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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1903)
TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, APlUTi 20, I!0.1. BUG NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL Ml.tOR MESTION. tr! sells drugs. Blorkert sel'.s carpets. Expert wntch repairing. LefTert. 4P B'f. C'e.nbrated Mets beer on tap. Neumayer. Cabinet photoa. Co per dosen. 08 B'way. I1ctjr framing. C. E. Alexander at Co., tU Hr. a (J war. Tel. S6l Real estate In all parts of the rlty for aaJc. Thomas K. Casady. Pearl street. Good copper bottom wash boiler, 89c, at A. li- Howe's. JlJ Broadway. Free lessons given with purchases of pyrogrsphy supplies. Alexander A Co. Wanted, man with team to do Job of od-ding-. Inqul-e at Bee office, Council Bluns. Mra. E. D. Stanner la reported to be seriously 111 at her horn on Hldge street. Hefcre ptperlne; your room we want to Show you our el6ant 1W8 designs. C. Ji. Faint. Oil and UIbbm company. For a general line of household furnish ings D W. Keller, 407 Broadway, lead them all. Ha aella on tha eaay-payment plan. On go-cart and baby carriages D. V. Keller. l Hroadway, will make a special discount aale of 20 per cent oft for cash this week. County Treasurer Arnd remitted to the State treasurer yesterday :,866.07. being the state s portion of the tax collections (or March. Toting lady, employed, wishes two fur nished rooms so arranged as to get meals when desired: best references. 21 Bee of fice. Council Bluffs. Mlrs Cora Rounds hss been removed from her home on Mynster street to the Woman's Christian Association hospital, where she Is seriously 111. Bonn P. Sorensen of this ofty and An dreas Paulwn of Missouri Valley, who se cured marriage licenses yesterday after noon, also took out their first naturallza tlon papers. Nicest line of carpets, rugs, linoleums, oilcloths, window shades, portieres In the city lit I). W. Keller's, 4()7 Broadway. His firlces still remain low, despite the raise n price of these goods. J. A. Raabe, on being re-elected business gent, resigned as president of the Trades and I,abor assembly, and J. L. Bmlth was elected as his successor. F. A. Spencer was elected vice president to succeed Mr. Bmlth. A well dressed stranger fllmflammed the young woman cashier at Metcalf & Met calfe store yesterday afternoon out of $20 on the old short-change racket. After se curing the money the fellow was aeen to take a car to Omaha. dalle, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Ashley, 704 Perrln avenue, died yesterday, aged 6 weeks and 4 days. The funeral will be held - this afternoon at 1:80 o'clock from the residence and burial will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. . Frank Woods, taken to the penitentiary for breaking Into C. Nicholson's meat mar ket, was recognized by Warden Jones as Viuvitir ervfri two sentences there before. The tirst time he was sent up from Guthrie county and the second time from Scott county. Mrs. Fremont Benjamin ha been ap pointed organist at Broadway Methodist church to succeed Miss Ellis, who has re signed. Mrs. Benjamin has been acting as aiwlstant organist of Trinity cathedral In Omuha under V. H. Wright, of whom she Is a pupil. Articles of Incorporation of the Union Christian church and library. Thirty-fifth street and Broadway, have been drawn up and will be filed Monday. The committee has already secured W00 toward the cost of , tho church bullulng. for which a permit has been issued, and work will bs begun At once. National Roofing Co., 12$ Main Btreet. Chief of Police Reports. Chief Tlbblts yesterday filed with Mayor Morgan the report of the police department for the year ending March SI. 1903. The number of arrests during the twelve months1' was 1.454. Cases of theft reported to the j qeBartment numbered 128, as fol lows;) Burglary, 12; confidence games, 8; highway robbery. 