Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 15, Image 15

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1 1 1 1. ini) rrvniit mrr
' h u mi run mait
w ' ' ah Aa BW A a
Whit the U.w Armjr Board Eu for Ita
Immeiiata Comidtntion.
, War Will Have to Harrr if It Catekes
' the Amrrlraa A rat y la pre
pared for Ita Varied
Traveling with the President
When President Roosevelt and bla party one seta In hJa war or the path becomes Omaha chapa are flna lot ot fellowi. They
reached Omaha they had covered 4,011 miles blockaded ha will push along with the rest bad ua all parcelled out In advance and
That the United Statea la a world power
ar1 will In future experience all of the
1tigra aa welt aa all ot the glory which
la a part of auch a position waa reallied bjr
the people at the brad of the War depart
ment and the army of the United States
when they began the agitation which re
sulted in the creation ot the general staff
of the army. The term general staff does
not mean much to the person who la un
familiar with the formation of the armies
of Europe. The officers of the army above
the rank of major have bad personal staffs
ever since the organization of the army.
The regular staff of the army, constating of
tfte officers who have charge ot certain
duties not actually connected with the
arm in battle, has been a part of the or
ganization since Ua Inception. These offi
cers devote their time to matters of sup
plying the troops with clothing, as In the
quartermaster's department, or with food,
aa In the commissary's department; with
medical attendance and with the Inspection
of troops, as well as making reports upon
their effectiveness and other work which Is
to a great degree clerical or technical with
a technology other than that purely mili
tary. 4
Bad System Inherited.
The regular establishment of the army of
the Vnlted States was Inherited, like our
common law and many other things good,
bad and Indifferent, from the English, and
In consequence the establishment wss
purely military. Each officer ia drilled at
this time with special reference to the
command of troops and their maneuvers
upon the field of battle. After he haa grad
uated from the Military academy he enters
the line, and after serving there for a
longer or shorter time he may be trans
ferred, either temporarily or permanently,
Jn-ihe staff, where he Is expected to learn
' the duties of his office while practicing
them. He, in times of pesce, usually de
pends upon some old sergeant who bas been
through the mill under a dozen or more offi
cers, and In reality learns little or nothing
ot the duties, so that when the time comes
(or him to act to prepare men for a cam
paignhe la almost helpless. This Is said
with no spirit ot criticism, but Is generally
admitted by officers ot the army and per
sons familiar with the conditions. It is not
I the fault of the officers, but of the system
I a system, by the way, which wss frVst
permanently installed in the regular army
when General Greene accepted the position
of commissary general in the army of Gen
eral Washington with the understanding
that be was to be given a command as soon
as his services might be required. Its ef
fects were last felt In the Spatilsh war.
when carloads of perishable goods were
rendered worthless because they could not
be aent to the troops who required them.
, Gcrnia Method Adopted.
The general staff Is intended to correct
all these evils. For the American army
has departed from the English system of
organization and has taken the German as
Its example, hoping to make aome Improve
merits in the course of time upon that sys
tern, which is said to be the most complete
in Europe. The German system waa the
favorite idea t Field. Marshal von Moltke,
who was for years the chief ot staff ot the
German army. , The object ot the general
staff can be shown in the fewest wards by
relating an Incident which has passed Into
tradition in the armies of the world. It is
related that one evening word waa brought
to Von Moltke that the French had declared
the war which lasted until the surrender of
Taris. The veteran chief of staff, who had
been one of the men wh formed the Oerman
emrjiro. without changing countenance
said: "Take the papers from drawer 2".'
When drawer 27 was opened it was found
that it contained orders which were lmme
dlatcly Issued for the movements ot the
German army, placing the troops In the
most advantageous position to repel French
Invasion and to make aggressive move
ri' m. It Is said that every general order
ftaued for the first thirty daya of the war
commanding the movement of troops was
foirnd in the drawer at the time Von Moltke
had it opened. .
Moat Prepare for War.
