THE OMAHA DAILY lifcEi SUNDAY, MAY 3. 1003. SPECIAL NOTICES rlll he ta-ea til 13 m. far taa evening eeltlon ana III "30 a. a, for noriln ana (Hinder egltloa. Ratea, 1 l-2o word Ural laeerflaa, la aw thereafter. Notblaaj takea far less than for Ihc Ural laser lloa. Thrtc trrlUraicili aaaet na euneernllTelr. Advertisers, br reqnela a " herrd rhrk, ran ka aaewer a4- reesed a inmbrrfd letter la eara f Ikf Bee. Aaawcra aa addraaae will ha delivered aa areseatntlea af tan It aalr. WAITED-SITUATION. WANTED, sitimtlon by young lady hoikkcper; several yearn' experience; references. Address D 1. Bee. A-M35I 4x WAXTED-MALB HELP. BOYLES COLLEGE. A high grade school of business, ehorlhand, touch typewriting and English branches. Lay and evening. Call write or 'phone tor prospectus. H. U. BOYLE8, President, N. Y. Life Bldg.. Oniaha, Neb. i B 10$ MEM to learn bsrber trade; free railroad rare upon our failure to convince you of thin being the BKST and only reliable, moat practical barber college In the United States. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Initltute, Grnaba, Neb. 11107 AMERICAN Barber college, corner 12th and Douglas Sts. Our Illustrated catalogue largest published. Free. Write. B 108 IOUNO MEN to prepare for government positions; good salaries. Box 670. Cedar Rapids, fa. B M146 11 DIME rantailorlum Pressing Co. Pants pressed, 10c; stilts, Sue. We call and de liver. 116 Bo. ltith. upstairs. Tel. 223. B M2D1 13 WANTED, for IT. S. army, able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 and IS; citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Infor mation apply to Recruiting Officer, 16th and Dodge 8ts.. Omaha, and Montgomery building, Lincoln, Nb. B WANTED. a few resolute young men to Join ua and take up home-stead claims on land to be Irrigated. National Irrigated Homestead Co., 401 Ware block, Omaha. B-233 3 F I RST-C I A 8 8 messengers wanted; good alar. A. L. T. Co., 212 So. 13th 8t. B M244 WANTED, men everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, advertising matter, tack signs, etc; no canvassing. National Advertising Bureau, Chicago. B M267 1 WANTED, a flrst-class salesman and a first-class cutter for blah-class tailor ng establishment; steady position and good pay; want men who can Influence trade; all answers atrlctly confidential. Address C 65, Bee B M4 2 WRITERS, amateur descriptive and short story writers. The Authors' Bureau, Mil waukee Wis. B 279 3x WANTED, men of ability to fill posi tions which we now have on our books. A few of the many positions we can offer competent men: Al.elothlng salesman to travel for wholesale nouse. western terri tory; salary. 1,6)0 per year and commis sion on all sales over 125,000. Private sec retary, young man. stenographer of abil ity; salary $1,800 per year. Experienced advertising rate man, salary 140 per week. Al lady stenographer; salary 120 per week. Theae are only a few of the many w are constantly called upon to fill. Em ployers come to us dally who want the best employes In every line of business and will pay highest salaries. We obtain positions lor ail ainns oi competent com ' merclal and professional men. Write now for booklet, and learn how wa obtain positions everywhere throughout the United States. Shattuck's International Bureau. A Clearing House of Brains, - Home office, 115 Dearborn St., CMcago, 111, B-3u3 3x 11 EN wanted. Our new catalogue now ready; sent free; tells how we teach the barber trade in six weeKS. Kansas city Barber Collesre. Write today. F. O. Brldgeford, 603 Delaware Bt., Kansa city, mo. ty mi 3- COMPETENT man to travel for large wholesale house; position permanent; 175 per month and expenses; reference re quired; state age and experience. Ad dress, Manager, epu i a, box W4, pnila delphia. Pa. B-324 3 DRAFTSMEN We have actual vacancies for 96 good men. Engineering Agency, Chicago. B 330 3 WANTED Man good habits to distribute and place stock; territory. Neb.; salaried position; some collecting: state aae. Ref erences. Addressed envelope. Asst. Man ager. Room 701 Star Building. Chicago. B 317 f WANTED Traveling man to advertise and collect for music house. 180 monthly and all expenses to start: tadv position to satisfactory party. Address Manager Travelers' zoz t'ontlac Bldg.. Chicago. B 318 3 DETECTIVb Shrewd, reliable roan wanted In every locality for profitable secret service. exDerlence unnecessary. Write American Detective association. Indlan- aoolla, Ind. B 313 S WANTED Representative to ' manage branch office for Chicago Co.. $3,000 sal ary with commission; also all expenses: steady position: $200 security required. Address W. Lake, Pres.. Pontlac Bldg., Chicago. ' B 811 S YOUNG man to travel, $60 month and ex. pens' i; experience unnecessary; send references. Williams Co., Chamber Com., Detroit; Mich. B 278 S DETECTIVES, every locality, good salary, experience unnecessary. Internationa! leteotlve Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. B 27T Sx AN INCOME of lis a week can be earned by any person able to write and willing to work: grand opportunity: big money; honest employment: partlcu'srs free, ad dressed envelone. Empire, 189 Montagu St., Brooklyn, N. Y. B-2S5 Jx LEARN proofreading: situations secured. $15 to $2" weekly. Home Correspondence trchool, Philadelphia. B WANTED, man of ability as general agent to write Investment contrscts. with guar, antea bond attached; HOxi month and office expenses. Hustler only.