Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1903, PART I, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily
I'artr of Volantrrri Make Bias, tbe
Foreign Nations Join in Eejoicingi at
Louisiana Parchase Celebration.
Juuerand Declare! Treaty Wat Mark of
Countries' Lasting Friendship.
Minister Sums Up Work Done by Those
Who Found the Land.
Exploring Dona aalil to Hara Pointed
tha May America Haa ao In
dustriously and
fnlljr Followed.
8T. LOCI8, May 1. St. Loula awoke at an
arly hour. Though the dedication
cersmonica of yeaterday were ao prolonged
that It waa 2 o'clock In the morning before
the thousanda of people were able to reach
their homes.
On the official program today was desig
nated as "International day," it being set
side for the dedication of tho foreign
buildings. The members of the diplomatic
corpa, representatives of foreign govern
ments and other official guests assembled
at the St. Louis club at 10:30 a. m. and
were driven thence to the exposition
Spends Five Honrs at Kansaa City.
V The carriages during the drive were ar
Ariged in atrlct accordance' with the rules
f of diplomatic precedence and once the line
was formed the carriages escorted by four
troops of regular cavalry were driven rap
Idly toward the fair grounds, where a break
fast was served upon their arrival at 12:16
o'clock. Tho Now York provisional regi
ment, resplendent in new dress uniforms,
was drawn up In Forest Park, and as the
line of carriages passed along the troops
were reviewed by Governor Odell.
v Although the hour set for the commence-
ment of the day's exercises was 12 o'clock.
It was long past that time when the
I diplomats and their escort arrived at the
Liberal Arts building. Fifteen minutes
later than the time set for the beginning
of the program the diplomats, foreign re pre
sentatlves and distinguished guests were
preparing to sit down to breakfast a mile
away from the Liberal Arts building.
This delay In the proceedings did not
eause discomfort to many people, for the
crowd showed no great Interest in the
official program.
It was late when the assembly was
called to order by Corwln H. Spencer,
chairman of the exposition committee on
Former Senator Tharston Presides.
After the invocation by Rev. Carl
Swensson of St. Louis, Mr. Spencer ln
, traduced aa president of the day
John M. Thurston, who spoke in part as
We are here to welcome the ambassador
ministers and representatives of friendly
foreign rations, we are gathered to com
memorate an event which changed the his
tory of Americ an event of more Import
ance than almost any other event In our
history. This event gave to. us a conti
nental habitation.
Today, after 100 years, we come to cele
brate a great event In a magnificent ex
position. It Is not an exposition of a city,
or a state or of the United States, It Is
an exposition of the world.
Our visitors and our friends In the temple
of peace, dedicated to the progress of men,
are significant to us of the friendliness of
the nations. May we not hope that in the
splendor of the twentieth century there
may be an exampliflcatlon of the words of
the Master, "Peace on earth, good will
toward men."
Mr. Spencer then Introduced President
Francis of the exposition, who extended the
greeting of the exposition to the repre
sentative's of foreign countries.
1 French Ambassador Speaks.
After a selection by the marine band of
Washington the French ambassador, M.
Jean A. A. J. Jusscrand, the ambassador of
France to tha United States, replied to
President Francis as follows:
When the treaty signed In Paris 100 years
ago by which the area of the United States
was more than doubled stood for ratifica
tion before congress there were protracted
vnrusslons anil objections or many sorts.
""me thought that tne title was not Kiim-
n-iit: til tiers were anxious on arrnunt or
t magnitude of the new territories.
Senator Jackson of Georgia rose. and.
turning toward one of the hostile party,
said: "In a century, sir, we shall be well
populated, and Instead of the description
given of It by the honorable gentlemnn.
Instead or a nuwnng wilderness where no
civilised foot shall ever tread, If we could
return at the proper period, we should tlnd
it the seat of science and civilisation. "
Senator Jackson's time has come, the
very year he named: one century has Just
elapsed since he spoke. If he could return
among us he would see one of the most
brilliant gatherings which this country has
ever beheld. Sanguine as he was. Senator
Jackson could scarcely believe his eyes and
ears If he saw the matchless sight we
presently behold and the preparation for the
Impending exhibition of all the produce ail
the discoveries, all the art of the wide
Remembers French Pioneers.
In thla triumphal day it is only natural
that we carry our look backward to the
past, and have a thought for the lonely
pioneers of long ago. who came, one by
one, to this then unknown land, and tried
among Incredible difficulties lo make It
l-a unknown, to make It more productive
and easier to reclaim for you, their distant
inheritors. No one, I am sure, will think
It amiss that I. a compatriot of theirs ami
a representative of their country, recall at
this day their effort and Mrtss totlav's
gratitude for yesterday's work. For thoy
were hsrdy men, those children of distant
France: they were plucky, enterprising and
courageous; they led strenuous lives In-
deed; all iiualltlts for which you ever bad
a special regard, lo say that they did not
fear danger Is to slander them; they
loved It.
