Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1903, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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.1 Jl JLiL
Under Physicians Five Months. Went from
Bad to Worse. Could Not Go Out. Cured
in One Month by Cuticura Remedies.
I wm troubled with eczema on the
face for fire months, daring which time
I was In care of phyalclans. My face
was In such a condition that I could not
go oat. It was going from bad to
worse and I gare np all hope, when a
friend highly recommended Cuticura
Rcmkdie. The flnt night after I
washed my face with Cnttcnra 8oap and
used Catlcara Ointment and Cuticura
Resolvent it changed wonderfully, and
continuing the treatment it removed all
gcaleg and scabs. From that day I win
able to go oat, and In a month my face
was as clean as ever.
Thomas J. Both,
, 817 BUgg 8t., Brooklyn, N. T.
The above letter was received tn 1894
and he again writes as, Feb. 19, 1903,
i have not been troubled with eczema
CtjnOTTRA RKMKDnCS .re sold throughout In olrlllied world. PRICKS CnUctir. Rasolvent.
i-PV (' ' Okeaolata Coawd Pill., aio. nt Tlml of 80), Ointment, We.. Hop, Me.
Hood tor itaiml work, "Hnijnri of lha Bload, ekn ui Boalp, and How to Car. Tbem.,r Do.
Ku: rM Chartarhouaa Bq., London, K. O. Franrh Depot, 6 Kua da U P.lx, Pari.. Ao.traUan
pe ft. Towas a Oo Sydney. I'oiUr Or( and Chemical Corporauon, Sola Proprietors. Button.
Where There's
a Chance . . .
A chance is all any fair-minded man wants.
Glye him that and he is satisfied.
If he is a farmer, his idea of a chance is: Good
soil, fair prices for land, good climate and a sufficient
At the present time Oklahoma comes nearer filling
those requirements than any other section of the United
States. Go and see for yourself. Homeseekers' ex
cursion April 21, May 5th to 19th; one fare plus f2 for
the round trip.
We make ao mlaleadlnar atatemeata or aabealneaallke proposi
tion to the afflicted ta order to secure their patroaace. The maay
yeara of oar aneeeaafal practice prove that oar method of treat
ment are safe aad certain.
What the afflicted man wants Is not
a temporary relief, but a permanent
The beneflcial effect of my treat
ment are as lasting as life I cure to
stay cured.
When once a patient la rescued by
me from ths ravages of rllaease or
weakneaa peculiar to hi sex, ha is
never again bothered with his former
1 do not treat all dliieases, but I
treat men MEN ONLY and cure
them to stay cured.
Under my treatment, which Includes
no cutting or pain, this invidious oil
can rapidly dtaappeara.
I'aln disappear almost Instantly.
The pools of stagnant blood are
driven from the dilated veins and all
soreness ami swelling quickly subsides,
s Kvery indication of Varicocele anon
vanishes and in Its stead cornea ths
pride, the power and the pleasure of
perfect health and restored manhood.
My cure for Stricture is safe, pain
less and bloodless, and, therefore, fre
from aurgery in any form.
It Is the only cur that should ever
be used, and the only on rvcom-
5 tv' rA
TOIINQ. MIDDLE-AO ED AND OLD MEN, call at our offices today or
writ for our book. FKKK. which will explain th diseases we cure and how
we cur them to stay cured when others fall.
Offlc Hour 8 I. m. to I p, m. Sunday, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
State Electro-Medical Institute.
1308 Farnam St., Bit, I3lti
Longest established. Thoroughly rail able.
Every Woman
m atiaraatse ana imw rwr
abu4 wesAaM
MAKVfL Whirling Spray
ta. new vteal Srrtaa.
l an 4 A-fH. Ba-1.
eat m CoarantauL
fca I
tmm armu. a a.
