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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1903)
i ifnTTiTi "Bg-m'1-,a-T-TM'ITwWhT')fc 1 he Omaha qxjnday bee. ljj n a mn M ESTABLISHED JUNE 1, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 3, 1003 TIIIKTY-SIX PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. STIKS UP THE CHUliCIl VaoderbiH-Entherlard Wedding is Etill a Earning Topio in England. HIGH CHURCHMEN GREATLY INCENSED Clergyman Who Performed Ceremony Ignores Bifthop of London. NEWSPAPERS TAKE UP THE CUDGEL Chircn T.mes Condemns Everyone Got cemed in Affair. SUBJECTS OF ATTACK ARE UNCONCERNED Marlborough Give Indication They Realise Marrlaas Has Wroigbt Chini in Their Pros, pectlve Kortnne. (Copyright, 1908. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. May I. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Vanderbllt will not return to New York until the International yacht races. Mr. Vanderbllt'a precautions to keep the time and place of his marrlnge private were to strict that the few penona In his confidence were actually sworn to aecrecy. One of theae waa an assistant to M. Car tier, the famoua Jeweler, In the Rue de la Palx. who went over with Mrs. Kutherfurd In charge of the magnificent Jewels the multi-millionaire presented to the bride. These are eald to be worth upward of $:00,: 0O0, including a diamond tiara costing $125, 000, and a pearl and diamond necklace, with pendant to match, forming the bride's V monogram. rs, The Vanderbllt marriage Is. becoming a ' burning question In high church circles. Rev. Mr. Hadden, who married them at St. Marx church, not only flatly refuses to see any newspaper man or to give out any statement whatever, but he has con temptuously Ignored a request addressed to him by the bishop of London for an expla nation of hla action. Failing to get at Mr. HadileU, whom the bishop is quile power . less to punish except by boycotting his church, the high-church partv is directing its ire against Henry White, secretary of I the United Statea embassy. The Church Times says: "No one came out of the business with credit. The vicar was perfectly aware of contravening his diocesan's Instructions. The first secretary of the American em bassy went out of his way to show his contempt for the whole Church of Eng land, and the primate and blehop of London In particular. The noble duke and duch ess of Marlborough, who were also pres ent, set an example which society will not be slow to follow. All of them appeared to enjoy the fun of stealing march on those who certainly would have availed themselvea of the right to atate a Just Impediment why the proceedings should not go forward." Expressions of Resentment. In the same paper appears a letter ,7.-lgne4 "A Disgusted K.' P.." In' which he aaya: "The astonishment and disgust are manifest and manifold, aa not many weeks ago another rich American on the same errand waa told by the officials at the American embassy that no license could be obtained." The Guardian, which Is less pronounced In its high-church views, says: "In tho meantime all that la. possible for those who value the sanctity of marriage la to harass divorced bridegrooms with unwel come publicity end to Induce them to have recourse to the registry office, which to always open to them." The attacks upon Secretary White are considered unfair. He acted not as an embassy official, but as a connection of the bride. The high-church party, how over, seize upon his association with the M ceremony aa the best means of concen- I trating attention upon what they consider W gross scandal. The contumacy of Rev, Mr. Hadden towards his bishop Intensifies the high-church animus against all con cerned. Newton Crane, a leading American lawyer, who arranged the marriage cere mony, eald to the World correspondent "Mr. Vanderbllt doea not Intend to take auy notice of these protests, which are f purely a matter of conscience with certain 1 numbers of the established church. It Msurd for Father Black to aay that any question or the legality of the ceremony Is Involved. Every requirement of the law waa scrupulously compiled with and the church doore being closed was no account whatever. We could have compelled the chancellor of the diocese. Dr. Tristram, to Issue a license. If it had been refused, and be recognised that fact. W could not compel any clergyman to perform the cere mony. Mr. Hadden did it as an act of courteay." The duke of Marlborough will have no town house this season, having given up Warwick house. St. James, which he has occupied for the past three years. I Gossip says this Is the first intimation of a change wrought In the duke's expectations by the remarriage of hts father-in-law. The duke and duchess are now at Blenheim, where Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Vauderbllt will visit them In June. Hlshoi Doaue'a Opinion. ALBANY. N. Y.. May !.