Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1903, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY i), 190.5 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY THll EE CENTS. RUSSIA GRABS AGAIN ar Bites Off Gbonk of Korea and TortiCes Manobnriai Point TROOPS MASSED IN CELESTIAL EMPIRE Big Qani and Proviiicni Provided as if War Were Contemplated. AMERICA CONTEMPLATES JOINT ACTION State Department Reported Beady to Co operate with Britain and Japan. CHINA PREPARED TO FIGHT FOR RIGHTS Ambassador la I.oadou Explain Con- let la Not Daalrad, hat Will Probably Coma If Muaco . vltea Ptritrerc. PEKING, May 8. The Russians are re ported to be constructing forta on the hill near Llao Yung, commanding the road be tween there and the Yalu river, and they have arranged to have a large quantity of provision delivered at New Chwang. A dispatch from an official at New Chwang aav a Indications point strongly to these active preparations being Intended to guard against operations by the Chinese In Manchuria. The news of Russian activity, which comes from a moBt truBtworthy source at New Chwang, adds that on their return to. New Chwang, the Russian troops brought' with them several large guns. A large force has been ordered to reor.cupy Tien Chwang Tal. The Russians hava 14,000 troops be tween the mouth of the Llao river and Port Arthur. Russia's coup has caused profound sur prise here, as recent developments had led to the expectation that It would compromise Its demands since they had been revealed to the powers. The latest maneuver Is In terpreted as a reply to China's refusal to grant Its demands, to the protests of the powers and as a declaration that It Is ready to fight In order to maintain possession of Manchuria. It Is considered significant that the Russian army rooccupted certain strategetlcal posts at Just about the time naval reinforcements were reaching the gulf of Pe Chi Li. The Chinese officials describe the dow ager empress as being greatly distressed and as fearing that the Russian aggression will excite antl-forelgn demonstratlo-s, re sulting In retaliation on the part of the foreigners and , introduction of foreign troops. It Is stated that Russian Influence Is be ing exerted to conciliate American opinion and that appeals are being made to the traditional friendship of the two nations, with the argument that Russian develop ment of Manchuria will open a great fleld for American commerce, while the opposi tion of the 1'nlted Bute to Russia's plan might provoke retaliation against American trade. "Marching? tost; , " YOKOHAMA,' May ".There are per sistent report in circulation regarding movements of Russian troops along the Yalu river. Detachment have entered Korea ostensibly to protect the Russian timber concessionaries and a large body of Russian troops Is reported to be approach ing Wlju, Korea. The Japanese govern ment la protesting; against these actions. China Mar Declare War. LONDON, May 8. The announcement from Pekln that the Russians have "reoc cupled" New Chwang must not be under stood aa Implying that they ever fully evacuated the place. The news Is taken here to mean that the town has been re- occupled by the force, the withdrawal of which was announced in April, when the Russians said that all the troops except the men necessary for the police guard had been removed. The Russian proceedings st New Chwang are attributed here to China's refusal to comply with the de msnds which Russia recently submitted. The Chines ambassador Is quoted as saying it has not received official con firmation of the Russian action at New Chwang. If true, he added. It means that Russia wilt eventually occupy the whole province, and, though China Is not prepared fo- war. It will probably resent any at tempt to do this. roalrni the News. WASHINGTON, May 8.-Th State de partment has received official confirmation from its agents In China of the Increase of the Russian garrison In New Chwang, Manchuria, and there Is reason to believe, If President Roosevelt approves, that It Is preparing to take vigorous steps In the matter. Secretary Hay Is In communication with the president in California, and upon the Utter s decision the secretary's course will depend. It Is stated that the department ha had Its patience taxed by the course of events In Manchuria and that It now contemplate a more radical step than any which has heretofore marked the negotiations between the power on this subject. The proposed tep contemplate Joint action by Japan, England and the United Slates. Preceding negotiations have been hampered by the Inability of this government to act Jointly with other nations without violating Its traditions, but It Is now hinted that some plen of co-operation with England and Japan may be devised which will have the effect of convincing the Russian govern ment of the united determination of the three nations to Insist upon Rusala'a evac uation of Manchuria, while not actually committing the United State to a formal alliance. President's Approval Necessary. This program Is subject to the approval ef the president. If It is not looked upon with favor by him the State department I may fall back upon Its former method of Individual representation to Russia and ask another explanation of the happenings In Manchuria. In such an event the Russian snswei Is already forecasted by the offl- clals