THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: SUNDAY, MAY 3, 1003. WORKING MAN IN POLITICS Lttnr and tbe Libsrsn the Ba'warx of American Iidapcnience. COERCION OF WORKERS GREAT MENACE JCdward RoMirolrr'a Addrrss to Voters of fteTenth Ward on Rights and Defies of the tborlnsj Man la PolMlra. Following I the full text of the speech of E1wsrd Roewter, delivered In the Seventh ward Friday evening. dealing with tbe question of labor and the right and dutlea of the laboring man, particularly as they affect the present municipal cam paign: Fellow Citizens: 1 might ay fellow worklngmen, for I spring from the ranks of labor and have been a bread winner nearly all ray life. I commenced to earn a livelihood when I was 12 yean old. I served thirteen years as a telegraph operator and I doubt whether any of you put In aa many hcurs at hard labor a I do. For more than thirty years I have been an employer of labor, but my sym pathies always have been with the toll'rs because t know what It means to be a wage worker. Tonight I propose to talk to you about the political rights and duties of the work log man. I want to Impress upon you the fact that the most precious asset of tbe American working man Is his elective fran chise. In no other land under the aun Is there such absolute equality before the law as Is enjoyed by the citizens of this republic. At the ballot box each of you Is a sovereign; each of you Is the equal of the richest man In the land; wealth and station count for nothing under our political system and corporations cannot cast a Ingle ballot except through debased and j aegraaea mannooa. .o War on ( orpnmtlonn. Now I do not decry corporations as such. I would not counsel or countenance war fare upon them except when they levy un righteous tribute upon the people or con spire to destroy self-government. But they cannot destroy self-government as long j as tne worklngmen or America are true to themselves and truo to their country, as long as they do net barter away their man hood either for money or the opportunity to earn money. Tbe wag worker of America who labor for a living In the shops. In the mills. In the factories. In the warehouses and office buildings are the bulwark of America's free institutions. The greatest menace to America's free institutions is the political coercion of worklngmen by their employers. This doea not relate only to corporations, but also to Individuals. When you hire out to any body for wages you agree to give up a certain number of hours to your employer and he pays you for the muscle and brain you hava devoted to his use, but in selling your labor you do not barter away your soul, and your employer has no more right to compel you to vote for ths party of his own choice than he has to ask you to match your religion to his religion. The em ployer who threatens you with discharge or seeks to compel you to vota against your honest convictions la more dangeroua than the man who would advise you to bur glarise a store or to aet a house on Ore. If ever the time comes that the corporate em ployers or single employers of large bodies of men can deliver them at the ballot box Ilk so many chattels the government of th people by the people baa perished from the earth. . , Some Omaha History. Now let me relate to you a story of a ampalgn In the city of Omaha Just thirty years ago. Back in 1873 every office in tbe city hall and court bouse was Oiled by I democrats. The republicans appeared to be in a hopeless minority, but they nom inated a ticket for county offices and started to make a vigorous campaign. The outlook for a republican victory was de cidedly doubtful until the day before elec tion. About noon on that day two tele graph operators railed on me at the old Bee building and one of them wrote a message which, In substance, read as fol lows OMAHA, Oct. . 187S: To S. H. H. Clark, Oeneral Superintendent Union Pa ciflo Railroad, North Platte. Neb. Please Instruct I'nlon Pacific shopmen to cast their vote for the democratic candidates for sheriff and treasurer. (8(gned). A. J. POPPLETON. Mr. Poppleton was at that time general U pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass, however, is so fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger, that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror. There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful or dangerous. The use of Mother's Friend so prepares the system for the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger. This great and wonderful has carried thousands of women throuch the trvtnor rriaia without nfferinr ... 