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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY bee. SATURDAY, MAY 0, 1903. fela. 61S-C94. New and Stylish Outer Garments tip to $7.50. House Wrappers in dark colors and new summer effects at . fl.CO, $1.25, $1.75, $2.25. Wash petticoats in all the new washable fabrics at $1.00, $1.25, 51.50, $1.75. Tf3Kii?SlRIf Ieleeki f v Y. M. C. A. Building, Corner Sixteenth and Douglas Sts and chief of police to ig-aln close the sa loons, the doors shall be shut Instantly. Second Every saloon keeper shall co operate with the authorities In preserving order by refusing to permit crowds to con gregate In or sbout his place of business, not to sell liquor to Intoxicated persons and to endeavor to ice that none become In toxicated. Mayor Hoorri Talks. Mayor Moorrs In explaining why he can celled the closing order, said: "It is done Jn view of the fact that a practical truce has been declared between the Business Men's association and the labor unions: that the city Is In a state of quiet and good order and that tho laboring men have proven their self-control by preserving the liea re for three days. Before revoking the order I took great pains to Investigate the conditions and I was assured by both the saloon men and the officers of fourteen labor unions that both would exercise the greatest restraint and effort to prevent turmoil and distur bances of all kinds. "The -labor leaders have placed them selves under an obligation to Veep thing quiet and to let the strike remain In status quo at least until the arbitration meeting Monday night. This mean that the ten sion has been relieved and that the crisis either Is passed or postponed until next week. "Under these circumstances and with these promlpes I have decided to try the strikers and see if they can live up to their word to abstain from acts of vlolenc and breaches of tho peace under, the ordinary conditions that exist In Omaha." Statement for Liquor Dealers. A. G. Stephana, chairman of tho commit tee of the liquor dealers' association, made the following statement for that organi sation last night: "We promised the mayor that we would cJoee- our places of business at a moment"! notice whenever he considered that, the emergency to warrant luch action had arisen. We further promised the mayor and the chief of police that when the emer gency arises we will not only close our places, but we will assist them In suppress ing the sale of liquor by providing them with Informal Ion as to any place that may violate the order, whether It be saloon, drug store or other place. Our association is in a position to discipline any member who falls to keep Its obligations, even to the extent of expelling him. Our members are law-abiding citizens and I don't thing any of them would violate an order from ! the authorities, but we propose to see to It that people who are not members of our organisation alBo respect the official or ders. Our. committee reported to the as sociation or the results of our conference with the mayor and the association voted unanimously to ratify the pledges made to the mayor," Expressmen Mast Have Licenses.. License Inspector Scott yesterday after fiocn Issued a goneral notice that all per sons engaged In the express, transfer and drayage business must procure licenses by Saturday night or they will be arrested and the penalty for the violation of the or dinance enforced. , The annual license for expressmen Is $1 a year and the total number Issued In ItOl was about 300. This year, although the permit are required to be taken out Jan uary 1, only about 200 have compiled with the regulations. This number Includes the large tranifer companies, now tied up by the teamsters' strike. However the Immediate cause for the notice Is the fact that since the tleup of the big transfer llnea many Individual with wagons and teams have been filling the emergency and reaping a considerable business despite the vigilant efforta exer cised by the teamsters' pickets. Now that the restraining Injunction viti ates the plans of the union to keep non union drivers from doing business the In tlnerant "Junkers" and others drawn tem porarily Into the transportation business have a free rein. They have rendered them selves subject to the license regulations, however, and must either procure the au thorised permit or quit doing business. I4ttle Change In Situation. ' The general situation has changed little wOl.l.Y T1MKI. Lots of strikes, but a rather good natured feeling seems to prevail. SAUHDAV SPI.CI4IS. Boys' Blouse Waists, some slightly soiled, beat tOc values, ages I to 14, S9o JOc and 11.00 vaiu-M. sllghily soiled 7o: 11 00. W values, slightly soiled. TNAW HAT IPRCIALf. Boys' and girls strsw hats tte, tie and 46o value, all at one price, He. And a fine aaaorlment at fV. lie. 7&o and up to iS.M. By,- ilis worth Jf.W n! Saturday V 96 and IS.W. Write