TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MAY 3. 1003. 12 ABOUT PLAYS PLAYERS AND PLAYHOUSES Mr. Richard ManslMd't latest visit to Omaha gave another rong evidence of Ihe many-sidedness of his genius. What II more satisfactory, though. Is the evidence of hi consideration for the public. This Is shown In the ttally great production he gives the old classic he Is presenting this cason. Thla Is the fourth successive great production Mr. Mansfield baa made. After having given us "Cyrano de Ber gerac." "Henry V," and "Beiucalre" In a row, It would have been no more than fair to a hardworking artist that be sho ild have been allowed to take a season of rest. He might have made bis tour with the lighter plays In bit repertory and would fctve been welcomed everywhere by the tame en thusiastic audiences. But It Is not money alone that Mr. Mansfield seeks; his art Is all to him, and be says that to long as he baa hit atrength and vigor J net so long I will be give the people tbe best of his ability. One only needs to contrast this position wltb the practice tome of the other stars follow to understand just what Mansfield cares for the public. Other etare take the road with light plays and mall companies, and only too frequently with what are known as "road companies," the sole object being to "get the money." Not to with Mansfield; the company be pre sented In Omaha Is the same he had In New York; bis scenery, everything con nected wltb tbe play. Is the same in ono city as In another. Nor Is be satisfied with people who can do the supporting parts passably well; they must be the best he can ecure, and capable of doing the parts right, even to the most minor. Nothing Is too good for the people who pay their money to see Mansfield. And the fact is tco well established to be overturned by aiVly tales In sensational papers. While presenting hit "Julius Caesar" to the public, Mr. Mansfield Is planning to give next year an even greater play so far as scenic undertaking is concerned, and with It a smaller play, but one In which there it great acope for hit ability at creator of parts. The first will be "Ivan, the Terrible," Tolstoi's play based on in cidents In the life of this Sixteenth century ruler of Russia. The translation has been made by Mme. de Melssner of Washington, Russian woman of much culture and great attainments, so that nothing of the essence of the Tolstoi play has suffered through being transmuted into English. Mme. de Melssner has been of much assistance to Mr. Mansfield In hla work of getting to gether accessories for the play rn the way of costumes, furniture, and the like. Her connection with tbe piece will not cease until It has been successfully presented. During the time since she suggested th- play tq Mr. Mansfield she hat visited Russia at his request and gathered much material for the production. The scenery ywlll be fully at heavy as that or "Julius Caesar," contemplating exterior and Interior views of the Kremlin and other Important struc tures of Moacow, and similar settings. It allows, too, of much color In the pictures. The play has been successfully presented In St. Petersburg, where It was very popular. It Is on of the very few plays that deal with Russlad history that the Russian gov ernment ever allowed to be preaented. Ita Incidents are those toward the close of the reign of Ivan whose personality won for him the surname of "Terrible." The main character It one marked by ltt grim humor, somewhat somber, but this subplot carries lova story of sufficient Interest to throw a little light Into what might otherwise be a gloomy play. The other play Is "Alt Heidelberg." a German comedy-drama by Herr Meyrfoster. It was played In tbe original In New York last season and was quit popular among the German residents of the metropolis. The piece tells the story of a German : prince, heir-apparent to the throne of tome petty principality, who has spent hit life as a tort of semi-recluse, devoting his time to study. He finally goes to Heidelberg to tske bis university course, and here Is Introduced to a different tort of life. Tn the gay Bohemia of German' student life he plunges with tbe seal of a youngster, and Is toon deep In an affair with a pretty waitress. Just about the time this reaches ' its climax be Is called home to ascend the throne of his father. The last act deals with his return to Heidelberg after an ib senca of two years. Th story has the "heart Interest" and the romance, and the part Mr. Mansfield will take Is said to com bine the good points of both Prince Karl and Monsieur Beaucalre, with none of the little, things that made tbos characters somewhat tiresome In spots. The play offers much opportunity to the costumer snd for th scenic artist m well, but better than all It gives scope for what Is undoubtedly Richard Mansfield's forts at an actor the portrayal of the little tender touches, show, log the consideration of th strong for the weak. Tbos who have watched Mr. Mans field durtug the development of hit career as sn actor will recall how very naturally this cropt out In all his parts, wherever there Is an opportunity for It. It Is really the keynote tc the character of the man that Is, th man his friends and Intimates know. Mr. Mansfield Is not a mixer; be couldn't be if he wanted to, for nature has unfitted him for Indiscriminate associa tion with men. He Is proud and sensitive, and. without