0 , .. w . . Send for free book containing Information of priceless value to all expeoiaut mothers. Th Eradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. New ...ACCOUNT OF ... American Medical Association Meeting MAY 5th to 8th. Tickets on 6ale May 1st to 4th. Long limit and stopovers allowed. Three daily trains from Omaha, Chicago and Bt. Louis. , Particulars and copy of "New Orleans for the Tour ist" at 1402 Farnam Street, or write , W. H. BRILL, Dlst. Pass. Agent, OMAHA, NEB. " i. attorney of the Vnlon Pacific and the message was very suggestive. I asked the operators whether that message really bd passed over the wires and they said yea. I then asked them to bring me the original mersage, if possible. TVIthln a few min utes they presented me the original. Mr. Popplcton'a handwriting waa as familiar to me as my own and I knew It was hi at once. Immediately thereupon The Bee pub lished an earnest appeal to the worklngmen of Omaha, and especially to the I'nlon Pa cific slirmen, to spurn this attempt at coercion as an Insult and to rebuke the railroad magnates by casting their votes for the republican ticket. Under ordinary conditions It might not have been proper for me to make uee of a dispatch sur reptitiously carried awsy from ths tele graph office, but Inasmuch as this dispatch was virtually an attempt to deatroy free government I have never yet seen fit to apologise for that act and I stand today where I stood thirty years ago and where I have always stood against the coercion of the wage worker by his employer. Drove BnperlntendeBt'a Order. At that time we had no Australian bal lot. Every voter had to bring a separate ballot and deposit It In the ballot box or hand It to the Ju'e of election, and It was very eaoy for an. body who was a spotter to see Just how any man voted; but these I'nlon Pacific shopmen, almost to a man, braved the order of the general superin tendent, walked up to the ballot box and voted the straijht republican ticket from top to bottom and elected tbe entire ticket. (Applause.) They asserted their manhood, and they braved the chance of being dismissed or punlBbed In some way. They demonstrated that American working men are not slaves, but are free men, and will maintain their freedom, no matter what comes. (Applause.) Are Omaha worklngmen of today of a lower standard of public morals than they were thirty years ago? I do not be lieve they are. I do not believe that they will allow themselves to be dragooned, coerced or Instructed Into voting for any man because their mauler, their employer, their superintendent, aska them to do so. (Applause.) I maintain that the employer has no more right to ask his employe to vote his pirtlcular party ticket or for can dldatea he prefers than he has to compel his employes to Join the church in which he worships. Every American citizen bas a right to cast his ballot according to the dictatea of his own conscience, and that Is the highest and most sacred privilege of an American citizen, and ought to be re spected by the men who employ others. (Applause.) During the entire period I have been an employer I have employed thousanda of men, and never at any stage, no matter how deeply Interested, have I dictated or sought to dictate the vole of any man In my employ. I have had demo crats, republicans, populists and socialists and I have in my employ today men whe have been at times bitterly opposed to me politically and yet tbey continue at their work Just the same as If they voted with me, and will so continue as long as I have anything to do with the publication of the paper that I founded. (Applauae.) Orders from Employers. Now, an edict has gone forth In this city, from certain Jobbing "houses and corpora tions, that the men who are employed by them must vote against Frank E. Moorea Tbey have given them their instructions, and given them the privilege of voting either for Benson or Howell, but they will not permit them to vota for Frank E. Moorea. I want to known whether any American wage-worker in the city of Omaha whether Indifferent or vitally lntereated. who has got the right to cast a ballot, will permit himself to be degraded In that man ner? (From the audience: "No!" Loud applause.) Tbe fact that these corporations and Job bers are combining together to down the present administration of this city is the moat conclusive proof that (he freedom of the city Is In danger; that these corpora tions want to rule the city Instead of being controlled and regulated by It. That is the issue of this campaign. The person ality of tbo men cuts comparatively small figure. It la not half aa Important that Frank E. Moorea should be elected as that you should elect a man that these corpora tions and Jobbers do not own. (Applause.) Why Is It that all theae corporations and Jobbing concerns are opposed to Frank E. Moorea? Simply because he will not do their bidding; because be Is not what they would call a safe man, a man that will do what they want. Howell for Corporations. Now, while I do not wish to decry or berate Mr. Howell, who Uvea In thla ward, and have nothing to say against blm per sonally, we do know that as - a public No woman' happi. nesi can be complete without children ; it ia her nature to love aw