So this Is to be the duty ot the general
staff of tho army ot the United States. It
Is. in times of peace, to prepare for war.
and to make plans which may be put Into
Immediate effect In case of wsr with any ot
'Jhe nations which may make trouble for this
Initnry. There are a large number of na
ignoi which may in time coma to
Mow a with the United States, as the inter
ests ot the country expand, but there are
but tew which would offer any serious prob
lem, and while we are on the beat of terms
with all ot these nations at this time. It Is
more thsn suspected in army circles that
there is another drawer In the cabinet ot
Emperor William, with other ordera pre
pared, and it would not be surprising that.
by rail since starting out from Wsshing- of us, whereas President McKlnley would
ton and had still two-thirds of their jour- stand still until we cleared the road,
ney to complete. When they aball hava "The great trouble as a rule with the
returned to the national capital, the spe- police and the guardsmen who do duty on
cial tfaln placed at their disposal will have occasion," he continued, "is that they
been hauled IX.K& mltee When iti nr..!. hold the crowd back up to the time the
dent arrived In Omaha he had been out President arrives and then become so intent inntemi of oni, one night." added
still another. "We won't forget the Omaha
folks no matter how the other towns may
try to lay themselves out. I'd lust like to
take that club house home with me
the man who took me In tow waa reg
ular prince. From the moment I landed
at the depot till I got back to the train
he was right on the spot to help me get
everything in sight."
'I just wish we stopped In Omaha for a
twenty-seven days out of sixty-nix days that
his vacation tour la to consume. For this
great trip, encircling half the country and
almost equal to a girdle round the globe,
every possible convenience wss, of course,
prepared and every detail that could be
foreseen provided for. The presidential
train in equipment Is without queatlon the
nearest to the moving palace that has been
reached in modern railroading. It pro
vldes a special car for the president and
his Immediate , guests, with observation
room, smoking room, sleeping apartments,
bath and refectory, a compartment car
for the secretaries, stenographers, secret
service men, etc.; a sleeping car for the
newspaper and telegraph representatives,
a luxurious smoking csr with barber shop,
etc., and a special baggage car. The com-
binstlon smoking-room car was part ot the
A little Incident that happened at Des
Moines is worth relating. As the train
tit ted with darker draperies.
While trsveilng the president as a rule
remains In bla own car, communicating
with other members of the party by mes
senger, receiving them In his quarters oc
casionally. The presldent'a secretary. Mr.
Loeb, la the admlnlstrstlve head of the
train and might properly be called the gen
eral manager of the tour. Secretarv Loeb
has the responsibility for the conduct of
the psrty, the admission of guests to the
cars, the reception of visitors by the presi
dentin fact is the final arbiter of all the
nunnred and one questions that must be de-
Ulded dally and cannot be decided Until
conditions actually present themiiv.
Notwithstanding the fact that he bas been
far from well during much of the trip, the
perfection of the details snd the smooth
ness of their execution attests the success
of( Secretary Loeb in this trying capacity.
President , Roosevelt seems to enjoy his
trip and to get the most out of every min
ute of it. But it is by no means all play.
At the principal stopping' point each i!iy
the mall which is of urgent Importance Is
delivered, being transmitted from Washing
ton to the specisl care of the vest master at
that station with Instructions for prompt
service to the presidential train. The three
stenographers who go along are not rc-
on seeing the president thst they forget all
about the line behind them and are overrun
by the crowd Just at the wrong time. We
pay less attention to the president than wa
do to the people around him. I always sisa
up every person within a radius of twenty
or thirty feet and keep watching In front
m . t. - -1 1 v ... .im nf anvthliir wrnnff.
