10 TUT, .OMAHA DAILY HKE: WEDNESDAY, MAY 0, 1903. CHANGES IN TRAIN SERVICE Korthweitra Tra'ni from Bonesteel Will nn Into Union Station NEW' ACCOMMODATIONS ARE PROVIDED irrrmrnt of Schedule Enables ropl Knot of l.onaj IMne to ' (tm te Omaha in4 He tara the fame Day. Beginning Sunday morning, May 10, the Chicago Northwestern will Inaugurate new system of train service which la an improvement over the old order of affairs. The morning train which runa from Bone steel to Omaha will come In and out of the Union atatlon Instrsd of the Webster street tatlon, as at present. Western connec tions will also be made with the morning train at Norfolk, so aa to give continuous service to Long Tine twice a day. At Chadron two new passenger trains, Nos. 13 and 14, will be run to and from Casper to make connections with the Deadwood Omaba trains. While It has been understood for somo time that the trains on the Elkhorn would be turned Into the Union station, the- change has been made suddenly. The evening train from the Black Hills will continue for a time to come In Bt the Webster street station, but the morning train will branch off of the old line at Irvlngton and take the freight spur to South Omaha, coming In from there over the Union Pacific tracks. The new rout will take about fifteen minutes longer to resch Omaha and ao the morning train out will leave at 7:15 In stead of 7:30 and arrive at 10:35 Instead of 10:20, as at present. M, O. Sticks to Webster Street It has not been definitely decided how oon the Black Hills train will be brought Into the Union station, but It Is hoped that It will be so inside of six weeks. The Chicago, Bt. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha will continue to use the Webster Street station, as It has trackage centered there and could not get Into the Union station without going a roundabout route and then not reaching all of the points now on the line. The Missouri Pacific will also con tinue to give dally train service out of the Webster Street station as the charter under which it holds the Belt line requires It to do so. The Norfolk-Long Pine train Is an addi tion and will make It possible for persons living In Long Pine or east of It to come to Omaha and return the same day, which they have never been able to do before. This train leaves Long Pine at 1:45 a. m. and arrives in Norfolk at 6:05 and con nects, so that passengers arrive in Omaha at 10:36. The morning train out of Omaha connects at Norfolk with the train return ing to Long Pine and passengers ars in Long Pin at 6 p. m. The service from Chadron to Casper is also new and is the first regular passen ger service given this portion of the line. The new train connects with the Black Hills trslns from the east and ahortens the time between Casper and Omaha by about flv hours. PROCESS BUTTER IN DEMAND Maaafaetarera Feel Encouraged by the Inereaslaa; Price of Tholr Product. The process butter manufacturers are beginning to find an improved market for their product, and while prices have not advanced, the dealers see a prospect for higher prices In the fall. When the new raw went into effect and the regulation pro vided for the use of the words "Renovated Butter" In large letters on each package, the' price of this butter, as compared with ereamery and dairy butter, declined so that where the process manufacturer paid the farmer 0 cents a pound for his butter he was compelled to drop the price to 12 and 15 cents. There was a difference of 8 ents a pound in the wholesale market price of process and creamery butter at that time. Since the aprlng season opened the price of creamery butter has declined, while that of process butter hss remained practically unchanged, so that at this time there is only about 8 cents difference in the price. - The manufacturers expect the process butter to more closely follow the price of creamery butter hereafter and to have not more than 5 cents difference in the price at any time. If this be true much of the fear of the process men will be allayed and they will probably cease their efforts to have regu lations changed except ao far as butter for exportation ia concerned, and there is some reason to believe that the price to the farmer will Increase above the ruling price this year, when the first effect of the law was felt. f.10.00 to Boston