avavs Mcait) beau , wanr them much no as to love the beautiful anil ffflsT JIUUUUU2U 7 If IrufBuuUjJ WE FARE -TO- Orleans and Return " ' I llls.BBlssss.M officer, as a member of the City Council, aa a member of the lertslature, he waa sub servient to the corporations, and is their preferred candidate, because tbey know, no matter what has been published, no matter what promises have been made, they have a string on blm. and can pull blm back any time that they want to after be is elected. (Applause.) Why Is It they trouble them selves tn opposing Mr. Moores? Why are they also opposing William Hunter, the republican candidate for comptroller? Simply because for many years these cor porations and the wholesale dealers have been paying comparatively a small amount of taxes men, who have In their establish ments hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. Insured for hundreds of thousands of dollars were assessed at from $5,000 to $25,000; and that continued tO b tbe case for VPtri until tha hnntan was shifted. They should have carried It cheerfully, but It was put upon the shoulders oi me poor nome owner, and Incidentally upon the working men, for even If the workingman was not the home nwn.r ha a renter and he had to pay rent, and If ins taxes upon a piece of property were high, tbe owner of that little hnuaa that he rented had to charge Just that much more rent, ana that burden was placed upon those who least could bear It and shifted from those who best could bear It. Take for examole a larva ma.nin. establishment In the wholesale district wnich la Insured for more than $800,000. The principal owner of that mnem ia ,it today fighting tooth and toe-nail against rranK js,. Moores and Mr. Hunter, and why? Because Mr. Moores appointed two men on the Board of Review that raised thla assessment from less than linn nnn tn linn . 000 of $400,000. It is still too low. If Insur ance policies are any criterion of the value of his merchandise. Ycu know a man not Insure his house fir more money than It was worth, unless he wanted tn hum i and very few Insurance companies would "Dl l aae the risk. Why is It these men are fighting Mr. Monro t i. cause he has offended their tempers, not """"" moorea nas done anything to in crease the burdens of anybody among the wage, earners. It Is because their shoe pinches them, because thev want - and City Council that will turn tbe clock oacK ana tnrow us back again to where tno property of favored march. m. .,, He utility corporations were assessed for about one-tenth or one-twelfth of the true value of their property, while your property Satin mltlA aa,. 1 ....... . assessed at its full value. (Applause.) And tha riir. are in the same boat. All the railroads that . terminals in the city of Omaha are assessed .it , A. "-.vftrLiirr UI - tt tJ-J, B8rd of Equalization J -Ooi0 0! A e roads, terminals, depots, depot grounds and tracks, which worm twenty-five millions of dollars pay only about 14 oon i .. ..... . this shameful abuse that we are fighting. . lue principle mat we are battling for and that nrlnclnl. .n.i. . campaign Let me ask you as working! .lnt.r you propose to stand up and defend tbe men who have done their duly against the malignant slanders and cowardly abuses tiainaj . . . corporation politicians. Clrcamstsnces Alter Cases. The other dar a - "... iunu nuu repre aented Nebraska In tbe United 8tates sen ate and a few other snobocrats affected to think that the mayor of Omaha was uul lno na or a man to sit In a carriage with the oresldent nf tha Trni.. a..... when he was visiting Omaha. They ex- vra.Bu Kreai tear lest Mayor Moorea would not demean himself properly and might tell some smutty stories. Doesn't It strike you as very odd when I tell you that tha assistant attorney of the Burling ton who generally speaks for the former senator and present general attorney of that road once upon a time proposed to put Frank B. Moores into the place then occupied by David H. Mercer, In other words, make him congressman If Moorea would only agree to veto the ordinance granting tO the Northweatarn Bf.... t k Jobbing district. Just think of It, the Bur lington was wimng to throw Mercer over the transom and clve Mnnrm a i.h.... - hobnob with the president every day In ine year, out railing in their designs they did not want Moorea to sit In the presi dent's carriage in the city of Omaha for a single hour. I have been actively engaged In many campaigns, but never in my thirty years' eXDPrtenCA hfta thara h..n an.h h.t.t.1 vituperation as your mayor has been aub- jrcieu to. ne nns Deen DiacKmatled as a mnnatar nf Inlnultv hv man wKa .nn u v. . .... to take to tha woods If the searchlight of puDiicuy waa turnea on tnem. Tbey navo tried to arouse nonular naaalnn anri nratu. dice by emotional appeals to the women of Omaha. They have fabricated out rageous fakos that have not a shadow of ...... V 1 ... t . a . . iruiu in mciui. unijr ye.ieraay ine rea lnttar Tlanann falrevw ntihll.ka a - - - - . - ........ . J ruuit.licu m IUU.L hat rowing tale about tbe abduction of young gina into r.aunis or sname, gotten tin nut if wthnlA ninth .nil Kl .. ....1 . order. But If the story had been actually true wnere wouia me niame oer surely nnt with Mavnv Unnm. hut with hn Broatch police commission that has con trolled our police department sines Au gust, 1902. The sham purifiers are clamor ing for decency, but they have carried on a campaign of Indecency that would dis grace the most depraved community In all Tt la lata anri T dnn'l want tn riefaln you longer. Before closing, I want to ap- as Amerlcsn citizens. Tbe corporation politicians are hard at work. They have plenty of money to expend to defeat Moores. These corporations filch tbe money from our city and their patrons and then use the money they have extorted from you to destroy free government. The cor poration emissaries are spending money freely In barrooms and dives and I ask you if It Is not time for you and all lib- erty-ioving cuizena to join nana ana pui an end to corporation misrule. (Ap plause.) Edward Witnesses MaaeaTers. PARI9, May 2. King Edward witnessed the maneuvers of 14.000 picked French troops on tha parade grounds at Vln cennes. Austrian Squadron at Balonlea. VIENNA, May 2. An Austrian squadron consisting of three ships arrived at Salonlra yeaterday. , CURES WEAK MEN FREE. Iaanrea Love and Happy Horn for All. How any man may quickly cure himself after years of suffering from sexual weak ness, lost vitality, nlaht losses, varicocele, tie. and enlara small, weak organs to full stse and vigor. Himply send your nam an I aaclress la lr r.napp wphioii v ., woo nun HulMlng. I "droit. Mlrh.. and they w ill gladly send free receipt with rull direction so that any man may eaa'ly cure himself at home. '1 hl 1 rrialnly a most grnrroua offer and the following extracta taken from their daily mall show what men think of their generosity: Itear Hire Please accept my sincere thanka for yours of recent date. I have given your treatment a thorough test and ths benent ha ben extraordinary. It ha completely braced me up. I am Jut a vigorous as when a bnv and yuu cannot realise how happy I am." "Dear Sirs Vour method worked beauti fully. Reaulla were exactly what I needed. Strength and vigor have completely re turned and enlargement la entirely satis tactory." "Dear Sir Tours was received and I had no trouble In making use of the receipt a directed and can truthfully aay It la a boo i to weak men. I am greatly Improved in sise. strength and lgor." All correepondence I etpVtly confidential, nailed tn p'stn. sealed envelope. Tli re ceipt Is free for th aaktiitf sud they want very tuaa to hv .(. TORPEDO FACTORY BLOWS UP Tonr Perjcni Are Killed and Twenty-Eight EericuVy Injorei SLIDING GIRL STARTS FATAL FIRE Shock shatters Factory, Throws Dona Two Horses and Slays Kick Boy Lying; la Xear by Home. CLEVELAND, O., May 2. An explosion In tbe plaut of tha Thor Manufacturlnj company killed four persons and twenty eight others were acrlously Injured, some of whom will die. The Tbor Manufacturing company la en gaged iu the manufacture of toy torpedo canes and other explosives. Ths force of the explosion was tremen dous and windows within a radlua of a quarter of a mile wera broken. Next to the factory lived Maurice Cohen with his wife and eight children. The fores of the explosion tumbled bis bouse Ilka a pack of cards, tbe woman and four children were caught In the falling partitions and all were horribly crushed and Mra. Cohen died on the way to tbe hospital. Anothei house directly in tha rear also fell Injuring Mrs. Barney Quaes and two boys. The explosion waa cauaed by a peculiar fire. The torpedo capa are filled In molds and the loose powder spills on the floor. During tbe lunch hour ona of the new girls playfully shoved another. She slid along the floor her shoes striking a spark In some loose powder. Instantly tbe floor was ablaze. With great presence of mind one of the girls lifted a tub of water and threw it on the fire. The blaxe had gained too great headway, however, and the water nM nnt qnench it. The girls did not seem to realize inpir great aanger and were trying to ex tinguish the flames. A passing painter, however, realizing what was stored In the building, yelled to the girls to run for their lives. There were ten girls, four boys and ona man In the factory when tbe explosion oc curred. All of these got out except Flor ence Llpster, TVIlllard Cole, son of one of the proprietors of the place and Arthur Conway, a 14-year-old boy. The flames were easily subdued after the explosion, as there waa nothing left of the factory but a pile of debris. Tha flea s.kt. ers at once commenced digging In the ruins for the Imprisoned ones and all were quickly reocueu. A short distance from the factory Harry Gleuchmann, a 15-year-old boy was lying