Since the Buffalo affair -we are of course 'TtA the town the word came forward
parUcularly careful ,0 inspect the hands ot that for what Is called "the dally minstrel
everyone who comes nesr. No one with his parade" the president would be pleased
v-. in hi. r,.kt nr under a caDe or cov- to have his company appear in frock coats
ered In any way will succeed In passing and silk hats. This announcement always
very close to the presidential party. W starts a lively commotion with a crossfire
try to be polite and orten gel people io w" ui remans on mis wun .
their hands without letting them know "Where's my vest?"
what we are about, but It necessary we pull "i wonder what happened to my hat It
their hands out of their pockets or force looks as If a cyclone had struck It,
them back." "This dressing and undressing Is the
worst bore why can't we wear our cow-
ti,. n.r.nnai a&fetv of the president is aiso bo h.u ... th. time?"
beautiful exhibition train that was dls- crest load upon the railroad men wno Lightulng-change artists are not In It
piaj-ea mi me cnicago world fair, ra- handle the president train. r,Tr with the presidential troupe, un mis oo-
1s eager to have the president sarrled over ca4on the sky was overcast and the air
Its line, but when It ones gets possiu aamp Wth rBin, doubtless enhancing tba
of the train It ia Just as eager .to have tht grumbiiDg, and the four photographers
onmnlnted and turn over the precious ot tos-nther with an agreement that thev
cargo to the next company that la to haul, would all leava their cameras on tba
"If anything in tne way oi an acwuoui traln
ahould happen to this train, aeciarea a ,.We get anythlng In this place
big railroad official, "we prefer to have It anjrWay and its so use lugging the things
happen on some other roaa. along," was the argument that won.
At the conclusion or every run ai leaas No goonep WM tne ay, about Des
during the day time tho engineer. Are- Mo,nei compieted and the speaking plat
man, conductor and brakeman may have form Kuh(, than tne ianight came
the privllego of a specisl reception by the Btream,nB. plentifully forth aral to cap the
president, wno receivea mem m m. v. cllmax the preiaent. to make himself
with a hearty handshake and expression her(, Men cmbe1 upon a ub,a
of thanks tor wnai mey nave . and m4de bta ,ddreM from ,tg t0p. And
tribute to nis saie jou?. there rlgnt wlthln ten feet of the presl
dent was a big camera manipulated by a
The route isia oui ior m. r' ""' iocal photographer, who slid the plates In
could nave Deen materially " an(j out M faRt as he could feed them
main object were mere cotmon. iu irei. . .,.... . . iif. ,im, .
All members of the party proteated that the couM MJ when iucn favorabIe conditions
trip from Clarlnda to Des Moines was me would como t0 the photographer again,
worst they bad encountered and wondered
fin thai ratnrn in t h n train t Vi a at man t a .
why such a Jolting line had been selectej t,0M of th- offlolftl camera men were ,ong
ror tnera. .and loud
We II ail De rougn nuers iwro "Whet An voii thin of surh confounded
luck 7" shrieked Lazyboy. "You needn't
talk why I could have got $100 worth ot
stuff there In Ave minutes," groaned Dona-
through with this," exclaimed one of the
Inaulry developed the fact that the Itln-
i ...... - tt. . """
crary in severm aittie oo i""-- - m. in. niii,
reproduction of the Itinerary that bad been frwt. -well, perhaps we'va
made out for the president when he con- . .J" ... ..
qu.refl simply to tske down and transcribe wmpi Y"""1 T' Thl" Strivemore. "After this we take our cam-
speechcs-although they take down every " Interrupted in Indiana. The tour then or
word the president says in public but they c,me Immediately before election and tne
are Went hnav with nWioi.i j rnnrresstonal districts traversed" were sup-
arul documents much nf h nm. ..,.- nosed to be more or less doubtful. The I must add a little story that I picked
The president when not entertaining guests choice of railroads and stopping points be- up at Grand Island, where the president
or engaged at work devotes himself to read- comes more readily understandable In the spent last Sunday. As part of the pro
Idk. He keeDa us with the content, nf th llEht of this information. This explains gram he had Insisted on a horse-back ride
newspapers each day and brouses In the cur- also the queer mistake that put down In over a route of twenty-five miles, and the
rent magazines, with now and then a book, the official information book as the chief local people, to make tne honors go round
With such constant Interruptions It Is Hem on the program for Omaha a review as far aa possible, selected a special com
amazing that be managea to do as much of an electrical . pageant the electrical mlttee to look after the ride entirely
solid reading as he does. parade Ak-Sar-Ben bad planned and ex- separate from the reception committee.
