THE - OMAHA' DAILY '1JEE:' FRIDAY, MAY 1, 11)03. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES AfaTertliaBta far ikrM ll bs takes aatll Vi m. aalassae far tfce lttll aaltlaa aa4 aatll ":S0 p. aa. far Basra last aad lialtf ealtloa. Matca, 1 ward Brat iakertlea, la ward thereafter. NotMas; Ukia far leas haa 2 Bo far th drat laser tlaa. Thee advartlsesaeals aiaat be raa teallTtlT, sastlasj aasaa tvrrcd tk'ek, caa aaawers ad dkeaaad t a aambered letter la ea rlTa Bar. Aaawara aa addraaaad wl flellrerad aa raatatlea af tl f aA aaly. ira rill WANTED MALE) HELP. BOYLES COLLEGE. A hlgu grauv, aihool oi (Maine, snonnatiU, touca typewriting ana ciigiiars urancues. Call, Write or 'pnone tor prospectus. IX. B. bUkLLH, president, N. Y. Llts Blag., oinuha, Nab. MEN to learn barber trade; rre railroad far upon our taliure to convince you o( this being the' una oniy reliable, moat practical baroer college In th United BlateS. Write (or catalogue today. Western Baroera' tuaiitute, omalia, Nbu, AMERICAN Barber college, corner 12th end louglaa bis. Our Illustrated oatalogue largeat pubiianea. ru. write, b ju YOUNfl MEN to nrenara for government positional good salaries. Hex 670, Cedar rtapias, la. , -jui DIMR Pantallorlum Preealna Co. Pan la pressed, loc: suits, 30c. We call and de liver. HSU. Ittth, upstairs, Tul. 22X4. a-Mm mis MEN Our lliuatrated catalogue exp alns how we teach: umber trade in short time; mailed free. Moltr Barber- College. lWi Douglaa tit. B MkJ9 M-'f WANTED, for 1!. H. arm v. able-bodied un married men between agea of 21 and 85; cltlsena of United Btate. or good cnar. acter and temperate habit, who can annalc read and write Enallah. For infor matlon apply to Recruiting Officer, loth and Dodge Sts., Omaha, and Montgomery bulldmg, Lincoln, Neb. WANTED A few resolute young men to loin ita and take tin homestead claim On land to be irrigated. National irrigated Homestead Co., 401 Ware block, Omaha. B M3 WANTED, vounar man to travel with dra in tin company and play parts. Prefer- . ant e riven to one who can sing and piny plane. Full particular and photo tlrat iir. Addreaa quick, M. M. Curia, Dor cCeater. Neb. B-M245 V J"IR8T-CLA8S meiaengen wanted; good alary. A. D. T. Co., 213 B. Utn t. B MJ44 ANT pereon who will distribute aamplei 4 Wells. Chicago. No canvassing. B M243 ! y- gAl.ES WANTED Two luuislon. C. F. IALBSMEN WANTED. salesmen.' salary or com Adams Co., 14i Howard Bt. 40a WANTED, an entrprlstng young man of good appearance, common acnuui vuutr Hon. lot traveling position. Call on Mr. ' Fenn, Paxton hotel. .M3 BAt.RMMKN WANTED To carry our sua ten, ira and he lta in Nebraska and Iowa preference given those handling kindred lines and having acquaintance with the trade) liberal ana prompt, commissions; give territory covered and all particulars. . , . .. .. A,, m. ... Til American puicuuci w., m.u. , . M 718 MI SALESMEN for Lambert Typewriters, 320, Non better. Monroe at -o., iia riumn, WANTED FEMALE! HELP. WANTED A good girl for general house work, inquire iw x-oppieivu innu. u .. . ,1. .. .... i . e MaaS , 109 Glrla Call Canadian office, Kith It Dodge. WANTED girl for general housework. Has . California street. Call after 1 p. m. 1 MTirn A enmnetent fflrl for general houaowork; references required. Mrs. Edr ward Roewater, 17U Douglas. C-ttW wanted, girl for general housework. 1060 Georgia Ave . ' ' C" l.AniEB Our Illustrated catalogue ex plains how we teach hair d reusing, mani curing and maexage. tthort time. Mailed tree. Moler College. UM Douglaa Bl. C M8ii M-l SHIRT MAKERS. Immediately, at. Albert Cahn'S. 219 B. X4th 8t. . C 960 M3 uiiMTirn a flrst-claaa cook for general Housework. Apply to Mrt. J. M. Metcalf at Jfwun hotel. , , ' ma OUfcL.fnr general housework In small fam ily 1"1 BOUUi BOn avi vi i w. y IIjCI IN r. wanieii, e imrt-ww fci.iiuiioi, at the Denver Milliner, Cor. 12th and N Bt., Lincoln. Neb. C MS Mi WANTED, cook and second girl at 668 8. 2slh st. c Jdirw mi WANTED; platen pressman. iXt B. 16th st AJ JuiWl Ml . WANTED, a good girl at the Creche. 19th anA Harnty; salary, 116 per month. J . .. C S7 Ml "VVJnfcJKD. expi-rlonced girl to cook and do r-meral houatwork. Apply 2102 Douglas at. WANTED A good cook. X120 Park Ave. C 23 M4 WANTED, cook: three In family; good wages. 3411 Farnam St. . . C M23tt Z HELP WANTICD. ' v WANTED, alx solicitors; three ladles, three gentlemen. Must be hustlers,, to travel. Ca.l at Revere hotel, Council Bluff. Aak for Mr. Tracy. M23s 7 DEPUTIES, men or women: splendid con tract. The 'iaruenera, U7 uee Duitaing. -MM for iitnr-hoises. TWO 9-room tluta, all modern; walking oatni. e, Uo-t-i Capitol Ave.; 4J2 and 4Je per montn. luquire xv, c. raters m (o arouuu lluor, ue Bldg. D 690 VANS and baggage wagons. Tela. 1196-114. D 4U4) tir1 IC.FQ In all part of city. The O. llUUOCO F. Davis Co., 6o Bee B dg. U iOj ilOUSEB 16 upward. Bemla, Paxton Blk. !-4o4 ml Ihir P.ENT---room houre, all modern, ax- e-pt nmaie. '.Oi N. Sua St, 4Aj.iai. C. M. Bachmann. 