her. According to advices to the powers the troops were to have to withdraw from New Chwang Just one month ago today. It Is understood that as a matter of fact, a por tion of the Russian force was withdrawn from barracks In the city to tents out side. It Is presumed from Peking advices that theae troops have returned to the city. However, It Is pointed out that Rus sia employed a saving clause In the prom. ls to withdraw from Manchuria, the language being "provided, however, that the action of the powers shall not stand In the way." , Russia, It Is understood, now claims that this provision was vloluted by Japan when It mobolited Its fleet end otherwise showed signs of military preparations. ConUnu4 on. Second Page.) REVOLUTION GAINS GROUND Extraordinary Kvrnla Expected to Urrrlop In Mraraana Sett Week. PANAMA. ColombU, May 8-Notwtth-standlng the persistent tenia's, of the Nlcarrfgjun government that U- voh'.'.lot In republi.- Is making pr- f.f '' " cei received how that It In grv ''t American who lias arrived l.eri frdn.. rf , tral America Bays the Nlcarnguan reVt. r tlonlst are receiving help from the other republics and a member of the Nk-araguan Junta here says he expects extraordinary events will occur In Nicaragua next week, which, he adds, will assume the success of the revolution. SAN SALVADOR, Salvador, May 8. Adolfe Altamirance, the Nlcaraguan min ister to Salvador, claims that the Nica ragua revolution Is nearly suppressed. He adds that the government Steamer Ponce de Julio recently engaged the revo.utio.iary steamer Victoria on Lake Nicaragua, caus ing the latter serious damage, but Victoria, being the faster vessel, escaped. The Nlcaraguan revolutionary steamer Noventl Tres Is ashore at Mayogalpa bay, Lake Nicaragua. SCHOONER STRIKES A STORK Leaky Vessel with Exhausted Crew Drives Into Port at an Jaaa. SAN JUAN, P. R-. May 8 -The American schooner Slater of Port Jefferson, L. I., thirty-four days out from Savana-la-Mar with logwood for New York, put In here yeaterdny, having been driven back from off Capo Hatteras April I. The crew had been subsisting cn pea soup for twelve days and were very weak. The steward, William Holcomb of Charleston, 8. C, was In a comatose condition. The men had been working at the pumps at regular In tervals for a month. NEW YORK, May 8. Edgar F. Lucken bach, one of the owners of the oil tank steamer S. V. Luckenbach, which Is miss ing, said today that he had given up hope of the steamer ever being heard from. The steamer left Sabine Pass, Tex., March 22 for Philadelphia with a cargo of 1,100,000 gallons of oil. PLAGUE DISCOVERED IN PERU Flour Mill la Quarantined and Prod uct on Market Confis cated. LIMA, Peru, May 8. Bubonic plague has been discovered In the suburbs of Callao and the people of that port are much alarmed. The authorities have closed and isolated a flour mill where certain suspicious cases are guarded. Forty laborers who were em ployed In the mill have been quarantined. It has been decided to close the principal market of Lima and to conflscate all flour coming from the mill In question. The plague has not spread. GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador, May 8. Consid erable alarm la felt here at the reported reappearance of bubonic plague at Callao, Peru. The local Board of Health hus ruled that no vessel from Peruvian ports shall call here and the Ecuadoran gunboat Co- tapaxl ha been ordered to atop such ves sels. NEW COINS F0R FAR EAST traits Settlements May Soon Have Gold Standard Dol lars. SINGAPORE May 8. The currency com mission. In Its report, declares a gold stand ard for the Straits Settlement practicable and recommends the gradual Introduction of a special Straits Settlement dollar of the same weight and fineness as the British dollar and circulating currency with the British and Mexican dollars. The report prohibits temporarily the Im port of Mexican and British dollars until enough new coins are In circulation to suffice for the business of this colony and the Malay states. The scheme proposes to ultimately demoralize the Mexican . and British dollars and then follow the course adopted by the government of India. ARABS LOOT FRENCH CARAVAN Blay Thirty Soldiers and Cnrry Off Five llaadred Laden Csiniele. ' ALGIERS. May 8. A French convoy has been attacked by tribesmen In the Flgulg district. The baggage train was captured after fighting In which thirty were killed. The attacking force was composed of 600 horsemen and 900 men on foot of the I'lad Jerlr and Benagull tribes. On the night of May 7 they attacked the convoy near Taghit. The French baggage train was composed of 500 camels loaded with pro visions and clothing. The tribesmen carried off everything. The tribesmen displayed great temerity In their onslaught and are now camped In the middle of French territory at the confine of the Zousfana valley. JAILED FOR GENTLEMANLY LIE Germaa Lieutenant Declines to Im plicate Woman Wbo Com mits Suicide. BERLIN, May 8. -Baron von Loewe, a lieutenant In the Fifth Uhlans, was sen tenced to eighteen months' Imprisonment today at Dusseldorf for having "lied like a gentleman" In slander proceedings Involv ing the reputation of Frau Eck, wife of a distinguished engineer. The baron and Frau Eck swore In court that they never had Improper relations. She drank poison at the moment of her arrest for perjury and died from