Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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All Products Show Tirmnesi on Chicago
Board of Trade.
Reports of Damaged Crop Bnl All
Grains, While Prorlslons Al
though Firm Are Dnll and
CHICAGO, Afrll i.-The wheat market
ruled steady today and the r ose
with May up V4c and July r higher.
July corn was up Sc. while oata showed a
gain of Wc. Provisions were firm, clos
ing at practically yesterday a figures.
Report of unseasonable weather and
prospects of damage to the growing crop
wan the chief strengthening feature in the
wheat altuatlon and caused a firm opening,
with May ifr'c to c .higher at 7. w
selling orders at the decline and cover ng
by shorts aoon brought about a reaction
and Mav closed at the top figure for he
day it ?74C. a gain of SMiC July selling
up to 72',c and closing at' an advance of
V at "'J'fctfrWfcc. Clearances of wheat and
flour were equal to 107,330 bu. Primary re
celnts were 441,944 hu.. against 2M,2-t bu. a
year ago. Minneapolis and Dulnth reported
receipts of M cars, which, with local re
celpta of 1 cars-none of contract grade
made total receipts for the three points- or
114 cars, against 141 cars last week and .53
cars a year ago.
Corn was Arm In sympathy with wheat
and the volume of trading was light.
There was considerable changing from July
to May by provision Interests, while com
mission hoimes took on July. Firm cables,
sn Improved cash demand, together with
rather unfavorable weather, had a strength
ening Influence throughout the day. Final
figures showed little change from yester
day's close, July being o higher at 4-'c,
after selling between 44e and 4u'e. Local
receipts were 162 cars, with one of contract
8 Oats started firm on the unfavorable
weather, which left buying by commission
houses, but the demand was met by free
selling on the part of local longs, who had
a fair profit In their July holdings around
32c. and around these figures the market
developed a better tendency. Early sellers
became buyers and a steady tone developed.
July closed 'Ati'Hc higher, after ranging
between 32Vc and 31-V(J.11V at 31 c.
The distant deliveries In provision wers
firm and strong, with early months steady.
A fair demand fay some of yesterday s sell
era resulted In small advances, but as a
rule the market was dull and featureless.
July pork closed unchanged at $17.16 and
ribs closed at an advance of 2Vic
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: wheat,
80 ears; corn, 105 cars; oats, 160 cars; hogs,
I6.000 head.
The leading future ranged as follows:
Artlcles.l Open. High. Low. Close.lYes'y.
Wheat I
77141 761 77V 76
71'!72ViV. 71 vs
Corn I
May July
May July
May July
77'Ae and July up vnc 10
7Z'W72o. A belief that Armour was fell
ing both of these deliveries early In the
day caused a decline to 7frv4c tor May and
.. ... 1. .iu 1. ut th.. withdrawal of
44 I 444
44S, 4S7, 44'(4
45i . 44 46'H" 44V'la
44, 44 44V4I 44Vi
f 33 I W
33ft 33 83'A 33'
82'n'i,i31!fi7i Sl'dil 81
jji 29 2fc,28Vs'-
44 Vi
38 V4
18 00 I
17 12tt
16 82ft
t 324
8 42W,
8 45
1 00 17 80
17 80
17 In
16 J7ft
8 27ft
8 40
8 46
8 R2ft
8 60
8 46
18 00
17 15.
16 76
9 27ft
il 40
8 40
8 47ft
8 47 ft
8 42
17 20 17 12ft
18 82ft 16 7b
8 27ft
8 40
8 42ft
9 47ft
8 47ft
8 52VJ
8 52ft 1
8 47ft
8 42ft
No. 2.
Cash ouotatlons were as follows:
FLOUR Quiet and steady; winter pat
ents,. Ki.&01.60; straight", 1 1.2i43.40; spring
patents, t3.35Cd3.90; straights, $3.10ij3.40;
bakers, $2.30ti2.85.
WHEAT No. 2 spring, 78ftc; No. I, 74c;
No. 9 red, 7677',4o.
CORN No. 2. 44c; No. 2 yellow, 44c. - :
OAT8-N0. 2. 83c: No. 8 white, 32ft'BS6o.
RYE No. 2, 441 49c. .$ -
B A R LKY Fair to choice malting. 4t3r5o.
SEEDS No. 1 flax, $1.07; No. 1 northwestern-31.
Wj'Jarime timothy, $3.65'3.6); clover,
contract grade. $12.50.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $17.S7ft
317.50 Lard, per 1U0 lbe.. 9.27ft(88 32ft. Short
ribs sides (loose), I9.4ofl0.50. Pry sa'ted
shoulders hoxed). $S.fiimi.62ft. Short clear
sides (boxed), $9.7&fo9.87ft.
Following are the receipts and shipments
of flour and grain yesterday:
Receipts. Sh'pments.
Flour, bbla...
Wheat, bu...
Corn, bu
Oata, bu
Rye. bu
Barley, bu.,.
23,000 34,301
260.700 9.7
88.100 16ti,nfl0
204.100 lSO.lOJ
.., 16,81 0
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was easy; creameries, 17if'21o;
calrles. KiidV. Eggs, easier, at mark, casei
Included, lSVJfHftc. Cheese, new, nrm, 134
Quotations aif the Day oa Varlsat
1 Commodltle.
celpts. 22,410 bbla.: exports. 8,704 bbls.
market quiet but steady; winter
patents, $3 Toeat.OO: winter straights, $3.50
3.60; Minnesota patents, $4.004j-4.30; Minne
sota bakers, $3.2ou4.40; winter extras, $2.80
fe'3.10; winter low grades, $2.60(2.90. Rye
flour, dull; fair tn good, $2.40(83.20; choice
to fancy, s3.z04r3.40.
COKNMKAlr- Steady; yellow western,
$1.08; city, $1.04: Brandywlne, $3.403.45.
RYE Quiet; No. 2 western, 60ftc, f. o. b.,
anoat; state. wBtc, c 1. r. New York.
BARLEY Steady; feeding, 61c, c. 1. f.,
Utirraio; mailing, tcawc. c. 1. I., uurTalo.
WHEAT Receipts. 125,775 bu. ; spot
steady; No. 2 red, 80o- elevator and 81c
f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 86c
f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba. C6ftc
f. o. b. afloat. Options at first bulllshly af
fected by the cold weather scar and higher
caDies; laier sunerea irom realising and
then rallied again on damage news from
the southwest, closing ftjc net higher;
May. 8041 MV. closed at $0c; Julv.
79-lft76c. closed at 76c; September,
74fa76 1-ltic. closed at 75o.
CORN Recelpta, 90,300 bu.; exports, 4.S10
bu.; spot steady; No. 2, 54ftc elevator and
R3o f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 yellow, 54c; No. 2
white, 54ftc. Options opened steady on the
cold weather, declined under liquidation,
but recovered on small western receipts
ana tne -wnem upturn, closing unchanged
may, nfuoTmc, i-ioneu ac 04(?c; July, blH
Slftc, c lowed at Bltf; September closed at
OATS Receipts, 80,000 bu.; exports. 34,445
du.; spoi aim; no. 3, one; io. 3, 37c; stand
ard white. 40ftc; No. 2 white. 401-c; No ;
mKIA 'J.l 1. I....L m!aJ ... . .
" ' . . v, ai.iACU n.nifrill, I HI III -
Inal; track, white, S8(ii45c. Options dull but
itmlv' Mhv rlnuMl At 3 t
HAY jilet; shipping. Uai5c; good to
cnoice. uwui.w
Hors-lull; state, common to choice
1M, 173J4c: lwd. lSniluc: old. fi'nioe
Paclfie coast, 19u2. 18jj22c; 1901, 15817e; old
041 i'i.
IUT')F.f4 Oulut nlvntfn V iu.
IRc; California. 21 to 25 pounds, 19c; Texas
ory. t' ins., i4c.
LEATHER Steady. Acid. UtiZic.
RICE Firm. lomestlc, fair to extra
4Vtl7c: Japan, nominal.
TALLOW Easy; city, 5fte; country, 6ft
PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. $12 50
VUd.iiu. iiieis, oeer nams. 120 0t9
21 50: packets. $10.oci 11.60; city, extra IndU.
$ 19. 01 KS 21.00. Cut meats. quiet; pickled
denies, wvivTii-, I'icKieu snouiuers, fc; pick
ll nams. 1 1- (j i;',c. mrd. easy; western
Steamea, .ia; April closed nomlim)
rehnwl, steady; continent. $10; 8011th Amer
lea. 812: compound. $7 5uivuo. Pork Hull
1 a mil y. $19; short clear, $19 (HtSiO.ou; mess
Rl'TTER Receipts. 4.S50 pkgs.; stead v
CHEK&fc. Receipts, ft.uuo pkgs.; market
- steaoy on oiu. irregular on new.
t.UtiS Receipts, u.wio; weak; wester
storage packed, 16alc; western firsts
l'on,TRT Alive, fowls. 14c; turkeys
l'mjuc. nreaaea, easier; lowts, lJWc
turkeys, 15u.
