Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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    V i
f :
Unsettled Wheat Fulls Other Grains Down
on Board of Trade,
Star Pork Bothers Broker, Though
Other rrodocte Try to Keen
Steady with Tendency to
Advance In Price.
CHICAGO, Mny 4. Wheat opened firm
today on strength In the cables and higher
out Hide murkeia. but noon developed a
weaker tone and cloned -aoy. with July
Sc lower. Corn averaged lower. In sym
pathy, July at the close being olT 'ric.
Oats rule" weak, with July down S;uc,
while provisions were Irregular.
Selling by pit traders caused weakness In
wheat aoon after the opening, wnich wm
a shade lower for July at 'itii3r.. but
there wi,a sufficient Blattered demand by
Khorla and commission houses to cheeK
the decline In a measure,, and after selling
down to 724c, July closed y, lower, at
'iIVs'gHc. The linprssflon that Armour
was selling through hrokera, although an
open buyer of July, together with numerous
no damage crop reports, brought about the
rurh to sell, Receipts were a little larger
and weather reports Improved and thoee
also had their Influence. Minneapolis and
Duluth reported receipts of 224 cars, which,
with local receipts of 62 cars, two of con
tract grade, made total receipts for the
three points of Z76 cars, against 328 last
week and 315 a year ago. JTImary receipts
were 629.H43 bu., against 413.76!) a year ago.
Clearances of wheat and flour were equol
to 464.6.10 bu. , ,
Corn was weak and slow, with local
bears the principal seller, and commission
houses doing the buying, l,ck of demand,
more than any other Influence, caused the
loss In prices, although Increased receipts
and favorable weather were bearish In
fluences, and July closed "nfic lower at
44V-. after ranging between 4c and 414c.
Local receipts were -.22 cars, with 16 of con
tract grade.
The better weather Induced selling by
local longs In ots and as a result the
market showed weakness, with prices lower.
The market was rather duli and the de
mand small. July closed V&c lower at
314'a31V'. after selling off from 32Sc to
J14c. Local receipts were ISO cars.
The action of May pork unsettled pro
visions and bothered the trade. Prices on
other products were about steady and
showed an advancing tendency. Packers
are credited with buying pork for future
delivery and July showed an advance of
74c at the close at $17.15. Covering by
shorts at the .start caused on advance of
2fiift75c In May, the opening price being
tlx BOW19.00. Realising soles later caused a
decline from the high figure and the close
av. higher at I1R.60. July lard was
6li7M.e. lower at $9,174, while ribs were off
24e at $9,424. .
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
65 cars; com. 320 cars; oats, 225 cars; hogs,
19.000 head. ,
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Bat y.
Corn I
May July
May July
794 7R41
734 72!
714"V4i70 16 4
78 7R4
434S',I 44,
814 3l4rrl
IS 50 19 00 IS 50 IS 80 IS 25
17 074 IT 20 17 06 17 15 17 074
1 70 16 85 16 70 16 80 16 70
t 174 174 10 10 15
t 25 9 274 174 9 20 9 25
$74 9 30 9 224 25 9 30
t 45 9 45 9 424 9 424 9 474
9 46 9 45 9 424 9 424 9 45
9 35 940 985 935 9 874
No. 1
Cash Quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Quiet and steady: winter pat
ents, $3,504(3.60; straights, $3.20tfj.40; spring
patents, $3.teff3.90; straights, $3.Kk&j3.40;
bakers. S2.30tl2.85.
WHEAT No. S spring, 80c: No. t spring,
TVZfTSc; No. t red. 7848794a
CORN No. 2, 444o; No.. yellow, 4514
44 c.
OATS-No. 2, 334c; No. S white, 2335c
BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 49656c.
SEEDS No. 1 flax, $1.09; No. 1 northwest-
em, ILU; prime timotny, sa.Daa.ou; ciover,
contract trade. $12.50.
PROVISIONS Mess pork per bbl., $18.00
1718.2b. Lard, per luu lbs., snort
ribs sides (loose). $9.3Mj 46. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed), $8.6tU.6J4. Bhort clear
Sides (boxed), $9.65(8.874-
Following are the receipts and shipments
Of Hour ana grain Saturday:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, Dbls..
Wheat, bu..
Corn, bu....
Oats, bu
Yt v hll
Barley, bu...
.. 200.11)0
.. 13.300
.. 39,000
foundry southern soft Warrants are noro-
Condition of Trade and Quotations on
ataple and Fane Produce.
EGGS Fresh slock, 13c.
LIVE 1'OLt.THl'-Mens. 11c; roosters, ac
cording tu age, iu!c; luraeys. lJiw:,
ducks, l'Hjilc; geese, DUlOc.
BL'iTtK- 1'acKlng stock. 13'c: choice
dairy, 111 lubs, UHai,c; aepaiavor,
Hit.fcil r ItiH r nan caucni iruu, rit
loc; pickerel, 4c; pine, lie; perch, tic;
oi.tfs.o. ,1 : hliietiKh. lie: wliltettsn, J.c;
mimuii, lc; haddock, lie. coudnh, 12c; red-
suapper, iw; lobsters, Duiieu, per id., .it.
lobsters, green, per lb., i(oc; bunnesds, luc;
catfish, lie; biack bass, l.c; halibut, 11c;
biiuu toe, ojc each; roe shad, 10c each.
UKAM Per ton, zio.w.
1UK-Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Dealers' association: Cnoice No. 1 upland,
s.uu; No. 2, i.5o; medium, $i.t0; coarse,
.bu. Rye straw, $ti.ot. Incse prices are
tor hay of good color and quality. Demand
lair and receipts ugnis.
CORN toe
IMl to itc.
111'E-No. 2. 45c.
POTATOES Per bu., 36ii)oc.
NEW CA Kit UTS Per doaen bunches, 40c
l.r,TTbt-t-i'r doaen bunches, 4oc.
BEETS New aouthern.per dosen bunches,
45c; oiU, per bu., 4oc.
l'AHB,vil'-fer liu., wc.
CLCLAiBERS Hothouse, per d0,i $lw
UHCKiN uisluNS Soutnern. per dosen
bunches,' 45c; home grown, 12fcai5o.
KALHbHES Southern, per uoaen buncnes.
ijc; nome grown, uuW'
ILKMi'e- ca;iada rutauagas. per 10.,
14c; new southern, per dosen t,uncnea, 60c.
UlUiNO rceu iBcunaiuB, w,
Willie, per lb., 14c.
bfiLtAll nome grown, int
iiAVY UKAtsa fer DU., n.mi.
HHAN8-Wax, iter bu. box, 4 00; string,
per bu. box. W.iXVyrt.M.
CJAttli AUH- MOiiaiMJ seen, per m., .7it
new t aiitornia, per in., (j.c.
TOMATUEB New loriau, per i-mMi
crate, 4.'A4y-i.oO.
HH BAKU-Per ID., 1C.
ASPARAGUS Per do. bunches, 7;c
APPLES New York stock, $3.00.
ei ttA v HEKKlEd Texas ana Arkansas,
per 24-qt. case, $3.
FIGS California, per 10-lb cartons, 90c;
Turkish, per 3o-lo. box, 14ial8c.
i),:s-California navels, fancy, for
176 and t-maili r sizes, K.&woJ. ,6; for luO and
larger Ues, cnoice, J.iAXtf J-ao; naeai-
terranean sweets, $a; sweet JaL $3.
lEMurvo cauiornia lancy,
LA 1 Ed Persian. In 7olo. boxes, per lb ,
6c; per case ut ao-lb. pkgs., i.i6.
MAPLE SUGAK Ohio, per lb., 10c.