8; larceny, 69; larceny from buildings, 24; larceny from buildings In night time, 11; larceny from person, 8. During the year 944 persons were provided with lodging at the city Jail, of whom 712 were Americans, "2. Irish, 47 Germans, 20 Swedes, 18 African, 17 Danee and the bal ance divided among the other nationalities. Tho number of meala furnished to prisoner and lodgers waa t.wS. The cash received by the city marshal for fines and forfeitures. Including the licenses pild by disorderly women, mcunted to 13.544.20. The total expense of operating the marshal's and police de partments was $14,498.10. Of this amount $12,403 was paid In salaries and 8908.44 for the board of prisoners, the balance, II, 184.75, being classed as sundries. ' Plumbing and heatln. Blxby ft Son. Real Estate Transfers. These abstracts were filed yesterday In the abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Bqulre, 101 Pearl street: J. P. Qreenshlelds and wife to t. K. llannan, im sw seV 16 71-44. q c rt.l Same to some, nw4 sw4 s-ift-44. n c d. Bams to same, nwi nwi lj-74-44. QCd. Bame to J. W. Hannttn, swS, w4 -;(i-44. q c d ... K. B. Ettenhelmer to F. D. Day, lot 14, block 1?, Mullln's sub, w d Margaret I.. McUce and husband to Joseph Jensen, lot , block 3, Bay- IIhs' 3rd add, w d Carl F. Tledt and wife to Wlll'am H. Nelman and wlie. lots h and , block, i. Marnuardt's sub. Avoca, w d 40 775 H Plugmann o Johannes Curstens, sw4 tw sei and nb rods nw nw4 ne, 9-V7-. w U 1.4W State Saving Bank of Council Bluff to Charles R. Hannan, part to ne4 me tt-74-43. qcd 1M John Hamrmr to II. V. lnne. lot 6, block 10. Stutsman's "nil add. qcd 1 Ton transfers, total., .1 2,4:6 N. V. Plumbing Co., Tel. 250. Night, F667. Marrtnsje Licenses. Ucenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age Arthur J. Richmond. Kansas City, Mo. ljle L. McLaughlin, Council Bluffs.. Andreas Paulsen, Mlfsourl Valley, la., loulse Thomsen, M sso'Jrl Valley, la... Uoy Herreld. Omaha ley Dora Johnon. Omaha X W. Kelley. Chicago Mrs. Ethel Overton, Omaha., J Daugherty, Council Bluffs Alteo A. Uiche, Council Bluff ...., Horen P Sorensen. Council H'uffs Itargrethe Holm. Council Bluffs 2 .27 .2i .19 .2 .2J , .: i .29 feathers Renovated We are prepared to do this work to per fection, in connection with our dyeing busl fcefs. Lace Curtains Cteanad and Poitiers Cleaned and Dyed.- Our method Is to give complete satisfac tion. Come tn and Inspect our work If you want to see what we can do in the way of One work. Ogd.en Steam Dye Works CARTER A COOK. Prop-. 301 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Wark called (or sal deliwti. 'Phone 71. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. 9 Ftart -. Curtail bluffs. 'Phone K. BLUFFS. MEETING OF THE BOOSTERS Commercial Club Inritti All to Attend WdoeidaT'i Beiiion. EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO HAVE A SAY Several Addressee Dowa the Pro gram to Be Delivered by Meat Who Have Helped to Dolld t'p Connell Blnffs. The general meeting of the membership of the Commercial club, will be held Wednesday evening In Royal Arcanum ball and the meeting will be open to the general public. The executive committee, In send ing out the Invitations for the meeting, designates It as "A General Rally of All Boosters." The object of the meeting Is stated to be for general talk to hear what Is being done by the Commercial club for tha good of the city. A general Invitation to talk Is extended to those attending. The Eaglea' band baa been secured for the occasion and will render a number of se lections at the entrance and In the hall during the evening. Commissioner W. W. Loomls will report what progress has been made In securing Industries and in adver tising Council Bluffs, and In addition there will be' the following addresses: "Railroads and What They Mean to Council Bluffs," Colonel W. J. Davenport. 'Cltlsens' Duties and What They Owe to the Commercial Club as a Buslnei-s Organ ization, Urging loyally and Benefits to be Derived from Concert of Action and a Long and Strong Boost by Every Citizen," C. M. Harle. "The Implement and Jobbing Trade and the Benefits Council Blurt Derives by Hav ing It Known as one of. If Not the Great est Implement center on the Missouri River," L,uclus Wells. "The General Wholesale Trade of Council Bluffs," ex-Senator William Groenweg. Telephone Company Incorporates. Article of Incorporation of the Potta wattamie Mutual Telephone company, the company said to have been organised by Victor E. Bender, were filed yesterday In the office of the county recorder. The cap ital stock Is placed at $150,000 divided Into 8,000 shares of $00 each, of which 850,000 Is preferred stock drawing 7 per cent In terest per annum, and (100,000 common stock. The company is," according to tho articles, Incorporated for a period of fifty years and the names of Fred R. Davis, C. A. Beno and Cat Hater are attached to them. The filing of the articles at this date in dicates that the company intends, as stated by Mr. Davis and Mr. Bender, to contest the right of the city council to select the Western Iowa Independent Telephone com pany as the beneficiary , of the ordinance granting . a franchise for an independent system In this city. The Pottawattamie Mutual company was organised tevtral weeks ago, but no at tempt was made to file the articles of In corporation until after the Western Iowa company had been selected by the city council as the grantee of the Independent telephone franchise. - With the Charches. W. Henry Colllsson will conduct a praise service at the Second Presbyterian church this evening. He will be assisted by the children's choir. At the morning service he will render the solo, "Fear Not Ye, Oh, Israel," by Dudley Buck. The pastor. Rev. Harvey Hostetler, will take as the subject of his morning sermon "Brotherly Kind ness." In the evening his theme will be "The Speechless Quest." All the services will be at the usual hours. These services will be held today at the Fifth Avenue Methodist church:, Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Class meeting at noon. Junior league meeting at 8 p. m. and Ep worth league meeting at 7 p. m. In the morning the pastor. Rev. J. W. Abel, will take as the subject of his sermon. "The Journey to Emmaus." In the evening his topic will be "Drawing Near to God." The midweek prayer meeting will be held Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The members of the tour lodges of Odd Fellows and of the three Rebekah lodges will observe the eighty-fourth anniversary of the founding of their order by attending the services this evening at Trinity Methodist church, when the pastor. Rev. A. E. Burtff. will address them on the sub ject of "True Fraternity." Rev. James Sims wUl occupy the pulpit la the morning. Preaching will be at 10:30 a., m. and 8 p. m. Other services will he at the usual hours. "Isaiah's Exhortation" will be the sub ject of Rev. W. J. Calfee's sermon this morning at the Broadway Methodist church. In the evening be will make an especial address to the young women of the congregation, taking, aa the topic of his discourse "Ruth." The Brotherhood of St. Paul will bold its regular meeting at the church Monday evening, when It will be addressed by Hon. W. E. Balnbrldge. Rev. W. B. Crewdson, psstor of the First Christian church, will preach this after noon at 8 o'clock at the hall at Thirty second street and Third avenue. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, will hold services at 11 o'clock in the 8s pp block, corner of Broadway and Scott street. Subject, "Eternal Punishment." Sunday school thereafter. Wednesday evening, testimony meeting at "8 o'clock. Second Church of Christ (Scientist) will hold services in Modern Woodmen of America hall In Merrlam block at 10:45 a. Subject, "Everlasting Punishment." Sunday school Immediately after the ser vice. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at T:4S. "Sunday Amusement From a Christian Standpoint" will be tbe subject of Rev. James Thomson's sermon at the First Con gregational church this evening. At the morning service his topic will be "Does Chrlstlsn Influence Help Christian Living?" Preaching services will be at 10:30 a. m. and I p. m. Losler and Moore Get Limit. Judge Thornell ot the district court yes terday sentenced Leon Lotler and Ed Moore, convicted on tho charge of conspir ing to defraud Chtrles Gregory and Wil liam Barker of this city out of nearly $10,000 in connection with a fake footrace at Webb City. Mo., in January, 1902, to three years each In tbe penitentiary at Fort Madison. This sentence is the limit permissible under the Iowa law. The motion for a new trial, which was argued prior to tbe pass ing ot she sentences, was overruled and counsel for the defendants gave notice that he 'would appeal to the supreme court. Judge Thornell gave the defendants one week In which to file bonds