Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1903, Image 1

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    Fhe Omaha Daily Bee.
f.. Haifa Jfew Demands Which, Ocmcedd
Will lar All from Manchuria.
losing on Outtomi Barponsion in Larg
Part of Empir.
Celettiili Orderad to Agree that Kiral
Powr Kelinqu'sh Oommeroe.
Csar's Official Domini Right to Levy
Datleo on Military Htiilie
tore gent to DUpi4d
LONDON. April 28. Th St. Petersburg
correspondent of the Daily Mall hears from
an authoritative source that China .has ac
cepted the Russian proposals In ao far aa
It retards the duttea at the lake bounties.
After the negotiations with the Tsung II
Tamen, the correspondent continues, the
Russian minister formulated the following
(1) The Importation of Chinese arms
Into Manchuria shall be taxed according to
the discretion of the Russian customs au
thorities and China shall aaree to construct
at K.lmn a manufactory to sunolv ma
terial for the prelected Russo-Chlneee
railroad to Peklna. which will pass Into the
viclnltv of Hainan.
(2) China shall establish In Rhardtn an
administrative body to Insure the rlahts
vested In the aold mines which are now
being worked br Russian enslneer.
All Russian nola sent to . enirai
rhtna shall be entirely free of any Chinese
customs chars.
(4) Russia and China shall Jointly arree
henceforward to close the door In Man-
chnr a to the aoooe or all powers.
This agreement, concludes the corre
spondent, will come Into force after the
opening of the Manchurlan railroad.
The Times correspondent at Peking Bays
be has ascertained that the fourth demand
in the first Russian document, namely, that
the present status of the administration
of Manchuria Is to remain unchanged, does
not apply to Manchuria, but Is a demand
that the administration of Mongolia ahall
not be changed. The object of this is to
check the suggested alteration In the gov
ernment of Mongolia by which It waa con
templated to transform Mongolia Into a
Chinese province.
The foreign office, continues the Times'
correspondent, has formally agreed that
Russia ia to retain 1,100,000 taeia, receipts
from the New Cbwang customs, now In pos
session of the Russo-Chlnese bank aa an
Indemnity for repairing and protecting the
Shan-Hal-Kwen New Chwang railway.
Japan Press Demands Firm Front.
YOKOHAMA, April 2. Even those news
papers -which previously have been mod
erate la tone now express the opinion that
the time has arrived for all powere Inter
acted la, the Integrity of China, Its develop
ment and trade .opportunities there to ahow
a Bra front to Russia in the matter of de
mand upon Manchuria.
Cautaiat Calls en Bay.
' WASHINGTON, April ' Ruasla'a de
manda ia Manchuria and their effect on
American interests were the aubjecta of a
. conference this afternoon between Beore
tary Hay and Count Caaslnl, the Russian
ambassador, at Secretary Hay'e bouse. It
ia denied that the ambassador brought offi
cial advlcea from hie government, but the
fact that be 4a atlll Buffering from an at-
taok of lumbago, which haa confined him to
the embassy (or aeveral weeka, la evidence
of the urgency of the call.
Stepa already have been taken, by the
State department to ascertain the true in
wardness of Russia's latest move. Am-
(sador McCormlck at St. Petersburg haa
been instructed by cable to present to the
Russian foreign office a note which, while
idiomatically known aa one of InQUiry, la
in aubatance a atrong protest agalnat Rua
ala's demands. Cable instructions also have
been aent to Minister Conger at Peking
to expresa to the Chinese authorltiea the
dissatisfaction of the United Statea wltb
Ruasla'a demands and the hope that China
will not accede to them. No answera have
,-yv-t been received to either note, though un
official assurances are atlll reaching the
V apartment that department interests in
"lanchuria would protest.
' "in the department's note whtcb Ambas
sador McCormlck probably baa presented
already Russia' attention ia called to the
aaaurancea repeatedly given the United
Statea relative to the preservation of the
Integrity of China and the continuance of
the open door policy. Russia also ia re
minded of ' the severe blow to American
trade which must follow the granting of
the first two demands, that no more porta
or towna ia Manchuria be opened and .that
no additional foreign consuls be admitted.
rests Trade Agreement.
Russia's reason for contending for the
closed door in Manchuria la the claim that
the open door Is not a commercial, but a
political question. It . continues to assure
the United States that in some way thla
country's Interests will be protected In
Manchuria. The point Is made that aa the
Manchurlan demands are still In negotia
tion between St Petersburg and Peking, the
United States cannot expect Russia to make
concessions until the fate of Its demand haa
been determined. When China has acceded
to all of these demands, it is suggested,
a trade agreement of some sort can be
reached which will protect American trade
Appreciating the fact that the interests"
of this country in Manchuria are those of
trade anl not territory, Russia, it Is stated,
lr disposed to make certain trade conces
sions to the United States In Manchuria at
the proper time.
Chinamen Will Protest.