ecuted at the time the president was to for the formal exercises the next day,
The utmost precaution Is taken for the bare been here last fr.ll. ' One of the horse committee, to prevent
president's personal safety. A detail of se- anything from going amiss and to make
cret service men are constantly with bim But Omaha will be down In all the sure he kept up with the procession, bor-
whenever he is exposed to the public and diaries among the red letter days ot the rowed a nag two weeks ahead ot time and
no one can get near the prealdent unless tour. All members ot the presidential spent all his leisure hours practising in the
fairly known to these men or on business party had nothing but One words tor their saddle so as to be In good condition. Later
that entitles blm to access to his presence, entertainment In Omaha and spent much word was received that the president would
One of the secret service men always rides ef the morning following In recalling Its like to attend church In the morning. Here
on the box of the carriage conveying the pleasant features. was a chance to distribute honors still
president and others hsve places In the ..We had Juit the best time st Omaha further, and another committee with dls-
carriage Immediately following. Whea the w, have had at any pUce We have visited tlnct membership was- appointed to escort
president mounts a platform or -reviewing 0 far on thl trlp declared one of them the president to church. When all the
sisno inese men always cjing ciosa io mm. who , wel, known la a tone that showed committeemen were called together for final
The president Is literally surrounded by th t ne meant t ,.your people know now consultation so nothing might be neglected,
bodyguards whenever he movethey catch . t0 gve tne,r ,uest, a good Ume Tnejp on, of tnose pre,ent ,0 have brokea
do not overdo It, but Just make us feel out: "I don't think this is a fair deal,
at home. Neither do they forget all about You appointed the horse committee two
us In the effort to get the most out of It weeks ago and gave -Ross plenty of time
for themselves. We have had more elab- to practice up on, now you put me on the
orate banquets than the little dinner at church committee with three days notice
the Omaha club, but none that waa as en- and not time enough to practice even once.
Joyable." I say that's taking a fellow like me at a
"Thafa right," chimed in another. "Those disadvantage." VICTOR ROSEWATER.
hold ot blm and push him along, throwing
the crowds back and moving almost on the
run. Before people know It the president
Is whisked in or out of his carriage and
driven away at a fast gallop.
"President Roosevelt Is easy to handle."
said one of the secret service men to me.
"He is less trouble to us than was Presi
dent McKlnley. for he helps us out. If any-
When there is a falling off in flesh in
woman or man there is " something;
wrong." And that something' wrong w
generally a loss of nutrition due to dis
ease of the stomach and the other organa
of digestion and
nutrition. S o m e
times this loss of
flesh is accom
panied by variable
appetite, but in
man j cases the ap
petite does not fail
and there may be
a constant desire
to eat. Languor,
nervousness, irri
tability, sleepless
ness, are symptoms
often associated
with this loss of
nutrition and fal
ling olf in flesh.
Doctor Pierce'e
Golden Medical
Discovery cures
disease of the stom
ach and other or
irmiia of digestion
mrA mitn'tinn. It CnsblcS
the perlect digestion and assimilation of
food so that lost flesh is regained and
the physical health re-established.
I had suffered frots isdigwtioo and oaly
thoac who have uffcrrd horn it know what tt
r-llv write. Mrs. M I rf
ireV 6 . syrmcu-r. NY, ' had Z"
tuuks of headathe sad diriocfc with i cold
handi aul feel j ewryt'" 1 1' !'
bewela were coutipauoi "a ' ' rry
thin am J nemnu. I unaot half eipro" hd
feelioiit I had when I comiaeuced uaiag Pr.