- Address International Credit company, Los An FINANCIAL corporation offers excellent opportunity to a man of charscter and sMiltv who can sell bonds and hiah-grade sec irltles; tlve references and state ex 'leriftiies. Address M. B. Mcon, l4-irl I u Falle Street. Chlcgo. B46 Sx MANAGER wanted I" every large county. "Game i' Skill' nickel .slot machine for drinke. clears and money; takrs plsro of lorlldden slot machines; strictly lawful everywhere: rented or sold on easv nay. ments; 61 now In :se. C",ntnKhnm Furniture Co., Department 85. Chlearo. Ill B423 Sx - r 9 1 . - . WEEKLY' eaeily earned (position per manent! distributing circulars, samples, tin-king signs; send fur particulars. Commercial Advertising , Aict!nn, Philadelphia, Pa. B l-'l Jx LIFE Insurance sollcCors. railroad men snd others. a local agents: lucrative work for catutble men with references. Altwt Chapelle Co., Ltd., Trust Bldg, Angeles, cal. H J77 Ix WANTED, a wide-awake, energetic man to Boiuit Pusine: iHry or lummlsslon; stMte asencv to rlebt man: no member. ship fee. The Inteinstlonal law and CulWtlon Co- Dayton. Ohio. B 310 3x WANTED, organlter for fraternal society, with recent successful .record, 1121-1A9 La Km lie St., Chicago. K 348 Sx WANTED, manager collection 'lenar en! . for one of Opiaha'a largest J ibbera. Wr'ie giving rferem-. age and t-x'r'enr-Address D 4. Bee. B 411 i WANTED, a hustling salesman who ha made a success tn somehne; no faliurrs need apply, smith Premier Typerltr Co. . B Mlt 4 GOVERNMENT positions. Write for our rlvti service catalogue and learn how over 14.000 persona annually secure good pay ing positions. Columbian Correspondent College. Washington, D. C. B WAITED-WALK HF.IP, WANTED, privilege men for twenty weeks; opening at Hastings. Neb., May 4-. K. P. big fair. Prlvelegea tor sale. Ad dress quick, Capt. B. Collins, Hastings, . Neb. B-.M4J2 4' CANVASSERS to sell Automstlc Screen Door Catcher; make big money. Exclu sive territory; sample, postpaid ISc. Au tomatic Catch Co., Chicago. B 373-lx $20 PER THOUSAND paid for copying snort letters; severs! lines or worn to rive o'.it; $5 to H we-klv working even ngs; enclose stamp for ropy of letter, in structions, etc Address, Esgle Whole sale Co., Chicago, III. B-878 I WANTED Old man to milk cow, attend lawn and do chores about the house; wage $12 a month. Call at the residence tf Mrs. D. L. Holmes, 2613 K street. South Omaha. B 437 S WANTED, at once, sheep shearers: hand work. T. H. Miller, Jr., Crete, Neb B M463 WANTED, men to learn barber trade. Short time required by our method. Prac tical exprlence. expert Instructors, etc. Comparatively no expense. Tools, posi tions and diplomas given. Catalogue with dally letters showing demand for barbers mailed free. Moler Barber College, 130$ Douglaa St. B M434 8 CHANCE for young man or woman to get life scholarship in leading business col lege at discount. D 10. Bee. B 468 3 WANTED, young man to work In restau rant; must understand th business. 403 Reed St., Red Oak, la. B 466 3 SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED, two salesmen, salary or com mission. C,K. Adams Co., loll Howard Bt. 108 SALESMEN for Lambert Typewriters, $20. Nona better. Monroe Co., 811 N. 16th. M240 WANTED Salesman to sell whit lead: no experience necessary: liberal romml 'slon paid; goods delivered and othr indjce ments to dealers. Address, Bowman Co operative White Lead Company, St. Lou , Mo. 334 J CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commissions, with advance of I HO monthly; permanent posi tion to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. 3 3x WANTED, traveling salesman for grocers' sundries; salary $1,200 per year. Address P. O. Drawer 64, St. Louis, Mo. -385 8x SALESMEN calling on retail merchants In ' all lines to handle aide line paying $6 to $8 per day; pocket samples free. Address Side Line, 315 Dearborn St., Chicago. 306 3x WANTED Salesman to sell white lead. No experience necessary; liberal commis sion paid; goods delivered and other in ducement to dealers. Address, Bowman , Co-operative White. Lead Company. St. Louis, Mo. ' aiua SALESMEN Staple side line, liberal com missions, good territory. Benedetto Alle grettl Co., Chicago. 274 TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska; no technical knowledge, but active all round hustler, established, well dated house. f R. Jennings, sale mgr., Detroit, Mich. -276 tx SALESMAN WANTED Traveling sales man of experience and ability, worth good aalury; favorable long time contract to competent man; experienced dry goods grocery or specialty salesman preferred; good credential required; personal Inter view arranged. Address C 67, Bee. -289 Sx SALESMEN wanted for western territory; road experience required; good line; good pay; permanent position. Address C 83, Bee. 290 Sx SALESMEN WANTED, wage weekly ex perience unnecessary; permanent. Man ager Western Nursery Co., Lawrence, van. WE MUST have more traveling salesmen Apply at once. George A. Baker & Co.. South Bend, Ind. SALESMEN, traveling or local, side line; 26 per cent commission; goods new sell to every business everywhere; sample' case free. Addreae L. N. Co., 112 B. 126th St.. xvew York. WANTED, salesmen to carry a fine line of calendar as a aide line; also special rep resentatives wanted; sample furnished; give experience as salesman and refer ences, f. O. Box 413, Chloago. 406 Sx SALESMAN, to work the general and gro cery trade. Nebraska and Arkansas; two good Ulklng propositions; big commls. sion. Wilson, Close Co., Iowa City, la. 119 3x SALESMEN easily earn $30 or more per week In new, unoccupied field In first op portunity ever offered upon remarkable set of book having no rival or competitor, fulfilling demands for which they are the only supply. Proeperoua. cult j red people all deeply Interested. Bend for deacrlptlve circular. Yewdale Co., Monon building, Chicago. -347 3 WANTED, salesmen. $60 monthly and ex penses; permanent. Herrick Seed Co.. Rochester, N. Y. SALESMEN Automatln mnvlm, krb needed by every business man; bonansa" sL8,"- p"h'n Mfg. Co.. . South SALESMEN JOHN SEXTON CO. Im porters of teas and coffee and wholesale arocera. 