critically 111 of tvDhold fever. Tha ... plosion and the consequent shock was too ureav lur mm to Dear ana he died within five minutes. At ajother nearby house little girl 15 years old waa ill with scarlet fever. The crashing glass from the win dow fell across her face and har rk... was deeply gashed. A splinter of (he glass imoeaaeu useir into on eye and she will lose her sight. For two blocks pedestrians were thrown to the ground by force of the detonation and scores of neraona sustained ni... i. - -- ...... .j i in juries. VASELINE KO GOOD FOR HAIR. Dandruff Germ Thrives In It, as Well as In AH Grease. A well known Chicago halr apeeialist In vited the inter Ocean reporter to coma to his office and see, under a microscope, how the germ that cauaea dandruff thrives In vaseline. The specialist said that all hair preparations containing grease almply furnish food for the germs and help to propagate tbera. Tha only waw to cure dandruff is to destroy the germs "and the only hair preparation that will do that Is Newbro's Herpiclde. "Destroy the cause you remove the effect." Without dandruff no railing hair, no baldness. Ask for Herpiclde. It is the only destrnvae n th. dandruff germ. 8old by all druggists. Sand iv cents tor sample to Tbe Herpiclde Co.. Detroit, Mich. POLICE GREETING FOR DAVIS Man with a Peenllar Record Is Received with Opes) Arms. Charles Davis dropped Into tbe city two days ago, oatenslbly from Hlllsdsle, Ia., after an absence of several years, and was received by the police with annoying effusiveness and taken up to tha city Jail for dinner, and supper, too, for that mat ter, and placed on the register as a aus picious character. On his person were two fine specimens of the skeleton key, and ths authorities are speculating as to whether Mr. Davis did the piece of entering Fri day at Twenty-third and Davenport streets. In which work ths door was opened and closed by a skeleton key. Davis has served two penitentiary terms, ona of them under peculiar circumstances. Charles Davla bas a brother named Joe and about eight years ago the pair were arrested and conv'cted, Charles or petty larceny and Joe for burg lary. These brothers wars twins and hsrl to tell one from another. Ths sheriff took the burglary brother to tha penitentiary and passed him In to serve his two years, leaving the petty larceny man to do hli thirty days In the county Jail here. Jt waa not. until about two weeka afterwards that It waa discovered lhat ths wrong brother had been taken to Lincoln. The scheme was that Charles, answering to the name or Joe, should go to the penitentiary and serve for thirty days, until the burglar, Joe, had finished the larceny term and gotten away, after which Charles -waa to declare bla identity and be liberated. The sheriff, thinking to spoil the game and aes Justice through as scheduled, took ths real Joe to Lincoln aud asked for aa exchange. He then found that thla could not b dons without getting a pardon for Charles, aa be had been entered on the books as Jos end must so serve. Tbe governor refused to grant the pardon, aa Charlea had been planning practically a Jail delivery, and ao both Joe and Charlea served the entire term together In tbe penitentiary on the one sentence. The Largest Ship Sets Sail. Ths Cedrlc, the new ateamsr recently completed, la the largest veasel In tha world, and on her first voyage from Liver pool a large crowd gathered to witness ber departure. There is also a large crowd of people throughout our country who are witnesses to the fact that Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters positively cures sick head ache, nausea, Indigestion, constipated bowels, inactive liver and weak kidneys, because It cured them. It will cure you, too. If you will only give It a chance. NEW NAMES ON VOTERS' LIST Corrertloa af ReaTlstrallea Generally Attended to by Cltlseas Yesterday. How extensive th Interest felt In the coming election 'is was shown yesterday when the registers sat In the several vot ing precincts of ths city to correct ths registration lists. Many voters who hd failed to register last fall, and many who hava moved from the precincts In which they laat voted, took advantage of the op portunity to get their names oa th list. No exact figures ars available, but those at band Indicate that tba registration was heavy. In the First precinct of tbe Eighth ward eighty names were added to the list, and forty transfers were made out. In the Sixth precinct of the F.lcbih ward there tc sixty-nine registrations and thirty transfers. In the Seventh ward 311 voters were registered. These figures Indicate that a heavy vote will likely be polled on Tuesday. BOHEMIAN DRAMATIC CLUB Last frodoctlon of Season Mill Re "Twlxt Love and Law" Tonight. Tha Bohemian American Dramatic club will present tbe melodrama, " 'Twlxt Love and Law, or the Finger of Scorn." to night In the new Turner hall at Thirteenth and Dorcas streets. The play