Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1903, Page 9, Image 9
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TTESDAT. MAY 5. I!0n. 9 SPECIAL NOTICES AitrrtlantriM tmr tkn lassae r;i V lalif aatll 11 "a- fr th njfUf elte,a aaa til B a. I.r aaaralaa mm Beeaar ella. Taste. 1 1-Se wara rmt liMrtlm, I war thereafter. Natalas take far lm tbaa T'x for (he " laaer ttea, Tkrf 4TrrllMairu bhI he ra eaaaecetlTelT. here 4 rtrrk, raa aava tnwrt Jmr4 t a ttrrl letter ta ear f Tit Her. Itiirtn will t liverea areaealatAaw f ta. , aaeea. ealy. VArr.i-i.ii.E bei.p. BOYLES COLLEGE. A high grade school of business, shorthand, touch typ ruing and English brunt: be. UAY AM) EVENING. Call write or 'prior lor prue;ectUB. H. ht. RilL.ES. president. N. 1. Lile Bidg., Oman. N'b. I H &1EN to learn barber trade: free railroad fare uix.n our laiiure to convince you of this bemr the REeT tad on.y reliable. mot t i.r.clirtl barber college in the1 I nltcd Stale. Write tor cata.ogue today. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha. Nrti. a in. AMERICAN Berber college, corner 121h and Douglas M. Our Illustrated catalogue largest pubiushed. Free. Write. L-l lot TOt'NG MEN to prepare . positions; food saiariea. Kapida, la. . for rovernment Box .7i. Cedar B MJ4fc 11 DIME I'artaliorluni Presslnf Co. Pants pressed. Hk , sulta, J"c. We call end de liver. 115 bo. ISth, ui.ata.lra. Tel. i. B-MJ'l IS F1RFT-CL.AF3 me-tsenFers wsnted; food aalary. A. U. T. Co.. 212 Bo. Uth FU B M214 WANTED, men even-where, rood pay. to Tril.iile rirrulirR. mA vert lRll.S muttar. ta k hk ns. etc: no cam a li s. National Advertising Bureau, Chi' ago. B M267 7 WANTED, manarer collection department lor one of Cmnaha'a larcest lobbera. Write1 irlvlnf releren, afe and nirlri. Addrt ss V 4. Bee.. B 413 WANTED-Old man to milk cow, attend lawn and do chores about the house; wes 112 a month. Call at the residence of Mrs. I L. Holmes. 21 E street. goulh Oznah. B C. a WANTED. Bt once, sheep shearers; hand- .,ri. t H vii r. ir.. urete. jveD. vIatcted (Bhort lir CTED, men to learn barber trade. ime required by our metnoa. inc- ium rimrirnut. expert insiructora, etc. Comparatively no ipense. Tools, posi tions and diplomas fiven. Catalogue with lI1 letters ahowlna demand for barbers mailed free. Moler Barber College. i;)2 Uoufias Bt. a mm a- WANTED, for t B, armv able-bodied un married men between age of 111 and 85; cltieena of I'nited Ftates, of food char acter and temperate habit, who can snealc reait and write Enellsh. For lnfor- anntion atmly to Recruiting Officer, lfith and Lodge Pts.. Omaha, and Montgomery 1 bunding. Lincoln. JveD. JS ALEfMETI w AKTED. WANTED, two salesmen, salary or com mission. C. F. Adams Co, ltilii Howard St. 1 ftJLLEFMEN for Lambert Typewriters, no. Nuns better. Monroe A Co, all N. ISth. M240 WAITED FEMALE HELP. l Q Iris Call Canadian office, lulh A Io1ga. C 111 WANTED rtrl for feneral housework. X82J California aLreet. Call after If. m. C 688 WANTED, girl for general housework, 31j0 Georgia Ave. 07(6 WANTED, A food ooodb H3D Pack Ave. , C 234 4 WANTED Ladle to learn halrdresslng, manicuring or facial massage; see the ad vantages we offer; pwiuoii given; four week completes. Call or write today. Moler College. UU2 Uougla Bt. C M408 f WANTED, a food flrl for feneral house work. Apply aas casa re s WANTED A second girl at st B 2s:h Bt, I C-iJ QIRL li to 18, to assist, at feneral houae- work. 127 B St. .- M4hl 7 HELP WAITED, WANTED. a4 solicitors; three ladles. three, fentlemen. Must be hustlers, to travel. Call at Itevere hotel. Council Bluff A Ask tor Mr. Tracy. M23 1 DEPLTT1KB. men or women; splendid con tract. Itis oaroenera. r, tsra buuaing. -MU2 rOR REXT HOISES. TWO s-room flat, an modern: walking distance, 306-2 Capitol Ave.; 122 and (2a per month. Inquire K. C Peters At Co, groune floor, tunc ciag. u ill VANS and baggage wagon. Tela. 1135-1145. i 114 UniKPQ1" "' P"- of city. The O. nUUonj i--. L-avis Co., sua Bee Bidf. i U llu Hil-CELS li upward. Bemls. Paxton Blk. FO RENT. B-roora house, all modern, ex cept furnace. T04 in. jot n ft.. g,' c. St. bachmann. tax ton tiia. l-4k TO MOVE rlehl ret Omaha Van Storage Co.; office luitk ramam. or leia. iK-siia. L 117 HOUSES1,! all part of the city. R. I'eler A Ob., Boe Bldg, i ilk HOUSES Q. G. Wallace, Brown Block. D li HOUSES, Insurance. King-wait, Barker Blk. D 1A) ONB of thoee fine, au modern, "-room brick bourns, X'th end lsard Bts., I2ti00. G E. Turkingtou, fee. D M224 WE MOVE pianos. Haggard an A Stor age Co, Tel. 14H6. Oflict:. 171J Webster St. 1 M121 FOR RENT, f-room house, txa Farnam St. modern except furnace; newly repaired cumpat'te. inquire at eu js. 1. uic Bidg. u buu ELEGANT modern a-room brick. Keys it.! Cetrttol avenue, adjoining lir. bwartxLanorr. i M242 T 1704 FARNAM BT.. 10-room modem brick dwelling. W. M. Roger. 