Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1903, PART I, Page 2, Image 2

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Ta. oH-tpi. WE CLOSE 8At VRDAT8 AT P. M. Dm, Mar . 1901
Clearing out the broken lines nothing prettier for the new
shirt waist suit selected from this season's newest silks not a
full line of colors to show you, but every color a good color
mostly navy and white, black and white shepherd checks never
sold for less than 75c a yard as long as they last Monday
29c a yard.
Colored Mistrels all wool, 38-inch in colors of brown,
blue, castor regular C0c quality, at 29c a yard. 44-inch, in
shades of blue and castor, only 39c a yard. They will be placed
on Rale Monday morning at 8 o'clock sharp.
iY. M. C. A. Building, Corner Sixteenth and Douglas Sts
How to Yote for Erastus A. Benson for Mayor
instructions to the Voters of the City of Omaha at the Election
to be Held May 5, I90J.
If you wish to vote for Erastus A. Benson, the Citizens' can
didate for Mayor, make a cross in the square x opposite the
name Erastus A. Benson, under the words "!01l MAYOR" upon
the ballot given you by the: judges of election. By making the
crops in the square opposite the name "Erastus A. Benson"
vour vote will be. counted for "Erastus A. Benson, for Mayor,"
though you may have voted in the circle opposite your party
clioice at the top of the ballot. The law expressly requires your
vote to be counted for Erastus A. Benson, for Mayor, if you place
a cross in the square (xj opposite the name "Erastus A. Ben
son,"' although you may have made a cross in any of the circles
at the top of the ballot.
' ; Mark your ballot as follows:
"To vote a straight ticket
. . make a cross within your
' party circle.
REPUBLICAN . . ......... O
Vote for One.
FRANK E. MOORES Republican
WM. H,- MOORE Socialist Q
ERASTUS: A. BENSON .V. People's Independent ) m
Y ...V:. By Petition )a
The ticket marked by you as above will be counted for
Erastus A. Benson for Mayor. . Y . ' . x.
ifi Section 146 of Chapter 26 of the Compiled Statutes of Ne
braska, for 1901, which is the law now in force in Nebraska,
"When a voter shall-have made a cross in one of the circles
for a STRAIGHT party ticket, and shall have also made crosses
in ANY of the squares to the right of the name of ANY candi
dates, his vote shall be so counted AS A VOTE FOR SAID CAN
DIDATES, but for all other offices his vote shall be counted for
the candidates of that party in whose circle he has made a cross."
-, . These instructions are issued by authority of the Executive
Committee of the Citizens' candidate for Mayor, Erastus A.
C. S. IIAYWARD, Chairman.
SIDNEY W. SMITH, Secretary.
Temple last night, supposedly for the pur
pose, of conferring with the leaders ot the
. .May Discharge Their Men.
Borne of the wholesale dealers have been
quoted as saying that unless a settlement
was brought about at once they would have
no further use (or their freight handlers
and would have to turn them off. On the
other hand the freight handlers have been
seriously considering the proposition to
strike. Their course is therefore decidedly
uncertain. There are about 1,000 freight
handlers In the city, about half of whom
are In the union. There are more ot course
at South Omaha and Council Bluffs where
the teamstera are liable to strike also.
Officers of tbs Omaha union were at these
two places yesterday. Of course the pack
ing bouse teamstera are already out.
At all events it Is believed some effort
will be made by or through the wholesalers
and Jobbers to effect a settlement of mat
ters Monday or Tuesday. With the team
sters' strike settled It Is thought tbs hard
est part of the battle would be over.
The carpenters yesterday held another
meeting. They assert theirs Is not a strike
but a lockout. Guatav Hansen, chairman
ct the carpenters' press committee, stated
At ids Douglas slret.
You'll find a 'toe of clothes complete.
Kor boys and girls and Infants, too.
In fashions that are very new.
' ..e .i.iiput.aii liusair, you Know.
Has prices which are always low.
Around the room arrauaed with care
You'll see all kinds of children's war.
Such stylish collars, cults and shirts.
Aud dainty hemstitched underskirts!
Their shoes ot red. blue, tan and Dink
.1 . i) auiiiut. 1 ivaily think.
The cunning hats In every site.
r..ak children ocm wide their eves.
The sailor suits for boys are made
(if serge, and trimmed in fancy brail.
But In the little Norfolk suit.
A tlnv boy looks lust as cute.
Put let me add lust one thins more.
Today vou'd better take a car.
And visit this renowned bazaar.
OeWU. NlgS-
Pretty 75c Silk
in Shepherd Checks
29c a Yard
that less than one-third of their men. It
has been found, are without work. Tblt
means about 100.- - '
The restaurants are still closed, at least
twenty-eight of them, four having signed
the scale and one hotel,' the Barker. A
break la looked tor In the restaurant men's
affairs soon, but from expressions ot the
opposing leaders It would seem that the
break would have to come from outsldo
sources In some mysterious way.
racking; Hoase Laborers Flans.
