1 THE OMAHA PAILY ItEE: MONDAY, MAY 4, 1903. Tiie Omaha Daily Bee. K. KOSBWATEK. EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. Tf.RMH OF HUPSCRIPTION. . - - . ... a. I . a . . a CVMITIOATED OUTRAQt. elerc of the people ana tnr-y nave not. wnue noweii is mortgaged in advance The rixlit of. the people iMaceally In the opinion of tlint paper It would to repudiate the democratic platform to aaswuble to consult for the common nol be difficult for the democratic rank I pledges, good shall never be abridged." This I and file to vote for Cleveland agnlti, guaranty of the freedom of public ills I "for they like him and trust him." The cusslon la engrafted In the Bill of Rights I Eagle argue, that his nomination would the first article of the constitution end all quibbles about recent or future ebraska. The forcible breaking up platforms. "He would be the platform. 15' I -..,i.n ..iii r.nt w tho vnrli. I Tit r ii it or And rharaetpr wnnlil be the 1.0U I UUiiV Uld-ilUg, V M 1 1 . vj v ..v. I - - - - - ' " - " Ingnien of Omaha to discuss tlie relative gunninry or tne restoration or .relume, Dally (without Runday). One Yfr.. . 1 ' Lnlly-e and 8r.ilay. one Year ' as tl Illustrated . One Year f " . v Sunday One Year 01 fiat.irdny lle, one Year J 0f a Twentieth Century Farmer, One lcar.. 1.W liflivKUKD HY CARRIER. Hlgni Pally (without Bimrtay). per copy. .... 2- .rits 0f political candidates for city of strength, of consistency, of dignity, , ' , " ' WhZXX:'liri.X om.es. by the interference of police un- of tvlsilom and of trained experience u4 I, Sunday Hoe. , er copy dPr direction of William J. llroatrii, Mas to the thief magistracy." As to the ,M"1Rfi tire brewery aua iiq B?e"ingi,ee ' (including Sunday), per an unmitigated oritrrtge ' that should third terra objection, the Eagle brushes cEmWV'ofT arouse Just resentment from all ltlerty It away with the Temark that "there should be addressed to Cy circulation De- jorng American citizens. 1" Milling In It, when the three terms pariraeui. I .nnIil. in Tu.iiil.ml ihiu.iilI.IIdi In I Aiv i.fit onnsoriitl vn." ltnvinir nolnted T-.n. guaranteed by the Bill of Bights and out the merits of the former president, any interference by the police strikes a our urooKiyn contemporary taiKS in tins blow at Individual liberty and free in- ivklonily earnest and confident wuy: niitiitinna Tim niiici fun, nf Dni.iliii. "The cruvitatlou toward him now Is w,hln,-4E'I!tJc'e'u ' hike the police of all other cities, is unmistakable. It is growing hourly nnd ..ni...inn. rciainff n news and edl-1 nrnntml fie tlm tn intcnri uno nf mililln I dallv. The east attests It. Thr north i?.ria'tr!ri'?I. n.?nI'.r.mennt',dn'"ed: order and not for the creation of dis- reccpni.es It. The west Is Bth-red by OFFICES. Omaha The lien Building. Bouth Omaha-Oty Hull building, ty-fifth and M Streets. Council Hltirts Ht Pearl Btreet. Chicago 164o fnlty Building. New York 23'X Park Row Building. lice. Editorial Department KKMITTASClfiS. THE HlODKll HAM. The hidden hand which Is directing the city campaign In . the Interest of E. E. Howell fur mayor Is the hand of Walter Molse. Should Howell be elected, this hidden hand will Imme diately become an Iron hand, which alter liquor Interests In the city of Omaha. When perhaps too late all the breweries and saloons, except those controlled by Wal ter Molse, will realize the true situation as It is certain to exist In the event of the election of E. E, Howell. The candidacy of E. A. Benson for the mayoralty of Omaha has been a confi dence game from start to finish. Ben son started out ns a candidate for the .,eT..nM. in r,,,).n tho It. Th smith is nlive with it. Tl ,P republican nomination and became a RT,U Vy .R,S,e7TubiishVYcVmpn7 dispersing of the people peaceably as- democracy of the whole nation I not turncoat because the delegation from his anbiVA sembled to discuss political Issues and ouly conscious of it, liut Is vlvilled. V '0 political candidates. nnd sends its hopes and Its prayers th tht"r tes to W. Bingham o' mall LuilSu coY.- ' t have l(orn some fonvard , u half. Moreover, he m llc.n convent,on the statement of ciRCUJATiON. I excuse for the presence and Interven- is far stronger than his party. And his Benson boomlet was trundled Into the populist convention, and for the sake of beggarly two hundred Totes Benson BtoeSre BPV"rck. of P"wm ln turbulent meetings party, with him and with the Indopond- p TnKllaf fr.iF r'nmnaiiv. . bpin duly iWOffl, I nf u-nrV In trninn anriifrnH In tKn ntrttro I PTltR. WhndP nfllHT nnd hlllwftrk lio la I " V. tL. 