tfllE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1003. 8 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Board of Trade Product Are All Dull, but Olote Steadj. MOST PRICES END SOMEWHAT HIGHER May Fall Frnctlon, hat July, with All Onto, Corn and Pro visions, Go t'p Silently oa Day's Bnslnesa. CHICAOO. April 29 Dullness character ised trading on the board today and n unsettled furling parly, which upcim steady. May wheel closed MiVac lowr;r and July a ahaue higher. Both July, corn a..d oaU closed higher, while provision. were from lc to 22Vc higher. Whrat was quiet throughout the entire session and In general the market Inclined to weakness. 'I he evening waa steady to firm on higher cables and uniavornhle weather, wltn May unchanged to c higher at '7V077i: and J"'y Higher at ''' I'ron advice were moderately blll.l-dl and operated to aend prices up to Ji1 : for Jay and 78V,ft7M4c lor July. An lmpre.lon th.U Armour wan selling on the auvance, how ever, caused tree liquidation. May rel I ig off to i6tI( with July down to Tlc. '1 herj waa a scattering demand at these figure and with light offerings prices rall.e.i n trifle and held ateady until the close, which showed a loxs of c lor May at itiV C'c. July being up a shade at 71'ii il-v. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to iHl.ld'O lu?hcls. Trlmary recelp.a wtre 317.SKI bushels, against 220.400 a year ago. Minneapolis and Dtiluth reported 1"1 cars, which with local receipts of 61 cars, 4 of contract grade, made total receipts for th three points of l&i cars, against 11a lat week and 819 iHst year. There whs sufficient demand to hold corn steady. The local sentiment was bearish on reports of freer offerings from Illinois and Indications of Increased movement In the near future, and while the movement was easy at times there was always surTt clent buying to cause reactions. There was moderate buying of July by local traders, but the volume of business waa not large. May closed mc higher at 44Vc. after ran ging between. 4''fcc and 44V,c. July clored At 447j 4c. I, oca I receipts were 69 card, with 1 car of contract grade. The demand for July nnd September oats exceeded the offerings, which tact, together with bullish crop reports, tended to Impart strength to the market. May ciosea t lower at 33'c, after ranging between 81Vc and "l7c. and July closed at ulc. Local receipts were 114 cars. There was considerable strength In pro visions notwithstanding the heavy rece ptj of hogs and lower prices at tne yard. Trading was fairly active, with good de mand from brokers and commission houses at which the selling was scattered, some of the small packers taking part In It. July 1ard waa 10c higher at 9.4o, ribs, July, 9.47V. Katlmated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 20 cars; corn, 110 cars; oats, 1JU cars; hoga, 20, Out head. The leading futures ranged as follow: Articles. Open. High, , Low. Close.Yea'y. Wheat May July Sept. Wiff77 1 41172 1 T7H 72 74 76T, 77 7iHl 17s TlVtt'i 6969H&-4,C9V4& Corn 1 1 April May July Sept. Oats April May July " Sept. TWlt- Mny July Sept. Lard May July Sept. Ribs May July Sept. I 4i 44V4 44i&4l 44i 44W 441. 44m44',&.o44Vil11 44 I n'4 44 I 3L"kl 11 :t',-asi 33 33 I VI m 31ifr74i3ia,'o,.V 311 S14 ia I 17 1 18 00 17 60 IS 00 17 60 16 90 17 15 16 9 17 15 16 92H 16 60 16 7o 16 60 16 75 16 blSt 9 20 9 32H 9 50 9 27H 9-20 9 321 9 42H. 9 31 9 40 9 30 9 30 9 42ft 9 30 9 40 9 30 9 46 9 60 9 45 9 47H 9 '0 9 40 9 50 9 40 9 47V 9 87 9 30 9 45 9 3) 9 42ft 9 35 No. 2. Cash ouotatlnn were as follow: FLOUR Quiet and steady: winter pat ents, I3.60fi3.HT); straights, ll.2'Vf3.40; spring stents, .i.(ra.o; straights, 3.10j3.40; akers. 12 30fi 2.85 WHEAT No. 2 spring, 78c; No. 3, 71ffl 74V4C- No. 3 red, 76H&77C. . 7 CORN No. 2, 44'c; No. 2 yellow. 444c. OATS No. 2,'34HSi3Dc; No. 3, 31Vi35'Ac. RYE No. 3. 49c. . ' flARI.KY-Falr to choice malting, 48tftS5 SEEDS No. 1 flax, 11.07; No. 1 northweft ern, 11.10;' prime timothy, 3.&oiliJ.S; clover contract grade, 112.60. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 3I7 37U il7.50. Iard. per 10 lbs.. $2')i9 30. Short ribs sldea (loose), !l.3tifi'9.40. Drv salted shoulders (boxed), .50j8.6i. Short clear aide (boxed), 19.8.50 87. Following arc the receipt and shipment of flour and grain yesterday: . , Receipt. Shipments. Flour, bbls 26,?iuc 6.8ij0 Wheat, bu tt).8uo 66.8X) Corn, bu Hn.600 tu.m) Oat, bu. 324. IK) 131,10) Rye, bu.l 30,4i) 7,m)0 Barley, bl , 84,miO S,6;0 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was easy; creameries, 1721c; aalriea, lji&2nc. Eggs, easier, at mark, casei Included, ,14Vc. t. needs (new), 11. m, li'a 13!c. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations of the Day on Vnrlon Commodities. NEW YORK, April 29, FLOUR Re ceipt, 14.700 bbls.; exports. 7,572 bbls.; mar ket dull and nominally unchanged; winter Patents. 3.70i'(i4.00; winter straight. H.5oy) 3.60; Minnesota patent. t4.0OfjH.3o; Minne sota bakers. 3.2uU3.40; winter extras, 12.80 43 3.10; winter low grades, 2.6ti'2 Rye flour, dull; fair to good, 2.4ta3.J0; choice to fancy, t3.25g3.46. CORNMEAL Steady ; yellow western. II K; city. 11.04; Brandy wine. 3.4043.45. RYE Dull; No. 3 western o, f. o. b., float; stute. ftMifiDe. c. 1. f. New York. BARLEY' Steady; feeding, 61c, c. I. f., Buffalo; malting, 52jj58e, c. 1. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 41.915, bu!; exports, 41.925 ba.; spot steady; No. 3 red, 8o"c ele vator and Mc f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 north ern. Duluth. 7V f, . b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba. 86Vc f. o. b. afloat. Op tion opened rteady, but at once eased off Under liquidation In spite of cold weather Wst; later they recovered on export talk biiu reris 01 jiexuian ny in the south west, the close being steady at a partial So net loss. Sales included: No. ! Mv f'ifiwc, cloned at c; July, 76U&76-V closed at 76c; SeptemUnr, 74V74c, cIubc.1 at 74c. COHN-Recelpts 130.SJ0 bu.; exports, 31.185 u. , in.i uuii, no. t. celevator and fwWo stloat; No. 2 yellow. 64c; No. 2 white 64'e. Option market after holding steady ior a time nrose under liquidation and fears of expanding- recelota. hut rallied with wheat, cloning 14c lower to Uc net higher; May, Mrac, closed at MHc September closed at ouSc. ' OATS Receipts. I71.(io bu.; exports. 9 375 bu.; mot dull; No. 2, 38c; standard white 4V; No. I, 37c; No. 3 white, 4ic; No. i white, Sc; track, mixed western, nomi nal; track, white western. 3!kH5c; track white, state, 3)4H6e. Options active and easy; May cloned at Xivc. HAY-yulet; shipping, 7o975c; good to III"" fl.Wil l.ilU. iiorB-vuwt; state, common to choice, im.2, 17lfl?4c; lutil. lSeiSc; old. 6Q10c; I'sclnc coast. iiMi, l'22c; 1901, L17c; old II IDr.S Steady. Galveston M i. ni ih. I5c; California. 21 to 2a pounds, 19c; Texas I.EATH ER Steady. Acid, 24(26c. KKC-rirn. uomestlc, fair to extra A'. .1 7 1. llnun . . . m 1 .... 1 T A LLV Steady ; city, 6c asked; coun try. 6ni6 tc. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, 112 50 2150; packets, HO.uOy 11.50; city, extra IndiJI, is u n.m. iui meata. ste.iilv i,ui bellies. 9ai0c; pickled shoulders, tv; plck- iru uin, i i.