30-i Faxtuu Blk. D 4 fO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; onice laiit rurnam, ur iria. ados-am. Ae tu HOUSES In all parts of the city. R. C Peters A Co., Bee B!dg. PW( HOUSES-!, a. Wallace, Brown block. D 410 UOUBES. Insurance. Ring all. Barker Blk. , JJ ONE of those fine, all modern, 7-room brick houaoa, ttiih and lsard ta.. S2A0U. G. E. Turklngiun, 6vi Bee. D-M.14 VCR MOVE planum. Maggard Van A Btor ag Co. Tel. liai. Ofllur, 1.1S Webatsr UU a i A1AU Y.NE-HUSTW1CK CO. Choice houae. H-60S New York Ufa. Bldg. 'Phone 1014. Drttl c ... . - . . j j i . . . , w'w 1 1, iii,u., m r Haul "-'i modern except; newly repaired sjomplsl. Inquire at 607 N. Y, Ufa blrig. fjIX-ROOM house, city water. 8116 Burt Bt D M54S 1ANT modern 9-room brick. Keys 1 t apitui avenue. adjoining, or. artslander. ' 1 M241 T FOR RENT, near Utah school. rMS Cab. ave.. 10-rouin niodero. S40. nil Caoltol ave.. S-roord mo.lrra. 124. T.L 878. a. AA. Roblaosu 848 CaD. ave. D-4J19 FOR RESTHOI SES. 2704 FARNAM HT.-10-mow modern brlrk dwelling W. M. Rogers, 27US Farnam 8t D-MS37 FOR RENT 10-room modern residence, east front and larg lot, 1M Georgia v., 155. Btrlrtlv modern steam heated flat In Iiavidge bldg., opposite city hall. 6-room cottage, lsard at., Si 7. 10-rcnm house, V.i2 Pierce at., $1. JOHN W. BOBBINS, lSul FARNAM HI. D-M714 M4 "IX-ROOM houae, 830 South Iih Bireet. FOR RENT, modern house, 10 rooms, near iisnacom parK, nice rawn ano snaue ni--clHaa In every reapect. OARV1N BROH., IrtH Farnam 8t. . I I2 FOR RENT, May 1st, l-mom brick, mod ern, inquire uu N. K3d at. v - FOt'R-ROOM cotfage, gas, city water. 110 per month. Slu N. Z8th St. i mv FOR RENT 8-room cottage, water and sewer and cistern water, can imi n. mm Bt. D-234 Ma FOR REST-Fl IINI8HED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, Uth and Farnam. AETNA HOUSE, European, Uth V Dodge. m fi ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th as Chicago. IV 119 L. M. B. hauls trunks. Telephone TW. $1.00 TO 12 00 per week. 412 8. Wth St.,' OTie DIOCK SOUtn OI couri lira. u w DOUBLE parlor; south . front; references. Phone. F-zouz. .. TWO nicely furnished rooms. S62 B. 2th Ave. n ii mayiv- CENTRAI., modern, two or three furnished rooms. 220 N. Z3d. iv-saiw.OTia NICELY furnished modern room. lw enj a J nAV 1 A B Cass street. r. moi NEATLY furnished rooms by the day or week; pncea reasonaoie. di worth it. 1 ' E-M.04 MODERN and central rooms foT one tir two . . . . u n. H .T . 1 L' . I. CI persona, 41.00 per weca. M947 THE FARNAM. 19th and Farnam. E Ml HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping room, jnu Howard. . anw ma DESIRABLE rooms, first class location, walking- distance. ZZZ4 Farnam. NICE lnrge front room, suitable for two, te montn; close 10 wun car. E Me Ml ROOM, modern. 50 Harney. Tel. LW. E M222 M6 FURSISHEU ROOMS AW 6 BOARD. NICE rooms, steam heat, with or without board; low rates. Midland Hotal, lth aad l.nicagu. " Ul DODGE Front parlor and other rooms. Telepnone aji. ' ; rmxwaa SINGLE room and board. 416 N. 15th St. i i? VJ9 ROOM and good board. 2 80. lith. J 1 9mx m.i3f THE KENWOOD, 1618 Farnam, one large front parlor, suit able for man and wife or two gentlemen excellent board; location beat In Omaha Phone A-2782. " . : F-688 NICE rooms, good bogrd. 416 N. 2Stlst. ROOM and board; first-class. St. -. ' . ' , I I . U-! ,212 B. 25th F 2S4 FOR RENT VKFt'RKISHED ROOMS. TWO or three fine unfurnished rooms. 220 N. 23d street. 1 . O 62 FOUR ROOMS for light housekeeping, mod ern,. OUt wracv. uw FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, th building formerly occu pied by i ne uee at via arnam ni. it naa ouf sioriea ana a unaeiucnv wnicn was ormerly used aa The Uea presa room. ?fhls will be rented very reasonably II nterested apply at office of C. C. Rose- water,, secretary, room iw, ee ouildlng. . A 4U FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at mo r arnam, uxw, tour Stories and fim-clans cemented basement. eievai-or, lira mu uuiiihi iiruui vauti. office counter and fjxtuiea. For price and particulars inquire c. v.. rtose water, sec retary the Bee Building Co., room luo, Beg building. 1 . , 1 Moei OFFICES' In The Bee building, $10. 00 per montn up; rental inoiuaes net. lignt ana janitor service, tx. raters Co. grousd floor, Bee Bldg. 1284 FOR RENT Second floor of 1213 Farnam street, ,witn private entrance. . A 11 Jtt-A. lClS Howard St.,' best of repair, good baae- ment, sui. GEORGE A CO., 19V1 FARNAM 8T. ' 1-973 M10 , AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvaaaing agenta In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTL'ltr FARMER. Steady employment witn assured good In come. Agents In the country with horae and buggy especially dealrad. Canvasaers make easily too to 1100 per month. Ad dreaa. Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, oea Duuuing, unuoi.- - j ru WASTED TO RENT. WANTED, to rent, strictly modern flat or small bouse; price no orjject; young ooupiu. Aaureaa w 11, tit: a-mhui I NEED cottages and small houses to-sup ply demand. 