About 800 members of the South Omaha
Packing Trades council, an organisation of
unskilled labor, met at the armory of the
cavalry troop last night and discussed
wages. It was decided to send a communi
cation to the packing house managers on
Monday, asking for an increase in pay
from 17 H cents to 20 cents an hour. Noth
ing was said of striking. ,
The press committee of the Restaurant
and Hotel Mens' association authorised this
statement yesterday morning:
"We will never sign the union scale. Ws
do net so much object to any single de
mand, but cannot hand over to the union
the right or dictating to us whom we shall
and shall not employ. We will resist the
union Indefinitely before we will sign the
scale. The difficulty is that the union can
not always supply adequate help from Its
own ranks and will at such times not per
mit us to go outside of the union to vet
men, no matter how competent they may
be. The restaurants that are now closed
will not remain closed long. While we
have no concerted plan ready to disclose
the public may rest assured that our doors
will be open within a few days. We do not
anticipate re-opening, however, until after
election. Some ot the restaurant owners
have expressed a fear at attempting to do
business with nonunion men until munic
ipal affairs and the Initial excitement of the
strike has quieted down. Wt do not ex
pect the strike to last long."
Vntos Ready to Arbitrate.
C. B. Hart, business agent and chairman
of the waiters' press committee, has sub
mitted this statement:
"We are ready to arbitrate our differ
ences with our employers on any fair and
equitable basis, but we cannot afford to
return to work pending the result ot arbl
tratlon or until matters are thoroughly ad-
Mr. Hart further says that the union has
at all times been able to supply the fuU
demand for union men and would be will
ing at any tima It was not thus able to
allow their employers to hire any white
help, providing the latter would be willing
to Join tne union.
Statement of Coal Dealers.
The conference committee of the eoal
dealers, composed of George p. Cronk,
George Peterson, George G. Squires. T. C.
Havens, Randall K. Brown, John Doe, A.
B. Cook, E, A. Blum, C. P. Southard, J. A
Sunderland. H. T. Lemist and C. W. Hull.
has given out the following statement:
OMAHA, May I To Coal Consumers In
the City of Omaha; Yesterday morning
without previous notice, the coal teamsters
of the city failed to report for work, and
as a consequence dealers are unable to
Immediately deliver coal to consumers. In
order that the public may be advised of the
true facts In the case we desire to make
the following statement:
On Marh 1 the team drivers' union
adopted a tiew scale of wafers, to be In
effect on and after May I, and presented
same to the coal dealers for their consid
eration. On year ago the coal dealers,
voluntarily, In conference with a commit
tee of the teamsters' union, granted an ad
vance In the wages of coal haulers, amount
ing to about 20 per cent, and under the
schedule In effect teamstera who have
worked full hours and have been Indus
trious have earned as high as f per day,
and have averaged much In excess of the
union wages, which were $3.75 per day for
team and driver.
Since the proposed scale for next year
made a further advance of from 20 to 20
per cent above the scale paid during the
year Just passed, the coal dealers unani
mously agreed that the demands made were
exorbitant, unreasonable and more than we
were Justified In charging the public for
the service rendered. In addition to the
demands made for higher wages, numerous
conditions were specified for the conduct
of the coal business that would make It
Impossible to carry on the business with
out much annoyance to consumers, and It
was unanimously agreed that we could not
submit to these arbitrary demands.
Our reply, in writing, to the team drivers
was conveyed to their union, and resulted
In two conferences between committees of
the team drivers and the coal dealers. At
these conferences the teamsters were un
willing to recede from the most of the
demands originally made, and in some In
stances made still further demands that
Increased the charges for delivering coal.
The dealers again rejected the schedule,
and Incorporated In their reply certain
conditions which they would require in
dealing with the men during the coming
year, of which the principal ones were
these: That we would not discriminate
against union men, but If nonunion men
were employed that they must not be
harassed or molested by union men; that
there should be no sympathetic strike or
refusal to deliver our goods wherever we
might require; that employers and employes
should submit to arbitration nil questions In
dispute that were not settled by such
agreement as might be entered Into at this
time. No reply was received from our
communication until the strike yesterday
morning, which we assume Is their answer.
The coal yards of the city are open and
the supplies of coal therein are available
to any consumers who can deliver their own
coal, and the dealers will try to be in a
position at as early a date as possible to
resume deliveries.
(Continued from First Page.)
the church filled with fashionable people.