'ir...! " . V ' - rt ,,11 " - v..p..ft, ,a w.v 0aav, - - - - I l! 1 LI 1 X L - U.inil - SSTpiei" eopie." of " Th. Pally. Morning there is absolutely no palliation or At- would prove to be far stronger than its " y 7k, , ivening and Bunfl.yBe; printed during the CU(Je for br,DgInff g(iunds of IH)i,cenien republican adversary. In short, Grover popu,l8t' fllt''"Kn iha nothing In 1 81.TTO j .'.sa.noo I sa.ono 4... a,30 6 20,0 6 ..ai.sio 7 ...BtBO l...........Bi.ono t 81,BRO 10 B1.6TO month of April, 1W3. waa ai fouowa; 7 " " - " ' J " "" common with nonullste. lust as his 18 ai,vu into a garnering purely political witn itciiinu m touay tne oniy uemocratic , - - . W S!'!liJI no reference whatever to jtle strike be-1 alternative to Theodore Roosevelt, ns SBt'inol 8UB ln Omaha on the first of May. In- the assured republican presidential can 20 ai.noo stead of being conservators of the peace I didate In 1904, and those who do not 21 3'i. our policemen, under the domination of appreciate the fact will appreciate It, S3 !!".!l!!!!ii!io the Present commission, headed by Des- the moment they give their thought to 24!!!!!-"".8i,4 I perado Broatch, have been converted the situation as it exactly Is and as It Is 28 S1.MO I iQto law breakers and mob makers. dally becoming more and more appar sti'970 Whether Mayor Moores Is re-elected nt- 28 Bi.eio I or not. It becomes his duty to assume Here is matter for the serious con 2 81,mh personal control of the police and put slderation of Colonel Watterson and O 1,1J I an A T VI,. i I Me Tltron n.Vi n-.or 1, i. J " iw uiuaivilioui uuu pu ill (' I 1 - 1 ' 1 J ( mil j viinrij in: CAJt'V lC'I flnnv In Omnhn Tt i imnwr f..e ih I to srive It the nt tout Ion It morlt aa Ihi mayor to abstain . from participating utterance of a newspaper which must andldat.e- under ff,B etenses, and yet Net total sal.. ;-B'" with the police board, whose title was be presumed to voice the sentiment of a f t1 m ame 01 V" qkorqh" "bV "tmchuckT I called In question and pending before large number of democrats in its sec- uul"-0 'Ule ena betorTmhS StVaTfVi court, but now that the Won. So far as the republican party is ..HoweU'. election will insure demo- (Seal. 11. 11 18 14 1S.. .82,630 2,410 81,f20 niSM 81,600 Total BO,360 tumm unsold and returned copies.... 10,423 brother allowed himself to be nominated for the supreme bench of Kansas as a socialist two years ago Just to get some cheap advertising and notoriety. Benson is posing as a great anti-corporatlonlst, but nobody ln Omaha has ever heard him raise his voice against the wrongs per pet rated upon the community by cor poratlons and monopolies. lie knows that he has no possible chance of elec tion, but is being used simply as a stalk ing-horse for Howell, the democratic M. B. HUNGATE. Notary Public decision is rendered he must assume concerned, it would heartily welcome cratlc control of the clty for many the duties and take the responsibilities I the nomination of Mr. Cleveland, who years to come. It will mean a greatly Of the chfllrniHnwMn nt fha hnnivl nn A I would be more ensllv henton than nl. I . . Benson is bein boomed as a home- ,,..,. . --"v . mcreasea vote ror me aemocrauc can uucvuuu ui him iHiuce iu cr nrorm rv i ouj umci iuau w uu l-uuiu up kp. i j . t . . m n - . maker, but ln that resoect Benson was v . ' . .. umaie 01 lue supreme nencn mis iau ' 1 htlici auu bihui ul tne law. I a iuc ufujuL-muf eiauuara distanced by his associate ln booming, C. E. Mayne, the home wrecker. The campaign of deception and im posture will come to a close tomorrow. Free rides, brass bands,' cartoons and red letter fakes have done their worst. It means the election of a solid demo- Police board usurpation, and police bearer next year. The keen eye of the cratlc delegat,on to the next legislature uous desuetude. tyranny must have an end, at least for Eagle may have discerned a demand for a time. Whatever may be the outcome Mr- Cleveland not risible to others, but of the election, Governor Mickey will we can assure it there is no such de- be called upon to put an end to the md heard ln this section. It is safe police commission usurpations and out- to say that not one western democrat lawry An outraged public sentiment M Jen desires the e.T-presldent as the w. Doanf Gllbert M. nltch cock, Ed P. Smith, A. X. Ferguson, Richard L. Metcalf, W. C. Bullard and others. Republicans should govern themselves accordingly, from this county and It may mean the election of a democratic senator for Nebraska." This Is the substance of the confidential circular issued to demo crats of, Omaha over the signature of President Tarry of the National Asso- will demand the summary removal of Party's candidate In 1904. elation of Manufacturer onght to belmembcrs who violate law Instead of ready with another outbreak aoon or he