Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1903, PART I, Image 1

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S pauti. Ur (I T UA TTTVm A V
I PAGES 1 TO 10.
Jan. JU. JaV JkS Vw JL T AJ. JKJL J. . tV a" -A- H -H .4. .am. OA.
British Baler Catohet Prevailing FeTer and
Presents a New Schedule.
Makes Total Allowanoa Two Million fire
Hundred Thousand Dollars
Eis Popularity in Briti b Empire it How
at Flood Tide.
succeed in Obliterating Injarloaa
Consequence of Foreign Poller
and Making- Friend
in France.
(Copyright, 1903, by Tress Publishing Co.)
LONDON, May I. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) King Ed
ward Intends to take advantage of his ex
treme popularity throughout the British
empire at this moment to ack Parliament
to increase his allowance by $16u,0CG a year,
making the total a round &0,00u (12.500,
000). The king Just now undoubtedly is the
most Influential man In his domain. His
continental tour was marked by such tact
and ability that he not only has obliterated
the injurious consequences of the gov
ernment's blundering foreign policy, but
has placed England In relations of amity
with France that have not been equalled in
100 years. He also deserves credit for the
Improved feeling and policy toward Ire
land. ,
Before King Edward reached Paris some
of the French newspapers told their read
ers that the visit was projected in Berlin,
that the kaiser does what he pleases with
King Edward, and simply sent him to Paris
as a kind of advance agent, for the pur
pose of Inducing France to form part of an
European league against the expansion of
the United States.
Sunshine of Sontbern Lands Draws
Greater Crowd Tban Ever
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
NICE, May . (New York World Cable
gram Special Telegram.) The season on
the Riviera Just ended was the record sea
son, at least aa far as numbers go. The do
Ing of the hotel at Cape Martin yesterday
waa the official "wind up," although no
guest had been received since May 1. Yet
there are still many people on the Riviera,
and doubtless will be for weeks to come.
Ex-Etnpresa Eugenie la staying at the Villa
C'yrno. Intending to remain perhaps a
week longer.
Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria received at
the Alexandria late. In April and It was
uM that ha Intended to star several weeks.
Menton continue to show activity, the
Alexandria hotel remaining open far later
than usual. It has been ao crowded this
year, that there is talk of enlarging it.
Here, at Nice, something la always going
on. Really, the end of the Riviera season
la growing more and more arbitrary, an
affair of railway and ticket agents' regu
latlon rather than of publlo desire and In
tention., This region never looked lovelier
than It does today, never more Inviting,
In the south of France, aa elsewhere
condition of climate have altered mater I
ally In ten years, but the conservatism of
custom causes the authorities to shut their
eye to plain facts. Instead of preparing
for guests at the beginning of each No
vember, December 1 should be chosen as
the first day of each season, for the study
of the climatic conditions of the south of
France and England would prove that In
the former, case the best weather for vis
It or I to be met with nowadays between
December If and May 15 In each year.
In England formerly the worst months
In the year were probably November, De
cember and part of January. Of late years
th worst weather has usually prevailed
In February, Maroh and April. This sea
son on de Riviera during the whole of
April there was continuous sunshine and
lovely weather, while in England there was
Ice on th ponds and a succession of snow
Is Imbedded. In Flesh Thirty-Two
Years and Finally Ex
tracted, (Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARI8. May . (New York World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram.) The proverb o
the bad penny has had a curious corrob
oration. A French sou, a coin about the
else end value of a cent, ha Just been ex
tracted from a soldier's leg after remaining
there thirty-two years. Lecuxer Is his
name, and he served In th war of 1870.
This sou. which bear the efflgy of Na
poleon III. and the date 1868, was In his
pocketbook when he waa struck by a Oar
man bullet, which drove the coin Into his
thigh. The ball was extracted, but the
sou waa left. Latterly a tumor formed and
th coin had to be cut out. It will be
presented to the museum of Baiellles.
On Hundred and Twenty-Three Gtrl
Try Their Hand Dlshlng
In Maearoal.
(Copyright, 19ftJ, by Press Publishing Co.)
ROME. May . (New York World Cable
gram Special Telegram.) An Italian
named Taslno, who thinks cooking the chief
virtue In a wife, organised a macaroni con
test for young girts, the one who cooked
the best dish of macaroni to become hi
wife. One hundred and twenty-three young
girls entered the contest, which lasted three
days. One of the last comers was declared
th winner.
Steel Magnate Hna Nothing to Do
with th Petroleum
(Copyright. 1303. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. May . (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Colonel
Millard Humleker, the European repre
sentative of the Carnegie Steel company,
denies the statement made by the Pall Mall
Gasetl that an International petroleum
company Is to be formed here with Charles
M. Schwab In the directorate. Colonel
Hunsiekar says Mr. Schwab has no Interest
whatever Is the pew oil company.
