Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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John W. AWord of Crrcago Choten at
Chairman Boyd'i Suggestion.
Eatltrrr la lharae of Maay Im
portant Pattllo lndfrtklii aad
Arbitrator or Appraiser la
Other Municipal rnrchaaes.
John W. Alvoril of Chicago, consulting en
gineer for sanitary and hydraulic works,
ii chosen by the water board yesterday
.afternoon a the appraiser for the city on
tha board of three to determine the value
of the water works plant. His name will
be presented to the mayor and council for
confirmation next wepk. If confirmed, tha
Omaha Water compauy must name Ita men
within thirty days, which It will no
doubt do.
Mr. Alvord la the personal selection of
Chairman James E. Boyd, who waa dele
gated to find competent appraiser. Tha
candidate's name was accepted unanimously
t the regular meeting by the members
present, Messrs. Boyd, Congdon, Coad and
Barlow. Tte preparation and adoption of
the formal resolution required but a few
minutes as the board had previously de
cided upon the appointment. Mr. Alvord
has agreed to accept the position and tha
terms have been fixed. - -
t'areer of tbe Candidate.
John W. Alvords biography is given ss
follows: Born In Boaton In 1861, he wai
educated In Washington and for one year
waa a law student In New York, from there
golrfg to Colorado, where he put In two
years at practical railroad work. From 1880
to 1881 he wan assistant to the chief engi
neer on lake inlet tunnel and pumping at
the Hyde Park station In Chicago. Later
be engaged In surveying In Chicago, la
1884 he was appointed city engineer of Lake
View, now a part of Chicago, and remod
eled and extended the Lake View water
works system to four-fold Its original ca
pacity. He planned and superintended
many mllea of street paving, lake ahore pro
tection, lake ahore boulevards, and organ
ized all the methods, records and work
that go to make a city and to care for the
expenditure of about $3,600,000 worth of Im
provements made during his term of office.
When Lake View was annexed to Chicago
In 1888 Mr. Alvord went to Europe and
spent nearly a year there examining public
works and collecting data on water supply,
sewerage and sewage purification. In 1889
he was appointed chief engineer at Cicero,
a town west and adjacent to Chicago, where
he designed a system of 380 mllea of storm
water sewers and about six mllea of street
improvements. During this period he waa
consulted aa to water worka problems by
the cities of Muskegon. Mich.; Duluth.
Minn.; Hurley, Wis.; Ironwood, Mich., and
Terra Haute, Ind.
Chief Engineer of World's Fair.
Mr. Alvord waa appointed chief of the en
gineering department of the Worlda Colum
bian expoaltlon at Chicago In 1890, having
charge of the dredging, grading and filling of
the grounds and the construction of roads,
aurveya and grades. He was also at this time
chief engineer for a company which con
structed a pipe line of nearly 100 miles
from Wisconsin to Chicago, supplying the
fair with spring water cooled by refrigerat
ing machinery and circulated on the
ground by Insulated plpea to numerous
drinking stands all at a cost of $70000.
From 1897 to 1901 he waa the consulting
engineer of the Illinois and Michigan canal,
conductlndg successful litigation with th
sanitary district of Chicago. In 18t9 be was
engaged by the city of Columbus aa con
sulting engineer and deal go ed for it sys
tem of seventy-five miles of sanitary sew
ers Including a pumping station of 40,000,
000 gallons capacity. He was also employed
by the United States government as ex
pert In a water worka condemnation case at
Sterling, 111., and by Chicago In construct
ing an Interception ayatem of sewers.
Experience aa am Appraiser.
In 1899, Mr. Alvord waa concerned in ap
pralsment work similar to what be will do
for the city of Omaha, In Dubuque, la., only
on thla occasion he represented the water
company. He haa also served aa arbitrator
in waterworka appraisal at Sheboygan
Wis., Lake Forest. 111., and Marysvllle. O.
In all he haa been connected with more
than twenty-five water worka serving 750 -000
people and valued at $8,500,000.