the effects. lilac Honors W. C. Kohlaaat. STOCKHOLM. May 8 King Oscar has ' conferred knighthood of the Royal Order of I VaB on Commissioner W. C. Kohlaaat in I recognition of his work in connection with tn 8t- Lou" exposition. Accompanying the decoration was a letter from Foreign Minister I.agerhelm congratulating Mr. Kohlsaat on the well deserved mark of the king's appreciation of his service. Meyer Feaata Heir Apparent. ROME, May 8. Ambassador and Mrs. Meyer gave a banquet today In honor of the duke of Aosta. heir apparent to the throne, and his brother, the count of Turin. Farmer Kin; la Dead. PORT VICTORIA. Seychelles Islands. May 8 Mwanga, the former king of Uganda, Is dead. His death was caused by the rupture of aneurism. subscriptions to Transvaal Loan. LONDON. May 8. It la underflow! tht the Tranavaal loan has been subtcilbed for twenty Urn. BOILER MAKERS OLIT WORK Ejmpathetio Strike Or.ered on Southern Pacifio to Aid Unioa Paoio LABOR DISTURBANCES IN OTHER PLACES Meu Sow Oat Arc Firm and Hanka Are Relnar Swelled ETery Day by - - ' , Others Who Are Demanu- las Their Rlahla. SAN FKANCISCO, May 8. -Tonight all of the boiler makers of the Southern Pa cific company west of El Paso and Og'lcn and south ol Portland will quit wtk out of sympathy for the minuets of their in ternational union who havo iocii hating trouble for the last six months with the Union Pacific. The number of men Involved Is about 4J0. The union machinists of the Union Pacific ere alio '.long with the boiler makers. The Southern Pacllic machinists have not taken any action looking to a sympathetic movement. Secretary Douglas of the local boiler makers and one of the Union Pacific- strik ers, says the press report Is erroncou.i, that the Southern Pacific boiler makers do not go out until Monday next at 10 a. m. "That ou can depend on," said Mr. Dorg Ins, "for It Is positively coriect. Their strike has been delayed by the miscarriage of telegrams." Volunteer Firemen May Quit. 6IOUX FALLS. S. D., May 8. (Special.) The volunteer firemen of Lesterville are preparing to strike, because of differences with the town council as to the sum the city shall contribute for the support of the department. The firemen made application for a certain sum per month, half of which was offered as a compromise. The firemen then held an Indignation meeting and again sent in the same demand. If it is not com plied With the firemen will resign In a body and the town will be wlthotu a volun teer fire department. 'An ultimatum has been served on the council, giving It until next Monday to decide. Hill Expects no Strike. ST. PAUL. May 8. In an Interview today on the possibility of a strike on the Oreat Northern, J. J. 11111 said: If the men have voted to authorise a strike, I can see no common ground on which the matter can be turiiier arbi trated. They will be obliged to accept the consequences of any action they may de cide upon. Our information Is. however, that the men are holding meetings for the express purpose of opposing the demands ot the committee. 1 am quite sure they do not want to strike, if left to act us they would of their own accord. The question is one which does not affect the Great Northern directly; ours Is not a double-header road, less than 3 per cent of our freight mileago ! hnnrileil liv double-bonders, and this In cludes the pushers, to which no opposition lias lieen raised. About 1 per cent of the men who would be culled upon to strike, should the grand officers and men decide to declare one. would he directly Interested In the proposition they would go out to vindicate. I don't think more than 1,500 would go out In any event. The trouble was the subject of two con ferences today. The road was represented by J. J. Hill and General Superintendent Slade. They went Into the offioe of Mr. Ward. The other conference was held In the Windsor hotel, those takiug part being Messrs. Garretson, Newman, Miller and Wooley, the latter two being the chair men of the conductors' and trainmen's committees respectively. Nothing was given out by either side after the meeting. The vote will not be officially canvassed until Monday morning. Building: Trade Strike Settled. WHITE PLAINS, N. Y.. May 8.-The strike of the men In the building trades here has been adjusted. A compromise has been reached providing that from now on until November 1 the day shall consist of eight hojrs at $3 per day and after ward for a period of two years the hours shall remain the same and the wages be $3.:8. The men were receiving 12 73. Snbwny Situation I nelianaed. NEW YORK. May 8 There was no change In the situation In the strike of the 15.000 excavators and rock men today. The president of the union said that the sub way men might submit the question of hours to arbitration, but they would not accept anything less than 82 a day. Work was also at a standstill on most of the big buildings a the result of the refusal of the lumbermen snd brick dealers to send out material until the teamster have modi fied their demands. Friends of George A. Kolb, busi ness manager of the Marine En gineers' association, who mysteriously disappeared Monday, while trying to per suade men to leave the vessels sgainst which his union had declared a strike, are now convinced that he has been kidnapped and stowed away in the hold of an outgoing vessel. At a mass meeting held today