Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1903, Image 2

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A letter adirraspd to the voters of Omaha by the Republican Central Committee
'A misleading to republican voters who Intend to vote for BENSON.
They state: "Do not put any other mark on your ballot except the 'X' In the
republican circle, and that If you do you may loie your rote."
These Instruction are wrong! You Can VOTE IN THE PARTT CIRCLE nod
then VOTE FOR BENSON In the square and It will be counted for BENSON for
We quote the law In this matter:
Section 146 of Chapter 2 of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska, for 1901, which
Is the law now In force In Nebraska, provide:
"When a voter shall have made a crosn In one of the circles for a STRAIGHT
party ticket, and shall have also made crosses In ANY of the squares to the right
ef the name of ANY candidates his vote shall be no counted A3 A VOTE
FOR SAID CANDIDATES but for all other offices his Tote shall
be csunted for the candidates of that party In whose circle he has made a
These Instructions are issued by the authority of the Executive Committee of
the alliens' candidate for MayoT, ERASTUS A. BENSON.
For further Information see the Benson sample ballot printed In The Bee, and
News Sunday Issues, and the Benson sample ballot printed In pink.
by C. S HAYWARD, Chairman.
C. C. BELDEN, Vice Chairman,
SIDNEY SMITH. Secretary.
Omaha Oalli a Brief Halt in Colorado
Spr'ngB1 Onward Bush.
fatal Pitches a Me Heady Game
and t.ets SufHrlent Support to
Hold the Everltt Tribe
COljORADO SPRINGS, Colo.. May 8.
(Special Telegram.) Omaha administered
tne nrn aereai loaay mat me millionaires
have suffered since the season opened, by
a score of 4 to 2. In the first half of the
fourth inning, with the score standing two
to nothing, In favor of Colorado Springs,
two passes to first, a hit and an error by
Fleming, formerly of the Omaha team,
gave Rourke's men three runs after two
were out. Omaha cinched the game In the
eighth Inning by another score, resulting
from an error, a sacrifice and a single.
With the exception of these two innings
the game waa a fast one and replete with
aensatlonal playing that brought the grand
stand to Its feet. In the second inning
Shafstal gained the displeasure of the fans
for running Into Lumley on the first base
line, giving the Colorado Springs player
bad fall. Shafstal was loudly hissed
every time he came to bat after that. It
waa clearly apparent, however, that the
tnlxup was unintentional and the result
only of Shafatal's eagerness to cover the
bag and get the runner. A feature of the
game was Carter's timely hitting. Score:
A.B. R. IB. FO. -A. E
Carter, rf 4 0 2 2 1 0
Oenlns, cf 2 0 0 4 0 0
Preston. If 4 10 10 0
Wright, lb 2 117 12
Dolan. as 10 112 1
Stewart, 2b 2 1 0 8 2 0
Hlckey, 3b 4 110 12
Thomas, c 4 0 13 10
Shafstal, p 4 0 0 0 2 0
Totals 31 4 6 27 10 S
' A.B. R. IB. PO. A. E.
Fleming. If.'... ..'. 6 1 0 10 1
Franks, sa 4 0 0 1 4 0
Lumley, cf 4 1 2 2 0 0
C'oiiKalton. rf 4 0 1 8 0 0
F.verlt t. lb 4 0 2 16 0 1
' Nil) 2b V ...... 10 0 1 '4 0
Granville, 3b 4 0 1 0 4 0
Btarnagle. c 3 0 0 8 0 0
Vllleman. D 3 0 1 O 6 0
Swaclna 1 0' 0 0 0 6
Totals 35 2 7 27 17 2
Batted for Vllleman in the ninth.
Omaha 000300010-4
Colorado Springs... 200000000 2
Karned runs: Omaha. 1. Two-base hit:
Thomas. Sacraflce hits. Mill. Franks,
Genlns, Wrlfrht. Dolan. Stolen bases:
Fleming, Lumley, Nlll, Carter. Struck out:
By Vllleman. 2: by Bhafstal 1. First base
on balls: Off Vllleman, 3; off Shafstal, 1.
Left on bases: Colorado Springs, 9; Omaha,
6. First base on errors: Colorado Springs,
2; Omaha, 1. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Bren-
Heavy Hlttlns; at Driver,
DENVER. May 3. Heavy batting was the
feature nf the game today. Fuhl made a
home run, the lirst of the season on the
local ground. Attendance, f,&uo. Score:
Denver 3 1 2 0 0 0 2 2 10 13 2
Pea Moines.... 100014100 7 12 1
Batteries: Denver, Gordon, Eyler and
Schley; Des Moines, Cushman, Fveney and
Kansun Cltr Wins Early.
KAN8A8 CITY, May 3.-Kansas City won
the game In the first two tunings by heavy
hitting. Hess pitched a "lne game. At
tendance, 6.&0U. Score;
Kansas City ...2 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 H 4
Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 13
Batteries: Kansas City, Hesa and Met
itt; Milwaukee, McPherson and Lucia. ,
Glade Wins for St. Joe. .
ST. JOSEPH. May 3.-St. Joseph won
today by means ot Glade's good pitching
and by unusually good hitting In the eljhtn
Inning. Attendance, 6.0UJ. Score:
St. Joseph 0 0003014 s 16 3
Peoria 3 1 0 0 0 0 8 0 07 2 7
Batteries: St. Joseph. Gtrvln and GlaJe;
Peoria, Wilson and Oimsteid.
tauuiaa of lite Trm.
Played. Won. Lost. P.C.
Colorado Springs 8 4 1 ."0
Kansas City 6 8 2 .fr.O
Omaha 4 2 2 .6u0
Denver 4 2 2
Milwaukee 6 2 3 .400
Peurla -. 6 2 3 .400
St. Joseph 6 2 3 .4"0
Des Moluts 6 1 4 .250
Games today: Omaha at Colorado Sprlnga,
Des Moines at Denver.
llut'lunatl Shows It Can IMay Ball
an3 Wins Another
CINCINNATI, May S.-By timely hitting
and good Judgment on the baaes Cncln
natt won an Interesting game from St
I.ouIk Ewing's pitching waa superb and
he had Ih- opposing batsmen at his mercy
throughout. Currle alM pitched nice ball,
but hi j support was somewhat ragged. At
tendance, 1.200. Score:
K.H O A K.H.O.A.B.