Qaartermaater of Department of Mia.
aoarl Advertises for flora
Arrangements are being made by the
quartermasters department of the local
, army headquarters for the advertising for
bids for the annual supplies of hay, oata,
corn, bran and other feed for the horses In
the department. Thla year's contracts will
call for a larger amount of fodder than has
been used in tbe department for years, and
s tha bids are opened In Omaha aa well as
at the posts "here delivery is to be made,
Omsha grain men and millers have ample
opportunity to furnish a large portion of
these supplies.
Major McClernand will leave for Wash-
Is often very touch
against the wife.
Her strength is un
dermined, she loses
flesh and her enerev
and courage slowly leak away from her.
Gradually the comradeship of husband
and wife is broken up. At first he Ukes
his solitary treasures reluvtantlv. but
later he hardly see in i to remember the
. old days over which his wife in ber
I weakness mourns daily.
I Women who find their health failing,
, and womanly ailmetots fastening on them,
should promptly begin the use of Dr.
llerce's Favorite Prescription. It cor
rects irregularity, dries the drains which
weaken women, heals inflammation and
ulceration, and cures female weakness. It
mukes weak women strong, sick women
well. Sick women are invited to consult
Dr. Pierce, by letter, fret. All corres-
1 t- S
punuence una as sincuy private ana
sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
"! had brxa a arret sufferer from female weak'
Bm for about two year." writes Nn. Emma
Kichar-laoa. of Ouk, Wavar Co.. Ky. "Could
not do my work part of the time. I took four
bnliteaoT Dr. Herce'a Favorite praarnptura and
frit aa welt aa I ever did. I have alto uaed Dr.
Pierce's GoWten MedK-al Diacoverv fur ulcera
tion of the throat with good results and half
of one bottle cured my throat whea I could
scarcely swallow. "
The People's Common Sense Medical
Adrtaer, iou8 pages, free, on receipt of
stamps for mailing only. Send 21 one-
cent stamps for the piper-covered book,
or u stamps for the clotn-nound vol
tunc, to I. JL V. Pierce. Buffalo, N. Y.
Ington Thursday to meet with the newly
formed general staff of the United States
army. It will probably be several weeke
beffire his return, as the meeting, while In
foimal, will deal with the organisation and
the deciding of the scope of work of tbi
staff and will take up a great deal of time
in these deliberations.
After the meeting he will return to
Omaha and take up his duties as adjutant
general of the department uutll perma
nently relieved.
Captain El wood W. Evans of the Eighth
cavalry has been sppointed as Inspecting
officer of tbe National Guard of Missouri in
place of Major William A. Shunk, previously
Colonel A. B. Oerard, chief surgeon of tho
Department of the Missouri, leaves tomor
row to make an Inspection tour of the hos
pitals at the posts in the department.
Ends Headache's Tortore.
Liy livers and sluggish bowels cause
headaches. Dr. King's New Life Pills re
move the cause or no pay. Only 25c. For
aale by Kubn Co.
This bank Invites your savlnga account
and will pty 4 per cent Interest on one
dollar or larger deposits. Little steel safes
loaned free. Under the Jurisdiction and su
pervision of the state of Nebraska.
Col. Pottle Wants Toor Ear.
'What foola theae mortals be!" Why do
you pay $2.60 to $5.00 per bottle for cham
pagne whin you can go to Gladstone Bros.'
of Omaha and buy the "Brotherhood Wine
Co.'a" wines for one-half the prlceT The
Brotherhood Wine Co." of New York owna
the largest champagne plant in the United
States, and are producing a champagne that
s Just aa One as anything that comes from
Europe. Try the "Brotherhood Wine Co.'a"
champagnes, and if you are not satisfied
Oladstone Bros, will refund your money.
The "Brotherhood Wine Co." haa sold
goods In Omaha for more than twenty-five
years, and their patronage is drawn from
the ranks of Omaha's leading citizens.
One-War Kates
To many points In the states of California,
Oregon and Washington.
Every day the Union Pacific will sell one
way Colonist Tickets at the following rates
from Missouri River terminals:
$25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and
many other California polnta.
$20.00 to Ogdett and Salt Lake City.
$20.00 to Butte, Anaconda and Helena.
$22.50 to- Spokane and Wenetchee, Wash.