Rev. Dr. James Goodwin of Christ Episcopal
church refused to perforin the ceremony
and dismissed the guests because. In read
ing the marriage license, he found the
bridegroom had been divorced ten years
The wedding was to have been that of
A. Lincoln Chase, manager' of a department
store here, aDd Miss Gladys Geer, daughter
ot one of the oldest residents of Hartford;
Mr. Chase and Miss Geer had started
down the center aisle, when, suddenly at
the rector'a call, the party stopped wtthin
a few feet of the chancel rail. After a
hurried consultation Mr. Chase and Miss
Geer, much embarrassed, turned and hur
ried out of the church.
Advancing to the altar. Dr. Goodwin said:
"Friends, the wedding has been post
poned." This was all the explanation he
made. Later, Dr. Goodwin said:
The laws of the Episcopal church forbid
me to marry a divorced person. I did not
know the circumstances until I read the
license while I wes in the church ready to
perform the ceremonv. I am very sorry to
have caused the party anv embarrassment,
but I could not act otherwise.
Miss Geer and Mr. Chase, after leaving
the church, were driven to the home of
Rev. H. H. Kelsey and were married.
Drought Oat to Track Mnrderer Doss
Tolnt to Catholic Clergy-
.Nit '
LORAIN, O., May 2'. Rev. Ferdinand
Walser, tho Toledo priest, was arrested to
day, charged with tho murder of Miss
Agatha Relchlini .
Walser was a guest at the Reichlin home
on Thursday night when the crime was
committed. He has been taken to the
county JalJ at Elyria.
The city Is in a turmoil of excitement.
The entire police force was ordered on duty
early today to prevent possible violence to
the prlect.
Bloodhounds were brought here fron?
Fort Wayne, Ind., today and given the scent
of the murderer. They circled around the
house several times and finally went to the
room occupied by Rev. Walser on the night
of the murder. There they again took th'
trail snd led the officers directly to 8t.
Joseph's hospital, where Rev. Walser slept
last nlzht.
He was fonnd at the hospital and placed
under arrest, the officers claiming there
were many suspicious circumstances against
him in addition to the .bloodhounds follow
ing bis trail.
The father showed no excitement and de
clared he was Innocent.
Knights Templars of California Cot
It Ont of Menn by Vnani
mons Vote.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 5. The grand
commandary of the Knight Templars of
California haa decided by a unanimous vote
that hereafter no wine shall be served at
Templar banquet.
The Innovation ha been introduced, It
1 claimed, so that the order on this coast
might fall in line with the general move
ment of the same kind In the east and be
cause the use of win In the lodge rooms
for all official functions I contrary to the
principles of Masonry.
It Is said that the grand lodge of the
Mason at it annual meeting next October
will take the same decisive action and or
der that all banquets given under the aus
pices ot any Masonio lodge of the state be
strictly temperate.
Jury Awards Twenty Thousand Dol
lars for tho Loss of
Hla Feet.
WWW vrinif Mav J. Vincent Mnpaman
s.nar-old boy. has recovered a verdict of
120,000 against the Metropolitan Street
Railway company in tne supreme court for
k - nf his two feet.
u. -nori for 150.000. and on a former trial
got a verdict tor $30,000 one ot the largest
verdict on recoru. uo iuuiinj asaea
ratrtal on appeal. The boy sued
v, .,,., hi ateDfather. Jacob Raclch.
V U , W UB u - -
It is claimed that in crossing the street
about a year ago at Fifty-ninth street and
.x .uanua ha was run down. His faat
were so badly crushed that both had to be
amputated above tne auaies.
. i- ..inimpil on behalf of the enmnan
that the boy struck the side of the car and
was thrown under the wheels through hi
own negligence.
Road for Northern California.
BAN FRANCISCO. Ms, According to
the call iliuiuaa wiiuh d.ikci, a in
waukee capitalist, proposes to construct a
railroad SSO mllee long, extending from Red
Buffalo, the northern border of the stale,
hla own and other sources It Is said
that he has the assurance of a $3,UOu.uuu
capital to begin with and proposes to start
operations In a very few months. Walker
OWIIS KUOUl It-in ui iiinucr lanu 111
nnrthern California and the primary object
ot the proponed railroad la to get his lum
ber to market. It 1 planned to build mills
at Intervals along tne line, at points now
tlements throjs bout the entire territory
inrouga which mt ruaa wiu uuuo,
Thirty Thousand Pooole March in Gorgeous
Cirio Parade.
Cowboys, Indians and .Itgreei Also
Torn Ont, . that All Classes of
People May Be Inly
ST. LOUIS, Msy J. A monster civic
parade and the dedication by the various
governments of the sites selected for esch
state brought the three-days fair dedication
to a close today.