-Rt. Rev. Cros well Doane, D. D.. Protestant Episcopal bishop of Albany, who is known throughout the United States ss being strenuously op posed to the marriage of divorced persons, asserts that the Church of England haj nothing to do with the recent marriage of Wililm K. Vanderbllt and Mrs. Rutherfurd In London, beyond the fact that the cere mony was sanctioned by one of Its than- cellors, whom he regards In the same light a Jvtl official, who iisats tile licenses i William hss presented to bis wife a singu la this country. j lar braeelet which the empress vows she The blahcp said: 1 will wear to her dying day. It conslstp It Is a very grsve scandal, but the church i "f seven discs of solid California go II of ct Ei.clatd had nothing to do with it be- the purest quality each dire being about )ond ine fact that Mr. Vanderbllt secured 'thw sil of ,nver J5-cent piece, but three a Hera-man of the church to marry him. ... . ... . , , He arolled to the chancellor for the license ; times as thick. The discs bear enameled and sol It. portraits of the imperial children, each The chancellor's ooaltlon In England Is dlhC being inclosed In thickly set dia about the same as that of the civil official I . .. .v. . . who luuei 1. censes In this country. The mon;ls. Hinging from the bracelet Is a Mshoo of London had nothing to do with It j heart of solid gold, weighing about two ana therefore the cburca itself was not In- VOlv-lt. . J NEW YORK. May 2 Blehop - 1 Tturgess of the I .org Island aT Clo. etc, speaking of the matter, i Th'.i thing cnuld not nossibi YORK. May 2 Blehop Frederick d Episcopal, said: Ibly occur In this cmniry. as our ecclvslastical laws of me t.Kik.omi cnnri ti o iia not for a mo nt nt-rti'lt li. 1 hve uo doubt whatever that Rev. Hidden, who prrfoiaied the cere nenv. will be reprimanded. The reauH would be his su"nensinn from Mi dlociae and this would virtually be a . opii'li ia subueniiun from the church, as tie could not .'nier anv oilier iliocene. I ni iironal!v verv much opnrvied to Morr-d neniile msrrvlna in th Etilacoual 'O.ircb. alihuurh one utav be Innocent. Clergyman Ketairs at Altir. HARTORD. Conn.. Msy 2 With the bridal party approaching the chance! and (Coutloucd ca 6:ccud 1'uge ) FROM ARTISAN TO AN ARTIST I'oor Raaalan's Skill In Metal Work la Makes II Im Suddenly Famous. (Copyright, m. by Press Publishing Co.) FARIS, May 2. (Now York World Cable gramSpecial Telegram.) The moat noticed work In the French artists' salon. Just opened, is that ot a man wno an unknown workman, tolling for 3o cents a,day In Russia, on the border of the Black sea. He is RonchomowBky, the reputed fabricator of the much talked of tiara of Skl'.aphrrnrs. which, until Its genuineness was questioned, had a place among the reasured antiques in a state museum. Ronchomowskr exhibits In the salon a sarcophagus of exquisite workmanship, with designs on the sides representing six epochs in human life. The figures, almost micro scopic, are wonderfully executed. Inside la a golden skeleton box, ornamented with flowers, garlands and skulls. Before one knew of Ronchomowsny one might have believed that this sarcophagus had been found in the eighth century at Yalta or Ecbatana, and the savanta would have discoursed learnedly about the cos tumes of the Scythians during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar. And the price would have been fabulous. Dividing attention with Ronchomowsky s work comes Chartran s portrait of President Roosevelt. Gaston Stleglcr, the Matin's critic writes of It: I had read that the portrait revealed a statesman In appearance. I saw only a very ordinary business man In an ordinary suit of clothes and In an ordinary pose with nothing to show on its face a genius to grasp problems concerning nations. Another eminent critic says: Chart ran has one merit he choses models well. What admirable resources of skill and activity he displays In recruiting them, but how reeretable is the result. In order to suc- rxert with r such as that OI Roosevelt more than a good painter is re auired. An Intelligent painter was neces sary. One would think that the president had posed to a second-rate photograpner who was In a hurry to get through. No one would dream of discussing the artistic merit of this smooth and clearly painted nortrait." Chart ran explains the shortcomings 01 me Roosevelt portrait by saying that the presi dent was so busy the sittings were inter rupted constantly by vlBitors, it being Mr Roosevelt's desire to keep nobody waiting. 'The president is charming and loqua cious, speaking French like a boulevardler." says Chartan. "There Is no ceremony at tho White House. To seek the president It suffices to send In a card. One morning during the sittings the president arrived at the Corcoran gallery on foot, though It was raining torrents." Yesterday was "varnishing day. Presi dent Combes paused before a picture of a Capuchin monk and as he gazed he sud denly became aware that a crowd had gathered around htm. Some mocked him, while others made a more pronounced demonstration of hostility. Realizing that this was directed against him aa the man responsible for the expulsion of monks and nuns from France, Premier Combes red dened and hastened on to study subjects less significant of his attitude toward Catholics. ARRANGING- BRITISH -EXHIBIT Secretary of Commission Comlnc Over to Interview Fair Officials. (Copyright, 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. May 2. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Colonel ,Wat- son, the secretary of the British commis sion for tho St. Louis exposition, said to the World correspondent before Bailing on the steamship Ivernla: "My visit will be a short one. At the present stage I don't expect to be able to do much more than look around and make acquaintances with the hesds of the va rloua departmenta. I expect, however, to settle with the St. Louis authorities the exact amount of space allotted to the British exhibits and the site for the Brit ish pavlilon and to ascertain what ar rangements are being made regarding rail way frelgt.t charges and general facilities of transport for the exhibits. "On reaching the other side I shall go directly through to St. Louis, stay a week, and be back In London at the end ot the month." COMING TO VISIT GOULDS One of the Cleverest of Kagllsh No bility, I-ady gackvllle, to Visit America. (Copyright, 1M3. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, May 2. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial ' Telegram.) Lady Mary Sackvllle, the athletic young English woman widely known In aoclety In Amer ica, is preparing, It Is said, for another I stay with friends In New York. It will be remembered that Lady Mary was for many weeks the guest of George Oould at Lakewood, to which family she is greatly devoted. Lady Mary is noted for her cleverness, Is strikingly handsome and Is a great favorite In American society. She Is the second sister of Lord De la Warr. Her youngr sister, Lady Margaret, has written severe' books of verse, the latest one of which Is dedicated to Lady Mary. EMPRESS HAS NEW BRACELET f'ompoaed of Iliac a. Each One of Which Bears Portrait of One of Her Children. (Copyright, inn3, by Press Publishing Co.) BERLIN. May J.-(New York World Ca- j blcqrsm Special Telegram.) Emperor ounces, on which Is a portrait of tha em. l,eror- unnri r-n . ... 1U ILbl WlrttLtii SYSTEM Attempt Will Re Made to Open Com. maulcatlon Between Honolulu aad Paanlas: Ulaad. HONOLl'Ll'.May 2. I By Pacific Cable.) The Pacific cable hoard is reported to be conducting r.egoilsttons for a series of wireless telegraph experiments between her and the Fsnnlng Islsnd cable station. Fanning island Is the present southern terminus of tho British Pacific cable, which will eventually be laid to Australia. It la i about X.CMjO tulles from Honolulu, AMERICA IN LOUDON Society Has Daintiest of Quarters in Midst of Aristocrat io District. DISPENSES MOST LAVISH HOSPITALITY Dinner Given to F. 0. Van Duier is a Mo3t Lavish Affair. RECOGNITION OF VALUABLE SERVICES Craig Wads worth of American Legation Suffers Irjnred Eye. MURIEL WHITE REPORTED ENGAGED Mrs. Choate and Miss Choate Return Ins; to America to Attend Wed dins; of Joseph Choate, Jr., to Albany Belle. (Copyright, 1003, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Msy 2. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) The Society of American Women in London Is In pretty new quarters right In the heart of social London on Pall Mall. The rooms are the daintiest of their kind. The society has 160 members and Mrs. Reld Griffin Is at the head of affairs. It gives teas and dis penses other pleasant hospitality to th English sisters. The club rooms are charr Ingly furnished In green with white wo work. On the walls hang autograph tures of the president and Mrs. Roor and a copy of the Declaration of pendence, and there are many other Aoiv. lean touches. The dinner given the other night to V. C. Van Duser, the Indefatigable honorary secretary of the American society in Lon don, at Prlnce'a was a big affair. There were more than 160 guests. The commit tee was formed of leading Americans In London, who recognize the valuable services which have been rendered by Mr. Van Duser, especially In connection with the recent Washington birthday dinner at Ho tel Cecil, when Governor Francis waa a guest. That dinner was the best and big gest American function ever held In Lradon. Ambassador Choate made an excellent speech at the Van Duser dinner. He never was in better voice or humor. Mr. Van Duser has since left with his wife for a holiday in the United States. Crelg Wadsworth, the third secretary of the American embassy, is still In Wies baden, being treated by Dr. Pagenstecher for his eyes. When he was hunting recently a twig caught him roughly In one eye, caus ing him great pain and damaging the sight. He paid no attention to the injury at first, but when the sight of both eyes became affected he was ordered to consult Dr. Pagenstecher, who has been treating him now some weeks. Great sympathy la felt for Mr. Wadsworth, but there Is every hope that his eyesight will not be per manently injured. MlaWhlta.Mronft JHrtm-rbed.i Society is much interested la the report that Muriel White, the daughter of Henry White, secretary of the United States em bassy, may become engaged to Lord Howard de Walden, who la only Just of age and Is one of the very richest members of the peerago, owning a vast amount of real es tate In the West End of London. The story at present Is only a rumor. Mr. White has taken pains to deny the report that the young people are already betrothed. Mrs. Choate, wife of the ambassador, and Miss Choate will sail for the United States on May 13 to attend the wedding of Joseph Hodges Choate, Jr., and Miss Cora Oliver this month. The Ambassador greatly de- I sires to be present at his son's wedding, but he fears his dates here will detain him. The wedding ot Mr. Choate and Miss Oliver will take place in Albany and will be a notable event. Miss Oliver 1b the daughter of General Robert Shaw Oliver. one of Albany's richest and most influential men, widely traveled and a famoua wit. owners or the country, and the wealthy The Olivers hold the highest social posl- national liberals combined, have con tion. Young "Joe" Choate was an honor trlbuted for election purposes only one- man at Harvard, Is a celebrated golfer and la a fine, stalwart type of American man hood. He haa been in service as the third secretary of the American embassy in Lon- don and is on sn indefinite leave. Miss I I .. 