MKTAL8-8pot tin declined 17s d to l:(
jia 01 111 lioniion, wiiue ruiurea cioet1 1111
changed at i:W 15s; the New York market
r 11 lea nnn. wnn pot quoted at lo.ootjio w.
( opper wa uncnangeit In 1-ondon. rloaim
at 60 ISa for both spot and futures: It wa
also quiet and nominally unchanged In New
York, wnn laKe, electrolytic and castln
auoted at 814.51114.85. Lead waa ateariv hu
unchanged both in New York and Imdon
the latter marKet closed at 11 17a tkl
the former at $4 37ft. Spelter declined 2a 6d
In Ixindon to t.'i i:., out remained 1111
changed at $6.75 in the local market. Iron
closed at &2s ftd In Ulafgow and at 46a lftd
In Mlddleaborough: locally the price of No
1 foundry northern, was reduced shout 25
points snd It Is now quoted at $22 uud22 50;
im. foundrr, northern, la held at Jv.kvd
21 on; No. 1 foundrj-, southern, and No. 1
foundry, southern, soft. $21,606 22.00. War
rants are nominal.
Condition of Trad and ttnoatlBS a
taple and Fnner Prod ace.
EGGS Fresh stock. 13c.
LIVE PUI LTRY liens, 11c; roosters, c
cording to age, tiftfe; turkeys, iajjl6c;
ducks. Inline; geese, 4il0c.
Ill '1 TEK Packing slock. Uftc; cholc
dulry, In tubs, IumI.c; separsioi, ZZV&c.
OYSTERS Standards, prr can, 2sc; extra
selects, per can, 31k-; New York counts, per
can. 42c; bulk, extra selects, per gal., $1.75;
bulk, rtandards, per gal., 11.36.
FRESH FISH 'I tout 9'aliic; herring. Sc;
pickerel, 6'c; pike, c; perch, c; buffalo,
dreesed, 8c, aunnah 3c; bluetlsh, 11c; white
fish, lc ; salmon, ltc; haudock, 11c; codfish,
12c redsnappt-r. 10c; lobsters, boiled, per
lb., ?7c; lobsters, green per lb., 25c; bull
heads. 10c; cattish, 14c; black bass, He; hali
but, He; shad rue, 35c each, roe shad, 75c
HHAN Per ton, $15.00.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Dealers- association: Choice No. 1 upland,
$h.ip; No. 2, $7. 50; medium, $7.00; coarse,
$'i5u. Rye straw, $6.00. These prlcea are
for hay of good color and quality, Demand
lair and receipts lights.
cu kin tuc.
OATS 36c.
RYE No. Z, 46e.
POTATOES Per bu., 154JJOC.
NEW CARROTS Per dosen bunches. 40c.
l.ETTl CE Per dozen bunches, 45c.
BEETS New southern. per dozen bunches,
46c;, old, per bu., 40c.
PAk&NiI-S Per bu.. 30c.
Cl'CCMBERS HoUiouse, per dot., $1.50.
GREEN ONIONS Southern, per dosen
unches, 45c; home grown, liftfalSc.
KAUISHES Southern, per dosen ouncnes,
qc. uoine grown, 3o4j4oc.
TURNIPS Canada rutaoagas, per lb..
lc; new southern, per dozen bunches, oc.
ONIONS Red Wlsconslns, per id., ic;
lille .rfr Ih llir..
BP1WACH Home grown, per bu. basket.
4j Xac.
MEANS Wax. per bu. box. $4.00; itrlng,
per bu. box. $3.00i'3.50.
CAMWAUE Hoilana seeu, per id., otaoo;
new California, per lb., 230.
iVMAiutii ntw loriaa, per i-inii
crate, 4.ih'(H.60.
Knl HAKH 1 er ID., 1C.
ASPARAGUS Per dni. bunches, 7iC
APPLES New York stock. $3.00.
b t'KA Vv BERRIES Texas and Arkansas,
per 24-qt. case, $3.W4f3 25.
FIGS California, tier 10-lb cartons, 80c;
Turkish, per 36-lb. box, H4J.18C.
ORANGt;S California navels, lancy, for
176 and smaller sixes, $J.6oia3.76; for loO and
larger slkes. H2.. cliolce. 3.(AM23.ou; Medi
terranean sweets, (2.(503.00; sweet jaa,
lemons California fancy,
DATES Persian, in 7010. boxes. pr lb.
6c; per case of JO-lb. pkgs., $2.26.
PINEAPPLES Cuban. $3 25.
MAPLE SLOAR-Ohlo, per lb., lflc
POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled. 4c
HIDES No. 1 green. 6c: No. 1 green.
6c; No. 1 salted, c; No. 2 salted, 6c;
No. 1 veal calt, 8 to 12 ids, Kftc; xno. i veai
calf, 12 to 16 lbs., hftc- dry aaited bides, 6a
Me; sheep peits, 26U5c; hortehldes, $1,604(1
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shall, oer lb..
16c; hard shell, per lb.. He; No. 2 soft shall.
per 10., uc; no. 2 hard sneu, per id., uo;
brazils, per id., lie; niDeris, per io.j nc,
almonds, solft the,!, per lb., 16c; hard shell.
per lb., 15c: pecans, large, per 10., lftc;
mall, per ID., lie; cocoanuis, per aos, tio;
hestnui. per lb.. 10c: peanuts, per lb.. 6fto:
roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts,
per bu., $1.j0; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60;
cocoanuts, per 100, $3.00.
OLD M E l ALB. ETC. A. B. AipiTO quotes
the tololwlng prlcea: Iron, country mixed.
per ton, $11,000; Iron, stove plate, per ton,
Ut.OO; cupper, per lb., 8ft c; brasJ, heavy, per
ID., 8ftc; crass, ugnt, per id., oftci ieaa, vr
lb., sc; zinc, per id., zftc
Omaha Branch llO-lll Board of Trade
ket has been Arm, Influenced by the frees-
Ing temperatures tnrougnout Kansas ana
Missouri this morning, and predictions of
cold weather over the central west tonight
as far south as Missouri. The feature has
been the strength of September. The May
and. July kepi within narrow limits ana
there was some selling, supposed to be by
the leading bull Interest, bt't the market
advanced slightly In face of this sailing.
Clearances, 636,0(10 bushels. New York re
norts 10 loads taken for export. Primary
receipts, 441.000 bushels, against 284,000 last
year; primary snipments, s.oo ousneis,
against 221,00.). Northwest receipts, 88 cars,
against 2i3 last year; local receipts, 16 cat.
with none contract. Estimates ror tomor
row, 30 cars. Broomhall estimates Argen
tine shipments at 2,4OO,0X) bushels, com
pared with 1. 40O.OOO last week.
CORN The market has been rather In
different to the cold and wet weather, fluc-
uatlons were small and prices nave barely
held their own. A feature has been buying
f May and selling ot July Dy Armour.
,ocal receipts. 102 cars, with 1 contract;
estimates tor tomorrow. 195. Clearances.
351,ttO bushels. The Argentine weather re
norted less favorable. caDies were up a
fraction. The cash market was firm to ftiJ
higher. Shipping sales about 200,1100 Dushels.
New York reports i loans taaen tor export.
Primary receipts, 21a,000 bushels, agjln.-t
251.00J; primary snipments, zm,odo bushels.
against 344,ouu. Tne trice current saia a
urge area was contemplated, out tne work
waa backward. ,
OATS The market has been Irregular.
trona lor the September, but easy for the
May. on account of some liquidation. The
changes in tne juiy were unimportant.
Local receipts, lu cars, witn 7 contract
estimates lor tomorrow, 160 cars. There
was some Improvement reported in the sea
hoard demand. Clearances, u.uuu Dushels.
The Price Current said the eats area' wa
ess than contemplated and that the start
was poor.
PKOViBioisu in market opened
strong, cud any oroaers so in juiy no?.
Trade general, fackers realised on any
bulges. There were 21,000 hogs; market
opened firm at 5c higher, closing a shade
lower than opening, fjstimates for tomor
row, 16.0CO head. Hogg In the west today,
4).i neaa. against ub.iim last weeK and 6U,
3uO last year.
Liverpool Grain and Provisions.
LIVERPOOL. April 30. WHEAT Snot.
No. 2 red, western, winter, firm, 6s 2ftd; No.
1 northern, spring, no stocks: No. 1 Call
fornla. 6s Sftd: futures, steady: May. 6s
1TU. .fliiy, tf-U.
