the day following the. crime,
will now have to answer to the charge of
killing Saloonkeeper Bert Forney on the
night of April 3. The district court grand
Jury, which was reconvened last Monday,
returned an Indictment yesterday afternoon
against Rogers In connection with the kill
ing of Forney, charging Rogers with mur
der In the first degree. No Indictment wss
returned, however, against Rogers on the
charge of holding up and robbing Charles j Bknip.
W, Letchford, the South Main street ; Boomer
Duicner, on wnwn n na-u uwu ttctu w uw .
Mack Goodwin, chairman of the demo
cratic county central committee, issued
last night the call for the democratic
county convention to be held In Council
Rluffa Saturday, June 20. to place In nomi
nation a county ticket and to select dele-
gates to the state convention of the party
which will be held In Des Moines Wednes
day, June 24. The convention will be made
up of ISO delegates, the representation of
the several precincts being ss follows:
4 Keg Creek I
grand Jury.
The wltneaaes In the Forney murder case
before the grand Jury were Dan O'Leary, j
Chief of Police Tlbblts, Sheriff L. B. !
Cousins, James E. Chaney, Detective T. F.
Callaghan, Dr. M. A. Tlnley, Mrs. Addle ,
L Dowers, O. W. Sparks, Richard J.
Organ, Henry Kahler, James Jensen,
George S. Baker and W. T. Cochran. Their
testimony, however, developed very little
but what has already been made public.
James E. Chaney, who claimed to be
alone with Forney and playing cards with j
Knox ..
Lay ton ,
Lewi A
Mlnden ....
Ncola ,
Norwilk ....
1 Pleanant ...
llnockront ....
3wveland ...
J I York
Hani Dall
Kane, outalda ....
Sllyer Creek
Flrat ward, Brat tct .'.T'ourth ward, Brat pet....
Klrat ward, second pet... 7 Fourth ward, second pet. i
Second ward. Brat pet.. .7i r'lnh ward, flrat pet I
Second ward, aacond pct.7rifth ward, aeeond pet... 7
Third ward, flrat pet. . . SIBIith ward, flrat pet 7
Third ward, second pet. .('Sixth ward, second oct.J
Precinct primaries for selecting delegates
him at the time the robbers entered the j to the county convention will be held Mou
saloon and shot Forney, related to the
grand jury substantially the same story
he did the night of the crime. Regarding
the Identification of Rogers as one of the
robbers, Chaney testified that "Rogers Is
the build and has the , general appearance
of the man who did the talking and fired
the first shot." He further testified that
Rogers' eyes looked .the same as those of
the taller of the two robbers. Chaney
stated also tha he had seen Rogers a
number of times laat year in Omaha, but
made no admission as to being personally
acquainted with htm.
Detective Callaghan,' In addition to tes
tifying aa to the facts of the arrest of
Rogers by him, stated that he had seen
Rogers In the city a day or two before the
murder of Forney.
Mrs. Addle L. Dowers of 1003 West
day evening, June 15.
Ranter Oae of Employee Is Short, bat
This la Denied After the
There were rumors last evening of a
shortage on the part of one of the em
ployes of the First National bank and a
conference lasting until after 1 o'clock this
morning lent color to the rumor. The pres
ence In the building of two officers while
the conference was being held gave It still
more credence. No warrants hava been Is
sued for anybody, however, and no arrests
After the close of the meeting one of the
Broadway, who went to the Forney saloon officers of the bank admitted that there had
shortly before the shooting, testified that . been suspicions of something of the kind,
she saw two men looking Into the front but at the meeting In the bank everything
window of the saloon and that she was had been found all right and that no ar-
positive Rogers was one or these two men, rests had been or would be made.
as she got a good look at him. Richard J.
Organ testified to seeing three men, one
of whom he waa almost certain was Rog
ers, sitting on the chain fence of the
Northwestern depot grounds on Broadway
the afternoon of the day Forney was killed.
W. T. Cochran of 245 West Washington
avenue testified that shortly before the
shooting he saw three men near the For
ney saloon, one of whom answered the
description of Rogers.
The Indictment of Rogers on the Forney
murder charge will prevent his being
turned over to the authorities of Clinton,
la., where he Is wanted to answer to the
charge of being Implicated In a number
of robberies with George Burrler, who waa
sentenced a few days ago to fifteen years
In the penitentiary.
'The grand Jury alao returned an Indict
ment against George Matheaon, the young
man who shot Deputy Sheriff Baker at
Weaton Thuraday evening, on the charge
of assault with Intent to commit murder.