271 Farnam St. D A1H37 FOR RENT. May i. s-rom brick, modern. Inquire 22U N. 2id st- D AlithA SEVEN-ROOM bouse, moiern Improve menla. 1L CApilol ave. D Mli4 FOR RENT, near High S(hooL 2.41 Capitol Ave., lt-ro.m modem, f4ft. 2W1 Caiutol Ave., s-room, modarn, L. Tel. 671 fa. H. Roblaon, &4 Caiillol Ave. D 616 FOUR-ROOM cottage, gas. city water. SIS per month. 21 N. 2ft h BC D MUSS PAYNE-HOPTW1CK A CO Choice hjn ul-Ja New Turk Liie Bidg. Phofr CENTRAL modern I-room flat. irel 2 JO N 2Ud VR HINT 7-room mod era eottare. F. D r Pros a." Tel. P2424. li 26a FOR RENT. A modem 6-room dwelling. Including fur- ntM. nmt Ai.m aim i.avenport streets Kent, f.K and water rent. Willi MAN. BHKIVLR Co, N. Y L BI IG Uiu a F1M len-rwra bouse, newly papen-d. cloa in. only xju. uaiiiiett, til Broen RiMk. 1 D M.'HB i RtiNT. nrt-cia Ki-roum. all n rr i uae, sieara jest, corner Joth a'l.i Cl II X ruiast.; will be put la tirst-ciaes ooi.dl &. Inquire at 1W7 Caa ta 1 Ma a aUX-ROOM aaoAara fiat, UU Uth St. nR BEtT-HOI SES. TflR RF.VT. the elegsit J-ro"ni hnnse at N. i' th se : complete snd nmirm In every appointment; suitable for large fimilv or roomier house. Inqurre R C. Peters A Co.. ground ..out. Bee BuiMing. M4.T2 " - 1 " Fr,R RENT. modern bunt, 10 room. Tasr Hanscom park, nice lawn snd shde. first. r,:-.v In nwy respect GARVIN PRO,. t'OR RHT-n RNISHED BOOMS. tLWET European hotel. Iffth and Frnira. fc 12a ' AETNA H'jVFE, European. Ufth Donate. B 124 K'.'TAL HOTEL Euroiwan, 16th A Chicago. E 12o L. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 70. E US n.' TO CW per eek. 422 B. lth St.. one oioca soum 01 court nouse. L-ii. I'VPLE parlor. nouth front; referem-ee. E 12a J'hone T-jMil. TWO cicely fumirhed roama. Bii2 S. 26th Ave. E 173 Mil" CENTRAL modern, two or three furnished roomr. Zto N. 13d. K MJSJ Id Lb N I CELT furnlfhed Caaa utreet. modern roomi. E MT M14 NEATLY furr.lshed rooma by the day or week; price reasonable. B72 Leaven worth Su : E M7Q4 THE FARNAM, lWk and Fartiun. E Ml ROOM, modern. 2W0 Harney. JeL L-2fl6. E M222 NEW furniture, modern. JJTU Farnam. E MZuI 5 K'iCiMS. tl.SO to 3 per week; board, U Thurston hotel, L'.th and Jackson rts. - E MSi2 Jl NEWLY furnlf-hed. clean rooms; nine cool piace; If you want these rooms come soon. Ell 6. M. E M455 FfRNlSHED rooms for rent; modern fentlemen; jrlvate house; one or two famPy n2J 8 rth. FIRKISRED ROOMS AlD BOARD. NICE rooms, steam heat, with or without board; low rates. Miuland Hotel. Jt'th and Chicago. F 43 1M IOIGE, front parlor and other rooms. 1 eiephone A-140.. ROOM and food board. 626 E. 19th. f cn ix THE KENWOOD, 2G16 Famam, one large front parlor, suit able for man and wife or two gentlemen; emeilent board; location .best In Omaha, Phone A-276S. F 8sa NICE rooms, food board. 415 N. 2Mh Ft. F 131 ROOM and board; firm-class, 712 B. 2i.ih street. rza NICELY furnished rooms, with or without board; day board or nxl tickets re a sonabl. Midland hotel, lbth and Chicago bia. M 4iu FOR REST-lSriBJUIHED ROOMS. TWO or three fine unfurnished rooma. 220 N. 23d a tree u Q ajl FOR RENT I'nfumished rooma. Wlthnell bunoiBC. 11 a and Harney, bee Janitor. G 2t6 4 FOR REST STORES AXD OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building formerly oocu plod by The Bee at kJt arnam it baa lour stories and a basement which was formerly used as The Bee press room Tbia will be rented very reasonably. If interested apply at office of C. C Rose- water, secretary, room mu, Bea building. FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purpenes at i r arnam, zxsu, lour stories and first-class cemented basement. elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, office counter and fixtures. For prioe and Iiartlculars inquire C C. Rose water sec retary' taa Bee Building Ccr room lA, Be building. A Jau OFFICES In The Bee building. 110.00 per montn tip; rental price mciuoes neat. licht and janitor senlce. K. C. Peters A Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1 m STORE ROOM FOR RENT. 1616 Howard BL, best of repair, good base. mem, to. GEORGE CO, 1KI FARNAM FT. 1 D71 19 FOR RENT Off cs space, street floor. Fa nam street. lta4 Farnam. st. 1 276 4 AGEKTS WAITED, WANTED, canvasslnf agent In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Bteady employment with assured good In tome. Ajcents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily SSO to tltK per month. Ad dress. Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building. Omaha. J Zli WANTED, oil stents In every countyr re liable, energetic men to sen on commis sion, specially to me larmers ana thresh crs. our line or ritgn-frade lubrlcatin oilK, greases, also roof, barn and house paint!