THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt, MONDAY, APRIL 27. 1903. Mcrf, Umry I. ron c ha. , Mayer and John Bir- Filth dyrtanr-Brnntir Millard, Senator rMetrlrh, t hnnrWnr Andrews and n-Jov- rVnntnr ernrir j.. M. I hayer. Sixth 'arrlime H. A. R. II. Hazard. Llnl y Ipnnlnn and C. II. Oi"rw. Poventh ('amine-R. L. Ixinn, N. I - s-arni-k. A. I Oale and W. O. 1 Taylor. Kit hi h ramase Ueorge V. I.urkey, II. A. trfihmyr and W. G. Robert. Ninlh Carrlaa-e P. A. Williams, J. P. Ooosh, H. '. Lindsay, A. M. Trimble and H. w. Dalva. Preceding tbe carriages will be platoon of mounted polire, mho will dear the streets. Around the president'! carriage at a , ipeclal escort will be theae men mounted: Colonel John M. McClay. . Major R. ti. Orlrtln. Captain A. LtRue Brown. Captain Chsrlea Br-hwarta, Henry V. Hoagland. Lieutenant William M. Gilford. Mart How. Cadet W. T. Stevens. Colonel E. B. Slier will be In charge of the carriage line and Captain P. James Cosgrave will be officer of the day. John Franklin . a adjutant will be assisted by the following aides, mounted: Lieutenant Klwln Culver, Lieutenant V. L. Anderson, Rimer B. Btephonaon. Fred Kenyon, Zeb 8. Branson, L. L. Llndsey, J. C. F. "McKenaon, William Lawlnr, B. C. Fox, Alva E. Ketinard, A. L. Worgelt. T. K. Hayes, W. C. Rohde, Burt W. Rlcharda, William A. nreen. C. B. Beach, W. 11. Clark. P. M.' Moore, Walt L. Dawson, A. U. Allen. V. Ai Graham, Charles J. Roman, F. , W. Tucker John W. Mitchell, C. I Katon, H. C. M. burgee. Samuel 8. Whit ing, Charles 8. Joins, Joe Cameron, W. U CrandaU. From the Burlington station the pro cession will move east on P street to Ninth, then South ' to O, east On O to Fifteenth, south ft- K. west to Fourteenth, south to J, and then to the west doors of the state house. The party will go through the state house to the strand stand, where the presi dent "Will speak for tea minutes. On the platform will be seats for the member! of the party,' press reporters, William 'J.' Bryan and a few members of the reception committee. There will be no Introduction or handshaking. After the t peaking the presidential party and Its escort will start on the return march. The proceaston will ' move west to J street, to Eleventh, thence north to the State uni versity, west' on R Street, north on Tenth to 8 .streat, ;nd then to the Northwestern depot, where the party will again board the train for Fremont and Omaha. - Various companies of the National guard will do duty along the street Intersections along the line of march. Spanish war vet erans' and members of the Grand Army of the Republic! will do special duty at the state house. The band from the university 'and HAgenow's band' will furnish music. All places of business along the line of march will be closed: The president leaves Lincoln at liAO. Fremont la Holiday Garb. FREMONT. Neh.; April 26. (Special Tel egram.) Extensive preparations are being rnada for-the visit of President Roosevelt tomorrow. Pictures of the president are displayed in nearly all the store buildings The telephone, telegraph and electric light poles on Main, Sixth and Fifth streets have been draped with bunting and bunting al ready covers the fronts of many buildings By the time the presidential train arrives In the-aflernoent flags, bunting and large pictures of the president will be every where .along the streets through which be Is to paa,-: Vr'v, Mayor TV oli-amd Lr- D. Richards, chair man of tne,;bmmjttee, will have seats in the carriage "with 'the.' president. The school children, normal students and Grand Army members will be lined up along the streets. As the party 'win. be In the city only forty minutes tie ernagiswUl be driven along the route'irt. 4ast tro4a 1 The speaking will take place7 I-', t ho', ra which has been leaned ai4'ptMft ijne b,ape. Only Mayor Woli araVhalr&n.?.irds of the local eommltti' will 'have. bMb on the stand with the pTttffo&tft&P-jl to" from Wls ner has n obtslued to IlufnUh music for the occaiwwv-Jf iW irwatke-ls good It la xpected-tbit'A lr(4:oVLwIU be present. OMAHArTdiREiTf PRESIDENT Arrangements Are Complete for Drive, tilnaer and Bl Pmbllo ' ' ' ' Meeilag, ' Today Omaha realizes the fruition of Its long-Jolt hope of . greeting President Roosevelt. His coming at 6:05 this after noon will satlafy the hope born a year ago and which lapsed Into keen disappointment when last fall the president was unable to attend the carnival, of -King Ak-Sar-Ben. He will not see, the olty Illuminated Jn such spectacular brilliance as it was then under the electrical-display, but he will ' find the same warm-hearted welcome by a people eagerly awaiting his advent. The portals of the city are now ajar and they 'will be swung back wide when the presi dent's train approaches. He will be met and by a. delegation of Omaha's and Ne braska's representative" cltitens and pre sented by the mayor with the keys to the city. . .'.