Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1903, Image 1

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    Daily B
Declaret lianchnrian Propeiala in No Wise
Aimed at Other Powers.
Commercial Pririlegea in Interior Are to Ba
Oemnion Property. 1
Ooodiof All Ceuntrits Will Be Carried aa
Same Eaiii.
SWsnnaslsIBSasW t
ome Fotnta Are Denied Ontrlht and
Others Explained as Inotiom Pro
poeale Dnlfnrt to Ur
Safety la Stata no.
BT. PETERSBURG, April 27. Ths Rus
atan foreign office haa explained or denied
the eight demanda made on China regard
ing Manchuria.
Regarding the whole negotlatlona, which
bare been dragging on alnce January the
foreign office aaya:
There la nothing directed In any manner
acalnsts the interest of the other powers
or their commerce- others enlov the same
rlahts of commerce In the Interior as we.
Of the towns not opened to trade the rail
way will carry Russian and forelan goods
alike through the country; but we or they
ennnot sell them In unopened towns. IT
the towns are opened all will be benefited
alike. It Is In the railway s Interests to
demand the widest possible developments
of trade. The pourpaleurs contain multi
tudinous derisions which were not foreseen
when the evacuation waa decided upon.
Foretell Office Detailed Answer.
Commenting on each point aeparately the
foreign office aaya:
(1) Reported Demand No more Manchu
rlan porta IT towns are to be- opened.
Answer Absolutely false. Not our af
fair (2) Reported Demand No more foreign
consuls are to be admitted Into Manchu
ria. Answer Depend upon China. Not men
tioned In our poumaleurs.
(3) Reported Demand No forelanera. ex
cept Russians, are to be employed In the
public service of Manchuria.
Answer False .
14) Reported Demand The present sta
tus of the administration of Manchuria la
to remain unchanged.
Answer Unimportant..
r;i Demand The customa re
ceipts at the port of New Chwang are to
be given to the Kueso-ouiuese duii.
Answer Such la the present arrange
m ()' Reported Demand A sanltarv com
mission ia organized under Russian con
Answer Extremely important, since an
wn.ii.h . vessel in 1902 Introduced the
(7) Reported Demand Russia 1; entitled
to ettaoh the telegraph wires and pole of
all Chinees lines in mancuurm.
A IT n I u a
(81 Reported Deraano No territory In
Manchuria la to be alienated to any other
Answer The Integrity ef China la al
ready adopted Into the Ruaslan program.
No need to discuss that now.
AaMres Pleasti .UfanMnsTton.
' WASHINQTONf. ' April ST. Considerable
Interest waa shown here tonight in the Rua
alan answer regarding the eight demanda
made on China. It waa regarded aa of
great importance and if borne out by aub
aequent Information will meet In a general
degree the dealrea of the American govern
ment. No official confirmation haa yet come
from Mr. McCormlck. who, last week, waa
directed to make Inqulrlee of the Russian
foreign office regarding the attitude of that
government In Manchuria.
Secretary Hay waa extremely busy today
receiving diplomatic representatives of the
varloua powera interested In the Manchur
lan queatlon.
Secretary Hay disappointed hie callers
ao far aa Information waa concerned aa
w.,1 - - ninnmii frnm either
I no uau, mm - -
Peking or St. Peteraburg. The situation la
Id statu quo, therefore. Aa Chlneae dip
lomacy moves In a leisurely, fashion. It la
not believed that any coup will occur In
thla ease, which will take the United States
government by surprises. -
Irish Societies Protest at Hay,
NEW YORK, April 27. The United
Irish societies of New York have aent
to President Roosevelt a resolution protest
ing egainsi ine acuun ui oocrnsij nay,
i In instructing the United Etatea minister
L to Peking tq urge the rejection of Rua-.
declares auch action la fraught with peril
to the United Statea ana Is taken at the
Instance of England to promote Interests
Which are not American. President Roose
velt waa asked to note that the course
of the State department "alnce John Hay
assumed control of it has been and still
la dictated by a aole purpose to serve British
at the expenae of American interests."
Chlaa Refuses Demands.
LONDON. April 17. It la officially an
nounced here that the Chinese government
haa aent to the Russian government at
BU Petersburg a' formal refusal to grant
the latter'a demands In regard to the evac
uation of Manchuria.
PEKINO. April 17. Minister Conger haa
aent a note to Prince Chtng, the grand
secretary, protesting against two features
of Ruasla'a proposed Manchurlan agree
ment, which are considered particularly
antagoniatlc to American Interests.
The note objecta to Chlna'a promising
not to open more towns to foreign trade,
because negotlatlona are progressing in
connection with the Amerlcsn commercial
treaty for the opening of Mukden and Tsku
Shan, and It objecta to promising that the
foreign employes In China shall only be
Ruastana. The United Statea withholds ex
pression regarding the other demands, but
la prepared to Insist on Its treaty rights
If lufractiona occur.
France Kinds 10 senses.
PARIS, April 17. The view prevails here
that the power having political antagonisms
toward Russia are responsible for the pres
ent agaltatlon. It ia stated that Russia's
demanda do not mean at termination of the
open door policy, but only a continuation
under Russian administration ot similar re
strictions now Imposed by China..