1 , .I.- I ,1-1,- .1 I " i hum. aim 11 was on me course, insi sne met jnr. Choate. There the courtship was pursued until an engagement resulted. Miss Cora Oliver is the youngest of three Interesting sisters. The Oliver home Is at 42 Wlllett street, Albany, In a section Inhabited for generations by old Knickerbocker families. Miss Oliver's grandfather was General Rathbone and her aunt. Miss Alice Hsth bone. who was a great beauty, was married to William Phelps Eno of New York. Mr. Choatc's fiancee is also widely known for j her b""1? WORKS A CORNER ON RADIUM German Scientist Said to Have Con trol of Moat of Available Supply. (Copyright yright. WS. by Pres. Wishing; Co.) NDON. May 2.- New York World Ca- LON blegram Special Telegram.) Radium ! ! now quoted in London at 11,500,000 a pound but only one ounce has yet been manufac tured and that has been "cornered" by s German scientist. Mr. Isenthal. a dealer In slcentiflc appliances on Mortimer street has an Infinitesimal quantity In the form of radium bromide, particles of which the sUe of a pin hesfl sell for S69 esch. Radium bos been found associated wltS pitch-blende, but In such minute quantities that great messes cf the latter have to be used in order to get an appreciable amount of radium. It is the cost of the msklng rather than the actual scarcity of the radium Itself, that is responsible for the price. Isenthsl's customer sre scientific men, who bought a few milligrams eieh for experimental purposes. One medleil msn Is experimenting with radium bromide for cancer. DUKE TO SELL HIS MANSION Pachelor's Club Xea-atlatlna; Property of Dak of Welllnarton. for (Copyright, 19iiS, by Pr Publishing Co.) LONDON, May 2. (New York World iaoiegrm-opec.i e.reram.-I ns v oria has already announced that the dim of , MEXZi M.y 3.(sew York World Cable Wellington la to sell Apiley house, his his- j gram-Special Telegrara.)-Tbe cathedral of torlc mansion on Hyde Park corner. The , Meti hss a new entrance, a cart of th. h. Bachelors' club, one of the wealthiest and most exclusive cf London clubs, which now has a home at the Junction of Ham'l- ton Plars anl Piccadilly, Is negotia'lng with ths dul.e for the bouic. He aks $ifl 00o fir the freehoM. Apsley house has a splen did gardeo, where the bachelors could tn tcrulu In the summer. i BRIDGE CRAZE PLAYS HAVOC I'nfortanate riayera Heroine Se rtoli. I y involved in the Game. (Copyright. 1903. by Press Publishing Co LONDON. May 1 (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The bridge craze Is making havoc In London society, especially among the women. Some prom inent people have started an anll-brldgn league, but as the greatest social leaders, notable the king and the duchess of De vonshire, are among the most enthusiastic bridge players, the members of the league ! find themselves rigorously boycotted. Young girls and young married women get heavily Involved In debt and It Is said that grave consequences have frequently ensued where they had become Indebted to un scrupulous men. As restaurant dining Is destroying the private entertaining which has been a dis tinctive feature of English social life, so bridge playtn;, which goes on all the after noon and evening, Is causing conversation to become a lost art. Motoring la, another Influence distinctly inimical to the old order of English social life. So many social notabilities on whose entertainments the London aess-n had de pended mainly for 'Its i -estare now living outside the metropo..a and motoring to f 'ro, that the season no longer Is v.h .as. .? Fry, the biggest betting commls- V Jp" of the English turf, who executed J ssions for royalty and all tho great "sh racing swells, died recently. His Jie for years had been over $250,000, f? ', to the surprise of everyone, his es- .e Is sworn at only- $160,000. Even that joney had to go to aatlsfy hla creditors, and his widow and two daughters, who had lived lu great style In a fine house 'on Streatham Hill, are now obliged to do with three rooms In a small lodging In the neighborhood of their former splendor. The cruelty of their situation Is inten sified by the fact if they could recover the money due the late R. H. Fry they would be In affluence, as mors than $700,000 Is owing him by men bearing some of the greatest names In the English aristocracy. But Mrs. Fry has no legal remedy, these liabilities being gambling debts, though they represent money actually paid over by Fry to bookmakers on behalf of theae titled defaulters. SOCIALISTS CAUSE ALARM Eipert to Elect jDuo-Fourth of Mem bership of Ike Next Jtetcastasr. (Copyright, 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) BERLIN, May 2. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) German poli ticians are In a turmoil now, chiefly be cause of the expected success ot the so cialists In the coming elections. August Bebel, the principal socialist leader, thinks their number of members in the Reichstag will Increase from Eg to 80 and the number of votea polled from 2,000,000 to more than 3,000,000. Paul Singer, another leader. Is not so sanguine, putting the ymber ot Reichstag member at seventy-five."' Eduard Bernstein, socialist scienrifle welter. Incline 18 Begets iwi.iuaie,' Bus the social 1st organ, the Vorwaerts, and the) great bulk of the rank and file of the party feel confident ttitt the number will be 100, or slightly more than one-fourth of ' the whole Reichstag membership. The other parties are alarmed and work ing with every weapon in their armory. In cluding the poisoned sort, to check tho socialists in their onward march.. In court circles especially is their dread, for. emperor, courtier and all they represent have no bitterer enemies than the socialists. Out of 397 districts sending representa tives to the Reichstag, 385 are supplied with socialist candidates, something probably unparalleled In the constitutional countries of Europe. The merest ciphers in the party, the poorest laborers, are con tributing to the campaign fund with aston ishing liberality. It Is worthy of note that the rich eon- ! eervatlve party, embracing all the land purposes only one- third as much as has been contributed by the social democrats. i DAMROSCH I AFTER SINGERS Finds Moat of Those of Eminence En. Rafted for the Next Three Vf-ri. (Conyrlrht, 1903. by Press Publishing Co.) BERLIN. May 2 (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Walter Dam rose h of the Metropolitan opera house New York, hs struck up over here a warm friendship with Richard Strauss. Strauss played for Damrosch his latest composition, a wonderful thing for an or chestra. Strauss will not go to New York until next year. He Is not to conduct at the Metropolitan opera house, as was er ronneously cabled, but will give concerts of his own in the principal American cities. rinmrnarh ramA tiera In aeenA ilno... ... ! a great Wagner season, but 1. encountering .t,at h'y "T' ""Tn ,COntrlbu difficultles. a. the German singer, of cm" Jji'l ?tl?l?".?rn- " j nence sre mostly engaged for the next three seasons. MOTOR 'BUSSES FOR LONDON Oae Dealarned by American Com pa ay imv Belnar CItcu Trial. (Copyright, lf-03. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. May 2 (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) A motor om nibus, designed by the Fischer Motor v. hide syndicate of New York for the General Omnibus comDsnv. has been ntr.,ii.. much sttentlon In the West End streets in the last few days. The directors of the company have been testing a sample 'bus with satisfactory results. If 0 practice the new vehicle proves successful. It will herald a revolution In London's traffic methods, the buses at present being lbs greatest cause of congfstlon. EMPEROR IN DANIEL'S PLACE! Grouped with the Prophets on En. fraaca to Cathedral of Meti. ,ror. risht. 1 3. bv Press Publishing r- I oratlon of which consists of arches on which I r4 blbllcsl personages sre represented. On ! the foremost pillars sre the prophets snd among them Is a wonderfully well executed Image of Emperor William II. rrrupylng .he place Daniel should nil. ns riKbt f jre points to a s -roll on which tb ten coru- mandmenu aie writua. INSULT TO LABORERS Gang of Benson Boomers At 1st in Breaking Up Union Labor Meeting. POLICE OFFICERS FAIL TO MAINTAIN ORDER When They Avempt it Commisnoner Brcatch Bays "Hands Off" UNION LABOR MEN QUIT HALL IN DISGUST Booialistt and Ben?onites Take Possession Wten They Leave. FRIENDS OF M00RES ARE HOWLED DOWN Andrew Roaevrater Urates the Jeers of Benson Boomers and Has His Say In Spile of Them. The meeting of the representatives of union labor, called at Washington hall last night, was disrupted by W. J. Broatch In conjunction with the police stationed at the hail, presumably to preserve order. Tho only active member of a labor or ganization who attempted to address the meeting was forced by police Inaction to cease talking, and after the meeting had been turned over to the soeialiats, and tho union men of tho city driven from active participation lb the meeting, E. A. Benson came to The hall with a gang of hoodlums, headed by Vic Walker, and howled down every speaker who attempted to speak In the interests of Frank E. Moores. It was one of the most tumultuous gather ings ever assembled in Omaha and tho police professed to ho powerless to do any thing to preserve ordef. The committee having the meeting In rharge placed Peter Klewtz, a member of the leather workers' union, In the chair, and arranged to have speaking by volunteer members of labor organizations, the object being to have the laboring people make an expression as to favorite candidates for office on the various tickets. It became evi dent from the start that the meeting would not be harmonious, as about 300 socialists had come to the hall and taken scats to gether, and trouble was