conserve law, who levy political black will bo ln danger of lapsing Into Innoc-1 mall uPn liquor dealers and bargain SIOURKS ASD BOWELL. In conformity with precedent and usage W H. Elbourn Is entitled to a re-election for a second term as city with them for Immunity from prosecu-1 tlon for ylolatlon of the low. Home rule, equal taxation and munlc 'Y" uwuCTBUiy 1MB uw l"uu, 1 Omaha lmrno Ovnori ro hlntr n sues In the present municipal campaign - h r Woplll.H.M nnnn and taxpayers and voters .of all classes tfae fact that .t6eir taxes for the year Howell. Benson has no more chance of being elected mayor of Omaha ln 1903 than be has of being elected president of the United States in i;x4, and How ell's record as legislator and as city councilman shows him to be a mere tool of the corporations and a man whose affiliations and sympathies are with the lawless elements. Waltham Watches Sail the ships. "The Terfedti American Wtlch" an. SadnieJ book of Interesting information thoat witches, ivffl be sent free apon request. American Wjilifum Watch Company, Waltham, Mass, BITS OF WASimtJTOS l.IKK. Republics are sometimes ungrateful. but the republicans of Omaha and tax- paying citizens of Omaha generally will prove themselves ingrates if they turn down William J. Hunter, who stood up fearlessly as n member of the Board of Review against all corporate pressure and against all threats from heavy tax payers, whose property had been pre viously undervalued, and by so doing helped to decrease the taxes of the mid- I Minor Seeoca and IneMenta Sketched die class and home owners. I on the sot. Americans contemplating a tour of Eu- Me Mr-Tntnah lma aorr.wl not I m.nn 1 rope during the iummer will find much use I fill InlArm.llAn In tha vnliima nn "Porftlrll uie taxpayers ot uuiaim uuu ue win not ReUtlon9 of tho UnlU(d states" Juet Issued appear ln their behalt. before the State! by the State department. Among other Board of Railroad Assessment, which things the volume contains copies of tn rin KMn u. -tn n,i t,i atructlons sent to the diplomatic and con- , , p"-"" ,ular representatives of the United Statei Evidently there Is nothing more in the relative to the Issuance of passports, the tax fight for Mr. Mcintosh and, since the purpose being to secure greater uniformity Real Kstnte exchnnire hss been enn-1 la the system. The attention of the agents ol lnln . IIHnol It. tlm. .11 1 01 lul CailOU IO m ,v' " !'""- v.u, ..1. .,.. th. ttnlf. et.t.. nn.a not dlaerlml taken up witn pontics. 1 y nate between native-born and naturalised ctttzens, yet, saya the department, "In de- It is a Piece of sublime Impudence for I terminlng the question of the conserva- Erastus Benson to appeal for the sup- of cltlienshlp and the right . . , , , . . to Tecelve a passport It la only reasonable port of organized labor through the Cen- to take ,nt0 account the purpose for which tral Labor union when everybody knows the cltlrenshlp Is obtained. A naturalized citizen who returns to that he was rjroiected into the camnaltrn by the corporations and their allies "n " '"a ' I without any tangible manifestations of an among the Jobbers in order to defeat I intention to return to the United States rF.nsoAt. NOTES. Moores and elect Howell. Advantage of Life Teaare. Philadelphia North American. King Edward has all the fun of "swing ing round the circle" without the necessity of having to explain his administration. Effect of Mind Over Matter. Chicago Chronicle. may therefore generally be assumed to have lost the right to receive the protec tion of the United States." It Is urged, however, that full prntr- tlon Is to be accorded a naturalized r' i sen tintll he manifests an effectual nh-in- donment of his residence and do-.iirMr In the United Gtates. The present cabinet Is made up of men Brother Dowle and the Christian Bel- I Wuh shorter namet than any set of cabinet enc people undoubtedly accomplish phy- I officials ln many years, observes the slcal results by mental agencies, but they Washington Star. Five of the nine ad- have no monopoly of the power of mind vlBers of the president b'ar names of only over matter. A portly citizen, pretty weJl one syllable each. These are Secretaries known locally, bought a gymnasium ticket Hay. Root. Shaw. Postmaster General with the purpose of reducing flesh and he hat lost fifteen pounds within a week sim ply by carrying the ticket in hla vest pocket and not going near the gymnas'mm at all. Baar Daya for the Bear. Cleveland Plain Dealer. In the near east, where war was Immi nent a week ago the proceedings lag. The Balkan dispute is tn abeyance, either be- Payne and Attorney General Knox. Sec retary Moody has not a long name; neither has