-. Apply at once. Address The W ood land oil and Grease Co., Cleveland nm. t "r.x WAITED TO REKT, I NEED cottage and small house to sup ply demand. Lam them with me. is. I Turkiiiinon. 5 Bee. K 671 WANTED, to rent, a strictly modern nine- room house, with barn. In the West Far nam or Hanscom park district, by a first class tenant, without any children, who will pay up to sub a month Tent. C at. Bee. X 2M 4 WANTED TO BUT. I WANT TO BUY A HOUSE Between 35th and 40th street EIGHT OR NINE ROOMS ALL MOI'ERN LCATION Hl'iH AND SIGHTLY CAK FINISH, INCLUDING FLOORS THE NEWER THE BETTER, MUST BE Will py Unless you rive full pA-ticulars, indudinr your FOR BALK FI BS ITt RE. CH1CAOO Fumttur Co.. 1410 Dodge. TeL .2i. New and secotid-hand bought, sold, en hai.ed. O IX FURNITURE of 6-room phir. IH il. oi gia ti ve bou at a ta li M; 1"' I OK a ALL-HuRsLS. WAuONA, Kit'. HORFE AUCTIOM at I'nlon Stock Yards horse market every WeuiadA afternoon. IF YOUR NAME IS IN THE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY YOU CAN TELEPHONE IN YOUR WANT AD FOR ANYTHING YOU WANT AND WE LL CHARGE IT TO YOU. OUR TELEPHONE NUMBER 15 2J& FOR LE HOReEB. WAC05I. ETC., T-CART, cabriolet, coupe and runabout, rearlr pw, mht-r tire, owner mut sell at sacrifice. Aoare, . e. P-J AT'TKiN sale of horwa every Tuesday. Thursday, at John K Cooper's, Union Block Yarda, South Omaha, Neb. R 271 Ux I HAVE several Ne. 1 riiitt I will sell at lest b .uiht fr.r at factory. Leavenworth. burarle and car than thev ran be Wm. Itelffer, ? 75 tELIVERT wafona, buirrlen, rarriaeea, any site or any price to suiL H. Froet, 14th and Leavenworth. P 134 CARRIAGE pBlntlrg. reptlrlna. Cans Pt Cimiie Work. Wood ac Anders' n. ZJ1 Cass Bt. Tel. 2471. P-MW a FOR SALE M19CELLAKEOI S. New and 2Jhand typewriters. 111 Farnam. 1J6 INDIAN roods and reik-a. 111S Farnam. W 13 CATALOG I' E cut drug; prices free. Sher man A McConneil Vrug Co., Omaha. Q 428 gECO.NUHAKD man s wheel. In food coa- ui:)on; will sill cheap, can at I4t tin St. V MUi HIGH-GRADE bupry. harness and car- rlafe, food as nem . a big barfaLo. John son A Roberts. Iwe building. 3th and Leavenworth. w MS4T 14 FOR BA1E, secondhand Locomobile; In hrst-clans shape, at one-haa price. Ca.ll or address, Famam Bt. vi M545 BCBINES8 colleee scholsrshlp for jiale at a bargain In one ct ttmaha s leading com mercial coll-pes; life scholarship. Address 6 47, Bee office. vi M.716x FOR BALE. Reminrton tyiiewrlter No. . new. $Kt. firat offer accepted. Address C U. tee, Ci MS u NO i REMINGTON cheap. D. Wesd. 1524 Douglas Bt. Q.3U FOR FALJS. Crane hydraulic elevator, can be used either passenger or freight, com plete. Iron guide posts, cage and wire enclosure a. J. Lv Brandels A Sons. Q 598 BLOOD HOUNDS, trained and untrained. for sale at a bargain. Colby Blood Hound Co., Colby, Kan. Q M2S7 it WIRE fence for hors, poultry, lawn and lamia. Wire Works, 611 S. 16th. Tel. InHU. Q 127 Jyl2 FOR BALE, phonograph, superior to eny otner musical Instrument, to up. The Columbian Phonograph Co., 1621 Famam. Q J 40 TELEPHONE poles. Long Fir timbers. Chicken fence. Oak piling. SOI Douglas. ID ALAND aafe cheap. Dertcht, 111 Farnam, W 4JU T. DURKIN, electric light wiring Tel. 2441 Q MiuO M65I MZ1 FOR PALE-First mortgage note bearing per cent interest, payanie every si, months: has sbout ft years to run; good aecurlty and endorsed by responsible party: amount, Sl.HtiO Inquire C M. Bachman. Room 421, Paxton Block, Gasoline stove cleaned. JO Cuming Bt. Q M462 J2 BODA WATER pays large profits; new and second-hand fountains; large line; low prices; easy payments; full Instruc tions to purchasers: catalogue free, . Rob ert M. Green Ac Bona. Philadelphia. Pa .- J M4ii2 6- MISCELLAKEOIS. ORIENTAL Rug man. repairing and clean ing by tne only oriental, with oriental methods. No steam, no machine, no sclds to Injure your rugs. Tamlnoelan. 2' -ftt. Mary's ave. 'Phone B-23UH. R M356 17 CLAIRTOTAHTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1614 Cass street. B 14J HUE. GYLMER, genuine palmist RS S. 15. B 144 MADAME LUCRETIA, medium, 1T Cali fornia EL B M6M Ex MRS. CARRIE BMTTH. SOVEREIGN IADY QUEEN of clairvoyants. Every thing told: past, present and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. so7 N. lftth. B M956 MADAME LUCRETIA, medium. 17" Cali fornia st- 8 MI'S J4 ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, US N. 15. Id floor, r. I T-MSSS 7x MRS. DAVIS, 1621 Howard street, baths; nrst-riaas assistant. T MSak fcx GRACE O ERTAN of Kentucky. 