Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1903, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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rvt sells drug.
Btockert sells carpets.
Expert watch repairing. I.efferf. 49 B'y.
Celebrated Met beer on tap. Neumsyer.
Cabinet photos. 2ic per doren. 308 tf'wey.
Fine line berry acts, 50c ani up. A. B.
Howe, 810 Unadway.
Free lessons Riven with purchases of
pyrography auppllea. Alexander & Co.
Real estate in all parta of the city for
sle. Thomas E. t'ssady, 235 Pearl street.
Wanted, man with teim to do Job of nod
ding. Inquire at Bee ofTlce, Council Blufla.
Wanted, girl for ofllce and shorthand
work. Apply at office of Leonard Eve.-ett.
The gasoline stoves and ranges on display
at l. W. Keller a, vr, Broadway, lead them
Fxl Ferguson and family have been called
to Panora. la., by the death of Mr. Fergu
nn'i mother.
The spiritualists will hold a meeting this
afternoon at 2 o'clock In the Maccabeea
hall In the Brown building.
All persons owing Durfee Furniture com
pany please call and aettle at once, on ac
count of change In firm.
Before papering your rooms we want to
show you our elegant 1903 designs. C. B.
I'alnt. Oil and Glaas company.
We have the finest line of gnoaita and
baby carriage In the city. Before you
buy come and ace them. L. V . Keller, M
Dr F. T. Bevbert waa yesterday aworn
In a a member of the Board of Insanity
Commissioners, to act during the abaence
of Dr. J. M. Barstow.
We contract to keep public or private
houses free from roachea by the year. In
aect Exterminator Manufacturing com
pany. Council BlufTs, la. Telephone F634.
The caae against Bob Umerlck. charged
with Interfering with Pnundmaater Hurke
In the discharge of hla duty, waa continued
yesterday until Monday morning.
Hana Jurgensen appeared before Juatlce
Ouren yesterday and pleaded guilty to
..-iiiir. Miss Hinaaii Swisher, the waitress
t the Fremont house, and waa fined $1 and
Mr Clara Booton, wife of Jamea Booton,
committed to St. Bernard's Deremtier 24
lust bv the commlsHlonera for the Insane
waa yesterday ordered paroled In care of
her husband for sixty daya.
The state has awarded the contract to J.
C. Blxby & Son of this city for placing
five new boilers In the power and heating
plant of the State Institution for Feeble
minded Children at clienwood, la.
Our carpets, ruga, linoleum, ollclotha,
window shades, portlerea and general line
of house furnishing gooda are unequalled by
any other concern l: town. We sell on
the easy payment plan. D. W. Keller, 407
Dan Franks, charged with assaulting
Kllaah Tlnnell, a feilow-employe at the
l'eavey elevator, was found guilty after a
hearing In Justice Ouren's court yesterday
and fined 15 and costs. The fine was later
remitted on payment of the costa.
The annual meeting and election of offi
cers of Shadukiam temple. Dramatic Order
Knlghta of Khorassan, will be held Thura
day evening. At this meeting committees
will be appointed to arrange for the enter
tainment of the Pythian grand lodge. The
question of aecurlng clubrooms will also
come up for discussion and action.
The complete and original production of
that new and splendid production, "An
Orphan's Prayer," with charming Nettle
De Coursey as the stellar attraction, will
be the offering at the New theater tonight.
The play, atar, company and entire produc
tion nave been accorded the highest words
of praise In every city It haa visited and
will doubtless repeat Its success here.
Anna Eva Fay will return to the New
theater for one week, beginning next Mon
day night. This will positively be Mlsa
Fay'a last .engagement In Council Bluffs.
Special matinees (or ladles only will be
given Wednesday and Saturday; all seats
26 cents. Night prices, 10, 20 and 30 cents.
Monday night one lady free with every 30-
cent ticket. It purchased before p. m.
Beats now on aale at box office.
Mrs. Ella McDanlels and Bert Llvlx, ac
quitted of the charge of murdering Barney
McDanlels, accompanied by their attorney,
lew Uenung, were In the city yeaterday.
After being refuaed rooma at one of the
local hotels, Mrs. McDanlels and Mvlx
Went to Omaha. The feeling around Mace
donia la still very strong against the
couple and they would probably be sub
jected to violence If they ventured back
Matters In District Conrt.
In the supplemental proceeding In the
divorce suit of Mrs. Meda Pace against
Joel Pace, Judge Wheoler In district court
denied the application of the husband to
be given the custody of tbelr J-year-oli
daughter. Norma. The decree of divorce
secured by Mr. Pace algo gave her the
custody of the daughter. She subsequently
gave the child for adoption to Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Paul to which the husband ob
jected. The court decided that while the
custody of the child should remain with
the mother on the understanding that It be
placed In the care of its grandmother, the
adoption to the Paul was declared null
and void. ' Mrs. Pace I alao forbidden by
the order of the court to remove the child
from the district.
The trial of the replevin suit of E. A.