1A in 9 uu rA a. rwi rr: . - - , - - wi., v u n m h 11, wane experienced .honest, energetic, high grade tnnn t ..II fnn. ...... . , . , . . . -v w-.-. .. in v 1 miu uiner large uuy era. Ve are the largest grocery house In ....... - a 1,1 uusiiieua, unit me originator of horjest and modern methods oe rftndiiptlntf 1 u. i . : 9 ... imiiuia ina iififsi goods and guarantee quality and quantity of every article; no capital required; ex- an nu ll n esao- llshed trade insures fine Income. We are abuviui iera in nicago. -375 Sx WANTED at once, experienced travellni 001-mmi ior iNenrasKa. We want 1 salesman, no has-beens need apply Ad dress Drawer B, Chicago, 374 jx SALESMAN To call on general trade, with i" auveruamx line; every mer chant a prospective buver: llhepal .r- Aid2re'" wl,h Irefre,icea and experience. ... , .twjui iJtini at 1 nomas, cnioago. am ix 8AI.KSMF.N !.) 1- . . . - -.I, ,, rnijii3, piano w? X"cl; lHersl commission. Trojan " . , . 1 duuui dbiiu, ina. -367 Sx WAN1ED for Nebraska, experienced trav nun salesman o so icit tne general mar chnmllee trade; reference and bond re quired. Addreas Box 608, St. Louis. Mo. 3S0 tlx WASTED IjEMALE HELP. 1C0 Girls Call Canadian ofTice, 15th 4 Dodge. C-1U WANTED, girl for general housework. 2X20 . .muium wri. van alter p. m. C-69 W ANTED, glr for general housework, lost) Georgia Ave a C-7t SHIRT MAKERS, Immediately, at Albert Cahn's. 21 So. 14th bt. C 9tW 3 WANTED, a good cook. 1120 Park Ave. C-2J 4 COPYING letters at home; li'" per 1,1x0, pal weekly. Nothing to ouy or sell; no lan vasBlng; ttivdy tmployment.. iaiMidy Co iwidy Co., Ui Nussau bt., New York. C-33-: ACTING taught by a thorough mall ivi tern; engagements secured fur competent pupils. Ailreis Lyceum School of Dram- uiw Al l, Aiiniieapoim. C Jyj PLAIN writers; home employment; filling small blanks; rate iH per l.OUu; addreaacd stamped envelope. Union Commercial bureau, Dept. 26, Chicago. c tan 3x WANTED, hous'.kecif . widower and three children; good home to right person. Ad. dr C 62, Bee. C--29S Ix WANTED Lady to travel and collect In Nebraska: Salary $16 per week and x ninses: references; only willing worker need anolv. Send slf-ddrei d envelope. Advtriislu Bureau, bt Dearborn ft.. Chi ao. C 312 $ LF.ARN proofreading: situations secured. $!i to $25 weekly. Home Correspondence School, Philadelphia. C WOMAN as aecomi rook. $18 per month; chambermaid. $16 per month; dishwasher, $12 per month; dining room girl, $15 per month; laundry woman, $J per mouth. Addreas U. Beck, McCook. Neb. C-MK4) t WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE THE MONEY THAN SOME OF YOUR UNUSED HOUSEHOLD GOODS. A WANT AD IN THE BEE WILL SELL ANY OLD THING. WASTED FEMALE HELP. LADIES, do plain sewing at home; W to $15 paid weekly; material sent free every where; send stamped envelope for par tlcjlars. Weber Mfg. Co., 18 West Mh St., New York. C 3S5 Sx $20 PER THOUSAND paid for copying short letters, several line of work to give out; $5 to $6 weekly working even ings. Enclose stamp for copy of letter. Instructions, etc. Address Eagle Whole sale Co., Chicago, III. C 372 3x- $5 PER HUNDRED for addressing envel opes; send "dime and stamp for full In structions; steadv work. C. E. Miller & Co., Ely Bldg., Chicago. C 871 3x YOUNG girl about 16 to assist In csre of baby. 3567 Howard. C 362 3 LADIES or gents copy letters at home, no names to supply, or addressing envelopes, nothing to buy; $20 a 1.000 paid weekly. Send addressed enve'ope for copy and application blanks. Practical Mfg. Co., 128 Market St., Newark, N. J. C 369 8x WANTED Manicurist and hair dresser to call at residence and do work. Andres particulars. D 7. Bee. C 431 3 LADIES wanted to do embroidery and Bat- tenberg at their homes; steady work. Chicago Crochet Co., Chicago, 111. C WANTED Ladles to learn halrdrer.sln- manicuring or facial massage; see the ad vantages we offer; position given; four weeks completes. Call or write today. Moler College, 1302 Douglas Bt. C-M402 8 WANTED, a good girl for general hO'ie- Brnrlr innlv 3r8 fau i 'MIA tt LADY, and also young girl, wanted to learn professional manicuring. Address I V, Bee. C 4G8 3 WANTED, woman cook, at once: must be good at pastry, 403 Reed St., Red Oak. Ia. C-467 3 HELP WANTED. WANTED, alx solicitors; three ladles. tnree gentlemen. Must be bustlers, to travel. Call at R'vere hotel. Council Bluff. Ask for Mr. Tracy. M238 7 DEPUTIE9, men or women; splendid con tract, ine uaraenera, vji Bee building. M112 WANTED, plain writer; copy letters home; io weeaiy; sena siampea envelope ror sample letter. Verltzan Co., 34 Park Row, New York. 349 3x FOR RENT FIRMSHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 123 AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th & Dode-e. ti li4 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. iu 1-0 L. M. E. haul trunks. Telephone 780. E-12 $1.00 TO $2.00 per week. 422 8. 18th St., one diock soutn of court house. E 127 DOUBLE parlor, south front; reference. r-none r -iioui. 128 TWO nicely furnished rooms. 562 8. 26th . 14173 M10' CENTRAL, modern, two or three furnished rooms, zm fi. zsa. E M293 M13 NICELY furnished modern room. 1617 v-ss street. M297 M14 NEATLY furnished rooms by the day or , prices reasonaDic. Mti Leaven worth St. E M704 THE FARNAM, 19th and Farnam. E 941 HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping room 2013 nuwiru. n 949 8 ROOM, modern. 