Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1903, PART I, Page 7, Image 7
T THE OMAHA PAH.Y SUNDAY, AritTL 2fl, 1003. c ( ) i , I i i i 1 1 ( M. JUSTICE FfflNMBR Judgo of tho Natal Supreme Court Sends the Following Remarkable Testimonial for the Cuticura Remedies. THE WORLD IS CUTICURA'S FIELD. ' I desire to give my voluntary testi mony to the beneficial effects of your Catlcars Remedies. I hav suffered for some time from an excess of uric acid In the blood ; and since the middle of last year, from a sever attack of Edema, chiefly on the scalp, face, ears and neck and on one limb. I wss for sereral months under professional treatment, bat the remedies prescribed were of no avail and I was gradually becoming worse, my face was dresd f ally disfigured and I lost nearly all my balr. At last, my wife prevailed upon me to try the Cuticura Remedies and I pave them a thorough trial with the most satisfactory results. The disease soon begaa to disappear and ray hair commenced to grow again. A fresh growth of hair la covering my head, and ray limb (although not yet quite cured) Is gradually improving. My wife thinks so highly of your remedies that she has been purchasing them In order to make presents to other persons snflVrlng from similar complaints, and, as President of the Bible Women's Society, has told the Bible women to report If any case should come under her notice when a poor person Is so sffllcted, so that your remedies may be resorted to." ROBERT ISAAC FINNEMORE, Judge of the Natal Supreme Court). Pletermaritzburg, Natal, Oct. 29, 1901. C0T10URA RTVKPncS sr. sold Hinrafbost Um etrlllMd world. VRICEfl : Cotleors RmoI vent, Me.twr sottie (I. th form of Cbooolat Coated rill.,2oo. per vial of AO), CntleoraOtntmani, Oe. pr hoi, tad Catlcnra Soap. 96a. jt e. 4 for tb great work, numonn of lb. Blood, Skla and Sealp, aad How to Cure Them." British Depot, 1T M, CbarierheuM Bq., Lsndea, K. O. Frch Depot, s Rati a la Palx. I'ari. Asstrallaa Depot, R. Towu k Co., edaey. fstur Drag and Chemical Corpora! Ioq, Sols frcprletora, Beetoa, U.S.A. We can furnish your office complete every" thing from pen points to bank fixtures from a waste basket to a desk. All here under eur own roof no delay In sending east for them save 80 to 80 per cent on your expense for office supplies. Office supplies and $taUory retailed at wholesale prices. tvsrytMsf esesce far Oat afflct. -. A I A DOIMTllVr; rf Frnrri & lOttt St Ullimm a aai-w wTaiepbone H46 Omaha Mai arerrt flse. Sead far catalafM. PROFESSIONAL always look to Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure for relief. They sit a great deal, and are apt to have Kidneys that act in a slug gish way. They don't get enough exercise, and need " Cramer's Kidney Cure to exercise their Kidneys. Riding in trolley cars and carnages, only aggre Yates the trouble and here s where Bright's disease begins. Lawyers,- doc tors and ministers hould drink lots of water nights and mornings, and prettv near everv dav thev should take Cramer's Kidney Cure. It removes all the poison and foreign substance from Kidneys and Liver. Its the best Kidney and Liver Tonic in the world. Think ol it, half a "bottle will take away that back ache and fix you so you will walk and sit straight. Then cork it tight aud put it away, till you'r care less again. We never looked at it that way, but there are people who trot out a bottle to treat old cronies when they call. You augnt to send your name so we can send you an interesting book. Two Sixer-50c and $1.00. The Cramer Chemical Co. Albany, N. Y. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH 0MAM Martin and Vantait Hesitate to Accspt I Pslics Board Appt'.ntnatnti. FRIENDS DO NOT BELIEVE THEY WILL Commoa Sarailae at the Eaehana I that They Will Tira Dowa th Gtrrraar'i Cesnailsloas Maa-lc City Gesafp. Bines ths governor bis appointed a board of five men known as fir and police com missioners to superintend ths work of thirty-one men. Interest in the history of the members snd the duties to he performed caused a treat deal of street talk Saturday. At noon Colonel James G. Martin stated In response to an Inquiry that bo would not say Just now whether he would accept the position or not. "I have the matter under consideration," said Colonel Martin, "snd will let you know In a day or two." Practically about the same conversation occurred between a Bee reporter and W. B. Vansant. Neither of these two republicans desires at this time to say whether he will or will not sccept the appointment tendered. At the Exchange, where Colonel Martin and Vansant are well known, It was re ported that neither will accept. They de sire. It is stated, to send their resignations to the governor direct before making ths matter public. In appointing a board of fire snd poltcs commissioners the governor wss not per mitted to nsme any person dealing in liquors, tobacco or any manager or agent for a Are Insurance company. The board Is empowered to employ and discharge firemen and policemen. No men now on the force are to be removed for political reasons. That's what the law says. Each member of the board Is to be paid $100 per year. The payments to be made quarterly by the city treasurer. All the present sppointees will hold office until the first Monday In April, 1908, when a new board will be named by the governor. On the first Monday In March, 1906, the governor is to appoint five mem bers to serve three years. No provision Is mad In the Shelly bill for the providing of a secretary of the com mission. The commission will be largely, If not entirely, dependent upon the council for support, and should the Council opposo the methods of the commission the board may be in a sorry plight. One peculiar feature of the bill under authority of which the board was appointed Is the fact thst ths members of the board are not required to give to the municipality any bond. Law yers say that this will make no material difference. All city officials, and even po licemen and firemen are compelled to give bonds, but the fir snd police board does not have to do this. All required of it Is to subscribe to the usual oath and Bis ths ssme with ttfe city clerk. At the present time it costs the city of South Omaha $14,000 a year to run the fire department and about $18,000 a year to keep the police force going. Madison School Entertainment. Thursday evening, April SO, ths pupils of the Madison school will give an enter tainment at the school building. Only resignation of U P. Etter ss chief, Curtis has been filling ths position of chief snd city electrician also. Ths petition when Inspected last Bight contained the names of quits a number ot very prominent cltl sens. Pharanaelat Meyers' Prices. Having sold my N street stock of drugs to Mr. Leo J. Hort I in permanently lo cated at my drug stors at Twenty-fourth and J streets, where 1 shall be pleased to welcome my old friends snd customers, where, prompt snd efficient service will be guaranteed. As to prices I will not be undersold. A few samples: $1 reruns, (2c; $1 Swamp Root, 75c; 60c Swamp Root, 40c. All the leading 60c patent medicines at 40c; 25c do at 10c. Nice fresh Talcum Powder from 6c per box up. I shell pay careful personal attention to prescriptions at lowest possible prices. A ssmple of sunset violets, tho new per fume free to each lady while they last. A choice variety of new perfumes. HOWARD METERS, Pharmacist. Twen ty-fourth and J streets. Balldlaa; reraslts Isaeed Satarday. Permits for the construction of buildings In South Omaha were issued Ssturdsy to Jsmes Walsh, Forty-third and M streets, $1,000; Mrs. L. Brady, Twelfth and I streets. $800; Mary Delpbln, Twenty-sixth and J streets, $1,000; A. E. Miller. Twelfth and I streets, $400; E. Hucera, Thirty-fifth and T streets, $600. Maglo City Geaalp. Sarny mills will bs opened to the public returned from moved to of today Mrs. Sarah Fowler has Excelsior Snrlnss. Mo. Mr. snd Mrs. Strsler have Forty-fourth and u streets. Rot TowJe Is hers from the City Mexico for a visit wltn his parents. Rev. M. A. Hesd hss been Invited to de liver an address at Tslmaae on Decoration dav The cavalry trooo Is making great rreDaratlona for escorting ths president on Men ay. Miss Martha Wlssls will lead ths Epworth lesaus services at the Methodist church at 7 o