The damp and gloom which have hung
over the city like a cloud since the cere
monies began had quite vanished when the
morning broke. ' Bright sunshine and a
eerhi-holiday combining to bespeak the suc
cess of the program. At 10:30, when the
booming guns announced the start ot the
parade", the three-mile route to the grounds
was lined many deep with cheering specta
tors. '
In the solid ranks of the marchers were
30,000 persons representing practically
every art and craft in the district. There
were the governors .of the various states
and the veterans ot past wars, the German
verelns, athletes', business men, college
boys and member of various religious so
cieties, each with their own particular
emblem, and each adding something new
to the feast of. color. The governors, who
headed the procession, loft their carriages
at the reviewing stand and took their place
upon it.
. Order of the Parade-.
Visiting Governors, Acoompnn:ed by Their
Staffs on Horrfbnrk.
World's Fair Commissioners from Btate
and Foreign Countries.
The Grand Marshal, Colonel Hpencer, and
His Alden.
United States Marine Band.
Mexican Veterans, Naval Vetrans, Naval
Reserve. United States Veterans, .
' . , United States Service Men.
Six Oerman Verelns.
Detachment of Mounted Polite.
Three Hundred Military Officers.
Mayor and Civic Officials.
Eight Floats Representing Departments of
the City liovernment.
Members of Mercantile Houses.
Stock Exchange Tally hos.
Cadets and College Students.
Fraternal Societies
"' Masonic Organizations.
Maccabees,- Knights of Pythias, Royal
League, Traveling Men's Protective
Association and Woodmen of
the AVorld.
Catholic Knights of America and Othr
, .. , Catholic Societies.
German Turners.
' . Mall Carriers.
Western Amateur Rowing Association,
with Six Floats.
'Frisco System Cowboy Band, Cowboyj,
Indians and Territorial Representatives.
Afra-Amerlean Contingent.
World's Fair Officials and Workmen.
Building Trades Council, with Goddees of
. . xjuck in loat.
. Dookery Welcomes Governors.
As eoon as possible after the last of the
parade had passed the reviewing stand, the
crowd entered the Liberal Arts building,
where the formal exercises of the day were
Governor Dockery welcomed the visiting
governors, saying:
Todav closes the. rplehr-n Inns InrMont tn
the dedicatory exercises o. the exnrmitinn
and In the hour of greeting we are re
minded that soon we must part for a time.
The panoloov nf war In- the exhibition of
our regular ana citizen soldlerv. has joined
with the nqmo of the pride of the people
in all the Institutions nf nur - nnuntrv
Civilian and soldier have Riven the weight
of thfir influenoe to make more impressive
me scenes aitenaonx on this display, and
will be equally enthusiastic when the
gates of the great exhibition are formally
opened. ..
At the conclusion of his address Governor
Odell of New York responded, saying:
Capital and labor are tne two great ele
ments upon which prosperttiy and Happiness
rest, and when, therefore, aggregations of
the one are met by combinations of the
other. It should be the aim of a,ll to prevent
a ciasn.
There Is alwava a mean between those
who seek only a fair recompense and re
turn for what they produce, and those who
seek undue advantages for the tow at tne
expense ol the many. The laws which
have been enacted, if properly executed,
are sufficient to encourage the one and to
punish the other. In the struggle that is
always before us. the competition of trade,
if we are to hold, our own among the
world's producers we should encourage and
not hinder iqose who by their energy, their
capital and . tbelr labor have banded to
gether for tne purpose of meeting new con
ditions, problems which our Individual ef
forts alone cannot solve, but which require
the concentrated force and genius of both
capital and labor.
The question of adjusting and harmonizing
The question of adjusting and harmonizing
the relations of capital and labor Is the
problem before us today and is one which
will heconu more urgent In the future. Its
solution must be along those lines of con
stitutional right which every citizen has
been guaranteed. Every man is entitled In
the prosecution of. bis work to the broadest
possible liberty of action and the protec
tion ot law. of that law which is the out
growth of necessity and which seeks to en
courage and not to oppress. Every man
possessed of a ballot is responsible and has
the power, not only to formulate but to
criticise and to punish as well. If this
right be properly exercised, an honest and
efficient administration ot our affairs can
always be secured.
Subsequently the various governor dedl-
Bono Pains, Itching. Scabby
Skin Diseases.
Swellings. Carbuncles, Pimples, Scrofula
Parmanantlr cunt bj taking Itounlo Blood Balm. It
tntrors tn actlT foiioo la tha blood. If you hv.
aco and palm la doom, feat-It and Jolnta, Itching,
Scabby Skin, blood (aala tot or thin, SwolUn Glaodi,
Rlilnaa and bump, on lha Skin. Mucua Palcbta la
Mouth. Bora Throat. PltnpHa or otletatva aruptlona.
Copptr-Colorad Spot! or Rub on Skin, all run-down,
or narvoua, Ulrara on any part ot tha body. Hair or
Byabrowa falling out, CarbunclM or Bolla. taka
Botaalo Blood Balm, gaarasKed
to cur aroa tha worst and moat dosp-aoatad aaaas
whara doctor, patant madlclnaa and hot aprlng (all.