CORN Spot. American mixed, new. firm
6s 7d; American mixed, old. steady, 6s
3'-d; futures, steady; May, 4s 6d; June, 4s
34d; July, is 40.
FLOUR St. Louis, fancy, winter, oulet.
8s 3d
HOPS At London: Pacific coast, firm.
6 lie to 7.
PEAS Canadian, 6ld.
PRGVISIONS-Beef. easy: extra India
mess, hs 3d. Pork, firm; prime mess, west
ern, 87s 6d; hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs.,
steady, 64s. Bacon, steady: Cumberland
cut. 26 to 30 lbs., 61s; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs.,
64 Cd; long clear middles, light, 28 to 34
Ins., bJsd; long clear middles, heavy. i to
40 lbs , 64s; short clear backs. IS to 2) lb..
tlx; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., steady. 53s Cd.
Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., steady.
42s 6d. I .ard, prime mess, western. In
tierces, nulet. 4s6d; American refined. In
palls, quiet, 4Kb.
butter uood united State, steady.
CHEESE-Steady: American finest white
and coljred, m.
TALLOW Prime city, steady, 27.
Toledo Urala and Seed.
TOLEDO. April 30. WHEAT Active
steady; cash, 74c; May, 74c: July, 720.
CORN Active, easier; April. ttWe; May.
44c; July. 44c.
oats Dull, steady; April, 3oc; May, 33c;
July. 3lc.
RYE No. S. 63c.
SEED Clover, active, firm; cash. $9.65;
April, $7.66; October. $5.4o; prime timothy.
Milwaukee (iraln Market.
Steady: No. 1 northern. VOftc; No. 2 north
ern. ?i7'fte; July. 7;Ct7.VbC
R Y E Firm : No. 1. o2ftc.
BARLEY Firm; No. 2, 59'aaOc; sample.
4"i -W
CORN July, 45ftc.
Minneapolis -Wheat, Floor and Bran.
Cash, 76c; May, 74tc; July, 764J75V,c: on
track, No. 1 hard, 77c; No. 1 northern, 76c.
KU'H'R Klrxt patents, $4.06ii-4.15; second
patents., $: (un4 5: first clears, $2.9663.06;
second clears. $2.45.
BRAN In bulk. $11.
Unlntk Grnln Market.
DULUTH. April Jo.-WHEAT-To arrive.
No. 1 hard. 78lc; No. 1 northern, 76V;
No. 2 northern. 76c; May. No. 1 hard. 7s W 8
7c: July. 76c.
OATb Mav. 33c.
Philadelphia Prodaeo Market.
bin steady; wectero creamery, 23c;
extra nesrby prints. 24c.
KtltaS (Steady; fair demand: fresh nearby,
16416c; frcab western, 110 at mark;
fresh southwestern, 16c, at mark; fresh
southern. 15ilfto.
CHEESE Hcarce and firm; New York
full creams, choice small, 14tiTc; fair to
good small, 14ti14ftc; choice large, HVii
Hc; fair to good large. Hfgllftc; new
choice, 13 14c.
Kansas City Grsla and ProTlslons,
66c; July, 62VriH2c; cash, No. 2 hard, fiN'rf
6!c; No. i, Wi7c; No. 4. 62'iiH4ftc; rejected,
i(i3f; No. 2 red, S!)i!"jc; No. i ftttiWw.
CORN May, 36y:ic: July. 3Hl7c;
cash, No. 2 mixed 37t)3Sc; No. 2 white,
'o.V4c; No. 8. 37'c.
OATS No. 2 white, S434ftc; No. 2 mixed,
RYE No. 2. 45c.
HAY-Tlmothv. $12.50; prairie, $! 0.50.
Bl TTER Creamery, 1S1K21C; dairy, lsc.
EGGS Fresh, 12ftc.
Recelots. Shipments.
Wheat, bu... 72?4'iO
Corn, bu 4H.i &x.4
Oats, bu 13,000 ly.uuo
Peoria, Market.
PEORIA, April 90. -CORN Steady ; No.
3 40c
'OATS-Dull: No. I white, 32ftc.
St. l.onls Grain and Provisions.
ST. LOUIS, April 30. No market on ac
count of fair dedication.
Prices Fall to Fulfill Hope of Those
Looking; for Stronger Day.
NEW YORK, April 30. Some hopes were
entertained that yesterday's stock market
was a preliminary to a better movement of
prices today, owing to the fact that the
professional traders had refrained from
taking their profits on the day's rise before
going home. But the first half hour of to
day's market demonstrated that that opera
tion had been simply deferred. The effort
of the professionals to take their profits
made manifest that there was no aosorpeni
power In the market, so that prices fell
weakly back and showed no recuperative
power for the rest of the day. The condi
tions which prompted the buying or yes
terday were not changed In any essential
particular today, but the traders found that
the buying prompted by the favorable fac
tor was strictly limited to themselves. The
net result was that prices today practically
retraced tne course or yesterday ana lett
the trading and commission house element
In the street more discouraged than ever.
The excellent showing of earnings by the
coalers, embodied thus far In the New Jer
sey Central, Erie and Ihlgh Valley re
ports, waa supplemented tooay ny tne
March report of the Reading, which was
even more convincing of the present pros
perity of the anthracite trade, owing both
to Its large share In the trade and tho
larger proportional increase In its earnings.
Its surplus of all the Reading companies,
Including the railway and coal and Iron
company, was shown to be $618.46 larger
than that for March, 19u2. Nevertheless,
profit-taking made an early Impression on
the Erie stocks and later upon Rending it
self. The March report for St. Paul Bhowed
an increase ror the net earnings of $111,026
out of an Increase In the gross of $3ofi,4),
while for the Union Pacific the increase In
net earnings was $261. 6.9 left from an In
crease In gross of $622,173. These roads and
those 111 similar territory was as little af
fected by this favorable showing as the
coalers. Missouri Pacific made some re
sistance, although Inspired statements were
current which were obviously Intended as a
preparation for a showing of decreased net
earnings In March by that system. The re
action in copper and In silver had a special
Influence in weakening Amalgamated Cop
per ana tne Mexican railroad stocks. The
wintry weather prevailing In the west and
northwest caused some annreheniilon of
crop damage that might be construed as a
depressing factor. Tne weekly review of
the iron trade was not renarded as con
vincing on the prospect In that trade and
especially the somewhat omlnouf. conclu
sion that "business Is too slow to fight.
but that does not mean that concessions are
to go on endlessly and there wlU have to
be a tremendous wages readjustment when
tne marKeis turn.
The notable strength of the foreign ex
change market Indicated the possibility of
further gold exports and the retention of
the Bank of England rate at 4 per cent was
once more a disappointment. A' demand
upon its resources which expanded Its loan
account $12,910,000, Is sufficient Indication of
tne ground for retaining he discount rate.
The weekly statement of the Bank of
r ranee snowing an expansion In note cir
culation of nearly $33,000,000 and a loan In
crease of over $38,000,000 shows another mo
tive for the retention of the English bank
rate, considering the large amount of
French capital at S per cent placed In the
London market.
The bond market continued Irregular.
Total sales, par value, $1,650,000. United
State 2s declined ft per cent on the last
The following are the quotation on th
New York tstoca exenange:
Atchison i
o P' !!
Bal. A Ohio
do pM
Cn1in Pacific Ml
80. Railway pfd ,
Tviaa A Pacific
Toledo. BU U. A W
do pfd
Union Pacific
... 4J
... 10ft
... 90
... n
... 4ft
... 23
... 31
... :
... 47
... J
... JJtl
... !'
... ii
... m
... 60
. . . 103
... 6
rndm go
Ches. Ohio....
Chicago tl Alton.
do pf4
Chicago A O. W
do lat pfd
do Id rid
do pfd....'
do pfd
Wheeling A L. B...
do 2d pfd
, IS
, 31
Wla. Central .......
do pfd
Chtraso N. W 1M
Chicago Tar. Tr... lft
do pfd
Adama Ez ,
American -Ex ,
I nlled Btatea Ei.
C. C. A St. Ij
Colorado 80
do lat pfd
do Id old ,
Wella-Pargo Ex..
Amal. Copper ....
Amer. Car A F..
do pfd
Dot. 4b Hudaon Wit
Amer. Lin. Oil...
nl. 1.. s: W ZM
do pfd
Danvar R. O 4
American 6. A R
do old t',
do pfd
Erla 4H
Anac Mining Co.
Brooklyn R. T
Colo. Fuel A Iron
do lat Dfd '
do Id pfd
Oniat Nor. pfd....
Dorking Valley
do pfd. .......
Illlnola Central ..
Iowa 1'antral
do pfd
Laka Erla AW...
do pfd
Manhattan L
Met. 8t. Ry
Mm. Central
Mi. National ...
Minn. A St. L...
