Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1903, PART I, Page 9, Image 9
THE OMAHA DAILY TIEEt SUNDAY, APRIL 20, 10(13. CRIMPS KID'S KAW CROWD iotuke's Himble Nurir Nipt NiohoU' Tetn, Nina to Nit. GONDING GATHERS MORE GARLANDS Toarhea 1 (he Vlsltlaa Twlrler for Tw Thr-Ri(ira Cam Baa I oa Carrie Of a Few Crowa of Hla Owi, ( ObiiU celebrated Its tint gam with Kaoaaa City by shutting Kid Nlchola' team out, 9 to 0. It waa a pretty dr nod the Ir waa warm and atlll. Tb blcachera and tbe grand atand held 1,000 fana, who cheered themselves hoarse at the pretty playa that abounded throughout the game. The visitor were absolutely unable to hit Companion with anr remit a and the team aupported him admirably. Hlekey waa at third for the flrat time thla season and ha played a. ateady, conalatent gam on the pin euahlon. All tb team for that matter played admirably, taking chancea that teemed Impoaalble tad keeping down tb hlta by faat playing. Right from the flrat Omaha atarted hit ting the ball and they all took a turn at amaahlng It around. It waa all up with Smith by the aitth and Halla relieved him, but he could not ttem the tide that had aet In agalntt the team from the Kaw. Oondlng had faculty for hitting tha call and twlc aooked It out for three baga. Ketcham in middle for the visitors mad a aenaatlonal catch of Wright1 fly In the laat of the fourth, running close In to the Infield from deep middle to gatbar It In. OMAHA, Carter, rf.. Oanlna, cf.. Preaton, If.. Wright, lb Polan, aa... Stewart, lb Mickey, tb. Oondlng, c. Tola la a" V .Waldron, rf. Itllex, If.... :ohl. 3b IVbater Ih Messltt. lb.. Weeka, aa.... Vilrtch. c Smith, p Totala A.B. R. IB. PO. A. E 4 2 1 0 0 4 1110 0 4 0 0 2 0 6 4 0 1 16 0 0 S 2 1 2 I 0 4 110 4 0 4 0 0 1 2 1 4 2 2 2 1 0 P 4 0 2 0 2 1 36 10 27 U 2 KANSAS CITY. A.B. R. IB. PO. A. E. ' 4 0 0 1 O 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 4 2 0 2 O 1 12 1 0 2 0 0 1 ft 2 2 0 0 2 0 10OO00 - 2 0 0 1 2 0 29 0 2 24 U "j 2 0 0 1 2 2 0 2 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 r.urneiu runs: umana, s. Tnree-Das hlta: Oonding (2). Two-bas hlta: MeaBltt, Com panion, Dolan. Stolen baae: Doian. Bat Am balls: Off Companion, 2. Struck out: y Companion, 2; by Smith, 2; by Halla, J. Wild pitch: Bmlth: Hit by pitched ball: I Hy Smith, 1. Left on basea: Kanaaa CI y, 6, Omaha, 4. Tim of game: 1:16. Umpire: U Iselll. GAMES IN NATIONAL LEAGUE Foir Baaehed Htta mm Error by Claclaaatl Giro Cklcaa Victory. CHICAOO, April 26. The local tcored aeven rune and won the game In the sixth Inning on four bunched hits and Cincin nati' a error. Attendance, 2,400. Score; Jonas, rf, aiatU, It.... 1 KIlDf. 1 sobtw, at.... a Tinker, aa. .. I Caaay, lb.,.. 1 Low, lb 1 tianioa, it, wicaer. CHICAOO. K.H.O.A K. t 1 1 1 0 .1 a i a t Totala f t IT U I CINCINNATI. K.H.O.A B. Xellay, if.... I I 4 serraour, el. 1 Donlln. rt... a Back lay, lb., t Morrlaeer. lb t t Corcoran , aa. 1 1 t 8ieln(slt, lb 1 1 P1ti, .... tit Pooi, a. t Phillip, p... tit t t I t a t Totala ... t 1 14 t I Chlrago 00000700-? Cincinnati 10000001 12 Ift on baaea: Chicago. Cincinnati, 7. Two-base hits: Dobbs, Tinker. Sacrifice hit: Dobhs. Stolen baaea: Hanlon, Sey mour, Tinker. Double plays: Tinker to Lowe to Hanlon, Pelta to Morrlsaey. Struck out; By Wicker, t; by Poole. 4: by Phil lips, 2. Base on balls: Off Wicker, off Poole, 2; off Phillips, 1. wild pitch: Poole, 1; Wicker. 1. Timet 2:15. Umpire: Email and Holllday. Pktllle Fait to Score. BROOKLYN, April 26. -Brooklyn hut out the Phlladelphlane today. Schmidt waa steady when the visitor had men on bases. The fielding of the Brooklyn waa good, while that of tha Phlladelphlana waa loos. Attendance, 4.8U0. Score: BROOKLYN. I PHILADELPHIA. B.H.O.A.B R.H.O.A.B. Straoi. lb... 1 I lThomaa, cf.. t MeCneedle, ril 1 1 I O.Wolv'ra, lb. t ffcarkard. If. 1 1 t t 0 Barry, If t KKhaldar, ct 1 I 4 Keleter, rf... I'otH, 4b.... 1 1 tl 1 OlDoualaae, lb. t Uhlan, at... 1 I 4 I t Praehaar, lb. t V M'arh. a. t S t 1 o Hniniti. a, a Jordan, lb. .. t I I I o ZIminer, a... a Schmidt, a.. 1 4 1 4 0 Burrhall, p.. , "Rota a .viaia im IV H il 1 . ToUla ... t 24 i ( 'Batted for Burchell In ninth Inning. Brooklyn 20011210 -2 PhlhuielDhla 00000000 0-0 Earned runs: Brooklyn, 1. Two-baae . Special low prices on bicycles for one week Commencing Monday, April 27th to May 3rd. Largest ' and. best assort ment of bicycles and sun dries in the city. Tires $1.50 and up. Louis Reseller, 1622 Capitol Avenue. hits: ftharkard. Dahlen (2. Ijeft on banes: Philadelphia. 