-i:. iMTa, ateady; weHtern teamed,; April closed ta Hit nominal' refined, ateaily; continent, HO; South Amer ica, u; cumpounu, ii.Dunx.tM. Fork, dull family, 119; short clear, 19.On4i2o.00; mesa' BUTTER Receipt s, 4.483 pkgs.; unsettled state dairy, I7ij-'2c; creamery, exlrt, 22lc creamery, common to choice, lattice. CHEESE Rei-eluts. 3.264 uk.: .le.rtv fancy, large, ftill cream, tall made, colored 14'ul4c; white. 14lal4V: fancy, small colored, iec; fancy, small, white 14c. KOGS Receipts, to.tiM pkga; barely irMiiy, man- ami iciuuiy ivalila, lt(HtjVc Western, flrsta, 16c, MLTAI J tSmit tin rinsing at 137 Ks waa 2s tkl lower In Ixindon. while futurm de lined 6a to 113k la; locally tin was nrm and a shade higher at I:iu.u6(i30 ijv. at Lon don copper prices advanced If to 60 Its for both spot and futures, whllo the New York market waa iM.bO'u 14.75 for lake electrolytic and casting. Iead waa oulei In I .on Aon at 11 17s fid and at 14.37 In New York. 8elter advancing It 011 the London market to 20 2 6d, remained firm liH-ully at 15.75. Iron closed at 5.'s 6d In Glasgow and at 4a Ud In Mlddlesborough lically Iron Is quiet; No. 1 foundry, north em. Is quor4 at I'J'i.lon-.l 75; No. I foun dry. northeru. at sJi 5tu21.0; No. 1 foun try, auUMr niiA XSk 1 Xuuadry, aouUt em. soft, at I21.40322.00. Warrants remain nominal. OMAHA HOLES Al.K MARKET. Condition of Trad and 4nototlon tnpl and Fancy Prod ace. F.003 Fresh stock, lie.' MVK POULTRY Hens, lie; roosters, ac cording to age, 69c; turkeya, 13316c; ducks. Kijllc; geese, f"U10c. BUTTER Packing stock. llVic: choice dairy, In tubs. l&'alic; separator. Ktpao. OYSTERS Standards, per can. 28c; extra selects, per can, 35c; New York counts per can. 4i'c; bulk, extra selects, per gal., 11.76; bulk. tandards, per gal., 11.36. FRESH FISH Trout 9'dlOc; herring, Sc; pickerel, 6Vc; pike, 9c; perch, c; buffalo, dressed, 8c; sun fish Jc; bluefish, 11c; white fish, c; salmon, 16c; haddock, 11c; codfish, lie- redsnapper. 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 27c; lobsters, green, per lb.. 16c; bull heads, 10c; catfish, 14c; black bass, Lc; hejl but lie; shad roe, 36o each, roe ahad, too "ltRAN-Per ton, 115.00. , , HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland. x.(tp; No. 2, 17.60; medium, $7.00; coarse, $50. Rye straw, $6.00. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts lights. CORN 40c. OATS 36c. RYE No. S. 46c. VEGETABLES. POTATOE8-Per bu.. 2&5&30c. NEW CARROTS Per doien bunchea, 40. LKTTl.'CB Per dozen bunches, 46c. BEETS New southern, per dozen bunchea. 45c; old, per bu., 40c. J'AKbMl'B-Per ou., 30c CI 'CUMBERS Hothouse, per do., 81.50. HRKKN ONION! Southern, per doien bunches, 45c; home grown, 12W&1&C. RADISHES Southern, per QOien Duncnea, 76c; home grown, 3n'd40c. TURNIPS Canada rutaoaga. Per lb.. lc; new southern, per dosen bunches, 60c. ONIONS Red Wisconsin, per to., ic, white, per lb.. 1VC . ... SPINACH Home grown, per bu. basket, NAVY BEANS Per bu., 12.60. BEAN'S Wax. per bu. box. 14.00; string. per bu. box. I't.ooriiS.SO. CABBAUE Holland eea, per id., yiuov. new California, per lb., 28'3c. TOMATOES New Florida, per 8-baiket crate, J4 Wi4.50. KHIBAHB Per lb., 1C. ASPARAGUS Per do, bunches, 75c FRUITS. APPLES New York stock. 13.00. STRAWBERRIES Texaa and Arkansas, per 24-qt. case. I3.UOSj3.2d. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIOS California, per 10-lb cartons, 0c; TurklNh. uer .16-Hi box. 1-KfllSc. ORANGES California navels, fancy, for 176 and smaller sizes, 8J.6o4j3.76; for 160 and larger sizes. u.Za; choice,; Meai- terranean sweets. i. iiUJ.w: sweet av 2.luB.).U. LEMONS California fancy. 13.26. DATES Persian, In 7olb. boxes, per lb, 6c; per case of 30-lb. pkgs., ia. PINEAPPLES Cuban. 13.25. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR-Ohlo, per lb., lc. l'OPCORN Per lb.. 2c; hhelled, 4c. HIDES No. 1 green. 6"c: No. 2 green 64c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, tt; No. 1 veal call. 8 to 12 lbs. xw, No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs.. tuc; dry sailed hides, tttf 12c; sheep pelts, 2575c; horsehldes, 2.00 16crhirT.heirUpe'rfb: lo"? i per lb.. 13c: No. 2 hard shell, per lb.. 12c: Braxlls, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., i2c; almonds, solft shed, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., lac; pecans, large, per lb., Wric; small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts, per doz, 61c; chtstnuis, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 5c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnut", per bu., II. w; hickory nuts, per bu., 11.50; cocoanuts. Der 10J, li.OO. OLD METALS, ETC. A. B. Alpirn quotes the fololwuig prices: Iron, country mled, per ton, IlLOiX); Iron, stove plate, per ton, 18.00; copper, per lb., 8V4c; braai, heavy, per lb., 8V4c; bras, light, 1 er lb., 6Viv; lead, per lb., 3c; zinc, per lb., 2ViC WKARE GRAIN COMPANY. Omaha Branch 110-111 Board of Trade Building. CHICAGO April 29. WHEAT-There wna a weak market early and the crowd seemed Inclined to sell, but on crop damage talk from St. Louis there was general covering and the market recovered its early loss. Foreign markets were all some lower. New York reports 25 loads taken for export. Clearance were 269,000 bu. St. Louis re ported 60.000 bu. of No. 2 red sold from there. There were 100,000 bu. 'of .contract wheat out of private houses here. There will be large shipments of No. 1 northern In the next forty-eight hour. Primary receipt were 117,000 bu., against 20,000 last year. Primary shipment were 246,000 bu., against 3.13,000 last year. Northwest re ceipts were 101 cars, against 115 last year. I enl receipts, 61 cars, with four contract. Estimates for tomorrow. 29 cars. There are predictions for anow as far south as Kansas for tonight. Minneapolis wheat stocks for four day show a decrease of 3,000,000 bu. The buying side seem to be the popular one for September. CORN The market has been small and featureless. The cold, wet weather and the predictions of more had most to do with the buying. There waa some Inuulry for corn from the east. Country offering were smaller. Jcai receipts. fc cars, with ne contract. Estimates for tomorrow. 110 cars. The cash market was Uc higher. learances, 7,uoo bu. New York reports ve loads taken for export. Local cash ales. 26.000 bu. St. Louis May was fullv lc under the July. The weekly crop bulletin sain planting was making slow progress. Primary receipts. 366,000 bu.. against 261,000 last year. Primary shipments, 641,000 bu. gainst L'zv.uoo last year. OATS The market ha kent ateadv. helped by the cold weather west, the pre diction tor snow and the report by the weeKiy crop ounetin tnat oat seeding had been much delayed; but thero was no nipping demand and the cash market was Vic lower, and between these conflicting Influences the market changes were small. July and September gained some on the May option. Local receipt were 114 cars with 3 contract. Estimates for tomorrow 130 ears. Clearance. 16.000 bu. PROVISIONS Opened, at about vester- day' closing and sold up on buying by packers. The weakest feature In the mar ket was lard, and there Is very little cash demand. Swift and Company, the largest noiuers or tara, sola considerable yester day. Cudahy sustained the May pork tnrougn oroKers. mere were zy.ono hogs, and the market opened rather slow and easy, 10c lower, closing active, hut 1015c lower. Estimates for tomorrow. 