Tolstoi Heads the List in Opinion of
Renders of German Mews
paper. (Copyright, 1!03, by Press Publishing Co.)
BERLIN, May I. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) The Tage-
latt asked Its readers: "Who are the
most distinguished ten men alive today?"
It received 1,000 answers.
Tolstoi's name heads the list with Wl
votes, Mnmmsen comes next with 49fi, then
Marconi with 445, Ibsen with 425, Edison
Ith JW, Nansen with Z70, Roentgen with
204, Meusel, the artist, with 24f, Prof.
Koch with 228, and Emreror William II
with 132 votes.
These the Tageblatt readers deem the
ten greatest men alive. Among those who
got between ISO and 100 votes are BJoru-
son Chamberlain Oorkey, Pauptrnaun and
Max Kllnger, the painter and sculptor.
Something less than 100 votes were given
to the portrait painter Leubach and J.
Pierpont Morgan. Kruger, Pope Leo and
Richard Btrauss have under fifty votes.
Maeterlinck, Mascngnl and Dr. Herxl have
twenty-five. D'Annunxlo, Leoneavallo tho
aeronauts Santos Dumont, Seppelln and
Sarasate, have about ten votes each. Mark
Twain had one vote. So had Karl Gold-
mark, Massenet, Soxhelet, Van Hoff and
many others.
The Tageblatt Is now getting answers to
the question: "Who are the most dis
tinguished five women of the day?"
Walks Fonr Thousand Five Hundred
Miles Through Siberian
(Copyright. 1903. by Press Publishing Co.)
ST. PETERSBURG, May 8. (New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram.)
Anna Slumlna, the wife of a small mer
chant In Riazan. has Just returned from
Siberia afoot, after having failed to get
her husband pardoned. Slumlna was con
victed of forgery three years ago and sent
to Siberia for seven years. Six months
after her departure she raised money
enough to follow him to a small town be
yond Irkuti, where he was In prison. She
set out to get him liberated by showing to
the governor of Irkutx proof of his Inno
cence, but the governor succeeded In con
vincing her that her husband was guilty.
Her money being alt gone she made up
her mind to walk back, a distance of 4.500
miles. She has now done o, spending
more than two years on the way. With
the exception of two lifts of about 800
miles she walked the whole distance. When
asked by the chief of police of Rlaxan how
she felt after the dangers and trials of so
long a walk all she answered was: "Oh,
11 right; a little tired, that's all.
Her case was brought to the notlc of
the csarlna, who has placed Anna's three
children in a good school.
Cessation of Time New Service
Causes Unfavorable Com
sent- .
(Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Cn )
LONDON, May . (New xora wonu
Cablegram Special Telegram.) The com
plete cessation of Marconi' promised dally
transatlantic service to the Times by
Marconlgraph without explanation Is caus
Ing much unfavorable comment her. Whew
he refused the challenge to demonstrate
the practicability of his system to two
leading electricians here Marconi stated
that Lord Kelvin was to accompany him
to Poldhu for a few day test of his sys
tem. Nothing further having been heard
of this teBt the World correspondent asked
Lord Kelvin If It had been made and re
ceived this reply:
"I was obliged to postpone th visit in
Poldhu on account of an unexpected en
gagement. I waa not going for the purpose
of making any tests, but to see it a a
matter of scientific Interest."
So far Marconi has given no demonstra
tion to Independent scientists of the trans
mission of wireless messages across the
Atlantic but has. In fact, refused to give
any to what he calls "unfriendly critics."
Government Manufactured China and
Tapestry Work to Be Sold
nt Retnll.
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. May .-(New York World Ca
blcgtam Special Telegram.) The French
state wilt soon open Its shop on the boule
vards and become shopkeepers. There wss
a general outcry, from Parisian tradesmen
when it was announced that It had been
decided to open an establishment for the
sale of objects manufactured at Sevres, the
Gobelins and other state manufactories.
It was said that this would be unfair com
petition, that tradesmen would be ruined,
and so forth. Small heed waa psld to the
clamoring because the work turned out by
the state Is not to be found elsewhere, snd
there can be no competition. A alt was
selected at the corner of Rue Fayart and
th Boulevard de Itallens.
Swiss Plan Electric Lin to the Bum
in It of th Famous
(Copyright, 103. by Pre Publishing Co.)