- . ' ' . Promptly at 6:06 the presidential train Is scheduled to arrive on the Union Paclflo at the Union station from Fremont. The above program will be carried out and the receiving party, as published, will be there to greet the distinguished guest. This party will be composed of Mayor .Moores, Governor Mickey, Senators Millard and Dietrich. General Manderson, Congressman ' Hitchcock, ex-Congressman Mercer and the Ak-6r-Ben governors. Many other repre sentative eltliens will be at the depot and occupy -carriages In the proeesslon back through the business streets and to the Omaha club, where the president will dine These carriages, which will follow the military escort and precede the high school cadets, and ba flanked by twenty-five picked horsemen, will be occupied as fol lows: Carriage No. 1 The president. Secretary iofo. eeuaior raiuara. inoiuil A. fry, CarrUtce No. 2 President's party. Carrlaxe No. S Assistant Secretary Surceon General Hi ley. Mayor Moorrs. H. J. Tenfold. Car lag. No. 4 N. P. Webster. J. L. Mo- .urew. jonn tsurrouans. Krea Mets. Carrlase No. b Senator Dietrich. Oov- ernor i Mickey. Oeneral Manderson, G. M (H'H'hcock. . '. . Carriage No. 8 H. A. Colman. R. H. Has- kr.l t T ; i' I m.,n J) n 1 1 - Carriage No. 1 R. L. Dunn. N. Lazarnick, uouiq uiyii. u. it. Koninson. Cmrie No, Jt accrue B. Lurkev. H. A Strohiiicyer, L L. Kountie, C. H. Wll elm. 0frtae No. 9 P. W. Williams. J. P. uooi n M. a. naii. j. m. Hendrle. Carriage No. 10 D. H. Mercer. W. 8, Jsdlne. Mel I'bl. Carrlase. No. il President's party. ' Crowds Mart Be Orderly. The line of march will be followed as printed above. -Owing to the' Immense No Dessert More Attractive Why use gelatine and speud hour aoakiiu, j vweeUuiug, (Uvuruig , and ooloxiug when produces better reaulta in, two minutes? Everything in the package. Simply add hot water and set to onol. It's perfection. A sur prise to the housewife. Ko trouble, loss ex ue Try t to-day. Ir Four Fruit Fla vors: Leiuoa. .Orange, Kua berry, aap kerr. At gnwera. lOe. number of people that naturally will (ether to see the president. Chief Donahue, who will ride at the head of a platoon of poltee In the front ranks, repeats his suggestion that people refrain from crowding as much as possible, both for reasons of safety and convenience. The" chief Insists that people line up on the sides of the streets along which the president Is to pass without packing, and that by so doing all will have ample opportunity to see the chief magis trate. Every effort will be made by the police to prevent crowding on the Tenth street rladuct, down which the president's procession will pass from' the Union station. Weather Forecaster Welsh makes the pleasing prediction that the day will be propitious, so far as climatic conditions are concerned; that while there may be a little wind and some clouds, no severe weather Is anticipated. Mayor Moores' official request that the city be appropriately decorated In honor of the president meets cordial response and there will be no dearth of the American colors. The Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben faavo had charge of the decoration of their den. and that la assurance enough that the work will be well done. ' Doors Oaea at 7i80 O'clock, The prealdent will go from the Omaha club, where he dines at (.SO, directly to the Coliseum, at Twentieth '. and Lake streets, and begin bis address at t:30. The doors will be opened at 7:30 and a band will furnish music until the arrival of the president and his party. Arrangements have been made for the Knights of Ak-Bar-Ben, the old soldiers and others holding reserved seat tickets to enter the Coliseum at the large private entrance on Twentieth street. Those wish ing gallery seats will enter at the-main entrance on Twentieth street and general admission to the main floor will be by the same entrance. As President Roosevelt Is an honorary member of the Union' Veterans' union, this guard of honor from that union has been selected tor the occasion, and those com posing the guard are requested -to meet promptly at the large entrance at the Coli seum at I o'clock, where they will be sup plied with tickets for admission: Major General D. M. Haverly. division commander: Brigadier General John H. Berger, brigade commander; Colonel J. F. Hopper, assistant adjutant general; Colonel W. 8. Bhoemaker. assistant Judge advocate general; Colonel W. B. Aiulth, First regi ment; Colonel - Bamuel K. -Moore, Second regiment; Lieutenant Colonel Hugh Hun ter, Second regiment; John H. Butler, J. B. Driesbaoh. Charles J. Green, . Fred J. Etter and Maynard. Mayberry. . THEY AWAIT THE PRESIDENT Good Roaderi la - Coaveatloa . at Bt. Loals Expect Him Before Adjoirimeal, ST. LOUIS, April 26. The National and International Good Roads convention will oonvene here tomorrow morning for a ses sion of three days. This meting probably will be the most important since the ad vent of the organization, whose purpose Is the betterment of the highways of the country. Large delegationa from nearly , all the states are expected to be present., Presl dent W. H. Moore will preside at the open ing of the convention and addresses of wel come will be delivered by Mayor Wells and Governor Dockery. , Many prominent 'men will make addresses during the convention, among them being. President Roosevelt, General Miles, General 'Fltshugh Lee, Hon, Andrew Pattullo, member of the Canadian Parliament; - William J. - Bryan. United State Senator John W. Daniel ef Virginia Hon. Winston Churchill,, Hon. Carter H. Harrison and others. - -. . , .- .