12; Brooklyn. 7. Pacrlflce hits: Thomas. BheckaM. Householder, Jarklltarh, Schmidt li. Stolen baaea: Mc Creedle, linnseholder, Jordan. Double filays: Schmidt to Dahlen to loyle, lah n to Doyle. First base on halla: Off Schmidt. 1; off Burchell, 2. Baaea on er rors: Philadelphia, 1; Brooklyn, 4. Hit by pitched ball: By Burchell, 1; by Schmidt, 1. Struck out: By Schmidt, 2; by Burchell, 4. Time: 1:46. t'mplre: Moran. rittsbar; Strive to Avert Defeat. PITTSBURG. April tS.-Plttabura; could do nothing with Brown's delivery except In the fourth, when six hits were made. In the eighth, when the score had been tied and the baaea full, Phllllppl was substi tuted for Wlihelm. but it waa too late to av tha game. Attendance, t.SM. Score: rr. Long. pittbbi'ro. B.H.O.A.B R.H.O.A.B. 10 11 'flratim'nt, ef 1 1 1 4 0 0 Clarke. If ... S 1 I S 0 Iarh. lb.... tail I I 14 4 4 1110 rarrall, lb. .moot, ft.. Brain, lb., harrier. If Nlraole. lb.. 4 a 11 t 4 Donovan, rf. I 1 I I 0 Wllllama, a. I I I I i Wearer, e... 114 4 1 Brown, .... 1114 1 ToUla 14 17 U Wegaer, aa.. 1 BranenaM, lb t Marrltt, rf... 1 kltchejr. lb.. 1 4 I 4 t t 4 I 2 4 1 I 1 4 Smith, e t t I 1 t fh.lpa. c... 14 4 14 Wllh.lm. p. . t 4 1 I 0 rhtlllpsl. . 4 4 t 4 Totala ... I 10 r? It t St. lyiula 00002106 0-10 Pittsburg 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 0-6 Earned runs: Pittsburg, II; St. Louis, . Two-base hits: Beaumont, Bransfleld, Smoot, Brain. Bacrlric hit: Bransfleld, Smith (2). Brown. Stolen base: Rltchey. Double play: William to Burrell to Nich ols. First base on balls: Off Wlihelm. 2; off Phllllppl. 1; off Brown, 2. Hit by pitched ball: Donovan. Struck out: By Wlihelm, 1: by Phllllppl. 2: by Brown. 4. Wild pitch: Brown. Time: 2:1X Umpire: Johnstone. Bestoa Loses Close Oae. NEW YORK, April 15.-New York de feated Boston touay In a clous game. Mertes mad a home run, scoring McOin nlty and Van Haltren ahead of him. In the sixth Inning. Breanahan, who ran lor Warner In the ninth, brought In the win ning run on Warner's single and Piatt's wild throw of McQInnity'a Mcrlftc. At tendance, 12.0UO. Score: NEW TORK. BOSTON. R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B. Browne, rf.. t 1 I 4 t Deiter, ef... I I t t 1 VanH'a, cf.. lilt ITenner. Ik.. 1 1 t 1 I McOana, lb.. 1 1 t 1 I Abbat'blo. aa 1 1 1 I 4 Manas, If.... till t Cooler, It ... 41144 Babb, aa 4 4 114 Camay, rf... t t t t 4 Laudar, lb... 4 4 4 1 I Bonnar, lo...t tilt Ollbart. lb... 1114 I.Oram'iar, lb 1 4 I 0 Warner, .... lit! l Klttradga, c. 1 I 1 I 0 Breea'h'a . 1 t t t 4, Piatt, 1 1 t 1 1 McUlnalty, 1 I I 4 4 Totala ... t fti 11 4 ToUla ... I 11 IT 11 l Ran for Warner In ninth Inning. Nona out when winning run waa made. New York 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 38 Boa ton 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 17 Earned runs: New York, 4; Boston, 1. Two-base nits: McGann, Warner, Tenney. Three-bass hit: Abbattlchlo. Home run: Mertes. Stolen bases: Warner, McQ.nnlty. Sacrifice hit: Babb, McUlnntty. Doub Elaya: Oremlnger, Bonner and Tenney. eft on basea: New York, 6; Boston, I. First base on balls: Off McQlnnity, 2; off Piatt, 2. First base on errors: New York, 2: Boston, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Mo Oinnlty, 1. Struck out: By McQlnnity, 2: by Piatt. 6. Time: 2:03. Umpire: O Day. taadlas of tb Teaaas. Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Pittsburg ..y.8 8 2 . 760 New York 7 6 2 .714 Chicago 7 4 2 . 