II b
b oanoot tuppl, the
Hill IL, K-.i,t uo
fthar, t'ui wmi u&ian for tl
iutad bw k ...i.t it fivaa
. lull IMuUculan aia rttf.-M nt ra. 6
1 oliiak.. 1 I. BE Hi SI J '
f For Bale
Cofaar lath and cuitaga ais umiiK,
Oaly Oa Dollar Tear,
k r-.. tt
The agonizing Itching and burning of
the akin a In erToma. fh frlvhtrni
scaling, as In psoriasis; the loss of hair
iiu trusting 01 i lie ncaip, as in icaiied
head; the facial dlsflgarement, as In
DlmDlea and ringworm; the aipftil mf.
ferlng of Jranta, and anz ety of worn-
uu rcuit, aa id iuub. crust, letter and
salt rheum, all demand a remedy of
almost superhuman virtues to success
fully cope with them. That Cuticura
Soap, Ointment and Resolvent are such
stands proven beyond all doubt. No
statement Is made regarding them that
la not Justified by the strongest evi
dence. The parity and sweetness, the
power to afford immediate relief, the
certainty of speedy aad permanent care,
the absolute safety and great economy
have made them the standard ski cores
of the civilized world.
G. A. Rutherford, D. P. A
1323 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb.
mended by the legions of men who
have been restored by It.
It dissolves the Stricture completely
and remove every obstruction from
the urinary passage, allays all Inflam
mation, stops every discharge, i educe i
the prostata gland when enlarged,
cleanses and heals th bladder ani
kidneys when. Irritated or congested,
Invigorates the organs and restore
health and Roundness to every part of
the body affected by the disease.
Contagious Blood Poison
My special form of treatment for
specific or contagious Blood Poison I
practically the result of my Ufa work,
and If endorxed by the best physicians
of this and foreign countries.
It contains no dangerous 'drugs or
Injurious medicine of any kind.
It goes to the very bottom of the dis
ease and forces out every particle of
Hoon every sign and symptom disap
pear completely and forever.
The blood, the tissue, the flesh, the
bones and the whole system are
cleansed, purified and restored to per
fect health and the patient prepare I
!uW t0r lh (lutle nd Pleasure 0f
Nervo-Sexual Debility
My cur for week men doe not
stimulate temporarily, but restores
It soon drive away all those dis
tressing symptoms which so constantly
remind one of his former folly.
Jt stops every drain of vigor and
builds up the muscular and nervous
system, purifies and enrlche the blooi
cleanses and heals the bladder and
kidneys Invigorates the liver, revival
the spirits, brightens the Intellect
and, above and beyond all, restore
the wasted power of manhood.
Reflex Diseases
Many ailment are reflex, originating
from other dlaeaaes.
Kor instance, manly weakness some
times comes frcui Varicocele or Strict
ure. InnuraeraMe blood and bone dis
eases often rsjlt from Blood Polxort
taint in th tyetem. or phyxlcal and
mental decllre frequently loliuw loss
of manhood.
In treating diseases of any kind I
always cur tie effect as well as th.
and 14th Sis.. 0013113,1186.,
Authorised by th laws of the state.
0 IUI0 TO ORIflllAl
Datura's BiBplaal an4 Oalf
Raliaia ystabia Oil narnsdr.
G uanalawd atiaul utai f hanaieaa.
Keaulta Quick. 1l l I n a um.i.
Juaa not atala ilia aala, aaab
r. niuiH bum. ataaiailr
daM4 for ladiea wao curt lUmr
Jiuair. Its aierti la lalvtrulli
uaoKlal Aak rr eniastai for It. I'm ao
imiiaUuaa rloa t Bialli potiait nnl laasuo
Inrauvbla uu II Ul. Wnulm buoklM
Ktlulaa l tlaionlalt ao4 iaturaiaUOB. AtUXrmmm
Mrta W.1KUTOI) C0.D.M I. aaauiCirv M
Wonderful Increase In Numerical Strength
in Short Time.
J. I.. KrnDFd, of the Lute ladastrlal
Cornmlaatoa (iltri Some Fart
aad Some Oplaloaa on
the Topic.
J. U Kenoady of Washington, D. C, a
member of the late United State Industrial
commission, was In Omaha for a short
time yesterday. Mr. Kennedy I a printer
by trad and has been a member of the
Typographical union for thlrty-on year.
He ha twice served a president of the
Columbia Typographical union of Chicago.