being at all exclusive, he is psrtlcular with whom he meets. He doesn't want to bore people, and he doesn't like to be bored. Some very unpleasant experi ences of bis earlier life made a deep Im pression on him and be avoids as far at possible a repetition of them, either to himself or to others. But to those he does admit to companionship he Is genial and unreserved, speaking hit mind freely and not avoiding tbe result of frankness. He la a close observer of men and events, and keeps himself well informed on what It going on In the world about him. Probably no actor Is better posted on the business and social affairs of the cities he visits than la Richard Mansfield. He likes to take walks about town; he has made many around Omaha, and ltket to talk with thoae he kaowt of the affairs of th cities he goes to. He Is studious In this regard ss In Other respects, and takes life very seriously. Under the gentle tutelage of Mr. Lyman B. Glover, who is bis present msnager Mr. Mansfield has learned to take with a more philosophical resignation the nasty digs ths "yellow" press persists In dealing him from time to time. Mr. Glover, him self a aewspaper man of years and hlitb atandlng, has convinced his chief that the better way to do Is not to fly off the handle but to Ignore what can b ignored, and flsht back when necessary. To do this, Mr. Glover Is ready to go Into court at toy ttni tad make a legal test of the rights of Mr. Mansfield at a cltiten. This was quietly tipped off early la th season to th editor of a tew of ths chlrtest offen ders, and th result haa been marvelous. Instead of th annual flood of scurrilous or sensational stories about Mansfield, he has had a season of almost entire aulet. the only newspaper references to him being th leeltlmate notice of his performance ' and such news mutter as nstursllv orlrin atea with a company of his kind. The few sporsrtle atlemntt to make him fliur at tbe letdlns man In a vaUt-hestlnt spited or a rhop-throwln Incident, have failed tulserabtv. Mr. WnAld Is sot avers nor Ineenaihle t frl'lelira rf hli work aa an actor, but he d.vs resent st tack on hit private character, and knows - Bow how to defend himself. iBcldtettlly, Omaha has risen much la Mr. Mansfield's estimation, having been re moved from the one-nlgbt to tbe tbree- night cists, through the two-night grada tion. Singular is it may teem, the re ceipts for the second nlght't performance of the recent engagement were greater than those of ths first night, and this desplt the fact that It only rained the first nlgbt, while snow fell on the second. Next year when Mr. Mansfield comes to Omaha it will be for four performance three nights and a matinee. Each of his new pieces will be given twice. It Is a little early, perhaps, to reserve seats, but there is no resson to believe that the house will not be sold out for all perform ances. The death of Mr. Stuart Robson removes one of the meet eminent of American come dians. For many yeara he has been known as a man or deiigntrul parts, a veniaote fountain of Itnperturabl good humor on the stage, and a most genial and desirable companion off. He has been a great friend of Omaha during a quarter of a. century, and had many warm friends here, not to speak of thousands of admirers, to whom hit death came aa a personal loss. Mr. Rnbson's last appearance In Omaha was last fall, wben he played Dromlo of Syra cuse in "The Comedy of Errors," and Bertie th Lamb In "The Henrietta." Stuart Robson was the Mage rame of Henrv Robson Stuart. His parents In tended that he ehojld be a Methodist min ister. To them the stage was a synonym of immorality and degradation. Stuart Robson uad to say that when he began his stage career his parents were so "hide hound'' that thev considered sulphur matches an invention of the devil. Stuart Kobson believed that the stage was capable of exerting greater good than the pulpit. He nnce said to an audience in Chicago: ''You might as, well condemn the print ing press because it sometimes strike off bad nooks; or condemn the pulpit because a minister or a deacon sometimes falls Into evil ways. Pure, wholesome plays, and players ot clean, moral lives are an great a factor for good ns all the creeds and all the churches. Forty years ago I was ban ished frcm Delaware because I was a play erfolk; nearly fifty years ago I was ar rested in the University city of New Haven because I could not pay a license of 120, my night's receipts being but $15, and I was kept In jail for two days, when the late Noah Porter, president of Yale, who was then beginning to see the light, made up the 6 difference and I was released from prison. All that Is changed now, and the actor of repute Is no longer an object of ridicule, scorn and even abhorence." Robson made his first appearance on the stage the evening of January 6, 1852. John K. Owens, one of the greatest comedians of his. time, was playing at the Baltimore museum theaters were called museums then In order to attract church people and through John Sleeper Clarke, who was playing a small part, Robson met Owens and made his debut as an actor. The part was that of. Horace Courtney, In tt piny called "Uncle Tom's Cabin As It Is." The part was a sentimental one, but Instead of bringing tears Robson seemed to amuse the audience Immensely. After that he gave all his attention to low comedy work, play ing In Washington and