for catalogue. ' nnanM at iw, a 0 " v OTVS(S3 T WE CLOSS SATURDAYS AT I P. II. Bee, May 1 Bilk Shirt Waist suits' the very newest productions of the best manufacturers prices $13.50, $16.50, f 19.50 and 22.00. Walking f?kirt perfect fitting garments at ?6.50, $8.75, f 10.00 and f 12.00. Dress Skirts, in plain black and plain navy blue, in voiles and etaminea prices from ?S.50 to $20.00. Shirt Waists all the very latest' effects in summer waists are now shown handsome real linen waists with drawn work effect at $3.75. ' Shirt Waists in dainty lawns at $1.00 up from that of Thursday. The teamsters are at a standstill, having effected practically a complete tie-up of their affaire, and the freight handlers are gradually calling out more of their men. President Nnst says the men will be called out as fast as they are required to handle goods hauled by nonunion drivers. Those twenty-five who truck at the Midland Glass & Paint com pany yesterday morning did so because of this reason. The freight handlers at Auau.M ft Kelly's struck yesterday. The teamsters there went out the day before. The coal dealers are still making little effort to resume business, though In some cases coal Is being sent out. Some of the coal dealers are meeting with difficulty In getttlng drivers, while others are getting more drivers than they can use. Most of them feel that It would be unsafe to send out drivers and are holding off for that reason. "We are not sending out any teams at all," said J. A. Sunderland, "because we uon i want to risa our Old men or new ones to the assault!' that might be made probably not while the drivers were on the wagons, but after they had left their work. It Is but natural that we should feel this fear for our men, because we have seen by former strikes of this kind that It Is not the safest thing In the world to expose teamsters. "Our customers may be suffering for coal, but they certainly are very generous about It. They have assured us that they will get alonj some how and for us to go ahead and fight out this case as best we can. showing that their sympathy la with us. We are convinced that the employers have public sympathy In this controversy." Freight Congestion Serious. But few more transfer wagons are at work than were Thursday', , but It Is ex pected that by a few more days many will be on the streets, ' as the transfer men have launched an effort to Import non union drivers, as was stated In The Bee yesterday morning. Some of the wholesale houses have co-operated with the transfer men to the extent of furnishing drivers for them. The congestion of freight la serious and every effort will be made to relieve It But while this Is being done the other obstacle presented in the In action of the freight handlers on being required to work with nonunion teamsters Is encountered. No violence of any kind has come to light The sheriff has sworn in sixty deputies to start with and they went out yesterday morning, each squad being under the di rection of an experienced member of the police force. Chief Donahue and Sheriff Power Are working-hand In hand. They, with their corporal forcoa. and the gov ernor and mayor, with their moral suasion, expect to fully conquer the situation, es pecially since the strikers contend that they will offer no overt resistance and af ford chance for any call to arms or ar rests. The strikers say they are ready to contribute every possible effort to an amicable settlement, through arbitration or any other medium that may be decided on. The Idea Of federal or state troops seems to have been completely lost. The waiters are unchanged In their sit uation, except that they are extending their picket lines to one more restaurant that opened Friday with a small force of nonunion waiters. It is the Rookaway at 1116 Douglas street operated by John O. Dennis. ' Sheriff's Special force. Yesterday Sheriff Power appointed slxy special deputy sheriff! from a num ber of men who had been recommended by representatives of the Business Men's as sociation and unlona involved In the strike. One man In addition to this was appointed, h commission man In the wholesale district who made personal application early In the morning. The men were heat Into the wholesale district and In place where frlotlon be tween the contending forces might be ex pected. Each squad of ten special reputles was placed under the Immediate super vision of one regular police officer, and that officer Instructed by the sheriff to see that the men did their duty and In case of fail ure or refusal to obey Instruction!' to re move his star and send him to the iherlff i office. The pay of the special deputy iherlffi will be 12 per day, to be paid by the county, so at this time the cost to the county by rea son of the strike Is ia per day. It was said at 11 : o'clock that more special depu ties would be appointed during the after noon until the number waa