671 Boston i 4 .666 St. Louis g 4 4 .fxiO Brooklyn 7 2 4 .42S Philadelphia 9 2 6 .333 Cincinnati 7 1 4 .143 Games today: Pittsburg at Chicago, St. Louis at Cincinnati. GAMES IN AMERICAN LEAGUE Chesbro's Pttefclaar Allow Washing ton Oaly six Hit Bad Ob Rib, WASHINGTON, April 25. -New York re cured an even break on the series by tak ing today's gam from Waahlngton, Chea bro allowed only six hits to the locals, who narrowly missed a shutout. The yellow support accorded WHson helped to run up large total for the visitors. Delehanty made a marvelous one-handed catch. At tendance, 2,624. Score: - .. NEW YORK. ' R.H.O.A.B PaTts, If 14 14 0 Kaalar, rf.... 1114 Fulta, rf I 1 t t 4 Wllllama, lb I I I I u Oantel, lb... I I I 4 P 1 WASHINGTON. R.H.O.A.B. RoblnaoB, aa. 4 4 I t 1 Bcibaen, rr.. sill Dalah'tr. It. . 1 t I 1 t Ryan, cf t 1 4 t t Carer, lb.... t 1 11 t I Conshltn, lb. t 1 t 1 1 Demon t, Ik.. I 1 4 1 4 Clark, c...... t t I 1 I Wllaos, p.... t t t I Cnnroy, tb. ..' t 2 1 Courtney, as. t 1 1 O Connor, c. t t t Cheebro. p... 4 4 4 1 4 ToUla ...11 11 17 II l Totala ... 1 t XT II I New York ...........4 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 1-11 Waahlngton ., 0 0000000 11 Karned Vuns: New York. 2. Two-base hits: Ryan, Conroy, Uansel, William, Fulta. Three-base hlta: William, Keeler, Belbach. Stolen bases: Fulls (2), Court ney. Double play: Cheebro. Courtney, Wllllama and Oantel. First base on balls: Off Wllaon, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Keeler, Courtney. Btruck out: By Wilson, 2: by Cheebro. 2. Left on bases: Waahlngton, 4; New York. 4. Wild pitch: Wilson. Time: 1:26. Umpire: Connolly. Eaaon'a IMteklBtT Shata Cleveland Oat. DETROIT, April U.-Mal Easton of last year'a Boston Nationals made his Detroit debut today and In the prtaence of a big crowd shut out Cleveland. Eason pltchel wonderful ball. Attendance, 1,4-0. Score; DETROIT. . CLEVELAND. R.H.O.A.B. I R.H.O.A.B. Barrett, et... 4 I I t t Bay. f 4 4 I I 4 Smith, lb.... 1 14 1 4 Brale, lb., t lilt Crawtort, II. 1 1 1 t t Lejole. Ik... t t 4 1 4 Carr, lb t t 11 I t Hickman, lb. 4 4 T t t Blbarfald. aa. 4 I I 1 0 flick, rf 4 4 t t 4 Oaaalar. rt... t t t t t McCarthy, If. t t t t t Taaier. lb... t t 1 1 I Ooehaaur. aa. 4 I I 1 1 Mc A mater. 4 4 t t t Abbott, a..,, t t 4 1 Kaaon, p t t t I 4, Moore, .... t 0 t I 1 ToUla ... I II71 Totala ... t I 14 l "l Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Detroit 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 Earned runt Detroit, t Two-base hits: Crawford, Oochnauer. Sacrifice hits: At bott. Bay. Oeasler. Stolen bases: Barrett, Smith. Bases on balls: By Eason, 1; by Moore, 1. First base on errors: De. trolt. 1. Left on bases: Detroit. 6: Cl-ve. land, 2. Struck out By Eason, 6; by Moor, 4. Time, 1:24. umpire: v Laughlin. Boat oa's Stick Work lacceeds. PHILADELPHIA. April 16.-Boston shut out th champion today, th victory being due to uperlor stick work. Hughe was a mystery to tne locals, wno had at leaat two chancea to score, but were unable to bit. Attendance, .. score: BOB TON. R.H.O.A.B rtousharty. It t I I 4,4 Colllna. lb. .. t t 4 4 4 O Brlaa. cf.. 4 1 1 t PrMmaa. rf. 1 I t I Parent, aa... litis LaChanea, lb 1 1 It t 4 Farrla. lb.... 4 4 110 Parrell. c... 4 I 4 1 t Mughaa, ... t t t 4 ( PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O.A.B. Hartaal. If... t t I 4 Darta. lb.... 4 1 T 4 1 L. Croaa. lb. t t 4 4 t fceybola. rt.. t 1 1 t t Murphy, lb., t 1 1 1' 4 Pickering, cf 4 t I t 4 H. Croaa, as. 4 1 t I 4 S.'hreck, e... t t It I 1 WaadelL p.. t t t t 4 ToUla ...4 14 17 11 Tat a la ... t 4 17 t I Boston 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0-4 Philadelphia, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Earned runs: Boston. 2. Two-baae hlta: Freeman, Parent, LaChance, Farrell, Dar.a, Seybold. Three-base htt: Parent. Sacri fice hit: rarent, Davis. Stolen baaer Dougherty, it. Cross. Double Plav: L Croaa. unassisted. Left on bates: B ito 1. 8: Philadelphia, 8. First baae on tails: Off Hughes, 8: off Waddell, 2. cJtruck out: By Hughes, 4; by Waddell. 