and Return aiO.OO. with membership fee of $2.00 added, ac count of annual meeting of National Edu cational assorlstlon. Tickets will be on sale via the Nickel Plate Road July 2nd to 5th, inclusive, good returning from July Ith to 12th. inclusive, without being de posited with join agent. Additional limit to return not later than September 1st can be obtained by depositing return portion of ticket with Joint agent and payment of 50c for execution. Superior train aervlce and excellent dining car meals on American Club plan, ranging in price from 35c to $1.00; also a la carte service. Write John Y. Calahan, General Agent, 113 Adams St., room 29$, Chicago, for time of departure of trains from Chicago and other detailed Information. Notice. The twentieth annual meeting of the stockholders of the Omaha Loan and Build ing association will be held at its office,' Omaha, Neb., at 1704 Farnam street. Bee building.' on Wednesdsy, May t. 1903. The polls for the election of three directors will be open from 4 to 6 snd from 7 to $ o'clock p. m. . O. M. NATTINGER. Secretsry. Crsmer's Kidney and Liver Cure Cures backache Is highly endorsed by Omaha people. Comes in two sixes. Our price, ' 40c and 75c. 8chaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago streets. Nichols ft Broadfield, printers. Tel. 1942. Closing Bankruptcy Case. The last etep In the bankruptcy proceed ings of the W. R. Bennett company will soon be taken., In the hands of the referee ft?), Ha there are now about fn of claims aanlnst the company, which were approver) Isle, em) upon which no dividend hue ben oV rlnrer). These rlnlms are pmnll and some of them were h'M up for arlilltloiiHl proof. A dividend of 34 per rent will be nnlil on them this week, em) within twenty days the trustee will make his final report to the receiver. This report must be on file twenty days before Its final approval by the United Staters district Judge, and when this has been approved the case will be closed. Mr. Pottle In Towa. James II. Pottle, a director In the "Brotherhood Wine Co." of New York, rearhed Omaha last evening and is busy shaking hands with his numerous friends and patrons. It has been more than a quarter of a century since the '"Brother- j hood Wine Co." first sold goods In this 1 city, and each auccecdlng year has simply added strength to their reputation and large list of patrons. The "Brotherhoo'l Wine Co." Is one of the oldest snd most i reliable wine and liquor bouses In this country, and Is noted throughout the United Statea for the absolute purity of their products. They produce the goods they sell from their own vineyards, henrn no irresponsible middleman ever has op portunity to adulterate and "monkey" with their products. Every product brought forth by this company Is simply a synonym for absolute purity. Announcements of the Theaters. Harry Long, remembered from his long connection with the Woodward Stock com pnny, both here and In Kansas City, re turned to Omaha yesterday to assume the stage directorship of the Ferris Stock com pany. His first work will be the produc tion Thursday of "The Young Wife," n bill thst will terminate with the week. "Heart and Sword." now running at the theater, closes with a matinee and a per formance tonight. Many opine that the bill of vaudeville diversions at the Orpheum this week Is the best of the season and in- addition to its excellence the fact that It Is the last show of the season Is an Incentive to the attendance, for the audiences are very large There are so many strong features that no one towers above the others and a selec tlon Is a matter of style. The Beaux and Bells octet Is scoring as heavily as last season, and for patrons who attend the matinee tomorrow afternoon It will be an attractive card. Ellrabeth Murray, the singer and story-teller, Is also repeating her former triumphs and is reluctsntly permitted to retire at esch performance only after responding to a number of encores. St. Paul and Return, fia.nn. On April .21 and 2$ the Illinois Central R. R. will sell tickets to St. Paul and Mlnne. apolis and return at rate of $12.85, good for return 21 days from date of sale. Tickets at No. 1402 Farnam Bt. . W. H. BRILL. D. P. A., Omaha, Neb. Douglas Printing Co., 1508 Howard. Tel. 644. Mortality- Statistics. The following Dlrths and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health: Births Joe Tennebaum, 108 South Tenth, boy; Kd J. Dee, 19"7 South Twelfth, bov; Michael Dlnan, 1307 South Twelfth, bov; Mike Clark, Mil North Twenty-fourth, girl; Charles J. Jordan 1213 South 8lxth,bov; Edward Doyle. 