4 10 THE OMAHA DAILY ItrJTv. Fill DAY, MAY 8, 1003. JO Special Millinery Sale Friday LOli TODAY B A RO GRAND SALE OF REMNANTS 75C SUMMER FAHKICS AT 15C. The swcllpst and most popular summer dress roods. Silk ff?? mulls. pongees, mounspllne dp soIps and other favored sum- T mrr fabrics In lengths from 7 to 20 yards, tomorrow. Jl g at. a yard Dress Goods Remnants. All the smaller remnants from the regular stock of 60c and 75c dress roods suitable for waists and children's dresses, tomorrow, at. -4 f a yard Dress Goods at 35c The smaller lengths of swing drees roods tnanr of them alike, enourh for skirts and waists, at. a piece 17k $1.00 Dress Ooods at 25c Remnants taken from tbe stock of splendid $1 dress goods, ry ES - 3 to 7 yd. lengths, t....AC7w Great Sale of Black Silk Remnants 2 500 remnants of all kinds of black silk running from 1 yard to 10 yards. Taffetas, peau de sole, raglan silks, fancy satin stripes, etc. The entire lot oo one bargain square, main aisle, at less than one-half price. Remnants of Wash Laces at 5c, 3c, 1 l-2c Remnants and sample strips plain and fancy wash laces In vals, Normandy vals, torchons, point d esprlt, black and cream silk laces, also bands, Insertlngs and galoona, 2 to 6 yard lengths, worm up to 25c, at Special Basement REMNANTS OP FINE WHITE MERCERIZED JACQUARD WA1STINGS In full piece, they sell up to elxty-Bve at, a yard 15c and 2c GINGHAMS, long mill remnants at, yard..., 8c COVERT CLOTH REMNANTS, the 12c kind, at 5c DOUBLE FOLD MERCERIZED SAT EEN, black and all colors, worth up to 40c, at 15c ALL THE NEW PRINTED DIMI TIES, lawns, etc.. In full piece, they sell up to 25c, at, a yard .71c TABLE DAMASK Special sale of remnants of all kinds of table damask turkey red. Indigo blue, bleached and unbleached, In lengths from y yards to yards, at special bargains to close out tomorrow $2.50 Trimmed Street Hats at 49c 4,000 trimmed street hata closed out from leading New York and Chicago designers, the product of the best popular price street hat producers In America. The atvles are the very different effects and all at about twenty regular selling price of these hata was a. m., second floor and basement, at Sale of Shoes at 98c, 75c, 59c All the balance of the McBride stock of shoes men's, women's and chil dren's shoes, tomorrow, in the basement, qq. r7cs csfi tomorrow, at T1X FIGHT COMES ON AGAIN Eeal Estate Exohanga to Go Before the State Board. RAILROAD ASSESSMENT NOT ABANDONED Other Cities Will Be Invite to Join with Omaha in Making Showing ol the Preaent Inequalities la Valuation. Probably the first reappearance of the Omaha Real Estate exchange In the fight for equal taxation since the adjournment of the legislature, will be before the State Board of Equalltatlon during the present month In opposition to the application of certain railroads for a reduction in their assessments and also possibly, for an la crease in the assessments of a number of tbe roads If not all of them. Tbe first steps looking to this end were taken when W. G. Ure, who throughout has been the secretary of tbe tax committee In Ita fight for equal taxation In the state, called upon C. F. Harrison, the president of the exchange and announced his readi ness to begin the fight before the state board. 