He was a Washington newspaper corres
pondent when President McKlnley - ap
pointed him a member ot the Industrial
Mr. Kennedy during hit short stay tn
Omaha talked of the labor situation In
general, and among other things said:
"In his New Orleaus arraignment of or
ganized labor Mr. Parry of Indianapolis
called particular attention to the organiied
labor of Chicago, and tn vdolng ao gave
the movement In that city what the news
paper people would call a top of first
column, first page, next to pure reading
matter ad. The trades unions of Chicago
did not need that ad, because they were
then and are now In the enjoyment of all
the boom that the most sanguine friends of
labor could desire.
"I have spent several week in Chicago
and have studied the movement there. It
is no exaggeration to say that the growth
of unions In Chicago within a twelve
month is unparalleled In the history of
such organizations. Upwards of 125,000
workera hav been organized in that city
In a year. Not even the Kinghta of Labor,
In their palmy days, when they seemed to
shoot upwards like Jonah' gourd, could
boast of uch a record In any one locality.
The United Mine Workera have had a won
derful growth in the anthracite fields of
I'rnnsylvanla since 1898. In that year, ao
i cording to recent statistics, their number
was 32,902, and In 1908 It la set down at
j 264,439. But their greatest growth in any
one year during the period from 1898 to
1903 was 63,634 in 1900.
Chlcaaro'a Great In Ion Army.
"This year's growth, added tn h tnrmr
number of the unions, has brought the total
airengin oi unicago a army of organised
workers to 2S5.000: and the leariom nn.
fldent that before Labor day shall come
again tney will have gone far beyond th
300,000 mark. It la a tremendnua armv Jtin
captain ever commanded so many men on
any one of the great battlefields of modern
umes. xne aay will not be long enough
when th workers' holiday ahall oome In
September for thia army, in close march
ing order and files extending from curb to
curb, to pass n review a given point. Of
course not all of this great number are
men. Many thousands of women and not
a few boya and girls are organized. Two
organizer. Messrs. Fltzpatrlck and Detrich.
have to their credit for the past year 100.
000 workers organized. Thelr'a la a splendid
record and cannot be matched In the annals
of American unionism.. ' ' ; ;
"Many trade, the names of which will
not ound familiar to the average union
1st, are in the fold In Chicago. There are
union of commercial artlsta, egg In
spectors, optical workers, sprinkler Utters
surgical Instrument makers, shipping and
receiving room employes, aub-pavlng In
spector, solar printers, and ao on at great
"But th unions which have developed
the greatest strength In a ahort time are
the teamsters and butcher workmen
Ther are forty union of teamsters and
their membership Is 35,000. The butcher
workmen In the stock' yards section alone
have twenty-nine unions and 21,000 mera
bera. The teamsters' union button gener
ally worn In the . headgear of drivers is
on of the most familiar sights In Chicago
and the teamsters' union, together with
great numerical strength, has exerted a
large Influence in behalf of other unions.
Not a few strikes have been won through
the sympathetic action of the teamsters.
They have always been willing, but they
begin to aee that a free horse la very apt
to be ridden to death, and the 'show-me'
aplrlt Is developing in their ranks. The
union teamsters ara an ,-.. . it
streeta of Chicago that they can harra.a
annoy and pocket scab drivers so that the
..nor cannot move a mile In eight hours
But they have contracts with their em
ployers, and their leaders are now en
deavoring to Instill In thorn -
- VaM yiuper r?j
gard for the aacredness of contracts.
Sllatake of Knthaainats.
"Naturally, where bo many raw recruits
have been rushed Into the ranks, discipline
is lax, and too many Ill-considered strikes
have been ordered. Th new unionist feels
the strength of a giant and ha oftentimes
uses it like a giant without reason. The
leaders of the older organizations, who
hav learned wisdom through bitter experi
ence, are exerting themselves to keep down
this strike tendency, and they have ac
complished much good In this direction
"Many thousanda In Chicago have had
their wage Increased and hour reduced
through united effort. Of course th era
of prosperity which all are enjoying helps
unionism to win Its battles. One cannot
get blood out tf a turnip, and neither
could all the organization In th world get
increased wage If th industry could not
stand It. Too often the trouble has been
that the employer wanted tn .... .n ....
