TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1001. 5 READY TO HANDLE FORCEPS mun IN CLUB AKD CHARITY TweDtj-Two Tonn Men Graduated from Omaha Dental College. EIGHTEEN ARE RESIDENTS OF NEBRASKA ,Vlee Chancellor SteTenson Confers the Decree of Doctor of Dental lirry I pen Each Mem ber of the Claaa. The Young Women' i Christian associa tion la planning a celebration of tts'tenth anniversary Monday evening and all mem bers and friends, both men and women, arc cordially Invited to attend. There will ba music by the Young Women's Christian Association orchestra, under the direction of Mlsa Luella Allen, and a program In cluding a vocal aolo by Mlaa Anna Bishop and addresses on the general aubject, "Our Association, the Past," by Mrs. Ida V. TU den; "The Present," Mrs. Emma Byera; "The Future," Mra. W. P. Harford. Miss Ella Brocken will address the Bun day afternoon gospel meeting at 4:30 o'clock, speaking of her recent trip abroad. The Tramping club took Ita first excur- AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA flute High School Declamatory Contest Cornea Off This Evening. CONTESTANTS HAVE ALL WON HONORS Champions of Districts la Respective Classes Will Meet to Decide the Position of rlrst for the tate. The eighth annual commencement exer cises of the Omaha Dental college, the dental department of the University of tnaba, were held Thursday afternoon at Boyd's theater. There were twenty-two araduates this rear and favorable comment was occasioned throurh the fact that of lon on Saturday afternoon, leaving the this number eighteen were residents of Ne- rooms at 4:20 and returning at 7:30, having braska. .. - walked to Klvervlew park and back. The program opened with - an overture, Ia Cheval at Bronci," followed ny invoca- Th r,, Fe,r.ttnt. nf rlh f w..n. lon by Dr. R. M.., Stevenson of Bellevue h .cumuuted a library of over 700 volumes which has been opened for free college. Following a selection from the opera "II Trovntore" Dr. Alfred O. Hunt, dean of the College faculty, announced the Dames of the graduates and the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery was conferred by Rev. R. M. Stevenson, vice chancellor, act ing for Dr. David M. Kerr, chancellor of the University of Omaha. The diplomas were then presented to the graduates. Following the graduates waa delivered by Judge James Horary " Pned February, 18, H. Macomhftr, who said In part: business lite know better than the grad- oldt lf not tn, M f career, in the" acUWty of the Argio-S.xon """ r.ZT !? "V? '7" race there has been much progress In all public use and now has an average ot 220 readers. The county commissioners have given a room In the court house with light, heat and Janitor aervlce for the library. which Is open twice a week, on Wednesday and Saturday. In addition to this start, the federation had on hand several hundred dollars to be Invested . la books. The ary on February 12. Until the last year, It has worked under lta original constitu tion of the state and general federations. line-more than In that of any other race. When I contemplate the progress of man Vlnd to hlrheh rtvlllzatlon I feel that the development of humanity Is the glory of The Hull House Woman's club held Its ereatlon. While the mind may grasp other annual May party on Wednesday for the things It cannot grasp Itself. The psycho- I cniidren of the vicinity, logical pert of man's nature Is as real as . .... .k. ri.niT.tlnn his ruined k..,,.k .1,. k.ni,B1 trMtiom There 'has been an exhibit of home of religious thought. A study of the force. "!" nl 'h "ems of Ch'c0 of Datum Is Interesting. What giant thing. Woman . club this week, lta object being Intellectual ldess are! In the great strug- t,how now aclence can be applied to the gle which has taken place In all countrle. nair. of the houaehold. Later the exhibit there Is no event since the crucifixion of to b taken to the St. Louis fair, where Vesus Christ that has had so much effect 11 w"l be shown under the auspices of the von the destiny of the world as the refor- nicago Association of Collegiate Alumnae roatlon started by Martin Luther. The ln- 'fluence of thla reformstlon continues to be felt in all