The evidence before the grand Jury in the
Matheeon case was not made public yester
day. Also one against Mrs. Llsxle Thordaen
on the charge of being Implicated with John
Thordaen In stealing eighty-five chickens
and harnesa from the premises of Mrs.
Susan Thome on the night of January I
laat. John Thordaen -recently pleaded
guilty to the charge and waa sentenced to
two years In the penitentiary.
The grand Jury was Instructed by Judge
Wheeler to reconvene Monday, May 26.
Correct visiting cards and wedding Invi
tations at Delaong's, 307 Broadway.
Friday evening a number of friends at their
apartments In the Renard In honor of their
wedding anniversary.
F. M. Townr. father of Mrs. Frank E.
Pike of 12t) Glen avenue, has gone to Den
ver, Colo., for an extended visit.
Mrs. E. C. Phepnrd left Isat evening for
her home at Oak I'nrk, III., accompanied
by her mother, Mrs. F. O. Gleason.
Mlsa Flora Besley of this city will be
married to Mr. Kollln Spencer of Pittsburg,
Pa., Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Mrs. Swan of Eighth avenue will enter
tain the members of the Tuesday History
club at her home Tuesday afternoon.
The marriage of Mr. Mather Mergen and
Miss Neumayer will, occur at bt. Peters
Catholic church Tuesday at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. William Pyper entertained the Eu-.
chre club at her home Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. H. A. Searle was awarded the prise.
Mrs. H. A. Qulnn will entertain the
members of St. Agnes' guild of 8t. Paul s
Episcopal church a,t her home tomorrow
Miss Donaldlne Bell ertettainel the mem
bers of the German classes of the high
chool at her home on Stutsman street last
Miss Maude Besley entertained the mem
bers of the Flower mission at her home on
East Broadway yesterday afternoon and
Mrs. Louis Zurmuehlen entertained the
members of the Euchre club lit hev home
Wednesday aftermon. Mrs. Guy Shepard
and Miss De Vol were awarded the pnxe.
H. W. Binder returned hpme yeaterday
morning from a three weeks' visit In New
York. He waa accompanied by Mrs. Binder,
who met him in Chicago, where together
they visited friends for several days.
The annual May party of the members
of the senior class of the Chambers' danc
ing school occurred Ftiday evening at the
Koyal Arcanum hall and proved most en
joyable, there being a large attendance.
The marriage of Mr. Charles E. Tyeon
of Alliance, iseb., and Mms iora Cnloe
Brldenstein of thla city occurred Thursday
afternoon at the home of the bride'a par
ents, Mr. and Mra. L. K. Brldenstein of
Tenth avenue. Rev. James Thomson of the
First Congregational church officiating. The
bride wore a girllnh gown of white mull
over liberty and carried a large shower
bouquet of English violets. Refreshments
were served at the conclusion of the cere
mony, after which Mr. and Mrs. Tyson
left for Alliance, Neb., where they will
make their home.
Body of Man Who Dlaappeared
February Washed I'p by
Arm Lacerated In Elevator.
Edward Samuelaon, fireman st J. G.
TVrodward & Co.'s factory on Broadway,
will probably loae hla left arm as the re
sult of an elevator accident yeaterday.
Bamuelson was making some repairs to
the elevator and hnd hla left arm through
the cable wheel when the conductor, mis
taking Ms orders, started It In
Bamueleon'a arm was nearly torn loose
Bloodhoaad Bronajht 1st with the
Hope ef Tralllaaj Him
George Matheson, the young man who
shot Deputy Sheriff Baker of this city at
Weston Thursday night, has eluded all
efforts of the authorities to capture him up
to a late hour laat night
Early yeaterday morning after continu
ing the search all Friday night. Sheriff
Coualns decided to call off the chase and
await the arrival of bloodhounds from
Beatrice, Neb. Messrs. Fulton and Morri
son of that city with four bloodhounds ar
rived in the city shortly after I o'clock
and at once drove to the scene of the
shooting at Weston. Accompanying the
men In charge of the dogs were Sheriff
Cousins and Deputlea Knox and Groneweg.
Henry Matheaon, father of the fugitive,
was In the city yesterday and was sum
moned before the grand Jury. While al
most prostrated by the calamity which had
Sabsalt Telephone Ordinance.
The city council decided last night at
the meeting specially called to consider
the matter that the question of granting
to the Western Iowa Independent Tele
phone, Telegraph and Terminal company a
franchise to operate in the city be submit
ted to the people at a special election to be
held June t.
The motion authorizing the submission of
the question to the electors and directing
the mayor to issue the call for the special
election was paased by the votes of Alder
men Casper. Lou gee. McDonald and Tlnley.