Secretary Wilson. Secretary Hitch cock has nine letters and two syllables In his name. Secretary Cortelyou has nine letters and three syllables. His Is tho hardest of all the cabinet names to pro nounce. All the others .are plain. The predecessors of these men, however, did not have long names, and if the letters of all the men who Immediately preceded them were put together the results would be Charles I Henry, who has recently pur chased the Indianapolis Journal from Harry New, Is credited with an ambition to rearh the United States senate. Edward Cox Dnvls, who composed the famous "Lincoln Funcriil March," which was played at the funeral ln Springfield, 111., Is still living In Des Molnoe, la. J. T. Tatlow, John Wharton, (Jporse Banks, F. T Dale and II. O'Hrlen, officials of th Lancashire and Yorkshire railway of England, ara ln this country and will make an extended Inspection of American railroads. Sir James Marwlck retlrea from the town clerkship of Glaagow after a thirty years' service on a pension of $12..ri00 per year. His salary was $17,500. making the office, be held the best paid municipal post In Great Britain. Joslah B. Lynn, who twenty years ago was, next to John I. Blair, the wealthiest man ln Warren county, N. J., has Just died ln the almshouse at Washington, N. J. In his early days he and Jay Gould ran a tannery in Pike county, Pa. Eight Crlppendale chairs, once the prop erty of FTancIs Scott Key, author of "The F.:ar Spangled Banner," were sold at auc tion ln Baltimore last Saturday and brought $1,000 apiece. Only twelve of the same design were ever brought to this country. x Dr. Edward Everett Hale and some othe distinguished divines are taking aoil' Interest tn a weekly paper now being s tablished ln Boston. It Is to be prlntad ln Syrian and English for the benefit of some 2,000 or S.000 Syrians ln Boston. Rev. George Atlas, a native, of Bayreuth, Egypt, will be the editor. cause Russia wishes to settle the Chinese business first or because It wants, more j almost the same as at present In fact, Just time for military or diplomatic neasures I one letter's difference. Secretary Hav sue- In the Balkans. There s no concealing Its ceeded Secretary Day, the same number of designs in either case. It Is the dominant letters. Secretary Root succeeded Secretary XXPSCT3 UNITED STATES TO Wilt. It appears to be the prevalent belief must aec,d8 fr themselves who among lft03 -onsidershiv inwr than thr clerk and should receive the undivided In Canada that the United States will the candidates for mayor Is most likely were for 1902 and aU tfa preceding upport of republicans. win Its case before the Alaskan Boun- to Kve vitality to these issues. It must b t th Apmnort.ti(. orB darT commission, which will annn TriAet be manifest to all who know anyu-lng . t. -wm -.v.i- Colonel Bryan waa la St Louis when to MnsldpI., th. ..B-.n. ...hmitt.H about oolltlcs and nubile sentiment that Jr,., u 1 . SftlJlL him tn SI lt " Seems be 'qttlte' general th8 nd rePubl,can rump can' fact It belongs a good deal more to tho ItirSl To Canadian, that the British "Jate for mayor has no more chance members of the Board of Review and to .'rZ!L member, of the commission will be per- of -lection than the candidate of the Mayor Moores for appointing a Board of f ranttotroMBed ex-presldcnt. suaded to find in favor of the American socialists. The contest has narrowed ReTiew that stood firmly jtor equlUble A New Tork paper nas a lengthy' ed- contention ln the Interest of interna- down squarely between Frank E. Moores taxation and distributed the tax burdens itorlal dlsaulsltlon on "The Opening tional wU1. but there are others Edward E. HowelL One or the accordlng to the value of the property Season on the Turf. This will be fol- wno uinK anaaa wia lose because she wlu" VL inv UUOT " " assessed. lowed ln due time br another entitled not case, which Is the simple 7or or umana. An inteu genu "The Open Season ln the Surf." fact Tho correspondent at the Domin- choice between these men could only be The Bensonlans have discovered that .. i Ion capital of a London paper points mad by a comparison of their records the gamblers and. dive keepers are all France and Spain must be Just be- out that the weak feature of the Cana- an(1 their relations to the corporations for Howell since the supreme court ginning to appreciate what a good dian case is that it has the appearance and loterests that are opposed to home decision on the police commission. Aa thing they gave up when they let go of' being an afterthought, which ln rn,e equitable taxation and municipal a matter of fact, they were with him .their possession of the territory com- truth It Is. lie states that It