lufficlent to meet aU demands. ( Restaurant to Reopen. The press committee of th. u.i a I Restaurant Keepers' association gave out .the statement last night that the U. 8 ; and Merchant!' restaurant on Dode street .betweent Fifteenth and Sixteenth street!. I would reopen this morning for business, i They will have nonunion forces at work . The committee also said that It was tbe i plan of all restaurants to reopen as soon m poseiuie. Baslness Men Meet Again. There waa a la of the executive committee of the Bust ( ness Men s association In the rooms of the i vuuuuerciai club yesterday, which Oi. cuplod from 1 o'clock until I Ah but was proline of little news for the public. Chairman Martin of the press committee would only say; "There Is no announce ment to make and nothing to tell exoept. In a general way. that we are trying to arrange to resume tAialness." Csolgoss Still la Jail. U1S AWKI.K8. t'al.. May S.-John Ctol. por br. tWr ,,f th anarchist who kllle.l l-rldent MM.Inley l. aim i ,.. LUUt CsBeAaai kjtri Uuu. ti might be to Mi own Interest to remain it the station until after h4 president had left thl city, but espressed a wish thst lit tle publicity a pn.sib'e be given the mat ter. Captain of Defective Fradlsh ant-end to this and the man was liven comfortable quarter In the city prison. lie will be re leased Saturday. BOILER MAKERS OUIT WORK (Continued from First Page.) said no embarrassment has followed from the strike and that the places of the strik ers are being filled with other men. CANADIAN MINISTER MOVES Interviews -Employer with View to Statins; the Dock Strike. MONTREAL., May . A conference be tween ' Sir William Mulock, ' minister of labor, and representatives of the shipping Interests last night 1ms not as yet borne fruit. He did not. find time to meet the 'longshoremen and the proposition was postponed until today. The grain situation Is becoming alarming as the result of the strike. There are millions of bushels Of grain now In barges alongside the various ocean vessels wait ing to be transferred and millions more are on the way from the west for ocean ship ment. The Board of Trade hns asked the mayor to call on the district officer com manding to brlrrg Into the city all the country mllltla onrps,- since , Sir William Mullock announced last night that the Do minion government' would not send any more regulars. J. O. O'Neill of Duluth. who Is conducting tho 'longshoremen's strike as the representative of the Interna tional . union, today . denied a published statement attributed to Raymond Prefon talne, minister of marine and fisheries, thr.t he, O'Neill, had Informed him that so f:ir as he was concerned the strike was over and they were ready to give In. Instead of the strike being practically over, O'Neill declared today, It had only Just begun, and that the men would stick to it till they ob tained their rights. Australian Railroad Tied t p. MELBOURNE, Victoria, May 8. All the railroads of Victoria which are slate-owned are tide up because of a curious dispute between the government and the railroad employes regarding the right of the latter to affiliate . themselves with he Victoria trades hall, the headquarters of trades unionism In this colony. The employes of me railroads are practically civil servants and the government claims that In case of a strike in other trades affiliated with the trades hall the railroad men would be obliged to strike In sympathy and there fore the government has notified the rail road men that unless they withdraw from tne trades hall before May 11 they will be dismissed. The Engineers' association re plied that unless the government with drew its notification before 6 o'clock this evening they would strike at midnight and leave their locomotive! wherever they hap pen to be. The ultimatum failed of effect and the men carried out their program to the let ter. The government has guaranteed double wages for two months to nonstrlk ers and has notified the men that they will lose their pensions If they strike. About 11,000 railroad men are involved In the dis pute. Picketing- still Illegal. LONDON, May 8. -The House of Com mons today by 246 to 226 rejected th trades disputes bill. Intended to legalize peaceful picketing and alter the law affecting the liability of trades unions' funds. Premier Balfour and other ministers opposed the bill and promised that a royal commission would be appointed to inquire Into the whole proposition of .trades unionism as affected by decisions In the recent Taff Vale and similar cases. TWO HANGED AT ST. LOUIS Public Excluded for First Time at Fnlr City Execu tion. ST. LOUIS. May ..-Henry Wilson and Sampson Gray, negroes, were hanged In the Jallyard today. This Is the first double hanging here since 1888. It was also tho first private execution In the history of St Louis, a few officials and newspaper men being the only persons present Gray was condemned for the murder of another negro and Wilson for slaying Thomas Mooney, saloon keeper, whom he attempted to hold up. A Guaranteed Cnre for Piles. Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Your druggist will refund your money If PAZO OINTMENT tails to cure you. i 60 cents. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Two Fnlr Days, with Colder In Parts, Promised to the West ern States. WASHINGTON, May 8,-Forecast for Saturday- and Sunday: - For Nebraska Fair Saturday and Sun day; colder Saturday In north ani east por tions. For Iowa Fair Saturday; colder In north west portion. Sunday, fair. For Illinois Fair Saturday and Sunday; fresh northeast winds, shifting to south east For Missouri, Kansas and Wyoming Fair Saturday and Sunday. For South Dakota Fair Saturday; colder In east and central portions. Sunday, fair. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, May 8. Official record of tern perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last thre years: 19rtS. 190?. 1901. IDOfl Maximum temperature .. 78 78 ' 63 71 Minimum temperature ... M 67 M M Mean temperature 64 M 66 66 Precipitation 0 T .00 .(M Record of temperature and prec'pltatton at Omaha for this day and since Murch 1, 103: Normal temperature 61 Excess for the day 3 Total excess since March 1 148 Normal precipitation .IK Inch Deficiency for the day 13 lnoh Precipitation since March 1 8.16 Inch Deficiency lnc March 1 1.fillnchei Deficiency for cor. period, 192.... S. 17 Inches Deficiency tor cor. period, 19ul M lnoh Reports from Stations at T P. M. 3 3 CONDITION OF THE : S B WEATHER. : ? : r S : : ? itil ! : : : Omaha, cloudy , Valentine, partly cloudy North I'lutte, partly cloudy Cheyenne, cloudy Bait Lake City, clear , Rapid City, cluudy Huron, partly cloudy WliUston, cloudy Chicago, clear 6t. I.oula. partly cloudy St. Paul, cloudy Davenport, partly cloudy Kuniuui C'ltv, cloudy Havre, partly cloudy liulend. cloudy Blam.irck. cloudy Gulteaton. purtly cloudy 70! 731 7j 78, 60, ;o .00 .W) .0) 611 tM .0 66 68, .11O M bi .0) 74! "61 .0) 46 66 .00 5,i 641 .00 7-' 76 .00 66 70 .0) 661 72i .00 6 76j T Ml M .00 5", 62 T fl bi .Oj 72 tt, .0 T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH, icl i'orstasl UfileuU. PAYNE LETS MACI1EN OUT i i . ; Postal Tree Delivery Superintendent Gmn ' Lsng Leave of Absence, BRIST0W RECOMMENDS DRASTIC MOVE Des Moines Man flaerd Temporarily In Charge ao mm 4 Expedite Present Investigation of De partmental Affairs. w ASHINQTON, May' 8. -The postofflce Investigation took a sensational turn this afternoon, when by order of Postmaster ueneral Payne, Atnrust W. Machen. sen cral superintendent of the free delivery 8 tern, was relieved from duty and Post office Inspector M. C. Fosnes was given cnarge or Tils Omce. The change will- take effect tomorrow. when Mr. Fosnes will assume charge, and ai tne same time rhe system will pass un der Mr. Brlstow'e control. Heretofore It has been under the jurisdiction of the first assistant. BrUtow Recommends Change. The action of the.poetmaster general was tanen on Mr. Brlstow'i , written recora mendatloo that he transfer of Mr. Ma chen s bureau to hll Jurisdiction and lti aaministration by ,a postoffice Inspector wouia expedite the Investigation. Tn nl.,Li. , v . ... -.. liia caange me postmaster general gave Mr. Machen leave of absence until the Investigation Is finished. Mr. Ma chen promptly acquiesced, declaring he courted the fullest investigation of his offi cial v 1 . . - ..... i., nas been under fire ever since me investigation began. Charges of va rious kinds have been Drefcrr 1 inliui hi. office, Including allegations of collusion with letterbox, manufacturers In furnishing boxes lu Pomce patrons., particularly on rural routes, and the appointment of carriers. There also has been a conflict between Mr. Machen and Mr. Wynne ever since the latter assumed office. Mr chargta Mr. Machen with Insubordination. The strained relations between the head of the free delivery service and other nfHrioi. resulted In an embarrassing state of affaln ..u .r several months correspondence be tween the general superintendent of the free delivery service and hi Im.Hi.t- superior, the first assistant postmaster gen eral has been conducted on the part of '"rough one of his subordinates. Mr. Brlstow all along has been of the opinion that the best Interests of the ser vice would bo subserved by the relief. of Mr. Machen and has pointed out to the postmaster general that that action was Imperatively necessary, to the successful conduct of the Investigation. One of the plans under consideration In connection with the reorganization of the uepanment Is to keep the rural free de Ivery service permanently under the Jur isdiction of the fourth assistant postmsster general, leaving the regular free delivery service In Its forrner Jurisdiction, that of the firet assistant postmaster general. Postmaster General' Payne