Baltimore. Then he went to the Arch Street theater, Phila delphia, the home of so many distinguished players, presided over bv Mrs. John Drew. After this two years of low comedy parts lunuwea on ine roaa ana in Washington, and tt Is recorded that in an Interval uhnn nopson was out or an engagement he put In several months as a printer and com pORltor In the office of the Wnjihlnirtnn Htur He was engaged for the season of 1866 as second low comedian for a little theater in Troy at a salary of $7 a week. In Phila delphia Robson had become friendly with the editor of the Item, Colonel Fitzgerald, who, prior to Robson'a departure, told him 10 wnie a weeKiy letter on theatrical af fairs in Troy, adding that Robson could say anytning ne pleased about himself, pro. vided it was In moderation. So Robson commenced to review his own perform ances, naturally putting in several good words for himself. Toward the latter part or in . season Mr. Burton, the greatest comedian of th day, came to play an en gagement with the Troy Stock company, and artcr the performance Robson wrote his criticism as usual. He praised Burton warmly and concluded as follows: "Brilliant as Mr. Burton's performance was It did not succeed in eclliiain th vnrk of several of the local favorites. Indeed all the people of this town concede to the tal- eniea young comedian, Btunrt Robson, su perlorlty to Burton himself." The notice appeared as written. Robson believed the editor printed it as a Ink The firm of Robson and Crane made Its nrsi appearance In public tn Chicago Sep tember 3. 1877. The play was "Forbidden Fruit." It was a success. Robson knew John Wilkes Booth and said of him: "John Wilkes Booth had a mania for tor turing cats and other animals, even ut the risk of his own life. In some ways John Wilkes Booth was a very remarkable actor. His voice was so beajtlful and his intensity so great that when he became aroused cer tain mispronunciations were not noticed. His 'Richard III' was the most melo dramatic, piece of acting I ever saw, and he would arouse the audience to a pitch of enthusiasm that, so far as my recollection goes, has never been equaled. Stuart Robson s home as a bov was Thomasvllle, (Ja., a small town, now a win ter resort. Whenever he was tn the state he would play there, sometimes several nights, although the theater-going public was not numerous enough to fill the hous for a single performance. Stuart Robson was born in IMS In Ann. spoils, Md. He was married to May Wal dion, leading woman of hit company in ISM. Alio uavu unci uiuiu, a Doy. rosilsg Event. This afternoon th Ferrlt Stock company will open at the Boyd for an Indefinite en gagement. The opening bill will be Walker Whiteside's romantic drama "Heart and Sword." Mr. Ferris intends conducting hit company on' tbe same lines as tbos fol lowed In tbe two seatont patt at the Boyd. Two playt will be given each week. On play will be opened Sunday matinee and run until Wednesday night and the other will b opened 'Thursday nlghtt. For the latter half of thla week Mr. Ferris has selected Jje Null's "The Young Wlfo." Mr. Ferrlt will enact the leading role in all hla playt and personally superintend their production. Miss Grace Hayward will not b the company's leading woman this tea ton. With the exception of Robert Biay lock not any of the people who wer with the company last season are members ot this season's company. Tbe greater part ot ths people are from tbe east. James Wilson, a scenic artist from Chicago, has been secured by Mr. Ferris. Every play will b given complete scenl environ ment. Th company it mad up of the following: Marie Pavey, lata of the Wash ington, D. C, Stock company, is the lead ing woman and Mr. Dell Henderson, for merly a member of the company Mrs. Os borne had at her New York theater, is the leading man. The comedian ot th com pany Is John Mylle, late of th Brooklyn Stock company and the character woman Is Miss Haiti CarmonteKe, well known tn vaudeville. Others of the company are: Robert Blaylock, Hugh Mackie, Scott Sid dons, George Winters, James White, Ed ward Rogers, Emily Batlo, Dolly Davis, Mist Bernl Henderson aud Miss Rtnkln. The tame very low prices ot admission charged last teason will be In vogue thl season. The last lUt of vaudeville diversions at the Orpheum this season will open with a matinee today and continue tor th en suing week, and when th curtain rings down on Saturday nlgbt next to mark an other era in th career of th coxy and popular playhouse, th indicator will show that It was th inost successful aver ex perienced. To glv it a fitting climax tb management deems advisable and bss laid stress on th makup ot the last bill, the txcellenc ot which may b Judged to an xtent by th presence on the poster ot several strongly established American head line features ot th popular kind, la ad dition to which leading th list Is th noted equestrian. Franklin Mllly Capell, her famous thoroughbred Arabian steed and trained hounds. Tbls Is said to be th most axpenslv and successful of ths sea son's European Importation and tu ad dUUo to showing th pgaalbiltiUt pt aul- ma!' training disclose some fine living pic tures. ElUabeth Murray, the story teller and singer, will be recalled as one of the principle features of tbe Orpheura Road Ehow last sesson. The Beaux and Belles octette returns with new songs, new dances, new costumes snd some new faces. Tbe new embellishment