$25.00 to Everett, Fairhaven and New
Whatcom, via Huntington and Spokane.
$25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle.
$25.00 to Ashland, Roseburg, Eugene, Al
bany and Salem, via Portland.
Tickets on sale dally to June 15, 1903.
City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam Street.
Phone 316.
Yoor Summer Vacation
Will be pleasant and Invigorating if you
spend it at some one of tbe lake or river
resorts of Michigan. Write for booklet,
Michigan Summer Resorts," or "Fishing
and Hunting In Michigan," beautifully il
lustrated publications giving details of the
best places at which to spend a delightful
vacation. Address all requests to H. F.
Moeller, Q. P. A., Pere .Marquette R. R.,
Detroit, Mich. -.
Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure Cures
backache Is highly endorsed by Omaha
people. Cornea in two sizes. Our price.
40o and 75c. Schaefer's . Cut Price Drug
store, 16tn and Chicago streets.
Sam'l Burns Is selling a nice "Limoges"
dinner set, $24.75.
Douglas Printing Co.. 1608 Howard. TaL
AsssaaetaieBti of tho Theatera.
At ths Orpheum this afternoon the last
midweek matinee of tbe season will be
given today, for only five more perform
ances remain, before the closing, which oc
curs Ssturday, when matinee and evening
performances will . be given. Patrons are
availing themaelvea of the season's last
offering in vaudeville to an extent that
la making full houses, and the excellence
of the program la pleasing them immensely.
not a few pronouncing it - the very beat
show of the season.
Opening tonight, the Ferris Stock com
pany will present Do Mllles' "A Young
Wire" at the Boyd. Tbe play will run for
the balance of tbe week. It tells of the
heroic self-sacrifice on the part of a young
wife to save her recently made husband
from the charge of murder, a charge he was
Innocent of. In a nutshell, the story Is
this: A capitalist has two sons, one a
natural, tbe other an adopted son. The
former is dissolute and the latter of sterl
ing worth. The sdopted son marries against
his father's wishes. The natural son is dis
inherited snd kills his father, blaming the
deed on bis brother. To sate her husband
the young wife claimed to have committed
the deed.
Mattle Hayea Sara She Waa Dam
aged by Arrest and Restraint
la Hospital.
A ault for $25,000 damages has been in
stituted by Mattie Hayes of Crawford
county, Iowa, against Isaao Gentsler, Jo
seph P. Mllllgan and Deputy Sheriff Felix
Gallegher of Cuming county. All of the de
fendants but Hayea are residents of Cum
ing county.
Tbe plaintiff alleges that the defendanta
conspired to place ber in the hoapltal for
tbe Insane at Norfolk and that they were
auccescful In their attempt, and that she
was held la the hospital for more than
Ova months. She also alleges that Galle
gher, when be arrested her, caused her
painful Injuries by dragging her from her
own doorstep and letting her fall on the
ground, breaking three ribs and bruising
her heed severely.
At West Point she waa lodged In the
county Jail and the cell waa dark and
damp and caused ber to become seriously
For sll of these reasons and others aa
potent, she alleges that she, has been
greatly wronged, conspired against,
humiliated, made a permanent Invalid and
worthy of becoming the recipient of $25,000.
A Champion Healer.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best In the
world, cures cuts, corn, burns, bolls, ulcers,
sores snd piles or no pay. 25c. For aale
by Kuhn ft. Co.
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and deaths have been
reported to the Hoard of Health:
Btrtha H. H. Charles. Blnndo. girl
twins: Loos Jensen, 2Ju8 Bouth Forty-tec-onrl
Deaths M. Bergen. 2519 Ames avenue 31;
N. J. Hanaen. 8t. Joseph's hospital, 6'.'; Ger'.
trude V. Ades, North Twenty-sixth as
Frank Herew, 2601 Spencer. 23.
Mrabs la Acquitted.
John McNabb was discharged in police
coart yesterday from a charge of lar
ceny aa bailee. He had been arrested on a
charge of stealing and pawning a trunk
from a woman companion and pawning the
same. The evldenra showed that McNabb
had nothing at all to do with the theft or
pawning of tha trunk.