Soldiers, missionaries, governors of cities
explorers, came year after year, from the
time of Louis XIV, attracted by the
chances or the beauty of the unknown, the
opportunity of increasing their country's
dominion, or of becoming famous, or of
Instructing souls, and of dying. If death
wss to be met, bravely and honorably. Very
French they were, with all the qualities
of their race.
This Father Marquette, who, with Juliet,
first beheld the magnificent river that
washes yojr Wilis and who explored It
down to the country of tha Arkansas; this
Kobert Cavalier Kleur de La Salle, w ho had.
long before our diys, our days' notion of
a tne importance oi ins great commercial
r , il.. ufhiuiA filirnnSM S'JIM Ilk nnn tnm In
t'tiina,' across this continent, at the very
pp't wnere your nortnern lines or railways
have opened theirs.
Ixing Is tbe roll and great were the hard
shtiui. The exploration of the coasts had
been romoantllvely easy and thousands had
altemitd It. S tt lers . from France were
the nrst to try their chance Inland; they
traveled nn tha huge continent more
unknown then than was In our times the
Africa of Uvinaaton and Stanley.
The new-iomera soon discovered that the
region wjs not the metallic Kldora.lo they
iod heard of In t.'urope, but a matchless
'. rlcultural country, and they Ukau cut
l . .)- lb" trees and tilling ths ground with
lit ne of the modern Implements and helps,
no harvesting machines, no hora, . no
horned cattle. They led Indeed, not In fic
tion, but In truth, and long before the
famous "Mariner of York'' was wrecked
(Continued tva Fourth, fags.)
Noted Outlaw, a Prisoner
la I.uson.
MANILA, Majr 1. Governor Callles of
Lagtina province and party of volunteer
yesterday captured Rio, the fanatical
Filipino leader, ip that part of the Uland
of Luzon.
Rlos was formerly a blacksmith of Taya
baa and claimed to be of divine origin. Ha
attracted many followers and atarted an
Insurrection which the constabulary sup
pressed. He fled to the mountains, and
claimed the title of 'Tope 'of Luzon" and
also averted he waa a prophet. j
Governor rallies captured Rloa In the i
dlsgulse the latter had worn when appear- "le-ht. " at th laying of the corner
In as a -prophet." Ho Is said to be ! tone of the new railroad Young Men a
uilty of many crimes and probably will
. . j j .
e tried for murder. I
A fanatical Moro attacked an outpost
company near Vicars Island of Mindanao
yeaterday, and wounded three soldiers be
fore he w killed.
Captain Perishing, in command at Camp
Vicars, Is preparing , to lead a column
around the east shore of Lake Lanao.
The Insurgent movement at Misamis,
Mindanao, has collapsed. About 200 of the
most active rebels have surrendered and
the people are returning to the towns.
Goes on Ship aa stowaway, bnt Pae
sengers Purchase First-Class
Ticket for Him.
HONOLULU, May 1. 'By Pacific Cable.)
The Japanese liner Nlpon Maru, which
arrived from the Orient today, had among
its passengers a Russian exile named Ivan
von Bonlnikl, recently escaped from
Faghalln Island. He boarded the vessel at
Yokohama as a stowaway.
When discovered he said that he was
the son of a wealthy resident of St. Peters
burg. While at military college he was
convicted of rioting and with a number
of others was sent to Saghalin islands.
Here two of them had died before Von
Bonlnskl, with another student, made his
On hearing his story, the passengers on
the Nipnn Maru purchased a first-class
passage for him to this port. He will Join
the Russian colony near Hllo.
State at Siege at Salonlca and Ex
traordinary Prerantlona
Being- Taken.
siege has been proclaimed at Salonlca and
extraordinary military precautions have
been ordered everywhere la the empire, as
it is anticipated that outrages similar to
those perpetrated here yesterday may be
attempted at Constantinople and else
where. The action of the Macedonian committee
In directing attacks on foreign property was
evidently with the view of provoking tha
intervention of the powers.
It is feared) the outrages may lead to
massacres 'of Macedonians aad Bulgarians
by Mussulmans who are in a atate of
dangerous excitement.
German Judge Holds Official Guilty
of Disorderly Con
duct. SOLINQEN, Rhenish Prussia, May 1.
United States Consul Landger was fined SO
marks today by the Judge of a local court
for disorderly conduct in the courtroom,
where he was present as a witness.
Mr. Landger protested that he was a
United States official and could not be
fined in that manner, whereupon the Judge
sentenced him to three days' imprisonment
for continued disorderly behavior. The
consul left the courtroom without being
Hoosevelt's Present and Golden Scroll
Cross Atlantic In
ROME, May L Cardinal Rampolla today
received Father Francis J. Van Antwerp of
Detroit, Mich., and John Bodlnelll, the
bearers of President Roosevelt's Jubilee
gift to the pope.
They will also present his holiness with
a golden scroll on which are 25,000 signa
tures of persons who have subscribed $2,600
for the purpose of providing literature for
the Inmates of hospitals and prisons.
Hoinca Fetes Marconi.