Haala all aoras, atopa all arhaa and palna, radueaa all
walllnta, maka blood pur and rich, eomplataiy
coinnlur tha antlra body into a claaa. healthy condi
tion. B. B. B. haa cund thouunda of eaaaa ot
Blood Polaoa an attar nacbln tha laat atagoa.
Old Hhcnmntlaau, Catarrh, Ecaenva
ra caua1 by an awful polaonad condition of tha
Blood. B. B. B. top. Hawkins and Spitting, Itch
ing and scratchlns. Ahaa and Faioa: cure. Rhau
matl.m. Catarrh, haala all Bcaba. Scale, Kruptlon.
Waury Bllatora, foul, f.atarlog Coras of Eciama, by
giving s pur, healthy blood supply to affactad part.
Cancer Cnrod.
Botanle Blood Balm C... Canoars of all Kind.
Suppurating Bwalllnga, Eating Sore. Tumors, ugly
Llcera. It kills tha Cancsr Poison aad heal tha
sores or worst cancer perfectly. If you hais a per
sistant Pimple, W.rt, Swelling. Bhoollng, (tinging
1'slua, taka Blood Balm and tbey will disappear be
fore they develop Into Canoer. Many apparently
bopsiaa cam of Caucar cured by taking Botanle
blood Balm.
'l at KtsKtsTsll.
Hay a lews atii rw 1. ay
etraaaalel, lake as Olf-rete. tiC tl
ItlaeMl Uula I B.H. H. I sl. rarr.
raesi stow right ajwamius la takes,
f wa ar4 ywr mwasiay will
Botanle Blood Balm B. B. B.) Is
Plaaaaat and safe to Uks. Thoroughly tested for
years. Coupoaed of Pur Botaule Ingredients.
Strengthens wsak kidney and weak stomachs, curs
dyspepsia. Complete directions go wltk each bottle.
Price, tl M.
old la Omaha hj Knhn at Co., IRth
sad Do a a lava) streets.
In Connell BlasTs hr R. B. Anderson,
SSU Broadway. In tooth Omaha hr
Dillon Draft Co., Seth and M.
Call or wrlto star nhoro stores.
Blood Balsa seat hr osnresa.
cated the site (elected for state building
Among the first was Governor Cummins,
who said:
"I will new stske out Iowa's claim," and
with vigorous blows drove a stske deep
Into the ground. After having driven the
take the governor said: "Now what the
state of Iowa has planted let no man up
root." He then made a brief address ded
icating the site as the home of Iowa dur
ing the world's fair. Colonel Late Young
of Dei Moines and others made brief ad
dresses In concluding the ceremony.
(Continued from Page One.)
was stop put to this practice, but we wore
treated as roughly as possible until about
two weeks before election, when we were
called upon and asked If we desired to
have objectionable officer removed. We
had presented our views to this board
through a committee ot our members com
posed of taxpayers of Omaha, and. when
ever we appealed to It, In the language ot
the street, we got the horse-laugh every
time. Facts are facts, and let us be cau
dld with ourselves as we were last fall.
Last fall a gentleman who was a candidate
for congress wa thought to be responsible
In a measure for the selection ot the pres
ent Fire and Police commission, and that
In his recommendation to the governor he
had outraged organized labor he wa de
feated and"
Bob Houghton Breaks In.
At this Instant Bob Houghton again broke
Into the proceedings by denouncing the
speaker and saying . that the meeting
should not listen to anything reflecting
upon the Fire and Police commission. He
would not respond to the request of the
chairman for order and the chairman was
finally compelled to again call upon the
police to restore order. An officer took
Houghton by the arm, but before he could
do anything with the disturber of the
poaee W. J. Broatch, coming down the
aisle, commended the officer to let Hough
ton alone and not In any way assist the
chairman In preserving order. When this
became known a motion to adjourn was put
and carried and about halt ot the people
left the hall.
While the union men were leaving the
socialists pushed to tho front and E. J.
Morgan was raised to the stage. The so
cialists formed around the stage In the
front chairs, and while the executive com
mittee of the original meeting was won
dering what should be done, Mr. Morgan
was declared chairman of the socialist
meeting, which was organized upon the
ruins of the union labor meeting. From
that time there was no pretense of making
the meeting one of trades unionists, or of
laboring men. The chairman of the meet
ing Is not a member of any union, and with
but two exceptions no speaker was In any
way connected with a labor organization.
It must be said that Chairman Morgan at
tempted to be fair, and there would have
been no further disturbance had H not been
for a number of hoodlums headed by Vic
Walker, E. C. Hodder. and John A. Scott,
who accompanied E. A. Benson from a
meeting at Oermania hall later In the
Gets Bark at Weather.