Is In five acta and by Arthur Lewis Tubbs. It will be produced with full scenic embellish ment and will be tbe closing play of a very successful season of the club's. Four other dramas In English have been enacted to crowded housea and tba last until next fall la expected to draw a large crowd. Tba executive staff of tbe club which has ae cleverly managed the theatricals la composed of A. Novsk, manager; F. B. Stama, aasistant manager; J. E. Zeran, acenlc artist, and 8. B, Letovsky, musical director. Tha play tonight will have tha following cast: Rev. Philip Dunchester B. AV. Bartos Norman weir R. Hnvelki Richard Heritage, M. D....E. F. Bandhsuer John (eordon J J. BvoboiU Sheriff Blake o. Jelen Irene Arnold M'es li. Jablecnlk Bess Miss I,. Vnncura Mrs. Pickens MI'S B. Vancura Aunt Blna Miss It. Kmetit PRESIDENT EXPRESSES THANKS Chief Executive Appreciate the Present from the Bennett Company's Store. Advertising Manager William Kennedy has placed In the south window of the Bennett store. In a handsome frame, the letter or acknowledgment sent tne store by President Roosevelt's private secretary, William Loeb after the executive bad rf celved the gift of the store. It was a dainty bit of pyrography made especially for him by one of the artists in the store's department devoted to that work. The' plaque was threo feet long and showed a bevy or quaint German girls dancing in garbs or red, white and blue. The letter received In response to Mr. Kennedy's note or presentation expressed high appre elation or the dainty gift. S.1D.OO to Huston nnd Retnrn H.0O. with membership fee of 22.00 added, ac count of annual meeting of National Edu cational association. Tickets will be on sale via the Nickel Plate Road July 2nd to 5th. Inclusive, good returning from July 8th to 12th, Inclusive, w ithout . being de posited with Join agent. Additional limit to return not later than September 1st can be obtained by depositing return portion or ticket with Joint agent and payment or 30c for execution. Superior train service and excellent dining car meala on American Club plan, ranging In price from 35c to 11.00; also a la carte service. Write John T. Calahan, Oeneral Agent, 113 Adama 8t., room 298, Chicago, for time of departure of trains from Chicago and other detailed Information. DENIES HOWARD NEW TRIAL Judges Refuses to Admit that A Heated Prejudiced Jurors Provide Reason for Reopening Cae. FRANKFORT, Ky., May 2. James How ard today filed three sensational affidavits In support of a motion for a fourth trial Tha affidavits are made by W. L. Grady, A. J. Wofford and H. F. Johnson, and eh.raa that nrlor to the trial they heard both Jurors Renshaw and Neal aay they were convinced Howard was guilty, anu that If summoned and accepted as Jurors they would vota to hang him. In aplte of these allegations, however, hie honor overruled the motion. Engineer Meet Grand Chief. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Kngl neers, District No. 183 Hathered together fiftv strong to greet Grand Chief P. M. Arthur last nltrht. The assembly room of the Ancient Order of United Workmen was used bv the brotherhood as a meeting place and several hours were spent in the studv and amplification of the rites of the order. Bevond the secret work peculiar to the body nothing waa taken up of any Im portance. Following the routine work pf the evening a short time was spent by the member in becoming better acquainted with their grand chief. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr Fred Hicks has accepted the position of floor manager of the People's store. Mr ' Hlck will be pleased to meet his scores of friends In his usual genial way. Mrs. Mosher. formerlv Miss Miriam Hart, has been teaching In the first grade at the Lake school since the dea'h of Miss Hanna. A regular Incumbent will te assigned to the position In a few days. Mr. Adolph Stora of Wuertemberg, Ger many, who has been the guest of his uncle, Mr. Gottlieb Stors, for several months, leaves Omaha on May 5. and after visiting several large eastern cities, will embark for Europe on May 12. Mr. Adolf Storx haa been visiting the breweries in the east ern and western states in order to learn of Bnv new Improvements which he might utilise In his own brewery. He hs made many friend while lit Omaha, who re gret to see him leave. THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL row People Know How I'sefsl It la tn Preser-vtnar Health and Beauty. Nearly everybody knows that charcoal ta tbe aafsst and most efficient disinfectant and purifier In nature, but few reallas its valus when taken Into tbe human system for the same cleansing purpose. Charcoal la a remedy that tba more you Uke of It tbe better; It la not a drug at all. but almply absorb ths gases and Impuri ties always present la tba stomach and In testines snd carries them out of ths syatem. Cbarooal sweetens the breath after smok ing and drinking or after eating onions