explains that any rearrangement of duties will hinge largely upon .the result of the investiga tion. Mr. Fosnes is one of the best known Inspectors fn the service.' He Is chief as sistant of Mr, BrJstow In the Investiga tion, lie li a native of Norwsy, where he was born In 1851, and bis home Is Des Moines. ' ; May -Abolish. Route. The 'Poetoffle'e' department today Sent to Inspector CemHwi of the rural free delivery service " at'-Nahtt'flireV'Tenn:, written-' In structions to instigate the alleged rob bing; . of . the ,-rural ,ca.rrler near Gallatin. Postmaster . General, Payne said today he would probably abolish the route If the Investigation confirmed the present Infor mation of the department , , Manila Wall to Stand. The proposed destruction about the city of Manila has brought out a protest from a number of patriotic societies In this coun try and, and after considering the matter the secretary of . war has given instruc tions to Governor Taft not to disturb the walls. The removal of a smajl portion of the wall, so the commerce would be bene fited was contemplated, but even to this Secretary . Root' objects. Manila ll now the only "walled city" in the Orient and It Is Secretary Root's Intention to have it preserved. It Is quite likely that the moat outside the wall will be filled up as a sanitary measure. . Cruiu's Par Held Vp. The Treasury department has held up the personal account of Dr. 'W. 8. Crum, the colored collector of the port of Charles ton, S. C, on the ground that Dr. Crum cannot receive compensation unfll con firmed by the senate. WESTEBN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Nebraska and. South Dakota Men Men CommUatoned In Rall- way Mall Service. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, May S.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Roy W. Sherwood of loux Falls. 8. D.; Fred R. Wood of Omaha, Clareme C. Cochran of Wakefield and W. J. Poole o' Anselmo, ' Neb., have been appointed rail way mall clerks. Reserve agents approved: Fort Dearborn National bank of Chicago, for Live Stock National bank of Sioux City; Merchants' National bank of. Cedar Rapids, for First National bank of Radcliffe. la. A postofflce has been orddred established at Tennant, Shelby county, la., and Chancy D. Uranel commissioned postmaster. Frank S. Warner was today appointed regular and Willie McFarland a substitute rural letter carrier at Syracuse, Neb. Postmaster appointed: Nebraska Na than W, .Bishop, Giles, Brown county, vies H. Pease, resigned; Kate Dlbr.le, Surprise. Butler county, vice T. R. Thomas (dead). Iowa Latta B. Plllsbury. Hsyward. Dick inson county; Christian Schnepf, Lak wood, Lyon county; J. A. Branstetter, Max, O'Brien county. RUSSIA CRABS AGAIN (Continued from First Page,) which were constructed as a menace to Russia. Injures American Interests. Accompanying the news of the inoccupa tion of New Chwang, comes a warning from our agents In China, that the Russian attitude Is injuring the chances of the treaty, which Mr. Conger and Consul Gen eral Goodenow have been negotiating with China, Involving the opening to American trade of the ports of Taku Shan and Moukdtn In Manchuria. Th latest advtrv are that the treaty la almost lost owing to Russian occupation. This fact -1 con strued to give the United States a dlroct Interest of what la happening In Manchu ria. Baron Starnburg, the German minister, and .Sir Michael Herbert, the British am bassador, both called at the State depart ment today. It was believed that their visits were In some degree connected with the Manchuiian situation. Japan Beady with Army. 8AN FRANCISCO, May I -Mr. Siilralxu, the recently appointed Japanese consul at Chicago, who arrived here on tbe Nippon BACKACHE AND Years of Suffering from Loss of bleep and Years of Impaired Health. Completely Cured by Warner's Safe Cure "We have used WARNER'S SAFE CURE In our family for several years. My hus band used it when he had backache and kidney trouble and It cured him. And I am pleased to state that I also have used It successfully. It cured a cold that set tled In my back and kidneys and which caused me Intense suffering and pain. With loss of sleep my health became Impaired. I took only four bottles of Safe Cure and was completely cured, and now I am as en thusiastic In Its praise as my husband and shall be pleased to recommend It to my friends. "There are so many medicines that are worthless that It Is a pleasure to find one that can be absolutely depended upon to do more than Is claimed for It Very sin cerely yours. "Mrs. E8TELLE CLAYTON, "Secretsry Club Ouvrler." 