The first speaker after the chairman, who
made a rather extended address, was F.
E. Hart, a Benson boomer, who did not
dare at that stage of the meeting to men
tion Benson' name. He was followed by
E. E. Btreeter, who toldwhy he was for
Benson. Then there were calls for some
one to present the claims of Mayor Moore.
The union men In the hall took no notice
of the call, but finally Andrew Rosewater
was signaled out arid called upon.. City
Engineer Rosewater had Just started to
talk when the Benson boomers began to
Interrupt. He referred to the. figures pre
sented by Comptroller Westberg, as evi
dence ot a padded payroll, and said that If
the facts were as presented by Mr. W'!
berg the comptroller should be in the peni
tentiary for he had approved each payroll
and further than that had signed the order
for payment. He said that while he had
been at the head of the Board of Public
Works no man bad been expected ts vote
to hold his Job, so far as he was concerned
and that he had told foremen of street
gangs who seme1 to expect Instructions
that while th city bought the service of
the men the officers of the city did not pur
chase their suffrage nor their manhood.
He then referred to the attempt to secure
a franchise for a power evstem in the city,
which would have given electrical power at
one-half the price now charged and at
tributed the defeat of the ordinance to the
action of public corporations of the cltyr
and referred to the part taken by C. C.
Wright, In defeating the proposition. In
response to his question:
"Do you want such a man as city at
torney?" There was a loud choru of "No 1"
whllo not one affirmative voice wa heard.
He closed by saying: "These corpora
tions are practically all tn one today. Find
out where they are and It is a safe proposi
tion to take the other place. They are
backing Howell, and they are backing Ben
eon, and the only way In which the peo
ple can secure a victory over them 1
through the election of Frank E. Moores,"
which statement -was received with re
sounding cheers.
Then Barnard McCsffery spoke from a
socialist standpoint, while E. C. Hodder and
JoLn A. Scott continually Interrupted the
speaker with howls for E. E. Thomas. Mr.
Thomas finally got the stage and Introduced
E. A. Benson, who bowed pleasantly. J.
H. Mcintosh spoke for ten minutes for
Benson, O. M. Hitchcock spoke for Howell.
Chairman Morgan spoke for fifteen minutes
from the socialist standpoint, and while the
Benson hoodlums In the rear were making
night hideous, J. R. Southard, a Benson
boomer, moved that the mass convention
endorse the candidacy of W. H. Moore, the
socialist candidate, for mayor. This wa
carried by the combined vote of the so
cialist and the men who formed in the
hall under the leadership of Vic Walker, In
the Interests of Erastu A. Benson.
By a vote of the meeting earlier In the
evening Andrew Rosewater, whose remark
had not been completed at the expiration
of his time, had been granted permission
to speak ten minute after the last socialist
orator. For halt an hour. In the face of
Jeers from the Benson hoodlums. Mr. Rose-
water tried to complete his talk, but the
meeting was finally adjourned, he having
been howled Into silence by a dozen tilgb
school boys, who loaned their shrill treble
to the deeper tone of John A. 8cott, J. B
Southard, Vie Walker and other Zenson
boomers. It was after midnight when the
farce was at an end.
Edgar Howard on Howell.
The champion of Ed Howell have called
upon Edgar Howard for a testimonial to
square that corporation candidate with the
antl-monopely element of the democratic
party, t'nder this pressure Edgar Howard
has been Induced to say in his paper, the
Columbus Telegram, thst "Howell Is super
ior in everr sense to the nominee of the
opposing republican factions, and has ai
ways been "loysl to democratic Interests.1
While this Is not very strong, it Is still
paraded by ths Howell orgsn as an appeal
to democrats to stsna togntner.
What Edgar Howard really thtak of Ed
Howell can, however, beat be gathered
from what h ha written and printed
about him on previous occasions, when no
psrty whip was being cracked over his
head. Howard was In close attendance
upon the legtslsture In which Howell
served and observed the work of the cor
poration lobby in and outside of the senate
chamber. In the raplllon Time of March
12, 1!7. Edgar Howard said:
"Every school boy In Nebraska know
that every fuslonlst now occupying a seat
In the Nebraska legislature was chosen
with the Implied and express understand
ing that he would favor laws to regulate
the public corporation in the date. A
great majority of the fusion senator havf
been faithful to the pledge made by and
for them In the campaign. Eight ot them,
perjuring themselves In the eye ot God
and man, have gone over to the enemy.
We do not know that they were bought.
We do know that they have ruthlessly be
trayed the people who elected them. The
eight traitors who fell at the feet of Bill
Paxton and fought the bill to regulat the
stock yards octopus are:
RANSOM of Douglas.