Pierce's Guides Medical Inacovery. I took aiae
Uxilet erf the ' Ditcovery ' and " takra
evenl twttlea of lr Pierce's rncaaa.t PrUtta.
I commenced reeling better wun m '
and ke on i.n proving Now ' greatly
Improved in health my Trier, da often .pe.Tr. ot it.
K heartily recomiMnd that anedkaoe. M
all auflcnug as I wnn.-
4 The People's Common bensc Medical
Adviser, in paper covers, ia sent on
tfunm tor excens
" t
f mailing oy. Address Vt, au v.
jicice, Buflalo, N. Y.
bsslng Ita organisation upon the Oerman
system, the general staff of the American
army may not prepare a drawer with coun
ter orders. France was not tho only pros
pective enemy which Germany bad pre
pared for and there were other drawers, so
In the Vnlted States one ot the duties of
the general staff will be to decide what
course the army ot the United States should
follow In case of war with any particular
nation. 8hould war be with Mexico the
movement of the troops would be radically
different from what It would be In case ot
war Involving Canada. War with Franca
would mean one movement and war with
China another. All of these possible con
tingencies must be considered by the gen
eral staff and tentative plans adopted to
provide for any condition.
Other Problems to Solve.
But It is not with the movement of troops
alone that the general staff will deal. In
its membership are representatives of every
department Ot the army the ataff positions
ot the present dsy. These representatives
will ba expected to take such part In the
preparation for possible wars as to know
exactly what each ot tho troops In those
departments . will be required to do. For
example, the representatives ot the commis
sary department on the general staff will
ba expected to know Just how much food
will be tequlred for any probable move
ment, and not only that, but bow It can
best ba transported to the troops, and tha
ration In which it should be Issued under
all circumstances. This department will
also havs to select an emergency ration
hlch, shall be permanent and shall be
Issued under certain conditions.
The quartermaster's department will be
expected, through Its representative on the
general staff, to prepare auch orders for
tba movement of troops over railway Unas,
and the transportation ot material from
depots and garrisons to the probable place
of mobilisation aa will be required by the
number of troops called at any given time.
The medical department will prepare or
ders tor the movement of the hospital corps
and the transmission of field hospitals and
medicines to the front.
qaaJiaVatloaa for tha Staff.
These are the non-mllltary features of
war, but without them the military features
would be i ill possible. The Oermsn mili
tary staff Is exceedingly militant in Ita
military features, but In the non-mllltary
features It has Uttls to do with things
military. The commissary general, or offt
cer of simllsr grsde. Is not expected to be
a tactician, or atudent of military affairs,
but he la expected to know to an ounce
how much food a man requlrea under any
condition and ta have that food ready for
tha sua when It Is needed. The chief
ot the quartermaster's department Is in
a simllsr position, lis Is not required to
know the orders necessary to form a hol
low square, but he is required to know
the orders necessary to get food to ramp
to till, a hollow stomach, and not only ta
know the orders but bow to carry them
out. It matters not thst the surgeon
should be unable to tell the difference be-
ltween a "brigade front" and a "column
ok lours, nur. in ueciiraij n.aeauai inai
he should know the effectiveness of his
hospital corps and how they can best be
bandied whea needed. '
These are tho things which the general
staff of the army Is to tske under con
siderationpractical questions which will
make it unnecessary for officers to learn
their duties while experimenting upon men
In the field or In csmp. It Is expected
that the new system of encampments of
regulars and National Guards will . give
the members of the general staff and the
officers of the departments an opportunity
to become more familiar with conditions
and requirements of troops In camp and
field than any other plan that bas been
In vogue In times ot peace.
Military Feavtares Essential.
It Is not alone with the nonmllltary fea
tures that the new general staff will deal.
The staff bas many mora officers upon it
not connected with these departments than
are so connected. Their questions will be,
after all, mainly military in the strictest
sense. Proposed changes In arms will be
considered; amendments to ths drill regu
lations and the manual of arma; Improve
ments In tha methods ot handling troops
of the different arms of the service; any
thing which In any way affects tha army
will bo submitted to the officers ot the
general staff for consideration.