tree states and free Institutions. . Power of Unman Mind. "Your study understanding and experi ence will aid you In your appreciation of the power' of the' human mind, but nothing can do thla more than a study of the gov ernments of the two great nations of the A.Dg1o-Saxon race England and the United ftates." i The speaker then reviewed the constitu tional history of the United States, bring ing out lta harmony with the development of the race, and comparing It with the con- atltutional history of England. "If we could confine ' our study ot the effect of pure idea, upon material thlnga we would be Impressed with lta power. It la the want of culture that makea men the Jest of the world, while knowledge and freedom bring- thera honor." ' The graduates of. the Omaha Dental col lege this year are as follows: William Victor Beck, Grand Island,' Neb.; Roy Por ter' Belden, Seward, ' Neb.: Harley Otln Bliss, Linden, Neb.; Edward Henry Bruen- Ing, Omaha; - Charles Adelbert Calkins, York, Neb.; James Monroe Cottrell, Au burn, Neb.;' Olln Hartman Cressler, Rising City, Neb.! John Edward Douglas, Omaha; Dwlght William Willimsn Dalklgh., Dor- The Dundee Woman', club met with Mrs. Leavitt on Wednesday afternoon. A review of the work for the year "Glimpse, of History, Literature and Art ot the Seven teenth Century" wae given by Mesdames Johnson, Howard and Perry. Mrs. Leavitt, tne leader, had written a poem for the occasion, printed In light green on a white card, and with a knot ot pink ribbon In the corner. The club colors, pink, white and green, were tastefully represented. The club will use the Bay View course next year, The Basketry club waa entertained at the home of. Mra. T. W. McCulloush. 2204 Ohio street, on Wednesday afternoon, The Industrial class work at Tenth Street City mission will close ' for the summer this week, an entertainment having been arranged for Saturday afternoon at tho mission, when the closing exercises will be held. Among the things announced are a musical contest, a sliver Demorest medal conteat, a drill in the work of the various classes and refreshment. The mission lot la beng .rapidly . Improved . in preparation for the summer work. A high board fence la being built around the yard and the much-needed fumigating and bathrooms are Chester, Neb.; Joseph Marlon Foster, Red to be added at once, aa the city water and Oak, la.; George Lemon Gallagher, Seward, Neb.; Orvlllo Rush Ivtns, Omaha; Frank Isaao Leston, Albion, 8. D. ; Ned Bhock- ley. Red Oak, la.; Bertrand Franklin Splcer, Red Oak, la.; Mon to Smith, Hastings, Neb.; Elmer Alonxo Thomas, Red Cloud, Neb.; Timothy Jefferson Todd, Plattsmouth, Neb.; Frank Wll lard Warner, Gresham, Neb.; Leonard Harley Warner, Geneva, Neb.; Charles Clarence Whlsler, Ashland, Neb.; George Raymond Woods, Edgar, Neb. Banquet la the Evealsg. At 8 o'clock last night the twenty-two The annual state contest of the Nebraska High School Declamatory association will be held at the First Methodist Episcopal church. Twenty-third and N streets, this evening at 8 o'clock. First on the program will come a piano solo by Miss Mse Lovely, followed by an Invocation by Rev. George Van Winkle, pastor of the First Baptist church. Misses Myrtle and Susie Keefer and Mesdames Hasklns and Rozelle will render a selection, and then the oratory will commnce. In the oratorical line Herbert Cleveland of Lexington will read "The Prisoner'. Plea" and Mabel Coleman of Fullerton will speak on "Imagination versus Inspiration." Ralph Cressey will render a violin solo. and then Alice Batty ot Hastings will recite "Thj Chariot Race." Miss Hilda Condron of South Omaha will follow with a selection from "If I Were King." After a solo by Miss Edith Dennis, hu morous recitations will come. Harley Bel lamy of Cambridge will recite "Gran'pap'i Boy" and May Frank of York will follow with "Naughty Zell." Nellie , Handley of Norfolk will close the humorous ; portion of the program by reciting "Her Cuban Tea." R. L. Davla will sing a solo, and then the medals to the winners of the contest will be presented. It Is expected that every seat In the church will be occu pied, as considerable Interest 1. being manifested In