In the sum of $3,000 for the appeal and ordered that the present bonds, under which the defendants are at liberty, hold good until that time. Losler and Moore were tried at the Janu ary term of district court, when the Jury found them guilty as charged. The jury la the suit of B. W. Teal, guar dian, and U. W. Binder, administrator ot the estate of W. E. Haverstock against the National Masonic Accident association, re quired but ten minutes yesterday afternoon to bring In a verdict for the plaintiffs for the full amount sued for, namely, (5,000 and Interest . amounting to $425. Under the Instructions of the court the Jury de cided that the proceeds of the policy went to the estate. In the event of a new trial being denied the defendant company will take the case to the supreme court. Thieve Frightened Away. Burglars broke Into the residence of C. K. Taylor at 700 South Beventh street last night, but were evidently frightened away before they had an opportunity to carry off the plunder which they had piled up In one of the rooms. The family left 'he house at 8 o'clock and did not return until shortly before 1 o'clock. Signs of thieves having been In the house were on all sides. Every room In the nous? had been ransacked and the silverware and other valuable articles had been piled in a heap In a bed sheet ready to be tied up and carried away. It Is sup posed that the family returning surprised the thieves, who had effected an entrance through a second story window, but made their exit by the kitchen door. PAST WEEK IN BLUFFS SOCIETY Hop of Hlarh iehool Cadets Premier Event Among the Tosnxer Set. Miss Zoe Hill Is III with malaria fever. Miss John Beno, Jr., hss gone to Chicago for an extended visit. Mrs. Wallace Shepard wilt entertain the members of the Euchre club at her home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. F. B. Warner of Washington avenue is home from a visit with friends and relatives In Boone, la. Mrs. Walter I. Smith entertained the women of the First Presbyterian church at her home Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Fleming entertained a number of friends at a dancing party Friday night at their home, 740 West Broadway. Mrs. Thomas B. Metcalf entertained the members of the Daughter of the American Revolution at her home Monday afternoon, ihe program for the meeting was In charge of Miss Dodge and Miss Harle. Emll Leffert of Haxel Dell township and Miss Minnie Bohning were married on Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bohning, IMS Avenue A. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Neumyer announce the engagement of their daughter, Theresa, to Matthias P. Mergen of this city. The wedding will take place Tuesday morning, May 12, at St. Peter's Catholic church. The meeting of the Council Bluffs Woman's club for the purpose of nom inating candidates for the election of offi cers will be held at the club room May 1, Instead of April 29, as previously an nounced. The musical and dance given Friday evening at the Royal Arcanum hall by the members of the Flower mission was a most successful affair. Among those who assisted on the program were: Miss Jnd Ron. Dr. Claude Lewis, Lucius l'iyor and Prof. Steckelberg of Lincoln, wedding breakfast was served at the con clusion of the ceremony at the forae of the parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. James L'oyle of Bluff street. Mr. and Mrs. Mor gan left the same evening on a wedding trip to Denver. They will be at home to their friends after May 15 at 156 Washing ton avenue. The entertainment given by the memben of the Baracas society of the Kust Baptist church Thursday evening attracted one of t"n largest audiences that has ever gath ered at the auditorium of the church, iha program was especially good and won much appiause from those in attendance. Those taking part in the entertainment me.e: Miss Marian Crane, Lucius Pryor, Rouen Cuscaden. W. L. Thlckstun and Mlfs Flor ence Denny. The hop given at the Royal Arcanum hall Friday evening by the members of t ie high school cadets was the event of ths week among the members of the younger set. The hall wss gay In Its decorations oi palms, cut Mowers and the class colors of red and blue. Whaley's orchestra fur nished