was not ownersnip. j from the time he was nominated. They prised In the Louisiana purchase. until about 1887 that Canada began to Tne Insincerity of Howell as an advo- yoted solid for Howell six years ago : . - - Insist that the United States was claim- cate of nome rute ,s exhibited by his and may be depended upon to throw The Benson fakirs Will atop at noth- ln2 too much and adj th, f k . Jubilation over the decision of the su- their solid vote to him tomorrow. But lag. The latest yellow campaign ca- mi88ion: "indeed, we scarcely regarded Preme court that stamps out home rule what are the Bensonlan purifier going nard is that the strike ln Omaha was 0ur.case as worth the candle until after for the city of Omaha. to do ln the face of the political situa- gotten up expressly by George Munro ai8e0very of gold. In the Yukon, The fact the tax-shirking cor- tlon that makes Benson's election an ror mo oeneni oi n raus. iu. aiuurca. seven or li?ht tmh. a pqratlons are an combined against utter ImDossIbilitv and nnrrnw. Amn -! j . B V, , IT UI.U, V A I 1 - ' - ' wmiNA ..- a . a. I Afonres nnd in favAF nf TTnwoll lthir vnioof Koimun tttii u n, -nn In .. nc ucBjirru vj LUULrui me TOUteS " inCCu UUnC.. .uu lUUUres : J 6 runnlnir north from thA i.vnn e.npi n directly or Indirectly through their Uon program at bt. ixu wnicn the Yukon river and Dawson stalking-horse, Benson, affords ample Mr. A. P. Tukey's name has been Chicago papers have neglected to pick 7 6tatpmpnt nf tho ...J proof that Moores Is regarded as an paraded as a signer of the manifesto up and flaunt, it certainly is aue to un- t Canadian nafean by them. In other words, gotten up for Boomer Benson, when as intentional oversight rather than dellt, goveramenta "JSTtt. repostemus that tly can depend on a matter of fact Mr. Tukey never erate compassion. ln8lsted upm ln (he nowell to do their , bidding, while "Igned the document, never authortxed The mayoralty contest Is squarely be- nigh joint commission to the exclusion Moores w111 Pursue an independent one else to sign hlgname for him. t ween Moores and Howell, and as be- of aU other matters for the considera- MnfM an wU1 Protect Pub,,c ,n' lnl 8 open andabve board for Frank tween Moores and, Howell, intelligent tlota of . that body. The. position of force in both quarters and ln a position to make the rest of the world umlt until tts plans are more advanced. There are busy days ahead for the bear and anxious ones In store for Europe. Luvklly this country has no great Blake ln the game citizens of all classes must concede that I Canada ln respect to this question is so MooreB is by all odds the best man to clearly unwarranted and untenable tnt administer the affairs of the city. " " not surprising that her people ex terest jvhenever it clashes with the ln- E Moores. But this fake Is only a re terests of the corporations. flex f the whole campaign of bunco Howell's record in the city council and y which the pop-rump candidate Is ln the legislature proves him to be an trying to pull himself over the fence by pect the Boundary tribunal to decide abJect crpature f the corporations. His bls bot "traps. The rostofllee department is not un- against the Canadian claim. It has ab- UU8,nc89 88 a coal dealer and a member of the local coal combine subjects him to corporate dependence and conse- Fred Brunlng has established for him self an enviable reputation as a strictly honest, progressive business man. As assessor of the Second ward he proved himself impartial, diligent and fearless in the discharge of his duty. He Is .1 .! mniiliilnn in Tilnir thA ct tl r tiflrf At I 1 . 1 . i . . , - , .. .. - - i miuicij nuuBuiuiiai lounaauon, as Washington all the time that President has been most plainly and conclusivelv uoosevcil is aDseni. uiuer aeuarunenu shown bv former Sorotnr r e.., queuiiy uiuaes mm a perieciiy - sare might possibly dig up a few good pub- Foster and others.. The terms of the man 'or the oad8 and toelr alUes, Udty features If only given half a treaty between Russia and Great Rrit: the franchlsed corporations. On the I w "wl a . w iau UIOLUaiKD XIM, UIO UU1 I. 11 I It chance. aln and the Russian mans nmfnrmin. otner nana, l-rang k. Moores Is en- 1V ., ,iW ' 1 1 . , , , 1 uivmuiiu; isiuuur Trim uia lUDCllons therewith whih fe ,-!,- v-i. . gaged In no other business than that of .... . -i " a ,. 1 -. -, u. . u ,sa mvj 1 1UOU lin 1 1 n i I rT T v -iv ml a1nr m t-l ana aa V. nenson may nave nen unronunate . . p .'. administering the affairs of the gov-"' . . . "W"."- in being associaUnl with dishonest per- American contention l be vond - Uent and no corporation ha. string. P W I05 X"' sons and Identified with bauk wreckers " " , , . " content )oa beyond a atlon of the property of rich and poor ... . . i-nwuttLMC UOUIH. 