expected. The first speaker was John Chubblck, a member of the cigar makers' union, who briefly announced that the meeting had been called to discuss pending municipal questions as they would affect tho labor ing people, and he asked for harmonious action. Bensonlte Starts Trouble. Mr. Chubblck was followed by Jcsph Scheldt, a member of the boiler makers' union. Mr. Scheldt had Just stepped to the front of the stage when Robert Houghton, a Sixth ward politician and a member of the Benson campaign committee, attempted to silence him by denouncing the chairman and calling for the selection of a new chairman. In this he was seconded by Bob Baldwin, who itv the days when W. J. Broatch held unresirletsd swsy at the.xlty . hall was a sort If keeper of the' royal per son. The black Boh waa not quite as loud. but no less determined than the white Bob, but the latter from his more prominent lo cation created the greater noise. Vainly the chair tried to call him to order and appealed to a policeman to make the dis turber sit down. The policeman was Inter cepted by W. J. Broatch, who was present from the opening of the meeting, and the officer was ordered by him to call other policemen from the station. After he had made the call for men he went to Bob Houghton and requested him to be silent. This settled the statesman from the Sixth ward for a ahort time and In the lull Mr. Scheldt said in part: "I am one of the men who a year ago went out on a atrike against the exaction of a large corporation which maintains shops in Omaha and now I desire to thank the people who have so nobly stood by us. I do not speak aa one ot the labor leaders, but as a member of tho rank and file who haa done hla best. I am not here to assure any candidate that I carry 85 per cent of the labor vote In my vest pocket, as tome others have done, nor that I express the views of every member of organized labor. I express my own sentiments, which coin cide with the sentiments of some other members of organized labor. Purpose ot Organisation. "We have heard much about the May day atrike and the business men's association. In regard to this organization: It I am informed correctly, it was planned secretly a short time after the defeat of Mercer for congress. The principal work of organiza tion was done by men identified with the railroad companies and other large cor- I poratlons. It was, in my opinion, formed i for tne PurPst of depriving the Union Pacific strikers of the support they have been receiving from the poopie of Omaha. The company knows that the treasuries ot the international unions are large and that the union men can fight for a long time; they know that the unskilled laborers or helpers have no International union and j be Mv't'a ,nto ,ho pp . tn, eo J can thom lut ag thpreP(ory the Omaha Business Men's association wa organized with the desire to have all tnloa men out on a strike May 1. Then a fight would be made upon organized labor In the j iransmiBBuun imirj. i regret, to say tnat a large number ot the members of the Business Men's association did not realize that fact, but some of them, I believe, are seeing it. "Now It would not be out ot place to speak of the treatment accorded to union labor in Omaha. Being one of the strikers 1 1 w" ln a Posll,on to know hat was done by the Omaha Board of Fire and Pollc- i 'omnilB,oners as organized at the time the ' mcurr'"' " "r" " Drl on a T . ' ""iy to tne nuu ni iuc tuuijaii; yvt iieuiril wno pTS- served pesce and order, all of the rights of every citizen were respected and tb only complaint that was heard was from the Union Pacific company and It only said that if there were greater numbers of po licemen furnlshsd hv tha cltv tha ir..n... wouId not hve to ntaln at It. own ex pense bo large a numDer or guards. As ths old Fire snd Police commission re spected snd protected everybody's rlghtr It Is only fair to give the devil his due anrl commend the man ln chargn of it. If all that has been said aralnst th head of the Fire snd Police commission of lhat time Is true It does not chsnge the situation onf Hta. fir Board Make Chanaea. "Sine. the new Fire and Police hom-i came In our rlshts were not recneei. y were not allowed " t! ihe s'r-etr were thrown 'nto In 11. given hours to leave trr. until s British vuhlect was srrest Ufl BI)pr.,led to the Brltlfh consul snd Iher I I (Continued on Second Page.) i THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for Nebraska FhIt Sunday and Monday; Warmer Monday. Page. 1 Divorce Stirs Ip British t'hurrh. ;nnl of Ait-erlfBiis In London. Situation In the Local Strike. Itrontch Followers lllrnit Meetlnn a reposition l Formally Dedicated. President Tour In Kansas. A rw from Nrlirenka Towns. 4 nnnatil l.anaer la Immune. Moantnln Continues to Slide. 4 K. Rosewatrr on Rlahts of Labor. Kxpliislon In Kai-tory Kills Four. 5 Trade tnlons Arc tJrowlim Fast. Affairs at South Omaha. 6 Past Week In Omaha Society. Troops Perform Before Klnn. T RcMiilts of tin- Ball tiames. Formal Oprnlna of Country Club. Judae Himea Wins the Derby. S Council Bluffs and Iowa O Weekly Sportlnsr Review. 11 Beimvn aa n Boomer In Kansas. Cut In Hunnlnsi Time IiIobro. I'J Amusements and Music. 1 Equal Taxation of the Hallroads. 14 Editorial. 