3331 Burt, girl; Frank Iewls, 2610 North Twenty-eighth avenue, boy. Death Floyd Cnrey. died In St. Joseph's hospital, home at Bloomlngton, Neb., IS. Aids Digestion Elorsford's Acid Phosphate Half a teaspoon in half a glara of water after meals remove ths distress, oppression and "all gone" feeling. Gives good appe tite, perfect digestion and restful sleep. A Tonic and Nonr Food. Qurdirlma- not knoy much about a horse The rtglit th or narress, nui wagon harness on your prise horse and take her out for a ride. You'll get e a 1 1 e d down. She probably can't tell much about harness, but she can tell you a whole lot about what harness lsn t. Do your bett with your girl. bought from our shoo. It will fleet credit upon you. give pleasure , i yuu uiiiik uui me iiHrneaa you to your Kirl and vou will both he happy ever after. Prices are within your reach. Suit Cases, Trsvel ng Bags and Valises 'Alfred Cornish 1210 Farnam -at. 18-K. WEDDING RINGS - Albert Edholm, Jeweler. Opp. p. O. MFHAXT5JlTI0NALR.NfC P.M U. MDltml maAanA m i . ... ' " IMfl .IIW.WW. VK1TBD 8T1THS ni(uiT...... 1 ' vrmkr. ft-r F T 11.,11,,,. ., .,,. you i. vlJ Rlrs. J. Benson New ShirfWaists Coming In Every Day. Handsome Mexican drawn work, pure linen walsu. Price $4.75. Entire waists of real lace. In cluny and antique. Prices 110 SO to 117.00. Imitation cluny lace. $5 75. See the handsome white waists with black em broidery at $3.75. Remember, we are selling children's spring coau below manufacturer s price. New pstent leather belts for children. 15c. A large and handsome line of new styks In ladies' belts, black or white. IJ r- varpci Icpt Third Floor. Special Bargains? Wednesday Great Sale of Ladies Belts at 15c One of tli largest rustern manufacturers of Indies' Holts lias just sold tin Ills entire sample line, comprising the very latest Ideas In Leather Belts. They come IX ALL Til K STYLISH LEATHERS, cernninni red. white, orange, tan, gray, olive, Mack. Perfect form fitting and straight effects. Positively worth up to TiOc and 75c your choice at bale of Newest i The daintiest and most attractive effects In ladies' Shirt Waists ALL THE NOVELTY EF FECTS that make these waists so popular this summer waists worth from 32 to t'i at $4.50 Silk Waists at $1.98 Handsomely made Silk Waists, spring shades that will be most favored handsomest silk sulstsc yet shown this seaBon many worth as high as $4.50 at Ladies' 35c Underwear at 15c Ladies' 8ummer Underwear handsomely trimmed some silk mercerized worth up to 35c at each All-Over Laces nt 15c Black, white, ecru and tan All-Ove Laces suitable for making entire waists and yokes many worth up to 50c a yard remark able bargain chance at The Finest and Largest Line of Oxfords in Omaha. MORE NEW OXFORDS "4ti any woman who'i tht fust milliner It doesn't pay to shop Not on aucli an important part of your wardrobe as a hat make up your mind what kind of bat In general you want, and when you are ready to buy go to Davies , 1511 Douglas St. Where all that's new and good In millinery Is to be seen where artists are thoroughly interested In producing a pleasing combination of the hat and wearer. BEGIN You can open an account any time, but i. r,c thou, rtavn and it lg onlv earnings to provide for the future and then, too, having money In bank enables you to take advantage of opportunities for making more money. CITY SAVINGS The Best Shoe for $3,50 THE Y K 8 tl U c (UK Aie..N Is Ihj Ueu fhoe thai fi.bi will buy. It hai eeryth.ng lu it that can lie put Into a $3.5 1 thoo. .i Isn't the only shoe we sell or we couldn't af ford to sell it at litis pile.