Mo. Pacific
M., K. A T
do pfd
N. J. Central
N. Y. Central
Norfolk A W.,...
do pfd
Ontario A W
I'annaylvanla ....
do lat pfd
do id pfd
8t. U A 8. F....
do lat r'd
do Sd pfd
U 8. W......
do pfd
Bt. Paul
do pfd
.... 64'.
font. Tobacco Dfd.. .114
.... ft
lien. Electric lyj
.... 3J
.... 06
.... 40
Hocking Coal ..
Inter. Paper ...
do pfd
li ter. Power ..
Ijiclede Caa ...
National Dlacult
National Iad .
.... If
.... 7u
.... 44
.... W
.... 49
.... 24
.... Dn'i
.... I
....104 i
.... 80X
. .. 2I."
No. American .
.... 27 U
.... 2l-t
Pacific Coast ...
Pai-IHc Mall ...
Peoples lias . . .
Presned g. car.
.... 251,,
do pfd
Pullman P. Car...
.... U
.... 70'
Republic Steel ....
.... lMi
do pfd..:
Sugar ..;
.. 77
Tenn. Coal A Iron
.... kSi
. ... o4
.... -li-H
t'nlon Rag A P....
do pfd
t. 8. Leather
do pfd
V. 8. Rubber
do pfd
V. S. Steel
do ptd
WeMteru I'nion
Amer. Iocomotlve.
do prd
K. c. southern
do pfd
Rnrk Mind
do pfd
.. 71
.. 1
.. H
.. :',
.. M
.. kf.
.... i
.... 3'-j
.... 2i
.... .4
. 2a
. t.1
. 2.:'t
80. Pacific
. C.
. 7
80. Railway
Neve York Money Market.
NEW YORK. April 30.-MONEY-On call
easy, at 2(ij2 per cent: closed at 2&2 per
cent; time money steady, sixty and ninety
days, 4 per cent; six months, 4 per cent;
prime mercantile paper 610 per cent.
$4.R770$i4.8775 for demand and at $4.R45W
4 S4H0 for sixty days; potted rates, $I.KS and
$4.KMn4.KS; commercial bills. $1.841 4.S4.
SILVER Bar, 62c; Mexican dollars,
41 c.
BONDS Governments, easier; railroads,
The closing quotations on bond are at
U. S. raf. ta. re(....lut Hoiking Val. 4a.
.lot. I,
. 7
. :
. '-
71 1,
. 8s',
. MS
. k
. l
. 7
.. 7:,H
. .1IK)'
.. !,
.. 1
do coupon ,
....iu L N. unl
do ta. res..
....WeUea. Central ta
00 coupon f.
do 4s. res
do coupon
do old 4a, res....
do coupon
do as, reg
do coupon
Atchison sen. 4a...
do ad. 4a
Bal. Ohio 4s
do I4a
,...lo do la Inc
..U M. Ic Ut. L. 4a
...U7 Id.. K. & T. 4a
...llolii do ta
...11 n. v. r. g. a,s....
...lirn'-; N. J. C. gen. ta
...litH No. Pacific 4a
...1W do Is
... 1 IN. It W. con. 4a..., 'Heading gen. 4a
... Jt' St. I.. & I. M. c. la
...lvs Bt. U a a. e 4a...
...l'JVIi 81. L. 6. W. 1,
do eonv. 4a.
Canada 80. 2a
Central of Ga. fee pa
do Za ,
8. A. aV A. P. 4a...
do la Ine ii
Cnee. Jk Ohio 4a lu4lo. Panfli: 4a
ChUaso A. Jl.... id's
So. Rallaar 5a
I'., b. 1 g. . ... ii
r.. M a St. P. g. 4a.i0k
r. N. W. c. 7a.. .AM
V.. R. I. P. 4a. ...1"
ere. at. L. g. 4a.. '.V
Chicago Ter. 4a 4'i
Colorado 80. 4a MHt
Denver ( O., 4a... 94
Erla prior lien 4a
do general 4a h
T. W. D. 1:. la. ...11
Teiaa a Pacific la.
T , bt. L. & W. 4a
I'nloa Pacific 4a
no cone. 4a
Wabai-h la
do U
do deb. B
Weal shore 4s
Yllieel. Si L K. 4a.
Wla. Central 4a....
Forelara Financial.
IXJNDON, April 30. Money waa In good
demand In the market today, this being
stuck exchange day. Discounts were fairly
maintained. Operators on the Block ex
change were chiefly engaged in completing
the settlement quickly. The fact that the
rat of the Bank of England was tin
changed had little Influence. The holiday
tomorrow restricted business a little. Con
sols were dull, which effected home rails
Americans were strong, but eased during
the first hour anil closed nulet. The
amount of bullion taken Into the Hank of
England on balance todoiy waa 66,as.
PARIS. April 30. Prices on the bourse
today opened Weak throughout. Turkish
securities were notably depressed. Rente,
slightly Improved and Industrials were Ir
regular. Rio tlntos declined owing to the
fall In Ihe price ut copper, ultimately lualug
if. The general tone wss hesvv and busi
ness wss Inactive. The private rate of dis
count was 2 per cent. Three per cent
rentes, D7f 67c for the account; exchange
on Irfindnn, 2f,f 10c for checks.
BERLIN, April 3o. On the bourse today
Iron shares were strong, the market gen.
orally, however, was quiet. Canadian firm
on New York advices.
Boston Mock Quotations.
BOSTON. April SO.-Call loans. IWiJS per
rent; time loans, 4fi5 per cent. Official
cowing prices on stocks ana uonas:
Atrhlaiin 4s
Saifci Amalgamated
fin ntnahem
M; calumet A tier la
Me. Central 4a...
do pfd
Pnaton A Albany..
Host on A Me
N. Y., N. H. A H
Flt-hhura: pfd
Vntun I'arlAc
7 bicentennial
copper Range ,
Dominion Coal
Isle Royal
Old I'omlnloa
. ',
Mex. Central
American Sugar 1;:, yoereola
do pfd
..ll'.i.. Parrot
American T. A T
linmlnlnn t. Ai 8.
Iten. Electric ....
Maaa. Electric...
do pfd
I'nited Fruit
V. 8. Steel
do pfd
. .10 iuulncy
in Kama F Copper.
. .1) Trimnuntaln ..
. 7Vj Trinity
.lot' I'nited Btatea
. i'. I tah
ai victoria
Common., eft IWInona
M W'olTerln
London Stnec nerket.
LONDON. April 30. Closing quotations:
Cnnsota for money. II 11-11 New York Central ... .1.14
do account....
IVNorfnlk A Western...
6 I do pid
Atchlnon K
Ontario A western..
do pfd loft
Palttmnre A Ohio.... IB
Rand Mtnea
Canadian Pacific
Cheaapeaka A Ohio.
Chlcaxo O. W
C. M. A St. P
Tie Beers
Denver A R. O
do pfd
do lat pfd
do 2d pfd
Illinois Central
. 4
. .1
. M '
. IS 1
do lat prd
do Zd pfd
Southern Railway...
do pfd
Southern Pacific
In Ion Pacific
do pfd
I'nited Slates Steel..
do pfd
do pfd
Ixiulsvllle A Naah...l21
Mleaourl. K. A T.... 2i
Ex-d v dend.
BAR SILVER-Steady at 2td per ounce.
MONEY 3V.04 per cent. The rate of dis
count in the open market for short bills Is
8V;f3 7-16 per cent and for three-months'
bills is 3 7-16&3 per cent.
New York Mining Quotation.
NEW YORK. Anrtl 30. The following
re the quotations on th New York Stock
Adama Con
.. 20
,. 14
.. to
.. 4
.. I
Little Chief ..
.. a
.. :s
.. 17
.. 70
.. 10
A Ilea
Hreeca ,
Rrunawlck Con.....
comatock Tunnel..
Con. Cal. A Va...
sierra Nevads
Small Hopea
Standard ......
Horn Silver
Iron Silver
Leadvllle Con
Bank Clearings.
CHICAGO. April 30. Clearings. $27,490,820;
balances, $1,943,48$; New York exchange, 2di&
400 premium, torelgn exchange, sterling,
pasted at $4.83Vi for sixty day and at $4. S3
lor demand.
NEW YORK. April SO. Clearings, $217,43,'
743; balances, $10,318,924.
BOSTON. April 30. Clearings, 122,423,634;
balances, $1,136,o35.
PHILADELPHIA. April 30. Clearings.
$17,436,268; balances, $2,646,367; money, 4Qm
per cent.
Baltimore. April 30. clearings, .t,4t9,-
6Ti9 ; balances, $lt,9J'J; money, 6 per cent.
CINCINNATI, April 30. Clearing-, l,4o3,-
2.V); money, 6416 per oent; New XoxJl ex
change, 6c discount to par.
Cotton Market.