26.000 hoas. Hogs in the west today. 66,000, against 72.000 lust week and iiuii last year. WtAKE UKA1N COMPANY. St. Louis Grain nnd ProTlalons. ST. IOUIS. April 29. WHEAT Firm No. 3 red. cash, elevator, 69Vc: track. Wit Tic; track, 6SHsc; July, 667,c; No. 2 hard. Ufa li'raC. corn Firm: No. z cash. 40c: track tltrrHfc: May. 39ic: July. 40U'S4nuc. oats nrm: no. i casn. 33c; track, 33Vic juay J-s,c; juiy, J'c; xno. z wnile, ic. RY E Quiet at 484c. (WHK- steady: red winter patent 13 1i3.55: extra fancy and straight. t3.109 4.40. SEED Timothy, steady at M.OOQS.tO prune v.-ortn more. umn air.Ai aieaoy. BRAN Firm: sacked, east track. 6S7e, 11 AY' Dull but steady: timothy. If.otka io.'io; prairie, n.ifu 1 1 w. IRON COTTON TIES 11.08. BAGOl KG 6 VfjtiYc. HEMP TWINE 6c. PROVISIONS Pork. lower: lohblng standard mess, I17.IV. Lard, weak, 9.02V4j. iry sail meain, sieaay; Doxea extra snorts, $9.75: clear rlba, 110; short clears. 11025. Macon, steady: ooxed extra shorts. 110.60 ciear rios, iu. ia; snort clear, iio.HiH. Mf.iAi-i(i, weaa; eoia at 14.20. Spelter, firm at 15.50. pot IjTKi Firm : chickens. 10Ac: nr nn. t2.604i4.OO per dosen; turkey, 12c; ducka, 11c; geese, 4tl5c. BI TTER Quiet; creamery. 18fi24c: dalrv EGOS Lower; fresh. 13'.ic. Receipts. BhlDmen'ts Flour, bbl 6,0no g.ij Wheat, bu 44. On) 34 om t orn, bu 68,io rs.Oi Oats, bu., 64.0)0 46.0U0 tner win d no maraet tomorrow. Kansaa City Grain nnd Provlalona. KANSAS CITY, April 29. WHEAT May, 6c: July. 24e: cash. No. I hard. 6S4i68'c: No. S. 6rtt7c; No. 4, 6264c; rejected, IMS kc; rno. a ra, iKec; rNo. s, kqwc. rash. No. 3 mixed. SlVJ3c; No. 2 white 18c: No. 3. J7V.I&374C. OATS-No. 3 white. !34c; No. 1 mixed c. RYE 46c. HAY choice timothy, 112.50; choice prat BUTTER Creamery. 18621c; dairy, fancy, 1C. EGGS Fresh. 12Vic. Receipt . Shipment Wheat bu.... (Mm, bu Out, bu.... ... 67.6O0 80.Kio ... 37.6i) 38 4 ... 9,ou 6,000 Peoria Market. PEORIA, 111., April 19. CORN-8tedy OATo Dull; No. white. KViC. Mlnneaolla Wheat, Finn and Bran MINNEAPOLIS. April 39. WHEAT. Caen. ci Ma, 74Wci July. U9 t '?,. tun InrW Nn 1 hsrri. 77'.c: No. 1 northern, TR'te;' No. I northern, T6C; No. 1 northern, 72i74'4v FUUB-First patents, I4.0SHM.1R: second patents, WnMj4ifi; first clears, 2.96ij'3.; cond clears, x . BRAN In bulk. 111. Llvervool Oraln and rroTlslona. LIVERPOOL. April .-WHEAT-flpot, No. 1 red, western winter, firm, 6 2'd; futures, quiet; May, Aa 4d; July, 6s 3V1 CORN Spot. American mixed, new, firm. 4s 7d; American mixed, old, steady fts md: futures, steady; May, 4s 6d; June, 4S 3(1; ,iu:y, 48 al. FIOUR St. Louis, fancy, winter, quiet. 8s 3d. HOPH At London: pacine coast, nrm, 6 1 to 7. PEAS Canadian, told. PROVISIONS Reef, easy; extra India mess, Rs 3d. Pork, firm; prime mess, west ern. 7s 6d: hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs.. steady, 64s. Bacon, steady; Cumberland cut, 26 to so ids., bia; snort rios, is 10 - ids., 64 6d; long clear middles, light, 28 to 34 lbs., 62s M; long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs.. 64s; short clear backs, 16 to 21 lbs,, 63;. clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., 54s. Shoul ders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., steady, 43. Laid, dull; prim mee, western. In tierces, 60s6d American refined, In palls, dull, 4Ss. BUTTER Good United States, steady, 75s. CHEESE Steady; American finest white and colored, tins. TALLOW Prime city, ateady, 27. Philadelphia Frodnce Market. PHILADELPHIA, April 29 BUTTER Dull and M'lc lower; extra western cream ery, 23c; extra nearby prints, 24c. EOQS Steady, fair demand; freh nearby. 15Val6c, at the mark; fresh west ern, HVglSc, at the mark; fresh south western, 16c, at the mark; fresh southern, 16ijl' at the mark. CHEESE Firm and higher; New York full creams, prime small, 14iflnc; prim? fair to good, 14(&n44c; prime large, 14V 14c; fair to good, WgUMc; new cheeee, 13c. Toledo Grain nnd Seed. TOLEDO. April 29. WHEAT Dull: cash and May, weak at 74c; July, unchanged at v ic. CORN Dull but steady; April, 44Hc; May. 44c: July. 44T4C OATS Dull but llrm; April, 34Hc; May, W'.io; July, aic. RYE No. 2. 54c. SEED Clover, firm; cash, 17.45; October, 10.35; prime timothy, J1.&5. Grnln Market. MILWAUKEE. April 29 WHEAT No. 1 northern, 79tyc bid; No. 2 northern, 77(8 78Hc; July. 717sc. RYE Steady: No. 1. KMe. BARLEY Firm; No. 2. 60c; sample, 40 CORN-July, 45'4c. Dalnth Grnln Market. DULUTH. April 29. WHEAT To arrive, No. 1 hard. 78Vc; No. 1 northern. 76Hc: No. 3 northern, 747c; May, No. 1 hard, 78'4 iicc; July, 7aTiC OATS May, ,33Hc. SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS. Market Still Restricted, 1 bnt Cas tomary 4teTerse Doe Not Come. NEW YORK. April 29. The stock mar- wju. ;Yl r. Ji fesslonal channel today, but It got through the day without the recent customary re versal of the course of prices. For several day with the diminishing volume of bus! nesa the tendency of the market haa been to retrace in the afternoon the course taken In the morning. Today the course was upwards throughout and professional traders seemed to feel no solicitude about leaving their contract open over night. The market closed at practically tne nign est level and with a notably firm tendency. The Improved tone was largely due to the sympathetic effect on the general list of . very persistent absorption or tne fc,ne tocks. which left the common IVt. the first preferred 2T and the second preferred 3H higher than last night. The report or earnings or Lnign vauey for March showed a surplus after fixed charge of $624,500, compared with a deficit for March of last year or .rt4,li6. supple menting the favorable showing reported by the Erie for March, the Lehigh report had stimulating effect "upon the coaler gen erally. The buying or tne Erie, nowever. was of a special character and gave rise to various rumor, one point of which pointed o an early Increase In dividend distribu tions. The general market was Inclined to hang back and moved In a rather Irregular manner until the persistent strength of the Erie decided tne general upward move ment. Some of the New York public utili ties were Inclined to react after yester- ay a short covering movement on thj de clared validity of the franchise tax. Amalgamated Copper rose early in re sponse to a sharp rebound In the price of I,ondon copper, but lost most of the gain when the I-ondon copper market ran off. The reaction In the sliver market had some early effect on Mexican railroad tocks. but they ranted in company wltn the rest of the market. The shipment to day of loOO.OOO to South America, following yesterday a similar shipment to pans, kept alive some conjecture as to a continued outward movement of gold. The sustained firmness of the lxindon money market and the doubt aa to the hoped for reduction tomorrow of the Rank of England discount rate caused some reflected depression early, but London afterward turned buyer of tocka here and helped in the rally. With the announcement of the franchise ax the decision of the professional traders were Inclined to take the view that all of the bad news Immediately expected wa now known and the market reasonably se cure against depressing factors. Money continues to work easier. There Is little demand for time loans for the shorter period, owing to the Inclination to depend upon the call loan market. For period carrying over tne crop moving season the demand is greater. But sup- Dlies offering even for the longer periods how an Increasing tendency. The Increasing supplies of money affect the bond market more distinctly than stork. A wide variety of Issues wa dealt In today, although price movement still continues somewhat irregular. Total sales par value, 32.132.