SHANGHAI, April 36. A masa meeting
Is to be held here tomorrow. Chinamen
from all titie provincea will be present and
urge the government to make no conces
sions to Russia regarding Manchuria. It Is
reported among Chinese officials here that
Japan baa made a formal demand on Rus
sia that Manchuria be evacuated forthwith.
A Russian gunboat left here today for New
Mlaea Will Mesama Today.
WILKES BARRE, Pa., April St. Work
will be resumed tomorrow at No. 9 colliery
of tbe Lehigh and Wllkesbarre Coal com
fcany at 8ugar Notch and at the Baltimore
No. i colliery of the Delaware and Hudson
a Coal company of this city. Both mines
Lf.ave been Idle tor a few days on account of
1 strike. The officiate and the miners
i a me together aud adjusted their differ
ences ia en amicable manner and the aev
eral hundred hands agreed to return.
English Writer Compares Hint with
Those of His On
(Copyright. 190J. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, April 26. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Taking as
text Lieutenant Harlow's scheme, re
cently described In the World, to build a
ship In which to take boys around the
world so they may not enter college prac
tically Ignorant of the countries they are
to study about, Rudolph.' "nann, writing
In the Pall Mall Caret A
-,. -res
'My opinion, based on car.. - ' fg
slonate observation. Is that the An.
boy beats the English boy out of si.'
There can be no comparison between the
two. The English public school boy, even
after he has spent a year or two or has
gone so far as to take a past degree at a
university, ia one of the most profoundly
ignorant creatures on the face of the earth.
Of geography he knowa only as much ss
he may have gathered by collecting postage
atamps. With English literature he la not
even on terms of distant politeness.
'I am certain that In some way or other
the American system at school and at col
lege gets a tighter hold on the average lad
and forces him to take larger doses of the
unpalatable food of Information.
"Physically I think the American boy is
the equal of his English cousin In strength
and bodily development. Indeed, in mere
development of muscle he probably atands
higher, for In America more careful atten
tion la paid to thta special subject. In
general health, robustness of constitution
and endurance the advantage Is with the
Englishman. Hla food as a boy is, I be
lieve, simpler and healthier. His nerves
are less liable to excitement, with the re
sult that he does not suffer so much from
his stomach going back on him.
"Something there is In the air of Amer
ica, certainly In the eastern states, which,
though it exonerates like champagne for
the time, has the effect of wearing men
out. The American, In fact, la fearfully
nervous and wonderfully In earnest aa a
boy, even in hla games. Failure In base
ball, foot ball or rowing meana to htm ir
reparable disaster.
"I have seen a crew of eight stalwart
men, after defeat In a boat race, all sob
bing like children. Under similar clrcum
atancea an English crew would not have
displayed extravagant Joy, but their grief
would have been far less demonstrative and
much more quickly cured."
Footman Who Deceived Count Has
sell Evidently Won Her
(Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. April 16. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) The ex
footman, William Brown, who got Countesa
Russell to marry him by pretending that
he was Prince Stuart de Modena, a natural
son of the emperor of Austria, from whom
be waa about to receive $40,000 a year. Is
a good-looking young fellow, tall, 'well
built, well tailored, with clean-cut fea
tures, dark, neatly trimmed mustache, blue
yea and aa off-band manner,,, Hla accent
Is not that of an educated man, but though
the countesa knew htm tx months, she and
her mother (Lady Scott, who has bad con
alderable experience) never once auspected
the imposture.
The "prince" borrowed money freely from
the countess, who appeara to have really
fallen In love with him. He says be never in
tended to go the length of marrying her,
but waa gradually drawn into proposing.
After her first outburst of anger on dis
covering that she htd been deceived and
deserted, the countess gave the police
no assistance in tracing him. Even now
that he Is under arrest she seems unwilling
to prosecute blm.
It Is auspected that Brown waa put for
ward in the first Instance by some person
who had a grudge against the countess, to
play a practical Joke upon her. But the
affair developed ao satisfactorily that Brown
made full use of his opportunity and even
tually married the countess, believing that
her fondness for him would prevent her
from revenging herself when' the inevitable
discovery of his imposition came.
Brown will be arraigned in court at
Portsmouth on Monday, on the charge of
making a false entry In the marriage register
there when he wedded Countess Russell,
having signed the name of Athrobald Stuart
de Modena.
Raasiaa Smart Set Encouraging
Wearing of Old National
, . r
(Copyright, 1903. by Press Publishing Co.)
ST. PETERSBURG, April 26. (New York
World Cablegram special Telegram.) A
leaarue to encouraae the wearing of the na
tional costume has Just been formed Chinese authorities in every instance
aome wealthy people here. Thla is believed
to be due not so much to patriotic senti
ment aa to a curious controversy that has
lately arisen over the matter In some high
class restauranta.
The characteristics of the national dress
Include an embroidered blouse and high
boots, cd the advocates of this attire so
arranged have several times endeavored to
dine at some restaurant where the smart
set was largely represented, but each time
the proprietor objected on the score of the
costume. Tho league'a first efforts will be
to get a decree permitting Its members to
enter wherever they may choose In blouse
and boots.