'At a conference held later with aome of the persona who have co-operated with the exchange tax committee it was suggested by members of the committee that the mayor of Omaha and other officials been asked to render assistance to the ex change and do what they could to secure united action between the people of Omaha and the people of a number of the larger towns of the. state like Lincoln, Beatrice, Hastings, Grand Island, Fremont, Nebraska City and Plattsmouth where the total assessments of the railroads is In glaring disproportion to the value of their holdings for the purpose of securing a more equit able adjustment of the total valuation of tbe railroads in the state under the present law. Tbe suggestion met with hearty approval and It Is expected that this action wilt be taken. During tbe campaign before the atate leg islature rn the Intereata of H. R. 830, the committee ascertained some facts re gardlng the earning power of some of the roads which prove beyond all doubt tnat the present assessments are out of all proportion to the value of the property and this will be presented to the board as a reason for advancing the assessments, Speaking of the matter, C. f. Harrison, president of the exchange, said: "At this time we have outlined no plan f campaign, but Mr. t're is ready tor the fight again, and he la probably the best quipped man In the organization to rep resent tbe people before the Board of Equalisation. For this reason we will probably send him as the spokesman of the exchange. He has the figures at his tongue's end and has carried on the lnves ligation with great thoroughness. We hope lo have people from all of the towns we Prices $10 See the broidery Ufa f below manufacturer s price. black or Special Shoe 5ale Friday A IN FRIDAY 1VC and 17 l-2c a Piece. The larrpr nieces, enourh to match for dresses and skirts, tomorrow as e special bargain day C feature, per piece Oi3C High Class Remnants at 39c Spring Dress G'xxls which have old a high ns $1.50 and 2, r iegardlens of former prtce,-'JW tomorrow at also Danaa, luierungs 5c, 3c, lie Bargains Friday cents, remnants tomorrow -f E? &KJ FINE MERCERIZED WAIST- .15c INGS, the 40c kind. at. lOo DIMITIES, at 2Jc 5c 8-lnch PERCALES the 12Hc kind, at REMNANTS OF ALL KINDS OF CARPETS all wool Ingrain, mo quette, velvet, axminater and brus aels carpets, worth up to $1.50 a yard, on sale In the OQ basement, at OC newest and there are upwards or ouu cents on the dollar 49c up to $2.50, Friday at, v, zuwf KJ visited last fall before the board to co operate with ua and we will get together what data Is necessary as soon as possible." Tbe Board of Equalisation is expected to be In session for about four weeks, thus giving me tax committee time to prepare Its case and time to .bring to' It tbe co operation oi tne other cities. Union Pacific oar checks aa well hik.. checks) are cashed at our bank, rtann.it. made now draw 4 per cent Interest for the entire month of May, Little home safes loaned ires. J. L. BRANDEI3 SONS, Bankers. Mar JO, Important Chaaare, The North western Line. The morning Norfolk-Bonesteel passenger is discontinued at Webster street station and arrives and departs at the UNION DEPOT. It leaves DAILY at 7:15 a. ra. and arrives 10:34 a. m., making close connection at Norfolk with a NEW DAY TRAIN for Long Pine and Intermediate points, except Sunday. City offlcea, 1401-1403 Farnam St. Vonr Summer Vacation Will be pleasant and lnvla-orattn if spend it at some one of the lake or river resorts or Michigan. Write for hvn "Michigan Summer Resorts," or "Fishing and Hunting In Michigan." r,euMf,,ii il lustrated publications giving detaila of the Desi piaces at wnlcn to spend a delightful vacation. Address all reauesta t w Moeller, O. P. A., Pere Marquette R. ueiroii. Mien. Douglas Printing Co.. 1308 Howard. Tel ft. St. Panl and Return, qus.as. On April tl and IS the Illinois Central R. R. will aell tickets to St. Paul and Minne apolis and return at rata of $12.35, good for return 21 days from date of sale. Tickets at No. 1402 Farnam St. v W. H. BRILL, D. P. A., Omaha, Neb. Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure Cures backache Is highly endorsed by Omaha people. Comes In two r.izes. Our price 40o and 75c. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Biore, iota ana inicago streets. Union Pacific pay checks as well as other check as are cashed at our bank. Deposit made now draw 4 per cent Interest for the entire month of May. Little home safe loaned free. J. L. BRANDEI3 A SONS, Bankers. Nichols tt Broadfield. printers. Tel. 1942, DIED. Kl'HN Dr. John Morgan, at Tarkio, Mo a feed 92 yearn. Funeral services will be held from th First Presbyterian church Friday at 2 D m i . . . 1 k T . . . I - . . ... 1 . . I r nor, .tiirb vim miuig;. fairs. J- Benson . New Shirt Waists Com lag In Every Day. Handsome Mexican drawn work, pure linen waists. Price M.75. Entire waists of real lace. In cluny' and antique. 50 to $17.00. Imitation cluny lace, $6 75. handsome white walsta with black era at $3.76. Remember, we are Bellln g children's spring coats New patent leather belts for children, 25c. A large and handsome line of new styles In ladies' belts, white. SCULLER UELLER 1313 Farnam St. PIANO SALE TRIUMPHS SPECIALLY REQUESTED YtY CITY and country friends who can buy better now than before we continue the Great Special rurchase Sule of standard new 1003 Tianos this entire week. Added to these splendid Instru ments which are actually Belling below wholesale are other spe cially tempting bargains lu new and slightly used pianos. Our guar antee Is so strong our prices so extremely low our rates so extra ordinary easy thnt our sales sur pass our most sanguine expecta tions! Call or write at once. $600 brand new Needham Piano beautiful band carved case unusually large made to order No thing like it in fcoflrt city QOUO I vers & Pond piano large size beautiful hand-carved walnut case a great bargain. Knabe Piano like new $300 Ivera & Pond walnut case. ...$265 1500 Steger Colonial style $315 $450 Emerson Flemish oak....$30 I vers & Pond fancy mahogany $285 $500 German walnut case $250 $500 Needham walnut case... $250 Gramer walnut case $350 Many other splendid bargains. Pianola Recitals 3 to 4 p. m. each Friday Complimentary tickets at office. Telephones Omaha, 1 625. Council Bluffs, 368. Iowa Branch 502 Broadway, Council Bluffs. LooksLikeaCigarStore Some one told us vesterdav that our looked like a CIGAR STORE. Patrons of our cigar counter tell us that we DO BET TER THAN THAT as our prices beat any ngax store in tne city. wis KreuuNiaK NO CIGAR OR DRUG TRUST but sell you a whole pocket full of cigars for 26c READ THESE PIMCESi 5 ?.?." ALL FOR 25c I VoTk1.,... I ALL FOR 25c IpTtS ALL FOR 25c 5 Cremos t Henry George ALL FOR 25c 6 Lillian Russell ALL FOR 25c .ALL FOR 25c S George W. Chllds 5 Cremos S Capadura 6 Havana Seconds for..t 25c t ueorce w. unuas ior.. wc 3 Gato Kev West I ALL FOR 25c 1 Baby Nanon JMUU run U All cigars are fresh and In crime condi tion. 4 Clear Havanaa tor 25c IKJ!!!: fALL FOR 25c ! ?omeDreeEr,.tfr.....ALL FOR 25C 8 Camoanello IftLL FDR 2hft 1 Courueer I " 4 Alexia (fine) for 25c We are CUTTERS OF CIGARS AND DRUG PRICES. Write for catalogue, 1 Sherman & McGonnsll Drug Go COR. 16TH and DODGE STS., OMAHA. WE'RE MORE PARTICULAR About the fit than our customer him self. We consider our reputation staked on every suit and overcoat we make. That'a why we're sure we can satisfy you. That'a why we ask you to Rive ua your trade. We know that If you do patronize us you will always be able to say: "I am thoroughly satis fied with my clothes." lielgren & Gradmann Tailors. 