2680 Harney. Tel. ' L-2666. E M223 te NICE large front room, modern, bath, In I . . .1 . (i 1 1 1 , ' I . . .."vBi iuhuuii, 101 vuiuaiu si. E M255 4 NEW furniture, modern. 1916 Farnam. E A12o3 5 ROOMS, $1.60 to $3 per week; board, II. inuiBiuii nuiei, join ana jacason sts. E M252 Jl FIVE-ROOM, clean, furnished apartment in ine uunsany f iat, .until aept. 1. Ad dress D . Bee. E 424 3x ELEGANTLY modern, furnished and un- turnisnea rooms in nice, new brick build. Ing, close to business center. 1616 Web ter St. C 460 S CLEAN, nice . furnished room; also two . rooms for housekeeping; $1.60 to 12.60 per week. 622 S. 18th St. E 468 3 NICE furnished rooms for housekeeping; all conveniences to do washing; 82.00 to $2.76 per week. 1614 California. E 457 BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms; nice neigh borhood, close In to business, with use of telephone. 710 S. 18th St. E 456 8 NEWLY furnished, clean rooms; nice cool place; If you want these rooms come oon. 811 8. 20tb. K M463 FRONT and back jarlor floor; modern con. venlencea; nice location, close In. 809 S. . 20th St. E 454 3 FURNISHED rooms for rent; modern house; one or two gentlemen; pr;-ate family. 1323 8. 27th. E MI33 5 NICELY furnished rooms, house modern telephone Red 2952. 2011 Harney st. 161 3 LARGE south front room; first class loca tion; walking distance. 2224 Farnam. E M278 3 FIR.MSHED ROOMS ASD BOARD. NICE rooms, steam heat, with or without bourd; low rates. Mlcilund Hotel, 16th and Chicago. F 430 1816 DODGE, front parlor and other rooms. Telephone A-2407. F-.Mit33 ROOM and good board. 626. 8. 19th. F-621 19x THE KENWOOD, 2616 Farnam, one large front parlor, suit able for man and wife or two gentlemen; excellent board; location beat in Omaha. 'Phone A-2it. F (to NICE rooms, good board. 415 N. 26th St. F 131 ROOM and board; flrst-class. 213 8. 25th street. F 232 NICELY furnished rooms, with or without board; day board or meal tickets rea sonable. Midland hotel, 16th and Chlcugo kits. ' F M0 1617 CASS ST., nicely furnished rooms, with board; terms moderate. F Sai 3x DESIRABLE furnished rooms and lirst-cla.- table board; modern, detached house large yard, 119 Burt. Ref-'reuce. F-3U7 Sx FOR RENT ISFIR.MSHKD ROOMS. TWO or three fine unfurnished rooms. 220 N. 2id street. G 5JV FOR RENT Unfurnished rooms, Wlthnell building. 15th and Harney. See janitor. Q 266 4 FOR RENT STORES AID OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Bee at 916 Farnam Bt. It ha four stories and a basement which was formerly used aa The Bee presa room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at office of C. C. Roue water, uttcreiary, room M, Bee building. 1261 FOR RENT, building suitable fcr whole sale purpose al 910 Farnam, 22xls), four stories and nrst-clvvs cemented basement, elevator, fir and burglar proof vault, utile counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary tne Bee Building Co., room luO. Bee building. 1 bljol OFFICES In The Bee building, $10.00 per nunth up; rental price Includes het, light and Janitor aervlce. R. C. Peters Co., gioaud floor, Bee Bldg 126 I FOR KENT-STORES ASD OFFICES. STORE ROOM FOR RENT. 1615 Howard St., best of repair, good base, mrnt, M. UKORUE A CO., 16M FARNAM ST. 1-973 10 FOR RENT Office mac. tret floor. Ff nam street. 1614 Farnam. at. 1276 4 2419 CUMING STORE ROOM I1S.O0 13th Pierce store room 20.PO 2212 N. 24th Store 6-room flat 30 00 Howard St. Ptore room 40.00 GARVIN BROS. 1604 FARNAM 8TREET. X 428 3 AGEXTS WASTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every m.i I.. I 1. tA t 1 n 1 . ... . ...... n .n 'I'll I.' IV BUI1L11 PUUI.LIIIUUIB t I HQ TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In tome. Agents In the country with horse snd buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily jwi to $1W) per month. Ad drets, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. J 213 GOOD money regularly made by hundr. ds of women representing Royce's hln grailo . in. vi ma uaum ana iimci nciu.iiirB, Regular trade easily established, utcasu goods please. Write today. The Abtier aoyce Co., Station B, Cleveland, O. J J4 3' WE WANT women to sell made to measure storm garment mackintoshes, stormy weather skirts, etc. Guaranteed good. Dakota woman made four djyo. Write for proof. Quick snles. Splenoll profit. Repeat order assured. Wiice today. Laales' Supply Co., 3118 Forest Ave., Chicago. J 312 8 Any one willing to work can make $18 per " ' coning; uur ausoiuieiy new pocKei dictionary and atlas of the world com bined; 90 clear concise maps; So.dOo w rd defined. Fits the pocket. Worth a 1.0II ir to anybody. Send 2 cent for samp.c anl terms. Kand, McNally & Co., v.n,ca,o, All. J 311 3' GREATEST money maker of the age for oe.;,no, mim men, venaers wno attend fairs, carnivals, summer resorts. The stupidest, dullest amongst you can make a fortune. Agent sold 637 In one day at Dallas fair. The Resurrection Plant, lives forever. Rich green foliage. Samples 15c, $faO per 100 delivered, tlrcjlars, Instruc tions, pointera. Summit County Green house, Box 118 E., Akron, Ohio. J-391 Sx LADY agent to sell best Skirt Supporter made. Agents make good money. Par ticular on application. U-Neat Company. Decatur. 111. 