In government quarters unmistakable
sympathy with the Russian attitude la
shown. It la claimed that Russian Inter
cite In Manchuria and Its proximity to
Siberia entitle Russia to take supervisory
Ready to Conciliate America.
LONDON. April . The St. Petersburg
correspondent of tha Dally Telegraph aaya
Russia la ready to make a special arrange
ment -with the United Statea In regard to
cprnlng Manchuria to American products.
' The Ruaslsa ovtrnment hss resolved to
persevere t the end, the correspondent
t'ontlnuea, and will only recoil before actual
hostilities. Russia does not apprehend
(Continued oa Third Page.)
Eight Railroads Are Forbidden
Discriminate Against Small
f0 "ITY. April 27. Judge John F.
.. i mien staiea circuit court
here tods j.' a temporary Injunction
restraining v." dk eight named rail
roads from o.'. :'ng against small
shippers: Chlcag. Chicago, Mil
waukee & St. Paul, , "i, Topeka &
Santa Fe. Burlington a. ,ney, Missouri
Pacific, Chlcsgo, Rock U.and ft Pacific,
Wabash and Chicago Oreat Western.
The case preaented the same question In
volved In similar canes passed upon by
Judge Orosscup at Chicago on Friday last.
As the demurrers In these casea were heard
by Judge Grosscup snd Judge Phillips. Bit
ting together, the brief opinion given by
Judge Oiosscup last Friday was the result
of their conference and agreement.
The decision delivered by Judge Phillips
today, which was oral, maintains that the
discriminations and rebataa made and al
lowed by the railroad companies were
violative of the Interstate commerce act
and that they tended to create a monopoly
In the shipment of grain and products in
favor of the Individual shipper, to the
practical exclusion of all other dealers and
like shippers, and that the question pre
sented was whetner or not a bill In equity,
at the Instance of the attorney general of
the United States, on request of the Inter
state Commerce commission, mould lie to
enjoin the defendants from further rebates
and discriminations.
The inclination of the mind of the court
was that the acta done were not only vio
lative of the Interstate commerce statute,
but also the anti-trust statute; snd that
the government. In the capacity of a parent,
representing all the people conoerned In
the shipment of such products, and for tho
public welfare, was entitled to appeal to
Its own courts to enjoin such violations
of the law; that the bill known aa tho
Elklna bill, uuder the decision of the au
preme court of the United Statea in MIs
slourl Pacific Railway company against
United States, recently rendered, expressly
confers jurisdiction upon the federal courts
In equity both aa to pending and future
casea; that there can be no question of
the right of the court to grant a tem
porary Injunction in the casea pending,
which will be done aa on motions now en
tered, with leave to the defendants, If they
desire, to take Issue by answer aa to the
truth of the allegations of the bill.
Government Official naesta Co-oper
ation Between Nation, State
and Local Districts.
ST. LOUIS, April 27 The national and
International convention of the Good Roads
association wae called to order thla morning
in Udono ball by Chairman L. D. Kings
ine early morning tralna brought In
hordes of delegates, while many others had
arrived during Sunday. Among the earlier
arrlvala waa General Nelson A. Miles, United
Statea army, president of the National
Highway commission, accompanied by bla
wife. He will deliver an address ,. tomor
row.- JAt leaat "l.TTOfl VfM"Ael' attended the
opening session and U nnmber waa later
swelled by Incoming trains.
The convention will continue for three
daya, holding forenoon and afternoon aea
alona. President Roosevelt will make the
closing address late on Wednesday after
Addresses by W. H. Moore, the mayor,
and Governor Derbey occupied the morning.
In the afternoon Martin Dodge, director of
the Office of Public Road Inquiries In the
Agricultural department, apoke on "What
The Government Is Doing for Highway Im
While he found the attitude of the gov
ernora ana other officials in the varloua
states favorable to the good roads mova
ment, they seemed reluctant to assume the
burden or take the responsibility of making
a levy to meet the cost of building better
highways. He favored co-operation be
tween the national, state and local govern
ments, each bearing part of the expense,
He believed there should, be a revision of
the lawa that would permit taxation to
raise a fund to build good roads, thla to
be augmented by the government.
United Statea Senator Latimer of South
Carolina and Hon. A. W. Campbell, mln
isier oi ramie worm ot uanada, wero
among the other speakers.
Historic City of Galena la Decorated
In Honor of Great
GALENA, III., April 27. The eleventh
auccessive celebration of Grant'a birthday
In Galena proved to be one ot the most
auccessful. The historic city waa deco
rated In honor of the great hero and the
beautiful weather brought many visitors
The noon train on the Illinois Central
from Chicago brought the special guests of
the day from that city who Joined In com
memoratlon. The chief feature of the pro
gram was an address at Turner hall by W,
F. Gurley of Omaha, whose delineation of
the character and achievements ot General
Grant were enthusiastically received. From
the same platform on previous anniver
saries President McKlnley, Preslden
Roosevelt and Charles Emory Smith had
The visitors, after the conclusion of the
exercises, viewed Nam's great painting
hung in the public library and the atatue
of Grant given to the city by H. H. Kohl
saat of Chicago, and dedicated by Chauncey
j M. Dep
The military band and company M. 1111
noia National Guard, acted aa eacort for the
speaker to the hall. Rev. John Van Devere,
late of Coe college. Cedar Raplda, la., acted
aa chaplain.