Wlckham against the Rock Island railroad
Involving the right of the railroad to charge
demurrage on even car of paving brick
(hipped to thla city from Dea Moines, ba
been specially assigned for Monday.
Real Kstate Transfers.
These transfer were filed yeaterday In
the abatract. title and loan office of J. W.
Squire. 101 Pearl street:
John Roane and wife to D. A. Wat
kins, part lot 1, Roane's subdlv,
Neola. w. d I 1
Pearl E. Mitchell and himband to
same, lot . Roane'a aubdlv. Neola.
w d
Peter Jensen to Fred Rasmitrsen,
S2 feet lot 2 and n S4 feet lot 3. In
lot n. Original Plat, w. d
Jen Christiansen to Otto Ronna. lot
4 and e 1-3 lota 6, . 7, block, 2.
Avoca, w. d ;
Andrew K. Olsen and wife to Ardrew
C. Petersen, lot 8, block 16, Craw
ford's add, w. d
Merrltt Barnes and wife to Wllllxm
Harder, ela. block 8). Allen & Cock's
' add. Avoca, w. d
l.t0) '
Total alx transfers
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday
to the following:
Name and Residence. Ag.
("Wear Edlger, Council Bluffs J"
Iiuisa Bchroeder. Council Bluffs S'l
George Service, Blair. Neb... 37
Effie Wilds, Blair. Neb 3i
Patrick W. Murphy. Neola, la St
Mary Ann Ryan, Neola. la 2
Sunday PricM, 25-35-50c
Miss Nettie De Coursey
A master story beautifully told. Entire
acenlo production.
lOc 20c 30c
Commencing Monday. May 4.
Matinees Wad. and Bat.
, Council liiutls.
'Pbaaa r.
County Attorney Bayi No Liquor Will Be
Sold There on that Day.
Some Qaeatlon Whether He Ha
Jurisdiction Oter the Manhattan
Beach Side of the
The Sunday closing law, which County
Attorney Ktllpack enforced among the
saloons of Council Bluffs will also be en
forced at Lake Manawa this summer. This
was the authoritative statement of Mr.
Killpack yesterday, who said: "There will
be no more liquor sold at Lake Manawa
on Sunday this summer than will be by
the saloons of this city." This statement
was made by the county attorney In re
sponse to a query whether there was any
truth In the report that the officials of
the motor company had been assured that
there would be no Interference this season
In the aale of liquor at the lake resort on
Sundays. Further Mr. Killpack said the
question required no argument, the saloons
In the city were required to close on Sun
days and the same rule would prevail
at Lake Manawa.
In addition to the refreshment pavilion
in the plaza at Lake Manawa, where liquor
is sold, there are three saloons outside the
grounds of the resort proper and these
will also have to abide by the Sunday clos-
Ing order. It I a question, however, whether
County Attorney Killpack win do a Die to
stop the sale of liquor on the Manhattan
beach aide of the lake, a thla I said to
h on Nebraska soil. The enforcement of
the Sunday closing order. It Is conceded
will materially affect the patronage of the
lake resort this summer and drive a large
number of pleasure eeker to CourtlanJ
beach or other resort In Omaha.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby aV Son.
n...n. itranlt of Contests Over
Offices in Woman's
The meeting yesterday afternoon of the
Council Bluffs Woman'a club to nominate
officers for the ensuing year proved as ex-
riilnr as had been anticipated. The two
factions met, clashed and both came out
of the battle victorious. The faction known
a the "antls" claimed a victory, as they
nominated their candidate for president,
while the other faction also claimed a
victory from the fact that they succeeded
In having the action of the board In fram
ing a new rule to govern the nominations
partially rescinded. The new rule pro
vided that no further nominations could
be made from the floor on the day of elec
tion and the members opposed to this,
what they termed arbitrary ruling of the
board, succeeded In having It amended so
that on the day of eleotlon nomination
might be made to fill Tacancle. After the
meeting both sides appeared to be well
satisfied with the outcome.
Half of the entire membership of the
club was named for the office of president,
but one after the other declined with the
exception of Mrs. F. W. Miller, the candi
date of the "antta," and unless she resigns
between this and the day of election she
will be the next president- of the club.
The nominations for first vice president
were Mrs. O. D. Wheeler. Mrs. O. H. Rich
mond and Mrs. J. H. Cleaver. Mrs. J. K.
Cooper and Mr. C. G. Saundera were also
placed In nomination, but they withdrew.
For second vice president the nomination
fell to Mrs. C. O. Saunders after Mrs.
Wheeler and Mrs. 8. B. Snyder withdrew.
For recording secretary there were eight
nominations, but all declined with the ex
ception of Miss Flora Judson. who was not
present, and she was declared the nominee.
For corresponding secretary Miss Mar
garet O'Donnell was given a unanimous
For treasurer Mr. J. H. Cleaver, Mr.
Victor Jennings, Mrs. O. P. McKesson and
Mrs. Charles Swalne were nominated.
For membera of the finance committee
Mts. E. J. Towsley. Mrs. J. E. Hunter. Mrs.
J. K. Cooper. Mrs. E. C. Smith and Miss
Dodge were nominated.
