Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1903, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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Error Column Expl&lnt the Story of the
Defeat of Bourkitos.
Bobby Carter nlstlncnlshea Himself
by Making Three lllta Oat of
Four Tinea I p to
(Eperlal Telenram.) Omaha lost the nrst
game of Its Colorado Springs series this
afternoon In the prettiest exhibition seen
here this year. A rold wind which kept
the teeth of the fans chattering, blew across
the field during the entire game, and It
was a great surprise that there were no
more errors made. The fans of Colorado
Springs have learned to expect the best
base ball when Omaha Is playing here and
no matter what the weather Rourke and
Burns can always depend upon a good
crowd. Over 2,000 of the faithful bundled
themselves up In their winter clothing and
braved the cold wind and threatening sky
to see the tame.
Companion and McNeely were the op
posing pitchers, the former having a little
the best of the; argument. Two or thret
coatly errors, which were wholly excusable
under the circumstances, however, lost
Omaha the game. The feature of the game
was the batting of Carter, Omaha's right
fielder. This worthy Individual got three
neat singles out of four times up and was
loudly spplsudnd every time be came to
bat. Captain Richmond Pearson Hobson,
the hero of the Merrlmac, who lectures in
this city tonight, witnessed the game from
the grand stand. Score:
A B, R. IB. PO. A. K.
Fleming, If 5 1 2 2 0 0
Kranrks. s 4 11110
Lumlcy. cf 4 O if 2 0 1
Cnngalton. rf 4 1 0 ' 0 0
Kverrtl. lb i 0 0 7 4
Nl'l, 2b 4 0 0 2 2 0
Oranvllle. 3b 4 0 10 11
Starnagle, c J 0 16 0 0
McNeely, p 4 O O 4 4 0
Totals 34 3 7 27 12 2
A B. R. IB. I'O. A. B
Carter, rf 4 1 a 1 0 0
Uenlns, cf 2 ! 1
Preston, If 0 10 0 0
Wright, lb 4 0 11(02
Dolan, ss 3 110 12
Stewart. 2b 4 0 0 2 3 0
Hlckey, 3b 4 0 1 2 i 0
Thomaa. c 3 0 n 6 1 0
Companion, p 4 0 0 0 3 0
Totals 32 "l 7 24 10 t
Colorado Springs ....0 0010110 0-3
Omaha 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-2
Kamed runs: Omaha. 2. Two-base hits:
Lumley, Iolan, Hlckey. Sacrifice hits:
Everltt, Oentne (2). Stolen bases: Preston,
Thomas. McNeely. )iubl play: Com
panion to Thomas to Wright. Struck out:
Hy McNeelv. 5; by Companion. 4. Buses
on balla: Off McNeely. 2; off Companion 2.
Left on bases: Colorado Fprlngs, 10; i.mnha.
R Bared on errors: Colorado Springs. 4;
Omaha. 2. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Brennan.
Peorln Beats St. Joe.
BT JOSF.PH, May 1 Friend pitched a
winning game today, while Chlnn'a work
was not up to his aversge. Score: R H E
p,Ha 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 ti 10 6
Bt. Joseph ......0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 0
Batteries: Peoria. Friend and 'Wilson;
Bt. Joseph, Chlnn and Garvin.
Kansas City Wis SlaaaiaaT Match.
KANSAS CITY. May J.-Kansaa City de
feated Milwaukee in a slugging match.
Bey waa aubstttuted for Kenna in the sec
ond Inning. Attendance BOO. Score:
Kansas City .. 4 4 1 0 0 3 2 -18 IT 6
Milwaukee ....1 1 0 0 4 0 0 6 0-11 17 4
Batteries: Kansas City, Nichols and Mes
sitt; Milwaukee, Kenna, Sey and Lucia.
Dea Molaea Takes Game.
. DENVER, May 2. The Des Moines team
outplayed the locals In the opening game
of the aeries. Score:
t-. i A A A A 1 ft A A Q A
1'pi m ui nr b ,...vfvuv--Denver
0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-2 8 1
Batteries: Barber and Schley; Barry and
Standing ol the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. P.C.
Colorado Springs .... 4 4 0 lono
Milwaukee 4 2 J .
Kansas City i I I
Peoria S ? S 5
Omaha 8 J 2
Denver 3 1 2 .S.
St. Joseph J I -
Des Moines 4 1 I .260
Games today: Omaha at Colorado Springs,
Des Moines at Denver, Peoria at St. Jo
seph, Milwaukee at Kansas City.
Ideals Verona C. 1. Diets Clnb.
The Ideals and C. N. Diets base ball
teams will meet at Twenty-seventh and
California streets this afternoon and a good
game is looked for. The lineup:
Ideals. Position.
Campbell First base flarrlson
Hoffmann Second Anderson
Weed Bhortstop Foran
Lynch Third Jenkins
Gibson left field ...Welch
Leuhra Center Held Lafferty
Tracy Right field Platner
Mlnlkns Pitcher ...Stringer
Coo Catcher Hathaway
Substitute Curtis
Nebraska Wins First Game.
DES MOINES, May J. (Special Tele
gram.) On a muddy Held and In the face
of a cold north wind Nebraska won its
first game of the eastern trip from High-
$K isesf fsr
SMdiciM a
Naiars v.
I s
ff So
If yrm ar hf of yMtr fiinos h Fhtjumatlim.
Nauralcl. r NrousntM. will cur yy KHIl
OP HA Hot. Th4 qui. hr you nt us. tH iuiriir
iro will t curvd. s4 curod lurow. It will ooml
ru on OUST. Yo Ml h4W cur4. S curs. a
pj. Ixju'i Bs4isis artis us iw.