- Two aeaslon will he held dally at 10, a. at. and I p..m. ,and Wadaeada afternoon at 4:30 O'clock President Roosevelt win con elude the. convention, with an" address,, ROOSEVELT . .FAMILY HELPS AH Members Contribute to' fair Held to Ratae Pai4,(ot Sew, . NEW YORK, April IB. The Roosevelt family from the president . down has pre sented gifts to the fair given to raise funds for the newly formed parish of St. Michaels. The president sent bis photograph In a gilt frame, with autograph attached.. Mrs. Roosevelt sent a desk soreen of four panels, each panel consisting of a portrait worked In silks of various colors. ,. The portraits are those of the queen of England, the em press of Oermapy, ' the queen of Holland and Mrs. Roosevelt. Miss 'Alice Roose velt sent a set of cut-glass talve Jars, with silver tops, and two Porto Rlcan hats which have been converted Into- work bas kets by Miss Roosevelt's own hands. The gifts will be raffled for- COLUMBUS FIRE COSTS LIFE Daaiel Lewis Killed by ralliaar Wall While Three Buildings Are Being- Destroyed. COLUMBUS, O.. April 2. Fire early to day destroyed the Branson ' and Union Clothing company buildings at High and Long streets and several smaller structures and damaged the Nicholas block, entailing loss of $600,000. Daniel Lewis, captain of engine company No. 11, was caught un der a falling wall and instantly killed. His body was cremated In the ruins. A feature of the fire waa the rescue of Phillip 8. Nation, a lodger, from a room on ths fourth floor of. the . Branson building. The water tower was placing a stream Into the flaming front or, the building when a man In underclothes appeared at a window op the fourth floor, raised the sash and waved his hand. The firemen quickly raised an extension ladder Several time the man ran back Into the room and re turned with an arm, full of clothes which he threw to the street. Just as the top of the ladder touched the window sill he re appeared wearing a derby hat and before the firemen could reach him he decended the ladder. ' '" " MANY BOYS JAIL . GUESTS Sia Yonthfal Prisoaera Are Vnder Uiek aad Key for Minor Offeaaea.''1 The Jail contains, an unusual number of youthful prisoners. . James Walsh, Harry Green and John Fay, runaways from Chi cago, were locked up in the evening. Wil liam Henry, living at Twenty-third and Mason, Is held as an Incorrigible, and Louis Helmroll of 812 South, Eighteenth street and Edward Da Lore of 10U South Eighteenth street were taken In charge for petit larceny. Soelal'sie la Mass Meeting. Washington hall was well filled last night with the Omaha socialists, who had gathered there to expreaa their disapproval of the arrests et members et their party last week for speaking pa' the streets William Mallly, national secretary of the party, opened proceedings. He said that the recent arrests had a deep significance because American . cltlsens were being de prlved of tbelr rights ef free speech. He Introduced William H. Moore, social la t candidate for mayor, who spoke briefly, say ing that it elected he would work only tor the laboring man. J. Edward Morgan, state secretary; Bernard McCaffrey, W. E. Clark and others apoke. A collection was takes p t-defray the expense's -getting out a campaign paper next week. ST. LOUIS IN GALA GARB Wcrld'i Fair City Prepare! for Monster Holiday and Dedication of Grounds. WARSHIP ASCENDS MISSISSIPPI RIVER Moaltor Arkaaaas Reaches Moorlaca aad Attracts Tboeeaada Aamloas ta Welcome First Bt Naval Visitor ta Mlaeoarl. ST. LOUIS, April 2(. St. Louie Is begin ning to assume gala attire for the festivi ties of the oemlnf week which will open with the National and International Good Roads convention and close with the dedi cation of the Louisiana Purchase exposi tion, both events being attended by the president and numbers of prominent men The ceremonies will be attended by men of national and International reputation. and visiting spectators whose numbera are conservatively estimated at 150,000. Ad ding to these (00,000 St. Louisiana, who are expected to be present, it Is estimated that Dedication day will find 450,000 persons within the world's fair gates. The real beginning of dedication week was Inaugurated this afternoon when the United States Monitor. Arkansas, which has been plowing against the Mississippi cur rent for many days, on Its way north from the gulf, arrived In Bt. Louis harbor at the foot of Olfve street. Thousands of people gathered along the leveo and along Eadea bridge to welcome, the ship. A delegation of prominent cltlsens wel comed Arkansas twelve miles below Jef ferson Barracks, and boarding, accompanied It. to Its mooring, in the harbor. After it had taken Its. place everything was made shipshape for' the balance of the day and tomorrow morning Commander Vreeland will land and call on. Mayor Wells, who later will return the call on Arkansas and formally, tender the 'welcome of. the cUy. Colorado -Gaards Leave for St. Loala. DENVER. April 26. Adjutant General Sherman M. Bell of "the Colonial guards headed a party' of Colorado guardsmen which left over the Union Pacific tonight for St. Louis to' participate In the dedicatory exercises In connection with the Louisiana Purchase exposition. General Bell ' and Colonel James Brown will serve on the staff of Grand Master Corbln. Mllea aad gchley Eareate. CINCINNATI, April 26. A party; consist ing of Oeneral Nelson A. Miles Admiral Wlnfleld Scott Schley, Senator Jonet of Nevada and J. K. Cowan of the Baltimore ft Ohio railway, passed through here today over the Baltimore' ft Ohio Southwestern railway for the dedicatory exercises at St. Louis this week. ILLINOIS MAY STAY AT HOME Lecialatora Fear to Visit Miaaoarl Till Bribery Charges Are Sifted. SPRINGFIELD, III., April 2. It la sug gested that the bribery sensation and the revolt in the house of the Illinois leglsla ture will have the effect of interfering with the proposed visit of the members of