POPCORN Per lb., ic; bbelled, 4c
HlDe-S No. 1 green, 64c; No. 2 green,
54c; No. 1 milieu, 14c; No. 2 salted, b4c;
No. 1 veal call, 8 to u ids, Sftc; no. z veai
fnrnla, ts 4d; futures, firm; May, 6s 5d;
July. s 4d.
CtRN Hpot. firm; American mixed, new,
in S4d; old 5s 34d; futures, quiet; May,
4s SSd; June, 4s 44d; July, 4s 4VI.
FLOUR 8t. Louis fancy winter, quiet at
Ss 3d.
IK. PR At Tondon, Pacific coast, steady
at 5 i2s'i:S6i.
PROVISIONS Beef, easy; extr.i Irdla
mess, R.'s ad. Pork, llrm; prime mere a t
ern, NTs 6d. Unms. short ru', It to 1 lbs.,
steady, 54s. Hacon. Cumberlnnd cut. 21 to
30 lbs.. to.; short rlba. Hi to 24 lbs., Ms; long
clear middles, light. 24 to 31 lbs., o2h. long
clear mlildles, heavy. 3. to 4 lbs.. r2Kl;
short clear backs. IS to 2 lbs.. Ms6i; cletr
bellies, 14 to 1H lbs., Ks. Shouldeis. iquare.
II to 13 lbs., quiet, 481. l.rird dull; prime
western, In tierces, 48s; American refintd,
in pnlls, 4is 6d.
BUTTER Finest L nitea mates, steady.
75s. '
( 'HKERE mnet; American finest while
nd colored, BHs.
TALLOW Prime city, steady, 27s.
Minneapolis Wheat, Klonr aad Bran.
64c: May. 744c: July. Toic. On tra k:
No. 1 hard. 77Sc; No. 1 northern, "WS,c; No.
2 northern, 757c; No. 3 northern, 744! f4c.
FIXJUH First patents. M.KUi.LD; second
patents, $4.00(& 1.1. 1; first clears, 3.ttHtJ.10;
second clears, $2.4f,!f2.o0.
BRAN In bulk, $11.
Visible Snpply of Grain.
NEW YORK. May 4.-The vtcihle supply
of grain Saturday, May 2, as compiled by
the New York Produce exchange. Is as fol
lows: Wheat. 33.4 16.01:) bu.; decrease. 2.11o,-
two bu.; corn. 6.469.00) bu.; decrease. 1,276.4W
bu.; oats. 6.226.0S) bu. ; decrease. 2i9.0tt bu.;
rye. 1.149.00.) bu.; Increase. 12.00) bu. ; bar,ey.
1,242,0jO bu.; decrease, 113,' 00 bu.
Beef Steers Sold Five to Ten Cents Lower,
but Cows Held About Steady.
Marht Ran of Sheep and Lambs aad
Quality Common, bat Demand Was
Liberal aad Frlcea Advanced
Fifteen to Twenty-Five.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 4.461 6.049 2.M7
Same day last week 3.712 5.639 2.06
iime week before 4.391 4.tH .ni
ame three weeks ago... 3.484 3.697 9.404
me four weeks ago.... 5.110 3,240 9.073
Same day last year 1,102 4.962 $.916
The follow-In table shows the receipts of
attle, hogs and shnop at South Omaha for
he year to date and comparisons with last
year; 1903. isr2. Inc. Dec.
attle 330.4(M 2tW.86S 61.&9S
Hogs 770.373 W.71 119,388
Sheep 462.156 317.626 144,530 .......
Average price Dald for hogs at South
Omaha for the last several (Says with comparisons:
rtnlnth Grain Market.
DULUTH. May 4,-WHEAT-To arrive.
No. 1 hard. 794c: No. 1 northern. 77ic: No.
2 northern, 764c; May, No. 1 hard, 74c;
July, 7fic.
uats May, 3S4c.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. May 4.-CORN-Flrm: No. 3.
oats steady; no. s white, azc.
Prices Advance Materially and Cloae
Firm at Top Level.
NEW YORK, May 4. Prices advanced
quite decisively In today s stock market
and closed firm at the top level. In fact
there was no appreciable reaction at any
time during the day and the advancing
tendency gained somewhat In force as ths
day progressed. The market was still al
most wholly professional and decidedly
lacking of animation, but the day's busi
ness waa considerably greater than on last
Friday, which was the lowest thus far for
the year. The rise in prices was not due
to any specific news development, but was
based rather on the conviction In the minds
of the professional traders that stocks for
npril 15.. 7 141 6 95 6 Oil
April 16.. 7 074 6 911 5 931
April 17.. 7 13 6 96 6 92
April 18.. 7 14 6 99 6 82
April 19.. 6 96 5 89
April 20.. 7 10 5 86
April 21.. 7 104 6 85
April 22.. 7 (4 6 S6 5 n
April 23.. 7 014 6 86 t 80
April 24.. 7 06, 6 97 5 7l
April 25.. 7 04vl 7 H t 77
April 26.. 6 9S 8 77
April 27.. 924 I 6 72
Apill 2H.. M 7 07j
April 29.. 6 77S, 7 03 1 5 66
April 80.. 6 844 6 95; 5 641
May 1.... 6 83 6 90 R 641
May 2.... 9 75 7 01 6 71
May 3.... 7 02 6 721
May 4.... 6 754 6 65
Indicates Sunday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought in today by each road was:
cattle. Hogs, nneep.n r .
calf, 12 to 15 lbs., i4'-i dry saued hides, bit I sale had become scarce and holders little
Uc; sheep pelts, 2k7oc; noraebldes, ll.hJii I disposed to sell, aa shown by the recent
juwri ui 1 jsiB,n iivi? vi 1110 uiaiMTTi i,j ,,nu
NUTS Wa nuts. No. 1 soft shell, per id..
16c, hard shell, per lb., 14u; No. i soft shjil.
per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c;
Braxlls, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., i2c;
almonds, solft sheil, per lb., 16c; hard shell.
per ID., loc: pecans, large, per id., u-?tc
binall, per lb., lie; cocoanuts, per dug, oie;
chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., &40;
roasted peanuts, per lb., ic; black walnuts.
C. M. A 8t. P 4
Wabash 1
Missouri Pacific 4
nlon Pacific system 26
. & N. W 6
F., E. A M. V 87
St. P., M. O.... 21
M 27
B. & Q
R. I. & P.. east,. S
Illinois Central 8
news. W 1th these favorable technical con
ditlons and considering the extensive de
cline which has occurred from last year's
high level, the professional bull partv
operated with confidence today. The coal
ers were made the Immediate silbject of
the demonstration, especially the high
priced members of the group. Owing to
the small floating supply in the market for
per bu.. ljo; hickory nuts, per bu., W.&0; these and the closeness with which th?y
Total receipts 197
The disDosltion of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber or head indicated:
Cattle, tiors. eneep.
Omaha Packing Co 496
Swift and Company 1,194
are held by Investors or for the purpose
of control It Is a comparatively easy mat
ter to bid up their priceB without bringing
out large offerings of stock. The rise of 8
fiolnts In Delaware & Hudson, of nearly 6
11 New Jersey Central, of 34 In Lacka
wanna, as well aa a 7-point advance in
American Express and 24 in Chicago "c
Western ofTer fair examplej ol this. Such
striking advances are calculated to have a
large sentimental effect upon speculative
opinion. The spread of the movement tj
the other quarters found tho readiest re
sponse amongst the grangers and South
westerns owing to the passing away of
last week's crop scare, due to the wintry
weather in the winter wheat belt. Tho
strength of Sugar was based upon Its win
ning of a suit for the refund of a large
amount of war taxes. The local traction
cocoanuts. Der 100. Jo. 00.
OLD MIST ALS. EIU.-A. a. Aipirn quoiej
the tololwlng prices; Iron, country mixed,
tier ton. IlLuXi: iron, stove Dlaie, per ton.