American Institute,
Unvl par today. Mora deterred to srors
a shutout. b'it a burr- on balls and two
errors allowed Highland Turk a ecore. Ne
braska was unlucky In hitting, leaving
many man on bares. Bcore:
R H E.
Nebraska t 0 10 10 4 0 5-tt 12 X
Highland Tnrk.O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 4 4
Ttsttrrtes: Morse and Bender: Lewis and
Boston Hits (reals Haral and F.a.lly
Defeats Team from Kit
BOSTON. Mey Boston hit Cronln bard
In the first Inning today, batting In three
runs on rive hits. Including a double. In
the eighth two more runs were scored on
a tlmdy double by Carney. Bresnahan
was pjt out of the game for disputing a
decision. Attendance, 9u0. Score:
R H O A I I R H O. A C.
ritr. rf ... 1 t 1 9 0 Prawn. if... 1 0 0 0
T.nnar. lb... I til S ftnunihin. rf 0
Ati'Urhlo. a. 0 1 t 4 O Vinhalt'n. rf I S
Cnrly. If ...1 I 1 Mrtlmn, lb . I) 11 1
Carn.r. rf....O IS 0 Mrrtea. rf....O I 0
Bonner. )b...O I I t Dunn, m t I I 0
Orvmlns-r, lb I Laulr, ib...4 111
Moran. e 9 Oil 0 Ollbert. lb... I 0 0 4
Plttlnger, p.. 0 0 I 0 Bowfrmin. e .9 I 1 t
ICronla. p 0 9 1 I 1
Totals I T 17 If 11
1 Total I f 14 14 1
Boston 0000002 -6
New York 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 02
Earned runs: Boston, 3; New York, 1.
Two-base hits: Tenney Browne, Mertes,
Carney. Stolen bases: Cooley i2, Gremln
ger. Browne, Dunn. Double play: Abbat-
tacnio, Monner ana lenney. r irst on balls:
Off Plttlnger, 6; off Cronln, 1. Hit by
pitched ball: McGann, Oreminger. Struck
out: By llttlnger. 8: by Cronln, 2. Time:
1:40. I'mplrs: Moran.
First Innlnsj Derides Game.
CINCINNATI. May 2.-The Cincinnati
team found Sanders to their liking and
with two baees on balls and seven hits
scored eight runs In the first Inning. Mur
phy was substituted and pitched a good
game. Harper also did well. Attendance,
tJuo. Score:
R.H.O.AI. R.H.O.A.B.
Kallny. lt....l 1 I 0 Farrall. lb... 1 9 110
Hrymour, cf .l 19 1 I Hurks. lb.... 1 14 6 0
Donlln, rf 0 1 9 0 Hmoot, cf 9 1 1 0 0
Berkley, lb .l 9 12 9 0 Brain, lb 0 1119
StelnteMt. lb 1 1 1 I 1 Rirrl.r, If . . 0 0 19 9
frrnran, aa.. 1 114 0 Harkat. lb... 1 0 14 1 0
Maoon. lb. ..1 111 t Onnntan, rf . 9 1900
Prlti, e 1119 9 Wllllama, aa.. 0 1 1 4 0
Harper, p 1 I 0 1 0 Ryan, c 0 1 I 0 9
iRandrre, p.... 9 9 9 0 0
Totals I 117 11 I Murphr. p. ... 0 1 0 I 0
I Totala I I 17 II 0
Cincinnati 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
St. Louis 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 -3
Earned runs: Cincinnati, 6; St. Louis, 3.
Two-base hits: Corcoran, Donovan. Three
base hit: Harper. Double plays: Farrell
and Hackett; Harper, Corcoran and Beck
ley 2. First on balls: By Harper, 6; by
Sanders, 2: by Murphv, 2. Hit by pitched
ball: By Hnrper, 1. Struck out: Bv Harper,
6; by Murphy, 1. Time: 1:37. Umpires:
hmsile and Holllday.
Brooklyn's Error Lose Game.
PHILADELPHIA. Mav 2-Errors by
Brooklyn at critical stages permitted the
home team to win todnv s game. The vis
itor!! ro:iid not hit Duggleby and were
shut out. Attendance, 4.464. Score:
Thomai. cf. .. 1 1 1 1 o
Hrry, If 1 4 0 1 0
Wolr'rton, 3b 9 9 0 9 0
Kalster, rf . . . 0 1 4 1 0
Braiiear, lb. 0 9 1 II
Pouslaaa, lb. 9 1 19 1 0
lltilawltt, a.. 1 1 1 1 t
Zlmnier, c... 0 1 8 1 (
lufltbr. p.. i i i J i
R H O A E.
Strang, cf.... 0 9
0 9
9 9
Mcfrredy, rf. 0 1
Bherkard. If.. 1
Do la. lb 9 1
1 1
9 9
Pahlen, a.
Aharn, c...
Klood, lb...
Jordan, lb..
Evana, p....
9 0 1
9 14
9 9 1
9 I
0 1
1 9
1 1
Totali io it II l . Total f t 14 I I
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 4
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Earned run: Philadelphia, 1. Two-base
hit: Barry. Sacrifice hit: Strang. Stolen
oirang, uarry. Keister, Jjougiasa,
, s s roi fuuDie pisys: Keister ana uoug
: Thomas and Douglass. Left on bases:
Brooklyn, ; Philadelphia, 1. First on balla:
Off Evana. J; oft Duggleby, 1. Struck out:
By Evans, 3; by Iuggleby, 6. Time: 1:45.
Lmplre: O'Day.
Chleaaro Defeats Plttsbnrg.
PITTSBL'RO, May i-Taylor s deceptive
curves and excellent sunport bv his team
prevented Pittsburg froni hitting safely ex
cept In the third Inning, when four runs
Were made. Kalkenburg did fairly .ell
until the sixth, when he allowed fix hits.