720 S. ISth, T MR6 MASSAGE and flusnlnf treatment. Chronic cases solicited. W. J. Nace, J21a Oumlnf treet, T M724 24 MISS HOWARD B, elegant massage, baths. SITS N. 15th, flat L. T MD10 lis GLADYS BHEPARD. massage, vapor and alcohol baths, Id Door, tktf North ltith Bt. T M2K J -I WANTED TO Bl V. South of Dodge, north of Jones. A BARGAIN. from fS.OOO up. bouse number, no attention will be ri4 to Answer. Address D 12, car Bee. N-M4E7 V PERSONAL. PRIVATE san'tarlum for ladles before and curing cvn.anenieut. Dr. and Mra. Geriach, iui. calif uruia bt, lerms rcuonaUc U-145 PRIVATE home for women during con finement, t.ood bamantan banitanum. , I 72k 1st Ave., council fcsiuns. la. c Moan DR ROT, rhlropodls ; corns snd sanerflu. out hair remoe1 by ivctricltjr. B I and ft. Ami kmlui . t-Ai rF.R0 AI ELITE PARLORS. i B. ISth Fl . 21 fV.vr. L'-W:2 17 V1AVI. a wholesome nerve and tissue food and home treatment for di'.rdr of women. Free bookltt. Vlavi Co . .Hfc lildf. L'-HT MAGNET PILE At drur-tleia. Jl. KILLER. IT CI-RF.S. V-14S PRIVATE ho;.lrtl before and durinf con finement: babx-e boarded and a t'.pted. Mrs. Gardeis. Lake. Tel. Ked-IKM. L-149 Rl'PTL'RE CL'RED wfthcvt pain. Empire Rupture Co.. N. V. Life Bldg., t'mn-ha V 150 WE RENT machines, TTiC per week. 12 per month. We repstr snd Sell parts for any machine manufactured. G-od second hand machines fnr C to ). Nebraska Cycle Co., 1Mb and Harney Bts. U M2M 15 TELEPHONE 7S0 for 1 M. E. messengers. U 151 HOME durinf confinement; flrst-clnss. Tr. L. L. Miller, IK1O4 Blondo. "Phone F-11H2. U 151 C. EDERER. Bristol Bt, florist. Tel. 17. V 152 BAM L BURNS. rjecial prices for Msy. r-.".2K 14 MRS. JACOBPON, 2205 N. frh Ft, U M3fS 16 HEADQUARTERS for Edison phono graphs and Victor talking machines; 2i,4r sp records to select from. Nebraska Cycle Co corner 15th and Harney Bts. U-M30 IS THE VIEREGG Fire Escape raves lives Tht A alL Room I. Barker l.lock. Tel. A-3T,5. V MJ54 16 INFORMATION wanted of Anna M. Read who left Chicago on c. A N. W. R R for Omaha In the bummer of the 7its, accom panied to the d"pot In ("hicaao by a brother, and on arrival In Omaha was met here by her t'thcr brother Address C, R. I. A P. agent at Richfn Id, Neo. V M4tiC 6 MOET TO LOA REAL ESTATE. 4 TO S P C. money. Bemls. Paxton Block, W 158 FIVE PER CENT loans. Qarvln Bros.. ino4 W 15a Famam. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Famam Smith & Co., 1220 Farnam street. , W 157 4H PER CENT on business property. t per cent cn residence property. Options to pav whole or part anv time. W. B. MEiKLE, 401 S. ISTH FT. W 154 WANTED, city and farm loans; also 'bonds and warrsnts. R. C. Peters & Co., I7ir2 Famam St.. Bee Bldg. W 156 FARM and city loans, low rates. Thomas, First Nat. Bank Bldg. W. H. Tel. IMi. W-15S PRIVATE money. F. D. "Wead, 1521 Doupliis. W ti PRIVATE money. Fherwood, 927 N. T. Life. W 15 I7.?f PRIVATE money in sums of Fl.OL'i to 2.Kit on gilt-edged Omaha real e.tnte; . property must be improved and produc tive. L. V. ilolmee, 718 N.-T. Ufe hldg. W M458 li MOIEY TO LOAS-JCH ATTELS. YOU CAN'T Make a mistake by seeing us before you borrow, and WEffllNK. It will be to y our advePtrlAge, W are the eldest concern in our line in the city. with all-around continent dealing to recommend us. We loan on furniture. Pianos, live Stock. etc, without publicity or removal of property. We slso loan to SALARIED PEOPLE Uion llieir own agreement to repay. We can make your note lor one year If you so wish and five you the option of pav ing it all or in part at any time, and the .merest stops the day the principal is paid. We try to have no one leave our ornoe aispatasea. V J MAHA i V lTBE, IOAN V0, Hi Board of Trad Bid". Tel. 1295. (SkstahUahed UU WW E. 16th St, DO YOLT NEED MONEY T MONEY TO LOAN O.N FURNITURE AND SALARIES, tie to lauf loaned on FURNITURE. PI ANOS, Etc, and to SALA.R1ED 1 jOPLB ai very low rates and lot any lengin of time, without publicity or removing the property, payments tuan be made It suit your convenience, cat! and get our term before going elaewhere. KEUAbLE CREDIT CO., Boom ImJi. Paxlon Butck. Room MO. A. Aw MONET LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. SALARIED. Etc. Low ratea ana easy term BuBlneas confidential. Try us it ou want to save money. PHJiONIX CREDIT CO., CI Paxton Block. AbUi and Farnam St. X i 600 PAXTON BLOCK NEW SALAHl' RATLe. Loan l. LOWEST X A16. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTE, ANY AMuLNTi .LJVV RAILS, E A B V PAV JitK'l'S; CoNFlDEM'lAL. '1 Hit b'l'Ah Loan co, huuk tei paxto llock. a a MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried peopie; business ooi.naer Uui, iowcm ra.ea L4 Paxton biock. Tbe J. A. Hut ton Co., MONEY loaned on puuioa. furniture. Jew- eiry. horses. coa. etc r . ceta, u o. u. CHATTEL aalary and Jew tlry loana. Foley Lu Co.. sue tu U. vrctn. XL a. caratr ua X 155 EALARY LOANS UPON PLAIN NOTES. American Aaiu CO, jraxton uiuca, J now. X Mail LARGEST EUFINEFS IN LOANS TO SALARIED htorUi, mercnants, team sters, boarding house, etc.. without se curity; easiest terms, 40 offices in prin cipal cltitA Tolman. 