Kallar. If.... 0
Srymour, rf.. 1
1 1
0 0 Bark, 'lb 1
1 0
1 0
0 0 SmooC, rf.... 0
0 0 Brain, lb 0
0 1 Barclay, II...
0 4
0 0
1 0
lnn cy. ... 1
1 1
Harklrr. lb.. I 1 11
filfMfelJt, lb 1 1 I
1 0 Ha.k.U, lb.. 0 1 II
1 0 nonoran, rt. I 1 1
( orcoian, aa. 0
Macaon, lb.. 1
Pclli. c 0
Kwlng. p 1
1 4
0 1
1 0
1 1 williama, as. 0
0 0 Ryan, c 0
1 0 Currla. a 0
0 1
0 ft
0 t
Totala I 10 IT l!
Totals I I m 11 I
81. Louis
Earned runa!
Tmn-biiae hit;
Donlln. Burke,
clay. Williams.
0 1012110 7
0 0 110 0 0 0 02
Cincinnati 5; 8t. Louis 1
Maaoou. 'Three-bare hits:
Stolen basex: Kurk.e, Bar-
Double play: Magcon to
Berkley. First base on balls
OIT k.lng.
At Urn. (A
y Tarn their Backs JT
v (Hires )
VaW K vol fee or w J
1 J f ilmakaaUMirfmcas ,
I ; jTV '"' i r.Tr"V
1 J'aaa makiai I
' 1 V aail.Mia. buldryiay- f
jM wliara.uf by suail.furSM,
1; ofT Currle. 4. Hit by pitched ball: Bv
Ewtng, 1; by Currle, 1. Struck out: By
Kwlng, 2: by Currle, 4. Passed ball: Ryan.
Time: 1:60. Umpires: Emslie and Halll
day. '
Pittsburg; Tarns Tables.
CHICAGO, May 8. The visitors won
todsy in a rlesnly play-wl eleven-inning
game. Weimer'a wlldness forced in a run
In the first. Chance's muff added one In the
second and two hits with a eticriflce scoring
another In the eleventh. Bunched hit
gave the locals their two. Attendance, 17,
OoO. Score:
R H O A B It H O A B.
Beaumont, cf. 1 1 I 0 0 Jon, rf 0 s 0
Clark. If 0 110 Slala, If.... 0 1 1 0 0
Lrah. In.... 0 (61 1 rhanra, lb... list
Waincr, rt... S 0 1 0 0 Dobba, ef ... 10 40
Phrlna. lb ... 110 0 Tlnktr. as... 0.0 140
Rlli-h.v, lb... 0 0 I 0 Caaay, tb....O 1110
Krufr, aa... 0 0 4 1 Lowa. lb-lb.. 0 0 11 I 0
smith, c 117 10 r.m. lb.... 11110
Kennrdr, .. 1 0 4 0 Wrlmer. I 0 0
Raub. c 0 0 0
Totals ..1 111 t 1. Williams . 0 0 0 0 0
I Totals 1 IU1I 1
Slagle declared out for running out of
Patted for We'.mer In the eleventh.
Pittsburg 1 100000000 1-3
Chicago 0 011000000 03
Left on bases: Tlttsburg. 7; Chicago, 10.
Two-basehlts: Evers, Clark (2), Kennedy.
Sacrifice hits' Tinker, Weimer. Uitchey.
Stolen base: Beaumont. Double play:
Evers to Tinker tD Lowe. Struck out: Hy
vveimcr. a; oy ivenneay, o. tue on Dans:
Off Wetmer, 4; off Kennedy, 5. Wild rlteh:
Weimer. Hit with ball: Dobbs. Tirr.s:
2:20. Umpire: Johnstone.
Standing; of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. P.C.
New York 13 4 ."
Pittsburg 15 10 6 . 667
Chicago 14 8 6 , .571
Boston 16 8 7 .533
Brooklyn 13 6 7 .462
St. Louis 16 S 8 .400
Cincinnati 14 6 9 . 857
Philadelphia 15 6 10 .333
Game today: Brooklyn at Philadelphia,
New York at Boston, Chicago at Pittsburg,
St. Louis at Cincinnati.
St. Lonla Stopa the Winning; Straak
of Detroit by Score) - '
8 to 1.
ST. LOUIS May 3.-St. Louis defeated
Detroit In the second game of the series
here this afternoon, 8 to 1, through good
work on the slab by Donahue and fast
fielding behind him. KItson was hit with
regularity and all three of St. Louis' runs
were earned. Attendance, 11,300. Score:
R.H.O.A.K.I R.H.O.A.B.
Hurkett, If... 1110 0 Barrett, ef... 0 1 0
lialdrlt'k, cf. 1 1 1 0 0 Smith, lb.... 0 0 4 10
Hemphill, rf. 0 1 10 t Crawford,, It. 1 110 0
Anderaon, lb. 0 1 10 1 0 Oarr, lb 1 t 0 0
Wallaca, aa..O 1 0"1 0 Elbcrtetd. a, I 1 I I I
M't'or'lck, lb 0 1 17 0 Grtaler, rt... 100
Frail, lb 0 1111 Ytagar. lb... 0 I 0
Kahoe. c 1110 0 Buelow, .:.. 0 0 4 1 1
Donahue, p.. 0 1 1 4 t KHaon, p.... 0 0 t
Totala I 11 17 1 l! Totala 1 1 14 t 1
St. Louts 2100000003
Detroit 000100000 1
Earned runa: St. Louis, 3; Detroit, 1.