Attendance, 8.147. Score:
Harlay, rf.... 19 19 l'natimont. cf. 1 1 19 0
Sl.glo. If I 1 4 4 4 Clark. If.... I 190
Chance, lb... 1 I II 9 0 Loach, lb 9 10 1
Dobba, cf 0 1 4 Wasnar, rf... 10 19
Tlnkar. aa....l 19 1 I Bramneld, lb OHIO
(aajr. lb 0 I 1 I 0 Krurfar. 9 0 9 0 9
Lnwa, lb 1 11 t Rltrher. lb. ..0 0 I 1
Kilns, a 0 14 1C Fhelpa. r 1114 1
Taylor, p 1 1 0 1 0 Falkanbarg. p 1 9 1 1 0
Wllhrlm. p. .. 0 0 I 4 0
Totala 10 14 IT II 4 Merrltt 0 9 0 0 0
Totala f 4 IT 1 I
Batted for Wllhelm In ninth.
Chicago 0 0101800S-10
Pittsburg 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 16
Earned runs: Chicago, 5; Pittsburg, 2.
Two-bsse hits: Beaumont, Clarke, Tlnicer.
Three-base hit: Taylor. Sacrlflc? hits:
Slagle, Casey. Stolen bases: Loach. Tinker.
First base on balls: Olt Falkonorrg, 4; off
Wllhelm. 1; off Taylor, 1. Hit by pitched
ball: Merrltt. Struck out: By Wllhelm. 1.
Passed balls: Phelps (2. T.m: 2:15. Um
pire: Johnstone.
Standing; of the. Teams.
Played. Won. lost P.C.
New York 13 4 .683
Pittsburg 14 9 6 .643
Chicago 13 8 t .Aid
Boston .'. 15 t T .133
Brooklyn 13 8 7 .462
St. Louis 14 8 8 .429
Philadelphia 15 i 10 .333
Cincinnati 13 4 .307
Games today: Pittsburg at Chicago, St.
Louis at Cincinnati.
Dickey Bird Can Clnb.
Beginning today the Dickey Bird Oun
Club will shoot on Its own grounds, adja
cent to Krug park, and will use the loca
tion sll Sundays throughout 4he season.
The Omaha Oun club's grounds will not be
used, as announced.
America's Best
Spolal Dry Drt
Its popularity is proof
of its quality. It
equals any French
wine in bouquet and
flavor, and costs only
one-half. Why pay
for foreign labels?
"GOLD SZLAL. Is goH erverrr
whera and servod at all leading china
and cafes. L KB AN A WL CO.,
Urbaaa, N. T4 Sole Maker.
Far l
Tat Aavrkas
lamt u aitA
sw. Mass a i
a sat
arc t
It ia Auspicious De3pita tht Unfavorable
Weather Condition;.
They Orripr the Afternoon n4
Evening, anal Mr. Fred Hamilton
Benefits hy the Acquirement
of a Handsome ('.
Ths Country club opened Its third season
yesterday suspiciously despite weather
conditions and labor conditions, which were
anything but auspicious. There was a golf
game. In which Fred Hamilton won a silver
cup with a gross score of ninety-two and
a net score of eighty: there was an opening
dinner In which 205 persons shared and
there was a dance In which practically all
the members and many of their friends
The links have been enlarged and much
work put on them. Eventually they will
be fine, but yesterday's playing was made
under difficulties. The greens were wet
and to make matters worse, there was a
north wind that played desperately upon
the lachrymals of the golfers and rendered
precarious the result of a drive.
Clnb House Enlarged.
The club house ha been enlarged by
lengthening and broadening Its south wing,
doubling the capacity of the dining rooms
and making possible a more ample butler's
pantry and a storage room with space also
for the much needed additional chefs' fa
cilities. Labor's cessatlcn of activity was
a blow to the club, inasmuch as it made
Impossible the finishing of the apartments
and for yesterday's gathering the walls and
celling had to be secreted with temporary
decorations of flags and field trappings.
There was a generous use of flowers also
in the decorating.
During all the afternoon there was such
a chill wind without that Area were kept
burning in the grates and their glow was
most acceptable. The dinner was at 7
o'clock and after It the dining room and
hall were cleared that the seduction of an
orchestra's waltzes and two-steps might
not be unavailing.
On the Links. (
At golf, the-cup won by Mr. Hamilton
was of silver and plain In design. Its per
manent acquirement coming with one vic
tory In handicap competition over the
elghteen-hole course, medal play. The scor
ing was as follows:
o 5" ' a c
T ; a si "
: : g ! ?
. : . o : :
Fred Hamilton 47 45
W. D. Bancker 47 41
Luther Drake bl 44
W. H. Met'ord 50 46
O. M. Hitchcock 61 48
H. McCormlck M 42
R. R. Kimball i 40
W. A. Redlck i2 l
Ike Cole 60 49
Harry Lawrle 64 41!
E. H. Sprague 63 4
E. M. Morsman, Jr 60 49
Will Burns 68 4s
W. E. Martin 62 6i
Abe Reed 67 bO
T. R. Kimball 64 sO
V. M. Rogers 63 47
U 91 81
4 fcH M
10 9.i
11 M .
1-1 9
8 94 t
07 si
10 9H si
11 99 Si
90 91
t 9)
8 9.1 fl
16 IS 91
8 1"4 9ft
I 107 99
4 101 100
10 110 10
The club bulletin schedules these events
on the links:
Wednesday, May 63 p. m. Women's
handicap for prise, eighteen holes, m dal
play. Lntrles close Tuesday noon.
Saturday, May 362:3 p. m -Sweepstakes
handicap, eighteen holei, imdai phtv, en ry
fee, two Haskell balls; three ptiiea, ,
ano id per ceni.
Saturday, May 30 Decoration day Open
date. Competition with some out-of-town
club If poatlble, to be announced later.