309 S. 16th Street. None but skilled union labor employed. Are You Losing Your Hair? If so don't you know it Is lust absolutely unneeesHary? The fact that PARISIAN HAIR TONIC AND DANDRUFF CURE Is fully guaranteed BY US to stop falling hair and to cure dandruff explains the whole thing. Don't think because aome remedies (?) are claimed to grow a head of hair in a single night that ALL Hair preparations are fakes! WE ARE WAIT ING WITH OUR MONEY to redeem any and every bottle of Parisian Hair Tonic which fails to do as claimed. BETTER 8AVE YOUR HAIR. tl.OO Parisian Hair Tonic 75c 60c "Catarrh Rem" guaranteed 30c 61c tl.OO Peruna guaranteed genuine .. 0 l astoria imitation not Kept .. . 24c . 14c . 6c . 7uc best . 75e . 7fc 25c Hires' original Root Beer $100 Pierce s Remedies $1.00 Nervlta all you want $1.00 German Klmmell Bitters the enrlna tonic $1.00 Cramer's Kidney Cure $1.00 Ozomulalon l.'HJ VSZU111U1BKII1 , I WE FILL MAIL ORDERSHFOR CASH. 75c SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICB DRUQ STORE Two Phones 147 nnd T9T. XV. Corner loin nnu Chicago Btm. Ti'nnal RjinV fi f ft miJ A A (Vw trm 4 ZJM L'.VTEO ISTATBS DBitiHITOHV. Full Mrpk;, ii Jul. H. B Wert. MrreerririrM nk rtlr Dputy State Tetertsnrtaa, Food Inspector. H. L. RAU&CCIOTTI, D. V. S. CITT VETOrUNAJUAN. Offin and InnrTC&rj,Unul Ma sen Sta, Omaha. Neb. Telephone 639. SCHOOL. Lake Forest Sis Tboroush insjiruitloo la sll braachM, litlng for eol ltg or uiiivcriiy. r,quitiuni C4mpiei. rDytitA) Ifkinlttt; ainpltt pljf grouiul. situattua healthful nrj delightful- Th but aateni uutivr which tb boy lv atiil th lr numlxr at Ma-'era ure rM bal auaatioa. 'ataU(ue a applUatloo. Addrvaa Jfph iurtia Siuaaa, Uaa4 Uit, bo U, L.k rorvat, Ihiiiasa. ill I lK It Kl.l MII.K KIOKK. Wash Goods Remnants ! Of printed batiste, dimities, plqui s, eP nangs, swlval silks, French plalils and Madras cloths, worth S.'.c IQIm for Ramnants of Zephyr Ginghams Ya'd wide, blaik corded batiste, black sateen and mercerized spun glass linings, Black and colors, worth 20c for I see... 10c Remnants of Printed Dimities Yard wide percales, light and dark col ors, dreas ginghams, flannelettes and rinrk sateens, worth lfc for JC BiG GROCERY SALE We own the largest stock of Dried and Evaporarcd Fruits In the west nnd our prices from 20 to 35 per cent lower than olh.-.s. TWENTY POINDS OF FANCY COUNTRY DRIED APFLES FOR Choice California Prunes Ex;ra lnree Italian I'ninea Fancy t'allfornla Peaches Choice California Pears Choice California Apricots NEW SKASO JAPAN TEA. Good Jap Tea Fancv Jap Tea Tea Sittings for CANNED MEATS. U-lb. can Potted Ham U-lb. can Deviled Ham U-lb. can Deviled Ox Tongue. 4-lb. can Potted Ox Tongue. . H-lb. ran Potted Deef U-lb. can Ham and Tongue... M-)b. (an Potted Chicken 2ic 5c ,74c 8ic U-lb. can rotted Turkey.. Vi-lb. can 1 vllcii Turkey. Vi-lb. can Minced Ham.... W-lb. can Vienna Sausage. All kinds of Can Soun Fresh Soda Crackers Butter Crackers Fresh CinKer Snaoe. . . 8 bars nil brands l'iunilrv Soao... Kiln Dried Ontmcal Flake Hominy Penrl Hominy... Verv fine Rice Kiln Dried Cornmeal One sack Graham Flour One sack Rye Flour Fancy Lentlle 25c 35c 10c ..3c ..3c 3c ..3c ...3c ...5c msm ill A family beer made from selected bops tbe best of barley mildly stimulating saves doctor bills for wife mother sister daughter. MlvaraS to aar part et Puna. Council Bluff! or South Omaha. - Order a case from the JETTER BREWINQ CO. AIIA Tclcptione 1542 .or LEE MtCHELL, wholesale A SAFE PLACE FOR SAVINGS' Money In a strong bank earning more money la the one safe and certain road to Independence. THE CITY SAVINGS BANK. In the Brown block, baa a pald-uo canltat of $100.000 and a strong: conservative management that Is constantly addlna to Its substantial aecurlty. CITY SAVINGS BANK D.rs,.S.,,, Sprini Sh33 Fashions $3, $3.50 $4 The women of Omaha have never had a chance to select their footwear from such a lot of fashionable. snatDV. stylish Shoes and Oxfords aa we are offering them this soring. The extremely stvllsh and high grade goods we offer at such moderate prices, are