has been given under the same composer, Mr. H. T. Mc Connell, who struck the happy Idea last season of this neat and refined net. One of tbe numbers done by tbe octette tbls season Is a descriptive International tong In which la described In verso and song how the octette visited Germany, France, Japan and Spain. They are also singing a very popular new coon tong called "Waltln for you, Ma Honey." Among the initial bidders will be Zelma Rawlston, character Impersonator and singer. "An Idyl of the Links," a new comedy sketch ill be tbe vehicle for Oardner and Vin cent. Another musical feature will be contributed by Ester Fee, the distinguished violin virtuoso and timely motion pictures projected by the klnodrome complete th projram. Gnsalp from Staacetand', K. II. Sothern goes on the road again this week with "If I Were King." His tour In cludes thirty cities and terminates on the i'acinc coast. Frank Thompson nnd "ikit" D'jndv opened their Coney Island Midway yester day, iney nave tne grouni w.irn or tne greatest show New York ever knew. Maxine Elliott will leave ber husband. N. C. Ooodwin, Jr., at Cleveland on May 11 and return to New York, where she will begin active preparations for her tour aa a star next season. She will have a p ay called "Her Own Way." Mr. Goodwin will continue in "The Altar of Friendship" until he reaches Seattle, where his tour closes July 9. Channlng Pollock Is the gentleman who Is to make the dramatization for William A. Brady of "The Pit." in which Wilton Lackaye will star next season. A good deal of money la to be spent on tbe ma terial presentation of the play, and Mr. Brady will return from Europe early bo as to stage it ntmeell. J. H. Stoddart Is booked for an early ap pearance in "Btslde the Bonnie Brier Bush" in naiirax, in. ., and recalls mas it win be his first appearance there since l!56. when he was the vounitest member of a traveling company that included In Its list such well known players of tbe time as the elder Sothern. J. T. Raymond and others. Alfred Austin's pluy for Beerbohm Tree, "Flodden Field." will be produced on June 1 at His Majesty's theater In London. The piece Is In blank verse and is in a prologue and three acts. The chief male parts are King James IV of Scotland and the earl of Surrey, and the latter Is probably the role that will be selected by Mr. Tree. Mr. Aus tin has written several plays. Including one on the them of "Savonarola," for Sir Henry Irving. It Is not at all Improbable that Slgnora Eleonora Duse will visit the United States again next season, and under Liebler & Co.'s management. While George C. Tyler Is In Europe this summer he will visit Mme. Duse in Florence and perfect arrangements, frovided they can agree upon conditions, f she returns, she will appear in a dif ferent repertoire than on her last visit, one that wiii include the Balnllle play, "Resur rection," and such of her old successes as will probably make the strongest appeal to an American audience. Rehearsals were begun last week for the Liebler & Co. production of "Romeo and Juliet." In order that this might be accomplished the road tours or both "Au drev" and '1A Gentleman or France were brought to a sudden clone, and Miss Eleanor Robson and Kyrle Bellew hurriedly mads their way to New York. The opening will take place In Albany, N. Y., on the evening or April 27 and then the tour will include the rollowlng cities in mis oraer: wuca, Syracuse, Detroit, Toledo, Columbus, Mil waukee, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Lexington, Louisville. Chicago, Cleveland, Pittsburg. Washington, Baltimore. Philadel phia, New York New Haven, Hartford, Providence and Boston. It Is reported that one of the objects of Mr. Henry W. Savage's present trips to Europe 1 to have a conference with Frau Wagner regarding the great composer' "Parsifal," the one remaining work by the master of the tone drama that has never been presented on this side. Frau Wagner has ever adhered to her policy of retaining this as the special feature of the annual festivals at Bayreutrv but It is not impossi ble that -Mr. Savage fnay think Of an in ducement that will secure the permission to produce "Parsifal" by his Castle Square Opera company next season, Should the dauntless impresario return with contracts both for "Parsirai" ana ruccinrs maaam Butterfly" it will do more to make his famous English singing organisation a true rival or the Metropolitan Opera company than anything else he could possibly do. Some idea of the sis of the new Drury Lane theater In New York can be had from tits fact that the two proscenium trus-es arc eighty feet long and weight thirty tons each. So ponderous are they that Oscar Hammerstein can find no truckman to move them from a pier at West Twenty seventh street to the theater in Thirty-tourt- street, west or Eighth avenue. They hnv hvpn there three weeks, and mean while work on the stage part of the theater lo celayed. Truckmen say that twelve norsee would be required to haul one of the beiims. and that they could not make Vhe turn oft the pier without getting stuck or brta'.ing the strongest true built. This cliUiculty may be avoided by putting them on float and moving them down to the Thirty-fourth street pier to make a straight hull to the rear of the theater. Henry W Savage has now more chorus f;'.rls on his' payrolls than any other Amer can manager. This Impresario's methods are different from any other. In addition to the actively employed singers l his seven big companies he has three reserve schools located in Chicago, Boston and New York from which he can quickly refill any vacancy In his several companies, as well hava a sunnlv for new companies In process of organization. The total number now In Mr. Savage's employ Is said to reach 615. These are divided as folljw.