Alderman Olson voted against the submis
sion of the question, explaining that he did
so because he was of the opinion that the
business men generally of the city did not
favor the proposition of a second telephone
system. Aldermen Fleming, Huber and
Lovctt were not present.
This action of the city council will now
not make It requisite for the promoters of
the Independent telephone systevi to secure
a petition with the names of twenty-five
property owners in each ward calling upon
the mayor to call a special election. . The
question to be submitted to the electors,
which In this case will comprise a copy of
the ordinance, will have to be printed on
the ballots. All arrangements for the spe
cial election will be made by the city clerk
as soon aa the company seeking the fran
chise deposits with him a sum sufficient to
cover the expenses of such special election.
The ordinance will also have to be pub
lished In the local papers for a stated
period prior to the election.
BIOUX CITT, la., Maf 9,-(Speclal Tele
gram.) This city experienced a cloudburst
at 1 o clock this afternoon and the rain
storm was accompanied by great quanti
ties of hail. The wind blew at the rate of
a mile a minute. The storm lasted for
nearly one hour, transforming the streets
Into river beds In which the rushing waters
swirled from curb to curb. The cellars of
many stores were flooded and much dam
age done to stock. The hall did considera
ble damage to fruit trees. The 'railroads
also suffered, the tracks being washed in
this vicinity and delaying trains for several
hours. A total of 2 58 inches of rain fell
during the storm.
The rainstorm converted the waters of
Perry creek into a raging torrent and
stirred up the body of Edward Dorum, a
prominent contractor, who mysteriously
disappeared February 25. The body was
seen floating down the creek toward the
Missouri river by several citlxens who res
cued it with long poles.
Wedding; Invitations.
DeLong The Printer, 807 Broadway.
motion ! Dalle'n bla family he expressed the hope
t I tn,t nls on would eoon be captured. Mr.
. . . . i Matheaon said he believed the ahootlng ao-
the elbow Joint and the bones penetrated I
. . I,. I cldental and that his son waa In the act ol
through the flerh. He was removed ss
speedily as possible to the Woman's Chris
tian Aaaoclatlon hospital, where hla in
juries were attended to. The attending
physt'luna gave but little hope of saving
thx arm. althpugh amputation had not been
reported to last night. Bamuelson lives at
121 Graham avenue.
Feathers Renovated
Wa are prepared to do this work to per
fection, In connection with cur dyeing busl
ota. Uc Curtains CUanatl and
Portiers Cleaned and Dyed. t
Oar method Is te give complete satisfac
tion. Come la o4 laspeet our work It yott
want to aee what we eao do la the way ot
fine work.
Ogden Steam Dye Works
301 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
Wert called for sal aclimta. 'Piss 7l.
Mrs. John Y. Stone Dead.
Word was received In this city laat even
ing of the death at her home In Glenwood,
la., of Mrs. John T. Stone, wife of Former
Attorney General Stone. The funeral will
be held Monday at Glenwood. Mrs. Stone
and her husband, the latter having a law
offlce in this city for seversl yeara. had a
large number of friends In Council Bluffs to
whom the news of her death will come as
a great shock.
St Pearl St., Council Bl-iffs.
'Phone 17
handing hla revolver to Deputy Sheriff
Baker when in his excitement he Inad
vertently pulled the trigger. While In the
city Mr. Matheson engaged the services of
three of the leading attorneys to look af
ter his son's caae. It was stated at the
county court houae that the boy's family
had expreaaed the opinion that he was
temporarily Insane and that this plea will
be made in hla defense In the event of his
being brought to trial.
Members of the sheriffs force are dis
inclined to credit the theory of the shoot
ing being accidental aa advanced by the
young man's father. They have evidence,
they say, showing that young Matheaon
had made threats to the effect that If any
officer tried to place his hands on him
in connection with the robbery at Wil
liams A Barns' store he would shoot to
kill. It Is alao stated that the young man
when he left the houae with the officers
Thuraday evening had 103 rounds of am
munition In his pockets. In his flight and
whilst exchanging shots with Deputy
Sheriff Knox he reloaded his revolver three
Deputy Sheriff Baker's condition laat
night was more serious than at any time
since the shooting and grave fears are en
tertained for his recovery. Dr. H. B. Jen
nlngs, the attending physician, stated laat
night that it would probably be necessary
to probe for the tullet today, as Its con
tinued presence In the body would and poe
albly had cauaed Internal inflammation.
Mr. Baker was suffering much pain and
was In a high state of fever.
Heal Estate Transfers.
Theae transfers were filed yesterday In
the abstract, title and loan office of J. W.