664 Adelaide Street Toronto, Canada. Th0Ji"n1rw0f nen nd Women Hv " .Jir., oiaaaer irouoie, Kheumstlsm, Diabetes or Brlgjit's Disease, Which Will Prove Fatal if Not Attended to at Once. If you have Pains In the back, rheum betes. Bright'! dlsrass. Inflammation of the bladder and .urinary organs, scalding palna when you urinate, ecsema, Jaundice, swellings or torpid liver; If a woman, bearing down sensation fainting spells, so-caled female weakness, painful periods, your kid neys have been diseased for a long time. Lose no time get a &0c. bottle of "Safe Cure" at your druggist's. It will relieve you at once and effect a permanent cure It kills all dlfease germs. . Let some morning urine stand for 24 hours In a glass or bottle. If then It l rnilky or cloudy or contains a reddish, brick-dust sediment, or If particles or gernn float about In It, your kidneys are diseased. WARNER'S SAFE CURE Is purely vegetable and contains no harmful drugs. It Is free from redlment and pleasant to take. It 1 a most valuable and erriu-e rni- a stimulant to digestion, and awakens the Inflammation and Irritation, cumulates the nine, h ouiia up tne noay, gives it strength and restores energy. You ran buy Safe Cure at any drug store or direct. 60 CENTS AND 81 A BOTTLE. Write War ner's Safe Cure Co., Rochester, N. Y., for free medical book. Beware of so-called kldnev cures which are full of sediment anri of h.ri nAn. they are positively harmful and do not warner s bale Pills move tie bowels Maru today, said regarding the RuMan- Manchutian trouble: The statement that the arsenals ere working day and night ani turning out vast amounts of military ftorei may bs true. For four vt-ars the government ha aimed at building up a stan-liug army which should be ready and capable to enter the llsta In case of International trouble. I believe that in equipment, training ani quality of soldiers the Japanese army ha almost reached a point of perfection. At present It numbers about 15),0k men, rplen dld lighters, perfectly drilled ani trained. Japan no intention of lemaining quletlv In the background in the event or trouble und we are all preparing for possible com plications In China. Roosevelt I lalnformed. LO8 ANGELES, Cal., May 8. President Roosevelt's attention was called today to a dlHputch front Washington stating that Secretary Hay was In communication with htm regarding the increase of the Russian garrison at New Chwang, Manchuria. President Roosevelt said he had received no communication from Secretary Hay re garding the affair. He had not been asked to approve the course Indicated and In f let had never heard of the matter before. FINDS STOCK LOSSES HEAVY hnnehtnen Who IMrt ' l'p Feed Lnst '" ' ' Summer Cnmo Throash ' " , .. " .'llnscnthed. CHEYENNE, Wyo., May 8. (Special.) Charlea O. Sprenger of the Ranch News, Denver, v.ho has Just completed a trip through northwestern Nebraska and east ern Wyoming, Is here today enroute home. His observations In Cheyenne, Kimball and Banner counties, Nebraska, confirm the re port of heavy stock losses during the last winter, and It has developed that the own era are taking their losses quite philo sophically. There Is not one that does not acknowledge short-sightedness In prepara tions for the wlner. Such as did appreciate the possibilities of raising stock feed, while In the minority, came through the winter in first-class shape without losses and are now being praised by their less fortunate fellowi for having tested the possibilities of the soil In raising feed for their stock. The result is, says Mr. Sprenger, that this spring a greater acreage Is being plowed. Kaffir corn, millet, sugar beet and alfalfa seed are being purchased In large quantltlee and liberally sown. The sugar beet seed la for the production of a crop to be used for stock feed In the counties named. , Names Member .of Sheep Board. CHEYENNE, Wyo.. May l-(Speclal)-Governor Chatterton today appointed Mr. Jacob A. Delfelder of Lander a member of the State Board of Sheep Commissioners, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of W. O. Steele of Big Horn county. Mr. Delfelder Is a member of the firm of Bunco & Delfelder. leading wool growers of con trol Wyoming. He li a member of the executive committee of the Fremont County Wool Growers' association. He has also been president of the association. Mr. Del felder la conversant with the scab situa tion In the state and his general knowledge of the sheep and wool business will make him a valuable member of the state board. Sixth Cavalry Expected Sunday STURGIS, 8. D., May (.-(Special.) Ac cording to reports the first squadron of the Sixth cavalry, together with headquarters and band, left San Francisco Tuesday evening enroute to Fort Meade. They are expected to arrive In this city Sunday. The second squadron of the Thirteenth cavalry will leave Fort Meade probably about the 21st of the present month for the Philippines, to join the first and third squadrons of that regiment. OSIrer Charged with Murder. DIXON. Wyo., May l-(Speclal.)-Con-stable Perkins, who two weeks ago shot and killed a drunken Mexican sheepherder In the streets here while trying to arrest him, was arrested yesterday, charged with murder In the second degree. The coroner's Jury exonerated Perkins, but It is alleged that he shot the Mexican unnecessarily. Weatworth Town Connell Busy. SIOUX FALLS. S. D., May 8.