Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1903, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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Omh BriaVi thi DinTar Charm and
L;cal Tani Bejoio.
TVrk of the Rourkeltes f h Ram
Glltds-ed Order that Marked
Their Coarse Darin
All Last Seaaoa.
are stril to com. It oartarnly looY like
the right iFtm for tha magnatea.
Tbla aftaraeoa at Ylatoa Park a pair o(
tba local eruk amateur tMni will play
a benefit Kama for "OH Hois" Bowman,
one a weU knowa amateur catcher, bat
wbo has been sufferer from rheumatism
for a lout time and Is now totally dis
abled. It Is a worthy charity that leads
these men to assist a former comrade, sod
th fans who go out will not only aid a
good cause, but will see a corking good
game of ball as well.
W won a game In Denver. Thats some
thing. Last sraaon we went to Denver
time after time and came away licked. It
doesn't matter why or how; the simple fact
Is that Omaha couldn't cut the mustard on
the Dearer diamond, It'a different now,
and baring made a start, there Is no telling
whore the windup will be. Those two
games hare demonstrated another thing,
and that Is that the Kourke family Is junt
' aa strong in the Held as It ever was, and
that means a lot In the Western league.
It saved many a game for Omaha last sea
son and will win many a game during the
present summer. Hard batting Is a fine
feature of the game and a very Important
factor In tho outcome, but nice, clean,
snappy fielding Is what tho people like to
aee, and that's what they get when Omaha
Is playing. No Omaha pitcher has occas'on
to complain that be doesn't get support, for
be has the most reliable team In the circuit
back of blm. And the boys are bitting a
little, too. They couldn't break Pop Eyler's
hoodoo, but they certainly gave the old gen
tleman the scare of his lifetime, and maybe
on the next meeting the result will be dif
ferent. ' Whltrldga was touched up at a
lively pace, and the hits all came when they
counted. Another nice feature of the two
games Is that while Omaha stole three
bases In each game Denver didn't steal any.
Maybe yon think Johnny Oondlng's good arm
Isn't working? When they get to stealing
bases on that boy It will be time to put up
the shutters.
One of the really gratifying experiences
f the present season up to date is the
treatment accorded Omaha In Denver. All
the papers were full of good words for the
toam from Papa Bill down, and the whola
bunch of fans seemed to lay themselves out
to see how pleasant they could make It for
the team. This Is the sort of spirit that
"should prevail and Omaha will remember It
when Captain Tom Delehanty and his bunch
of Grizzlies com to Omaha.
nnr la considerably crippled already by
the loss of Radellffa from short. Had Is sick
in bed and may not be able to piay mis
season. Hartzell, who takes his place, isn't
in firat-class condition, but will likely Im
prove when h geta hardened and becomes
.mnir with his new duties. But even at
that Radcliff will be missed from the In
Held. Dundon put up his usual fast game
at third and still holda his high position in
tho estimation of the people. And, by the
way you didn't notice any apota on Eddie
Bicker ww. did you? He' In the gamo
... d now and will make Dundon hustla
harder than h aver did to hold the plaoe
of premier third baseman in in
Th other team opened about aa the
BUbllo iiad expected. It waa a guess be
tween Kane City and Porla for the first
gam, and Big BUI Wilson grabbed Just
to how that h could. But h let th
othra go for th aama reason. Milwaukee
and Colorado Springs show atrength. and
St. Joaaph ahowa poeltlve weaknea. De
Motn U still a gueaa. but may yet make
good on aome of th unaenaaer -...--.
5rw that Vf.n Brunt haa taken hold of the
St. Joseph team again, It U likely thattha
Blarsra will putmora ma nmnwit v.-,
x -.v. . hatter ahowlng In th game,
-- r i aneculatora. who apparently
had aa Idea that a base ball team la simply
a new-tailing fount of ahekels, had tha
Brr to try to buy out Van Brunt, putting
.. -,in, hut "shoot-mouth." When th
Urn cam to make good on their talk, they
war luet about 60 cents wore off than a
man with no money at all. Van Brunt 1.
game. and. even though h will be In New
York, h will atlll b ownr of th St.
joaeph team until reliable partlea tak it
oft hi hands. And tha playere will get
their pay.' Not that a ball player needs
money In St. Joseph, but then one of them
might get over Into Kansas, and that
Big Ed Delehanty tella th Washington
Post that ha had no thought of going to
Denvars that tha only negotiation h
know of wer a letter b had from hla
brother telling him that n miguv v u
with Denver, and a telegram from Packard,
received after h had gone back to Wash
ington, offering him $4,000 per to play
with tha Orlzzllea. Big Ed haa the tel
gram and letter both to show his good
faith, and if hla taia is any su, -glad
not only to get back to Washington,
but Jto b alive. . , .