Bqulre, 101 Pearl street:
Trustees of estate of William L Scott,
to Mra. A. E. Swartfager, lot 5.
block 3. Avoca; -d t
8a rah Neep and husband to Llnnle
. A. iNasn. iota it ana ii, diock &i.
Ferry add.; wd
Noah L. Landla and wife to Newell
McGeorge, lot 14, block 13, Howard
add.: wd
S. A. Beason to L. P. Madsen, lot 1
In lot 172, original plat; wd
Family Thought Her Mind Was fn
balanced, bnt Doctors Pro
nonneed Her Sonnd.
CRESTON. Ia.. May 9.'-(Speclal Tele
gramsMrs. Phillip Kuhns, whose hbme Is
northwest of Orient, committed suicide to
day by hanging herself.
It has been feared by the family that her
mind was becoming unbalanced and for
some time she has been watched. It Is re
ported that Thursday Mr. Kuhns took his
wlfo to Greenfield for medical examination
and his fears were quieted by physicians
pronouncing her all right.
Hello There
Don't yon want a nice stylish business or office
suit? Something that will give you that air of
style and prosperity that will put you in the lead of
all competition and stamp you as n hustler?
If so just drop in when you have a few moments
time and try on one of our nobby
Spring Suits at
$10.00, $12.50, $15
to $22.00
Suits that tailors will charge you double the
money for, without giving you any better value.
415 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
Better Than a Savings Bank
When you do your buying at our store. Why? Because we save you the interest on
your money several times over on everything you purchase of us by our perpetual custom
of selling the best goods lower than all our competitors.
Another Object in Our Favor
In asking for your trade is that of a larger assortment in our mammoth stock of FUR
NITURE AND HOUSE FURyiSniyQ GOODS than any other house in the city can
show you. We can supply your wants in anything you need at the lowest figure prevail
ing. We invite you to come in and look around, whether or not you buy from us. We
have plenty of courteous help to show you through the different' departments of our store.
The Petersen-Schoening Co.
Merriam Block, Council Bluffs
iwHMS)SIW1JSJ-siiui i immm I i I w i i
Sentence of S. E. Wllsoat for Kllllnaf
J. E. Knlajht, the Crestoa
CRESTON, la.. May 9. Judge Parish sen
tenced 8. E. Wilson to twenty years in the
penitentiary for murder In the second de
gree laat night. Wilson shot five times at
J. E. Knight, an attorney. In a hardware
store at this place last February.
Publisher delta On.
DENISON. Ia.. May t. (Special.) F. W.
Meyers, of the firm Meyers & Tucker, pub
lishers of the Denlson Review, announced
his withdrawal from the firm In today's Is
sue of the Review. Mr. Meyers' duties as
postmrsler prevent him from giving the
publishing work proper attention. Mr.
Meyers, however, will still have charge of
the educational department of the paper.
Heiry Rain Falls at Onawa.
ONAWA, Ia., May 9 (Special Telegram.)
There was a severe rainstorm this after
noon between 6 and t o'clock. One and a
half Inches fell in a short time with con
siderable hall. Five Inches of rain has
fallen, in the paat two weeks and corn
planting Is considerably delayed.
New Rochelle, on behalf of his 18-year-old
son, Everett, against the New York Cen
tral railroad, to recover $500,000 damages
for Injuries sustained by the lad In the
Park avenue tunnel accident on January
8, 1902, after a trial In the supreme court
before Justice Ammend and a jury haa re-
LiilteH in a ver'lrt for t12.fi00. ouna Coffin
1 had both legs crushed, three ribs broken
and besldea received injuries which de
veloped Into pneumonia.
Balls Have Fall Control and Run
Prices for Staple to Xeir
NEW TORK, May 9. Still higher records
for the aeaaon were reached In the cotton
market today, July, August, September, Oc
tober and December all reaching high lev
els. July sold at 10.32 cents. Auust. 9.99
cents, and September, 9.30 cents, exceeding
the 'previous high prices by 10. 13 and
potnta, respectively. May. owing to liqui
dation In that option, was kept well within
the previous range, selling no higher than
10.99 cents. The covering of shorts In the
later month was Influenced by firmer Liver
pool cables and the excitement among July
and August shorts In New Orleans.
NEW ORLEANS, May 9. The week In
the cotton market closed at noon with fu
tures at the most sensational advance of
any day this week. The bulls pushed the
market hard and shorts were forced to bid
almost sny price. None of the shorts ap
peared willing to remain uncovered over
Sunday, as there Is no telling what next
week will bring forth. At the closing today
July was t8 points above the close of yes
terday at 11.42 cents. August 23 points up
at 10.A8 cents, and September 84 points up
at 9.66 cents.