-(Speclal.) The new town council at Wentworth will have much business to attend to during the next few months. Among Improvements needed Is a lighting system, more side walks, better crossings and a telephone service. Action also will be taken to pre vent the Milwaukee from blocking traffic on Main street. Forty-One Tears en Snme Farm. SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. May S.-(Speclal ) Foster T. Wheeler, a pioneer settler of Charles Mix county, has made a remarka ble record, residing on the same farm for forty-one years. He settled on the land In isci and has maintained a continuous resi dence since. Grand Opening of Ledge Hall. SIOUX FALLS. 8. D.. Msy .-(8peclal.) The grand opening and dedication of the new lodge hall at Hartford occurred today, the fraternal societies of that place uniting for the opening exercises. KIDNEY DISEASE Pains in tho Back, Causing Ve! "V' Kidney Disease snd Do Not Know It Until torpid liver. It repairs the Uxhups, soothon enfeebled organs and heals at the same cure. gently and aid a speedy cure. ASSERT MAILS ARE ABUSED Street Railway Employes Declare Gompa ies Open Letters snd Eteal Enclosures PRESIDENT ASKED TO STOP PRACTICE Cars Declared to Carry Postal Sign In Times of Strike, Even When So Right Exists. PITTSBURG, Pa.. May 8.-The convene tlon of Amalgamated Street Railway Em ployee, before adjourning today, voted to address an open telegram to the president, reciting alleged abuses of the mails by street car companies and asking him to have the postal laws enforced. Several del egates complained of the manner In which the malls were use,l In San Francisco and New Orleans during the recent strikes. It was assorted that In the former city the street carmen's ' mall waa held up; that letters were opened and photographs taken. This was done,' It Is alleged. In order to deter employes from Joining the union. In New Orleans similar methods are said to have been practloed In order to suppress the forming of unions. Strong; Resolution Adopted. The convention denounced in a strong resolution this sort of abuse of the malls and appointed a committee of five to con vey their disapproval to President Roose velt. This committee drew up the tele gram, which reads as follows: Whereas. Undisputed proof of the open and flagrant abuses of the United States mails by the different street car companies and postofflce officials, notably In New Orleans and San Francisco, have been brought to the notice of the olghth biennial convention of the Street Railway Employes of America; and, Whereas, The purpose of said abuses Is to deprive the members of our order of their rights by having postofflce officials hold up letters for members of this associa tion, contrary to the law. to the detriment of our members, and of atreet car com panies by placing United States mall algns contrary to the ruling of the postmaster general, on cars not carrying malla. In time of trouble between street car com panies and our association for the express or designed purpose of restraining our members from enjoying the rights due them; therefore, be It Resolved, That this, the eighth biennial convention of our association, by unani mous vote, condemn the action of the pos tal authorities for tholr negligence In not enforcing the postal laws governing the de livery nnd transmission of mail, sn-l that the committee appointed to bring this mat ter to your attention aak your excellency, as the chief executive of this nation, to ui your good offices In demanding of the post master general and his subordinates that the postal laws be enforced and these abuses corrected. The reading of the telegram wa greet el with cheers and adopted by a rising vote. Several amendments to the constitution were adopted at today's session. DYE HOUSE SINKS IN SAND Settles Four Feet In Water nnd Will - Soon Be Completely Kn-n-nlfed. PLYMOUTH, Mass., May 8-Bullt upon quicksand, the big dye house of the Purl tan mill, a branch of the American Woolen company, Is slowly sinking. Men are re moving the machinery, but no hope Is en tertained of saving the building. It began to settle a week ago and now the founda tions are four feet below their original level. Soath Dakota Supreme Court. PIERRE, S. D., May t Special Tele gram.) In the supreme court today opin ions were handed down In the following cases: By Corson, Relnhold Johnson, ap pellant, against John A Creesey et al, Cod llngton, affirmed. S. E. Rochford, appel lant, against IL E. Albaugh, McCook; af firmed. L. Long, appellant, against D. D. Collins. sheriff. Clark, re versed. Addle Howell, appellant, against Michael Dlnneen, Beadle; affirmed. F. A. Reynolds against Henry W. Helnrlchs. ap pellant, Brule; affirmed. By Fuller: Port land Consolidated Mining company, appel lant, against Michael Roasltter et al. Law. rence; reversed. Beth R. Smith, agent for County Court In estate of J. C. Smoker, appellant, against Terry Peak Miners' union, Lawrence; affirmed.' J. W. Mnrphy, appellant, against Henry Redtker and Frank Plttman. Grant: affirmed. O. E. Rochford, appellant, against Alice McOee, Mlnehahai amrmed. Michael R. Russell et al, appellants, against Dead wood Develop ment company et al, Lawrence, appeal dis missed. Moving; to Albertn. PIERRE. S. D.. May g.