- mil ma
benefit of prosperity and give none to
.boot, out wun tnorougu organization and
prosperity labor la very likely to get a
better ahar of th wealth which It cre
ates. Sot Worried Aboat Parry.
"Mr. Parry tirade against organized
lauur la giving ita inougntrul menibeie lit
tle concern. Hla efforts are paralleled by
Mrs. Partington's attempt to sweep back
the Atlantio ocean with a broom. A thou
sand Parrys could not stop th onward
march of organized labor. It will have Ha
up and downa In th future as it has had
them In th paat; but after each recession
It will com again with greater fore until
-M r father kad baaa a .nff., from sick haaaaefc
rallal .. b.... taklM , Ceeeaieu. 2i
ha aaa bna taaln Catcarala ha ku i.. klZ
... haadach.. Th.y h.," d h
I'll1, : L,0Vh, " 01 .,, hUaiSa.
llk.., U Eaalaa, St.. W.UtfiM.polt.7l4.
6aaraataa4 la ur u , Bioa.f hack. VVU
8t.Ttia. B.mady Ca., Chita. o oc H.T. anf
ft V' Th Bowel
eventually all the workers in every in
dustry will be organized. This I what Mr.
Parry fears. He knows that when that day
hall come, there will be a more equitable
distribution of wealth, and a few men will
not accumulate urh var,t fortune that
they cannot endow colleges and libraries
(to the glorification of their own name)
fast enough to give them away. If In that
day capital and labor shall not hire learned
wlsiom, they will be mutually responsible
for the ushering In of socialism, which It
undesirable and which both now abhor. But
If we accept Parry and Baer as types of
their class, there Is not a very hopeful
outlook against the ultlmste triumph of
socialism In America. Baer In Washington
In the presence of the president, and Parry
In New Orleans before his assembled man
ufacturers, exhibited the hardened heart,
the stiff neck and the arrogance of wealth.
From those exhlbltlona an unprejudiced ob
server would be led inevitably to the con
clusion that their principal mission In life
Is to ahuee organised labor. What a com
mendable contrast Is the public attitude
of such representatives of organiied labor
as Samuel Gbmpers and John Mitchell, who
never Indulge In abuse! What a superb
exhibition of self-restraint and gentlemanly
bearing waa that of John Mitchell when In
the president's presence he refrained from
replying In kind to the blackguardlum of
Baer and the other railroad presidents! If
the future Is to be guarded against the
triumph and eway of socialism, the walk
ing delegates and business agents of the
unions of capital must be of a totally dif
ferent type from the Baers and the Parrya
And they will be different, we must believe
If we are not to despair of the future of
civilization and our race.
With all Its shortcomings, organized
labor battlea for the right, justice and civ
ilization. Better homes, better children,
belter men and women are Its Ideals; and
when men organize to fight for these suc
cess will come to them. In the main and
the long run the efforts of the Parrys will
come to naught and the black spectre of
socialism which grows on the encourage
ment it gets from them, will pass away.
The civilization of the future will pay
tribute to the work of the organized labor
of our day, and then the names of Parry
and Baer will be as though they had never
Th Mckel Prate Road.
Is the short line to the east and the serv
ice equal to the best. Tou will ssve time
and money by traveling over this line. It
has three through daily express trains,
with thorough vestibule sleeping car and
American Club meals, ranging In price
from 35c to $1.00,- are served In Nickel
Plate dining cars; also a la carte service.
Try a trip over the Nickel Plate road and
you will find the service equal to any be
tween Chicago and the east. Chicago de
pot, Harrison St. and Firth Ave. City
Ticket offices. 111 Adams St. and Audi
torium Annex. John Y. Calahan, General
Agent, 113 Adams St., room 298, Chicago.
In Memory of Mis Haana.
Last Thursday afternoon at a meeting
called for th purpose, th board of di
rectors of the Teacher' Annuity and Aid
association unanimously adopted the fol
lowing memorial:
The silent measenger has suddenly called
from our midst one of our most valued and
Kitted members. Miss Li (la Hanna. whose
death occurred April 29. 1903.