3x'' AGENTS make $26 to $75 weekly soiling Aliens Fountain Brush and Bath Outfit. Write for terms. Allen Mfg. Co., Toledo, Ohio. j344 3x AGENTS $30 to $50 weekly easily made. We prove this. Luminous nameplates numbers, signs readable darkest nlshts: samples free. Right Supply Co.. EnsMe wood. 111. J 318 3 AGENTS WANTED Hitch horse (olid In stantly; patented; weighs but few ounces: fits pocket: slKht seller. Address Pocket Hitchlngpost Co.. Richmond. Ind. . J 314 3 AGENTS and canvassers, men and women, make money selling our photo Jewelry, buttons and medallions. The finest work of this character produced In the Coun try. Made from any picture. Great sell ers, liberal terms, tree catalogue. Write today. Reed & Co., 113 Adam St., Chi cago, 111. j WANTED, oil agent In every county: re liable, energetic men to sell on commis sion, specially to the farmers and thresh ers, our line of high-grade lubricating oils, greases, also roof, bam and house E,n!,!V ARly 5 Address The Woodland Oil and Grease Co., Cleveland. Ohio. J-287X AGENTS, our men are making $3 to $10 a day fitting glasses: our free eye book tell fiUtia?i0!n 11 t; w,,e t,oday' Jack.onian Optical College, Dept. 1-3, Jackson.- Mich. J-284 Sx AGENTS $75 monthly; Metal Combination Rolling Pin; nine article combined; Ihght. n, L? . r: "ample free. Forshee Co.. B. 678. Cincinnati. O. J 288 Sx AGENTS to develop most fascinating and peculiar high-class book business ever offered. Thousands of distinguished con tributor and patron Including kings, queene, prince and eminent scholars from all parts of the world. A unique money making opportunity for alert and ener getic solicitors. Send for circular. Yew dale Co.. Monon Bldg., Chicago. j AGENTS, for photo button, brooches lockets, medallions; big inducement. Photo Jewelry Co., 195 State St., Chicago LAMP that make it own gas; no oil wicks or chimneys; sells for one dollar-' lamp free to those wishing to work for us Eastern Gas Co., 130 Fulton St., New York. j WANTED Lady agent wanted for the old established "Hygela Corsets and Skirt " the agent' best friend and money maker. For particular apply to Western Corset Co., St. Louis, Mo. j THE AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE IN SURANCE CO.. Elkhart. Ind.. lnaure persons from 60 to 84. Seventeen year In business Liberal contract to agents. J- BIO WAGES to agents everywhere to show Rector Cream Separator to farmer Harris-Goar Mfg. Co., Dept. F. Kansas City. Mo. j WANTED, local agents everywhere for our "New Music Issue;" 500 per cent profit; no competition; special territory. The Groan Music Pub. Co.. 424-428 Race St., Cincin nati O. j ENERGETIC women can make $20.00 a month upward, selling Oray's Specialties and Monthly Friend Supporters: are washable; fjOc for agent outfit. Charles 8. Ruckstuhl, 617 Elm. St. Louis. J BEGIN business for yourself; top working for others; we tart you in profitable mall order business at your home; pleasant work: immense profits; unlimited possi bilities. Full information for stamp. Franklln-Howard Co., Denver, Colo. J- GENERAL agents for latest patent Char coal Flatlrons out; three kinds; lowest prices. Newark Iron Co., 8pitigarm Bldg., Newark, N. J. J 418 3x $20 PER 1.000 paid weekly for copying let ters at home; no names to supply or en velope to address and nothing to pur chase. Address Apollo company, Bpln garm building, Newark, N. J. J 416 Ix AGENTS, Automatic Washers sell them selves. One man writes: "Exhibited sam ple to 10 women: took ten order." Time required, 46 minutes; profit, over $.'.0. Guaranteed to do a washing In ft) minutes; furnishes) Its own power; requires neither labor nor attention; costs less than any other machine: free sample and exclusive territory furnished; $: week guaranteed; thousands of testimonials. Automatlo Waaher Co., Station U, Chicago. J-367 S SPLENDID opportunity, full Instructions for starting: experience or capital un necessary; standard line; no fake; sample free;. rare chance for large profits; estab lished house. Porter-Motter, Chicago. J 361 Sx WANTED, agent to handle our high grade perfumea. our plan wins; large profits, terms reasonable. Leffler & (Jo., St. Louis, Mo. J THE OREATEST of all Automatic Ma chines la our Sandwich Vendor. Write for exclusive territory and particulars. Leo Canda Mfg. Co.. Manufacturer of all kind of slot machines, Cincinnati, O. J- LADIES' handy hat fastener, tewed to hat. do away with hut pins; price 26 cent per pair, postpaid: lady agents write for prices. The Fair Mfg. Co., Dept. B. Ra cine. Wis. J-37S ix AGENTS wanted everywhere, either sex; make 15 to tlo a day; others are. why nut you? Experience unnecessary, proposition peaks for Itself. Don't dses this with take ads and mis the rhanc. Writs today. National Association. 520 Rltlto Bldg . Chicago. J 32 Ix A:KNTH wanted; artistic snd pictorial i.!gn curds are winners: ' specialties: every merchant buvs from S to 60O on sight: easy work with l.oue per cent nroflt. gxmiite free. Val Sthreler Sign Works, Milwaukee. WU. J-383 lx AAETS WAITED. AGENTS make $5 a day. sell photos from Paris life list and samples to start, 12c, stamps. Laurln, 21 R. Yandamme. Paris. France. J 376 Ix BEGIN RIGHT Don't start In the coming business with cheap clap-trap articles. We manufacture and supply up-to-date nirtse., catalogues, etc.. to legitimate mail order houses all over the U. 8 , and fur nish a practical outfit for beglnnera at low price. A successful side line for merchants and professions! people. Write for catalogue and particulars. Chicago Specialty Co., 70-73 Dearborn St., Chlcoiro. J-360 3 WB WANT an energetic, hustling man in each county to take jobs of painting roofs, barns. Iron fences, etc.. In both town and country with Elliott's Durable Asphalt Coating and to sell the material to those who do their own painting. If you are not afraid of work write and see how profitable this Is. We are the largest makers of Pure Asphalt Paints in the United States. Our goods are well known and easily sold. Elliott Varnish Works. Chicago. J 366 3x WANTED, manager in every city, county to handle best paying business known: legitimate, new, exclusive