1.1st mem WltQ me. U. hi. Turklngton, 606 Bee. K. 671 WANTED, to rent, a strictly modern nine- room houae. wltb barn. In the weat Far nam or Hanscom park district, by a first- class tenant without any children, who will pay up to Wo a month rent.. C 6. Bee, K M241 WANTED TO BUY WANTED, to buy out a stock of mil llnery in a gooa Duainrsa town irom auu to I. wo innaoitauts. Aaarese Miinner, . 7. care Omaha Bee. N MS87 M FOR SALE FIRNITIRE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel, 2u20. New and second baud Dougnt, soia, exchanged. -- , FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. AUCTION sale of horses every Tuesday i nuiauay, at jonn a. cooper s, uuiou Block xarda, boulh Omaha. Neb. . P-4.6 MaylS I HAVE several No. 1 buaalea aud ear riage I win aeu at leas tnau tney can be bought for at factory, 'Wni. Pfeifle. 2620 Leavenworth. r MoAa HOH8E AUCTION at Union Btock Yard bursa market every weaneiaay anernoon. - fU I 75 DELIVERY wagons, buggies, carriages. any siae or any pi-ca to auit. i(. Froat, 14th and Leavenworth. P 4X4 CARRIAGE painting, repairing Caaa Bt. Cairlaae Work. Wood A Anderson, Idol Caaa Bl. TeL M.S. P M649 M21 COUPE Kocaaway! alao t-o open car- rlagaa, for at at sacrtnee. Addr C 60. Bee. , P 537 M 2 FOR SALE, very gentle Shetland pony. tKt w eDster ei. 1- o 90' FOR SALE M19CELLAE0l. New and tdhand typvwrllers. 1119 Farnam. 4 4Aj INDIAN goods and rellce. HIS Farnam. W 4-ti WIRE fence for hog, poultry, lawn and farm, wire work, ill Bo. lam. Tl. 150. W-MUJyu FOR SALE Phonographs superior to any otner mus.rai instrument, up. 1 be Columbian Sbuuugiaph CO., 1421 Farnam. S-4- BEE WANT BECAUSE THEY 1'Ok gALK MISCELLAKEOIS. TELEPHONE poles. Ixng Fir tlmhera. Chicken fence. Oak piling, vol Douglaa. Vr 7 1DMAND safe cheap. Delight. 1119 Farnam. W tjo T. DUKKIN. electrte Ilgnt wiring Tel. 2444. Q M56u FOLDING camp cote. II. R. Wykert. 701 8 1C Q-M663 M21 FOR PALE Flrat mortgage note bearing per cent Interest, payable every alx months; lias about 24 yeara to run; goo. security and endorsed by responsible party; amount, 11,800. Inquire C. M. Bachman. Kootn 4, t'axton iiiock. CATALOGUE cut drug prlcea free. Sher man oc ALC.unneu urui wu( omBna. Q-428 SECONDHAND man's wheel. In good com ditlon; will sen cneap. van at 2wn lass St. . Q M912 FANCY and common pigeons, blue Ande- luslan nens: prices very reasunaoie. aoia 80 th Bt. , . Q-M17S HIOH-GRADE buggy, hameaa an car riage, good as new; a Dig Dargam. junn son A Roberts. Deere building, inth and Leavenworth. Q-M347 M.M FOR SALE Secondhand Locomobile-, in first-class snape. at one-nair price, uau ' or address. 1621 Farnam 81. y M516 EU8INEH9 college scholarship for sale at a bargain in one 01 umana s ipnums ram. mercial col!aei; life scholarship. Address 8 47, Bee office. MTW FOR SALE, Remington typewriter No. , new, Vw, nrst orter accepted. jaariss j 84. Bee. Q MS95 81 NO. S REMINOTON cheap. F. D. Wvad. . . Q 30 1524 Douglaa BU FOR SALE. Crane hydraulic elevator, can be used eltner passenger or ireigni, com plete, iron guide, posts, . cage and wire enclosures. J. L. Brandela Sons. . . . Qo9S - FOR BALK, S COWS, fresh.. 2826-Webirter St. " 071 M7.m rnB n A I .R Mere Irk refrieerator. uaed hut a anort time, cneap 11 taKen i om. m 80. 25th Ave. . Q-693 Ml titvin HOlTNns trained and untralnedi for sal at a nargain. corny oimra nnuuj Co., Colby, Kan. - Mf( o- MISCELLANEOUB. ORIENTAL. Rug man, repairing and clean ing Dy in only onentai, wun oneniai methods. No steam, no machine, no acids to Injuro your ruga. Taminoslan 2609 St. Mary's ave. 'Phone B-2309. R M358 M17 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1614 Cass street. B MI 11MB. GILMER, genuine palmist, 315 8. 11 . . . o MADAME LUCRETIA. medium, 1709 Call fornla St. 8 MH Ml MRS. CARRIE ' SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN of clairvoyants. Every. ' thins told: past, present and future. Bat' lsfactlon or no pay. S07 N. 18th.- 8 M954 FRANCIS STERLING. THE WELL KNOWN . PALMIST AND CLAIRVOYANT. Reveals your entire life with unerring, ac curacy. If you are In doubt or trouble of any sort ho can and will help you. Satis faction guaranteed or no pay. Keduced fee thla week. Dally from 10 to a.; 1721 podge Bt, .-. r .,. ' r8-I7SM1 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MM 13. SMITH, baths, lit N. 16, 2d Toor, r. t 1 tajm mi" MRS. DAVIS. 1621 Howard street, hath. first-class assistant. T Mass M GRACE O'BRYAN of Kentucky. 720 8. 13th .. .. J M w4 MASSAGE and flushing treatment. Chronic cases solicited. ,w. J. NaCe, 8218 Cuming Bl. , ., A Ultiy A1S4 MISS HOWARD B.. elegant massaae, baths. aiffr 1-. 10m, nat n. a aijiu oi-a . . GLADYS SHEPARD, massage, vapor and aiconui uavna, u 11004- uq pt. icin si, T M227 M29 PEHSONAL. PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement, ur. and Mrs. Gerisch, . California St. Terms reaaonible. ' n U44d PRIVATE boms for women d-irlng con finement, uooo eamarnan sanitarium, 728 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs. Ja. U M699 DR. ROY, chiropodist; coma 'and "superflu ous hair removea oy eiecincuy. n. j and t. 1606 Farnam Bt. U 434 ELITE PARLORS, US 8. 