clock this evening. Dr. Conley will deliver an address at the local Youna Men's Christian association at 4 o'clock thla afternoon. Harrr Cllnaen. formerly a member of the South Omaha City Council, has son west to look after business interests. The Ladles' Missionary society of the Praahvterlan church will meet with Mrs. William Berry Thursday afternoon of this week, A. H. Merrill expects to be sble to leave the hosoital In Omaha Friday of this week. Mr. Merrill has spent six weeks In the hospital. Odd Fellows will attend services st ths First Presbyterian church this evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. Wheeler and Rev. Leander Lane will deliver addresses. Rev. M. A. Hesd. pastor of ths First Methodist Episcopal church will preach at 11 o'clock today on "The Object and Foundation of Christian Hone." The Panama Canal Title, Haa been found satlsfsctory, and this an nouncement has aided tbs canal-bulldlng project very materially. In msdielns. Hos teler's Stomach Bitters hss a elear title) to first place among boms remedies because It la absolutely safs and reliable. Keep a bottle ot It In the house always to prevent sickness. It cures nausea, heartburn, dys- pepsls. Indigestion, constipation and bil iousness, also fortifies ths system against attacks of la grippe, colds or malaria fever and ague. SOUTH OMAIIA MAN IS LUCK Joseph L. Ehellenbarger Awarded Tortus bj Mivonri Conrt. ODD WILL IS CONSTRUED BY JUDGE Oae Haadred Thoaaand Dollars la. volvert and Three Lives Sacrt flced la a a Effort to Be. ear the Katate. MACON, Mo., April 15.-( SDeclal.) Jnaenh. L. Ehellenbarger of South Omaha was yes- i.raay awaraea a share In a large Macon county estate, over which share ths lives of his father, sister snd stepmother were sacrificed. The testator waa William nin. son, a wealthy Macon county pioneer, who died April J, mi. The claimant is his grandson. There are tweniv.Awi ih. belrs, Including the wife, children and grandchildren of the dead patriarch. uia man oipson has nee u liar Men ini the lew. Hs honestlv believed that it ... to deprive honest men of their umin.. .. io euaoie lawyers to live In luxury. So ay, aooui ten years ago, whl's suffer ing irom ins effects of a mule kick, hs sent for ink, pen and paper. me irouDie about makina- wills " h. ssld, "Is that men haven't got gumption cuougn io say clearly what they mean, wow i ii show them a document thst will open meir eyes." Mke m I ! Will. Thereupon he put forth a dnmmnnt n "'"a woras, without a punctuation mark of any sort or paragraph. It seemed to cut Shellenbarger off with a dollar, but a aoon as it was filed his lawyers were going suer me will with s tomahawk. Thev said it didn't mean anvthlna- under th. .n and that no ssne man could make head or iau oi it. But the circuit Judge thoueht h. m read between the lines and gather ths old man s intentions. The main eomplalnt of DUBiiouoarger s( lawyers was over the fol lowing slleged meaningless lannmre- "My Belovd Dsughtcr Is to Hsve the sum w two Hundred Dollara n, .h. Her Esquail Part of My Estats A Jo Lee Shellon Barger Is to Have one Dollar he Beelng the son of I. Blnda Olnaon hv Bertha Deceased." Ths Judge found that Sbellenbarevr ... to have an equal part and one dollar be sides. The court held thst the document was unlqus In legal annals. There Isn't a "said." "aforesaid" nor a "whereas" In it. Ths will, tiowever. mentions everv mart nt the vast estate and .Mhit. . anowieags of the smallest details of ths possessions of the old man. Stary Filled with Traaredy. The claimant's father. Joaenh RhelUn. barger, mat his desth st ths hands of a mob In 1888. A year or ao previous his wife, referred to above as "I. Blnda Oip son," died, leaving two children, a girl of 13 and a boy of 7 the present claimant. Shellenbarger married sgaln snd the sec ond wlfs soon learned of her atepcbildrens' expectancy. Their removal might place their portion of .the Oipson estats nearer to- her. She conceived a dislike for the children from the first. Thev were llvlna- SOIUIUQtl a, b IUU BA.UVUI UUIIUIUK. UUII I a a a m ,aa.aaaai.ah.Aaa.aBBaBB4h.aA.I. ... ' nuDlls of ths school will .articloat.. Th