In the death ot Miss Hanna Omaha has
lost one of her most skillful educators,
who with the highest Ideal and larae ex
perience combined wonderful tact and Judg
ment. Our association has been bereft of one
of Its staunch supporters, who deemed no
effort too great, no duty too exacting to
promote Its uaefulness and prosperity.
In token of the high appreciation In
which Miss Hanna waa h,eld. aha waa by
unanimous vote of the association re
elected aa one of th board of directors at
the last annual meeting, after having
served In that capacity for a term of two
Gentle and dignified In manner with a
strength of will that never feared or fal
tered, she was Invaluable as a director and
counsellor. But it waa perhaps bv her
natural qualities that she exerted her
greatest Influence for she had such a per
sonal sympathv and Interest In those who
bad to do with her that each one recog
nized In her a kind, wise and belDful
"It 1 all right." were among the last
words she uttered, and may each of us
leave a message as full of courage and
cheer when
"The mildest herald bv our fate allotted.
Beckons and with Inverted torch doth stand
To lead us with a gentle hand
Into the land of the treat departed.
Into the Silent Land!"
J. H. Holllday.
BEATRICE. Neb., May 2. (Special.)
Word was received here yesterday announc
ing the death of J. R. Holllday, an old resi
dent of Beatrice, which occurred at Hurd
vllle, Mo. Deceased waa 14 years of age
and left this city only a few week ago on
a business trip through that aectlon. He
waa a veteran ot the civil war and had
lived in Beatrice for many yeara. He Is
survived by a widow and four children. The
remains will be brought here for Interment.
Take a Trip
Over the Nickel Plate road and be con
vinced of its superior train service. Solid
through dally express train between Chi
cago, Ft. Wayne, Flndlay, Foatorla, Erie,
Buffalo, New York City and Boston. Ameri
can Club meals, ranging in price from 35c
to $1.00, aerved In Nickel Plate dining
cars; also service a la carte. Rates alwaya
the lowest. No excess tare charged on any
train on the Nickel Plate road. Chicago
depot. Harrison St., and Fifth Ave. City
Ticket Offices, 111 Adams St. and Auditor
ium Annex. John Y. Calahan, General
Agent, 113 Adam St., mo 298, Chicago.
Aaaaalt a Straager.
Th first blood in the restaurant em
Sloyes' strike waa drawn from a transient
Iner at the Omaha restaurant yesterday
by Mike Bowie of 11 JO Farnam street. B.
M. French of Blair, Neb., furnished the
blood from a gaxh in the chin and reported
the matter at the police station, causlnn
the arrest of Bowlea on a charg of being
drunk and of assault. Mr. French was
leaving the restaurant when Bowie handed
him a card declaring me place unrair,
French handed the card back and, explain
ing that he was a stranger In the city and
a transient and only took th one meal,
walked away. He aay that he had gone
only a few step when th prisoner ran
after nlm ana struca mm on tn mouth.
Teacher Give Thank.
Th Teacher' Annuity and Aid aasocla
tlon wishes to express Its profound grati
tude for courtesy and generosity extended
to It In the production of the operetta, "The
House that J ara turn. Artists, parents,
children and business men throughout the
city have united in their effort to support
and further our venture in every way, and
we beg they will each and all accent out"
hearty thank. COMMITTEE.
Omaha Pole Celebrate.
The Polish citizen of Omaha are cele
brating the anniversary of the adoption of
th Polish constitution. I-nt night the
Ksclnzka society gave a dance in the
hall at Twenty-sixth and Walnut streets,
which waa attended by a goodly number of
the member of the society. The Columbia
military band furnished the mualc.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Satur
day, May 2.
Warranty Deed.
Carrie B. Hattery and husband to J.