Reputed Find ot the Burled
Fund of Em?trr
Chnrlea V.
(Copyright. 190J, by Press Publishing Co.)
METZ. Germany, April 26. (New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram.) A
historic treasure of great value has just
Keen duo- un here. When Charles V ha.
sieged Meti. in 1552. with a large army, he I ,sm" organisation, and he haa been crlti
had no thouaht ot belna beaten. But when 'or allowing himself to be subjected
he waa obliged to rureat he did ao in such i to ucn n 'mbarrassment. But on the
haste that he ordered his wsr treasure ! 0,her hand th club h" on aeveral occa
burUd. j lions xhowu an exceedingly narrow spirit
Workmen engaged In tearing down the
ancient citadel ot Metz came across the
other day a great box bound with iron straps
and fastened with a complicated lock, bear
ing Cbsrles V's coat-of-arms. The box
weighed nearly a ton and contained a large
aum of gold and a lot ot splendid watches.
The emperor was an Indefatigable collector
of wati-hes. The content of the box are
valued at nearly $600,000.
tianae Warden Appointed.
PIERRE, S. D., April 26. (Special Tele
gram.) Game wardens recently appointed
are A. E, Cooper ot Brltton for Marihal
county and M. B. Orumpaugh of SpeartUh
for Lawrence count.
Rooaeralt WioiM Officers to Do Lett Talk
tag to Papers.
Report Is that He Has Been Formally
Rebuked for Giving the Inter
view that Offended the
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, April 26. (Special.)
went Roosevelt has, within the last
i It be known that he emphatically
oWr ives of the bablt of some army and
navy officer of commenting, for publica
tion, upon the relations between this coun
try and Germany. The immediate cause
of this action on the part of tho president
waa the utterance of Admiral Dewey to a
newspsper correspondent In which the hero
of Msnlla aald some things which the Ger
man people have resented. The president
as weil as Secretary Root realise that
there are aeveral matters pending between
the German empire and the United Statea
which have caused friction and which may
lead to exceedingly unpleasant conse
quences. It Is the Intention of the administration
absolutely to silence every officer of the
United States, civil or military, upon the
subject of our foreign relations. It has
been reported that Admiral Dewey haa been
formally rebuked for hla ill-advised talk
with a newspaper friend.
Dewey Doesn't Deny It.
Tht admiral doea not deny that the words
attributed . to him were uttered by biro.
The admiral la not that kind of a man.
Many men In public life, finding themselve
quoted in cold type, have repudiated Inter
views, but Admiral Dewey practically ad
mlts that he was correctly reported In his
recent Interview which attracted such
widespread attention, and he is perfectly
willing to take the consequences. The ad
miral undoubtedly haa heard through the
secretary of the navy that hia talk is re
garded aa exceedingly Injudicious and he
haa been advised of the desire of the pres
ident that he shall hereafter Terrain from
comment likely to produce international
complications. In the meantime. Baron
von Sternburg, the present representative
of the German empire In thla country, in
a speech at a dinner In New York, haa tried
to undo any damage which the talk of the
admiral may have done. Referring to the
strain which the Incidents connected with
Samoan and Venexuelan affairs caused be
tween Germany and the United Statea, the
baron said: "In both cases there was eomo
unpleasantnesa which threatened to pro
duce friction. But all fair-minded men who
have analysed the reaaona which caused
the trouble aeemed to agree that it waa
in no way due to any political or commer
cial queattona which were menacing the
welfare of either country, but it waa due
to a misunderstanding."
Governments Do Their Best.
The German . minister waa undoubtedly
right , in hla statement, , but unfortunately
these misunderstandings, which are of fre
quent occurrence, sometimes lead to war.
Probably it waa the knowledge of thla fact
which led Secretary Root to predict a
conteat at arms between Germany and the
United Statea in the' near future. Both
countries are, however, using all .their
powers of diplomacy to aettle amicably a
numbering of fretting questions which are
atlll bones of contention and of which the
general public knowa but little.
One of the first matters to receive the
attention of the president upon hla return
to Washington will be the Instructions to
the American commissioners who have been
aelected to settle the dispute over the
British-American boundary line. It ap
peara now that the meeting of the com
mlssloners in London may be postponed
until the early autrmn. It will not be aa
easy a matter to aettle aa appeara at first
blush. The American contention, while ap
parently borne out by old Russian maps,
Is most vigorously disputed by the Cana
dian authorltiea and the latest advlcea seem
to iudlcate that they have more basis for
their claims than at first appeared possible.
Still, the work to be ("one will bring out
all the data obtainable not only in the
British and American archives, but In thosq
stored in St. Petersburg aa well. It ap
peared at first that the commission would
be able to complete its labors and to pre.
pare a final report by the time congress re
assembles in regular session In December,
but now it seems more likely that the
negotiattona may extend over many months
and that thla very embarrassing question
may not be aettled for a year or more.