18-uu: conDer. Der lb.. 8Uc: brass, heavy, per
ID., 4c; oraas, iigni, per 10., bviv, icu, ier
lb., c; cine, per 10., zu.
Omaha Branch llO-lll Board at Trad
CHICAGO, May 4 WHEAT Although
there was a good deal of bullish news on
wheat the price has not held. On the ad
vance there was selling on a large scale by
the lmoortant holders for all deliveries.
Cables closed strong. The foreign news in
regard to the crops was of deterioration , .hared only moderately in the ad
from cold and snows. Bt. Lou's reporiaa Vance, as the dismissal of the libel suit and
deterioration in Missouri I and Texas. Tne against the president of the Metropolitan
Ohio crop report made the May condition Btre,t Railway had alraady been- dls-
92, against 96 in April, ana estimated ma counted. Saturday s unfavorable view of
yield no larger than last year. Clearances tne bank 8tatement seemed to have been
were 473.000 bushels. New York reports modified owing to the perception that the
loads for export. Primary receipts, 63J.0O0 lftrg0 loan expansion represented a simple
bushels, against 434,000 last year; primary tran8feP 0f obligations from foreign to
shipments, 48,000 bushels, against 8M.0U) domestic lenders. The continued firmness
last year. Northwestern receipts, 824 cars, of foregn exchange market left the prob-
against 294 last year. Local receipts. 62 .Dluty unaltered that further gold will go
cars, with 8 contract; estimates for tomor- out tnI, weeK. But this solicitude on this
row, so cars. ..... I Dolnt also seemed to be quieted. No un
CORN The market ha been weak on favorable effect seemed evident from the
urjer ctuimi; ji'""' uu,"" 1 indicatlom furnished by weekly rrelght
Local receipts, 222 cars, with 15 contract; trafflo reports that the volume of traffic on
estimates for tomorrow, 320 cars. The cash w-stern lines la appreciably diminishing.
market closed 1W lower, clearances TniB tendency is said to be due to a hesi-
wero ouBueio. i"w ,rr',V,,.B tancy on the part of tne manufacturers to
loads taken for export. .Local sales l0),00u war( further expansion until there la 1
bushels. .Local stock 2,218.000 bushels, de- change in the labor situation. Only favor
creased 439,000. World S Shipments, 4,079,0)0 m factors xm considered in tho nmv.ll.
bushels. On passage Increased 672,000 lng mood of the speculation and untavor-
uuaiieiii. 01. iuuib icwun . St able factors were ignored. Bonds were
there, 23o,0o0 bushels. The visible decreased duu and irregular. Total sales, par value.
1,275.000 bushela. Primary receipts. 6&4.0W j2 105,111. United States 2s, registered, de-
uuHneia, siui ' 'J, J' cllned 4 per cent on tne last can.
rmour & Co 961
7udahy Packing Co 945
Swift, from country 120
Armour, from Sioux City ....
Carey A Benton 4
Lobman & co i
Huston & Co 24
Livingstone Ik 8 nailer.... 61
le Rothschilds 2
. F. Huss Z14
Wolf & Muman 84
Dennis & Co 29
Werthelmer 46
H. F. Hamilton 21
Other buyers 263
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market waa easy; creameries, 16(ff2uc;
dairies, 15919c. Eggs, steady, at mark,
canes Included, 13Vtf l4'-ic. Cheese, firm, Wii
oa Varlons
tiaatatloas of the Day
NEW YORK, May 4.-FLOUR Receipts.
18,410 bu. ; exports, 7,610 bu.; ateady, with
fair trade; winter patents, $J.75fe4.oo; winter
straights, $3.60&3.60; Minnesota parents, $.(K
44.3u; winter extras, $2.80&3.10; Minnesota
bakers. $3.20(3.40; winter low grades, U Hj
2.90. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, VUsIXq
8.20: choice to fancy, 3.2t4j3. 16.
CORNMEAL Steady ; yellow western,
$1.06; city, $1.04; Brandywlne, t3.40HM.66.
RYE Steady ; No. i western, o94I9c.
f. o. b., afloat; slate, 56590, c 1. 1., New
BARLEY Quiet: feeding, 61c. e. 1. t,
Buffalo; malting, 62c, c. I. f., Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts, 432,22a bu.; exports,
244,10a bu. Spot, easy; No. 2 red, 824c, ele
vator; No. 2 red, 8J4c f. o. b., afloat; No. 1
northern Duluth, 86 tc, f. o. b., afloat. On
early croD damage news, coupled with
higher cables, prospects for a big visible
supply decreue and local buying, the fore
noon wheat market was higher. Later
denials of damage weakened the list, ho
ever, and the close was heavy at 'q4a
liet decline. May, kvbmc, closed at 824c
July, 77 6-164)78 l-16c. closed at 7740 ; Sep
tember, 75 3-164 7tic, closed at 7c.
CORN Receipts, l,3o0 bu.; txports. 17,28)
du. Boot, quiet; .o. 1, M4c, elevator, and
634c. f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 vel:ow, lAo: No.
1 white, 644c Options steady with wheat,
but eventually weakened under llau.datlon.
improving weather and prospects for larger
receipts, closing 44f4c net lower. May,
M'fc644c, closed at 64c; July, 51j61v,c, close!
at 01c; eeptemoer cioseu at him
OAT8 Receipts, lSu.000 bu.; exports. 10
bu.; No. 3, 37c; No. 2 white, 4c; No. S
white, 384c; track, mixed western, nom
inal; track white, 3S-Ijo. Options moder
ately active and easier. May cloned at
HAY Steady: shipping, 7075c; good to
choice, $11 mj 11.50.
HOPS Quiet; state, common to cholc.
12. Vd'ic; 1901 l,V(jlSc; olils, (WfiOc; Pa-
cino coast, iwt, ikoc; in, losl7c; olds,
0 10c.
HIDES Steady: Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs.
18c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texaa, dry.
x 10 Itt'.
LEATHER Steady: acid. 24Ji26c.
RICE Firm; donu-stlo, lair to extra, 44
7c; Japan, nominal.
PROVISIONS Meef. dull; family. $U.50
12 50; beef hams, $20.0021.50; packet. $10.5i'rr
11. no; cuy extra inula mesa,
Cut meats, quiet; pickled bellies. 9'a'10;.c:
pickled shoulders, itc; pickled hams,
12c. Ijird. steady: western steamed, $9.6);
letined. dull; continent. $. 90; 80'ith Amer
ican. $10.76: compound, i4tisc. Poik, steady;
family. $19.00; short clear. $ It. 5w& Ju.25; mess,
$lx.2V(i 18.75.
TALLOW Firm; city, 54c; country, 54ft
B L'TT E R Recei p t s, 4.024 pkgs.; steady
state dairy, 17a-'lc; extra creamery, 2.C
creamery, common to choice, l,W-14c
CHEESE Receipts, 1.368 rk..; steady
state, full creim. fancy colored old, Wit
l!c; new. i.'c; small white, old. 138rlac; new
isc; large colored, old, l rc; uew, 124c
large white. l.Vo 1.1Uc; new. l.'4c.
EUGS Receipt. 1S.71-6 pkga.: firm; state
and I'ennsylvanla. 16c; western storage
packed. 164c; western firsts, Ia4'(jl6c.