KLrUHT LATE SUBSCK W UN3 ,n Nraaka City then. She Induced - - I I V - a L,,.L..J . . . Infant class will render three songs and Bolleltlaa- Contaaltteea far Aadltarlaaa Tell of Faad's Growth Blace one concert recitstion. Susl and Ozet Hatcher of ths second grade will alng "Sleep, Baby of Mine." Pupils of the third grsds are to sing "Maggie O'Connor." By the fourth grade pupils "There, Little Girl, Don't Cry," will be rendered. Fifth grade pupils will sing ."When the Lights Are Low." Members of the sixth snd seventh grade classes will sing "Beautiful River." Following this, a girls' chorus will sing Two Little, Blue Little Shoes." The girls will not have all th singing to do, as a chorus ot boys has been drilling for some time. The boys will sing "The Low-Back Car" and other selections. A solo, "June," will be sung by Miss Ella Kennedy. Wil liam Alton and Frederick Meyers will sing The Vals ot Old Kentucky." There will be a hoop drill by girls ' of ths seventh grade. Miss Laura Rudersdorf will preslds at the piano. Royal Areaaaaa Reception. At Masonto hall, Friday night, Knoxall and Caso lodges of the Royal Arcanum gave a reception to Colonel John L. Mar tin. This reception wss given to Mr. Mar tin for ths reason that he hsd been Instru mental in building up the two Arcanum lodges here. Martin secured for Knoxall council about aixty members, and then went to work and organised Caso council. Both councils are flourishing at ths present time. Prior to ths close of the reception Colonel Martin wss called forward and presented with a fins gold watch, a ehaln and a Royal Arcanum charm. A. H. Murdock delivered the presentation speech. Among the prom inent out-of-town guests were W. M. Guthrie, supreme representative tor Ne braska; C. A. Orlmmell, secretary ot th grand council, and Harry B. Morrill, sec retary of Union Pacific lodge, Omaha. Ths rsoeptlon concluded with music, card play ing and refreshments. Na Matarletles Thla Moath. April Is the only month In ths present year when the city of South Omaha will not be called upon to send money to th stste fiscal agency In New York City to take up bonds or coupons due. This Is Genuine fresh Crsmer's Kidney KOo sis for 40c; $1.00 slss for 75c; at SCHAEFER'S and Liver Cur may bs found In two sixes CUT PRICE DRUG STORE 16th and Chlcaf Sis., Omaha. Two 'Phones. 747 and 797. Last Meetlas;. Th executive committee and ths chair- ner nusband to consent to killing bis children. By the terms of the pact, Shel lenbarger was to kill ths girl and his wife the boy. He did his bloody work with butcher knife and buried the little body In ths cellar. Ths mother got an ax and hunted up the boy, but when the little fel- men of the speolat soliciting committees low ran wara ner sne weakened, tnrew ot the Omaha Auditorium company held a Joint meeting at the Omaha club yesterday down and cried. Murderer Makes Confession. noon, at which new subscriptions tor Audi torium stock to ths amount ot $2,300 were reported, and $700 In cash, psld by th nsw subscribers, was handed to the as sistant secretsry. Partial reports of ths work of soliciting subscriptions were mad by the various committees and ths prospects for more substantial subscriptions "were reported as being very encouraging. The executive committee and th solicit ing committees will meet In joint session again next Thursday evening, when more oomplet reports will be made. Following are tbs subscriptions received sines the last regular meeting, a month ago: James Neville. $200; F. A. Nash, $3,500; Guy C. Barton, $5,000; Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods company, $1,000; Omaha Elsvator company, $500; John Deer Plow company, $500; Updike Grain company, $200; Trans- mlsslsslppl Grain company, $200; Westbrook Grain company, $250; Schall & Co., $400; King I Bmead. $200; J. H. McCullah, $60. Total subscriptions for ths month, $11,000. The girl wss missing and ths neighbors searched the house. Shellenbarger's agita tion "told something was wrong, and when the girl's body was found hs confessed snd begged for mercy. , He wss put in jail, but before the day for trial came a mob broke down the door of the Jail and hanged him. The woman was arrested snd jailed, but died ot remorse before she waa tried. Ths little lad that so miraculously survived the terrible household tragedy wss csred for by kind people and when he grew up was Informed of his rights in the big Oipson es- tsta In Missouri. Ths case which has Just come to a close Is one ot the moat celebrated In the state. The decision of ths court will make Shel lenbarger a small fortune. His share ot the estats Is valued at $100,000. 