China May Require Troops.
All reports from China coming to the
State department, most of which are not
made public, indicate that the Boxer
troubles are much more serious than press
dispatches show. About the only Informa
tion of the fresh Boxer uprisings which find
their way Into American newspapers Is that
thus far have been able to suppress the
rebels and that no foreign complications
bave arisen. Nevertheless, the secretary
of war la undoubtedly worried over the
continued outbreaks, and be has taken
every precaution possible to Insure the
representation In China of the military
forces of the United States In considerable
numbers and with great promptitude when
ever the occasion for American Interfer
ence may arise. It need surprise no one
to hfar within three months ot that time,
that 6,000 American troops have been or
dered from the Philippines to China to
protect American interests, and It can be
said now that when the necessity arises
the military authorities In Manila will be
ready to send this force thoroughly
equipped more quickly than an Invading
army was ever before transported to a
foreign territory.
Corbla Incident May Split Club.
The action of the Metropolitan club In
blackballing General Corbln has created
aomethtng more than a tempest In a teapot
among the club men in Washington. It la
not the first time that the adjutant general
of the army has been humiliated by the
' nd u notorious that personal spite fre-
quently has actuated tbe committee on
membership In "turning down" applicants.
The direct result of tbe Corbln incident
baa been tbe resignation of a number of
tbe most prominent members of the or
ganisation. It now seems more than prob
able that the outcome of the personal spite
shown against th adjutant general of the
army will be the incorporation of a new
rlub upon broader lines than those of the
Metropolitan rlub. It Is understood that
the prime movers In the. plan for a new
social organisatlca Include the president of
th I'nlted States and several members of
bis official family. Among the latter are
(Continued ou Fourth Page.)
Lieutenant ' Gaveraor Malls Letter
Giving Ip Post to Missouri
ST. LOUIS, April 26. Lieutenant Gov
ernor Lee has resigned. This afternoon he
decided, after consultation with bis legal
advisers, to Immediately vacate his office
and the resultant letter la now 'speeding
across the stale with .a special delivery
stamp attached to Insure, its being deliv
ered ' to Governor Dockery at the earliest
possible moment tomorrow.
The exact reason for the step baa not
been made public, but It is known to be In
connection wltb the boodle Investigation
whlch led to his night from the fate and In
which he Is popularly supposed to be much
more than a disinterested witness.
So far he has persistently refused to tell
what evidence he gave the grand Jury on
Friday, but others have spoken for blm,
alleging' that he admitted being made the
go-between for those who were fighting the !
aiura mil. Accoroing to tms story, Kelley,
the agent of the baking pewder trust, gave
him $10,000 to distribute among those sen
ators whose votes could thus be Influenced.
He accepted the task, but afterward break
ing down, persuaded Senator , Farrla to
undertake It, keeping, however, his lion's
share of the' boodle fund when the dis
tribution finally took place at the Kardtac
hotel. t
Governor Dockery will receive the res
ignation which under state law will
t once become effective, about 7:30 to
morrow. Consequently Senator Thomaa
Rubey will combine the offices of president
pro tern of the senate and lieutenant gov
ernor when the president cornea here. Dur
ing his legislative career Senator Rubey
voted and worked against the Interesta of
the baking powder combine. . ...
Mr. Lee tonight gave out the following
public atatement: , '
A desire to retire from political life and
personal publicity has prompted my resig
nation. Now that I am lust a private eltfxen I
hone my enemies and critics will foraet
some of my faults and mistakes end try to
remember, if possible, some of the thlnsrs
that I might he commended for. It one has
failed to fulfill nublio reauirements and
has made an error. It seems to me that
when he voluntarily relinquish all claims
to office and honor and seta out to make
whatever reparation he can that he should
at least be permitted to continue to live.
I feel that my effort to reform abuses In
legislative matters has brought unon me
troubles that I could have avoided by a
policy of silence and concealment and that
determination to do right and refuse to be
deterred therefrom has brouaht about my
political downfall. . . .
One Dlee, Another Will Iscesnk nnd
Ten Are Injured In .
ST.1-LOUIS, April 16. In a collision be
tween the Easton avenue street cars thU
evening one person was killed, -one prob
ably fatally hurt and ten others injured.
The dead:
years of age. t
The injured: ' " I,,---
Ray Haut, conductor, internally, recov
ery doubtful. .., '
Mra. Joseph P. Wilcox.
William Gardener.
Ell la Gordon.
Mra. Buscbmyer, Internally.
Eight-year-old daughter of Mra. Busch
myer, slightly.
Mies Edith Nable. ...
Mra. Annie Schurman.
Miss Mabel Schurman.
Mrs. Charles Krautsberger, Internally.
When' the cara came together they eon
tatned about 100 passengers and a panic
ensued. Woman fainted and every one made
a frantic effort to get out of the wreck.
Spectators and police officers rushed to the
rescue and the Injured persons were
speedily extricated. One aged woman whose
name Is unknown, was unconscious when
taken out and later died In the hospital.