of tho Brooklyn builders and contractors a movement was Inaugurated for a struggle between unions and employers In the build ing trades. An organisation was effected under the name of the "Builders' Pro tective Association of Brooklyn, and a committee was appointed to confer with similar associations in Manhattan and the Bronx. The chairman of the meeting explained its object, and said: "W will not glvo In to the demands of labor agitators under any circumstances. Whatever wages are now being paid our employes will stand and will not be lifted. We propose to fight to a finish and if necessary will cause a complete tteup of all building operations until we win. ' Buffalo Tailors Oat. BUFFALO, N. Y.. May 8 The strike of Journeymen tailors for an Increase of wages, which waa In progress In this city for nine months, was declared off today unconditionally. Telegraphers Invoke Law. ST. LOUIS. May 8. The Commercial Telegraphers' union today filed a petition in the United States district court asking Judge Adams to Issue an injunction re straining the Western Union Telegraph company from discharging men belonging to the union. Fatal Riot at Greenwich. GREENWICH. Conn.. May 8.-Durlng a strike row today a striking Italian laborer was shot to death by one of his fellow countrymen, who was attacked by a num ber of strikers In an effort to Induce him to quit work. The man who did the shoot ing and six othr were arrested. Uell Telephone Men Oat. CINCINNATI. May 8.-A11 the linemen, foremen, Inspectors and conduit men of the local Bell Telephone company struck today fnr an Inrreuse tn wnffa. The mHnuir.r of! th. company. Mr. Bayard K.lgour. declined to treat with a committee of the union to which the men belonged, but said he would treut with the men Individually as em ployes snd would pay wagt-a according to ihe stale in such cities and towns. This answer was unsatisfactory. The manager (Continued on Second Page.; CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair Saturday snd Sunday; Colder tJaturtlay lu. North and East Portion. Temperature at Oniahs yesterday! Hoar. Dea. Ileur, Dec on. m 5 4 1 p. m TO H a. in...... n-4 .. 1 . m . . , . . 72 T a. ni Ml X p. ra T'J M a. in B3 4 p. m T3 0 a. m ft 5 p. m 7.'l lt a. m 0 6 i. m...... T2 11 i. m 04 T p. m TO 12 m 7 p. m IS 0 p. m OT LIEUTENANT AGAIN IN TOILS Comrades Pay Bills Without Savlasi Friend, Who Mast Stand Trial. KANSAS CITY. May 8. Lieutenant John F. McCarthy, Nineteenth Infantry, waa ar rested last night and taken to Fort Leaven worth by soldiers. He Is at the post under arrest awaiting court-martial. It was sup posed by his fellow officers when they paid local merchants' bills, who caused his ar rest on criminal charges, that McCarthy's resignation would be accepted. WASHINGTON. May 8. Secretary Root has accepted the reflgnlatlon of First Lieu tenant Charles P. Faulkner of the E'.ghth Infantry, Indorsing his action "for the god of the service." Faulkner, while serving In Alaska, wan charged with misappropriat ing funds belonging to enlisted men. The money losses were made good by the young man's father, former Senator Faulkner of West Virginia. Leniency was shown be cause of the good record, of the officer In the Philippines. The secretary also has ordered a court martial to try Lieutenant J. F. McCarthy of the Nineteenth infantry, who Is charged with duplicating his pay accounts and who tendered his resignation. DENVER BUILDING COLLAPSES Prop Fnll From Vnder Store Be- ins Repaired and Maay are Injured. DENVER, May 8. The building at 1510-14 Laramer street, occupied by Mlchaelson Bros, as a clothing store, with a rooming house on the second floor, collapsed tonight. Several persons were injured, but so far as known no one waa killed. The most seriously Injured are: Mrs. Thomas McKernon, Injured Intern ally, may die E. E. Doane. Florence, Colo., right leg broken, scalp wounds. Thomas McKernon, cut about the head. George Heberlin, Florence, Colo., scalp wounds. The building was being remodeled and the temporary supports were not properly placed. NEW MASONIC BODY FOR OMAHA Charter Granted lor Chapter of Red Knla-hts of Constan tino.. vtr.nrnA in.. Mv . dsnecial Telegram.) At the meeting, here- fodny of the In- penal wraiiu v uunt.ii, j.,.w n r, . . v. - " - slantlne, western Masonic Jurisdiction, charter was granted for a conclave at Omaha. Charters were also granted for conclaves at St. Joseph, Mo., and Joplln, Mo. Officers for the ensuing year were elected and the convention closed this even Ing with a banquet for visiting delegates. The follow'ng officers were elected: T. W. Hugo of .Duluth, grand sovereign; Robert M. Johnson of Chicago, grand vice roy; Frank P. Sargeant of Peoria, grand senior general. COURT GIVES ROOSEVELT CASH Pennsylvania Railroad Losea Fifteen Year Salt Waited by Preal dent and Family. CHICAGO, May 8. The Roosevelt heirs, which Include the president and William E. and James C, his cousins, were awarded 842,426 today In the condemna tion suit brought by the Pennsylvania rail road Involving a strip of land 400 feet long In Stewart avenue. The decision marks the close of litigation which ha been waged for fifteen years for possession of the property on which a section of the railroad track Is laid. Contempt proceedings are still pending because of the company' refusal to tear up It tracks and vacate the premise. BACK