(100. United State 4a ad vanced on the last call. The following are tne quotation on th New York bio'tk exenange: Atchison iy 80. Railway Ptd ! do pto 'i reiaa racinc Bal. A Ohio M; An n(d ' Toledo. St. L. A W. 24', 00 pin .. 41 Canadian Paolfic tata Canada 80 Ches. Ohio 44V, Union Pacific . ' do pfd Wabaah -n 474a E S2S t'hlcaso A Altos si1 do pfd to ptd Chlcao A O. W Wheeling A L. 12, W1 do Id pfd II do 1st ptd An Id nfd Wla. Central .. 47 111. do pfd Chlcaan A N. W 1M Adame Ea Ill Chicago Ter. A Tr... 11 American Ex.. ,.t2 do ptd t'nlted States Ex A C. C. C. A St. L, M Wells-Fargo Ex liO Colorado Ho 4 Amal. Copper Amer. Car A P.... do pfd Amer. Lin. Oil.... do pfd American 8. A R. do pfd 4't do 1st pfd eot do id ptd M tl'i Del. A Hudson til 1 Si Ul Del. L A W Denver A R. O ...t ... J7 do pfd ... ... U4a ... H ... 164 Erie Anar. Mining Co 105 do 1st pfd do :d pfd Brooklyn R. T a, Colo. Fuel eV Iron.... (4-ij Cone. Oae . . 11 Cont. Tobacco pfd....U4V Great Nor. pfd... ...liu ... M Horkln valley... da nfd ... MV, ...1!S ... UV, uen. Electric ... Hocking Coal ... Inter. Peper .... do pfd Inter. Poer .... IiOclede Gee .... tlltnote Central .. .. 30 lows Central do ptd ... e ... V .. t"h Lake Erie AW.. do pfd . . el U A N National biscuit .. 43 H Manhattan i, Mel. St Rr Mex. Central Met. National ... Minn. A St. L ... Mo. Pacific M . K. A T ....141, National Lead ..,.131 1N0. American M!rlrlle Coaet . .... ;2V facine Mall .. .. 13 SI .People'a Uaa ..1H6 ....10S .... 15 .... V ....170 ....Kti .... 11V .... .... rl ....137 .... e .... t' .... 67, .... 144. .... 71 .... n .... 4 .... w Preaaed 8. Car .... do pfd .. n ..111 .. it do pfd Pullman P. Car.... Republic Steel .... N. J Central N. Y. Central ... do pfd .. t7V, Norfolk A W flugar Tenn. Coal at Iron ..- do fd Ontario A W t'nlon Bag at P. pfd. 71 Pennsylvania .... V. 8. Leather 14 Readies do pfd 4Va V. . Rubber 1414 do let ptd do 14 pfd..., no pin 8t. Utl P. V. 8. Steel 16V, do 1st pfd.. do Id pfd .. at. L. 8. W.. do pfd at. Paul do ptd 80. Pacific ... go. Railway . no pio eb Weetern Union (3 Amer. Locomotive. . . . ii o pin K C. Southern do aid ;iv AV, 614 ....ll 1U . lev. Rock Island . 3011 do pld 44-41 e New York Mining; notntlon. NEW YORK. April 29. The following are th quotation on the New York Stock exchange: Adams Coa , Alice Rreeco Brunewlck Con... I nmatork Tunnel Coa. Cel. A Vs.. Horn Bilver ..... Iron Silver Lead vi lie Coa... Asked. M Little Chief . t ..171 ..166 .. S .. it .. IS .. 4 .. 60 ..300 .. M .. M Onlerlo Ophlr Phoenix .. 4 .. 4V, ..111 ..11 ..lie .. t Potoel Savage sierra Nevada Small Hopes . Standard Foreign Financial. LONDON. April 29 Money was m wanted today, the market being affected b the approach of the month-end. Discount weid fairly easy. Business on the Sloe I exchange opened undecided and tranaac tlona were restricted. The fortrieiml 1 Transvaal loan continued to be much dl cussed. Consols weakened ana ineu rant- a fraction. American were Idle at th O paxilng svod tuoatly lower, but they bard ened later and closed Arm. Orsnd Trunk waa firmer on the revenue returns being better than expected. Argentine were better on Parts support. Mexican rails fell in sympatny wttn silvern The amount 01 bullion taken Into the Hank of England on balance today waa 174000. Gold bar are quoted at 77 9d. India council Mil were allotted toosy at Is 3 i!-32d. ' PARIS. April 29 Prices on the bourse todsy opened Irregular and closed heavy. Rentes closed steadv. International were Irregular, except Turks, which were firm. The private rate of discount was 2 per cent. Three per cent rentes, 97f 97Hc for the account. Exchange on London, 25f I6V1C for checks. BERLIN. April 29 Tradlna on the bourl today was affected by yesterday' curb stone trading. Prices opened, however, firm, and this tendency was supported later by advice from other International mar kets. Money on call was quoted at 44. Ex change on London, 211m 5Dpfg for check. Discount rates: Short bills for settlement, 4'4 per cent; three months' bills, 8 per cent Boston Stock Qootatlon. BOSTON. Anrll Ca11 loans. 45M per cent; time loans, 4fiS per cent. Official closing price on stocks and Donas: AtrhlBon 4 SI lAmalsamated TSS'niniham .. 44 .. II ..U0 .. Vj .. .. io .. It .. HUj ,.. 17 .. fH .. I7H ..114 .. I ..its .. to' .. n .. Hi .. .. H .. 1H4 .. 11- M-x. ontrml U. Atrhlfinn 2'l,('l. m Mocia. T'er.tennlal ... do pfd Ronton A Albany Boston A Ms.... Boston Elevated ...t5T Copper Range .. ...177 Dominion coal Franklin Itia Roralo .... Mohavk .141! N. Y., N. H. A H....W1 I nlon Parl&Q I" v 1 Old Dominion ., American Sugar ...1M Oaceola do pfd 11111- Parrot American T. A T 1(10 iQulncr Dominion I. a a n sania re Copper.. Oen. Electric m Tamarack Maes. Klectrlc 30L, TrtmnnntalB 00 pin HiU.Trlnlt' t'nlted Prult t'. 8. Steel do pfd Westlnsh. Common Adrenturs Allouea ..10R t'nlted Butaa ruh .. at .. 3 Victoria Winona Wolterlne ... London fttsew Market. LONDON, April 29 Closing quotation: Console for money. tl 13-16 do account 11V Anaconda t1 Atchleon do p(d 9i Baltimore A nhlo Canadian Pacltc 114 ( heaapeake St Ohio... 4'.', Chicago O. W U C, M. A St. r 1 DeReers 21T4 Denver A R. O US do pfd 8k V Erie ISVs do let pfd M do id pfd M Illinois Central 1:11 Loulivllle A Naah lll'i', New York Central. 131 Norfolk A Western.. . T24 . Tl . : . 70V, . ItSa . IK . SVi . It . iiH . 4 do Pfd Ontario A Western.. Pennsylvania Rand Mines Reading do 1st ptd do 2d ptd Southern Rail war... do pfd Southern Pacific Union Pacific do pfd t'nlted States Steel.. do pfd Wabaeh do pfd ' . 91 . 34 . MVs Mluourt, K. A T. .. :n BAR SILVER Uncertain at U& per ounce. MONET-3HM per cent. The rate of dis count in the open market for short bills 1 3Hfi-3 7-16 per cent and for three-months' bills 1 3 i-itxoiift per cent, Bank Clearings. CHICAOO. Anrll 29. Clearing. 328.771.161; balances, 1,912,6'J1; New York exchange, 2io Dremlum: forelan exchange uncharge); sterling posted, 14.85 for sixty daya and rl for demand, NEW YORK, April 29. Clear! ngs. 1228, 964.126: balances. 3l3.olu.516. BOSTON, April 29. Clearing, $22,828,319; balances, $1,786,608. PHILADELPHIA. ADril 29. Clearing!!, $20,075,267; balances, $2,191,441; money, &auV per cent. CINCINNATI. April 29.-Clearlngs. U806,- 900; money, &Bt per cent; New xorg ex chanae. 