1 BEAUTIFYING VACANT LOTS Correaaoadeat Proposes Plaa ta Da Away with the Weed Halsaac. OMAHA, April 15. To th Editor ot Th Bee: Apropos ths general good sentl ment among our eltlsena to "spruce up and beautify," allow me to suggest that many ot ths lots owned by nonresidents immedlstely adjoin the residences st Omsba people. Msny of these resident, owners would be glad to taks cbargs of such lots, 910.00 ta Boston and Ketern lft.OO with membership fee of $2.00 added, ac count ot annual meeting ot National Ed ucational association. Tickets will be on sals via the Nlckle Plate Road July 2nd to tth. Inclusive, good returning from July 8th to 12th, inclusive, without being deposited with Joint agent. - Additional limit to return not Ister than September 1st can be obtained by depositing return portion of ticket with Joint agent and pay ment of 6O0 for execution. Superior train service and excellent dining car meals on American Club plan, ranging In price from 35e to $1.00; also a la parts servlcs. Write John T. Cslahan, General Agent, 111 Adams St., room 298, Chlcsgo, for time of de parture ot trains from Chicago and other detailed Information. V something unusual, as for yesrt psst nearly fix them up and make beauty spots out of every month money has hsd to be sent east to taks up outstsndlng obligations. At the end of Msy, June and July the maturities will not be so very large but later In the year provision will hsve to be msds for the payment of a large amount of Interest. Mar .Vladact Talk. Councilman Mlks Smith and others who rratde in portions of tbs city south of N street are constantly complaining about the condition of the flooring on the Q etreet viaduct. This bridge haa been In bad order for more than six months. Ths railroad companies have promised to mske repairs but havs not dona so. Plsnks and boards are now nailed over a portion of the floor ing to prevent accidents. Monday night the council is expected to tak soma action In th matter. There was soms tslk ot closing the bridge unless Immediate re pairs were made. Cartla Passlasr Petition Areand. George Curtis, sctlng chief of ths fir department, was busy yesterdsy passing a petition around asking the proposed Fire and Police bosrd to sppolnt him chief ot the fir depsrtment. For a year past Cur tis hss served aa assistant chief. Sines ths tbess eye-sores, gone to weeds, snd per- I bsps (at least temporarily) add them to their own dooryards. Ths nonresident owner, on the other hsnd, would. In most cases, also be glad to have them shaped up for display to would-be buyers. I bsvs In my office carefully card Indexed, revised to date, the names of almost all tbs nonresident owners of Omaha property, something more than 1,000. Where I do not reprasent tbtss ss sgent, I know In some cases who the agents are, and will gladly get any Inquirers In touch with either the sgent or owner for this purpose, snd no charge made. CHARLES E. WILLIAMSON. Private Diseases of Men Is th traataaaat of Prtrmta DISEASES OF MEN. to which ur praotlo la Hmltad and to which our sxclualvs thought and sprtno baa beea devoted far mora than It years, WE GIVE A LEOAX. WRITTKN OUARANTEB TO CURS PERFECTLY AND PERMANENTLY or refund avsry sent paid. If troubled with VARICOCELE, I M.P OTINOT, BLOOD POISON OR REFLEX DISORDERS It will pay you to consult oa at offio or by letter. CONSULTATION FREE, and If you take treatment chars will be entirely aaUafao W. A. COOK, loI2 to Iou EVERTTJKINQ STRICTLY PRIVATE AND Maatar peolallat ta FrtwOa Lssews f Idea. Cook Medical Company 113 ftoutb UthSt,0ar Dally Nwi, Omaha. mm uaauai'gvsr- 1 J GOLDSEM AMCRICA'5 BIST CHAMPAGNE JlMErUCAX TO TIB