control. Phoe nix Co., 15 W. 2Mh St., New York. J 368 3x WAJfTEDTO REST. I NEED cottages and small houses to sup ply demand. List them with me. O. E. Turklngton, $06 Bee. K 673 WANTED, to rent, a strictly modern nine room house, with barn. In the West Far nam or Hanscom park district, by a first class tenant, without any children, who will pay up to $60 a month rent. C 56, Bee. K-264 4 WANTED Four unfurnished hcuoekeeDlna rooms In private fnmlly- will exchange reference. Answer P. O. box 39. K 265 S WANTED TO Bl Y. WANT to buy a modern home. 6 to 8 rooms. In good location; tasli fur barga n. Ad dress C 69, Bee. N M261 3 WANTED Military land warrants; $5 paid rerson telling me w l.o has one, v. net l et buy or not. R. K. Kelloy, Kanras City, Mo. N S3 WANTED A quantity of flrst-clnss sod at Prospect Hill Cemetery, 32d and Parker Bts. N M328 4 GOOD second-hand aet bank fixtures; make diagram and lowest cash price. C. H. Eckery, Exeter, Neb. N 410 3 WANTED, to buy stock bocks, stationery, news; give particular. Address 515 North 13th St., Lincoln, Nebraska. N 420 3x FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New and second-hand bought, sold, exchanged. O 132 LEAVING the city. Household furniture, parlor suite, folding bed. leather ouch, secretary, bookcase, kitchen stove, rugs, oak chamber set and other things. Oil at 3646 California st. O IJ6 3 FOR SALEHORSES, WACOM, ETC, AUCTION sale of horses every Tuesday, Thursday, at John 8. Cooper's, Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb. P-275 12x I HAVE several No. 1 buggies and car rlages I will sell at less than thev can be bought for at faotory. Wm. Pfelffer 2620 , Leavenworth. P M648 HORSE AUCTION at Union Stock Yards horse market every Wednesday afternoon. . P 133 75 DELIVERY wagons, buggies, carriages, any sise or arty price to suit. H. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P 134 CARRIAGE painting, repairing. Cass St. Carriage Works. Wood & Anderson. loi Cass St. Tel. $472. P -1649 21 FOR SALE, driving horse, 6 year old, brown and weight about 1,100; perfectly ound. Also roan driving and Fa d mare. Both will be sold cheap If taken oon, or will trade for city lot. Addiess 2426 Erskine St. P M259 3 FOR SALE, fine driving horse and rubber road wagon, cheap. 8230 Burt St. P-396 3 HIGH-CLASS 8ADDLE - HORSES FOR BALE The ''Denmark" gelding. "David Francis;" the "Red Squirrel" mare. "Miss King;" both Incomparable In breeding, style and finish; thoroughly mannered In ell the saddle gaits and harness. At Union Btock Yard barn next Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday. Graham Proctor Co. P 450 3 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. New and 2dhand typewriters. 1119 Farnam. W-136 INDIAN goods and relic. 1119 Farnam. Q 136 CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man & McCounell Drug Co., Omaha. W-428 SECONDHAND man' wheel. In good con dltlon; will sell cheap. Call at 24u Cass t. Q-M913 HIGH-GRADE buggy, harness und car riage, good as new; a big bargain. John son & Roberts, Deere building. 10th and Leavenworth. Q M347 M.14 FOR BALE Secondhand Locomobile; In flrrt-claas shape, at one-half price. Call or address. 1621 Farnam Si. y M54& IU8INE88 college scholarship for sale at a bargain In one of Omaha's leading com mercial colleges; Ufa scholarship. Addres 6 47. Bee office. M716 FOR SALE, Remington typewriter No. . new, $60, first offer accepted. Address C $4, Bee. Q M6K5 Si NO. 6 REMINGTON cheap. F. D. Wiad. 1524 Douglas St. 0.-730 FOR SALE. Crane hydraulic elevator, can be used either passenger or freight, com plete. Iron guide posts, cage and wire incisures. J. L. Brandel & Son. Q-598 BLOOD HOUNDS, trained and untrained, for aale at a bargain. Colby Blood Hound Co.. Colby. Kan. Q-M237 S FOR SALE Furniture of seven-room house, Including one upright Emerson pluno. Call 19mj N. 36th. , Q-2iO i WIRE fence for hogs, poultry, lawn and farms. Wire Works, 611 8. 16th. Tel. 1SH0. Q-1S7 Jyl2 FOR SALE, piano, furniture and carpets Address 2462 P. 17th St. VI-M260 3 FOR BALK, phonographs, superior to any other musical Instruments, 15 up. The Columbian Phonograph Co., 1621 Farnam. Q-140 TELEPHONE pole. Long Fir tlmrer. Chicken ft nee. Oak piling. Kol Douglas. W 7 2DAND aa' cheap. Deright. 1119 Farnam. W iM T. DUKKIN. electric llgnt wiring Tel 244 FOLDING camp tot. H. R. Wvkert. 701 6 1$ Q-Mu63 M21 FOR BALE First -mortgage note bearing per cent Interest, puyublo every six months: has about I'i years to run; good security and endorsed by responsible prty: anoint, Sl.suO. Inquire C, M. Bachman Room 4.1. Paxton Block. T-OAKT, cabriolet, coupe and runabout, rearly new, rubber Urea: owner mui-t sell at sacrifice. Address C 64, Bee. gM2sC 9 FOR HALE Eleven shares of stock of Th ' Hhojk Manufacturing Co. Will sell at a bargain. Wlihelmlna Heller, Hotel Pleas, anion, Denver, colo. y 2il MUST sell aulck Fdlson phonograph. Vic tor talking machine, also recurda bran new, never unpacked. Price less than nan. A a a reus u a, ee. w-m Gasoline tuvea cleaned. 2421 Cuititng St. MIM EI.I.AKEOIS. ORIENTAL Rug man. repairing and clea Ing by the only oriental, with ortenl methods. No steam, no machine no scl an tal d iv iiijuiv iru, un. . u iimii'siitii a Msry's sve. 'Phone n-8. R M358 Ml? CLAIRVOYANTS. y,R8 FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1614 Cas street! 84.11 MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 115 8. 