the contest. Police Board Meeta. He will sing several of the old Irlnh bal lads, pnfHilHr on two continents, and MIm Margaret O'Toole anil Mr. Tuque also v.1.1 ing. Cards are out announcing the marriage on May 11 of Mies Catherine' Cassldy to oseph Murphy. W. R. Patrick has returned from New caetle, Wyo., where he went to attend to some legal matter. A fine concrete sidewalk has been laid In front of the new Anthea hotel at Twenty third and M Mreets. E. Maney. manager of the Pioneer (noth ing company. In unite 111 at his apartments t the Kitchnnrt noiei. John L. Cavers has returned from a trio through the west, which took him Into the timber country In Oregon. J. I Martin Is back from Grand Island, here he whs oreeented with a handnnme old chain and a watch charm. Dog tags are selling 1at thee davs. PoundmaKter McUIII starts out today on hi) crusade against untagged canines. William Phillips, colored, for years a fire man at the Pioneer block, died suudeniy yesterday. Brewer has tne remains. POLICE BOARD CASE (Continued from First Page.) aewer connection have been made. The Omaha branch- of the Woman'. Aux lllary of the Episcopal church will bold lta. monthly meeting on Friday In the chapel of Trinity cathedral, at 2:30 o'clock The next meeting of the Daughters of the American Revolution will be held on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. F. Hodgtna on North Fortieth street. Mrs. Mary Teata, national ' superintend- members of the class, with the faculty of lent of the department of purity ot the the Institution and the vice chancellor of Woman'. Christian Temperance union, met with the members ot the local union on Wednesday afternoon and completed ar rangements for a aerie, of temperance lecture, to be given during the two week. beginning May 8. These addresses will be made In the varloua churches and before different organizations, the dates and glace to be announced later. the University ot Omaha, .at at a banquet at the Millard hotel which marked the la.t meeting of the class In connection with the cortege.. Plates were laid for about fifty rXons, Including a number ot the alumni otlths achool. The dining room waa decor. aud with cut flowers. At the conclusion of the feaat Dr. A. O. Hunt, dean of the faculty, presided as toastmaster." The first toast waa "Dental Societies as .Educational Institutions." It The household economic, department ot the Woman'a club held Ita closing meeting was responded to by Prof. H. T. King. The on Thursday morning. The Installation of toast to which Dr. W. H. Christie re-1 the new officer, and the program given .ponded to was "The Relatione of Medicine I by Dr. Mlllen and Mra. Mary Moody Pugu and Dentistry." Rer. Robert M. Steven- I were the featurea of the morning, S'u. vice chancellor of the .university and ten0', ,(": FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Dr. C. C. Whlsler spoke of "The Class ot r,,r . Wir.tr Predicted for Te. '03," ana ur. w, . uorwara spoxe or "Tne Btate Board." The aubject ot Dr. L. O. Van Slyke'a toast was "The Alumni.' Judge James H. Macomber spoke of "The Professions," while Dr. W. H. Sherraden closed the program In responding to the . I'Tk. IT.-. ' Restraint Without Dae Process. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., April SO.-The bearing of the petition for a writ of habeas corpus tor mosps rowier irvase, the de mented millionaire, besan today In thai tA eral .court. Judge Kittrldge argued that Moses Fowler t'haae was confined at Lafay ette In violation of the constitution of the Vnlted States, as he was a cltlien or nhir but was restrained in this state without I urday fair, warmer In western portion. day Both la Nebraska sad lews, WASHINGTON, April 80. Forecast: For Nebraska Fair, ' warmer Friday; Saturday fair. For Iowa and Missouri Fair, warmer Friday and Saturday. For South Dakota Fair and warmer Friday; Saturday probably showers, with cooler In west portion. For Illinois Fair Friday; fresh northwest winds; Saturday fair, warmer, For Kansas Fair, warmer, Friday; Sat- EVER WATCHFUL A Little Cars Will Sava Many Omaha , Readers Futtn Trouble. Watch the kidney secretions. Seo that they have the amber hue of Total excess since March 1 Local Record OFFICE! OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA. April BU. Official record or tern perature and precipitation compared witn the corresponding any or ine last tnree years : Wt 19H3. 