M. lomin. lot 11, 11, 11 and 21,
block 1. 13th at. add t I (in
J. li. Mclntoth and wife to J. W. Bat-
tin, lots 1, 1 and , Crescent park
add; iota 7 and I, block 13, West
End add 1
Jane Plckard to (. J. Pickard. lota
IS. 14, li, go. block 1ft; lots 1 to a,
block 12; lots IS tn 19, 23; block 12;
lot 1 and X. block 17; lots 1 and z.
block 18; lot t, block 20, Albright
annex j
Benson Methodist Episcopal church
to Benaon Methodist Episcopal
church, lot 22, block 24. Benaon 1
Total amount of transfers fZ.Ji
Arra8;emenU Complete for 8tte Camp,
Modern Woodmen, Ha 6.
City Fnad Will Compel Economy
perlal Meeting ot School Board
Not Held Minor Kerr
aad Goaalp.
The state camp of the Modern Woodmen
t America will hold Its biennial meeting
i South Omaha on May 6, 1903.
The system nnder which the delegates
this meetlna are elected reaemhlea verv
much that of a political party. Each camp
throughout the state selects delegatea to
uircv at. me county aeai ot every county
wnicn mere are a certain number ot
'mbera Of the order. TMa rnunlv tnaat.
lng la conducted on the old style plan of
a DOlitlcal nnnv.nllnn an lh.. In turn
after the usual amount of slate making and
oreaaing, elect delegates to what la called
the atate camp. The state camp at its
meeting In turn aelects delegates who ar
sent to the head camp which I held thli
year at Indianapolis, Ind.. In June. Th
no or representation to the state camp
Nebraska Is one delegate to everv find
member. Ther are enouch Wood men tn
braska to elect 116 delegates to the stat
The meeting to be held at finuth nm.h. i.
an event In the history of local fraternal
organizations, it being the first of Its kind
that has hvpp hAn naM in .it. a...k
- - - " ' - au tuv I II , . DUUIU
Omaha has In the past fared rather badly
at ine nanas or fraternal organizations for
the reason that being adjacent to a big clt:
the latter has always monopolized all oi
the stain meetings In this vicinity, while
other meetings have been held In cities like
Kearney, Grand Island and Norfolk.
consequently the local circles of wood
craft are feelina- somewhat tnhiiant
curing tho meeting for this nie At tt,.
tale camp which was held at Kearney two
years ago the proposition to hold the state
camp here at this time was laughed at by
uuiBiucrs as oeing rather chimerical. It not
being supposed there waa a hniMin. ...
flclently large to accommodate a meetlnr
". out me local delegates from
iui piace acciaea to take chance.
The question of a meeting ni. ... v.
settled, however, by another fraternal or
der of South Omaha, the Ancient Order of
United Workmen, which Is Just completing
a splendid building for lodge purposea. This
has been so far completed that It will be
possible to use It for this meeting of the
iuip oi aioaern woodmen. Thl
building is a t
awai.aa aitiail IJIJIJa
atructed of brick, at Twenty-fifth and
.ircri., ii oeing only a block west of the
POStofflce and in the enntr.l n...
.town. la
Full arrangements hav h..n , a. ...
the entertainment of th.
they are here, and the prospects are that
mo uineung win oe a success.
Condition of Fnnda.
City Clerk Shrielev h. . ..
monthly atatement of the condition of fund
at the close of business on April 30. Th
amount of the 1902 levy waa $123,666 and the
umance leu irom the 1901 levy waa $5,066.
Rccelpta from licenaa in..,n... ....
- ... .ui,. .hu iruui
the county road fund made the total amount
UT....U, i,,0ja. or this amount all h..
been drawn out since inm.t t .... .
$12,815. The fire fund Is entirely depleted
Other fund contain the following balances-
er!1', ,78: a,ary' 175: Pube "sbt
$607; Judgment. $7; water. $491; street re-
library. $3,627: nark r.a m. J. ' 1
r . ' . ub euro ana
pavement repair fund li also exhausted.
n i.n oe aeen rrom the condition of the
funda that the eltr win - .
aail pretty close to the wind until the 1903
.iiBuie or else raise money bf
levying an occupation tax to null thrn..C
on. r 8M
School Board Defer Aetloa.
Owing to the fact th.t m.
- iruaaurer
Howe was unable, on account of a ruin of
Uu..ur in maxe out an apportionment of
the school funds the speelal meeting called
for last night failed to materialize. The
rruir montniy meeting of the board will
be held on Mondav ntirtir "th. .