-. VVu cell all kindi ot ihoei and a gieat many oi mem. e miik a tmall piotlt on each pair. A small profit for us main good values for our customers and good values for our cus tomers means a great many unall profits for us. SEK T1IK FRY BHOiJ AT 3. .0. FRY SHOE co. Stylish Clothing Hats and Shoes for Men and Women, Boys and Girls, can b obtained here on easy pay- . menu at cash store prices. No security required. Kenler, Rosenbloom & Co., v !308OodgeSt. V V k New Picture Dept. Third Floor. E2 VaJ brown and Shirt Waists 95c- 69c 1.98 ...15c 15c Every day now adds more and more to the completeness of our Oxford Tie stock. Wo show more Oxford Ties than all the other shoe stores In town combined. We thow every novelty a' soon. as It appear In the east. Our stock embraces today over a hundred and sixty different styles. Specials for Wednesday ladles' good Dons-ola Kid Ox f orris, McKay sewed, patent tips, ..exiule solos, good wearing, stylish QMri Oxford Ties, at Thirty new styles Vlrl Kid Oxford Ties, Southern Ties, Button Oxfotds, Side Kliintlc Gore Jxtoriis. Louis Heel Oxfords, Patent Leather Ox fords, Prince AJberts, Common Sense Oxfords, Opera Oxfords, made to retail at 32.00 and 4 en 2.50, go at Forty new styles Surpass Kid, Vlcl Kid and Patent Calf Oxfords In every style of heel light and medium weight flexible soles. Kxceedlngly stylish and comfortable lasts. Ail sizes and widths, from AA f Ott to KB on' special sale at l.so Eighty absolutely new and correct styles the swellest Oxfords of tb.3 season in every good leather plain kid or shiney leathers In every heel, from extreme Common 8--nse to full Louis and Bpike heels hand turn, feather weight soles and genu ine welt medium and heavy soles The finest fitting Oxford3Q Cfltn in the world go at v JU IU 01 '"why, Di lavus. NOW. the best lime is now. Almost everybody common pense to save a part of your BANK S. E- Cor.-1 6th and Douglas Streets. (. Ptanbtis & pons BANKERS SAVINGS DEPOSITS MADE DURING THE FIRST TEN BUSINESS DAYS OF MAY ARE ALLOWED INTEREST FOR, THE ENTIRE MONTH. 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON PASS BOOKS AND CERTIFICATES. CHECKS ON ALL BANKS CASHED. BANKING HOURS 0 TO 5. SATURDAY 'TILL 9 P. M. Jf. "JC. Prnnbti pons HANKFRS i DON'T FORGET IT. Whatever you do don't forget who It was I who made It possible for competition to prevail in the rlrug LuslneHs of thu torn- munity. We don't believe In the old back I number Idea that an article is YVOKTH AND MIST UK SHM FOR Jl'ST hO MLVH JUST BUCAl'tiK 8UMK ONK HAI It i Hu, but let it be sold according to cost of production, tne same as in other lines of business. Competition I th l.f ot trade, and for that reason we don't Lelieve In thli "PRICE HXIN' " bu: ine. $1.00 Pertina lowest price Hie tloi I'lnkliHm s Vtgv'taljle Compound., sv $1 Hut lorn Femalti Remedy guarantied .6' $1.0) l.liiozone all you want (i ; $l.li lludo'a Fepto MallKun kc $1.ii Ir. Pierce s Remedies Me 11 i) lier's Malt Vhl-k:-y wsnt It?.... 6ic $1.00 Pure Canadian Malt WhI key 7jc 25c Hire's Root Xleer lie $t.'K Bexlne Pll.s 7f,c $1 uO Nervlta 7at. $2 genuine Cheater's Pennyroyal Pills. SI. " 60i- liar-Hen tve Jlar-Hen WRITE VS FOR SCHAEFErf'o PRICKS. CUT PRICE dkuo sroke IWs Phases TT mud 717. S. W. tares ltu mm Ifclcag Its. 15c Stylishhats made becoming H Becoming .hats made stylish B SCIinOLLER MUELLER 1313 Farnam St. GREAT PIANO SALE CONTINUES BY SPECIAL REQUEST rpllOM many city and country fricnditho can buy better now thun bejorothe Great Special Pur chase ile will continue during this trc fc. We have Other Bare Bargain In new and slightly used pianos which we will lump with those left from the Great Sale. The entire lot is offered this week at astonishing prices. Terms very easy. Every in strument guaranteed. Call or writs. $600 brand new Needham Piano beautiful hand carved case unusually largo made to order No- ouy8..1':1!: $300 I vers & Pond piano large aim beautiful hand-carved walnut case a great bargain. Knabe Piano like new. S300 Ivers & Pond walnut case.... $265 $600 Steger Colonial style $315 $450 Emerson Flemish oak....$3IO Ivers & Pond fancy mahogany $285 $500 German walnut case $250 $500 Needham walnut ease... $250 Grtmer walnut case $3 SO Many other splendid bargains. Pianola Recitals 3 to 4 p. m. each Friday Complimentary tickets at office. Telephones Omaha, 1625. Council Bluffs, 368. Iowa Branch 802 Broadway, Council Bluffs. As the cowslip said, "Nothing to do but drink, nothing to drink but dew." With us. it's nothing to make but clothing, nothing but clothing to make. Put ting in 18 hours a day these days making clothing for Omaha's particularly par ticular dressers putting into the suits MacCarthy quality of fabric, MacCar thy quality of fit. MacCar thy Quality of fashion. 925 to $4 U the suit price range. Just aa well-made trous- ra $6 to $12. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, 1710-12 Farnam St.. Phone 180$. Bsc Bsildltf Court House is Opposite. 205 South Fifteenth Street. ONIMOD "JJIE bent most popular lea st (xpentive viukc of A Man s Shoe? $ECAUSE it is more carefully made tore comfortable more stylish w fir longer than any other shoe ever put On A Man Q0-D by miker to wearer at whole sale A ib. 00 uelt shoe for S2" and S3 50 Full Set of Teeth, $3 Graduate dentists admitted to our course for (100.00. VY make money by teaching our course ana aon t need to charge auon high prices All Work . Done Pres. Small Charge for all Material. This Offer Good Until April 15. $5.00 Gold Cr.wns. S3. 00 IN ORDER TO INCRKA8B OUR CLINIC! w want evry man, woman and child te have their rnounths examined by ths pro fessors of this college. Small charges for material. Wa do ss we Advertise. 1 11 IH, a... 1'.., I. ill.) niiirtftM ftlllr.v ?n up Teeth extrsotsd frss Flllligj from. .Vte, up 2.k OolU Crown. Jttruige wor.u.K. up UNION DENTALCOLLEGE OK PAINLESS DENTISTRY 1622 DOUGLAS BTRE.IT, ROOM 4. Opsa Dally; Malta UJ a. Sundays, I 4 Recent r.l SV' nn llL BalilS 1Mb ith..i aiii.k no ith:. nr JL Imported Madras, light grounds, dark stripes and PJ figures, very desirable for Ladies' Shirt Waists M and spring gowns, worth 50c, only wvU Iixtra fine imported Batistes, fancy colors, in stripes and figures, and the soft finish imported Tercales, ShSP worth 30c, only w W The imported Organdies, Swisses, Batistes and Dimi- r ties, in all the newest shadings, stripes and figures, jfljfjf worth 23c, only BlJjrl Extra fine and heavy Dress Ginghams, Black Sateens, I Printed Batistes and Lawns, worth 15c, H if only B2U One counter Percales, Seersucker Ginghams, Black If Sateens and Dimities, worth 12Jc, pllf only KJM In the Big Domestic Room at White Goods Department 35c fancy Oxford Waist-1 "J ings, at yard I I 2" 50c mercerized Oxford and Cheviot Waistings, OR ft at yard.... faUU 30c fringed Damask Towels, at 19c nn Hi Mm io uiiuw our cuiiu au occasional sip of that health-building nutri tious tonic, Bluellibbon Beer. It will improve his health same as it will yours. Blue Ribbon is made of the best and purest ingredients, brewed with artesian well water. It con tains many medicinal qualities and has a very agreeable It should be in every home. Sold in cases of 2 doz. (quarts or pints) and will be delivered at your home. QTORZ U BRE BREWING CO. Telephone 1760. Omaha. ECONOMY IN It a-oes without saying; mat good strong; trunks are the only sort to buy. We have made a atudy of trunk manufacture V for years and rood trunks are decidedly ths cliesoest. nnr Pi " trunks will cost you but little mors .lAliATRUTJKMCTORYFAr' John Rudd, Jeweler Makes a Specialty of HIGH GRADE RAILROAD WATCHES If your watch falls to keep correct time, I Watch Inspector for let us repair. We will guarantee to make I O. Bt. P. M. & U., Nubraaku Dlv. (J. A N. W It ruu right. I Hy., Neb. and Wyo. Dir. 115 SOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET. HAVE YOUR CHOICE It Is essy to get what you want when you have different makes to pick from. We sell several of the best SEWING MACHINES made on easy terms. Old machine! from 11.00 up. Supplies and attachments for all machines. P. E. FLO D P.IAN & CO. TELEPHONE I5T4. 1514 CAPITOL AVENUE. DOTTLE Purs and srmrkllns rich and Invlcoratlnr extremely pala table scientifically brewed carefully bottled alwava the rains l)ltTerd to tor parr of Omaht. Council UlufTt or South Omaha- ad Orderac.se from JFTTFR BREWING CO. fetl OMAN Tclcokoac I54J Or LEE MICHEL. L, wMculc "The letter was filed." In many business houses, he might have said, "the letter was burned" -never can be found. With modern filing systems Including all that's best In cabinets wood or metal , there's no excuse for any business maa being unabls to find ' Office supplies an I ntutionery ret'ulcd at totioUsale prices. tttrrlkai etd4 for the trce. OMAHA PRINTING CO.,,? 'V,. al srScr IS4. Scad far CJlafac. Domestic Room 40c Oil Turkey Red Damask, 60 in. wide, 25C COc ready to use Sheets, size 81x90 torn, not cut 3QA at fUU 10c fine Cambric, 36 ii 64c wide, at KIM taste. TRUNKS than ths poor ones. SOt'TR Tdeskost I dealer, CODIL BLUFFS Ttkpkoat 10 a letter Instantly. .BlflttaE'ILOW, . i i it. rj f mm) LZSmSrrdi i