11. Wild pitch: Waddell. Tim: 1:60. Umpire: Haaaett ana t-arruinere. PeatBoaed Gasaes. Chicago at St. Louis, postponed on ac cout of rain. Btaadlag ( th Teaaas. Played. Won. Lost. P C Detroit 2 2 0 lono Chicago 2 2 0 innn Waahlngton 4 2 2 .600 Philadelphia, 2 2 .6-VI New York 4 2 2 .6m Boston a 2 4 .333 Pt. txul 2 0 2 Cleveland 3 0 2 .) Oamea today: t'hicugo at St. Ixiula, Cleveland at Detroit. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES Kansas City Takes Four Straight frosn Mlnaeapolls by Good All Aroaad Play. KANSAS CITY, April B.-KansnB City made It four stralRht from Minneapolis by good, ail-round playing. . McGaughcy made hla Initial appearance In the box and pitched well until the ninth, when the visitors all but batted out a victory. At tendance, 9W. Score: KANSAS CITT. . MINNEAPOLIS. R.H.O.A.B I " R.H.O.A.B. Oanley, ef... 1 0 4 4 4 Oyler. ra 11114 Maloney, c... 114 1 4 Mccreary, lb. 1 I 10 I 4 Nance, tb..., 1 111 4 Wllmot, ll... 1 1411 Greri, lb.... I 1 I 4 tVniT. C....1 1 I I 4 Rothfuaa, rf. 1 1 1 4 4 Mclntyra, lb. 14 0 14 Smith. If..., 4 1 4 4 4 Illy. rf 4 114 4 Leewa, aa.... I 111 4 Hoffm'a'r. lb 0 I 1 1 I McAna'a. lb. 0 14 1 0 I.lppert. cf... 4 4 14 0 McOau'cy, p. 4 1 4 I 4 Thomaa, p...O 114 0 aVaeblnder .. 4 0 4 4 4 ToUla ... I t 17 11 0. 1 Totala ... 7 14 24 14 1 Batted for Thomas In the ninth. Kansas City 1 1102003 8 Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 47 Earned runs: Kansas City, 4: Minne apolis, (. Two-base hlta: Mcdnughey, icCreery, I-ally, HoffmeiKter, Wllmot. Three-base hits: Maloney, Nance, lewe, Wllmot. Home runs: Smith, Yeager. Sacrifice hits: Nance, Leewe, Rothfuss. Stolen bases: Rothtuss, Smith, Wllmot t2), I,ally. First baae on balls: Off Mc Oaughey, 6; off Thomas. 4. Btruck out: By McGatisjhey, 4; by Thomas. 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Thomas, 1. Ieft on bases: Kansas City, 6; Minneapolis, 9. Time: 2:U0. Umpire: Mullane. Toledo Hefoaea to Play. COLUMBUS, April 25. Toledo forfeited the game to Columbus In the third Inning today by a refusal to continue play. The score stood 4 to 2 In favor of Toledo. The dispute was over the question of allow ing a runner for Raymer of Columbus, who has a cripple knee. St. Paul Ha Eaay Time. MILWAUKEE. April 2S.-Hale was hit hard throughout the game today, St. Paul winning easily. The horns team could nei ther hit nor field, while the vltitora backed up Ferguson both in the field and at the bat. Attendance, 600. Scire 8T. PAl'L. I R.H.O.A B 1 Bbannon, cf.. 14 0 10 Jackson, rf.. 4 1 1 0 0 Oelar, If 114 4 0 Schaeffer, as. 1 I 14 u Wheeler, lb. 4 1 4 1 1 Huggtna, lb. 4 4 I 1 ( Keller, lb... I 111 0 1 Bulllvan, c 0 1 4 0 Fcrguaon, p. 1 1 4 I J MILWAL'KKK. R.H.O.A.B. Phrle; aa.... 0 1 1 I t Donahuo, lb. 0 1 11 1 I Dunleavy, It. 0 I 4 0 1 OungRQ, rt. . 0 0-1 0 I Sthlafley, lb. 1 I 1 4 t I nglaub, lb. 0 0 1 1 1 Wood,. c..v... 4 16 4 0 Prer. cf.i. ... 1 1 1 0 0 Hale, p 4 1 4 1 0 Totala ...II 11 27 14 ll ToUls ... 1 10 27 IS 1 St. Paul 3 0 1 6 0 0 0 1 213 Milwaukee 0 0000001 12 Earned runs: Milwaukee. 2; St. Paul, 2. Two-base hit: Wood. Three-base hit: Wheeler. Home run: Schlaflcy. Stilen bases: Dunleavy (2), Dungan, Geler, Shan non, Jackson. Bases on hall?: Off Hale, 4; off Ferguson, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Jack son. Wild pitch: Hale. Struck out: By Hale, 6; by Ferguson, 4. Sacrifice hit: Jackson, Wheeler, Hugglns, Kelley, Sulli van, Ieft on banes: Milwaukee, 11; Sc. Paul, 12. Umpires: Moran and Cunning ham. Time: 1:40. Postponed Games. LoulsviU at Indianapolis on account of rain. taadlaaT of the Teanaa.- Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Kansas City 4 4 0 H"") Columbus 4 2 1 .750 Milwaukee 3 2 1 .6ti7 IndianapollB 3 2 1 ,fi7 Louisville 2 1 2 .3:13 St. Paul 3 1 2 .333 Toledo 4 1 3 .250 Minneapolis ...4 0 4 . 000 Games today: St. Paul at Kansas City, Minneapolis at Milwaukee, LouUville. at Toledo, Columbus at Indianapolis. FIELD CLUB'S DAY TO : LOSE Originals Defeat the First Team and Deaf Mate Whip the reond. ' The' Originals beeil , the Omaha Field club's ball team, R to 4, yesterday on the club' grounds. Wild throwing Is held re sponsible for the defeat. The second team waa defeated, 2 ts 4, by the deaf raut.i' nine. Score of the game with the Originals: r. c. R.K.O A E. 14 0 4 1 1 1 i . 