M Sjwt tin declined 6s in London
to 137 and futures lost 7s 6d, cloolnn at
l:6 7a6d New York prices were a shade
higher and closed at .). ukhs coui
was 2s d hieher In Ixndon ut 0 11 for
both siit and futures, l.urniu copper I.
nominally uiiihang.'d at $14. 5J& 14.75 for
lake, electrolytic and casting lea1 was
steady but quiet here at $4,374 arid wa
la 3d higher in London at 12. Spelter waa
unchanged at 21 IS In lxmdon and at $i.7j
In New xork. iron was a miner at (2s it
las"uw and 14d higher at 4oe 3d In Mid
riWfhoroush. l.olly iron waa outer
$.-2 0'Ii2W for No. 1 foundry northern. $20.51 for No. I lounary nortneru and $21.6
iu.W lor no. 1 icunar souuiera aua No.
Aa Dtd '
Btltlmor Olo
do ptd
362.000 bushels, against 324.(00.
OATS The market has been weak, with
a ratner inoirrerent traae. 1 ne improved
weather haa been the influence. The ex
Dectatlon that shorts would cover did not
realize and smaller holdera have llauldated.
. . . . . ... . - , an did
There has been some cnanging, buying of r.naauri Psetflo
Aiay anu seilliiB ui juiy. x.ucai receipus, 1 Canada Southern
10 cars, wun in conrraci: eBiimaies lor to
morrow. 225 cars. Clearances, 1.6J0 bushels
New York reports 1x0,000 busnels taken for
PROVISIONS The market nas been ner
vous; the May pork at one time up ,bc.
Lard and rins nave Deen inoirrerent. mere
were 84,000 hogs; market opened 6c lower,
closing 60 higher than the opening. Esti
mates for tomorrow. 19.000 head. Hogs In
the west today, 60,800 nead. against 77.100
last week and 65,3o last year. Average
webzht for week. 222 pounds, against 22i
previous week and 21& last year.
vtbAiUi uitain wunirAni,
The following are the quotations on tha
New York stock exenange:
M Texas A Pacific.
M T.. St. U A W.
. t34 do ptd
Chea. A Ohio.
Chicago A Alios,
do Dtd ,
Chicago & Gt. W
do 1st pm
do M P'd
Chlcaao N. w.
Cbicaio T. A T.
do ptd
C. C. C. A si. j.
Colo. Southern
do 1st ptd
do id ptd
Dela. A Hudson.
Dela.. L. A W.
DenTer A R- O.
do pfd
do 1st pra.
do td pfd.
nt. Nor. old
Horkins Valley
do Did
Illlnola Central
Iowa Central
do pfd . .
L. E. A W.
do pfd
Louie A Naah...,
Manhattan L
Mex. Central
Mri. National
Minn. A St. L..
MlMourl Pacific
M . K. A T
do pfd ...
N. J. Central
N. T. Central
Nor. A West
do pld ....
VHll VISIONS Pork, hlarhar! Inhhlnar I Ontario A W
tandard mesa. $17.65. Lard, lower at M 90. Penaaylvaala
Dry salt meats (boxed), steady; extra
shorts, $9.50; clear ribs, xa.7U; snort cler
J.874. Bacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts
$10 50: clear ribs. io. 10; snort clears, 110
Mr. 1AL.B ieaa. slow at M.w asaea. Boei.
ter, nrm at
POCLTKY Bteaoy: cnickens. I0"4e
nnritiKS. $2.50i&4.00 per doxen: turkeys. 12c:
ducks. 11c geese, vwac.
Bl'TTER uuiet; creamery. 18W24c: dairy,
iivcfliuie. onipments.
Flour, bbls 18.000 ll.ftiO
Wheat, bu 7S,ooo 78.00)
Corn, bu 3).0ii 134. 01
Oats, bu 113,000 6i,0O0
St. Loals Grain aad Provisions.
ST. LOUI8. Mav 4. WHEAT Lower: No,
1 ., V. 1 ....of n .. , m n r 79A79o
May. 704W'O4c; July, 6744c; No. Z hard,
. CORN Firm: No. 2 cash. 41c: track. 4149
42c: May. 40c: July. 404c.
OATo strong: ino. 1 casn, joc; track, 134
6334c; May, 334c; July, 304G04c; No. 2
white 374c.
kye Firm at 4c.
FLOUR Dull: red winter Datents. $3 404 Met. at. Rr
.d6- extra tancy and atraigni, Kt iuaa tj.
Bifc.i limotny. steady,
mDVUClt o n .. n U
BRAN Firm: sacked, eaat track. 667e.
HAY Weak; timothy. $7.015.0); prairie. I
ikiim t un i ita i.o.
do let pro
do 2d pfd
St L A 8 F....
do let PM
do td pfd
It L B. W
do pfd
St Paul
do pfd
So Pacific
Railway ....
Railway P'd.
USt Union Pactfio
..112Vi do pfd
.. 71V Wabash ,
.. 46 do prd ,
.. SI W. A b. E ,
.. 70 14 do td pfd
.. 224 Wie. Central ....
.. 74 do pfd
.. 37 Adama Express. ..
..181-14 Amer. Express...
.. 17 V 8. Expreai....
.. n Wella-Farso Ex..
,.. 114 Amal. Copper ...
.. 2i Amer. C. A F...
,.. 6f, do pfd
,.. 34 Amer. Un. Oil..
,..17 do pfd
...266' Amer. 8. A R....
... MS do pfd
,.. Ana. Mln. Co....
... ISSlBrk. Kap. Tr....
,.. a Colo. K. A I
... t4
... M4i
... M
... 4
... 6
... 40
... M't
... 23
... 1
... 17
... i4
... 714
... M
... 44
... 74
... o
... 704
... ?4L
... to
... U4
.... 114
.... s24
Con. Gas
Con. Tob. pfd
General Electric ..
Hocking Coal
lnt'n'l Paper
do Dfd
Tnt'n'l Power
Laclede Oaa
National Blecult ..
National Lead ....
No. American
Pacific Coast
Pacific Mail
People's Oaa
Preaaed Steel Car..
do pfd
Pullman Pal. Car..
Republic Steel
do pfd
Tenn. C. A I
V. B. A P. Co....
do pfd
V. B. Leather
do pfd
V. 8. Rubber
do pfd
V. 8. Steel
do pfd
Western Union ....
Am. Locomotive ..
do pfd
K. C. Southern....
do pfd
Rock (eland
du ptd
. 42V
. I4
. 28
. 474
. 13
. 12
. 344
. 484
. 444
. 34
. 164
. 404
. se
. MS
. 44
. 20
. 164
. 70
.. 444
. P 1
. 434
. 234
. t4
. 4
. 194
,. 7S
,. 44
,. 104
,. 72
,. 134
.. M
.. 16
.. 60
.. 35 V
.. 44
.. 27
.. t.14
. . 10
.. 63
.. 444
New York Money Market.
Kaaaas City Grata aad ProTlaloaa,
67Vu674c; July. 624c; cah, No. 2 hard, b4
tiic; No. 4, st4'utii4c; io. 4. wfjuec; re
jected, 6li4ii62c; No. 2 red, 6&ij7oc; No. 3,
6tku6hc: rei elota. 115 cars.
CORN May. 374c; July, S6(a37c; casn.
No. 2 mixed, 3434c; No. I white, 40c; No.
S. :W4c.
OATS No. 1 white, S435c: No. 2 mixed.
RYK NO. 2. 46C.
HAY Choice timothy. $12.754HJ 00: choice
prairie woo.
11 1 iLiv-t.rniiry, itj'on:; aairy, xancy,
EGGS- Fresh. 124c.
Receipts. Shipments.
82.000 27,20)
4o.''00 4.0l
, 18,000 7.0M)
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu ,
Oata, bu
Philadelphia Prodace Market.
Steady. moderate demand; extra western
creanury, 224c; nearby prints, 23c.
LliiS Firm, good demand; fresh nearby
at 16c at the mark; western. J643I64C;
aouthwextern. 16c: southern. 18alS4c.
t'HEKSE Scarce and Brm; old New
York, full creame, choice, small. I4i6c;
fulr to aood. small. linK'nc: amall. choice.