HOWELL Of Douglas,
And Five Other Names.
Thece men deserve to be advertised to
the world a traitors. It I not pleasant for
us to denounce men of our own political
faith, but duty demands It."
After the session wa over and after
Howell had been defeated for mayor by
Frank Moores, In April of the same year,
commenting upon the reault Edgar Howard
among other things declared:
"We know that the defeated democratic
nominee for mayor wa not a fair repre
sentative of the silver forces. Had
the free silver forces nominated a clean
man like Frank Burkley for mayor be
would have won out with two thousand
majority to his credit and would have In
spired the blmetalllBts with enthusiasm and
confidence sufficient to have carried the en
tire city ticket with him. The blmetalllst
of the state had a right to expect better
thing from their brethren In the metro
polis. Let the result teach Omaha bl
metalllst once for all that the masses do
not trust a corporation toot, no matter how
long and earnestly he preaches free silver."
If the decent democrat of Omaha are to
heed the advice of Edgar Howard they will
prefer to heed that given by him at a tima
free from the - beat of a political cam
paign rather than that extorted from him
under specious argument of party ex
Pnt Vnder Bonds to Keep Peace
Fighters Go Twenty Past
LOUISVILLE, May 2, AftT having been
placed under arrest at the Instance of the
Citizens' league Benny Yanger and Kid
Broad went twenty fast rounds at the
Southern Athletic club tonight, Yanger get
ting the decision. This afternoon the prin
cipals and officials ol the light were ar
rested and taken before Judge Larulh, wh
held that the men could not be put In Jail
unless the contest should develop Into it
prize fight, but he imported a bond of $1,0)0
to keep the peace In each case.
The fight tonight went a ' swift pace.
Twice during the first ten rounds the men
seemed to tire, but recuperated quickly and
went at it again hammer and tongs. Broad
proved a glutton tor punishment. Vanger
clearly outpointed him. Yanger drew first
blood In the third round with a hard
smash to the nose. Broad kept on playing
for the body and his blows seemed to shako
y anger considerably.
The kid forced the fighting, apparently
playing for a quick flnltth. Hroad landed
three stinging righta on Yanger's jaw In
quick succession at the opening of the
bixth. Yanger drove a pair of rights to th!
stomach and then repeated the aose a
vigor which sent Broad Into a clinch to
bang on heavily.
Broad began slowing down In the eighth
under a broadside of mercllsas body blows.
It was anybody's light up to the seven
teenth round, although Yanger appeared
the fresher. From this to the end both
tried for a knockout, the twentieth ending
with a tierce mlxup.
The decision of Referee Hurst, awarding
the fight to Yanger, was approved by the
crowd. Broad waa very wobbly at the
finish.. ...
Beatrice Ioscs to Pawnee on Trnck.
' PAWNEE, Neb., May 2 (Special Tele
gramsToday at 2 o'clock at the fair
grounds In this . city the Beatrice high
school track team met the Pawnee high
school track team, tho same events being
run off as are run in the association field
meet, with the exception ot a fifty-yard
dash being substituted for the mile bi
cycle rate.
Beatrice was entirely outclassed in a ma
jority of the events and the final score
was Pawnee 663 points and Beatrice
points. The winner of th events and
acores were:
One hundred-yard dash: Pawnee first.
Pawnee and Beatrice tied for second place.
lime: u:it.
Pole vault: Pawnee first and second. Be
atrice third. Height: 8 feet.
Running high Jump: Beatrice and Paw
nee tied for first. Beatrice third. Height:
6 feet 1 Inch.
Eight hundred and eighty-yard run: Paw
nee first and third. Beatrice second. Time:
Two hundred and twenty-yard run: Paw
nee first and second. Beatrice third. Time:
Hammer throw: Beatrice first and second.
Pawnee third. Distance: 119 feet 2 Inches.
Shot put; Beatrice first and second. Paw
nee third. Distance: 34 feet 8 Inches.
Fifty-yard run: Pawnee first. Pawnee and
.Beatrice tied for second. Time: 0:61-5.
tour hundred and forty-yard run: Paw
nee first, and third, Beatrice second. Time:
0:M 2-5.
Mile run: Pawnee first and second. Tima:
Running broad Jump: Beatrice flrat send
third, Pawnee second. Distance: 19 feet 1
Relay race: Pawnee first. Beatrlca second.
Time: 4:25.
Kach school entered two men in eanh
event. Beatrice failed to finish for third
place in tne miie run. Btarter: u. M. Story,
Pannma Commission Bnlla.
COLON, Colombia, May 2. The member
of the sub-committee of tha United State
Panama canal commission sailed today for
New York. Major Black and the englneor
corps remained behind to complete the pre
liminary work.
Booth Dakota Bank Robbed.