440 Board of Trade fciug, X-na BISINESS CHANCES. WHEN yoa want to buy, sell or exchange any pr operty or business quica, see u n. Johnson. M N. Y. Lite. Y 3Ji WANTED, in Coin, la., a Brst-clss gen eral store; good brick room can be baa at once, Jt-xlJU feet; beet location in city. inquire ol J. A. Deik, Coin. la. HOTEL, X sleeping rooma. well furnished. doing hue businus; jseuraja.a iun ui !.. , rent. S75; iurnlture for sale renaon- 3ie, cash and Lime. Yoa 11 buy U you see it- J. H. JOHNSON. New Tork Life. Y-25 TO LEASE OR FOR SALE, good business lot, i.x.iife. on 11th, auulu of cement work. Bux C S6, Bee. 1-M2il M27' RESTAURANT In Kansas City for sale L.tuc, splendid trade, nl health only rea son for selling. Address - w. care Bee, V MjiK i HOTEL FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE Modem. I-f tory, frame, 4u; lot Six ia.. lmprovementa, good condition, lo cated In south estern Iowa, thning ton L2.' cash or good lmprwved farm. leased at ilB per rooiiin: rauabie tenant. J. li. Johneon, N. Y. Life. Y M447 i ONE HALF innsiest In blacksmith th .p for aaie, eise bl .p. i-x., tnou o.i leased lot, L!0 per iur; has gjixoline etrttie. trip hammer and all beeeaaary too for nrst-ciaas shop; wood an p in rear building: ncated in hue farming rountry la. Nebraaka. 4'a send pnotu- trtiX of ebon it antainxa. Aliucw. A. B4)Ba Urs sifc A i I Bt iF H H( t. F 'R f ALE Fnri ln'". w nr h"Jf. small hotel, eiaKlf bed buin.; new, rrc iti Colorado ton. Innon I'a!T'lr. Finr b!dp.. Lincoln. V-MW ! FRl'lT. cotifei ttonery and stationery store wbh soda fciurlHln. for saie In lixe F'id mir.ltit town of f populi..ioti; cieart in t month; wl.1 svll at invoice, about $;.. n list have all cash. C W. r.nrkr, lesd. S 1'. Y M&& Ux . ... i H R SALE REAL ETATIi. COME with us to Misiwurt. The next home seS"rs excursion leaves C'maha for southern M.ssouri Tut'S(ia, Muy 5. at H:;' p. m. l-.eaured rates, t. ooi'-y 1 nveFttiient and Real Estate Co., K2j-U N. Y. Llle Bidg. KE 43ti 4 WILLIAMSON rrrna sfree.' RE 468 A NEW HOUSE Bul'd one We will build ft for you on the installment plan. Homeseektrs A-e-i., 1st floor N. V. Life bldg. KE Mil RANCH and farm lands for sale by ths Union pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAJ jester, land commissioner. I nion Pa cific Headquarters, umaha. Neb. RE 151 10-ROOM modern house, 11 Mocks from postoffice, for s&ie cheap, lob N IMh. a A Co. HE 641 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property ajd farm lands. The O F. Davis Co.. Room b" Bee Bldg. RE 461 J6.fK Id-room house. 6 acres fruit, near Benson car line, two 5-room cottage. 27th Ave. and Grant, monthly payments. W. N. NASuN, 446 Bee Building RE M635 FOR RALE Before leaving Omaha, my rtsidenee. ir,ij N. SSth ave.. ten rooms be sides librarr and blllard room, rood barn, eavt front, lot aiiiliia feet. James H. Milntorli. RE 2(.i WHEN buying real estate demand an ab stract from a bonded abstracter. We are bonded by American Surety Co. for $ l(u. Midland Guarantee and TruFt Co.. 1614 Far-. xm Ft RE-J 5 AUTOMOBILES. ELEC. automobiles. Derieht, LU Famam, BAKERY. TRY our three-layer white -cakes. 25c. Ore- verles and meats at lowest price. John son A Goodiett Co. Tel. 1575 n2 Lake Bt, MBil May s BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. 8U North ltb. i Ulllll.L.. REPAIR lawn mowers. bicycler; lock Jarl. 712 S. lbth. M2-3 MiC smithing; wue work. C B1CTCLES and repairs. Fresh ilres, $1.50 to 4.o0; iiartlora tires. per pair. Ail the popular brands for cabh or credit. Loul Fiescher, lo22 Capitol Ave. Tel. R14. E M251 NOW Is the time to have your bicycle re paired; work guaranteed; price are rijrht; tires. n25 and up. J. Larson. 24th and Charles. -MHO M6 BRICK. WORK. J. P. HEALT. 1822 Clark St- 'Phone A-2fCl. 501 CARPENTERS AKD JOIKERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work snd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 2th and lake Sib. 176 CONTRACTORS AND B TILDE BS. A. I. P1ERSON. 'th and Burt. Tel. L-283& m CARPET CLEANING. BEND your carpets and rugs to Chrlsten son s Carpet Cleaning Works, 221 N. 20th Si Tel. 165. M375 TEL Sua Carpet cleaning, rug weaving. Mir.7 DENTISTS. F. C. CLARK, Dentist, formerly of Council Bluffs, now located at 27i Cuming St. M 723 M24 DETECTIVES. CAFT. CORMACK. 617 Karbach, Teh A2S2I. SECRET SERVICE, expert operators. Ad Uress C S, Bee, at M17 DRESSMAKING. KEISTER'B LadleF' Tailoring Co lege. Buita Douglas block, luLh auu Uocgo. DHIGGIS1S slPPLIES CLOSE drug buyer Ficers A Co., 1517 Neb. call or write Roas F arnam Bt.. Omaha, A1SW2 M20 EXPERT ACtOlNTANT. G. R. Rathburn, Roum 15. Com'l Nat. bank. FARMS lOll SALE. EXCURSION TO CANADA Our next excursion fur Canaan leave May 5 and May la. Round trip rale, Bend for our free books ail about Canada, the iand tbut offers the best op purtutuUefc for horueaeekers ana investors. HAB'liN'J& A- AiEVDEN. alii N. i. Lic Liug., ujuolia. Neb. ftW I I OR1M S. HESS A SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. M39J L. HENDERSON, florist, 151 Farnam St.. Oma.ha; send for price list. tst POIND. TAKEN UP, May 2, bnndle (row. with abort hurrit; osuer can iiave i.y j.ioMi.t property anu paying ibuigea John Keegan, Luiou etock lardr, B .utti Omaha. 