144c; fair to aood. larse, 14ai44c; beat
here, 1JQU4C; lair 10 soou nere, tuuic.
Illwaakee Orala Market.
MILWAl'KF.E, May 4. WHEAT Steady;
No. 1 northern. 74y'4c; No. Z northern,
7tj79c: July. 724c
RVi:-Firm: No. 1. 63c.
BARLEY Firm; No. 2, rc; sample, 46
CORN-July. 444c
Liverpool G(ata aad Provtalaas.
firm; No. 2 red, western, winter, 6s 24d:
No. 1 northern, spring, 6s $43; No. I Call-
NEW YORK. May 4.-MONEY-On call
eaay at 2'a2 per cent; cioxinft onered at
per cent: time money, nominal: aixty oaya,
r4T per cent; ninety aayx, ei per cenr
six months, 444 per cent; prime mercan
tile nnner. Miw per cent.
HTKKLIMi KAt-riAistiK nrm, ai n ini
for demand, and at $4 S4h5a i.M.o for sixt
days; posted rates. $4 8h5 and $4.ho4; com
mfrclfll I1 lfl 14.
SILVP:R Bar. 64c; Mexican dollars, 42c
HON Da Oovernment, easier; rauroaa, ir
ripiilfi r
The closing quotations on bonds are as
U 8. ret to, rf....lVL A N. unl. 4a 1004
do eoupoQ lu iMex. Central ia 7x.
do 3a, res 107V do 1I Inc 27
do couoon lOi'a M. A CI. L. 4a l"e
do new 4a. ref 1 i M.. K. A T. 4. H
do coupon 134 1 do 3a
do old 4e. res 1104'N. V. C. f. 3,
do coupon 11 ' N. J. C. (. 6a..
do 6a. ref n:'i No Paciflc 4a...
do coupon 1"- do
Atcblaon (en. 4
do adj. 4a...
Bel. A Ohio 4a.
do "-
do codv. 4a
Canada 80. 3a 1
C. of O. t t"
do lat Inc 14
C. A O. 44e 104
C. A A. 3a 77
C . B. A y a. 4e ... 14
C. M. A 8 P. s 4a..l"
C. A N. W. e. 7e...lJ4
C. B. I. A P. 4s..
err. A 8t L. s 4i
Chicago Ter. 4a....
Colorado So. 4a....
Denver A t O. 4a
Erie prior lien 4e
do general 4a.
. 71
.lu0' N. A W. con. 4a
.. 'V Heading gen. 4l
..101 ig. L. A I. M. e. ta..U2
.. 4 bt. U A 8 r. 4a
.1(4 SI. L. 8. W. la M
do 3a 31
S. A. A A. P. 4a... M4
Ho. racinc a i
Ko. Railwar aa tl
T. A P. II 117
T . St L A W. 4a. 14
I nlon Pacltc 4a to.'
do conv. 4a 101
loci, Wabash la lit
luoi! do 2a 11
01 V do drb. B la
0 Weat Shore 4a 1I01
H4 W. A L. E. 4a 31
34 Wli. Central 4a 01
M4 Coo. Tob.
P W. A D. C. la.. 1104 Colo. Fuel
Hock Valley 44a. ..107 Rock lalaad 4a.
Wool Market.
rt inns. Mav 4-woni Quri- me
dlum aradea and combing, lfal8c: light tin
Italic: heat'y nne. ionise tuu waanea. is
VADV t .. A ULTr1 HMrm
a,re awne , , -
Date. I 1903. 11902. 11901. 1900.11K.198.187.
S 72
$ 61
$ 61
6 46 2 71 8 61
6 45 3 75 2 63
6 421 $ 77 3 73;
3 721 3 M
1 74i
3 67
$ 66
8 65
8 67
6 86
6 39;
t 34
5 3
$ 71
8 4
8 79
8 S9I 8 77
3 (
8 83
8 61
$ 65
3 66
3 68
8 90
3 8
3 93
8 d.
8 87
8 91
8 91
8 04
S 83
8 64
8 n
3 U
8 n
8 77
8 76
3 74
3 Kn
2 79
8 71
8 72
.. 4,572 6.108 2.002
r"ATTIJ-i There waa auite a liberal run
of cattle here this morning and, as other
points were also well aupplled, the tendency
of prices was downward at all polnta.
Trading, though, was fairly active at the
decline, so the bulk of the offerings waa
disposed of In good season.
A larger proportion or tne receipts man
usual was made up of beef steers this
morning and the general market could be
quoted about V10c lower than the close of
last week. The greatest decline was on
the heavy cattle, while tne nanoy wetgnts
f good nean and quality in a good many
cases were only .a , trine lower, t-acaera
seemed to want the eattle and simply took
dvantage ot tne liberal . receipts to ouy
them for leas money..
There were not very many cows ana neii-
ers Included in the offerings, so the market
held about steady. In some cases salesmen
were calling the market a little lower, but
as a general thing anything desirable sold
In last week's notches. Owing to the mod
erate offerings everything was disposed of
in good season.
Bulls were in good demand and prices
showed no particular change. Veal calves
also commanded steady prices.
Speculators did not takr nold or stockers
and feeders any too freely and as a result
prices were, if anything, a little lower than
thev were last Friday. The good cattle
seemed to be a little lower as well as the
common kinds. There were not very many
on sale. thouKh, ao salesmen did not meet
with much difficulty in disposing of what
arrived. Representative Miles:
No At. rr. No. At. Pr.