Travellaar aaleaataa Dies la Resaltal.
P. O. Bur oa, a traveling salesman of New
Four transfers, total I.fS5
Several Weddlnsrs and May Parties
Attract the Social.
Walter T. Payne arrived home last even
ing from Los Angeles, Cal.
T. B. Iacey and son Tom hava gone to
Spirit Lake, Ia., for a week.
Miss Helen Robinson entertained a party
of friends at Lake Manawa Thuraday even
ing. ,
Mrs. J. R. Rice entertained a few frlenda
Informally at luncheon Thursday after
noon. The members of the Atlas club will meet
Tuesday afternoon with Mra. O. D.
Mra. Cady will entertain the members of
the Athenian club at her home Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. P. Mlkesell will en
tertain at dinner today. Cover will te
laid for twenty.
Mr. and Mra. R. W. Williams left Friday
on an extended trip to Denver, Salt Lake
and Pacific coaat points.
Mlas Flora Judaon entertained the mem
bers of the Kensington club at her home
yeaterday afternoon.
The art department of the Council Bluffs
Woman's club will meet Monday evening
lor tne election of omcera.
Mrs. F. E. English of Sixth avenue will
leave Monday for Sioux City to attend the
meeting of the grand lodge of the Degree
of Honor.
The members of the Woman's Wh'st cl'ib
met Tursdav afternoon with Mra. Albright.
The club will meet Tuesday alternooa with
Mrs. I). W. Buahnell.
i Mr. and Mrs. WUUam Brooke entertained
Instructor at West Point.
BOONE. Ia., May 9. Lieutenant Fred H.
Gallup of this city received today notice
f-om Adjutant General Corbln that he had
been selected as one of the Instructors In
the United States military academy at West
Point. He graduated with the class of 1899.
Another Hrarr Verdlet.
NF.W YORK. Mav 9 The second trial
of the suit brought by Walter C. Coffin of
Doseas of Horses, One Goat, Much
Hay and Some Cattle are
VELVA, N. D., May 9. Dozens of house,
thousands of tons of hay and some, live
stock were destroyed by a prairie fire on
the range west of this place today. Tho
fire is not yet under control snd Sawyer If
threatened. A young woman is reported
to have been fatally burned.
DAY & HESS, Council Bluffs
Money to loan on Real Estate;
lowest rates; funds on hand.
Mortgage Investments for sale.
Call on or write us If you have
money to Invest, either In mortgages,
bonds or real estate. Real property
cared for.
Small farm near city at a bargain.
We have for aale the finest little
Fruit Farm, with good buildings.
Bear city, which we would like to
Also Ane farm for sale.
DAY & HESS. Council Bluffs
House and lot la Council BluSi cheap.
will barm do one, and for tbut rt-HKon
the money seut In a well appointed
bath room U always well Invested.
Modern sanitary plumbing insures per
fect cleanliness, and banlNhes all foul
odors and sewer gas. This means a
healthy houae. The conveniences fur
ulshed by orcelaln lined tubs, bowls
and lavatories, with nickel plated fit
tings, mean a dainty and delightful
room a luxury, but also a necessity to
a refined family. If we do It It's done
J. C. Bixby & Son
SOJ Mala 101 Pearl Sts.. Council Blu3, la.
Telephone 191.
Negligee Shirts
A superb collection of smart, new, stylish Summer
Shirts from the best known shirt makers in the land.
They are made for the most part of madras and percale, in
handsome woven and printed patterns. Fronts are plain
or plaited; cuffs are attached and detached. All tho
patterns are new.
Not a Shirt in the lot is
worth less than 50c, and the
values run 'way up to $3,50,
It's a collection from which particular and tasteful
men can choose with immense satisaction.
Metcalf & Metcalf
Main Street Through to Pearl Street
ft Else S10x3
If HTi"" aaaaBesnsaeBHHSBj'J'Hw'f
Webster's Unabridged
Dictionary EYASST1'
98 cents
'timfiym Council Bluff,
Mail Orders Filled-
Life or Death
often bangs on several things the pby
sioian, the nurse, the drugs and medi
cines. Ours It Is to supply the medi
cines, whether on his written prescrip
tion or op his verbal order. That we
serve you with Just what Is needed,
hundred of our lonjr time patrons wlli
tell you. We aid the doctor, we aid rr
ia effecting a cure.
Prescription Druggists,
10 Broadway . COUNCIL BLOTt.
The Bee Want Ads Produce Results-