-': Caa.le Square Opera company, u; uunan ot Sulu" company, 75; tha two "King Dodo" companies, 120; "Prince of Pllsen" com pany, 76; "The Lieutenant Commanoer" company, W; "Peggy trom aru company, SO; total, 4m ine remaining i-o are in re serve schools, forty being In Chicago, fifty In Boston and thirty-five In rancrve in New York. In each city there Is a chorus mas ter employed to do nothing else except train cnorus gins, tvery monin ins danc ing master visits each city and gives the young applicants Instruction in dan"ln. One of the principal tong hits In "The Sultan of Sulu." which continues to gain fame and financial favor in New York, is the "R-e-m-o-r-s-e" verse recited by Mou lan. containing that expressive line con cerning "the cold gray dawn of the morning after. On one of George Ade's frequent banquet tours to the eastern tidewater ne admitted publicly tnat ne nai tried in vain to compose an additional verse for the song! and was disappointed thereat. Whereupon I a correspondent of the Tribune came bravely to the front with a contribution. 1 It was written, ne fraia. Dy a newspaper man in a basement estuDiisnmeni m r the Park Row building now stands, ana, like "The Old Oaken Bucket, was com posed from a full heart. He further de clared that he has been waiting for four teen vears for tne proper opportunity to offer it to the public. It runa as follows: R. E. Moras and Old Con irltion! D them both! and d their mission On this eartn. to mane men suner ror their brief, sporadic Joys! Making smiling faces tearful. Making life and ueatn oom rearrui. D them both! I wonder what these duffers did when they were boys?" Contracts nav been ilgned for ihe pro duction on May 25 of a new comic opera, "The Wood Itch, composed py Aioert Mlldenbersr. ilbrttto by Wlilard Ho'co-nb. with Helena Fredvrlrlc. lat prima donna of "The Emerald isle," In the title role. Mr. Mildenberg lias heretofore been known as a concert pianist, having been a pet pupil of Rafael Joiuffy, and as a compoiar Of songs which have found great favor in concerts as well as In ope ras in which they have been Interpolated, tie has also fia urwri aa musical director, and his chore1 an! orchestral arrangements nav been much In dvmana. lis. lias composed and pro duced several one-act operas, but this is his first essay to combine nis experiences in all theite varied tields in the induction of a three-act piece. HU collaborator, Wl - ldrd iiolcomu, H best Known for h.i met rical ver-lon of "Urlngolre," must'' by Julian Ldwards, which was succes'tully produced in London last spring: aid his comedietta. "Her Last Reharil," which ha been played for five sea-ons. Re cently Mr. Hulcomb has turned his atten tion to libretto writing, and has adap 'd two operas from the Hungarian, which thi Wttmarka have placed for production next seon. Boh com.noser ani librettist of Ths Wood Wl'ch" rf Am rl 'ans ad natives of New York. Mr. Mtldinberg hav ing been born and bred In Brooklyn, will's Mr. Holcomb halls from "old fcroorre." although h spent seven yearn a muMcal and dramatic editor or the Washington Pout. iLSTact ot UasspacBS. A lot of typvwrltten matter was stored In a sllaht'y damp vault t ir six months. On removal th paiwr and all-ink urn natures were tn tha best of condition, but all trac of typewriting haa disappeared. MUSIC AND MUSICIANS The Msy Festival! That Is the topic of tbe hour! Beside It, even the choice of the people, at to wbo thall be the mayor of Omaha for the next year, or two. or three, pale Into Insignificance, with the musical peo ple at leatt. Two quettlons ar generally asked. "Who are you going to vote for?" and "Have you secured your season ticket tor the May festival?" The May festival, under the musical di rectorship of Thomas J. Kelly, and under the sagacious and always successful busi ness direction and personal management of the Knlghtt of Ak-Sar-Ben, opens on Thursday night of this week. The board of governors Is for Omaha, ot Omaha, and in Omaha. They are working for the success of the city from every standpoint, and that they hava lent their powerful assistance to this undertaking la a sincere proof that they believe In tbe fact that to make a city a suitable place to dwell In, invest In, and iwear by, there must not be forgotten those Influences which go to build up the refining and en nobling and educative spirit of the citizens. They have bad the street falra with their Jollity and careless gaiety. But that, of Itself, does not build up any permanent good. Tho May festival scheme does. Tea yeart from now thit year't festival will be quoted and dwelt upon in memory with gratitude. Ak-Sar-Ben It not one-tided! Ak-Sar-Ben wantt a greater Omaha in every way! Ak-Sar-Ben sees the necessity for pro viding the best of music and art! Ak-Sar-Ben has many faithful subjects who love the refining and elevating things of life. It Is now time for those who have been wishing and hoping and longing for these things to step up and buy the remaining season tickets ere