Th season opened very ausplctoualy Ml
V.. -- th. umtiirea are concerned. Not a
kick worthy of mention come from any of
the Western league towns. Out In Denver
they think that McCarthy baa a hot temper,
this judgment being based on the fact that
ha talked back to the fans, but otherwise
his work is praised.. Last season much of
the enjoyment of the aport waa spoiled by
Incompetent umpiring, and tha general hope
Is that Mr. Sexton has found, a corpa of
men to give decisions who are capable of
doing so without starting all the rows we
had to put up with during th war days.-1
In the Hlrkey league the trouble Is far
from settled. The Columbus people are
atlll warlike; Clugnisn has refused to goto
6t. Paul, and the presumption Is that Bryce
1 paying him his salary while be loafs.' A
special meeting of the league has bee a
called to decide on this esse. The mayor
of Indlanapulls has told 30.000 fan! who
signed a petition for Sunday game that
the law prohlblta bass ball on Sunday and
will be enfereed. The mayor favora the
game, but will not overlook the law. Some
game have been played without regular
umpires, but tha howls that have ' gone
up from the managers do not seem to have
reached Hlckey's ears as yet. And George
Whltewlogs Tebeau Is still busy tell'.ng the
world that the Western league cannot last.
Well, well.
Attendance so far at all the games In
dicate a revival for sure. Never In the
history of the game have the people turnei
out In such number as they have this
spring, and th real good days of th game
Nebraika Data Rail Team Start on It
tons Eastern Trip Fall of
Tha curtain Is up, the music has begun
and the doings in the big tent are now the
order. In other words, the Cornhuskers'
base ball team is off on Us tour Into Iowa,
UJInols, Indiana, Missouri and Kaneaa. If
steady, persistent training under competent
coaches can avail a team anything, the Ne
braska university fans need have no fear
of the outcome, Captain Townsend has had
his colts more thsn busy the last week,
paving the way to a victorious trip. Every
man who left on Saturday morning. May 2,
had to work to get bis place. Not a man
had a place cinched until be showed up as
the player of a real warm article of the
American game. There waa a good stock
of material to draw from, and every man
felt that If he was to be given a place on
the squad he would have to get right ont
and dig. Even up to a week ago there had
to be some fine hair-splitting done to deter
mine who the lucky men would be. The
following is a complete list of the men wbo
make up the Cornhueker aggregation for
1903: Townsend, Held and pitcher; Fetz,
shortstop; Hood, third base; Bender, cap
tain; Wilson, first base; Steen, second
base; Shlmer, center field; Gore, left Held,
and Morse, Longanaecker and Beltter will
pitch and change off on playing in the field
positions. Manager Bell will accompany
the team on the trip. ,
The battery will be seen to be especially
atrong. With Bender behind the bat and
any of the five pitcher In the box, it is
probable that aome of the awlft aggrega
tions which the Nebraskans will meet will
have to do some going to keep In the game.
The real hard games Beltzer will pitch.
la n chasg on the Inside and none more
on tha outside of th clubhouse.
But during th day as the stranger sine
last year follow the links over they will
find them different. Th greens have all
been piped and look fresher and smoother
than they were wont to last summer. Here
the golf entbuslasta of the club will bat
tle during th day, for there will be handi
caps played on the links.
The tennis court, too, Including the new
ones with the brick underfilling, will be
filled with the racket wlelders. They will
seem no different than they were a yecr
ago despite the change In the two, and only
a rain will make It evident how much bet
ter they have been made. To the north
of the courts the ball field has been changed
so that the diamond Is at the farthest cor
ner from the hou&e and the game can be
watched from the porch or from the bleach
ers facing the house.