The personnel of the staff has been pub
lished and each member selected by the
board of general officers and approved by
the secretary of war Is said by his fellow
officers to be entirely qualified tor the
work. The generals who are to take active
part In the staff havs not at this Urns
been announced. It Is understood that they
will be men who have comparatively long
terms of service before them, so that they
may be given an opportunity to test some
of the plans which they have mads It
required. But the whole object of the
general ataff is not really to prepare for
actual warfare, but to make tha army and
Its auxiliaries, tjie National guards, so
effective that war against ths United States
will never be declared, and so superior
to any other that no nation will force this
country to declare wsr.
The following announcement has been
telegraphed from rursl Ohio, and is Im
portant if true: "The lower set of false
teeth which Charles Wilgru of West Mans
field had awallowed and for which an op
eration was performed on him Saturday,
haa been found in the woodshed at his
Aa eloping couple ot blind persons were
married In Cambridge, Mass., last Tuesdsy.
The clergyman who officiated afterward
said that he thought the law ought to pro
hibit such msrrtages, but the bridegroom
had obtained a license, and. "though he
didn't like the Idea." he "did hla duty."
He added: "I felt compelled to do It, be
cause I sympathized with them, sod then
somebody would hsve to perform the cere
mony anyway."
Rer. James C. Bradley, a young preacher
of Guthrie, Ok!., made a funny alip of ths
tongue a couple of months ago, but 'is very
glad of It now. He was leading the serv
ices st a young people's meeting and In
the course of bis prsyer said: "Oh, Lord,
give as cleso hearts, humble hearts, pure
hearts, sweet hearts." Tba laat caused a
titter which nearly broke up ths service.
After ths meeting was over one of ths
young sitters Jokingly inquired if ba really
meant it. Her question gave -him an op
portunity to plead a suit ho had feared to
suggest hitherto, and the culmination of
his odd mistake In the pulpit came In his
union laat week to the girl who had Joked
him about It.
Here is a curious advertisement, repub
lished in The Cornhlll Magazine from an
eighteenth century paper: "Wanted For
a family who have bad health, a sober,
steady person. In the capacity of a doctor,
surgeon and apothecary. He must occa
sionally act In the capacity of butler and
dress balr and wigs. He will be required
to read prayers occasionally and to preach
a sermon every Sunday. The reason of this
advertisement Is that tha family cannot
any longer afford the exponas ol the phys
ical tribe, and wish to be at a certsln ex
pense for their bodies and souls. A good
salary will be given."
Someone has deeply injured tba feelings
of the editor of the Hardeman (Tenn.) Free
Press, and It muBt have been the man who
swings tha glue brush on the Johnson City
Comet, for ha of the Free Press says:
"Tha Johnson City Comet says we air the
ugliest editor in Tennessee. We don't pre
tend to ba no Apollinaris Belvidere, but
If we was as ugly as Cy Lyle we would go
out and drown ourself In water."
George K. Warner, who owns and operates
a large wheat farm In tba Red River valley,
North Dakota, hopes he baa cured one
Duluth girl of the gum chewing habit, even
though at a cost of ISO. Mary Margracs
is a pretty waitress In a Chinese restaurant
In the Duluth Bowery, and Warner dropped
In one afternoon to order a meal. Miss
Msrgrace took bis order and she wss chew
ing gum vigorously. Warner looked upon
her with manifest disapproval.
"I detest gum chewers," he said, and she
lsugbed merrily. "Tell you what I'll do,"
he continued. "I'll buy a loO dreas If you
will throw away that quid and promise
me never to chew gum again. What do
you say?"
"I aay It's a bargain," said the girl, and
she threw the gum away.
Warner ate his ham In alienee, endvhen
he paid his check he handed the waitress
Sou for the promised dress and lef with
out another word.