Three-base hit: Heldrlck. Sacrifice hits:
Smith. Crawford, Kahoe. Double plays:
Buelow to Smith, Smith to Elberfeld. Stolen
bases: Crawford. Heldrlck. Wild pitch:
KItson. First base on balls: Oft Krtson, 2;
off Donahue, 1. Struck out: By Donahue,
8; by KItson, 4. Left on bases: St. Louis,
7; Detroit, 10. Time: 1:35. Umpire:
Chleatjo Defeats Cleveland.
CHICAGO. May 3. According- to official
reports 18,800 people saw the Chicago team
defeat the Cleveland representatives at the
American league grounds here today. The
weather, while clear, was rather too cold
to admit of much enthusiasm. The batting
of Daly and Callahan and LaJule a left
handed catch In the second Inning were the
tea tures. etcore;
. R.H.O.A.B.
Dolan, lb..
1 I 11 0 01
Day, cf 0 1 1 0 0
Jonea, rr 0
Groan, rf 0
Hallman, If.. 1
label), lb.... 0
Duly, lb 1
Tannehlll, aa 0
McKarland, c 1
Callahan, p., 1
McCarthy. If 1
1 1
0 4
lJola, lb.... 0
Hlckmant lb. 1 1 11
uraaler, lb.. 0 1 1
Flick, rf t
I 1
1 0
1 0
Occbnauer, ss 0
Bmta, e 0
Joaa, p 1
Totala til IT 17 '.I Totals t t 14 It 1
Chicago 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 (
Cleveland 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 03
Two-base hits: Dolan, Daly, Callahan,
Hickman, Jos. Sacrifice hits: Isbell. Mc
Carthy, Lajole. Stolen bases: Hickman,
Gochnauer, Flick t2). Double play: Brad
ley to Hickman. Struck out: By Joss, 2;
by Callahan, 6. Bases on balls: Off Ji ss,
(; off Callahan, 2. Wild pitch: Callahan.
Time: 1:50. Umpire: Sheridan.
titaadlaat or the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. P.C.
Detroit I .067
Chicago $ t .6t!7
Philadelphia 12 7 i .53
New York 10 I 5 .600
Waohlngton 10 6 5 .5-10
Boston 12 4 .3.13
St. Louts 8 S B .375
Cleveland 8 t .250
Oames today: Detroit at Chicago, Cleve
land at St. Louis, Washington, at Boston,
Philadelphia at New York.
Kellnm Pitches Well for Hooslers aad
Also Helps Wis with
LOUISVILLE, May 1 Indlanapolla de
feated Louisville today before 8,0.0 people
In one of the best played games of the sea
son. Helium's pitching and batting were
features. Kagan also pitched a nice g'im,
but two pa8rs. fol owed by Kellum's three
base hit lost the game for him. Score:
R.H O. A.B
H H O A K.
HofrlaTar, rf 0
Tax. lb 0
Jnuaa. If 0
Klhm. lb-.... 0
Coultar. cf... 0
O'Brien, aa.. 1
Tno:rU Ih.. 1
1 0 1 Kervla, rf... 1 1 1 0 0
110 odvall. ef.... 0 0 1 0 0
I 0 Sclllvan, aa . a a 1 I a
ft 0 0 H brlavr, a. 0 0 4 0 0
10 Whlta. lb.... 0 0 II 0 0
4 t OCIrmar. If.... 0 0 10 0
4 4 1 Si-haab, lb... 0 0 1 1 0
110 Oillda. lb.... 0 1 1 4 0
Itrjdoa, a
Kalium. p
1 ft 1 1 Kasan, t 1 0 0
Totala I T 17 10 I Toe la 1 1 14 ft 0
Indianapolis i 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01
Three-base hits: Kerwtn, Kellum. Barei
in Vialla Off la'aan It Blotilr ,,. LI.,
Eagan, 8; by Kellum, "4. Left on bases: In-
C"Biii 0 VI ivriium, v. on miri; jn-
dlanapoll. 4; Louisville 1. First baas on
errors: Ixulsvllle, 3. Double play: Tarn
sett to Klhm. Time: 1:35. Umpire: Fore
man. Toledo an Bass- Winner.
COLUMBUS, May 3. Columbus played a
ragged lielding game today nd Tolfdo wo
by timely hitting and last bace runnl.ig.
All but one of the six errors credited to
Columbus were contly. Score:
Smltb. rt 1110 Wllllama, If. ft 1 1 0 ft
Barnard, cf. 1 1 1 OS Hart, cf ft I 1 ft ft
Ki ll amp. aa 1 ft 4 1 0 K.yoar, lb... ft 1 1 4 ft
K-lournoy. If., ft ft 1 1 ft Turnar. lb... ft 1 1 ft 1
Tarnar, lb... ft ft I 1 O Mrllor, lb.... ft ft 14 ft I
.u, lb ft ft I ft ftiArndl, rf ft 1 1 ft 3
Connors, lb., ft ft ft ft n Brwaall. as., ft 1 1 1 I
butlar, c 114 1 Olf'ux. a 1111
Carries, a ft ft ft ft ai ktt Makla. ..!
a ... ft ft ft aikttaUkia. ..!
alta)f ft ft ft ft ft
I ToUta I inn I
Bailey batted for McMakln In ninth.
Toledo 3 0 0 1 0 1 1 0-5
Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 O-l
Stolen bases: Smith. Bernard. Flournoy.
Sacrifice hit: Blankein-hlu. Bases on balls:
Off McMackln. 3. Two-base-hits: Butler,
Turnar. lilt by pitched balls: Bernard,
McMakln: Struck nut: By Carrlck, 3;
by McMakln, 2. Time: 1:50. Umpire:
Kansas City's Off nay.
ST. PAUL, Msy S-Ksnas CI
it y rou'd
not hit and played a ragged llildn
ng game.
Attendance, 4,ow. score:
r ho a r
R H O A E.
0 0 10 1
Phannnn, cf.
Jaitron, rt..