music for the lengthy program of dances. Punch was served during the even ing, Miss Reed, Miss pile and Miss Voss presiding at the punch bowl. The May reception of the Council Bluffs Woman's club will be held Friday after noon at the home of Mrs. H. 1. Forsyih. The members of the physical culture de partment will act as hostesses. A musical and literary program will be given. Amon those who will take part on the progr m are: Miss Lillian Fitch of Omaha, Ml Florence Denny, Mrs. Robert Wallace, Mms Lange, Miss Marian Crane, Miss Nonan Forsyth and Miss Adelaide Bwanson. The marriage of Howard Morgan and Miss Kate Coyle occurred Thursday morn ing at 8 o'clock at St. Francis' Cat), oil J church, Rev. Father Smyth, pastor of ihe church, officiating. The bride wore a pretty gown of white net over liberty satin and carried a bridal bouquet or lilies of trie valley. She was attended by Miss Sullivan as maid of honor and Miss Blanche Cur rig, Miss YVIckham, Miss Kelly and Ml. s Frances Kelly as bridesmaids. The u?herj were: Charles Mackiln, i.'harL's McCmu ey, Joseph Uerspacker and Charles Duff. A HONORS AT STATE UNIVERSITY Fellowships and Scholarships Granted by the Graduate Col lege. IOWA CITY, la., April 26. The fellow ships and scholarships which have been granted by the graduate college of the State university of Iowa for next year are In part announced aa follows: Fellowship Assistant Prof. J. O.' Good win of Simpson college, chemistry; Lee P. Sleg of Marshalltown, physics;' Edward R. Collins of Bloomfield, education; Mary Grove Chawner of Indianapolis, Ind., Eng lish, Marjorle Qulgley of Iowa City, Eng lish; H. Rosenberg of Grlnnell college, French; Fletcher Brlggs of Nevada, Ger man; C. M. Loreni of Burlington, German; Clarence Dykstra of Buffalo, N. Y-. history; wim. m n n.ii f Miitn .'i'nv'. rh.rie. I. Lambert of Cedar Falls, pathology; Jo- seph H. Underwood of Western college. economics. Scholarships Claude Wassam ot Iowa City, economics; Mr. Illsley, geology and mining; Mr. Welch, geology and min ing; Sarah E. Cronln ot Marcus, mathe matics; Ellxa L. Johnson of Iowa City, mathematics; Edwin Bechley of the State Normal school, scholar In philosophy; Wal ter M. Boehm of Fort Dodge; physics; Mr. Kent, physics; Charles S. Krause of Oar win, pathology; Ralph Byrnes of Iowa City, pathology; Perle C. Irwin of Fairfield, path ology. Other Appointments to fellowships and scholarships In the graduate college will be announced In June. Veterans Receive C'ellesje Deeds. MASON CITY, la.. April 25. The deeds to ths National Military college, the build ings for which have Just been completed, at a cost of nearly $200,000, were presented by the local board today to the Sons of Veterans of the United States under whose direction the college will be managed. Meade Cosaty Clrenlt Coart. STUROIS, 8. D.. April 26. (Special.) Meade county circuit court convenes in this city May 12. Hoa. W. O. Rice will preside. There are only six or seven criminal cases for trial and probably about a doxen civil cases, so the term ought to be a abort one. . The ilst of Jurymen as drawn is as fol lows: E. H. Springer, Louis Mallloux, W. K. Bmadley, H. A. McDonald, R. Burroughs, Charles Raybourne, O. Qullickson. H. A. Phillips, John Black. J. C. Blisserd. Wil liam Oalvln. Oeorge Hirs, D. F. Catterton, John Trenner, C. W. Lawn. J. J. Keysor, John Jarvla, Fred Lamberton, Charles W. Clark. H. O. Olson. Max Meyer, W. II. Bowman. Fred Hampton, A. Colllnge, D. H. Collins. Joseph HJckey. Joe Maxwell. Wil liam Cans, B. W. Lambertoa, Uarry Nash. GOOD ESTIMATE ON REVENUE Bute Board Figures Within Seven Thon tand of Correct Amount SHIPPERS PETITION FOR LOWER RATES Knoavllle People Miking aa Effort to Secare Removal of Deaf and Dumb School from Conn ell Sinn's. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, April 25. (Special.) State Auditor Carroll today figured up for the first time from the Just-completed returns from county auditors the exact amount of state revenue raised on the tax levy of last year in the several counties 'of the state. The council set out to raise $2,00,000 State Executive council should make the levy of the taxes for general revenue pur poses on an estimate of the needs of tbe state. bTe council set out to raise $2,000,00 for tbe general fund on a 8.5 mill levy. The reports from the auditors show that thto amount was very nearly exactly reached: Tbe following were the sums raised In the state: General revenue fund, 8.5 mills. ...