1.11V. J9 . TT 1 , .1 " inc uTwim ui iioweu nave not even instituted comparisons with Frank and business failures. In this respect. however, he is like "Old, Dog Tray," who got Into trouble for being ln bud company, A CALL FOR CLKYELAXU. PmRTwrtx ara that thA mirnlni nnmi. There have been stranger things po- E. Moores as a public-spirited citizen. nt th ntini t..., iu lu uoimonuon or ex- ana wune tuey nave sougnt to Desinlrch CUrrent fiscal year, will reach the u..uu uy vue uemocrauc aioores ana maxe inviaious comparisons nm nf gsnnnonna havino- ir.0.i- of taxpayer, of Omaha mvalable u"'Ud"ln J Vl J V ? Wlth,thJ! tW, k,DW that more to atei ,Q' " Unc,e 8am , . - , i., x,.....a cult t0 d0 that Le woul,t atwPt a nom- Moores' moral stamina excel, by far i. nnt earefnl he l hM .11 th. of Review, and for that reason. If for V ,L'8 S b" other Dat,0D8 env,ou8 of hU no other, should he receive the cordial tjlJZ Tl T "tten.t n,'ade bm8,f ob,onabl8 t0 good fortune and anxious to come in support not onlyof republicans, but of "JiJ,' ,Z fr ' . " 7 'ur"u,ua w,uo P011 for a share In hi. horn of plenty, , mantled him for several years after Howell 1. on record a. a chamnion of I ' his retirement has been thrown aside gamblers ln the city council, where he A. H. Hennlnea has made an eieel That Northern Securities decision may and Le Las hta 0 prominent figure voted to license gambling, and In the lent record as city treasurer and his have stopped contemplated railway ln ,eeraJ important put.iie events, mak- legislature, where he labored gealously unanimous renomlnatica by the con Inm Aha . !- - II- . . 1a- . . . ..... I mergers, but it has not reduced the " 6 wnicn nave 10 secure tue passage or tne Din to re- ventlou dominated by the faction that traffic schedules. The shipper Is willing rece1 m consideration and being Ieal that part of the criminal code that he had opposed In the primaries was a to pay freight required for profit on '"J "- llu ctuihi greeung. ma.es gamonng a reiony.. merited tribute to his sterling qualities attesting inai ne retains considerable rora every point of view, therefore, as custodian of the city's public funds ponuwruy. rnn . Moores would be preferable and a recognition of bis claim for re ne tirooKiyu agie, one of the ablest n the mayor', chair to Edward E. How- election. and most influential of the Independent jell. Summed up ln a nutshell, the over- aemocratic papers, In a recent article I shadowing Issue in the present cam-1 City Attorney Connell, while loaded to ' A. O.-WahUtrom, the republican can-1 urge tne nomination of Mr. Cleveland palgn Is, Shall the corporation, govern I the water', edge with unproductive real didate for building Inspector, Is recom- next year. It declares that he is today I Omaha or shall Omaha govern itself? I estate, ha. never lost his confidence ln mended by all who know him as a com- regarded as the only man who could I Howell notoriously owe. hi. nomlna-1 the final outcome of Omaha. His ef peteut and houest mechanic and build-1 d8 Tljeodore Roosevelt "All the tlon to the corporation, and i. supported forta In the future a. in the past must lug coutractor. While ie is uot a mag- j democratic aspirants for the presi- I by them with all the means at their be for the creation of a greater Omaha, netto political mixer, he may be relied dency, says the Eagle, "could ground command. Moores wa. nominated In thereby bringing relief to himself and upon to discharge the Important duties I tne arm" of their ambition at the feet I Plt f all the corporations and corpora- thousands of other, similarly situated. that w 111 devolve upon him as building 1 r "rover Cleveland, but they could do I tlon dominated police clubs. He is under Inspector and member of the Board of " at the feet of no other democrat. It I no obligation, to the corporations and rK not allow yourselves to be de . v . . . 1 . Tubllc Work, fearlessly aud cousclen- woula IM no Humiliation for them to win, consequently, be ln position to re- celved. Every vote cast for Lrastus A tlouolj ISlT" place to him. for he ha. been theidMUi the republican platform pledges, I Benson is half a iot for Ldwaxd E actual Investment and exiHuses of oi eratiou, but he hates to put-up extra for the sake of dividends on watered atoeks. Alger, a gain of one letter. Secretary Shaw took the place of Secretary Gage, the same number of letters. Mr. Payne came Into tho cabinet when Charles Emory Smith went out, the same number of letters. At- torney General Knox took the place of John W. Griggs, a gain of two letters, and Sec retary Moody followed John