Oalar. If
S-baafar, aa.
vhlr. Ih.
Huatlna. lb.
Plrr, lb...
Stilllran, c.
Ptawarl, p..
Ihach. p....
4 110 1
Oanler. ef-...
Malonr, 0...
Nanca, lb....
iliaily. lb...
Rnthfuaa, rf..
Kroll, If
Irffwi, aa....
Mi-And'wa. lb
Mrl'nnalri, p.
Martin, p....
1 11
1 I
0 0
0 0
Total 10 1127 14 il Totals 1 114 10 J
St. Paul 1 0 2 0 8 1 8 1 10
Kansas City 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 08
Earned runs: St. Paul, 4: Kansas City, 1.
Two-base hits: Jackson (i), Ueier. Three
base hits: Sullivan, Nance. Sacrifice hit:
Wheeler. Stolen bases: Shannon ui. Hug
gins, Geler, Knoll. liases on balls: Oaf
McDonald, 3; off Martlr. ; off Stewart, l;
off Chech, 3. Struck out: By Stewart, 1;
by Chech, 4; by McDonald, 2; by Mirtln, 1.
Wild pitch: Martin. Lett on buses: St.
Paul, I; Kansas City, 5. Time: 2:00. Um
pire: Cunningham.
Minneapolis Cannot Win.
MINNEAPOLIS, May S Mllwauke? won
the third game of the series here today by
batting out i homas for thirteen hliw. For
eight Innings the game was a p.t'-hers'
battle between Vhonias and McQlll, the lat
ter having a shade the ben of It. Milwau
kee scort-d three In the rlgnth on a single,
a base on balls and a three-bagger. 'J'ne
batting of 1'hyle was the feature. Attend
ance, 3,542. Score:
Fhrl. sa.... 1 4 1 i t
olr, aa 1
1 1
Donahue, lb. 1 1 1 0 0
i 1 1 v. ir o
Mi'l'reery, cf. 0
leaner, c... 0
.Vilmot. rf . . . 0
luff' Inter, lb 0
Irlntrre, lb. 1
Ail I nder. lb 0
uuiuaa, p... 0
0 0
0 0
1 0
0 0
1 0
0 1
0 0
1 0
IHl leavr. If. 1 1 0 1
Dn.taa. rf... 0 1 0
Srhlatlay, 2b. 0 1 1 1
Vnslaub, lb. 0 1 0 0
Wc-tid, e 110 1
Pw, cf 0 0 1 0
McOUl, p.... 0 0 11
Totals 7 11 27 8 Totala I 11 27 1
Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 8-7
Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22
Earned runs: Milwaukee, 6: Minneapolis
2. Two-base hits: Laily, sjchfilley. Wood.
Three-base hit: Dunlcavy. Stolen base1:
Donahue, Dunleavy, rioffrml.-iter, Mc
Creery. Double play: Thomas to HolT
melster. Sacrifice hit: Thomas, liases o.i
balls: Off Thomas, 1; off McGill, J. S.ruck
out: By Thomas, 4; by, 6. Hit by
pitched balls: Oyler, Mclntyre. Lfft on
tiiises: Milwaukee, 5; Minneapolis, 1 1.
Time: 1:56. Umpires: Morjn and Mul
lane. Standing; of the Trnrai,
Played. Won. Lost. P.C.
Milwaukee 10 9 1 .9"0
Indianapolis 10 8 2 .'0
Kansas City 10 6 4 .6'0
Todo 10 6 4 .6)
St. Paul 9 6 4 .556
Louisville 10 4-6 .400
Columbus 10 2 8 iO
Minneapolis 11 0 11 .000
No games today.
Interesting; Basket Ball Tournament
Closes with Exclting
Contest. BELLEVUE. Neb.. May 3. (Special.)
Friday evening witnessed the close of an
exciting basket ball tournament among thi
girls of tne college, mere were two well
matched teams, tne Reds and the Whites.
The first same, played on Wednesday, re
sulted In favor of the Whites. 32 to 21. The
Reds won the second game Thursday. 34 to
26. The final game was open to the public
and the gymnasium was crowded with sup
porters of the Keds and tne vr.i;e. it
was closely contested and resulted In a tie.
It to 18. The proceeds of the game were
turned over to the Young Women's Chris
tian association to help in sending dele
gates to the Lake Geneva. Wis., Young
Women's Christian association conference.
The teams were as follows:
Reds. Position. Wb!ts.
Anna Hertxler 1st C Margaret Peteia
Amy Caya za u...
...Alice Shuti
Gertrude Collins. ...K. F...
Georgia Cook L. F..
Anna Little R. ..
Mary Kerr
..Myrtle Fletcher
. .tiazei Taylo
Grace Collins I,. O... ..Amanda Kol 1 i
Clara Foley Sub. ..Blanche Llnkhart
Dr. Kerr returned Friday from a business
trip to Chicago, Pittsburg, Philadelphia and
New York. The students greeted him
warmly at his appearance in chapel.
The science department ot the college has
perfected plans to make cxtenclve scientific
collections, botanical,' entomological and
sooioglcal, in Sarpy county this summtr.
By exchange with other! Ins.lui t.on.i tne
collections will be extended to Include the
whole state.
The students and faculty have Just
adopted a new constitution for the athletic
association. A board of control, tonsutlng
of six members, is given the direction of
The total enrollment of the college for
this year la 181.
Reserves Wla Kasy One.
In a one-aided base ball game yesterday
the Reserves defeated a picked team com
posed mostly of the Wizards by a score of
12 to 4. For five innings straight the win
ning team batted the opposing pitcher's
curves unmercifully. The battery for the
Reserves waa Lynch and Browne, and for
the picked nine, Famfornlck ,and Goose.
The Reserves are anxious to hear from
teams In or out of the city. Communica
tions should be sent to Floyd Glass, 3357
South Nineteenth street.
High, School Meet at Tecnmseh.