0 0 10 I 4 I 1 ORIOINALB. R.H.O.A.B. 1 Hall, lb 1 I 1 1 1 Bradford, aa. 1 1 0 Young, lb.... I I t 4 0 Crelghton, lb t 1 11: Coagrove, cf . 1 I 0 11 foe. c t 0 II 1 0 Dunn. It I 1 I 0 1 Baftelder, p.. 1 t t I 0 Methane, rf.. 1 0 1 0 1 Hoaaland, cf I fhambere, lb 1 Martin. Knox, tb 1 Raed. lb 4 Malone. aa. .. 4 Davldaon, If. 4 Tippery, rf.. t Gardy, p 0 1 0 0 4 1 1 4 4 0 4 4 4 ToUla ...11127 1: I' ToUla ...4 74 11 Crelghton out for Interfering with ball. Originals 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 2 .1-8 O. F. C 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 Oi Two-base hit: Crelghton. Btruck out: By Goody, .7; by Saffelder. 9. Bases on ball: Off Goody, 2; off Saffelder, 1. Umil e. Seward. ) UNDERWEAR W are showing th beat lln of fancy and plain colored underwear la th world. Be tb display la our north window. Prices: $1.00 cri 75c and VlUa Wt do ot fear) to add tha percentage of profit rsxjulred by stores paying two t three hundred dollar par monUl rent to aall' at th eiceedlngly low prices w are quoting oa mea'a furnishing goods. Drop la and see ft thla la truth or fiction. KELLEY & HEYDEN, v 319-321 North 16th Street. INDIANS EASYJFOR NEBRASKA Score Stand 14 to a aa. Result ot Good Pitching and Heavy Hitting;. (From a Staff Correspondent.) -LINCOLN. Aortl 25. (Special Telegram.) Nebranka university scored a second and runaway victory today over the Nebraska Indiana. The aborigines went to pieces in the third Inning, making three errors, which, supplemented by some fierce bat ting by the Cornhuskers, yielded nine rung and gave the pale facea an overwhelming lead. A double by Fets, a three-cushion drive by Townsend and a slashing home run bit to deep center by Steen were sandwiched in when some of the Corn huskers were on bases as portions of a batting rally, which set the crowd, the largest one of the year, fairly wild -with glee. Captain Townsend tried out Morse, another of hla cub pitchers, and the youngster held the red men safe at all stages. With perfect support he would have had a shutout and a two-hit game to his credit. Th score; R.H.E. Nebraska ....0 0 2 10 0 2 1 H 8 4 Indians 0 00000110-247 Batteries: Nebrsska, Morse and Bender; Indians, Duffy, Beara and Short Bull. Game Nest Satarday. The Union Stock Yards team and the team representing the Omaha Field club will cross bats on next Saturday at Vin ton Street park. Both teams are rattling good amateur teams and they promise to put up an exciting game that will give the fana a great deal of enjoyment. Follow ing la the lineup: U. 8. Yarda. Positions Field Club Harhten Flrat base Reed Talbot Second base Knox Mlllett Third base Chambers Buhner Shortstop Malone Ferguson Leftfleld ; Clarke McMahon Center Meld Hoagland Ixitt Rlghtfleld Tippery Miller Catcher Martin Qulnn Pitcher Davldaon Caughey Pitcher Oordy Adams Pitcher Athletic Contests at Crete. CRETE. Neb.. April 25 (8peclal Te' gram.) In a dual track meet held here to day between Doans academy and the Crete High school, the academy boy. were the winners, securing ttf points against :9 for the high school boys. The best records for ths academy boys were made bv tiuencer who threw the twelve-pjund hammer 126 feet t incnes; oy a. cneoo, wno ran tha half mile In i:UlH. and by Hagemi lst-r, who ran the two twenty-yard hurdles It :03i4. Rademacher did good work for the high achool boys, running the 120-yard nurdles In 0:19V. The academy boy accural ulii out of a total of twelve flrat. gprlagBeld Heglaa Seaeoa Well. SPRINGFIELD. Neb., April y (Special Telegram ! Springfield opened the veaeon today with the Omaha High school and defeated them easily. The a; ore: H.H E Springfield 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 0 07 ft I Omaha High....! 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-2 4 ( Hatteries: Bates snd MiHirew; Fair brother. Cherrington and flreenlcaf. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Charlea Ifler. Beaten hy l.othrop. At Sixteenth and Pinknev streets Satur day a game waa played by the Lothrop school team and Greteinger's team. Th' itcher of Uretalnger a team Ditched well. ut he had bad support and It caused him o lose the game, the score standing 21 to t in ravor oc tne ioinrop. RELIANCE GIVEN TRIAL TRIP Bnilderi Test Spaed of Kaw America'! Cap Defender. WEATHER CONDITIONS ARE PERFECT Vacht Heel Easily to alllns; Mae, la Qalclc 4 Come About and Steer Wltkest Dim. tilty. BRISTOL, R. I., April 23. In a fifteen mile beat to windward down Narragansett bay, out to tea and a long run before fhe wind bark to ita moorings Reliance was given It first builder' trUl today. The weather conditions were perfect. In a twelve knot sout.hwester, whether close hauled In the beat down the bay or on a broad reach with tha wind abeam, or run ning free under epinnaker, the yacht ren dered a splendid account of Itself and gave abundant promise of being a formidable candidate In the trials for a cup defender. Its performance demonstrated that de spite the apprehension that It would be stiff because ot Its supposed scow Ilk fea tures. It heeled easily to It sailing line In a moderate breeie. Once down to these lines It refused to heel further, giving evi dence of th power which Its broad, flat forward hull was designed to Impart. It was quick to come about, averaging about twenty-seven second In stays, mad tome fuss at the bow at times and steered with only one man at tbe helm. Midget Prove Blar Knoagh. Th Capitol Hill Mldgeta defeat! the Tremont Juniors, 19 to U, on the hlga sluuvi grvuuus Dtuuruay, COLLEGE ATHLETES COMPETE Yale, . Pennsylvania and Michigan Carry Off Field Cham pionships. PHILADELPHIA. April K.-Yale, Penn sylvania and Michigan carried off the prin cipal championships today at th carnival of relay races snd field sports held on Franklin field tinder the auspices of the University of Pennsylvania. The high school championship of the United Slates was won by Chicago, while the national championship for preparatory schools went to Brown school Philadel phia. W. A. Schick of Harvard captured the 100-vard dash In a close finish from O. A. Hahn of Michigan, and R. Gains of Princeton was first in the 22-yard hurdle. , The four-mile relay race waa so hotly con tested that Michigan only won by two yards. Summary: High Schools One mile relay; won by Newark. N. J. Time: 3:43 1-5. Preparatory Schools One mile relay, won by Boys' Latin school, Baltimore. Time: 3:46 2-6. , Colleges One mile relay, won by Carlisle Indian school: second, Delaware; third, Allegheny. Time: 3:451-5. One mile relay, won by Gallude college, Washington, D. C: second, New York Law school; third, St. Johns college, An napolis. Time: 3:38. One mile relay, won by Rutgers; second, University of New 'York; third, Swarth more. Time: 3:35 4-5. One mile relay won by Bucknell; second Johns Hopkins; third, Dickinson. Time: 8:35 2-5. One mile relay, won by Amherst: second. Syracuse university; third. University of Virginia. Time: 3:30 2-5. CHAMPIONSHIP HIGH SCHOOL. One mile relay, won by Chicago; second, Brooklyn; third, Washington Central. Time: 3:37 8-5. College One mile relay, won by Yale, R. B. Hyatt, E. J. Clapp, F. R. Moulton and C. W. Long; second, Pennsylvania, H. A. Hyman. J. B. Blgelow. W. O. Abbott and D. C. Helm. Time by quarters: 52 2-5, 1:43 2-5, 2:34 1-6, 3:28. College Two-mile relay, won by Penn sylvania. H. M. Smith, 8. H. Terry E. H. Klaes and I. A. Orton; second, Columbia, H. D. Oppenheimei H. MacDonald, O. M. Bishop and J. A. Taylor; third. Harvard, 8. Curtis, A. Adams, W. G. Clerk and J. W. Foster. Time by half miles: 2:04 1-5, 4:0V 6:07 4t6, 8:08 3-5. ....... ... College Four-mile relay won by Michi gan, A. Walt, B. Perry, D. Conger and E. Kellogg; aecond, -Yale, W; - A. Waldron, W. J. Hall, C. B. Alcott and 8 W. Fran chot; third, Pennsylvania, C, P. Major, E. Russell, J. A. Stonton and A. C. Gowen. Wisconsin, Chicago, Harvard and Colum bia finished In order named. Time by miles: 4:40 2-5. 2:22 3-6. 14:04 3-5. 