Mrs. Walter I. Smith, the retiring presi
dent of the club, waa given a flattering en
dorsement of her candidacy for president
of the State Federation of Woman'a clubs.
Mrs. Smith. In thsnklng the club for it
endorsement, stated that she had been
pledged to Mrs. Bailey of Dea Moine. who
was seeking a re-election, but that the
women of southwestern Iowa appeared de
termined that she be a candidate, so she
had finally consented In deference to their
wishes to allow her name to go before
the convention.
The election of the Council Bluffs Worn-
an's club will be held at the meeting on
the Brat Friday in June.
Think They Can Coaasart Hint with
Series of Robberies In
that City.
The authorities of Clinton. Ta.. are anx
ious to obtain possession of W. C. Rogers,
the Forney murder suspect, who 1 in the
county Jail awaiting the action of tho
grand Jury on hla case. In which he la
charged with murderously assaulting and
robbing Charles W. Lelchford, .the South
Main atreet butcher. It Is charged that
Rogera was Implicated lu a number of bur
glaries In Clinton with George Burrier,
who I under arrest there.
George Burrier, it la alleged, wa a part
rer of Roger and wa with him In Council
Bluff at the time the aafe in the office of
the Evans Laundry company was blown
Burrier Is said to have made a canfesstoi
to the Clinton authorities in which ha Im
plicated Rogers In a number of the robber
les committed in that city.
Among the burglaries said to have been
committed by Burrier and Rogers In Clin
ton waa one at the home of C. Fay. where
diamonds to the value of 1 1.300 were given
up by membera of the family at the point of
revolvers In the hands of the robbers at I
o'clock on the morning of November 3 last.
L. E. Fay. a brother of C. Pay. Burrier'
attorney, and a Clinton detective visited
Rogers at the county Jail and endeavors!
to secure an admission from the prisoner
corroborating the alleged confession of
Burrier. In this, however, they were un
successful, as Rogers persisted that Bur
rier must have referred to soma othsr
Roger and denied being a partner of the
mil under arrest In Clinton.
Enrouts here the Clinton party stopped
at Atlantic, where they Interviewed a
woman named Etta Odens. who It was aald
claimed to have Information connecting
Rogers with ths Clinton robberies. The
Odeaa woman staled that Rogers and Bur
rler were partner and that they made their
headquarters at a resort on Ninth street
In Omaha when working In this vicinity.
This statement the Clinton detective has
verified In a visit to the place mentioned
In Omaha, hut failed to secure any trace
or Information of the whereabouts of the
Fay diamonds.
The grand Jury will reconvene In this
city Monday, when Rogers' case will b-5
taken up. If no Indictment Is found against
him he will probably be turned over to thi
Clinton authorities, although the local po
lice are loth to lose him, as they believe
he Is wanted somewhere and that there Is
possibly a reward out for his capture.
General Klna's Noble Blood.
Very entertaining and of Intense Interest
Is "Noble Blood," one of General Charles
King'a best books, which will be on aale
t DeLong's this week for 39 cents. Fine
red cloth binding, black and white, 'stamp
ing, a beautiful volume. If ordered by mall
add 10 cents postage. DeLong the Printer,
307 Broadway.
With the Chnrrhea.
Rev. George Edward Walk will conduct
services and preach In St. Paul' Episcopal
church at 10:30 a. m. and 4:30 p. m. today.
I. M. Treynor will sing a tenor solo at the
morning service.
"An Invitation" will be the subject of
Rev. Harvey Hostetler's sermon this morn
ing at the Second Presbyterian church. In
the evening his topic will be "At Kadesh
At Grace Episcopal church there will be
morning prayer at 11 o'clock conducted by
Edwin J. Abbott, lay reader. Sunday school
will be held at 9:45 a. m.
Services today at ths Fifth Avenue Meth
odist church will be as follow: Sunday
choot at 9:30 a. m., preaching at 10:30 a.
m. and 8 p. m., class meeting at neon.
Junior league meeting at i p. m., Epworih
league meeting at 7 p. m. In the morning
the pastor, Rev. J. W. Abel, will preach on
"The Great Communion." His subject In
the evening will be "Moses on Plsgah."
At the Latter Day Saints' church there
will be the sacrament and social service at
10:30 a. m. and sermon at 7:30 p. m. Sun
day school will be st noon.
The First Church of Christ (Scientist)
will hold services In the Sapp building at
11 a. m., when the subject of the lesson
will be "Adam-and Fallen Man." Sunday
chool will be at the close of the services.
The regular testimony meeting will be
held Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
Second Church of Christ (Scientist) will
hold services in Modern Woodmen of Amer
ica hall in the Merriam block at 10:45 a. m.
Subject, "Adam and Fallen Man." Sunday
school immediately after the service.
Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at
At the. First Christian church these ser
vices wiu be held today: Preaching at 11
a. m. and 8 p. m.; bible school at 10:30 a.
m.; Junior endeavor society meeting at 3
p. m.; senior endeavor society meeting at
7 p. m. At the morning service the pastor
Rev. W. B. Crewdson, will preach on
"Royalty of Service."