1 420 1 25 34 1242 4 46
1 400 $ K 17 10t2 4 46
1 320 3 30 40 1143 4 tn
I 1060 4 00 13 1213 4 70
t 324 4 00 44 1217 4 70
It 737 4 00 34 1270 4 70
3. 1013 4 10 124 1233 4 10
I 40 4 30 It 1217 4 70
4 366 4 30 6 1343 4 TO
31 1023 4 20 10 1083 4 70
t 341 4 35 40 1347 4 70
4 1060 4 40 16 124 4 71
II 367 4 40 22 1176 4 73
1 333 4 40 t 1206 4 75
16 1022 4 45 14 1.1S0 4 73
30 333 4 45 13 1231 4 75
1 1013 4 30 43 1233 4 76
4 365 4 bt 10 1224 4 76
3 336 4 60 17 1331 4 73
5 1004 4 60 63 1260 4 71
3 370 4 60 40 1331 4 34
T 1110 4 65 32 1343 4 60
3 34 4 K 3: 1263 4 60
31 1111 4 65 T 1222 4 30
13 1036 4 55 43 1333 4 3d
3 123 4 30 33 1324 4 30
16 12t 4 40 1 1125 4 30
It 1101 4 30 41 14M 4 35
17 1321 4 40 31 1304 4 35
17 1210 4 40 30 1431 4 36
16 tUl 4 40 K 1314 4 35
40 1143 4 40 1 1363 4 36
20 1067 4 30 21 1444 4 35
13.... 1220 4 43 13 1422 4 33
4 1272 4 46 T 133 4 30
3 1173 4 45 3t 1374 4 M
36 10LO 4 35 t4 1243 4 30
1 1050 4 CS 1 1340 4 34
41 1130 4 45 U 1243 6 (Id
1 710 4 00 M 373 4 44
14 306 4 36 5 344 4 44
10 406 4 25 14 1043 4 34
323 4 35 W 1113 4 41
Jt 101-7 4 36 It 1131 4 73
U M3 4 3S
13 1014 3 Hi 34 1043 4 34
23 313 4 26 373 4 M
40 1244 4 76
101 t71 4 30
I 1013 4 40 4 1144 4 44
g 1003 4 63 3 1164 4 40
17 1121 4 40 40 1227 4 43
1 760 t 00 1 334 3 43
I ., 2 00 1 10M 3 45
t 316 I HO 1 130 3 14
1 710 3 00 1 370 8 76
t 70 1 25 1 HIS 3 73
1 1W t 23 1 1054 3 76
1 K0 $ 26 I 336 3 76
3 :. 376 3 35 4 3iu i .6
1 11,16 3 30 1 M4 3 73
1 7l 3 45 t 10I6 3 71
1 1000 1 46 3 1203 I 30
1 1W.0 t 13 It 10115 3 30
( 632 I 76 3 1145 3 30
1 170 t 75 3 1W4 3 34
1 I?0 I 76 ( 1034 3 36
I. 80 I 00 1 1344 4 00
760 3 1 1030 4 04
1 334 3 04 3 1264 4 04
1 10U0 3 04 1 1370 4 00
3 363 3 00 17 1034 4 04
t 360 3 00 10 1013 4 00
3 84 3 14 1 1140 4 0,
1..., 1000 3 It t llf.7 4 04
! 3 20 t 1330 4 00
3 313 3 20 i 1140 4 06
1 1010 IK 5 344 4 10
1 30 I 26 3 4 4 10
2i 473 3 25 4 1162 4 10
4H0 3 25 1 1444 4 10
3 K5 I li 3..... 1144 4 10
1 1010 3 30 4 1226 4 14
1 1140 3 30 10 320 4 10
3 10"4 3 SO 12 660 4 10
1 80 3 36 3 1031 4 14
1 W 3 U 3 1143 4 10
14 1107 35 4 1024 4 13
1 670 3 40 3 1305 4 14
1 102S 3 tn 1 1424 4 16
1 3 64 1 M7 4 13
1 1030 3 64 1., K40 4 16
1 11M 3 60 1 1124 4 20
I M 3 6o 1 1434 4 2
111 3 14 3 1043 4 25
t 42 3 40 4 1146 4 35
5 11 --0 3 46 1 1364 4 25
1 13 211 3 46
U 71,1 3 70 3 M III
t 334 I 26 1 3 34
t ,H i SO II 637 ill
634 I at i 433 4 00
1 6'.. It 376 4 14
1. 46 3 06 t 373 4 34
3 627 3 14 3 734 4 34
1 474 3 36 13 34 4 34
1 H 3 2i 37 431 4 26
3X1 3 24 33 1044 4 33
$3 471 $ 33 1 336 i 33
6n 8 4"
44 3 7
t 1073 4 39
I ..
3 ..
I. ..
II. ..
1 ..
, 16
, U
... MI
... 6:2
... 760
4 76
4 76
5 30
6 00
3 no
3 jo
3 6"
3 76
3 25
3 to
3 40
3 60
t 31
3 70
3 73
3 76
3 76
3 75
3 73
, 120
, 10
, 1V1
, K'5
, 30
t 26
3 26
3 23
t :
4 6l
4 60
3 64
i 76
3 30
3 40
3 M
3 3
3 30
3 tn
3 36
.ir.o 4 oo
3 26
, 1031
30 3 64
75 3 60
3 64
3 75
3 to
3 30
3 30
l n
4 14
324 4 00
610 4 00
4 34
4 04
4 4t
4 25
4 80
, 832 4 30
. 313 4 30
, 787
, 343
, 301
, 841
4 34
4 :
4 40
4 40
4 60
4 64
413 4 60
. 20
4 30
4 74
.1341 4 30
. 360 3 75
4 m
4 35
1054 4 30 3
, 324 8 60 1
280 8 76
410 t 64 1 664 3 00
133 1 80 1 1040 1 19
420 1 sr.
HOOS There -was a fair supply of hogs
In sight this morning for a Monday, hut
quite a few of them were consigned direct
to local packers. Early reports trom other
points were unfavorable, ao buyers started
In here to pound the market. They did not
get many hogs though, and finally the
market became Just about ateady with
Saturday. Toward the cloae It looked as
tnougn packers were not going to get
enough hogs to supply their wants and
some hogs sold a little stronger. The gen
eral market though was Just about steady
with the clore of last week. Tho bulk of
the hogs sold from $6,724 to 26.7Y4 and as
man aa to.Bi) waa nam. rcvervtmnar waa
disposed of before the middle of the fore
noon. Representative sales:
No. Av.
19 Ill
58 1D9
73 222
61 257
65 245
91 217
70 202
82 235
73 237
68 230
64 233
60 222
62 246
64 214
72. .....229
85 229
67 271
58 268
62 281
60 250
65 228
67 261
67 232
66 230
72 240
51 268
64 260
73 252
8h. Pr.
... 6 50
80 6 65
... 6 674
160 6 70
80 6 70
SO 6 70
80 6 70
160 6 724
80 6 724
... 6 72'.
6 724
6 72 4
6 724
6 75
6 75
6 76
6 75
6 75
6 75
6 75
6 75
6 75
6 75
6 75
6 75
280 6 75
... 6 75
6 75
No. Av. Sh. Pr.
22 252 M 6 75
64 255 80 6 76
74 2f,9 160 6 75
80 2.T8 40 6 75
69 2.13 ... 6 75
69 249 200 6 75
61 248 80 6 75
78 249 40 6 75
70 20 ... 6 75
75 251 80 6 774
62 256 160 6 77 4
76 246 ... 6 77 4
68 256 SO 6 77 4
64 269 200 6 774
66 241 ... 6 77 4
64 273 160 6 774
66 302 ... 6 77 4
65 2!7 160 6 774
62 272 40 6 77 4
67 255 ... 6 77 4
65 289 1 60 6 774
68 263 200 6 774
61 258 80 6 80
68 297 80 C 80
73 256 80 6 80
18 2M) ... 6 80
47 280 120 ( 80
SHEEP There was a lleht run of sheen
and lambj this morning and the quality
was common, backers thouarh had to have
some fresh supplies and buyers Ktarted out
eonjf uiuuing consiaeraoiy nigner prices on
even the common kinds such aa arrived.
Traders as a general thing were calling th?
market 1625c higher. There was no good
stuff on sale, so that the market on paper
doea not show the advance. Everything
offered in the way of fat stuff waa dlposej
of at an early hour.
mere was no particular change In the
feeder situation as the demand Is mill very
Quotations for clipped stock: Choice weft
em lambs, $6.00&6.60; fair to good lambs,
$5.00(g.00; choice western wooled lambs,
$6.50i7.15: fair to good wooled lambs, $6.0u'it
6.60; choice lightweight yearlings, $5.50
6.76; fair to good yearlings, $4.50&5.25: cnoice
wethers $5.0C(&5.25: fair to good wethers,
$4.254.65: choice ewes, $4.50g4.65; fair to
good ewes. $3.504.25; feeder lambs, $3.50
4.50; feeder yearlings. $3.60&4.00; teedei
wethers, $3.50Q4.00: feeder ewes, $2.25(3.50.
Representative sales:
22 western yearlings ,
144 western yearlings ,
206 western lambs
1 ewe
161 cull lambs
37 cull ewes
25 cull ewes
23) feeder lambs
519 western buck lambs
770 western lambs
29 western lambs
A v. Pr.
66 $6 50
83 6 50
69 6 75
70 2 50
64 2 50
86 3 60
65 3 50
65 4 00
71 4 50
60 6 50
71 6 60
Cattle Iaiellne Lower, Hosts Steady to
Strong;, While Sheep Rise.
CHICAGO, May 4. CATTLE Receipta,
28.000 head; steady to 10c lower; native
steers, prime, $5.0035.60; ponr to me jm,
$4.004.90: ntockers and feeders, $3.25j.l0;
cows. $1.50(64.75; heifers. $2,50415.30; canners,
$1.50(g2.80; bulK $2.50 1.40: calves, 12. COS. 75;
Texas fed steers, $I.On&4.75.