D. Long, a loss of one letter. The five men named, have two letters leas In their names than the five men who preceded them. The value of a short name In departmen tal work Is appreciated by heads of , dc- The thou- Handy Things to Play With, San Francisco Call. A number of islands never charted on any map have been found in he southern part of the' Philippine archipelago, and of course they count as part of our pos sessions. It Is said they are valuable, but pertinents and their assistants It may be their chief value flll be that of sands of documents to be signed dally make affording positions for civil, officials who it laborious and tedious work to repeat a may be sent oown to take cdiarge of them. I long signature so often. In feet, hundreds In fact, further explorations in the archi- I of men have wished that they could have pelago may bring to light such a number attained equal fame and Importance under t uncharted isles that It -will be possible shorter names. It Is nearly always the for Uncle Sam to console applicants who case that when a new cabinet officer takes fall to. get an office by giving them an I charge he will begin by signing his name Island to play with. In full, like "Benjamin B. Smith." but he will not keen this un lone, and In a mnnth Profit la Paying- &ood Wages. wm have reached the conclusion that "B. Detroit Fre Press. n. Smith" Is eood enoueh for all official ve pay more lor is.bor than European papers. In some especial document he may countries ana, paraaxically as It may sign his name ln the full stylo, but he rs seem, tnai is wnere we have them. If serves that as a sort of sneclal affair. like American- industrial advancement has a Sunday suit of clothes, proved one thing mere clearly than an other It is the fact Lhat good wages Is a profitable Investment on the part of the mployer. It produces a standard of ef ficiency which morrj than offsets the added expense. Good wpes means well-fed and well-clothed labor and ultimately Intelli gent labor. If a .well-cared for horse can dd mora work than one which Is half- starved and neglected It Is safe to assume that a well-fed . man will accomplish more than one who Is indifferently nourished. The world ha a come to understand that race and national supremacies are ques tions largely of a food , supply and high wage usually means good food ln sufficient quantities to meet all the needs of the Individual. I.AM.III3G LIES. Church I see a Jersey man Is complain ing because his wile tnougni mui i i . i. . . V. . ,41.1 nt him Uothum-Welt. perhape the dog growled less. Yonker s statesman. "Sometimes," said Uncle Eben, a mun1 will keep 001111101 elmply because he s rot a low-down- ambition to make other folks so mUahle 1at he feels comfortable by comparison." Washington Btar. The Pastor Have you anything new for net Sunday? . The Choirmaster I think not. There Is the same old itrudne between the alto and the baritone. Chlougo Tribune. The Allen-Don't you like to stand In a great city street and feel the great pulfe at humanity? . . . , The Citizen Yes; but lma physician, anyway. Detroit Free Presa. n,n Tnn.K rnmp to m with a Kieit financial scheme a few months ago and of fered to let me In on the ground lloor. Itrown And of course you went in. Orven Yea. Brown How did you come out? Urern Didn't come out tit all. There were nq exits. Chicago News. ' She 1 want to get a box of cigars tor a present to Clerk Yes miss. Does your friend like a mild cigar" or a strong one? She O! any kind - will do, so they re ClCh:rk Yea, madam. Shall I send m home to vour hiwtiand or will you take them with you? Philadelphia Pres. UeI was thinking of speaking to your father soon, ghe yes, papa told me he thought jou would. He Indeed? 6h Yes, and he Bays if you truly love me you ought to take out an accident policy ln my favor. 1'hlUdalphla Pres. THIN!. THAT NEVER DIE. Ciiarles DK kens. The pure, the bright, the bsautlful. That stirred our hearts In youth. The ImpulKes of wordless prayer. The drefims of love and iruih; The IuukIiiK after something lout. The splra's yearning ry. The trlvlnK after better hopes These things luh never tile. Miss Rebecca J. Taylor, who recently gained wide notice on account of her po litical writings and her legal controversy with Secretary Root growing out of her I removal from a clerkship ln the War de partment, has become, through the death of an uncle In San Francisco, the heiress to an estate valued at several hundred thousand dollars. Miss Taylor's uncle died April 19 and the following day the young woman re- Jt - I .. t ,.V, .t.t V a t Yn n imA ,o 1 queathod her the bulk of his estate, amount- "J',;;,,? Ann all ine iruies, sweet ami ui, Thftt make no love's lirst dIIhs: If with llrm. un.iiHngmK faith,. Ami holy trust and high. Those hHnds have clasped, those lips have The tlmld hand stretched forth to aid A brother ln his need, A kindly word in Brief's dark hour That proves a friend Imlo.