10c premium. BALTIMORE. April 29 Clearings, $3,700, 829; balances. $647,08; money, 6 per cent. ST LOUIS. April 29 Clearings. $9,149.4r; balances, $1,161,311; money, steady, wjjtf-per cent; New York exchange, soo premium. 'Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. Anrll 29. WOOL Steady, with receipt of new Increasing; medium grade and combing, ttx&isc; ugnt one, ivq 17c; heavy fine, loS13c; tub washed, 18a 2SUP. BOSTON, April zs vvuuLr f ine staple i minted at n2fr'.S3c: scoured fine. 50tic2c: fine medium, 4fiir48c'; medium, 4346o. Idaho ne. MiUHVfec: nne medium. IoWJIO'ac; me dlum, 10U16c. Utah and Nevada tine. Vf 14Mic; fine medium, lB'fclSHc; medium, 16 j) 16HC. DaKoia nne, laiec; meaium, uxoibc. Montana tine choice,- 18B19c; tine average. 16Mt1714c; fine medium choice, IX 19c; aver age, 17(&18c; staple, 1m??19c; medium choice, IMrtflc; average, 17fi'18c. Colorado, New Mexico, etc., fine, llnc; nne medium, 13 ff 14c: medium. ?4W15o: coarse. 13ft Mo: New Mexico improved, lSMc; Arlsona heavy, 1 ttlsc; average, . Jtnipe. cnoice, imiiir; OeorE-la. 21o22c. ,Flece iwool have been fairly active, wun price nrm. umo ana Pennsylvania jia. ana aoove, ai'48uzc; a, 27a28c: No. 1. 31a32o: No. 2. 314ia2c; No. 1 and No. 2, 2728c. . Australian wool are very dun Decause mere is sucn a smau supply and all quotations supplied. NEW rutin., April a. wtjtji r irm. (' Coffee Market. NEW YORK. April 29 COFFEE Spot. Cordova, fa6 12c. Futures opened steady at unchanged price ana ruiea vey quiet until Just before the close, when some buying In the abrence of seller sent price 6gl0 points higher, closing steady; sales, 9,500 bags. Including: May. a.suc; juiy, s.mKgp . . . V - - f - 1. .. , . UA.Mk-. A e..Ut)l , DcpLrniuci, Liurmiuci, .ow, December, 4.70c; January, 4.70c; March, 8bc. Sugar nnd Molasses. NEW ORLEANS, ' April 29. SUGAR Dull; open kettle, 2'3 7-16c; open kettle, centrifugal, 3H(S3c; centrifugal white. 44e; yellow, S'4c; second, WW 6-16c. Molasses, open aeuie, nominal, ii'-oc; cen trifugal, 66 18c. Syrup, nominal, WgUc. NEW YORK. April 29. SUGAR Raw, quiet; fair refining, 3 3-16c; centrifugal, 96 test. 31-16c; molasses sugar, steady; re fined, ateady. , Kansas City LIto Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. April 9. CATTLE Re celpts, 4,400 natives, 1,100 Texans and 400 calves; beeves steady to loc nigner; quar antine stuff ateady: cows strong; beat stocker and feeders strong: bulla steady: choice export and dressed beef steers. 84.70 65.15; fair to good, a.7tVg'4.70; atocker and feeders, eJ.uuwalo; western tea teers. gi5.06; Texas and Indian steers, 83.7534.75; r. nn.u 'f.i A IK". ' nlllvA f.m. tl U6i, 4.40; native heifer. I3.25ft3.50; rannera, 11.50 fez. 00; nuns, 4U sDB4.tx; caives, HOUtJ Keceipts. 10.000 neaa; marxet opened &&7V4C lower and closed with loss regained: top. 86 95: bulk of sale. 86.70 685; heavy, t6.8irri6.95: mixed packer. 86.60 66.85; light, s.&oij3..2ii; yorker. 66.1006.72; DlKS. J3.4'(B.43. rSMEit-t AftU LAMHB- XteceipiB, head: market strong to 10c higher; native lsmbs, H.26(7'7.0u; western lamb. 84.fXKe6.90: fed ewes. 83. 9 h 5. 25: native wethers. 84.00(3 5. bo; Texaa clipped sheep, 83.iKa4.30. St. Loots LIt Stock Market. BT. IXIl'IS. Anrll 29.-CATTI,E-Recelpts J. 5ti0 head, including 1,200 Texans; market steady to Arm; native shipping and export steere, l4.owu!.4i; dressea Deer ana steers. 4.lwri6.25: steers under 1.000 lbs.. ft.6o'n5.UK stockere and feeders, l.'.86'a 1.70 cows and heifers. K 25'aS.(; canners, 82.25 9Ui: bull. 83.00&t4.0u: calves. 83.5041 7.00 Texas end Indian steers, 33.7535.00; cows and heifers. 32.404i4.40 HOUS Keceipts. 6.500 head: market 54310c lower; pigs and lights. v ttn 6. ao; packer, 86.75ii6.8ii; butchere. 86.854i7.10. BlIEiSt AM) I.4MHS- Keceipt. l.ono head; market steady: native mutton. 84.00 4i5.75: lambs. I5.25ift7.60: culls and bucks tl Uiii.'M. stockers, 32.0OS4.00; Texans, 3.76 (8 4 .0. The market win M ciosea tomorrow. New York Lire Stock Market. NEW YORK. April 29. CATTLE Re. celpts. 2.593 head; steers steady, light weights nrm; bun and cows, sttady steers. 3o.0ii6.60; bull. I3.UI424.66: cows, .0J 04.00. calves, slow; live came UVftlze; tups. 12c; refrigerator beer, c; extort. a.'lo quarter of beef; estimated tomorrow, 347 head cattle. CAL.VK8 Keceipts, 4,758 head; veal, ir regular; top grade firm, other iteady to lower; veals. 83.0)6.60; txtra. 36 67.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.158 head; prime clipped sheep. 17; other. 7nl0c lowtr; choice lambs nrm, others steady; un- ehorn sheep, ii.iAKtf3.ib: clipped, 4. ;.8 1; clippex: culls, 84.ot4.50; Maryland lambs, tGOii5.25. HOGS Receipt. 6,663 head; lower; prime state, 83 .OCftl.oO. , St. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket. ST. JOSEPH. April 29. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.071 head; steady; natives, $4154 6.3u; cow and heifers, JXZVrAlu; stockers and feeders, 83 65416..15. HOUS Receipts, 6,032 head: WiilOc lower; light and light mixed, 16 6ri 6 77 ; medium and heavy. 86 7' 4. 95; bulk, 6.?076.8ft. BHKKP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8155 head; steady to strong; top Kansas Iambi, 37; top Kanaaa ewes, 84.75; top Arizona eheep, 84 40. Slonm City Live Stock Market. BIOUX CITT, la., April . Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipt. tV); Blockers slow and lower, killer steady; beews. II 00 4j6.oi): cowr bulla and mixed, 82.0txa4.26; tocker and feeder. 83.5u4 60; calve and yearling, 83.Wa4 50. Hrxiti Receipts, I.OOO: market about tc lower; 86.6.l; bulk, S6.7oi4,.i. OMABA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Steers Aotits at Stronger Prioes and Oowi Held About Btfdy. HOG MARKET FIVE TO TEN CENTS LOWER Qaalltp of Sheen and I.amb. on Sale Again Verr Common, mm While Goo A StntT Wna Qnoted Steady, Other Were Slow nnd Weak. SOUTH OMAHA. April . Receipt were: Cattle. rt"g- Sheep Ofnclsl Monday 7,313 JAW Ofnclal Tuesday 7.175 ln.H 7.0i4 Ofllclal Wednesday 4,500 9.500 1.500 Three day thU week... 18.9S7 SS.945 12,0 Bams day last week.. ..12.613 26.01 21. Fame week before 13.924 21.778 21.1!a Same three week ago... 12. 978 1.51 23.2H game four week ago. ...13.167 19,891 U31 Same day last year 9,762 29.08 8.900 RECEIPTS tXR THE TEAR TO DATfc. Tha fnltowlner table shows the receipts of cattle, hoga and sheep at South Omaha for tne year to date, ana comparison wun year: 1903. 1902. Inc. Dec. Cattle 30,495 263.409 67.086 Hog 735.24S 8ft.b3 121.288 Sheep 456.D09 313.035 142,474 Average price paid ior nog at ouum Omaha for the last everal day with com parison: Date. I 1908. 1902.l01.1900.il899.lS98.lS97. April 1.. 7 2 66 5 7 1 I 64 I 65 I 93 1 I 641 t 60I 3 91 I 151 3 66: I t II k J&l a 661 I 73 April 8.. April April 4.. April i.. April .. April 7.. April (.. April .. April 10. April 11. April 13. April 11. 1 av,i twi Hi, 1 " SB I 98 7 2m 66 63 5 99! 5 30 6 to Y9 I 9 ( a) 6 62 I 79 I 81 T 24A 7 MVS I 97 3! 6 63 37, I 6t 1 a a 661 1 711 I n 3 94 I M I 94 7 7 1 25 6 01 6 6S1 6 9: a as 1 75 7 26T 7 21ii 7 i 87 6 90 I 91 I 38 6 36 I 68 1 671 3 71 (4 I 9SI 6 33 t 63 S 71 197 I 91 I 80 3 M a 17 I 81 e 3 II 719 7 211 7 16 I 40 t 6l( I 67j 5 431 t 67 I 70( 04 April 14., SSI ..prll lb. 6 96 6 01 3 t 3 61 April 16.. 7 07 91 t 931 5 4&! I 61 April 17. April 18. April 19. April 20. 7 13 7 14 7 10 7 10"ii 6 96 D IT-I 6 t" S 72 6 9v 5 so 6 49 8 68 t 71 f m I 961 6 891 I 46! 8 61 5 851 5 46 1 t 71 8 63 I 84 April 21. 891 6 42 S 731 1 83 April 22.. 7 0H 7 om 6 86 5 811 3 72! 3 h4 3 84 3 74 3 81 I 3 83 April 23.. April 24.. April 28- April 26.. April 37.. April 28.. April 29.. 