16th St.. 2d Hoor. u May Mil VIAVI, a wholesome nerve and tissue food and nome treatment tor oisoraers or women. Write for free booklet. Vlavl Co., 848 Bee Bldg.. umana, u 437 MAGNET PILE KILLER. At druggists, SU ¬ IT CURES. U 436 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; battle boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardels. 2234 Lake. . Tel. Rcd-1884. U 439 RUPTURE CURED without pain. Empire Rupture Co.. N. Y. Life Bldg., 0n,,Jasl WE RENT machines, 75c per weet, 82 per month. We repair and sell parts for any machine manufactured. Good second hand machines for 86 to Sio. Nebraska Cycle Co.. Uth and Harney Sts. ' U-M289 M18 RUPTURE CURED without paiu. Empire Rupture Co., N. Y. Life Big., Omaha. TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. messengers. - U 438 QUIET home for ladles In trouble before and during confinement; good care and prompt attention assured. Write or call. Mrs. L. Carter. 2317 Charles. Omaha. Neb. Mu9 May8 HOME during confinement; first-class. Dr. L. L. Miller, 2504 Blondo. 'Phone F-1182. U-M794 C. EDERER, Bristol Btj florist Tel. 1796. U-MU7 BAM L BURNS, special prices for May. -C3 M14 FRANK E. MOORE8. ED HOWELL and EHASTl'B A. BENSON, are candl- Jites foi mayor of Omaha, we would not dare say which one will be elected. for the OTHER TWO smoke Btoecker clgara. W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co., 1404 Douglas. U-957 M2 MRS. JACOB80N. 2206 N. 20th Bt. u alAbi mi HEADQUARTERS for Edison phono graph ano victor taming macninea; au.ouo records to select from Nebraska Cycle Co., corner Uth and Harney tt. U-M290 M13 THE VIEREGG Fir Escape save lives That'a all. itoom a. Barker Dinrx. Tel. A-S39& V-M364 M16 EDIB1N march records now In. Nebraka Cycle CO., ism and tlarney. L Mi M3 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Beml, Paxton Block W 441 FIVE PER CENT loan. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam W 1411 W 446 4A PFR CENT on bji-lnes property. ( per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLE. 401 B. liTli BT. W WANTED, city and farm loana; auto bond and warrant R. C. Peter A Co., 17oS Faroaa BL, B bldg. 'v 446 ADS pay best REACH TWICE AS MANY READERS. MOF.V TO LOAN HEAL I'.ST ATE. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1330 Farnam street. W 149 FARM and city loan!, low rates. W. H. Thomaa. First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 1R4S. W 447 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglaa. W-44S rRIVATi money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. W--44J MOSEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. YOU CAN'T Make a mistake by seeing us before you oorrow, ano WE THINK It will be to your advantage. We are the Oldest concern in our line in the city, with all-around consistent dealings to recommend us. We loan on r urnlture. Pianos, Live Stock, etc., without publicity or removal of property. We also loan to SALARIED PEOPLE Upon their own agreement to repay. We can make your note lor one year tr you so wish and give you the option of pay ing It all or In part at any time, ami the .merest stops the day tne principal paid. We try to have no one Uaa our office displeased. 1 c MAHA TGE. (EatablUhed mi ) M 8. ldih Bt dress C 63, Bee. is Mal 30 .V M94 DO YOU NEED MONEYT MONEY TO LOAN ON 1 - Fl'RNlTURE AND SALARIE3. . 16 to WOO loaned on FURNITURE, PI- ANOB, .ic ana to BAi.AKit.ij rt.opL,Bi at very low ratea and tor any lensth of time, without publicity or removing the nrouertv. Payments tun be made to suit your convenience. Call and gut our terms ! before going elsewhere. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Boom Su3. Paxton Block. Room 303. X-M658 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANf8. LIVE STOCK. BALAHICB, f.tC. Low rates and enay terms. Buainese confidential. .Try us If you want to save money. PHEONIX CREDIT CO.. 33 Paxton Block. , 16th and Farnam Sta, , .-t LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED rturui, mercnants, team uters, boarding houses, etc., without e curlty; easiest terma, 40 offices in prin cipal cities. Tolruan, 440 Board of Trade Bidg. X 453 600 PAXTON BLOCK NEW SALARY LOAN CO, LOWE8T X-M676 JtATEB. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTE, ANY amount; i,ow KAica, jsasi i'a i -HUNTS: CONFIDENTIAL. THE STAR LOAN CO.. ROOM 644 PAXTON BLOCK. X 3611 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential, loweat rates. : 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co., X 46 MONEY loaned On pianos, furniture, Jew . airy, horses, cow, etc. C. F. Reed, S19 B. U. ... X 4i CHATTEL salary and Jewelry loans. Foley 1- Loan Co., sue to D. Green, K. 8. Barker bk ; - , " ., X 466 BALART LOANS UPON PLAIN NOTES. American Loan Co., Paxton black. IX floor, X-M657 .BUSINESS' CM4,'NCJ5S. WHEN you want to btl sell or exchange . any property or Duainess quica, see J. n. jonnson, su in. 1. uit. ' - 1 u WANTED,' In Coin, la., a. first-class gen eral store: good brick toom can be had bt once, 16x100 feet; beet location In city. inquire or j. a. ieia.,, uu, iu. ui AN EXCEPTIONAL opening Is offered 10 a dcsiranie party wno can, invest j,wj ca n ' In a down town bona fide business wnlcn. Includes a ' permanenf poeltion. . Sa ary, VIM) per mo.ith. Fad HI f are fuch t) . assure S6.O0 to I&OuO annualiy aelda iro.n '' salary. Tnl buines 1 lias a positive "future.' Investment amply secured; ro ' risk; and invites a thotovgn mvesilgat on 'to principals only.