1 uunu M i5 5' FIMNITIRE POLISH. THE Pullman piano and furniture polish. Call or aauresa A. o V roiuan, 1422 b. GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., cleans eesspools and vaults, removes garbage and aead ammaia at raauced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. ir.k. 47k GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bidg. Tel. HAT CLEANING. LADIES' . 15th- nd gents', 5oc Bchwartx a. 114 HA1, GRAIN AND (OAL M, LONDON. ZtJZ Cuming Be Tel. A-25J6. hit:: mi Itt- lrvstal ice co. 'Phone 2U2A. -MJ64 MIS LA11UHI. OMAHA AJ"Jr- Steam Laundry and City liwi Loa ti.wili. TuL A- Tc tl 17ai LAW AND COLLECTION. i-TlLLMAN PRICE. 2i U. E. N l B k. Ml ITS NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. T. l.i'e .idg., attorneys and cv.mtDri every. Here. MT. New Tork Li's 4"4 ' l.iec H" -ri LAW HO ER. f HARFEN El. 1 Mrlcholr. 13th Howard. its i LAWN mo-rs stiar;cned. saws tld, ym- T l-i hex- :V4 :. LOST. lA"3T, dlsmond brooch, lirre diamond In nii'.i'r, surrouniied by eight smaller dla muiids; lost u t eiel.bortio.Kl of i4th and K.:h, tietaeeu Hart ey and Leavenworth. Very liteiiil reward for return to Mc Carthy Tailorli.g Co., Be bldg. Lo-t M4f4 f MASl FACT! RIKQ. OMAHA Bafe and Iron Wks. make a spe cialty of hie escaima, shutters, door and aalea. O. Anfireen, Prop., litt B. ltth Bt. ' 4 MEDICAL. PR. PRIES treat successfully all diseases and 1 lei of women, from any cause; exp-rienced. reliable. 1513 Dodge, Arlington block, Omaha. Neb. Tel. ma. .l LAL'lES' Chichester Knfllsh Pennyroyal Pilla are the pest; safe, reliable. Take no other.. Bend 4c, stamis, for parucuiara "Kelief lor La diet " in letter by return maiL Asa jour druggist. Chichester Cliemlca: Co, 1'hllauelj.iua. Pa MISICAL, TliOS. 1. K.ELLT. Voice. Iavidge Block. LETOVFKT 8 ORCHESTRA. Terma reaaotiabie- Tel. L4. MJtS Mlk FOR RENT, piano players, or piano and piayer together. Piano Player Co.. Tui. 14iw R-MSlu OSTEOPATHY. QID. K. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths fculte 111. New lork Lite bidg, Tti. 114 4sw The Hunt Infirmary. McCague bldg. Tel 2ak: Ml. a ATZEN ft FAR WELL Infirmary, Paxton block. -T. Tel. 1366 MSH. 1 - - rATEATI, H. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful 21 Bo. 15th Bt-. Omaha. Tel. 17s. 51 PATENTB, Sues & Co., Omaha. Neb., Il lustrated patent book free, lei. 1623. M5M3 July! PAW ABROKERB, EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing. a,ll business confidential 1301 Douglas. rHITISG. BTtlEFS, ETC. WATERS jTlnting Co. lUnotyp eomposl- tion. Tel. 21 Dm. 4. RPOFIKO. WORK In any part of the country Jonei PUiotng Co.. 1U Burt BC Tel. 1986. 467 BARR1CK Tel. Sfl Roofing Co.. 1616 Cuming BU IK 8 RI B MAKl FACTl HIRG. OMAHA Rug Factory. 1521 Leaven. Tel. ZOO. Mm SEEDS AND POIXTHI SIPPLY. n .LEST A CO, 1611 Howard Bt- Tel. S.T27. 467 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. MOSHER S.H., Touch T.W.. Bua Branchea, icieg, cat. tree, onx com. coi li A ioug. A. C VAN BANTS school. 717 N. Y. Life. NEB. BuEAnees A Shorthand College, Boyd's J neate. d1 S1AMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bldg. oot STORAGE. OIL Van Btor. Co.. 1511ft Farn. Tel.155-fi62 EXPRESSMAN B Del. Co. Tela. 11B5-1146. tbC MOVE REPAIRS. STOVES stored and gasoline love cleaned. Omaha Btove Repair oraa. leL you. M 4HS SINBIRST PLEATING. Goldman I'leaUi.g Co 2uu Douglas blk. 1.7 TAXIDERMIST. J E WALLACE. B 121 Bt. TKKET BROILERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere, r. li- i hiuboi, liMiu iTaruam, Phons M. TBCLS AND SHBIBS, ALL VARIETIES and of beat quality tic aS mnea irom -Omaha; all kinaa, sizes and prioe ol huwering anrubs, roses, ines, parking, ornamental, fruit nd thaae tree. v e grow the largest assort ment of any misery in loss or Ne- btabka, baies ground, same old stand, 2isi and larnum. crescent Nurseries, G. 11. K yea, omana Aigr. UJt, Ml BAZELDELL .NL'hrERf. Ofhce 1206 N. Uth. irees, enrubs and rosea. Mail so FRC IT, snade and ornamental trees, thru lis ana rusts. F. R MaxUn, lath and Dougiae. i.6 ALul 1 RINKS AND BAGGAGE. THE DEPOT on time. L. M. E- TeL 7SU, 4M tPHOLSTERlNG. PETERSON A Lubdberg. 