-d; The plea for mercy softly breathed. When Justice threatens nlnh; The sorrow of b ennlrlie heart These things shall never die. OBJECT LESSOR PROM MEXICO. CeacMtl'ni Mast Ba Paid for and Other Coadltlons Compiled With. Ttrnlr TVl V 1 1 n a Mexico affords us many profitable snd retarya authority In the matter claiming Intereatnr examnlea nf a crtvrrnniAnl fnr I tne Ing to upward of $300,000; that she had been made executrix of his will, and ad vising her to come to San Francisco at once. Miss Taylor, who was appointed to rifles from a southern state, was dismissed for having contributed to the newspapers an article criticising the administration's Philippine policy. She challenged the see constitution guaranteed liberty of speech, and that under the civil service law she was entitled to a hearing beore the Civil Service commission. Judge Hag- .v.. Ik. ..,lin hud acted more profitable than our way of throwing ..h nl. r. ghV- that the power of IW ntlhlln fmnrhf.cR .nri rlvlnir rnmnr.. Clearly WimiD HIS rigui, "" " tho people. Her well known method of controlling enterprises which create wealth out of the resources of the country is fai away public franchises and giving corpora tion the right to exact unreasonable rates without paying a reasonable fee for the privilege. An example of the up-to-date Me lean method Is afforded by the conces sln granted to H. H. Moran and J. E Mleyer for quarrying and preparing litho graphic stone, The concessionaires are to work a quarrj of lithographic stone, on land belonging tt the government, leasing the land or ac quiring It by purchase. Six months .after the date of concession the company shall submit plans ef the buildings, machinery snd materials, as well as plans of the ter rltory to be worked. Construction Is to commence within one year, and to be com pleted within three years. The govern ment will appoint an Inspector, and the company must pay Into the treasury $3,0OC yearly for salary and Inspection expenses payments to cease when workshops and machinery shall have been erected. Tbt sum of (100.000 Is to be invested In the en terprlas. The company Is to Import appa ratus, materials, tools, etc., free of duty The plant Is to be open to the scholars of the national schools, snd the company shall give the students aurh Information as may enable them to pursue their studies Intelligently. The capital, buildings and other property of the company are to be exampt from federal taxation, except the stamp tax. The company la to be Mexican and subject to the Jurisdiction of Mexico Here It may be seen the government for titles Itself against foreign Interference by making the business a strictly Mexican concern. It prevents the promoters frcn securing an option or a privilege which. It does not Intend to use for sny other tftan speculative purposes. It makes It sn ob Jeet for the -concern to begin operatlrtv. as quickly as possible by agreeing to a sus pension of all tees snd federal taxes, except th stamp tax, when the business Is smarted and It makes tt of general profit h open ing the plant to the schools for -the sd vancsmetU of kowltdaa. appointment carried with It the power to dismiss, and that Miss Taylor s criticism was not liberty of speech, but license. 1 met These things shall never die. The cruel and the bitter word. That wounded us It fell: The chilling want of sympathy We feel hot never tell; The hard repulse (hat chills the heart. Whose hopee were bounding high. In an unfailing record kept These things shall never die. Let nothing pass, for every hand Must find some work to do; Lose not a chance to waken love He firm and Just and true. So shall light that cannot fade Ileam on thee from on high. Ami angel voices say to thee These things shall never die. ' - Boys don't care. They only think of today. It's the parents who must watch and worry. They know what exposure to the wet and cold means tender throats, sore lungs, hard coughs. That's why so many homes keep on hand Ayer's Cnerry Pectoral i i j i -,t. a . h jusi a biDiiic uuic, wiic.1 mc vum msi tomes on, is orien K sufficient. Your own doctor will explain why this medicine Is L so good for coughs of all kinds, for bronchitis,' and even for Consumption. Tkneslusi Uc., lc, tl.M. J.C. AYEi CO.. C n. U In the wlutr. hm th children ukt told tn Mtlir. I slwsys kaap Aysfs Cberrx Pectoral oa kaad. It U muadtului indiclue for thrimt and luuu truu !)-" M HnfUtA KaiBTSa. Brookl jo. N. T. i TT