J1 IMPOATB) AT on-BAUiunucai lyjlBANA WINE CO. URBANA. M.T. Tak a Trip Over the Nickel Plat road and be con vinced of its superior train service. Solid through dally express trains between Chl csgo, Ft. Wsyne, Flndlay, Fostorla, Erie, Buffalo, New York City and Boston. Amer ican Club meals, ranging in prlcsT" fTom 5c to $100, served in Nickel Plsl dining cars; also service a la carte. Rates always the loweat. No excess far charged on any train on th Nickel Plate road. Chicago depot, Harrison St. and Fifth Ave. City Ticket offices. Ill Adams St. and Auditor ium Annex. John Y. Calahan, Oeacral Agent, 113 Adams St.. room 298, Chicago. gpitjg mm sale It's Another Stirring, Energetic Occasion Hundreds of specials at half price and less. F.very llae at thla aaaoaaeeaaent Titrate with Interest. Rvery paragraph tell of woaderfal aavlasr epportaaltlea. It's aale planned aloaar welt dellned line. No list special ever prepared by thla hoaae so ahaadantly deaerved the term Baralai." IIK.BH ARB VAM'Ra each as aaly this nreat eoaeerm earn Make yone aeleetloas new while storks at at their best we'll hold the coods aatll waated. Large golden finished Side board, eh gant ly carved, with ItWfiiatSy U I French ffi plst. r, xi T Ap castored- Iron Bed. In blue or white, all else, four roata of enamel, in unsur passed bargain o 1 n en 2.95 IH-.JU Elegant Parlor Suits mirror, jhssSStS br lJ" . . fnWgP) GO-CARTS A nest design with sleeper at tachment snd ail other new patent feature, heavy rubber tires, enamel gearing an tin uaual bargain at C Qfl our special price UtJU New design, mahogany finish, bril liantly pol ished, con structloi thoroughly guaranteed, expertly up holstered In Imported ve lours grand special In this sals at 100 F.LF.GANT COUCH KS aanltary construrtton. uphol stering in teautlful pattern' o- velours, worth 114 special .price 3.7j 22 50 COBBLER RfM'KKR sol (1 oak worth four dollars and a hnif sppctai sale price I (10 only I Uil 76 rolls Ingrain rd .... a fa RNAM STREETS, OMAIIA HAMILTON G0ESJ0 DEADWOOD lies Oraad Hatel Officer Is ta Menace th Mew franklin at that Plnce. Mr. Harold Hamilton, chief of the Her Grand's staff, la being congratulated on bis appointment as msnsger ot ths Nsw Frank lin at Deadwood, 8. V. Ths nsw hotel st Dead wood Is a gem in Its wsy, having beea erected by local parties, as something thst would bs the boast of the tows. There Is nothing Bner of ths sis In tbs country. Mr. Hamilton, with so wlds sn experience In the hotel business, wss offered the man agement, although a number of the best hotel men In th eeuatry bad applied for U position, TUB VALUE OF CHARCOAL Pew re pie Know How TJsefal It la ta ' Preserving Health aad Beaaty Nearly everybody knows that charcoal la tbs safest and most efficient disinfectant aad purifier In nature, but few realise Its vain whan taken Into ,th human system tor tbs sam cleansing purpose. Charcoal Is a remedy that the more yoa taks of it th better; It Is not a drug st all. but simply absorbs ths gases and Impuri ties slways prssent in th stomach and In. tsstlnss snd carries them out of the system, Charcoal swsetens ths breath after smok ing and drinking or after sating anions and tbsr odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectually clears and Improve ths complexion. It whitens ths teeth and further acts as a natural and eminently safe cathartla. It absorbs ths Injurious gases which sol Isct In th stomach and bowels; It disln feets th mouth and throat from th po aoa of catarrh. All druggists ssll charcoal In one form or another, but probably the best rharcoal and ths most for ths money Is Stuart's Ab sorbent Loseagse; they are composed of the finest powdrrsd willow charcoal and other bannleas antiseptics in tablet form, or rather, la th form of, large, pleasant tast ing losengM, th charcoal being mixed with honey. The dally us ot thsss lossnge will soon tell la a much Improved condition of th general health, better complexion, sweeter breath aad purer blood, and the beauty of It ta, that no aoaslbls barm can result from their continued use, but, sn ths contrary. great beaeflt. A Buffalo physlclsn. In speaking of ths