Contests will be arranged for the mem
bers in all three of these branches, which
the Field club has cultivated, and It will Oil
the day well, ao that the athletically In
clined may forget their winter slothful
ness In new-found exerlce, and the others
can watch and applaud with becoming zest.
Captain .Townsend says that the three
gams with Notre Dam university on May
8, Purdue university on the 9th and Illinois
state on the 11th are the hardest games.
The Cornhuskers' lost to Notre Dame and
Illinois State university lost year, but de
feated Purdue. In these games the men of
Nebraska will put forth their most strenu
ous efforts to defeat their opponents, and
get It back on them for what they did last
year. Bender had this to say about the
prospect on Friday: "We are going in to
win every game. In foot ball last fall at
tho first of the season nobody would have
thought but that perhaps the Cornhuskers
would lose a game or two. , We didn't lose
a game, and the base ball team will try to
keep th good record clean."
In th 'games .with th Nebraska Indians
tha 'varattys team work showed up es
pecially flnel- Longanaecker. twirled in one
gam and waa pretty badly bit at times,
but every time tho sphere cam down Into
th gardens there ' was a man there to
connect with it, and the Indiana were not
allowed to make any sensational plays.
On thing encouraging is th way the
'varsity la picking up tha art of sticking.
The batting was in the first games de
cidedly, weak, but tho last few games of
th home schedule showed a big Improve
ment, in the Cornhuskers' way of wielding
tho olub. The last game before the trip
waa played on Friday with Washburn col
lege. In track athlettca th teams have as
sumed tangible shape and the men who
have made the various teams will begin
training next week for tha big events with
other Institutions. Tha following events
wer pulled off Saturday afternoon, and
teams selected from a crowd of about
forty-flve athletes.
Track events 100-yard run, halt mil
run, 120-yard hurdle, 440-yard run, mile
run, 220-yard dash, 220-yard hurdl.
Field Events Pole vault, shot put, run
ning high jump, hammer throw, running
broad jump, discus.
There was also an inter-class relay race
of one mile.
Tha men who succeeded In making tha
teams wer aelected from a large num
ber and owing to this fact and the fact
that they have had the advantage of train
ing under Dr. Clapp would Indicate that
In the meet with Knox, which will be held
on the horn grounds this month, th Ne
braska crowd will show the men from Illi
nois some good track and Held work.
Several New Faat Boat and All the
Old One on the Lake Again
This Season.
The fresh water sailors at Manawa have
been getting things Into readiness for the
spring breezes and the summer winds dur
ing the last ten days, and last Sunday
found several of the boats skimming over
the ruffled waters of the lake. Other boats
are in the water and are being rigged pre
paratory to the summer's silling. The rest
or the old boats are -having their hulls
gone over and are being put in shape to
go back Into the water.
This Is the summer of yacht racing at
Manawa, If the outlook Is any criterion of
what things will be. With the three new
boats on the lake and the seven old ones.
ncludlng the Vitesse, which Charles C.
Stewart has purchased from Mr. Van Brunt
of 8t. Joseph, the Manawa Vacht club has
ten boats of class "A" rating. Whilo these
boats are called class "A" hero they are In
reality . class "B" In the Inland Lakes
Yachting association.
Mr. Dixon's boat, which' has been built
In Oshkosh, hss arrived and has been Dut
on the water. It is to this boat that the
club looks for the most of its glory at
me usnKostl regatta for tho Wol i,
111 enter at the regatta now that the
Council Bluffs Rowing association Is a
member of the Inland Lakes association.
The Dixon boat Is the first class "B" boat
which the Oshkosh builders have made.
But as they have built the winner of the
class "A" boats at the regatta each year
for the last five, there is llttl doubt but
that their first attempt in the new class
will prove exceedingly fast.
KTrrthiar la Readiness for Betn
alaa- th Outdoor Season of
this Organisation.
Saturday the Omaha Field club will throw
Its door open wide fqr th summer months.