Rev. H. Hollerberg of St. Loul. a Lu
theran missionary for the deaf, will preach
at the Iowa School for the Deaf this morn
ing and at St. Paul' Lutheran church on
Seventh avenue In the evening at 8 o'clock.
A Card of Thanks.
We wish to express our most heartfelt
thank to friend and neighbor, to the
Ancient Order United Workmen, Patten
lodge No. 173, Omaha, Neb., and to the
Brotherhood of Railway trainmen, for their
kindness and sympathy, also for the beau
tiful floral offerings, in the death of our
husband and father.
DREN. Flnner Dies from Injuries.
Sylvester H. Finney, the locomotive en
gineer who was crushed between his en
gine and a- freight car in a switching ac
cident in the yards of the Union Pacific
Transfer depot April 20. died yesterday
morning at St. Joseph's hospital a a re
sult of his Injuries. Deceased waa F.3
yeara of age and had been In the servlco
of the Union Pacific for over' twenty year.
He resided at 2303 Ninth avenue. His wife
and one aaugther, Mrs. J. T. Smith of thla
city, survive him. Mr. Finney wa a mem
ber of the Brotherhood of Locomotive En
gineer and the Masonic fraternity.
Thl make the second death a the re
sult of the accident. Julius C. Snyder,
the switchman, who was caught with En
gineer Finney between the engine and the
train of cars, having died within a few
minutes after being rescued.
The funeral of Sylvester H. Finney will
be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
and will b In charge of Excelsior Masonic
lodge. Interment will be In Walnut Hill
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night. F66T.
Pnsale Easily Solved.
Many people are puzled about wlere to
aend their laundry In order to have satis
factory work done. This Is easily solved.
Ask your neighbor how he likes the work
of the Evans' laundry. We lay especial
claim to turning out the finest work on
collars, cuff and family washings of any
similar concern In this locality. Our plant
haa been put in the best possible shape for
doing this work by the addition of the most
modern machinery made. When you want
anything call up 290 by 'phone and our
wagon will call.
Evana Laundry company, 622 Pearl street.
Wedding; Iavltatloas.
Absolutely correct styles at DeLong's.
Physical Caltare Departmeat
Woman's rlab Entertains
Its Friends.
Mlsa Kffle Browne of Blxth atreet Is vis
iting relatives at Quincy. III.
Mrs. A. M. Jackson has gone to Cali
fornia to spend the summer.
Alderman C. W. McDonald Is enjoying a
visit from hla brother, A. McDonald of
Bonaparte, Ia.
Mrs. A. Jones of Seventh svenue haa
gone to Stuart, Ia., for a three weeks' visit
with relatives and friends.
Miss Agnea Wlckham entertained the
membera of the Olrla' Kensington club at
her home Saturday evening.
The members of the Euchre club will
meet Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Wil
liam Pyper of Frank street.
Mrs. J. T. Stewart and daughter, Mlas
Elisabeth, will arrive home this week from
an eastern and southern trip.
Mlsa Squire gave a luncheon at her home
yeaterday afternoon In honor of her guest
Miss Chapman of Portland, Me.
The membera of the Oakland Avenue rlob
will be entertained Friday afternoon at
the home of Mra. J. S. B!anchard.
Miss Maude Besley entertained the mem
bera of the Flower mUalon at her home on
East Broadway yeaterday afternoon.
Oscar Kilger and Mlsa Louisa Schroeder,
both of this city, were married yesterday
afternoon, Juatlce Ouren performing the
Mra. Walter I. Smith of this city was
guest of honor at a luncheon given by the
officers of the Omaha Woman'a club at the
Omaha club Monday.
John Sheftler returned yesterday from a
three months' European trip. A. A. Clark,
who accompanied him, will remain abroad
until the latter part of tha summer.
The United Commercial Travelera closed
their aeries of dances and entertainments
for the season last night with a ' poverty
bail'' ta Hoal Axtauuia bail. The affair
brought out a laroe crowd snd a number
of jnlque and fantastic costumes were
Rev. and Mrs. J. w. Abel of Fifth avenue
entertained a few friends at their home
Friday evening In honor of their guest,
Miss Rachel Rees of Bryant City, III.
The marriage of Miss Nora Chloe Brlden
stein and Mr. t'harles E. Ttison will occur
on Thursday afternoon at the home of the
brlde'e parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Brlden
steln of Tenth avenue.
I'ongressmm Wnlfor 1 Smith arrived
home yesterday from St. I.oula where, as a
member of the congressional committee, he
attended the dedication eercmonlea of the
Louisiana Purchase exposition.
Mrs. Wallace Shepard entertained the
Tuesday Euchre club at her home on Park
avenue Tuesday afternoon. Miss Billiard
won the prlae at cards. The club will meet
this week with Mrs. u Zurmuehlen.
Mrs P. H. Stack was tendered a pleasant
sirprlso party Thursday evening at her
home. ISO, Seventh avenue, by the members
of the Dearrre of Honor, who presented her
with a handsome salad dish. The evening
was spent In dancing, singing and music,
refreshments being served at a late hour.