HOGS Receipts, Si.OcO head: estimated to
morrow, 16.0H head; left over. 3.00) head;
market steady to strong; mixed and butch
ers, $6.867.06; good to choice heavy, $7.0Oiy
7.124; rough heavy, $ii.8r'ft?6 97; light, $6.6J(f:
6.874: bulk of sales, $.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 14.C0)
head; sheep, steady to 10c higher; lamb-',
iodise higher; good to choice wethers, $4.75
5.50; fair to choice mixed. $3.75rc4.50; west
ern 8heep, $4.7546.50; native lambs, $4.&0fl
7.10; western lambs, $4.504j7.10.
Official Saturday:
Cattle A3
Hogs 6,418
Sheep 2.114
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 3.600 head nativea. 1.290 head Tex
ans, 500 head native calves; beeves ateady
to weak, quarantines lower; cows anil
heifers, steady to strong; stockers and
feeders, steady; stock calves, weak; choice
export and dressed beef steers, $4.70470.3);
fair to good, $3.65Sfi.70; stockers and feed
ers, $3.00474 80; western fed steers. $3.0"ij)
6.10; Texaa and Indian steers, $2.6! j, 1.80;
Texas cows. $1.753.50; native cows."$1.53
4.85; native heifers, $2.504i4 80; canners, $1.35
2.75; bulla, $3.0044.50; calves, $2.7urg6.75.
HOGS Receipts, 7.f00 head: mdrket 6c
lower; top, $6.!0; bulk of sales, J8 7oj.K5;
heavy, $6.80434.90; mixed packers. IS 656 S3;
light, $6,604)6.80; yorkers, $6,704)6 8); pigs
BHKEf AND LAMBS HSC til fits. 7 101
head; market steady; lambs, 1(V higher;
native lambs, $4,234)7.00: western lambs, $10)
416.90; fed ewes, $3.'4Ji5.2i; native wethers
$4.o04P6.86; Texaa clipped sheep, 4.'.6&6 0;
stockers and feeders, $3. 704? 4. 15.
New York Live Stock Market.
NEW YORK, Msy 4. CATTLE Recelnts.
4.615 hesd; steers, 1'!4j15c lower: demand
fair; bulls, firm; fm cows, strong 10:
lower, others rteady. all sold: steers. 14 fio.i
6.60; bulls, $3.5&4.50; cows. $2,104)4.00. Cables
quoted live came easier at liv,f(iic (latter
extreme!, areaseo weigni ; shipments to
morrow, estimated. 2.155 head cattle, 1,090
head sheep and 4,900 quarters of beef.
CALVES Receipts. l.o67 head: active and
bOc higher: veals. $4.O)4j'7.0); extra, $7.2i;
city dressed veals, higher. 744jl04e.
HtXiS Kecelnts. 1.142 head: market lie
lower: state and PennfylvanU. $7.1u'a7.25.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelnis. 7.112
head; sheep, steady; lambs. MKfii'Oc higher;
unshorn sheep, $3.7.-n6.cO: cllno-d soeeo.
$3.01(85.00; unnhorn lambs, $5 5)4)7.5): clipped
mbs. Ji.Oia7.60: clipped culls. $4 50: south
ern spring lambs, $5.
lAY MEffl
The most important question before the speculative
and investment public today is whether the high point on
May Wheat will be $1.40 or whether my famous $2.00 pro
diction of August 11th will be fulfilled. July wheat will
isell above $ 1.00 and September will sell in the OO's.
Monday's issue of the RED LETTER contain
beyond question the most profitable forecast ever published.
It will go into detail, explaining fully why the present
Wheat deal will prove the most gigantic and sensational
in the history of the pit. The reverse side of the letter
will also contain an article on the great inducements of
fered to those who invest in
and the coming Bear deal in Cotton futures.
259-261 LA SALLE ST., - - - CHICAGO.
! Chicago Open Board of Trade.
Boston ninlng and Stock Exchange.
Consolidated Stock Exchange of Philadelphia.
Omaha Office, Room A, N. Y. Life Bide;.
JULIAN H. OLSEEN, Mgr. Tel. 3372.
Bsu-gumt) m iL.M)- mmmmKMiui mu.j .. si.u.M)RWsrrW i.m.j.i.
Never before in the history of American mining has so much publlo Interest beer
taken and expressed as In Thunder Mounts! n, Idaho (geographically described by Wil
liam Allen White, In a recent issue of the " Saturday Evening Post." as "The Pot of
Gold") And never before has such an oppo rtuity been offered as now presented by
which in the strictest and broadest sense Is a legitimate investment not a mere pros
pect. The property consists often full mining claims (208 acres) Immediately ad
joining the great "Dewey" mine, whose fabulous richness the most skeptical dare not
deny. Stock In the "Dewey" (original par value $1.00), Is now held at $8.00 per share,
and none for sale. The "South Dewey" being located on the same great ledge, and ad
joining the "Dewey," known throughout, the district as the "Dewey" dyke and having
the same ore body, can justly claim to equal, if not surpass In value the original
"Dewey" (when the same amount of development work haa been done) since It Is
one-third larger In area. The ore Is free milling and assays an average of $6.11 to
the ton, with occasional pockets running very much higher. Low grade, free mllll'ig
ores are the most permanent aa well as the most profitable, for the reason that they
can be converted into bullion at a cost of $1 to $1.60 per ton. To continue the devel
opment work already done, as well as to purchase the necessary machinery for thor
oughly equipping the property, we have decided to place a limited amount of Treas
ury Stock on sale at 10 cents per share. The first ten stamp Installment of our hun
dred stamp will be shipped Aug. 15, 1903, and we feel fully warranted in believing that
we can earn dividends within 30 days from the time our mill is running. We own tho
property outright. There are no salaried officers. The stock (par value $1.00) is
non-assessable, with no personal liability. The present allotment now offered at 10 '
cents will be advanced from time to time, aa may be decided upon by the Board of
. The time to make money in any enterprise Is between its organisation and its first
dividend. Before purchasing stock we want you to write for our prospectus, giving
full particulars of our property, together with a most Interesting description of "Thun
der Mountain," which conservative investors admit is destined to become the greatest
gold mining camp the world has ever known.
Suite 730-74O Stock Exchange Bnlldinir, Chicago, 111.
Address or pall on M. J. GREEV V, 414 Bee Ddg,, OMAHA, NEB.
6.45; dressed beef and butcher steera, $1,169
6.2o; steers under 1,000 lbs., 3.50a6.(JO; ptock
ers and feeders, J2 Sj((M0; cows and hellers,
$2.0.00; canners, S3.254j3.0t); bulU, 12.6'Kij)
3.85; calves. i 6o(i7.0.); Texas and Indian
steers, H.IW(; cows and heifers, $.'.35
HOGS Receipts. 3.600 head; market slow,
easy; pigs ana lights, ti.tjufi6.(0; packers,
$6.66 8; butchers, $3.7Ffi7.0i).
SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts, 500
head; market quiet, 5ciluc higher: native
muttons, $4.7M25.75; lambs, JB.uKt7.o0; culls
and bucks, $2U'4.60; stockers, Ji.OlKtfH.OJ;
Texas, 3.75g-.7&.
4. Call loana, li
4H55 per cent, i
stocks and bonds:
Boston Stock Quotations.
cent; time loans,
closing prices on
Atchtaon 4a
Mei. Central 4a
ao Dfd
Boaton 4r Albany....
IiosUra Elevated
N V., N. H. & H..
Kltclibura pfd ...
Union Pacific ...
Mei. Central ...