Two-Thirds of Presbyteries Vote for
thaae la Confession
ot Faith.
PHILADELPHIA, April 17. Rev. Dr. W.
H. Roberta, ataied clerk of the Presby
terian general assembly, announced today
that two-thlrda ot the Presbyterians had
voted In favor of revising fie confession
of faith and of the declaratory statement
elucidating chapters three and ten of the
Tha subject will be finally disposed of
by the general assembly, which meets in
Los Angeles next mouth. It is expected
that the overtures from the Presbyteries
will be enacted by the general assembly.
Ol'-er Uifi 111 Job.
IRON. O.. April n. Chairman Owen and
BeiTflary Bishop of the Mate Unard of
Arbitration came here yesterday and set
tled the cement strike after a conrrence.
The oiler, on whose account the strike was
declared was discharged.
roar Hundred Thousand Persona
King on Streets.
Scheme Dealaned to Show Italy i
Birthplace of Mnale and Poetry
la Carried Oat I'nder Offi
cial Direction.
ROME, April 27. King Edward arrived
here from Naples thla afternoon, and waa
received by King Victor Emmanuel In
person, who escorted the visiting sovereign
through densely packed atreets amid a
great popular ovation.
King Edward, who waa etandlng on the
platform of bla railroad car, when the
train reached the atatlon, descended alone
almost before the train atopped. King
Victor Emmanuel atepped forward and the
monarcha embraced and kissed each other
several times, the Italian king saying
quite audibly. In English, "I welcome you
with all my heart to Rome."
Americana Greet Monarch.
The crowds along the route followed by
the kings numbered 400,000, Including 10,
000 to 12,000 British and a great many
Americans, aa ahown by the number of
stara and stripes displayed. The diploma
tic body not being among thoae who wel
comed King Edward at the station, the
ambassadors, ministers and foreign officials
witnessed the passage of the cortege from
various points of vantage.
The United States ambassador, Mr. Meyer
and his family, bad a balcony In the mid
dle of the villa Nazlonale. It waa decor
ated with American colore.
The center of the American, manifesta
tion waa at the American Episcopal church,
St. Paul's, which was decorated with
American and Italian flags. The church
being on the route of the procession, the
rector. Dr. Nevln, erected a large stand
where about 8,000 guesta were seated, when
the two aoverelgna approached the church
they were pleasantly greeted by hearing
the chimes of the church play "God Save
the King," followed by the Italian royal
King Edward recognized the courtesy of
the embassy by saluting and algnalllng.
Seldom before had the city been ao sumpt
uously decorated. The streets and build
ings were brilliant with flowers, with flags
and draperlea and on all aldea were to be
aeen entwined the flags of Italy and Great
Popnlace Call for Edward.
The most Imposing moment of the recep
tion was shortly after King Edward en
tered the Qulrlnal. The plaza below waa
packed with 50,00 people, . who cheered
hla majesty frantically, till he waa obliged
Xo appear twice on a balcony with Queen
Helena on hla right and King Victor Em
manuel on hla left, and aupported by the
crowd of Italian prlncea.
The apectacle waa a remarkable one. At
hla feet waa the excited populace of Rome,
voicing the sentimenta of AH Italy; agalnat
the horlson on hla right waa the colossal
dome of St- Peter's, glistening under the
flaming rays of the setting aun, while frown
ing above the historic Janlculum hill with
the atatue ot the national hero, Garibaldi,
In front the tower of Nero, to the left the
rulna ot ancient Rome. King Edward, by
hla gestures, clearly expressed the deep
est appreciation of the significance ot the
After a abort rest at tho Qulrlnal, Klpa
Edward re-eutered hla carriage, and es
corted by the culrraalera vielted the queen
mother, and then returned to the palace.
Later he went to the British embassy,
where he remained until 7, holding a re
ception of the Engllah resldente of Rome.
He then returned to the Qulrlnal and
dined privately with the king and queen.
The atreets all the time were lined with
enormous crowds who loudly cheered the
British sovereign.
The decoration of the atreets and public
and private buildings waa on a acale of
lavish aplendor and waa carried out under
the direction ot Slgnor Bltarleller, the
aculptor, and Slgnor Matalome, the painter.
Tbelr plan of decoration carried out the
Idea of fetei commemorating the peace of
tha world, Italy aa the birthplace of flno
arta and poetry, welcoming the royal and
Imperial guest. Along the route huge pil
lars topped with Roman eaglea and gar
landed with flowers and vlnea had been
erected. At the commencement of the Via
Nazionale was a ball twenty feet In diam
eter surrounded with laurel and myrtle.
At the eldea of thla large sphere were
symbolic representations ot the fine arta,
music, the sciences and agriculture. .