HAS SAFE PLURALITY Offlcl tl Canvaaa Shows His Margla OTer Stnht to Be Nine teen Votes. The canvass of the votes of the city elec tion of May 8 was completed by the city council last evening. While there were some slight changes In the count the actual results are as first reported. Back plu rallty over Btuht for councilman from the First ward Is shown to be 18 by the offl elal canvass. EARTH SHAKES IN COLORADO First Shock In Years Strikes West era Slope, Lasting; Several Seconda. GRAND JUNCTION Colo., May 8. A distinct earthquake shock waa felt In th Grand valley between 12:30 and 1:30 thl morning. The shock lasted several second and seemed to travel from th northwest to east and southeast. This is the first slesmlo disturbance on the western slope In many years. Movements of Oceaa Vessel May S, At New York Arrived Mongolian, from Glasgow; r uersr nismarca, rrom H im burg. Sailed Menominee, for London I'vmrle for Liverpool. At Aniwerp Arrived Klngstonian, from Boston. At Liverpool Arrived Pretorlan, from St. John, N B, and Hallfix; Auranl.i from New York: Celtic, from New York Balled Bohemian, for Boston; Cedrle, for New York, via yueeniown. At Boston Arrived New England, from Liverpool and yueenstown. At CherbourK Fa!l-d Auguate Victoria, from Hamburg and Southampton, for New York. At Naple Arrived Vancouver. frm Boston, via St. Michaels and Gibraltar, fo Genoa. Sailed Gera. from Genoa, for New York, via Palermo At Ushant Pushed Isls. from San Fran Cisco, via Valp'i-a'KT em Montevideo, vi Bt Vincent. C. V.. for Hamburg. At Movllle Balled, from Glas gow, for New York; Tunisian, from Liver ljool. for Montreal L1rT for XTo811-1' flWer At Wro llrad Psised Ultonia. from Boston, for uueens.owu snl Llverpol t'arnpinla. from New York, for Queens town and Liverpool. At the I II rd Pnsed La Gacogna. from New York, for Havre; Kynd-im. from New York, for Rotterdam. At Plymouth Arrived Blucher, from New York, for Cherbourg and Hamburg, aud proceeded. TRUCE FOR CAPITAL AND LABOR fORCES Both Sides to Appoint Committees to Mst Governor Monday. PEACE TO PREVAIL IN THE MEANTIME lan for Amioabla Settlement is Considered to Be Under Way. BOARD OF ARBITRATION IS PROBABLE Labor Bspreaenutives Want Governor to Appoint Arbitrators. HIS" EXCELLENCY PROMISES TO DO SO Prealdent Martin Hays He Feels Sore That Business Men's Association Will Agree to Plan for ' Arbitration. To the Cltlxens-of Omaha: Having been Invited by the mayor of your city and the sheriff of your county yesterday to come to your city tor tho purpose of conferring run them and others to am in arriving at n amicable settlement of the labor trou bles in which your city is now Involved, 1 met with the Business Men's sssoclatlon last, evening and heard their discussion re lating to the matter and was enabled to get some Information as to their attitude nd complaint, and this afternoon at tho Millard hotel I met a delegation represent ing the labor unions as previously ar ranged, and on Invitation to myself and pathetic communication with developments mayor, and discussed with them their com- I . h hr... ,hllt mttera mav be brouaht plaints and attitudes In relation to the sit- ln lne noje 'nul, m"r" mar D0 orougnt uatlon. to a speedy termination. After this brief and fair consideration on I Governor Mickey and Adjutant General my part with both sides. I asked that the i c , spent a large part of yesterday labor unions appoint a committee of seven , . , ... ... . .. .. and the Business Men's association a com- morning driving through the strike dls nilttee of like number to meet me on Mon-jtrlcls, studying the situation. They both d?,y, eY,en.lnR', 5,ay J1, at 8 p' m' at. V? expressed great surprise and satisfaction M Hard hotel for the purpose ot mutually . . 7 , .. considering the matters In controversy and ' the quiet and orderly condition prevall- arriving at an amicable settlement to all interested. JOHN H. MICKEY, Governor. Omaha, May 8. A virtual truce was yesterday established between the 2,700 strikers and their employ era In Omaha. Pending Its dissolution a board of arbitration Is to be appointed by Governor Mickey to assume the task of settling the strike. When thl board takes up It work it is hoped the strikers will return to their labors and await the out come. Each side to the controversy Is to appoint a committee of seven to meet the governor here Monday night and arrange for a final basis of settlement. Heaalt of Conferences. This progress In the labor situation waa accomplished aa the result of the gov ernor's meetings Thursday night and yes terday with the Business Men's association and the strikers. Thursday night at Bchlits hall he heard the side of the business men and at the suggestion of and with the mayor he met thirteen representatives of the unions Involved In the strike and oth er yesterday afternoon In his room at the Millard hotel. At this meeting the plan of arbitration by a board to be named by the governor was agreed to by the strikers and lattr by representatives of the em ployers. The governor returned to Lincoln at 4:10. Just before leaving he said to the reporters: There are certain feature of the sit uation ercouraglng for a settlement, but there are some that are not so encouraging. We can at least feel satisfied that the sit uation Is peaceful, and that Is a good dea'.. The contentions between the employers and