the best Shoe' values in oualltv as well as style, to be seen In the rlty. and should be Inspected by every woman. PRY SHOE ca 25c Men's Hose, 10c On sale Friday and Saturday. Men's mercerized silk half bose, the regulation 15c article, sale price 10c a pair, not niofe than two pair to any one customer. We also offer special value In men's line pants. Panta which are actual $3.00 value, sale price $1.90, $4.00 quality on sale for $2.50. For $3.00 and $3.50 we offer panta which tailors charge you $7.00 and $8.00 for if they make them to your order. Bear In mind that we are sole agents in Omaha for the Alfred Benjamin line of fine clothing. Price. $12.50, $16.00, $18.00, $19.50 and $22.50 no others are aa good. If you want an every day suit, we have good ones to show you at $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. The Guar antee Clothing Co., 1619-1521, Douglas street. 18-K. WEDDING RIMS Albert Edliolm. Jeweler. Opp. P. O. FRIDAY IS REMNANT DAY. Remnants of Scotch Lawns Styles of 1003, strictly fast colors, Q, worth 10c, for Wv Gent's seamless half hose only Be Ladles seamless fast black hose only.. 10c 1adies' sleeveless Jersey ribbed vests.... 10c Oents' balbriggan underwear only 25c 75c Pillow Tops 23c Friday, beginning at 8 o'clock sharp, we will place on sale the finest line of fancy tlntrd and litograph pillow tops, also the ftneFt lino of tapestry pillow slips In the city gooda worth 60c to 75c all 9flr go at one price eCww A LIMIT OF TWO TO EACH CUSTOMER. You will 1.00 ...5c ...5c ..5c ...5c ...5c ...4c ...4 "4C 25c ..2c ...2c 24c ..3c 14c 25c 25c ...5c 3-Jb. can California 1 Eg Plums HJC Lm can,(,fornla "01. silver Plums O JO o-m. can aiuornla tage Plums fOKFEK, Common Rio Golden ' 84c 8c inc Klo Santos ltlend Maracalbo and Java Blend.. war ....124c 5c African 111,. Java I f 4C i-errectlon Blend Mocha and Guate . mala Blend Rc 20 MuiKlellng ni Java CC Old Government Java MEAT PRICES. Leg of Mutton, ner lb Boillne Reef. per lb Bacon, per lb Lard. per lb 25c 8c 24c 12c ..8c IMfl DEER SOUTH OMAHA , TetopHow " stealer, council hww T.mo aar When all else Is wrong, black is rlbt Wben all else is rtgbt, so's blnck. A black suit Is a ward robe necessity. Beconilnj: to any man correct on any occasion dreggy in all seasons. A MacCarthy black suit is a Milt made from non fading, non-rusting black fabric a suit that Is smart and properly con servative In style all at once. It has the Mac Carthy tailoring touch. Stylish black suits $25 to $50. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, 1710-12 Farnam St.. Phone I80S. Bee Bulldlsj. Court House is Opposite. The right thing 111 Belier beilthan evertntn; '- nsi7 nothind It's better to have no harness at all than to have some of the cheap made believe harness that you can get at bargain stores for the price of a pair of shoes. You are lluble to have a break down at any time, and people don't need to know much about a harness or a horse to spot a $4.li8 harness. It speaks for It self. So does a flue harness, but In a different language. Don't be codfishy Poor harness Is a poor excuse at best, while a good harness will confirm your standing in the community. Let us make your haruess. We guarantee satisfaction, style, finish nnd everything else. Salt Ce, Travails Bags sad Valises' Alfred Cornish 12I0Farnamst. m "3 J Women's Mvislin Underwear Specials for Friday Muslin and Cambric Skirts nt 45c, Worth 75c '.!K) Skirts lu all ko on sale h-re Friday made of tine muslin and cambric-trimmed with deep tmked llotince nnd well proportioned these Skirts fell tegulnrly for 7."c nnd are better values than are Ketiernlly retailed for 7."c remember there are only yk sna GOO not tnnny among an eager crowd of buyers as long as they Inst Friday