Largs Crowds Acclaim French Chief
Touring In North
TUNIS. April 27. President Loubet ar
rived todsy from Bona, Algeria. He waa
escorted by the bey and given a tremen
dous popular ovation. The city was elab
orately decorated with triumphal arches
and the (lags of Prance and Tunis.
The crowds which filled the streets were
a atrange medley of French, Musaelmana
and Jews. The arrival of the cruiser
Jeanne d'Arc, bearing the president, was
the algnal for a aalute from the Tunisian
fleet. The bey, accompanied by a gorgeous
retinue, embarked on a launch decorated
with Oriental grandeur, and went to meet
the president. M. Loubet received the bey
on the deck and then accompanied him
An official exchange of cells took place
During the afternoon there was a grand
military review of thousands of native
troops, followed by a banquet and ball.
M. Loubet in his address referred to the
close ties existing between France and
Tunis and the bey responded with expres
sions of the devotion of Tunla to France.
Cholera aad Plaaae Both Ravage
American Phlllpplae
MANILA. April 27. Cholera la again
threatening the Island of Luxon. The out
break In the Camarines apparently la
spreading northward. The Cagayan valley
Is Infected, and It la feared the recru
descence will extend over all the Islands.
Past epidemics have generally lasted over
three yesrs.
There have been 101 caaea of bubonic
plague, mostly among natlvea and Chinese,
iu Manila alnce January and the plague Is
apparently gaining ground.
Kinds Beface In Cuba.
HAVANA, April 27. General Vasquej.
former nresldent of ihe reDublle of Sidia
Domingo, landed at Guantanamo. Cuba.
today, from a Dominican gunboat.
Forecast for NebrHnka Rain and Much
Colder Tuesday; Wednesday Fair.
Temperate re at Omaha Yesterday)
Hear. Dear. I Hoar. Dec
Ba. m...... all I l p. m...... Ull
a. m Ml ) a p. m
T a. m IMI : it p. m M
8 n. tn Bit t 4 p. m ..... . 04
t a. m IO B p. m OB
10 a. m BO ( tt p. m IU
11 a. an Ml ' T p. m M
1 H in O.t ; Hp. m 04
j p. m tut
Brilliant Assemblage Sees Kaot Tied
Which Mokes Another Amer
lean Ceontess.
PITTSBURG. Pa., April 27. The wedding
of Miss Alice Thaw of thla city, to the earl
of Yarmouth took plaee lc Calvary Episco
pal church at 4:30 this afternoon before a
brilliant assemblage.
Henry Kendall Thaw gave the bride
away and the officiating clergymen were the
Rev. W. L. McEwan and the Rev. Dr. H.
A reception followed at the Thaw resi
dence. Lord and Lady Yarmouth will leave
thla evening for a brief honeymoon trip
before sailing for En,?and.
Early In the day the earl and hla family
solicitor visited the court house and ob
tained the license, his lordship filling out
the blanks himeelt and ao evading the usual
The earl of Yarmouth, who waa today
wedded to Mist Alice Thaw, had a dis
agreeable experience at hla hotel on hla
return from tho court house, where he had
gone to procure bla marriage license.
When he entered the Hotel Schenlcy
about noon, ho waa confronted by two con
stables who served him with a writ from
the high court of justice, king's bench di
vision, London, Eng., commanding him to
cause an appearance to be entered for him
within forty daya in aa action at the eult
of the Revlslonary snd General Securities
company, limited.
In the bill of particulara the plaintiff's
claim la for principal and Interest due from
the defendant under a mortgage dated Sep
tember 8, 1902. The amount due on De
cember 11, 1902, waa if and Interest at
20 per cent. The plaintiff also claims In
terest ou 200 at 20rer cent per annum
until payment or Judgment. The earl ap
parently took the matter coolly and at the
conclusion of the reading said: "That's
all right; I'll attend to It."
Mr. IO eh Renews Acquaintances with
Messrs. Battla and Heller
of Omaha.
The president's private secretary, Mr.
Loeb, after the meeting at the Coliseum,
Invited Mr. Gould Diets and Mr. William
S. Heller and Mr. John W. Battla of thla
city to spend an hour" wiyi blm at the
president's special train.
Mr. Battln and Mr. -Heller -were former
claaamatea and friends of Mr. Loeb, when
they all lived In Alb-tnr. A. Y.. and they
epent-arery enh,ybf uliur wlfhthe presi
dent and Mr. Loeb. Mr. Loeb, who bad
not aeen .these gentlemen for aeveial yeara,
was delighted to have a little chat with
them and extended to them the courtesy
of their train and showed them through
th different cars.
The president was very much gratified
with hla reception In Omaha and declared
that It waa the noisiest and moat generoua
reception that he had on hla trip In tha
west. He heard an extremely peculiar
noise npon his entrance Into the city and
upon Inquiry learned that It was the whis
tle of the Bemla Omaha Rag company.
Mr. Loeb and the president were delighted
with their reception and were disappointed
that they could not apend more time In
Our midst and enjoy our hospitality.
He Will Ineeeed Oest aa ftaperla.
tendent ot the County .
Poor Farm.