their employes are grave In character and will have to be seriously considered and soberly dealt with. Neither side must expect a settlement without some yielding. Each must look at the case from the other's standpoint If we would get the best re sults. It Is no time for contrary conduct. What we want to do Is to get the best re sults ln the shortest time. The city Is suf fering f-om the present state of affairs. I believe If a commission is appointed that Is satisfactory to both sides a satisfactory settlement ought to be made." Hepreeentatlve of Labor. Those who met the governor yesterday at the Millard hotel were: T. F. Stures of, the Typographical union; L. V. Guye, chairman of tne Central Labor union arbi tration committee; J. E. Crews, business agent of the team drivers; Thomas A. Cole. man, first vice president of the liiiem. ttonal body of teamsters, from St. Louis; H. C. Stevenson, business agent of the Building Trades' council; Oscar Nast, president of the Longshoreman and Frelghl Handlers' union; W. H. Moore, president of the Hod Carriers' union; Gaorge M. Miles, president of the Carpenters' union; C. E. Hart, business agent of the Waiters' union; W. H. Bell, president of Ctntral Labor union; John Barth, business agent of the Meat Cutters' union, and James A. Brad ford, Its secretary, and H. G. Smith, presi dent of the Street Car men's union. From this conference the governor, with Mayor Moores, proceeded In a carriage to the office of Euclid Martin, president of th - Business Men s sssoclatlon, where a brief conference was held. Mr. Martin, whll'j not speaking for the entire association. told the governor and the mayor that he felt certain the plan of arbitration would meet the approval of that body and that It would appoint a committee o confer with the governor and the unions commute. Goveraor Caasents to Appoint. No one union man acted aa spokesman at the conference with the governor, but all had a free say. The situation was thor oughly gone Into and when the union men became reticent In offering suggestions or advancing information the governor prodded them with questions tending to bring out all the available facts. The mayoi was of much assistance In this direction. It was the prime object of the labor leid ers to have the governor do the appointing of the arbitration commission, but the gov ernor at first thought best to leave this to other powers. However, he finally yielded to the urgent solicitations of the union men and agreed that he would name the board that should undertake this difficult task. It was the governor's earnest denlre that all the strikers should return to their work a soon as this arbitration commission was appointed and began its work. It Is be lleved the strikers will agree to this pro vision. Euclid Martin, president of the Business Men's association, was seen at his office at Parlin, Orendorf & Martin's, at Ninth and Jones streets, after he had met the gov ernor subquent to the strike conference and said: "I told the governor I could not speak fully for the association, but I thought I could give him assurance enough that the association would readily agree to the plan devised and agreed to by the strikers We are always ready and glad to appoint con ference committees and enter Into any plan of arbitration. We would like very well Indeed to have this controversy settled and will do all that Is required of us to bring about a settlement." Outlook la EneanraslnaT. General delight 1 felt over the progress r STRIKE NEWSjOltEO DJWN Labor reprewntntlvps atil prosl deut of tho Hiislm'ss Men's asso ciation njrt'e to enrh appoint a committee of seven to meet i!ov eruor Mickey Monday night for the purpose of ninklug plHtia for tho o mil-able settleiueut of the strike. At the behest of labor representa tives liovernor Mickey promises to appoint a board of arbitration if that scheme Is adopted at Monday uliflit's couferenoe. Transfer companies announce that they will beKlu operations Moudny morning with nonunion teamsters, and rumor is that each wniton will have four special guards. Mayor Moores permits the sa loous to reopen upou securing promises from the Liquor Dealers' association to assist lu the main tenance of good order and to close again when the emergency arises. Several restaurants will reopen today with nonunion help. toward peace and harmony and the pros pects of bringing to an end the turmoil be tween employers and employes In Omaha which has so seriously effected nearly. If not every, line of business In the city. Not only are the contending factions watching every move with the most intense interest, but the entire city is keeping In y in- Ing. General Culver, after his Investlga tlon, said: "Certainly there Is no need for any troops at this stage of the game. The police and county officers are fully equal to the occa sion, which Is not much. If any, out of the ordinary. However, we shall hold our selves In readiness to move on a moment's notice should any emergency arise." IMPROVEMENT IN THE BLUFFS One Contractor Settles with Mason Tender and the Team sters, Th strike situation In Council Bluffs took n turn for the better yesterday and Indications are favorable for a settlement of the differences now existing between the mason tenders and teamsters and the contractors. There were no disturbances or repetition of the troubles of Thursday. The