6 86 6 97 7 04 98 e 7 07 80 16 sc; 7 (. 5 V' 6 32 1 B7 7 04' e 6 92H i 77 5 361 3 65 1 71 I 77 X 19 5 39 ! 3 65! 3 84 I 81 5 34 3 671 8 791 3 77 I 6 87 8 69 3 77 1 3 75 6 i 77 7 031 6 6o ' I 4 W "I " O fnl.kl.a Snniliv The ofnclal number of car of stock brought In today by each roaa was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H r C. M. A St. P 12 27 Wabash 3 2 Missouri Pacific 2 Union Pacific system 17 C. A N. W 15 F., E. A M. V 37 C. St. P.. M. 4 O.... 33 4 19 5 80 11 29 B. &. M 61 C. B. & Q 4 K. C. A St. J C, R. I. A P., east.. 4 C, R. I. & P., weat.. 1 Illinois Central i 1 1 isi Total receipt 181 The disposition of the day receipt wa a follow, eacn Duyer purcnaning mo num Uv nf hArl Indicated: Cattle. Hog. Bheeep. rmi.h Parkin Co 379 1.488 102 Swift and Company 1,066 2.074 Armour A Co 866 1..R3 Cudahy Packing Co 1.104 2.826 Cudahy, from K. C Armour, from SIOUX City 343 1.025 Carey tt Benton Lobman Co Hill & Huntilnger.... Livingstone & Shaller L. F. Hus Wolf A Murnan B. F. Hobblck Dennis A Co jff, Rothschild Werthelmer H. F. Hamilton Other buyers 50 1 42 2 63 74 93 17 31 116 135 270 564 Totals. .. 4.63(2 10.196 3,416 fiTTt if TavAlnt of cattle were Quite liberal again thla morning, which make the supply for the three day of this week considerably In exces of tne same day of last week, and alo of tat year, a will be seen from the table given above. The demand, though, was equal to the occa sion, so an active and steady to strong market wa experienced. Steer buyer for local packer were out early thi morning and the market wa active ana sieaay 10 aimns i-" glnning. They all seemed to have liberal orders, ao the more desirable grades o d readily at stronger price than were paid yesterday. The commoner kinds sold about iteady. The quality of the bulk of the offering wa again good, a will be een from the aie Deiow. Th. n market showed very little change from yesterday. The demand seemed to be of liberal proportion, but at the aame time buyer did not want 10 pay any mom man steady price. Seller, a a rule, were wlll- g tO CUt IOOe at Bieaay pnure, u mo ilk of the cattle wa disposed of at a reasonably early hour. Bull were in gooa aemana i ' strong Dric. vnd veal calve held fully tThlrdemand from the country for Block ers and feeders waa again disappointing yesterday, and as a result apeculator were bidding lower thl morning. The very beet grade were not a rci ui '"". all other were rather slow sale and un- :.,..i i,r Prices have been going j ,,it. ranldlv all this week, and all kinds have sunerea, ins a""" " common. e U.r'T " l4.V?r o ' . Nn. A. PT. 81 1132 4 TO No. A. Pr- 60 8 16 1 I 8 1 1 1 t I 3 I 1 11 1 1 4 11 i IS 23 84 14 to 17 8 88 3 10 18 I 14 1 16 4 11 30 40 J?::::: 18 11 13 It 11 41 11 41 11 11 IT W ... (20 4 16 10 it: is 8M 4 26 . 41 117 4 70 1110 4 16 1 1116 4 70 880 4 16 8 1361 4 76 ....1000 4 tO 136 76 ..... 866 4 16 8 1128 4 76 800 4 86 14 1166 4 76 174 4 38 4 1347 4 78 817 4 & 1 1116 4 76 816 4 85 3 121 4 76 .... 687 4 40 16 1106 4 76 8M 4 40 3 110 4 76 1160 4 40 31 ISO 4 76 1016 4 40 1 1317 4 76 1071 4 48 23 1170 4 76 64 4 60 10 1115 4 76 ... B38 4 60 10 124 4 60 1060 4 60 '. 120 4 80 1098 4 60 U 1244 4 80 868 4 60 50 U K) 4 80 677 4 66 86 1360 4 80 '.'.".'.'.1171 4 66 16 126 4 80 .... 871 4 60 18 1171 4 80 871 4 40 1 1246 4 80 . ...1120 4 40 11 111 4 80 1188 4 40 4 1337 4 86 1241 4 40 (8 Mut 4 86 ".....1010 4 8 1110 4 66 1044 4 40 13. 12.'.1 4 86 847 4 46 16 1274 4 86 1224 4 16 1 12 4 66 ",;..1213 4 46 41 1341 4 "6 1158 4 45 16 1316 4 88 1067 4 6 20 1162 4 85 101 4 45 20 111,8 4 3D 1IM 4 46 l 1336 4 80 1166 4 46 5 1176 4 80 1184 4 86 It 1341 4 80 1100 4 70 87 1424 4 66 1 1171 4 70 II I" 4 86 118 4 70 14 1248 4 86 114 4 70 40 1344 4 86 1336 4 70 18 1324 6 00 1220 4 70 T 1641 3 18 10 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 437 4 80 20.. 40 4 88 ..1017 4 40 .. 84 4 40 ..1011 4 60 14. 1086 4 46 186 4 8 1046 4 7 1428 4 68 13. 14. 10. 11. ..104 4 60 . 1136 4 0 110 4 88 STEERS AND COWS. 3 9 1 3 I 1..... 1 1..... 3 a 8 I 1... I t I..... 1 1 I 10 I.... I.... 1.... 1... I.... 3 3 8 844 4 16 14. ..1810 4 88 ,. 1061 4 88 4 cows. 78 I 80 10 130 8 4 1 64 8 80 1 180 3 60 88 110 1 60 3 10JO 8 60 6 86 8 80 3 60 3 76 6 866 8 80 II 108 8 0 1 78 3 00 1 8 660 8 00 104 8 86 3 110 8 86 17 1260 3 86 6 1014 8 8 10 1416 3 36 84 66 8 4 8 1020 3 6 3 HO IU 1 1160 8 60 8 1030 3 60 T 800 8 fc 3 1040 1 0 ' 61 8 40 8 1060 3 80 14 v 4 8 60 3 1080 8 16 6 1010 8 76 6 60 8 76 3 1110 8 76 1 670 3 16 4 1041 8 66 3 1050 3 " ....1161 3 80 .... 776 8 80 610 8 80 .... 81 8 86 ...10J6 8 8 ....1074 8 86 828 4 00 .... 68 4 00 ....1100 4 0 ....lOSO 4 00 Ml 4 06 ....1016 4 0 860 4 06 ..,.1014 4 0 .... 64 4 06 .... M7 4 10 ....11 4 18 ....1110 4 10 1100 4 10 ....110 4 I 1 1ST 4 16 ....IM1 4 16 ....1248 4 16 .... 44 4 16 ....120 4 16 .... 631 4 16 lino 4 16 ....1138 4 80 ....1318 4 80 ...126 4 26 ....I3MJ 4 16 ....lv26 4 16 ...1230 4 14 1331 4 40 80 4 00 .... 84 4 84 4 00 84 4 1 847 4 I 1040 4 10 140 4 10 883 4 86 It.. '6. . 18. . HEIFEKB. ... 450 3 1 ... 640 8 no ... 416 3 0 ... 443 3 16 ...668 8 10 ... 611 8 16 ...lso ie ... 1i 3 11 m.'.'.'.'.', 18... I 7 I 16 4 Ml M. I. 11 4 tt 4 34 .. .. t ..10M) .. 4S ..if1" . ,lin ..1170 ..1714 .. ro .. 10 .. 170 .. 10 .. so .. 110 .. 119 .. loo BULLS. I tt 1 I 36 1 40 1 t 60 1 I (s I ,.!7 ..163 . .)20 .. 710 ..IT70 I SO I 86 I 86 4 00 4 00 t 60 60 60 60 T6 ( 76 CALVEB. 4 on 4 60 1 130 170 110 166 130 116 00 76 4 00 26 (6 ?1 ::: 1... STOCK CALVES. 370 .1 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 600 J so 4I 3 !0 700 I 63 ! M 3 M 1.. 6TOCKER8 AND FEEDERS 1.. 4 in 4f.6 610 , 636 . M , 40 , 416 . 460 . 867 . 401 . 630 . 130 . 130 . M . 1J.4 , ns . , 700 8 60 4 A4 464 40.1 811 474 80 84 ...... 67 787 61 1?8 630 01 IM 8I t76 M 1033 4 38 I t I I 1 I I 16 10 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I I 60 I 76 I 00 I 00 t 04 I 60 60 I TO 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 14 4 26 4 86 4 M 11... 1 . 6.. .. I.. 18.. 14.. 86.. T.. .. 11.. .. 10.. 83.. 7.. 17.. 4 30 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 46 4 46 4 60 4 60 4 66 4 66 4 66 4 0 4 6 4 46 4 70 4 76 4 80 no 4 z; HOGS Recelntn nt hos-a were nulte liberal again this morning, which make the sup- 11, r inr inrw aays mis wees; m muo n excess of the nam rinva of last week. but there Is a slight decrease aa comprtred Ith the same day of last year. Chicago was quoted ctfiiOc lower and aa a result prices eased off a little here. Seller as a rule were calling the market 64jlOc lower. Trading was fairly active at the decline. o that the early arrivals were disposed of In good season. Several trains were late, though, so tha eloaa we. rileveit Thai hulk of the medium weight hogs sold from 86.75 i, wttn prime heavies selling up to M8i4. The lighter loads sold from 86.75 down. The market showed a little more strength at some times than at other, but still there waa no great change from tart 10 nnisn. representative sales: No. A. 110 149 104 152 82 1K6 Sh. Pr. 5 85 6 10 60 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 70 6 70 I 70 6 724 6 72-4 6 72 7214 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 75 6 75 75 6 76 6 75 6 75 8 76 6 76 6 76 75 76 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 76 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 774 6 774. 