T.Te. MJyi p,01' dance given by White Rose
Rebekah lodge Thursday evening waa one
of the pleanlng events of the week. A fee
li.""6.. ,,he ?'n,nK a entertainment was
the drill In which sixteen young girls, pret
tily dressed In white and carrying wreathes,
took part. The first prise was won bv
Mamie Bushell, ihe second being awarded
to Marie Brooks.
..Dr- V. L. Treynor left last evening for
isew Orleans to attend the annual meeting
of the American Medical society. He wlfi
bo Joined nt St. IxmiIs enroute to New Or
leans by Dr. Don Macrae. Jr. After the
close of tne meeting, In company with Dr.
Barstow. who left for New Orleans Fri
day, they will take a trip through the
south, and possibly to Cuba, before return
ing to Council Bluffs.
The May party given by the Juvenile
. ?lb7 of.,ne ''hnmbers Dancing school
at the Koyal Arcanum hall Friday evening
attracted a large number of little folks
and their chaperones. The german. which
was led by Prof. Chambers, was partici
pated in by all the members snd a number
of new figures WPre introduced. After 10
oclock dancing was Indulged In by the
.r.i,jir in mitnaance.
Rev'.)V ?' Crewdson united In marriage
Miss Kathleen Porter and Mr. Guy M.
Howe Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at
the home of the brldea parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Nathaniel Pnn.r nl t-im
A wedding nipper waa aerved later In the
evening to the guests, who were limited to
the Immediate relatives and friends of the
young couple. Mr. and Mrs. Howe left the
same evening for Odebolt. Ia.. where thev
will make their home and where the groom
Is engaged in business.
The .Physical culture department of the
Council Bluffs Woman's club entertained
.iic ui.-iiiu. ru ana mends of the club Frl
uay aiternoon at the home of Mrs. H. I.
r","'1M rirsi avenue, a lengthy pro
gram of music and recitation waa given
ninuiig mose assisting on the program
were: Mra. Robert B. Wallace. Miss
wrancn, mibs Crane. Miss Denny, Mlsa
V. rorsytn, miss Adelaide Swanson
Miss LAnge and Miss Fitch. A feature of
ine program was a fencing bout between
Miss crane and Miss Fitch. Refreshments
were served in the dining room. Presiding
at the table were Mrs. O. D. Wheeler and
Mrs. O. P. Olsen. Asslatlna' in aervlnir
Edith Organ, Noan Forsyth, Haxel Hannati
aim uuruiny josnn.
Newspaper Change at Perry.
PERRT. Ia., May 2. (Special.) Post
master F. M. Hoeye haa sold bl Interest in
tne rerry Daily Chief to hla partners,
Harvey Brothers. He had been connected
with the Chief many years. The new pro
prietor put the property in aa a part of
tne opera house company recently formed
and will run the paper in connection with
the opera house.
Evictions la New York Inereaae
Aboat One Hnndred
Per Cent.
NEW YORK, May 2. Nearly 500 eviction
cases came up in the Fourth Municipal
court yesterday. Many of the evicted
tenants told pitiful stories.
The increase In the number of evictions
on this May 1. over May 1 last year. Is said
to be about 100 per cent, and the increase
over the number on April 1 of this year
about 25 per cent.
This state of affairs Is partially due to
the fact that the tearing away of tene
ment buildings to make way for the ap
proach of the East river bridge and of
others to make way for parks hss dimin
ished the dwelling area of thla district
Deceased Wife's Sister Bill.
LONDON. May 2. That hardy annual, the
deceased wife's sister bill, reappeared in
the House of Commons yesterdsy, and,,
after well worn arguments, passed Its sec
ond reading by 104 to 94 votes. The meas
ure this year la In charge of Sir Gilbert
Parker, who, in support thereof, presented
a huge petition containing tb signstures
of 75,000 women of Birmingham and Its
suburbs. The bill has already passed ita
second resding no fewer than sixteen times
by large majorities, but its further prog
ress la always hindered.
Schooler Iloack.
WOOD RIVER. Neb.. May 2 (Special.)
Frank Scbooley of thla city was married
last evening to Miss Martha Houck of
Shelton. the ceremony being performed at
the home of the bride's parents near Shel
ton, Rev. Souffer performing the ceremony.
They have gone to housekeeping on the
farm, two miles west of Wood River, which
the groom recently purchased.
WEST POINT, Neb.. May 2. (Special.)
August Koudele and Miss Bessie Krahullk
of this place were united In marriage at
Howell. The groom la one of the Koudele
Brothers, prominent business men of thii
place and the bride a former West Point
girl. They will reside in Oakland.
Two Fair Daya, with Warmer oa
Monday. PromUrd Iowa and
2. Forecast for
Sunday and Monday:
Nebraaka. Iowa and Kanaas Fair
day and Monday; warmer Monday.
Illinois Showers followed by fair and
cooler Sunday; Monday fair, fresh north
west winds.
