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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1903)
10 THE T)MAHA DAILY liEKs TUESDAY, MAY 5. 1003. If m mj.M ji,- m mi W Tuesday in tho Great ilS Domestic Room - .m. vstnrsi WM Men's Spring Hats Cushion I wn Clothing; FACTS AS TO CITY EXPENSES Citj Engineer Bwewa'er fihowi Absurditj of anti-Moora Statement PLAINLY MARKS SOME CAMPAIGN LIES fcawa (he Rrl Interest of the Elec tric LIM Monopolf In the Can Maaer ! C. f. Wright lor City Attorney To the Public: For the flrt time In many rears of public service I am Impelled la the Interest of truth to present a few words to the taxpayers and citizens re specting the expenditure of public money and other facts bearing upon punlls af fairs Statements are belns published In the World-Herald and News and have been for several years Just before public elections to the effect that the city payrolls have been and are padded for fraudulent election purposes. These statements have sem blance of truth, because they emauate from the city comptroller. They are absolutely false and without a foundation of truth. Comptroller Weathers; made such state ments three years ago, again two years ago, last year, and again this year. Every such payroll up to this data received his en dorsement as a memuer of the Board of Public Works and again the accounts were placed in the appropriation ordinances and warrants drawn by blm for their payment. If the, payrolls were padded It was his worn duty to vote them down as a mem ber of the Board of Public Works and to refuse issuing warrants for such alleged fraudulent work aa city comptroller. The fact that he allowed them proves the charges theu as now to be outrageous elec tion canards, calculated to destroy public confidence and to promote the election or defeat of special candidates. I never bavo knowingly made a misstatement to the public In my life to promote or defeat any man and condemn such practice aa sub versive of public Interests and the manu facture of such statements can only re act on the authors. Mrs Km ployed hy City. The total number of men In the employ f the city at any one time this year, In all departments of labor, sowers, pave ments, grades, street sweeping and Inspec tion, has not exceeded 237, Inclusive cf teamsters, foremen, etc. In the past week the total number has not exceeded 183 and thla Includes the permanent employes who have served from six to ten years. If divided equally between democrats and republicans tbey would only figure ninety two each. If all republicans there would only be ninety-one employes more of one party than another who couU be charged up' to political party advantage. Does anyone pretend that ninety-one men or even the entire 183 men are a controlling factor In an election where 18,000 votes are polled? It Is simply an Insult to com mon Intelligence to make such an Imputa tion. Again Mr. Hitchcock, Insinuating gen eral corruption and mismanagement, stated Saturday evening that if the entire democratic ticket were elected the cost of city government would be reduced S3 per cent. Considering that 85 per cent of the city, tax Is made up of fixed charges and the balance, IS vper cent, being salaries and wage oi ' workingmen and toams, there could be only 15 per cent saved if all men, teams, clerks and public officers would work' for nothing. An honest and careful consideration would show the impossibility of curtailing these expenses beyond 2 per cent ' and only to the detriment of the publlo service. . About Electric Monopoly. The news cited an Interview with an ofTV Ul'Pf the. General Electrlo company of Chicago who la alleged to have said tb l errupt government of Omaha has driven away capital. Considering that nearly nil tho corrupt transaction In Omaha arf those of the 'electric company, through their " unscrupulous general manager, Mr. Nash, such statements ' come with poor grace'. Even the News which circulates thla kind of rot has columns in Its past issues to 'prove what every one knows t. b the real facts. The fact is if capital li cr has been driven away it Is due to the libels against the city of this nature cir culated by the men who make such charges i.nnually for partisan ends and temporary t dvantage. Thus we see circulated with great promises of reform the appeal for the election of C. C. Wright to the office of city attorney. He is cited as clean, etc. That he Is clean shaven is true, but connl derlng that he is the attorney put up In the Interest of the New Thomson-Houstoii Flectrlc Light company from whom he' ew pay to defeat the submission of the r -ly ' electric franchlso which offered tc endure taxation and develop cheap powr election would only be placing a rowan? for corporation su'ceervlency. He has, 'tis true, signed tho platform of the democracy declaring himself In favor of tbe refer endum law and public ownership. He roust mean ownership of public men by the franchised corporations. The proposition he hlf d out to Fred Naih to oppose wail to submit the question to the people. M was called for by 16 per cent of thp votcrr representing over 60 per cent of the tsx paylng public and unaer the refcrendun- New Special Bargains in the Great STRAW MATTING SALE Fresh, new Mattings, the choice of an entire shipload, brought forward tomorrow for the first time. Even the Immense sale of today could not noticeably deplete our stock of Straw Matting the choice of an entire shipload. We secured a gigantic pur chase at Just about one-half Its r gular value. All grades of Chinese heavy and Japanese fine cotton warp Matting. Many of them In the new art carpet effects. We s?ert positively that never have such high class Straw Mat tings been sold nt such extremely moderate prices. All the 25c and 33c 1rMln In one lol t t yard All the fUo and 40)rl 7 fie Mnttlnara mot Mattings In one at a yard lot beautiful Chinese anct Jnpanepe effect ever seen in Omaha at yard Few people can understand the feel ing of the pugilist as be is bein counted out. He hear the seconds ticked off. He truegles to rise, but struggles in vain. lie has lost the fight. , ' There are some who are making a losing fight for life that can appreciate this; those whoa; lungs are diseased. , With every tick of the watch, they know that they are being counted out. The great question is how can quick , rally be made to continue the fight , against disease t Many who have asked that question have found a satisfactory answer in the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It cures bronchitis, obstinate, deep-seated coughs, hemor rhage, night sweats, emaciation, and other conaitioua which if neglected or unskilfully treated may find a fatal . termination in consumption. ' "When I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's , Caldca Medical Duoovery," wrim Mr. John T. I B-eed of Jrfferson, JtStnau Co., Ark., "1 was ; vary low wna a euugn. auu wotua at lime xpit t ap wood. 1 u not able to do any work at all. ' waa weak and my head wu diuy. The first , bottle I took dij me ao much good thnt I had faith ia it a ad couttnued until I had taken twelve bottle. Now I do not look like nor lerl like the sain man a I waa a year ago. People were astonished and aaid they did not think I could uv. I can thaukfullv say that I era entirely cured of a diarate froua which had it not teeea (or your wonderful ' Ducovcry ' I would have died There are cures behind every claim made for the "Discovery," which no "Juat aa good" medicine can show. Dr. Pierce' Pleasant Pellets cleanse the bowels and auutulate th alugjji.ii liver. ?so Petticoats at 75c The Greatest Petticoat Sale Ever Held in Omaha. We have Just made a lucky pur chase of 2,700 of the finest and prettiest Petticoats, bought for spot cash from a New York exclu. slve manufacturer of Petticoats. We secured his entire sample line, as well as his over-stock. Made of the very finest Mercerized Like Satin, Italian cloth and Farmer satin, some with wide and narrow ruffles, others with deep flounces and many rows of juby rucblng, wide and narrow pleated In black, black and white and all colors- a great many of them worth from 12.00 to S.'t fifl ennh square e Ik ice. '. 50c All-Over Laces 15c We have just received from a New York importer all his sample pieces and broken lots of all kinds of All-Over n 'I in; it 1:1.1 Aiu.b: sioitu. mm Imported Madras, lipht grounds, dark stripes and OEfifk figures, very desirable for Ladies' Shirt Waists fUjIa and spring gowns, worth 50c, only tMr9 Extra line imported Hatistes, fancy colors, In stripes A IS" and figures, and the soft finish imported Percales, B Rfl ! worth 30c, only HVJU The imported Organdies, Swisses, and Ditni- fljOj ties, in all the newest shadings, stripes and figures, Bnn worth 25c, only Extra fine and heavy Dress Gingham, Mack Sateens, 17 I'rinted P.atistes and Lawns, worth 15c, One counter Percales, Seersucker Ginghams, Black fp Sateens and Dimities, worth 12 Jc, nfif enly WW Laces, suitable for making entire waists and yokes black, while, ecru and tan, MANY WORTH UP TO 50o a yard, on bargain square at.... C. Ptunbti & pon jlf. 'jE. QvnnUXa pons fflffti W'MI'IILMI Ml We Make a Personal Study of all tooth cases that are presented for our advice. Examination and estimates given free of charge. Gold Crowns, 16.00. vwprnE DENTIST HI IF B In tho Big Domestic Room at White Goods Department 33c fancy Oxford Waist-n 1 40c oil Turkey IJed Damask, 1 1 2" ings, at yard. 50c mercerized Oxford and Cheviot Waistings, QKf ' at yard fcUU 30c fringed Damask Towels, at. I9c CO in. wide, 9Kf at taaWW GOc ready to use Sheets, size 81x90 torn, not cut AQt at iff wU 10c fine Cambric, 3G in wide, at 63c , - . i - A Sample Lot on Sale Tuesday We nrc going to sell good lints nt lower prices than the men of Omahn nre nccus tomcd to pay for them. $1.00 for Hats worth 2.00 $1.50for Hats worth 2.50 $2.00forHats worth 3.00 These are the exact savings you make in this sale, start ing Tuesday morning and continuing until all are sold out. These Hats represent samples that we made our spring se lection from. There is one of a kind and the assortments contain all the newest and nobbiest blocks and colors shown this season. nmtM ibi jjayn p.'iHLVtf "'ITIIiliin1 1 WIT mm j2)&olU;S)i prlnclplo should have been submitted to the people. Wright' Real Position. Mr. Wright's opposition to this aa the hired nan of the electric light monopoly is a better test of his real standing than bis simple signature to a meaningless platform, so far as he Is concerned. Mr. Wright's entrance Into court under the name of Stephen Rice, a laborer In the employ of Ih? electric company, compelling him under oath to sign a paper In the sole Interest of the electric light monopoly Bbows to what length that clean gentleman is ready to go. He claimed In court his client was laborer Rice, but In prints he has admitted that hit real client was the greatest corruptlonlst corporation In this city. Can such a man be trusted to honestly urge municipal own ership of electric light? If not. Is It to thr rubllc Interest to support him for city at torney and thereby give tho electric com pany one more graft on the public officials of Omaha? ANDREW ROSEWATER. Mucnteferlng benefit tonight. First Con- grpgatlonal church. Nichols Broadfield, printers. Tel. 1942. ELECTION DAY POLICEMEN C'lilrf Donahue Instructs Sevrnty-SIx Plirrlnl Men on Their Dntlea. Seventy-six epeclnl policemen have been sworn In tor election day. Tbey were lined up before Chief Donahue yesterday and given their Instructions. They were cau tioned to see to the enforcement of the ordi nance tequlring all saloons to be closed on election day and to Immediately report any Infractions. Saloons will not "be permitted to be open from the opening of the polls until after tho closing. Tho oua hundred yards limit on either side of the voting places Inside of which no canvassing or electioneering will be tolerated will also br rigidly enforced. KEARNEY MAN DISAPPEARS Comes to Omaha (or Snrajlcal Opera tion, bat Myaterlonal y Drop Ont of Sight. About three weeks ago William Morean nf Kearney arrived In the city and registered at the St. James hotel. He took supper there and remained over niEht. The oaten. slble purpose of bis visit to Omaha was to undergo a second operation for appendicitis at St. Joseph's hospital. He left the hotel the morning following his arrival, presum ably to go to the hospital, but since then nothing has been heard from him. H dM not go to the hospital, at least no record It to do round or blm In any of the Omaha hospitals. He was a single man of consid erable means and was interested in stock raising In the vicinity of Kearnev. A few days ago friends were In the city making Inquiries about him, but have thus far been unaDie to nnd the aligbtest clue. He was e man of abstemious habits and bis dlsnp pearance is unaccountable. CLEANLY WOMAN. May Yet He Unveil. All who have severe lung troubles need Pr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. It cures or no pay. Mc, $1.00. For sale by Kuhn 4 Co. Announcement nt the Theaters. Election returns will be snnounced from the Orpheuin stage during the performance tonight. Arrangements have been made to get the earliest reports and the audience will be knpt thoroughly posted on the count. The vaudeville bill this week Is on? of the strongest of the season and to gether with election news has stimulated the sale of seats so that a full bouse Is almost a forejone conclusion. The present splendid bill "Heart and Sword," being presented by the Ferris Block company at the Boyd, will be suc ceeded on Thursday by a modern drama with a melodramatic tinge, "The Young Wife." The story tells of the devotion of a young woman, .who married the adopted sen of a very wealthy capitalist, to her yrung husband. The natural, but discarded and dissolute son of the capitalist murders bis father to shield his tbefu of money. The crime Is laid at ' the dcor of the yrung husband, but he Is spared the hu miliation of arrest by his wife, who con fesses that she committed the crime. Of courfe evfrythlng t-ads all right and all git h's Juet di'S.-rts. Mr. Ferris enacts the role of the young husband and Miss Favey that cf the young wife. Lincoln Kibbie, who with the Ferris company last season, joined the company yesterday. Brronennaly Thinks by Sconrlna; Her Sealp That She Cures Dandruff. Cleanly woman has an erroneous idea that by scouring the scalp, which removes the .andrult scales, she Is curing the dandruff. She may wash her scalp every day, and yet have dandruff her life long, accompanied by falling hair, too. The only way In the world to cure dandruff is to kill the germ, and there is no hair preparation that will do that but Newbro's Herplclde. Herplclde killing the dandruff germ leaves the hair free to grow as healthy nature Intended. Destroy the cause, you remove the effect. Kill the dandruff germ with Herplclde. Muentefering benefit tonight. First Con gregational church. A few vacant rooms and only a few However, among these are one or two of our choicest rooms and some small, but very desirable rooms. All these offices have the advantage, without extra charge, of splendid janitor service all night and Sunday elevator service, electric lights, hardwood finish, and the best of office neighbors. THE BEE BUILDING Four per cent Interest paid on deposits. Certificates Issued for 3, 6 or 12 months bearing 4 per cent Interest. Deposits pay able on demand. No notice required. Chocks on all banks cashed. J. L BRANDEIS & SONS, Bankers St. PnnI anil Itntarn. 51S..1.1. On April 21 and 28 the Illinois Central R. R. will sell tickets to St. Paul and Mlune apolia and return at rate of T12.S5, good for return 21 days from date of sale. Tickets at No. 1402 Farcam St. W. II. BRILL, D. P. A., Omaha, Neb. (ItW Hrwanl, It has eome to our Information that a large number of fraudulent voters have been registered and we offer a reward of $100 for the arrest and conviction of every illegal voter at election ' held Tuesday, May 6. C. S. HAYWARD, Chairman Benson Executive Committee. C. C. BELDE.N', Vice Chairman. Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure Cures backache Is highly endorsed by Omaha people. Comes in two sizes. Our price, ice and 75c. Schaefcr's Cut Price Drug i Store. 16th and Chicago streets. Sam'l Burns Is selling a nice "Lltbey" bonbon Cith for $2 00. Farm loans. Co., 410 N. Y. Lifo Building. Tel. 470. Two Rooms at $10 Per Honth A Suite of Two Rooms On These rooms nre rather Btiiall, the tifth floor. These rooms are but so Is the rental price. They both fair-sized rooms and have are well located and are decld- been newly decorated, so that edly attractive little rooms. The ti10y are particularly attractive, rental price Includes heat, light. The price per month C f-" water and Janitor service and for tne two rooms' jJ. T all the advantages of E-f -v j8 being In The Bee 111 Bldg. Price per month A Oood Sized Room With Vault An Office on the around Floor This room, besides having a This oltice faces Seventeenth large burglar-proof vault. Is lo- 6treet It Is large, light and has cated next to the elevator on the been newly decorated. The fourth floor. It is the only room rental price Includes light, of this character In (the build- water and Janitor service. It lias ing that Is vacant and one of a very large burglar-proof vault, the few rooms at this price with Part of this room Is a vault It is pleas- C-f Q partitioned off as a K f ant, good-sized room 11 private olilce. I'r'J Price per month per month An Exceptionally Handsome Office Suite-In fact, there Is nothing in Omaha that compare with it us a handsome, splendidly located otttce suite. There Is oue quite large room and a small private office connected. It Is on the first floor, next to The Bee office, facing Karnuiu street, and Its large plate glass windows are directly opposite tho entrance. It has a mantel, vault, beautiful hardwood floors, nud It will be frescoed to suit the taste of the tenant. It Mould make an Ideal office for a dentist, JKT "V Investment banker or some one. desiring a very hand some office. Price per month 4? California AND BACK (a?!, , r i ft l r'. r,.. May 3 and May 12 to 18, in clusive, the Burlington sells round trip tickets to Fan Fran cisco nnd Los Angeles; return limit July 15th; stopovers al lowed. A chance to see Denver, Col orado's scenery, Salt Lake City and a hundred attractive points of interest very cheaply. The Burlington is the Scenic lioute to California. Through standard and tourist sleepers. Let me send or rive you our free California publications. J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents Ground Floor, Bee Building. Look for the Name Lindsay when watch needs repairing. We employ only the l-t workmen. We guarantee our work to be first clnss In every particular. Spend a few minutes In our store. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1516 Douglas Street. li p Im 7 wt-tv -?--jrk All Misses' Shoes are not alike yeara of experience In buying and fitting shoes has enabled us to place before you this (iprlng a line of mlnses' and children's shoes that have a value In them that we will guarantee genuine Goodyear welt soles and ee-1 lected leather uppers. Sizes 5 to 8, $1.50 Sizes 8 1-2 to II, $1.75 Sizes II 1-2 to 2. $2.25 Then we make a specialty of young women's shoes with the spring or low heel Goodyear welt soles Sizes 2 1-2 to 6 at S3.00 All these shoes are on the foot form last, the most com fortable shoe ever made. BSEXEL SHOE'CQJ 1419 FAD NAM ST. I! in s A GREAT FIGHT Is being waged by us against the Bed Bugs of Omaha, but we certainly have them whipped wherever we've had a show, as people who use "SCHAEKBB'8 SURK DEATH" simply laugh at the terrors of bugdum; try it and then join the laughers' club. Comes In four sizes, pints 15c, quarts Kc hull-gallons iuo and su lions into. A nice )lnt oil can with long spout, free, with Sue or We Blse, or 5c extra with 15o or 80 size ' Want anv rubber goods? Here are some prices which will decide where you should buy If vou do. We have nil kinds. 2- qt. a-unranteed Water Hottle 4Kc 3- qt. guaranteed Water Bottle 63: 4- qt. guaranteed Water Hottle Ma 2-qt. guaranteed Fountain Syringe iXc 5- qt. guaranteed Fountain Hvrlnge .... 3c 4- qt. guaranteed Fountain Syringe .... 8I0 2-qt. comb. Fount. Syringe nnd Hottle 9c 5- qt. comb. Fount. HyrlnKu and Bottle. .11.0) 4-qt comb. Fount. Syringe and Hottle. .11 p 12.0) Bet Ladles' Household Syringe. .1 ! 11 0i I'eruna all you want lc 11.00 Pierce's Hemedles ,. 6tc 12 Chester's genuine Pennyroyal PIIH ll.() WR1TK t'S FOR PRICKS. NOT CATA LOGUES, THEY ARK LEAD. SCIIAEFER'S BRUQ STRB Two I'Uones T-17 and TUT. S. W. Corner lGlit ana I blcatc o Sts. Mortality Mntlattca. The following births and deaths have been reportert to tt.e Hoard of Health: Ulrtha F. IL Tremain, ItiJ Vinton, girl; WORLD'S FAIR Have you heard of the FREE Trip arranged for you? See MAY OUTING Read "Crossing: the Rocklea In the Far North," a tale of daring and hardship. Other stories of human nature and adventure- photoerauli full of refresh ing outdoor thrill. Order at once. April sold out within 41 hours Phillip Zinc. Seventh ami Marry, boy; Jo KrpU Jmlav. North Hixt-.-nth. Kill. L. athK Lena Brn-Kn. -t'l K 'Jih Fif teenth. &i Mr. Joe;ihoie Hopp, 3 Ml South Fit lee nt ht &3. Mucnteferlng benefit tonight. First Con- I grt'cational church. Douglas PrittUa Co., How ai d. Tel Oil Go To-dav ITJKI California f COLLAR 18-K. WEDDING RINGS Albert Edliolm, Jeweler. Opp. p. o. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER llrst Agricultural Meek I jr. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Only 0 Hollar a tear. In comfortable Pullman tourist deeper, on faat train with pleasant neigh bors. You save many dollars, as compared with highest-class service. It's "Santa Fe sll tba way." Cheap colonist tickets, daily, to June 15. Personally conducted exaursloa trt-weekly, Chfcago and ivajisas City to Los Angeles and Ban Friiuluco, Also tourist kieepers on dally trains. Free books about California tour and cheap lauds In Southwest. E. L. Palmer. P. A.. 409 Equitable Bldg., Des Moines, la. Santa Fe If oftg Best of Everything '.1 The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago Attar May 3d The Chicago Local departs 11:30 a. m. instead of 10:55 a. in. The Twin City Lim ited 8 : 10 p. m. instead of 7:55 p. in. fame arriving time at VUiCiiyo und ,St. PuuL is' Clty Officei- 14011403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA TEL. 624-581 MERCHANTS HKTIQMXL BA.NK OF OMAHA." "TO N M Ctmm '', aaJ ia Sumu. Of? f' mi apiai pun Mrpiiu Immi $lo M. filTUU SMniN UiSJ'O.STOWl! TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER MaUea Must t .rf ul I'totut,