The brawn of manhood and the graces ot
womankind, the athletlo and the unathletlo,
th frivolous and the thoughtful and th
paat and tha future of th young men and
young women will mingle together and
dedicate another year of pleasure and glad
ness with the mirth ot laughter, with com
panionshlp and friendly trials of strength
on the - links, the tennis courts, the dia
mond and the bowling alleys.
With the odor ot fresh paint still cling
ing to the walls and the porches, the first
clatter of dishes will be heard, the seltzer
corner will commence Its busy life and the
younger set will make merry with a dance.
To fittingly begin the short year's life for
the club every phase of that life will be
started In full swing then and no time dur
ing the year will find the club so univers
ally busy as this.
Taken room by room and line by line, the
house Is really what It waa when the doors
closed last fall tor the cold weather, with
slight exceptions, but paint and the car
penter have made it seem all different
Everywhere the woodwork looks fresh and
bright and gleams with the freshness df the
paint. The old seltzer corner Is now a
rest room and, leading from It, stands a
new, little room which la now the corner
of experienced men and youths who .Till
sow their wild oats slowly. Otherwise ther
Then ther Is th boat that Stevens nt
McAllister are building. They have built
several boats before and their last year's
ooai proved a remarkable success as a
pleasure boat. In their new boat they
have made a boat somewhat similar te th
Andover, yet dissimilar in some particu
lars. It Is the only boat on the lake
which has a double centerboard and hn
fast lines that promise to put It In touch
with the fastest of the boats on tho Like
this year. . .
A third boat Is being built by Leffert In
the Bluffs, and this boat also gives promise
of being very fast and a clean sailer. It
is built along the Sams' lines as the Swallow.
With the Andover, which Is the fastest boat
in the fleet now; there will be' four boat
that should make some exceedingly .lively
races- during the summer. ' The' Andover,
unfortunately, wss built according to the
old specifications for class "B" boats and
cannot be entered In th Oshkosh races.
The races last year were held every Sst-
urday, while Informal races we're sailed
on Sunday as " well. It seemed to the
members of the club that the weekly meet
were not aa successful as they should bo
and this year It Is probable that regular
races will be held every other Saturday
thus keeping the sport from being over
done, as was the ease then.
The racing rules were not adhered to
very strictly last summer, but an effort
will be mad this summer to sail them as
they should be sailed and' It Is believed
that this will also lend more' zest to the
The cups which the club has are also to
be increased In number and with the added
sest of the picking of the boat for tho
regatta at Oshkosh there is little doubt
but that the Increase In Interest nnd
enthusiasm will grow greatly. The first
of the races will be held on Decoration day.
Following that race the regular schedule
of races will take place until the fall
Is well along.
BhowlnsT Made oa Franklin Field
Gratifying; to th Supporter
of Clean Athletics.
Illy balanced and th high schools mast
held accountable for It In part. The real
preparation for college athletics should be
done befor entering college. The rough
ness and awkwardness should he eliminated
In th high schooL Work along these
lines has been dona by the high schools
that could In base ball and In foot ball,
but no thought has been given to the track,
to tennis and basket ball by more than
three or four.
On Saturday the Missouri Valley Athletlo
association will hold Its annual track meet
at Lincoln. Lincoln and Nebraska City High
schools are the only Nebraska high schools
thnt will compete. This Is not as It should
be. Beatrice, Kesrney, Grand Island,
Hastings, Fremont snd Omaha should have
had some representation at this meet.
Omaha In particular should have taken
some steps toward taking part In the meet.
A track team la different from most forms
of games, In that a few men may represent
a srhool In certain portions of the meet
and carry off enough of the individual hon
ors' to' more than repay the school for tho
trouble and expense of preparing for the
meet, even though they do not secure a
place In the totals for the schools.
Track work requires preparation by the
man participating more than It does costly
grounds or fields. It is Individual work and
can be as readily practiced In the country
by three men as In the city by 100. No
school Rhoulu be prevented from trying to
do some work on tho track from lack of
money or of men. Out of a high school
with a dozen men a team of three men
might be taken that would carry off 20
points at a meet. This would not be
enough to win the meet fcr them, but it
would make an elegant showing for them.
Omaha had a track team for years, but In
the last three years It has been allowed to
die out.. The powers that be have not been
favorable to It, but the lack of srlrlt has
had more to do with It than anything else.