FREEMAN, 8. D., May 2. The Merchant
State bank wa raided by robbers laat alghu
They lecured about $3,000 and escaped.
Don't fail to see our display
of Oriental Rugs
We have just received many
new pieces.
Her Grand Hotel. 519 S. 16th Street-
RuMlan-Germani Arraiifs Flewing Wei
com for President to Eanau Horn.
Roosevelt Reaches Sharon Rprlnas fur
Sabbath Rest After Busy gpeerh-
i-kl.. n aa..-.a.
SHARON SPRINOS, Kan., May z. presi
dent Roosevelt wound up a busy day's work
when hla train reached this place at 8:30
tonight. He will remain here until Mon
day starting then tor Denver and other
point In Colorado.
He made many stop and short speech-
during the day and wa greeted everywhere
by large and cheering crowds. At sev
eral ot the (topping places cadets ot tho
various colleges were at the station and
several times during the day he spoke of
the advantages of agricultural and other
Children Ulnar to C hief.
The most Interesting scene of tha day
occurred at Victoria, a small town Inhab
ited mostly by Russian-Germans, who still
retain many of their old customs. Several
hundred were at the station a the train
pulled In. The women were on one tdu of
the track and the men on the other. The
children were with their mother and when
the president appeared on the platform of
his car they sang very sweetly the "Red
White and Blue."
Then a number of little girls approached
the car and handed him bouquets.
Mr. Roosevelt was much touched at the
greeting.' "Let me thank you, " he eald.
"with all my heart for having come herf
to greet me. I have not enjoyed any meet
ing more. I congratulate you and I con
gratulate the United States that we have
such citizen In it. I congratulate you
on what you have done here on the farms.
In business, In all your work and I con
gratulate you especially on the children, on
the way they are being brought up and on
the way they alng and the tunes they
"It did me good to see such nrst-cias
young American citizens here and I am
pleased and proud to have had the chano
of seeing you."
Another Interesting scene occurred at
Junction City, which I close to Fort Rtley.
A number of the troop were drawn up at
the station and a presidential salute was
fired a the train approached.
Army Men Volantecra.
Here th president spoke ot 'the splendid
record made by Kansas troops in tho Span,
lsb war and In the Philippine Insurrection.
He also said:
Officers and, enlisted men In the regular
armv are our fellow cltlsens who h'tve
volunteered to wear the uniform which Is a
badge of honor to them and to us. and no
body of men in all the country deserves
more of the entire country than they do.
They have added lieh pages to the honor
roll of the republic by v.-hat they have don i
In the Philippines, by the courage and soi-dier-like
efficiency which they hae lnn
in those islands and by the extraordinary
moderation, self-restraint and humanity
with which thev have carried them-elves li
one of the most difficult and one of tne
most righteous contests ever wage I by any
civilised nation.
I am glad to have the chance, not merely
of greeting you this morning, but of asking
you to llBten to a few words from one of
the ablest public servants with whom any
nation at the present time is blessed, and
as great a war secretary as any nation ha
ever had. T Introduce my friend and your
servant, Ellhu Root, secretary of war.
Root Talks of War.
Mr. Root spoke ot the Una records made
by Kansas troops and continuing said: . .
I beg you to remember that you are ala
a part of the army ot the United Btatei.
These men In uniform are but the commit
tee of the cltisens of America appointed to
organise the army which will fight the
battles when war comes, as war always
does come sooner or later. You will be th
army. You women will be looking out
eagerly for th new from camp and flell
where brothers and husbands and father
are fighting the battles of your country,
and their health, their lives, their success,
their victories, their glory will depend oi
the relations between them and this or
ganising committee of war.
All cltisens are member of the samt
great army of the future, and so when '
pass by the post ot Fort Riley and come to
Junction City, I see but two branches of the
military post, the organising committee an I
the body of the army Itself. 1 be-ptak
from you klndllneu and good fellowship
with the men of the regular army, ami I
enjoin upon them the cultivation of thi
duty of cltlsenshlp, of kindly relations with
tneir ICUUW Ultiaeua, ill viuni met wiitin
times of trial come, all Americans, all
American volunteers, regular and militia
shall get together In strength and effi
ciency to fight the battles of our beloved
Stop also wsre mad during tha day at
Ellsworth, Chapman, Manhattan, Abilene,
Russell, Wakeeney, Dorrance, Balina and
Secretary Root left th party during th
Banks and Trost Companies Under?
write f 15,000,000 of Yerkes'
London Rati war.
NEW YORK, May J. Several of th Im
portant bank and trurt companle In the
United State hav Joined a syndicate to
underwrite an Issue of $15,000,000 B-per cent
ten year note ot the Underground Electria
Railway company of London. The company
I controlled by th Yerke-Speyer yndi
cat. Th entire loan win be $30,000,000. the
other talf being placed tn London.