it !s too late. Now, at an interested person, I may be permitted, perhaps, to state that tho Nordlca-De Reszke concert is not the May festival. It it a part of it. It hat been whispered that the concert given by the New York orchestra and these two artists is the "Bhow," as It were. Now, at a matter of fact, that part of the festival was an afterthought. The real active part ot the festival and that which- has been developing tha musi cal tendencies of the city it the May Fes tival choir, which haa been In constant rehearsal for eight months preparing com plete works which will be given at the festival. When 1R0 singers ar willing to go through all this is It fair to them to pass over, even In thought, thst part ot the May festival which will be theirs? No. when we consider the evening! of Thurs day, Friday and Saturday (especially th first and last of these) and the Sunday afternoon, tho local forces being assisted by four of tbe leading soloists of this country, In their respective lines, and the fine Chicago Symphony orchestra, under Mr. Rosenbecker's personal direction, it It not too much to say that thla series alone, without Nordlca or De Reszke would be worth the price of the -season ticket. Herein it a chance to "Btand up. for Omaha." Will YOU "stand up?" Before going further with this article, I must make mention of two people wbo have done much to help the enterprise musically. One It Mrt. Andrews, who, at accom panist, for the very trying rehearsals, hat been faithful, loyal, devoted . and en thusiastic. Many times, when she was not physically equal to her task, having worked hard all day at studio work, she has taken her place at the piano, and In tbe most helpful, artistic, musicianly manner, played the accompaniments, difficult and ambiguous, wltb the skill of the artist and the good nature ot an angel, under th directions of a very exacting conductor. To her I ex tend my most hearty tbankt. Mrt. An drews will play for tbe Festival Choir on Friday night. The other person referred to Is the genial and popular secretary of the May Festival Choir, Mr. Alfred Martchner, wbo baa been an Indispensable aid. His efficient work in originating and perfecting tbe system of membership record, hit attention to thote thousand and on details which go to make up a performance or a rehearsal, hat been a constant source of pleasure to choir and conductor, and much ot the smoothness with which things were run is due to htm. Another valuable assistant has been Mr. Slgmund Lansberg, the well known pianist, who has stolen hours away from hit very busy life to ting with the tenors on each rehearsal night and to assist the conductor by assuming th baton and taking charge of parts of many rehearsals at a moment's notice with grace and force. Now, at to the works. The programs which follow will show fully the kind of offering the patront will receive. They are culled from the best fields of muslc-lttera-ture: "Hiawatha's Wedding Feast," which will be sung opening night. Is a cantata, for chorus, orchestra and tenor tolo, and the words are taken from tbe famous poem of Longfellow. The author of tha music, Mr 8. Coleridge-Taylor, is a negro, from Blerr: Leone, and a giant amongst modern music composers. He has set London aflame with his works. His music tor Hiawatha Is distinctly Indian and very wonderful. The "Swan and Skylark," which will be given on Saturday night. May 9. comes from tbe pen of pent of Shelley, Keatt and Mrt. Hemans. Th music is by that rar ,,. , -,..i , K. ffenlua, Arthur Goring Thomas, and the orcueeirauuu im ujr uu i m"ti imo tha eminent Englishman, C. Vllllers Stan ford, wbo it really, I am told, by birth and at heart, an Irishman. Thla eantata It written for chorus, or chestra and four soloists. It Is built on the old legend of the swan tinging ltt tong just before death, and the coqtrast .between the "Swan" music, and that of tbe "Skylark it loteusely Interest ing. Thi basso takes tba part ot a Grecian poet and a philosopher, tha contralto the part of a narrator, at It were, tbe tenor the part ot the "swan," and the soprano the part ot the "skylark." Lire and death, or rather death and life, winter and spring, minor and major, these are theraec ot the work, wblch has entranced thousand! upon thousands of music lovers, and which will be given to the Omaha public on Satur day night. May 9. Thla work Is a posthum ous opus of the composer. The "Stabat Mater," which will be given on 8unday afternoon, la so well known that description la unnecessary, save to tay that the old Latin hymn, which will be'tung In the original tongue by chorus and soloists It a homily upon the crucifixion of Jesus. The most religious of persons need nor be offended in the slightest way by the Sunday concert. . at the program will be dietlnctly sacred, not after the manner o the average "sacred concert." but really ot a religious nature and aa an act of homage to Him from whom all music and musical festivals and singers and playerr receive their glfta tnd tbetr Inspiration. One fratura of this program will be the singing, a capslla, of tbe famous hvmn of Cardinal Newman, "Lad. Klnllv Light." (music by Dr. Dykes), by the full May Fes tival Choir, under tbe baton of their regu lar conductor. Following are the programs for tbe en tire festival: THfRSDAY EVENING. MAY " May Festival choir, Thuinaa 4. Kelly, AMI F.WK.T. Single Admission Tickets :FOR