the legislature to the dedication of the Louis! ana Purchase exposition at Etl Louis. Speaker Miller said this evening he would like to go down to St, Louis on Friday, hut If the legislature decided , to remain . In Springfield he. was ready to stay here . and wi)rk., ' About .100 members., have , already made arrangements, to go, but may changa their; plana. .'Z ' ..J" V,. ; "I shall oppose the proposed vlelt to the Bt. "LouU eTcp6slHop,"''s4iav M.M herrtfan this -evening, 'unless''' the' atmosphere' Ms oleareQ of these charger of bribery made br Spaaker Miller.' "we can -go to the exposition with clean skirts; all well' and good; but I do not fancy the 'notion of Illinois sending a- mud-bespattered 'assent bly to St. Louis as 'a counter Sldeehow at traction to the alum-bill legislature vt Mis souri. , . . . r .-. "Grave charges affecting the good name of every member of the general assembly of. Illinois have been made public, and by the speaker of' the house. While these charges are pending and are under lnvestl gatlon, our business Is right here In Spring field. According to my Ideas of propriety. It would be indecorous for us to leave here on a junketing Journey while - the people of the state and the entire country are undecided aa to whether the majority of us are not a lot of scoundrels and seal awags." DOMINICAN REBELS VICTORS President la Completely Vaaaalahed aad Provisional Government Formed. BAN DOMINGO, April 22. (Delayed In Transmission.) The government forces at Barahona, San Pedro Mahorls and Setb have joined the revolutionists and In the northern part of the Island the overthrow of President Vasquea Is complete. A provisional government ha ' been formed. SAN DOMINGO, April 21. (Delayed In Transmission.) The government garrisons at Asua de Compostuela Bonl and San Cristobal have Joined the revolutionary movement and the garrison at Barahona Is expected to follow - their example. The revolutionary gunboat Independence has proceeded to San Pedro de Macorls to re claim that port. It Is rumored here that President Vas- ques and his followers are In the northern part of the Island, but communication has been interrupted. In San Domingo City the misery is great some 200 families having been rendered homeless through the burning of the sub urbs of San Carlos. The wounded men In the hospitals here are suffering from the lack of proper food and medical attendance, The departure yesterday of the United States cruiser Atlanta Is much regretted because of the assistance Its hospital staff rendered the wounded. . The city Is growing more quiet and business is reviving. 8AN DOMINGO, Aorll 19. (Delayed In Transmission.) As a result of the fighting between government forces and the revo lutionists, which occurred here yesterday the government has abandoned Ban Carlos and Gulblba, and the houses are now oc cupled by the rebels, who became pos sessed of the ammunition, rifles and cannon left by the government forces. The .where bouts of President Vssques and his tol lowers Is not known, but It Is believed they have gone to San Pedro de Macoris. The fighting . yesterday has entirely changed the situation here and It Is hoped order will soon be restored. The hospitals are filled with wounded- The losses sus tained by the government were heavy. CAPE HAYT1EN, Haytt. Thursday. April 23. (Delayed in Transmission.) The Ger man cruiser Vlneta. which railed at Port Au Prlure, brings details of the fighting at 8a a Domingo on April 18. Prealdent Vaaques and bis forces attacked the city vigorously at 8 In the morning. , After se vere fighting, which lasted for one hour, the government forces succeeded In gaining an entrauce to the city. They were quickly driven out, however, leaving behind many dead or wounded. The death of Caslmetro Corderio, minister of the interior, la con firmed. After being driven from the city the government troopa were seised with panic and at 10 Prealdsat Vasques had about him not mora than'nfty faithful followers. Ha was forced to flee, abandoning his arma and supplies. The disaster to the govern ment troops was complete and the success of ihe revolutionists overwhelming. When Vlneta left San Domingo on the 20th quiet had been restored in the city. Provisions were scarce and dear. The foreign consuls at Monte Crlstl have asked for the presence of warships. Monte Crist! Is sui rounded by the rebels and the lack of provisions Is beginning to be felt. Water Is sold there at 40 .cents per five gallons. The plan -of the revolutionists would seem to be to starve out Monte Crlstl and force It to surrender. The rebels around Monte Crlstl are commanded by General Canavarro. AMERICANS KNOW NO ART French Leetarer Says tails! States Appreciates, ' feat ' Does Net Vaderstaad.' (Coprlght, 1903, by Freae Publishing Co.) PARIS, April . (New York World Cablegram, Special Telegram.) "I sang of dreams and found that the giants of Wall street could ecstasy upon the Ir rldescent lines .of a soap bubble," Count Robert De Montesquion fetealal tells the Paris newspapers on hip return from New York. "My Impreesloae of America," he con tinues, "are both strong and agreeable. Those business men - aver there have a great appreciation of -the beautiful, only they do not alwaye know what It Is. They understand and admire the delicacy of po etic thought, of dreams and the pursuit of the Ideal. - ,. . . - "My lectures were crowded with the flower of American society, art and letters, at $5 a heady and I was