$2,007,II2. oiare university special, 0.2 mills. 114,702 72 Iowa State college sp'l, 0.2 mills. 114.702.72 State Normal school sp'l, o.l mill. 67.3M.a4 Total 2,2M.U884 The special college levies were fixed by the state legislator, and the sums raised are slightly In excess of what was antici pated by the legislature. The amount raised for the general revenue fund for 1902 was nearly $500,000 more than the amount raised in the previous year. Important Rate Hearing;. The State Board of Railroad 'commission ers has set May S as a date for a special hearing on revision of the freight rates and changes in the classification, and notices have been sent out to the shippers of the state to that effect. The proposed changes affect a lumber of commodities in each case, the board being asked to lower the classification so aa to cheapen the rates. The following commodities will be affected: Stone, crushed, for road making purposes; steel couches, folded; cereal products, not otherwise specified; castor oil In barrels, for lubricating purposes; oil barrels, empty, returrd; feed. Including gluten meal; dia mond vise, boxed; glucose refuse, sticky fly paper and oil in barrels. Classifications are proposed for the first time on wire fence stretchers, on manllla wrapping pa per and on "Ocean Waves," the latter an amusement apparatus resembling a merry-go-round. It is fxpected a number of ship pers and railroad men will be here and other similar matters will be taken up at the same time. Only a few cnanges In the Iowa classification have been made since the general revision of a year ago. Adjustment has been made of the com plaint of persons living along the line of the Cedar Rapids branch of tbe Rock Island system that tbe company was charging for passengers more than 8 cents a mile on some local business. The com pany was permitted to do this under the old classification when the Cedar Rapids branch was the Burlington, Cedar Rapids A Northern railroad. The company has re vised its rates and Is now charging the $ cents a mile rate. Clears Vp Salelde Story. George Reed left Des Moines mysteriously a few weeks ago and planned to make peo ple believe he had committed suicide. He left on the East Ninth street bridge over the Des Moines river some letters which declared his intention of jumping Into the river. The police took so little stock in the scheme that they refused to drag the river. Now Reed has been heard from and has written his wife in this city. He is in Chicago where he Is engaged as a bill poster. No reason Is assigned for his disappearance save that he was short In his finances. Will Hot Move School. An effort is being made in the Interest of Knoxvllle for the removal of the deaf school for Iowa from Council Bluffs to Knoxvllle. There is a large building at Knoxvllle belonging to the state which was built as a part of the proposed indus trial school for the blind, but Is not used now. Tbe Knoxvllle people wanted a state normal school there and Indignantly re jected a proposal to have tbe state reform atory for men placed there. Now having given up the idea of a normal school they desire to have the deaf school moved there. The members of tbe State Board of Con trol declare that they have had nothing to do with the agitation for removal and they are In favor of appropriations to rebuild the main building at the deaf school and make many additions thereto. It is Im probable that there will be any change in the location of the deaf school. FOLK TRIES HARD FOR KRATZ Asks Coart to Confiscate Mlssonrl Property Held by Alleged Fleeing Beodler. ST. LOUIS, April 25. Circuit Attorney Folk this afternoon filed a petition to have tbe property of Charles Krats forfeited. Krata owns real estate In St. Louis val ued at nearly $75,000 and has become a clt I ltvn ot Mexico thus violating tbe iaw which Prohibits an alien holding property in this state. Mr. Folk says If Krats wants to defend his property he will have to come within the Jurisdiction of the courts, thus rendering himself liable to be caught and tried for bribery. TRUST COMPANIES TO QUIT Several Large Loan Firms Will Leave Kevr York Clearlnsr lloase Seen. NEW YORK, April 25. Several large trust companies, following the lead ot tbe I'nlon Trust company, have practically de elded to sever their clearing house con nection. These latter companies Include the Mercantile Trust company and the Trust Company of America. The action of the Mercantile Trust company is regarded as important as it has more than $50,000,- 000 on deposit. Uelstoa Mlsslnsr for a Month. STUROIS, S. D., April 25. (8peclal.)