lay Musical Festival Will be on 8ale MONDAY, MAY 4, at II. J. PEIIFOLD & G0.'SI400 FARNAM Single Admission for evenings May Kfln 7, 8 and 9 . . . JUU Reserved Seats 50c Extra Single Admission for QO (1(1 May 15, on sale May 11 $ZiUU Reserved Seats $1.00 Extra ReservedSeason Tickets For Six Concerts .... May 7, 8 and 9 and natlnees nay 9 and 10 CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHES TRA and the CHICAGO QUARTET. MAY FESTIVAL CHOIR-CHORUS of 150 Voices, under Direction of T. J. KELLY. conductor. Chicago Symphony orchestra, Anolph Rospnbecker, conductor. Rnlnlats Mr. Oenrae Hamlin, tenor: Mr. W. C. K. Beeboeck, pianist; Mr. Jan Van Cordt, violinist. PART I. Overture Dl Ballo i... Sullivan Concerto (tor violin) .vieuxiemps Mr. van corat. Prite 8ong (Die Melsterslnger) Wagner Mr. llamlln. Concerto (Two movements) ........ Seeboeck Mr. tseeuotcK. Irish Rhapsody. No. 1 C V. Btanford PART II. Hlawatha'a Wedding Feast A cantata.. 8.- Coleridge- Taylor May Festival choir, Chicago Symphony orchestra, and Mr. George Hamlin, tenor. FRIDAY EVENING, May 8. Bymphonv concert, Chicago Symphony orchestra, Adolph Rosenbecker, conductor; May Festival choir, Thomas J. Kelly, con ductor. ' . Soloists Mrs. Genevieve tJiarii vnmun, soprano; Mrt. Sue Harrington Furbeck, contralto; Mr. Arthur Beresfcjrd. baritone. Overture Merry Wives of Windsor...... , .-. Nlcolal Arla-Ah.'My Heart is Weary............ Goring- Thomas Mrs. Furbeck. Symphony The ' Scandinavian '(two movements) Cowen Allegro Moderate Scherso Molto Vivace. ' Y Chorut The Two Cupids BaUon May Festival Choir. Aria Why Do the Nations Rage (Met- aiah) Handel Mr. Beresford. Bymphony-The IrUh (two nJovvmg,t,Ijora Srherto, , . ' Finale. . Arla-Av Maria Max Bruch Mrs. Wilson. Chorua Parting Kiss Plnsutl Mav Festival Choir. Scottish Rhapsody, No. 1 Mackenzie SATURDAY AFTERNOON. May . Popular concert. Chicago Symphony or chestra. Adolph Rosenbecker conductor. Sololstt-Mra. Su Harrington Furbeck. contralto: Mr. Arthur Beresford baritone, M w. C. E. Seeboeck, pianist; Mr. Franx Wagner, 'cellist. , Overture Pmspero . Cello Solo Polonaise Popper Mr. Wagner. Movement from London Day by Py;, Arla-l'nf el'lco' ' ! j I ! 1 1 : ! " '. '. '. '. '. Verdi Mr. Beresford. Fantasle-Martha - fJtow (a) Rainbow, from Music of N"steus'b,(;eck (b) Butterfiv ' tc) Bv the Frog Pond (d) March Winds Mr. peeuurtR. Roses from the Smith Aria Habanera (Carmen)...... Mrs. Furbeck. Overture-William Tell .Strauss ....Blaet , .Rossini SATrDAY EVENING. MAY 9. SololstiMrs. Genevieve Clark Wilson. o-nrano- Mrs. Si'e Harrington Furbeck. con tralto; Mrs. Oeorire Hamlin, tenor: Mr. Arthur Beresford. baritone. PART I. Ov.rtt.re-Land of the Mountain anrt h FIM Harnlsh Mj eCijn fa) vtcwe In G-rrten. ............ ... ..ONelll tb) Drink to Ma Only with Th,I(H"'B-,'Bh (c) Tho Year s the BnHng... Mr. Hamlin. ta) The Robin ih Blnu Helah H ..... Beach MacDowell ...Henschel Mrs. Wilson. Movement from Gypsy Suite Edward German n.iartV RVgoie't to v"dl Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Kurtieca. jur. iiunuin and Mr nrinro. PART II. The Swan and Skylark-A musical dramatic ifteni unnni May Festival Choir. Chicago Svmnhonv Orchestra. Mrs. Wilson, oprsno; Mrs. Furoem, con tralto, Mr. Msmun. lenur; mi. Beresford, baritone. gWDAY AFTERNOON,-MAY 10. Mv Festival Choir. Thomas J. Kellv. con ductor; Chlcaan Symnhnny Orchestra, A"o'nn Rosenbei'Ker. ennaucmr. Bololsts Mrs. uenevieve t,iara n, soprano; Mrs. 8jb Hnrrlnirtiin KurbecR, contralto; Mr. Oeorie Hamlin, tenor; Mr. Arthur nrnford baritone. Trm fltabat Mater Roselnl Part I to be announced later. FRIDAY EVENING. MAY IS. Metronolltan Ooera House Orchestra. J. If. Puss, conductor; Nahan tranKo, con cert master. So'olsti" Mndam Nordlca and Eilomrj Km Reszke. Mr. Romayne Simmons ut the Plato. . ., M-v Festival Choir, Thomas J. Kelly. conductor. r-A n r j. Overture William Tell Rossini Aria from La .'-Ive l la r1eur)....llalevy M. De Resnke. Two Movements from Bymphnnle Pa- thetln,ie irrniiHOTM (?i Allegro Con Orasla. (1 Finale, AdHsio Lmentno. ArH from Tanhausser Dlch thnre Halle Wagner Madam Nordlca. Dane Suite from the Music to Henry VIII German tai Al'eero Glocoso Morrli Dunce (b) A"erttn Uusso Andnntlno Bhep. herds' Dance. (c) Allegro Mcl'o "Vo-rj, J.)m)Ce. PART II. Vrelude to Trf)henerln Wagner parrs of The Sunfeast .(American In dian) Waller Arle Lnfellce. ro" Krmnnl Verdi M Ie Resike. Rxtct from Lucia Donliettl I for trumpets, trombones and ejphnnlum.) TnlUmmstue. from BtahHt Mater Rrlnl Madam Nordlca and May Festival t'holr The program for Ma-lame Muenteferlng't benefit concert Tuesday night, which was noted In this column last week, Is as fol lows: Sonata op. 15, two movements, Grtez, Ml KVIf:M . THE: Single Admission for Matinees, May Kfln 9 and 10 JUU Reserved Seats 25c Extra May 15 FULL NEW YORK METROPOU- TAN OPERA HOUSE ORCHESTRA J. S. DUSS. Director. LILLIAN NORDICA and ED0UARD DeRESZKE, Soloists. MADAM MUENTEFERINQ BENEFIT CONCERT Tuesday Eve., May 5, First Congregational Church Don't Miss It! Tickets at Hospe's. WESTERN BOWLING ALLEYS. . Everything new and up-to-date. . Special attention to private parties. ' BENGKLE ft GIBBS. Props., Tei.. W26". , 1510 Howard, OMAHA.. played by Madame ' Muentefering,' pianist, and Mr. Cuacaden, violinist, who will give a tolo number also.' Madame Mueriteferln'g will play the O minor concerto by Mendels sohn, a serenade by