South Dakota Fair Sunday, warmer In
west portion; Mondsy fair, warmer in east
Colorado Fair Sunday and Monday;
warmer Sunday In east portion.
North Dakota and Wyoming Fair and
warmer 8unday; Monday fair.
Missouri Fair Sunday, cooler In east and
south portion; Monday fair, warmer In
west portion.
Montana Fair Sunday and Monday.
Local Record.
OMAHA, May 2. Official record of tem
perature and orecinltatlon compared with
the corresponding day of the laat three
1903. 1902. 101. 1900
Maximum temperature
Minimum temperature
Mean temperature ....
&) 8 87 f
41 W 4 46
4 ' 7 62
.06 T .00 T
Record of temperature and prec'pltatlon
at Omaha for this dsy and sines March 1.
Normal temperature 61
Deficiency for the day
Total excesa since March 1. 1903 147
Excess for the dav 24 Inch
Normal oreclnltatlon U Inch
Precipitation since March 1 2.06 Inches
If-nclency (nce March 1 2 Inchea
rx-rlclency forcer, period 1&4....I M Inches
Lxuciency for cor. vsrtod UM1....1.M laches
Complete with everything needed. We do this with a saving to
the buyer of considerable money over all our competitors. Why?
Because we buy our goods direct from the biggest factories in the
country by carload lots, thus enabling us to get the lowest prices
on the market
Every room in our store is crowded with furniture and house
hold goods that will render it easy for you to make your selections,
Before you pay out your money, come and see us.
The Petersen Schoening Co.
Merriam Block.
Balance of Throe and a Quarter Millions on
Ride of the Companies.
State laiariace Eismlaer Pennlaajtoa
Reelgna Beraaae He Can Make
Mora Money la Private
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOINES, May 2. (Special.) Insur
ance companies doing business in Iowa have
enjoyed a year of unexampled prosperity,
as shown by the reports made to the state
auditor for the year 1902. State Auditor
Carroll today completed the report for the
year on all claases of Insurance other than
lite and transmitted the aame to Governor
Cummins. The major portion of the report
is already In type and will soon be printed
and the summaries and footings have Just
been completed. The report shows that
theae various insurance companies which
Includes fire companlea, beat and tornado,
but not those doing a casualty, fidelity, em
ployers' liability, burglary, surety and plate
glass business, received from their Iowa
business last year In premium the sum of
$6,644,232.27, and paid in losses $3,163,441.33,
leaving a balance to the credit of the com
panies of $3,280,790.94. The risks written
during 1902 aggregated $444,327,207, which
ia more than $41,000,000 more than in 1901.
The business done In Iowa during 1902 was
divided among the various classes of com
panlea as follows:
Premiums R'd. Losses P'd.
Iowa fire companies $2,364,276 $871,799
Non-Iowa Ore companlea. 2.5el.bl7 1,271,218
Foreign fire companies. 504.702 2H5.916
State mutual aas't fire.. 279.798 120,tlh9
County mutual assess'ts. 497.402 374.947
Total $6,207,698 $2,923,941
State mutuals. tornado
exclusively .., 202.210 160.364
8taie mutuals. hail ex
clusively 234 233 78.635
Total $6,644,232 $3,163,441
The companies doing a fidelity, casualty,
plate glass aurety, employers' liability and
burglary business, received premiums ag
gregating $323,302.77 and paid losses ag
gregating $110,398.49.
There were 137 companies doing business
in the state laat year under chapter 4 which
Includes all except the mutual assessment
companies. These were divided aa fol
lows: Fire Insurance, 107; fidelity and
surety, 8; accidents and employers' lia
bility, 6; plate glass, 4; accident, 2; bur
glary. 2; ball. 2; health and accident, 2;
credit, 1; fidelity, 1; steam boiler, 1; surety,
1. Tha fire companies were divided as fol
lows: Iowa Joint stock companies, 11;
Iowa mutuals, 7; non-Iowa stock com
panies, 66; United Statea branches foreign,
There were 186 companies organized
under chapter 6, which provide for the
mutual assessment system, as follow:
County mutual, fire, 164; atat mutuals,
fire, 17; tornado exclusively, S; hall ex
clusively, 11; plate glass exclusively, 1.
The following companies were authorized
to do business In Iowa during 1902: Anchor
Fire. Cincinnati; Bankers Surety, Cleve
land; National Union, Pittsburg; Ameri
can Credit Indemnity. New York; German
Fire, Peoria; United Statea Health and Ac
cident, Saginaw, Mich. The following with
drew from the state during the year: Buf
falo Commercial, Buffalo; Buffalo German,
Buffalo; Colonial Assurance, New York;
German Fire, Pittsburg; Imperial, United
States branch. New York; United State
Fire, New York. The following are the
new assessment companies authorized to
do business during ths year: Farmer
Livestock. Perry: Home Mutual. Des
Moines: Muntervllle Mutual Fire and Tor
nado. Muntervllle, la.; State Farmers Mu
tual Fire and Tornado, Des Moines; Mutual
Horticultural, Des Moines; Iowa Plate Glass
Mutusl, Shensndoah.