charmed by the silence with which ; they - listened to me, breaking Into discreet applause only at ap propriate moments. I feared that a people whose whole life spelt money would not understand me, and was agreeably sur prised to find that I was mistaken.. "I waa appalled by the perseverance and enterprise of the American Journalist. Pro testations on my part, were wasted on the desert air. I have brought back with me a collection of 250. portrait and caricatures of myself, culled from the pagee of the American newspapers. On the whole, how ever, I was delighted, enchanted, and what did It matter If I 'did not wear a hortensia In my buttonhole aa some facetious re porters said I did? "Whoever says It Is easy to go to the United States and talk poetry have no Idea of what It ta like, or how ardent a battle must be waged fn the cause of the beauti ful by him who would come out victorious. I have succeeded. It is true, but my an guish has been great.' 1 ' "Unlike others who have gone to America to address a public already prepared to re ceive them, educated up to the subjects upon which they were to held forth, I went In search of a public which perhaps did not exist at all. 'Think what It meant to storm that land of business with poetry and dream alone as weapons. It was madness, but it had been my desire for years." The count taye he will go to America again soon. CUBAN DRUG STORES CLOSE Refnae to Sell "Medicines Till New Stamp ' Tax ', . la Re- ' .,... mowed, . HAVANA.' AdHI1 56 Protests are belne- made throughout3 the 'Island against the taxee imposed' ''by 'he newly' created pro vincial government. , TWi3m''ator's'6r Havana and its' Sub urbs, almost wUOONt axceetion were ..closed today , in protest, gainst, the sUqop tax of 8 cents on every package or patent medi cine sold. The druggist, following the ex amnio . of the 'theater, manaaers. - havs sought to have this Us rescinded, but the provincial council hate refused their re quest. Today It was almost Impossible to proeore medicines In Havana, except at the free municipal dispensaries of which there Is one in every -ward. Manv of the drusr gists declare tbey are ready to remain closed until General Nuner, civil governor of Havana, or President Palma vetoes the tax.-. General Nunc says he approve these - taxes, ' which ! have been imposed where they were least burdensome, namely, upon amusements, gambling and the sale of patent medicines. A big - demonstration was held In the plata at Matanias this evening to protest against the Imposition of ths taxes In Ma tenia province. Here the taxes are on certain arttclea of necessity and they are declared to be contrary to the purpose of the new provincial law. Some radical op position newspaper -are advocating the abolishment of the provincial governments. KRONSTADT - RIOT IS FIERCE Lata Reports Show, that It Was Par. - tieipated ta fey Twelve Tkossaal lafarldted Persons. BERLIN, April 2. The Lokal Anieiger has published detail of the recent disor ders at Kronstadt, Russia, which began In a brawl between troops and marines and during which, it la said, some officers were killed. The paper says the trouble developed into a regular riot In which 12.000 persons took part. The rioters tore up paving stones and wrecked houses. An attempt to quell the disorder with the fire brigade failed. the fire apparatus being destroyed by the Infuriated mob. Several police officers were wounded. Finally, Admiral Lavroff, In com mand of the fortress at Kronstadt, arrived on the scene with a party of armed men who fired blank volleys at the rioters and restored order. . COUNTERFEITERS- ARE TAKEN Wave Had Amerlcaa Coaaeetloas. BERLIN, April 2.-rSeven counterfeiters have been arrested In a body at Posen. The men counterfeited various coins and coupons of government. Including those of the United States. They are said to have had American connections. Direct inquiry to the court at Posen for Information and . details concerning this American connection brought the reply that the court could not 4 answer the query for aeveral days, pending examination ot tne prisoners. . t PARIS ABANDONING 'BUSSES Aaaaal Resort of Company Shows Great Decrease la Bnsl. neas. (Copyright. 1908, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, April 28. (New York World Ca blecram Special Telegram.) The annual report ot the Paris General Omnibus com pany shows the effect of the Paris Metro politan Underground road on other method of locomotion. The receipts In 1908 were about 2200.0O0 less than laat year and 81.400.000 less than in 1809. The number of passengers decreased 18,000,000. Fifty em nlbus and tramway lines ars being run at a loas. t eatenartaa Wesnaa Dies. RPRINfiriKr.n O.. April 38. Bets Clark died of old age this evening. In her l'ttn year, ana we a u-. vi I0RM0N APPEALS TO RAISER Mittionary Beqneits German Emperor to Tolerate lis ra th. DECLARES THAT TEACHINGS ARt MORAL Salata Kseeeted America ta later-veae, bat If Ail Efforts rail Will Leave (taletly la Aeeordaaea with Orders. BERLIN, April 28. Hugh J. Cannon. Mor mon missionary. Intends to appeal to Em peror William lor permission for the Mor mons to remain In Germany, hoping that hi majesty's policy ot religious tolerance may Include the Mormon. In hi petition Mr. Cannon sets forth the morality of Mormon doctrines and refers to the Inability of his adversaries to cite any (sample in which the Mormon teach ings have been eubverslve of the law of the elate or orderly