18:39 4-5. . TRACK AND FIELD SPORTS. One hundred-yard dash, won oy W. A. Schick, Harvard; second, A. Hahn. Michi gan; third, C. Blair, Chicago. Time; 10 jeconda. Ono hundred and twenty-yard hurdle, won by R. H. Gaines, Princeton; second, E. 8. Amsler, Pennsylvania: third. W. C. Lowe. Syracuse. Time: 15 4-5 seconds. Shot put, won by E. T. Glass Yale, 43 feet 934 Inches; second. R. E. Rollins. Am herst: third. J. F. Porter, Cornell. High Jump, won by 8. B. Jones, New York university, 6 feet 11 inches; G. B. SchoM, Johns Hopkins, and W. C. Ixiwc. Syracuse, tied for second place at 6 feet 10 Inches. Scholl won the . toss and was given second place. Pole vault, won by H. Moore, Princeton, 11 fee-t 3 Inches; W. McLanahan, Yale, and W. Batrd, Pennsylvania, tied for aecond place at 11 feet. Mclanahan won the toss and was given second place. Hammer throw, won by P. L. Shevlln. Yale, 156 feet 8 Inches; second. J. R. De wltt, Princeton: third, E. T. Glass. Yale. Broad Jump, won by M. Prlnsleln, Syra cuse, 21 feet 84 Inches; second, L. Leven tritt, Columbia; third, W. P. Hubbard, Amherst. ' Discus throw, won by J. F. Porter, Cor nell, 117 feet 11V4 inches: second, W. R. A. McDonough. Montclair High school; third, M. V. Connelly, New York university. . PASTORS BALKSUNDAY BALL Obtain iBjaactlon to Stop Iadtanapolts Game Scheduled (or Today. IMDIANAPOLIS. April 25 Efforts to play Sunday baseball In Indianapolis re ceived another check tonight when Judga Garter issued a temporary Injunction pro. hlbltlng the Indianapolis club from playing. The order is reiurname on May a. The complaint was tiled at tne instance or the Indianapolis Ministerial association by a property owner near the ball park. A petition signed by 32,010 voters was pre sented to the mayor yesterday asking for SunriHv base ball. The mayor replied that while personally he would favor the Sunday game, tne laws were against n. ing pian was to play tomorrow, have the piayer arrested on th grounds, give bond and resume th game. College Base Ball. At New Haven Yale won from Penn sylvania today on Yale field. Nearly 3.00J witneased the game. In fielding Yal gave Bowman better aupport than th Pennsyl vanlana gave Devlin, their star pitcher. The latter, however, was a team In him self. R H E Yale 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 7 6 Pennsylvania ..0 0000100 01 I 4 Batteries: Bowman and Winslow; Dev lin and Carlss. At . Ann Arbor Michigan university scored 14 against Illinois university' 10 to- Michigan 2 0 1 0 0 1 4 6 -14 Illinois 1 2 8 0 0 0 4 0 0 10 Batteries: Beebo and Stahl; Atley and Davla. At West Point The Military Acsdemy baae ball team defeated Harvard today by S to 4 In the mort exciting gams ever played on the West Point Held. In the third Inning West Point made four runs on Gardiner's home run hit. At th end of the inning Harvard substituted Clark son for Colburn as pitcher, after whl.h West Point fall.d to score a alngie run. R H E Wesf Point ... 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 3 Harvard 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0-4 11 1 Batteries: Colburn, Clarkson and Ker nsn; Graham and Grsvta. At Providence Brown, 2: Princeton, 0. At Annapolis Georgetown, , Navy, 7. To Select Trsrk Team. SAN FRANCISCO, April 25. -The flret try outs of the Pacific Athletic ss-oclatlon t select a track team to reprewent tha wet In tha worlds fair Olympian gHmes, in 11KH. will be held at the Beike.ey oval on May 2. It Is proposed to send a representat va trim to St. Louis with the hop or securl ig some of the valuable prise offered. A. W Pope, the amateur champion aculler of thi Pa. mc coaat. will also go eat to rom ate In the American rowing championship con tests. DHflT EC1 Ilsi 1 I if v 00 o si? ojifr kA0meiM fife Cm-' ' BMBBBB.BB.yj iBTll amajjaagjtjyaBatj The New Life-Saving Food PREVENTS DISEASE PRESERVES HEALTH PROLONGS LIFE Its Wonderful Blood-making, Tissue-build-ing and Strength-producing Elements make it the Monarch of all Spring Medicines. To prove its great' medicinal food value, a large. 