GENEVA. May . (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Plan have
been drawn up for an electric railway from
Le Fayet. about twelve mile from Cha
mounlx. to the summit of Mont Blanc. The
first section to be constructed I to Include
in it stations the Motlvon, the Col de
Voxa. Mount I-achat. Lea Rognea and Tete
Rouksa, the provisional terminus being
I' Aiguille du Gouter, at 12.500 feet above
the mean level of the sea. Later the line
la to be prolonged to the summit. 15.800 feet
above the sea level. The municipal coun
cil of St. Gervals has approved the scheme
and granted the concession.
Shows Prof. Lorens How Ho
Hnndlo His Mother Like
a Bnby.
(Copyright. 1W. by Press Publishing Co.)
VIENNA. May . (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telspram.) Prof. Adolph
Lorens recently was received In special
audience by the king of Spain. Th queen
mother was present and happened to re
mark upon the remarkable muscular de
velopment of her son.
"See whether I am strong." said the king,
whereupon he proceeded to pick up his
mother and toss her In the air a if she
were a baby. Then he carried her around
the room three times at full speed. The
queen-mother seemed to thoroughly enjoy
th fun.
King Edward Puts an Embargo on Part of
Plana or a Fancy Drets Ball.
Women Are Making Great Preparat ons to
Shine at the Function.
Bring Bosei aa Present for Friends and
New Cat for Household
Mrs. Ralph Vivian Secures Them for
fll3,04M ns Weddlnu; Present
for Her New Duughter-In-Law,
(Copyright, 1903, by Press publishing Co.)
LONDON. May . (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Alt the fash
ionable Americans In London are going to
Mrs. Adair's big fancy dress ball next
Monday night. Nearly every woman In
vited is to wear a Worth dress. Mrs. More
tffn Frewen, one of the Jerome sisters, Is
going as Gainsborough's duchess of Devon
shire, wearing a great black hat, white
drees and blue sash. Her daughter, Clare,
wilt dance an Irish quadrille, crowned with
a wreath of shamrock, her dress covering
with Irish harps and wearing a green sash.
Mrs. Ernest Cunard is going as Lady
Teaile in a sulphur green brocade gown,
with powdered head. Her daughter, Miss
Padelford. will wear a dress of the time of
Lout XV. Lady Cunard will appear as
Madame du Barry in a Worth dress of
Rose du Barry brocade, with old lace.
When King Edward heard that court
dress was to be worn by the gentlemen at
this ball he caused his disapproval to be
known to the hostess, who Intimated to the
guests that neither court dress nor uniform
would be allowed. This threatened to pro
duce a great shrinkage In acceptances, as
few men care to have the trouble or ex
pense of providing a fancy costume for a
single occasion. So Mrs. Adair now has
consented to allow uniforms.
The latest addition to the bevy of pretty
American alrls now in London is Marie
Huntingdon, a granddaughter of a famous
American portrait painter. She is visiting
her cousin. Miss Van Wert, on Curson
street, who will chaperon her for the sea
son, giving her a splendid time and launch
ing her on the front line of "smart" so
ciety here. Miss Huntingdon Is likely to be
sented at the Juno court. She doubtless
wilt be the latest sensation In the American
circle In town.
Another Cut in Family.
Miss Van Wert lately arrived In London,
bringing masses of American beauty rosea
In boxes for her friends. A superb Persian
cat accompanied her. making a family of
five cats now In her splendid house on
Curson street. Miss Van .Wert will .re
main In town--fur th season for the wed
ding of Marshall Roberts, who Is a rela
tive. It Is expected that she will give a
very handsome wedding present. If she
should never marry, Roberts will ba her
heir. . She ha recovered from the effect
of an attack of peritonitis in America, but
still Is suffering greatly from neuritis.
Young Marshall Roberta' mother, Mrs.
Ralph Vivian, bought at Christie's fox $113.
000 the famous pearl necklace which be
longed to the late Lady Henry Gordon Len
nox. She Intends It as a wedding present
for her future daughter-in-law, Miss Mur
ray. All the leading European dealers com
peted with Mrs. Vivian, but she bid them
all down. The necklace Is composed of
about 300 equally matched pearls equal in
beauty If not In number to the noted Van
derbllt string.
Miss Frank Mackey has taken the duchess
of Somerset's magnificent house for the
season. She means to entertain with lavish
splendor. Horses, coaches and carriages
fill the stables. She has come Into a lot of
money lately, which she Intends to spend.
Since she came to London she has - had
ptomaln poisoning, which has kept her in
bed and will prevent her leaving Clarldge
for another week.