Miller, Lott and Bchroeder expire at noon
ou inunuay ana me remaining members
alx in number, will meet on Monday night
and organize for the year' work.
Faneral Arrangement Chanced.
It was deemed advlaaM. ... ...-
j ..m u.j 10
change the arrangement for the funeral
of Wallace D. Godfrev from nvu.i. o
day evening to S o'clock Monday afternoon
Bcrvice monaay afternoon will b held
at the family residence, Twenty-third and
N streets. Arrangement for this service
were being completed . yesterday afternoon
by the Masons and member nt th.
lodges to which Mi. Godfrey belonged. A
soon as me services at the home are over
the remains will bo rnnv.v.A tn r i.
and forwarded to Washington, D. C, for
luirrmrui, UDS Or. possibly tWO Of thfl
prominent Masons of South rim.k. m ...
niii acr
as an escort to the remains.
Maalo City Gosalp.
iM.r,;Jr 9 RIS bf on i0 Michigan to
visit friends and relatives. "
Dr. J E. Crothers Is In Ohio visiting
hli mother, who Is aerloualy ill. "
Master Edgar Klddoo la confined to hla
home with an attack of scarlet fever.
Member of Pork Butchers' union No S3
gave a ball at Laltner'a hall last night'
Mis Mable C. Rich la back from Bloux
week friend for a few
City Tleaaurer Howe paid the public
jchool teachera their April salaries yes
terday. J. H. Mahoney. an employe of the Cudahy
company, is quite alck at the South Omaha
Mrs. William Kerr. 2415 K atreet. enter-
"'T1 th.f PrMlyterian Klnga Daughters
Friday afternoon.
Mayor Frank E. Moores of Omaha was a
visitor at the atock yards and exchange
Funeral services over the remains of R
C. Young will be held at the First Metho
dist church at 2:30 thla afternoon.
Mrs. Kennedy of Cambridge. Neb.. Is here
visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs N G
Ingersole. Twenty-fourth and E streets.
M. Donnelly, president of the Amalga
mated Beet Butchers and Meat Cutters' as
sociation, was in South Omaha for a abort
time yesterday.
A delegation of live atock dealer will go
from here on May 10 to Alliance to attend
the annual meeting of the Nebraska Stock
Growers' association.
Mr. and Mra. F. J. Freltag celebrated the
twentieth anniversary of their marriage at
their home Friday evening. A large num
ber of friends were present.
Rev. J. W. Jennings. D. D.. presiding
elder, will preach at the First Methodiat
Episcopal church at 11 o'clock thla morn
lug and administer the sacrament.
All Master Masons and members of Bee
Hive lodae are requested to meet at Ma-
annte hull tlnnria. .fi.,.. ...... . . . ...!.
- - J .11' i U'iwi, .i . v Villi R
to attend the funeral of Wallace D. God
frey, Tou hav proven the va' ie of "Seventy-
seven" for Crip and Colds, now try Dr.
Humphreys' Specifics for th Kidney and
Bladder enablea you to paaa for Ufa In-
uranc; tor Dyspepsia restores sunny
disposition; for Rheumatism dispels th
ban of life; for the Skin improve th
At Druggists, Si cent each, or mailed.
Doctor' Book mailed free.
Humphreys' Med. Co.,
Cor. Win. ft ,'oha Jts., New York.
To Prtve What Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney Remedy, Will Do for
YOU. Every Reader of "The Bee" May Have a Sample Bottle
Sent Free by Mail.
Weak and unhealthy kidney are responsible for more sickness and suffer
In? than any other disease, therefore, when through neglect or other causes,
xldney trouble Is permitted to continue, fatal results are sure to follow.
Your other organs may need attention but your kidneys most, because
they do most and need attention first
If you are sick or feel badly, begin taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp -Root, th"
great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, because as soon as your kidneys are
well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone.
The mild and Immediate effect ot Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney
and bladder remedy, la aoon realized. It
stands the highest for its wonderful cures
of the most distressing cases. Swamp
Root will set your whole system right, and
the best proof of thla is a trial.