Both raotormen escaped by jumping.
The collision caused a terrible crash, aa
both cara were going rapidly, and many
persons many blocks away were attracted
by the noise. Physicians we're immediately
summoned and the Injured passengers were
given medical attention and all but the
unidentified woman and Haut were taken
to their homes.
Haut's condition is serious and it Is not
believed he can recover. The cauae of the
collision has not been explained.
Disappointed In Love, Theatrical
Maiden Vainly Swallows
Poison Draught.
DEN VFR. April 26. (3 jeclal Taleg.-am
"Farewell forever." With, thiw wordii
Paul C. Fording closed a letter to Ml is
Lucille Ashton, a letter telling her that
beemse of the lmport'iaitles of hla mother
nrd isiater their relations must be brokeu
off ot once. So It was that this evening
Police Surgeon Davis was called to the
rooming house at 1535 Fifteenth atreet,
where Miss Ashton had taken poison. With
much (Ifflculty the surgeon revived hrr.
Lucille Ashton, which Is not her real
name. Is of good family In Omaha. She was
engaged for a time in the theaters there,
her specialty being male Impersonations.
She Is a handsome young woman ot 19
years old.
Only OO.OOO Out of 350,000 Children
tan Be Accommodated at
NEW YORK. April 3.-Blshop James H. Fatner piaca ssks wnemer u is oecom
'anburen. Protestant Episcopal bishop of j n 'or ,he aecretary of the American leg-
Porto Rico spoke, tonight In St. Mark's
church on the present condition of affairs
in his diocese.
He said there are 350,000 children ot
school age in Porto Rico, and yet at pres
ent the schools will accommodate only 60,
000. When the first Amerlcsn soldiers
landed there were only 25,000 children at
tending achool.
The bishop is devoting bis attention
chiefly to establishing schools but he hopes
also to establish a hospital, his visit io
' this country being for the object or raising
funds for these purposes.
Child Dies, Mother May Succumb and
Father I Injured In Texas
DALLAS, Tex., April 26. Th smell of
burning -wood aroused Bona Cordelia, who,
with his wife and four children, was asleep
in their home, early today.
Before the children could be removed one
of the younger ones, a girl of 8 years, was
burned to death. Cordulla was caught by
the flame and badly burned, while hi wife,
in hrr effort to escape m It h tbe i-blldren,
was so seriously injured that she la not
i expected lo Uv.
Franco Anticipates More Cordial Halations
with Britain When Edward Leaves.
Special Races, Dinners, Calls, Opera
Parties and Naval Reviews Ar
ranged In Honor of Tosr.
tng English Ruler.
PARIS, April 26. Elaborate arrange
ments are being carried out, rapidly to
welcome King Edward. They are on a
scale of truly royal splendor. The fetea
will resemble those held at the time of the
visit to Paris of the ctar of Russia and
will Include a number of events affording
opportunities for brilliant spectacular et-
fecte. Government architects have pro
vided a plan for the decoration of the
streets by day and for Illuminations by
Private residents snd shopkeepers have
contributed large turns of money toward
transforming the avenuea and boulevards
Into masses of color, with floral arches,
Venetian masta and looplngs of flowers. A
large force of troops Is being assembled to
add to the military pageantry of the event.
Loobet Will Greet Klnar.
When King Edward arrives on Friday af
ternoon. President Loubet, the members of
tbe ministry and the staff of the British
embassy will proceed to the Bois de Bou
logne station to meet him. The station will
be hung with rich velvet and gobelin tapes
tries. Tbs meeting between the president
and the king will occur under a silken can
opy. After the greetings. King Edward
and President Loubet will enter a stale
carriage, with postilllcns and outriders,
and, escorted by a regiment of cuirassiers.
will drive through the Bols and other thor
oughfares to tbe British embassy. Through
out the route soldiers will be massed on
either side of the thoroughfares.
King Edward will stay at the British
embassy, which during his sojourn will be
regarded aa a royal residence. He will
occupy the apartments which have not been
used since the last visit to Paris of the
late Queen Victoria, but which have been
sumptuously redecorated and equipped for
thla occasion. They overlook a fine aweep
of the park and the gardena of the em
bassy. President Loubet will leave King Edward
at the embassy, but tbe king will proceed
to the Elyseu palace at 5 to pay a formal
call upon the president, which will be re
turned by the president.
In the evening King Edward will be the
guest of M. Loubet at the Comedle Fran
calse to witness the presentation of
"L'Autre Danger."
On Saturday morning be will witness a
review or 12,000 troops at Vlncennes and
in the afternoon attend the races at Long
champs, the meeting being beld especially
In his honor.
One of the prises to be run, the Rcyal
cup is to be offered by bis majesty. On
Saturday night there ia to bo a gala per
formance at the opera, the program includ
ing the bsllet from "El Ctd" and a scene
from "Samson and Delilah."