Mrs. Jules Bache of New York is another
beautiful American who has taken a house
In London for th season. She has a box at
the opera and goes everywhere with Lady
Cunard, aa her Intimate friend.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sellgman are also
In London.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Alen arrived on Celtio
to stay two months. Mr. Van Alen Is one
of the moving spirits In the new Anglo
American club on Dover street, the Atlan
tic. It has the reputation among outsiders
of being a club where Americans and Eng
lishmen can meet to play their favorite
games of chance at leisure. J. P. Morgan
Is also In the venture. The club promises
to be successful. Judging from the Impor
tant list of members.
Mrs. Carstalr. formerly Mis Boatwlck,
1 with her mother at Clarldge for six
weeks. She will be married very soon to
Mr. Francis, who was named in her dl
vorc suit.
Wife of Amerlcaa Ambassador Thinks
Her Husband Drew a
(Copyright. 1903. by, Pres Publishing Co.)
VIKNNA.- May . (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Mrs. Rob-
art S. McCormlck. wife of the United
States ambassador to Russia, who formerly
represented his government In Austria, has
spent a week In Vienna, devoting all her
time to purchasing fine clothe fur the
forthcoming wedding of her son. She Is
eloquent In her description of the glories
of her husband's position In St. Petersburg
to which bi Vienna post could not be even
remotely compared, ah say. St. Peters
burg society seems to be at her feet and
everybody In love with th niece, who Is
staying with her.
Swlaa Doctor Assert They Are Liable
to Can Appen
dicitis. (Copyright, 19CI. by Pre Publishing Co.)
PARIS. May .-tNew York World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram. Dr. . Raux of
Lausanne, Swttseiiand. says every orange
has a number of very small seeds, which,
cousclously of unconsciously, are swallowed
with the pulp, and the habltunl orange
eater is therefor In danger of appendici
tis. Many doctors disagree with the Bwls
physician, though all agree that great care
should be taken la eaUug th fruit of th
Forecast for Nebrsska Showers Sunday
and In East Portion Monday.
1 Klnsi Fdward Asks More Money.
Court Ores Barred nt Party,
local Strike Situation.
S Strike Closes Parkins Houses.
More Dismissals In Postal Service.
Brynn Give Opinion on Cleveland.
4 Featlvnl Concert Please Crowd.
Affairs nt South Omaha.
5 Co-operative Home Builder Meet.
Lee Confesses Bribery.
Fast Week in Omaha Society.
T War Clouds Gather la Balkan.
Russia Abandons Chinese Forts.
Mann Attempt to Wreck Steamer.
8) Council Blufla and Iowa Kews.
Sporting Events of n Dny.
to Story, "The Better Way."
11 Omaha Woman's Trip to Manila.
Wnr'a Shadow in the Caribbean.
trie the Collection of Tasos. -lil
Amusements and Music.
13 Weekly Review of Sport.
Tribute to Senator Vest.
14 Editorial.
15 Stories of Two Archbt i.
Taxation of Munlpipaf 2" " achlses.
Electricity as a Medf S ,;
ID Commercial and Flay 4' l.
Sympathy Strike onA lay.
Temperature at Omar sterdayi
Hour. Drg.
5 n. m B7
U n. nt ft 7
T n. m Uft
H n. in
9 a. m us
10 a. m MS
11 a. m TO
12 m T3
i .
T-p. in
One Churchman Talk of Prosecution
Growing: Out of Vander
bllt Wedding.
(Copyright. 1903, by Pres Publishing Co.)
LONDON, May . (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) The circum
stances of the Vanderbllt wedding still
agitate the high church party. Father
Black said to the World correspondent
toda j-:
"I am taking legal advice as to whether
I have any locus standi to prosecute Rev.
Mr. Haddon for performing the service
with closed doors. Under an archbishop's
license that would have been legat. but
under the license from the bishop of Lon
don's court, obtained ' In tha Vanderbllt
case. It was distinctly Illegal.
"So far Mr. Haddon has treated with
absolute contempt his bishop's requests for
an explanation, and I am surprised that
Henry White, in view of his Important
position In the American embassy, has not
thought It worth while to make any reply
to the charges brought against him In con
nection with this scandalous business."
Andrew Caraesle Refuses to) Have In
terview with ( , th
(Copyright.. JB0S. by rr Publishing Co.)
lajklhjn. May ..-( New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Marie Cor
elll has a terrible grievance against An
drew Carnegie. She came to London
specially to lay before him her views on
the alleged vandalism of demolishing two
ancient houses on Henley street, Stratford-on-Avon,
to erect n Carnegie free library.
But the steel king declined to see the fiery
little novelist, who has written some slight
ing things about him for th press here over
thi controversy. Mr. Carnegie explains
his position himself:
"When I gavo the money at the request
of the local authority for a free library
my responsibility ceased. I have no right
and don't wish to Interfere with the action
of the local authority In selecting a site.