6N YD ER Ellen M . aged SI yeara. I months
ana jw aays
Funeral Thursday. May 7. at J p r
from family reKldrnce. lit South
Thirty-fifth atreet. Interment, Walnut Hill
cemetery. ounci eiuna, 4a.
n Agents nil a tt n si c n it tii
sho"9!n LUJ IJUr
Thursday Milliner Specials
Beautiful Trimmed Hats S4.95, S2.45
On Thursday we offer tbe remainder of those splendid
pattern trimmed hats from our great deal with Messrs. A.
Stern & Co., of New York. Those Indies, who took advan
tage of our offering early in this sale say that they never
before saw such grand values. There are still several
hundred on hand which were priced A QtZ
in New York at ?G, $7, $10 and $12,
on sale Thursday at
$5 Tailor Trimmed Hats at $2.50
Here is an entirely new line of the very popular Flat
Iron Turban effects, hand made on wire frames and splen
didly trimmed with velvet ribbons and barber brush pom
poms. In all of the new color combinations, sueh as burnt
ami white, burnt and black, eastor and white, black and
white, navy and white, etc. Our hats are copies of the
imported ones and are considered far superior CZr
i int.: tiiiium, which we couia
under $3.00, Thursday
$3.50 Trimmed Hats, at $1
In Basement,
Several hundred trimmed hnts
fnr Indies and misses are offered
Thursday In tho hanement at $1.
These goods have been the regu
lar J3.B0 kind, some are slightly
mussed owing to our 4
great crush of business Tnl
For Friday we announce a moat sensational sale of trimmed
street hats. $2 and $2.50 values 49c. See window display
25C AND I5C LACES AT 5C, 3C 1 I-2C
A New York importer' sample strips from 2 to 5 yard lengths, many to
match. Three large bargain squares of orer 11,000 yir1. of fine, plain and
fnnqj wash laces in Valenciennes, Normandy vals, torchon, point d'esprite,
black and cream silk ce.t, also bands, inserting and galoon. A small part
of which has been displayed in our front show windows, C O it
worth up to SSc a yard, at . .OC, OCi I2C
Sample strips snd odd and end lots of very fine embroideries and Insert
in gs In all widths. In nainsook, cambric and Hamburg, worth up to 50 cents
yard, go In lots at,
Photo color framed pictures, plenty of subjects to select A
from, worth up to 25c, at '. . vlw
Watch Our J
Windows I
Union Paoifio to Increase Yardage at Ita
Passenger Station.
Facilities Already Overtaxed Have
Proapect of Belnar Greatly En
larged Within, a Very
Short Time.
Union Pacific officials sre seriously con
sidering the matter of adding to ths track
age facllltlea at tho Union station. There
are at present more than sixty trains en
tering snd leaving the station every
twenty-four hours and the eight tracks for
thla service sre scarcely able to handle any
large Increase of traffic.
With tbe coming of the Omaha-Bonesteel
train Into the ststion after Saturday, two
more trains will be added to the list of
those to be handled. The Wabash will add
two more soon, and then there Is always
the likelihood that the Chicago Great
Western will be using the station and
brlnalna In from four to six more trains
dally. All of this increase means an addl- i
tlonal stress on the already weil-usea ;
tracks and It Is felt by the officials In
charge that greater passenger trackage fa
cilities should be added.
The expense and labor Involved In the
change la not considerable when compared
with the returns. The fence to the south
of the present eight tracks can be moved
further southward and enough space taken
from the freight trackage to add two tracks
without any serious hindrance to the
freight facllltlea.
After the Xlekel Plate.
Railroads competing with the Nickel
Plate are making an attempt to have the
latter road caught In the dragnet of tha
Elklna law and are making strong objec
tions to what, they declare, is a promlacu
oua and Inexcusable looseness In the giving
of halt rates to shippers. This, they de
clare. Is an attempt on the part of tbe
Nickel Plate to get around the Elklna law
and they will make an example If possible
of the road, so aa to remove this method
of favoring shippers for all time.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets Are Jnst What Yon Need
When you feel dull after eating.
When you have no appetite.