Fans Score lmplre, bat Threatened
Molestation Falls to Mate
rialise. ST. LOUIS. May 2. Detroit defeated Bt.
Louia today In one of the stormiest games
ever played In St. Louis. As a result of a
couple of close decisions In the seventh
Inning both rieidrlck and Hemphill were
ordered oft the field for criticising the um
pire. The crowd made a demonstration
against the umpire, hut did not molrst hl.-n
after the game. Mullln pitched tine ball tor
iieirou. wnne riiever waa easy for that
team. Attendance, 6.S00. Bcore:
R.H.O.A.B. i R.H.O.A.B.
Barrett, rf... 110 0'nurkatt. If... a a 1 i a
Smith, lb.... 1 I Haldrtrk. cf.. I
Crawford, It.. 0 1 1 Hemphill, rf. 0 1
farr, lb t t 10 1 0 And'on, rf-lb. Oil
Eltxrtcld. aa . 0 1 I 1 '.jWallaca. aa. . . 1 4 s
Uaalcr, rf ... 1 111 t MrCo'm'k. tb 4 4 4
Yaagar, lb... 1 S 1 Frlal, lb 1 1 i
McAllister, e. II 1 Sudn, e-lb. 0 1 0
Mullln, p 11 Rl.v.ra. p.... 1 D
-hahow, c 1 0 0
Total 1 11 17 11 j'fcudhuff. cf... 0
I Total 1 6!l 11
Crawford out; bunted third ttrlke.
Detroit 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 t Z 6
Bt. louia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01
Earned runs: Detroit, 4. Two-base hlls:
Barrett. Uessler, Mul.ln, Htldr.rk. Elber
feld. Three-bate hits: 'HtldiUk. Craw
ford. Sacrifice hits: Barrrt, Sinlth U).
Double plays: Uessler to Carr. Bursett to
Sugden. Hit by pitched tall: By 8. ever. I.
Wild pitch: Muilln. Liars on fcals: uif
Slever, 3. Struck out: liy Mull n, i0; ty
blever, 3. l-ft on bases: Detrolc. 1j; St.
Louis, I. lima; 1:63. Umpire: u'Laugh
lin. Boston la Shut Oat.
BOSTON, May 2. Plank's pitch ng was
well supported In the tlfld and the Phil
adelphia shut out the homo team today.
Attendance, 4.300. Score:
R.H.O.A.B k.H O A K
Hartaal, if... 1 1 1 0 Dtiugharty. If 1 1
ti, lb I 10 OCollina. lb.... Ill
L. 'maa, lb.. 0 10 1 I Slahl. cf 0 0 11
Saybold, rf... 0 0 1 0 : Freeman, rf.. c
Murphy, lb.. Ill 1 Parent, aa 0 1140
Pickering, cf. 0 1 I 0 Lat lb 0 0 11
M. I'roaa, as.. 4 4 Ferrta, lb.... 041
Povara. 0 1 1 0 I'rlaw. a 0 1 1 1
Plonk, 1 1 1 I Young, p 0 0 1 0
0' Brian 0 0
Totala I (17 14 I Uiooaon .... 000
I Totala 4 17 11 1
Batted for Crlger In ninth.
hatted for Young in nlnih.
Philadelphia 1 0 0 1 o 0 0 0 11
Boston o 0 o V 0 o o o 00
Earned run: Philadelphia. Two-bar h t:
Davis. Home run: i'lank. Stolen bis s:
Pickering. Hartsel, Co.llns. Doulle pla-:
Stahl to Crlger. First base on bslis: oft
Young, 3; oft Plsnk. 2. Hit by pltchef bsl
Parent (2. Seybold. Slruck out: By PI ink
6; by Young. 4. Passed ball: Trigs Time:
1:60. Umpires: Winter and Bchreck.
Chleaaro Takes Easy One.
CHICAGO. May 2.-Hard hitting off both
Cleveland pitchers and clrver base stealing,
coupled with the U:tors battery errcra.
gave the locals sn ea victory today. At
tendance. b.mj. Score:
a.H.fl.A gf R.M.O.A .
Dolaa. Ik 1 1 1 t Doe, cf 0 1 1
Jonas, cf 1 0 I 0 u McCarthy. If. I 1 1 1
Groan, rf I 14 0 0 1 honey, lb... lit
Hamlls. If.... 11110 Hickman, lb. II 1
bell, lb t I 1 1 Bra.lley. lb... I 10 4
llr. lb 4 I I I Hn k. rf 1114
Tannebtll, aa. I I 1 I i Utxhnauor, aa 1 1 1 I 1
Sulllran. a... I 11 ft Bemla. c t 4 I
While, p 1 111 Wright, p.... 1 1 1 0
lPoun4a. p.... 1
Totals. ....II 14 17 11 l Abbotl. c 11
I Totals I tit U I
Chlcsgo fl 16 8 2 0 0 0 It
Cleveland 0 0 1 0 i 0 0 1 1
Ift on bases: Chicago. 7; Cleveland. I
Two-base hits: Oreen, Dalv, Tannrhlll.
Sullivan. Whtia. Bradley. Flick. C.ochnauer
Sacrlnc hits: Tannehlll. Bemls. g.olm
case: Jones, lulv. Tannehl . R'llllvan
Sirurk out: By While. 4; by Wrlgnt. 1; by
Pounds. 1 Passed ball: B-mU. Paaos on
Dsns: trr w hlie. 3, off Wright. 6 WI'd
pilches: Wright lit. Hit with ball: Pounds.
Time: 1:45. L'mplre: Sheridan.
Baacaen Hits Beats Kew York.
NEW YORK. May t-By bunching hits
in the sixth inning sna scoring tnree runs
the Washington defeated (irtfTllh'a New
York players today. Bulb Wilson and Wolf
baa ua cuntroi, not a oas on balls Do
ing given by either. Attendance, 1.9S0.