ROME. May 1. Slgnor Marconi arrived
this evening and was recetved at the sta
tion by tho mayor, members of the ministry
and a crowd of several hundred persons,
accompanied by a band. Many flags were
displayed. The crowd detached the horses
from Slgnor Marconi's carriage and dragged
btm to bis hotel.
Clews, bnt Not Men.
HONO KONG, May 1. The United States
gunboat Callao, which was dispatched to
the nearest point up the river from Can
ton, to aid the engineers recently attacked
by a mob, reports having found the broken
Instruments and the books belonging to the
engineers and the empty drifting bouse
To Sail for Salpnlra.
NAPLES, May 1. An Italian naval divi
sion has been ordered to sail Immediately
i - .
! Ior oa'onica.
Federal Court fsaaea Writ of Habeas
Corpus, but State Jurist Com
mands Men Held.
CHARLESTON, W. Va., May l.-A con
flict of authority between state and federal
courts has arisen as a result of the writ
of habeas corpua granted yesterday on
petition of John Lalng and John Hurt,
ludlcted for killing the striking miner!
John Harless.
Tho writ, placed In the hands of deputy
marshals, was served nn Sheriff n.. .
Cork, but Judge Sanders of the state court
Instructed him to keep the men In rustn.1v
until next Thursday, when he will finally
decide tne matter. The refusal to obey
his writ was conveyed to Judge Keller to
day. The writ was granted by Judge Keller
ou the ground that Lalng and Hurt be
longed to a posse that was engaged In an
effort to serve a process of the f.xWal
court, and that as long as they acted prop
erly in making that effort they were out
aide the Jurisdiction of the state court.
Falls Dows
Klrtatorv Shale.
artist, was killed toda
J. Chnmpeny. the
iv bv falling down
ua (osurUa Aoog,
an sit valor ah&fi from
Ends Busy Day with Two Speeches to To
peka Convention.
Christian Organisation Declared to
Promote Brotherly Love and Thoa
Aaalat Beat and Only Real
Type of t Itlsenshlp.
TOPEKA, Kan., May 1. President Roose
velt made two addresses In Topeka to-
" , V . "7, uu"u,u "uu lu"
at the Auditorium,
... . . " , .
After laying the cornerstone the presl
dent was conducted to the governor's resi
dence, where he wss entertained at dinner.
His last address was given at 9:30. The
crowd was large, but so excellent were the
police regulations that there was little or
no confusion.
The work of putting up decorations began
early today. Flags were displayed In great
numbers on the store fronts. The en
trances to buildings were draped with red,
white and blue bunting. Many private
residences put out flags and other decora
tions. The Harvard colors could be seen
in many places along with the red, white
and blue.
Arrives an llonr Late.
President Roosevelt's train arrived In
Topeka an hour late. Over 12,000 people
assembled at the alte of the new Young
Men's Christian association building to wel
come him. The delay only served to adil
to the crowd. At 8:55 the booming of can
non announced the arrival of tne presi
dent's train north of the river and it was
switched from the Union Pacific to the
Missouri Pacific tracks and run down to
the new building. Escorted by a local
cavalry company and a squad of mounted
police, the president was conducted to a
platform. He made a short address and
then laid the cornerstone.
General Manager Mudge of the Santa Fe
presided at the exercises. He, presented
to the president a silver trowel which had
been contributed by the road, and with
this the president placed the mortar in
In his address Presjdent Roosevelt ex
pressed his pleasure at being In the geo
graphical center of the United States. He
congratulated the delegates to the Young
Men's Christian association convention on
coming to Kansas for their great meeting.
The president characterized the railroad
Young Men'a Christian association as one
of the most potent agencies for good in tha
country in that it tended to make better
men of railroad employes, upon whom ao
much depended.
Dlnra at Govtrsor's Hons.
The ceremonies occupied twenty minutes
Thn the resident and his party were es
corted to their carriages and driven rapidly
to the Copoland hotel. Fourteen carriages
were in the procession. Company a oi me
Kansaa National Guards acted aa guards.
a number of the party atopped at the Cope-
land, where they were entertained at din
ner hv the Youna Men'a cnnstiap aesocie
tlob but the president was taken to the
residence of Governor Bailey, where ha
dined. As tht party passed tne state nouse
a number of old soldiers who were-drawn
up n tha east entrance of the building
saluted the president. Ha returned the
salute with dignity.
Those present at the governor'a dinner
The president, Ellhu Root, secretary of
war- Assistant Becretary Barnes, Surgeon
i..nsr.i nivav nr Butler. Judge W. C.
Hook of the federal bench. Chief Justl-e
W A. Johnson of the Kansaa supreme
oourt. Morton Albaugh, chairman of the
iini.iifun tte central committee; JJ. W
MrHvane, republican national committee
man; Senator J. R. Burton, Senator Chester
I. Long, in. tt. jyoomis oi me t-ni.Mi i
i M 1..I.AV of the Rock island, H. J.
Hone, secretary to the gov?rnor; William
Allen White of the Kmporla Gasette, i.. W
Howe of the Atchison Globe.