The Insurance companies pstd In fees
last year $45, 008. 25 as against $48,207.50 the
year before. They paid In taxes $224,567.36
as against $197,074.70 the year before.
Haatcr Takca the Pea.
Secretary Treat of the State Board of
Control returned last evening from a visit
to the state penitentiary at Fort Madison
on official business. While he was there
he aaw Matt Hunter of Mt. Ayr, brought
In to begin his twenty-five-year sentence
for the murder of Homer Holland. Hunter
la a spare built man In not very good
health. By his second trial he obtslned a
reduction from life sentence and If he Is
good will get out In less than fifteen years.
Hunter is ssslgned to work on the shoe
contract and while In the prison before
was a model man.
Naraes Will Oct Diplomas.
Tha graduation exercise for the train
ing achool for nurse at the Institution for
Feeble Minded at Glenwood will occur next
Thursday. There will be five who will get
diplomas, as follows: Claude M. Van Zandt,
Bertha E. Adams, May Ackermaa, Grace
Anderson and Herbert Sanborn. The train
ing schools for professional nurses at the
stst institutions are quite popular.
The report of the Industrial school for
boys for the month of May shows an
average attendance of 615. Thirteen were
paroled and six discharged who were out on
psrole, one reached majority and one es
caped. Insurance Esamlaer Realana.
C. L. Pennington, stats Insurance ex
aminer, today tendered his resignation to
State Auditor Carroll. Mr. Pennington lives
In BloomBeld and was appointed by Mr.
Carroll on assuming his office the first of
the year. He stated In his letter of resig
nation that he found that he could not
afford to 4o ta work of examining for Us
7 -ry&'isi tivi
r0 Miiiilii
fees provided and the compensation pos
sible, and wishes to return to business on
his own account. Mr. Carroll state that
Mr. Pennington haa been kept busy making
examinations, ail within the state, since
the first of February and has made a very
competent official.
Invited to Rifle Shoot.
Adjutant General Byers today received
an Invitation from Secretary Jones of Pas
saic, N. J., of the National Rlflo associa
tion, to send a representative to the rifle
competition at Sea Girt May 18-20, if any
member of the Iowa National guard de
sires to make the effort. The competition
at Sea Girt will be for the purpose of se
lecting a team of twelve to represent the
United States or the National Rlflo asso
ciation In England In competition with
English and continental teams for the
"Palma" trophy.
Iowa Horses Sell Well.
Much Interest among horsemen I man
ifested here In the fact that a consignment
of Marlon county horses sold at auction in
Chicago last week brought the highest av
erage price ever brought by horaes placed
in the market there outside of the regis
tered animals. The horse were sent to
Chicago by John Seifert of Marion county,
a veteran horseman now 74 yeara old and
a resident of this part of the state for
fifty-one years. The consignment con
sisted of twenty-eight horses and they sold
for $7,652.50, or an average of $273.30 for
the lot.
Iowa Year Book Printed.
The annual Year Book of the Department
of Agriculture was Issued today by Secre
tary Simpson. The book is larger than
any of the others, having 764 pages. A full
page portrait of the late Dr. Beardshear.
president of the State college, is Included
and many other Illustrations. There is a
vast amount of Information entirely new
and fresh. Including the reports of the state
and county fanner Institutes, the reports
of the stock breeders, swine breeders snd
dairy associations, and many papers by
prominent farmer and breeders. The new
road law la Included and Information In re
gard to road making.
Circa Tents Barn.
HASTINGS. Neb.. May 2. (Special Tele
gram.) The Collins Carnival company met
with a heavy loss by fire early thla morn
ing. A gasoline torch had been left burn
ing in one of the tents and in some man
ner It set fire to 4,000 feet of canvas. The
loss will amount to $400.
Bara Burns at Wahoo.
WAHOO, Neb., May t. (Special.) A
large barn In the rear of tha parsonsgs of
Rev. O. J. Johnson, president of the Luther
academy, burned thla morning. The fir
could be seen for several miles.
It You XTill, But Tbat
Don't Cars Drunkenness!
tnkeaness Is s dlaease and Is ao raeoa-
nlied t.y lb medical profession. The diaeued
roodlfloB of tba arias of tha body sad tan
abnormal alate of tbe servea of tba stoa-a
oenund mr tbn will -power to effort a enro.
"OBBUIE" nlll poalttTrly destroy all crav
ing and OValro tor liquor. Thla remedy la ft-
fared oa well-known medical principles and Is
NIXRHgr BV. TUB W. C. T. V.. V. at. P.
A., clergymen, iihyalclana, p-ihlle ana
temperance aorletlrs. "OBkIE" la taataleaa.
rdorlraa and eulnrU-aa and entirely without bad
effect, and ran be sl'ea irnnwi i"
ta or coffee.
. In fact. It too ap tha dlaraord
Its s bearty appetlta ens ood
t-ai1y nervt- and normal cnodl-
IB waiarr, wii.
stomach and
4 1 (.. Uf ...