All waa harmony at yesterday'a meeting
of the Board of County Commissioners and
the business left over from Saturday'a
animated meeting waa disposed ot without
debate and without controversy.
Thomaa McCleneghan waa made superin
tendent of the county poor farm to succeed
J. Henry Oest, May 1. M. J. Scott waa
made senior interne at the county hospital
at a salary of $25 per month and Oliver
Chambers junior Interne at a salary of $20
per month. Heretofore there haa been one
Interne paid $30 per month.
The monthly salaries of P. L. Qulnlan
and Philip Wagner, court houae janitors,
were Increased from $50 to $r5 because
they work Sundays.
The board decided to ahare with the city
In the purchase ot the "Doc" Smith records
and maps, valued at $1,000. The scavenger
bill proposition was referred to the county
attorney, who la to submit hla opinion
at the meeticg ot the board next Thursday.
Farmer Plaa Officer to Ground with
His Spear, hot Dropa Before
FRANKFORT. Mich.. April 27. B. B.
SpafTord of Cadillac, a deputy game warden,
today shot and killed Christ McLaln. The
latter, hla eon and three men were spear
ing Sab out of aeason and SpafTord and an
other deputy attempted to arrest the party.
.In the flight McLaln pinned SpafTord to
the earth with a spear, the weapon tear
ing his flesh near bis heart. While on the
ground SpafTord managed to get hold of hla
revolver and killed hla retreating assail
ant. Spafford gave himself up at Frank
fort. He was formerly landlord ot the Mc-
Ktnnon hotel at Cadillac, Mich. McLaln
waa a farmer.
Movements of Ocean Vessels April 27.
At New York Arrived: Vaderland, from
Antwerp; LaUascogne, from Havre; Mln
netonka, from London; Noordam, from Rot
terdam and Boulogne Sur Mer.
At Glasgow Arrived: Anchorite, from
New York. Sailed: Hungarian, lor Mon
treal. At Antwerp Arrived: Zeland, from New
At LiverpoolArrived: Ivernla, from New
York; Nunildlan from St. John and Hall
fax. At Ramsey Sailed: Mongolian, from
Olasguw. for New Ycrk.
At Plymouth Sailed: Graf Waldersee,
from Hamburg and Boulogne, for New
At St. Vincent, C. V. Bulled: lute, from
San Francisco, for Hamburg
At Brow Head Passed; Trltlnia, from
St. Jchn, for Ulaesow.
At Cherbourg balled: Konlgln Luise,
from Bremen, for New York.
At Gibraltar Sailed: Trave, from Genoa
and Naples, for New York.
At lmilon Arrived: Minnehaha, from
New York.
At The l.lsard Pasned: 1'ennsylvanl i.
from New York, for Plymouth, Cherbourg
I "A', "-" rArrlveil: v,oltke. frcun N.w
j York.
Euidred Thousand Cheering People 6r
Chief Executive in Omaha.
Smiles Pleasantly and Waves Hii 1st to
Applauding Multitude.
No Toasti Except One to the Prtiident of
tha United State..
President GItcs Utterance to Patri
otic Phraaea Before an Apprecia
tive and Demonstrative Audi
ence ot 13,(MM People.
Under a canopy of threatening clouda and
tn the face ot a vigorous wind 100, (MM) peo
ple lined the streets ot Omaha yesterday
afternoon to greet President Roosevelt. The
rain which bad just ceased falling a little
while before the crowd began . to gather,
was not enough to dampen the ardor or
suppress the xeal of those eager hordes.
Some of them had come miles to see tha
president, while most were from Omaha
and none was going to be deprived of the
privilege of welcoming to the city the chief
magistrate of tbelr land a privilege which
Omaha has had but five times in Its history.
From the moment the president's train
steamed Into the Union station at 6:12 In
the afternoon until he retired In hla pri
vate car after his speech at the Coliseum,
the city was his his with all its wealth,
beauty, patriotism, power and pride his
because he was the city's an adopted son
of the great golden west of which this Is
the natural gateway and typical metropolis.
Theodore Roosevelt'a name has ever been
the source of Inspiration In Omaha, as
throughout the west, but the presence of
the man. fraught with some peculiar mag
netic force draws a draught from the hearts
of the people deeper still. This waa mani
fest yesterday afternoon when the presi
dent for the Brat time coming Into view of
the waiting thousands, emerged from bis
car. It waa manifest aa he waa borne along
the streets of the city from the depot to
the Omaha club where he waa to dine and
manifest again at the spacloua Coliseum
where he apoke to 12,000 people.
The Pletnro of Health.
Fresh from the picturesque fastnesses
of the Yellowstone the president looked
the picture of perfect physical manhood.
Hla full round face waa tanned, hla broad
athletic shoulders seemed broader and more
erect than ever and hia quick elastic step
and beaming countenance told that he felt
For the brief period ot five hours that
President Roosevelt , waa - the guest "of
Omaha lr- kepi tra a, "etreaneus'- paeer
Nearly an hour waa spent on the march
from the depot to the Omaha club, where
dinner waa had at 6:20. From the club to
the Coliseum, at Twentieth and Lake
streets, he waa escorted In time to begin
bla apeech at 8:30 and as soon aa hia apeech
waa delivered he was escorted Immediately
to hla private car, where he spent the night.
preparatory to the departure of hla train
for Iowa at 6 o'clock thla morning.