and ether odoroua vegetables. Cbarooal effectually clears and Improves the complexion. It whitens the teeth and further acta aa a natural and eminently safe cathartla. It absorbs ths Injurious gases which col lect In the stomach and bowels; It disin fects the mouth and tbroat from tbe po aon of catarrh. All drugglats aell charcoal In ona form or another, but probably tha best charcoal and the most for tt money It Stuart'e Ab sorbent Loxengea; tbey are composid of the finest powdered willow charcoal and other harmless antiseptics in tablet form, or, ratbar. In th fcrm of largs, pleasant tast ing losenges, tbe charcoal being mixed with honey. Tbe dally use of thsse losenges will aoon tell la a much Improved condition of tha general health, better complexion, sweeter breath and purer blood, and tbe beauty of It Is, tbat ao posstbls barm can result from their continued ua, but, en tbs contrary, great benefit. A Buffalo pbaslciaa. In epeaking of the benefits of charcoal, aaya: "I advise Stuart's Absorbent Lozenges to all patients Buffering from gas In tbe stomach and bow el a, asd to elsar tbe complexion and purify tha breath, mouth aad tbroat: I also be lle the liver Is greatly bentfltsd by th dally use of tbem; they cost but twenty-tve cents a boa at drug stores, and although la soma seas a patent preparation, yet I be lieve I get more aad better 'charcoal ta Btuart'a Absorbeat Lossngea Uas la aa 4 Ike etbsr tbsrcosl Ubleu." FREE BOXES 25,000 Boxes Given Away A. Smith and Kit Remarkable Cure for Rheumatism and Gout. The First Test and What It Led His Friends and Neighbors and Now Proposes to C ure the Whole World. lform Ity of th hndt In general ChmDlc Anicui&r rrfctm of llnra fctid pntAwlnm In flnarr JoIdLb Id ft tnlitil-mifMl iwrnon. A -uCcr)! from both HUeuaiftUeiik Oil th til nrv "that utnm ! h1laviner Jnhn A. 8mtth of Milwaukee) wants rveryons to try his remedy for th cure of rheumattnro at his npen. For that reason ha prnpoaa to dltr!but 2S.000 fre boxes among all persona tending htm thalr addresn. Mr. 8ml th has suffered all the agony and tnrtur from rheumatism, tried all the remedies known and Yet utterly failed to find relief. At times he was so helPlewa that ha had to taka morphine, and after considerable doctoring hm up In deatpair. He be nan stud Tin Into tha muii nf rheumattam. and after aiut-h ajtoerimentinu final? hi upon ft combination nf rim ars whlrh rnm- pletely cured him. The remit waa ao beneficial to his entire system tht he called hie new-found rem My "Olorl Tonic' Those of hta friends, rela tive! and neighbor suffering, from rheumatism were next cured,, and Mr. Bmlth cnncludaal to offer hta remedy to the world. But he fuund the task a difficult one, as nearly everyone had tried a hundred more different remedies and they couldn't he made to believe that there waa such ft thing as ft cure for rheumatism. Hut an old gentleman from Pet u in, Texaa wrote him, saying if Mr. Pm'th would send htm sample he would try ft, but aa ha had suffered forty-one years and wasted a fortune with doctors and advertised reined lea, he wouldn't buy anything more until he knew It waa worth something. The aample was sent, he purchased more, end the result waa astonishing. lift was com pletely cured. This gave Mr. Pmfth a new lea. and ever sln" that time he haa tx-en sending out free sample boxes to all who apoly. The result Is that thousands of people have been cured nf Rheumatism, Gout, lt;mbago and Pclatlra through Gloria Tonic. It haa cured people from every locality and in all tfetlnna of life. Those cured have varied In ars from eltjht to eighty-four years, their suffering and affliction varying from a few weeks and months to M years. ?n Proseer, Neb., It cured ft lady of 7 who had Da 9IUracte New Principle of Retrieving Superfluous Hair The Only Method Endorsed by Physicians, Surgeons, Derma- . tologlsts and fledlcal Journals. Keretnfnra this rnnarssbl nraoarstion hss hMn onarad ta tha m'dtra! fratarnlty xrlu slvalr and discussed in mdla! publications which waa not ac.eelbl to tha sursl pub i:c. Now. however, w wish all to know mora Kbout It: hence our reesoa lor presenting IX Miracle through the lay press. Bent sealed nn raoelpt ol tl. Your money hack II It fella to do all that la claimed for It. Hcnd for FREB Booklet and endorsements (utaledl to De MIRACLE CHEMICAL CO., ln Park avenue. New York, N. Y. FOR 8ALB DY SCHAEFER'S DRUO. 5T0RE, 16th and Chicago Sts. Travelers Time-Saver Up-to-date Railway Guide. Has a Simple Index May number now on aala. . ) t A few vacant rooms and only a fe$ However, among these are one or two of our choicest rooms and Home small, but very desirable rooms. All these offices have the advantage, without extra charge, of splendid janitor service all night and Sunday elevator service, electric lights, hardwood finish, and the best of office neighbors. THE BEE BUILDING Two Room at $10 Per rVonth- A Suite of Two Rooms-On TlifMf room lire ratlirr mimll. the Ilfti flour. 