I am quite sure they are as anxious as
Miss Corelll Is to destroy no rello of
Miss Corelll ha returned home nursing
her wrath against Mr. Carnegie and prob
ably will caricature him In her next book.
Say He Made No Comment Deroga
tory or Otherwise on Amer
ican Cavalry.
(Copyright, 1908, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, May . (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) General
Baden Powell was surprised when the
World correspondent showed him com
ments published on a statement attributed
to him derogatory to the American cav
"I made no criticism of the American
cavalry," he said. "I made no statement
to any American newspaper. I traveled
under an assumed name to evade th re
porters, and succeeded. My views on the
American cavalry organisation were ob
tained for and wilt be given only to th
British war office. I learned a gTeat deal
there that will be moat valuable to me In
my work."
Hide Himself Away in Small Cottage
In Remote Village in tha
(Copyright. 1903. by Press Publishing Co.)
BRUSSELS, May . (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Andre
Giron, with whom the crown princess of
Saxony eloped. Is staying at Anseremme, a
remote village In the Ardennes. He Is llv
Ing In a small, secluded cottage, sees no
body except his brother, who occasionally
visits him, and remains indoors except
when he roams the woods on the edge of
which the cottage stands. He now is much
more composed than he was when he r
rived. He no longer liiika of entering a
monnlstery. All Is absolutely ended between
him and the princess. He will not return
to Brussels for some time. His klnxpeople
here positively decline to say anything
about him.
Catherine tp of Cigar Which Hav
Been Property of Noted
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. May t. (New York World Cable
gram.) The very latest la th collector of
cigar and cigarettes which hav belonged
to celebrated men. This collector ha th
honor of owning a cigar Hatana that b
i longed to an English general, one from the
! case of Blr Wilfrid Laurler. the premier
of Canada; one that has passed through the
royel hands of th king of Portugal, on
that was In the rase of General Mercler at
the Dreyfus trial at Rennes; one originally
owned by Iopold Rothschild, and a aerie
that belonged to German officers who wer
rasaat at Qwsaa Victoria's funeral.
Omaha Jobbers Befntt Statements of Com
petitors in Other Cities.
Erroneous Report Circulated to Divert
Trade From This City.
Coma Inconvenience at First, but Shipments
All Bight Now.
Men la All Llnea of Jobbing Trnde
Discuss tho Situation and Ex
press the Most Optimis
tic Views.
Traveling salesmen for wholesale houses
In other cities are representing to the trade
that the Omaha Jobbers are completely tied
up by the strike and .are unable to fill
orders on account of a lack of shipping fa
cilities. These stories of course have had
the effect of diverting some trade from
Omaha, although the lobberi of this city
have assuied their customers that they are
having no trouble In making shipments
promptly and expect none. Omaha Jobbers
generally Insist that there has not been a
day since the strike began when they have
not filled all the orders received. Some of
them express themselves as follows:
W. S. Wright of the Wright Wilhelmy
company We were hampered for two or
three days, and made no shipments over
the Union Pacific or the Minneapolis road
from Friday until Wednesday. We sent
two or three orders to Sioux City to be
filled, but since Wednesday we have been
able to handle alt orders. A good many
orders that would huve come here have
gone elsewhere, but we expect to have no
more trouble and are ready for all comers.
Shipping; Every Dny.
T. C. Byrne of the Byrne-Hammer Dry
Goods company We have been shipping
goods every day, and have been delayed
only two days during all the trouble. Whllo
the newspapers were saying that nothing
was doing In the Jobbing district we were
filling orders. There has been a whole lot
of talk and the trouble has been magnified
by the public press. There has never been
a time where there was any occasion for
the militia or for rejrular troops. Today
we are up with all shipments In the house
and our men are all satisfied. 1 cannot
see why there was so much published about
the trouble, anyway. A lot of us have been
classed as "capitalists" and denounced as
the enemies of unions. I am a friend of
unions, and when I say that I do not say
It as the ordinary business men may. say
It. for I have come up from the lowest
grade of office work and know what X am
talking about. The number of men Idle
In Omaha ha been magnified. There ore
not more than S00 . teamsters engaged lu
commercial work In Omaha, and all of them
have not quit, so when It Is said that .l.ftoo
are out It Is a-mistake, Wall, there moy
be that many of the graders and similar
teamsters are counted, but they have noth
ing to do with the transportation of goods
In the city.
Can Hnndlo All Orders.
Charles Benson of H. G. Strelght 4 Co.
There ha not been a time during the strike
when we have not beon able to handle all
orders and handle them on time. We havi
not been troubled ourselves, and consider
that we are somewhat fortunate. Our busi
ness has not suffered In any way.