1801. 1900. Maximum temperature .. 4 80 R5 70 Minimum temperature ... 27 62 8J 48 Mean temperature M 66 H ba Precipitation 06 .00 .00 .0) Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for tills day and since Marcn 1, 1903: Normal temperature 54 Deficiency lor the day z ....lt2 not excessive or In- Normal precipitation 12 Inc h Deficiency for the day 07 Inch Precipitation since Marcn l .z.t Inches Deficiency since March 1 ..2 04 inches Deficiency for cor. period, ISO.'. ...3. 07 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 19'U....1.87 inches Reports from Btatloas at T P. M. CONDITION OF TH WEATHER. health. ; The discharge. frequent. Contain no brick-Jrust-Uke sediment. Doan'a Kidney Pills will do this for you. They watch the kidneys and cure them When they're sick Mrs. H. D. Dodcodorf. 911 N. 24th street says:. "Rheumatism In the shoulders so that niy left arm was almost helpless, so that could not raise ll to my head, swell log of .the feet and ankles so pronounced that the Kkln was drawn tight and shiny, so that I could not lace my shoes all of these -ymplojus pointed directly to disordered I t'ttip.vs. While visiting In my old -home. V ilkvsbarre. Pa., my father advised me to use Doan's Kidney pills, and stated that It waa a remedy extensively recommended in and around Wllkesharre. I sot a box. af terwaHs procuring, two more at Kuha A USon"rcioud.:::::::::; v w w,",,, bvmrriuiu un 0quimi ihK'SKO, Clear atrects. I ne swelling disappeared, the rheumatism left my shoulder and I stopped tee treatment, for there was no use of a "itTuance" Tf or sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Fobter-MilburnJ Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agect. for the United Stairs. Remember the name, Doaa's, and take go ubstltute. I ?! f! Omaha, clear North Piatt, clear Cheyenne, cloudy Halt Lice city, ciouay Hapl'l city, clear St. I.ouls. clear .... St. Paul, cloudy .... Davenport, clear ... Kansas City, clesr Havre, cloudy Helena, cloudy Hlxmarrk. clear .... Ualveston. cloudy . 411 6:' 6-' 'W 4 4', 441 4 4 64 4 4 M 44 .U Ml .0 6X .iV 6(i! .0) Mi Ml f 401 421 . 441 8 ,l 61 o. T 64 .00 6t .UU T Indicate, trace of precipitation. !.. A. WK1.HH, . - . Local Forecast Official. The Fire and Police board met In the council chamber last night. Committees were not appointed, but most likely will be at the next meeting.. An executive session of the board was held at the office of Secretary Bergqulst before meeting In public at the council chamber. At this secret session a motion was adopted de claring It out of order for any member ot the board to talk to representatives of the press or dlscusa with anyone what action the board is likely to take In the future. The board directed Chief Brings to pre pare a list of all saloons not having paid In license money for the ' coming fiscal year to the city treasurer. A. only six saloon keeper, had paid In the $1,000 license fee up to last night. It will not be a hard matter for the chief to make up hi. report. Both the chief of police and the chief of the fire department were re quested to file, as soon as possible, a list of the men working under them. So far eleven firemen and ten policemen have filed applications tor positions. These were placed on file for the reason that the regu lar Diana, to De used nave not arrived. Aa for the turning down of the applica tion for printed blankr by the council Wednesday night, a member of the board stated to a Bee reporter that the blames desired would be ordered and that the city will have to stand the expense. I. - J. Buckley and Louis Sanswlck are anxious to be reinstated aa members of the fire department, while H. E. Newman I. an applicant for the position of chief of po lice. Surveyors Wrktnar Here. Yesterday afternoon Thomas Shaw, -who la In charge of the work of making a sur vey for the Omaha, Lincoln A Beatrice company, called on City Engineer Beal for some Information. Mr. Shaw stated 