1 liewt room lire but w la tilt? rental jirlce. They froth fnlr-slzetl ioipiiih and Jtnve ure vll iocnted nul are der-ld- eii newly decorated, so thut edly nttrHLtlve little romim. The ti.y alv purtliiihnly ill tractive, rental price Includes hent, light, tj,o price per mouth"" P- wdter nnd Janitor Hen Ice and for tn two room nil Ihe ndv.intiiKcK nf f H being iu The Hee 111 KldK. Price per mouth mmm,mlmm,mmmm A flood Sized Room With Vau't An Office on the Ground Floor This room, liesldcH Imvlng a This oltice faces Seventeenth large burglar-proof vault, la In- tivet. It I large, light nnd has rated next to the elevator on the been newly decorated. The fourth floor. It la the only room rental price Include light, of thla diameter In the build- water and Janitor service. It lias Ing that Is vacant and one of a very large burglar-proof vault, the few room a Rt thin price with Part of this; room la a vault. It Is plena- CjQ partitioned off aa a E J" "V ant. go(d-alfced room J private office. Price )J I'rloa per mouth per month An Exceptionally HaoJaome Office Suite - In fact, there is nothing In Omaha that compare with It ax a bantUonie, splendidly located office suite. There in cue quite large room nnd a Miiall private office connected. It la on the firM floor, next to The Hee office, t facli.g I'nrnnin street, and it large plate gliiK windows are directly opMslte the entrance. It has a mantel. THult. beautiful hirdwood floors, and It will be frescoed to auit the taste of tlifl tenant It would make nn Ideal office for a dentist, Si f Investment banker or some tine desiring a very hand- fTj J korne office. Price per mouth R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents (i round Floor. Bee Building. TO ALL To All Who Apply Johri. To-Cured Himself First, TheH Foot off mld(11r-ft(rM womnn. fiulTfrrr from Clifniuiftf iti ftutl ,tuI nl.iy Uuuu suffered 2 years. In fountain City, Wis . It curM Hon. Jaroh Pxaur, a gentleman nf 70, hc sufTVrei for SH years. In Perry srurg, thlo. It cure-1 a g n tleman 70 years old. In Heron I -ike. Minn . it cured a lady wl,o had suffered for Jti years Kr (.. Bund of Ilamsvllle, Wis., test this renirkall l. Puna or iiarrisvuie, wis., test this renirkallo lure on two members of his CorJ afrit ton, one (. hsd suffered 15 and the other A ftrs, both nn foirpletely cured. In St. Ixuts.l (a . tt cured r". Taerher of the Tonrordla Publ House. in sure h corr dalla. Illinois, 'It cured a lady 7S vears vt at. was so crippled that she could not drefs herm If, hi ttennlngton, Vt., It cured sn old man whom the bet-; physklana of Worms and Frankfurt, Gtinidn. called Inrnrahle. This old gentleman had wlkri Consul. In thousands of other Instances the result h-is been th same. H cured many rases which riertcl Hospitals. I'm bp. Electricity and Medl a) Skill, among thrm persons over years old. Mr. ffmlth Is anxious thst every ruffe ror should profit by thla discovery. It therefore, rests wit ti you ss a sufferer to send your name snd address for a free trial box today! But enclose this advertise ment and write him thai you saw It In The Oman, undsy Be Yon w(!l also ree! sn IHuttratrd BOOK on Rheumatism. Gout and all other forms or urlr acid ailments, with further proofs of the cura tive properties of "Gloria Tonic." ' Seventy-five per cent of the dlsrouraged sufferers spparently HO NOT wsnt to be cured! BI'T suf ferers who are really desirous of finding a true snd tried remedy are doing an Injustlre by not writing Immediately, no matter what form their Rheu matism Is. Mr. 9mUh'a addreaa In full is JOHN A. SMITH, 2135 Gorman la Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. DR. SEARLES So well and favor ably known as ths leading, most reliable, and suocssslul SPECIALIST In all DISEASES OF MEN. They hava been many yeara In estab lishing their reputa tion IN OMAHA for hnneat and honorable DEALING?, and dally receive many let lre thanMns thara for ths CUKfcS per f acted snd the great goon (hey ars doing for men. Their lice work has been de voted, as SpeclaJlats, in treating all dis- BE CERTAIN OF A CURE by CON SULTING the BEST FIRST. . nn ewaTti.irst araduated at two of ths beat medical college andls acknowledged the best EXPERIENCED and SKILLED SPECI A.LIP1 ir. a:', diseases hs treats. DR. SEARLES' Consultation and Advice are FREE, in person or by letter, and aarredly confidential In all diseases. Written Contracts given In all curab'e diseases of men or refund money paid. Many rases treated per month. CONSULTATION FREE. TREATMENT BY MA fie. Call or address. Cor. 14th A Donglas. DR. SEARLES & SEARLES OMAUA, Mill. asayasaQwsT for 2ft years on crutches, both ns having been Ism- 1 He can now walk like ft young man. i Even prominent physMana had to admit tht "Oloria Tonic" Is ft positive success, smong theinL Dr. QuIdUto of the I nlrersity of Veneiucla, eAwL whom It was recommended by th United Plates