- Nothlng baa yet been beard of Samuel E Oelston. the veterinary surgeon who dis appeared from Fort Meade on March 25. All his friends were communicated with. His sister, who lives In Wsshlngton, wrote that bis last letters showed signs of de spondency and that she thought it probable be had committed suicide. Acting on this suggestion, tbe Wsr department from head quarters at Washington, ordered that i thorough search be made of every nook and cranny on the military reservation and ad jacent territory, with tbe hope of finding Oelston's body. Up to this time, however, nothing has been heard .that would give the slightest clue to the cause or manner of his strange dlssppearance. Killed r a Falilast Tree. RAPID CITY, B. V., April $5. (.Special J:. I -J'U 4W? VJJ In slims, stouts and regulars, all made with our patent shape retaining front. JOE 415 Broadway R. CUSCADEN WITH THE ELLIOTT CONCERT GO SI Rsyal Arcanunl Hall WEDNESDAY EVENT.. ELECTRIC BELT SENT FREE To all Men who Write to the Heidel berg fledlcal Institute, St. Paul. Jual send your name and address alalnty written and tney win sena their flreat "Electre-cnenilo Btlt" witheut sne cent of coat to you. lilt your for ths asking. Notsvsn neceassr to send sostageetanip. C0ODAS ANY ELECTRIC BELT IN THE WORLD. The Heidelberg- Medical Institute. carJttatlzed atlloO.OJO, is the Lara-eat and Richest Medical Institute In the Northwest and is plvlns awny thousands ot their Great Elcoiro-Cuetnia Pells to prove sod advertise, their wonderful curing power. Tbe Great "Elootro-Chemio" Uelt i restore you to health and happiness, 18,17 ailing- men recently restored to vim, visor and Eerteot manhood. It quickly cures Rheumatism, utnbags. Lams Baok, Nervoua Ehaustlon, Varlco- Mia. i-aiiingvitsiity, Rianey irouDiei, Liirer.stemacn and Sauial Dlaeaiei. G;nsral Weakness, Lost Neroe Force and many ether ailments. It Is worth from IO to V) to anv one. It-is Riven awny absolutely tree by tbe master aveclaust to all tbose wbo seed the one crest orrctlve a eDt, eleotrlclty. "SUFFERED EIGHTEEN YEARS, CURED AT LAST." oasaiTM Clg-hMen Tear. a-o I flr.1 nnttrod irmp. torn of nervous trouble thfcl tftorward cai oudi ui trtrwara. nuna ate smt ralMry and tulr.rins. 1 nad pln.ln my back, and pent mtLDf mtl. nlffht. Ih.ri no control of my fu altlei. m tnt I m alwar. at a dltad.antaere In wh.t. vor I undertook. I h.a boen u.lng the tlfcctro-rhemta treocment or tn Mela elbers MecucA. institute eeoutr.u week and I ennfttder mypelf euro' ?no mora, and to be WallU worth all a man liaa. S.T.ll. BrRJTURFI! Tn Belt Is not sent on trial but nEHlKmPCn tsyours to keep lorover with out the payment of one cent. Bo write today for the Great Blectro Cbenilo Belt Free. Men tion this paper Address Heidelberg Medical Ikstitutk Filth sad Rskert ft. T. PAUL. MINN. DR- SEARLES 60 well and favor ably known as the loading, most reliable and successful 81'ECIAI.IST In oil IJIhKASKS OF MEN. They have been many years in estab lishing their reputa tion IN OMAHA for honest and honorable DEALINGS, and dally receive m.ny let lers tnanxiaa them for the CbKi-- per fected .Sd if ereat good they are dom for men. Their life work has been de voted, as SpetlaJisis. In treating all dis eases of men. . . ULTINO the HEST 'FIRST. beat mleal college and. Is 'J""",Ie,f the best EXPEKIENl i-f and SIC! U.K.D 6PECJAM81 1?. s... dlMasea he DR. BEARI-tS" Consultation and Advice are FREE, In perron or by letter, and s-redly confidential In all diseases. Written Contracts given In all cursbie diseases of men or refund money paid. Many cases trentert IS.OO per month. CO.NSILTATION KHKE. THEATMF.HT BT MAIL. Call or address. Cor. 14h Doafflns. DR. SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA, NIC