-(Bpeclal Tele gram.) A party of eight families from the White river country west of Chamberlain drove through to this city and are loading their stock and household goods to. remove to Albertu. They will start tomorrow on a special train of nine freight cars and a coach which has been furnished them for the trip. DR. McCREVti specialist! Treats all form o.' DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY 17 Years fciperkncc. IT Years In O mn hi His remarke'ile tu ( v , ha never bet-n many flatC'- la doing or tn equaled and every day bring ing reporra or tne goes reflex be has Uvea. Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilid And all Blood Poisons. NO "PREAKIN l OUT" on tne akin or face and all estern .l sign of the disease disappear at once. s I ntin IIICEICC nrmntly ' rnifd Yy" """""Wt leM tb.n no I1 ifiinnpci r cu j re li NlilUUIILLC rn a k mvu fWFR 9ft fiflfl eases cured of ni'rv T'r.'s W w M M oua debility, loss of n, JJ'TiUnnatiirnl dlchargrs. I iroeeW. T "d Blaader tla Strict in. . s?a. li. UUICK CURES-LOW CHARGES ITMtmAnf K ,it T A ... fjsriu 8. 14th street, between Farnam featte streets. Omaha, nbb. DR. SEARLE3 . Bo well ' snd f.iv ably Known sh t h" lrading, most reMnbie and successful KI'ECIAMST In all lUSKASEn OF MEN. They have ' many year In em-i-. llrhtns their roput.i tlon IN OMAHA fur hnneat and hnnurahi" DEALINGM, aad daily receive many let ters than.Vlna them for the CLKhS .per fected and the i,reat kooi ii)y are o.ung for men. Tnelr lite work has been de voted, a Specialists, la treating ail dis eases of men. . , . . BE CERTAIN OF A CI'RE by CON ULTINO the HEST FIRST. DR. SEARLEH graduated at two of th best medical college and Is cknowlertgr'l the best EXPERIENCE!" and SKILLED SPEC A MSI . Si. l!ie he treats. DH. ftEARL:8' Consultstlon nl Advlc are FRE.E, ..1 prrrjon or by letter, an! sarredlv confidential In all diseases. Written Contracts given In all curab' dlnease of men or refund money paid. Many case treated IS. 00 per month. COXStXTATIOR FttEK. TREATMENT BY MAIL. Call er address. Cor. 14h A Domain DH. SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA. NEB. SB Givo Your Face a Chance. COKE SHAVING FOAEUJ For Easy Sharlnc. Beats any soap, leaves no chance for contagion. You'll Uko It, and Barbers will apply it tor tho asking. All dealers sell it in 25 Cent Collapsible Tubes. A. R. Bremer Co., Chicago. IS PARKER'S Hair Balsam Promotes Uie growth of the hair and gives It tbe lustre and slUclnrss of youth. When the hair 13 gray or faded It BRINGS BACK THE YOUTHFUL COLOR. It prevents Dandruff and hair falling ftnll lrMn til ftcnln ilAAn Anii hunlthv t r MEN AND WOMEN. Inc. Hi for nnttural b lie hariiM. Inflammation., Irritation, or ulc.railous of 111 noon, membrane hmk CMtaataa- Pndila.a. and not aatrin Ithe Evans ChemicalCd. g-nt or pououou. old by Druggists, ' or aant In plnln wrnspar, br gr., prepaid, fol I on. crthottl'.2 7t. Circular Hi' os riMt A BEAUTIFUL Wm. Fully bait hir oaarms lie la til glry of her nsir. Xat Imperial Hair Regenerator I responalhl tor moat or the brantlral bsdoa of hair you o to-dav. It la ahao. lotoiy narmiraa, eaaiir puiiea. invaiu able for Brd and M naUsrh. feampl et hair eajored (re, feepil for faniplifofc :n-u-i il 1 hcmlcal fc 133 v . Z3d 81.. .V. . Bold by Shetmnn A Mcconnell Urug Ce Omaha. Neb. ftLliiH I. HID b4 tulrt a,.. "' hiM i Itk kl.. rlkboa Tmkrw Bi-rim laMaa SaalltMLlA-a u I I , II u; rwvr lruictc.r mb 4c la "fA..'. '""'. I. aa4 Itnll.r fair I.a41aa,'la Uut. bj ratal- Malt, lO.eilllTallaiaaial,. He 5 lriift. f 'klrkntar kaailoal C at. jeUe Saw. lUU.Js. HE PA G 'I urn your els) books Into mooes1. Telephone B I3ST end our represen tative will call. DB "Ye Old Bookc Shop, Ull FARNAM ST. AMLSKlllCM j BOYD'S i FOR ALL ' SUMMER MATINEE TODAY AND TONIGHT FERRIS STOCKCO In "A YOUNG WIFBL" Prices Mai., any seat, 10c; night, 10-15-25o. Opening- Tom morrow Night "THE BELLE OF RICHMOND." tV oftaiaHTOrf TELEPHONE. Ull. Last Two Performance, of the Seasca Mstlnee Today 2:15 Tonight 8:15. Mlllr Canell. Elizabeth Murray. Ilaam .nrf Belles Octeue. Zelma ltawlston. Gardner and Vincent. Ester Fee end the Klnodrome. axmtar IVft "C MIC, B Vinton Street Ground. DES MOINES OMAHA Mny T-H-U-tu. Games called At- l;eV, M'fjf Oaaraalara i KZ1 A-'Tk OINClHKATI.O.Pn a . - ; m Sm PENfiYROYAi PILLS rV.TT'VSArat. mum.. Iniw irum i,l WV-fcH tot CHiCHEKTKK-N KN ESS Sana tku aa