The student body would have the spirit If
the boys would get out and work, but they
have shown no disposition to do so. Over
100 of the high school boy ore members
of the Young Men's Christian association,
and If these would go into the track de
partment of the association a strong
nucleus for a track team for the high
school team could'be selected. The ground
about the High school could be fixed up so
that practice for the weights and Jumps
could be carried on as well as anywhere
else. The running and hurdling events
would bo the only ones 4hot would suffer
greatly by cramped quarters on the ground.
But track worlt requires conscientious
practice and training and this is something
that the athletic department of the Omaha
High school has always lacked. The boys,
aa a whole, have shown a decided disposi
tion to Ignore training. The foot ball
team has given evidence of this year after
year and yet the boys have not taken the
matter rerlously. The teamB that have
represented the Omaha High school have
gone down to defeat time end time again
for these reasons and often their opponents
have been from smaller towns and have
not shown the team work or the grit that
the Omaha team did, but they had the
staying qualities that can only come with
training, and ao won out. If track work Is
to be taken up the team must decide to
train absolutely. Training rules are not
conducive to pleasure, but they are the
thing that makes winning possible, and the
sooner the High school learns this the
sooner it will take Its place at the head of
athletlca among Nebraska and Iowa high
Nearby Lake, roll of Bass and th
Like and Many Good Strings
Are Canarht.'
After th cold of th few days In the first
of the week the fishermen, most faithful
to their habits, sought the banks of tha
nearby lakes with their hooks and lines and
beguiled the loag hours in the chilly morn
ings and the gentle afternoons with tho
swish of the reel and the strong-mouthed
pull of the black bass. But mostly It has
been the bait of the . Look against tho
hungrlness of the fish, and the fish have
succumbed readily and rapidly. They are
hungry and beefsteak and delicate tinted
and befeathered spoonhooks have had equal
charms fpr them. Skillful fishing has not
been a part of the game; It requires only
patience to fish for these fish, now. .
Black bass, ringtail perch, croppies and
catfish are in abundance close to the haunts
of the city dweller. Cut Off lake teems
with trout, and already a two-pound bass
has been brought, shimmering In the morn
ing sun,' from Its chilly waters. Hundreds
of pounders' and smaller bass have gracod
the strings of the tew ihat have braved the
early season In their quest of the finny
tribe. An occasional perch or cropple has
alternated with the bass on these strings
and all of the hopeful ones have conin
back from their quest with happy hearts
A1 Spring Medicine that adds vigor and strength to the system,
purifies and enriches the Blood and lays the foundation for a
strong constitution and good health during the hot sultry summer.
Most everybody feels bad in the spring. Some have no particular ailment but are just tired,
worn out and totally unfit for work or anything else that requires energy or effort They
mope around upon the border-land of invalidism, irritable, peevish, hysterical and unreasonable.
A good appetite in the spring is a rarity, and we sicken at the sight of food, or thought of
eating, and what little we do eat is a burden to the stomach and a tax upon the digestion.
Warm weather is sure to bring out the hidden poisons, germs and seeds of disease that have
been collecting in the blood and system during
winter, and you may look for some old chronic
trouble to make its appearance. It is a time, too,
when boils and carbuncles, and pustular or scaly
skin eruptions like eczema and tetter, pay their annual
visits and make life miserable by their intense pains
and intolerable itching and burning. The fight for
health should begin before any warning symptoms of
physical collapse are felt, or before the germs and seeds
of disease have time to germinate if we would avoid the
usual spring sickness ; and with S. S. S., the acknowl
edged king of blood purifiers and greatest of all tonics,
you can put your blood and system in such perfect
condition and so strengthen the constitution that one
may be as free from sickness and as. vigorous and strong during the trying months of spring and
depressing summer season as at any other time.
S. S. S. not only builds you tip, but searches out and destroys any poisonous germs or impuri
ties that may be lurking in the blood. The benefits derived from the use of S. S. S. are per
manent because it acts directly on the blood and purifies and cleanses it of all morbid, impure
matter, leaving nothing to cause fermentation and deterioration of this life-giving fluid.