It. Telegram.) Yesterday afternoon while Jo ..nh Mikulzlk was at work In the timber nesr Eastman's sawmill, several mile weat oL Rapid City, be was caught by a railing tree. His skull was fractured and be died this morning after having been brought to hi. it fnr trnutment. He was a new comer in this section, having arrived but a short time ago from Texas, wnere nis parents reside. (inardlaa for Insane Man. CINCINNATI. April 25 Judge Nlppert today appolntl Oeorge Hoadky as guar dian of the person and estate of Moses Fowler Chasa. A similar case for the ap pointment of bis father had been previ ously set for Lafayette next Monday. Eirkaase Shots with Kohbers. FRANKFORT. Ind.. April J5 A poaae of citizens who were on the lookout, had a running pistol tight with six would-be bank robbers early today. Many shots were OreU, but the Intruders eacapsd WE FIT THE HARD TO FIT Our line of Spring Suits comprises all that's new and stylish in gentlemen's hand tailored ready-to-wear clothing. Scotch Novelty effects in plaids, checks and stripes. Worsteds. Chew lots and Cassittiers galore in black and fancy, at SIO, $12.50, SI5, SI6.50 to S25 SMITH & $15.00 Mosl Any Man Careful About His Appearance, Is willing to pay fifteen dollars for a suit of clothes. In fact, so many men count on getting their suits at this price, that we make extraor dinary efforts to supply smart, correct, hand somely tailored suits at this popular figure. WE PICK OUT THE CHOICEST PATTERNS TO BE HAD and have them made up in a manner unknown to usual clothing at this price. In fact, we use nil of our power and pres tige to supply the best suits ever made, at Fifteen Dollars. Metcalf & Metcalf J Council Gluffs, Iowa. TENTH ANNIVERSARY SALE On Monday, April 27th, we will celebrate tbe tenth anniversary of our es tablishment in business. As a reminder of the occasion and to advertise the stationery department, WE WILL HAVE A TEN CENT SALE. Tbe following goods and others displayed In our window, WHILE THE LAST. Eureka Fountain Pen, complete, 10c 4 bolts lae edge shelf paper, . full size -. 10c 1 dozen Faber Lead Pencils 10c 100 Good Envelopes 10c each 10c Large assortment cloth bound books, Any two paper covered novels.... 10c Gross box School Crayons 10c Japanese Fan Screen 10c Ladles' Pocketbook loe 26c Memorandum Book 10c 100 Crepe Paper Napkins 10c 144 Sheets of Writing Paper .....lOo i 307 Broadway, DAY & HESS, Council Bluffs Money to loan on Real Estate: loweat rates; funds on band. Mortgags investments for sals. Call on or writs uc if you have money to invest, either tn mortgages, bonds or real estate. Real property cared for. Email farm near city at a bargain. aia. a. aa itJa7s vuuuwii iJ I U 1 1 c) sa House and lot In Council BluS a cheap. H CO. Council Bluffs All 25c, 30c, 85c Box Stationery.. 10c 60 sheets Fcolscap or legal cap.. 10c 150 sheets Drawing Paper 10c 86 Steel Pens '. 10c S3 large sheets Shelf Paper, any 2 rolls Crepe Paper 10c color ....10c 25c Boys' Rubber Type Outfit 10c Leather Card Case 10c 35c Congressman Playing Cards.. 10c All 25c and 30c Children's Books .10o Webster Cloth Bound Dictionary. 10c White House Kitchen Companion. 10c Council Bluffs, la. The Health of your children In fact all the members of your family may be seriously endan gered if your plumbing Is not sanitary In very respect. That's our business, to install sanitary plumbing and to keep your fixtures in first class order, gee us about it and aave seeing the doctor, per haps. If we do It, it's done right. J. C. Bixby & Son Ml Main 20S Pearl Bts.. Council Bluffs, la. Telephone HI An Up to-Date Druggist must know bow to ehoose his drugs te etcape obtaining adulterated mixtures, and have a good knowledge of medlrtnei and their properties In fact be something ef a dortor himself. We compound our prescriptions from nothing but the purest and freshest drags, realising that the llvef of the publls are dependent on care, skill and efficiency. Our reputation In this line is above reproach. THE BRONSON DRUG GO. Prescription Druggists, TELEPHONE 275. 101 Broadway COUNCIL BLCFFS. We have for sals tha finest little Fruit Farm, with good buildings, near city, which we would Ilka to show. Also fine farm for aale. 7fic0fonUt 1