1 ' There are many kinds of emulsion for sale. Whose do you use? There is only one emulsion which possesses the true vitalizing food properties needful to build up the weakened, devitalized system, and that is OZOMULSION. HAVE YOU TRIED IT? Ozomulsion is the only , vitalized emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, combined with tbe blood-germicide Guaiacol, the emulcent food Glycerine, and the bone and tissue salts of life, the Ilypo-, phosphites of Lime and Soda. Prescribed by physicians in private . and hospital practice, and used, by them in their own families, Ozomulsion has been easily dem onstrated to be the "emulsion' par excellence." Ozomulsion is the Food That Does Good. It is an aid to any medicine you may be taking. Your physician knows the formula and will recommend it. Take no emulsion but Ozomulsion and it will make you well. The great and marvelous building, strengthening properties of Ozomulsion are quickly shown in its immediate Good Results for Coughs, Colds, Grip, Pneumonia, Night Sweats, Consumption, Anemia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and all disturbances of the digestive or nervous svstem. Ozomulsion is sold by Kuhn & Co., and the bottle may be procured. ' Free Trial Bottle by Mail will be sent, prepaid, to any reader of this paper on request. The kind Phy sicians Use and "Prescribe for their families and in their Hospital and Private Practice,' and Pruggiets sell In Extra Large Bottles, weighing over Two Pounds, for One Dollar. Write by postal Card or Letter, giving your name and tull address street and number. Ozomulsion Food, 98 Pine St., N. Y Sherman &' McConnell Drug Co., where eampU i - Medical Lake Ointment ' It the mott unfailing, the most Instantly soothing and lastingly bene ficial, th cleanest and mott grateful of remedies for all acute and exhausting pain to which inch treatment can be applied. This Ointment possessing th wonderful carathreaod healing properties of the famous fledlcal Lake 5altg( ita preparation which U mors positive In it bene ficent action than any other made. For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Eczema Roagh and Pimply Skim, Sunburn, Ulcers, Mosquito and all Insect Bites, it it peerless, simple, efficient alone It will do much, but when used together with Medical Lake Soap and Salts, it becomes doubly effective. Children meet with almost dally accidents hence, mother would be wit if they keep a boa of Medical Lake Ointment constantly on hand. Especially loathing and healing if applied te th bruised or injured part immediately after washing. 23c a box, at your Druggist. nsdlcal Lak Piaster a wonderful cur for Sprains, garaaas f Cheat a4 Back, at4 all Stralaad a4 Dralseel riusclcs. Invaluable far Cla snd Ber Threat. Thee Plasters are a hyfsak ant scteBthk eMbtaatioa of haallnf and ctrenrthsnlnr (un. toreOiar with th curadve suallila ef rUtUcal Lak tatta. . 2fc. aacfa. flEDICAL LAKE 5 ALTS flFa.jCO., Sola flfr., NawYork and. Spokane, Wash. 232 For Sals by SHERMAN & McCOHNELL DRUQ CO., Cor. 16th and Dodge Sts Omaha, Neb. I.uah Uvea Oetrolt. DETROIT, April 2S. Manstrr Barrow of the Detroit American league baa ball team announced todny that ht- hail slsrnrd Wil liam Iish, who played In the outfield for tha Boston National league last aeaaon. OutfWMrr Clfmenia will l released back to Jtrsey I'll'. Dr. Burkhart's Wonderful Offer SixMoirraTrSAiiij Vf0SED 'aeM. f - ruts jtriiri Brings )ny to the tick throuKhout the world, tilling despairing hear la with hope and re storing health to the afflicted. l.iat year I cured Wi per cent of the s.rat.fl") cases of t'onstlpstion, Rheumatism. Kidney and Uver troubles. Bli k liwidarhe. Catarrh. Nervonsneas and dlreaaea if the blood, which were treated with thia great remedy. All liruatltl. ' FOLLOW THE FLAG. New Orleans and Return, $29.50 April 11, 12, 13, nay 1.2. 9,4. IplL St. Louis and Return, $13.50 April 26, 27, 23. 2. 30. flay 1st ' The World's Fair line. Smoothest, shortest and quick est to the South and South East. Call at City office, 1601 Farnam St., or address Harry E. Moores, G. A. P. D., Omaha, 'eb. -1