'that hi. men are surveying a -line for an eleo trio road from Omaha to Lincoln and are now working in the vicinity of Forty-fourth and Q streets. Mr. Shaw commenced bis work at the Platte river and 1. setting take, toward Omaha aa rapidly aa pos slble. Aside from the feet that he la doing the surveying, Mr. Shaw had nothing to ay about the road which Is to be built. As the linea being run are on the outaktrt of the city the people here aeem to maul test very tittle Interest In the proposed road. May Mnalcale. The May mustcale given last night at the Methodist church under the auspices of the local Young Men's Christian association was well attended. Ed P. Baker and Henry J Bock acted as directors and conducted the affair to tbe entire satisfaction of alt who attended. While the program waa quite lengthy every number was, given the atten tlon It deserved and the singers and players were frequently called on for encores. In every sense ot the word the musloale waa a success and Secretary Marsh as well as Director. Bock and Baker are to be con gratulated. Wallace D. Godfrey Dead. Wallace D. Godfrey, one of the prominent business men of South Omaha, died at Ex. celslor Springs, Mo., Thursday. The. re mains will be met at the depot, at the foot of N street by members of Bee Hive lodge of the Masons. Arrangements for the fu neral will not be made until the wishes of Mrs. Godfrey are ascertained. Mr. God trey had been ailing for some time. month or two ago he went to Excelsior Springs in hopes that the change would benefit his health. A. he did not get any better Mr.. Godfrey joined him about two week, ago and ba. remained with him ever since, being present at his bedside when he died. Mr. Godfrey was one of the most popular young business men In tbe city and his. death will be deeply re gretted, not only In Masonlo circles, but by all who knew him Intimately. A late message to Undertaker Brewer last night stated that the remalna would arrive la South Omaha at 6:15 p. m. today. Faaeral of H. C. Yi. The local lodge of Masons made arrange- menta yesterday for the funeral of R. C. Young, who died suddenly at his home Thursday morning. Funeral services will be held at the First Methodist church. Twenty-third and N street, on Sunday aft ernoon at 2:30 o'clock. All member, of Bee Hive lodge are requested to meet at Masonlo hall at 1:30 o'clock Sunday after noon In order to attend the funeral In a body. Tbe deceased was a prominent mem ber of the Methedist church. On Sunday laat he conducted a class and later occu pied his usual position In tbe church choir. His Illness came on suddenly and while everything possible wss done tor him by hit. physician It we. evident from the com mencement of tbe illnee. that be could not live. For over a doten yeara Mr. Young waa employed by Swift and Company, .the service being almost continuous. General re gret is expreeeed at the audden demise of a good cltlxen. Insurance In the sum of $5,000 Is left to provide for the family. Magle City Gossip. George H. Brewer Is In Chicago looking after business matters. Dr. Thomas H. Elisor Is expected to re turn from a trip to Chicago today. A aon has been born to Mr. and Mrs J. ' Sexton. Twenty-sixth and G etreets. Mrs. D. A. Harrington has gone to Cincin nati to attend the funeral of a brother. Dr. W. L. Curtis has recovered from a severe Illness and Is now ready to resume practice. ii is ripecieo mm an adjourned meeting of the Hoard of Education will be held on Baiurquy nigni. William Kennedy la to give his Illustrated lecture. Ireland In Hong and Story," el inm siiy naoi in huu ucuu ut mgnt of alay the respondents who claim In virtue of ap pointments made by the governor? It can- ot De said that the respondents in tne present action claim under the same right and title as their predecessors. It is true they both derive their authority from the same source, but there bfcs bueu no trail er or the titles held Dy tnnr predecessors n them. Each claim by an lndeoendent title derived from one and the same au thority for a different term of office. The adjudication aa to the rights cf the parties for the terms for which they were ap pointed, whether right or