Tbe royal . box has been made of three
boxes and will be-elaborately decorated
with flags and the" emblems of Great . Bri
tain and Prince.' The performance at the
opera will be attended by alt high Officials
ail the diplomatic corps, members of the
senate and chamber and those socially
prominent in Paris. Owing ' to the tre
mendous pressure for places the American
embassy baa been asked if it could possibly
spare the government some ot the seats
assigned to it. This, however, waa Im
possible. 1
Banquets on Proa-ram.
On Sunday Foreign Minister Delcasse will
give a breakfast at the foreign office and in
the evening King Edward will dine Presi
dent Loubet. Each of these eventa la be
ing arranged on a scale of lavish magnifi
cence. King Edward will leave Paris on
Monday morning.
His majesty will be attended throughout
his stay by a large staff of military and
naval officers, and a French squadron Is
gathering at Cherbourg to render farewell
lonors to the British sovereign.
Aside from its spectacular features, the
visit of King Edward la leading to a wide
! range of speculation la the matter of pollti
! cal significance. French officials say this
vlBlV,ro!!rk' ',ons Ifa,cb ,t01Tari Kth,e re"
I establishment of cordial relations between
France and Great ' Britain, which, were
strained by reason of the Fashoda incident
and the Boer war. They say also that It
Is an evidence that the foreign policy of
Great Britain hereafter will be sympathetic
toward Portugal, Italy and France, tbe
three countrlea visited by King Edward.
Hints are also given that the visit will lead
to the better state of feeling between
Russia and Great Britain and that later
King Edward possibly may visit St. Peters
London Cleraymnn Protests Against
' Vanderbllt Marriage Because
of Divorce.
LONDON, April 27. Father Black, well
known for his opposition to tbe marriage
of divorced persona, has written to .the
Times protesting against ths marriage of
Mr. Vanderbllt and Mrs. Rutherford by
Rev. R. H. Haddon, vicar of St. Marks', j
when he knew that the bishop of London i
had declared the use of ths marriage serv
ice in the case of divorced persons to be
a profanation. '
wlshes of te archbishop of Canterbury and
the bishop of London.
Hebrew Present Jew Building
Future lae After Religious
NEW YORK. April 26. The dedication
exercises of the Jewish Theological Semi
nary of America were held today. The
address of the occasion was made by He.
Dr. Kaufmann Hohler. president-elect of
the Hebrew Union College of America, of
Cincinnati. After prayer by Rev. Dr. 6am-
uel Schulm.n the pr.sent.tion of the build-
ing was made by Jacob H. Schlff.
Th acceptance of the Institution on be-
half of the corporation waa made ' by Dr.
Cyrus Adler In a few well chosen words.
Laborer Warned from Peru.
KINGSTOWN, Jamaica. April 26 Jamai
can laborers bave been warned by t'.ie
colonial government not to proceed o the
Isthmus. of Panama tecau&e of tbs prevail
ing dlsirers there. The authorities say
labcrers ran go to tbe isthmus ss scon as
the United Statea commences the construc
tion of the caual.
Forecast for Nebraska Fair, Warmer in
F.ast, Showers and fooler In West Mon
iay; Showers and Cooler at Night Tues
day in Kast; Fair in West.
Temperatare at Omaha Yesterday
Hour. Dear. Hoar. Deg.
R a. m M 1 p. m '
H a. m no X p. m . . . . . H
T a. n M a p. m T
a a. m R.H 4 p. m tM
0 a, m R2 R p. m
10 a. m na p. m T
11 a. m n T p. ne US
12 ni .... Ol . a p. m ess
O p. m
Will Be Watchful Lest Bad Fruits
1 or Vegetables Get Paet
Wltb the coming of the sesson of cheap
green fruits and vegetables the Bosrd of
Health Is renewing Its vigilance to prevent
the sale of unwholesome market offerings.
The most glaring violation ot the rules of
health cornea from one of the commission
houses dealing in fruit. Here, one day last j
week, a number of cases of strawberries i
were condemned because of decay and were '
thrown Into, the refuse barrel which la re
moved each day by the scavenger. , While
the fruit was In the barrel a peddlar came
and took from It ten boxes of the con
demned strawberries. A short time after
wards he returned and said that he had sold
them for 10 cents a box. When the man
ager of the house learned what had been
done he forbade a continuance of it, but
nearly a Coxen cases of the condemned fruit
had been placed on the market before tt
was stopped.
It Is reported also to the Board of Health
that some of the peddlers have been In the
habit of securing barrels of radishes which
are so decayed as to be unsaleable and re
moving the decayed portions of tbe vege
tables and eutting off the damaged tops to
sell the radishes by the quart.
When the matter was brought to the at
tention ot the Board of Health It was said
by one of the officials that the commission
men are somewhat to blame tor the prac
tice as they fall to notify the city offlciala
when food is condemned, and the city can
not keep watch at each house. When such
food is condemned by the city II Is made
unsaleable by having kerosene poured over
It. Dr. Ramacciottl, who has charge ol
the condemnation and destruction of food
products In the city, will have the matter
In charge and will make especial effort to
see tbat no unwholesome vegetables are
placed upon the market, but he must hsve
the co-operation ot dealers snd to some
extent of householders before the work can
be made effective.