Among toose p-esent at tha dinner at the
hotel were:
r- t r Jliinn treasurer of the Van M V Burt. nreHident of the Union
Pacific; B F. Yoakum, president of the
Frisco; C. A. Wtckersham. president of
th Atlanta West Point: L. J. Peck,
president of the Gulf, Colorado & Sants.
Fe; J. T. Nlcholl, New York; H. A. Parker.
St. Louis; Colonel John J. McCook, New
After dinner the presidential party pro
ceeded to the Auditorium, where tha presi
dent delivered an address to the Young
Man's Christian association delegates. The
large building was Jammed with people and
there were thousanda who could not get In.
President Lands V. M. C. A.
The president spoke for about forty-five
minutes and afterward held a short recep
tion. At 11 the entire party was driven
back to the station, where the night will
be spent on the train. At t tomorrow
morning the trip will be resumed through
western Kansas by way of the Union Pa
cific. The president devoted most of his speech
to the good work accomplished by the
Young Men's Christian association, saying
that such organisations developed the two
necessary qualities of work and brotherly
"Nothing can ba dona with a man who
will not work," ha aald. "We have In our
scheme of government no room for the
man who does not wish to pay bis way
through life by what he does. A rich man
Is bound to work In some way that will
make the community better for his exis
tence. The capacity for work Is abso-
lutely necessary and no man can be said
to live In the true sense of the word it be
does not work. If a man Is utterly disre
gardful of the rights of others. If he works
simply for the sake of ministering to his
own baae passions, If be works simply to
gratify himself, small is his good in the
community. He is of no resl use unless
together with the quality which enables
him to work he has the quality which en
ables him to love his fellows, to work with
them for the common good of all."
During the trip to the governor's resi
dence this evening a man named Murphy
attempted to get onto the president's car
riage. He waa knocked off by a mounted
policeman. He then Jumped upon one cf
the steps with the remark: "I guess I'll
ride here." One of the secret service men
In the carriage, by a well-aimed blow, sent
him rolling in tbe gutter, and he was
afterward arrested. The fellow was un-
armcci ana am not contemplate any as
sault, but tried to enter the carriage out
! ' m"re ,plrlt of br,vado- Tne incident
greeny smu..u i f'"1""
One of the president's guards here to
night was Patrolman Mcintosh, who was a
member of Mr. Roosevelt's command at
Santiago. Mcintosh 'was recognized by tbe
Diplomats Carrfally Arrnnaicil.
KANSAS CITY, May 1. President Roose
teit spent five hours In Kansas City. Mo.,
todsy, and later was the guest of Kansas
City, Kau., Jusi across the state line, fir
two hours, leaving for the west at 4 o'clock
In the afternoon.
la tbe two cities the president was driven
(Coatlauad ea Second Page.)
toorado Spring Slays Boris aad
atroya Garden Track In Ar
kansas Valley.
FLORENCE. Colo., May l.Frult and
garden truck In the Arkansas valley hsve
been seriously damaged by the heavy frosts
of the last two nights. The loss will be
TISHOMINGO, 1. T.. May 1. Frost
last night badly dsmaged growing cotton
and corn In the Chickasaw nation and crops
will necessarily have to be replanted. Cot
ton vSs well u and corn was a foot high.
Farmers today are purchasing seed and the
crops will be Immediately replanted.
Similar conditions exist in Oklahoma and
reports from there are that not only have
crops of all kinds been greatly damaged.
but young live stock has also suffered seri- j
BLOOMINGTON, III., May 1. Frost last
night damaged early vegetables and fruits
in An,..., , , , , ,
In central Illluols.
CINCINNATI, Msy 1. A heavy frost was
general Inst night over Ohio, Indiana, Ken
tucky and West Vlre .The damage to
small fruits and ey .etables will be
heavy. The lowes J?. .erature reported
In Indiana was 20 ? i, at Auburn.
CARBONDALE p day 1. A damaging
frost last nigh.' , Pd the entire fruit
belt of south K 'lllnols. Grapes are
thought to b i, while CO per cent of
the strawbr and garden vegetables
has been ,' Tree fruit Is believed
to have e
Only Two Bidders for Construction of
Bulldlnsja at Rapid City In
dlrtn School.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. May 1 (Special Tele
gram.) At the opening of bids at the In
terior department today for the erection
of employes' quarters, addition to laundry
and dormitory for the Rapid City, 6. D.t
Indian school, but two bids were recelvca.
They were Mullen A Munn of Peadwood,
S. D., $21,330; H. & F. Roltger of Fountain
City, Wis., $21,350.
Benton T. Wood waa today appointed
regular and Mabel H. Wood eubstltute
rural letter carriers at Cherokee, la.
The comptroller of the currency today
authorized the City National bank of Tip
ton, la., to commence bualneas with $:0,oo0
These postofflce appointments were made
today: Henry H. Huler, substitute clerk at
Hastings; William N. Lyon and Clarence
H. Freeland, substitute clerks at Omaha;
Matthew Cowder, substitute larrlr at
Cedar Rapids and Ed L. Mouch, substitute
carrier at Creston, la.