Amer. Sugar ....
do pfd
Amer. T. T...
Dom. I.
Gen. Eleetiie ...
Maaa. Elect rlo ..
do pfd
United Fruit
V. . Steel....
do pfd
. m
. 27
. 10
. ait
Amalgamated ....
r'alumet tt llecla
Copper Hangs ....
III. Royal.
Old Dominion ....
Oaceola ..
Qulney ,
hanla Fa Copper..
Trlmountala ,
M r n I ted Stales
.107 Utah
I'.Vvl. luria
M per
... i
... (4
... 4H
... tl
... 17V4
... u
... 21
... 7
... SI
... "4
... 24
... 2t'
... '4
... 12
... Tl
New Tork Mining Quotations.
NEW TORK, May 4. -The following are
the quotations on the New Vork Stock exchange:
-. 20 l.lltl- Thief .
.. Zo Ontario
. to Opnlr
place your orders with
Members Principal Exchanges.
Writs for our dally letter.
4 Board Trade Building. Omaha.
'PLones lOod and 1017. PRIVATE WIRES,
Uembers Principal Excbangss.
Private Wires.
110-111 Board ot Trade.
W. E. WARD. Mgr. Telephone 1!;
Consign your grain to ths
And von will get best weights, best prlret
and quick returns.
Adama Cos
lirunewlck Con...
Comstnck Tunnel.
Con. C.I. A Vs..
Htrn Sliver
Iran Silver .......
Leadville Con
.. t
"Hl.rra Nevasa
Small Hopea ...
.. T
.. 20
.. 20
.. 10
.. SO
St. Joseph I,lvt Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mav 4 CATTLE -Recelnts
2.085 head; mostly 6ftl0c lower; natives, $i.jj
t3o.u; cows ana neirers, j.&CKgj.i0; stockers
and feeders. 13 6f'jj6. 15.
HOUt Receipts. 4.663 head; 6c lower;
light and llKht mixed. t67 '.: medium
and heavy, 6.75fj.90; bulk. Ii.7cj 80.
HMttr A.-MJ L.AMHS Receipts, 4.400
head; strong to loe higher; lambs, lrfcl c
higher: top Colorado lambs. 17.40: ton arias.
Texas sheep, $1.70.
Slonz Clr Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY, la.. May 4 (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 4,fnn; best
stockers active, higher, killers 10c lower;
beeves. $4.00(&6.00; cows, bulls and mixed,
2.(jfa4.25; stockers and feeders, $3.51X84.70;
calves and yearlings. H.Oo&t.fiO.
HOC.S-Receipts. 3.50H: 6c lower; selling
$6 606.86; bulk. M ft 8. 70.
Stock la Slant.
at the six principal western titles Saturday:
Cattle. Hogs. Blieen.
Omaha 4,481 .M9 1 537
I'hlrugO 2HIOI 82. mo 14.01)
Kaphas City S.M 7 00 7,10)
St. l.ouls 6.SIJU 8 601 60)
SI. Joseph 2.- 4. til 4,40)
Sioux City 4.6DO l.HQ
Totals 4i.l4 6d.12 28.63;
St. Lonls Lire Stockb.Markct.
BT. IXIU18. Msy 4 CATTLE Receipts.
6.600 head, including !.5)j Texn; market
steady for natives to lower for Texann;
native shipping and export steers, 4.fcJ
Aked. Assessment paid.
Foreign Financial.
LONDON. May 4. Money was somewhat
more abundant In the market today, but
supplies were still wanted to repay borrow
ings to tho Bank of Englaad. Discounts
were barelv steady. Business on the Hto k
exchange was Inanimate. Consols were
hrmer owing to expectations tnat the
Transvaal loans would be announced this
week under favorable terms. Americans
opened rather above parity and with busi
ness new. They Improved fractionally and
closed firm. Urand Trunks hardened on
the traffic returns being above anticipation.
Kaftlrs were Hat on rumors of an outbreak
of the plugue among the natives of Johan
nesburg. The amount of bullion taken into
the Hank of England on balance today was
4.4 V""
PARIS, May 4. Business on the bourse
opened Irregular today. Rentes were firm
and internationals generally had an upward
tendency. Industrials were inactive m.)
tlninK were heavy. koIiik off It. The gen
eral tone was heavy and trailng Inactive,
but prices closed firm. The private rule of
discount was V per cent. Three per cent
rentes. 98f t!V for the account. Exchange
on London, 2-r.f 16Wc for checks.
BKRI.IN, May 4. rumneis on tne Dourse
today opened somewhat depressed on ac
count of realizations, but later prices be
came firmer. Rentes were fractionally low
ered. Canadian Paciflc fluctuated on Amer-
lean reports. Money on can was queued hi
4 per cent. Exchange on ljondon. im'.t't
pfgs. for checks. Discount rates: Bhort
bills, 4 per cent; three months' bills, i per
Inter mui Molasses. ,
open kettle. 2fca7-16c; open kettle, cen
trifugal, 3'Vft 3Sc; centrifugal whites. 4,c;
yellows, HSftc, yellows. 4r44e; seconds,
"'aflS s-ltc. Molasses, open kettle, nominal,
13?jic; centrifugal, Mjlse. byrup, nominal,
steadv; refined, steady. Molasses. Arm.
IXNDON. May t.-SUtlAR-Btet. May,
Ss 4Vd.
Coffee Market.
Rlo, quiet. kUld, steady. Future opened
The Board of Public Lands and Buildings
will receive sealed bids at the office of the
secretary of state at the capltol, in Lincoln,
up to 12 o'clock noon on the 12th day o.
May, 1603, for the construction and putting
in place of 156 steel cella, :ogether wil.i
gratings, corridors, etc., In the state peni
tentiary at Lincoln according to the plans
and specifications therefor as prepared by
R. W. Grant architect, and now on flie
In the office ot commissioner ov public lamia
and buildings.
Each bid must be accompanied by a certi
fied check, payable to George W. Marsh,
secretary of stale, in a sum equal to s per
cent of the total amount bid upon. The
check of the successful bidder will be for
feited to the state should such bidder fall
within ten days after the awarding of such
n .. .. H si... ., ,. r. .. .. -..Ml.... ...
bond fur the faithful performance of such
contract in some surety or guarantee com
pany, authorized to do business In Ne
braska, to be approved by the Board of
Public Lands and Buildings. Said Board of
Public l.ands and Buildings reserves the
right to contract with the successful bidder
fur seventy-eight additional cells, built ac
cording to the same plana and specifica
tions above mentioned, at the same pro rate
price per cell as shall be contracted to be
paid for the 166 cells.
Said board reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Ut.UKiC W. M A KpH,
Secretary of Slate.
Dated Lincoln, Nebraska, April 27. 1D03.
AlfltdlOi M
The Board of Public ltnds ar.d Buildings
will receive bids on furniture and fixtures
for the penitentiary as per estimate on Ale
In the office of the commissioner of public
lands and buildings.
Bids will be received up until noon, 12
O'clork, on the 12th day of May 1903.
Bidders to submit ssmples of estimates
bid upon. The Board of Public I-ar.eie and
Buildings reserves the right to reject any
and ail blda. GEORGE W. MARSH.
Secretary of Board
A29 dlut M
unchanged tn S points higher, Influenced b
the better cables and prospective decreait
in world's vlalble, but ruled dull and wt
finally dull, net 6 points higher; salen tl 0
bales, including: July, l.lw:; August, 4 p c
September 4.2n-; November. 4 SeAiji 3k-- De
cember, 4 70c; March, 4.t-)c. '
Bank Clearings.
BT. LOUIS. May 4 Clearings, ll.tsusoi;
balances, 1,1C7,6oV; money, steady, ,vg4 par
cent; New York exchange, sec premium.