TECL'MSEH, Neb., May S.-(Speclal.) It
has been decided to hold the inter-high
school field -sports in this city next Satur
day. The high schools from Auburn, Ne
braska City, Humboldt Falls City, PaWnee
City and Tecumseh will each have a team
in the contests. The sports will continue
throughout the day, opening with a base
ball game in the morning and closing with
a Dasaei oau contest, in ine evening.
Diets Team Downs Ideals.
The C. N. Diets team won Its lnit al
game of ball by defeating the ideals at
Twenty-seventh and California streets Sun
day afternoon, 2 to 1. The game was close
and exciting and the feature was th-pit b.
Ing of the lumbermen a twiner, Ki.lght,
who allowed but three scattered hits. Score:
Diets 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 7 I
Ideals 0 0 O 1 0 0 0 0 01 3 2
Batteries: Wets, Knight and Hathaway;
Ideals, Mlnlcus and Coe.
Hanacom Parks Defeat Owls.
The Hanscom Parks defeated the Owls In
a very interesting game of ball on the lat
ter's grounds yesterday afternoon by the
score of 14 to 3. The feature of the game
was tne Dauery worn of tne liansc ,m
Hanscom Parks S 0 3 2 0 2 2 0 214
Owls 1 000001 103
Batteries: Hanscom Park, Ooellner and
Ferster; Owls, Clair Parmelee and Wil
liams. Three-I leaarue.
At Decatur Decatur, ; Rock Island, 2.
At Bockford Kockford. 3; Dubuque, 2.
At Bloomlngton Blooming ton. 5; Jo. let, 3
Aa Davenport Cedar Haplds, 1; Daven
port, 0.
Two Pitchers Released.
BALTIMORE, May . James Raub and
August Hon, pitchers, were released touay
by the Baltimore club.
Interesting; and Instructive ' Work
Jnst Oat of Government
WASHINGTON. May . The government
printing office has Just Issued two quarter
volumes entitled "Indian Affairs, Law and
Treaties," compiled by direction of con
gress by Charles T. Ksppler, clerk of the
senate committee on Indian affairs. The
volumes contain every treaty made by the
United States with the Indians and all the
laws, executive orders and proclamations
relating to the Indians up to December
1, 1902, together with statistics of tribes
trust funds, etc.
The commissioner of Indian affairs In
his annual reports has urged for some years
that such a compilation be made for the
reason that the laws and orders relating
to the Indians were scattered through
great number and variety of public docu
ments, making it exceedingly difficult tc
be sure that one had before him all legis
lation on any given question relative to the
Indians. The present compilation Is In
dexed carefully and In Its general arrange
ment follows the form of the statutes at
largtsk ' y
Piople of Brown County Do Not Know Jutt
Why it Wu CaJl.l
Another Theory la that Loose Killing
la to Be Investlarated, While (.am-,
biers and Bootlettarra Are
on Amioai Seat.
AINSWORTH, Neb., May 3. (Special
Telegram.) A grand Jury has been called
for the next term of the district court
which convenes here the 18th Instant. In
quiry falls to reveal the cause of the call
ing of the Jury and all sorts of rumors
are afloat. One Is that the Loose killing
by Detective Hans, which caused so much
excitement here a couple ot years ago. Is
to be aired. Another rumor Is that re
ported gambling and bootlegging in the
past is to receive the attention of the
grand Jury, while another Is that cattle
rustling and horse stealing ot some kind
will be looked Into. Whatever the reason
the fact remains that a grand Jury hat
been called and the general public has so
far not been let Into the secret.
Have Waited Long; for a Railroad and
How Expert Two of
CHAMBERS, Neb., May 8. (Special. )
The people of Chambers, who have been
waiting so long for a railroad, now have
strong hopes that their expectations will
soon be realized and that they will not only
have one railroad but two ot the great
railroad systems of the country will form
a Junction at this point. On Thursday ot
last week a delegation from this place went
to O'Neill, where they were met by D. S.
Steel, general superintendent ot the Great
Northern; Fred Rogers, general passenger
agent; E. L. Brown, assistant general sup
erintendent; C. J. Bowen, roadmaster, and
T. Roup, general master mechanic.
It Is understood that these gentlemen
visited O'Neill with a view ot getting In
formation about the best route to extend
the line of the Great Northern from O'Neill
west to some point connecting with the
Burlington. It Is also said that the
Chambers delegation convinced the gentle
men that It would be to the Interest ot their
road to build south from O'Neill to Cham
bers and from here west to Dunning, which
will give the Great Northern, in connection
with the Burlington, a direct route from
St. Paul, Minneapolis and Slcx City to
the Black Hills, Denver and the west.
It Is also understood that in connection
with the extension of the Great Northern
the Burlington will at the same time ex
tend Its line from Ericaon to this place to
form a Junction with the Great Northern.
These facts explain the recent visit of
the Burlington right of way man, who,
during the month ot April made a close in
spection of the proposed routes north from
Burwell and Ericson and as the connection
can be made from Ericson by constructing
only thirty miles ot new road It Is re
ported here that the extension was found
to be the most feasible route.
The Burlington extension from Ericson
will open up as good a territory ot public
land as can be found in Nebraska, as sev
eral miles of the route will be built over
public lands and with the vast number of
settlers locating; in Wheeler and Garfield
counties, will famish a large volume ot
business for the new roads.
That this country Is settling up rapidly
Is shown by the fact that over 10,000 acres
of public lands were filed on at the O'Neill
land office by homesteaders, during the
month of April Just closed and land buyers
are visiting this locality every day.
The old survey of the Burlington north
from Ericson, on which It Is expected the
new road will be built, runs very close to
the county line all the way betweeu
Wheeler and Garfield counties.
It is quite probable that there will be
one new town between this place and
O'Neill and two new towna between here
and Ericson, while there will be room for
several towns from here to Dunning. The
old settlers of this place, who have been
waiting so long for a railroad and have
always had faith that a road would sooner
or later build into such good territory as
this, are now Jubilant over the prospects
of having their hopes realized.