In selecting your blood purifier and spring tonic get one that long experience and thorough
test have proven the best. In S. S. S. j'ou will find a remedy whose purifying properties are
unquestionable, and just such a tonic as your system needs. Ask your druggist for S. S. S.
there is nothing else just as good.
For the past 40 years we have had a standing offer of $1,000 for proof that S. S. S. contains
the least particle of any mineral whatever, and this offer is still open.
nature's remedy.
Purely vegetable.
Qntlmn : Forovr four year X suffered with
general debility, causing a thorough breaking
down of my system, so that I was unable to attend
to my household duties. X had tried other medi
cines, which did not relieve me. Seven years ago
my oonsln, who had been benefited by S. S. B.,
told me about it. X tried It and It cured me. I hare
been able to attend to my household duties ever
sinoe, experiencing no Inconvenience whatever ;
In fact, I am able to work In the garden as well as
my house.
X heartily recommend 8. 8. 8. to all who may
feel the need of a thoroughly good blood tonic,
feeling sure they will be benefited thereby.
Tours truly,
44 W. Ninth St., Columbia, Tana.
and bright hopes of another day. and an
other heavy string soon.
On Manawa, away from the haunts of
the boats and almost cut oft from it by
tho land, there Is a, little corner of the
lake that teems with bass and perch end
here, too, fishers have rpent their spare
hours and brought back with them pretty
bass and perch and now and then a catfish.
The getting of the Is easy, the men
say who carry the string, hack, but It Is
getting there that worries. With CutOff
so handy and near It hardly pays to wander
to Manawa for the fish, as the luck Is as
good and the sport as fine at Cut Oft as
Florence lake has given forth, as tribute
to the angler, great strings of bass and cat
fleh, although the catfish, have outnumbered
the bass considerably. For two weeks they
have been drawing these finny fellows from
the bosom of the lake and the sport haa
not diminished or the number ot the fish
seemingly decreased there.
Those who are anglers and pride them
selves upon their handling ot the hook and
the line, the reel, the fly and all of the
hundred other tricks that deceive the eyes
of the water denizens, are planning long
trips Into the mountains and to the north
ern lakes this summer to seek their prey.'
Day by day they are buying their tackle,
flies, spoon hooks and the other accoutre
ments of the quest. When the day comes
that they can pack their things and slip
away to- the waters that hold their prey
they will be well and ready for It, and no
time will be spent In making ready when
It might be spent on the water and the
banks where tha fish abound. Then, too,
thero are many buying thla year who have
never before been really great fishermen,
and it seems that the exodus ot fishers thla
summer will be greater than ever before
In the history of Omaha enthusiasts.
Little' Folk' Festival f Fnn and
. Feast of Wonder!
Circus day Is children's day. It belongs
essentially to them. Tradition has mad
It so. There was a time when "taking the
children to see the animals" was tha most
convenient excuse offered by those who
thought It against religious scruples, or
their, fancied dignity, to go to the circus.
Happily that form of hypocrisy is now
about extinct. Years of the most careful
effort by the managers of the Adam Fore
paugh and Sells Brothers Enormous Shows
United to eliminate everything and any
thing In the slightest degree Immoral or
Impolite In the character of their exhibi
tions, or la the demeanor ot their employes
of whatever rank, has at last convinced tha
public generally of th absolut cleanli
ness and morality of th circus a a place
of entertainment, and with such compre
hensive shows aa are these great consoli
dated Institutions, a aource of practical
and profitable Instruction. Ther is no
longer any excuse or apology for going to
the circus. The presence of clergymen at
every performance, with seldom an excep
tion, attest, the general and sen.lble
Bowling Alleys
Brgst Brightest Best.
1313-15 Hartley Street.
change of consideration for the circus by
church people. But all tbls does not re
lease anyone from a moral obligation to
take their children to see the animals and
the accompanying circus performance. It
Is really not only a matter of extreme de
light to the children to see the "chow,"
but It Is a duty aa well as a pleasure upon
the part of the parents, relatives and
friends to enable them to see It.
Children are recognized by the manage
ment of this consolidation as the source of
a considerable part of their patronage, and
ample provision Is made In the program of
things that will especially appeal to (heir
Interest and satisfaction. What all those
things are It is unnecessary to recount at
this Junoture, but they embrace clever
eomlo conceit, by the congress of clowns,
pretty performance, by ponle. and all sorts
ot petite pets and all kind of funny fan
cies that will appeal to happy-hearted llt
tl one..