The Bankers' National hank of Chicago
and Citizens' National of Des Moines were
today approved as reserve agents for tho
First National of Prairie City, la.
Postmasters appointed: Nebraska John
A. Naugent, Cams, Keys Paha county,
vice C. P. Brede, resigned; Oeorga W.
Hicks, Easton, Garfield county, vies M.
Warren, teslgned. South ; Dakota O. E.
Clark, Saint Mary'a, Miner county; Olat
Olseth, Vernon, Roberts county.-"
Lasrca Presidential Party and Will
Remain In St. Louis for
Few Days.
KANSAS CITY, May 1. Secretary to the
President Loeb did not accompany the
presidential party to Kansaa City
He has been feverish for the last week and
haa kept to his bed most of the time.
When the party reached St. Loula he was
removed to the Southern hotel and his
physician thought it bent that he remain
for a day or two.
Mr. Loeb's condition is not considered at
all aerious and It is expected that he will
Join the party at Sharon Springs, Kan.,
Sunday next.
ST. LOUIS, May 1. It waa at first feared
that William Loeb, secretary to the presi
dent, who is ill at ths Southern hotel, was
threatened with typhoid fever, but Dr.
Behrens, the house physician, says the pa
tient will be able to leave Sunday for
Alburquerque, N. M., to rejoin President
The secretary was ill when the presi
dent's special arrived in St. Louis Wednes-
day afternoon. He was taken to the
Southern hotel and remained in bed Dedica
tion day, aa he had considerable fever.
"I am better now," stated Mr. Loeb. "The
fever Is all gone and I expect to be up by
tomorrow. During the stay In tha moun
tains I caught the mountain fever. I re
covered In good shape, but went back to
work too aoon."
Medical Student Goea on Stand and
Tells How He Acted aa
MINNEAPOLIS. May 1. Tha trial of
former Mayor Alanzo A. Ames, charged
with bribery, began today, tha Jury having
been secured after four days' of ateady
County Attorney F. H. Boardman, in his
opening address, declared that the state
would prove that Mayor Amea had insti
tuted a system of "graft," using as the go-
' between Irwin A. Gardner, a medical atu-
dent, whereby he collected "protection"
money from keepers of resorts outside the
"red light" district.
At the conclusion of Boardman's address,
Gardner was put on the stand. He told a
frank and complete story of the manner In
which the money was extorted from the
women every two weeka, of how he bad the
aid of the police force assigned by the
mayor for that purpose, and how the money
thus obtained was dlstr'buted.
Gardner had previously been convicted of
bribery, but secured a new trial from tbe
supreme court and has now decided to make
a clean breast of the operations so far as
he knew them.
Live Stork Sanitary Board log
aesta Official Inspection
on Foot.
CUTHRIE, Okla.. Mav 1. Radical action
was taken today by the Oklahoma Live
Stock Sanitary board against packers who
ship meat Into the territory for consump
tion. Complaints hsve been made to the board
of meat. In bad condition and the matter
has been referred to tbe State Board of
Me., in ror imraea.sie .ciiuc, ,n.i owiy De-
Inn ..I..I . n ....ant furfnr .V.I . r
-"- - - -
dretsed meat Into Oklahoma. The board
went on record todsy favoring tbe inspec
tion on foot of all meat consumed o the
territory. Prosecutions - to follow.
Nearly Sixty-Fire Thousand Worken Quit
Jobs on May Day.
Omaha Cornea Second In List Which
Inclndea Representatives of Many
Trades and Cltlsena of
Fourteen Cities.
Dny'a Strike Statistics.
No. Out
1.0 M
New York
Philadelphia ...
Newark, N. J..
India mi polls ...
i;," '1.0
Pittsburg ...
(Cincinnati ..
Akr.m. O
pcranton. Pa.
Pueblo, Colo
Huntington, W. Va
S3, 820
NEW YORK, May 1. The expected May
day strikes did not materialize to the ex
tent anticipated, although a great
many men. Including 30,000 Italian exca
vatora, are on strike. The agreement
reached last night by the steamboat officials
and the marine engineers to submit their
difference to arbitration put a stop to the
general tleup of all freight steamers In
this vicinity.
Freight continues to move ag usual, but
the demands of the engineers has tempo
rarily demoralized the movement of craft
which depend on tugboats. A number of
demands of the engineers and tied their
the ownera of tugboats decided to resist the
boats up, while In other cases the engineers
left their posts.
Some of the companies were successful
In securing nonunion men to take charge
of their engine rooms. The situation la
not nearly so serious as had been looked
for. The only serious aspects are In con
nection with the movement of bargea which
bring New York's ice supply and the dock
ing and taking to sea of the big ocean
The Teamsters' strike has not yet reached
any proportions. The orders were Issued to
4,000 members, but not one-fourth of these
quit work.
Some 30,000 Italian excavators and rock
men engaged on the subway answered the
call for a strike by their leader today.