Fifteen Hundred Head Which Had
Just Been Sheared and Dipped
Perish Near Grant.
GRANT, Neb., May 8. (Special.) E. H.
Hill, sheepman, lost 1,500 head of sheep
during the recent storm. They had just
" M .. . , . V. UIJJCI lull WHO DO
sheds drifted away and Derlshed. All ttnrV.
men suffered more or less loss and ernna
are somewhat injured.
Musical Event at Tecnmseh.
TECUMSEH, Neb., May t. (Special.) A
chorua of some forty of fifty voices of
Tecumseh people is actively at work prac
ticing the operetta, "The Merry Cyclere,"
which It la proposed to give some time this
month. Miss Mabelle M. Shelton Is the
promoter of the entertainment, and In
structs In the vocal and stage work. Shi
Is ably assisted by Mrs. J. L. Chamber
lain, who Is to preside over the orchestra
A portion of the proceeds derived from
the play will be donated to the senior clss.i
of the high school to assist In the paying of
graduation expenses.
Raring for a Homestead.
O'NEILL, Neb., May 3. (Special ) An
exciting race for a homestead took place
here last Thursday between a man named
Matthew Mick and a woman mhose name
could not be learned. The race started
some thirty miles south and west ot O'Neill
and both parties were racing to get to the
land office first to file on the same piece
ot land for a homestead. Mick was suc
cessful In reaching the land office about Ave
minutes before the woman arrived to offer
her application for the same tract of land
that he had filed on.
Plattsmonth Woman's Club Electa.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. May J. (Special.)
The Plattsmouth Woman's club has
elected the following officers for the ensu
ing year: President, Mrs. L. A. Moore;
vice president, Mrs. E. L. Rouse; recording
secretary. Mrs. Howland; corresponding
secretary, Mrs. J. N. Wise; treasurer, Mrs.
H. J. Strelght; delegate to the State feder-
Not a Soap, but it
Silver Polish
The finest polish known
Cleans as well at polishes
w,.Ta?pb1;, .Jcsatsspsckag.
atlon at Fremont, Mrs. H. r. Travis; al
ternate, Mrs. C. F. S. Burton; committee
to prepare plans for work for the coming
year, Mesdames Stoutenborough, Wise and
Papllllon Time kaagea llaada.
FAPILLION, Neb.. May 3. (Special.)
The Papllllon Times has changed hnds
and Messrs. G. D. McClaskcy and G. P.
Miller are now editors and proprietors.
Mr. McClaskey has been connected with
the Times for a number of years and Mr.
Miller is county superintendent of public
Instruction. F. P. Morgan, the retiring
editor, Is going to Oregon. The new pro
prietors are well known and well liked.
Mnd Doa- "pare at Table Rock,
TABLE ROCK, Neb.. May 8. (Special.)
There was a mnd dog scare In town Friday
last, and the animal finally escaped to the
woods after biting several ot his species
It was pursued and killed by the marshal
and assistant. As a consequence there has
been quite a thinning out process of the
canine family In the locality.
Examinations for Mall Carrier.
NORFOLK, Neb., May 3 (Special.) C.
E. Llewellyn of the free delivery service
wis In this city yesterday and conducted
civil service examinations. Seventeen ap
plicants for positions in the city delivery
set vice were examined.
' (Continued from First Page.)
that he enjoys going to the Vatican from an
artistic -and spectacular point of view. The
moment he arrived at the plaza of St. Petet
he was alert, pointing out objects of inter
est to his sons. In fact, the spectacular
part of the visit began there, as the great
square, densely crowded, was most Im
posing. As his majesty passed the stu
dents of the German ecclesiastical college
called "Little Cardinals," because of their
red gloves, they gave a formidable "hoch."
On the far side pf the plaza there was ss
sembled 1,000 pilgrims from Cologne, carry
ing flags and bouquets of flowers. They re
ceived their emperor with tremendous ap
plause, presented the flowers to him and
made Impressive demonstrations of loyaltyi
Picked Swiss guards assumed the duty ot
guarding tho Imperial carriage at the en
trance to the Vatican. Passing the tower,
his majesty and his suite entered the fa
mous court of San Damaso. Here the em
peror and his sons were received with mili
tary honors by the Palatine guards and a
platoon of gendarmes, while the papal
colors, yellow and white, floated in the light
Received In State.
The entrance of his majesty was accom
panied by a tesounding drum tattoo. The
Imperial carriage stopped at the noble
staircase, where Mons. Cagnio de Azevedo,
major domo, helped the emperor to ascend.
He presented the German papal chamber
lains. Count Peccl, nephew of the pope;
Prince Rospiglisi, commandant of the
noble guard, and other high dignitaries of
the pontifical court. When asked It he
desired to use the elevator, the emperor
replied that he preferred to mount the
stairs. At the first landing bis majesty
was met by the famous servants of the
ante chamber, in rich red brocade, flanked
by members ot the Swiss guard in breast
plates and helmets with red plumes, the
new uniform Inaugurated at the Jubilee.
The young princes ,were especially struck
with tho uniforms of tho noble guard.
Upon arriving at the Salle Clementina
his majesty was received by the major
domos and other personages ot the private
ants-chamber. Before reaching the ante
chamber is majesty receiwd homage from
a group of seven German bishops who are
now in Rome.
Pope and fcmperor Meet.
When Pope Leo was advised of the ar
rival of his guests the door was thrown
open and the pontiff appeared. He was
dressed In white, with the exception of a
small cape of red vevet trimmed with
ermine. The emperor advanced alone, mak
ing a profound bow. The pontiff inquired
in French as to the emperor's health.