A Mississippi msn made the following
reply to a matrimonial advertisement re
cently: "In inclose my photograf with My
Full Description. It shows the features
aa nacbel aa can be only it is to Dark;
sm very lite Complexion, Grsy eyes, Or-
born hair. -foot high, waigbt 190 Lba.
Inclined to be bump shouldered: A Muskier
nsu ana a wiaower :s years old with a
Common School Equations, but hav Got
Anof to Atten to Eony Business. I am
Strictly Morrel, Don't use Tobacco Nor
Whiskey." He Is soxlous to have her un
derstand thst her "Age, Complecktlons,
wait and All Bulla me to atee. Kind Lor
Ing Girl. I hav Only One Thing to Offer.
And It ia Neither Lands Nar Gold. But a
Strong Arm and True Hart and will Lay
Down My Life for the Rite Girl and Ba
bappy, for I am tired of living Alone. The
Girl that Steela my Hart and takes my
name lor tba Aemslnder of My Life I will
make Happy, for I am Hunting a Girl that
I can Ideiss and Maks a Angls of."
We Never
Sacrifice Qual
ity for Price,
Values Always
The Herrick
is The
you should have.
114.00 and up. , Let
us show you.
It's an opportune time to buy Matting.
The Japanese market has been long the
freight rate from Kobe, Japan, to Omaha
low. We have received a lot of Matting
that comes under a duly Tc a yard less than
usual, as It-comes In under a lower stand
ard ot duty. We are going to save you
money on Matting by selling
25c Long Straw iTAc
Japanese w
30o Mixed Straw ttc
Jauanese auw
40cWhlte or Inlaid very fino 22 iC
MoodJ Mats a new lot lust from Calcium
woven by the natives from India fltxr snd
dyed with vegetable dyes the proper thins
for porch snd lawn use or for country
houses. They are one of the Oriental
never-wear-out floor coverings.
18x36 inches
24x48 Inches
SxS feet a
x reel
6X9 feet
8x10 feet
9x13 feet
22. OO
same goods for, if
deliver you better
2-&x5 AxmJnster
Sxl Axmlnster ...........
t-Sxl0-8 Axmlnster
9x12 Axmlnster
6x9 Five-Frame Body Brussels ....
8-3x10 Five-Frame Body Brussels .
iixl2 Five-Frame Body Brussels ..
10-6x12 Five Frame Body Brussels
No such display of Rugs before shown in Omaha. Every desirable
pattern of the best makes, Lowell, Bigelow, Roxbury, now in and on
show, in all sizes and at lower prices than any other house sells the
in new patterns. It is easy to say cheap for cheap goods,, but we. can
Rugs for the money than any other house will do.
. $2.00
. 3.S0
10-6x15 Five-Frame Body Brussels
18x36 Koyal Wilton
27 xM Koyal Wilton
36x72 Royal Wilton
bxt) Koyal Wilton
8-xl'-B Royal Wilton .....
9x12 Royal Wilton
10-6x12 Royal Wilton
10-6x15 Royal Wllto-n
..... t oo
There has never been a time when we have been so well equipped to take care ot your wanta. Lace Curtains frojn
every corner of the old snd new world where curtains are made can be found In our stock Arabian, Point d'Veneiian,
Duchess Lace,' Brussels, from Germany and Switzerland Ruffled Net from the tactorles of America, tho best In the world.
Note some of our prices:
Ruffled Net three yards long, with Insertion and edge, all full 60 Inches wide they are worth from $3.50 to $4.00 per
pair special for the week, $2.50 per - pair.
Snow Flakes the ideal summer curtain cross-striped comes" In all colors special for the week, $2.95 per pair.
Arabian, Irish Point, Brussels, Cluny all worth up to $10.00 and $12 00 por pair special for the weok, $.T5 per pair.
. French and English Cretonne you bavo no doubt seen our 25c line the entire lot will be placed on sale for the en
suing week at 15c per yard. y
Monday1 we place on sale a carload of Chiffoniers and Dre ssers. We quote a few prices
that will prevail, but you will be more pleased with the prices when you sea the goods.