115 Bo. 17th. TeL 47v GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PBOI'OSALS FOR FOUR BUILDINGS atid Watr and Sewer t-yalema. De pariment ol the Interior, Orlice of Indian Affairs, Vt aahingtou, D. C, April 21, l.ji. bealea pi'uHaia, enaoraea rTopoaals I for lmprovementa. Chamberlain, Bouth Dakota,' and auurcshed to the Commis sioner of lnuiaii Affairs. Washington, D. C, w ill be r carved at the lndia.n tifflce until t o clock p. m., Thursday, May 21. lDui, for furniahing the beoeaaary labor and materials required to construct and complete at the Chamberlain School, Bouth l'akoia. one dormitory, one school houfefc, one audition to dormitory, aii of brick, with piumbmg, aceljlene gaa pip ing and ctni heal, lor extension of water and aeer s stems, and one gas mat Line liouac with plumbing and heat. In unit accordance mith the pians and epeciticaiions and lnstruciiuns to bidders, w hicti may be examined at tnls office, the oflicea tif the iiul-luvimei.t Bulletin, Minneapoiia, Minn : the Argus-Leader, Bioux Falla. 6 D. ; Th i-ee. Omana. Neb.; the Pioneer presa, bt. Paul. Minn.; the Tnbunt. Chicago, III.; the Globe Dtmotrat, Bt. Louis. Mo.; the Builders' una Tracers Exchanges of Omaha, Neb., kliiwauaer. VA la., ano St. Paul, Mmn.; tne U. B. Indian Warehouses at 246 Bouth Canal fat. tiucaga. lu., aii Howard Bt Omana, Neb, arid DK Wooater Bt, New York City; ano at tne school. For fur ther inlormtion apply to John Flinn, euj-erir.tenuent. Cha mbertaln B D. A. C 1 onuer, Acting tVmniit.aiober. AaeAiAk-;-!-11-14-16 OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER MA6TLR Cheyenne. Wyo., April t, liwi. e aied prop. is In triplicate, w iil be re ceived at t: ii- cif'e ui.ul X o ciock p. m., niountain rime My A, 13. and then oi.ei.ed for larTiiehibg Ah material and 1 AUsKt bcbcasaiy la iht jicsejit a a COTERIMET HOTKEY rysfm at Fort I1 A Russell. Wye . con SiMli.g of st-out f 1"0 feet '! 6-inc h. in. J I, 4;'hi feet of 4-int h. c-ast iron pipe, m .m:.: ; II. e pecessnry valves end fire l 1mt ladders must staie In their bids the ;iTe in hnh thy ul ccmplete the ? .. time will form an Important fatter In iu..r ltig the award Tun Information. !'.." liirms, tians arid si-ecifv-atuTi f n --1 . . e 1 . .1 on application to this erne; i. to i? effice cf depot quartermaster. OnixhM m l ai.i. c'hlcaf o, -New lots.. Fhna ' i io. Jeffersorvtiie, lnd, Ft Louis. Fort 1j:..: -worth, Kan., snd lenver. I'nited Plates r'Srcs the riaht to accept or r.te(t an r all tlds. or any part thereof. containing bids tc l-e endorsed. ' P'vp, , for Wattr Bjtem at Fort 1. A l;.f.i M yo.." arid addressed to Captain . S Fcott, Constructing vuarterniHster t l e enne, Wyo. Avi4t A Mi.-i M PROPOSALS FOR 1NIHAN FIT FLIES Lpar ment of the JnurloT. Office if 1 . fliari Aff.iirs. Washington, 1 C, Mstt h 4. iK.-M'''4 proiK'jials. Indorsed "Pro pttt!B lt.r blank ta( woo.en an.l o tiii goods, clothing, t tc , ' as the case itih . l e and directed to Ihe of In Its . Affairs. Nos. 111121 N (H.ster Mret, N York City, will Ik- r-re ved un 1 1 1 !.... lb m . of Tues iay. M is t. r fu.n sd H'g liT the servlc-. bu.nk t. woole , and cotton gotKis. ciothmc. notions and csps Rid must I ma ir oui n yov- rnmnt blin k. Mb dU'er s; 1 1 g a), n. ie? sary it. formation t r bi.idcr 1. i. t.r nlshed on application ti tli lnd an ,l!ic . Waenington. D. C; .be U. ri. inoiaii a e bouse.. 11H-121 INoisier street. . , City; 26"-267 Bouth t'snal etieel. Chicto 111.; pii Heward ftreet, omahu. No, ; Bouth fexetitn street, Bt. Loom. Ato . ... Commissaries of Bubslsictic-, I . B A . at Chrvenm . Wyw and Bi. laul. M tin. th quartermaster, I'. B A.. Seattle. ,fh.;th p .a maMers at Biotix Ci, Tut o 1. 1 ri land. ripokane ant! Ta? axu h ivim u facturers aiid Prod ufrs' a.sooi..t on o. ta.itornla. Ban Francisco. Cal. iid wl i be opened at the hour and dais ubovc stated, and bidders are incite. 1 .0 0. pr. -ent st the oiienlng. Th iK-psrtner.t r- serves the rii;ht to determl-e 11 po. .. of oe.nery and to reject an anJ all oida. o f ny pun of any bid V. A . UM'.S t. m uiissioner. A21- V':it M CHIEF Ql'ARTERMABTEK'S OFFICE (maha. Neb. April 7. I,., ie.l il p o IKisiils. in triplicate, scbie. 1 t.i tin i. u.i cond:tions. Will le- revived here i?n li Mi ( clock a. m. May 7. 1H'4. and then oik n d in th. presence of i.tienniTic b.d'l .s.. ii-fifty-seen C.7i I'ark Mules, for ollv at hoft 1 icavenworth, Kan. I . S r stves rif:ht to reject or accept cr an pro posals, or any part thereof i:t.k fornm I for bidding and circular i-iv1:-g lull n tor I matlon and rwiuiremenis s ill be fjrn,.liei Ion ajitillcatlon 10 tin office. ifnve opes j containing proposals -hooU oe nmrae.i ' Froiwmais for Mules." nd a.1..r-Ned t, Ij.NU W l'ULLMAN. Chiel O M Ajtid4tM4-5M PROPOSALS FOR CAVALRY Hi -RSEB Office C. W M, Bt. Paul. Minn . Mmv 4. iSiX. Sealed proposals. In trlp icate. w l. bo received at th's office nnttl li o'clock 11 m.. May l. IfOS. and opened then lor furni h ing snd delivery si Fort Yates. N. 1" . t.i cavalry horses. Bids for less than thv en tire number