David Cole We are sble to fill all orders
and are doing It. I think there will be no
long contest and the parties to the present
trouble will get together to mutual satis
faction. Business In city trade Is slow as
a result of the strike, but this Is getting
to be th alow season In our trade, anyway.
C. H. Pickens, Manager Paxton & Gal
lagher Company Last week was a peculiar
one. The election brought a large number
of our men Into town and they started out
again Wednesday. We had reports from
some of our men to the effect that St.
Joseph houses had sent out circulars saying
that becaus of th strike Omaha mer
chants could not deliver good- We hv
been delivering good all of th time, but
were Impeded for a day or two last week
and early thl week. We adopted the plan
of shipping In carload and thus handled
th bulk of our order without much diffi
culty. When we had a carload to any one
place w would consign that car to our
selves st the destination and send a man
there, who would distribute the goods. W
would send other cars from the warehouse
to the depot and have the consignments
separated there, but the greater part was
separated after It left town. W were,
arty In th week, two or three days be
hind In our shipments, but after that w
hav been only from twenty-four to forty
sight hours behind, and from all appear
ances ws will be In good snap next week.
Busiest Wk In Years.
Euclid Martin of Patlln. Orendorf ft
Martin W hav Just had th busiest week
In ten year and w hav succeeded In
filling every order. Bo far as th strlk I
concerned w ar not financially aware of
It. W hav had practically no difficulty
In shipping our goods, with th exception
of on wagon, that waa turned back early
In the strike. But so far as our business
Is concerned we would not know that a
strike Is on.
W. H. Glass of the Lee-Glass-A ndreesen
Company We are right up with our orders,
although we have had a heavier week than
for some time past. Th strike has not
Injured us In th least nor prevented us
from sending out our shipments promptly
on time, aa usual. Letters received from
business men throughout Nebraska and
other states sssure us that th writer are
In hearty sympathy with th stand taken
by the Omaha business men. Some even
went so far as to say that In the event we
could not fill our orders they would wait for
the good until th strlk was ended. We
I railway care and our spur track
as a mean or getting snipmsnts to th
freight stations.
No Inconvenience.
John 8. Brady of the McCord-Brady Com
pany Th strlk ba not Inconvenienced
u so far. W hav been able to keep up
with our business and there Is not an order
In the bouse that ha not been filled.
C. F. Weller. President of the Richardson
Drug Company The report that Omaha
wholesale houses are not able to fill their
orders on account of th strike which I
being circulated In the tributary territory
by Jobber In competing cities and by the
newspapers I Injuring Omaha to th extent
of diverting order that otherwise would
com bar. Thl report, however. I prac
tically untrue, as we are In a position to
supply our trd and hav don so a uauul
Burtac la week. Oa two days w used
Business Men's association anil
union labor men Appoint commit
tees to meet with Governor
Mickey Moiidny nlulit to consider
plan for settlement of the trouble.
Governor Mickey ntnl Mayor
Moores nre nnxlous for the ."
potntinent of a lionr-l of arbitra
tion, while the employers nnt em
ployes have not yet committed
themselves on the subject.
Transfer companies, conl dealers
ami merchants gradually resume
traffic on Omaha Mreets, with no
alfc-n of Interference from the
ftrlkers. Saturday passes without
any disturbances or arrests.
One restaurant opens with non
union help and others probably
will open Monday.
Jobbers of Omaha Insist that
they are having no trouble In mak
ing shipments to fill orders.
the express companies, but since quiet has
been restored we have proceeded as usual.
It ought to be thoroughly understood that
the Omaha wholesale firms are able and
ready to take care of their business and
customers should not be deceived by false
reports. We have Issued two circulars al
ready on the subject, but sre finding It hard
to dissipate the Information that has been
published abroad.
Meeting; to Bo Held Monday Morn.
Ing Which May End DIN
Efforts to bring about a settlement of the
strike In Council Bluffs will be made Mon
day morning at a conference to be held
between a committee from the mason tend
er and teamsters and a committee from
the bricklayers. The meeting will be held
at 10 o'clock In Labor hall.
It Is no secret that many of the men now
Idle are anxious to return to work and at
the conference Monday morning It Is ex
pected that some agreement may bo
reached whereby the strike will be called
There waa no change In the situation
yesterday. Everything was quiet and or
derly and there was nothing on the surface
to Indicate to the casual observer that
there was a strike In progress. Contractor
Wlckham had no men at work except at
the Great Western' round house, but Con
tractor Weaver had a full force working
on the McAtee building. The teamsters
who walked out at the II. A. Quln and the
Bluff City lumber yards Friday remained
out yesterday.