cltlsenshlp. He de clare also that by the command of the supreme head of the church, polygamy Is not taught. Mr. Cannon last Wednesday sent to the emperor and the empress copies of the Book of Mormon In German. It no aid la extended to the Mormon mission aries by Emperor William, and If the order of expulsion are enforced, all the mtssionariea will leave quietly. Mr. Cannon expects the United States to Intervene in case where mtssionariea have been maltreated, aa for Instance the affair at Olsenbruek, Prussia, last January, when two missionaries were dragged through the streets of the town and Imprisoned for three days. They were deported to Han over, where they were again placed In Jail and later sent on to Hamburg. Affidavit of these occurrence have been forwarded to Senator Kearns and Smoot, who. It Is stated here, have asked Secretary Hay to demand an apology from Germany in this matter on the ground that American clt lsens were treated brutally. Among the convert to M monism mad in Germany are several policemen who were sent to observe the missionary meetings. ROADS MAY IGNORE" RULING Report la that Certala Railroads Will Dlsrea-ard Commission's Esprea sloa on Grata Rates. . CHICAGO, April 26. New York-Chicago lines will Ignore the ruling of the Inter state Commeice commission that the ;e cent advance In the rate on grain and grain products Is not Justified. Their position is that the commission ha nothing to do with the rates. An eastern traffic manager I quoted a follows: "The function of the commission Is to decide whether a rate Is discriminative and whether lower rates are given to some shippers than to others. Even In such cases the commission has to bring suit In the courts to enforce its ruling, if the road refuses to obey. "Heretofore the railroad have been changing rate twice a year, the rate dur ing the cummer, when lake competition ha to be met, being lower than the rates dur ing the winter months, when navigation is eloeed. This year no reduction ha been mad at the opening of navigation. The explanation for the refusal to lower rate this season is that the railroad have not care enough to handle all the business. This, however. Is not borne out by the facts. While the advance In grain rates during the laat year, according to the tar iff, ie not great, yet It la a fact that the railroads are now getting fully 60 per cent more, revenue out of the business than they did before, the court issued he injunction against rate cutting. The tariff rates prior to the issuance were a follow: of Injunction on grain Domestic (cents), per 100 lbs, New N-ew V tOA Export ' (cents), per 100 lb. Chicago to "to" York ... 13H Mississippi i or a 18 Export The present ratea are: Domestlo (cents). (cents). rer 100 lb, oer 100 lbs Chicago . to New xom zu Mississippi to New 1C 1 xorsi S3 Formerly tariffs Were made from 25 to 30 per cent higher than the railroads ex pected to get. This provided a sufficient margin to allow the cutting ot the rates and the paying of rebates. Notwltbstand ing these facts and the unanswerable con elusions reached by the commission, tho official of the eastbound roads, while they admit that they get from 26 to 60 per cent more revenue than formerly; Insist that the cost of operation hse Increased from 60 te 100 per cent, and for this reason the recent advance' In rates was made. The position taken by the Interstate Commerce commission ia Inconsistent and will not be upheld by the courts. In It ruling It says the advance In the rates on Iron, steel, packing house product and dressed beet is not unreasonable, although the rates on these articles were advanced from 26 to 60 per oent, while the advance In grain ratea doe not amount to over 10 per cent. It Is probable," said this official. "that at our meeting her next Wednesday a reduction will be made In the eastbound rates on flour, but this will not be on ac count of the decision of ths commission, but because ot existing traffic conditions." Boathera Paeide Represented. AUSTIN. Tex.. April 28. Attorneys for the Southern Pacific system In Texas will arrive here tomorrow to represent the rail road Interests bejore the Texae railroad commission In Its hearing looking to an extension of the San Antonio aV Aransas Pass railroad with a view of forfeiting Its charter on the charge of an Irregular Issuance of bonds. LUMBER PRICES MAY GROW laereaaea la the Wanes of Crew ea Lake Transportation Given aa Casit. CHICAGO, April 28. There Is every pros pect that lumber wll) be more coatly In the upper Mississippi and Ohio valleys than It was lsst year because of the Increases in the wages of the crews In lake trans portation service and the higher price of fuel. An Increase from $2.76 to $3 a thou sand on lumber from Lake Superior and Lake Michigan ports to Chicago and Lake Erie port Is favored by leading members of tho Lumber Carriers' association, which controls 260 members In the lumber trades. May ( the executive board will meet In Detroit and the higher rale probably will be authorized then. If rates do not go up. It Is said that many ships will be put out of commission because the advance in wagea alone clip off the profit that would have been made by trans porting the timber at the ratea charged last summer. TIN PLATE WORKERS ' MEET Aaaaal Convention af Their late tioaal Associativa Opens at Anderson, lad. ANDERSON. Ind.. April 28. The annual convention of the Tin Plat Workers' In ternational Protective Assoclstloa of Amer ica