14 East 120th St., New York City.
Dear Sir: Oct. 15th, 1903.
"I had been suffering severely from
kidney trouble. All symptoms were on
hand; my former strength and power had
left me: I could hardly drag myelf along.
Even my mental capacity was giving out,
snd often 1 wished to die. It was then
that I saw an advertisement of yours in
a New Vor"' paper, but would not have
Raid any attention to it had it not prom
ted a sworn guarantee with every bottle
of your medicine, asnert ng that your
8wmp-Root lit purely vegetxble and doe
not contain any harmful druga. I am
seventy years and four months old. and
with a good conscience I can recommend
Swamp-Root to all sufferers from kidney
troubles. Four members of my family
hav been using Swamp-Root, for four
different kidney diseases, with the same
good results."
With many thanks to you, I remain.
Very truly yours,
You may have a sample bottle of thla fa
mous ' kidney remedy, Swamp-Root, sent
free by mall, poatpald, by which you may
test Its virtues for such disorders aa kid
ney, bladder and uric acid diseases, poor
EDITORIAL NOTICE If you have the slightest symptoms of kidney or
bladder trouble, or If there Is a trace ot It In your family history, send at once to
Dr. Kilmer tt Co., BInghamton, N. T., who will gladly send you by mall, immedi
ately, without coat to you, a sample bottle of Swamp-Root and a book containing
many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letter received from men and
women cured. In writing be sure to say you read this generous offer In Th Omaha
Sunday Bee.
We put art into our printing reflecting credit
upon you and us.
All kind of printing at the lowest price
consistent with good printing always good
work good stock quick delivery low price.
Office supplies and stationery rttaiUd at voKoleaalt prices.
Ercryttilsf stessd far tat afflc.
Mai erdert fats'.
Only $45.00
California nd Return
$43.00 is the rate for a first class round trip
ticket Omaha to Los Angeles or San Francisco,
May 3rd and 12th to 18th, inclusive. Return
limit, July 15th. For $ 11.00 more ?5G.OO in all
you can return via Portland, Ore.
Hemember the dates, the rate and the fact
that the Rock Island has two lines to California
via. El Paso and Colorado.
For further information call at or address,
P. 8. That $25.00
is still in effect.
asaa SpaeUHat
la Private I
mt Ma
digestion, when obliged to paaa your water
frequently night and day, smarting or Irri
tation In passing, brick dust or sediment In
th urine, headache, backache or lame back,
dullness. leeplessness, nervousness, heart
disturbance due to bad kidney trouble,
skin eruptions from bad blood, neuralgia,
rheumatism, diabetes, bloating, Irritabil
ity, wornout feeling, lack of ambition, loss
of flesh, sallow complexion or Bright' dis
ease. If your water, when allowed to remain
undisturbed In a glasa or bottle for twenty
four hours, forms a sediment or settling
or has a cloudy appearance. It la evidence
that your kidneys and bladder need Imme
diate attention.
Swamp-Root la the great discovery of Dr.
Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder
specialist. Hospital use it with won
derful success In both slight and aevere
cases. Doctors recommend It to their
patlenta and Use It In their own families,
because they recognise In Swamp-Root the
greateat and moat successful remedy.
Swamp-Root la pleasant to take and I
for aale the world over at druggist In
bottle of two 'Size and two prices fifty
cent and one dollar. ' Remerc'.r th
name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp.
Root, and the address, BInghamton, N. Y..
on every bottle.
Sts4 far Utatars.
1323 FARNAM ST., Omaha, Neb.
rate to Pacific coast points
Private Diseases
of Men
la th treatment of Private DISEASES OF MEN, to which
our practice 1 limited and to which our exclusive thought
and experience has been devoted far more than 11 years,
PERFECTLY AND PERMANENTLY or refund every eent
paid. If troubled with VARICOCELE. IMPOTENCT.
to consult ua at offle or by letUr. CONSULTATION FREE,
and If you take treatment chargea will be entirely aattafao.
Cook Medical Company
113 South 14th St. Over Oeilr Nwa, Omaha.