Cole and Chuoovleh "aloona Closed In
Obedience to the Don'
. Orders.
, i i i -
Owners .and managers ot three more
Omaha saloons have felt the power of W. J.
Broatch, and. been compelled to close their
places of business from 12 o'clock Saturday
night' until Monday morning, while their
260 ompetliare An the city kept open. The
prescribed saloons are' Cliff Cole's at" 1(09
Douglas and 218 South Fifteenth, and the
Diamond at ijlS Douglas street, owned by
V. L. Chucovlcb and managed by A. C.
May. These places were closed as tight aa
drums In obedience to orders sent to Cap
tain Hayes Saturday night.
Asked for an explanation ot this demon
stration of bis power, Mr. Broatcb deigned
to remark:
"I have nothlpg to say."
"Did you issue the orders under which
these taloons were closed?"
' "I have nothing to' say."
"Why were these orders issued?"
"I have nothing to say."
"Were these saloons violating the law?"
"I have nothing to say."
"How many of the other 263 saloons In
the city were closed?"
"I have nothing to say."
It has been pointed out that the saloon
at 218 South Fifteenth street closes every
night in the year at 12 o'clock except Sun
day night, when it closes at 8 o'clock.
Hotel Guest Sleeps Despite Vigorous
Efforts of Other to Awaken
Saturday eenlng a stranger, apparently
perfectly sober, sat down !a a chair at the
St. James hotel and fell asleep. All efforts
to awaken him were unavailing, and he
was carried to a cot end laid on It. His
breathing was natural and he snored lustily.
During the night he fell off the cot, but
was not awakened, and neither could he
be awakened, though every means was tried.
He awoke early this morning and aeemed
to be much refreshed by hia sound sleep,
but knew nothing of where be had been
up to a few moments before he came Into
tbe hotel. He felt in bis pockets and found
that hia money was all there. He Is of the
impression that he may bave been beguiled
Into a saloon and drugged, but succeeded In
getting away from the place before tbe
drug began to have any effect. He haa
Just an Indistinct remembrance ot someone
asking blin to go Into a aaloon, but be haa
no recollection of .drinking anything.
Decides to Co to Colorado
Agricultural Col
lege. State
MADI80N. Wis.. April 26. W. L. Csr-
' vntenvr of animal husbandry In the
Stale university, has decided to accept the
poslticn offered him as professor of agri
culture In the State Agricultural college
of Colorado.
He will not leave Wisconsin until the end
of the college year. .
Wyoming (iotrrnor Bleeps, Thus En.
cosrstlng Doctors, hut I
Critically 111.
j ,,.,.. ,., ,ri, Tk.
j CHBSSn, iJnX m
j of Governor DeForest Richards Is still
rMel. though a two hour. .l.ep ,h .
evening ha. much encouraged the attend-
I lu f"?'"-"'
Movements of Ocean Vessel April 20.
At New York Arrived: Bleuoher, from
Hamburg, Southampton and Cherbourg;
Columbia, from lilasgow and Movllle.
At Ile of Wight-Passed: Philadelphia,
from Huston, lor Ixjnrton.
At lJovor Passed : Koenlgen Lulae, from
Bremen, for New York.
At yuefnstown Arrived: Ivernla. from
New York for Liverpool, and proceeded.
At Movllle Arrived: Numldian, from St.
J. hn mid Halifax, and proceeded for Uver
U'fil. A I Ixindon Sailed: Minneapolis, for Nw
High Wind and Dust Man President's Btj
at Nebraska Town.
Clergyman Showg by No Sign tbat Nation's
Chief ii Present.
Declares He Will Make Up for White House
Control at Washington.
Carneftle Library Site Is Tlroken, Thus
Providing Oaly Ofllplal Function
Arranged for Sabbath
The Weather.
The In charge of the Omaha
weather bureau smI.1 the Indications last
nlBht were tor light showers at this point
Monday, with temperature ubout the same
aa Sunday.
President's Time Table.
..OKW am
.. 1:10 pm
.. 3u0 pin
.. to:M pm
V;lo am
ld:4 'am
1:40 pin
t:0 pm
Orand Island
Van Wert ...
5:t am
J:lii am
!:S0 am
h ;ik w in
!.:W am
..11:45 am ll:.'5am
..12:20 pm U:2b pm
.. i .Mi pm 4:ti0 pm
.. ti:no pm 0:15 pm
.. i:lj m
Den Moines .
Oxkaloosa ...
Oitumwa ....
The President In Omaha.
RECEPTlONof Incoming party bv Mayor
''f,i , behalf of ily, and Board of
Ak-ban-Ben Governors, at I nlon station
at o:ia lv m.
DHIV K through principal streets of Omaha
t Yii ,J. i '-ivlng com nhtee.