wtll open in this city during the com ing week and will continue la session tea dsys. Officers aqd delegates are arriving In large Bum hers. The headquarter of the tin workers' association are now located at Wheeling, W, V., and there is not likely te be a change made. ' The officer will go Into session tomorrow a a council and wage committee. The most Important hue Ineea of the convention will be the adoption of a wage scale for 1902 and 1901. The prerent wage echedule wilt expire on July 16 aad by that time the new wage echedale will have been presented to the manufac turers, the largest concern being the American Tin Plate company, with about 276 mills. Among them the Tin Plate Workers' association controls 15 per eeat of the total number and control all of the 126 Independent mills now it opera tion. MILLIONAIRE'S BODY FOUND l.aeky Boatmaa Get rive Thoaaaad Dollar for leading- Carp at Mlsslas) New Yorher. NEW YORK. April 28. The body of Adolph E. Openhym, the wealthy merchant, who Js believed to have Jumped Into the Harlem from High bridge on March SO, waa found within a short dlatanoe ef the bridge today by a boatmaa, who will receive a reward of 15,000. Ever since Mr. Openhym' disappearance a constant search of the water of the Har lem has been kept up. A steam launch chartered by the missing man's family pa trolled the liter night and day, and aeere of boatmen.1 stimulated by the tffer of $5,000 Tor the reeevery ot the body, swept the rivet1 bed with grappling Iron. The body earn to the surface today alongside the boat ot John Meehaa, who had been prominent among the aearcbere from the first. On It were found all the Jewelry Mr. Opeahym. wore when he left home. - Mr. Openhym was reputed te be a millionaire, and. was for many year prom inent la the, silk business. THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY'S DAY "few York Eaterialas Dolearatea to ' Aaaaal Coaveatloa, Which Eleeta Committee Mcmhera. NEW YORX, April 28. The Tbecaophlcal society In America held It annual conven tion today for the purpose ef electing 6er tain officer for the ensuing year. Dr. A. P. Buckman of Fort Wayne, Ind., chairman of the convention, presided at the meeting, which waa attended by twenty-eight dele gates from the theoeOphlcal societies In all parts of the United States. The follow ing membere of the executive committee were elected: 1 Mr. V. John. New York: Charles B. V. Johnson! New York; Mrs. K. D. Moffatt, Dr. A. P. Buckman, Fort Wayne, Ind.; W. Dewey, San Pedro, Cel.; W. D. Butler, Indianapolis; J. Sswell, Louisville, Ky.; Dr. P. H. Hyatt, New York (secre tary); H. B. Mitchell, Hew York (treas urer). WHIP NEGRO AND WOMEN Indiana Whtteeaps Us Barbed Wire for Switch at Blooming- -toa, Illlaol. BLOOMINGTON. lad., April 28. Thirty eight unmasked mea broke Jato a house In east Ninth street early today and switched Mlese Rebecca and Ida Stephen, 18 and 18 year old, and also whipped Joe Sblvely, colored, 60 years old. The Stephen girl lived with their mother In the earn housn in which Shlvely had a room. The negro was whipped with a barbed wire aad waa atruck in the eye with bras "knuck. Rehccca was whipped with barbed wire and Ida 'wtn 'apple 'swttfche. ttit jmrr it daegsTbualy Injured. MTiy of the white cap were recognised aad warrants will be sworn eut for their arrest. SEEKS NEW POSTAL LAWYER Payne Talk with Knox Ahoat Tern, porary . Legal Head far . . ... ., . Department. WASHINGTON, April 28. Postmaster General Payne had a talk with Attorney Oeneral Knox today about a suitable man to put In charge of the legal division of the Postofflce department. Aa General Tyner, the assistant attorney general, haa been removed, and Mr. Chrlstlancy, the officer temporarily In charge, is to remain away pending the Investigation, It become Imperative to provide another man In the place, at least temporarily. The queetion of the selection ot someone to succeed General Tyner permanently will be taken up by Postmaster General Payne soon. INDIANS' LAND SUIT DELAYED Halaer Festpeaea the Rearing la ha Kaw Tribe's Case la May S3. GUTHRIE, Okla., April 28. Assoelate Justice Hatner ba postponed to May 23 the hearing of the case wherein members ot the Kaw Indian tribe seek t prevent the allotment of the lands In their reserva tion. The case will he heard at Newklrk, Okla. Naval Mea Attead Servlee. " VILLEFR.ANCHE, April 28. Fether Bt. Patrick, an English priest celebrated mass on board the United States cruiser Albsny this morning. Alt the Catbolle officers aad men of the squadron attended the service. The auxiliary ..cruiser Buffalo will leave here tomorrow homeward bound with time expired men on board. RELIANCE AGAIN SHOWS WELL Cap Defender Ha t Saaday Afteraooa . Spin with Satisfactory Resales. BRISTOL. R. I.. April 28 The eup de fender Reliance was taken out for another spin lasting two hours this afternoon and on the whole proved, aa It did yesterday, a stiff and powerful craft. It was very fast in beating and reaching. Under email aall It left Its anchorage shortly after 2 o'clock and beat down to the lower bay In a light aouthWeat wind. When It came abeam of Musselbed light It caught a slant of wind and reached over to Prudence island, making long and short lege almost down tj Gould Island. Then it wan brought about and started on a reach back to Bristol, setting Us balloon J'b top said for the first tlm and entering Bristol harbor by Papposeaqua channel, a coins not usually followed by the KerrsshorT boata. they having used the east rhannel. Designer Herrcshoft was at the wheel on the trip. The breese throughout the afternoon was about aeven knots and the water was smooth. The balloon jib topsail set flreiy. The other sails did not seem to set quite as well as yesterday, which might have been due to the fart that the wind waa not ao strong. Reliance waa stirrer than yeaterday, standing almost uprisht. The craw wore their blue suits and watch caps, the latter carnation and black (the Isell colors), for the first time. New Challenger Reaehes Clyde. LONDON. April 2.