15 Work for Army ticnerol Staff. Trnrrllnir with the President. 1H Howell as a Corporation Man. li Commercial and Financial. May Not Sue on Taxes This tear. Temperature at Omaha lesterduyi Hour. Drv. IV n. m 4it It a. m 4 7 a. in 411 N n. ni 4U l a. m 44 to a. m 42 11 a. m 41 12 m 41 Hour, Dear. 1 p. m 2 p. m 3 u. in 4 p. . R p. m ..... . tl p. lu 7 p. m 41 41 4;i J 4.", 47 no no CAPTURE A GANG OF CRIMINALS Joseph Police tharste Them with , Three Murders and Robberies. a Dosen ST. JOSEPH, May 2. (Special Telegram.) Three murders and a dozen of the most sensational robberies In the criminal his tory of St. Joseph are charged to a gang of deHperadoes, of whom the police believo they have captured several in rounding up five suspects In a houseboat near the mouth of the Kaw river In Kansas City, Kan. The men under arrest are Lester McCor mlck, alias "Skinny Jim" Murray, Charles Frogge, Jim Hughes, Ernest Camp, alia "Red," and Ernist Bulltnger. McCormlck. Froggc, Hughes and Murray ore all St. Joseph characters and all have served more or lees time behind the bars. This le the most Important capture made by the police In years. All of these men have operated extensively In St. Joseph. They have been Identified as the men who robbed the Stauber drug store, the Mapie Leaf saloon, the East Atchison salcon,.the East Atchinsou postoffice, which they dyna mited, and two of them with the Pyle, Morey and Iden murder mysteries. .. , OMAHA MAN IS SELECTED Western- trfnr-stotf" dribs; Make ' H. A. Roarers a Vice Presi dent. CINCINNATI, May 2. The Western As sociation of Princeton clubs today elected the following officers: President, James C. Ernest of Covington, Ky.; vice presidents, H. A. Rogers of Omaha, I. R. Thorpe of Denver, Booth Tarklngton of Indianapolis, Henry F. Oreen of Cedar Rapids, H. L. Rollo Wells or St. Louts and Frank W. Simpson of Kansas City; secretary-treasurer, Joseph W. Lewis of St. Louis. Early this evening forty of the visiting members of the Princeton alumni met for mer President Grover Cleveland at the depot and gave him the Trinceton tiger and a general ovation. CITIZENS STOP NEWSPAPERS Florida Committee Named to See that No One Works on Sun day. PENSACOLA, Fla., May 2. A committee of fifteen has been appointed by a mass meeting, attended by nearly 1.000 persons, to see that the Sunday laws are rigidly en forced here. The law will be enforced even to the ex tent cf stopping railway trains, milk wagons and Ice carta, the opening of livery stables, fruit stands, newspaper offices, re freshment stands and drug stores, except that one drug store will be permitted to remain open to fill prescriptions. SUGAR TAXES T0BE REFUNDED Court Orders Collectors to Pay Back a:oO,Ot;(t Taken to Defray War Cost. NEWARK, N. J.. May 2. Judge Kirk patrtck. In the United States circuit court, today ordered W. D. Rutan and H. C. Her old, collectors of Internal revenue, to re turn 1200,000 collected as a war tax froir the American Sugar Refinery. The plaintiff claimed that the tax was Illegally assessed, the property not being subject to taxation under the law. Other companies have similar suits pending for amounts aggregating more than $1,000,000 SANTA FE NONCOMMITTAL Declares Raised Grala Hates, If Aay, Were Merely to Restore Normal Basl. WASHINGTON, May 2. The Santa Fe. In an answer filed today to an order of the Interstate Commerce commission says ai.y advances in grain rates It may have made were only restoring such rates to a normal basis. Movements of Ocean Waarla May 3. e,?,h...n. 1 from Havre. a r a-ofv r nr ha rri vrn r u'cjiu i aa. i i tnn Balle.l-Minnetor.kH. for lxndon; BataNl.t. fur Humhurif : l anipama, lor Liverpool; Vint. -riaiiil. for Antwern: Weimar, lor Genoa anil Naples; Columbia. t"r !lasow. At Havre Arrlvd La Champagne, fio-n New York, hailed Iji Brelagne, lor New At Naples Balled Masallla, for New Ai" Queermtown Arrived Ktrurla. frim New York, for Liverpool, and proceeded; Cedrlc, from New York, for Liverpool, and proceeded. At ieiioa Arrived I.lgurl a, from New York; ilera. from New York. At Antwerp- Sail. d V.i Uncle, for New A't'iSouthiimpton Balled Philadelphia, for New York. At lxjiiclon Sailed Minnehaha, for New York. At Bremen 3l!ed Frlerl li c'.er (iroft. e. for New York. Ai Riitieriluni Arrived HiHlenrtam, from New York. Balled- Potsdam, for New York. At Glasgow Arrlvtd LlvonUo. ' from Boston. iE AT A CRISIS Struggle Between Employer ard Employe in Omaha Approaches Grave Status. EARLY CHANGE CONSIDERED INEVITABLE Pressure on Various Lines of Business Strains Pow of Endurance. COAL SUPPLY SHUT OFF ALL OVER CITY Trade and Commerce Suffers as Well ai Peopla in Their Homes. SERIOUS CONGESTION OK FR.IGHT Despite i.fdif Condition Hanks of Striker Increase and More Dis content la Apparent Bakers Want Concessions. With the ranks of discontented and Idle worklngmen steadily enlarging and the ef fects of the strike hourly multiplying Omaha Is confronted by a serious problem, the gravity of which Is Increased by tho numerous channels of trade and industry affected. The fact that so many lines of business have been serloiiHly congested by the wide scope the otrlko has token, seems to Indicate the Imperative necessity of tin early settlement of some sort. A crisis and probably tho beginning of