TSVZ?r wwi I
CHIFFONIER Like cut made of select
solid oak fine finish has 5 large drawers fit
ted with brass bandies 18 Inches deep, 33
Inches wide resular value $7.50 on sale while
they last Monday at $5.25 each.
CHIFFONIER With bevel mirror ' 18x12
Inches constructed of solid oak large and
roomv neatly carved very special at $7.50.
.- CHIFFONIER Large size, top 19x23 Inches,
solid cast brass handles three large. two
small drawers and bat box ornamented with
carving solid golden oak valuo $12.00 special
CHIFFONIER Solid golden oak r.well
golden oak too drawer fine golder? finish too
20x34 French bevel mirror 24x14 framt
neatly carved valuo $17.00 special $12.60.
DRESSERS Solid golden oak base 19x09
Inches bevel mirror special $9.90.-
O'bern on special sale at $12.25 and $to.00.
The largest line of Dressera In all woods and
flniBhes ever shown in the west Is here for
your Inspection all priced for the May sell
ing with a view of ioeclal value giving.
SIDEBOARDS New lot lust received
six patterns to which we call your special at
tention they are made of select solid oak
fine finish with bevel mirrors all new de
nims the better ones have carved claw feet.
We have priced them all special for May sell
ingcome Monday if possible they won't last
long at these prices, which are one-fourth to
one-third under rerulnr value $12.50. 4 12. Si.
Iron Beds
$14.50. $16.75. $18.00. $23.50.
Never before have you had presented to you such a magnificent showing of Iron Bed I
as ve are now showing. The new lot la here and consist of the latest delgn and
finishes, gome In the pretty shades of pink, light blue, dull black, Quaker gray.
Pompellan and carmine, all gold trimmed and many mounted with brass. Special
prices will prevail during May.
um : wm
Pure palatable perfectly aged invigorating
wholesome refreshing after the entertainment
finishes off the evening delightfultry it at cafes
use it at home.
Delivered to any part of Omaha, Ootnieil Bluffs or Sooth Omaha.
Order a case from the JETTER BREWING CO.
OMAHA Telephone 1542 . SOUTH OMAHA Telephone V
or LEE MICH ELL, wholesale dealer, council bluffs TtopuousTao
f The Great I 4 ' for 1
k Permanent A &2W Bloody J
I' Cure. Diseases
which are ftvea us bjr Nature and sdmitted by the best knows scientists lo be one of tSeavxt msreeloos
discoveries of the sge. snd a most delightful and nourishing teaic. nodical Lake Salts, ftatara'a
owu remedy from the laboratory ol the treat Creatar, are takes from Helical Lake. Suite of
Washington beaut Jully located high up ia the mountains of the Pacific Slope and given this sine oa
account ot the wonderfully curative medicinal properties of its waters. These Salts area ample, wholesome
remedy sod are instantly beneficial to all who are suffering from any of the many diseases developed
as a result of poor and impoverished blood and thoroughly worn oat systeas. Good health aad Medical
Lake Salts are generally found in the saasa bouse. 23c, 50c., $1.00 box.
MEDICAL LAKE SALTS MFG. CO., Sole Mlrt New York and Spokane, Wash.
sane. Wash, ytt
for Sals b SHERMAN & McCDKHELL DRUQ CO., Cor. 16th and podge St!., Omaha, Nab.
A bate, faiaisaa, Parmanent Curs OUAJUlfTItS.
0 ysara'axperteaoe. Ua money aooepled uuill
paMlent is wall. CONSULTATION and vai
uabls Book Pats, J mall vt at ofSo..
DR. CM. CUE. 9"i Walnut SC. Kansas City. Mo.
ot rAMOll J'ERSOSf
Roaaht mm Uml4.
ll'J5 iiroadwav. New York,
bend tor i'rics lists.
Oalr DoIIm Year.
Makes Mat t'sefal Preaept.