They ask $2 a day for all men, experienced
and Inexperienced, while the contractors
say they can pay thla to experienced men
The strikers paraded the atreets, each
waving an American flag. This strike prac
tically put a stop to work on the subway
and also on excavations for new buildings.
The strike of tbe boiler makers was set
tled last night and the ship yarda today
are operating with full forces. Another
strike settled today waa that on the Musca
toot darn, tbe 300 men returning to work.
In the building trades thera ia not a
strike to Interfere with work, the only
trouble being that occasioned by tha dif
ferences between the Amalgamated and
Brotherhood carpenters.
Thousanda Strike at Baltimore.
BALTIMORE. May 1. A general atrlke
of union workmen in the building trades
went into effect today. Over 4,000 men
are out. '
BOSTON, May 1. Many adjustments were
reached in the city during the day, and
reports received by labor officials Indi
cate that not more than 1,200 actually quit
work. These included 300 lathers, 600 ar
tificial stone and asphalt workers and 300
GRAND FORKS, N. D., May 1. It la said
the conductors and trainmen of the North
ern and Dakota divisions of the Great
Northern are voting practically unani
mously in favor of a atrlke.
INDIANAPOLIS. May 1. There were
several strikes in Indianapolis today. At
the Bedford quarries and mills the men
struck and all closed' down. Five thou
sand men are out. They are demanding
an equalization of the wage scale for the
different branches of work.
Laundry Workers on Strike.
CHICAGO, May 1. Two thousand five
hundred members of the Laundry Workers'
union quit work today, precipitating a
famine of clean linen upon Chicago and Its
suburbs. There are 5,000 of these workers
including laundry wagon drivers and less
than one-fifth of the number are men,
Chinese lauudrles, of which it is esti
mated there are nearly 1,000 In Chicago,
are to be involved In this war, which Is
being waged by organized labor against em
ployers in this city.
BLOOMINGTON, III., May 1. Blooming-
ton witnessed the most extensive strike
among trades uulons today that has been
inaugurated in many years. Every mem
ber of the carpenters' union, horseshoers'
union and several other minor organiza
tions laid down their tools this morning
when the bosses refused to sign the new
scale of increased wages,
SCRANTON, Pa., May 1. All tbe union
Journeymen plumbers, about 300, went on
atrlke today and there Is an entire cessa
tion of building operations where plumbing
la essential.
Colorado Bridge Workers Out.
PUEBLO, Colo.. May 1. Two hundred and
twenty atructural iron workers emDloved
1 at the Mlnnequa Steel plant by the Amrri.
can bridge company and the Ritter-Connelly
company went on strike today. They de-
I mand an right-hour day and 60 cents sn
! hour. They have been working nine hours
i a day at 40 cents an hour,
j HUNTINGTON. W. Va., May 1. One
hundred girls employed In a cigar factory
! here were discharged today because thev
formed a union. Half the number were
tsken back upon withdrawing from mem-
Forty Thousand Mar Quit.
PHILADELPHIA. May I.-More than
7,000 men In the building trades struck to
day for an increase in wages. This action
directly affects 1,000 additional workmen,
and should the strike continue a week
building operations will cease and over
40,000 men will be rendered Idle.
PITTSBl'RG, May 1 Six hundred boiler
makers and 400 helpers, besides archi
tectural housesmiths and stationary hoist
ing engineers in Pittsburg and Allegheny,
quit work today.
fteven Thousand at .Newark.
NEWARK. ,N. J.. May 1. Two thousand
masons and 5.000 laborers struck today for
i . . .
I ... , ,
. '"?.NT.I1 iT0-'.: t0
I h shB Ukran asn
& " crmrm , t i .. . UC UUliriing ITSdeS
council and the Contractors association of
, clncDn, Bbout 700 ,dte
t ' '
TDe oinetences are over the demand of
th, meters for their men to agree not to
Join sypathetic strikes.
AKRON. ().. May 1 Five hundred rsr-
peoters struck today to enforce their de
mand for an eight-hour day aad mora fay.
Forecast for Nebraska Ratn
Saturday. Sunday, ralr.
uml Colder
1. Dedication of Fair Rnlldlnsta.
President Tnnrs In Knnsas.
Knatern Sot Serlona.
Many Omaha Laborers on Strike.
2. Coal Mines Par Rial Profits..
Men II I Forty Feet for 1,1 fe.
a. Sews From Nebraska Towns.
4. British FIuk Flics In Paris.
Stream Saves Man From Fire.
Man Found with Skull Crashed.
B. Twenty-Nine are Made Doctors.
Affairs In South Omaha.
O. Council BlniTa and lows News.
T. rrngreaa of the City Campaign.
8. 1 nclc Sam's I'ntsle Ksperts.
Plan Skyscraper School Houses.
O. Itnasla Presses rLlns Hard.
Payne Takes Ip Postal Scandal.
Bishop Spaltllnsr Talka on UUor.
10. Bursting of the Yerkra Bubble.
Story, "A Pair of Fairs."