Barodin and a double number by MacDowell. Mrs. Dale will ting a couple of Mr. Landsberg'a tongs and Mist Agnea Weller will givo'"0, -Dry Those Tears," by Del Riego. Mr. Thlckatun, organist and choirmaster of the First Congregational church, gave very interesting program laat Sunday night. The chief attraction was the cantata "The Pilgrims," by Shelley, In wblch soloists, choir and director did themselves proud. Mr. Alfred O.' Muller will give an Inter esting program for those who are attached to the zither tomorrow night at Kountze Memorial church. Miss Lehmann and Mist Selma Carlson will sing. THOMAS J. KELLY. COUNTY ROADS -AND BRIDGES Commissioners Give Attention to Such Affaire at Their Regra lar Meeting. . Country roads, bridges ' and wayward etreamt claimed tome more attention from the commissioner! at their aessloa yester day morning. The board ordered the county clerk to advertise for bids for moving 6,000 yards of dirt to straighten the Elkhorn river north of the military road and about two miles west of Elk City, in order that the steel bridge near that bend may be eaved. The board ordered alao a 'straight ening of the August Bock Road In Millar! precinct between Ruaer'a park and the town of Millard. There is a half-mile grade that can be avoided by condemning and open ing straight through. The board adopted a reaolutlon intro duced by O'Keeffe at tbe request of the International Brotherhood of Stationary firemen, Increasing tbe monthly salary ot Robert Dunlap, fireman at the country hospital, from 25 to 30. The board received County Attorney English's opinion that the board need not pay the $1,000 - claim of George Osier, whose wife and children lost a team In a washout on a county road 'and nearly drowned with the hones. The caunty at torney holds that the claim ia not valid because, in bis opinion, tht Osier's were respouslble for the accident, not tho county. The Graduation gchedole. "It's a-goln' to cost me a power o' money to graduate John this year," said the old man. "Reckon so?" "I know It! Here's the program be tent me: " 'Dress suit, $50. " 'Two new hatt, $16. " 'Three pair o' shoes, $18. " 'Cigars, $30. "'Wine supper, $100."' "He don't write that in Greek, does he?" "No, by thunder! It's in plain Georgia, with, 'God bless our home' an" 'How's all tbe family,' at the end!" Atlanta Consti tution. ' lloye Entitled tu Hla Money. "The charge that John Hoye. fath-r o' Councilman Fred lloye. did not piform wark us Inspector n the mark-t hous? during April, for which lie I? ncc e iiti.l oi the sa'ary ordinance to ths ainuunt of il'ii Is fu.f. said Builiilng iiitc:ur t't ,e. yestercluy. "I appointed Jioyj myself and- know that he worked each of the twi-nty-slx days for which he wUI be pud. It is true that no brick work was dons on the market h-jiise during April, but car penlsrs. tinnera, rouftrt an I painters we-f busy Iht-re ail inoiuh. Mr. H ye had ruprr lK,n ovi-r the entire tonslruit'on and no', a loo thi, brick work. lie nt watched the work carefully one It was stalled and I. entitled to til money, wrucn wa none-my earned." 31 AMI KMKT. Weaeerfwl ghow.-. Y. Herein. MAY 16 oaiuruay THE GREAT ADAM FOREPAUGII AND SELLS BROTHERS 1 ENORMOUS SHOWS UNITED a 1,000 People, Ths 100 Greatest Acts AMERICA'S MKTRorOI.ITAK BHOWB New York's Newtpapert Unanlmoua in Pronouncing Thera Bigger and Better Than Ever With an all atar program of Sensational Exclusive Features Including the world-famous snd original Whose desperate, daner-orldl anal 4lh-df ln Looping the Loop a m blry-rle haa created the biggest DAMO eenWhtloa of the aite. The act yon have rena ebont, bat never seen. The Aurora Zouaves Just returned from a triumphal conquest of Europe, where the nobility and royalty pronounced them the best drilled soldiers In the world. EDDY FAMILY World's Greatest Asrobsts, 1 4 HERDS OF ELEPHAHTS-4 "Starr" the Shooting Star Ths 24 Champion Bareback Riders Tha 7 Cayneils Cycls Whirl BIIXTINQ, VNIUiCLK WOiNDfc.it- AN ARMY OK Fl'NKV CI.OWXS. During the forenoon of exhibition day A Grand, New, Free blreet Parade TWO PERFORM ANCf.S DAI V AT 2 AND 8 P. M. Doors open 1 and 7, rain or thine. In new prooest waterproof tents. Admission BOe. Children V'nder U Yeara 25c. Numbered coupon, aatually reserved seats may be secured on the day of exhibition at THE BEATO! DIIKJ COMPANY, J 5th and Farnam Sts. OflllOHTCN Telephone .'1531. Last Big Bill of tha Season Week Commencing Sunday Matinee May 3. Today 2:15 Tomtit 8:15 8f Vaudeville ' Mllly Capell . - The Noted Equestrian and Her Magnllio?nt Horse and Hounds. Elizabeth Murray The Lady With the Rag Time Walk. Beaux and Belles Octette A Breezy Novelty in Music and Dauce Zelma Rawlston AnmA nf Ifcflmln Art. Gardner and Vincent Presenting "An Idyl of the Links." Ester Fee Violin Virtuoso. Klnodrome New Moving Scenes. Prices inc. ': Wc. BOYD'S natr?.1""'"' 01-U1U THIS APTERNOON FOR ALL Hl.MMKH. Tho Ferris Stock Go. Two Plays Kaoh Week. Opening KIll.-'liKAHT ANU SWORD." Last Half of Ve k-"THK YOl'Ntl WIFK" Prices Matinee, any. seat. 10c; night, 10c, 15c and 25c. Your little supper after the theater will be a great success if ordered at the LOBBY CAFE . II S. 17th St., Bee Bldg.. A bite to eat after-tlie-theater makes a pleasant evening complete. Broiled Live Lobster u Fresh Bhrlmpe .it Mr. Kelly .... TEACHER OF . Singing, . Ton Production Interpretation PhvIJk Block, 18th and Farnam 'in l a. a at i !