11 B 433 M ADA MM LUCRKTIA. medium, 17o Call- ."Mi !. o m&n sna- MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY yl'KKN of clairvoyant. Every thing told; past, I reent and future. Sat isfaction or no pay. tk7 N. Uih. 8 MJ64 QUEEN of clairvoyants. Mm. Smith, sov ereign toreteiier of the future and re vealer of the past. For love affaire or btislneis matters or domestic trouble, or If you would speculate and know your luck before Investing, call ai 807 North I8th. Everything lold. Satisfaction or no P81- S 461 3 MME. GYLMER. OMAHA'S FAVORITE PALMIST, Is the most wonderful and thoroughly eclent'flc palmist of the present ag. Mme. Gylmer reads life rnnsls.entlv and ac curately, she does not tell you anylh ng but what Is of Importance to ycu and what she tells Invariably proves correct. If in need of advice on any suhlect she can help you. If you desire to know what you are best adapted to don't fall to con sult her. 8h can tell you what business or profession to follow In order to be suc cessful. She Is recognized authority in palmistry, which Is the only recognised method of life reading now In vogue. Parlors. 315 S. 15th, in Granite block, sec ond floor. Take elevator. h E-ECTHIC TREATMENT. MM 13. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 13, 2d floor, r. I 1 M98 M7' MRS. DAVIS. 1621 Howard sAreet. hatha; uini-vuiiv assieiani. J-Mro M-8" GRACE O'BRYAN of Kentucky. 720 B. 13th T M0SH1 MASSAGE and flushing treatment. Chronlo ruflpg lailloi tori f 1 k:... onto . 1 . ....kv. w . ai.r. o 10 unui T-M724 M24 GLADYS 8HKPARD, massage, vapor and 1 U , . I 1. . I. .. . . .... 1 ' aiuMll't VIIIB. 011 nuor sun pt. lnin St. , T-M227 M29 MISS HOWARD B , elegant massage, baths, 3174 N. 16th, flat E. T-M910 M2o PERSONAL, PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and uv..i..m v...,.!.. v.i.ii.. i . mm jnrf. weiiacn, 302-j California St. Term teasonable. U 440 PRIVATE home for women during con finement. Good Samaritan Sanitarium. 28 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. U M699 DR. ROY. chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. 2 and S. 1506 Farnam St. U-438 ELITE PARLORS. 616 8. 16th 8t. Id Hoor. TT - J .... U .U -Ul I VIAVI, a wholesome nerve and tissue food anu nonie ir-.umieiii ior aisoroers 01 women. Write for free booklet. Viavl Co., 848 Bee Bldg., Omaha. TJ 437 MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists, $1. IT CURES. U-436 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; baoles boarder and adopted. Mrs. Gardels, 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-1884. U 439 WE RENT machines. 75c per week, $3 per month. We repair 'and sell parts for any machine manufactured. Good second hand machine for $5 to $10. Nebraska Cycle Co., 16th and Harney 8t. U-M289 MIS RUPTURE CURED without pain. Emplr P.upture Co.. N. T. Life Big., Omaha. U 434 TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. messengers, U 43$ QUIET home for ladles In tfouDle before and during confinement; good care and prompt attention assured. Write or call. Mrs. L. Carter, 3317 Charles, Omaha, Neb. M909 May8 HOME during confinement; first-class. Dr. . L. L. Miller. 2604 Blondo. 'Phone F-im U-M794 C. EDERER, Bristol St. florist. Tel. 1796. U-M117 BAM'L BURNS, special prices for May. ts-329 M14 MRS. JACOBSON, 2206 N. 20th St. U-M363 Mil HEADQUARTERS for Edlon ' phono graphs and Victor talking machines; 2O.0C0 record to select from Nebraska Cycle Co., corner 15th and Harney ls. U-M290 M13 THE VIEREGG Fire Escape save lives That's all. Room 8, 'Barker block. TeL A -33 96. , U-M354 Mil ATTENTION! Societies, Lodges, Club and Parties. If you contemplate to give a plcn'c dur ng the Bummer you wunt to go where . ou are welcome, where there Is a line (ark and shady trees and surrounded by ,h Klkhorn river; a fine dancing platform, line fishlna- and boating-, and all of thia I Just for the asking. Arrangement for cheap railroad rates can alwuys b made For further information ndd.eis, Fr.d Bonnenscheln, West Point, Neb. U !39 3 DO YOU WISH TO MARRYT If so ad dress, stating age, The Home Correspond ence Club, Toledo, Ohio. . U-313 3 CANCER and tumors cured without cut ting or burning plasters. A written agree ment to cure or no pay. Write for testi monials.' Dr. J. Clement, 406 Hunted Bldg., Kansas city, ian. u 4 3x MARRY Largest exclusive matrimonial paper published, 10c; sent sealed; 3,000 en rolled: worth $100 to $100,OiiO. R. L Love. Denver, Colo. U 824 3 I SEEK husband for lady. 22. worth $10,000 ana beautiful farm; may, si, mi.tjii; widow, 36, I30.0UO and atock farm; lady. 26. $40,000. Address Mrs, Leland, 19 South Broadway, Bt. Louis, Mo. U 2S2 3x DO YOU wish to correspond or marry? If ao, address confidentially. National Alliance, Grand Rapids, Mich. Describe yourself. U LOVE secret, how to make anyone love you above all rivals, by the quick, sure method of the tropics; how to succeed In business, to Influence others, person ally or by letter: sent free. Address O. 14.. Mexico Co., Box U6, Ixis Angeles, Cal. U- DO YOU wish to correspond or marry? It o, address confidentially, Ntllpnal Alli ance, Grand Raolds, Mich. Describe your aelf. V- YOl'R fortune told from cradle to grave; what I tell you comes true. Send dime and birth date. Prof. J. Myen, 64, Drawer 704. Chicago. . U 3S1 Ix LADY, with best referenree, would care for home of parties leaving city. Address D 8, Bee. U-461 3 SUPERFLUOUS hair, wart and mole permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and contidoiitlal ; all work guaranteed. Miss Allendrr, 1613 DoukIhs. AGNES V, 8WETLAND, M..D.. removed from 17th and Dodga to 18th and Douglas; specialist In women' diseases. v U 459 3 8APHO NOT IN IT. The latest book. Just out 20 tales by 2 women, prepaid by ex prea for 11.00. Novelty Publishing Co., Chicago. I' 4Q6 I MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 4 TO t P. C. money. Bemls, faatonBloca. FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. W 