Ladies' Fine Quality Silk and Lislo (iloves-the 75c Quality on Sale at 45c The offering of Silk and Mule fJloves of this quality at 4."c Instead of 7."e is one of the most notable bnrgalus thnt has been seen In a huig a pas f time there Is only about .'i( 0 pairs In the lot, so come C early and get first choice 73c values Friday. Ladies Knit Vests at we will effer 500 ladles' low neck ribbed arm shields or no sleeves and are regular 10c values for Ask c"."i-:iy-v is a work of art it does not necessarily follow that tbe price Is beyond yonr reach The bat that comes from trn .- J arx t. Styhsh hats made becoming Becoming hats, made styiisn "If I wanted credit and had no capital, I'd in a supply of first-class office stationery." A man's prosperity is usually measured by ' his clothes and a business house by Ita letter heads this applies aa well to the . business man with capital. Office supplies and stationery retailed at wholesaU prices. tmythisf seeded for the office. OMAHA PRINTING CO.,Ie,;e'1)&t Men ordert rned. Stud If oiUlofue. TOSW.MUJ FREE TO ALL-Unlil Hay 20 Our free cllinlc prices extended until May 20. We want every man, woman and child to have their teeth examined by the professor of this college. No student to practice on you, but old, experienced, relia ble, B'vMirate, expert dentists. Specialists partment. Work guaranteed 10 years. We are here to stay. Incorporated under state laws. . Full Set of Teeth from . ...3.0O Gold Crowns from 2.8. Alaronlnm Plate from SS.OO Union College Open dally till O p. m. HAVE YOUR CHOICE It Is easy to get what you want when you have different makes to pick from. We sell several of tbe best SEWING MAC HINES made on easy terms. Old machines from $1.00 up. Supplies and attachmenta for all machines. P. E. FLODMAN & CO. TELEPHONE 1574. 1514 CAPITOL AVENUE. Every . person who contemplates buying a trunk, traveling bag. handbag or suit case should call at our ' store and lnsnect the stock. We can save you money and we can tell you how the article la made and. what It la made of. We know for we make them. ' Repairing telephone 1058. TRUNK-FACTORY- Excursions Southwest First and third Tuesdays aoh month over th Santa Fe. One fare, plus $2, round trip, first class, Chicago and Kansas City to Kansas, Col orado, New Mexico, Arizo na, Oklahoma and Texas. Greatly reduced rates one way, aea ond class, until June 1&. Interesting pamphlets free, telling about cheap lands. "Bants, Fe nil tbe way." S. I Palmer, P. A., 40 Equitable Blda, -Dee Molaes, Is. Santa Fe Stylish Clothing Hats and Shoes (or Men and Women, Boys and Girls, can be obtained here on easy pay ments at cash store prices. No security required. iVenter, Rosenbloom & Co.. V 1508 Oodga 8L OMAHA I WtB?m JLI11- "S and Gloves 10c, Worth 19c -Friday Hibbed Vests with 10c they are full silk taped Friday y woman talus tkt iett uutintr "awry. Davits." ' Cm attt fv""wa While every hat Davies 1511 Douglas St. Must be a wlriome h-mnr or style and every effort will be made to make It so, whether the price le $1.50 or $15.00-. t It t -tbe best hat you v.-, i.in.hi mi (he tr.rt-M ' gggOSanB&nwInWaWi. lay I St.. iaha Oat In each de Teeth Extracted Free. Filllnas from 2Se. Work done free. Small charge for material. of Painless Dentistry Sunday I to 4, a a o 9 FARNAM ST. She liest of Everything 1 HI The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago Important! May 10th Norfolk Hud lion' V tl Exiircx dtfiarts from the Union l)fmt at 7:1.1 a. m. il'iily, inticad f from 1 -J V 3 ntOnter Kt, Station. Clone connfclion at Kor folk with a ufw dmj train for Long Vine and inter mediate pviuls, txript uu dmjs. City Offlcss- 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA ItL. 24-e01 iiiih.ldvi. r,T"WT w ' l.