Arrival ot the Train.
It waa 6:12 when the prealdent'a train,
decked tn national colore, pulled Into the
union atatlon over the Union Pacific tracks
from Fremont. It consisted of alx cars, five
of which had done service at the Transmls
alsslppl exposition. Two pilot engines pre
ceded the train, running at Intervals of
five miles. On the first waa W. T. Canada,
chief of the Union Pacific eecret service,
and on the aecond John C. Vlixard, as
sistant chief. In the cab ot the engine that
drew the president's train waa H. C. Ferris,
assistant superintendent of the Union Pa
cific. Every precaution waa taken to Insure
the safety of the distinguished passenger
and bla party. Just before leaving hla car
the president took special occasion to shake
hands with the conductors, brakemen, fire
men and engineer, who had come to his
car, and thank them with hla characterla
tlc cordiality for their services. Tremend
ous crowds jammed the depot and every
avenue leading to It and gave the president
a royal ovation. The crowd filled the union
atatlon, top and bottom, and surged out
Into the train aheda as far aa the ropea
would allow, flanked back upon the viaduct
clear down to the Burlington depot and out
Into the driveway leading from the viaduct
to the north entrance of the depot, where
the carriages awaited the. president and
The, Guard at the Depot.
Chief Donahue and -Captain Moatyn, with
twelve other membera of the police force,
aside from Depot Officer Fleming, were on
the acene and bandied the crowd without
the least disturbance or difficulty. A pas
cage way waa formed from the train on
through the yards and depot to the north
entrance. In the order named from the
train were lined up the Thurston rifles
under Captain C. M. Richards, the Omaha
guards under First Lieutenant William
Dlesslng, the Millard rifles under Captain
O. M. Suea and on the viaduct the High
School cadeta, the South Omaha cavalry
under Captain Bruce McCullocb, a platoon
of police and Abbott'a Musical Union band.
When the train arrived a number of the
prealdent'a party, among whom was Secre
tary Loeb, alighted and began to look out
tor details. The reception party then en
tered the rear car, which waa the one oc
cupied by President Roosevelt, and met the
president near the door, his beaming couu
tenance ahowing the effecta of the outing
In Yellowstone Park and an eagerness to
got out and meet the hordes of enthusiastic
people. The reception party consisted of
the Ak-Sar-Ben governors. Mayor Frank E.
Moores. General C. F. Manderson, Con
gressman G. M. Hitchcock and ex-Congressman
D. H. Mercer. Senators Millard
and Dietrich and Governor Mickey came In
on the president's train.
resident Roosevelt Allshls.
The pandemonium of human voices and
shrieking whistles broke loose when a
atout built man ot medium height, wearing
silk hat and a long gray ulster, with a
thoroughly tanned face, stepped out on the
rear platform of hla private ear. It waa
the president Theodore Roosevelt. The
chief magistrate tipped hla tall hat, bowed
and smiled In evident sincerity of appre
ciation at the tremendous welcome that
came from the sea of facea turned upon
him. Walking briskly from the car to tbe
carriage st the other tide of the depot
surrounded by the receiving party, the
president kept his hat In hand and bowed
first to one side and then the oiher and
smiled In recognition of the continued ap-
Soma ot President's Epigrams.
Illustrious memorlee of a nation's
past are but curses It they serve the
men of the nation at present aa ex
cuses for shirking the problems ot
Shnme to It If It treate the glori
ous deeds of a generation that went
before ar an excuse for Ita own fail
ure to do the peculiar taak It finds
ready at hand.
But more than the law. far more
than the admlnletratlon ot the law,
far more depends upon the Individual
quality of the average oltlien.
. Each of ua at times needa a help
ing band.
No one quality will get ua out ot
any difficulty.
It Ilea upon ourselves to determine
our own fate.
But virtue of a purely cloistered
type, the virtue that site at home In
Its own parlor, doea not count.
plause that greeted him from every man,
woman and child. Aa the president reached
his carriage he found himself the target ot
an array of cameras. Observing tbem,
he smiled and then took a seat with hla
back to the artists, who were compelled
to grab their lnstrumenta and run for an
other setting.
In the Carriages.
Eleven carrlagea were In the parade. The
president occupied the first one, with Sec
retary Loeb, Senator Millard and Thomaa
A. Fry, president of the Kntghta of Ak-Sar-Ben.
The remainder of the carrlagea
were occupied as followa:
Carriage No. 2 Membera of president's
CmrlHge No. 3 Assistant Secretary
Itirnee, Hurgeon General Klxey, Mayor
Moores and H. J. Penfold.
Carriage No. 4 N. P. Webster, J. L. Mc
Grew, Fred Mctx.
Carriage No. 6 Senator Dietrich, Gov
ernor Mickey, General Manderson, Con
greHsmati Hitchcock.
Carriage No. 6 11. A. Coleman, R. H.
Hazard, L. Denlson, R. C Howe.