446 414 PFII CENT on bjt-intss properly. E per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. M-1KLE. 401 8. UTH, BTj WANTED, city and farm loan; also bond and warrant. R. C. Peter at Co., 1701 Farnam 81., Be Bldg. . W-44 WANTED, city loan and warrants. W. Farnam Btiiltb Co., 13J0 Farnam street. V-4it PP.1VATE money. F. D. Wead, U,Z4 Douglaa, W 44 TRIVAT- money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. l ife. w-a MONEY TO l.OAN-REAI. ESTATE. FARM and elfy loans, low rates. WV ill Thomas. First Nat. Bank Bldg. Te'Mr 7 MONEY TO LOA CH4TTEI YOU CAN'T Make a mlslake by seeing u before jou borrow, and WE THINK It mrin ha n vnnr iitvintiir. We are tr-i oiuesi concern in mmi ini. ... with all-around consistent dealing - recommenj us. . . ,a We loan on Furniture, Pianos, Live Sttc.v . ,nk... a ...iHitrtiw rpimiVR I O property. V ubo loan to SALARIED PEOPLE Upon their own agreement to repay. can make your note for one year If you so wish and give you the option or rav ing It all or In part at any time, onu thj Interest stop the day the principal 14 paid. We try to have no one leave our ofTice displeased. 0MAHA MtGE. (Established 1892.) dress C 63. Bee. I c -OAN O.. ao & I6ih St. B M.iHl t X MKlU DO YOU NEED MONEY? MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND SALARtES. $10 to $o00 loaned on FURNITURE, PI ANOS. Etc., and to 8ALARIKD PLOPLB at very low rates and for any length of time, without publicity or removing the property. Payments can be made to suit your convenience. Call and gut our tor ma before going elsewhere. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Boom 303. I'axtou Block. Room 303. ' X-M65S MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. SALARIES. Etc. Law rates and easy term. Business) confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHEON1X CREDIT CO.. $33 Paxton Block. 16tb and Farnam Sta. 600 PAXTON BLOCK NEW SALARY RATES. LOAN CO. LOWEST X-M676 SALARY I.OANS ON PLAIN NOTE, ANY AMOUNT; LOW RATES. EASY PAY MKNTB; CONFIDENTIAL. THE 8TAK LOAN CO.. BOOM 644 PAXTON BLOCK. X-368 MONEY loaned on plain note to aalarled people; business confidential, lowest rata. 614 paxton diock. ine J. A. iuiion to., X 4i MONEY loaned on piano, furniture, Jc elry. horse, cow, etc C. F. Reed, 319 S. i 11 X 466 CHATTEL salary and Jewelry loan. Foley Loan Co., auo to l. ureen, K. s, Maraer ua SALARY LOANS UPON PLAIN NOTES. American Loan Co., Paxton block, IJ floor, X M667 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS To SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team titers, boarding houses, etc., without se curity ; easiest term. 40 office lu prin cipal cltlea. Tolman. 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-452 THE .STAR LOAN COMPANY, Room 644 Paxton Block. Telephone F-229S. If you have a permanent salaried position you can borrow from ua on your plain note, without mortgage, security or ln dorser. Semi Weekly. Monthly. Monthly. $16.00 Repay ua $1.00 or $2.00 or $4.00 $20.00 Repay ' us 1.36 or 8.66 or . 6.35 $26.00 Repay ps 1.65 or $.33 or 6.67 $30.00 Repay us $.00 or 4.00 or 8.00 $50.00 Repay us $.35 or '6.66 or .13.33 Our business la atrlctly confidential. No disagreeable questions asked of your em ployers. When you need a little money call and gee us. X Room 600 Give your note at 600 Paxton Blk. Get $10 or $100 t 600 Paxton Blk. Get . it today at r 600 Paxton Blk. Nothing deducted 600 Paxton Blk. In advance - 600 Paxton Blk. The New York Loan Co., 600 Paxton Blk. AUTOMOBILES. ELEC. automobiles. Deright, 1119 Farnam. 489 BAKERY. TRY our three-layer white cakes, Sue. Gro ceries and ments at loweat prices, jonn son U Good U Co. Tel. 1675. 2'X3 Lafc Bt. nun may ) DALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. 11 North ltith. 191 a ICICLES. REPAIR lawn mower, bicycles; lock smithing; wire work. C. Jarl, 713 8. lOih. r-iim Miu BICYCLES r.rvrt repair. Fresh tires, $1.6) to 14. ao; nartioru tires, .w per puir. a 9 the uonular brand for cash or credl Lout Fletcher. 1623 Capitol Ave. Tel. m' NOW Is the time to have your bicycle re paired; work guaranteed; prices are right; tires. $1.25 and up. J. Larson. 24th and friaries. -MW M6 HRASS FOUNDRY, BRASS and aluminum crating, nickel plat ing and finishing. Specially Mfg. Co., 41 N. Main St.. Council Bluffs BRICK WORK. J. P. HBALY. 1S22 Clark 8t. 'Phone A-2871. 601 CARPENTERS ANU JOINERS. ALL k'nds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attenaeu to. w. i. uenmrea. 2uth and 1 take bis- CONTRACTORS ANU BUI.Ut'It. ' A. J. P1ERSON, 20to and Burt. Tel. L-2834 in- CARPET CLEANING. SEND your carpets and rugs to Christ son's Carpet Cleaning works, rca in 2ot h bt. Tel. 1669. M374 TEL $55 Carpet cleaning, rug weaving. -M157 PENTISTS. I. C. CLARK. Dentist, formerly of Council Bluffs, now located at 2706 Cuming st. M-723 M24 DR. C. II PAUL, dentist, removed to resi dence. 23 Burt 677 M I DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK. $17 Karbach. Tel. A2MJ SECRET SERVICE, expert cperatora. Ad dress C t. bee. 3ssi M17 DRESSMAKING. KEIHTKR'S Ladles' Tailoring College. Butte es-4-6-6, Douglas block, loth anu Lodge. 1 HOME Dressmaking made easy by the u of pat tern cut by the celebrated McDowell sys tem, which received highest award at Chi cago, Paris, Hamburg and Buffalo. Olilct and best established school tn Nebraska 4 Our skirt drafting la a wonder! ul revel. i lion to all .nterested In perfect hanging skirt. latest designs and Imported crino line rocidt-l always on band, i 'all ami aes work done by teachers and puphs. MDOWtLL DRESSMAKING SCHOOL. Mrs. M. E. M irrlsun. Manag. r 2o4 South Twentieth. Teicpbuue' 1 J'l.