Emperor William then presented his two
sons. HI majesty and the pontiff then
retired to the latler'a private study. The
audience lasted forty minutes. At the end
of this time the princes were summoned
and spoke to the pontiff. The Imperial
party then paid a brief visit to Cardinal
Upon his three previous visits to the
Vatican 'Emperor William returned direct
to the qulrlnal. This was not liked by
the Vatican, as It thought he should first
return to neutral ground. King Edward
followed this course. Today Emperor Wil
liam returned from the Vatican to the
Prussian legation accredited to the holy
aee, where he changed carriages, his cuir
rasslers remaining at the legation.
This course Is supposed to Imply that
his majesty wished to pay particular defer
ence to the feelings of the Vatican. There
waa another new departure during this
visit of the emperor. Previously Cardinal
Rampolla had returned the Imperial visit
to the Vatican at the Prussian legation
and had found only the Prussian minister.
Today, however, Emperor William waited
at the legation, received the cardinal most
cordially and had a long conference with
Emperor William presented to the pope
a large photograph ot the Metz cathedral.
The pope expressed his thanks for this
gift and remarked that the Metz cathedral
greatly resembled that at Rheims.
A state dinner was given tonight at the
qulrlnal, there being present 200 guests,
among whom were the most prominent
people of Rome. The ball room was used
for a dining room. The tables were ar
ranged In a semi-circle and exquisitely
decorated with flowers. When King Victor
Emmanuel arose to propose his toast the
band played the German anthem, and when
Emperor William delivered his felicitation
the royal march was played, all the guests
standing meanwhile. ,
A gala performance was given at the
theater tonight. Emperor William re
ceived an ovation on his way to the theater.
The royal party waa met by Prince Collona
and the mayor of Rome, who welcomed the
emperor in behalf of the city. On the en
trance of the party to the royal box the
audience rose during the singing of the
German anthem. Emperor William sat be
tween King Emmanuel and Queen Helene,
with the Italian princes behind them.
Queen Helene spoke often to the emperor,
who seemed to have a word for everybody.
(Continued from First Page.)
demonstration waa started against the en
gineer. Some one shouted:
"Get the engineer, kill him," and a rush
was made down the track for the cab of
the engine. The. police had forestalled
them, however, and an officer guarded each
door of the cab. The angry Poles stood
about and uttered threats until the train
resumed Its trip Into the station.
Beats at Bed Bock.
Health, strength and vigor depend on
digestion. tr. Klngs New Ufa Pills make
it perfect or no pay. Only 25c. for sale
by Kuan Co.
Eookt, Furniture, Fistt and Revolvers
Brought Into Flaj.
When It Is All Over No One Is Found
Seriously Injured and No One
Able to Tell How the
Row Started.
JOLIET. III., May Women and men
today fought hand to hand with each other
and then fought bend In hand against the
police in the Slavonic Roman Catholic
church. The trouble was started by sev
eral women as the collectors were circu
lating through the church. There were
2,000 men, women and children In the
church when the fight began. In spite of
all the protests of Father Kollar and
others of the church members fought with
fists and pieces of furniture, knocking each
other right and left. Some one ran from
the church and called on the police for
- In a few minutes a patrol wagon full ot
policemen drove up to the church and the
patrolmen entered the edifice, which was
filled with whacks, thumps, din and tumult.
Bloody noses and lacerated faces were
numerous. The men had been penned In
by a cordon of angry women, who pelted
the stronger sex with clenched hands and
books. By the time the police arrived
some of the combatants had fled to the
street. As the policemen entered the church
those on the 'outside returned to tho fight,
armed with clubs, stones and revolve! s.
Those within left off fighting with each
other and unitedly beset the police. Those
from without fired Into the patrolmen from
the rear. Women and children cried out
in terror at the sight and many men rau
from the church or leaped out ot windows.
Then the policemen drew revolvers and
threatened to shoot unless order prevailed.
The affrighted combatants ceased fighting
and the policemen began to make arrests.
Of all the persons Injured, none had to
be taken to a hoftpltal. Father Kollar, who
entered into the midst of the fighting tn
an effort to calm his parishioners, escaped
uninjured. Many arrests were made during
the day, but no one knows exactly who
started the fight, or what It was about.
Travelers Tell of Their Observations
in Yurlous Parts of the
A. W. Hoyt of Mitchell, Neb.. Is a guest
at the Millard. "The recent blizzard was
not so severe in the North Platte valley
as with you here," said he. "The storm
was bad enough, however, for that sec
tion, and live stock suffered severely. The
cattle had Just been taken off the winter
feeding and were picking up the scant
young grass on the ranges when the storm
came. Young cattle and sheep suffered
the most. . In the dry country south and
west of us there were heavy losses ot
stock by the storm. What makes It a
little worse Is that about all the available
feed had been used up during the winter.
Alfalfa now sells there at $5 per ton la
the stack, and wild hay down toward Mini
tare will bring as high as $10 per ton.
"We nre looking for pretty good timea
out there this season. I do not expect
much emigration, as the Irrigated lands are
held pretty high and owners are seemingly
well satisfied and have placed not many
pieces In the market, aa ths owners are
holding for still better prices. The pro
duction of alfalfa in the Mitchell valley
this year will be practically limitless, aa
the profitable experience of the last season
will result tn the planting of a largely
Increased acreage this year. It begins to
look as if the farmers' ditch controversy
that has been hanging fire In the courts
Indefinitely Is In process of speedy settle
rocnt, and that will create a big boom la
lands along the north side of the valley.
The farmers over on the noth side ot the
valley are going Into hog raising quits ex
tensively, and I am looking for that to
become a big hog country In the near
future." w
p. D. Sturgeon of Denver la a guest at
the Her Orand. He is enthusiastic over
tho fnt n r nrnsnecta for Denver. He said
"With the completion of the new railroad
from Denver to Salt Lake City, By if. u.
Moffat, the distance between the two cities
will be shortened by rail 225 miles. All
Denver Is Interested in tne eariy compie
. inn nr tho road which will be two yeara
v,.. Tho mnd will onen un vast new
coal fields for Denver, and fuel will be
much cheapened. Optlmlstio Denverltes
now claim a population ot 185,000 for the
it.. at.. AAA
city and I do not neneve moy are if,w
... 'r h a Denver la not particularly
on the boom, but Is growing. What wa
need out there la a big auditorium and a
project ts now on foot towarfl building
one somewnai aimr m .
tlon plan used In Omaha.