R.H.O.A.B. R H O A B.
Rohlneofi, aa. 1 I I 1 A riaela. If . t 111
Selborh. rf... II Ikeeler. rf ...1 111
Iwlehanty, it. 1 M-rarl'n4, rf 1 1 rf 1 110 0 Wllll.m. lb. 0 I 4 0
rarer, lb 1 II 1 lOanae!, lb... I II 0
OuehMn. lb. 1 t 1 Conroy. tb...O 1 I I 0
Demon!, 3b... III 1 Ourtney. aa.. 04
Dill, r 1 0 1 0 ronnor. c 4 1 0
Wllann, p.... till oWoir, p 001
-rulla t (
Total 4 11 IT It lnanneklll ..
Totals I It II I
Batted for O'Connor In the ninth.
Batted for Wolf In the ninth.
Washington 0 0 1 0 0 t 0 0 04
New York 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 I
Earned runs: New York. 1: Washington.
1. Two-base hits: Keeler. McFarland. Ryan.
Three-base hits: Keeler, Relbach, Wilson.
Stolen bsse: Conroy. Rvsn. Left on
bases: New York, ; Wsshlngton, 7. Double
plays: Conroy to Williams to Oansel, Rob
inson to Demont to Carey. First base on
errors: New York t. Hit bv pitched ball:
ny vtoir.i; ny wiieon, l. struck out: riy
Wilson. 3. Time: 1:50. CmDlre: Connolly
and Carruthers.
Standing; or the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. P.C
Detroit 8 6 t .750
Chlcsgo 8 t I .626
Philadelphia 12 7 I .6X3
New York 10 ft t .boo
Washington 10 6 B .600
Boston 12 8 .ra
Cleveland 7 11 .1M
St. Louis 7 2 1 .24
Oames today: Detroit at St Louis.
Cleveland at Chicago.
Kansas City Toms Tables on St. Paul,
Taking; Game with Three
to (?r.r.
ST. PAUL. May 2 -Kansas City turned
the tables on Bt. Paul today, buncnlng hlte
winning for them. Attendance, 1.100. ucaia:
Oinley. cf..., l 10 1 0 Shannon, cf.. 0 110 0
Maloner. e... 1 0 I Jarkaon. rt...l 1110
Nanr. lb.... 0 0 1-1 0 Geler. If 0 0 1
Orady, lb....l 1 14 1 Bchaefer, aa..O till
Rothfuae. rf.. 0 1 1 0 0 Wheeler, Sb . 0 Oil
Knoll, If 0 0 1 0 0 Huggina. 2b.. 0 1111
Leewe. aa....l 10 1 Pierre. lb...O 1 14 1 0
McAnd'wa. lb 1 1 I 4 0 Sullivan, c... 0 14 10
Durham, p... 0 0 I I 0 Davla, p 0 0 0 4 0
Chech, p 0 0 0 0 0
Votsls I li
I Totala 1 T 27 15 I
Kansas City 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 06
St. Paul 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Two-base hits: Rothfuss, Leewe. Sacri
fice hits: Maloney. Nance. Btoien bases:
Maloney, Qradv, 8chaef.r. Urst basa on
balls: Off Durham, 2, n.T Davis, i: off
Chech, 1. Struck out; By Durham, 1; by
Davis, 1; by Chech. 2. Double play: Jatk
son to Pierce. Wild pitches: Davla t2).
Durham. Left on bases: Knn'as CUy. ;
St. Paul, 6. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Cun
ningham. LonlsTllle Scares W inners.
INDIANAPOLIS. May 2. Indianapolis
earned the game in the first two innl;iga
today, but ioulfvllle caused a scare to
ward the close, Williams going wiotig on
the slab and his support prjwlng weak.
Newlln finished the closing Inning and
saved the day. Attendance, 2,912. Score:
R.H.U.A.K. It. nun
Hogrlorer, rf. I 1 1
1 Kerwln. rf... 1 1 0
Fo. lb 0 111
0 Odwell. cf.... 1 1 1
Jonea. If 1 I I 0
I Sullivan, lb
O.b'chrlver, c.
0 114
Klhm. lb 1 I II 1
0 0 0
1 0 II 1
Coulter, cf . .. 0
ft' Ilrlen. aa. ..
ft a 0 oiwhlle. lb
1 1 lit lymer, ii .
0 11
0 0 4
0 0
Tamaott, lb. .0 0 1 0
UMartln, aa..
II r Uon. c... 0 1 1
Wllllama. p.. 1 11
Newlln, p 0 0 U V
child., lb..
MiCord, p.
Total I I 17 10 1
Totala 4 11 27 I 4
Indianapolis S 2 0 0 0 0 0-5
Louisville 1 0000010 13
Earned runs: ' Indianapolis, t. bases o.i
balla: Oft Williams, 4;. Slruck out; B,
W.lliams, 3. hit by pitcher: By Wll lams.
1. Two-oase hits: Kox, McCord. Douo.e
play: Kihm to O Brlen. 8tolen bae: Ker
win. LeU on bases: InalanapUls. 10;
Loulavllle, 14. Time: 2:02. Umpire: Fcrs
man. Errors Lose Game.
MINNEAPOLIS, May 2. Milwaukee won
the second game of the series today. Both
pitchers kept the hits well scattered. Er
rors by Mclntyre and Hoffmelster with men
on. bases lost the game for Minneapolis.
Attendance, 1,200. Score:
It.H.O.A.K n.n.v.A.n.
Fhvl. aa 0 1
1 o'Ovlrr. aa 0 0 1
Donahue, lb.. 0 t
Dunleavy, If.. 1 1
Dungan. rf .. 1
Bchlafiey. lb.