Council Concludes Work ns Canvass
ing Board and Orders tho
The city council yesterday afternoon at
3:30 o'clock concluded Its oesslon as a can
vassing board. The president of the coun
cil, M. D. Karr. Issued the format an
nouncement that the following officers had
been elected for the ensuing three years:
Ftsnk E. Moores, mayor; William II. El
bourn, city clerk: A. H. Hennlngs, city
treasurer; C. O. Lobeck, comptroller; Wil
liam Fleming, tax commlsalnnnr! r"o-i r
Wright, city attorney; Charles H Wlthnell,
building Inspector; Peter M. Back, coun
cilman from the First ward; Fred H. Hoye,
councilman from the Second; II. B. 7,im-
man councilman from the Third; George T.
iMcnoison, councilman from. the Fourth- r
J. O'Brien, councilman from the Fifth; E.
u. j-.vans. councilman from the Sljjth; Tt.
W. Dyball. councilman from th- a....'-.v!
Peter C. Schrocder. councilman from the
r.igmn. and c. B. Huntington, councilman
from the Ninth.
A motion then prevailed th th- -i...
clerk bo ordered to Issue certificates of elec
tion 10 me omcers named.
Visit Many California Town. Be
inn; Everywhere Greeted
by Crowd.
SANTA BARBARA. Cat., May .-Pret-dent
Roosevelt' train left Los Angeles at
6 this morning snd made Its first stop st
Ventura, where the president delivered a
brief speech to the crowd st the station.
At 11 he reached Santa Barbara, where
carriages awaited the party, who were
taken for a drive to Montecito. The party
afterward proceeded to Plata Del Mar,
where the president addressed several thou
sand people. Ths drive was then resumed
through th most Important business snd
residence street. A brief visit was made
to the old mission.
At I th trsln departed for Ban Lul
Obispo, th next stopping place. Tonight
th president will atop at Monterey.
Knnsa City Firm Proposes to Make
a Largo Investment
KANSAS CITT, May -(Special Tele
gram.) A branch of th Peet Bros soap
factory will be established In Omaha this
summer, with a plant to handle the render
ing, soap making, refining and all branches
of the business It Is estimated that an In
vestment of $125,000 will be made there.
A. W. Peet. secretary and treasury of th
company, and John Blanton, superintend
ent, will go to Omaha tomorrow to com
plete th arrangement for th construc
tion of th factory building and th In
stallation of the plant.
Movement of Ocean Vessels May B.
At New York Arrived: Philadelphia,
from Southampton; Sylvanla, from IJver
pool; La Aqultalne. from Havre; Minneap
olis, from lxndon; Pretoria, from Hamburg
via Plymouth and Cherbourg. Sailed:
Ethiopia, for Olaseow.
At Cherbourg Sailed: St. haul, from
Southampton, for New York.
At Liverpool Balled: Etrurla, for New
At Queer.stown Arrived: Belgenlsnd.
from Philadelphia, for Liverpool. Balled:
Cedrlr from Liverpool, ft,r New York.
At Plvmouth Sailed: Grosser Kurfurst,
from New York, for Cherbourg and Bre
men. At Havre Arrived: Oaseogne. from
New York Balled: La Lorain for New
York; I Champagne, for New York.
At Antwerp Balled: Finland, for New
At Southampton Sailed: St. Paul, for
New York via Cherbourg.
At Yokohama Arrived: Gaelic, from Ban
Francisco via Honolulu for Hlogo. Bhang
hal snd Hong Kong: Victoria . from Ta
coma. for IHngn, Shanghai snd Hong Kong.
At Boulogne Arrived : Itvndam, from
New York, for Rotterdam, and proceeded.
At Portland. Ore. Sailed: Peru, for
At Rotterdam Sailed: Amstedyl, for
Newport New; Bt tndm. for Mw Tors.
Committees are Appointed to Arrange Flans
for Arbitration.
Meeting with Governor Monday Night
Fromis s to Bring Basalt a
Folic Officers Find No D i.urbanoes and
Make No Arreits.
Transfer Companies Gradually Re
same Operations and Soma Conl
Dealer Succeed in Making De
liveries to Their Customer.
The Conference Committees.
Euclid Mnrtln.
E. E. Hru.-e.
W. 8. Wright.
J. A. Sunderland.
J. K. Carpenter.
A. C. Smith.
T. J. Mahoney.
L. V. Guys.
C. K. Hrt.
O. . . Miles.
V. II. Hell.
W. II. M.Kre.
J. E. Crews
T. W. AlcCullough.
The Business Men's association and the
Central Labor union's arbitration commit
tee yesterday appointed separate commit
tees of seven to meet Governor Mickey In
OmAha tomorrow for the purpose of ar
ranging a definite basis for arbitrating the
differences between the 2.500 strikers and
their employes. It Is the hope that the
governor and these committees can com
to a satisfactory agreement aa to tha
method of procedure and that th governor
will appoint a board of arbitration that
will take up the strike at once, Insuring th
promlxe of an early termination of diffi
culties. In this connection it Is also hoped
by the governor and Mayor Moores that
the strikers will agree to return to work,
providing the arbitration board Is ap
pointed, pending the settlement. Strike
leaders will not now commit themselves to
this, however.