Bteady; sales, 2,2."0 bales; ordinary, 814c;
good ordinary. hc: good middling, 9 7-16c;
middling, 10 3-16c; good middling, loc: mid
dling lair, 11 6-llic; receipts, ,aoi Dales;
stock, 131,316 bales. Futures closed steady;
May, 10.2fc; June, 10.31S 10.3.1c; July, 10.33'a
infUiv Aueust. K.1(fi Sc : Remember. R.9.
8.99c; October, 8.52'o.53c; November, 8.40
8.42c; December, 8.4' r8'X.41c.
NEW YORK. April 30. cotton opened
steady at unchanged prices to an advance
of 4 points under better Liverpool cablej
than expected and unfavorable weather re
ports, notably In northern Texas and Okla
homa. . After ruling rather Irregular lor a
brief period, however, It turned sugntiy
easier under liquidation and declined to a
level net 1 point lower to 2 points higher.
From this the market rallied sharply, par-
tlnllv as n result nt reiiawrri nnol suminrt
and partly by out-of-town buying oroers,
which showed a preference ior tne new
crop months, owing to the unfavorable
reports that the , pujyement would show a
falling off in the near futures, backed up
with small receipts. The estimated re
ceipts for leading points , tomorrow were
also moderate a nd. , exports were heavy,
footing up 41.383 bales. In addition to this
the forecast called for still colder weather
tn the south, and tor a time prices were
worked rapidly upward, with shorts be
travlng no.anxlety. May selling up within
3 points ot the highest of the season, while
Auarust so a even witn tne previous main
point and July waa within 8 points of the
record. Toward the close, however, there
was another wave of liquidation and placed
near months, and the market was Anally
easy, net 2(H points higher, or 4iy9 points
below the best of the session. Total sales
estimated at 160.000 bales.
fair demand, prices uncnangea; American
middling. 6.83d. The sales of the day werj
10,000 bales, of which 1.000 were for specu
lation and export, and included s,jo Amer.
lean; receipts, 7,000 bales. 111 American. Fu
tures opened steady and closed quiet;
American middling good. May, 6.33b.34d:
May and June, 6.33d; June and July, 6 3 :d;
duly and August, &.35d; August and Sep
tember, 6.26d; September and October. 4. WW
4.84d; October and November, 4.6i(d4.65d:
November and December, 4.5sd; December
and January, 4.66d; January, 4.6S(g4.66d.
Wool Market.
BOSTON. April 80. WOOL Fine staple I
quoted at 62&53c; ooured fine, &Oftf52c: fin
medium, 46&4Sc; medium. 3Hi46c. Idaho
fine, 14iffl4Vc; tine medium, lo16He; me
dium, laU16c. Utah, and Nevada fine, 14(9
14'jc; line medium, innioc; meaium. ttxp
16V,c. Dakota fine, 12d'ltic; medium, l&i&Uc.
Montana line choice. 18Csfl9c; tine average,
16'Vijl"Hc; fine medium choice. IHflSc; aver
age, 17(& 18c; staple, is(f19c; medium choice,
18'(il9c; average, 17(?il8c. Colorado, New
Mexico, etc., fine, 114jl2c; fine medium, 13f)
14c; medium, 14416c: coarse, 18(ftl4c; New
Mexico Improved, 16giec; Arlsona heavy. U
ul3c; average, 14il6c; choice. 16tol7c;
Georgia, 21iii22c. Fleece wools have been
falrlv active, with prices llrm. Ohio and
Pennsylvania XX and above. 81"8iJ2c; X.
27f2!c: No. 1, Riff 32c; No. 2. 314fvfcc; No. 1
and No. 2, 27()2sc. Australian wools are
very dull because there Is such a small
supplv and all quotations supplied.
NEW YORK. April 3). WOOL Firm.
Oil and Rosin.
OIL CITY', Pa., April 30. OH.. Credit
balances $1.53;' certificates, no bid; ship
ments, 92.139 bbls.; average, 77.243 bbla.;
runs. 131.113' bbls. ; average, 79.096 bbls.;
shinments. Lima. 47.820 bbls.; average. 68.-
67ti bbls.; runs, 47,840 bbls.; average. 61,192
HAVANNAH. Oa., April 30. OIL Spirits
of turpentine, firm, 45c. Rosin, firm; A, B,
C. D. K, $175; F. $1.80; O, $1.90; H. $2.36; I,
$.'.S5; K. $3; H, $3.10; N, $3.15; WQ, $3.26;
WW. $3.35.
NEW YORK. Anrll 30. OIL Cottonseed,
steady; prime yellow. 13ViJM3e. Petroleum,
pteady. Turpentine, quiet, 48e. Rosin,
rfertdv; strained, common to good, $2.10.
TOLEDO. O.. April 30. OI L Unchanged.
Evaporated Applea and Dried Fa-nlts.
APPLES Continue ouiet and the lone of
the market Is a trifle easy, though rot
much attractive fruit I offered. Common
are quoted ut 2U'ii4c; prime, 6c; choice,
6Vri6c; fancy, 6i&74c
prunes are about steady, with some export
Inquiry reported, and prices still range
from 3c tj 6c for all grade. Apricot
continue firm under strong coast advices
but are meeting with only a moderate de
mand and nrices are unrhanged at I'fam.c
for choice and 9W'loVi for fancy. Peachet
are quoted at 74fljc for choice and bwa9
lor fancy.
Dry flood Market.
Market phowa no material Improvement In
btiinfs'. Reports from local retailers statj
that they are not as Duay aa mignt oe ex
tected for this time of the year. With cot
ton at Its present level there is little war
rant for manufacturers to rhade prices.
The comparative scarcity of raw material
is another (actor which adds to the strength
of sellers.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. April 30. COFFEE Spot
Rio. quiet. Mild, steady. Futures operel
steady at unchanged prices under fair
cables and moderate receipts, but turned
easy as a result of moderate liquidation in
the absence of support, closing quiet at a
net decline of 6 points. Bales were re
ported of 9.250 bags, including: May. 3.8k-tiji
3.86c; September. 4.2k-: October, tlSc; No
vember, 4.364.4oc; December, 4.70c; March.
(agar and Molasses.
Dull; open kettle. 2StJ3 7-16c; open krtt'.
centrifugal, 3'1i3Sc; centrifugal wi,!!s.
4c; yellows. 3ii4c; seconds, 2'-etJ i 6-16c.
Molasses, open ki tile, nominal. l:ii2V; cen
trifugal, 6filsc. Syrup, nominal, lwitc.
NEW YORK. Aoril So -81QAR-R W.
steady fanned, steady. Molasses, firm.
Cattle Beoeipta Light and Trading Was
Brisk at Btr ngr Prioes.
Moderate Ran of Sheep and l.amki at
All Point anal Trading; Wa Mora
Active and Prices, If Any
thin a Little Stronger.
- SOUTH OMAHA. April $0.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 4.312 6.D3K 2.0
Official Tuesday 7,176 lo.s" 7."74
Otncial Wednesday 4,146 .6 l.W
Ottlclal Thursday 2,000 ti.000 3.0"0
Four days this week.. .17,633 32.030 13.741
Same days last week.. ..16,131 34.M7 24.0H1
Same week before I,6c6 81,067 24,223
Same threo weeks ago. . .10,216 22.008 2t.23
Same tour weeks ago....l,37a 26.780 23.072
Same day last year 11.269 30,441 10.K74
Total this month 86.H18 ls2,9"2 104,617
Total April, 1U2 67,497 1K0.7S6 1.7
Total April, lfwl 61.377 lsj.l"2 111.616
Total April, ISIOO 6tf.27 il,571 PI..I06
Total April. 1WW 60.332 l6.o64 10H.479
Total April, IWH 63,666 147,61'S 136,6'5
Total April, 1W7 61.611 10.?&0 6S.S3S
Total April. lNto .....33,J5 o3,64 20,111
Total April, 186 33,469 67.064 27,17
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at feouth Omaha for
the year to dale, anu comparisons with last
year: lii3. l!Ki2. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 323,196 266,510 &6.606
Hugs 49,tfM Mi, 740 ..... 1L,763
bheep 4ob,ijo9 313,261 143,438
Average price palu lor hogs at South
Omaha tor the last several days with com
parison: Date. I 1903. 1902. 190l. 1900. 1899. 189o. 1S7.
April 1...
April I...
April S...
April 4...
April S...
April T...
April S...
April ...
April 10..
Aprli 11. .
April 12..
April IS..
April 1..
..prll 16..
April IS..
April 17..
April 18..
April 1..
April 20..
April 21.. I
April 22..
April 23..
April 24..
April 26..
April 26..
April 27..
Apitl 28..
April 29..
April 30..
7 29
I C6l
7 24m
7 lf7 1
7 26
7 26
7 21,
7 1
7 21
.7 164,1
7 07WI
6 W,
6 Ml
t 63!