I'nglaub, lb.. 0 1
1 !Lallr. lb 0 0 4
0 n Mcooery. lb. 0
0 0 Yeager, C 0
1 lWllnvtf. cf... 1
1 1
t 0 Hoffm'ter, lb 0 0 0
1 0 Mclntyre, lb. 0 1 0
Wood, c
Peer, cf
Elliott, p
0 I
0 4 Vaablnder, rf.
0 0 0
1 oiSporer, p o
Total I 7 17 10 01 Totala 1 4t 11 I
lOnktBfl.w mil An hunt alrlke.
Milwaukee 0 0000020 1-3
Minneapolis o o o o o u u v i i
rjarnea run: minnewpunn. i. nuure imh.
Wllmot. Stolen baae: Phyle. First base
, . . r. M 1-111.... 1 . ..eP Qnnvav 1 111,
On UailB. Ull BilllUll, A, UH D'"ii.
by pitched ball: Oy'.er. Struck out: By
Sporer, 4; by Elliott 4. Ieft on bases:
Minneapolis. 7; Milwaukee. 6. Sacrifice hits:
Yeager, Schlafley, I'nglaub. Umpires:
Mor&n and Mullane. Tlma: 1:35.
Both Aides Sing; Hard.
TOLEDO, May 2. Today's game was a
i . . i .. n i li In Mi,n TnUrin e v r 1 1
Toledo's two pitchers were batted out of
the box. Score:
o u n a r. R H o A B.
smith. rf......l 0 I olMsrt. cf 0 1
Relating, cf-p.t
v a..t
1 1 1
U kenahlp, aa
n.MM., If 1
i I
llUannon. If 1
o o
Haymor. 2b. ..I
Mellor. lb 0
1 1
t...... ih I I I I I
Owona. lb I I 1 0
Connor, lb... 1 11 1
Klein, e t I 8
Coa. p J J
Mix-k. p
Flanagan, cf. O 000
Turner, lb....l
Arndt. rr B
0 0 0
0 10
Roach, c
Wllllama, p...l I
McPartland. p 1
Tout lrM I
Total. 1 11 17 I
Two out when winning run scored.
Toledo 1 0 0 0 3 0 3 2 1-10
iv.lumhus 0 0 1 2 3 0 2 1 o
Earned runs: Toledo, 8: Columbus, 6.
Two-base hits: Klelnow, Turner, Flournov
(21, Raymer. Williams. Home run: W.I
llams. Double plays: Turner to Connorj
to Turner. Ieft on bases: Toledo. 7; Co
lumbus, 6. Stolen bases: Blankenshtp U).
Struck out: ny neisung, uy vviuinmn,
4. Bacrlfice hits: Blankenshtp, Owens,
Roach. Time: 1.-65. Umpire: Haskell.
taadtnsT the Tennsa.
Played. Won. Lost P.C.
Milwaukee 8 1 .889
Indianapolis J J -JJ8
Kansas City J 3 .7
Toledo 8 4 .&
St. Paul 8 4 4 6J0
Ixiulsvtlle 4 6 .444
Columbus 7 .222
Minneapolis W 0 10 .0u0
Games today: Kansaa City at St. Paul,
Milwaukee at Minneapolis, Indianapolis at
loulsvllle, Toledo at Columbus.
Benefit tisn Today.
A base bail game will be played at Vin
ton Street park this afternoon as a benefit
for Charles "Old Hons" Bowman. '1 he
game will be called at 3:30 p. m. Following
la the lineup-
L.-Q. Orlglnala. Position. C. B. Eagles.
O'Krefe falcher 8m 1 1
Crelghton Catcher Mothe'
Mcllvalne Pitcher hill
Saffflder Pitcher Mitts
Foley First base Shuxait
Bradford Second base '. . chl
Waller Third base Brewich
Kennedy cinortstop Duncan
Scully Leftfleld Howar h
Welch Centerfleld Grlftl h
Howe Centerfleld drown
Taylor Rightrtrld Uoff
Cutgrove Substitute
College Base Ball.
At Philadelphia Yale. 5: Pennsylvsnla. !.
At Cambridge Harvard, 8: Williams, 8.
At Cincinnati Miami University, 8; Uni
versity of Cincinnati. 0.
At Terre Haute Rose Polytechnic, 6;
Wabash. 3.
At Champaign (111 Illinois, 10; Pur
due, 2.
At Ithaca (N. Y.) Cornell, 10; Prince
ton. 8.
At Annapolis Navy, 7; Dickinson. 1
At West Point West Point. 12; Trinity, 8.
At Madison (Wls.j Wisconsin, 18; North
western, 8.
At Belolt tWls.l Notra Dame, 1!; Be
lolt. 8.
Charlton Wins from t'reston.
CRF.STON. Ia.. May 3 (Special Tele-
fram.l In the second game if th aerlea
rest on waa defeated here today by Charl
ton by a score of 8 to 4. Attendance, about
. Umpire: Golden. Batteries: Creaton.
Ward and Corbett; Charlton, Cunlon and
L. K Donovlti of the Union Paclfte store
depatmenl has organised a ball team of
crack players and would like to correspond
with any turn under 18 years of age. Ad
dress letters to captain of the Union Pacific
store department, South Twelfth street.
Tare-e-l Uagst.
At Decatur Rock Island, 8; Decatur. 1
At Blooming Ion Bloorulngton, 1; Juliet, 0.
Good Riding Snatches a Tictorj from the
Odds-on FaTorite.
Jockey Wlnkfleld, with an Apparent
ale Lead, Goes to Sleep and
Wakes to gee the Race
Lost to Outsider.