11. Sporting; F.vente of tho Day.
linn's Review of Trade.
11. Affairs at South Omaha.
Kails Some Campaign l.les.
Fire Wipes Out Several Towns.
12. F.dltorlnl.
1. Mayor W ill Command Pollco Now.
Temperature at Omaha yeaterdayi
Hour. Dcat. Hour. Desi.
B a. in ..... a 1 p. m 52
H a. ni .11 - 1". a Bt
7 a. in 3T ;t p. m B7
H . m 4ft 4 p. m..N... BH
O a. m 4.1 ' R p. m Bf
lO a. m..... . 4R A p. m BH
It a. m 4 ' T p. m BT
lilm BU R p. m Bl
0 p. m B.1
riMnirn Get the Small End of
Broatch'a New Salary
The action of the Board of Fire and Po
lice commissioners in raising the salary
of the police captains from $90 to $110 a
month, or the maximum amount mowed
by the new .law, while a service scale has
been arranged for the fire captains,, haa
caused considerable adverse comment.
The board adopted a resolution making
tho pay of fire captalna in the service less
than five years $U0 a month, more than
five and less than ten years, $100 a month.
and more than ten years, $110 a month
All previously have been paid. $85. An
inspection of the payroll for April shows
that there Is not a alngle fire captain who
will draw more than the m'.nlmum of '-0.
"I don't understand why police captalna
in the service only a few montha rhould
get more than fire captalna who have risked
their lives for years," said Councilman
Zlmman yesterday. "I don't suppose the
council can do anything as the police beard
has the right to fix the salaries within
ths limits ret by the law, but some force
ought to be exerted to make tha com
mlssloners change thla ruling."
Comptroller West berg- Says He' Will
Hot Sign Warrants for Pub
lic Works Men.
Men who worked for the city during the
month of April may have to resort to court
procedure to get their pay if City Comp
troller Westberg keeps bis word. He i-ald
yesterday that he would refuse to sign a
single warrant for a Board of Works em
ploye, because tbelr names and compen
sation bad not been submitted to the coun-
ell for approval Immediately after the I
charter amendments went Into effect.
No time Bheet for the employes was
submitted to the comptroller by tbe board
to be included in the April appropriation
ordinance. The long alcknesa of Chairman
Rosewater of the board and the failure of
the council to meet for several weeka have
contributed to delaying the aendlng in of
the lists to the council.
Although Westberg declares he will rot
sign the warrants, all lawyers about tbe
city ball, including Judge Hascall, say that
the men who worked are entitled to Mielr
money and cannot be prevented from re
ceiving it. Most of them already have as
signed tbelr wages and if any one ia tha
loser It will ba the loan agents.
Strawberries Also Injured, but Apples
Escape with Slight
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., May 1. Special Tele
gram.) Damage to the wheat crop In north
ern Missouri by frosts of the last three
n'ghts Is not .so alarming as at first Indi
cated. Large growers of wheat today say
the crop In the uplands la not badly In
jured, but on the low sections and river
bottoms the yield will be very small, owing
to the heavy frosts. A few fields are killed,
other fields are set back so much that
continued wet weather will totally de
stroy them. Strawberry growers are heavy
sufferers, many acres , of berries being
killed. Tha apple yield will not materially
be affected, according to horticulturists.
Flames at Length Stayed In Adlron
dacka After Hag-Ins for
PLATTSBURG, N. Y., May 1. A heavy
snowstorm set In over the Adlronacka to-
day practically checking tne fierce forest
" .
fires that bave spread rapidly In the laat
week. The temperature has dropped about
50 degrees.
Meager reports Indicate that the Loon
lake house and the White Face inn are safe.
though possibly damaged by smoke.
Movementa of Ocean Vessels May 1.
At New York Arrived Deutschltnd, from
Hamburg; Auguste Victoria, from Ham
burg; Trojan Prince, from (lenoa, Naples,
etc.; Pretoria, from Hamburg.
At Movllle Sailed loiia. from Liverpool,
for Montreal; Anchorla, from Glasgow, for
New York.
At Avonmouth Sailed Monteag e, for
At Oenoa Balled Sardegna. from New
York, for Naples.
At Vopenhagen Sailed Island, for New
At the Lizard Passed La Champagne,
from New York, for Havre: Htatendam,
from New York, for Rotterdam.
At Malln Head Passed Livonia, from
Boston, for Glasgow; Anchorla. from Cllis
gow and Movllle, for New York.
At Liverpool Arrived Germanic, from
New York. Sailed t'evlc. for New York.
At London Hailed Philadelphia!!, .or
At Halifax Arrived SllvertHn. Irom
Liverpool, via St. Johns, and cleared for
At Uueenstown Hulled New Kngland,
from Ilvernol, for lsnion.
At Antwerp Arrived-tiwiticrland, from
At Cherbourg 8aUl Furst Bismarck,
for New York.
Mayor Issues Proclamation Advising
Against Violence or Inciting Trouble.