prompt and effective measures taken by Mayor Morgan Thursday snd the efforts of the better element of the striker to prevent the commission of any overt acts had a quieting effect snd yesterday passed without' a single Incident calling for the Interference of the authorities. As a result of a compromise settlement being effected between Contractor John P. Weaver and th striking mason tenders and teamsters, work was resumed on the McAtee building on South Main street. Mr. Weaver ha been paying his mason tenders 17H and 20 cents au hour. They demanded 22 and 26 cents. Under the agreement reached late Thursday night Mr. Weaver will pay 20 and 224 cents an hour to the mason tenders. The agreement with the teamsters provides for dividing the city ln two districts. In which team sters hauling brick shall receive 60 cents snd 75 cents per 1,000, and outsldo of these districts there, shall be- an additional 1 cent per 1,000 for each block the load Is hauled. The cases of the men arrested Thursday charged with taking part In the disturb ance on South Main street were transferred yesterday from the police court to the court of Justice Ouren, where the informa tions had been filed. The hearing was continued by Justice Ouren to May 14. O. D. Talbot, tlio Omaha driver arrested Thursday on a charge of carrying con cealed weapons, was discharged In police court yesterday, no Information having been filed against him. Business Agent Raabe of the Trades and Labor assembly and representatives of the two striking unions called on Mayor Mor gan yesterday morning and assured him they would do all In their power to prevent any disturbance. The conference was a most friendly one and Mayor Morgan thanked the delegation for Its assurance of assistance ln preserving the peace. At the same time the mayor Informed the delegation ' that as chief magistrate of tho city he would not permit the repetition of the scenes of Thursday, and that if neces sary he would appoint loo policemen to preserve order. So long as the strikers refrained from committing any overt act, Mayor Morgan told the delegation, the police would not Interfere with the strikers. The teamsters at the II. A. Quln and the Bluff City lumber yards walked out yes terday afternoon. There Is no dispute as to wages, but Mr. Quln and E. II. Doollttle of the Bluff City Lumber company refused to sign the agreement to employ none but union men. At the Hafer lumber yards the teamsters are all nonunion men. LABOR AGENCIES OVERTAXED I'aabl to Supply Large Number Men Wanted for Rail, road Work. of Omaha labor agencies are threatened with a serious shortage of laborers this spring. Though they have sent out this year be tween 25,000 and 80,000 laborers, most of whom were destined to work on railroads, the demand continues and the men are not forthcoming in sufficient numbers to sat isfy It. Increased railroad construction In Iowa, Nebraska and Wyoming and the building of the Moffat line through Colorado and Utah has been a great strain on the re sources of Omaha as a labor center. Three years ago the railroads tributary to Omaha began a series of Improvements and ex tensions that required a large number of men and Omaha was looked to to furnish them. Laborers from the smaller towns and the country drifting here were gathered up and sent out In the employ of the rail roads. From Chicago and the east railroad laborers drifted out here, because of the better wages offered and the chances that they thought were better In a new coun try. This made Omaha a rival of Minne apolis and Kansas City In railroad labor circles. Conservative estimate of the number of men that Omaha could still use, this spring range from 8,onO to lO.Ofti, but there is little likelihood of their forthcoming. Probably not more than one-half of the numtr will be furnished by the local agents snd so the railroads will have to go begging for th remainder. Transfer Men Prepare to Eeiame Operations Monday Morning. THEY MAY EMPLOY NONUNION DRIVERS Story it That Four Guards Will Acoom panj Each Wagon. UNION LABOR MAKES PUBLIC STATEMENT Contends That Basinet Men Mean War 0a Trade Unionism. MAYOR ALLOWS THE SALOONS TO REOPEN Llqaor Dealera Associating Promt to Assist Authorities In the Preservation of Good Or der la the City. Monday is now the day set by the trans fer companies for the resumption of active operations. It Is announced on what seems to be reliable authority that the managers of the transfer companies expect to hav 100 nonunion drivers from Chicago here on that day. the men to be furnished them hv employment agencies. These drivers will be brought to Omaha between now and Monday and will be ready to take up tho work of hauling goods on that morning. One of the incidental accompaniments of the story seems to cast some discredit upon it. From the same source comes the report that each team, when It leaves the barn, Is to be accompanied by four guards. These guards are to be furnished by a detective agency, and to evade the statute which prohibits tho Importation of such men, they ar to be brought here aa Indi viduals, and then deputised by Sheriff Power. Managers of the transfer com panies decline to give out any information as to their plans, but admit that they ar making arrangements to resume work. Sheriff Power jesterday swore in sixty deputy sheriffs, to co-operate with th police force during