wrong, became nnai and operatea as a complete bar gainst the other contending parties ever fterward from asserting title to such of fice for the term then In controversy, but he rule of res Judicata cannot be extended my further. It cannot be said that be cause of such decision the court la irrevoc ably bound for all time to construe the tatute unconstitutional, as held In the Moores case, nor that the appointees of the mayor under the ordinance enucted by the city council can Invoke the doctrine against tne appointees oi tne governor, who are likewise holding for a different term from hat Involved In the prior litigation. The thing adjudicated in the Moores case, and which was held to as an adjudication in the Kennedy case, was the right and title of the mayor's appointees to the office during the term for which appointed, end that when such terms had expired and other ap pointments are made by both the governor DumptyS, three huge, beautiful eggs danced ana me mayor, me couri in at noerty to out upon the Boor with alx small leg. and HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT Dresi Rehearsal of Children'! Open to Ba Held To t Evening. NEW COSTUMES AND PFOPS FOR OMAHA Protection Here Has Beea Glvea Ississl Atteatloa aad Promises to Be Bneccssfal 1st Every Regard. This evening the heart, of at least 10 Omaha achool children will beat as they have never beaten before, for the boys and girls who have been drilling separately and In squads for the last alx weeks will make tbelr long expected appearance In public at the Boyd theater, giving the operetta. "The House That Jack Built." If careful training and conscientious drilling can accomplish any thing, then the performance ought to be well-nigh perfect. Great Interest 1. felt In the undertaking, not only by the mem ber, of the Teachers' Annuity association, for whose benefit the performance I. being given, but by the patron, of tbe school. In general, and not a little by the general public. There will be three performances, Friday and Saturday evening, and a matinee on Saturday. The advance aale of seata baa been large, and tbe outlook for a profit able Issue Is good. Rehearse with Ceetsunses. Tbe rehearsal, have been rather frag mentary until thla week, but now have taken definite form and the chorus, drills and special pari, have each found a place in an Intricate and beautiful whole, for every one of the ISO children know their places on the floor and keep them .with surprising accuracy, too, considering how large a per cent are less than 13 years old. The first rehearsal ot both acta with the orchestra was held on Wednesday after noon, but It was yesterday afternoon that the enthusiasm of the children reached. lta height when. Instead ot the three email boys who have been known aa Humpty determine the respective rights of the con testing parties according to helr lawful rights, not by the application of rea judi cata, but on principle and authority. I ncont rolled by Former Juda-menta. We are In the Dresent action to determine the rights of the parties herein uncon trolled by the Judgments In the Moores and Kennedy cases, because the cubject mat ter is not the same because the parties are not the same, nor are they In respect of the matter therein litigated in privity with neir predecessors wno nem under a dif ferent appointment and for a different erm. .Entertaining as we do the opinion of Redell against Moores is a correct exposi tion of the law in respect of the validity of the act authorising the governor to appoint, ana mat tne judgments in the Moores and Kennedy cases are not conclusive as to the rights of the governor's appointees as against the relators and the intervenors, the mayor and the city council, It follows that the respondents who claim by virtue of appointments by the governor are law fully entitled to the office and should have Judgment In their favor, and that the ac tions begun by the relators and the petition of the mayor and city council should be dis missed. , . , The intervenors. Peabody and O'Connor. appointed by the governor aa members of the board prior to the Judgment In the Kennedy case, claim title to the office by virtue of such