LOUISVILLE. May 2. Within the shadow
of the wire Judge Hlmea snatched from
Early th twenty-ninth Kentucky Derby at
Churchill Downs today. It was the con
fidence of the twice successful Wlnkfleld
that lost the favorite the blue ribbon of
the BluegTass State. Bourbon, six lengths
off, was third. It was a Derby won. not by
the touted odds-on-favorlte, but by a much
fleaplsed outside; but be It said to the
credit of the colt and Jockey, he was well
piloted, and when Judge Hlmea passed the
wire winner of the classic event It was
to the plaudits of all Kentucky. The vic
tory waa a surprise to even Owner Ellison,
for he had thought the Esher-Lullaby colt
good enough to win.
It was an exciting finish. Early, with a
length and a half to the good, waa ridden
down the stretch as though he had already
won. Within the last eighteenth H. Booker
brought up Judge Hlmea and In a merciless
drive. Early, who bad lost his stride by
the overconfldence of Wlnkfleld, was beaten
out three-quartere of a length. Judge
Hlmes started at 10 to 1. Results:
First race, five and one-half furlongs:
Walna Molnen won, Whisky King second.
Skilful third. Time; 1:07.
Second race, four furlongs: Prince of
Pllsen won. Prince Silver Wings second,
Sol Smith third. Time: 0:49H.
Third race, six furlongs: Poor Boy won,
Pnnana Cram second, Senor third. Time:
Fourth race, the Kenturky Derby, I6.0O0,
mile and a quarter: Juilge Hlmes won,
Early second. Bourbon third. Ttme: 2:09.
Fifth race, selling mile: Cogswell won,
Itmnool second. Love's Labour third.
Time: 1:45,.
Sixth race, five furlongs: Vlona won.
Pure Favor second, White Plume third.
Time: 0:4f4.
NEW YORK. May S. Results:
First race, selling, six furlongs: Right
and True won, Orion second, Tageant
third. Time: 1:13 2-6.
Second race, mile and seventy yards: In
junction won, Andy Williams second,
Locket third. Time: 1:46.
Third race, the Suffolk, four and one-hnlf
furlongs: Nlnepln won. Race King second,
Fickle third. Time: 0:fcft.
Fourth race, the King's county handicap,
six furlongs: The Muskeeter won. Yellow
Tall second. Himself third. Time: 1:13 3-5.
Fifth race, four and one-half furlongs:
Masedo won. Careless second, Tim Payne
third. Time: 0:M 1-S.
Sixth race, mile and seventy yards, sell
ing: fast won. Konanco second. Ilc Il
linois third. Time: 1:4R.
CHICAGO, May 2 Results:
First race, six furlongn: Llnsulst won.
Au Revolr second, Orene Mac third. - Time:
1:14 3-5.
Second race, six and one-half furlong",
selling: Oronte won. Miss Manners second.
Tayon third. Time: 1:213-5.
Third race, handicap, mile and one-sixteenth:
Huxsah won. Thane second, Flying
Torpedo third. Time: 1:47 2-5.
Fourth race, flying handicap, six fur
longs: Scorpio won. Burnle Bunton second.
Beau Ormonde third. Time: 1:13 2-5.
Fifth race, four furlongs: Sanctum won,
Don Domo second, J. W, O'Nell third.
Time: 0:47 3-5.
Sixth race, mile and a quart-, r: Bonnie
Llssak won. Barrack second. Alma Girl
third. Time: 2:07 2-5.
BT. LOUIS, May 2. Results:
First race, six furlonga. selling: Duo'a
won, Miss Aubrey second. Immortelle third.
Time: 1:15..
Second race, four and a half furlongs,
rurse: 8t. Acnes won. Maywell second,
Imboden third. Time: 0:57.
Third race, five and one-half furlongs:
Svlvla Talbot won. Elastic second, Pour
quol Pas third. Time: 1:08'.
. Fourth race, the Inaugural handicap, one
mile: G'enwater won, Jordan aecond. Port
Rovsl third. Time: 1:41H.
Fifth race, seven furlongs, purse: Slg
mund won. Dolly Hayman second. Lord
Melbourne third. Time: l:2Mk.
Sixth race, six furlongs: 8weet Dream
won Dr. Clark second, Dave Sommors
third. Time: 1:18.
Seventh race, one and one-rlxteenth miles
selling: Sambo won. Flintlock second.
Nearest third. Time: 1:4H.
NASHVILLE. May 2.-Resilts:
First race, six furlongs: Louis Wagner
won. High Chancellor second, J. Sidney
Walker third. Time: 1:131.
Second rsee. four and a half furlongs:
Walnut Hill won, Emperor of India sec
ond. Easter Walters third. Time: 0:M'i.
Third rsce. one and one-sixteenth miles,
selling: Uttle Duchess won, Indy of the
West second. Invlctus third. Time: l:49Vs.
Fourth race, mile, cltlxens' handicap, tl.
500 added: Brulare won. Reservation sec
ond. Charley Thompson third. Time; 1:4ov
Fifth race, four and a half furlongs:
Mafalda won, Cardona second. Council
third. Time: 0:F6V4.
Sixth race, Ave furlongs: Ice Water won,
Sweet Billte second, Carrie I third. Time:
Youngsters gkove Good Form at the
Second Annual Indoor
Athletle Meet.
At the second annual indoor athletic
meet of the bovs of the Young Men's Chris
tian association on last Friday night the
boys made a number of records that were
trulv remarkable. Three classes, the In
termediite, the elementaries and the busi
ness boys, contested. Ranging from 10 to
16 years in age and with experience of lit
tle more than a year In any Instance, they
competed In fifteen events and. In more
than half of them, came very close to the
first grade records of the association In the
men's classes.
The Intermediates carried off the honors
with 81 points, the business boys coming
second with 47 points an1 the elementaries
third with 12 points. Wilson of the Inter
mediates carried away the Individual hon
ors capturing 88 points In the events, Wil
lis had 25 points and Sjtherland 19. The
winners of the events and their records
are as follows:
Standing high Jump: Sutherland, 13 years.