- unneies ' eary. Address, C 42, Bee. Y 7.-:0' FEED MILL' for sale;" has goed dairy trade. Addreaa. West Lawn Mill. Station B. Route 1, Omaha, Neb. . . . Y-M886-M-1 HnTKt. SO aleenlna; rooms well furnished doing fine business; Nebraska town of 8.00W; rent, S"5; furniture for sale reason able; cash and time. You'll buy If you see It. J. H. JOHNSON, New York Life. Y 936 TO LEASE QR FOR SALE, good business lot, 118x196, on 11th, south of cement works. Box C 36. Bee. ' Y-M231 M27 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. .Excursion to Missouri. Our next excursion for Mlssojrl leaves May 6. Cull early and mane arrangements to ' go and see ihe land of the big red apples. Cheap homes for all. COOLEY INV. A R. B. CO., . nil and 924 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-M896 M3 WILLIAMSON Farnfmfi-ee't? RE-460 A NEW HOUSE Build on We will build It for yon on the installment plan. - Homeseekera Aesn., 1st floor Ni V. Lit bldg. RE M2W RANCH and farm lands for sale bV ths Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAUester, land commissioner,, Union Pa- viuq iieauquartera, uuiaua, rcu. RE 558 10-ROOM modern house, 11 blocks from postomce. for sale cneap. we n. ibtn. Benewa A Co. ' RE 848 HOUSES and lots In all parts ot city; also acre property and farm tanas, ma u. jr. Davis Co., Room 608 Bee Bldg. RE 461 16.600- 10-room houae, 6 acre trult. near utnaon car line. $900 6-room cottage, '27th Av. and Grant, monthly payments. W, N. NASON, 44 Be Building. RE-M635 GREAT BARGAIN Two 8-ro'om houses, modern, for 83,300; rent 834 TXT month. Benawa A Co. RE M!M9 8 ACCORDION PLEATING. MRS. GOLDMAN, 200 Douglas block. M995 Al TOytOUlLES. EL EC. automobllea, Derlght. HIS Farnam. 4 BAKERY. TRY our three-layer white cakea, 25c. Gro ceries and meal at lowest prices. John son A Good eu Co. Tel. 1675. Soot Lakf Bt. M911 May HALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tl Co.. 811 North 16th. ii BIClCLES. REPAIR lawn mowers, bicycles: lock' suilthli:g; wu work. C. Jarl, 718 a. 14th. M4j3 mis BICYCLES and repairs. Freah Urea, 8156 to 84 60; Hartford tires. 86 60 per pair. AH the popular branaa lor caan or creait. Louis Fleacber. loil Capitol Ave Tel H4. IS M261 NOW la the time to have your bicycle re paired: work guaranteed: price are right; tire 8126 and up. J. Larson. 24th and Charles, -Mm8 M lllllClv WORK. J. P. HEALY. 1S22 Clark St. 'Phone A-287L 501 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, tf'th anil I ake 81s. 370 CARPET CLKAMNU. BEND your carpets and ruga to Chrlsten ron's Carpet Cleaning Worka, 2221 N. 2oth Bt Tel. 1659. Ma?6 TEL G55 Carpet cleaning, rug weaving. -MU.7 CONTRACTORS AND BllLDERS. A. I. P1ERSON, 20th and Burt. Tel. 1.-2S3S. 41M DENTISTS. F. C. CLARK, Dentlat. formerly of Council BlutTa, now located at 2706 Cuming st. M-723 M24- DR. C. H PAl'L, dentist, removed to real dence, 202S Burt 77 M S DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK. 617 Karbach. Tel. A2832. SECRET BERVICE, expert operators. Ad dress C 2. Bee. 9 M17 DRESSMAKING. KEISTER'S Ladles' Tailoring Co.lege, Sulta ta-4-B-, Douglaa block, ltith ana Dodgo. 4t DRttiGISTS StPPLIES CIAISK drug buyers call or write Ross Flowers & Co., 1617 Farnam Bt., Omaha, Neb. M02 M2C K.YPF.HT ACCOtNTANT, G. R. Rathburn, Room 16, Com'l Nat. bank. FAHMS FOR SALE. EXCURSION TO CANADA. Our next excursions for Canada leave May b and May 19. Round trip rate, Sl!4.00. Send for our tree books telling all about Canada, the land that offers the beat op portunities for homeseekers and Investors. 610 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. PW FLORISTS. HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. -M393 L. HENDERSON, florist, 1519 Farnam St., omuna; aena ior price list. ess Fl'RNITlHE POLISH. THE Pullman piano and furniture nollsh. call or address A. u. vroman, nii s. ltitti. .M2 Ml 5 GARBAGE!. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbagt Co.. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. 47S Gold and silver plating. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2536. 4W , ' . , , HAT CLEANING. LADIES' S. 13th. and gents', 60c Bchwarts's. 114 496 HAY, GRAIN AND COAL. M. LONDON, 2302 Cuming , St. Ttt. A-3856, M877 M5 HORSES CLIPPED. HORSES clipped . snd trimmed. BetU' barn, 1415 Capitol Ave. Tel. 1810. Davis. M948 30 ICE. CRYSTAL ICE CO. 'Phone 2028. M364 M18 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel cupply. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. A-17K3. 