appointment. The Kennedy case went against them and that Judgment has become final. Therefore their petition la dismissed. Jodare Scdarwlck'a Addenda. Judge Sedgwick In concurring said: If the constitutionality lof the statutes making It the governor's duty to appoint is conceded the conclusion, that. these relators are not entitled to the wrft baked for seem tq follow. A majority of 'the' court adhere td the ruling of Redell against Moores. it Is suggested in the relator's brief that each member or tne court ougnt to careruny consider this Question and review the au thorities bearing -upon It, . This duty Is fully appreciated, but other duties are mora pressing ana Decause lis immediate discus sion could not be productive of any results It ought not to be allowed to Interfere with other duties which cannot be postponed. Another Mother Case.1' In the rehearing of the case of tbe Farm ers and Merchants National bank of Galva, Ills., against C. W. Moaner, R. C. Outcalt and others. In the supreme court. In an opinion by Commissioner Hastings, the former ruling of the court Is adhered to. declaring tbe transfer of 350 shares of stock of the Lincoln Gas company by Mosher to his attorneys, C. O. Whedon and Charles Magoon, to be legal. The decision Is modi- fled by making the Lincoln Gaa company and D. E. Thompson liable for dividends on stock in the ga. company paid to Whe don and Thompson on orders of Outcalt and Moeher. Decree Is entered In favor of the plaintiff and against the gas company and Thompson for $6,327.26, and against Whedon in the further sum of $1,079 In the case of The Bee Publishing company against Shields the judgment ot the lower court Is affirmed. SUPPLIES FOR REGISTRATION City Cleric Will Equip the Registrars . for Their Work of Saturday. , Supplies tor registration, May 2, for the city election will be given out to super visor, of registration Friday In the office of the city tflerk. It has required the un divided time and attention of one man two weeks to prepare the multitude of article essential for the registration revision In the seventy-six precincts of tbe city. All of the recently appointed supervisors of registration have qualified with two ex ceptions. In one or two precinct. the board of three will be short one man be cause the Incumbent haa found at a late hour that he cannot serve. arm. projecting from the brilliantly glided hell.. Something very like a choru. of "Oh." and ''Aba" arose in place of tbe humpty dumpty aong, aa the children stepped back from these fragile thing, that, once broken, all the king's horses and all the king', men could not mend. A second surprise came in the appearance of the twenty-tour blackbirds, real blackbird beads completely disguising the little girls who have the parts. But It. was the ap pearance of the crow, that caused a genu ine sensation, the smaller children being half frightened at the huge birds, which are wonderfully natural, even to the long leg. that were not less active than the hinged wlnga from under which alx long arma showed reassuringly. And, by the way, a complete new outfit ot "property" ha. been gotten for the Omaha production. even to the famous blackbird pie, which measures something over six feet In diam eter and play, ah Important part In the birthday party refreshment, in the second act. The costumes are varied and beauti ful, those of the familiar characters con trasting strikingly with the airy tarletans of the Immortals. Dress' Rehearsal This Mornlngr. The task of moving the large choruses and group, for the several drills I. greatly facilitated by chaperons who are respon sible for the prompt action of the children and incidentally for the perfect order that ha. to be maintained. The first dress re hearsal -win 'be held 'at the (heater thla morning at 9 o'clock, permission having been granted the children for thla, one oc casion that will keep them out of school, Besides the children; tbe cast Include. tome of the beat local talent and a number of young people well known for their skill at fancy dancing. The cast la aa follows: ..Mrs. Charles Urquhart Mr. Jo F. Barton ...Miss Hazel C. Mustek ..Mr. J. Elmer Anderson , Miss Belle Beedle