6 774 6 T74 6 774 6 774 774 No. 74.... 64.... 64.... 67.... 74... 67.... 66.... 83.... 78.... 68.... 46.... 140... 55.... 71.... 61.... 71.... 61.... 61.... 64.... 60.... 80.... 64.... 69.... 76.... 65.... 36..., 66.... 73... Av. ..241 ..233 ..269 ..261 ..249 ..254 ..238 ..263 ..28 ..265 ..264 ..260 ..256 ..253 ..277 ..271 ..261 ..247 ..226 ..288 ..266 ..238 ..258 ..270 ..271 ..277 ..277 ..232 ..264 660 120 160 42 211 40 65 218 43... 71... 40... 76... 46... 61... 71... 86... 64... 60... 69... 53... 87... 75... 75... 17... 7... 75... ...243 ...210 ...2" ...213 ...19S ...215 ...237 ...210 ...230 ...237 ...27.3 ...238 ...2.15 ...234 ...227 ...242 ...262 ...219 ...242 40 'so 120 200 ii6 120 120 40 160 'so 80. 77. 233 27 256 21 240 82 2X7 74 263 60 250 68 246 80 80 200 80 120 240 80 'so 120 160 77. 61 267 66 249 69 281 144 268 66 263 67 261 20 256 6S 275 44 295 60 297 61 212 68. ..247 160 160 70.. 70.. 70.. 60.. 72.. ..246 ..248 ..229 ..221 ..227 74 223 40 246 90 214 74 246 32 241 78 227 71 233 67 259 58. .219 160 63.., 62.. 68.. 66.. 64.. 40.. 67.. 61.. 66.. 76.. 66.. 64.. 69.. 66.. 65.. 62.. ...271 ...29 ...288 ...233 ...255 ...296 ...270 ...321 ...256 ...250 ...282 ...265 ...280 ...276 ...274 ...2S3 SO 120 ...260 ...234 ...232 ...242 ...243 ...2S8 ...232 40 80 'so 160 160 io 80 280 78... 78... 60... 63... 66... 55... 85... 67... 71... 76... 72... 88.,. 160 6 774 6 774 in 1 774 ...236 6 77' .220 .246 6 7' 40 6 ...2L'S ...239 ...264 6 774 774 6 774 SHEEP-There was a light run of sheep and Iamb here thl morning and a aeveral "" were late in arriving the morning was well advanced before much hualnaaa waa transacted. The same as has been the cane for some time past the quality of the uum vi mo onenngs waa very inrerlor, so that while the better arades held about teadv the common ectnrl I,'.,. dIt. -al and weak. Sellers have had a hard ttmo to find an outlet for the nart-fat win. n late, as ntither packers nor feeder buyers seem to be at all anilnns fnr than . a -nmi snare or tne receipts this morning waa lit tle better than feeders and, as there were few country buyer on the market, It wa mm oeiore a clearance wa made. Quotations for cllnned stock : rhnlna western lambs. 6.0(k&6.50; fair to good lambs, f.60tg'4).00: choice western wooled lambs, t65056.75; fair to good wooled amhi fA nk HA. .. v. ..I , . . t. -llul iigntweixnc year lings. I5.25G6.50; fair to goo3, 34.50 n.OO: choice wether. 35.006.25; fair to good """. .-odii.oo; cnoice ewes, J4.5(Vi4.66; fair to sroorl atvre J HTi'.VJ gsi. , , v 33.50(54.00; feeder yearlings, $3.60434.00; feeder eo.ouj.uu; reeaer ewes, 2.254f3.50. Representative sales: o- Av Pr. 8 60 3 50 8 75 3 75 4 25 4 624 6 00 3 60 8 50 3 76 4 2 00 74 cull ewes...: 84 125 cull ewes 61 87 93 84 68 61 86 69 109 65 61 37 western ewes . 211 western ewes 102 western mixed sheep 3'JO western yearlings and lamb 803 western lambs 10 cun ewes 178 Mexican clipped ewea 66 western ewes 10 cull lambs 133 western lambs CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Hoc Lower bnt Strong;, Whllo Lamb Go Ip nnd Sheep Are Stendy. CHICAGO. Anrll 29.-CATTI.E-Rece!pt, 2.290 head; good to prime steers, 85.00a676; poor to meaium. 4.Z5fti3.O0; stackers and feeders. 83.0oj5.00: cows. 81 50tfr4 sn- k I2.6OI&5.O0; canners, 31.5W2.t0; bulls. 32.508 l.aIvc"' o5W; Texaa fed steer. $4.005.00. HOUS Receipts. 26.000 head: hIIii., tomorrow. 20,000; left over, 8.000: market 100ji5c lower, closing strong; mixed and butchers. 86.75(3695: good to choice heavv .0tKfr7.124: rouah heavv. 36 9ni a&- nt,, 86"(76.H6; bulk of sales. 36.8"n6.96. SHELP AND I.AMH8 u-.ini. ii om head: market steadv. with iimh, 'in higher: good to choice wethers. 84 655.25; fair to choice mixed 33.754.25! v-t.m sheep, $4,654(5.25; native lambs. 84.6frti6.80: western lambs, $4.6Mi6.80. Official yesterday: Recelnts Shipments. 8.443 2 nil 675 Cattle 7.247 Hogs 17.0S4 Sheep H.b96 Stoek In Sight. Following were the recelnts of llva stock at the six principal western cities yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha 4.6 K) I 500 8.600 Chicago 2.2!8 26.000 ll.ftiO Kansas City 4.400 lO.Ota) 4,000 St. Iula 2.500 6.50 Bt. josepn , Z.Ofl 6102 3,355 cioux city 000 z.iuo Total. ...10,261 69.032 21.656 IF YOU TRADE nlace your orders with CEO. A. ADAMS GRAIN CO.. Member Principal Exchanges. GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS Writ for our daily letter. JM Board Trade Building. Omaha. Ftone 1006 and 1017. PRIVATE WIRES. VEARE GRAIN COUPANY. Member Principal Exchange Private Wire. BRANCH OFFICE OMAHA. NEB. Ho-IH Board of Trade. W. E. WARD. Mgr. Telephone 1511 CONSIGNMENTS ONLY Conilga your grain to the LOGAN GRAIN GO. KANSAS CITY, flO., And you will get best weight, best price and Qulca return. MIBF.I.Ktl 8EWI. Talla all about Wlrele Telegrphy, Three month ubscrlption FREE. Write "Wlxeles Nsws," 8 Wail St., New York City. N. X. posTorricB noTiric (Should be read DAILT bv all Interested, s change may occur at any time ) Foreign mall for the week ending May 2. 19"S, will close tPROilTTLT In all cases) at the general pnstnftlce as follows: lai tels post malls cloae one hour earlier th.m rioting tlma shown below. Parc-ia p . mall for Germany close at 6 p. m. Mon day, Regular nd suppiementary mall cl-ise at foreign station half-hour Inter thnn time shown below (except that aupplcmen. tary msll for Europe and Central Amer ica, via Colon, close one hear later at to. elgn station). Transatlantic Mnlla. THURSDAY At 7 a. m. lor FRANCKi SWITZERLAND, ITALY, tSl'AlN. I'Uit Tl'OAL, TlKKKY. LUfPl'. UnErft 1-. HKITiBH INDIA and LttltENZ.O IAK VJL L,, per a. a. La Oascogne. via Havre tmatl for; other purls of tumpe muai tie directed "per s. a. Im. Oascogne"). FRIDAY At 6:30 p. m. tor AORES ISLANDS, per . a. Cambruman, from Boston. SATURDAY At 6 a. m. for Et'ROPK, per . . Campania, via -yueenstovvn; at a. m. for BLLOU M direct, per . a. adei land (mall must be directed "per s. . Vadcrland"); at 8 a. in. fur llAi.Y ui rect, per s. s. Weimar tmall must tie tn rected "per a. s. Weimar' 1; at V.eO a. in. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. a. Co.uni bla (mail must be directed "per a. . !' lumbla"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thl steamer tskea printed matter, commercial paperj and samples (or Germany only. IVu aame cUhs of mall mutter for other part of Europe will not be sent by this hif unless e-peclauy directed by her. After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic malls named auote. addi tional supplementary malls are opme j un the piers of the American, English, Frenc.i anti uerman eieanivrs, anu jeinain upttii until within ten minutes of the hour of aU lug of steamer. Maila for Sooth nnd Central America, Weat Indlea, Etc. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA. YUCA TAN, CAM PECH E, TABASCO ami CHIAPAS, per . s. Monterey tmnll for other part of Mexico must be direct",! "per s. a. Monterey"); at 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Pretoria; at 12 m. supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS and SANTIAGO, per 8. . Saratoga; tit p. m. for BARBADOS nnd NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s. s. Cearense; at 1 p. ni. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PAR AGUAY, per s. s. Sailor Prince; at 6 1 p. m. for PORTO PLATA, per s. s. Still water, from Boston tmall for other parts of the Dominican Republic must be di rected "per s. a, Stillwater"). FRIDAY At 13 m. for MEXICO, per a. s. Niagara, via Tamnico tmall must be di rected "per 8. s. Niagara"). SATURDAY At 8:30 a. ra. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) tor rtmru kicu, uikai au and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Caracas (mall for Savanllla and Cartagena munt be directed "per s. s. Caracas '); at 9:3') a. m. tsupplementary 10:30 a. in.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, SAV ANILLA and CARTAGENA, per s. s. Altai (mall for Costa Rica muttt be di rected "per s. a. Altai"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MARTA per . . Ah'J: at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per 8. s. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, per H. s. Marscas; at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per a. a. Ollnda, via Havana. Mnlla Forwarded overland. cent Transpacific. CUBA By rail to Port Tampa ihni hv stenmer. closes at Lie, b'.. , Flu., and thl office dally, except Thursday, at 16:30 a. m. (the connecting malls close here on Monday. W'edner.days and esturduys). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially audreosed for despatch-by steamer, clor.ei at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:3 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. Sundays at 10j p. in and 11:30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND By rail to North 8yd tuy, and thence by steamer, closes at thli office dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting mans close here every Monday, Wednesday and' JAMAICA By rail to Boston and thence by steamer, close at this office 41 b:Ji p m. every Tuesday and Thursday. M1QUELON By rail to Boston, an. I thenca by steamer, close at this office daliy at BELIZE' PUERTO CORTEZ AND GUATEMALA By rail to New Orleans, and thence by ateamer, closes nt tnl office dally, except Sunday, at l:3o p. m and 111:30 p. m., Sundays at i:oO p. 111. and (11:30 p. m. (connecting mall ciosea here "Monday at 111:30 p. m.). COSTA RICA By rail to Nw Oilcans, and thence by steamer, close at this omce dally, except Sunday, at il:M p. m. and IU -30 p. m.. Sundays at l:oo p. m. and 111-30 p. m. (connecting mail muses bera Tuesdav at 111:30 p. m. IRegletered mall closes at 8:00 p. ra, pre vious day. TraaspaclOo Mnlla. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Fran cisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April J26th. Inclusive, for despatch per U. 8. Transport. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle, close here dally at 6:30 p. m up to April 2th. In clusive, lor cespatch per s. a. Slunano Maru. HAWAII, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at :w p. in. up m stum x-iiii. in clusive, for denoatch per . . Alameda. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver anil Victoria, B. C. close here dally at 6:,i0 p m. up to April totii, tuciueiivB, iur des patch per . a. Empress of china. Mer chandise for U. 8. -J'otal Agency at Shanghai cannot bt. forwarded via 1 ' c ,1 a 1 1 s HAWAII. CHINA, JAPAN, PHILLIPPINB 1 H 1 .A1N L'D, via oan 1 iwnr livria daily at 6:30 p. m. up to May 3d, In clusive, for despatch per a. s. Doric. NEW ZEALAND, AlislHAU (except West), imcw t.iiii.iA.iiiii, r ! j 1 . SAMOA and HAWAII, vU San Francisco, clone here dally at 6.30 p. m. after April 2oth and up to May 9tli. Inclusive, for despatch per a. a. Sonoma. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mHll for New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with thlB despatch, extra malls cloning at 6:30 a. m.. 9:30 a. m. end 6 3) p m.; Sunday at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. in. and 4 -80 p m. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunurd Humeri HAWAII, JAPAN. CHINA and PHILIP- FlNC, ICLAnuD. via. on!, riin.i,,u, nvi, here dally at 6.30 p. m. up to Vay 18. Inclusive, for despatch per a. s. Nippon Maru. . CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma. close here aaaiy ai o.ev y. m. i iwj m. inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Olympla. AUSTRALIA (except West). FIJI Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. close here dally at 6:30 p. m. after May 9th and up to May 23, Inclusive, for despatch per s. a. Aorangl. . . TAHITI and MARQUKHAS iSkAivUB. via gan r ratlClSCO. Cl'iwe nrivinny ai .' l. m up to May 3oth. Inclusive, for de spatch per s. a. Mariposa. Note Unless otherwise addressed. West An.trallii la forwardel via Lurnpe. and New Zealand and Philippines v,a 8an Fran cisco the quickeat route. Phll.pplnes up..--cially addreesed "via Canada" or "via Europe" must te rimy prepaju at me ior elgn rates. Hawaii I torwurded via San i ranclsco exclusively. Transnarl lie malls sre forwarded ti port Of sailing dally and the srhedule of cloning le arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Reg sterej mall noses at p. m. previous any. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. fostmaater. Postofflce. New York, N. Y.. April 24. una. KOVER8MESIT XOTKKI. pRnpnnAI.8 F(Hl INDIAN SUPPLIES. Department of the Interior, Office of In dian Affairs, Wsehlrgton, D. '.. Match 4, j. heeled prt.poiais, uitior,eu i-ru-poaals ior blankets, koiik ii and o ton mnnAm clothing, etc.. ' as the cade may be. and directed to the Oomml.aloner of India 1 Affairs, NOS. ll-lil otieter urn 1, rvew York City, will be rece.ved until 1 o'clock p. m., of Tuesilay, May 19, 19U3, for fumisb !ng for the Jndlan service, blunkt-ts, wool 1 and cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats nit cans. Bids must be made out in gov ernment blank 4. Schedules giving all neces sary information ior umuers w,n u fur nished on application to the Indian Office, Waaningtnn, D. C. ; tha U. S. Indian ware houses. 119-121 Wooster street, New York City; 265-6i South Canal street, Chicago. III.; 81i Howard street. Omaha, Neb.; 60: bouth Seventh street, St. Ixiula. Mo.; tne Commlsraries of Subsistence, U. S. A., at Cheyenne, Wyo., and St. Paul, Minn.; th. quartermaster, U. S. A., Seattle, Wush.;thi poaimaatera at Sioux City, Tuc.0.1, Port land, ripokane and Tasoma, and the Manu facturers' and Producer' association of CalllornU, Ban Kranelaoo. Cal. Hid will be oiened at the hour and day abovj atated, and biddars are Invited to be pres ent at the opening. The, Department re serves the liaht to determine lb point of delivery and to reject any and all bids, o. any part of any bid. W. A. JONES, uotn mutaluner. A-'l UlMt 81 OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER msster. Observatory OflUe BuTld ng. Dej Mi'lnes, Iowa, April 27, 1:mj3. Sealed propoi sls. In triplicate, will be received here un til 11 a. m., standard time, May 26. 1901, fur constructing roads, walks and drains, Fort Des Moines, Iowa. Information furnlchel on application. IT. 8. reserve right to ac cept or reject any or J1 hl.U or 141 ti thereof. Envelopes to be endorsed. "Pro. risals for ," addressed Major R. B. urner, (4. M. A-i7atl-M23. as. r