4 US LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BTILLMAN A PRICE, 28 U. 8. N'l B k. bid. 472 NEW BNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors every, where. 473 MACFARLAND A MAY. New York Life Bldg. Room 304. 'Phone 1552. 474 MANUFACTURING. MELCHOIR. 13th A Howard, machinist. -476 OMAHA Bnfe and Iron Wks. make a spe cialty of tiro escape shutters, doors and safes. G. Andrcuii, Prop., 102 B. loth St. !7tS MEDICAL. Piles Cured without pain-no cutting, tying or burning. All blood, kidney and bladder diseases cured; a guarantee given In every cae treated by W. C. Maxwell, M. D. 624 Bee Bldg. Omaha Neb., araduata of Bellevuti liospllai Medical Collage. New York City DR. PRIES treats successfully all dlseaaes a.iu irregularities 01 aomen, from any cauae: experienced, reliable. 1512 Dodge, Arlington block. Omuhu, Neb. Tel. ,Ui 471 1L. ' MUSICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, vole. Davldgs Block. 3(3 LETOVBKY'S ORCHESTRA. Tel. IJG84. -M3&S Ml terms reasonable. FOR RENT, piano players, or piano a id player together. Piano Player Co.. TiiC . 4o . R-M8lj OSTEOPATHY. GID K. A ALICE JOHNBON. osteooaths. Butt US, New York Life bldg. Tel. 1661 too Th Hunt Infirmary. McCague bldg. Tel 2S5. Ml.k ATZEN A FAR WELL Infirmary, Paxton block. 6Q4-7. Tel. J3S5. - MHSj PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful, 818 80. 15th Bt., Omaha. Tsl. 179. 606 PATENTS. Sue A Co., Omaha. Neb., II. lusiraled patent book fre. Tel. l&tf. t -Jjxg July2 PAWNBROKERS. Vim B I .nan IIW.. mII.V,U . n n. . .1 . . lug, all buaineaa confidential liol Duugiaa 479 STORAGE. OM. Van Btor. Co., loll1 Farn. Tels.l&5S-ktU EXPRESSMAN'S Del. Co. Tela 1195-1146. tit ROOFING. WORK In any part of the country. Jons Roofing Co . 1517 Burt Bt. Tel. 19c4. 47 BARRICK Tel. SOL Routing Co.. 1616 Cuming BL 41 FRITI.NO, BRlK.rS, ETC. WATERS Frlntlng Co. Linotype composl. tlon. Tel. 2190. 9 RIG MANl FACTIRINO. OMAHA Rug Factory. Kv21 Leaven. Tel 3"6S. MU4 SEF.US AND POt LTRY SUPPLY. ULLERY A CO., 1U Howard Bt Tel. S337. SltORTIIANO AND TYPEWRITING MOSHER 8.H.. Touch T.W., Bus. Branchea, Teles. Cat. free. Om. Com. Col., 17 A Doug. A. C VAN SANT'8 school. 717 N. Y. Ufa. NEB. Business tt Shorthand College, Boyd's 1 heate. wi STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. STOVE REPAIRS. STOVES stored and gasoline stoves cleaned. Omaha Stove Repair works, lei. vw. M-492 TICKET BrtOKKHS. CUT RATE railroad tlcketa everywhers. r. 11. l'hll'jtn. IsOa Farnam. 1'hone ?M. 471 TREKS AND SURIDS. ALL VARIETIES and of beat quality grown 8 miles from Omaha; all kinds, sites and prices oi flowering shrubs, roses, vines, parking, ornamental, trult and shade trees. We grow the largest assort ment of any nursery In Iowa or Ne braska Hale ground, same old stand, 21st and Farnam. Crescent Nurseries, G. 11. Keyes, Omaha Mgr. 9JS Ui HAZELDELL NURSERY. Office 38 N. :4th. Trees, shrubs and roses. Maal 30 FRUIT, shade and shrubs and roses. F. Douglas. It. Martin, lKth and -276 M12 TAXIDERMIST. J E. WALLACE. 606 S. 13th St. 504 TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. THE DEPOI. on time. L. M. E. Tel. 780. 184 I'PHOLSTERING. PETERSON St Lundberg, 116 80. 17th. Tel L-2368 . 470 LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Th Board of Public Lands and Buildings will receive sealed bids at the office of the secretary of state at the Capitol, In Lincoln up to 12 o'clock noon on the 12th dav 01 May, 1903, for the construction and putting In place of 156 steel cells, together with f ratings, corridors, etc.. In the state penl entlary at Lincoln according to the plans and apeclllcatlona therefor aa prepared by R. W. Grant, architect, and now on flle In the office ot commissioner of public lands and buildings. ' ' Each bid must be accompanied by a certi fied check, payable to George W. Marsh, secretary of state. In a sum equal to 6 per cent of the total amount bid upon. The check Of the successful bidder will be for feited to the state ahould such bidder fall within ten days after the awarding of such contract, and give a good and sufficient bond for the faithful performance of such contract In some surety or guarantee com pany, authorised to do bualness In Ne braska, to be apprdved by the Board of Public Lands and Buildings. Bald Board of Public Lands and Buildings reserves th right to contract with the aucceaaful bidder for seventy-eight additional cells, built ac cording to the same plans and speclflca tlona above mentioned, at th same pro rate price per cell as shall be contracted to be paid for theT6 Cells. " . Bald, board reserves the right to reject gny ana an oiua. . . ', , ,, GEORGE W. MARSH. ' Secretary of Stat. p0 ted Lincoln.. Nebraska, April 27, 1908. , ,., ., . A29dl0t-M 1-, X NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Th Board of Pub.le Lands and Buildings will receive bids on furniture and fixtures for the penitentiary aa per estimate on flle In the office of .the commissioner of public lands and buildings. Bids .will be received up until noon, 12 o'clock, .on the Uth day of May 1903. Rldders to submit samples of estimates bid upon. The Board of Public Lands and Buildings reserves the right to reject any ana an oias.. . , uwkois w. maksh, , Secretary of Board. , .. A29dl0t M ' GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES. Department of the Interior, Office of In dian Affairs, Washington, D. C, March 4, i9.3. Sealed prcpojala. Indorsed "Pro posals for ' blankets, wooien and co.ton goods, clothing, etc.' as the case may be, and directed to the Commlmloner of Indian Affairs, Nos. 119-121 Wooater street, New York City, will be rece ved until 1 o'clock n. m.. of Tuesday. May 19. 