6 i
6 Mi
6 S6
6 81 1
6 96
6 Pi:
e j
6 S6
6 97i
7 04
7 03
ft 7
6 X
6 9J
6 ;
6 91
6 96
6 04 1
6 01,
6 3
6 2
6 85
6 88
6 Hal
6 811
5 o
0 76.
6 77
6 77 1
6 72
, I
6 6&
6 64
S 641
S Ml
5 to:
3 w
i 601
6 W
S 661
I 66 3 93
si 8 SI
I 3 SI
1 721
6 29
6 30
6 :i
6 2i
6 33
I 31
6 36
6 $1
6 40)
i at
6 46
3 YSj 3 H
8 i'9 3 SI
8 72
a 71
8 S3
I si
8 71
1 71
3 hi
3 M
s t
3 97
61 1
S 72
3 6S1
I 7b
8 77
3 67 8 SI
v au
3 6I1 8 M
3 611 3 87
I 8 91
8 60
3 61 1 3 91
3 W 3 64
3 73 8 81
J Mi 3 M
3 74 3 83
I 8 U
8 711
8 8t 3 81
3 79 3 77
a 771 a 16
1 la
7 14
7 10
6 66!
6 49
6 46
6 46
7 loHl
t 421
? 06"
7 01V,
7 06,
7 04'
6 3C
8 (T7
6 321
6 36
6 39;
6 34
6 32!
3 65
S 66
S 67
6 6.4 I
6 84Vk
8 b9i
3 69
3 7;i 3 74
3 83 3 SO
Indicate Sunday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sh p.
C. M. ft St. P. Ry 2 18
Wabash Ry 2
Missouri Pacific Ry 3 1 ..
Union Pacific system 2o 18 11
C. & N. W. Ry 8
F., H. ft M. V. Ry 25 .18
C. St. P., M. ft O. Ry 4 n
B. ft M. Ry S
C, B. ft Q. Ry.., ! 2 1
C. R. 1. ft P., east 8
C, R. I. & P-, west 3
Illinois Central Ry 2
Total receipt 98 83 13
The disposition of th day' receipt was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
lame. nui, oucy.
nmo Vi TAcklnsr Co..
Swift and Company 479
Armour ft Co 717
Cudahy Packing Co 664
Swift, from country 36
Armour, Stoux City 47
Carey ft Benton 27
Lobman ft Co 27
Hill ft Huntilnger 16
Livingstone & Bhaller....- 18
H. F. Hamilton 169
L. F. Hues 73
Wolf ft Murnan 27
Dennis & Co.... t 68
Other buyer 90
Totals 331
CATTLE There was a very light run of
cattle here this morning, probably owing
largely to the storm, which was general
over this section of the country. Receipts
of cattle for the month of April have been
exceedingly heavy and In fact are the heav
iest on record for that month. The Increase
over March of this year amounts to auout
3 000 head, and as compared with April of
last year there Is a gain of about 19.0 10
head. The local demand, however, has in
creased proportionately, so that practically
everything offered here has been disposed
of at prices well In line with those paid at
other markets.
The demand for beef steers was quite
liberal thl morning and as receipt wera
unusually light for this time of the week
the market was active and stronger all
around. As a general thing salesmen weie
quoting the market Just about steaoy witn
Monday, the decline of Tuesday having
been regained. The quality of the rattie
on sale was about up to the ususl standard
and as high as $5.10 was paid.
The cow market waa also a little stronger,
but the Improvement on cow the lst iwj
days has not been as pronounced as on
steers. Prices, however, are very near back
to where thev were the first of the week.
Common stuff 1 till rather neglect. d.
while the handy weight cows and heifer
sell to the best advantage.
Bulls were in gooa ornrara mis,
the same as they have been all the week.
Prices were fully steady. Veal calve and
stags also brought fully as good prices as
were paid yesterday.
The stocker and feeder market did not
show much change from yesterday. Any
thing desirable sold without much trouble
at steady prices, but inferior grades were
more or less neglected and certainly did
not nring oener man mnuy 1,1 iw.. Al
tering today were rather limited. Repre
sentative sales:
Av. Pr No.
(I 4 10 M...
tit 4 10 H...
1240 4 10 ...
ano 4 20 Si...
a.o 4 W 16...
10S 4 2S 1 ..
M0 4 M Jl...
70 4 ss a...
NO III 1...
,00 4 5 ...
730 4 40 111..
!. 4 40 S4...
730 4 40 t...
100 4 45 17...
61 4 45 l...
4 4 M ttf...
1110 4 50 1...
1031 4 50 45...
05 4 65 ...
11J5 4 55 tl...
11M 40 1...
ltrnO 4 40 1...
102 4 n 1"-..
t3 4 0 4...
1041 4 45 U...
1610 4 5 0...
1!6 4 5
Hl 4 55 4...
1170 4 45
HM4 4 70 ...
At. Pr.
4 ,
44 ,
a ,
IIS) 4 70
lilt 4 70
1180 4 75
1I2S 4 76
, K'lH) 4 76
IMS 4 75
U"J 4 50
lias 4 SO
1164 4 50
1291 4 6
1230 4 55
1115 4 55
, 1300 4 55
,..... ..1610 4 56
, 1400 4 55
116 4 K5
1170 4 66
1117 4 56
, 1147 4 55
120 4 50 4 Kl
1414 4 50
I4V4 4 50
121 4 0
11X4 4 0
I! 4
13) 4 1
1621 4 55
m 4 14
Uil 6 14
... . 12 6 4 70
liial 4 10 Jl 1125
7I 4 20 17
10 4 60 14
4 4 45
1141 4 70
4 0 14 ih) 4 70
11S7 4 5 W 1221
1155 4 50
4 M
... 700 I 7
..1070 I 40
. . 540 (40
..1030 t 7')
.. 440 I li
..nan 1 76
.. 4f.ll S 76
.. u6 t 76
,. trl 1 J6
. .141(1 t 75
.1111 1 50
..HA0 t ti
.. t :J 1 50
..ll:w 1 .i
.. kso 4 00
..HiJ 4 00
..1IS0 4 00
.. 10 4 00
. . 4 4 (i5
..1070 4 16
..125 4 Hi
..117 4 10
..1IU0 4 10
..1420 4 10
..1171 4 14
..11; 4 10
..12' 4 16
..1111 4 it
.1161 4 16
..1141 4 20
..1114 4 20
..1170 4 24
..141' 4 35
... 700 t on
... t0 I 16
... 700 1 24
... 400 1
... 76 I 40
... Wl If
... 710 1 64
... 120 1 50
... 455 t 50
...5110 I 60
... 610 t 56
... 0 2 70
... 510 1 76
. 74(1 I 75
...7) I 75
... I 75
... 715 f 0
...101 I 00
...760 I 00
...1110 t 16
...551 I 26
...UliO t 26
. . . 1040 I 25
...10U1 1 26
... 550 I 40
... 544 I 40
...1U46 I 54
... 5U I 64 1 60
...10)1 I 40
...460 I 40
ilfn 40
.1114 4 ta
,..1014 4
.. 670 It. 3, 6U 1 25
..404 t 76 1 750 I 54
.. 6o0 t 75 1 614 M
40 8 00
,111 IS
1 750 I 40
1 74A I 44
17 717 4 10
1 444 4 It
, 3 7'
II M I H 17 tn 4 IS
1 1140 1 no 1 1444 t 75
1 1240 I on 1 1"'0 I 7
t IV. I 13 171 I a
I IMfl I ,(4 I I I
I mo i .in 1 1 as
1 inf. 11 so 1 140 1 n
t lino 1 40 1 17;,o I an
1 mo I 40 1 170 I n
I.... 7n I 60 1 , 14?" 40
1 1760 1 7,' I 1770 I 40
t 0 4 01. 1 140 60
t 24iJ I no 1 110 4 60
1 HO 5 (HI 1 120 4 6n
1 260 6 60 1 114 4 60
1 1J0 ti ,
1 943 I:. 1 530 I 10
It 444 3 40
1 7 70 I in 1 .u 5 26
1 71 1 w 1 440 a 26
i Mil 3 JO
I 11 Id 1 W 4 460 US
1 f.70 a 00 43 627 4 25
1 650 I 00 61a 4 0
( 443 3 Oil 1 30 4 to
1 !'0 3 25 37 6J7 4 ,v
4 444 3 M 2 430 4 35
3 a'f 3 ao 1 46 4 40
1 320 5 60 14 647 4 40
1 290 a 75 34 444 4 40
i 355 a 75 22 SMI 4 40
a M 3 76 32 617 4 40
1 620 4 00 17 tit 4 60
1 420 4 00 17 467 4 60
4 37 4 10 24 44 4 40
1 47.0 4 86 it 442 4 76
t 555 4 25
IIOUS Under the Influence of light re
lelpts und a good local demsnd the mar
ket here opened active and luily 5c higher
man yesterday. Trdlng was sctlvo. ro
that all the early arrivals were disposed of
In good season. The bulk of the med.u.n
weight hogs sold from iH.HO to fi.i&. The
heat heavy hogs sold largely from $'H to
t9:'4. with a top at I.!. The lighter
weights went froVn IUSO down. Some of the
trains were late In arriving. iut there
no particular change In Ihe market from
start to flnlah.