-Shamrock III haa ar rived at the Clyde. New York Meat Cast More. , NEW YORK. April teMsat has bean advanced In price owing to increases in quotation from the west The advance was made in the wholesale and retail trade and la about 1 cent a pound In the former and 2 cents a pound in the latter above the price of two weeks ago. TO ri'RB A COLD IS OBE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. This signature jm . ea very has. LINCll NEGRO, BURN TENTS Angrj Illinois Farmers Arsng Aisanlt of. Infant Whits Girl BLACKS FIRE OFTEN ON INVADING MOB Shot Ara Reiaraed aad Colored Mea Cat aad Raa, Leaving Caavas Residences for Crowd ta Destroy, THEBCfJ. III.. Anrll 2Aa - unknown astro, aged about 17, was lynohed by a afternoon for attempting to assault the 10- year-oia aaognter of Brandon Davis. The lynching was followed by a general on slaught on a colony of negroes living In tents, engaged la bridge ecnstructlon. Thr tente were burned and many negroes were shot, hut so tar as kaewn none were Vijled. nunareas oi shots were exchanged, do white were hurt. Brandon Davis Uvea ui mlla ant nf Banta Fe, a email village. While hie 10- year-oia Daughter was ia the barnyard to day the rjro aeceated hse. Bha ran titit he seised heri aad her screams brought her motner to the rescue, when the negro fled. Officers were notified and were soon In pursuit. New of the assault speedily spread among the neighboring farmers and resulted In an angry mob ttartlng In search of ihe assailant. The negro was meanwhile captured by officers and being brought to Santa Fe when the mob was met. A scrimmage fol lowed, during whlm the farmers seeurej the negro. He confessed to the crime, but begged for mercy. Without a word the mob started toward the new bridge being constructed across the Mississippi, where he was hanged to an eak tree, without eeremoay or delay. After the Jdy had dangled In the air a few momenta It was riddled with bullets. The officers endeav ored te disperse the mob, but their efforts were unavailing. A rush was made for a felony of sev eral' hundred negroes employed on bridge construction, living in tents near the bridge. The negroes saw the mob coming and opened Are. The whites hraii with effect and many of the negroes were shot ihOty sown, none or tne mob being injured The mob pressed forward under steady are untll the negroes turned and fled toward a aearhy wood, taking their wounded with them. The mob then fell upon the tente and burned them. After ac complishing a general work of destruction the angry population dispersed. Extra po lice were ewom In and tonight the village Is under heavy guard. Excitement is Intense.' Santa Fe Is a village in the extreme southwestern por tion of Illinois, near the Chicago sV Eastern Illinois railroad. DEATH RECORD. Thomas C. Browa. ' CRIIGHTON, Neb., April 28. (Special.) Thomas C. Brown, one of the earliest settlers of Knox county, an old and re spected eltlsett, died suddenly at 8:20 a. m. teday. Death la attributed to rhematlsm ot the heart. Deceased was 65 years old and leavea a large family. Catarrh April I. lid . nteslvH the tee bottles of Bikar-HS Curs and havs eaaa It for catarrh with sueeaai. 1 am nearly out at awlMaa sow and wen Id Haa to try It farther. Tfeare ara a fro stany rasas that cams unasr my car. an4 tt It still provas ao4 will as K extanslTaW. J. J. COURTNEY. M. D.. BirAt Trae, Mo. TWCLVS Ht'NDRItn mar taatlmoiilala Ilk th sbav. tecathar with fall eMail et aaaltlv soraa, can ba had at Baaioa Drug Ca. Thsa 1.100 taatlmoBlalB. tf orlntad In this aewwpapar, would Sll eight mil paaa. Thar show mora genuln snf voluntarr avideaoM af anraa of chronic caaas of CATAKRH. CON Sl'MfTION. ASTHMA and BnONCHITlg tha all othar aa-aallad "ura" eaa shew la the antlra history of tblr bostaasa. FOX. SALS AT ' BEATON DRUG CO., 18th and Farnam. TRIAL BOTTLES free try naall, postpaid, hy dresslag tha Ether Drag Ca William St-, Haw York City. low AMUSKMKJITS. Reserved Seat Tickets for the May Musical Festival May 7, 8, 9 and 15. Six Performances $3.50 Eh 7,8, 9-Two Matinees Cbtcajto Symphony Orchestra and Chicago's Leading- Quartette). May retival unoir cnorns or 150 voice. T. J. Kelly, Director. UtY 15 Ont Performance Full N. T. Metropolitan Orchestra. T. 8. Dues, Director. Lillian Nordlca and Edouard DeResxke, Kololsta. TICKIiTS AT H. J. Penfold Co., 1408 Farnam. BOYD'S sls'uf.,' Shows of Season LAST TIME TONIGHT. Fred Raymond's Rural Comedy, "THE MISSOURI GIRL" Prices Sc. K TV- TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY NIGHTS. atcWao MANSFIELD IN JULIUS CAESAR I Prices-0e. 7Sc $1.00. 1.W. . 12.50. Curtain rises at S sharp. No free Hat. ' T,UnkaA 1M1 Matinees Thursday, BiuNu). Sunday, J :15i -Every Ailyf, 'lt. r , HIGH CLASS TrvOEVILLH. Y Raymond and Caverly, Julia Klngalsy and Nelson Iewta. Hayts and llaaly, Montrell, Bros. Vreiich, Balltys, and tbe sUnedruoue. jTicee iwu, stxi, sua. . .