the time of the strike. Team Drivers President Cornea, N. W. Evans of Detroit, general presi dent of the Team Drivers' International union, peached Omaha lust night from the east at 11:10 and will remain In the city until after the strike has been settled. Mr. Evans did not care to say anything about the local situation until after he had be come a little, better informed on the exact conditions. He was met at the depot by President Crews of th local union and other representative ot the drivers, and taken to hi hotel. He will be ln close consultation with the leader thl morning, posting himself a to details, and will be active 1 connection with affair from thl time on. Mr. Evan bring word of en couragement to the locked -out men from their brother in th east. Address From th laloa. , The labor Mnloiia of Omaha hav adopted the following address' to the public, explain ing their attitude lu th present crisis; a.u tne cnittoi. ui omaha. and V lciiiii.y; . d. cusia cuii.iuu.du. a tumuuiuuu.1 ot ioerchants and manu fautuieia bl liuiloiiui tcia aud ot unii,,, lieu iiiiaucml meai.B is ivprtuenluu ill uu . iu ol uiuutia. lit wuut ui iimwu as ln xualneas iueu a association. 'Ilia primary oujeel ol this association thiouguout tue united btaies is tne uu su uciiun of oigainaua tabor. To prove tin Wo auuiiat the louowma lacts: uliuuti ul inia ubsouiaiion hav re fuaeu to sell raw material to Arm that lucofcinsa organized labor. a i the expiration ol Hie contract with labor unloub niuy have uiiltormly refuaeu to renew those coiiiraiiaf insofar a the same recognize the union. Tney have boen, in Homo instances, wining to pay a higher scale tliun that now in lorce upon condi tion that ull recognition of the union be eliminated from tne contract. Upon this point, ana tins alone, tney nav pretended to be ready to arbitrate; but since the recognition of the union is the basic prin ciple of its organisation, such can never fitly be a subject for arbitration, any more than could the right of the American re public to exist us a separate and distinct nation be a subject for arbitration ln anv contest with a foreign power. We stand ready at any time to arbitrate any ques tion of wages, hours or other trade regula tions, but our right to organise and deal with business Anns us a compact union on behalf of our individual members never. They have sought to force upon us con ditions that might cause excuse for th bringing In of the militia and federul troops in order to excite publlo sympathy. On our part we have counseled and forced upon our membership strict com pliance with law and order, and we stand ready to prosecute any one, either our members or otherwise, who Incites vlolenne or destroys property. We hold that any one who counsels or commits violence is our worst enemy. V e are not trying to "run" the business of our employe. We sre trying to pre vent them from running ours. The question of how much psy a toller shall receive for his labor Is the business of him who sells It to decide, and not of him who buys It. It Is In violation of this principle that the Business Men's sssoclatlon seeks to disorganize union labor. Its purpose in disorganizing us is to reduce the Individual toller to a condition of dependence. In or der that he may be compelled to submit to such terms as the employer may Im pose. Pretending to recognise the right of tollers to organise, members of this ssso clatlon persistently refuse to renognlse th orranizntlon. To organise without the right of enforcing recognition would be as much a farce as for a court of Justine to surrender Its Jurisdiction and then attempt to enforce Its decree. These are the points that we desire to Impress upon you, citizens of Omaha and vicinity. If you ran view with compla cency sn arrest of the development of our fair community; If von iieslre to check tb growth of our population- If you would welcome the Importation l"to your mMt of cheap nnd disorganized mobs r.f i. borers, snd If vou ran witness without alarm the deterlnrnttnn In value f all t prnnertv of Omaha, and the mln of ta reputstlon snd rredlt. then support the proposition of the Business Men's sssocla tlon to dlsrunt oreanlzed labor. Believing In the righteousness and the Instlce of our muse, snd lavlne- honndle faith In the sense of fair plav of the r.ent of this rommunlty, we humbly await your Judgment. Saloon are Reopened. Mayor Moore gave verbal orders to Chief of police Donahue at 4:30 to notify all saloonkeepers that they would be al lowed to open their places at 5 o'clock and continue open as long as general peace and good order Is maintained In the city. This derision was reached by the mayor after the truce had been declared at th Millard hotel and a committee from the Omaha Retail Liquor Dealers' association had conferred with him and made certain stipulations on behalf of the organization provided saloons were permitted to open their door. The liquor dealers' association Includes by Its membership nearly every saloon keeper In the city, and yesterday afternoon held a meeting which was attended by 200 members. They sent a committee composed of Mess-B. Stephan, Tuthlll, Cackley, Oblat gard, Her and Wiley to rrqueat the mayor to revoke the closing order which has op crated since Tuesdsy at midnight. These obligation were agreed to by th committee: First If deemed expedient by th mayor