The receipts of hogs during this month
have been rather light. There Is, however,
an Increase over the light run of March
amouutlng to about 19,ouo head. As com
pared with April of 1902 there Is a decrease
of nearly 8.00J head. Representative salas:
No. th; Av. rr. No. Sh. Av. Pr.
14 156 HO 4 40 40 27 ... 4 46
42 240 SO 4 76 32 221 ... 4 56
6 :; ... 4 76 46 213 40 6 16
43 220 40 50 70 274 40 4 35
40 2!5 50 4 50 42 275 240 4 56
51 231 ... 4 50 74 IF.1 ...
74 12 M 151 76 24 50 15
44 2.V) 120 4 an I 252 ... 4 16
46 224 10 IH 2 242 W IK
34 244 40 4 S2, 7, '.'56 ... 4 55
45 244 ... 4 52 41 267 ... 4 56
65 J47 50 4 6V, 67 263 120 4 K
41 244 SO S 421, 11 241 ... 4 56
S3 224 an 4 521 76 250 ... IM
42 234 SO 4 SS 274 SO 4 S5
72 231 40 4 2'i 70 263 SO 4 55
44 234 120 4 82', 43 277 ... 4 S5
57 ?'.' ... 4 52, 64 271 ... 4 86
57 265 SO 4 52', 45 260 ... 4 S5
72 23.1 50 4 37 242 ... 4 S5
74 S.1 140 4 M'a 42 265 40 4 S7'4j
45 244 ... It:', 6 243 ... 4
65.., 261 50 1 1-2', 47 270 ... 4 T,
40 244 60 4 S31, 66 27. 160 4 S7
41 242 240 4 521 64 255 50 4 90
46 224 ... 4 S2's 61 311 ... 4 40
149 224 SO 4 52', 70 27 S ... 4 0
45 248 ... 4 85 16 243 ... 4 5
3.18 120 4 85 42 304 ... 4 46
44 237 140 4 Si 41 312 ... I2'.
70 J75 120 4 55 -
SHEEP There was a moderate supply of
sheep and lambs' at all points this morning
snd the general feeling seemed to be a little
better-. Buyers here took hold with more
life than has been noted In several days
and all dslrable grades were soon disposed
of at steady to strong prices. Colorado
woo ed lambs sold aa hleh as 30 65. and some
wetherg brought $5.60. The commoner grades
were, o.l course, neglected to some extent,
the same as has been the case of late, but
si 111 tfK.r brought ful.y as good prices as
Wire pa d yesterday.
l'or th month of April receipts show
quite a fhlling off as compared with March,
tne decrease amounting to about 38,000 head.
As compared with April of last year, how
ever, there Is an Increase of about 23,000
Quotations for clipped stock: Choice
western lambs. $6.00th6.50; fair to good
lambs, S nofri! 00; choice western wooled
lambs, IS.rVifi6.75; fair to good wooled
lambs, J6.n0'ij'i.ft0; choice lightweight year
lings, 38.26(66.60; fair to good yearlings, 34.50
po.oo; choice wethers, $5.00(35.25; fair to good
wethers, $4.2o4.)5; choice ewes. $4,500-4.65;
fair to good ewes, $4.00(84.50; feeder lambs.
$3.5OfgH.0u; feeder yearlings, $3.50Q4.00; feeder
wethers, IS.fK.W; feeder ewes, $2.2503.50.
Wepreeentatlve salesi
No. Av. Pr.
culls . 4S 1 60
6 cull ewes 74 J 00
47 cull ewes M ' S 00
39 culls 61 S 00
64 cull wethers 73 . 8 00
313 cull lamba 64 '3 60
14 cull lambs 63 4 50
621 western yearlings 76 4 40
3 western yearlings 73 4 40
613 Colorado wooled lambs 71 6 60
619 Colorado wooled lambs 77 6 65
123 Colorado wooled lambs 74 C 65
411 Colorado wooled Iambs 74 C 65
Cattle Steady to Lower, While Boca
and . Sheep Incline Higher.
CHICAGO, April 29. CATTLE Receipts,
9.000 head, including 600 Texans; heavy
steers lorn 15c lower, others steady; good to
J Time steers. $5.00jj6.f0; poor to medium,
4. 26075.00; stockers and ajeeders, $3.00414.90;
cows, $1 .fiOftj'4.90; heifers. $2.50i5.25: canners.
1.50(2.80; bulk. $2.50i4.50; calves, $2.50(9
6.00; Texas-fed steers, $4.00(84.75.
HOOS Receipts. 18,000 head: estimated
tomorrow, 15,000; left over, 6.600; market
steady to 6c higher; close easier; medium
and butchers $6. 80(57.00; good to choice
heavy, $7.(k1'7.16; rough heavy, $6.fC(j.95;
light, $d. 6147 o.90; bulk of sales. $6.807.00.
SHEEP AND IA MBS Receipts, 8,000
head; sheep and. lambs KxijlSe higher; good
to choice wethers,; fair to choice
mixed. $3.7Mi'4.60: western sheep, $4,6045.25;
native lambs, $4.50(ijii.76; western Iambs,
Official yesterday:
Receipts. Shipments.
Cattle 25.475 4.976
Hogs 27.3S2 4.761
Sheep 10,837 12,322
Kansas City Live Stork Market.
ceipts. 2.200 natives, 3no Texans, 35 Texas
calves, 65 nstlve calves; beeves strong to
0c higher; quarantine rirm; heifers steady;
cows weak; stockers and feeders steady;
calves dull; choice export and dressed beef
steers, $4.65S5.25: fair to good. $3.s(4.65;
stockers and feeders, $2.75(66.00; western-fed
Meers. $3.5005.(10; Texas and Indian steers,
$7.50(fi4.75: Texas cows, $2.50(a4.00; native
cows, $l.&oi4.3o; native heifers, $;
native rows. $1.50(2.75; bulls, 32.50iu3.9O;
calves. 33.OOfir7.0O.
HOGS Receipts. 7.800 head; market
opened active and higher and closed weak;
top. $7: hulk of sales. $6.8095: heavy,
$i.87Vi7.oo: mixed packers. $6.72Vtig6.96;
light. $6. 63. 90; yorkers, $6.7&3ti.90; pigs,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,700
head; market le. higher; native lambs, $4.26
ti7.o0; western lambs, $4.0tK(76.9O; few ewes,
$::.9Xii6.2S: native wethers, 4.(ii6.t&; Texas
clipped sheen, $4.0543.00; stockers and feed
ers, $3.70(&4.20.
Kewr York LIto Stock Market.
ceipts, 76 head, mainly consigned direct; no
sales reported; dressed beef steady: city
dressed sides, extreme range, "at)c. Cables
quoted American steers, general sales, at
ll'j!&12e, dres'ed weight. Refrigerator beef,
9c. Exports. 347 head.
CALVES Receipts. 29 head; quoted
steady; veals sold at $6 0oii60. a few at $7;
city dressed veals, general rales, 7BP1 0c.
IOJ8 Receipts, 2.2M head; easier: state
and P nr.sylvanla sold generally at 37.40; a
car of western brought. $6.50.
HHBEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.631
head; sheep, slow, rated HQc lower:
lambs, slow and weak; clipped sheep sold
st $4.75Ca6.oO. a few selected at $5.50; un
rhorn sheep, $5; clipped lamba, $6.f(ar7.50:
dressed mutton, V4)10c; dressed lambs, 10i
Bt. Joseph Lire Stock Market.
celpta, 1,230 head: active, steady to 10c
higher; natives, 34.16fffS.40; cows and helf
er, $2.25tirt5.10; stockers and feeders. 33(5
HOGS Receipts. 4.633 head: big 5c higher:
light and light mixed. $0 7uti :" : medium
and heavy, $6.75(0 7.0o; bulk, $6.smj3s.t; p ga,
$5 fjoi6 5.
SHEEP A.XU LiAMtiti Receipts. 1.111
head; strong to 6c higher; lambs, lOtflic
higher; top Colorado lambs, 37.10.
lost City Lire Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY. April SO.-fSpeclal Tele
gram.) CATTLE Recelpta, JuO head;
steady; beeves. $4.('n4 25; cows, bulls and
mlxfil, $? ia4 25; stockers and feeders, $3.50
fi-l 25: calves and yearlings. $3.0Jj-4 60.