When you have a bad taste in your mouth.
When your liver Is torpid.
When your bowels are constlpsted.
When you have a headache.
When you feel bilious.
They will Improve your appetite, cleansa
snd Invigorate your stomach snd regulate
your liver and bowels. Price 25 cents per
W. H. Mallory Forced to Make Differ,
eat Arrauaements About His
Benson Jabllatloa.
Peep down 'n the cavernous recesses of
W. H. Mallory's boiler compound factory
at Peventeinth and Corby streets a lone
and lonesome lad kept vigil for many
weary hours Tuesday night, waiting a sig
nal that never came, lie had been hired by
Mr. Mallory (the same enthusiast who
furnished the recent pictorial band wagon
that met with such general approval), but
his services were to be remunerated by W.
A. Saunders. Gus Dounecken, Hugh Myers
and other wise ones of the Klftb ward
who knew that Benson was being elected
and who wished to make more nolae about
It than their already-overtaxed lunga could
Their Instruction to the boy was thst he
waa to go to the factory at 30 p. m. and
remain there ''a little while" until Mallory
or one of his other employers should tele- ivi rrM hp
mm m m n Lata, a u n
f' 1 "k
a trl Aventa
IklliXZk" torkojrers
m ' ZTsJ s I i 'eel
not sen
$1 Cherry Wreaths at 45c
Twenty-five boxes handsome
long cherry wrenths, contHln
Ing twenty-four French leaves
and eiRhte n French cherrlr-s.
This wreath cannot be dupli
cated lit Irs than Jl i"
In other Fturon, a-lilP
2.5c, 121c, 10c, 3k
B S. Watch Our
BF W rl
V-L -a I W - ML! Z .
phone from down town that victory waa
certain, whereupon he was to seize the
whistle string, and awaken all that end of
town to tho new condition.
The boy weaUat 6:30 and kept steam up
for three hours without complaint. Then
he began to doubt and to criticise, there
in his lonely station. The longer he waited
the less he liked It, and at 1 a. m. he de
clined to stand for It any longer. He called
up the Bensoa. headquartere and demanded
that Mr. Mallory come to the 'phone. Mr.
Mallor earned; f
"Is BenBon ejected yet?" he demanded.
"Well, no, not yet," answered Mallory,
"He ain't! Well, It's takin him too
danged long. I'm goln" home now and come
back tomorrow night to finish up."
And the boy hung up but ho won't be
back. Mallory, Saunders, Donneckan, Myers
et al have materially altered their original
St. Pnnl and H-liirn, l2.n.
On April 21 snd 2 the Illinois Central R. ;
R. will sell tickets to 8t. Paul and Mlnne-
apolls and return at rate of !2.3o. good for i
return 21 daya from date of aale.
Tickets at No. 1403 Farnam St. I
W U RRtl.I,. Tl P a I
.. . ... - . ....
Omaha. Neb.
Farm loana. Forgnn-Haskell Co., 430
N. Y. Life Building. Tel. 470.
Nichols ft Broadfleld. printers. Tel. 1943.
Ireland In Sonar and Story.
On Tuesday evening, In city hall. South
Omaha, tinrler the ajxptoes of the Firm
Presbyterian church, 11 lecture on the above
subject was given by William Kennedy. In
spite of the fart that thl wag election
nlRht the city hall was crowded to its
utmost capiiiity by a very appreciative
audience. The lecturer, In a racy and elo
quent manner, conducted his audience
through the south, west and north of Ire.
land, dealing graphically with the scenic
and historic charms of the districts through
which he passed. The lecture wan copiously
illustrated with etereontlron views manipu
lated by a powerfully dlsolviiiK lantern In
the hands of Will J. Stevens. Pome of the
best of Ireland's national ennKH were sung
by the Misses I-ovdy and Mr. Kennedy.
Rev. Pr. Wheeler was chairman.
Ray Brown Acquitted.
Ray Brown was put on trial in Judge
Kstelle's court yesterday on a charge of
clayllnht breaking, alleged to have been
committed at a residence at 2" Michigan
avenue. April 16, but the Judge Instructed
the Jury to find for the defendant on th
ground that there was not sufficient Identi
fication. The only witnesses who could give
essentlnl testimony were two small girls,
who were not sufficiently certitn as to
which of two boya it waa they eaw go Into
the house.