favorablo negotiations for peace Is anticipated within a day or two. Monday Is expected to bring about some vital development. The army of strikers reached nearly or quite 2,400, and unless some hrrole. mmcuiraa if (lf)pte(j forthwith this number will be in- creased. The latest recruits to the ranks of strik ers are forty drain layers and about forty teamsters who were in the employ of the city. They Joined the army yesterday. The drain layers struck for an Increase in pay from 25 to 30 cents an hour and the teams ters responded to a call of their union, which practically controls tho strike situs tlon. The teamsters had remained at work for the city when tho ether 850 struck be cause (ho Board of Public Works signified its npproval of the scale, but upon more deliberate Investigation it was ascertained that the new charter conferred discretion ary powers upon the city council, which precluded tho Board of Public Works from raising the pay of any city employes. Con sequently the teamsters considered It waa time for them to quit work. Two More Inlnn riehntlne;. . Two other unions that are liable to fall In line with the idle procession are the freight package handlers, who have been on the ragged edge of a strike for some days, and the bakers. The bakers met laat night and decided to present a proposition to their-employers for a' ten, instead of eleven-hour day. What will happen If their demand is turned down may be conjectured with aome degree of sa'cty by the conduct of other unions similarly treated. Tha bak ers number only about PO or 100. They seem to have had no general .trouble with their employers tbua far, but evidently have been quietly at work. Some days ago, however, the proprietor of the New Eng land bakery on North Sixteenth street was asked to sign the union scale for a new man who had applied for membership In the union. The demand was rejected. This baker had been at work for the New Eng land and is yet but be was a nonunion man and Induced by his fellow workers to apply ror membership ln the union. The proprietors of the New England heard nothing- further of the case until the general rumor of trouble last night. Another Klrment of nanster. Outside of the matter of hours or the recognition of the union there Is another element of possible trouble to be en countered by the bakery proprietors should the restaurants declared to be "unfair" re open and go to buying bread from these bakeries. It Is understood that In such an event the union bakers might strike In sympathy with restaurant workers. One of the union bakers who attended the meeting last night at Labor temple said that they did not want or expect trouble. A bakery proprietor stated, how ever, that they proposed to stand firmly agalnBt any demands ot the union and as sert their "rights" as members of the Bus iness Men's association. The most fearful condition that looms up on the tumultuous horizon, however. Is the serious effect of Ihe teamsters' strike. Although it is only three days' old. Its effect Is most severely felt, ft hss shut off the delivery of coal and freight, thus putting a check on business that cannot long be survived. This Is the condition which makes sorao sort of change In tha situation seem so Imperatively necessary. Aside from the many residences throughout the city lhat are needing coal, some of the big business houses, hotels and office buildings are facing a aerious proposition. The extraordinarily cool weather naturally Increased the demand for coal and with the meana of delivery shut off the situa tion easily becomes serious. A great many of the large concerns were ill-prepared for such a condition of affairs, not havlnir an over supply of coal on hand when the pinch came. It has bcKome necessary already for certain concerns to make every retrench ment possible in the use ot coal. Dealers Are Impotent. As showing the utter Impotency of the coal dealers and the completeness of the tleup. one dealer has 100 orders for Urge supplies of coal and Is absolutely unsble to touch them. Another had a carload of coal on the tracks yesterday and made on appeal to the union to move It for him but I was turned down. All of them are be- , gl(.KPj wlth the most pressing demands "or coal ,ndlo,ted b , statement i bt,,ow lney are ,t , m the strik- The wholesalo houses are not better off , and worse If anything The have freight I " """""' volumes snd must - .Asaaiaa i 4 - j 00 sometning on. All the transfer com- pnoira are lieu up ana no nauilng Is being aone. bmpments sre overdue snd whiln ths wholesalers and Jobbers aro exerting commendable efforts In the Interests of their patrons they naturally are tpe prey to a vexatious situation. ' As some of the Jobbers said yesterday, "This condition of affairs simply rsnnot go on; something ipust be done and that at ones." It is known that certain of th whole salers are ready to take the initiative In negotiations for a settlement. Two of them aro quoted as saying that unless the trans fer companies would unite in a plan to ad Just matters they would buy their own teams and do their own hauling, sign up tho scale and "cut looae" from th trans fer eompsnles. How determined the trans fer men are cannot be exactly decided, but the members of one firm were at Labor L