LIN OF MARCH From the depot north
,,"1" to "nwrd, west on Howard to
Twelfth, north on Twelfth to Farnam,
miV " '"mam to Utteenth, north on
f ifteenth to Capitol avenue, w it on Ca:
tol avenue to Sixteenth, oulh on Six
teenth to Harney, west o,, Harney to
Heventeenth. north on Seventeenth to
1'ariiam. est on Farnam to Nloetenth.
iiorin on Nineteenth to Uouglas, west o.i
Douglas to the Omaha rlub.
Dinner nt Omaha club at 6:30 p. m.. ten
dered by representative c t sens of Omaht
AnnEpSuT06!..0' Ak-Sr-Uen Rovernerj.
A .D?V.hS bv he president .it H:M p. m.
at C ulleeum, Twentieth a:id Lake streets
Open to the public. No Heata reserved
except for members of Ak Wur-Ben or-
v?"'JlSftlon' I)0"r Pei Bt :.
I i be '"l on lresld-nlial train,
which leaves Omaha lor lour of Jowa at
o a. m. j i
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
. GRAND ISLAND. Neb., April 26.-(Spe-clal
Telegram.)-Owlng to stops not on the
original time schedule the presidential
party was a trifle lata In reaching Grand
Island, where they were dje at 6:02 this
morning. All Jn the party are in tbe beat
of health, with the exception of Beoretary
Loeb, who has been, lndlspoaed, but ia al
most again In hla usual orn,- -
The unofficial program' 'for Sunday was
carried 6ut without material change, not
withstanding Xh high wind and dense dust
clouds that made out-of-doors expeditions
less attractive than they ttould otherwise
have been. '.
In the morning the president attended
divine services at the Episcopal church.
Dr. H. C. Miller, aa chairman of tbe
committee,, delioatoly Informed the presi
dent that be would be welcomed at any
church he might prefer, whereupon he re
plied: "I am your guest." "Very well,
then, Mr. President.", was the reply, "I
shall take you to, the Episcopal church,
which I attend and In wbose choir my
children alng." The president acquiesced
and away be went. The aervlce waa tho
regular Episcopal service, without any ape.
clal features In recognition ot th presence
of the chief executive. Other members of
the party attended such churches as they
jersonally preferred.
The president dined on tbe train and at
6:30 waa summoned to the horseback ride
he had requested. Senator Dietrich took
the Initiative, and in responss to a humor
ous gibe at hla tiding costume, tbe presi
dent being attired in the same clothes be
had worn to church, aald: "Mr. Prealdent,
you will bave to hurry up while you are In
Nebraska. I ahall feel free to boss you, as
you have bossed ua senators at Washing
ton." The president expostulated that be
was not much ot a success at bossing the
senators at Washington, but good-naturedly
responded to the senstoi's command.
The ride waa marred by the wind and
dust, but otherwise was quite enjoyable.
Tbe president kept bis horse on a canter
and led the others a stiff pace. At ths
Taylor ranch a slight repast bad been
amplified to permit the president to break
the ground on tbe new Cainogle library
site, he having accepted an Invitation to
that purpose. Governor Mickey came In
this morning and Senator Millard this
evening. V. R.
Lincoln Ready with Creeling.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., April 26. (Special.) A
royal welcome will be accorded President
Roosevelt tomorrow. From out th high
ways and byways thousands of people are
congregating to do him honor. He 'cornea
at 1:10 and his arrival will be heralded by
the blowing ot whistles, tbe beating of
drums and the shouts of a Joyoua multi
tude. He come aa the president ot the
nation and as such he will be received. The
bumble, the haughty, the rich and the poor,
democrats and republicans, populist and
socialists, prohibitionists and antis, will
mingle In one vast throng to ahow tht man
the love they have for him. It will be a
welcome worthy of the guest.
The various committees have done tbetr
work well. Along the line of march from
the Burlington station to the state bouse,
from the state bouse to tbe university,
from the university to the Northwestern
depot every building Is in holiday attire.
From every window in the postofflc a flag
is waving today. The grimy walls of the
old capltol have been transformed. The
north and west sides are masse of red,
white and blue In artistic profusion. It Is
tbe state waving ita welcome to it chief.
I'pon a platform erected on the north
side ot the building the president will ad
dress hi people. From a platform draped
in the national colore over which hang
a picture of blm whom Lincoln honors.
No time will be lost, in going from tbe
station to the atate bouse. As soon aa th
president and bis party step from the train
they will be taken to their carrlago and
tbe line of march formed. The carrlago
will move in a trot. The order will be!
First Carriage President lioosevelt. Sec
retary Loeb, Governor Mickey and Con
gressman Hurkett.
Second Carriage M. C. Latta. F. H.
Trye. R. 11. Taylor and 8. A. Connell.
Third Carriage Surgeon (neral P. M.
Rlxey, Assistant Secretary Barnes, Mayor
A dim" and T. C. M linger.
Fourth Carriage M. 1. Webster, J. L.