I feet 8 Inches.
Running- high Jump: Wilson. 15 yesrs, 4
feet 10 2-6 Inches.
Spring-board high Jump: Doud, 12 years,
( feet 8 inches).
Standing broad Jump: Willis, 15 years, 8
feet 4 Inch.
Two and three broad Jumps: Sutherland,
IS years.
Hop. skip and Jump: Wilson, 15 years, 23
feet 7V, Inches.
Pull-up: Wilson, 15 yesrs. 18 times.
Shot put: Willis. 15 years. 28 feet 6 inches.
Goal throw: Wilson, 15 years.
Long dive: Wilson, 10 feet 2H Inches.
Hiuh dive: Wilson, 4 feet 8 inches.
Twenty-yard dash: Carter, 15 years,
0:03 3-5.
Beventeen-lan potato race: wusnn, 1:54
(world's record, 1:40).
The business boys won the class potato
race in an exciting finish.
know thai my Cold Curt u ill
break up any form of cold in a few
hourtMUN YON.
MrnrOH'g 1 COI.D (TBI eares reld la
the head, cold oa the luoso, eU roloW, nee
je'So aa4aii aaia rolrfo, aa all term of
tertpae. It relietea ibo kens, no Urel
aaa lass alaueM taauaadr. It pretests
g-oeaaaeatn, srlppe aad alphtaorW.
Price let, at any drag store.
If yon have Rheanmsliaia try Munyon's Rhea
tnsuun Cure: If ou bars byMwiaia try his
paiw,,!eCurs- If jrou havesa, kidney trouble
try lua kidney Cur Muntoa hsasaucx-ltlu feat,
dy for must ery disss ; aioetly U Ccau.
WIN YON, Paila.. Pa.
16!!!. & FtaNAM
Suits and Covert Coats
CORRECT judge of dress will instantly eee their
style characteristics and admit the excellence of
these jrarments. Tomorrow we make a special offering,
quoting the lowest prices of the season showing the most
desirable styles.
We Invite close comparison with garments elsewhere
at similar prices.
Shirt Waist Suits at $5.00.
Dresses of fine English duck suit
ing handsomely braided many
with the new Cluny lace trim
mings in a variety of beautiful
patterns demi-made; full sweep
skirt and separate J
waist, popular col
ors for summer wear
including cadet, ecru
light blue, pink, white, etc.
rare bargain at half to two-thirds
more all at one price during
this sale. $3.00.
New Collarless Spring Suits
A new arrival is a beautiful eta
mine suit, the coat is collarless,
.. i. :n. 1: i i. ..
U Ilt'clL MlK-llLirU I'OHl Skill till- VlTtr7i:jSJl
lined blue and colors. CM ft 18-special OIU
hirt waist suit of white duck with neat black figures, trim-,
med with black and white checked duck, detached belt of
check duck with postilion back, skirt has five gores $2t75
Sensational Sale of Shirt Waists
We have arranged for a remarkable sale of Shirt
Waists here tomorrow. The values offered will certainly
result in sensational selling, so if you want to lay in a sup
ply of Shirt Waists, this sale offers the opportunity. Come
with your expectations high. We mention just a few of the
values, viz.:
uO dozen lawn waists, black nud white stripe, worth EC
$1.00 snecial
40 doz. white vesting waists,
rind tuck fronts, $2 values
Millinery Snaps Worth Investigating
Ladies' Dress Hat
Ladies' Dress Hat
Ladies' Dress Hat
Of straw braid with drape of
others trimmed with velvet
$2.50 special tomorrow
The success of last week's sale has warranted us in con
nuing our Special Spring Movers' Sale so that all those
who were unable to attend last week will have another
chance to take advantage of this great sale.
Write for our special catalogues of IJaby Carriages,
Refrigerators and Gasoline Stoves.
Bed Room Suits
. You'll have another chance this
take advantage of our special sale
Hoom Suits.
Solid Oak three-piece Suit with French bev
el plate mirror and brass trim
mings, worth f- oil
the celebrated
H e y w o o d, of
handsome de
sign, all new
rubber tires,
r.nd e h
Stationary Go
CarU, rubbrr
tires, steel
sprintr tomor
row spec i nr
ial i70
Iron Bed white enamel, complete with
woven wire springs and cotton top mai
tress, worth U A
sale price ..JtJ
Dining Room Chairs cane seat
brace arms, special
Extension Table fl-foot. golden finish with
fancy turned legs a rare bargain t t f
at 110 tomorrow '
- I.
Curney Refrigerator has seven walls
mineral lining, made of hard wood,f "7 K
a guaranteed article special "i
We are sole agents for the celebrated Dang
ler Gasolene Stoves, upwards k) Ti
from " ' '
We are solo agents for the Star Estate Steel
Ranges upward 52050
We carry a complete Hue of cook stoves. If
in need of a cook stova it will pay you to
see us before you buy elsewhere. Tomor
row we offer a good baker, smooth ratings
an elogant stove guaranteed 1 fl 0
special A"'
made with yoke
French satin, buckle in front,
and bluckle, worth QQ fi
week to
of Lied
Carpets, Rugs
and Mattings
9x12 Ingrain art squares
In choice patterns, 1 9g
worth 0.6o, spec'l J
1x12 Brussels Kug, va
rious colors and (ienlgn
floral or set effeca,
worth 19.00
Large assortment of all
wool Ingrains in choice
patterns, worth regu
larly "So Spring iQr
Movers' sale prloe'foC
This season's China
and Jap. Matting cf
our own Importations
snd every choice color
ing effect Is represented
2tk- matting ll-
tomorrow I0L
1 it,