benefits of charcoal, says: "I advts Stuart's Absorbent Losenges to all patients suffering from gas In ths stomach aad bow sis, and t clear ths eomplexioa snd purify ths breath, mouth and throat; I also be llsv th liver Is greatly benefited by th dally us of them; they cost but twenty-flv cents a box at drug stores, and although In soms seass a patent preparation, yet I lis? I gst mors and better aharooal ta BtaarfS Absorbent Ixissngas tkaa la aa af Us stasr saarooeJ tabl," PdPLo FURNITURE AND CARPET CO.. FIVE-FOOT CURTAII, POLES TOMORROW 5c DAINTY WAIST STYLES A MOVE IN CARPETS Carpets in new patterns per yard All Wool Ingrain 1903 offerings per yard Brufnel Carpets In floral and set effects this season's coloring? worth 11.00 special Velvets, AxmUnters and Moqucttes In choice designs and the new est weave worth regularly II. .60 on sale tomorrow Ol'R Kt G.DKI'ARTMKXT la complete with thla season's patterns 9x11 Tapestry Rug worth J17.60 special tomor row Nottingham I.ace Curtalne good width full lift yards long special Tapeatry Curtains In varloun (olorsond rich designs totiorrow we offer a special per pair FHKE With every pair of curtain sold dorlna ihla sale we will srlTe a handsome pnlr of loopa FHKK. 39c 55c 69c 98c choicest .11.98 98c 1.49 THE QURNEY REFRIOORATOR ha seven walls of Hnlng absolutely the most sanitary and economical refrigerator on the market tomor- . G Kfl morrow we offer a special a UuU STAR ESTATE STEEL RANOES-upwards from 29. 50 We are sole agents tjr the celebrated DANQLER OASOLINE STOVES thoroughly reliable upwards from 2-75 BE SURE AND VISIT OUR CHINA DEPT. We carry a full line of Dinner bets, Toilet Sets, lamps, etc. GOODS SOLO OUT OF OMAHA ON EASY PAYMENTS WIUTR IS FOR laPORMATIOir. r WHITE LAWN WAISTS trimmed down front with sclid rows f tucking, and others with inser tion of embroidery. 1.25 VHITH CHEVIOT WAISTS White Persian Lawn, mercerised cotton and medium weight damask Shirt Waists, soms' trimmed front snd back with cluny lacs insertion, others with strictly tailor effects, with side tucking, etc., at. .v i,nTi null, 2.50 Complete line of . CHINA SILK WAISTS In many s riklng ef fects beautifully outlined wl'h narrow, curving rows of lace Insertion edged with hemstitch ing or tiny tucklngs others trlmmsd entirely with reel hand drawn work special designs $10, $7.60, $5, $3.98 snd 2.93 lal style for 3.95 THE NEW WHITE LINEN WAISTS so much In derasnd A special style for tomorrow Is one with front entirely trimmed with neat design ot embroidery fano styl sleeves and stock to match at Elaborate Showing and Colossal Sale Suits, Skirts and Goats Thonaanda of Salts, Coata, Skirts aad Waists, all late arrivals from New York, rcpreacntln the styles la detuned, will be placed oa sale here Monday. The values are so areat that yoa will hardly believe yoar eyes when yoa see these aad then net Ice th sabjolned prices. WOMEN'S TAILOR-MADE SAMPLE SUITS blouss effect new shspsd Eton snd Norfolk strip materials are cheviots, Venetians and English tweed novelties worth fifteen dollars for WOMEN'S SUITS DIRECTOIRE 8 TTH! particularly nobby mads ot mom e cloth snd ot fine Venetian cloth silk lined blouse caps cut collarless style long skirt on blouse new sleeve fanoles new seven-gore flare skirt worth $26.00 $16.00 SHIRT WAIST 8UITS In silk Uffetss, foulards and pongees correct new modes msds up exclusively for us many shsdlnga snd patterns , WOMEN'S MONTE CARLO COATS of pesu ds sols or taffeta cape and stols sflects for WOMEN'S TAILOR-MADE COVERT CLOTH JACKET silk lined corded snd strapped seams broad shoulder effects ll-lnch length NOBBY $10.00 COATS silks and coverts at this pric w make s special effort to show tbs best assortment to be bad ideas that sre clever at WALKINO 8KIRTS A GREAT SPECIAL PURCHASE of 260 handsome gar- ments with slot seams snd'blp straps new flare shspe stitched bottom in black, grsy snd fancy mixtures $S. 00 values tomorrow 7.50 Is of mom e 15.00 14.50 5.90 6.75 10.00 adsoms gar- 2.49 HtLLlTlERY SPECIAL 2.95-4,98 We hsve mads speclsl efforts In popular priced millinery, having for tomorrow two very elegant new collections of Psttern Hits at D 4