Hubert Owen Harold Thompson Harry Cockrell lioyd Magney. Glenn Stedt. Harry Roberts Crows Charles Meyers, Sidney Powell, Stanley Conover Humpty uumptys ..Phillip Chase, W'lison Stoddard, Leonard Berg MUTHKK UUOBtt B UUEHiU. Polly Flinders Lucille Bacon Bo-Peep Ruth Cronk Tommy Tucker Malcolm Baldrlge Jack Ray Harold Klein Jill Lillian McCain Little Bov Blue Leonard Roach Farmer's Wife Marguerite Fries Blind Mice ieon Peterson; Mark Havens, Andrew Haas Bobby Shafto Edward Cockrell Simple Simon William Bellner Miss Mjftet. Marie Snowden Peter Pumpkin Eater John Dlllrance Peter's Wife Virginia Halpine Maids in uaroen Muriel Johnson, Bertha Brown Red Riding Hood Corlnne Klein Little Old Man in Leather. Edmund Besslre Taffy, the Welshman Hairy Hamer Tom. Tom, tne piper e Bon Harry Kyn Little Man with the uun... .Charles Ashton Daffy lxwn Dllly Clara Hayden Tweedle-dee Horace Lehmann Tweedle-dum Joe Barton Man all Tattered and Torn. ..Ken. Urquhart Maid All Forlorn Nina Palmer Priest Ueorge Keyser Mary Quite Contrary Lillian Lane Crooked Man Harry Carpenter Jack Horner Frank Oulgard Old Mother Hubbard Fayette Thresher Jack Spratt Norbert Sullivan Jack's Wife' Marguerite Carlln Old Woman In the Shoe Katie Jones American Woman gete Pace. NEW YORK. April 80 Mrs. Marie Robin aon Wrlaht has arrived here from Chill after establishing a record tor fast travel across the Andes, says the Herald s cor respondent in Buenos Ayres. Mrs. Wright Is an American traveler, wno wrote a nil tory of Mexico, for which she was decor ated by president uias. Mother Goose...... King Cole Queen ot Hearts.., Knave of Hearts.. Man In the Moon. My Son Jack Bowl Bearer Pipe Bearer Fiddlers Three mm- seekers Bales. On May 5th and 19tb the Burlington of fers cheap one-way and round-trip tickets to many points in the west, northwest and southwest. If you are contem plating a trip anywhere west better see or write me. I can prob ably offer suggestions that will save you money. J. B. REYNOLDS, City Pass. Agent, 1502 Farnam Street, OMAHA. Expressions of Satisfaction Can readilv be discerned on the faces of wearers of our Clothing. The styles are proper, the quality I Superior UL pcilcCL aim wui ivinaiisiii' valliivuu There is satisfaction too, in knowing credit is ex tended to you without extra cost. Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Man, Woman, Child 1508 Dodge Street. Only$45.00 California and Return $45.00 is the rate for a first class round trip ticket Omaha to Los Angeles or San Francisco, May 3rd and 12th to ISth, inclusive. Return limit, July 15th. For f 11.00 more ?36.00 in all you can return via Tortland, Ore. Remember the dates, the rate and the fact that the Rock Island has two lines to California via. El Taso and Colorado. For further information call at or address, 1 CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1323 FARNAM ST., Omaha, Neb. C A. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A. P. S. That $25.00 rate to Pacific coast points is "still in effect. 1 ' , ' , Stores U Pleas The Only Range with Hinged Top - The handy way te broil, teast er fix the (Ire. MOORE'S STEEL. RANGE has Oven Thermometer, Auto. anatle Controlling Damper, and every facility fer cooking ' ' with ease and certainty. Ash to It. For Sale by Leading htovo Dealers. Jul let stove Works, Joltet. III. Low Rates VIA union jracmc FROM Missouri River Terminals ROUND TRIP July I to 10, Inclusive. to Denver, Colorado Springs $15.00 and Pueblo. $17 $30 June IS to September 30, Ino. (A to Denver, Colorado Springs and UU Pueblo. Glenwood Springs IJ9.50 g Q Ogden and Salt Lake City. $32 $34 $44 $52 $45.00 May 5, 19, June 2, 10. QQ Ogden and Salt Lake City. ' g Q Butte and Helena. fJQ Spokane. Q Q rortlan(1' Taooma and Seattle. May 3 and 12 to 18, Inclusive; August I to 14, Inclusive. San Francisco and Los Angeles. ONE WAY Every Day until June ISth. Mto Butte, Anaconda, Helena, Ogden and Salt Lake City. $20 $22 SO 1061)01(1100 and Wenatchee, Wash S2G.00 $25.00 CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM ST. 'Phone 316. to Portland and many other Oregon and Washington points. to San Francisco, Los Angeles and many other California points. S3-: