THE OMAHA DAILY TW.Vi MONDAY, MAY 4, 1003. 8 CRITICISES OMAHA DIVINE Bef, Mann Speaks Reprovingly of Another Pastor's Hunting SHOOTING BIRDS A BAD EXAMPLE It Does Hot Imprru tnltarlnn Min ister ae a Prrr i:einpllnralon I of Rellalone Instruction Given Children. In his discourse at t'nlty church yr,tor- I day morning, Rev. Neton M. Mann took j occasion to refer, In deprecatory manner, 1 to the experiences of a loeal Kpls opnl 1 minister, who was arrested neir The Iford, ' Neb., recently for shooting meadow Ijrks. I Rev. Mann said: "The church has not always been the ( tame thing In lta Ideas and constitution; 1 consequently It has not always had the j lima purposes. I am asked to Inquire t what Its purposes were In other days, as i a preliminary to the more practical con- 1 ((deration of the mission of the church In j eur own time. I am not sure but that a dead past mlnht better be left to Its In evitable task of burying Itself; at all events we must not expect this Inquiry to furnish dark background against which to set forth our own better enlightenment, our higher alma, our more brilliant successes. "Man haa always been man and espe cially atable haa been his religious nature. 'Trobably every theological vagary, every Superstitious motive that ever controlled a mortal may be found active and dominant In the minds and hearts of living people. The present Is In a hand-to-band struggle , with the past. V "By a reversion to conceptions which '' have at least a atandlng In the gospel, an ' Increasing number are stoutly contending ! that the mission of the church la to cure . the sick; others are preaching as earnestly j as did Paul himself. Justification by faith j In the efficacy of atoning blood; others j again are repeating a far echo of the pbilo ; aophlc mysticism by which Jesus was ex I Sited to the godhead. i "Still the old delusion of the guilt cf I error la hugged to the pious breast, and I to multitudes the great goal to be attained Is uniformity of belief and of worship, an end which they blindly hope to further by ystematlo dlsfellowshlp of all noncon formists. Through Insistence upon one and another of these antiquated fallacies the sorry spectacle Is kept up of a piety which has no necessary affiliation with morality a service of God without obliga tion of kindness to his creatures. "What more melancholy illustration of this than a prominent Omaha minister's own atory of administering sacraments and christening babies out In the middle of the state the other day, amusing himself on the way back, by shooting song birds, bringing Into town aa trophies twenty-two slaughtered meadow larks a proceeding In which, even after being arrested and fined $110, he Is unable to see any Impro priety, and only regrets the personal In convenience to which be was subject. "What must the children whom we have taught In the public schools to say: " 'He prayeth well who loveth well. ' Both, man and bird and beast.' "Think of a Christian like that! These are of the things which show how the ahadows of the dark ages reach far down Into the present and fall among us without much disturbing our equanimity. We owe a great 'deal to the past, but a part of Its legacy, and a most peralstent part, la hideous. Our first duty la to put this part under our feet." nCDISILL OX SII.KXT ISFLIENCK. Pennsylvania, Preneher Talke of It at Kgiatu Memorial. At Kountie Memorial church Sunday morning Rev. A. J. Rudtslll of Mount Car mel, Pa., preached the sermon. Mr. Rudl III will be with the Omaha congregation two weeks, concluding his service next Sun day. His text Sunday morning was taken from Exodus, 31:24, "And Moses wist not that his face shone," the theme being "Tbe Power of Silent Influence." The speaker aaid that some trees cast a shadow which Is deadly to all other forms of vegetation, tbe grasB and brush dying where lta shade falls, while under other trees of apparently the same depth of shade the vegetation will be luxuriant and thla finds analogy In the life of men, aome bringing gloom with their presence and others seeming to radiate sunlight and Joy. "Twas thus with Moses when, after forty daya and forty nlghta In the moun tain, where he had seen tbe Lord face to face, he returned to his people to find them turned away from God In Idolatry. His Influence caused them to return, and when Ood again called him away to the mountain to stay for forty days and forty nights again, to ahow the people that tbey must be true to Ood after Moses had finally left them, they again fell away and worshiped the serpent. But they were brought again to the true faith through Mosea. " 'Moses wist not that his face ahone and this shows to us that the power of silent Influence Is unconscious Influence" aid the speaker. "When the Apostle Peter walked the streets of Jerusalem the peo pie placed the sick, the lame and tbe blind where hla shadow would fall upon thorn and they were cured by the unconscious Influence of this man of God. The life of the humblest Christian by his example will bring men to the church and these humble Christiana may never know of the fact The silent Influence of parents upon chil dren Is what controls their lives. The parent may deceive the public as to his real character, but he will never deceive the child, for It la hla unconscious actlonr and hla Influence In unconscious moments which moulds the future life of the child and makes him what he Is. There Is a time when a smile may be a sin and i time when a amlle may aave a soul. After all. It la not what a man says that gives him influence, but what he la and what he Laundry Lesson Number Nine,' Use Pride, whose worth is genuine own lb BriH it . .it in has the thorough cleansing qualities so popular where best laundry effects are wanted. Save the clothes not the wrappers. KaauiCMr Onuka st.UuU Swift & Company, Chicago st.jurps st.Piui Ft. Worth does. We cn more effectively exert thl unconscious Infiurnce for food as e be come more like Christ, who possessed the power la supreme drgreo." KKV. MKLK K IIF.fil.Xa IMftTOH ATR. Prrnphes to Ills (Jrnre l.athernn ton. areitnflnn on oul Xsvlng. Rev. L. St. Stellck entered upon his new pastorate at Oraie Luihersn ihtirrh. No. 1325 South Twenty-sixth street, yesterday morning. Ho took for his text Trowrbs x, 31, and Daniel xil. 3: "He that win neth noiils shall thrive, and they that turneth may souls to righteousness shall shine." l:ev. Slellrk said In part: "The world says he that winneth health Is wise and that he can buy worldly honor and house. And some verily believe ;hat snlva'ion can be bought. The" world says that they who can win the minds and affections of their fellow men shall thrive and shine In society and statesmanship. The mind that wrote the Proverbs was not that of a fanatic. The words of Solomon written then are the foundations of wisdom to this day. He was a business man and gained great wealth. Daniel was the chief ex ponent of wisdom In the Babylonian courts In the day when Babylon ruled the .world. The value of the soul Is found In Its pur chasing price. The value of an article Is based upon what people will pay for It. Ho who made the soul knew Its value. He was anxious for Its redemption by His own blood. Should a cruel foe take away your child, what would you be willing to pay for its return? The value of the soul Is found In the preparation that God has made for It In heaven. Whenever we tnrn our eyes toward heaven and see the glories of the clouds and the stars and the firma ment, we are looking at only the bottom of the Poor on high. God gave us this beautiful earth for iho entertainment and delight of our bodies. What must be the beauties of heaven, that He haa prepared for the entertainment, of the soul? The value of the soul Is what It can suffer or enjoy by being mortal. The body and soul have diverse Interests; ono Is for that which Is earthly and the other for that which Is mmortal. "The soul Is like the caged bird. It ongs for the freedom or me oounoiess air. It Is like tbe eaglet of the Rocky mountains, whose wings were clipped. It could see but not soar. Finally Its wings grew out again and it found that It could rise higher and higher and at last Joined ts mates In the aeries of the mountains. We have our bodies and souls to care for. Let us not neglect either. Men win souls by the Influence that comes from the foot of the cross of Christ. In the midst of the Roeky mountains Is that great and beau tiful spectacle towering In tta nigged grandeur above Its 'fellows, the Mount of the Holy Cross. A vertical and horizontal cleft In the mountain of vast proportions, filled with everlasting snow, constitutes the cross that gives the mountain Its name. From the foot of this cross Issues the clear, pure water that at last, finds Its way to Denver to supply Its people with God's pure nectar. From tbe foot of the Cross of Calvary comes the Influence that must save souls to God." DUTY AID DE9TIHY OP AMERICA. Rev, Hill Rays it Should riace Godli ness First to Save It. Sunday morning Rev. Harry G. Hill preached at the First Christian church on "The Duties and Destiny of America." It was "home mission" day and he dwelt particularly upon the faults and vices of the country and tbe means of laving It from these things. "We all have," he said, "a great pride In our country. When we are aay from home the great things and the fine things that the other peoples take pride In are made the subjects of a comparison In our own minds and we think that we have things so much greater and so much Oner at home. This pride Is natural, and