1 ... .. . -hi. rflltiKil
firms aoon rmiow us uar, anu
FOB I.igrnR NKVER BETl'RNn. W guar
antee tb ahoT "''1 will
If "OSHIKt" falls to diir..y all deatrn tot
liquor. eValrd booklet mailed freo on request.
C. A. B., Woahlnyton, l. C. wrltea: 'Per lDr-atl(atl'a os proren to ma that '0
XINE' run ibo liquor habit. I think all tbo
Ibooiaa a. iinnuina, r""i . una r
t-uiurrawo orsanlutiofi In tha country should
take It up and dlatrllmU It."
-in MriD e oraanlftaiioria in too couuir pjw
k It up and dintritmU It."
II per boa. or IniM for IS. br mall, po
aid, aerun-ly sealed. Addreas OBR1NI (
natd. securely aeaieo. aaurraa uaai.-ia iv
rooa Building. Wumu(ta. D. o. goto an r
ommasdad b
ihtraiaa t MeC'oaaell Drag Co
lth ssi Dodge It., Oamaha,
Council Bluffs
Steam and Hot Water
ystems of lipatluc. to tfive prcpi'i' rt--ultg,
should be iustnllod only l.v work
men who know t hi-lr businrsH tlioroimli
ly. Our wnrkniru nro Hint kind, but
w make nsmiramv double mire by per
sonal supervision. If ymi want new
work or repairs you will liave the work
done right if yon leave the order wiilt
J. C. Bixby & Son
202 Main ft 203 Pearl Sis.. Council Bluffa. l
Telephone 193.
Putting Up Prescriptions
Is the most exacting part of our busi
nessa task we do uot shirk, (ilvliis;
you just what your doctor orders, never
tilling it with something "Just as good,"
we deserve, and b3- means ol' this adver
tisement ask, your patronage. Kvery
thing in the drug and chemical line
you'll want is here too.
Prescription Druggists,
106 Broadway - COUNCIL BLUFFS.
Dr. Burkhart's Wonderful Offer
Brlshtens the dark exlxtence of the aflil'-ted
and lights tha sombre vale of imin ami
melanchnlv. Last year I cured 'wr oent
of S.T.Vi.ono tases treated for RhoLimall'm
Constipation. Stomach trouble. Kldi.ey an I
Uver troubles. Malaria, t'atarih. Nervous
ness and Blood diseases, nd If on sufte
trom any of these ullments you c-an b
cured. All druggists.
To all Men who Write to the Heidel
berg fledlcal Institute, St. Paul.
Jurt send your nam an address plainly written and
they will send their great "Electre-Chemle Bill"
without on oent ol oust to )ou. It is yours for tho
asking. Notevtn necessary to (end postage stamp.
The Heidelberg Medloal Institute, capitalized
StllOO.OJO, Is tbo Largeat and Rlohest Madloul
Institute In tho Northwest and la giving owij
thousands of their Great Elooiro-CLenilo Ilelts
to prove and advertlso tholr wonderful curintr
power. The Groat "Kleotxo-Cbomlc" Uelt will
restore you to health and bupplueaa. 18.07(1
suing men recently restored to rim. rigor and
terfect manhood. It quickly cures Rheumstltm,
umbaoe, Lame Back, Nervous Enhaustlon, Varico
sole. Falling ViUlity, Kidney Tivtiklea, Llrer, Stomach
sad Seiual Uitaaaos, Oeaeral Wsaknass, Lett Nerve
fares snd many at nor sllmaata. It la worth from
$M to I'jO to say one. It is given away absolutely
tree by the maater specialist to all those who
need the one great curative agent, electricity.
04HC17M. BlrhMMn yean ago I Sr notload msp
tcwua of narvoua troabla that aftarwarda caud n.o
g-raa raltary ami auffailng. 1 had pain In DT b-k,and
auant many raatia nluhta. I bad no control of mv fao.
ultlat, ao thAt I waa aiway at a dlaatlvaaura In that,
evor t undertook. 1 hava bean omg tha K laotro-4 baailn
r-aatmant of tha Hatdatbaiu uexlio. inttttutaabouiiU
waaha and I oonalAar iitmII oura. ouoa mora, and to ha
vtiiil vona ui aaaa iim. 1. 1 11.
BrUrifRril The Belt la not sent on trlsl but
a.m fcin a. a.ia s f o
ours to keep forever with-
out the payment of one oent.
Ba write today
for the Great Electro Chenilo Belt Free.
lor tbe ureal aeotro ;n
tlon this paper Address
Heidelberg Medical Institute
Fifth aadtotMrt eta.. T. PAUL. MINN.
Turn your old
books Into money.
'. elephone B tSBT
snd our represen
tative will call.
"Ye Old Booke Shop,"
lilt FARNAM 8T.
P2 yucMisrin s .naMn.
At nr
a Arm. i-.....
t fct CltirHEMKIls IMll l
In tvlf B aw. a a . i . . .
U.. Sui .1 f ..r ltui.i jET.
, ,"n,."1u' oe t..u,,.. act J
Business Stimulators