IIOGe- Roreipts, 1.5( head; strong to 60
higher, selling at $660fe6.90; bulk, $6i.0&.76.
Bt. I.onls I.Ito Stock Market.
ST. IXUIS. April 30 Markets closed on
account of fjlr dedication.
Stock la light.
Following were the receipts of live stock
at the five principal western cities yester
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Omaha 2"0 .0"0 3.O00
Chicago .'"0 IS.'SK) f
Kinlil City $.' 7.5"0 1.7O0
Bt Joseph 1.2.10 4 OS 1,614
Sioux 'iiy 200 .5u0 ..
....14.(30 37,633 13.311
Asks Net York Exchange 'to An.
thorlse Dealings In Illlnola
Dlilslon Taper.
NEW YORK. April 3. Application has
been made tr the Stock exchange by the
t'Mcngn, Murllngton A Qulncv to list !;). I,
Oco additional Illinois division 3' or tent
bonds of 1!M!.
The Chicago Eastern Illinois raiins 1
has slso ntmlled In list $.177,010 Hddl.iona!
general consolidated first mortgage per
cent bonds of 1') 17. -
126.". Nebrasa Loan and Trust Company
calnat Corning Appfal from Sherman.
Affirmed. Pound. C. D.vl Ion No. 3. Un
reported. l.'rlSS. Oulhrie against Outhrl?. Appeal
Irom Lancaster. Affirmed. Albert, C.
livivlon No. 3. Unrep rt !.
1. On sppeil to tills our., as dUUngul be I
from proceedings In rror. evlrtenej ex
cluded by the trial court will not be con
sidered. 2. Evidence examined and held to sustain
the order denying confirmation of n fore
closure sale.
12677. McCowan against Votaw. Appeal
from Frontier. Affirmed. Ames, C. Divi
sion No. 3. Unreported.
When after iesne joined there has been a
trial ami the record recite th it the plain
1 1 IT Introduce 1 all his evli'encu. whicji 'h"
trial court found to bp Ins'ifllelent ami dis
missed the ac, ihe judgment will not h
reviewed In this coiirl In Ihe absence -o' .1
bill 'if exceptions, although It also recites
that In the opinion of the trial ,tu Igf th"
petition doe nut state facts suillclent lo
tonstltute a cause of action.
1C6.U. Werner against L.nsrnmcyer. Error
from tjge. Atnrnied. Kirkpatrlck. .
Division No 1. Unreported.
1 The judgment or or.ler of a distil t
coirt on a motion to dissolve an uttath
ment will not be reverpil If sustalnel lv
sufTlclent competent evidence.
2. Evidence examine 1 and held siiflleleiu
to sustain the finding and order of Ihe tr-a'
12747. State ex rel Neolnnd against Foil
mer. Error irom Lmcaater. Affl-md,
Hastings. J. Division N . 1. Unreported.
1. Whether any liiatHiiunus wllll lie 10 con
trol action of the s'nte connnKsloiv r of
publlr lands and buildings in determining
to whom he wl'.l make leasee of public
school lands, quaere.
2. Agreement by which n biiHef wi to
bid on two tracts ami one of them fir an
other party who was present, and th' lat
ter was to take the lease If the iaml w u
secured order the bid. not nec.s nllv
against public pollcv where the who!'
transaction was rot Intended to. and ii'd
not In fact, have the effict to chl'l hi dlng.
and was known to ihe officers conduct nt
the leasing.
12403. Anthes aarnlnnt Si-hmerl. r
from Clay. Reversed. Holcnmb, J;
1. The rule us to marshalling assets, has
Us proper exceptions and limitations, und
where by reason of the circumstances in a
p'it 1 1 u iiiMr case 11 woum rje iiiequitH mr ami
work an Injustice to require one of two
creditors having n Hen on two sec;iritie.s to
first resort to the one on which the other
creditor has no Hen, a oourt of cqultv will
not enforce the rule.
2. Ordinarily where several creditors hav
ing a common debtor who has several
funds, all of which can be'resched by one
creditor and only a part of the funds bv
others, a ct urt of equity will require that
the former shall take pavment out of the
funds to which he can resort exclusively,
so that all may receive pavment. -
3. It Is likewise a rule In equity If n
prior creditor having security mi two funds
satisfies his demand out of the security or
fund which alone is pledged to a 'junior'
creditor, and thereby exhausts that f:ind
or security, the latter creditor will be m.b
rcgated to the former's lien upon thai fund
or security which is not exhausted.
4. Held, In the cane at hnr. that the plali -tiff
is entitled to equitable juhroKatlnn to
the lien of a prior .creditor on other se
curity for any balance remaining due after
the appilcafion of the prc-eeil ot't,he sc.
curlty on which both liens to 11. e pay-
in ,ii 1111 iji tut pnnr im'tirr.orrtnce. .
11638. Ferguson 1 gainst Herr. Error from
Richardson. Former judgment vacated.
Judgment district court reversed. Klrkpnt
tlrk. O. Division No. 1.
1. In rendering tne decree provided for In
chapter II, title xxv R. 8.. Neb.. ISM, gov
erning adoption of children, the probate
Judge acts judicially, and such decree has
1.11 the force and effect of a Judgment,
being subject to collateral attack onlv foe
want of Jurisdiction. . '
s. me statute presx-riiilng the procedure
!n the adoption of children rhould he lib.
ersllv ennstriieH tri ihn .1.. v.
ceedings had thereunder, and the decree of
aaopiion mane pursuant thereto, mav be
held valid, substantial compliance with the
requirements of the slat lie being suillclent
10 sustain tne validly or tho oucree cf ittr
probate comt.
3. The decree rendered by the probate
court under the provisions of chapter II.
title XXV, R. 8 . Neb., ISrtS, fixed the st'.uo
of the child and Its adoptive parents, hnn
when such decree, by failure lo proaer-it
error threfrom. Is allowed to become tl i.i.1.
It will. If In substantial conformity with
the provisions and reqitiivnitnts of the
statute, be conclusive upon all persons in
terested In the proceedings.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Thu
aay, Apru 30:
Warranty Deeds.
Frltg Noltlng and wife tn Bertha Noll-
ing, lot 1. diock 1, Hrown park $ 1
A. F. Keith and wife to Alice J.
Welrlch. lot 7. block 4S. Omaha
' 3'l
CO 1
2 i.)
Parkway Real Estate company lo
Washington Honey, lot o, block 2.
Folsom Place
J. C. Havemeyer, executor, to elara
U. Johnson. eV4 lot 15, block 2,
Clarendon add v
J. J. Bagley to B. Jetter, lots 1. 2 and
3. Whittlesey's subdlv
J. E. George to Joseph Bazar, lot 43,
euiuvan s aao
A. S. Nester and wife to Frank Reld,
lot 12, block 2, Melrose Hill 1
M. H. Kelsey and wife to H. C
Heald. lot 8. block 14. Millard
3,0 1
17.. 91
,' 1
Henry Kelsey and wife to same, lots 9
10 ii, diock 14, Millard
Adelaide I. Allen and husband to t
H. Arundel, lot 4. block 136. Rnnth
Omaha Realty company lo Hannah J.
Anarews, n 44 leet or s M feet lot 6.
block 173. Omaha
Tukey Land company to O. L. Potter,
101 s. diock a. isaoel Place
D. J. Dorsey and wife to Ellen Hens-
man, lot 5. block 3. Hartford Pi ire
Benson Land company to Mary
Staack. lot 4. block 40. Benson
Mary C. Bazar and husband to F. C.
wasleiewskl, lot 47. Sullivan's add..
tnlt Claim Deeds.
O. 8. Brown to Mattle E. Shelby, s
23 feet lot 25 and all lot 26. block 8.
Hanscom Place
H. A. Sander to Andrew Sander, lot 6,
block 4. Bogus A H.'s add
M H. Kelsey el al to H. C. Heald, lots
1, iojs, diock la, Aiiusrd
C. C. Emerson et al to Susan W.
Watts, lots 1 and 6, block 2; lots 2,
8, 6, 18, 21, 22, 23, block 3, Portland
Sheriff to Elizabeth L. Evans, un
ci vvt neit, nw4 zi-is-10 sin
Total amount of transfers
place your orders with
jaemDers rnncipai exensnges.
Write for our dally latter.
J24 Board Trad Building, Omaha.
Phones A and 1017. PR1VATS WIRES.
Members Principal Exchanges.
Private Wires.
110-111 Board of Trade.
W. E. WARD. Mgr. Telephone 1511
(CoDslga your grain to the
And you will get beat weights, best prices
and quick return.
Tells all about Wireless Telegraphy
Three months subscription FREE. Write
"Wireless News,'' U Wall St., New York
City, N. T.