..,11.. nl..Hnn also la ut In Den
v rmr to the extent that prevalla
here In Omaha. You know of course that
Denver Is one of the strongest union
In the country.
Colonels C. J. Bills and C. E, Jenkins
cf Falrbury. II. B. Shumwey of Wakefield
C D. Evans of Columbus, 8. E. Neleek of
Lincoln and. C. J. Miles of H-"l". -
members of Governor Mickey s
guests at the Iler Grand yesterday for
luncheon. .
Don't Cone-h All Hla;ut.
Restful sleep follews use of Dr. Klnga
New Discovery, the best lung car. In th.
world. No cure, no pay. 60c, $1.00. For
sals by Kuhn Co.
.Condition Owlag to Hard
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. May $. (Special )
Assistant Chief Melvln of the Bureau of
Animal Industry, accompanied by Dr.
George 8. Hlckox, agent tn charge of the
western division, arrived today from Ball
Lake City and spent the day In consulta
tion with state officers and others with
reference to the prevalence of contagious
diseases among cattle, horsea and sheep tn
the stats.
The department Is waging an active cam
paign throughout the western states In an
effort to eradicate scablea, glanders, Texas
Itch and other diseases. Its agents are
soliciting the co-operation of the state au
thorities, and with the combined forces at
work great progress haa been made In a
number of states.
It Is learned that Wyoming, owing to
the severe winter and the Inability of many
owners to take ths necessary etepa to
stamp out disease. Is overrun with scab
ies and glanders. Ths atata veterinarian
Is doing everything possible to stamp out
glanders, but the disease appears to have
a strong hold on the horses of the atata
and some time will be required to entirely
eradicate It. Stringent rules have been
adopted by the State Board of Livestock
commissioners, however, and these are
now being rigidly enforced.
It Is stated by one tn a posltioc to know
that fully 50 per cent of the sheep tn
this state are affected with scabies, and
conditions appear to be growing worse
daily. Tfcs government has five Inspectors
In Wyoming, but the force appears to be
r si vj
There are
but owln
at wlnterj
Inadequate for present Deeds. There at
a number of state Inspectors, b
to the severe weather the past
they have been unable to do as good work
as would otherwise have been- done.
Oovernor Chatterton has taken hold of
the matter and will do everything possible
to assist the government authorities in
tamping out the disease. Secretary
Walker wilt call a meeting of the Stain
Board of Sheep commissioners tn a few
days and at that time plans will be formed
for an active campaign against cabke
In the state. Chief Melvln and Dr. Hlckox
will coma on from Salt Lake City and al
tend the meeting and offer such sugses
tlons as will help the board.
Boys Busy Bteallnar Wheels.
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. May 8 (Special. )
A Lumber of boys, ranging In age front
10 to 16 years, have been doing a whole
sale business In stealing bicycles. The Imls
would take the wheels to a rendezvous in
the Crow creek bottoms, where they changed
parts, put on different saddles and handle
bars, painted the frames, etc., and would
then sell the wheels. A number of wheels
have disappeared during the last few months
and the work of the gang was not ex
posed until today, when one of the boys
confessed. The leader will probably be sent
to the reform school.
April I. 1M
f nretvas th bottlos at Klkar-Hotf rrj
and Kara naad It tor catarrh with aufaaa. I
am naarlr eut at macltclna bow and wauld Ilka
(a try It further. Thara an a good many caaea
that nm undar mr ears, and If It atlll prorar
good will saa It axtanslTatr
J, 1. COI RTNKT, at. D ,
Blrrh Traa, Un.
TWELVE HfNORED mora txatlmnnlala Ilka
tha sbora, tngatnar with full datalla of poalttra
asm. saa b had at Paaton lra r
Thaaa 1.100 taatlmoalala. I' prlntrd In thta
i an --. nll mmm Thav
nawapapwr, ... -.. .....
aow mora rrnnlna and roluntary arldanwa of"
euraa or cnronir raava ni '"nnin ,.,r,
all other ao-eallad "curaa" ran ahow In tha
antlra htatorr ot thalr tnialnaaa.
isth and Farnam.
free by mall, postpaid, by ad
i dressing; the Kiner Drue Co., lOO
William at.. Hew fork City.
fnwfli I l ill
Uhe Best of
The Only Double
Tracih Railway
to Chicago
May 3d
The Chicago Local
departs 11: SO a. m.
instead of 10:65 a. m.
The Twin City Lim
ited 8:10p.m. instead
of 7:55 p. m.
tsame arriving t
Chicago and c't
time at
siii, City Offlcea-1401-1403
TEL. 624-eei
A Shrewd Investor
will be glad to know how the
greatest accumulation of trust
funds in the world is invested.
A young man who is just
beginning to accumulate and
invest his savings will be
interested in a booklet that
describes the investments of
The Mutual Life Insurance
Company of New York. Thi.
information is found in
"A Banker's Will." Sent fret
on application.
Tuts Company ranks
first la Aaaels.
firtl-lu Amount Fa Id roliey-boldatm
'iraf la Age.
The Mutual Life Insuran.
Company of New York,
aUcaLAao A. McCoaBT, rresiseaty
Omaha, Nebr. lies KoIimJ Iowa.
BOYD'S SfflrfS
Tonight and Until Wd. Night-)! at. Wad ,
Opening Thursday Nlht, for Hd. of Week.
Prices Mat, any seat, 10c; nlt, 10-li-2ic.
Telephone 1531 1
Matlners Thursday. rUturaal Hunday,
Kvery Niglit."
Mlliy Capeil, Elizabeth frray. U.aux
and Belles Oflelte, .Mia KawUion,
Gardner and Vincent, Ksnr Fee and ift'
Prices too. acjsoo.