required a.nd tor delivery at points other thun Fort Yates will be e -tertalned. Delivery to commence within II weeks after notice of aw-ard, and te com pleted within So days thereafter. Koum, light and dark sorrels desired. Full infor mation may be had at this office. United Blates reserves the right to accept or re ject any or all proposals or uxny part tbereol. Uinu. n.. ru.MJ, w iw -wiaii&ii-iM VtaUITER DEPOT ISTH A WEBS1EK Chlraa 4t Northwester trbraiks A Biag Dlvlslnu Leave. Arrive. Lead. Hot Springs a i;o pm pm Black HIUs, 1'eauwooa, Wyoming, -Casier and Liouglaa u :w pin c s.w pin York, lavld Citv. eairior. ueneva. Exeter and Seward b J:00 pm b 5:00 pm n,.t.est eel Lincoln. Nio brara and Fremont b :3v am blO:S am Fremont Local c 4-mj am HiMoarl rinse. Nebraska Local. Via Weeping W ater D pm alO'.s am tkirata, L Paux. MlBeUs A Osaaha. T1n City Passenger.. ..a : am a 9:10 pm ..a i.uo pm all:J0am ,.b 6:4a pm i k.4i ant Bloux City t-aasenger Oakland Local......... a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, d Dafly except Baturday. Daily except Monday. BURLINGTON STATION-lOTH A MAkO BBrliTl A MlsawarS River. LeavA ArrtvA 'ymore, Beatrice and Lincoln ....a 6: Am b 11H6 cm Nebt asaa Express a 6 AO am A 7:46 pm Denver Limited ..a 4:10 pm A 6:46 aua Black Hills ana rugei bound Express all;lt Dm a 1:10 nm Colorado est buled Flyer a :io pm Lincoln Fast Mali b 1:52 pm a :0a am Fort Crook and Platt- mouih auai pm wo:So am peilevue A Pact he Jet. .a 7:n0 pm alii am Bellevue A r'acinc jci.-a i.uu am t hicaato. BarliagxwB A daiaey. Chicago Special ....a 7:00 am a :55 pm l i. lea to cstiouiea M.i 4:w pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local a bin am U:00 pm Chicago iximitea a a.uo pm a i:4u am Fast Mali a 2.40 pm Kaaaaa titj, St. JJosepk A Cue well BlaCa. Kansas City Day Ex a r:15 am a 6:05 pm Bt, Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm ali:06 am Kauaas City Night Ex..alo.3u pm a tli am UNION STATION IviU AND MAHtl. I'aloa Farlle. Leave, .a s-40 am Arrive, a 7 .50 pm a S.2i pm Overland Limited.. The Fast Mail California i-xnresB a i :a pm Facnic Express.. .. all pm Lasiera Express ll;Hi pra 'Jhe Atlai.Uc ITxpress... a7.&iu The Colorado Bpeclal.. .a 7:10 am i l: km Chicago Bpeclal a 1.40 am LJticoln, .theatrics ano Ktromsburg Express. .b 4:00 pm bli:60 nm North Platte Local a 6:00 am a 6:15 pm Grand laland Local b I. Hi pm .b .ii pm ' Wauaah, Bt Louis "Cannon Ball" Express ,.a 6:55 pm a t JD am St. Louis Local. Coun cil Bluffs a :15 am alO:S0 pm Miaaoarl Paclhc, BL Louis Express eJO:00 am a 6:25 pm K C and Bt- L. Ex....al0:50 pm a 6.15 am Chic-age, Rew-Ai. lalaud A PaeAAa. EAST. Chicago Da light L t d.a 6:00 am a 6:45 am Chicago Daylight Locau.a 7:uu am a k:a pm Chicago Expiena bli.ii am a t uo pm L-ea luolues Express. .. .a 4.v pm bil:utam Chicago A-act Lxpreas..a i.., pm 11 pm ALBT. Rocky Mountain L t o.a 6:50 pm A 4JJ6 am Lincoln. Colo. Bpringa. L'ervcr, puebio aiid Weal A 1:M pm a 6:00 pra Coio., Texas, Cal. and Oklahoma Flyer a 6:40 pm 12:40 pm t klragu, julmaaaec A St. A-aaL Chicago Daylight a 7 45 am allOS pra ChicAko l ast ii.xpreas..a :4i piu a H.tu pui Chicago Limi'.ea a a u pm a am aui Lea Moines li.xprcaa. . . .. I:, tin a .u urn Chicago Local xu.ei am tkimili A AsrikweaitrA "The Northwestern Line." Fast Chicago -a U.4V am a 7:08 am a a.3v am a h.ju pui alu:2i (im ail .iu pui i 5 lu pai a a in a a.o 4tut a 4.4 pm a &.!. am a 2 u put b k .jo am a I M pm a 1:06 m pm Alb:2S am Mau Local Bioux City 1im light bL 1'a.ul Daylifcht Chicago Locnl C hicngu Local Ctuai iU.plda.. Limited Chicago Local Carroll Fast Chicago k al bt i'aul k aat Mall...... Local bioux City Altiawis teairaL Chicago Express Chicato, Minneapolis ..a t.w iiu ..a a.iu a:n ..a .a am ..a k;mi am . .ail sin .. a.iu pm ..a a. in iiij ..a 4:uv pm , .a i, :m pm ..a k.lo pm . .b 4:00 pm ..a 7:36 am t. i'tui uiuum M.nneaiolia A BL Expreaa Chicago Local Chicago Express.. a 7:50 pm Patu b 7:35 am 10. i. am STEAMSHIPS. K0LL1KD-AI1ERICA LIKE W&m Iuaa aunt ai.ta. r muVUMim. r i a hi imu at is A av fiottcrdaa AUr u triiita ,..Jua t huLaAm ...........aiAr av OtMira.m Juum zu hutuabiiiUB ...... a H iuuariua Uu 17 UOLLAAU-AkiLait LAAAu. tut Dearaara Sl CkAeaga, 111. Barry km 1S1 rviu av, C. autaarten BUS faniaa au. a. a. uq tiyias ua r& aticHo use t. s. hail BTAxa.Hii-a KCW TOEK. LONfXlKI'Ef.BT AKtl CLASOOW. KEW TOLA, GIBBALTAB AKD K APLCA. SuMeriur anooaiatastlDa. Exo;iiit CHilBiua, Ths t.uilirt of f'MMt.iiS'"' irfifulil. 4-unaiaarM Sihie or Auuijd Trip Tl aUf iasuell lilMt sve Tortt auS snaUA. Ebfiia. Iruil. aitA all srllt:lr'al tumtiutiul puiuu at u.raotl fmiaa. Ait1 lur AmmA ml luun, a or ti ir s1,nr. iutunuaLiiHi si'eo' te aay IoiaI ssei.t of lb Ancaur Liu u xq A-AliLl.kuA biiA .. fas 1 Atujux CBlaaga, lia bar I