Clrcu. day In Omaha this year Is Satur
day, May 16.
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The track athletes of the middle west
made a gratifying showing In the ninth
annual relay meet held on Franklin field.
Philadelphia, a week ago last Saturday. In
the four-mile relay race, which was the
vent of the day, the universities of Michi
gan, Wisconsin and Chicago contested with
Harvard, Yale, Pennsylvania and Columbia.
It was the cream of th east against the
cream ot the west and it was a proud mo
ment for the west when Keilog ot Michi
gan, by a superb finish, broke tha tape five
good yards In front ot Franchot ot Yale
and gave the race to Michigan. To Wis
consin fell fourth place and Chicago fifth.
It was the first time that the west had
really proved ltaelf an equal of the east In
track athletics. The west had sent men
to the east before and taken an occasional
first or second, but these men have been
tew and far between. Tba east laid, and
had reason for saying It, "The west Is be
hind us In track athleiica. They have had
a few men who wer able to meet us, but
they were the exception and not tha rule.
They could not send track teams that could
make us work." It was true years ago, but
conditions In college track work have
changed In the middle west as
they did In base ball and foot ball.
The great middle west baa come to Its
own and will be as great a factor In amateur
athletics as the eastern college. Th meets
will be few, as the distance Is too great for
them to meet as readily aa among them
selves at home, but tbey will establish new
records, even as their eastern college
brother. But the four-mil relay was not
all that fell to the west. In tbt 100-yard
dssh Blair of Chicago and Hahn of Michigan
came In second and third In a heart-break
ing finish and with only two feet between
the two ot them, and Schick ot . Harvard,
who broke across the line first. In the high
school chr.mplonshlp relay race the Hyde
Park High school of Chicago bor away lb
honors la a close finish.
MMM 'foE
DR. JYlcGREW appeals to MEN of all classes Re
gardless of Price or Position.
for treatment are daily proving what a great good can be done
for men, at a' NOMINAL EXPENSE.
Those who can pay but $5.00 A MONTH are just as welcome
as those who can pay more.
The greatest amount of good to the greatest number, is the
doctor's motto.
For 27 Years Dr. McGrew ha stood between men
and physical ruin.
and their diseases has been THE LIFE WORK OF DR. Mc
GREW. Ills sympathy is ever extended to those who seek his
services or advice.
His treatment for VARICOCELE is acknowledged by all to be
the superior of all other forms of treatment. The quickest, safest
and without pain or loss of time. For 27 years Dr. McOrew has
made the treatment of Varicocele his special study and If is but
justice to him to say that his treatment has NO EQUAL ANY
WHERE. One visit and a single treatment Is all that is ne
cessary In many cases.
Stricture Permanently Gured in Less Than Five Days
It Is unfortunate that the position that
the middle west haa but com out of In
th last fiv year is Just where Nebraska
and the other states west of th Missis
sippi stand tcday. Th muscle, brawn.
speed and wind Is as great aa It Is to th
eastward, but th training is lacking. True,
foot ball haa taken a step toward th goal
of eastern ability and baa ball is even
doing th same. But basket ball, tennis
and tha track ar wi
alhlatie strsugth of ur western college Is
. . .. - 1 t,i.
for IUood Poison and all Diseases of the Blood. All external signs of trie tliwase disappear ai once uuurr xr. muirw . la
ment, and not a spot or pimple will appear to expose the nature of your disease. This fact alone is a priceless comfort and conso
'ation to one afflicted with this, ailment. Dr. McGrew GUARANTEES YOU A PERMANENT CURE FOR Lit E.
rj rn ir rrr iag.cq IIave bren cuml of 1x5 ot vitallty Los,s of BraJn rwer 1 oor
UVEil JvlaVlUU w.OEaJ Memory, Despondency, and all unnatural weaknesses of men.
rmmirm Aaiy lumv unilo sank! OAS TO Sl;3rt P. M. SUNDAYS FROM S A. M. TO 4 P. M.
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