Carriage No. 7 K. L. Dunn, N. Lasnrnlck.
Oculd Diets. C. H. Robinson.
CarrHge No. 8 George B. Luckey, H.
A. Strohmeyer, L. L. Kountae, C. H. Wll
helm. Carriage No. 9-P. W. Williams. J. P.
Gooch, J. M. Hendrle, Mel L'hl.
Carrlnre No. 10 D. H. Mercer, M. A.
Hall, W. 8. Jardlne.
Carriage No. 11 Membera of the preal
dent'a party.
Alona the Line of March.
It waa just 5:18 when ten mounted police,
officered by Sergeant Hayea, awung out
upon the viaduct and headed north between
avenuea of people that extended In angled
lines clear to the Omaha club, and num
bered 100,000 at leaat calculation.
Twenty-four membera of tbe South
Omaha cavalry troop In full uniform daahed
from the sides of tbe viaduct and took posi
tion In tbe lead. Behind them came Major
O. O. Osborne's battalion, Including tbe
Thurston Rifles, fifty men; the Omaha
OaardvJlCti' u;n,- aad. tha, MllWzdUBlfles
forty men.' 'After these' were the 200 High
School cadets, under Captain L. Higglns,
Abbott's Musical Union band and then,
at' he. aides of and behind the presi
dent's carriage a special equeatrlan escort
ot twenty-five under Colonel Martin Of
South Omaha. Upon tbe aeat with the
driver wae one ot the president a own
aecret service men and about his carriage,
on foot, four othera. The carriage, a superb
affair, was drawn by a apan of the hand
somest blacka In Omaha, with the driver
In dark livery.
But all these were acarcely observed by
tbe crowds. It was Theodore Roosevelt
alone wbom the eyes focused upon. And
It waa Theodore Roosevelt who stood nearly
all that long drive to wave responses to
the old and the young, the fortunate and
the unfortunate, the sturdy and the fair.
who waved and shouted and looked auch
a cordial greeting.
Enthusiasm at Every Tars.
It was a well-deported crowd and a
courteous one, but It waa enthusiastic to
a degree and the ahout of greeting trav
eled along It aa steadily aa a great wave.
Men grown gray with weighty business af
faire bared their heads aa the natlon'a chief
passed them and vied with their children
In shouting his name. Women, Indifferent
to the wind that waa playing havoc with
tbelr bats and gowna, waved dainty hand
kerchiefs, clapped dainty handa and smiled
auch smiles aa commoner men can never
When the carriage turned off Tenth street
onto Howard a aecond-hand dealer raced
madly and hatless to the edge of the curb
and focused a ten-mile field glass on the
passing figure. The president of the United
Statea saw him and grinned. Aa the car
riage waa about to turn off Howard onto
Twelfth hundreds of working girls in tbe
wlndowa of the Byrne-Hammer establish
ment waved tiny flags and swelled the
chorus of cheering. The president of the
United States saw them and waved bla silk
hat ao gayly that all the crowd noticed
It and laughed tn sympathy. On Twelfth,
juat before Harney street was reached,
there waa a bait and the president and
hia companions changed to tha aecond car
riage, one better adapted to observation.
The driver of the first carriage hesitated
a moment In confusion and the president
of the United Statea noticed him and said:
"Drive up!" in a manner most democratic.
President a Keen Obaerver.
From Twelfth to Fifteenth streets the
carrlagea moved up Farnam along which
every door and every window and every
balcony was crowded full of waving, cheer
ing people ot every age and every size and
every rank. The president of the United
Statea aw, or seemed to see, every group
and gave them all a bow or smile or
friendly wave. At Fifteenth and Dodge,
men In blue ealuted from the windows of
the army headquarters. Tbe president of
the United States saw them and aaluted in
return. In font ot a lodging house at Fif
teenth and Capitol avenue, where the car
rlagea turned west again, a blind man stood
In the middle ct the aldewalk, hearing what
he could not aee. Tbe president of tbe
United Statea noticed even him and smiled
a amile of auch vast sympathy that his
secretary turned to ascertain what could
have provoked It. On tbe ateps of the fed
eral building and on ita balcony and In ita
wlndowa were hundreds and bundreda of
people. The president of tbe United States
took In all ot tbem and all of the great
buildings In one swift gaxe, then focused
bis glance on a comely little woman with
three small children who stood at the curb
of the sidewalk, and he bowed to her with
an approving deference that aeemed to at
test amply the depth of the sincerity of
his pita for a full cradle. As Farnam
street was crossed by tbe parade, now mov
ing southward on Sixteenth, there was
mighty chorus from all four corners. The
(Continued on Seoond Page.)
From Grand Island to Omaha Eii Boat
ii an Oration.
Reception Bach ai Delights the Heart of
Our Strenuous Frei dent.
Congratulate! People of State oa Their
Material Well Beta
Grand Island, Hastings, Lincoln, Fre
mont and Omaha All Have Visits
and Many Other Folate
Have atopa.