The employers' committee I composed
of Euclid Martin. E. E. Bruce, W. 9.
Wright, J. A. Sunderland, J. F. Carpenter,
A. C. Smith and T. J. Mahoney, attorney
for the Business Men's association.
The union men's committee consists of
Ia V. Guye, president Barbers', union; C. E.
Hart, business agent Waiter' union; G.
W. Miles, presldeni Carpenters' union; W.
H. Bell, president Central Labor union;
W. H. Moore, president Hodcarriers' local
No. 10,130; J. E. Crews, president Team
Drivers' union, and T. W. McCullough of
the Typographical union.
The employers' committee was appointed
by the executive committee of th Busi
ness Men's association, which met at tho
Commercial club rooms yesterday after
noon, and the strikers' commute was
named by the special arbitration committee
of Central Labor union. . .
Fear Still F.ntertalned.
While thl step toward a possible ad- '
Justment of differences Is generally com
mended and tends to brighten tha situa
tion considerably, a fear is still enter
tained, based upon the tenacity with whlc'.i
both strikers and employers cling to their
positions on the one Issue of recognising
the unions, that the task of arbitration
may be rendered exceedingly difficult and
the settlement be delayed. Neither aid
tries to conceal Its determination In thl
The striker contend that recognition of
the unions must be accorded or a settle
ment cannot be made and the employer
contend with equal vigor that they cannot
accord the recognition of union that is
demanded. Notwithstanding this seeming
deadlock those who are anxiously await
ing tho end of the strike and this Includes
the parties engaged on both sides sr seal
ous In the hope that some way aroung thli
obstacle will be found and that a common
ground can be decided on.
It Is known from hla own Hps that Gov
ernor Mickey Is deeply Interested In bring
ing about a settlement nut of this priposd
arbitration and Mayor Moores already ha
shown his anxiety for the same thing
They will exert their best endeavor,
therefore, to conciliate where conciliation
Is possible and to Intervene where Inter
vention I desired and would offer any
promise of relief. The mayor and gov
ernor, as the official heads of the city and
state, respectively, simply embody th en
tlment of the people whose moral support
they have In their undertaking.
Ko Trouble on Street.
For another day Omaha, though In the
unprofitable grasp of one of the severest
of labor struggle, ha enjoyed freedom
from the unpleasant features usually at
tending strikes of ttila proportion. Tha
chief of police and th sheriff of the county
still hav enlarged force of officer on the
streets, but not since th sheriff appointed
hi sixty extra deputies, nor the chief put
on his extra men have ther been any ar
rests or any disturbances. The strikers
seem to be fulfilling their word given to the
mayor and chief of police to co-operat wt'h
them In maintaining order and suppressing
violence. Thl find practical proof In the
fact that channels of business that were
congested by the strike ar slowly but
gradually opening up. Yesterday more
teams were on the streets than at any time
since the strike began and for the first
time coal companies- started their delivery
wagons. The transfer companies had for
some days been gradually resuming their
traffic, but the coal dealers were simply
resting upon their oars, awaiting develop
ment. One restaurant, th I'ntted States,
on Dodge street, opened It doors, employ
ing nonunion help.
Several of th coal companies had teams
on the streets yesterday and by Tuesdsy
they say that all sign of the coal famine
will hav disappeared. It Is expected thtt
today a large contingent of nonunion driv
ers will srriv from different places sjid
more tomorrow, so that business may b
resumed. '
Drlvor Become Officers.
Yesterday J. A. Sunderland, before start
ing his teams out on the streets, had each
driver sworn In aa a deputy sheriff so thut
he could defend himself should occasion
arise. Mr. Sunderland and other coal deal
er had expressed th fear that their men
might be molested, not while on duty, but
after night.
The Hotel snd Restaurant Keepers' as
sociation has held several meetings during
th last few day and the Impression hss
been given out that In a few day most
of th restaurant will make an effort to
open their door. The restaurant men who
eonduot bar In connection with their place
ar complaining of th difficulty In getting
Ice. since th strikers wilt not allow th
Ice wagons to stop at their places so long
a th restaurants or cafes ar hald to
ba "unfair." Tha press cemmlUe of th