1908. for furn. sh in g for Ihe Indian service, blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats nd cape, uids must be made out on gov ernmtnt blank. Schedule giving all nece sarv Information for bidders will be fur nlshed on application to the Indian Office, Washington, D. C; the U. B. Indian ware houses, 119-121 Wooster street. New York City: 265-UW South canal street. Chlcaao 111.; 816 Howard street, Omaha, Neb.; toi Bouin eeveutn street, oi, ixiuih, wo.; the Cummlsrarleg of Subsistence, U. 8. A., at Cheyenne, Wyo., and Bt. Paul, Minn,; the quaiterniaster, U. 6. A., Seattle, Wash.; the flusimaatera at Sioux City, Tucton, Port and, Bpokane and Ta?ama, and ths Manu facturer' and Producers' association of ca.l .or. .Ii, bim Francisco, Cal. Blda will bj o. ened u t the hour and days above siaieit, and bidders are Invited to be pres ent at ' the opening. The Department r tervts the rlhl to determine the point of delivery and to reject any and all bids, or any par 01 any 01a. w. A. jones, com missioner. A2l D19t M OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER Omaha, Neb., April 28, 1903. Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, suDjeci to tne usual conditions, will be received here until 10 a. m., May 12. 1903, and then opened, in the presence of attending bidders, for one hun dred (100) Draft and Pack Mules, for de livery at either omana, reo., Bt. Iouls, Mo., Chicago, III., or Kansas City, Mo. U. 8. reserves right to Accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Blank forms for bidding and circular giving full Information and requirement will be fur nished on application to this office. En velopes containing proposals snouid t marked "Prouoaals for Mules." and ad dressed to JNO. W. PULLMAN, C. Q. M. . . aw-i Mil CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha, Neb., April il. 1908. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 10 o'clock a. m.. May 12. 1903, and then opened. In the presence oi attending Dinners, tor sixteen (16) Cavalry Horses, for delivery at Fort BUI. O. T.. or at prominent railroad points. U. 8. reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals, or any part tnereot. man a torma tor oinaing ana cir rular giving full Information and require nients will be furnished on ap4icatlon to this office. Envelopes cortalnlng proposals should be marked rroposaia for Horses." and addressed to JNO. W. PULLMAN, Chief 4. Jd. A30d2t Mil COMPAGNie QNElRAITRA.N5ATL ANTIQUE aratsnniwNi SAY CICaNTIC VTW1H 5CRCW PaSSINCIXS VHt. ULiOFRLSJ uniroms Caamaadad by Ktvil Oscars, strict aus-of-aiar dlatlpllaa. H",rj talk laalurr darlaa fur camlurt. iMd and aalalr. Talabrated cul- aina. Company's bpatla I Four Hour Parlaf v and Pining tar Train awalu paacusra al Dock la Harra tor Part ta baauillul. whaa couvaalanl connactiona ara mada for all cun tlnaotal points. Marconi Wlralaaa Talatra- phy. knsllah-apaaklus altcndauLa. Kor tlluo iraud buoklata and aiei4 Inlormatlo apply to Harry It Mooraa. ltul yrnam St., J. 11. Kayuolda. lau yarnam at , rirai national Bank. Gaors B. Abaott, 1U4 yaraaa St., Asants. I 4SAILINCS tVINV TMU84DAV i it) A Htn Vu4tlt i.Wf t.P IlILWAY TIME 4 Attll. .HSTr.rt DKror i.ith a wfiistek rkleasja A Knrtkneaier Nebraaka aad Wyomlag Dltlslaa. Ieave. Arrive. Lead, Hot Springs a x.oo pm a 6:00 pm Plark Hills. PeadwooA, Wyoming, Casiwr end Dougln d 1:00 Pm o 4:00 Dm Hastings, York. David City, Superior, Geneva. Exeter and Seward b 8:00 Pm b 6:90 nm pnnesteel, Lincoln, Nio brara and Fremont. ...b 7:H am bl0:S am Fremont Local a 7:30 am Mlaaoarl Paclfle. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm alO:25 am Cliteaao, i. I'aai, Mlaaeapolla A Omaha. Twin City Faenger....a :S0 am a 9:10 pm Bloux City t'asenger...a S:t0 pm all:20 rm Oakland Local b 6:4 pm b 8:46 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Baturday. e pally except Monday. Bt'RLINOroN SIAlloN-lOlll A MAOS Barllnatoa A MlsoarS River, Leave. Arrive. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a s:oO am bll:06 pin Nebraska Express a t:5o am a 7:46 pm Denver Limited a 4.1U pm a .4i am Black Hill and Puget Round Express all:10 pm a 1 in nn. Colorado Vestlbuled Flyer a 8:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:52 pra a 9:08 am Fort Crook and riatts- mouth b 8:20 pm blO:3S am Pellevue A Pacltlo Jet. .a 7:50 pm a 8:27 am Bellevue A Parltlc Jet. .a 3:60 am t'hlcaco. Burllagtva A Qainer. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a S.&6 pm l hlcago Vestlbuled Ex. a 4:00 pm a 7:4iS am Chjoago Local ...a 9 IS am all :00 pm Chicago Limited a 8:06 pm a 7:45 am Fast Mall.. a 2:40 pm Kansas City, St. Joseph A Coaueil Blana. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:15 am a 6:06 pm St. Loul Flyer a 6:10 pm all:06am Kansaa City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 8:16 am I'NION STATION ttlTll AND MARC Y. I'nloa Pacllte. Leave. ..a 9:40 am Arrive, a 7:60 pm a 1:25 pm Overland Limited.. The Fast Mall California Express a 4:20 pm Pacific Express all:30 pm Eustern Express.... a 5:30 pm The Atlantic Express... a 7:30 rm The Colorado Special... a 7:1 am a 8:40 am Chicago Special a 8:40 am Lincoln, Beatrice and Btromaburg Ex press., b 4:00 pm bl2:50 pm North Platte Local 8:00 am a 6:16 pm Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b 8:35 pm Wabaab. St. 1.0 j Is "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:65 pm a 8:20 am Bt. Ixiuls Local, Coun cil Bluffs a 9:16 am alO:S0 pro Mlaaoarl ParlHe. St, Louis Express al0:00 am a 6:25 pm It. C. and Bt. L. Ex....aJ0:60 pm a 6:15 am Chicago. Hock Island A Paella. EAST Chicago Daylight Ltd. 6:00 am a :46 am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:00 am a 9:36 pm Chicago Express bll:16 am. a 6:06 pm Des Moines Express.... 4:30 pm bll:50 am Chicago Fast Exprei.s..a 6:86 pm a 1:26 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain L't'd.a 6:50 pm a 4:56 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, i-Tiemo ano West a 1:30 pm a (:00 pm Colo., Texas, Cal and Oklahoma fiyer a 0:40 pm ai2:40 pm Chicago, Mllwaakee A St. I'aai. Chicago Daylight a 7:45 am all:15 pm Chicago Fast Express. .a 5:46 pm a 3:40 pnt Chicago Limited a 8:06 pm a 7:50 am Des Moines Express.... 7:46 am a 3:40 pra Chicago Local 10:40 am CliMiitsTO KHiswiiitn, "Th Northwestern Lin." Fast Chicago a 8:40 am a 7:00 am Mall a :M pm a 8:30 am Local Bloux City a 6:10 am a 3:30 pm Daylight Ht. raui a ivm am aio.zt pm Daylight Chicago a 8:00 am ail:10 pm Local Chicago. a!0:66 am a 6:10 pm Local carroii Fast Chicago , Fast fit. Paul Limited Chicago. Fast Mall.......... Local Bloux City. a 4:00 pm a 9:50 am a 6:50 pm a 8:46 pm a 7:66 pm a 8:16 am a t:l0 pm a 9:16 am . 1"" ..a iw pm o :ou am Illlaola CaatraL . . .' Chicago Express a 7:35 am a 6:10 pro Chicago, Minneapolis A Bt. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a 1:06 am Minneapolis A St. Paul r Express . r. .....i b 7:83 am' blO:3S pm:i Chicago Local 10:36 am - Chicago Express al0:B6 am ' STCAMSHIPS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE ) Twla-Scraw staaaar at 18,40 Toaa S'SW rOftk KOTTKlAJ. Tla UOUUKJMB, ' aliu.g Wadaaaaar at 1 A at. Noordam May 48Utan4am Mir tl Rottardan May lalRrnJam jun( retadaa May oOoidaoi Juaa :o HOLLA ND-AM Kit 1C AN LINE. l Dearbora St., Ckleagra, I1L Harry Manres, ICol Famtm at.. C. utkarter. Mtl rarnaa St., i. B. Jtarsalda. 1W1 rirnaa sL ANCHOR LINK MAIL STEAMSHIPS NEW YORK, LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW, NSW YORK, GIBRALTAR AND NAPLES. ' Superior accommodation. Kxrallent Cuisine, Th Comfort of PaiMinsers t'arafullf Conaldarad, llnsle er Round Trip Tlcketa isauad batwaao Naw York and Bcotrk, Bnsilnh. Irlah and all principal eontlnanlat points at attractive rata. Sand for Bonk ot Tours. Far tlckau or scnaral Inlormatlon apply t say local agent of th Anchor Lin or to HENDERSON BROS., Goo' I Afanla, Chicago, III. SEASONABLE FASHIONS ' 440BFIV Gored Bxlrt, tt to 32 waist. Woman's Flve-Oored Bklrt 4405. To be ' Mad with or Without th Tuck Shirred Flounce and with Inverted Plaits or Gathers at th Back. Shirred flounces are among th features of the season's fash ion gDd ar eminently desirable for many materials. Th very graceful skirt Illus trated Includes a flounce of graduated width snd Is suited alike to washable fabrics and to those ot wool and silk. As shows It Is mad of flecked veiling, blue and whit, asd 1 finished with feather stitching In silk. Th skirt Is cut In five gores, which ex tend for Ita entire length and over which th flounce Is arranged. Th flounce Is shirred and drawn up to tne required slse. either by means of th shirring or of cords Inserted In th tucks as preferred. The fullness at the back can be laid In Inverted plaits or gathered aa best suits th needs of th garment. Th quantity of material required for th medium sis I lt yards tl Inch wide. 114 yards 27 Inches wide, 104 yards 21 Inches wide, or 7 Si yards 44 laches wld. Tb skirt pattens 4405 Is cut Is slses (or a 22, 24, 26, 28, 20 or 32-Inch waist mass- measure. . For the accommodation of Th Be readers the patterns, which usually retail st from 26 to 60 cents, will be furnished at a nominal price, 10 cents, which covers all xpansc. In order to get a pattern socio 10 cants, glv number and nam of pattern wantsd sod bust measure. Get 9100,00 a. Tea. Because b has a keen, clear brain A a vigorous body. Electria Bitter glv both, nd satisfy or no pay. Try th. UK. For sal by Kuhn A C. t