yet, If we knew it, a veritable heathen coming into our country would look with surprise upon us and our manners of living and governing. "Our cities are the centers of corrup tion; there Is drunkenness, lewdness, thiev ing and killing. We cannot legislate against It. We must make the minds of the people purer; we must teach them to live clean Uvea. "Our Ideas of liberty are being sub served by many of the emigrants. They think that license Is liberty and no re straint Is placed upon their license. Cap ital and labor are engaged In a war of dlBtrust and unfriendliness. The two can npt believe In each other and they sub serve their own Interests and desires to the detriment of the rest of the citizens. "Within a decade the crisis must come to this country. It will either leap for ward and take that place among the na tions of the world that its founders meant It to take, or else the Idea of a govern ment -of liberty will have, proved a delu sion. But whichever way It goes, we will find that the period of stress that this country passes through will leave an In delible mark upon the affairs of the en tire world. What we must do Is to purify the country. Make Godliness first and have liberty without license, brotherly love and not malicious distrust." Striken at The'r Hoot. Many dangerous dlseasea begin In Im pure blood. Electric Bitters purifies the blood and cures or no pay. Only 10c. For sale by Kuhn & Co. LOCAL BREVITIES. Robert Collins was arrestel yestTday bv Chief Donahue and Officer Heltfeld and li held as a suspicious character at the city Jan lor lurtner investigation. An alarm of tire at 10 o'clock yesterday morning was occasioned. ry a defective fl i on the premises of Mrs. Vann at 614 North Fifteenth street. The loss will not exce l 120. Dennis Griffith. J. F. Wright. John Bush- nell and Kd (iannon got into a lively mlxui at the Bon Ton restaurant early yesie diy morning us the result of a political discus sion. They were taken to the po.lrv xtatlon nutl will explain matters to Judge Berk tills morning. 0 P A 0 GOSSIP OF CITY CAMPAIGN Democrat? Make No Secret that Benson Leaden Will Tote for HoweiL HOW THAT FIFTH .V.tD POLL WAS TAKEN Women Were Asked to ate for Their Husbands anil When They Ilefaaed the ote Were Marked for Benson. With the Hoell campaign managers boldly announcing that everything has teen "fixed" ao that as much of the Benson support bs can be controlled will be swung Into line for tbe democratic nominee on election day the Benson boom leaders are concocting all kinds cf desperate schemes to keep the credulous republicans from voting for Moores. The credulous repub licans are those to whose eyes the scales still adhere and who believe that Benaor. Is a real candidate. One of the samples of how the Benson campaigners are attempting to deceive tbe public Into believing that the boomer can didate lias a following is the announced re sult of a poll of the Fifth ward. This, as set forth in the red and yellow Benson organ, showed that out of 1,308 voters 632 were for Benson, 314 for Moores, 301 for Howell and 61 for W. H. Moore, with only 142 refusing to vote. This poll was certified to not sworn to by such patriots as Hugh A. Myers and Billie Saunders. It was stated , at length that the poll was taken by the Toledo method, this being a secret method j similar to voting by the Australian system, each participator marking his ballot secretly and casting It In a box. One example of how this vote was taken will suffice to show what a fraud and mockery It Is. At the home of H. A. Has kell, mechanical superintendent of The Bee neither be nor hie son was at home. Mrs. Haskell appeared at the ring of the poll takers and when told wMat they wanted In formed them that Mr. Haskell and her son were not at home. "Oh, well," waa the reply, "you know how they stand and you might Just as well vote for them. You go ahead and mark these ballots as you think they would." Mrs. Haskell, however, flatly declined, saying that the political views and affilia tions of the members of her family had no right to find expression through her. Then the painstaking, careful and con scientious ascertalners of the public pulse calmly marked two ballots for Erastus A. Benson and cast them as In though In good faith. By such ballot box stuffing methods as these was the false poll of the Fifth ward arrived at, and It Is by schemes equally adroit and fraudulent that all of the high sounding Benson straw votes have been taken. So common has become the talk concerning the falsity of such counts that they have not been given any weight what ever, and are laughed at whenever an nounced. The Eighth ward republicans will hold a meeting at Wolfe hall. Twenty-second and Cuming streets at 7:80 tonight. All voters are invited to attend, and an In teresting discussion of the Issues of tbe campaign Is promised them. The meeting will be addressed by Mayor Moores, City Engineer Andrew Rosewater, City Attorney Connell, Councilman Hoye and others. General Solicitor Manderson of the B. A M. denies that he ever authorized nv nf his subordinates to offer Mayor Moores tne nomination for congress provided he would assist the B. & M. in keeping its monopoly on trackage facilities In the loh. blng district. Nevertheless Mayor Moores Insists that such an offer was made to him by one of the B. M. lawyers. At a special meeting of Omaha Ttm. graphical union No. 190, held Sunday after noon, the following was unanimmwlv adopted: Resolved That the president and secre tary of this linlnn Ha a i ...... " u u . i ' r , i .7 1 , anu in structed to nilhllah In ,h. of Omaha a notice to the public that no I. , ' "l u"'on nas any authority -.i,.ri iu iur mis union in any matter of not It Ira nf n ni. - . " '"-.' Fi lin 0UUUUII to any candidate or candidates of any po- It I it'll I norlir n-h n r J. C. SMITH, K. S. FISHER. Secretary. President O. T. U. OMAHA May 2, 1903. To the citizens of Omaha: The statement by one of the lead ing dally papers of May 2 that I have "flrinneH n It ....oil" ... ,. i .. i ,. ... - - .... ..... j i io nuauiuiciy fulse. I am for Benson now and shall be unin tie luennon) is elected. (Signed.) w. A. PAXTON. Th u irw m I m r. , ........ . I. I I , now In the hands of the Benson Campaign At the Howell meeting at the Dellone ho tel, which was held for the mimma nf u- curlng the support of the Swedes for noweu, ino use is Informed, Mr. Paxton stood up and onenlv chamDloned the eua of Howell. He did not then advocate the election of Benson. . The last republican mass meeting of the campaign, win ne Held at Schllis' hall Sixteenth and Harney streets tonight All voters are Invited to be present. The meeting will be addressed by E. J. Cornish auu oiner prominent republican leaders, and Andrew Rosewater will reply to the cnarges or extravagance which have beei made against the Dresent administration Extra chairs have been nrnvtded hut iku who desire seats must be on hand early as me meeting win open at B p. m DEATH RECORD. Old-Tlme Ball Player. PHILADELPHIA. May 8. John H. J. Sensonderfer, a well known democratic politician of this state and famous as a base ball player a quarter of a century ago, died at his home in this city today. He was 55 years of age. Mr. Serisenderfer was three times elected city commissioner of Philadelphia and took a prominent part in state politics. From 1885 to 1878 be played center field on the famous Athletic club of those yeara, and accompanied the team when the Athletic and Boston clubs toured Europe. Mrs. M. A. Goodapeed. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. May 8. (Special.) Mrs. M. A. Goodspeed, formerly of Fre mont, who haa been 111 for several weeks, died at' her home In this city last evening. j Deceased was 30 years of age and leaves j a husband and one child, 3 weeks old. The I funeral waa held at the family residence thla afternoon and Interment was in Horn ing cemetery. Injured by Flash Lamp. I.. C. Sholes of 222 North Twenty-third street HUfTi-red an Injury to his left hti'd yesterday evening. Amputation at the wr at was found net-radar. Immediately atter the accident, which was due to the explosion of Hash light powder. Dr. V. H. Kams-y was aunimoned, but he, finding that th) voung man - rti imb an 1 ftngera were hang ing In shreds, thought It would be Imco.--fihle to save the bund and had the sufferer taken to (iarkann hospital. The accident happened at lit o cl ick. when Mr. and Mrs A. O. Mot sr. r.-ho have riomt m the hoi'se were vtMtlug with Hholea and Mrs. Bhole. They were lookine at photographs an . tie convemat len led ho!es to get out his ftas'i Hunt outfit and iienlie a i-hnrge. An ex pillion followed which was luard (or two blocks and emitted the nelhhorx to ran to tne ho ur. Mr. titled Is eng.iged In the real eetute huMne.-ii with Ills father. Douglas Printing Co., liuS Howard. Tel. CH. Nichols ft BroadOeld, printers. Tat. 1H1. AT THE PLAYHOUSES "Heart ami Smird" at the lloyai. If there had been any doubt In the mind of Dick Ferris or his friends as to his popularity In Omaha, the experience of yesterday must have dispelled It. Last season the Ferris Summer Stock company opened at the Boyd theater to the largest attendance that had ever been packed Into the house. It was put down In the books as. a record, and stood as such until yes terday. At the two performances yestenlfy exactly 740 more people paid to get In than did nne year ago. Where they all got to j In the house Is a mystery to both mnn- ! agement and ushers; but the box ofilee receipts cannot be denied. This Is cer- j talnly a flattering reception to Mr. Ferris, and one of which he may well feel proud. The company which gave Its first per formance yesterday Is a much stronger one than he had here last summer, and Its work won much merited applause. Robert Blaylock, who was very popular last sea son for his conscientious work, ts the only member of tbe company known here, but there are several others who will win for themselves many friends If their work of yesterday is a criterion of their ability. Mr. Ferris, who took the role of Trlnce Victor of Helnalt, the rollicking hero of "Heart and Sword." gives us an excellent conception of the man who can make love or fight for his life with the same smile on his face, and who Is yet true to the best In his nature at all times. Miss Marie Pavey, the leading lady of the rompany. is both graceful and clever, with a good stage presence and a sweet voice. The piece Is well staged and competently acted. It will continue until after Wednesday. Vaudeville at the Oritheotn. t hi elodinv week of the Orpheum's season of vaudeville. Miss Elizabeth Mur ray has come to us with her ragtime walk, her distinctly better coon songs, her well told Irish Ptorles and her all-pervading, all-Infectious humor. If Omaha makes any complaint about Miss Elizabeth it win De nniv that she hasn't come more often. At yesterday's performances she "took" like a dude at a country dance and the audience imnlv couldn't aet enougn or ner. one had six recalls and could have had more If she had gratified the last one. Her of ferings are not particularly new mu vuey are accepted as such because her way of presenting them is so distinctly different from the Impossible, loping, shouting, wig wagging methods of the average coon comedian of feminine persuasion. She Is actually dainty about It and that Is saying a rare thing of a ragtime artiste. But Miss Murray has to ao exceptionally well to keep pace with the company she is in this week. As a whole, the bill has not been excelled. If, Indeed, equalled In Omaha this winter. Miss Zelma Rawlston la a contributor to It and for most people It will be quite enough to say mat sne is Just as saucy, Just as Jolly and Just as expeditious .at dressing as ever she was. The Beaux and Belles octette comprises young women who dance exceptionally well and sing well enough, mated with young men who sing exceptionally well and dance well enough, thus keeping matters wen balanced through a long maze of pretty flmtr timed to Dleaslnc songs. Milly Capell has a handsome horse and several clever dogs, all so well trained as to make It seem that they had figured out tneir work for themselves. It will be an es pecially satisfactory feature of the mat Inee, hills. Frank' Gardiner and Lottie Vincent, with the assistance of a double for Mr. Gardiner, present "An Idyl of the Links" with so mucn incioentai iunny business that the whole stunt Is one long laugh. Miss Ester Fee, violin virtuoso. plays very well and' has wisely selected music accommodated to all demands. Even h vinnrirnm hi burnished ud lta me chanical Intellect for the week and under taken more pretentious things, thus keep ing up Its end In a bill so tall as to tower head and shoulders above the average. Bohemian Dramatic Clab. The last play for the season to be given by the Bohemian-American Dramatic club was witnessed by an audience that filled the New Turner hall at Thirteenth and Dorcas streets to overflowing last night. The production waa that of the four-act melodrama, " 'Twlxt Love and Law; or, The Finger of Scorn." With the experi ence gained by the work of the season in other plays the amateur actors excelled in the final effort, the movement of the play being smooth and uniform and the dra matic and elocutionary expression of a kind that merited only the most favorable criti cism. All of the participants had. an op portunity to display ability in roles that suited them. Their efforts to entertain met with liberal and well-deserved applause. Next winter the members of the club will resume the study of other plays, presenting one each month. Tbe season which clotted last night was. a success, both from an ar tistic and a financial standpoint. Revelation Does Sot Salt. COLUMBUS, O., May 3. Itev. Paul R. Judson avaa dismissed from the pas:oratj of the Lutheran church by the consre.a tl:n today because of his declaration irom the pulpit that he has received Home new revelat.ona on the Bible with regard to the baptism of the Holy Uhost und to litti in Christ. He was successful in Ills I as oral work at St. Matlbew'a churcn and l a! J ist completed the wriilmi of a handsome dl fice for his coug.egatiuu. 1 h do.t'l ie w hich he preached tJ his t-ongi eati n l ist Sunday for the first time, lu that utter tar nest and long praying one may receive a real baptism of the Holy Uhost and that after that can heal diseases and perform other miracles by the aid of faith. Road Finished to Ardmore. ARDMORE, I. T., May S The Arkansas ft Choctaws' extension from Ashdiwn, Ark., to Ardmore, 1. T., has been com pleted to this city, a distance af some 'Mi miles. The new line taps a fine agricul tural region and open direct com e.'U jm with Memphis and the east. It la an nounced that Ardmore will be the terminus of the road fur the present, aunuuKli in; company has made a turvey runn.n; through the Kiowa and Commu ne re. e va tlon. Two Lynched for Murder. VICKSBl'RQ, Miss., May 3. Bob Bryant and Will Morris, the assassins of . m. legg, were hangeu to tiiv V'azzo " t brtnge at Haynes HlufT Just before uayllght thla morning. Bryant had made u come slon to officers who arresteu lilm impiuat lng Morris, whom he accuaed ot nriug t ie fatal shot. At a po.nt near lilt If Kg placa 2o armed farmers atoppeu th officer and took the two negroes lma a nearby thicket. Robbery was the motive for liK murder. llouieseekera aad Colonists. Tuesday, May 6th will be the next Home seekers' Excursion via Missouri Pacific Hallway. Both one way and round trip tickets to certain points In Kansas, South west Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, etc. For further Information call on or ad dress any agent of company or Tbos. F. Godfrey, Passenger and Ticket Agent. 8. E. cor. 14th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. St. Paul aail H-turn. f l..l.i. On April 21 and IS the Illinois Central R. R. will sell tickets to St. Paul and Mlune spoils and return at rata of S12.S5. good for return HI days from date of sale. Tickets at No. 14U2 Farnam St. W. U. BRILL. D. P. A.. Omaha, Neb. Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure Cures backache Is highly endorsed by Omaha people. Cornea in two alzes. Our price, 40c and 75c. Schaefer's Cut Prlca Drug Store, loth and Chicago streets. 1IAYUR INSTRUCTS CUIEF Issues Orders Declaring that He Will Command Police Force POLITICAL BULLDOZING MUST CEASE Matna a ad Towers of Fire aad I'ollce Board Deftaed la the Orders and Law la quoted. Mayor Moores has Issued orders to Chief of Police Donahue Instructing him to act on orders from the mayor only, and to have rti-Uctives and police officers doing political work cease such service. The context of the communication to the chief Is as fol lows: As mayor and chalrmun ex-oftldo of the Hoard oi Hre and ro le Commls. loi'.er o.' Hie city of Omaha 1 notify and require yju from imd after tnls date 10 receive and ct upon only such oruers as shall be Issued by the mayor and chairman ex-ofnelo ot said imam. Hereafter in the execution of the laws and ordinances ot the city and In the dlrec t.on and coinr il ot the police you will dis regard all orders of any Individual member tn ihe Bnaru of rire and t'tnlce loii.mts sioners. ihe practice heretofore preval l.ig of Individual menioers of the board direct ing or cimtro.ili.K the pillce must cease. You alone have the supervision and contro. of the pi lite mrre of the cty, and In that connection j on ure subject ou.y to im u. ders of the mayor and the board, and In th fUpprt-ssitin oi riots, tumultuous disturb ances and breaches of the peace ou are subject only to the orders nf the mayor. (See sections 170 and 172 of the charter.! It Is only the powers anil dutle ton nected with and incident to the appoint ment, removal, government and discipline of the officers and members ot the nre and police departments ot the cliy. under such rules and regulations as may be adopted by the Hoard of Fire and Police commission ers that are vested In or can be exercised by said board. tSee section 1K9 of the char ter.) Mayor Haa Faclnslve Power. The mayor Is made the chief executive officer and conservator of the peace throughout the city anil Is given the exclu sive power of the superintending control of all officers of th city and the enforctment of the ordinances of the city. (See sections 71 and TS of the charter.) It Is my determined purpose from this time on to see to it that these exclusive rights and powers are exercised lawful y and falrlv by the mayor and not arbitrarily and unlawfully by members of the Fire and Police board who have arrogated to them-! selves, for the purposes of oppression, such rights and powers. 1 further direct you to officially Inform the nfembers of the police department tint hereafter orders relating to the direct on or the police shHll be taken only from you as chief of police, or, in your absence, from the officer in charge of the police force. (See section 170 of the charter.) I am credibly informed that a number of detectives and officers of the police depart ment ure engaged In political work In ac cordance with the request or direction of certain members of the board. You are Instructed to order all such de tectivea and officers to Immediately return to their regular duties and to cease from doing political work while remaining In the service of the city. For the observance of the foregoing or ders and instructions you will,be held to a strict accountability. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Are Jant What Yon Need When yoJ feel dull after eating. When you have no appetite. When you have a bad taate In your mouth. When your liver is torpid. When your bowels are constipated. When you have a headache. When you feel bilious. They will improve your appetite, cleanse and Invigorate your stomach and regulate your liver and bowels. Price 25 cents per box. FIRE RECORD Sportlag; Goods Destroyed. CHICAGO, May 8. Fire tonight destroyed the five-story building at 151-15S Wabash avenue, causing a loss ot $160,000. The building was occupied by several mercan tile firms, whose stocks were completely destroyed. The principal losers are the Waterbury Clock company, Splegele Bros., tailors, and A. O. Spalding ft Co. The lat ter firm used the two upper stories of tbe building as a store room and Its losa Is heavy, as both rooms were full of valuable sporting goods. Victim of the Mafln. PUNXSUTAWNET. Pa.. May 3. Frank Carfa, an Italian miner, was stabbed through the heart last night r.t Walaten by a rent arrival from southern Italy who gave his name as Aghello llatlste. Carfa died Instantly and his slayer Is In jail. The manner In which the murder wts com mitted Indicates that the deed had been planned by the Mafia. What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises in the family every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre pared in two minutes. No boiling! no baking ! add boiling water and set to cool. Flavor: Lemon, Orange, Rasp berry and Strawberry. Get a package at your grocers to-day. ic cts. We're Keeping Warm Sawing off the big end of the Drlces on drug store things. Oh. tbe sun will warm ud 'he rest of 'em some day IT ALWAYS HAS. xi.uo (lei man Klmmell Bitters, the great tonic 75c $1.00 Pure Canadian Malt Whisker.... 7'o $1.00 Iler's Malt 64c $1.00 Peruna all you want (l oo I'len e a Remedies $1.00 Parisian Hair Tonic, guaranteed. 75c $2.00 Succus Alterans $1.00 3ic Castoi-la 24c 15c Allcock's Plasters 12c There are no 2oc Alicock s nasters. 2Sc Hire's Root Beer $1.00 Paine's Celerv Compound $1.00 Celerv Nervine guaranteed $1.00 Hossark's Sarsanirllla for blood., $1.00 Jackson's Bed Bug Exterminator. ICiiiarauteed bv lis t 50c Texas Catarrh Cure one cures.... 50c Cutleura Salve TRe Moeller's Cod I.lver OH 14c 71c 65c foe 75c 40c 64c $2.00 Chester's Pennvroval Pills $1.00 $1.00 Butler's Female Remedy guar- anteed "SCHAEFER S SELL IT FOR LESS THIS MEANS DRl'GS." SCIIAEFEiVo CUT FRICB DtUl ST KB Two 1'hones TT and TT. V. Corner lutit ana lalraaro Sta. Stylish Clothing Hats and Shoe for Men and Women, Boys and Girls, can be obtained here on easy pay ments at cash store prices. No security required. Menter, Rossnbloom & Co., 1308 Dodge St. . ' aLn mm mm mil ml aV-UM aVUat IomIbi fuss iMASnt UHITHn HTATBB nBtHHITOHY. Vmmk Mn'7- ft V Woe4 vr ffrideast l-eX lrjka atr T HstsOll sesj raw art WD M 0!S THE RF.I.I4HI.F. BIOIIK. drcn's Clothing Omaha Das Ever Known A monster purchase the entire surplus stock of Spring and Summer Clothing rt Henry W. Cine ft Co.. Broadway, New Yo rk, the most prominent wholesale tailors In America. Every garment a model of style and fine workmanship. Through a spot rash transaction we secured these One rifice. t Boys' Suits in very desirable patterns. In gray and brown mixtures, In light and medium colore, made In Vestee,. Norfolk and IKmble-Breaited atyles special sale price 1. 60. Regular 14.00' values for 12.50 In very handrome patterns. In all shades. In light ( $7.50 values for 15.00 We have the great and dark colors pants made with exten-; est wsosrtment of boys' Sutts ever shown slon waistband, reinforced tape seams, I In the city these sutts come In all the double seat and knees many of the pants I latest shades and fabrics black, blue or lined throughout made In Vestee, Norfolk, double-breasted and three-piece styles worth up to $4 00 sale price only $2.50. $6.00 Suits for $3.5 Mado in double breasted, Norfolk, manly, sailor blouse, sailor Norfolk and three-piece styles a 22 uossdi beat Cane Granulated Sugar We own the largest stock of Dr.el and Evaporated Fruits In the west find our prices from 2n to 35 per cent lower than others. Twenty pounds of Fancy Country DrleJ Applea for -io. can Choice California Prunes Extra large Italian Prunes Fancy California Peaches . Choice California Pears . Choice California Apricots SEW .SEASON JAPAN TEA. Gmd Jap Tea Fancy Jap Tea.......... Tea Sittings - for j... CANNED MEATS. can Potted Ham Vi-lb. can Detiled Ham 4-lb. can Deviled Ox Tongue i-lb. can - Potted Ox Tongue.. 4-lb. can Potted jBeef Vi-lb. can 24c ...6c .74c .81c 84c 25 c 35c 10c Deviled Turkey. 4-lb. can Mlncetl Ham H-lb. can Vienna tr- Sausage il All kinds of Can Soup fju Fresh 8oda M Crackers Butter Crackers Fresh Ginger J,, Snaps V t bars all brands OC Iaundry Soap (wv Klin Dried l)n Oatmeal Flake Oc Hominy........... a. Pearl Oir Hominy L a Very Fine Rice Kiln Dried li. Cornsneal I " One sack Oraham OCr Flour 40 '".3c "3c One sack Rye Flour Fancy lentils 1-lb. can California O It Egg Plums Q 3 $-lh. csn California Oln Silver Plurrs O" $-lb. can California Olti Uage Plums O' nam ana tongue ti-lb. can Potted Chicken... Vi-tb. can Potted Turkey.... fU In) sSffl A few vacant 5c 5c mm . , However, among these are one or two of our choicest rooms and some small, but very desirable rooms. All these offices have the advantage, without extra charge, of splendid janitor service all night and Sunday elevator service, electric lights, hardwood finish, and the best of office neighbors. x . THE BEE BUILDING Two Rooms at $10 Per Hooth These rooms are rather small, but so is the rental price. They are well located and are decid edly attractive little rooms. The rental price Includes beat, light, water and janitor sen-Ice and all the advantages of C-fl rv being- in The Bee 111 Bldir.- Price per month A Qood Sized Room With Vaul This room, besides having a large burglar-proof vault. Is lo cated next to the elevator on the fourth floor. It is the only room of this character in the build ing that is vacant and one of the few rooms at this price with' a vault It is pleas- C-f t ant, good-sized room I Price per month An Exceptionally Handsome Office Salte In fact, there Is nothing In Omnlia that compares with it as a handsome, splendidly located office suite. There is one quite large room and a small private ottice connected. It la on the first floor, next to The Bee offlce, fating Fnruam street, and its large plate glass windows are directly oppoBlte the entrance. It has a mantel, vault, beautiful hardwood floors, and it will be frescoed to suit the taste of the tenant. It would make an Ideal office for a dentist, f Investment banker or aome one desiring a very hand- fjv some offlce. Price per month R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents Ground Floor, Bee Building. Where Land Is Cheap ' Thousands of Iowa. Minnesota and Nebraska farmers aev moved to Oklahoma In the last four years. They arc th.ra yet and they Intend to stay. Tbey are making as much money, acre for acre, aa they did In their old homes. The land Is Just as good, and costs less thsn half as much. Prices advancing every year. Take a couple of weeks' holiday and visit Oklahoma. Aa unusually good opportunity Is offered by the homeseekers' ex cursion rates which the Rock Island offers April list. May (th aad lth. One fare, plus $1 for tbe round trip. One-way rates are correspondingly low, tickets and full Information at this o4Boa. The Bee Want Ads Produce Results Tho Greatest Salo in RnuQ9 nnrl P.hil- II b V J W UIIH Willi new, up-to-date suits at a sweeping sac great variety of new spring and summer fahrlrs and Istest rnlnr fTerts-nta lln.t with a very fine serge reinforced tape seams any site, you want, from IVs to 1 years. These suits would be great value at 1 $8.00 Hayden's special IM. 95. fancy mixtures In cheviots, cassimeres, silk mixed worsteds, thibets and unfinished worsteds every suit guaranteed padded shoulders buttonholes hand made, any style desired any slie you want, from 2 to 16 years regular $7.50 8ults for $5.00. 100 1'OU Will 1.00 j-- C'VTTINO PRICKS C ON MEATS Jt FISH. Any kind Just received rrom Lake Huron. They are the best on esrth. est Koast 0 Veal Stew ate Roast . t in Reef O-IQC Poii AY Ueef jC Spare f Ribs J)C Pork n , Roast JC Bacon irj for M IC COFFEE. Common ' ft Rio IJC Golden lf. Rlo IIJC Santos II i,, Rlend C 5 Maracalbo and If",, Java Blend I0C Aja'vT. I74c Ferfection IO,, Rlend ID0 3 25c 5 Mocha and Ouate- 9flr mala Klend n.U Manilhllng .lava Old Government Java ...25 rooms and only a few A Suite of Two Rooms On the fifth floor. These rooms) are both fair-sized rooms and bars been newly decorated, so that they are particularly attractlTe. Tbe price per month, I for tbe two rooms la. An Office on the dround Ploot- Tbls office facea Seventeenth street. It is large, light and has been newly decorated. The rental price includes light, water and janitor service. It baa a very large burglar-proof rault. Part of this room is partitioned off as a 50 private offlce. Price per month 1 C. A. RUTHERFORD, D. P. 1., 1323 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. (