In comparing Grain-O and coffee
remember that while tbe taste is
the same Grain-O pives health and
strength while coftee shatters the
nervous system and breeds disease
of the digestive organs. Thinking
people prefer Grain-O and its ben
efits. TRY IT TO-DAY.
Atgrocers everywhara ; lie sod SSc. per package,
Ping era roughened by needlework
catch every stain and look hopelessly
dirty. Hand Sspolla removes not only
the dirt, but also Che loosened, injured
cuticle, and restore tho finger to
their natural beauty.
-i ypiiiTiihi
The Bennett
14a.. Tvar- . ATM
A pleased customer it al-y
ways me oesi adver
tisement. .
When you get a piano to
your mind, taste and
economy you tell your
friends you got ft at
Bennett's, the home of
the high grade piano.
We have several rianoa that
were bought before our reorgani
Sold Very Cheap on
Terms to suit
$400 pianos, old antl well 'known
uinkes, handsome eases, in wal
nut. mnhoRiiuy ami
onk. Will be siifi-r-floed
New Plnnos, former price .'VJT to
?J.)0. fully gun ran'
teed, redueed
rofully .ami
New handsomely, carefully ant!
stylishly constructed Pianos, well
J. Id injn, t-ji
worth $3."0, in nia
'aogany, walnut and
oak. reduced to. . . ,
Slightly used rented Pianos, in
gotid order, could . not be told
Pianos, In
t be told
from new, worth '
from $J75 to $:ih),
reduced to $2tK and
$5 to S25 Cash and
$5 to $25 Per Month"
Everything in music.
See the superb
Chase and Baker Player
-the player with the vel
vet touch.
Music Dept. Second Floor
The Bennett Co.
and Hair Tonic
Makes the Hair Grow,
Keeps the Scalp Healthy.
Sold Everywhere in
$1.00 and 50 Cent Bottles.
A. R. Bremer Co., Chicago.
! W
It's All Over Now
So s ttle clown tu business again. We are
rrady for your order el: her in pvrson, by
telephone- or by rnuli and are still muklntt
prices which are .ntercstlng all drug
Sl im t'ure Canadian Malt Whiskey ....7ie
tl (HI ller's Malt Whiskey want it?. .....die
MOO Peruna all you want
SI.SO Pierce's Kcmedies fiCi
tint) Nervita 7,io
tl.uti Sexine Pills the
11 tt Temptation Tonic 2v
Sl.U) 8h.)op' Keeinratlve Tic
3."c Genuine Cantoila 2lc
;n- Pink of Perfection 4.;c
Sl.ttO Mile's Nervine Hc
Soc Hire's Rout Fleer 14o
Have you f und as low prices on there
poods? '
-.c Parker's Tar fioap 1B0
'j:c Pchllts Malt Extract, 2 for 26i;
nop Cutlcura Ralve . .'. sop
i.'"c Laxative liromo Quinine .., l."c
2")C Qulnacetol. best cold cure 2 c
2T,c pierce s Pills lac
2.0i) C'heater'a Pennyroyal Pills 1.00
Two Phones T4T sad TUT. .
W. C'oraer ltttk a ad Lblcaso Sta.
U08 Farnam St.
Late lioul at small eont.
Stationery Special
t.'tc box of cream pnter and en- tfif,
veto this wtck only for. . . . lUt
'Ms- f
mum inwrway
THURSDAY in tho great p J AMIrM'
Linen Patlste, with white and colored silk
stripe, mercerised Ginghams snd Ducks
very stylish for ladles' spring
gowns, worth 40c.
nds with
Rwlvol Silks, lace striped Swisses, Batiste
snd printed Ternangs light grounds with
colored stripes snd figures
very beautiful designs,
worth 25c, only
Seamless Half-Hose,
worth 124c, only
Ladles' Seamless Fast Black
Hose, only
In the Dig Domestic Room at the
12Vie fine soft finish Cambrlo.
. yard wide, at, per yard
15o soft finish Long Cloth,
yard wide, at, per yard
In the Big Domestic Room at
25c Sheer India Llnon,
at, yatd...
35c Oxford, Cheviot and Madras
Waistlng, 33 in. wide, at, yd...
Are all the rngo tli! spring. You should sre our new line, consisting of Paris
iau, Iniliau, Coral, Roman, Trarl, Gun -Metal, Gun Metal snd Gold, Gold and
Silver, set with Stones, Turquols, etc. Drop In and take a look auyway.
Mawhiniiey & Ryan Co. JStttSlrr
Write for catalogue.
Boys' eizea, 2 J to 5
Youths' sizes, 13 to
Little Genta' sizes 10
Like all the Shoes Drexel his.
m h '
1419 FAS
We Make a Personal Study
of all tooth cases that are presented for our advice
Examination and estimates given free of charge.
Gold Crowns, 15 00.
0 Our Watch Repairing r?
Is a specialty, with us. Only the best woikmen employed.
Your watch will receive careful handling and prompt
ness. Our prices are always moderate for good work
Leave your watch with us for repair. ,
S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler,
1516 Douglas Street.
I am organizing several person-
ally-conducted N excursions f 0
! California! ,or APril and Mfly-
1 May I send you full particulars
of special advantages offered?
Some of the excursions are one
way only, in tourist sleepers,
for homeseekers.
Others are round-trip, in first
class Pullmans, for general
sightseers; good, if desired,
on limited trains.
Tbe rates are very low.
Accommodations are excellent
I have selected the best Call
fornia line the Santa Fe
and confidently guarantee
a delightful outing.
Why not go this spring and
see California at it3 prettiest?
Such an 'opportunity seldom
Don't miss it.
Write to E. I- PALMER, Equitable
Bldr. Des Motiea. ana receive In reply
full particulate, with copy of beautiful
book abiit .California
Albert Edtiolm,
jeweler. Opp. P. O.
a If tBta. m f: NIf Bk. uiiK.renra
fe SI Nrrvuuaara. aurcullol t'je,
Itll W B W" falllnt maultuud. ilralus. !'.
If J BmSf 1 ll rrlml uira mud mm lutrnum
to m.rr) auaud a tJ. aaumlililiia reauna;
mall weak Daria auJ iut'. Dvwer icaiurtd. l.uu ai
Kheriaaa A JlcCetmsU Ultm Co., OmalMk
Cordelia Organdies colored grounds wit
stripes, colored Batiste In stripes and
figures, and yard-wide Zephyr Ginghams,
blue and pinks only,
worth 20c,
Press Ginghams, black Sateens and printed
Batiste assorted colors
snd styles, worth ISc,
Ladles' Sleeveless Jersey Ifin
Rlbhed Vests, only
Gent's Balbrlggan Underwear l) in
only imOvf
55e ready-to'-use sheet sire,
81x90, at.
15c ready-to-use Pillow Cases,
45x36, at
23o Embroidered Swiss Drapery, I Cm
40 Inches wide, at. yard I WW
c Dimities, Nainsook and all ftie lltCA
new fancy weaves, at, yard Iw-vl
Boys', Youths' and Little Gents'
Best una! it v Plump Vlcl Kid not sheen ' skin
there la a vast difference between vlcl kid. the
same as there is In other leather.
l'n-to-date lasts that lcok lust like napa's.
2 . $1.75
to 13 SI.53
thes: ar; the best money can buy
. ' ...
5y?g Best of
The Only Double
Track Railway
to Chicago
The Chicago Jxal
departs 11:30 a. m.
instead of 10:55 a. m.
The Twin City Lim
ited 8 :10p.m. instead
of 7:55 p. wi.
Fame arriving tim: at
C'nicuyo ami St. 1'uuL
sCily Offices;
1401-1403 FARNAM ST.
TEL. 624-661
N K (Wv ! aaa MU i.
raid ap capital suaiaw mr,lw tnari aia,Sa."
Fraaa Mara,, anautoat. H II Hut. tin ymi4rM
liaT l a. Y J m ra.1 wr
I l I LP J