Teamiters and Restau.ra.Dt Employes Com
prise Larger Portion.
Neither Bid Expected to Make Any Fur
ther Moves Until Monday.
Several of the nlone Involved Say
Settlement of Differences Is
Probable No Violence Ip
to Date.
To all Mrniliora of Labor Or
piuizatloiis In the city of Omalm.
nil WorkliiRnifU nml Friends of
I.nbor. and to Kinploj-ern of Lnlxii':
In view of the tuiMottltHl dtfrVr
eiu'pg lietvvopu employers and
tvnge-workers, and between capitnl
and labor, I ndiiionlnh nil mem
bers of lnbor oi'Kftulzationh In the
city of Onmlia and all wmklnftnieu
und friends of Inlior to exercise
the utmost good Judgment and cau
tion in all their delil rutluus and
nttlous to the cud that tfood order
may be maintained In our city und
satisfactory and peaceable results
may follow the ixlstliijf serious
and complicated differences be
tween employers uud employes. It
Is only by a strict observance of
the law Hud the maintenance of
peace and good order that the
J pympathy and good will of the peo
4 pie, ao essential to success of any
muse, .can oe secured and main
tained. The good unme of our city and
the well-en rued reputation of the
working-men nud wage-workers of
Omalirt for fairness and good or
der must be maintained. I call on
every worklugnian and wage
worker of Omaha to see to It that
no act of violence or act which
would be unworthy of the cause
of labor Is permitted to be done.
, I also admonish nil employers of
labor to refrain from doing any
uct or making any publication or
statement which might in any
manner tend to excite or aggra
vate the unfortunate conditions ex
isting In our city.
I further admonish all of you
both employers aud employee, as
good citizens, to use every effort
to peacefully settle ou the basis 4
or fairness and right all differences
which now exist between you.
No material breaks have transpired in
the strikes which were declared yesterday
and the end of the week finds an army of
about 2,300 Idle men In the city. This
number Includes approximately 250 Union
Pacific shopmen, whose strike began nearly
a year ago; 250 carpenters, 850 teamsters,
600 restaurant and cafe workers, 300 hod
carries and forty leather workers. These
figures are said to be conservative. In no
case is the full quota of the respective
unions included. Many of the Union Pa
cific strikers have left the city. Of tbe
400 union carpenters at least 160 are said
to be at work for contractora who algned
the scale. About 150 or 200 restaurant
and cafe workera are still busy and eighty
of the 120 leather workera have not as
yet struck, while a few of the hod carriers
ore at work.
Notwithstanding the lattltude of . tbe
atrlke, it did not reach tbe proportlona
feared. This waa due to the partial settle
ments Indicated, tho complete settlements
of the brewery workers and the failure of
the freight handlers to arrive at definite
results. While there Is no indication of
an immediate disintegration, soma nego
tiations are pending which In all probability
will result In a reduction of the number
of Idle men. Present signs point to a
stubborn fight as long as tt lasts, but tha
general Impression on both sldea seem to
be that the affair will not oe long drawn
out, affording one grounds of consolation
at least, If this Impression ba correct.
Central Ilody lieepa Out.
Central Labor Union which met last
night was supposed to . dip its oar Into
the strike situation In seme w:iy or other,
but did nbt. Certain phases of the sit
uation were broached once or twice, .as all
tho urilons Involved had their regular del
egatea at the meeting, but absolutely noth
ing was done that in any way tore on tha
strike. Tbe central body some time ago
placed at tha disposal of all of the unions
an arbitration committee, but It has not
yet been called Into service.
The present strike hinges largely on the
course of the tearaaters. While they have
no sort of dirct control over the restaurant
men or any other union t.ngaged in th
fight, they are by all odds the largest or
ganization and their action affects more
different lines of industry and It Is thought
and even said by many of the employers
that if matters could be adjusted with the
teamsters the rest of the problem would
j be easy to solve. Nexf In Importance com.
! 4U .A.iaiipant mn who nhvlnunlv f.irni
ths restaurant men, wno oDviousiy rorni
a very potent factor.
Settlement In View.
The leatherworkers believe they have
good prospects of settling. Two of their
firms already- are said to hsve expressed
their willingness to sign the scale and it
Is hoped the other two will fall into line
wlthtout much more difficulty. The car
penters likewise bave some things In their
favor. In the first place, according to their
president, George W. Miles, almost 50 per
cent of them are now at work, meaning
that a number of contractors have algned
tbe acale and Mr. Miles looks for further
concessions. He has been told by oas
large contractor that he Is ready to sign
up. All the work on the public buildings
that are being erected or completed, tha
Krug theater, market bouso, postofflce and
the auditorium can proceed, as the con
tractors having charge of these buildings
have signed the scale. With the carpen
ters and leatherworkers eliminated the
situation would be materially Improved as
It would leave the employers to deal with
practically none but the teamsters and
restaurant men, as the bod carriers are not
being dealt with much as It is thought
best to defer action with tbem until the
tesmsters ran be disposed of. When this
Is dona It la believed tbe smploysra will