'resident Is
7:30 am
. S.' am
..11:16 am
.12:1 pm
.. 2:26 m
. . 6:ih) pm
. . 7:16 pm
3:00 am
7:10 am
8: am
11 :&6 am
13:25 pm
4 :00 pm
6:16 pm
f larlnda
Van Wert .
Des Moines ,
Ottumwa ...
(By Staff
on Prealdent'a
President Roosevelt put In a strenuoua
day In hla tour of Nebraska yesterday.
Starting out from Grand Island ha traveled
on four diflerent railroads, stopping at
seven different potnts, speaking to thou
sands upon thousands ot Nebraska's men,
women and children.
So far aa temperature was concerned the
day waa all that could be desired, although
until late In the afternoon Its comfort waa
marred by high winds and heavy dust, fol
lowed by showers In Lincoln, Wahoo ani
Fremont, to be capped with most favorable
weather conditions upon hit arrival In
The president was In the best of spirits
from beginning to end ot the day'a ride,
exhibiting an exuberant Invigoratton, re
sulting from the refreshing recreation be
had had In hU outing In the Yellowstone
park. Hla face shows signs of exposure
to tbe direct rays of tbe aun In tha rarl
fled atmosphere of tbe higher reglona, but
in physique and weight, thoae who know
him aay, he never looked better. In every
look, word and action he exhibited unmeas
ured satisfaction with the magnificent wel
come accorded him by the people of Ne
braska. A welcome which showa that he
occupies a place' closer 'o 'he hearts of
the people tha.i any other president who
has visited the state without exception.
Everywhere from the most lonely water
tank to the most populous city In Ne
braska he waa acclaimed with unbounded
enthusiasm by all classes ot the people.
Speaks of Prosperity.1 x
In bla speeches, which naturally partook
W5TTrToi less of aaMnesa fie dwWt unnw
three or tour essential points bearing upon
good citizenship and national prosperity,
which he wished to emphasize to the public,
mind. What he' said waa suggested by
what he aaw aa .the train lore him over tbe
fertile prairies and promlstng Delis of the
richest agricultural section ot the middle
west. The rows of veterans of the civil
war. In which they had enrolled themaelves
under the flag for tbe union, called forth a
tribute to tbe patriotism that bad pre
vented disunion. The array cf Spanish
American volunteers reminded him of tbe
tact that In tbe "little" war which followed
Nebraska was among the first to offer Its
aona to uphold the prestige of the nation
In the far east. The banks of school chil
dren Inspired htm to new sermons on the
superior value of the cltlxen who con
tributes to the expansion of the country'
population. Hla participation In tbe ground
breaking for two new publlu libraries do
nated by Andrew Carnegie at Orand Island
and Hastings respectively called forth rec
ognition of tbe Influence of the library,
achool and church In the upbuilding of the
moral character of Ihe people, which, In the
president's opinion, counts for more than
material prosperity. And, finally, the gen
eral welcome of the people suggested to him
various lines of good cl.lzenahip the neces
sity of tbe Individual co-operation of all
the people to produce the best results from
the operation ot good lawa and honeat
governmental admlnletratlon.
Mains of Nebraska's Greatness.
The conditions of the farm and field
templed him to congratulation of the farm
era of Nebraska on the advantages tha.
have accrued from the diversification of
thelreropa and especially from the culti
vation of alfalfa aa supplementary to corn
and wheat. The transformation of the
aeml-arld region expected to follow from
the consummation ot Irrigation projects now
In band which were pointed out and the
debt owing to Nebraska's senatora and rep
resentatives in the United States senate
and house of representatives In tbe enact
ment of the Irrigation measure acknowl
edged. The frequent groups of treea juat
budding Into leaf and blossom called forth
several tributes to tbe enduring monutnenta
of Arbor day, commemorating the llfework
of the late J. Sterling Morton. Inter
spersed with the speeches was much con
versational repartee between the president
and bla auditors who occasionally corrected
htm or amplified bis statements and fre
quently showed their approval by crlee of
"Right you are," "That's a fact," and
"Wo'U remember it."
Reception Alona; the Hoato.
The moat striking, of course, waa that
accorded to Omaha, but Lincoln wal not
far behind and the president, in quitting
the state capital look occasion to call out
the heads of the committee In charge, and
the officers of the National guard and Uni
versity batalllon to tender them hla per
sonal thanks for the auccessful arrange
ments prepared for his romlng.
In transportation facilities the president
and hla party were particularly fortunate.
They bad the best of the best railroada In
Nebraska and except for additional stops
Inserted Into the train schedule and one or
two excesses of time limits were prompt
at every point. The president made glad
the hearts of each train crew by receiving
the membera for a cordial handuhake when
he finished tbe trip In tbelr charge. It
waa by no means the least impressive feat
ure of the journey to aee the begrimed
englneera and firemen and Ihe dust cov
ered brakemen emerge from the preal
dent'a tar w reathed In ami lea !o recollec
tion of comforting words aud appreciation
that the president bad given them aa they
had passed through. On each of Ihe roads
the train was taken in charge bf the high
est local officials of tbe rosd by General
Manager Holdregs and Superintendent Ed.
Blgnell for the Burlington General Man
ager Bidvtell, Superintendent Hannah, Geo,-